Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Injuries as a public health problem in sub-Saharan Africa: epidemiology and prospects for control,2000,77,12 Suppl,S1-43,Nordberg Road traffic accident injuries in Kampala,1999,76,4,189-194,Lett Gunshot injuries as seen at the Aga Khan Hospital Nairobi Kenya,2002,79,4,188-192,Saidi Motorcycle accident casualties and the use of crash helmets,1982,59,8,550-554,Asogwa Domestic accidental deaths in the Niger Delta Region Nigeria,2003,80,12,622-626,Seleye-Fubara Alcohol-related road traffic accidents,1997,74,11,673-674,arap Mengech Self reported alcohol use in an urban traffic trauma population in Kenya,2005,82,3,144-147,Hassan Car seat belts,1980,57,10,676-677,Hicks Suicide attempts in a Nigerian military setting,2001,78,9,493-496,Okulate Dental injuries in 0-15 year olds at the Kenyatta National Hospital Nairobi,2005,82,11,592-597,Muriithi Pattern and outcome of abdominal injuries at Kenyatta National Hospital Nairobi,2006,83,1,37-43,Musau Incidence and characteristics of injuries in Eldoret Kenya,1995,72,11,706-710,Odero Road traffic accidents in Kenya: an epidemiological appraisal,1995,72,5,299-305,Odero Injury pattern during team handball competition in east Africa,1998,75,2,113-116,Asembo Sexual violence among female high school students in Debark north west Ethiopia,2002,79,2,96-99,Worku Profile of suicide in Dar es Salaam,2004,81,4,207-211,Ndosi Risk factors towards self-destructive behaviour among fresh students at Makerere University,1995,72,11,722-727,Guwatudde Cross-cultural attitudes towards suicide among South African secondary school pupils,2000,77,3,165-167,Peltzer Forensic findings from the Nairobi U.S. Embassy terrorist bombing,2006,83,7,380-388,Kalebi Analysis of trauma outcome at a university hospital in Zahedan Iran using the TRISS method,2006,83,8,440-442,Chardoli Burns: the epidemiological pattern risk and safety awareness at Kenyatta National Hospital Nairobi,2006,83,8,455-460,Ndiritu Mortality from burns in Zaria [Nigeria]: an experience in a developing economy,2006,83,8,461-464,Kalayi Childhood burns in south eastern Nigeria,1997,74,6,382-384,Archibong Pattern of alcohol consumption among commercial road transport workers in a semi-urban community in South Western Nigeria,2006,83,9,494-499,Abiona Drug use and its association with deviant behaviour among rural adolescent students in South Africa,2006,83,9,500-506,Goldstein Accidental injuries among children in north-west Ethiopia,1994,71,12,807-810,Gedlu Fractures of the mandible in children,2001,78,11,616-618,Fasola Experience with road traffic accident victims at The Nairobi Hospital,2001,78,8,441-444,Saidi Risk indicators of morbidity and mortality in abdominal injuries,2006,83,12,644-650,Musau Abdominal injuries,2006,83,12,641-643,Baraza Rape: what are the psychological ramifications?,2007,84,4,149-150,Okonji Medicolegal autopsies in North Central Nigeria,2006,83,11,626-630,Mandong Child battering in Nairobi Kenya,1993,70,11,688-692,Sumba Occurrence and pattern of mandibular fractures at Kisii District Hospital Kenya,1993,70,11,732-733,Chindia Thoracic trauma in Nigerians: an eight year experience,1993,70,3,131-136,Odelowo Abdominal injuries in children at Muhimbili Medical Centre Dar es Salaam,1993,70,2,120-122,Sayi Child abuse and neglect,1992,69,7,349,Manguyu Sexual abuse of children as seen at Kenyatta National Hospital,1992,69,7,350-354,Nduati Pattern of acute head injuries in Kuwait,1996,73,4,253-258,Adeloye Etiological and epidemiological aspects of acute head injury in Malawi,1997,74,12,822-828,Adeloye Post traumatic stress disorder among motor vehicle accident survivors attending the orthopaedic and trauma clinic at Kenyatta National Hospital Nairobi,2004,81,7,362-366,Othieno Characteristics of injuries presenting to a rural health centre in western Kenya,2007,84,8,367-373,Odero Ocular injuries in children,2008,85,1,39-45,Murithi Psychiatric morbidity among sexually abused children and adolescents,2008,85,2,85-91,Ndetei Pattern and clinical characteristics of firearm injuries,2008,85,3,107-112,Chindia Firearm injuries: surgical perspective,2008,85,3,105-106,Saidi Causes and pattern of unilateral hand injuries,2008,85,3,123-128,Kaisha Drinking and driving in an urban setting in Kenya,1997,74,11,675-679,Odero Gender-associated violence at a women's hospital in Nairobi Kenya,2008,85,7,347-354,Saidi Ocular injuries in a rural Ethiopian community,2008,85,12,593-596,Tesfaye Poverty wealth and mental well being,2008,85,8,365-367,Njenga Prevalence of pterygium and pingueculum among motorcyclists in Nigeria,2007,84,11,516-521,Ukponmwan Pattern of maxillofacial and associated injuries in road traffic accidents,2007,84,6,287-295,Chindia Body dysmorphic disorder: case report,2007,84,9,450-452,Kiarie Tooth and lip mutilation practices and associated tooth loss and oral mucosal lesions in the Makonde People of southeast Tanzania,2007,84,4,183-187,Fabian Psychometric properties of an African symptoms check list scale: the Ndetei-Othieno-Kathuku scale,2006,83,5,280-287,Othieno Battered child syndrome,1971,48,2,56-61,Bwibo The pattern of acute poisoning in Uganda,1972,49,12,983-988,Cardozo Battered child syndrome,1972,49,11,934-938,Bwibo A two-year prospective analysis of emergency admissions to an adult medical unit at the Kenyatta National Hospital Nairobi,1972,49,10,772-782,Barr Fatal suicidal chloroquine poisoning,1979,56,7,294-295,Patel Burns and child abuse,1979,56,1,26-29,Norris Some characteristics of drivers and riders involved in road traffic accidents in Nigeria,1980,57,6,399-404,Asogwa Strangulation as a cause of Korsakoff psychosis,1983,60,5,343-345,arap Mengech Munchausen's syndrome: a case report,1986,63,12,826-828,Kiire Current issues in suicide prevention: reflections on the proceedings of the 13th International Congress for Suicide Prevention and Crisis Intervention,1986,63,7,477-482,Ovuga Review of accidents happening to employees of a metropolitan bus company in Kenya,1987,64,1,3-16,Hicks A study of aggressive and violent behaviour among a group of psychiatric in-patients in Kenya,1988,65,6,360-365,Wazome Parental child abuse and neglect from a paediatric dental clinic: two case reports,1989,66,4,293-299,Wandera Suicide and sermon reference in schizophrenia--a case report,1989,66,3,235-237,Obembe Battered baby syndrome at Kenyatta National Hospital Nairobi,1990,67,12,900-906,Nduati Alleged poisoning with an extract of Adenium volkensii Harms,1950,27,3,135-138,Fendall A case of accidental mydriasis due to the bark of the moon flower,1969,46,9,527,Hornsby The pattern of trauma at Mulago hospital Kampala,1968,45,7,523-531,de Souza The curse of the road,1968,45,5,358-363,Schram Injury experience in a defined population (university employees) in Uganda--an epidemiological survey and prevention,1972,49,6,419-427,Arya Accidental poisoning with diazinone--an organophosphorus insecticide. Case report,1971,48,10,601-605,Bwibo Injury in the university environment,1971,48,8,420-426,Arya Injury experience in the seventh university games Kampala Uganda,1971,48,8,411-419,de Souza Uterine rupture due to road traffic accident,1978,55,1,14-16,Ojwang Abdominal injuries--a report of 75 cases,1977,54,7,380-384,Adekunle Hangman's fracture in head injury,1989,66,9,611-614,Umebese Road traffic accidents in Kaduna metropolis: a-3 month survey,1988,65,9,572-577,Obembe Road traffic accidents (RTAs): management of this disease in developing countries,1988,65,9,569-571, Trauma to the heart in automobile accidents,1984,61,11,843-848,Adesanya An inspection survey of working conditions in 61 firms using management retained form: a trial study,1984,61,2,104-112,Onyoyo Accidental administration of syntometrine to a neonate resulting in death,1982,59,10,698-700,Yalaburgi An investigation of fractures among Nairobi European school children,1953,30,9,369-375,Singleton The use of certain toxic chemicals in agricultural practice,1953,30,2,59-67,Stott Children in trouble; some causes and remedial treatment of the juvenile offender,1954,31,6,281-286,Owen The Haw-Haw syndrome,1959,36,1,44-47,Young Mushroom poisoning,1958,35,3,137-141,Charters The stonefish-Synanceja verrucosa. A note on its appearance the morphology of its poison apparatus and the clinical effects of its sting,1961,38,,369-373,Robertson The human element in traffic accidents. Review evaluation and control,1961,38,,339-345,De mello Organo-phosphorus poisoning. Physiological and biochemical aspects,1963,40,,612-615,Pearson Organo-phosphorus poisoning. Chemical aspects,1963,40,,609-612,Bradwell The management of cut-throat,1963,40,,559-562,Martin Arthritis after female circumcision,1963,40,,55-57,Hall Falls from coconut trees,1964,41,,63-68,Grech Casualties in a large east african crowd,1964,41,,26-29,Forsythe-jauch Subdural haematoma--its incidence at Mulago Hospital Kampala,1962,39,,636-638,Rankin Motor vehicles and coronary heart disease,1962,39,,570-576,Charters Socio-demographic characteristics and clinical features among patients attending a private paediatric dental clinic in Nairobi Kenya,2004,81,11,577-582,Masiga Alleged cases of sexual assault reported to two Addis Ababa hospitals,2001,78,2,80-83,Lakew Etiology and implications of domestic injuries in the elderly,1997,74,10,614-617,Amuyunzu Misuse of drugs: perceptions of household heads in Kisumu district Kenya,1994,71,2,93-97,Some A case of fatal puffer-fish poisoning in a Zanzibari fisherman,1967,44,12,493-496,Chopra Heat stress amongst outdoor manual workers in East Africa,1968,45,5,351-357,Hall The hepatotoxicity of some Ethiopian and East African plants including some used in traditional medicines,1968,45,8,577-580,Schoental Surgical admissions to the Rift Valley Provincial General Hospital Kenya,2002,79,7,373-378,Masiira-Mukasa Burn injuries in Zaria: a one year prospective study,1994,71,5,317-322,Kalayi Sexual abuse of minors: emerging medical and social problem in Malawi,1997,74,11,743-746,Lema Carotid occlusion and cerebral infarction from camel bite: case report,2007,84,11,550-552,Shehu Alcohol-related road traffic injuries in Eldoret Kenya,1998,75,12,708-711,Odero Head injuries at a Provincial General Hospital in Kenya,1998,75,6,364-369,Muyembe Causes of ear trauma in Kenyan patients,1998,75,6,319-321,Oburra Doctors' perspectives on epilepsy in a developing country,1988,65,5,297-306,Danesi Re: Experience of road traffic accident victims at the Nairobi Hospital Saidi and Kahoro,2002,79,4,175,Gregori Emotional and behavioural disorders in HIV seropositive adolescents in urban Uganda,2009,86,1,16-24,Musisi Fatal non-transport injuries in Nairobi Kenya,1994,71,6,346-349,Muniu Kenyan university students' views on AIDS,1993,70,11,713-716,Sindiga Household survey of injuries in a Kenyan district,2000,77,5,240-244,Nordberg Accidents involving adults in the home environment in Nairobi Kenya,1994,71,6,350-353,Muniu Childhood accidents in an urban community in Kenya,1994,71,8,506-509,Muniu Foreign bodies in the bladder: report of four cases,1997,74,8,533-534,Elmalik Linking mechanical injury to multiple non-communicable diseases: a hypothesis,1997,74,6,392-394,Tegegne Causes of admission of African patients to Gelukspan Hospital North West Province South Africa,1996,73,11,746-751,Walker A longitudinal health interview survey in rural Kenya: potentials and limitations for local planning,1995,72,4,241-247,Nordberg Finger amputations in Tanzania,1992,69,12,697-699,Loro Fractures in childhood in Khartoum,1994,71,6,354-357,Hassan Injuries in Africa: a review,1994,71,6,339-345,Nordberg Trauma,1994,71,6,337-338,Hicks Domestic violence and induced-abortion: report of three cases,2001,78,10,555-556,Kaye Ageing population in Africa and other developing communities: a public health challenge calling for urgent solutions,2002,79,6,281-283,McLigeyo Terrorist bombing at the USA Embassy in Nairobi: the media response,2003,80,3,159-164,Nyamai Re: Violence against women in developing countries,2000,77,7,400,Esen Post-traumatic stress disorder: case report,2000,77,4,228-230,Njenga The arrow-head which went through the brain,1999,76,7,411-413,Ricci Retrospective study of alleged sexual assault at the Aga Khan Hospital Nairobi,1995,72,3,200-202,Ojwang Boric acid poisoning,1970,47,11,572-575,Hall Prediction of self-destructive behaviour among Makerere University students,1996,73,7,448-452,Guwatudde The jiko and carbon-monoxide poisoning,1971,48,2,85-87,Gill The training of clinic staff in the Zambia flying doctor service,1972,49,10,755-762,Sims Lead poisoning in an Arican infant (a case report),1972,49,8,620-623,Kombe Head injury,1972,49,8,624-629,Nabwangu Defibrination syndrome after snake bite,1972,49,8,589-596,Sezi Observations on the man-biting habits of Aedes simpsoni (Theo) in the Taveta area of Kenya,1972,49,8,562-567,Smith Grinding machine injury of the hand: a preliminary report,1992,69,1,44-46,Okeke Uterine rupture in Kenya: a guide to prevention and early diagnosis,1978,55,1,9-13,Walton Drug abuse among secondary school students in Kenya: a preliminary survey,1982,59,2,152-156,Dhadphale A survey on the use of poisoned arrows in Kenya during the period 1964-1971,1973,50,2,100-104,Maitai Study of psychiatric consequences of closed head injury at the Kenyatta National Hospital,1998,75,6,332-335,Ndetei Alcohol changes in blood and urine after the consumption of local beers,1975,52,11,625-630,Muraguri Psychiatric manifestations of organic diseases,1975,52,11,619-624,Bademosi Lightning stroke on Ukerewe Island: a case report,1976,53,6,350-351,Msonge Psychiatric aspects of criminal homicide in Nigeria,2001,78,1,35-39,Mafullul Left-handedness as a risk factor for head injuries,2001,78,1,22-24,Adeloye Head injuries at a Provincial General Hospital in Kenya,1999,76,4,200-205,Muyembe Metabolic response to injury,1999,76,6,352-354,Hill Blunt abdominal trauma in children at Kenyatta National Hospital,1999,76,10,580-582,Tenge Causes and outcome of bladder injuries in Durban,1999,76,12,676-679,Madiba Salicylate poisoning in children: report of three cases,2004,81,3,159-163,Musumba Gastrointestinal injuries from blunt abdominal trauma in children,2004,81,4,194-197,Ameh Mental illness and Indian hemp in Lagos,1966,43,9,377-384,Boroffka Poisonous snake bite--a reappraisal,1976,53,11,657-659,Mwangemi The pattern of adult medical emergencies in Africa,1978,55,6,245-246,Barr Multiple system failures in the critically injured patient,1980,57,3,195-207,Geelhoed Miraa (catha edulis) as a cause of psychosis,1981,58,2,130-135,Dhadphale Mushroom poisoning in Zambia,1979,56,4,178-181,Gill Occasional report: drug poisoning in the intensive care unit Kenyatta National Hospital,1980,57,7,490-494,Kahuho Elbow injuries seen at Kenyatta National Hospital in 1974: incidence and observations concerning their management,1978,55,7,303-305,Jeshrani Management of rape victims in Benin City Nigeria,1985,62,2,82-89,Lusanya Some social-psychological characteristics of criminal homicide in Kenya,1987,64,1,17-30,Ndetei The incidence and management of middle third facial fractures at the University College Hospital Ibadan,1991,68,3,164-173,Abiose Administration of first-aid and prevention of injuries in Kenyan soccer,1994,71,11,724-726,Njororai Analysis of surgical admissions to Coast Province General Hospital Mombasa: retrospective study (October 1985 to October 1986),1988,65,4,264-270,Haq Risk factors towards self-destructive behaviour among fresh students at Makerere University,2005,,,722-7,Guwatudde Prediction of self-destructive behavior among Makerere University students,1996,73,7,448-52,Guwatudde Prevalence of major depression in deliberate self-harm individuals in Harare Zimbabwe,2002,79,5,263-266,Acuda