Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Associations between adult and child bicycle helmet use,2001,26,5,272-277,Twomey Child safety seat use in a midwestern Hmong community,1997,22,6,304-307,Block Should there be laws mandating seatbelts in all school buses? Writing for the con position,2001,26,1,9,Garzon Should there be laws mandating seatbelts in all school buses? Writing for the pro position,2001,26,1,8,Albers Airbags and children: making correct choices in child passenger restraints,2002,27,5,264-273,Kamerling Screening for Abuse During Pregnancy: Implementing a Multisite Program,2005,30,2,109-114,Higgins Protecting children from the tragedy of burns. A renewed educational campaign,1977,2,2,129-130,Zitomer Promoting automobile safety for young children,1996,21,3,148-151,Gaines Living on the edge: the current phenomenon of self-mutilation in adolescents,2004,29,1,12-18,Derouin School-based intervention to promote coping in rural teens,1998,23,4,187-194,Lamb School violence: an insider view,2003,28,2,86-92,Fisher Child Behavior Problems,2007,32,2,74-80,Smith Using a Focus Group to Determine Car Seat Use Among Mothers of Children Aged 3 to 7 Years,2007,32,3,165-169,Medoff-Cooper Providing a safe environment for children,1978,3,1,53-55,Brown Intimate partner violence screening practices of certified nurse-midwives,2007,32,4,258,Jonsdottir Nurses and Barriers to Screening for Intimate Partner Violence,2007,32,4,238-243,Rovi Assisting Pregnant Women to Prepare for Disaster,2008,33,2,98-103,Ewing Sweating It Out in a Level III Regional NICU: Disaster Preparation and Lessons Learned at the Ochsner Foundation Hospital,2008,33,4,260,Jonsdottir Online resources to prepare families for disaster risks,2008,33,4,259,McCartney Disaster-related mental health needs of women and children,2008,33,4,242-248,Corrarino Considerations for emergencies and disasters in the neonatal intensive care unit,2008,33,4,204-210,Schultz Marching athletes: injuries and illnesses at band CAMP,2008,33,6,338-345,Kilanowski An adult survivor of child sexual abuse and her breastfeeding experience: a case study,2009,34,2,91-97,Beck Evacuation of a maternal-newborn area during Hurricane Katrina,2008,33,4,213-223,Bernard Breastfeeding mothers and violence: what nurses need to know,2009,34,5,284-289,Averbuch Sexual disturbance in young children,1976,1,3,187-194,Geiser Addicted mother addicted baby--a challenge to health care providers. Part I: the addicted mother,1978,3,5,281-285,Kantor Out-of-hospital care for a pervasive problem - child abuse,1978,3,2,111-116,Josten Nursing responsibility in infant car safety,1980,5,1,26 64,Reinhard Battered and pregnant,1981,6,4,246-250,Sammons Prenatal assessment guide for illuminating possible problems with parenting,1981,6,2,113-117,Josten Children still aren't being buckled up,1984,9,5,320-323,Nachem Special feature: child abuse. Part I: An interdisciplinary approach to preventing child abuse. Part II: Intensive services help prevent child abuse,1984,9,2,107-117,Christensen Primary prevention of child abuse,1985,10,3,198,Ross The nightmare of a child,1985,10,2,99, Interviewing the sexually abused child,1985,10,2,103-105,Miller A program for preventing sexual abuse of children,1985,10,2,100-102,Robertson Identifying and reporting child abuse,1987,12,6,399,Rhodes It's never too soon to teach car safety,1987,12,5,344-345,Jensen The nurse's legal obligations for reporting child abuse,1987,12,5,313,Rhodes Helping children cope with a national disaster,1987,12,2,87-8 90,Lee Munchausen syndrome by proxy,1987,12,1,48-52,Hosch Adolescent suicide attempts by acetaminophen ingestion,1987,12,1,32-35,Muscari Interrupting the cycle of child abuse,1988,13,3,196-199,Soditus Getting kids into car seats,1988,13,2,124-126,Smith Coping with suicidal behavior,1989,14,2,101-103,Gemma Documenting sexual abuse in prepubertal girls,1990,15,3,176-177,Aiken Identifying and helping battered pregnant women,1991,16,3,161-164,McFarlane Family violence,1993,18,2,73,Rhodes Securing the safety of our most precious cargo: SAFE KIDS,2010,35,1,52-57,Vick "Keep a blank face. I need to tell you what has been happening to me,2002,27,2,109-116,Renker Abuse among pregnant adolescents: differences by developmental age,1998,23,3,144-150,Curry Safe transport of technology-dependent children,1993,18,1,29-31,Kelly Don't miss preconception care opportunities for adolescents,2010,35,4,213-219,Heavey Impact of intimate partner violence on maternal child health,2010,35,4,206-212,Bullock Laminated cards for helping battered women,1996,21,3,159-160,Von Burg Implications of chemical biological terrorist events for children and pregnant women,2008,33,4,224-232,Larson Intimate violence in adolescent relationships: recognizing and intervening,2004,29,2,117-121,Seimer Describing abuse of pregnant women and their healthcare workers in rural Appalachia,2003,28,4,264-269,Denham Immunity for reporting child abuse,1996,21,4,169,Rhodes The unmet health needs of children and youth,1979,4,6,345-352,Durand Preventing abuse during pregnancy,1998,23,4,220,Hinchey Preventing abuse during pregnancy: a clinical protocol,1998,23,1,22-26,McFarlane Preventing abuse during pregnancy: an assessment and intervention protocol,1994,19,6,321-324,McFarlane Criminal penalties for maternal substance abuse,1992,17,1,11,Rhodes Maternal sensitivity posttraumatic stress and acculturation in Vietnamese and Hmong mothers,2001,26,5,257-263,Foss Scolding spanking and time-out revisited,1997,22,4,209-213,Gross Assessing head injuries in children,1997,22,4,198-202,Thomas Vaginal bleeding and abuse: assessing pregnant women in the emergency department,1997,22,4,182-186,McFarlane Accidental poisoning with iron supplements,1995,20,4,234,Corbett Munchausen syndrome by proxy,1994,19,4,214-221,Killam The response of children to disaster,1998,23,1,37-44,Miller-Boyle Domestic violence made real,1994,19,6,301,Bishop Sexual abuse--the numbers don't fit,1996,21,4,170,Warner Intimate partner violence. Mothers' perspectives of effects on their children,2001,26,2,98-103,McFarlane Psychological risk factors in pregnant inmates. A challenge for nursing,2001,26,1,10-16,Fogel Early clinical assessment for harsh child discipline strategies,2002,27,1,34-40,Gaffney Women in recovery discuss parenting while addicted to cocaine,2003,28,1,45-49,Coyer Cause of concern,1990,15,2,130,Cradduck Legal alternatives for fetal injury,1990,15,2,111,Rhodes Horizontal hostility,2008,33,5,328,Simpson Should there be laws mandating domestic violence reporting?,1999,24,5,224-225,Cohen Victim no more,1996,21,4,167-168,Bishop How risky are hot tubs and saunas for pregnant women?,1995,20,3,137-140,Davis Prenatal care on a shoestring and embroidery floss,1995,20,3,176-177,Roux What a million nurses can do,1976,1,1,7-10,Schroeder Evaluating head trauma in infants and children,1983,8,1,54-57,Meier Risk and resilience: building protective factors. An intervention for preventing substance abuse and sexual risk-taking and for promoting strength and protection among young low-income Hispanic women,1998,23,2,99-104,Lindenberg A legal nightmare. Denver nurses indicted,1998,23,3,125-129,Kowalski The essence of birth without violence,1976,1,3,162-163,Phillips The Cool Kids Coalition,2000,25,1,10-16,Corrarino Prevention: are we really reaching today's teens?,1999,24,2,87-91,Muscari Should parents be advised against bed-sharing with their infants,2002,27,1,8-9,Fournier Childbearing women and intimate partner violence,2012,37,4,275,Callister Childbearing depression and childhood aggression: literature review,2012,37,4,253-261,Liu Patterns of violence against women in three communities in Alexandria Egypt,2012,37,5,331-338,Guimei Postpartum Safety: A Patient-Centered Approach to Fall Prevention,2013,38,1,15-18,Lockwood Intergenerational family relations and sexual risk behavior in young women,2004,29,1,56-61,Landau Positive youth development: reducing the health risks of homeless youth,2004,29,1,36-40,Taylor-Seehafer Culture & risk taking in adolescents' behaviors,2004,29,2,100-105,Christopherson Kangaroo care at birth for full term infants: a pilot study,2007,32,6,375-381,Walters Protecting children from the tragedy of burns. Fire resistant sleepwear for young hospital patients,1977,2,2,130,Sita Home Environment Brain Injury & School Performance in LBW Survivors,2014,39,1,18-25,Pinto-Martin The severely burned child. The child and his family at home: what then?,1977,2,4,224-227,Savedra Putting play to work in pediatrics,1977,2,6,387,Gerbing Examining and caring for the child who has been sexually assaulted,1979,4,2,110-114,Gorline A comparison of physostigmine and meperidine in treating emergence excitement,1980,5,3,170-175,Shields Beware--some antidotes can kill!,1978,3,6,326,Davey Women's perspectives on falls and fall prevention during pregnancy,2014,39,5,300-305,Brewin A child drowns: a nursing perspective,1981,6,5,324-328,Stichler The emotional impact of trauma on toddlers,1988,13,2,106-109,Ramenofsky Concussion evaluation and management in pediatrics,2014,40,2,76-86; quiz E5-6,Rivera Identifying and assessing the substance-exposed infant,2014,40,2,87-95; quiz E7-8,Rohan Incivility bullying and workplace violence: new recommendations for nurses and their employers from the American Nurses Association,2016,41,1,68,Simpson Posttraumatic growth after birth trauma: "I was broken now I am unbreakable",2016,41,5,264-271,Beck Medication errors in outpatient pediatrics,2016,41,5,280-286,Berrier Children: a glance at the past,1982,7,4,219-225,Brodie Newborn safety bundle to prevent falls and promote safe sleep,2018,43,1,32-37,Lipke The dangers of youth football,2017,42,6,361,Beal 13Reasons Why : a trigger for teen suicide?,2018,43,1,e55,Beal Reproductive coercion: baby if you love me..,2018,43,4,213-217,Kovar The tragedy of trafficking of women and children,2019,44,1,55,Callister A system-wide approach to prevention of in-hospital newborn falls,2019,44,2,100-107,Carr Children and gun safety: a call to action for nurses,2019,44,3,171,Beal Experiences of women with postpartum depression participating in a support group led by mental health providers,2019,44,4,228-233,Goyal Sexual assault: what do perinatal nurses need to know?,2019,44,5,296,Wisner Drowning remains a leading cause of injury-related deaths in children,2019,44,6,359,Beal What a catch: safety intervention to reframe newborn falls and drops,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Albert Perinatal care of childhood sexual abuse survivors: scoping review,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Heck Gun violence and risk to children and youth in the United States,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Simpson Decreasing the effects of cumulative head injuries in adolescent football players,2023,48,3,e169,Beal The role of the pediatric nurse in intimate partner violence,2024,49,1,p53,Beal Parents' experiences with postpartum support groups using videoconferencing: perceptions of safety in the virtual space,2024,49,2,107-113,Jack State of the Science on postpartum depression: what nurse researchers have contributed--part 1,2008,33,2,121-126,Beck Heat metrics and maternal-child health diagnoses in emergency departments in the United States: a scoping review,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Oerther