Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Helmets for preventing head and facial injuries in bicyclists,2001,97,43,41,Thompson Understanding the nurse's role in improving suicide prevention,2004,100,46,28-29,Littlejohn Taking a stand against falls,2006,102,19,16-17,Vere-Jones Protecting children from all forms of abuse and neglect,2007,103,13,30-31,Banton The child with repeated accidents,1974,70,49,1884-1885,Husband Taking steps to reduce violence,2006,102,46,8-9,Kenny Visual effects. post-traumatic stress disorder,1993,89,30,30-32,Bland Improving falls prevention and standards of fracture care,2007,103,47,23-24,Hairon A nurse-led minor illness and injury home-visiting service for young children,2009,105,11,17-19,Mountney Survey finds worrying number of young people self-harm,2008,104,18,23-24,Hairon Patient suicide in a mental health and learning disability unit,2008,104,39,15,Dimond Detecting and preventing female genital mutilation,2007,103,31,23-24,Hairon Bedrails falls and injury: evidence or opinion? A review of their use and effects,2009,105,26,20-24,Oliver Epilepsy and driving: some of the problems,1970,66,18,555-556,Parsonage Attempted suicide,1970,66,34,1067-1068,Short Better driving may save your life one day,1970,66,37,1168-1171,Jolles Danger. Drivers at risk. 1,1969,65,51,1615-1617,Jolles Danger. Drivers at risk. 2,1969,65,52,1652-1654,Jolles The battered child--a health visitor's point of view,1969,65,40,1265-1266,Hiller The drinking driver,1968,64,50,1698-1701,Freeman Wounds of violence,1967,63,18,590-592,Gunn Suicide by poisoning. 6. Some controversial aspects of attempted suicide,1965,61,,1143-4 Concl,Stengel Suicide by poisoning. 1. Suicide and the survivor,1965,61,,960-1 CONTD,Kessel Over one-quarter of nurses say they have been assaulted in the last year,2006,102,11,92,Radcliffe Confronting domestic abuse,2006,102,6,20-21,Strachan-Bennett How to use non-verbal signs in assessments of suicide risk,2006,102,2,36-38,Martin Suicide--a need for sympathy,1971,67,40,1235-1236,Day The battered child syndrome. 2. A preventable disease?,1971,67,23,695-697,Kerr The battered child syndrome. 1. The need for a multidisciplinary approach,1971,67,22,659-661,Court Survey on suicides and accidental poisoning,1971,67,9,258-261,Baker Nursing violent patients under security restrictions,1972,68,28,861-863,McArthur Violence in psychiatric patients,1972,68,24,748-749,Frost Jet travel and circadian rhythms,1972,68,13,370-372,Conroy Battered babies: a social and medical problem,1973,69,47,1552-1554,Bird A hospital policy for the care of patients who exhibit violent behaviour,1973,69,11,375-377,Allison Factors related to violent and unpredictable behaviour in psychiatric hospitals,1973,69,3,Suppl:9-11,Stevenson The medical aspects of driving a car,1973,69,2,66-67,Robinson A lifeline for battering parents,1974,70,39,1506-1507,Norman Editorial: Code on violence,1974,70,10,329, Recognising non-accidental injury in children,1975,71,51,2034-2035,Follis Disaster at Moorgate,1975,71,31,1226-1227,Harvey Schizophrenia - 4: aggressives and natural isolates,1975,71,12,471-475,Frost Non-accidental injury and the health visitor,1976,72,40,1563-1564,Gower Planning training for coping with non-accidental injury,1976,72,40,1561-1563,Slack Violent event,1976,72,38,1464-1465, A battered baby,1976,72,25,986-987,Bysshe Behavioural approach to the treatment of child abuse,1976,72,4,140-143,Gilbert Child care in North America-5. Child abuse: can it be prevented,1977,73,51,1994-1995,Jolly Assessing the urgency of home visits,1977,73,38,1472-1474,Nisbet Violence in casualty departments,1977,73,14,482-485,Cowper-Smith Caring about the suicidal patient,1978,74,46,1880-1881,Cowper-Smith Overdose: self-poisoning trends and management,1979,75,46,1966-1968,Wright Detection of non-accidental injury,1979,75,43,1858-1861,England Problems of the colour blind driver,1979,75,36,1538,Voke Victims of political-racial persecution,1979,75,12,496-499,Fink A philosophy of patient care for the disturbed violent patient in a special hospital,1980,76,47,2048-2051,Lee Managing violent behaviour in a psychiatric ward: a psychiatric approach,1980,76,47,2046-2048,Tibbles Suicide--do the Samaritans really help?,1980,76,45,1981-1982,Dale Management of violent patients,1980,76,40,suppl 23:101-4,Leiba Psychological approaches to violence,1980,76,32,1399-1401,Hodgkinson Children as scapegoats,1980,76,23,989,Dopson The victims of violence,1981,77,48,2045-2046,Wright Child abuse inquiries,1981,77,26,1105,Gray Child abuse and its prevention a behavioural approach,1981,77,19,suppl 1-8,Manchester The casualties of war,1982,78,36,1498-1499,Weir Child death resulting from non-accidental injury: implications for health visitors,1982,78,6,242-245,Sharman Battered old people,1983,79,46,32-33,Whitehead 1. Detecting child abuse,1983,79,24,66 68-9,Dingwall 2. Child abuse--the real questions,1983,79,25,67-68,Dingwall Facing up to aggression,1983,79,20,10-11,Slack Incest: a family triangle,1983,79,8,64-65,deChesnay Unusual syndromes of child abuse and neglect,1983,79,3,21-23,Hobbs Nursing care study: parasuicide crisis intervention and family therapy,1983,79,2,17-20,Walters Mental health nursing. Self-injurious behaviour,1984,80,21,60-62,Slater Accidental poisoning,1984,80,19,40-43,Palmer Aggression management. Four. Views from America,1984,80,17,42-43,Gibbs Violence against women,1984,80,17,34-36,Orr Aggression management. Two. Who is to blame anyway?,1984,80,15,42-43,Dingwall Aggression management. Violence in accident and emergency departments,1984,80,14,32-34,Cardwell Aggression management. One. Response and responsibility,1984,80,14,28-31,Moran Nurses and violence,1984,80,4,56-58,Burrows Health visitors as key workers,1984,80,3,49,Musanandara Motorbike madness,1986,82,23,16-17,Gray Child abuse: it's OK to say no,1986,82,3,18,Holmes Innocent parents,1986,82,3,16-18,Holmes Patient abuse: when to blow the whistle,1985,81,50,18-19,Gaze Violence: base control to sister,1985,81,49,22,Holmes Spotlight on children. The silent victims,1985,81,48,59-60,Evans Seat-belts: clunk click,1985,81,48,14-15,Pownall Child abuse: for the children's sake,1985,80,42,19-20,Moore Mental health nursing. Deliberate self-harm,1985,81,38,51-53,Rushforth Infanticide: lambs to the slaughter,1985,81,33,32-35,Darbyshire School deaths: lessons of a tragedy,1985,81,29,17-18,Hadley Suffer little children..,1985,81,22,38-39,Stout Child abuse. Children at risk,1985,81,21,20,Wrigglesworth Violence--the enemy within,1985,81,16,16-18,Howie Sexual deviancy. Sexual healing,1985,81,14,19-20,Cole Recording children at risk,1985,81,11,42-43,King Child abuse. The wilderness years,1988,84,7,25-27,Pilgrim Home is where the hurt is,1988,84,6,48-49,Jones Health visitors or child police?,1988,84,1,18,Kent No smacking?,1990,86,33,18,Cook Safer children,1992,88,44,22-23,Fry Drink drive,1992,88,38,19,Friend Reducing the risk of assault,1992,88,26,64-65,Copperman Measuring violence in mental health patients,1992,88,19,58,O'Brien Indicators in adults of child sexual abuse,1992,88,15,52-53,Dent-Brown The eye the nurse and the motorist,1969,65,1,15-17,Jolles Choosing your seat belt,1967,63,46,1540-1542,Jolles Crush injuries of the chest. 3. Crush injuries: nature and causes,1967,63,14,455-457,Bates Accidents and the elderly,1967,63,5,138-139,Parry Accidents--the new scourge,1966,62,41,1372, Mountain accidents and the danger of exposure,1966,62,21,703-704,Gunn Accidental poisoning in children,1975,71,24,932-933,Craft Electric shock,1975,71,21,803-805,McIiwraith Accidental poisoning and the nurse,1974,70,39,1510-1511,Milligan Lawn mower injuries,1974,70,27,1028-1029,Hulme An industrial accident,1974,70,22,834-835,Jenkins 'Blood on the coal': treating the victims of a pit disaster,1973,69,44,1436-1438,Horton Crash casualties: coping with serious injuries,1973,69,42,1358-1360,Snook The war on the roads,1972,68,40,1243-1244,Brown Death in the swimming bath,1971,67,2,56,Alison Causes and prevention of road accidents,1978,74,39,1594-1596,Hopkins Accident and illness promotion. The challenge to prevention,1978,74,2,suppl 14-6 18,Draper A safer Bonfire Night,1977,73,44,1705-1707,Tobin Accidents and the elderly,1976,72,48,1872-1874,Smith Accidental poisoning in children--a review,1976,72,43,suppl 7-8,O'Connor Suicide. Logical conclusion?,1993,89,31,32-34,Bowles Preventing suicide,1993,89,31,28-31,Duffy Work injuries. Victim support. Violence at work,1993,89,23,33-34,Turnbull Violent incidents among patients,1993,89,20,51,Harrison Munchausen syndrome by proxy,1993,89,4,54-56,Facey Lockerbie one year on,1990,86,1,54-56,Carlisle Head injury. Back from the edge,1989,85,4,29-31,Faulkner Community initiatives. Accidents will happen,1989,85,3,26-29,Kay Health education: a message to housewives,1987,83,12,61-62,Thome Farming: death on the farm,1986,82,32,19-20,Bamford Warning: Christmas can damage your health,1985,81,51,36-38,Alderman Computer watch on accidents,1985,81,10,38-39,King Accidents in hospital. 'Why did it happen in my ward'?,1985,81,10,27-28,Ross Accidents in hospital. Learning from past mishaps,1985,81,10,24-26,Roberts Playing it safe. Three. Making a sensible choice,1984,80,45,56-57,Dann Playing it safe: top ten toys 1985,1984,80,45,53-54,Swaffield Playing it safe. Two. Toy libraries,1984,80,45,55-56,Swaffield Alcohol-associated drowning,1981,77,27,1175,Armstrong Juvenile delinquency. 2. Treatment,1961,57,,1283-1285,Woodger Accidents in the home,1961,57,,805-807,Naish Injuries sustained in a car accident,1963,59,,1377-1379,Scott Caisson disease,1963,59,,1313-1315,Pringle Schizophrenia with othello syndrome and self-mutilation,1963,59,,1270-1273,Brand Overdosage and poisoning,1963,59,,1267-1269,Smith Crash helmets safety belts and car design,1963,59,,1032-1034,Gissane The innocent killers,1963,59,,1000-1001,Herrick Hazards of the electric blanket for the elderly,1963,59,,135,Wilkins Frostbite,1963,59,,12-14,Sheahan Suicide by poisoning. 2. Reception and treatment in casualty. 2,1965,61,,1046-1048,Skellern Suicide by poisoning. 2. Reception and treatment in casualty. 1,1965,61,,1011-1012,Skellern A case of acute lysol poisoning,1965,61,,123-124,Ferry Accidents in childhood,1964,60,,1603-1606,Shrand Poisons information service,1962,58,,4-5,Edge Developing a training programme for detecting and tackling childhood sexual abuse,2010,106,8,14-15,Dugmore Dial MANsion House 9000. The Samaritans,1967,63,4,123-124,Anstice Is death by drowning really necessary?,1966,62,21,694-696,O'connor The life of stress and competition. The medical-social problems of the student,1968,64,18,599-601,Gunn Unsafe as houses?,1993,89,46,36-37,Plant Remanded in safe custody,1993,89,45,14-15,Cohen The kitchen's on fire,1993,89,44,56,Warner Family crisis,1993,89,44,40-41,Brimblecombe Accidents: trouble in store,1994,90,1,48-49,Batchelor Sex and drugs and rock'n'roll,1994,90,1,14-15,Cassidy Violence at work--at risk of assault,1993,89,23,30-32,Ryan Violence--emotional rescue,1994,90,16,48-49,Downey 'We need to protect our patients from abuse and those who will inflict it',2007,103,49,12, Controlled aggression,1996,92,2,18-19,Davies Measurement of aspirin and paracetamol metabolites,1996,92,8,40-41,Higgins Sexual abuse and motherhood,1996,92,15,38-39,Cassin Abuse spies and videotape,1997,93,45,12-13,Gulland What can qualitative research tell us about helping a person who is suicidal?,2010,106,33,23-26,Lakeman Nurses have a crucial role to play in the prevention of child abuse,1999,95,13,13,Pilkington What's in a name? Perhaps the safety of a child,1998,94,9,19,Inman Nursing the survivors of sexual assault,2007,103,35,18-19,Vere-Jones Nursing the victims of gun crime,2007,103,34,18-19,Lomas 'Is there no difference between looking at an image and being a paedophile'?,2007,103,32,14,Wright Dilemma. Community nurses are forbidden to take drugs in their cars. What do you do?,2007,103,5,13,Dimond What causes domestic abuse and how can nurses effectively support abused women?,2010,106,8,16-19,McDowall Nurses have a key role to play in tackling elder abuse,2008,104,43,1, Recognising and preventing the abuse of older people,2007,103,27,21-22,O'Dowd Why is bullying still rife?,2006,102,48,20-21,Paton A clearer picture of abuse,2006,102,24,11,McGregor How to guard against assault,2006,102,20,58-59,McLean Patient restraint positions in a psychiatric inpatient service,2006,102,3,42-45,Lane Managing violent patients,2005,101,13,18-20,Strachan-Bennett In the frontline of abuse,2004,100,49,26-27,Hoban Abused specialties,2004,100,34,24-25,Crouch How I coped with violence at work,2004,100,29,26-27,Whyte Would a violent patient register protect nurses?,2004,100,25,21,Hart Nurses debate how to handle violence,2004,100,18,10-11,Strachan-Bennett Inquiry turns spotlight on elder abuse,2003,99,49,10-11,Chatterjee Why are nurses still being attacked?,2003,99,14,10-11,Mulholland Nurses need training to help women who are abused,2003,99,8,18,Finigan Domestic violence in nursing curricula,2002,98,48,36-37,Keeling Bullies back off,2002,98,32,24-25,Hadikin Pull no punches with serial bullies,2002,98,32,18,Chan Violence in the workplace. It's a crime,2001,97,44,12-13,Kenny Biological weapons. Germs of fear,2001,97,40,12-13,Munro USA under attack. Coping with the aftermath,2001,97,39,10-11,Kenny Violence targets 'unachievable',2001,97,37,9,Mulholland Staff safety. Blowing the whistle on violence,2001,97,26,10-11,Akid Staff safety. Violent patients get the red card,2001,97,25,4, Would tougher sentences deter violence against health staff?,2001,97,22,17,Andrews Violence against staff. Minister steps into row over controversial assessments,2001,97,19,7,O'Dowd Targets mean nothing unless the government kicks violence into touch,2001,97,13,3, Nursing is a tough enough job without the threat of violence to contend with,2001,97,12,3, Workplace violence. Call for police officer in every A and E,2000,96,29,12-13,O'Dowd Scotland. Soaring violence against nurses,2000,96,28,5,O'Dowd How do I handle claims of cruelty?,2000,96,25,31,Andrews Challenging violence,2000,96,24,32-33,Nolan Chechnya. Nurse witness to Russia's dirty war,2000,96,17,12,Sweeney Midwifery. Fighting for your rights,1999,95,15,57,Robotham Operation zero tolerance,1999,95,9,16,Downer Stamp out violence. Get attitude,1999,95,8,34-35,Coombes You can start to combat abuse by refusing to tolerate practices that you know are unacceptable,1999,95,8,3, Time to tackle domestic violence,1999,95,6,26,Sommerville Fighting for support,1999,94,50,30-31,White Stamp out violence,1998,94,48,3, Violent times,1998,94,47,34-36,Coombes Stamp Out Violence campaign,1998,94,47,3, Elder abuse: issues for nurses,1998,94,45,60-61,McCreadie A campaign to stamp out violence,1998,94,44,3, Violence: the facts,1998,94,43,12-14,Coombes The battle against violence in A and E departments,1998,94,41,22,Sylvester Hurt indoors,1998,94,34,26-28,Leather Enough is enough,1998,94,34,24-25,Brewer Cruel to be kind,1998,94,31,19,Mahony Education and training on domestic violence is necessary to enable organisations to support their staff and tackle the dangerous myths surrounding it,1998,94,30,19,Adams Skills for preventing aggression,1998,94,8,60-61,Fanning Babies bruises and black eyes,1997,93,51,14-15,Mahony De-escalation in the management of aggression and violence,1997,93,36,58-61,Paterson Preventing violence on mental health wards,1997,93,34,47-48,Warren Elder abuse,1997,93,17,6,Payne Prisoners of pain,1997,93,15,32-34,Smith A and E--why so complacent?,1995,91,42,28-30,Vernon Recognising and dealing with the abuse of older people,1995,91,42,27-28,Kingston Violence. Risky business,1995,91,7,52-54,Thomas Ageing matters. Detection of abuse,1994,90,37,66-68,Fagg Nursing care study: a road traffic accident victim,1979,75,16,656-659,Bennett How safe are you in London bus or Concorde?,1968,64,49,1674-1675, The motoring nurse and the law,1970,66,10,306-308,Jolles Belt-up--the seat belt story,1971,67,52,1626-1631,Jolles Motorway madness or fog fantasies?,1971,67,46,1430-1434,Jolles Maxillofacial injuries. 3. Fractures of the maxilla,1971,67,36,1111-1115,Rowe Tragedy and recovery. The story of a man and his family following a road traffic accident,1971,67,2,37-39,Glover What makes a driver tick?,1972,68,52,1657-1658,Jolles 'Jim'--severe head injury,1972,69,8,231-234,Griffin Motoring abroad,1973,69,23,746-749,Jolles Crushed chest injury,1974,70,32,1226-1228,Stroud Motoring emergencies,1974,70,9,327,Jolles Nursing care study: Tommy--road accident victim,1974,70,3,82-84,Barker Nursing care study: pregnant car-crash victim,1976,72,12,451-453,Lucas Falls in people with learning disabilities: What are the risk factors and prevention strategies?,2010,106,46,10-12,Willgoss The rapid rise in suicides among Irish men,1998,94,35,10-11,Munro Weight on our minds,1998,94,14,29-31,Whyte Modern dance with death,1997,93,41,13,Porter The dark side,1997,93,45,24-29,Vousden Teenage suicide attempts,1997,93,22,46-48,Foote Young people at breaking point,1997,93,21,32-33,Borton School survey highlights teenage problem areas,1997,93,11,54-55,Bowen Peril of the stiff upper lip,1995,91,25,60,Firn Adolescence. Nurse care following overdose,1994,90,38,34-35,Perry Culture clash,1993,89,38,16-17,D'Alessio A difficult age?,1993,89,31,18-19,Fogarty Child health. Growing pains,1990,86,34,62-64,McCallum A time to listen,1990,86,14,16-17,Lyall Parasuicide,1987,83,21,40-43,Brooking Reassuring a young girl after a drug overdose,1986,82,38,44-47,Adams A friend in need,1986,82,21,16-17,Vousden A doleful existence,1986,82,3,46-47,Wright Ending it all,1986,82,7,48-49,Moore An anguished adolescent,1985,81,2,40-43,Hux Over to you,1976,72,1,35-36,Watson Not another overdose,1974,70,41,1566-1567,Kennedy Moving on from the trauma of genocide,2003,99,23,42-43,Piddington Patterns of drug overdose,1982,78,7,275-278,Walsh Axe attack prompts calls to step up hospital security,1994,90,29,8,Cassidy Tackling bullying within a team,2006,102,3,46-47,Barrett The Children Act: key points and implications for nursing,2005,101,17,26-27,Luce Children who kill--protection not revenge,1998,94,21,14,McDougall Domestic violence. Hitting home,2001,97,18,11,O'Dowd A honeypot for abusers,2001,97,46,28-29,Philpot Abuse can also begin at home,2001,97,46,18,Salvage Here's a tip for you--get some proper safety advice,2001,97,44,18,Walker Child protection. Baseline training is not enough,2002,98,7,8,Akid Roses are red bruises are blue,2002,98,7,20,Salvage Bash street kids,2002,98,19,10,Mulholland It is time to throw the book at patients who throw punches,2002,98,20,24-27,Whyte Child protection: the role of communication,2002,98,18,34-36,Scott Why do nurses neglect to report violent incidents?,2002,98,17,38-39,Munro Support and education: the role of the domestic violence coordinator,2002,98,48,34-35,Keeling How do we improve older people's care?,2007,103,50,20-21,O'Dowd National directives on managing 'violent' patients: a critique,2003,99,6,30-32,Duxbury Munchausen's by proxy. Nurses warned on spy videos,2000,96,36,4,Munro Crime. Beatle attacker 'failed by NHS' says his mother,2000,96,47,8, Child abuse swamps HVs,2000,96,47,6, Prejudice pre-empted,1992,88,37,46-48,Sayer Monitoring violence,1992,88,41,46-48,Benson Responding to aggression,1992,88,30,46-47,Warner Increasing efforts to prevent abuse of vulnerable people,2008,104,43,19-20,Hairon Abuse of power,2008,104,43,14-15,Hunt A new agenda for children,2008,104,42,20-21,Burke In need of protection,2008,104,42,16-18,Kenny Patient restraint under scrutiny,2008,104,41,10-11,Mooney How christmas festivities and pressures can damage health and well-being,2009,104,50-51,33-34,Hairon When power corrupts,1999,95,8,29,Neal What the doctor witnessed,1999,95,8,27-28,Harris More questions than answers,1999,95,8,17,Radcliffe Law and disorder,1999,95,8,16-17,Munro Safety catch,1999,95,5,31,Radcliffe After the final whistle,1999,95,5,12-13,Gulland Why nurses are more at risk than these bouncers,1999,95,4,17,Coombes Oil on troubled waters,1999,95,2,17,Holt Bravery and bravado,1999,95,16,14-15, Missing lessons in skills training,1999,95,15,48-51,Beech Prying tonight,1999,95,10,38-39,Hehir High time for justice,1999,95,9,64-66,Sayce Scarred for life. Interview by Mary Hampshire,1999,95,25,12-13,Lyons A TV debate that revealed deep prejudices about mental illness,1999,95,24,19,Heald Mental health. Sticks and stones,1999,95,22,55,Brennan The smacking of a child only reinforces the notion that 'might is right',1999,95,32,19,Neill Dark side of the law,1999,95,41,12-13,Graham Prepared for the worst,1999,95,38,17-18,Gulland One bump too many,1999,95,48,18,Payne Community care. Safe but not sound,1999,95,47,26-27,Clarke Clear and present danger,1999,95,47,16-17,Gulland Older people. Safety brokers,1999,95,44,32,Evans Older people. Dangerous liaisons,1999,95,44,30-32,Brennan Child sex abuse exclusive report. Benefit of hindsight,1994,90,43,16-17,Day Using a psychoanalytic model to approach acts of self-harm,1994,90,42,38-40,Evans Durkheim social integration and suicide rates,1995,91,25,34-35,Alaszewski Infectious terror,1995,91,22,18,Lee Using accident and emergency data to prevent violence in communities,2011,107,13,16-18,Dines Snake bite--a child victim,1972,68,49,1551,Lamba Hospital evacuation procedures,1972,68,49,1542-1543,Hampton Fire--its prevention and what nurses should do about it,1972,68,49,1540-1541,Fricker Eye injuries to hospital staff,1972,68,48,1509,Harte Fractures of the ankle joint,1972,68,36,1115-1119,Bradley Overdose,1972,68,33,1040-1041,Nemo Will we ever learn?,1972,68,32,983, First aid for riding accidents,1972,68,29,900-902,Thrower Is abortion murder?,1972,68,20,624-625,Groves Infanticide,1971,67,44,1371-1372,Cameron Who is really to blame?,1976,72,4,126-127,Bosanquet Frequency of drug overdose,1981,77,5,202,Walsh A question of rape,1982,78,5,214,MacMillan A haven from cruelty,1973,69,24,775-777,Winn Self-poisoning with paracetamol,1973,69,29,924-926,Kerr An accident at home,1973,69,32,1025-1026,Adamson Victims of Belfast's violence,1973,69,36,1143-1146,Odling-Smee Snakes and snakebite,1973,69,38,1222-1223,Wright Disaster planning,1974,70,6,186-189,Savage Physiological response following trauma,1974,70,11,387-390,Andrews Traumatic rupture of the male urethra,1974,70,22,836-837,Reece The ups and downs of supersonic travel,1974,70,25,938-942,Preston Victims of violence,1974,70,27,1036-1037,Scott Struck by lightning,1974,70,28,1064-1065,Hartley The wreck of the Rohilla,1974,70,44,1706-1707,Dopson Yo-yo children,1974,70,49,1888-1889,Moore "Whistleblowers will face bullying from every side",2011,107,30-31,1,Middleton Many people think self-injury is just a form of attention-seeking,1998,94,5,53,Burke Boys as young as 10 were accused of rape has disturbing implications for all professionals who work with children,1998,94,7,26,Dickson Shaking babies,1998,94,12,34-35,Spicknell Mean streets,1998,94,11,19,Clark Were all nurses and doctors reluctant participants in Hitler's final solution,1998,94,11,14,Melia Supporting clients with suicidal impulses in the community,1998,94,10,49-51,Brimblecombe Stressed to death,1998,94,10,15,Payne Wards of fear,1998,94,17,28-29,Hart Caring for rape survivors,1998,94,17,24-26,Mansley Major incidents at large sporting venues,1998,94,18,54-55,Castle Front line battle for human rights,1998,94,21,40-41,Carlisle The management of poisoning in children,1975,71,25,977-979,Nicholson Acute impairment of brain function-1. Assessing 'conscious level',1975,71,24,914-917,Teasdale Blast injuries to the lungs,1975,71,29,1136-1137,Morrow Physiological aspects of electric shock,1975,71,37,1454-1459,Levy Nursing is a dangerous job,1998,94,43,3, For the love of Brian,1998,94,41,27-28,Barry Military intervention,1998,94,38,61-2 65,Gelbart Child death allegations. MPs slam UKCC probe 'scandal',2000,96,26,4-5,Ryan Campaign. Avoiding slips trips broken hips,2000,96,25,12-13,Gaze Disaster planning. The day the world blew up,2000,96,22,12,Sheldon Post-traumatic stress disorder. Wounds that don't heal,2000,96,18,9,Munro Rebels with a cause,2000,96,19,32-33,Downer Child protection. Cry for help,2000,96,19,10-11,Coombes Mental health. Risk from mentally ill is exaggerated,2001,97,7,8, Safety at work. Violence on the increase,2001,97,5,7,O'Dowd Mental health. Inquiry clears nurse suspended after patient killed girlfriend,2001,97,5,6, Nurses should not collude with spying on parents,2001,97,5,21,Hehir Why the tragedy of suicide diminishes us all,2001,97,5,13,Kenny Violence at work. Staff fear for their lives as patients riot,2002,98,7,9, Violence at work. A&E staff say trust neglects safety,2002,98,7,6,Akid Nurses can make sure it never happens again,2003,99,5,10-11,Mulholland Providing health education on accidental drug overdose,2006,102,6,32-33,Branagan Boxing should be banned,1999,95,21,31,O'neill Suicide risk assessment and the use of patient contracts,1999,95,25,50-51,Tredget Bullets and bombs cuts and crashes,1999,95,43,57-8 61-3,Whiteside Prejudicial conduct,1999,95,41,13,Munro The psychological care of a young woman in the aftermath of a horrific rape,1999,95,44,43,Field Follow-up care after an attempted suicide,1999,95,46,50-51,Hughes The thin blue line,1973,69,3,96,Drew Accidental poisoning,1990,86,15,28-30,Compton A child's living hell,1990,86,15,19,Sadler Raising nurses' awareness of alcohol use in older people,2007,103,6,30-31,Brown Preventing falls in patients with alcohol problems,2012,108,22-23,17,Grant A community-based perspective on living with domestic violence,2004,100,11,28-29,Keeling The link between mental health problems and violent behaviour,2004,100,14,34-36,Gregory Was reclassifying cannabis a wise decision?,2004,100,14,20,Hogger Self-harm: understanding the causes and treatment options,2004,100,15,24-25,Richardson Bullying and nursing,2004,100,15,16-18,Hoban Fire precautions in old people's homes,1976,72,46,1812-1814,Orris Alcohol and the brain,1976,72,51,2018-2019,Brewer Drugs which alter the mind,1976,72,48,1881-1883,Grahame-Smith Mobile accident unit at East Birmingham hospital,1976,72,48,1868-1869,Cowper-Smith How I coped with a major rail crash. Interview by David Crouch,2005,101,16,24-25,Browne Paraquat poisoning,1977,73,5,154-155,Vale "Politicians and NHS leaders are in denial about bullying",2013,109,23,7,Drew Men get raped too,1999,95,8,12,Coombes Male rape,1993,89,6,18-19,Laurent Pathway to reduce premature death after self-harm,2013,109,31-32,23,Thomason Minor self-mutilation,1977,73,14,500-502,Barker Injuries of professional football,1977,73,20,728-729,Woolstone Chilblains,1977,73,45,1752-1753,Tring Nursing staff accidents in a psychiatric hospital,1978,74,43,suppl 30:121-3,Hawton Another paracetamol tragedy,1977,73,8,272,Hawton Child abuse: intervention - a behavioural approach,1978,74,6,suppl 42-4, Child abuse: the child - failure to thrive,1978,74,6,suppl 40-1, Child abuse: the family - one way to see that they need help,1978,74,6,suppl 38-9,Lynch Child abuse. A new approach to a challenging teaching problem,1978,74,6,suppl 37-44, Shark attack victim,1978,74,21,868-869,Fingland Spotlight on children: Toy Libraries Association,1981,77,25,suppl 7, Mental handicapped nursing. Sexual abuse. Speaking out,1991,87,6,67-68,Thomas Mental handicapped nursing. Sexual abuse. Facing facts,1991,87,6,65-66,Brown Mental handicap nursing. Sexual abuse. Silent pain,1991,87,6,62 63-5,Roth Gulf war. The chemical threat,1991,87,7,16-17,Carlisle Sexual abuse--turning point,1992,88,6,29-30, Sexual abuse--treating the adult survivor,1992,88,6,27-29,Childs-Clarke Sexual abuse--the ultimate betrayal,1992,88,6,24-26, Skateboard injuries,1979,75,17,707-708,Adams Nursing care study: care of a scalded child,1979,75,15,619-624,Kessler Dominica's Hurricane David,1980,76,26,suppl 130-1,Ifill An attempted suicide. After psychiatric treatment the patient's mental state improved and he is now attending work regularly,1980,76,28,1233-1234,Pyle A care bundle approach to falls prevention,2014,110,20,21-23,Sutton Nursing care study: accidental burial,1978,74,44,1794-1798,Webb Management of children with aggression,1979,75,40,1704-1705,Yong Causes of aggressive behaviour,1979,75,40,1703-1704,Graham Spotlight on children. Child care in other countries: the absence of non-accidental injury in one Arab community,1979,75,45,suppl 1,Drummond Nursing care study: industrial burns,1979,75,48,2069,Rhodes-Tomlinson Improving confidence in suicide risk assessment,2014,110,27,16-18,McLaughlin Suffer little children,1981,77,48,2044,Rea Life crises. Haunted by memories,1989,85,11,56-58,Johnston Home is where the fear is,1989,85,22,16-17,Kent Disasters: Critical incidents,1989,85,19,34-36,Wright Disasters: Hillsborough,1989,85,19,33,Pownall Disasters. Coping with catastrophe,1989,85,19,27-31,Walsh Rape. A subject for the curriculum?,1989,85,26,62-63,Rose Suicide: how do we cope?,1989,85,26,34-35,Gaze Suicide: those left wanting,1989,85,26,32-33,Fardell Self-inflicted injury,1989,85,1,47-49,Ingram Code of conduct. Cruelty and neglect,1989,85,4,52-54,Jones Marital rape,1991,87,13,40-41,Trevelyan Post-traumatic stress. You'll never walk alone,1991,87,15,34-35,Hinks Abandoned to a 'social death'?,1988,84,10,34-37,Wallace Stress cause of nurse suicide rules coroner,2014,110,48,5, Preventing unintentional injuries in children,2014,110,47,12-14,de Sousa No system of nurse checks could 'prevent murder' says NMC chief,2015,111,22,5,Merrifeld Bullying dynamics,2015,111,13,33,Oade Discern bullying from aggression,2015,111,12,33,Oade Worcestershire to launch inquiry into handling of nurse "bullying",2015,111,10,6,Stephenson A nurse-led pathway to treat self-harm injuries,2015,111,30-31,17-19,Steel How midwives can identify and support trafficked women,2013,109,24,25,Fyle "It is both vital and feasible to balance practice and research",2016,112,9,11,Charalambous Bereaved family's fury at prison care,2000,96,17,e9,Ryan Post-traumatic stress disorder. Wounds that don't heal,2000,96,18,e9,Munro Suicide in the ward setting,2000,96,40,39-40,De La Cour Just another suicide?,1992,88,36,e48, Listening in,1992,88,51,e53,Carlisle Parasuicide response,1992,88,19,34-36,Cox Prison support,1992,88,37,e21,Sadler Raging against fate,1992,88,9,46-48,Barker Back in control,1993,89,39,46-47,Jabez Links between unemployment and mental health problems,1994,90,30,42-44,Homer Call to explore HIV test and suicide link,1994,90,30,e9, Assessment and treatment of a suicidal patient,1994,90,34,37-39,Hughes Self-harm. Understanding self-harm,1994,90,3,30-31,Rayner Self-harm. Specialist needs,1994,90,3,32-33,Thomas Complex therapy,1994,90,9,40-42,Knowlson No way out,1995,91,49,20-21,Waters Shadows of death,1995,91,15,14-15,Payne Real men get depressed,1995,91,5,e58,Hammond Supervision registers and mental health problems,1995,91,28,36-37,Coffey Worried to death,1995,91,24,20-21,Taylor A litany of complaints,1990,86,5,e19,Seymour A nurse in need,1990,86,14,e50, Self-hurt,1990,86,33,42-44,Hillis Mental health. Mirror images,1991,87,2,34-36,Anthony Specialists in A & E. Holistic care in parasuicide,1991,87,15,30-31,Lindars Advantageous liaisons,1996,92,50,42-43,Loveridge Elderly care counts. Tragic neglect,1996,92,42,e31, Depressed and suicidal clients: how nurses can help,1996,92,43,38-40,Libberton Food as a motivator in a client with Prader Willi syndrome,1996,92,41,38-39,Gault Manic depression: do people receive adequate support?,1996,92,26,42-44,Hill Prison and the role of the forensic mental health nurse,1996,92,31,32-34,Rogers Abortion law matures,1997,93,44,12-13,Mahony Emergency action,1997,93,30,30-32,Roberts Suicide in later life: how to spot the risk factors,1997,93,11,56-57,Duffy Bitter pills,1998,94,14,e19,Sadler A prisoner of prejudice,1998,94,39,28-29,Watson The skill of an inside job,1997,93,49,14-15,Wright A nursing model of overdose assessment,1999,95,3,58-60,Roberts Close to the edge,1998,94,35,10-11,Eaton Mental health. Lullaby of Broadmoor,1999,95,27,36-37,Olden On the right track,1999,95,32,e13,Leach Understanding deliberate self-harm,1999,95,7,46-47,House A support group for self-harm patients,2002,98,20,40-41,Lewis Child mental health. An end to innocence,2001,97,35,e11,Mahony Damages for 'gothic horror',2001,97,17,e8, Mental health. Bringing patients back from the brink,2001,97,12,e15,Munro Prison suicide checks must be more rigorous,2001,97,17,e8, Recently several patients have been admitted to our surgical ward following a suicide attempt,2001,97,30,e44,Kadum Self-harm. Beneath the scars,2002,98,29,e13,Akid Should nurses always intervene when patients self-harm?,2001,97,49,e16,Fletcher Suicide prevention. A real lifesaver,2002,98,19,e11,Akid Want to know how to behead yourself? Just go online,2001,97,11,12-13,Munro When life hits rock bottom,2002,98,21,28-29,Persaud A guide to risk assessment,2003,99,9,44-45,Harrison Brief intervention: reducing the repetition of deliberate self-harm,2003,99,35,34-36,Wiseman From self-harm ... to self-esteem,2003,99,33,36-37,James Helping people who self-harm,2004,100,21,24-25,Strachan-Bennett Management of intentional overdose in A&E departments,2004,100,33,38-43,Littlejohn New guidelines for the treatment and management of people who self-harm,2004,100,41,e49,Shuttleworth A charter for life. Interview by David Crouch,2005,101,2,24-25,Williams 'We urgently need to expand our thinking on suicide and respect human autonomy',2008,104,32,e14,Wright 'Winter is a challenge for mental health services',2009,105,5,e32,Gadsby