Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Pattern of equestrian injuries presenting to a Sydney teaching hospital,2003,73,8,567-571,Lim Severe trauma caused by stabbing and firearms in metropolitan Sydney New South Wales Australia,2005,75,4,225-230,Wong Rate of return to work and driving following arthroscopic subacromial decompression,2005,75,9,747-749,McClelland Cost demographics and injury profile of adult pedestrian trauma in inner Sydney,2006,76,1-2,43-47,Small Towards an Australian Institute of Trauma Research: learning the lessons of history,2001,71,12,765-768,Wigglesworth Trimodal death and the injuries of survivors in Krabi Province Thailand post-tsunami,2006,76,5,288-289,Johnson Children or young adults? A population-based study on adolescent head injury,2006,76,5,343-350,Rosenfeld Driving plastered: who does it is it safe and what to tell patients,2006,76,6,439-441,Kalamaras Training in pediatric trauma: the problem of safer societies,2006,76,7,596-599,Hamill Spinal and spinal cord injuries in horse riding: The New South Wales experience 1976-1996,2003,73,5,331-334,Cumming Single vehicle roll over accidents: an unique pattern of motor vehicle accidents in central Australia,2007,77,Suppl 1,A93,Jacob Murphy's law,2007,77,Suppl 1,A84,Harden Increasing numbers of admissions to the adult burns service at the Royal Adelaide Hospital 2001-2004,2007,77,5,358-363,Greenwood Pediatric gun shot injuries in New Zealand: a demographic analysis of an avoidable cause of significant childhood morbidity,2007,77,s1,A59,Beasley Head injury-related road crash mortality in rural Western Australia,2001,71,11,665-668,Sprivulis Carotid artery dissection: another airbag injury,2001,71,9,552-553,Thomson Comparison between interpersonal violence and motor vehicle accidents in the etiology of maxillofacial fractures,2007,77,8,695-698,Snape Blunt chest trauma in childhood,2007,77,8,682-685,Inan Epidemic of stab injuries: an Alice Springs dilemma,2007,77,8,621-625,Boseto Personal injury compensation,2007,77,8,606-607,Harris Mandibular fractures in Far North Queensland: an ethnic comparison,2007,77,1-2,73-79,Oberdan Predictors of post-traumatic stress disorder following major trauma,2008,78,7,583-587,Harris Pediatric motorbike injuries: do children riding motorbikes get the same injuries as those riding bicycles?,2008,78,7,593-596,Robertson Predictors of post-traumatic stress disorder after major injury,2008,78,7,533-534,McFarlane Neurotrauma in children,2007,77,8,608-609,Lo Lawn mower injuries in children: a 30-year experience,2008,78,9,759-763,Raymond The Queensland Trauma Plan project,2008,78,9,780-783,Fitzgerald Population-based study of age gender and causes of severe injury in Auckland 2004,2008,78,11,995-998,Civil Military static line parachute injuries in an Australian commando battalion,2008,78,10,848-852,Hughes Epidemiology of post-injury multiple organ failure in an Australian trauma system,2009,79,6,431-436,Balogh Terrorism and blast explosions: lessons for the Australian surgical community,2006,76,7,637-644,Rosenfeld Fijian seasonal scourge of mango tree falls,2009,79,12,898-900,Gupta Coconut palm-related injuries in the Pacific Islands,2001,71,1,32-34,Oberli Time for a change in injury and trauma care delivery: a trauma death review analysis,2008,78,11,949-954,Flabouris Seat belt injury to the female breast: review and discussion of its surgical management,2010,80,1-2,71-74,Paddle Tube abuse: a rectal foreign body presenting as chest pain,2007,77,12,1131-1132,Smith A prospective study of the effect of nursing home residency on mortality following hip fracture,2010,80,6,447-450,Harris Injury in indigenous communities: a call for enlightened action,2007,77,11,930-931,Gruen Functional and proteomic analysis of serum and cerebrospinal fluid derived from patients with traumatic brain injury: a pilot study,2010,80,7-8,542-547,Skirving Maxillofacial fractures,2007,77,8,613,Zellweger Mass casualty incidents,2007,77,8,703-704,Zellweger Blunt cerebrovascular injury: an evaluation from a major trauma centre,2007,77,8,686-689,Smith Predicting trauma patient mortality: ICD [or ICD-10-AM] versus AIS based approaches,2010,80,11,802-806,Harrison Fractured zygomas,2003,73,1-2,49-54,Tadj Abdominal trauma: a disease in evolution,2005,75,9,790-794,Jalaludin Transfer of facially injured road trauma victims and its impact on treatment,2005,75,6,411-414,Batstone Surviving multi-trauma in the past,2010,80,12,912-916,Cornish The 2009 Samoan Tsunami – the Victorian disaster medical assistance team deployment,2010,80,12,867-869,Young Dangerous toys,2011,81,3,172-175,Dansey Reducing time to urgent surgery by transporting resources to the trauma patient,2007,77,4,241-246,Flabouris Rural neurotrauma in Australia: implications for surgical training,2006,76,1-2,53-59,Bishop Resources for managing trauma in rural New South Wales Australia,2004,74,9,760-765,Petchell Cat bites of the hand,2004,74,10,859-862,Mitnovetski Predicted impact on Victoria's ambulance services of a new major trauma system,2001,71,12,747-752,Cameron An epidemiological view of vascular trauma in Western Australia: a 5-year study,2001,71,8,461-466,Rao Factors for consideration in developing a plan to cope with mass burn casualties,2009,79,9,581-583,Greenwood Strategies for managing and minimizing the impact of harassment and stalking by patients,2009,79,7-8,537-538,Bird The harassment and stalking of plastic surgeons by their patients in Australasia,2009,79,7-8,533-536,Samuels Serious injuries from airbags,2001,71,9,507-508,Danne Oesophageal rupture resulting from airbag deployment during a motor vehicle accident,2001,71,9,554-555,Cullinan Pr45p
surgical management following seat‐belt injury to the female breast,2009,79,,A63-A63,Paddle Pr06
mandibular fractures in indigenous australians in northern territory,2009,79,,A55-A55,Prasad Pr32p
evaluating anatomical research in surgery: a prospective comparison of cadaveric and living anatomical studies of the abdominal wall,2009,79,,A60-A61,Rozen Rs14
the growing burden of trauma in the indigenous population: towards a better and safer future,2009,79,,A69-A69,Jacob Rs15
dog bite injuries in alice springs,2009,79,,A69-A69,Jacob Management of trauma during pregnancy,2004,74,3,125-128,Magann Craniomaxillofacial Surgery (ANZCMFS),2008,78,s1,A37-A40, Emergency thoracic surgery for penetrating non‐mediastinal trauma,2007,77,3,142-145,Smith Medicine in small doses,2008,78,9,816-818,Waxman Morgagni’s hernia: believing is seeing,2008,78,9,739-744,Beasley Rural Surgery,2008,78,s1,A118-A120, The anatomy lesson of dr. Nicolaes tulp painted by rembrandt in 1632,2008,78,12,1059-1061,Ijpma The surgical care of indigenous australians: a structured orientation programme,2007,77,11,925-929,Gruen Trauma,2008,78,s1,A138-A150, What’s in a name,2007,77,6,494,Burke Paediatric motorbike accidents: the need for stricter regulation to reduce the frequency of injuries,2011,81,5,312-313,Jandhyala Patient who was unaware of a nail gun injury to his heart,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lee Burn injuries due to pressurized aerosol cans: a tertiary centre experience,2011,81,11,759-760,Langbart Appendiced gunshot pellets,2002,72,2,168,Howie Acute appendicitis resulting from intraluminal shotgun pellets,2002,72,2,168,Losanoff Penetrating thoraco-abdominal injuries: the Auckland City Hospital experience,2011,81,9,595-600,Civil Chemical injuries: the Tasmanian Burns Unit experience,2003,73,1-2,45-48,Ricketts Fractures of the zygoma,2003,73,1-2,2,David Factors influencing motorcycle crash victim outcomes: a prospective study,2012,82,7-8,551-554,Zellweger Growing trend in older patients with severe injuries: mortality and mechanisms of injury between 1991 and 2010 at an inner city major trauma centre,2013,83,1-2,65-69,Petchell Effect of the elderly and increasing injury severity on acute hospital resource utilization in a cohort of inner city trauma patients,2013,83,1-2,60-64,Dinh Incidence of facial fractures in the Australian Football League,2012,82,10,724-728,Orchard Quad bike injuries in Waikato New Zealand: an institutional review from 2007-2011,2013,83,4,206-210,Wood Potential preventive measures against quad bike injuries,2013,83,4,198,Balogh Millipede burn masquerading as trash foot in a paediatric patient,2014,84,5,388-390,Verma Epidemiology of traumatic head injury from a major paediatric trauma centre in New South Wales Australia,2014,84,6,424-428,Chaseling Looking both ways: the Jamieson Memorial Lecture 2006,2007,77,6,410-417,Pearn Are Australian and New Zealand trauma service resources reflective of the Australasian Trauma Verification Model Resource Criteria?,2014,84,7-8,523-527,Curtis Changing patterns of injury associated with low-energy falls in the elderly: a 10-year analysis at an Australian major trauma centre,2014,85,4,230-234,Ivers Functional and return to work outcomes following major trauma involving severe pelvic ring fracture,2014,85,10,749-754,Cameron Elasticity of abdominal wall vessels in children: clinical implications in child abuse,2014,84,10,755-757,Bowkett Traumatic abdominal wall herniation: case series review and discussion,2014,84,3,160-165,Pollard Renal trauma in Australian rules football: an institutional experience,2004,74,9,766-768,Lee Spinal cord injuries in Australian footballers,2003,73,7,493-499, Re: Epidemiology of traumatic head injury from a major paediatric trauma centre in New South Wales Australia,2014,84,12,995,Coroneo Click it: do not risk it: lap seat belt causing extensive abdominal injuries,2015,87,10,845-846,Gera Right atrial rupture after road traffic accident,2015,87,9,734-735,Fatimi Low-energy falls,2015,85,4,202-203,Balogh Oztag: high risk for hand injuries?,2015,86,7-8,578-580,Harish Prevalence of bullying discrimination and sexual harassment in surgery in Australasia,2015,85,12,905-909,Crebbin Management and outcomes of children with severe burns in New South Wales: 1995-2013,2015,86,6,499-503,Harvey Bullying and harassment and 'the looking glass self',2015,85,7-8,498,Truskett Apology for discrimination bullying and sexual harassment by the President of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons,2015,85,12,895,Watters Dust explosion from coloured powder causing severe burns: the incident at Formosa Fun Coast,2016,86,1-2,103-104,Chong Bicycle helmet use to reduce the impact of head injuries in ladder users,2017,87,12,1026-1029,Warren Perineal tap water burns in the elderly: at what cost?,2017,87,11,E188-E192,Kennedy Tibial tunnel defect size as a risk factor in growth arrest following paediatric transphyseal anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: an anatomical study,2016,86,9,691-695,Pananwala Integration of trauma and rehabilitation services is the answer to more cost-effective care,2016,86,11,900-904,Faux Civilian cerebral gunshot wounds: a South African experience,2017,87,3,186-189,Brysiewicz Summer danger: penetrating pancreatic injury from barbecue wire bristle,2018,88,12,1354-1355,Gaszynski Predicting functional capacity outcome 12 months after hospitalized injury,2006,76,10,886-893,McClure Paediatric mild head injury: is routine admission to a tertiary trauma hospital necessary?,2018,88,3,202-206,Tallapragada Blunt cerebrovascular injury: early recognition and treatment options in asymptomatic patient,2019,89,4,E166-E167,Ashkenazi Firework-related injury in the Top End: a 16-year review,2017,87,12,1030-1034,Read Neurological injuries from skateboards in paediatric and adolescent populations: injury types and severity,2018,88,4,337-340,Kimble Electric scooter burns and the danger of personal mobility device battery,2018,88,3,250,Chong Comparison of outcomes between hip fracture patients with concurrent upper limb injuries and patients with an isolated hip fracture,2019,89,1-2,57-60,Ng The Australian Trauma Registry,2019,89,4,286-290,Curtis Predictive energy equations are inaccurate for determining energy expenditure in adult burn injury: a retrospective observational study,2019,89,5,578-583,Cleland Airbag related penetrating brain injury,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Redmond Re: Comparison of outcomes between hip fracture patients with concurrent upper limb injuries and patients with an isolated hip fracture,2019,89,9,e1173,Gao Response to Re: Comparison of outcomes between hip fracture patients with concurrent upper limb injuries and patients with an isolated hip fracture,2019,89,9,1173-1174,Ng Acute spinal cord injuries before and after the New Zealand Spinal Cord Impairment Action Plan,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vandal Quad bike injuries at an Australian regional hospital: a trauma registry review,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Read Addressing domestic violence: the surgeon's role,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tieu Quad bike injury prevention and legislation in Australasia,2020,90,4,405-406,Crozier Impact of societal restrictions and lockdown on trauma admissions during the COVID-19 pandemic: a single centre cross-sectional observational study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hsu Mortality data 2004-2019: an audit of the Royal Adelaide Hospital Adult Burn Service,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Greenwood Blunt abdominal aortic injury in children associated with lap belts,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Evans Association between gender and outcomes of acute burns patients,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gabbe Partial facial palsy from a surfboard injury,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Savage Animal-related facial fractures in South Australia,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Diab Holiday hazards: burns in children during school holidays,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Holland Beware of the bicycle! An increase in paediatric bicycle related injuries during the COVID-19 period in Western Australia,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,van Oudtshoorn Incidence outcomes and effect of delayed intervention in patients with hollow viscus injury due to major trauma in the Northern region of New Zealand,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Harmston Increased orthopaedic presentations as a result of COVID-19-related social restrictions in a regional setting despite local and global trends,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Woo The epidemiology and outcomes of vascular trauma in Gold Coast Australia: institutional experience at a level 1 trauma centre,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Summers Outcomes of rib fractures in the geriatric population: a 5-year retrospective single-institution Australian study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wullschleger Re-fractures of the paediatric radius and/or ulna: a systematic review,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bhanushali Neonatal burns: a 10-year review of community- and hospital-acquired neonatal burns in Western Australia,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wood Reduced presentations with fractures or orthopaedic infections to a major children's hospital during a national COVID-19 elimination strategy,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mason The epidemiology of injuries related to falling trees and tree branches,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Balogh Paediatric dog bite injuries: a 10-year retrospective cohort analysis from Sydney Children's Hospital,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sulaiman Management of oesophageal impaction of button batteries in Queensland,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Barker Ovarian vein haemorrhage in a pregnant woman following a motor vehicle crash,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Balogh Failure to initiate trauma team activation for patients who meet the criteria in a level 1 paediatric trauma centre: which patients are missing out?,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Williams Handy extrication methods for meat grinder injuries: a case series,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Goldie Head injury management in rural and regional settings,2022,92,7-8,e1586,Reilly Impact of body mass index on total cost of trauma and elective spine surgical procedures at a quaternary spinal referral centre,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Eason Pellet pulmonary embolism following lower extremity shotgun injury,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Weber Surgical management of injured ADF personnel deployed to Afghanistan 2001-2021,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pilgrim Australian medical students report poor confidence managing common orthopaedic sports-related injuries: findings of a multi-site survey,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gill Prehospital tourniquet use in civilian extremity trauma: an Australian observational study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Read Western Australian State Trauma Registry analysis of incidence and injury patterns associated with e-Scooter injuries: 5-year retrospective case series,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fatovich What is the nature extent and impact of bullying in surgical settings? 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