Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Automobile accident studies of maxillofacial injuries,1975,2,1,53-58,Huelke Work-related Hand Injuries in Ontario: An Historical Perspective,2005,32,4,485-493,Schofield Alcohol involvement in highway crashes. a review of the epidemiologic evidence,1975,2,1,11-34,Perrine Soft tissue facial injuries related to vehicular accidents,1975,2,1,79-92,Seaton Facial scars resulting from vehicular accidents,1975,2,1,143-166,Lewis Maxillofacial injuries from vehicular accidents. Foreword,1975,2,1,1-2,Schultz Facial injury to vehicle occupants associated with traffic crashes. The engineer's viewpoint,1975,2,1,47-51,Haeusler Human volunteer and anthropomorphic dummy tests of driver air cushion system,1975,2,1,35-45,Smith Traffic accidents facial injuries and psychiatry,1975,2,1,3-10,Berger Medicolegal aspects of automobile injuries,1975,2,1,167-171,Gorney Fractures of the mandible in motor vehicle accidents,1975,2,1,131-142,Hall Frontal sinus and supraorbital fractures from vehicle accidents,1975,2,1,93-106,Schultz Midfacial fractures from vehicular accidents,1975,2,1,173-189,Schultz Outcomes from burn injury-should decreasing mortality continue to be our compass?,2009,36,4,701-708,Jordan Pathophysiology and management of the burn scar,2009,36,4,661-674,Ladak An historical perspective on advances in burn care over the past 100 years,2009,36,4,527-545,Pruitt Gunshot wounds to the face. Current concepts,1992,19,1,233-244,Thorne The biomechanics of maxillofacial trauma,1975,2,1,59-64,Nahum Burns in tropical countries,1974,1,1,121-127,Sinha Close-range shotgun and rifle injuries to the face,2001,28,2,323-337,Suominen Biomechanics of the facial skeleton,1992,19,1,11-29,Rudderman Emergency care of severe facial injuries,1975,2,1,73-77,Eade Joint injuries and their sequelae,1976,3,1,85-98,Eaton Hand injuries in children,1976,3,1,65-75,Lindsay Burns in children,1974,1,4,633-644,Macmillan Combat injuries of the lower extremities,1975,2,4,585-614,Dempsey Mutilated hand injuries,2011,38,4,543-550,Hegge Current status of burn wound pathophysiology,2000,27,1,11-22,Heimbach Hand injuries in children: late problems and primary,1977,4,4,503-512,Williams Burn injuries of the eyelids,1978,5,4,571-581,Lewis Burns in art,1986,13,1,3-8,Romm Frostbite injuries of the hand,1989,16,3,565-576,Dellon Early and late complications of orbital fractures,1988,15,2,239-253,Manson Severe crush injury to the forearm and hand: the role of microsurgery,2017,44,2,233-255,Del PiƱal Chemical electrical and radiation injuries,2017,44,3,657-669,Brown Negligent and Inflicted Burns in Children,2017,44,3,467-477,Gottlieb Burn injuries: prevention advocacy and legislation,2017,44,3,451-466,Grant Disaster preparedness and response for the burn mass casualty incident in the twenty-first century,2017,44,3,441-449,Rubinson Lessons Learned from Burn Disasters in the Post-9/11 Era,2017,44,3,435-440,Sheridan Wellness and burnout in burn care providers: professionalism the social covenant and the 7 habits of highly effective teams,2017,44,4,943-948,Hultman Outcome metrics after burn injury: from patient-reported outcome measures to value-based health care,2017,44,4,911-915,Gibran Ethics in the setting of burned patients,2017,44,4,903-909,Hultman Of these faith hope and love: assessing and providing for the psychosocial and spiritual needs of burn patients,2017,44,4,893-902,Hultman Pediatric Burn Reconstruction: Focus on Evidence,2017,44,4,865-873,Fisher Managing mutilating hand injuries,2019,46,3,351-357,Lahiri Evolution of burn care: past present and future,2024,51,2,191-204,Buta Burns in the elderly,2024,51,2,313-318,Clark Pediatric burns: from acute care through reconstruction in 2024,2024,51,3,379-390,Fisher