Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Children cycling,2002,17,6,439-440,Monsen The cost to our children: the issue of gun control,1991,6,5,350-351,Crawley Children at risk of injury,2004,19,2,121-127,Bruce Suction injuries: education is the key to prevention,2001,16,3,147-148,Dellinger U.S. policy: keeping children with special needs safe in America,2003,18,5,344-346,Shelton Riding with Bucklebear: an automobile safety program for preschoolers,1990,5,2,115-122,Arneson Child-to-Child Unintentional Injury and Death from Firearms in the United States: What can be Done?,2005,20,6,448-452,Glatt Contributing factors to preschool unintentional injury,2005,20,6,441-447,Garzon Bicycle helmets: overcoming barriers to use and increasing effectiveness,2006,21,1,35-44,Rezendes Knowledge and perceptions of parents regarding child sexual abuse in Botswana and Swaziland,2006,21,1,67-72,Mathoma Guns killing our children: a status report,2001,16,2,127-129,Velsor-Fredrich Childhood injury: a status report part 2,2002,17,2,133-136,Crawley-Coha The relationship between health risk behaviors and fear in one urban seventh grade class,2003,18,3,187-194,Dowdell Risk-taking in preschool children,1998,13,2,77-84,Kennedy Childhood injury: significance and prevention strategies,1996,11,4,225-232,Crawley The dangers of rock concerts,2000,15,6,341-342,Betz The impact of childhood maltreatment on young mothers' violent behavior toward themselves and others,1996,11,5,300-308,Lesser The impact of physical or sexual abuse on chronic depression in adolescent mothers,2000,15,6,378-387,Lesser Childhood injury: a status report,2001,16,5,371-374,Crawley-Coha The motorized tricycle: an accident waiting to happen,1987,2,2,120-125,Stroud There's No Place Like Home: A Preliminary Study of Toddler Unintentional Injury,2007,22,5,368-375,Lee Munchausen syndrome by proxy: a review case study and nursing implications,1995,10,2,93-98,Klebes Family violence: a growing epidemic,1995,10,2,138,Rochon-Bailey Munchausen syndrome by proxy: an exploratory study of pediatric nurses' knowledge and involvement,1994,9,5,313-320,Hochhauser Violence: changing the face of childhood,1992,7,2,81,Betz Teen dating violence: an unrecognized health care need,2007,22,6,427-429,Betz Television violence and its effect on children,1996,11,2,94-99,Johnson The Effectiveness of a Multimedia Intervention on Parents' Knowledge and Use of Vehicle Safety Systems for Children,2008,23,2,126-139,Hussein The Impact of Unintentional Pediatric Trauma: A Review of Pain Acute Stress and Posttraumatic Stress,2008,23,2,81-91,Kim Injury: our children's greatest health problem,1993,8,6,353-354,Betz The association of personality and the likelihood of serious unintentional injury during childhood,2008,23,6,451-459,Atkins Let's keep children safe in cars,2006,21,3,242-243,Monsen Substance abuse chronic sorrow and mothering loss: relapse triggers among female victims of child abuse,2009,24,5,401-412,Smith Maternal substance abuse and children's exposure to violence,2009,24,5,360-368,Johnson Malpractice suits and child abuse,1986,1,3,202-205,Chaney Nurses' knowledge of child abuse and nurses' attitudes toward parental participation in the abused child's care,1987,2,6,412-417,Sykes Car safety and kids,1987,2,5,355-357,Hartsell Munchausen syndrome by proxy,1987,2,1,50-54,Weber Children and morality,1988,3,6,412-413,Rankin The relationship of parental perceptions and experiences to car seat use in rural children,1988,3,2,103-109,Tobin Teenage suicide,1989,4,2,130-131,Rankin Nihilism and the young,1989,4,1,57-58,Rankin The world's worst human-caused disaster,1990,5,5,352-353,Rankin Battered child syndrome: educating the pediatric nurse,1991,6,6,428-429,Brucker A culture of one: case study of play therapy with an abused child,1991,6,6,368-373,Kapsch Methodological issues in child sexual abuse research,1991,6,1,21-29,Kelley Self-efficacy coping and well-being among nursing students sexually abused in childhood,1993,8,6,392-399,Rew Product safety alert: syringe cap aspiration,1993,8,1,52-53,McFadden Community education programs specifically for children,1992,7,4,297-298,Johnson New technology for safety and research,1987,2,3,212-213,Hartsell Differential Effects of a Nurse Home-Visiting Intervention on Physically Aggressive Behavior in Children,2010,25,1,35-45,Cole Health hazards and risks for abuse among child labor in Jordan,2003,18,2,140-147,Gharaibeh Sheltering children,2003,18,2,137-138,Monsen Partnering for injury prevention: evaluation of a curriculum-based intervention program among elementary school children,2001,16,2,79-87,Jones Parent-reported injury-associated behaviors and life events among injured ill and well preschool children,1996,11,2,100-110,Bernardo Children's concept of death and sibling death from trauma,1993,8,5,335-344,Mahon Adolescents as health agents and consumers: results of a pilot study of the health and health-related behaviors of adolescents living in a high-poverty urban neighborhood,2010,25,5,382-392,Atkins Environmental disasters and children,2010,25,5,315-316,Vessey Disaster at a distance: impact of 9.11.01 televised news coverage on mothers' and children's health,2004,19,5,329-339,Kennedy Terrorism and/or natural disasters: are we prepared to care for America's children?,2003,18,2,154-155,Nicholson The utility of Cox's Interaction Model to direct the assessment and prevention of adolescent aggression,2003,18,1,30-35,DiNapoli Preventing and treating sexual abuse in children with disabilities: use of a team model of intervention,2002,17,5,363-367,Fallon Children affected by violence,2001,16,5,377-378,Rankin Joining the efforts to prevent and curb youth violence,1999,14,4,211-212,Betz The nurse's role in the prevention of child abuse and neglect: Part II,1998,13,3,194-195,Chiocca Child abuse and neglect: (Part I) A status report,1998,13,2,128-130,Chiocca Family violence: a growing epidemic,1994,9,4,272-274,Velsor-Friedrich Is our world hospitable?,1987,2,6,432-433,Rankin Kids killing kids,2007,22,4,331-332,Monsen Children's fears,1999,14,6,392-402,Nicastro Society of Pediatric Nurses Public Policy Committee position statement on disaster management for children and families,2011,26,1,97-100,Sterling Equipment safety for infants and children: beyond clinical practice,1994,9,5,335-336,McFadden Health promotion and injury prevention in a child development center,1997,12,3,148-154,Ulione Sibling abuse: another component of domestic violence,1997,12,1,51-54,Johnstone Magnet Children's Hospitals: Leading Knowledge Development and Quality Standards for Inpatient Pediatric Fall Prevention Programs,2011,26,2,122-127,Graf Victorian children in trouble,2009,24,5,413-414,Monsen Children and pets,2001,16,3,197-198,Monsen Children and terror,2002,17,1,62-63,Monsen Suspected child abuse: communicating with a child and her mother,2002,17,3,229-235,Reid Siblings' experiences of having a brother or sister with autism and mental retardation: a case study of 14 siblings from five families,2007,22,5,410-418,Benderix Children and video games,2003,18,3,206-207,Monsen Munchausen syndrome by proxy: identification and diagnosis,2003,18,3,174-180,Thomas Examining television as an influence on children's health behaviors,2000,15,5,272-281,Kennedy Supporting children,2000,15,6,391-392,Monsen Pediatric issues in disaster preparedness: meeting the educational needs of nurses-are we there yet?,2008,23,2,145-152,Timm Children's reactions to disaster,1998,13,6,376-382,Coffman Body Mass Index and Injury Severity in Adolescent Males,2012,27,5,508-513,Burns Children and disaster planning: national commission findings,2011,26,6,593-594,McBride An analysis of health promotion and risk behaviors of freshman college students in a rural southern setting,2005,20,1,25-33,Rozmus Alcohol Use: From Childhood Through Adolescence,2012,27,5,e50-8,Lewis After the Storm: Personal Experiences Following an EF4 Tornado,2012,27,4,390-393,May Nurses' Uniform Color and Feelings/Emotions in School-Aged Children Receiving Health Care,2013,28,2,141-149,Bena The role of nonperpetrating fathers in Munchausen syndrome by proxy: a review of the literature,2012,27,4,328-335,Tilley Maternal depression family functioning and children's longitudinal development,2013,28,3,223-234,Willms Concussion: the hidden injury,2012,27,6,763-764,McBride Caregiver perspectives on unintentional injury risk in children with an autism spectrum disorder,2012,27,6,632-641,Romanczyk Violence Exposure as a Predictor of Internalizing and Externalizing Problems Among Children of Substance Abusers,2013,28,4,340-350,Conners-Burrow When button batteries become breakfast: the hidden dangers of button battery ingestion,2013,28,6,e42-9,McConnell Newspaper reporting on child raising in Japan,2004,19,2,113-120,Watanabe Brief ED intervention may reduce teen dating violence,2013,28,6,609-610,Heady "My situation wasn't that unique": The experience of teens in abusive relationships,2014,29,1,65-73,Toscano Children born prematurely: Risk of parental chronic sorrow,2014,29,3,248-251,Vitale Risk Factors for Child Abuse: Quantitative Correlational Design,2014,29,3,220-227,Ben-Natan Hospitalizations for firearm injuries prevalent among children,2014,29,3,279-280,McBride Acculturation risk behaviors and physical dating violence victimization among Cuban-American adolescents,2014,29,6,633-640,Prado Parents' perceptions of adaptation and family life after burn injuries in children,2014,29,6,606-613,Sjöberg Why do you keep them there? A qualitative assessment of firearms storage practices,2014,30,2,285-293,Barton Childhood burn survivors' and their siblings' perceptions of their body image,2014,30,1,117-125,Lehna Emergency planning for technology-assisted children,1989,4,2,81-87,Morgan Pick Your Poison: What's New in Poison Control for the Preschooler,2014,30,2,395-401,Glenn Compassion fatigue in pediatric nurses,2015,30,6,e11-7,Polivka Moral distress in pediatric healthcare providers,2015,30,6,908-914,Trotochaud Distracted driving in teens with and without attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,2015,30,5,e183-91,Fine The tragedy and horror of human trafficking of children and youth,2012,27,5,433-434,Betz Predictors of physical activity in positive deviant adolescents,2015,31,3,311-318,Spurr The effects of mind subtraction meditation on depression social anxiety aggression and salivary cortisol levels of elementary school children in South Korea,2016,31,3,e185-97,Lee "Good passengers and not good passengers:" adolescent drivers' perceptions about inattention and peer passengers,2016,31,6,e375-e382,Sommers Parent perceptions of sexual education needs for their children with autism,2016,31,6,608-618,Lehan Mackin Family risk factors associated with aggressive behavior in Chinese preschool children,2016,31,6,e367-e374,Li Predictive factors for inpatient falls among children with cerebral palsy,2016,32,,25-31,Alemdaroğlu Risk factors related to caregivers in hospitalized children's falls,2016,32,,3-7,Turgut Young adolescents as likely to die from suicide as traffic accidents,2016,32,,83-84,McBride Pediatric traumatic brain injury: families and healthcare team interaction trajectories during acute hospitalization,2017,34,,84-89,Reuter-Rice Use of essential oils following traumatic burn injury: a case study,2017,34,,72-77,White-Traut Pediatric inpatient nurses' perceptions of child maltreatment,2017,34,,17-22,Portwood An integrative review of pediatric fall risk assessment tools,2017,34,,23-28,DiGerolamo Social and health determinants of adolescent's wellbeing in Jordan: implications for policy and practice,2018,39,,55-60,Shaheen Bullying in school-aged children in Iceland: a cross-sectional study,2018,38,,e30-e34,Vilhjalmsson Assessment of safe sleep: validation of the parent newborn sleep safety survey,2017,35,,30-35,Whiteside-Mansell Gender differences in sexual behaviors in Korean adolescents,2017,37,,e16-e22,Kang Pediatric firearm deaths and injuries in the United States,2018,38,,138-139,McBride Tummy time for Latinos with limited English proficiency: evaluating the feasibility of a cultural and linguistically adapted parent education intervention,2017,36,,31-36,Nitsos Parenting practices of African immigrants in destination countries: a qualitative research synthesis,2017,36,,20-30,Hirani The effectiveness of assertiveness training for school-aged children on bullying and assertiveness level,2017,36,,186-190,Avşar Exposure to medication overdose as an adversity in childhood,2018,38,,127-132,Jones Predictors of intention of reporting child abuse among emergency nurses,2018,38,,e47-e52,Kim Risky behaviors of mothers with infants on sudden infant death syndrome in Turkey,2018,38,,e2-e6,Turan Child physical abuse non-anemic iron deficiency and behavior problems,2018,39,,74-79,Liu PENS position statement on bullying prevention,2018,39,,91-93,Cohen Pediatric fall risk assessment tool comparison and validation study,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tong Concussion symptom prevalence severity and trajectory: implications for nursing practice,2018,40,,58-62,Goulet How do nurses keep children safe from abuse and neglect and does it make a difference? A scoping review,2018,43,,e75-e84,Grant A concept analysis of trauma coercive bonding in the commercial sexual exploitation of children,2019,46,,48-54,Speck Taking the fall for kids: a journey to reducing pediatric falls,2019,46,,100-108,Benning Depressive symptoms emotional aggression school adjustment and mobile phone dependency among adolescents with allergic diseases in South Korea,2019,47,,e24-e29,Oh Association between victimization internet overuse and suicidal behaviors among adolescents,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim Personal and family factors associated with high-risk behaviours among adolescents in Malaysia,2019,48,,92-97,Kee Engaging youth (adolescents and young adults) to change frequent marijuana use: Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET) in primary care,2019,49,,24-30,Shrier Exploring the protective effects of judaism on risky behaviors in college students: a pilot study,2019,49,,79-84,Simonovich Analysis of falls within paediatric hospital and community healthcare settings,2019,50,,31-36,Stockton Health-related quality of life among adolescents as a function of victimization other adversities and strengths,2019,50,,46-53,Hamby Translational research - Challenges of adolescent healthcare transitions and the unintended consequences of adolescent risk-taking behavior,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Christian Family hardship following youth concussion: beyond the medical bills,2019,51,,15-20,Vavilala Impact of paediatric critical illness and injury on families: an updated systematic review,2019,51,,21-31,Abela Sleep patterns problems and ecology among toddlers in families with a child protective services maltreatment referral,2020,51,,85-91,Fleming Health professionals' perceptions and practice of family centred care for children injured in road traffic accidents: a qualitative study in Ghana,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ohene Psychiatric referral is required in children with vaginal foreign body injury: a case-control study from China,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sun 'How can we work together?' Nurses using relational skills to address child maltreatment in Australia: a qualitative study,2020,54,,1-9,Hutton Nurses' adherence to mandated reporting of suspected cases of child abuse,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Green A descriptive study of bullying victimization among Arab American adolescents in Southeast Michigan middle and high schools,2020,55,,232-238,Hong Parent-adolescent dyads' efficacy coping depression and adolescent health risks,2020,56,,80-89,Ling An educational intervention to improve staff collaboration and enhance knowledge of fall risk factors and prevention guidelines,2020,57,,43-49,DiGerolamo Nursing interventions in children living under armed conflict situations and quality of life: a scoping review,2020,58,,44-52,Avendaño-Vásquez Exemplary child abuse from parents' perspectives: qualitative content analysis,2021,6,3,1-13,Nemati Pediatric suicide screening: a review of the evidence,2020,59,,1-9,Vessey Factors related to providers screening children for behavioral health risks in primary care settings,2021,59,,37-44,Jones What types of delinquent activities are bullies victims and bully/victims in urban neighborhoods most likely involved in?,2021,59,,55-62,Voisin Child maltreatment in medically fragile children,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Domosh Improving youth sports safety: implementing an emergency action plan for sudden cardiac arrest,2021,59,,81-88,Derouin The effects of self-efficacy and locus of control on cyberbully/victim status in adolescents,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bektas Feasibility of using child maltreatment measurement instruments in the primary care setting: a systematic review,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Reid Cyberbullying among adolescents in Egypt: a call for correlates with sense of emotional security and psychological capital profile,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Eweida Analysis of fall incident rate among hospitalized Korean children using big data,2021,61,,136-139,Kim Perceptions of the moral obligations of pediatric nurses during an active shooter event in a children's hospital,2021,60,,252-259,Wooley The effect of education using a mobile application on knowledge and decision of Iranian mothers about prevention of foreign body aspiration and to relieve choking in children: a quasi-experimental study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Behboudi Call to action: Addressing pediatric fall safety in ambulatory environments,2021,61,,372-377,Benning Parents' perception of fall risk and incidence of falls in the pediatric ambulatory environment,2021,61,,424-432,Hagan Considerations in pediatric intervention research: lessons learned from two pediatric pilot studies,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hutson The intersection between youth who identify as LGBTQ+ and emergency care for suicidality: an integrative review,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sekula Evaluation of accidental and intentional pediatric poisoning: retrospective analysis in an emergency Department of Turkey,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bulut Victims of sexual exploitation and violence in Brazil,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Neto High maternal mortality rates: racial geographic and socioeconomic disparities in Brazil,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Neto Cemetery tombstones tears and hidden silences: suicide in children and adolescents,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Neto "When night falls": violence against women and its repercussions on children and adolescents,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Neto Echoes of Global Silence: is there protection and safety for Venezuelan children and adolescents?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Neto An alert from the present to the future: the impact of environmental disasters on health of children and adolescents,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Neto A realist model for home visitation program evaluation,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jones Psychometric properties of a self-assessment fear scale in children aged 4 to 12 years. Scary Scale,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wood Stolen innocence: dishonor and taint in times of war,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Neto Youth survivor perspectives on healthcare and sex trafficking,2022,66,,95-103,Rood The revised Humpty Dumpty Fall Scale: an update to improve tool performance and predictive validity,2022,67,,34-37,Hill-Rodriguez Children's falls inside the inpatient setting: a qualitative study of parent perceptions and the implications for falls prevention messaging,2022,67,,102-106,Birnbaum Children and adolescents continue to be exposed to early work in Brazil,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Neto Fall risk instrument for pediatric behavioral health patients (BHFR-P©): A validity and reliability study,2023,69,,118-120,Gee Human trafficking: what the pediatric nurse needs to know,2023,70,,126-128,Kubin Cyberbullying among children and youth in Türkiye: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2023,73,,184-195,Koçtürk Investigation of fathers' metaphors regarding child sexual abuse in Turkey: a metaphor study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bulut The associations of parental attitudes and peer bullying with alexithymia in adolescents: a structural equality model,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sarman Development and psychometric evaluation of the reporting suspected child abuse and neglect (RSCAN) scale for United States registered nurses,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fraser "Silent screams": family perceptions in the drawings of incest victim children,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Orak Development and psychometric analysis of the smombie scale for adolescents,2023,75,,89-98,Park "Did I do the right thing?" Nurses' experiences of caring for victims of child maltreatment: a qualitative study,2024,76,,45-51,Zoucha 'We aren't valued for who we are': Australian nurses' and midwives' perceptions of challenges and barriers to safeguarding children,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lines Risk perception for fractures and its related factors among family caregivers of underage patients with osteogenesis imperfecta in China: a cross-sectional study,2024,77,,81-88,Ji Raising awareness among adolescent cyberbullies and their parents in Türkiye through a web-based cyberbullying education program based on Pender's health promotion model,2024,77,,152-161,Kucuk Development and validation of the intention to report child abuse tool: a psychometric research study,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Al Azri Prevalence of stress and types of coping strategies among adolescents (14-18 years) in collectivist communities,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ali The effect of self-esteem development programme applied to secondary school students on self-esteem and peer bullying victimization: a randomized controlled trial,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lök The relation between psychosocial symptoms and parenting styles in hospitalized children,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ekim Improving clinician agreement and comfort through the development of a pediatric behavioral health huddle tool,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Abela Examining the impact of a paediatric trauma family support service on the quality of life of injured children: a longitudinal cohort study,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kimble Mental health comorbidities in adolescents and young adults with type 2 diabetes,2021,61,,280-283,Malik Associations Between Weight Perception Unhealthy Weight Control Behavior and Suicidal Ideation and Planning Among Korean Adolescents: A National Cross-Sectional Secondary Analysis,2021,56,,e62-e69,Kim Grandparent's health and functioning after a grandchild's death,2010,25,5,352-359,Youngblut Parental Occupational Status and Suicidal Ideation in Adolescent: Cross-Sectional Secondary Data Analysis,2019,45,,e57-e63,Ryu Peer bullying tendencies of school children: the role of demographic health-related and school-related factors,2024,78,,31-36,Özcan The mediating role of nurses' attitude towards reporting child abuse and neglect,2024,78,,106-111,Tabak Factors associated with Tourette syndrome among adolescents in Taiwan: A cross-sectional correlational study,2023,73,,e75-e82,Ho A descriptive cross-sectional study on eating disorders suicidal thoughts and behaviors among adolescents in the Valencian community (Spain). The pivotal role of school nurses,2024,75,,1-7,Martín-Baena