Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The effect of a hockey visor and sports goggles on visual function,2002,37,3,161-167,Ing Air guns: the main cause of enucleation secondary to trauma in children and young adults in the greater Ottawa area in 1974-93,1995,30,4,187-192,Mackenzie Air gun injuries to the eye in children: Canadian ophthalmologists have to stop the onslaught,1995,30,4,177-178,LaRoche Pellet-gun eye injuries,1985,20,1,9-10,Young Eye injuries in Canadian amateur hockey,1985,20,1,2-4,Pashby Eye injuries in Canadian amateur hockey still a concern,1987,22,6,293-295,Pashby Saving sight in sports,2000,35,4,181-182,Pashby Eye injuries in Canadian sports and recreation 1972-2002,2002,37,4,253-255,Pashby Ocular injuries in a victim of a motor vehicle collision with a moose,2005,40,2,200-203,Sit Vision standards for driving in Canada and the United States. a review for the Canadian Ophthalmological Society,2000,35,4,192-203,Casson Prevalence of illegal motor vehicle driving among visually impaired elderly patients in Alberta,1988,23,7,301-304,Paetkau Eye injuries due to tractor wheel explosion: report of two cases,2005,40,6,747-749,Levy Indoor soccer-related eye injuries: should eye protection be mandatory?,2007,42,4,1-4,Kent Vision standards for driving in Canada,2000,35,4,183-184,Anderson Severe retinal injuries from paintball projectiles,2007,42,4,620-623,Williams Self-reported visual impairment in elderly Canadians and its impact on healthy living,2008,43,4,407-413,Jin Ocular injuries associated with Airsoft guns: a case series,2008,43,5,584-587,Ramstead Visual function survey of commercial intercity vehicle drivers in Ilorin Nigeria,2009,44,3,261-264,Adepoju The effect of pupil dilation on driving vision in Canada,2007,42,4,585-591,Markowitz The effect of pupil dilation on driving vision in Canada,2007,42,4,522,Anderson Recognition of coloured lights by colour defective individuals,1968,3,3,244-253,Shirley Impact resistance of ophthalmic lenses of various strengths and the influence of frame design,1975,10,3,367-376,Keeney The potential damaging effects of light on the eye (Part II),1986,21,7,266-268,Jordan Divided loyalties?,1988,23,7,297-298,Addison Pioneers of prevention,1990,25,6,283-284,Addison Badminton-related eye injuries,1990,25,3,170,LaRoche Homonymous hemianopic field defects and driving in Canada,1991,26,5,252-256,Bell Eye injuries in Canadian sports and recreational activities,1992,27,5,226-229,Pashby Night myopia: implications for the young driver,1992,27,4,172-176,Fejer Electric cataract--a report of two cases,1969,4,1,104-105,Kazdan Correction of night myopia and glare for night driving,1995,30,1,25-27,Fejer Health care utilization for injury in cataract surgery patients,2007,42,4,567-572,De Coster Visual function survey of commercial intercity vehicle drivers in Ilorin Nigeria,2009,44,3,250-251,Anderson Canadian Ophthalmological Society recommendations for driving standards and procedures in Canada. Canadian Ophthalmological Society Working Group on Driving Standards,2000,35,4,187-191, Palinopsia: a case report and review of the literature,2000,35,3,154-157,Fournier Ultrasound biomicroscopy in diagnosis of a cyclodialysis cleft in a patient with corneal edema and hypotony after an air bag injury,2000,35,3,148-150,Chialant The spectrum of postmortem ocular findings in victims of shaken baby syndrome,2001,36,7,377-83; discussion 383-4,Brownstein The spectrum of postmortem ocular findings in victims of shaken baby syndrome,2002,37,1,4,Brownstein Serious eye injuries caused by intraocular foreign bodies-need they be disabling?,1972,7,3,291-296,Macrae Blindness after burns,1972,7,2,243-246,Salz The etiology of juvenile retinal detachment,1972,7,2,136-140,Dumas Orbital blast injury. A case report,1973,8,4,597-600,Hill Ptosis as a result of trauma,1974,9,2,244-248,Crawford Air gun injury presenting as axial proptosis,1998,33,4,219-220,Edrich Delayed cataract formation after alkali burn,1975,10,3,423-426,Awan The Halifax Explosion of 1917: the oculist experience,2008,43,1,27-32,McAlister When straight eyes won't move: phenotypic overlap of genetically distinct ocular motility disturbances,2011,46,6,477-480,Oystreck Ocular injury following accidental bear banger detonation,2012,47,1,83-84,Neufeld Visual outcome following penetrating globe injuries with retained intraocular foreign bodies,1999,34,7,389-393,Dunn Causes of initial visual loss following blunt ocular injuries: an experimental study,1976,11,3,241-248,Cooper The incidence of eye injuries in Canada,2012,47,4,351-353,Gordon Material and thickness: the important factors in the impact resistance of spectacle lenses,1977,12,4,300-303,Christianson Retinal burn from a welding arc,1978,13,2,120-122,Romanchuk Retention of wooden foreign bodies in the orbit,1980,15,2,70-72,Brock Care of eye injuries in disasters,1980,15,3,109-110,Mallek Impact of visors on eye and orbital injuries in the National Hockey League,2014,49,3,243-248,Zurakowski Eye injuries in Canadian amateur hockey still a concern [correction],1988,23,1,44, Corneal Descemet's membrane rupture in a patient sustaining high-pressure water jet injury,2015,50,3,e35-6,Khandwala Bilateral reversible macular edema following road traffic collision,2015,50,4,e53-e54,Sigona Dog and human bites of the eyelid repaired with retrieved autogenous tissue,1991,26,6,334-337,Hurwitz Dog-bite syndrome: an approach to its management,1982,17,6,262-265,Kraus Cat-scratch penetrating globe injury with inadvertent fistula and hypotony,2017,52,1,e5-e7,Peiris Ocular injuries secondary to Alexandrite laser-assisted hair removal,2017,52,2,e71-e75,Alsulaiman Evaluation of occupational ocular trauma: are we doing enough to promote eye safety in the workplace?,2017,52,4,338-342,Zakrzewski Ocular injury in orbital fractures at a level I trauma center,2017,52,5,499-502,Ross Indoor soccer-related eye injuries: should eye protection be mandatory?,2007,42,4,605-608,Kent Ruptured globe from badminton racquet injury while wearing spectacles,2017,52,6,e625,Lazzaro Visual impairment as an independent risk factor for falls in hospitalized patients,2017,52,6,559-563,Hiratsuka Penetrating ocular injury by Western diamondback rattlesnake,2018,53,4,e134-e135,Yung Intimate partner violence as a mechanism of traumatic ocular injury in women,2019,54,3,355-358,Renner Survey of occupational musculoskeletal pain and injury in Canadian ophthalmology,2019,54,3,314-322,Diaconita Survey of reported eye injuries from handheld laser devices in Canada,2019,54,5,548-555,Michaud Ocular and facial injuries sustained by goaltenders in the National Hockey League: a preventable problem,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Easterbrook Eye injuries in the National Hockey League from 2010 to 2018: an analysis of injury rates mechanisms and the National Hockey League visor policy,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pradeep Corneal myxoma after pressure washer injury,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shieh Ocular injury in pediatric patients admitted with major trauma,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Truong Conjunctival and periorbital petechiae presumed secondary to self-inflicted asphyxiation in a pediatric patient,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Oh Nail glue injuries to the eye: assessment of two cases,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Li Fall risk in patients with pseudophakic monovision,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Moshfeghi A 10-year analysis of traumatic open-globe injuries in Edmonton Canada from 2009-2018,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Anderson Characteristics of pediatric open globe injuries in preschool-aged and school-aged children,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Aksu-Ceylan Incidence of ophthalmologic pathology and associated risk factors in orbital fractures at a level I trauma centre,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ross A large health system's emergency department's evaluation of nurse triage questions about safe-at-home and abuse or neglect in traumatic ocular injuries,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Phelan Vision-sparing self-inflicted ocular trauma in the setting of an incomplete history,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hodgson Clinical outcomes and characterization of intraocular foreign body injuries from a Canadian centre: a 20-year retrospective study and literature review,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Al-Ani