Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Bicycle safety programs save children's lives,1998,79,1,59 63,Weiss Realistic program for teens discourages drunk driving,2001,82,6,10-11,Weiss Violence: a public health epidemic,1994,75,1,18-21,White Disaster planning after Katrina. Louisiana hospitals are partnering to build new models of community response,2007,88,6,14-19,Barrett BIBS program helps families at risk of child abuse,1985,66,9,16,Buckley Sexual assault victims find care support at Center,1988,69,7,66-67,Larson Innocents abused. A pediatric hospital forms a team to care for sexually maltreated children,1989,70,7,46-49,Munkel Child abuse and neglect: breaking the cycle of violence,1990,71,1,28-30,Cassidy Recent cases interpret the Tarasoff duty to warn,1991,72,2,15 17,Kadzielski Crisis communications,1992,73,8,66-8 71,Weiss Bethany House. A long-term shelter offers abused women a chance for a new life,1992,73,4,76-77,Rheinecker The first Rodney King verdict: a chaplain's response,1993,74,8,72,Washington Heads-up campaign promotes injury prevention,1993,74,8,60-1 67,Weiss Giving LTC residents that secure feeling. Risk management and loss prevention techniques,1989,70,2,38-41,Trosty Quality of life by proxy: a risky business. Can one person truly assess another's quality of life?,2009,90,6,51-53,Wright Sexual violence: a medical center responds. Mercy Medical Center's program mirrors the ideals 'in the care of the sick great tenderness above all things',2010,91,1,56-58,Holbrook Personal commitments needed to reduce violence,1996,77,3,72 71,Ryan A source of hope for at-risk youth. A hospital's community outreach efforts provide an alternative for troubled teens,1994,75,4,38-40 56,Roundy Partners against violence. Two Minnesota hospitals join community-wide effort,1996,77,2,38-40,Jezierski An education in violence. Staged "trauma care" shows teenagers some harsh realities,1996,77,2,37 42,Wilson Teaching nonviolence in the inner city. A St. Louis hospital works with children and victims,1996,77,2,34-36,Hume Fighting the "silent epidemic". Hospital launches comprehensive program against domestic violence,1996,77,2,30-33,Markin Care of the abused woman. A hospital's educational program assesses values and beliefs,1996,77,2,26-29,Cowley A matter of value. Profits and losses in healthcare,1996,77,3,28-34 48,Friedman Healthcare providers can use special knowledge to prevent teen violence,1999,80,1,21 23,Stockho Teaching the hungry to fish. Group helps inner-city neighborhood help itself,1997,78,4,52-53,Phillipp 1995 Achievement Citation winners and nominees. Archbishop's Commission on Community Health St. Louis MO; Domestic Violence Task Force Spokane WA; Project MotherCare New Haven CT,1995,76,7,41-72, Elder abuse and neglect: staving off a 'social tsunami'. Clergy and health care providers should be positioned to spot abuse,2009,90,6,54-59,Rudnick Pastoral Project on Domestic Violence,1999,80,5,61, Rubbing out violence: critical to U.S. health,2011,92,6,12-17,Romano Suicide and veterans: what we know how we can help,2013,94,3,24-30,Litts SANE program fights stigma of sexual assault,2013,94,5,37-39,Glaser-Martin A hospital-based domestic violence program is crucial to keeping women safe,2013,94,5,32-34 36,Carmichael Connections matter when disaster hits,2013,94,6,36-40,Barrett Strategies for disaster readiness,2013,94,6,4-5,Trocchio Evolution of Church teaching on prolonging life,1988,69,1,28-35,O'Rourke Balancing benefit and burden. Merely avoiding harm does not carry out the intent of the Hippocratic Oath,1989,70,1,77-79,Tuohey Health housing and public policy,2005,86,2,21-26,Wehrwein Human trafficking: look around--it's in our own backyard,2014,95,2,66-68,Mulvihill Call it what it is: slavery,2014,95,2,62-63,Soodalter Human trafficking: why Catholic health care commits to the fight,2014,95,2,60-64,Sullivan Against human trafficking. Even health care organizations have been among the beneficiaries of this modern form of slavery,2004,85,5,10-2 60,Dougherty Child trafficking: what Catholic health care needs to know,2011,92,3,58-61,Sister Anne Victory Child trafficking: what Catholic health care needs to know,2011,92,3,58-61,Victory Is there a cure for violence?,2016,97,4,81-82,Bouchard To reverse the cycle of violence try humility,2016,97,4,78-80,Nairn De-escalate tense talk. Five simple strategies to help keep things cool,2016,97,4,67-69,Garrido Bullying harms victims and perpetrators of all ages,2016,97,4,63-66,Zuckerman Media violence effects on children adolescents and young adults,2016,97,4,59-62,Anderson The safe haven response to child abuse and neglect,2016,97,4,54-58,Lisburg Violence is one small part of childhood trauma. So why do we tend to focus on it alone?,2016,97,4,43-47,Stevens A tragic trend. Why terrorists use female and child suicide bombers,2016,97,4,38-42,Sawicki Human trafficking. Ministering to the 'invisible' victim,2016,97,4,33-37,Scanlon Women religious unite to eradicate trafficking,2016,97,4,29-32,Victory Leaving gangs behind to live parables of kinship,2016,97,4,24-26,Steiner Violence: a community health approach,2016,97,4,9-14,Morrissey Is violence 'senseless'? Not according to science. Let's make sense of it and treat it like a disease,2016,97,4,5-8,Slutkin The limits on self-destruction,1992,73,3,72-73,Callahan