Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author An assessment of the effect of helmet use among cyclists and the risk of head injury and death in Spain 1990 to 1999,2003,120,3,85-88,Lardelli Claret Elderly patients with recurrent falls: role of posturographic studies,2005,124,6,207-210,Lazaro Acute poisoning and chronic exposure to cocaine in a child,2005,125,11,436-437,Garcia-Algar Alcohol and road accidents: the physicians' role in their prevention,1999,113,7,256-258,Javier Alvarez Early screening of intimate partner violence. An evidence-based intervention?,2006,126,3,101-104,Vives-Cases Carboxyhemoglobin levels and risk factors of carbon monoxide poisoning in children,1997,108,1,1-3,Vázquez Acute poisonings in Barcelona: epidemiology and therapeutic considerations,1980,75,7,287-291,Camí Mortality trends in the young people of the city of Barcelona 1983-1993,1997,108,7,241-247,Borrell Family and gender violence from the point of view of health professionals,2007,128,8,317,Rodriguez Camouflaged h1-antihistaminic and road-traffic accident,2004,123,2,79,Palop Larrea Traffic accidents: a health problem waiting for sanitary response,2003,120,10,378-379,Cirera Suicide prevention in primary care: psychopharmacological treatment,2007,128,13,517-518,Giner Traffic accidents in the Spanish population,1995,105,16,601-604,Prada Mortality statistics in traffic accidents,1994,103,4,159,Plasencia Prevention of traffic accidents,1992,98,8,317,Gine Gine Traffic accidents in the Spanish population: analysis from an emergency department,1996,107,14,557,Tomás What do the young die of?,1997,108,7,263-265,Roca Antònio Prevention of traffic accidents by physician's consultation,1991,97,10,399,Izquierdo Asensio Prevalence and risk factors for suicide ideation plans and attempts in the Spanish general population. Results from the ESEMED study,2007,129,13,494-500,Fernández Poisoning by liquid ecstasy: Patients seen in hospital emergency departments of Barcelona: a 2-years study,2008,130,7,254-258,Nogué Gender violence in emergency departments,2008,130,7,278-279,Tomás Vecina Alcohol-related mortality and premature death in Spain between 1999 and 2004,2008,131,1,10-13,Álvarez Sofía fell off her bicycle and I will take a break soon,2004,123,20,794-797,Ollé Goig Postural control disorders in initial phases of whiplash,2009,132,16,616-620,Pleguezuelos Cobo Prevalence of driving motor vehicles and cognitive impairment in people older than 74 years,2008,130,17,657-660,Garre-Olmo Medical-legal analysis of aggresssion towards health professionals. An approach to a silent reality and its consequences on health,2007,128,8,307-310,Santed Antidotes availability in health services of Catalonia Spain,2006,127,20,770-773,Nogué-Xarau Sexual abuse in children,2006,126,6,223-231,Vilardell-Molas Chronic artefactual syndrome (Münchausen syndrome),1982,79,6,280-283,Simon Heroin: a new cause of toxicological emergencies,1984,82,1,1-4,Camí Acute poisoning in Valladolid. Epidemiological study of cases seen at the Clinical Hospital from 1978 to 1984,1987,88,4,135-139,García-Pando Complications associated with cocaine consumption,1988,91,11,435,Rello The citizen's knowledge of emergency alarm systems,1988,91,5,198-199,Moreno Millán Toxicologic emergencies,1989,93,20,799-800,Munne Attempted self-poisoning with xylene ingestion,1990,94,4,158-159,Simeón Attempted suicide with chloroquine,1991,96,8,316-317,García-Forcada Attempted suicide with isoniazid,1992,99,11,437-438,Ros Garrigós Suicides,1992,98,16,624-626,Nogué Suicide attempts in patients with organic disease,1992,98,16,618-621,Cirera Acute poisonings in a regional hospital,1992,98,3,117-118,Arruga Taxus poisoning,2010,135,12,575-576,Hernández Hernández Exhaustion syndromes in a popular marathon,1993,100,9,343-345,Miralles Diving accidents (1). Decompression sickness,1990,95,4,147-156,Desola Alà Subaquatic medicine?,1990,94,10,377-380,Desola Alà Accidental hypothermia: the prognostic importance of early diagnosis,1989,92,19,757,Pascual Velasco Traffic accidents and drug abuse,1989,92,2,78,Munne Nuclear accidents. Real and potential dangers,1988,91,18,699-701,Biete Alcohol and accidents,1988,90,19,775-778,Salleras Sanmartí Alcohol consumption and accidents in Barcelona. Epidemiologic study,1988,90,19,759-762,Pares Bilateral luxation of the shoulder and epiphyseal detachment caused by an electrical discharge,1986,87,19,820,Molina Acute hydrocyanic acid poisoning: an infrequent occupational accident,1986,87,5,217,García Palleiro Potential years of life lost: a method for the evaluation of premature death,1986,87,2,55-57,Alvarez-Dardet Apparent benign tendency of the hypersomnia-periodic respiration syndrome,1981,76,1,30-33,Pedro-Botet Pons The dilemma of medical evaluation in non professional sport in the young,2010,134,9,421-422,Otermin-Maya Considerations on the relationship of injury and multiple sclerosis,1965,44,4,252-255,De Portugal Alvarez Socioeconomic differences in mortality in 8 Spanish provinces,1996,106,8,285-289,Gutiérrez-Fisac Mild poisoning by carbon monoxide: An underdiagnosed condition,2011,137,4,185-186,Iglesias Use of activated charcoal in acute poisonings: Clinical safety and factors associated with adverse reactions in 575 cases,2010,135,6,243-249,Nogué Poisoning by delayed-release verapamil in renal insufficiency patients,1993,101,14,557-558,Daroca Pérez How much do you drink? sensitivity specificity and predictive value,1993,101,13,516-517,Vila Córcoles The report to the court: the implications for physicians and patients. New medicolegal concepts of the misdemeanor and crime of injuries,1993,101,12,457-458,Serrulla Rech Screening for excessive alcohol consumption,1994,102,Suppl 1,85-92,Rodes Advice for accident prevention,1994,102,Suppl 1,127-131,Fernandez Acute pancreatitis in acute poisoning caused by organophosphate insecticides. Report of 3 cases,1993,101,4,154-155,Yelamos The elderly abuse syndrome,1994,102,6,216-219,Larrión Zugasti Green-blue urine an important sign of possible intoxication with a suicidal intent,1996,106,10,399,Rubio Barbón Black widow spider (Latrodectus tredecimguttatus) bite. Presentation of 12 cases,1996,106,9,344-346,Yélamos Rodríguez The consumption of alcoholic drinks in Spain in the period of 1940-1987,1996,106,13,517,Graciani Dog bite and Pasteurella multocida pneumonia,1996,106,19,757,Pascal Accidental poisoning caused by Digitalis purpurea,1996,106,18,718-719,Vega Riveiro Acute fatal poisoning caused by methylenedioxyamphetamine,1996,106,18,718,Camí [An outbreak of poisoning by mushrooms of the genus Omphalotus],1996,107,2,75,Alguacil García [Toxic habits in adolescents],1996,107,2,78,Costa Zamora Methanol and ethylene glycol poisoning. Study of 18 cases,1995,104,4,121-125,Nogué-Xarau Neuropathy of the crural nerve produced by heat stroke,1997,109,17,685,Rubio Esteban Alcohol consumption and epidemic outbreaks,1997,109,15,606,Guillen Grima How can the medicine help? The epidemic of the traffic crashes,2007,128,5,178-180,Lardelli-Claret Survey of emergency departments preparedness for terrorist attacks with weapons of mass destruction,2003,121,15,596-597,Miró Women violence and health,2000,115,16,620-624,de Paul Ochotorena Evaluation of acute poisonings due to chemical agents treated in an Emergency Department,2011,136,4,149-152,Nogué-Xarau Reality of acute poisonings: Health Department progresses adequately Social Policy Department needs to improve,2011,136,4,156-157,Caballero Vallés Causes of imprisonment for crimes against road safety: illness or irresponsibility?,2011,137,6,279-280,Monras Psychoactive drugs use and related visits of adolescents to the emergency department,2010,134,13,583-586,Curcoy Barcenilla Antidepressant drugs in children and adolescents,2005,125,4,143-144,Rey Paraquat poisoning. A study of 29 cases and evaluation of the effectiveness of the "Caribbean scheme",2000,115,14,530-533,Botella de Maglia Access to bone marrow transplantation in acute myeloblastic leukemia. Study of 52 patients treated in a single center,1997,109,1,12-15,Tomás Isoniazid poisoning at lethal doses,1985,85,11,473-474,Parajua Pozo Fatal paraquat poisoning. Presentation of 2 new cases and review of the literature,1983,81,8,350-354,Pares Convulsive crises caused by the massive ingestion of isoniazid,1982,79,3,154,Ramió Masgrau The reason for medical consultations in patients with psychiatric diseases: somatization phenomena and suicide attempts,1997,108,9,321-324,Creed Alcohol consumption in schoolchildren,1997,108,10,399,Valero Juan Fatal food poisoning by parathion,1997,108,6,224-225,Laynez Bretones The prevalence of and factors associated with falls in older persons living in the community,1997,108,4,128-132,Zunzunegui Epidemic outbreak of classical heat stroke,1995,105,18,718,Montoya-García Alcohol consumption in schoolchildren,1995,105,13,481-486,Ariza Cardenal Epidemiology of hip fracture in Asturias,1995,105,8,281-286,Altadill Arregui Incidence of hip fractures in Cantabria,1992,99,19,729-731,Martinez Prevalence and risk factors of suspicion abuse in elder population,2005,125,2,51-55,Risco Romero Melia azedarach as an example of avoidable accidental poisoning,2011,137,11,519-520,Guitart The elder abuse syndrome,1994,103,9,357-358,Marín Gámez Health care response in disasters. Lessons learned from the terrorist attack against the Twin Towers of New York City,2001,117,20,790-792,Alvarez Fernández Mental disorders in victims of terrorism and their families,2004,122,18,681-685,Pérez-Rodríguez Intimate partner violence against women and physical and mental health consequences,2004,122,12,461-467,Plazaola-Castano Potomania as a side-effect of topiramate,2007,128,10,397-398,Alda Difficulties in the physician-patient relationship in somaticizers (II). The reactions of the professional and the types of relationship,1999,112,4,147-150,Montón Franco Violence in the hospital,1999,113,2,78-79,Reyes Núñez Apropos of family terrorism,1999,112,19,757-758,Bayo Casanova Treatment of agitation in dementia patients,1999,113,15,592-597,Lyketsos What is a "poison"? Proposal of definition,2012,138,3,127-132,Guitart Usefulness of the question "how much do you drink?" in the detection of excessive alcohol ingestion,1994,103,7,277-278,Collazos González Alcohol consumption indicators in Spain,1995,104,14,544-550,Gutiérrez-Fisac Attempted suicide with oral diltiazem,1996,107,7,275,Sevilla Mycoplasma hominis bacteremia in a multiple-trauma patient,1995,104,20,796,Bartolomé Adolescents faced with addictive substances: tobacco alcohol and noninstitutionalized drugs,1995,104,20,784-788,Villalbí Dysbaric accident in deep sea fishing,1995,104,19,742-743,López Oblaré Celerius profundius periculosius,1995,104,19,739-741,Desola Acute poisoning caused by cocaine in a patient carrying cocaine packages in the intestine: indication for surgical treatment,1996,107,18,718-719,García Castaño The intrathoracic hypertension syndrome in a breath-hold diver,1998,111,20,798,Desola Alà An accelerated idioventricular rhythm and incomplete right bundle-branch block secondary to the bite of Vipera latasti,1999,112,7,278-279,Meseguer Ruiz Pseudohyperaldosteronism caused by ingestion of licorice,1983,80,1,49-50,Laporte Acute dyskinesia caused by antihistamines,1984,82,3,137,Navarro Blasco Subarachnoid hemorrhage in drug addicts,1984,82,1,39-40,Zulaica Mortality inequalities according to education in the city of Barcelona,1998,110,5,161-166,Borrell Toxic psychosis as unusual presentation of body packer syndrome,1998,110,8,317,Fernández Moyano Carbon monoxide poisoning,1998,110,18,718-719,Dueñas-Laita Factors associated with mortality and gait impairment in elderly patients with hip fractures,1998,110,18,687-691,Pages Sport injuries and level of anxiety in soccer players,1998,111,2,45-48,García Alcohol consumption and its risk levels among students of pharmacology at the Barcelona University,1998,111,1,39,Salleras Sanmartí Complications of intestinal transporting of cocaine packets. Study of 215 cases,1998,111,9,336-337,García Castaño Physiopathology of acute carbon monoxide poisoning,2000,114,17,678,Miro Smoke intoxication in fires: antidote treatment with vitamins,2000,114,17,658-660,Dueñas-Laita Incidence risk and evolution of ostheoporotic hip fractures in Spanish women using a Markov type model,2000,114,Suppl 2,63-67,Cabasés Hita The end of life: could it be comfortable?,2001,116,5,186-190,Sanz Ortiz Osteoporosis: the problem of its definition,2005,124,7,259-260,Sosa Henríquez Red sea coral sting,2005,124,6,238; author reply 238-9,López Jiménez Measurement of the perceived impact of sleep problems: the Spanish version of the functional outcomes sleep questionnaire and the Epworth sleepiness scale,1999,113,7,250-255,Alonso Accidents and violence injuries. Evaluation of the objectives of the Health Plan for Catalonia for the year 2000,2003,121,Suppl 1,38-41,Medina Validation and comparison of four instruments to detect partner violence in health-care setting,2011,137,9,390-397,Garcia-Esteve Detección temprana de la violencia del compañero íntimo en el sector sanitario. ¿Una intervención basada en la evidencia?,2006,126,3,101-104,Vives-Cases 121 cases of decompression disease,1990,94,7,250-254,Pujante Escudero Poisoning caused by metals from food,1990,94,6,215-217,Nogué-Xarau Classical heatstroke in Spain. Analysis of a series 78 cases,1990,94,13,481-486,Jiménez-Mejías Heatstroke,1990,94,13,494-498,Gómez Huelgas Hepatotoxicity associated with the consumption of herbal slimming products,2007,128,6,238-239,Duque Toxicity due to oleander (Nerium oleander) ingestion,2006,127,19,759,Arriola Martínez Policies to reduce harm caused by alcohol use: a public health perspective,2006,127,19,741-743,Rodriguez-Martos Myelopathy secondary to electric trauma from lightning,1992,99,3,117-118,Arboix Mandatory injury report: From tradition to prevention,2013,141,1,40,Suelves Effect of calcium and vitamin D in the reduction of falls in the elderly: A randomized trial versus placebo,2014,142,3,95-102,López-Torres Hidalgo Interindividual variability in recovery after traumatic brain injury: Effect of cognitive reserve,2013,140,12,527-531,Rodriguez Cognitive and brain reserve in traumatic brain injury: Implications and opportunities,2013,140,12,542-543,Bartrés-Faz Fuller's earth "banished" from herbicide poisoning,2013,141,5,231,de Lorenzo-Pinto Recommendations on the safety of patients for socio-health centers: Systematic review,2013,141,9,397-405,Reyes-Alcázar Thallium poisoning in an adolescent girl,2013,141,12,557-558,López Segura Clinical significance of suicidal behaviour in delusional disorder: A 44 case-series descriptive study,2014,142,7,299-302,González-Rodríguez Delirium prevention treatment in elderly hip fracture,2014,142,8,365-369,Formiga Ecstasy: is it innocuous?,2005,124,15,596-597,Bouso-Sáiz Predisposing factors of delirium in hip fractured patients older than 84 years,2005,124,14,535-537,Formiga Traumatic brain injury: Severity assessment,2014,142,10,468-469,Egea-Guerrero The impact of single nucleotide polymorphisms on patterns of non-contact musculoskeletal soft tissue injuries in a football player population according to ethnicity,2013,144,3,105-110,Pruna Illicit drugs and driving,2010,135,12,549-551,Gonzalez-Luque Severe acute poisoning following the ingestion of tricyclic antidepressants (author's transl),1980,74,7,257-262,Munné Mas Snake bite poisoning. Review of six cases (author's transl),1979,72,7,284-288,González Unusual poisoning caused by Datura stramonium,1979,72,9,394,Rodríguez Cuartero Toxicological evaluation in the childhood,2014,142,Suppl 2,43-46,Arroyo Temporary disability and its legal implications,2014,142,Suppl 2,37-42,Martin-Fumadó Forensic assessment of violence risk,2014,142,Suppl 2,16-23,Gómez-Durán Social and health impact of Institutes of Legal Medicine in Spain: beyond justice,2014,142,Suppl 2,5-11,Suelves Poisoning caused by Morchella esculenta (author's transl),1979,73,6,247-249,Fusté Epidemic due to the ingestion of adulterated toxic cooking oil: a new type of sclerodermatous syndrome,1982,79,1,1-8,Olmedo Garzón Poisoning by Amanita phalloides: therapeutic aspects,1986,86,5,216-217,Pigrau Serrallach Carbon monoxide poisoning: presentation as a confusional syndrome and characteristic computerized tomography course,1986,86,7,288-291,Vázquez Cruz Acute marijuana milk poisoning,2014,144,8,381-382,Epelde Acute renal failure and acute toxic hepatitis after inhalation of a mixture of chlorinated solvents,1987,88,4,169-170,Alonso Hernández Drug consumption on university campuses (author's transl),1980,75,8,317-326, Acute poisoning: study of 673 cases,1981,77,4,139-145,Caballero Vallés Overdose of zidovudine,1989,92,5,199,Casals Changes in viper bite poisonings,2014,144,3,132-136,Nogué Injuries caused by snake bites,1989,92,10,398,Sanz Anquela Alcohol and working population,1989,92,17,658-660,Aubà Llambrich Craniocerebral trauma and district hospitals,1989,92,20,796,Barraquer Bordás Delayed polyneuropathy induced by organophosphorus compounds: a great unknown,1989,92,20,787-793,Barril Antuña Estimate of the costs of osteoporotic fractures of the femur in Spain,1989,92,19,721-723,Díez Pérez Osteoporotic fracture of the femur in Spain,1989,92,19,733-735,Navarro Quilis Heatstroke: apropos of 2 new cases,1989,93,2,78-79,Sánchez-Izquierdo Riera Failure of a cyclophosphamide-dexamethasone combination in paraquat poisoning,1989,93,2,61-63,Munne Ingestion of hydrogen peroxide. Apropos of 3 cases,1991,96,8,300-302,Brea Hernando A prospective study of drug-facilitated sexual assault in Barcelona,2015,144,9,403-409,Xifró-Collsamata Epidemiology of drug-facilitated sexual assault: new contributions,2015,144,9,401-402,Becerra-García The levels of vitamin D in relation to injury profiles of professional football players,2016,147,1,16-17,Pruna Refractory shock and severe leukopenia with multisystemic organ failure due to colchicine intentional overdose,2014,143,3,e140,Fernandez [Acute organophosphate insecticide poisonings in the province of Almería. A study of 187 cases],1992,98,18,681-684,Yelamos [The efficacy of hemoperfusion in acute poisoning by tricyclic antidepressants],1991,97,14,e555,Márquez del Cid [The main causes of death in Spain 1992; comment],1996,107,12,441-445,Gutiérrez-Fisac [Nontraumatic rhabdomyolysis due to oral poisoning by doxylamine succinate],1997,108,9,e356,Marruecos [Persistent pancreatic involvement in malathion poisoning],1999,112,2,78-79,Córdoba López [Anaphylactoid reaction in relation to the use of N-acetylcysteine the prevention of paracetamol hepatotoxicity],2001,117,14,558-559,Gomez [Hallucinatory delirium and psychomotor agitation as paradoxal manifestations of acute propoxyphene poisoning],2001,116,8,e318,Miro [A suicide attempt by subcutaneous injection of mercury],2004,123,14,e557,Rodriguez [Efficacy and safety of gut decontamination in patients with acute therapeutic drug overdose],2004,122,13,487-492,Nogué [Acute topiraranate toxicity to suicidal attempt],2009,133,19,766-767,García-Gil [Autolitic carbimide-alcohol reaction with fatal outcome],2009,132,17,683-684,González Fernández [Attempt of autolysis with kitchen knife],2009,133,9,e363,Caballero [Fatal calcium cyanide and ethyl alcohol abuse: Is there an antidote?],2010,135,10,e479,Dueñas-Laita [Prolonged QT interval in two cases of amisulpride overdose],2010,134,12,564-565,Yates