Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Effectiveness of cycle helmets and the ethics of legislation,2004,97,8,410; author reply 410-1,Swanson Effectiveness of cycle helmets and the ethics of legislation,2004,97,8,410,Swanson Ocular air-gun injury: 19 cases,2001,94,8,396-399,Shuttleworth Can a lecture influence attitudes to suicide prevention?,1996,89,2,87-90,Evans Head injuries in infants caused by falls from surfaces while restrained in car seats,1997,90,6,335-336,Dixon The danger of wearing an anorak,2002,95,4,192-193,Lim Reducing the toll of road traffic accidents,2003,96,12,617,Denney Reducing the toll of road traffic accidents,2003,96,12,617,Bache Prevention of drowning,1991,84,8,453,Lucas How to reduce the toll of road traffic accidents,2003,96,10,475-476,Charlton Reducing the toll of road traffic accidents,2004,97,3,157; discussion 157,Adams Suicide prevention and developing countries,2005,98,10,459-463,Khan The use of seat belts on British motorways,1994,87,4,206-207,Wyatt Incidence of ocular injuries from road traffic accidents after introduction of seat belt legislation,1984,77,3,198-200,Vernon Road traffic accidents before and after seatbelt legislation--study in a district general hospital,1990,83,2,79-81,Thomas Seat belts--six years on,1989,82,3,125-126,Simson Serious eye injury from windscreen contact,1983,76,11,911-916,Keightley Road traffic accidents and seatbelts,1990,83,8,536,Kahn Epilepsy and driving: attitudes and practices among patients attending a seizure clinic,1993,86,10,566-568,Dickey Dementia and driving,1992,85,4,199-202,O'neill Effectiveness of bicycle helmets and the ethics of legislation,2004,97,10,503,Burdett Compulsory helmets for cyclists,2004,97,12,612,Gandevia Compulsory helmets for cyclists,2005,98,2,86,Anand Measuring the severity of injury,1980,73,1,19-22,Yates Making cycle helmets compulsory: ethical arguments for legislation,2004,97,6,262-265,Sheikh Walking cycling and transport safety: an analysis of child road deaths,2006,99,8,402-405,Green Trends in self-poisoning: admissions to a central London hospital 1991-1994,1997,90,9,496-498,McEvedy Brief family intervention in adolescents who deliberately self-harm,1997,90,9,484-487,Kerfoot A dog bite to the eyelid,2004,97,2,78-79,Mandal Wrongful diagnosis of child abuse--a master theory,2005,98,6,249-254,Le Fanu Child abuse and pediatrics,2005,98,5,229-231,David Taking chance out of living--and dying: the merseyside accident information model (maim),1989,82,7,381-382,Manning Sexual assault: key issues,2007,100,7,321-324,Cybulska Reducing the toll of road traffic accidents,2003,96,12,617,Denney Reducing the toll of road traffic accidents,2003,96,12,617-618,Christophersen Reducing the toll of road traffic accidents,2003,96,12,617,Phillips Four children crushed in their driveways,2001,94,6,294-296,Stringer Convictions in sexual assault cases,2007,100,9,397-398,Denney Conflicts accidents catastrophes and chaos: road transport in the 21st Century,1994,87,7,403-407,Wright The aging driver,1992,85,4,188-189,Bull Female sexual abuse of children: 'the ultimate taboo',1994,87,11,691-694,Elliott Trends in urban violence: a comparison of accident department and police records,1993,86,2,87-88,Shepherd Assault as a public health problem: discussion paper,1993,86,2,89-92,Shepherd The results of examinations of serious sexual offences: a review,1992,85,8,467-468,Manser Violence and public health,1996,89,9,501-505,Golding Reversing motor vehicle injuries: a preventable tragedy,2008,101,4,163-164,Buxton Acknowledging a persistent truth: domestic violence in pregnancy,2008,101,7,358-363,Bewley Walking and cycling transport safety,2007,100,1,8,Clinch Effectiveness of bicycle helmets and the ethics of legislation,2004,97,8,409-10; author reply 410-1,Wardlaw Overconfidence in warfare,2007,100,2,63-64,Potts The jigsaw of child protection,2008,101,2,93-94,Payne Regarding Formula One and global road safety,2008,101,2,52; author reply 52-3,Ericson The jigsaw of child protection,2008,101,7,334,Scott Euthanasia and suicide in antiquity: viewpoint of the dramatists and philosophers,2007,100,1,25-28,Papadimitriou Drivers of violent conflict,2007,100,12,538,Thayer Policy on the prevention of suicidal behaviour; one treatment for all may be an unrealistic expectation,2007,100,10,461-464,Pitman Formula One and global road safety: response by the FIA Foundation,2007,100,9,412-413,Ward Drivers of violent conflict,2007,100,9,403-406,Kett Interrogation of prisoners after 2003: the role of health professionals,2007,100,6,265-266,Baron Folter Arzt: interrogation of prisoners in Austria in 1773,2007,100,6,262-264,Baron Fear ever young: the terrorist death toll in perspective,2006,99,12,646,Gunasekera Beyond consent: the potential for atrocity,2006,99,4,175-177,Gaw The future of child protection,2006,99,1,6-9,Hall Identifying patients at high risk of emergency hospital admissions: a logistic regression analysis,2006,99,8,406-414,Aylin A study of abused children on the Gosport (Hampshire) peninsula,1979,72,10,743-747,Bennett Psychosurgery -- why not ban it?,1980,73,7,526-528,Norton Vitiated air: a Victorian villain?,1981,74,12,914-919,Carter Children at risk,1981,74,11,792-793,Thomson High velocity missile injuries: a review,1982,75,12,966-969,Feuchtwanger Recognition and management of patients who repeatedly swallow foreign bodies,1982,75,2,107-110,James 'Wednesday's children': a review of child abuse,1982,75,2,83-88,Jackson Effects of vibration noise and restraint on heart rate blood pressure and renal blood flow in the pig,1983,76,10,841-847,Stephens Head injury and mental handicap,1983,76,7,545-549,Akuffo Urban violence in the United States--implications for health and for Britain in the future: discussion paper,1983,76,4,283-288,Rushforth Prevention: rhetoric and reality,1984,77,4,268-280,Eisenberg Alcohol consumption as a cause of emergency general medical admissions,1986,79,9,558,Gill Emergency management of accidental hypothermia: a review,1986,79,9,528-531,Maclean Driving after a stroke,1986,79,4,200-203,Wade Detecting alcohol consumption as a cause of emergency general medical admissions,1986,79,3,132-136,Baron Trends in the severity of self-poisoning,1986,79,2,74-75,Moran Disorientation in army helicopter operations: a review,1985,78,10,856-859,Braithwaite The Halifax (Nova Scotia) explosion of 1917: an epilogue,1987,80,12,774-775,Connelly Changing ethnic and social characteristics of patients admitted for self-poisoning in West London during 1971/2 and 1983/4,1987,80,3,145-148,Baron Assessment of self-poisoning patients by psychiatrists and junior medical staff,1988,81,2,97-99,Creed Prevention of suicide and parasuicide: what can we learn from history?,1989,82,11,640-642,Anderson Can suicide and parasuicide be prevented?,1989,82,11,648-652,Kreitman Suicide and its prevention,1989,82,11,637,Morgan Parasuicide in central London 1984-1988,1989,82,11,653-656,Fuller Efficacy of different strategies of aftercare for patients who have attempted suicide,1989,82,11,643-647,Moller Auto-vampirism--an unusual cause of anaemia,1989,82,10,630-631,Levi Seat belt injuries,1989,82,7,447-448, Assaults in south east London,1989,82,5,281-284,Hocking Multicultural aspects of child abuse in Britain,1989,82,2,65-66,Qureshi The psychosocial assessment of patients discharged from accident and emergency departments after deliberate self-poisoning,1994,87,9,515-516,Ebbage Policing a violent society,1990,83,7,425-426,Imbert Glass abuse and urban licensed premises,1990,83,4,276-277,Shepherd Pattern severity and aetiology of injuries in victims of assault,1990,83,2,75-78,Shepherd Radiological aspects of non-accidental injury,1990,83,2,67-71,Chapman Role of drugs and alcohol in patients with head injury,1991,84,10,608-610,Boyle Anticipation of disaster,1991,84,5,323,Edwards Evaluation of a home visiting and befriending scheme for young mothers: Newpin,1991,84,4,217-220,Mills Psychological aftermath of the King's Cross fire,1991,84,1,4-8,Rosser Theoretical issues in responses to disaster,1991,84,1,19-22,Thompson Psychiatric response to the Clapham rail crash,1991,84,1,15-19,Burns Children in shipping disasters,1991,84,1,12-15,Yule Planning for the aftermath,1991,84,1,22-25,Parkes Psychiatric intervention after the Piper Alpha disaster,1991,84,1,8-11,Alexander The Sherlock Holmes paradigm--detectives and diagnosis: discussion paper,1992,85,6,342-345,Wilbush Health of a team competing in the 1990 World Solar Car Challenge,1992,85,6,334-337,Moorhead Interpretation of coronary artery disease in fatal aircraft accidents,1979,72,5,377-381,Ground Coronary artery disease in aviation. Routine examination of aircrew,1979,72,5,374-377,Kelly The mining disaster of Borken the implementation of a 3-year support programme and the help through EuroActDIS,1993,86,11,625-627,Schüffel Management of alcohol abusing patients in accident and emergency departments,1993,86,7,393-395,Green Whiplash injury and peer copying,1993,86,9,535-536,Livingston Cardiac injury and electrocution,1992,85,10,642-643,Forrest Compensation for injury--re-appraisal,1992,85,7,432,Hodges Compensation for injury--re-appraisal,1992,85,7,432,Wilson Medical reports on persons claiming compensation for personal injury,1992,85,6,329-333,Cornes Falls in the elderly,1991,84,11,693,Winner Accident proneness,1991,84,8,510,Green Surveillance of disorders caused by occupational hazards--principles and practice: a review,1991,84,7,418-422,Baker Why do people have accidents?,1991,84,6,382-383,James Falls in the elderly--future strategies,1991,84,4,189-191,Waterston A study of scalds in Birmingham,1990,83,11,690-692,Cason Slip-shod or safely shod: the bighorn sheep as a natural model for research,1990,83,11,686-689,Jones Accident prevention,1990,83,11,679-681,Raffle Interrelation between alcohol and accidents,1989,82,7,447,Harris Interrelation between alcohol and accidents,1989,82,3,132-135,Raffle If preventable why not prevented?,1988,81,5,249-250,Raffle Alcohol consumption of patients attending two accident and emergency departments in north-west England,1987,80,8,486-489,Yates Hypernatraemic dehydration following a road traffic accident,1985,78,9,771-773,Park Vascular injuries to the extremities following blunt trauma: discussion paper,1985,78,2,117-118,Turnbull Fatal accidental ingestion of Clinitest in adult,1984,77,11,963-965,Henry Hypothermia diagnosed as near-drowning in a child,1983,76,11,967-969,Karhunen Medical aspects of the North Sea oil industry,1983,76,9,793-795,Harries Accidental injection of substance P,1983,76,9,801-802,Bekkemeyer Use and misuse of an accident and emergency department in the East End of London,1983,76,1,37-40,Davison Effect of lunar cycle on human behaviour,1982,75,9,753-754,Nogueira Deaths from choking on food in infancy,1987,80,7,466,Yates Kenneth Barlow: the first documented case of murder by insulin,2008,101,1,19-21,Marks Deaths from choking on food in infancy,1987,80,7,466-467,Golding The cost of traffic casualties to the community,1991,84,7,390-393,Raffle Childhood origins of teenage antisocial behaviour and adult social dysfunction,1993,86,1,13-17,Farrington Psychological impact of body recovery duties,1993,86,11,628-629,Thompson Resource implications of head injuries on an acute surgical unit,1994,87,2,83-86,Glazer Treatment of arrow wounds by nineteenth century USA Army surgeons,1994,87,2,102-103,Mays Alcohol abuse and the emergency department,1994,87,4,245,Barrett Assault patients attending a Scottish accident and emergency department,1997,90,6,322-326,Wright The occupational health of de-miners in Afghanistan,1995,88,12,683-685,Peel First do no harm: the impact of recent armed conflict on maternal and child health in Sub-Saharan Africa,2007,100,12,564-570,Southall Ears for safe diving,1994,87,5,308,Huggon A winter survey of domestic heating among elderly patients,1996,89,2,85-86,King Aggression against doctors: a review,1996,89,2,69-72,Hobbs Physical activity the compression of morbidity and the health of the elderly,1996,89,2,64-68,Fries The cost of traffic casualties to the community,1992,85,2,121-122,Freeman Aggression against doctors,1996,89,5,300,Stark Characteristic illness behaviour in assault patients: DATES syndrome,1995,88,2,85-87,Shepherd Alcohol and benzodiazepines generate anxiety panic and phobias,1995,88,2,73-77,Cohen Innominate artery false aneurysm due to air rifle injury,1997,90,12,686-687,Lobo Phytophotodermatitis mimicking child abuse,1997,90,10,560-561,Parkhouse Risk-taking and professional responsibility,1997,90,11,625-629,Harris Domestic violence,2002,95,6,307-308,Golding Roots of violence,1999,92,5,219-221,Golding Formula One and global road safety,2007,100,8,360-362,Roberts Medicine before the motor car,2009,102,6,219-222,Loudon Impact of the Tsunami on reproductive health,2005,98,9,400-403,Carballo Risk factors for neonaticide and infant homicide,2004,97,5,258,Greenland Bioterrorism: what can we do?,2002,95,10,479-480,Beale Facial paralysis after a road traffic accident,1998,91,6,322-323,Thomas The Zed Expedition: the world's first air ambulance?,1989,82,11,679-680,Scholl Use of the emergency ambulance service to an inner city accident and emergency department--a comparison of general practitioner and '999' calls,1991,84,12,726-727,Makower Fitness standards for the transport industries,2001,94,10,534-535,Carter Ventriculoperitoneal shunt fractured by a closing car window,2002,95,11,553-554,Griffiths Emergency ambulance dispatch: is there a case for triage?,2002,95,3,126-129,Thakore Noise exposure in motorcyclists,2003,96,3,158,Keith Hearing loss in motorcyclists: occupational and medicolegal aspects,2003,96,1,7-9,McCombe Association between course of study at university and cause-specific mortality,2003,96,8,384-388,Smith Remembering death: public policy in the USA,2001,94,9,433-436,Cassel Residual gastric content after gastric lavage and ipecacuanha-induced emesis in self-poisoned patients: an endoscopic study,1991,84,1,35-38,Quinton Morbidity and mortality of long-term haemodialysis: a review,1984,77,7,595-601,Gabriel Recognizing the suicidal overdose,1979,72,8,565-571,Pallis Sudden death in epilepsy: an avoidable outcome?,1992,85,10,609-611,Lip Expert witness,1995,88,9,543,Wynne Post-prandial hypotension in the elderly,1995,88,9,499-501,Aronow The effect of the fast of Ramadan on accident and emergency attendances,1994,87,9,517-518,Touquet The effect of a helicopter trauma service on the workload of accident and emergency departments,1994,87,9,513-514,Coats The trials of an expert witness,1994,87,10,628-631,Roberts Child abuse--continuing problems,1994,87,7,433,Fry Falls in older people,1994,87,8,435-436,Morris Hostage retrieval,1997,90,9,478-483,Turnbull Paracetamol hepatotoxicity: how to prevent,1997,90,7,368-370,O'Grady Seven research projects for South Africa,1997,90,7,361-363,Walker Ageing of bruising in children,1997,90,6,312-314,Stephenson A survey of croquet injuries,1997,90,4,218-220,Appleton Suicide and anomie,1997,90,2,86-87,Spencer Munchausen's syndrome with concurrent neurological and psychiatric presentations,1997,90,2,83-85,Kwan Intravascular haemolysis after aluminium phosphide ingestion,1997,90,1,47-48,Sood Hair analysis for drugs in child abuse,2005,98,7,318-319,Boroda Wrongful diagnosis of child abuse,2005,98,8,386,Kumar The psychological aspects of terrorism: from denial to hyperbole,2005,98,12,557-562,Alexander Computer game delusions,2001,94,4,184-185,Forsyth Attitudes to torture,2001,94,12,658,Blachar Healing in survivors of torture,2004,97,8,366-370,Yawar Freedom fighters and rebels: the rules of civil war,2002,95,1,3-4,Rowe 11 September and after,2002,95,2,111-112,Sills Attitudes to torture,2002,95,5,271-272,Bamber Acute renal failure after punishment beatings,2002,95,6,300-301,Bowley Expert witnesses courts and the law,2002,95,9,431-434,Butler-Sloss Domestic violence,2002,95,8,427,Walden Feral children,2002,95,11,576,Phillips Relations between offending injury and illness,2002,95,11,539-544,Shepherd Violence--a noxious cocktail of genes and the environment,2003,96,5,211-214,Moosajee Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome presenting with subdural haematoma and retinal haemorrhages in infancy,2000,93,11,591-592,Russell-Eggitt Pulled elbow,2000,93,6,336-337,Walsh Elder abuse: do general practitioners know or care?,2000,93,2,67-71,Tinker Osteogenesis imperfecta and other bone disorders in the differential diagnosis of unexplained fractures,1990,83,2,72-74,Paterson Forensic medical evidence in rape and child sexual abuse: controversies and a possible solution,1999,92,8,388-392,Roberts Shaken baby (shaken impact) syndrome: non-accidental head injury in infancy,1999,92,11,556-561,David How negative are we to the idea of a suicide prevention?,1995,88,3,180,Levy Lightning and electrical injury,1993,86,9,556,James Lightning and electrical injury,1993,86,2,121,Debenham Seat belt injuries,1989,82,7,448,Rutherford Assessment of self-poisoning patients by psychiatrists and junior medical staff,1988,81,7,430-431,Dow Organophosphate poisoning and complete heart block,1983,76,5,434,Bidstrup Psychosocial function of accident and emergency departments,1983,76,5,432,Watson Child abuse,1982,75,6,484,Creighton Child abuse statistics,1982,75,7,567,Jackson Organophosphate poisoning and complete heart block,1982,75,7,565-566,Goulding Organophosphate poisoning and complete heart block,1982,75,2,139,Gilks Measurement of toxic combustion products in fire survivors,1982,75,Suppl 1,40-44,Clark The postconcussional syndrome revisited,1994,87,9,508-510,Fenton How negative are we to the idea of suicide prevention?,1994,87,10,622-625,Morgan Another weapon too far: the anti-personnel laser,1995,88,6,347P-349P,Gillow Bone mineral density measurements: are they worth while?,1996,89,8,457-461,Torgerson The changing profile of poisoning and its management,1996,89,11,608-610,MacNamara Dog bites to the face,1999,92,1,52,Khan The death of Christopher Marlowe,1999,92,1,44-46,Rowling Ten years of 'ecstasy',1999,92,2,68-72,Milroy Safety of herbal remedies,1998,91,10,561,De Soriano Phytophotodermatitis mimicking child abuse,1998,91,1,58,Klaber Emotional sequelae of sexual assault,1991,84,1,26-28,Duddle Therapeutic flexibility in the post disaster response,1991,84,1,2-3,Rosser Civilian gunshot wounds,1980,73,1,5-13,Eiseman Death and dying--a Muslim perspective,1998,91,3,138-140,Sheikh Severe rhabdomyolysis after tiger snake bite,1998,91,5,267-268,Gallagher Better drug history taking: an assessment of the DRUGS mnemonic,1998,91,6,305-306,Hocking Risks or remedies? Safety aspects of herbal remedies in the UK,1998,91,6,294-296,Shaw Foreign body perforation of lymphoma,1998,91,10,545,Goodfellow Trauma and the immune response,1998,91,8,417-420,Smith Primary repair of dog bites to the face: 40 cases,1998,91,8,414-416,Feldberg William Archerd: a serial matrimonialist killer,2008,101,2,63-66,Marks Parkinsonism secondary to carbon monoxide poisoning,2000,93,1,53,Fowler Red jackets and red noses: alcohol and the British Napoleonic soldier,2000,93,1,38-41,Howard John Hunter's teachings on gunshot wounds,2001,94,1,43-45,Ellis Psychotic depression after a fall,2001,94,2,83-84,Fraser Whiplash,2001,94,2,102-103,Mendelson Whiplash,2001,94,2,102,Morrison Sherlock Holmes and a biological weapon,2002,95,2,101-103,Vora Suicide in a patient with symptomatic carotid occlusion,2002,95,2,93-94,Lovett Shaken baby syndrome,2003,96,2,102-3; author reply 103,Stephenson Perinatal risk factors for neonaticide and infant homicide: can we identify those at risk?,2004,97,2,57-61,Craig Senile squalor syndrome: two unusual cases,1999,92,3,138-140,Clark Life-threatening Capnocytophaga canimorsus infection after dog bite,1999,92,3,140-141,Aslam Small-bowel adhesions long after blast injury,1999,92,3,135-136,Carter Subcutaneous cervical emphysema after self-induced vomiting,1999,92,4,192-193,Narula Neurological symptoms 27 years after tiger bite,1999,92,6,303-304,Papadopoulos Attitudes to alcohol tobacco and violence,1999,92,7,385,Liddell Traumatic facial palsy,1999,92,8,439,Subburaman Tiger bites,1999,92,10,545,Morgan Severe parkinsonism secondary to carbon monoxide poisoning,1999,92,10,529-530,McMurdo Genocidal doctors,1999,92,11,590-593,Baron Severe parkinsonism secondary to carbon monoxide poisoning,1999,92,12,662,Powell I drink therefore I am: alcohol and creativity,1999,92,12,646-648,Yorston Injuries among female army recruits: a conflict of legislation,2002,95,1,23-27,Gemmell The link between child abuse and psychopathology: A review of neurobiological and genetic research,2012,105,4,151-156,Viding Crash,2002,95,3,162,Roberts Sir John Franklin's last arctic expedition: a medical disaster,2002,95,3,151-153,Bayliss Computer game delusions (Comment),2001,94,7,369,Spence Alcohol--a public health problem. Is there a role for the general practitioner?,1990,83,4,232-236,Robertson Injuries envenomations and stings from exotic pets,2012,105,7,296-299,Warwick Gustave Dore's Ogre,2006,99,11,546-547,McLoughlin Doctors and manslaughter--response from the Crown Prosecution Service,2006,99,11,544; author reply 544,O'Doherty Lightning strike and autonomic failure--coincidence or causally related?,1991,84,11,687-688,Weeramanthri Risk of self-harm and suicide in people with specific psychiatric and physical disorders: comparisons between disorders using English national record linkage,2014,107,5,194-204,Hawton A report--chronic fatigue syndrome: guidelines for research,1991,84,2,118-121,Hawton Intervening in primary care against childhood bullying: an increasingly pressing public health need,2014,107,6,219-223,Wolke Early changes in peripheral retina following concussive ocular injuries: an experimental study,1979,72,3,180-184,Hart The ophthalmology of leisure,1981,74,3,190-191,Romanes Compensation for injury--a reappraisal: discussion paper,1992,85,2,92-5; discussion 96,Hodges Legal regulation of medical practice - decisions of life and death: a discussion paper,1982,75,5,351-355,Havard Foreign bodies in the rectum: a review,1980,73,7,510-513,Schofield Eight years' experience of Concorde operations: medical aspects,1985,78,3,193-196,Preston Swallowers of foreign bodies,1982,75,6,484,Thomas Head injuries: whither specialization?,1986,79,2,67-68,Bewes Head injuries: whither specialization?,1987,80,1,58-59,Norcross Inferior vena cava thrombosis following a game of squash,1987,80,1,52,Rainsbury Decline in deaths from choking on food in infancy: an association with change in feeding practice?,1987,80,1,2-3,David Organophosphate poisoning and complete heart block,1981,74,9,688-689,Wren Diving: occupation or physiological experiment?,1989,82,2,63,Cox Treatment of compressed-air decompression accidents,1989,82,2,74-79,McIver Diving: occupation or physiological experiment?,1989,82,2,72-74,Török Fireworks and the eye,1989,82,4,242,Raj Prevalence detection and referral of psychiatric morbidity in general medical patients,1989,82,7,410-412,Seltzer Scalds,1991,84,3,183-184,Hodson Are accident flying squads also worthwhile for medical emergencies?,1991,84,3,144-146,Dove The 'holding function' of dynamic psychotherapy in a custodial setting: a review,1986,79,3,162-164,Cox Looking for patients at risk because of their drinking,1986,79,3,129-130,Wallace Transient complete ptosis and miosis following trauma to the right eyeball in a rugby injury: where was the lesion?,1997,90,11,630-631,Impallomeni Sri Lanka after the tsunami,2005,98,8,387,Siribaddana In Sri Lanka after the tsunami,2005,98,4,180,Pasu The role of emotion in patient safety: are we brave enough to scratch beneath the surface?,2015,109,2,52-58,Lawton The Paris terror attacks mental health and the spectre of fear,2016,109,1,4-5,Bartholomew A history of the evolution of guidelines for reporting medical research: the long road to the EQUATOR Network,2016,109,2,67-77,Altman Precursors to suicidality and violence on antidepressants: systematic review of trials in adult healthy volunteers,2016,109,10,381-392,Gøtzsche Companion animals and human health: an overview,1995,88,12,704p-8p,Edney Perforating eye injuries caused by dog bites,1990,83,5,332-333,Jones Cognitive behavioural therapy halves the risk of repeated suicide attempts: systematic review,2017,110,10,404-410,Gøtzsche 'Opening the door' on domestic violence and abuse - the crucial role of medical professionals,2018,111,4,117-119,Davendralingam Results on sports-related injuries in children from NHS emergency care dataset Oxfordshire pilot: an ecological study,2019,112,3,109-118,Kirkwood Tackling violence as a public health issue,2019,112,4,164-165,Ashton Sir Winston Churchill KG: fracture of fifth thoracic vertebra and a stroke following a fall on 15 November 1960,2019,ePub,ePub,141076819843655,Vale Offender trajectories health and hospital admissions: relationships and risk factors in the longitudinal Cambridge Study in Delinquent Development,2020,113,3,110-118,Shepherd Impact of COVID-19 on accident and emergency attendances and emergency and planned hospital admissions in Scotland: an interrupted time-series analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Simpson Health inequalities worsen with the drop in hospital referrals: a response to the article by Rachel Mulholland et al. on the 'Impact of COVID-19 on accident and emergency attendances and planned hospital admissions in Scotland',2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ashman Suicide reduction in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic: lessons informing national prevention strategies for suicide reduction,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,McIntyre Trends and characteristics of hospitalisations from the harmful use of opioids in England between 2008 and 2018: population-based retrospective cohort study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Friebel An assault upon women: reproductive rights in the US in the shadow of the 2022 US Supreme Court Ruling (the Dobbs ruling),2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Houghton Cross-sectoral primary care-based approaches to reducing suicides in England,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sheikh Mental health the hidden crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic,2021,114,2,96-97,Ashton Music and melancholia,1994,87,12,764-766,Wintersgill Italian psychiatric care,1990,83,7,e476,Williams Liver transplantation in an undiagnosed schizophrenic,1997,90,10,e563,Lynch The case of Jane Anderson Portobello 1889-1914,2000,93,12,646-648,Squires A not-so-simple collapse,2003,96,9,459-460,Aithal Sylvia Plath and the depression continuum,2003,96,6,296-301,Cooper