Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Fatal injuries in bicyclists,1999,44,1,2-9,Stuller Gas gun injuries,1994,39,1,5-6,Srch The proportion of drivers with alcohol in blood in a common traffic,2004,49,3,38-42,Vorel Burn injuries--contemporary and previous findings,2004,49,4,57-62,Stefan Use of safety belts by drivers and passengers in private cars in Ceske Budejovice,2000,45,3,34-36,Vorel Attempt at a new look on the problems of traffic accidents type pedestrian--car,1977,22,3,34-37,Kubista Pedestrian traffic accidents,1979,24,3,33-39,Kubista Toxicological criterion of Heroin poisoning,2007,52,1,17-20,Shigeev Fatal injuries of flight crews in civil aircraft and sport aircraft,2003,48,2,28-33,Sokol Effect of ethanol on ability to drive a motor vehicle,2003,48,1,5-7,Vorel Frequency of occurrence of traumatic aortic rupture in automobile passengers involved in a frontal crash with a static or dynamic obstacle,2002,47,4,59-63,Hazuková Position of the czech society of forensic medicine and forensic toxicology on evaluation of the effect of addictive substances other than alcohol on drivers (drugs),2001,46,2,30,Balíková Pedestrian traffic injuries,1993,38,4,32-36,Vorel Pedestrian traffic injuries--estimation of the speed of the colliding vehicle based on the extent of injuries in the pedestrian,1993,38,4,37-38,Vorel Fatal traffic injuries in southern Moravia over a 40-year period,1993,38,2,17-21,Krejzlík Blood levels of acute phase reactants with traffic accidents,2004,49,2,25-29,Kekec Prior exposure of the entrance wound region from clothing in suicides,2008,53,1,11-13,Hottmar Comparison of the results of a medical evaluation of blood alcohol level and other findings,2000,45,4,50-53,Fiser Suicide from the aspect of legal medicine,1992,37,2,17-21,Pitter Shotgun injury--multiple pellets,2009,54,1,8-14,Pleskot The utilization of tachymetry in forensic medicine,2009,54,1,4-7,Hagara Forensic toxicological implication of an autopsy case of mixed drug overdose involving clomipramine chlorpromazine and flunitrazepam,2008,53,3,28-30,Takahashi Suicide with home-made gun,2009,54,2,17-22,Safr Death of pedestrians after traffic accidents with motor cars,2009,54,3,28-32,Vojtísek Detalocohol test following the use of deodorants,1977,22,1-2,12-16,Srch Forensic-psychological analysis of attempted suicides in toxicomaniacs,1977,22,3,17-24,Dobrotka Difficulties in determining the degree of drunkeness in drivers refusing the blood test,1980,25,4,60-64,Haluska Caffeine and smoking-induced changes in the behavior of car drivers,1980,25,2,22-27,Kokavec Determination of the level of ethanol in the blood of drivers using short capillary columns. A question of 2 different methods of determining alcohol in the blood using gas chromatography,1988,33,2,25-31,Volf Pitfalls in the serological study of biological traces on motor vehicles,1989,34,1,4-7,Srch Suicide and geomagnetic activity,1991,36,1-2,1-11,Túnyi Head injuries after an attack by an unarmed assailant,1992,37,3,37-41,Havel Diagnosis of drowing as based on chloride urea and creatinine values,1975,20,3,33-37,Srch An overview of fatal traffic accidents in the Eastern Bohemian Region from 1970 to 1974,1980,25,1,12-16,Lacina Immunoglobulins in sudden and violent death,1978,23,1,8-12,Srch Participation of forensic medicine on the interdisciplinary solution of the subjective side in forensic problems,1978,23,1,13-15,Dobrotka Drugs and alcohol in 105 fatally injured participants of traffic accidents,1976,21,3,38-44,Srch Fatal traffic accidents in the South Moravian Region during 1964-1974 and their social consequences,1976,21,3,33-37,Krejzlík Forensic evaluation of drowning,1993,38,1,8-11,Gregora Quantitative evaluation of accidents as a measure of the action of mechanical force,1990,35,1,1-6,Fialka Determination of ethyl alcohol blood levels in drowned persons as an auxiliary method for proof of drowning,1988,33,1,10-13,Hottmar Statistical evaluation of the incidence of macroscopic findings in drowned persons and drowned laboratory animals,1987,32,4,52-60,Hottmar Laboratory diagnosis of drowning,1986,31,3,33-40,Hottmar Fatal occupational injuries due to falls from heights--from the viewpoint of causes of injuries and possibilities of prevention,1985,30,1,7-15,Neoral Lactic acid content and total saccharides in postmortem tissues and expressing the degree of probability in interpreting the findings,1982,27,4,58-63,Vorel Sequelae of traffic accidents,1981,26,1,14-16,Krejzlík Complications of thermal injuries leading to death,1993,38,1,5-7,Stefan Ongoing problems of road signs in transportation control,1994,39,1,7-9,Dobrotka Burns caused by electrical current injuries,1994,39,4,36-38,Stefan Drowning--characteristic signs and calculation of their diagnostic value,1996,41,1,6-9,Hottmar Evaluation of the vital reaction in injuries,1996,41,2,16-19,Vanĕrková Sexual assault in the woman,2010,55,3,40-42,Záhumenský Mass disasters with higher quantity of dead bodies and DVIT concept in the Czech Republic,2010,55,3,28-31,Sokol Determination and evaluation of the influence of addictive drugs on drivers of motor vehicles in Germany,2009,54,4,56-58,Wolf Delinquency in the sniffing-type of toxicomaniacs,1977,22,1-2,1-8,Dobrotka Epidemiologic study of fatal injuries autopsied at the Institute of Forensic Medicine of the 3rd Medical School of Charles University Hospital in Vinohrady Prague from 1996 to 1999,2001,46,2,21-23,Stefan 35-dimethoxyfenol--marker intoxication with Taxus baccata,2010,55,3,36-39,Snuparek Vomitus as a cause of fatal diving accident of a commercial diver,2010,55,1,5-7,Stuller An autopsy case of poisoning with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor paroxetine,2010,55,1,2-4,Motonori Another mechanism of décollement,2010,55,4,51-53,Dressler The effect of the home shooting percussion pistol on skull substitute bones,2010,55,4,54-55,Hirt An autopsy case of butane gas abuse,2010,55,4,44-45,Tanaka The alterations in adenosine nucleotides and lactic acid in striated muscles of rats during Rigor mortis following death with drowning or cervical dislocation,2003,48,1,12-15,Kocoglu Fractures of the facial skeleton after brachial violence,2005,50,2,26-28,Machon A case of drowning whilst under the influence of brotizolam flunitrazepam and ethanol,2011,56,1,5-6,Tanaka Breath alcohol analysis,2011,56,2,27-28,Straka Homicide suicide or fatal accident?,2011,56,2,21-23,Stuller Study of morphological changes in the skin of the neck in suicidal cases by hanging,2011,56,2,24-26,Fernandez-Flores Experimental cross-bow injury,1996,41,4,41-43,Beran Verification and determination of opiates in the urine and blood with thin-layer chromatography followed by densitometry in fatal cases of drug abuse,1998,43,4,58-64,Bauer An autopsy case of multiple psychotropic drug poisoning,2011,56,3,38-39,Nishiguchi Effect of windshield washer fluid on breathalyser results,2011,56,3,36-37,Vorel Pohoda no. I (death on music festival),2011,56,3,32-33,Stuller Fatal high pressure barotrauma of the lungs with an air embolism in a female diver,1983,28,3,21-26,Novomesky Potassium and sodium electrolyte ratio in the myocardium following death by hanging and electric current,1976,21,1,1-6,Maárová Identification of organic substances by means of spectral methods in forensic toxicology. I. Infrared spectroscopy,1976,21,1,7-13,Smysl Unusual fatal thoracic injury due to glass splinters,1976,21,2,29-32,Soral Findings in protracted cyanide poisoning,1976,21,2,25-28,Strejc Views of forensic medicine and criminology on the pathodynamics of homicide,2000,45,1,9-10,Dobrotka Polarographic determination of metals in firearm injuries,2002,47,1,2-4,Vanĕrková Taxus baccata poisoning,2011,56,4,53-55,Havel Evaluation of childhood medicolegal autopsies in Bratislava and Trnava regions Slovakia,2012,57,1,13-16,Sidlo Primary and secondary complex suicide. A 30-year retrospective suicide,2012,57,3,51-55,Kučerová Fatal and survived motorcycle accidents: a selected topics for medicolegal evaluation,2012,57,4,71-74,Janík A fatal case due to cough syrup abuse,2012,57,4,69-70,Kinoshita Unusual head and neck injury in elevator: autopsy study,2012,57,4,64-65,Eren Cranial injury caused by penetrating non-missile foreign body: An autopsy case,2012,57,4,62-63,Gündoğmuş Death due to peripheral vascular injury following blunt trauma,2012,57,4,58-59,Eren The quantified evaluation of the wounding potential of a ricochet projectile of a handgun cartridge calibre 9 mm (type 82) in a ballistic experiment,2013,58,1,6-11,Kovac Position of the Slovak Forensic Medicine Society regarding calculation of blood ethanol levels,2004,49,2,22-24,Bauer Detection of myocardial and lung injury by psychotropic and narcotic agents by immunohistochemical detection of metalloproteinases,2004,49,2,18-21,Strejc An unusual case of firearm injury: bullet lodged in the tongue,2013,58,2,31-32,Gündoğmuş An unusual case of penetrating intracranial injury due to scissors,2013,58,2,29-30,Gündoğmuş Scuba diver deaths due to air embolism: two case reports,2013,58,2,26-28,Gündoğmuş The use of trigonometry in bloodstain analysis,2013,58,2,20-25,Makovický Signs of self-inflicted wounds; how accurate they are,2013,58,3,47,Zamani Gender differences in alcohol affection on an individual,2013,58,3,36-38,Hejna Routine chemical-toxicological examination in fata poisoning through organophosphates,1977,22,3,28-33,Kosatík Trends in toxicologic examinations in clinical practice,2004,49,1,7-10,Balíková Effect of Stopangin mouth spray on blood alcohol levels measured by the Alcotest 7410 analyser made by Drager,2000,45,4,54-56,Zelený Analysis of the causes of fatal burns,1978,23,2,20-23,Hájek Medico-legal investigations of 66 homicides,1979,24,1,7-14,Srch Determination of carbon monoxide in the bood by a microdiffusion method and its use with putrescent and dried blood,1981,26,2,24-26,Volf Murders committed in the Western Bohemian region from 1969 to 1979,1981,26,2,19-23,Lékarů Determining the age of cerebral contusions,1982,27,2,17-26,Nádvorník A questionable bruise,2014,59,3,26-27,Sanaei-Zadeh The presence of fluid in the paranasal sinuses in comparison with other diagnostic signs of drowning,1995,40,4,34-36,Hottmar Alcohol congeners and their implications for medicolegal assessment of drunkeness,2015,60,1,7-8,Straka A fatal case of poisoning with ethanol and psychotropic drugs with putrefactive changes,2015,60,2,25-27,Tanaka Gunshot wounds caused by non-lethal ammunition on the porcine model post-mortem,2013,58,4,50-54,Jabrocký Traumatic asphyxia: an autopsy case,2015,60,4,66-67,Türkmen Evolution of historical and social attitudes toward suicide,2016,61,1,5-8,Krajcovic Fatal head injury caused by a crossbow arrow with unusually preserved posttraumatic volitional activity - case report,2016,61,1,2-4,Řehulka Multiple firearm injury caused with a blank pistol,2017,62,1,8-10,Tažký Snowball fight - an unusual cause of spleen injury,2017,62,1,6-7,Bušková Double homicide with a damning bite mark on the offender´s body - case report,2017,62,1,2-5,Kulvajtová Methodology of injury compensation and government regulation of injury compensation in reflection in the Constitutional Court decision,2017,62,2,22-24,Žďárek Addictive substances in fatal cases of fall/jump from height,2017,62,2,14-17,Zdarílek Parallel investigations of blood and alveolar air in the diagnosis of lethal carbon monoxide poisoning,2017,62,3,33-36,Bauer Complex suicide involving pyrethroid ingestion (mosquito coils) and fatal self-wounding by sharp force,2017,62,4,45-50,Raikos Deaths of people in the mountainous territory of High Tatras,2018,63,1,6-8,Gavel Alcohol abuse in road traffic: medical-legal aspects,2018,63,2,14-18,Straka Unusual mechanism of injury in a case of suicide by the jump from height,2019,64,1,2-4,Jozef Sexual homicide attempt: a case report and a short review of the literature,2019,64,2,14-19,Athanasios Time profile of serum THC levels in occasional and chronic marihuana smokers after acute drug use - implication for driving motor vehicles,2014,59,1,2-6,Melicher Fatal suicidal perforating crossbow bolt injury of the chest,2020,65,2,27-29,Peter Deaths in traffic accidents associated with THC abuse,2020,65,2,22-26,Monika Petroleum intoxication: literature review and case report on poisoning by gasoline,2020,65,2,16-21,Pavlos Analysis of fatal industrial accidents in forensic postmortem investigations in South Osaka,2020,65,3,56-60,Naoto Autoerotic deaths: report of two unusual cases,2020,65,4,84-87,Ivana The reasons for reoperations after surgery for acute subdural hematoma and the implications of suspected injury mechanisms,2020,65,4,79-83,Jan Hijacking of the aircraft OK ADN L410 Turbolet on June 8 1972 - forensic medical notes,2021,66,1,11-16,Jan First Polish case of fatal single-substance poisoning with cyclopropylfentanyl a new synthetic opioid,2021,66,3,34-38,Ewelina Suicidal electrocution: a report of three unusual cases,2021,66,4,66-69,Ivana Motor vehicle - pedestrian occupational accident: a case report study,2022,67,1,3-6,Eirini Multiple forms of suffocation used in double murder,2022,67,3,30-33,Petr Alcohol and addictive substances in deceased active participants of traffic accidents,2023,68,2,19-23,Vorel Suicide or not? Issues in the demonstration of anaphylaxis a review of the literature,2023,68,3,30-32,Dobias Suicides in the region of northern Slovakia: a retrospective single-centre autopsy observational study over a 10-year period,2023,68,3,26-29,Krajcovic Self-ligature strangulation by multiple cable ties,2022,67,4,36-38,Harshal Fatal injury of a skier during school training - case report,2024,69,1,10-12,Šidlo Autoerotic deaths: report of two unusual cases,2020,65,4,84-87,Straka [Causes of death among prisoners in Eastern Bohemia 1980-1990],1992,37,2,22-24,Srch [Suicide in hospitalized patients in health facilities in Eastern Bohemia 1980-1990],1994,39,2,12-13,Srch [Aspects of criminal participation in suicide],1991,36,3-4,17-20,Kokavec First case of illegal euthanasia in Spain: fatal oral potassium cyanide poisoning,2004,49,2,30-33,Blanco A fatal case of saponated cresol ingestion,2006,51,3,47-50,Nishiguchi [Atypical maxillofacial shot wound],2011,56,1,2-4,Novomesky A hundred years of the constitution of Institute of Forensic Medicine of Faculty of Medicine of Comenius University in Bratislava,2019,64,3,32-34,Jozef Forensic aspects of communication with the patient and bereaved persons in out-of-hospital practice,2019,64,1,5-8,František An unplanned complex suicide with 6 mm Flobert revolver and train crash: a case report,2023,68,2,15-18,Janik