Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Munchausen syndrome by proxy abuse perpetrated by men,1998,79,5,466,Finlay Cycle helmet ownership and use; a cluster randomised controlled trial in primary school children in deprived areas,2004,89,4,330-335,Royal Inequalities in cycle helmet use: cross sectional survey in schools in deprived areas of Nottingham,2003,88,10,876-880,Royal Cycle helmets,2003,88,6,465-466,Lee Cycling with myth Australia,2002,87,1,25,Wacogne Mothering to death,1999,80,4,359-362,Meadow Cycle helmets,1993,69,1,171,Whitehouse Cycle helmets,1993,68,2,237-239,Rogers Could nursery rhymes cause violent behaviour? A comparison with television viewing,2004,89,12,1103-1105,Davies Are there patterns of bruising in childhood which are diagnostic or suggestive of abuse? A systematic review,2005,90,2,182-186,Sibert Baby walkers: paediatricians' knowledge attitudes and health promotion,2003,88,12,1084-1085,Collier Randomised controlled trial assessing the impact of increasing information to health visitors about children's injuries,2001,85,5,366-370,Pritchard Baby walkers . . . time to take a stand?,1987,62,5,491-494,Gleadhill A review of 404 'late walkers',1984,59,6,512-516,Chaplais Accidents and child abuse in bathtub submersions,1994,70,5,435-438,Kemp Epilepsy in children and the risk of drowning,1993,68,5,684-685,Kemp Epilepsy in children and the risk of drowning,1993,69,4,471,Reid Seat restraint use previous driving history and non-fatal injury: quantifying the risks,1997,77,4,335-338,Beattie Car restraints and seating position for prevention of motor vehicle injuries in Greece,1998,78,4,335-339,Lescohier Systematic review of controlled trials of interventions to promote smoke alarms,2000,82,5,341-348,DiGuiseppi Awareness of swimming pool suction injury among tour operators,2003,88,7,584-586,Davison Safety of herbal medicines in children,2003,88,12,1032-1033,Choonara What should the child with epilepsy be allowed to do?,1983,58,11,934-937,O'Donohoe Suffocation choking and strangulation in childhood in England and Wales: epidemiology and prevention,1995,72,1,6-10,Kemp The urgency of immersions,1992,67,3,257-258,Pearn Norms for hand grip strength,1984,59,5,453-459,Pearn Minor illness and injury: factors influencing attendance at a pediatric accident and emergency department,2005,90,6,629-633,Beattie Toys and potentially lethal games,2005,90,4,372,Thalava Changing patterns of childhood mortality in Wolverhampton,2005,90,7,687-691,Moore Impact of congenital colour vision defects on occupation,2005,90,9,906-908,Cumberland Epidemiology of traumatic brain injury in children receiving intensive care in the UK,2005,90,11,1182-1187,Parslow Obesity and bullying: Different effects for boys and girls,2005,91,2,121-125,Horwood Passenger safety in cars,1985,60,7,678-679,Sprigg Epidemiology of visual impairment in Britain,1998,78,4,381-386,Rahi Smoke alarm installation and function in inner London council housing,1999,81,5,400-403,DiGuiseppi Hospital planning for acts of terrorism and other public health emergencies involving children,2005,90,12,1300-1307,Chung Are restrained children under 15 years of age in cars as effectively protected as adults?,2006,91,4,304-308,Chiron Multimedia bullying using a website,2006,91,2,202,Brough Air weapon injuries: a serious and persistent problem,2002,86,4,234-235,Ceylan The relation between child death and child maltreatment,2006,91,3,265-269,Jenny Sudden unexpected death in infancy associated with maltreatment: evidence from long term follow up of siblings,2003,88,8,699-701,Stanton Accidental injury: risk and preventative interventions,1997,77,1,28-31,Marsh Only wholeness leads to clarity,2004,89,7,692-693,Wardlaw Minor head injury,1998,78,1,96,Ball Inflicted head injury in infants: issues arising from the Geddes hypothesis,2006,91,8,714-715,Punt The role of home visiting in improving parenting and health in families at risk of abuse and neglect: Results of a multicentre randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation,2007,92,3,229-233,Stewart-Brown Munchausen syndrome by proxy abuse perpetrated by men,1998,78,3,210-216,Meadow Childhood accidents--an endemic of epidemic proportion,1981,56,3,225-227,Sibert Procedures placement and risks of further abuse after Munchausen syndrome by proxy non-accidental poisoning and non-accidental suffocation,1998,78,3,217-221,Rolfe Non-accidental salt poisoning,1993,68,4,448-452,Meadow Difficult and unlikeable parents,1992,67,6,697-702,Meadow Recurrent cot death and suffocation,1989,64,1,179-180,Meadow Management of Munchausen syndrome by proxy,1985,60,4,385-393,Meadow Munchausen syndrome by proxy,1982,57,2,92-98,Meadow Unnatural sudden infant death,1999,81,1,96,Davis Criminal injuries compensation for abused children,2004,89,4,300-302,David Avoidable pitfalls when writing medical reports for court proceedings in cases of suspected child abuse,2004,89,9,799-804,David Beyond counting cases: Public health impacts of national pediatric surveillance units,2007,92,6,527-533,von Kries Accidents and resulting injuries in premobile infants: data from the ALSPAC study,2001,85,2,104-107,Warrington When are burns not accidental?,1986,61,4,357-361,Hobbs Is the heat wave increasing the number of falls from open windows among children?,2007,92,1,90,Hussain Why children's rights are central to international child health,2007,92,2,176-180,Waterston Superhero-related injuries in pediatrics: a case series,2007,92,3,242-243,Davies Genital injuries in boys and abuse,2007,92,4,328-331,Hobbs Diagnosing abuse: A systematic review of torn frenum and intra-oral injuries,2007,92,12,1113-1117,Kemp How common is repeat sudden infant death syndrome?,2007,93,4,323-326,Hall Patterns of injuries to children on public playgrounds,1994,71,4,328-330,Rolfe Can traffic calming measures achieve the Children's Fund objective of reducing inequalities in child health?,2003,88,3,235-236,Lucas Munchausen syndrome by proxy or factitious illness spectrum disorder of childhood,1996,74,3,274-275,Sibert Working together to protect children: Who should be working with whom?,2007,92,7,571-573,Craft Respiratory health and baby swimming,2006,91,7,620-621,Bernard How good is the evidence available in child protection?,2007,92,2,107-108,Kemp Named/designated doctor status and judgement in child protection scenarios,2007,93,7,612-613,Power Violence against children: the UN Report,2008,93,1,85-88,Mok Children in emergency departments,2007,93,3,194-195,Davies Suspected non-accidental injury and whirlpool use,2007,92,10,897,Perera Female genital mutilation: A dilemma in child protection,1994,70,5,441-3; discussion 443-4,Webb Prevention of pedestrian accidents,1993,68,5,669-672,Kendrick Etiology of perforating eye injury,1993,68,5,682-683,Luff International trends in pedestrian injury mortality,1993,68,2,190-192,Roberts False allegations of abuse and Munchausen syndrome by proxy,1993,68,4,444-447,Meadow Imposed upper airway obstruction and covert video surveillance,1992,67,11,1411-1412,Oudesluys-Murphy Suspected child abuse: cost in medical time and finance,1992,67,7,905-8; discussion 908-10,Summers Children injured by other children,1992,67,4,568,Benians Height and body proportions in child abuse,1992,67,5,632-635,Taitz ABC of child abuse,1992,67,5,663-664,Hutchins Injuries and the risk of disability in teenagers and young adults,1996,75,2,156-158,Power Accidents to children: the doctor's role. Education or environmental change?,1991,66,7,890-893,Sibert Safeguarding children is everyone's responsibility: UK government statement on the duties of doctors,2007,92,10,833-834,Stephenson Accidental Poisoning in Children,1961,36,188,390,Heasman Accidents in Childhood,1962,37,192,209,Rickham Poisoning Accidents in Childhood,1960,35,180,127-133,McKendrick The Importance of Accident-Proneness in the Aetiology of Head Injuries in Childhood,1960,35,181,215-223,Partington Safeguarding child protection and mental health,2008,93,1,11-13,Hall Domestic violence: What should pediatricians do?,2008,93,7,558-560,Mott Alcohol abuse in adolescence,2008,93,6,524-527,McArdle The effect of education and safety equipment on poisoning prevention practices and poisoning: systematic review meta-analysis and meta-regression,2008,93,7,599-608,Smith Serious injuries in children: variations by area deprivation and settlement type,2008,93,6,485-489,Green Does home visiting improve parenting and the quality of the home environment? A systematic review and meta analysis,2000,82,6,443-451,Blair The timing of medical examination following an allegation of sexual abuse - Is this an emergency?,2008,93,10,851-856,Watkeys Forty years later - Inconsistencies in reporting of child abuse,2008,93,10,822-824,Flaherty Injury prevention,1999,81,3,200-201,DiGuiseppi Developing injury surveillance systems in accident and emergency departments,1998,79,4,379,Lenton Qualitative research methods in interventions in injury,1997,76,6,487-489,Roberts The relationship between maternal depression in-home violence and use of physical punishment: What is the role of child behaviour?,2009,94,2,138-143,Zuckerman Varying gender pattern of childhood injury mortality over time in Scotland,2008,94,7,524-530,Pearson A Way To Restore British Pediatricians' Engagement With Child Protection,2009,94,5,329-332,Bonnet Are adolescents with chronic conditions particularly at risk of bullying?,2010,95,9,711-716,Michaud Spinal Injury in Motor Vehicle Crashes: Elevated risk persists up to 12 years of age,2009,94,7,546-548,Brown Use of restraint systems by preschool children in cars,1982,57,7,549-551,Geddis Children Adolescents and the Media: What We Know What We Don't Know and What We Need to Find Out (Quickly!),2009,94,9,655-657,Strasburger Spinal subdural haematomas in children with non-accidental head injury,2009,94,3,216-219,Jaspan Job syndrome masquerading as non-accidental injury,2008,93,1,65-67,Walsh Complaints in child protection,2008,93,1,4-6,Haines Unexpected supraglottic injury following a frontal impact motor-vehicle accident,2008,93,4,345,Briassoulis Children affected by domestic abuse while abroad on holiday,2008,93,5,362-363,Day Are children really safeguarded in the UK health service?,2007,92,1,4-5,Graham Children needing protection: experience from South Asia,2007,92,10,931-934,de Silva Implementation of the healthcare recommendations arising from the Victoria Climbié report,2007,92,1,71-72,Harris Social health outcomes following thermal injuries: A retrospective matched cohort study,2009,94,9,663-667,Barnes An ethical approach to resolving value conflicts in child protection,2010,95,1,55-58,Webb Evidence for sexual transmission of genital herpes in children,2007,92,7,608-613,Reading Improving child protection: a systematic review of training and procedural interventions,2006,91,9,740-743,Bannon Shaken baby syndrome,2006,91,3,205-206,Jenny Child abuse: diagnosis reporting and investigations,2006,91,8,715,Williams Shaken baby syndrome,2006,91,8,715,Le Fanu Child protection training for paediatricians,2006,91,8,639-641,Shabde Risk factors for recurrence of maltreatment: a systematic review,2006,91,9,744-752,Jones Paediatric implications of the battered baby syndrome,1971,46,245,28-37,Kempe Intra-abdominal injuries in the battered baby syndrome,1972,47,252,211-214,Ahmed Screening for child abuse at emergency departments: a systematic review,2010,95,3,214-218,Moll Early life of the 'battered child',1975,50,1,78-80,Kanwar Diagnostic value of a psychological test in cases of suspected child abuse,1977,52,9,708-712,Geddis Munchausen syndrome by proxy in twins,1979,54,8,646-647,Lee Nonaccidental poisoning in childhood,1979,54,2,143-144,Davies Nonaccidental poisoning: the elusive diagnosis,1980,55,8,643-647,Watson Acute water intoxication as another unusual manifestation of child abuse,1980,55,5,401-403,Mortimer Objective birth data and the prediction of child abuse,1981,56,4,295-297,Sibert Nonaccidental poisoning: the elusive diagnosis,1981,56,2,156-157,Bentovim Accidental poisoning preceding nonaccidental injury,1981,56,1,78-79,Sibert Objective birth data and the prediction of child abuse,1982,57,1,80-81,Marks Avoidable factors in child death,1983,58,11,872-877,Boyd Incest,1983,58,10,764-765,Bamford Are facial bruises in babies ever accidental?,1983,58,1,75-76,Freeman Subcutaneous emphysema: a new form of self abuse,1984,59,10,990-992,McGraw Traumatic perforation of the hypopharynx--an unusual form of abuse,1984,59,9,888-889,McDowell Therapeutic approach to sexual abuse,1984,59,9,865-870,Bentovim Bleeding disorders and non-accidental injury,1984,59,9,860-864,O'Hare Overturning the diagnosis of child abuse,1984,59,7,665-666,Oates Skull fracture and the diagnosis of abuse,1984,59,3,246-252,Hobbs Personality development after physical abuse,1984,59,2,147-150,Oates Recurrent sepsis and gastrointestinal ulceration due to child abuse,1986,61,9,903-905,Rubin Catch up growth following abuse,1986,61,5,526,Court Medical evidence in child abuse,1986,61,2,205-206,Taitz Catch up growth following abuse,1985,60,12,1152-1154,Taitz Psychological management of overdose in young people,1985,60,9,791-793,Taylor Psychotherapy for Munchausen syndrome by proxy,1985,60,4,344-348,Nicol Therapeutic approach to sexual abuse,1985,60,3,286-287,Sibert Outcome for children subject to non-accidental injury,1985,60,3,191-192,Rosenbloom Cervical spine fractures and rear car seat restraints,1987,62,12,1267-1268,Hall What to ask when sexual abuse is suspected,1987,62,11,1188-1193,Bentovim Management of sexual abuse,1987,62,11,1182-1187,Hobbs Case conferences for child abuse,1987,62,10,1063-1065,Speight Assessment of child abuse,1987,62,7,761,Addy Child abuse,1987,62,5,542,Jackson Violence and children,1987,62,4,428-430,Gray Medical evidence in child abuse cases,1987,62,4,431,Taitz Medical evidence in child abuse,1987,62,1,98,Hall Deliberate self poisoning in adolescents,1988,63,12,1479-1483,Clarke Copper deficiency and non-accidental injury,1988,63,9,1111,Taitz A profile of abuse,1988,63,9,1026-1031,Taitz Severe failure to thrive and diarrhoea caused by laxative abuse,1988,63,8,978-979,Tanner Increasing medical burden of child abuse,1988,63,7,875-876,Ilett Management of sexual abuse,1988,63,6,678-679,Evans Child abuse--consequences for health services,1988,63,4,460,Watson Sexual abuse in children,1988,63,4,459-460, Sexual abuse--the final word?,1988,63,4,446-447, Copper deficiency and non-accidental injury,1988,63,4,448-455,Shaw Brittle or battered,1988,63,4,350-352,Carty Increasing medical burden of child abuse,1988,63,2,172-175,Sharma Deliberate self poisoning in adolescents,1989,64,6,889,Lazaro Reflex anal dilatation and sexual abuse,1989,64,2,303-304, Intracranial haemorrhage and non-accidental injury,1989,64,2,188-190,Newton Brittle or battered?,1989,64,1,176-177,Blumenthal Patterns of scald injuries,1994,71,2,156-158,Sibert The sexually abused battered child,1990,65,4,423-427,Hobbs Lichen sclerosus,1990,65,3,335,Harrington Lichen sclerosus and sexual abuse,1990,65,3,335,Priestley Patterns of scald injuries,1994,71,6,559,Hobbs Potentially dangerous sleeping environments and accidental asphyxia in infancy and early childhood,1994,71,6,497-500,Bourne Compliance with treatment in asthma and Munchausen syndrome by proxy,1991,66,8,956-960,Godding Fourteen cases of imposed upper airway obstruction,1992,67,12,1519,Simpson The radiological dating of injuries,1992,67,9,1063-1065,Chapman Imposed upper airway obstruction in small children,1992,67,5,663,Orme Paediatrics in the accident and emergency department,1992,67,4,560-564,Robson Anal abnormalities in childhood myotonic dystrophy--a possible source of confusion in child sexual abuse,1992,67,4,527-528,Hughes Co-morbidity associated with fabricated illness (Munchausen syndrome by proxy),1992,67,1,77-79,Bools What is and what is not 'Munchausen syndrome by proxy'?,1995,72,6,534-538,Meadow Potentially dangerous sleeping environments and accidental asphyxia in infancy and early childhood,1995,72,5,467,Levene Accidental head injury in childhood,1974,49,5,376-381,Jamison Near-drowning in Oxford children,1973,48,8,655,Pickering Families of children with repeated accidents,1972,47,253,396-400,Husband Hazards to children in traffic. A paediatrician looks at road accidents,1978,53,10,807-813,Jackson Suspected poisoning in children. Study of the incidence of true poisoning and poisoning scare in a defined population in North East Bristol,1976,51,3,180-185,Calnan Psychological care of survivors of a fire,1989,64,8,1187-1188,Jaffa Successful treatment after 'drowning' in sand,1989,64,4,615-616,Avital Measuring severity of injuries to children from home accidents,1989,64,1,180,Jarvis Accidental poisoning,1989,64,1,178,Gill Accidental poisoning,1988,63,6,584-586,Craft Measuring severity of injuries to children from home accidents,1988,63,6,635-638,McCarthy The work of the Child Accident Prevention Trust,1988,63,3,318-320,Jackson The doctor's role in the prevention of accidents,1988,63,3,235-237,Jackson Baby walkers...time to take a stand?,1987,62,10,1086, Non-natural deaths in two health districts,1985,60,6,525-529,Golding BMX compared with ordinary bicycle accidents,1985,60,5,461-464,Illingworth Accidents in Malawi,1985,60,1,64-66,Simmons Dying young in traffic,1984,59,8,754-757,Sunderland Two hundred glass injuries,1984,59,7,672-673,Bell The Child Accident Prevention Trust,1983,58,12,1031-1033,Jackson Teenage mothering admission to hospital and accidents during the first 5 years,1983,58,1,6-11,Taylor Origin of handicap in young children,1981,56,7,535-537,Jones Inequalities in health. Report of a research working group,1981,56,3,161-162,Court Follow up of victims of fabricated illness (Munchausen syndrome by proxy),1993,69,6,625-630,Bools Expert evidence in cases of child abuse,1993,68,5,712-714,Williams Chicken scratches,1993,69,3,408,Srivatsa Infant rib fracture--birth trauma or non-accidental injury,1993,68,2,250,Barry Coroner's records of accidental deaths,1992,67,5,664-665,Bannon Hazard from the exposed terminals of a battery driven transport incubator,1992,67,1,151-152,Rennie Accidents on hospital wards,1992,67,1,151,Bannon Coroners' records of accidental deaths,1991,66,10,1239-1241,Levene Accidental poisoning in children,1991,66,9,1104,Gill Accidents on hospital wards,1991,66,9,1047-1049,Levene Accidental poisoning in children: can we admit fewer children with safety?,1991,66,2,263-266,Sibert Child Protection Medicals - Why Do We Do Them?,2010,95,5,336-340,Mok Boric acid poisoning in infancy arising from the treatment of napkin rash,1953,28,142,484-489,Fraser Poisoning by the volatile oils in childhood,1953,28,142,475-483,Craig Accidental poisoning in childhood,1953,28,140,259-267,Craig Accidental poisoning of young children,1953,28,137,26-29,Swinscow Resorcin poisoning,1956,31,157,173-176,Cunningham Spontaneous dislocation of the cervical spine in childhood,1957,32,166,505-507,Mackay Community aspects of trauma in childhood,1957,32,166,499-501,Brotherston Head injuries in childhood,1957,32,166,488-491,Harris Accidental digoxin poisoning in a child of 2 years,1957,32,164,359-360,Greenberg Not non-accidental injury: a rare alternative diagnosis,2009,94,12,920, Modelling early recovery patterns after pediatric traumatic brain injury,2010,95,4,266-270,Forsyth What are the clinical and radiological characteristics of spinal injuries from physical abuse: a systematic review,2010,95,5,355-360,Kemp The importance of accident-proneness in the aetiology of head injuries in childhood,1960,35,,215-223,Partington Head injuries in children. Observations on their incidence and causes with an enquiry into the value of routine skull x-rays,1960,35,,205-214,Burkinshaw Contusion of the lung in childhood,1961,36,,557-561,Schwartz Accidental poisoning in children,1961,36,,390-393,Heasman Kerosene poisoning in children,1964,39,4,502-504,Fenech Accidents in childhood,1962,37,,209-213,Rickham Late prognosis of severe head injuries in childhood,1962,37,,113-116,Nylander Symmetrical epiphyseal destruction by frostbite,1962,37,,51-52,Kozlowski Understanding emotional abuse,2010,95,1,59-67,Rees Nasal bleeding and non-accidental injury in an infant,2010,95,1,53-54,Davies A community intervention trial to evaluate emergency care practitioners in the management of children,2011,96,7,658-663,Mason Association of perinatal events epilepsy and central nervous system trauma with juvenile delinquency,1992,67,12,1459-1461,Koiranen Child health in Colombia,2009,94,11,900-903,Choonara Prevention of mental health problems: rationale for a universal approach,2007,92,1,34-38,Wake Subdural haematoma and effusion in infancy: an epidemiological study,2005,90,9,952-955,Seal A comparative analysis of abandoned street children and formerly abandoned street children in La Paz Bolivia,2004,89,9,821-826,Huang Child health statistical review 1997,1997,77,6,542-548,Platt Urbanisation and child health in resource poor settings with special reference to under-five mortality in Africa,2010,95,6,464-468,Garenne Head injury and limb fracture in modern playgrounds,2004,89,2,152-153,Rolfe Recent skin injuries in children with motor disabilities,2010,95,5,387-390,Newman Genital gonorrhoea in children: determining the source and mode of infection,2011,96,3,247-251,Kelly The significance of bruising in infants--a forensic postmortem study,2011,96,3,218-220,Byard The dangers of soft bedding for infants,1993,69,6,711,Emery Injuries in primary care practices,1993,68,2,223-226,Gofin Caustic ingestion,1993,68,2,157-158,Spitz Alcohol abuse in adolescence: an update,1993,68,3,341-343,Swadi Snoring sleep disturbance and behaviour in 4-5 year olds,1993,68,3,360-366,Stradling Application of the CHALICE clinical prediction rule for intracranial injury in children outside the UK: impact on head CT rate,2010,95,12,1017-1022,Anderson Near fatal ingestion of oil of cloves,1993,69,3,392-393,Moore Injury epidemiology: emerging statistics and strategy,1993,69,4,471,Murmu Influence of homelessness on acute admissions to hospital,1993,69,4,423-429,Taylor Rebreathing expired gases from bedding: a cause of cot death?,1993,69,2,187-190,Campbell Drowning and sudden cardiac death,2011,96,1,5-8,Martin Genital examination under ketamine sedation in cases of suspected sexual abuse,1994,70,3,197-8; discussion 198-9,Harari Child resistant packaging and accidental child poisoning,1994,70,4,357,Logan Child health statistical review,1994,71,6,548-554,Staples Child casualties in a Croatian community during the 1991-2 war,1994,71,6,540-542,Jelić Cycle helmet wearing in teenagers--do health beliefs influence behaviour?,1994,71,6,536-539,Joshi Murder misdiagnosed as SIDS: a perpetrator's perspective,2001,85,6,454-459,Simpson Categories of preventable unexpected infant deaths,1990,65,5,535-539,Emery Infanticide filicide and cot death,1985,60,6,505-507,Emery Variation in recording of child maltreatment in administrative records of hospital admissions for injury in England 1997-2009,2010,95,11,918-925,Van Der Meulen Osteogenesis imperfecta non-accidental injury and temporary brittle bone disease,1996,74,1,91,Blumenthal Non-accidental fracture occurring in hospital,1996,74,1,89-90,Southall Out-of-home day care and health,1996,74,1,73-76,Roberts Estimation of the age of bruising,1996,74,1,53-55,Stephenson Idiopathic epilepsy and school achievement,1994,70,5,424-428,Sturniolo Munchausen syndrome by proxy,1996,74,3,274-275,Donald Violence in children: the scope for prevention,1996,74,3,185-187,Graham A study of bereavement care after a sudden and unexpected death,1996,74,6,522-526,Dent Osteogenesis imperfecta non-accidental injury and temporary brittle bone disease,1995,72,2,169-71; discussion 171-6,Smith Outcome after severe non-accidental head injury,1997,77,6,504-507,Haviland Diurnal variation in stature: is stretching the answer?,1997,77,4,319-322,Voss Joint effect of maternal depression and intimate partner violence on increased risk of child death in rural Ethiopia,2010,95,10,771-775,Deyessa All they need is love? Helping children to recover from neglect and abuse,2011,96,10,969-976,Rees Introduction of HIV post-exposure prophylaxis for sexually abused children in Malawi,2005,90,12,1297-1299,Ahmad Is protecting children bad for your health?,2005,90,11,1105-1106,Hall An open letter to Doctors Mather and Bannon,2005,90,3,236-237,Chambers Paediatricians and child protection: the need for effective education and training,2003,88,7,560-562,Bannon Protecting children supporting professionals,2003,88,7,557-559,Hall Classification of child abuse by motive and degree rather than type of injury,2003,88,2,101-104,Southall Health protection and a new strategy for combating infection in children,2003,88,1,1-3,Nicoll Who is failing abused and neglected children?,2001,85,4,300-302,Harrison Covert video surveillance,2000,82,4,336,Foreman ChildLine--the first twelve years,2000,82,4,283-285,Harrison The aftermath of Cleveland,1988,63,9,1010-1011,Appleyard Images in paediatrics: Ironing board impalement,2007,92,9,758,Napier Trial of Therapeutic Assessment in London: Randomised controlled trial of Therapeutic Assessment versus standard psychosocial assessment in adolescents presenting with self-harm,2011,96,2,148-153,Taylor The prevention of accidents in childhood in Sweden,1957,32,166,495-498,Ehrenpreis Primidone intoxication in a child,1969,44,234,282-284,Kappy The difference transport makes to child mortality and preventive healthcare efforts: Riders for Health,2011,96,2,197-199,Coleman Oral factors in accidental poisoning,1955,30,153,419-423,Craig Health effects of family size: cross sectional survey in Chinese adolescents,2003,88,6,467-471,Tomkins Mortality and diabetes from a population based register in Yorkshire 1978-93,1998,78,5,435-438,Warner How to distinguish between neglect and deprivational abuse,2003,88,2,105-107,Southall Healthcare use by children fatally or seriously harmed by child maltreatment: analysis of a national case series 2005-2007,2011,96,3,270-275,Sidebotham Successful e-learning programme on the detection of child abuse in Emergency Departments: a randomised controlled trial,2011,96,4,330-334,van de Putte Detection of child abuse in emergency departments: a multi-centre study,2011,96,5,422-425,Moll Sterile site infection at autopsy in sudden unexpected deaths in infancy,2009,94,4,303-307,Goldwater Influences of ethnicity on perinatal and child mortality in the Netherlands,2001,84,3,222-226,Schulpen Evaluation of a national surveillance unit,1999,80,1,21-27,Williams A judicial comment on temporary brittle bone disease,1995,73,4,379,Lynch Colposcopic genital findings in prepubertal girls assessed for sexual abuse,1995,73,5,480,Hobbs Cognitive behaviour therapy in children and adolescents,1995,73,5,472-475,Thompson Colposcopic genital findings in prepubertal girls assessed for sexual abuse,1995,73,5,465-9; discussion 469-71,Hobbs Is Munchausen syndrome by proxy really a syndrome?,1995,72,6,530-534,Mitchell Practical concerns about the diagnosis of Munchausen syndrome by proxy,1995,72,6,528-9; discussion 529-30,Morley Female genital mutilation,1995,72,1,98-99,Roberton Making paediatric assessment in suspected sexual abuse a therapeutic experience,1995,73,2,174-176,De San Lazaro 'Toddler's fracture'? A recognised entity,1995,72,4,376,Sarmah A study of sexual abuse in an Asian community,1995,72,4,346-347,Hobbs Genital examination under ketamine sedation in cases of suspected sexual abuse,1994,71,5,481; author reply 481-2,Sury Genital examination under ketamine sedation in cases of suspected sexual abuse,1994,71,5,481; author reply 481-2,Rogers Silent at school--elective mutism and abuse,1994,70,6,540-541,MacGregor Adolescent female sex workers: invisibility violence and HIV,2011,96,5,478-481,Silverman Health education: evidence of effectiveness,1997,77,3,189-191,Tones Needle injuries as a cause of non-accidental injury,1997,77,2,187,Kelly The range of visceral manifestations of non-accidental injury,1997,77,2,167-174,Hall Sports injuries in children: should we be concerned?,1997,77,2,161-163,Helms Are boys better than girls at building a tower or a bridge at 2 years of age?,1997,77,2,140-144,Labarthe Minor head injury,1997,77,1,82-85,Beattie Judicial attitudes to expert evidence in children's cases,1997,76,6,485-487,Wall Guarding paediatricians against allegations of assault,1997,76,5,477,Smith Head injury--abuse or accident?,1997,76,5,393-6; discussion 396-7,Wilkins Surveillance measures of the hips of children with bilateral cerebral palsy,1997,76,4,381-384,Scrutton Violence in children,1997,76,3,289,Kewley Injuries and the risk of disability in teenagers and young adults,1997,76,2,175,Appleton Book review of Physical Signs of Child Abuse,1997,76,2,174,Sibert Presentation and outcome of severe anticholinesterase insecticide poisoning,2002,86,5,352-355,Reynolds pH changes in children with burns,1969,44,238,779,Harris Paraquat poisoning in children,1970,45,241,425-427,Martin Armed conflict and child health,2012,97,1,59-62,Rieder Childhood drowning and traditional rescue measures: case study from Matlab Bangladesh,2011,96,7,675-680,Hyder Sports injuries in children--a radiological viewpoint,1994,70,6,457-460,Carty Violence against women and the risk of fetal and early childhood growth impairment: a cohort study in rural Bangladesh,2009,94,10,775-779,Naved Which clinical features distinguish inflicted from non-inflicted brain injury? A systematic review,2009,94,11,860-867,Kemp The incidence and aetiology of epistaxis in infants: a population-based study,2009,94,6,421-424,Sibert First do no harm,2006,91,2,202,Irani Cognitive and neuroimaging findings in physically abused preschoolers,2005,90,1,82-85,Ewing-Cobbs A general paediatrician's practice in children's rights,2005,90,2,178-181,Waterston Bruising in preschool children with special needs,2005,90,12,1318; author reply 1318,Barton War and children,1998,78,1,72-77,Southall Abuse or metabolic disorder?,1998,78,4,399,Hoffmann Pretrial liaison between doctors in alleged child abuse,1998,79,3,205-206,David Sexually transmitted organisms in sexually abused children,1998,79,4,356-358,Robinson Practical approaches to reduce the impact of bullying,1998,79,6,528-531,Thompson How common is abuse in Greece? Studying cases with femoral fractures,2001,85,4,289-292,Petridou A suggested update for coma guideline,2010,95,7,570-571,Reece A case-control study of somatic and behavioural symptoms in sexually abused boys,1996,75,3,237-238,Sibert Child sexual abuse--have we learned the lessons of Cleveland?,1996,75,1,88-89,Blumenthal When is HIV an issue after child sexual abuse?,1996,75,1,85-87,Mok Guarding paediatricians against allegations of assault,1996,75,1,82-85,Chambers Epidemiology of Munchausen syndrome by proxy non-accidental poisoning and non-accidental suffocation,1996,75,1,57-61,Sibert Outcome of criminal investigation into allegations of sexual abuse,1996,75,2,149-152,Donaldson Violence against trainee paediatricians,2001,84,2,106-108,Mackin Medication errors in the homes of children with chronic conditions,2011,96,6,581-586,Walsh Personal practice: An approach to investigation of easy bruising,2001,84,6,488-491,Vora Bullying involvement in primary school and common health problems,2001,85,3,197-201,Wolke Oliver Twist textbook of child abuse,2001,85,6,504-505,Brennan When is an abnormal frenulum a sign of child abuse?,2004,89,3,277,Chan Somatic and psychological problems in a cohort of sexually abused boys: a six year follow up case-control study,2002,86,3,164-167,Maddocks Investigating subdural haemorrhage in infants,2002,86,2,98-102,Kemp A scoring system for bruise patterns: a tool for identifying abuse,2002,86,5,330-333,Kemp Fits faints or fatal fantasy? Fabricated seizures and child abuse,2002,86,4,230-233,Davis Munchausen syndrome involving pets by proxies,2002,87,3,263,Finlay The role of the expert witness,2002,87,4,267-268,Williams Problems with scoring bruises,2002,87,5,449,Krishnan Complementary use of radiological skeletal survey and bone scintigraphy in detection of bony injuries in suspected child abuse,2003,88,5,387-90; discussion 387-90,Fitzgerald Apnoea and brain swelling in non-accidental head injury,2003,88,6,472-6; discussion 472-6,Kemp From Cosette to Climbié: "progress is the aim the ideal is the model",2003,88,7,562,Williams Child advocacy and the Queen's representative; an unlikely link,2003,88,11,980,Oberklaid The physical punishment of children,2000,83,3,196-198,Lynch The effects of television on child health: implications and recommendations,2000,83,4,289-292,Bar-on In defence of the Children Act,2000,83,6,463-467,Hale Deliberate sulphonylurea poisoning mimicking hyperinsulinaemia of infancy,2000,82,5,392-393,Shield Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures: management and prognosis,2000,82,6,474-478,Robinson Follow up study eight years after diagnosis of sexual abuse,2000,83,2,132-134,Hobbs Examination of children who may have been sexually abused,2000,82,3,268,Hobbs Controversy: Is the Children Act failing severely abused and neglected children?,2000,82,3,192-196,Speight Identification and management of failure to thrive: a community perspective,2000,82,1,5-9,Wright Fourteen cases of imposed upper airway obstruction,1992,67,2,162-170,Jacobson Factitious illness: recognition and management,1992,67,12,1510-1516,Postlethwaite Abuse or metabolic disorder,1999,80,1,100,Champion Post-traumatic stress disorder,1999,80,2,107-109,Yule The prevalence and distribution of bruising in babies,1999,80,4,363-366,Carpenter Glutaric aciduria and suspected child abuse,1999,80,5,404-405,Hoffmann Pretrial liaison between doctors in alleged child abuse,1999,81,2,189,Hodes Recurrent apparent life threatening events and intentional suffocation,1999,81,2,189,Southall Doctors as expert witnesses,1999,81,2,189,Wynne Unnatural sudden infant death,1999,81,1,96,Spencer Unnatural sudden infant death,1999,81,1,96,Barson Vulvovaginitis: clinical features aetiology and microbiology of the genital tract,1999,81,1,64-67,Grover Covert video surveillance: an important investigative tool or a breach of trust?,1999,81,4,291-294,Craft Behavioural phenotype of Cornelia de Lange syndrome,1999,81,4,333-336,Burn Outcome of psychiatric intervention in factitious illness by proxy (Munchausen's syndrome by proxy),1999,81,6,465-472,Jones How to manage warts,1999,81,5,460,Hobbs The epidemiology of oro-nasal haemorrhage and suffocation in infants admitted to hospital in Scotland over 10 years,2010,95,10,810-816,Armstrong Child-protection medical assessments: the need for a uniform service model,2010,95,12,1070,Ray Changes in rates of violent child deaths in England and Wales between 1974 and 2008: an analysis of national mortality data,2012,97,3,193-199,Sidebotham Carbon monoxide poisoning in two children riding in the back of a van,1994,71,5,482,Smith Ethylene chlorohydrin intoxication with fatality,1970,45,242,589-590,Miller Evaluation of 'infant at risk' registers,1970,45,243,634-639,Knox Genital herpes in children under 11 years and investigations for sexual abuse,2011,96,8,752-757,Reading "Tarantula eyes',1996,75,5,462-463,Wild Alcohol and the young,1996,75,5,361-363,Graham Use of the colposcope in examination for sexual abuse,1996,75,6,539-542,Wynne Lichen sclerosus et atrophicus and sexual abuse,1996,75,6,512-516,Warrington Child health statistics review 1998,1998,79,6,523-527,Platt Development of components of motor skill in childhood,1971,46,247,398,Rosenbloom Accidental poisoning with thyroid extract treated by exchange transfusion,1972,47,256,980-982,Gerard Deaths from acute lead poisoning,1972,47,253,446-448,Alexander Diphenoxylate hydrochloride ('Lomotil') poisoning in children,1971,46,248,562-563,Wheeldon Imipramine poisoning,1971,46,250,887,Turner Immigrant children and the day-to-day work of a paediatrician,1972,47,251,126-130,Arthurton Conditions accounting for substantial time spent in hospital in children aged 1-14 years,1992,67,1,83-86,Goldacre Severe burns in children 1964-1974,1976,51,1,67-72,Cogswell Educational and social characteristics of children with asthmna,1973,48,6,467-471,Mitchell Unintentional injuries among children in resource poor settings: where do the fingers point?,2012,97,1,35-38,Balan Scald risk in social housing can be reduced through thermostatic control system without increasing Legionella risk: a cluster randomised trial,2011,96,12,1097-1102,Green Poisoning with delayed-release tablets. Treatment of Debendox poisoning with purgation and dialysis,1974,49,4,310-312,Meadow Proceedings: Head injury in children,1974,49,10,827,Craft Neuroimaging: What neuroradiological features distinguish abusive from non-abusive head trauma? A systematic review,2011,96,12,1103-1112,Kemp Developing injury surveillance in accident and emergency departments,1998,78,2,108-110,Stone Epidemiology of head injury,1998,78,5,403-406,Jennett Mothering to death,1999,81,4,372,Rahman Effect of maternal education and ethnic background on infant development,1975,50,6,454-457,Ivanans Iatrogenic psychological harm,2011,97,5,440-446,Rees Paracetamol overdosage,2000,82,5,428,Whittle Oleander poisoning,2001,84,1,9,Davies Ingested pins causing perforation,2001,84,2,165-166,Stricker A practical outcome scale for paediatric head injury,2001,84,2,120-124,Forsyth Alcohol misuse,2001,84,2,95-97,Robson Sudden infant death syndrome: bed sharing with mothers who smoke,2003,88,2,112-113,Manning Caustic burn caused by potassium permanganate,2003,88,2,96,Baron Patterns of admissions for children with special needs to the paediatric assessment unit,2004,89,2,165-169,Mahon Return to school after brain injury,2004,89,2,136-142,Ward Playground injuries to children,2004,89,2,103-108,Sibert Can you age bruises accurately in children? A systematic review,2005,90,2,187-189,Sibert Planning for major incidents involving children by implementing a Delphi study,1999,80,5,410-413,Mackway-Jones Delphi study into planning for care of children in major incidents,1999,80,5,406-409,Mackway-Jones Pharmacological advance in the treatment of acute brain injury,1999,81,1,90-95,Tasker Botryoid neutrophils in unexpected heat stroke,1999,81,2,189,Kitazawa Caffeine and alcohol as risk factors for sudden infant death syndrome. Nordic Epidemiological SIDS Study,1999,81,2,107-111,Helweg-Larsen No strings attached: preventing deaths from children's clothing,1999,81,3,282-283,Ryan Injury surveillance in an accident and emergency department: a year in the life of CHIRPP,1999,80,6,533-536,Stone Permanent sequelae in sports injuries: a population based study,1999,81,4,324-328,Marchi Cardiac causes for syncope or sudden death in childhood,1999,81,4,289-291,Wren Unnatural sudden infant death,1999,80,1,7-14,Meadow Randomised controlled trial of site specific advice on school travel patterns,2003,88,1,8-11,DiGuiseppi 20 mm lithium button battery causing an oesophageal perforation in a toddler: lessons in diagnosis and treatment,2012,97,8,746-747,Soccorso Child abuse and its legislation: the global picture,2012,97,8,679-684,Cutland Break dancer's lung,2002,86,3,224,Balfour-Lynn Head injuries in infants: the risks of bouncy chairs and car seats,2002,86,3,168-169,Wickham Child pedestrian traffic safety--do health beliefs influence behavior?,1995,72,4,376,Duckett Munchausen syndrome,1993,69,5,619,Teller Category D: unknown whether ill treatment is cause,2003,88,7,645,Nelson Risk factors predisposing to pedestrian road traffic injury in children living in Lima Peru: a case-control study,2012,97,8,709-713,Gilman Home visiting programmes for the prevention of child maltreatment: cost-effectiveness of 33 programmes,2012,97,9,787-798,Segal Screening for abuse and mental health problems among illiterate runaway adolescents in an Indian metropolis,2012,97,11,947-951,Bhat Relationship between walking levels and perceptions of the local neighbourhood environment,2007,92,1,29-33,Roberts Poisoning in young children,2012,97,9,831-832,Anderson Can we identify abusive bites on children?,2006,91,11,951,Sibert Menkes disease mimicking non-accidental injury,2006,91,11,919,Bacopoulou Personality functioning: the influence of stature,2004,89,1,17-21,Ulph Massacre of the innocents,2004,89,1,7,Williams Observational study of suspected maltreatment in Italian paediatric emergency departments,2005,90,4,406-410,Palazzi Giant hogweed burns,2013,98,7,544,Probert Contemporary hazards in the home: keeping children safe from thermal injuries,2013,98,7,485-489,Coupland 'White-eyed' blowout fracture: a case series of five children,2013,98,6,445-446,Foulds Night blindness and conjunctival xerosis caused by vitamin A deficiency in patients with cystic fibrosis,1989,64,8,1151-1156,Rayner Window blind cords and accidental strangulation,2013,98,7,565,Datta Randomised controlled trial of therapeutic assessment versus usual assessment in adolescents with self-harm: 2-year follow-up,2013,98,10,772-776,Taylor Engaging young people in treatment after self-harm,2013,98,10,749-750,Cottrell 'Ping-pong skull' after a fall from bed,2013,98,9,696,Taylor Diagnosis and acute management of patients with concussion at children's hospitals,2013,98,12,934-938,Meehan Patterns of accidental craniocerebral injury occurring in early childhood,2013,98,10,787-792,Thomas A child an hour: burden of injury deaths among children under 5 in Pakistan,2013,98,11,867-871,Razzak The cost-effectiveness of diagnostic management strategies for children with minor head injury,2013,98,12,939-944,Holmes Target-shaped edematous purple lesions: is it child abuse?,2014,99,1,44-45,Robl The price of failure: triage after apparently minor head injury,2013,98,12,925-926,Forsyth Home injury risks to young children in Karachi Pakistan: a pilot study,2013,98,11,881-886,Hyder Suicide and accidental deaths in children and adolescents in England and Wales 2001-2010,2013,98,12,945-950,Hunt Bruising in children who are assessed for suspected physical abuse,2014,99,2,108-113,Nuttall Bullying Involvement in Primary School and Common Health Problems,2001,85,3,612-613,Karstadt Accurate data on all injury deaths is vital for monitoring suicide prevention,2013,98,12,926-927,Gilbert Reducing the global burden of childhood unintentional injuries,2014,99,1,62-69,Hyder Weekly sport practice and adolescent well-being,2014,99,3,208-210,Suris 'Oral injury in child abuse',2014,99,3,207,Howsam Epidemiology of paediatric firearm injuries in the USA 2001-2010,2014,99,4,331-335,Lee The invisible soldiers: understanding how the life experiences of girl child soldiers impacts upon their health and rehabilitation needs,2014,99,5,458-462,Stevens Child protection: A blend of art and science,2014,99,2,101-102,Cass Child and family outcomes of a long-term nurse home visitation programme: a randomised controlled trial,2011,96,6,533-540,Vimpani Primary school accident reporting in one education authority,2002,86,2,91-94,Sibert Short report: Is regional paediatric surveillance useful? Experience in Wales,2001,84,6,486-487,Sibert Children choking on foreign bodies from toys,1991,66,9,1104,Sibert Swivel walkers in Duchenne muscular dystrophy,1987,62,7,741-742,Sibert Improvements in child resistant containers,1987,62,4,432-433,Sibert Improving facilities for children in an accident department,1987,62,3,299-301,Sibert Improvements in child resistant containers,1985,60,12,1155-1157,Sibert Patterns of burns and scalds in children,2014,99,4,316-321,Maguire A comparison of the performance of healthy Australian 3-year-olds with the standardised norms of the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development (version-III),2014,99,7,621-624,Chinta Pediatric Emergency Research in the UK and Ireland (PERUKI): developing a collaborative for multicentre research,2014,99,6,602-603,Maconochie Child Abuse: Prediction Prevention and Follow-up,1978,53,5,440, Research involving children--ethics the law and the climate of opinion,1978,53,6,441-442, Bruising in non-mobile babies,2014,99,7,699,Mecrow Eucalyptus oil poisoning,1980,55,5,405-406,Patel Post-traumatic tremor in head injured children,1992,67,2,227-228,Johnson Rehabilitation and outcome after severe head injury,1992,67,2,222-226,Rosenbloom Adder bites in children,1979,54,5,392-395,Wild Water intoxication by the oral route in an infant,1979,54,7,551-553,Levi Brain injury: younger is not better,2014,99,8,782, Epidemiology of paediatric firearm injuries,2014,99,8,790,Murch Does sexually transmitted infection always mean sexual abuse in young children?,2014,99,8,705-706,Kelly Inhaled non-radio-opaque foreign bodies,1985,60,3,289,Goel Impact of improved perinatal care on the causes of death,1984,59,3,199-207,Hillier Hospital admissions for unintentional poisoning in preschool children in England; 2000-2011,2014,100,2,180-182,Millett Accidental nicotine liquid ingestion: emerging paediatric problem,2014,99,12,1149,Gupta Paracetamol-associated acute liver failure in Australian and New Zealand children: high rate of medication errors,2014,100,1,77-80,Rajanayagam Penetrating eye injuries,1989,64,3,317-320,Patel Fetal phenytoin exposure hypoplastic nails and jitteriness,1991,66,3,320-324,D'Souza Case conferences-for child abuse,1987,62,3,316-317, Risk factors for long-bone fractures in children up to 5 years of age: a nested case-control study,2014,100,5,432-437,Kendrick Low injury rates in elite athletes,1993,68,1,130-132,Maffulli Prolonged school non-attendance in adolescence: a practical approach,2014,100,5,508,Sidebotham Infant suffocation in place of sleep: New Zealand national data 2002-2009,2014,100,7,610-614,Dalziel Mini-magnets causing scrotal emergency in a 12-year-old boy,2014,100,5,494,Salmasi The larynx and caustic soda ingestion,2015,100,6,570,Kua Patterns of bruising in preschool children-a longitudinal study,2015,100,5,426-431,Hamilton Country level economic disparities in child injury mortality,2015,100,Suppl 1,S29-S33,Laflamme Shedding light on non-accidental bruising,2015,100,5,419-420,Stephenson Long-term effects of bullying,2015,100,9,879-885,Wolke Sudden unexpected death in infancy: aetiology pathophysiology epidemiology and prevention in 2015,2015,100,10,984-988,Blair Female genital mutilation: what every paediatrician should know,2015,101,3,267-271,Hodes How dangerous a toy can be? The magnetic effect,2015,100,11,1049-1050,Shalaby Beyond Bellagio: addressing the challenge of sustainable child health in developing countries,2004,89,5,483-487,Bhutta Imaging in suspected child abuse: necessity or radiation hazard?,2015,100,12,1163-1168,Bajaj Contribution of recurrent admissions in children and young people to emergency hospital admissions: retrospective cohort analysis of hospital episode statistics,2015,100,9,845-849,Gilbert Prevalence and associated harm of engagement in self-asphyxial behaviours ('choking game') in young people: a systematic review,2015,100,12,1106-1114,Gunnell Abusive head trauma and accidental head injury: a 20-year comparative study of referrals to a hospital child protection team,2015,100,12,1123-1130,Kelly International comparison of sudden unexpected death in infancy rates using a newly proposed set of cause-of-death codes,2015,100,11,1018-1023,Sidebotham Female genital mutilation in children presenting to a London safeguarding clinic: a case series,2015,101,3,212-216,Hodes The hazards of button battery ingestion,2015,100,11,1010-1011,Thomson Risk-taking behaviour in adolescents. 'Chance only favors the prepared mind',2015,100,12,1101-1102,Macnab Trends in admission and death rates due to paediatric head injury in England 2000-2011,2015,100,12,1136-1140,Mytton Head injury from falls in children younger than 6 years of age,2015,100,11,1032-1037,Kemp Parental knowledge of school backpack weight and contents,2003,88,1,18-19,Schuchmann Biomechanical characteristics of head injuries from falls in children younger than 48 months,2015,101,4,310-315,Theobald Pneumothorax after a roller coaster ride,2006,91,5,421,Thakur Thermoregulatory effects of swaddling in Mongolia: a randomised controlled study,2015,101,2,152-160,Blair Risk and protective factors for falls on stairs in young children: multicentre case-control study,2015,101,10,909-916,Watson Preterm birth and behavioural outcomes at 8 years of age: a nationwide survey in Japan,2015,101,4,338-343,Yorifuji Female genital mutilation: making the case for good practice,2016,101,3,207-209,Debelle Epidemiology of children 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