Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Vulnerability victims and violence,1998,15,1,39-45,Shepherd Cycle helmets,2000,17,2,153-154,Fraser-Moodie Stun gun injury,1997,14,6,402-404,Burdett-Smith Motorcyclists full-face helmets and neck injuries: can you take the helmet off safely and if so how?,1994,11,2,117-120,Branfoot Paediatric road accidents in two health districts,1994,11,2,109-111,Jackson Rollerblade injuries in children,1997,14,5,349,Walker Seat belt injuries and sigmoid colon trauma,1997,14,5,338-339,Eltahir Fatal intra-abdominal injury associated with incorrect use of a seat belt,1998,15,6,437-438,Dawson The capability of accident and emergency departments to safely decontaminate victims of chemical incidents,2000,17,5,344-347,Murray Playing in the back seat,2000,17,2,154,Rao Airbag associated fatal head injury: case report and review of the literature on airbag injuries,2000,17,2,139-142,Cunningham The effect of legislation on injuries sustained by rear seat car passengers,1994,11,1,49-51,Bodiwala School accidents to children: time to act,1997,14,4,240-242,Maitra How safe are schools?,1997,14,3,199-200,Choyce British Hyperbaric Association carbon monoxide database 1993-96,1999,16,2,98-103,Hamilton-Farrell Carbon monoxide: not gone not to be forgotten,1999,16,2,91-92,Henry Motorbike toe: a toddler's sporting injury,1998,15,1,22,Kane An examination of the accident and emergency management of deliberate self harm,1997,14,5,311-315,Dennis Characteristics of children and adolescents presenting to accident and emergency departments with deliberate self harm,2000,17,2,98-102,Evans Punchbag machine injuries in a nightclub,2000,17,6,432,Wyatt Posterior dislocation of hip in adolescents attributable to casual rugby,2000,17,6,429,Gupta Non-penetrating chest blows and sudden death in the young,2000,17,6,421-422,Peng Phrenic nerve injury following blunt trauma,2000,17,6,419-420,Bell The laws of violence,2000,17,6,396-399,Bache A national census of ambulance response times to emergency calls in Ireland,2000,17,6,392-395,Woods Trauma induced testicular torsion: a reminder for the unwary,2000,17,5,381-382,Seng Injuries sustained by aircrew on ejecting from their aircraft,2000,17,5,371-373,Read Questionnaires of accident and emergency departments: are they reproducible?,2000,17,5,355-356,Cooke Casualty accident and emergency or emergency medicine the evolution,2000,17,5,314-319,Wardrope Drug related deaths in the community: a preventive role for accident and emergency departments?,2000,17,4,272-273,Ryan Pedestrian injuries sustained in negotiating traffic calming measures,2000,17,3,233-234,Lovell Self insertion of urethral foreign bodies,2000,17,3,231,McCarthy Screwdriver assaults and intracranial injuries,2000,17,3,225-226,Tutton The domestic iron. a danger to young children,2000,17,3,199-200,Gaffney Domestic violence: the shaken adult syndrome,2000,17,2,138-139,Walker Chemical protective clothing; a study into the ability of staff to perform lifesaving procedures,2000,17,2,115-118,James CS incapacitant spray,2000,17,1,76,Southward Unguarded electric plugs cause penetrating head injuries in children,2000,17,1,55,Couper Mass carbon monoxide poisoning,2000,17,1,38-39,Wyatt Toxicological screening in trauma,2000,17,1,33-37,Gaffney Intra-orbital foreign body: an unusual route of entry,1999,16,6,456-457,Thakore Epidemiological and clinical differences of snake bites among children and adults in south western Saudi Arabia,1999,16,6,428-430,al Harbi Body piercing in the accident and emergency department,1999,16,6,418-421,Khanna Severe mediastinal haemorrhage after a rugby tackle,1999,16,5,382-383,Carr Spontaneous pneumomediastinum and ecstasy abuse,1999,16,5,382,Quin Transient quadriparesis after electric shock,1999,16,5,376,Kumar Cocaine induced myocardial infarction,1999,16,5,374-375,Inyang Rollerblading and skateboarding injuries in children in northeast England,1999,16,5,348-350,Hassan Study of early warning of accident and emergency departments by ambulance services,1999,16,5,339-341,Cooke Major incidents: training for on site medical personnel,1999,16,5,336-338,Graham Aortic rupture as a result of low velocity crush,1999,16,4,299-300,Egleston Effect of closed circuit television on urban violence,1999,16,4,255-257,Shepherd Ingested coins,1999,16,3,239-240,Wright Injury surveillance in a children's hospital--overcoming obstacles to data collection,1999,16,3,189-193,Doraiswamy Early prediction of neurological outcome after falls in children: metabolic and clinical markers,1999,16,3,186-188,Stein Outcome after severe head injury treated by an integrated trauma system,1999,16,3,182-185,Kirk CS exposure--clinical effects and management,1999,16,3,168-170,Nee Violence in the accident and emergency department: liaison with the police,1999,16,2,159,Bache Acute airway obstruction--an unusual cause,1999,16,2,157,Williamson Injury control strategies: extending the quality and quantity of data relating to road traffic accidents in children,1999,16,2,87-90,Hadfield Child protection register--time for change,1999,16,1,77-78,Harris Criminal injury compensation: from B to A,1999,16,1,43-47,Burdett-Smith Golf is a dangerous game,1998,15,6,437,Hall Ecstasy related trauma,1998,15,6,436,Davies Foreign body ingestion in children: an audit of transit time,1998,15,6,371-373,MacGregor CS "gas" is not a gas,1998,15,5,365,Henry Later investigation of head injury,1998,15,5,344-348,Swann Investigation of the head injured patient,1998,15,5,337-343,Swann Puffer fish poisoning,1998,15,5,334-336,Field "Saturday night fever": ecstasy related problems in a London accident and emergency department,1998,15,5,322-326,Taylor Nutmeg intoxication,1998,15,4,287-288,Quin Edinburgh's Hogmanay celebrations: beyond a major disaster,1998,15,4,272-273,Smith Violence and verbal abuse against staff in accident and emergency departments: a survey of consultants in the UK and the Republic of Ireland,1998,15,4,262-265,Rocke Recurrent overdose: patient characteristics habits and outcomes,1998,15,4,257-261,Taylor Caffeine toxicity in a bodybuilder,1998,15,3,196-197,FitzSimmons Out of hospital cardiac arrest and associated injury,1998,15,3,191-192,Stuart The risks of minor head injury in the warfarinised patient,1998,15,3,159-161,Volans Alcohol intoxication in a toddler,1998,15,1,69-70,Anderson CS gas exposure in a crowded night club: the consequences for an accident and emergency department,1998,15,1,56-57,Bodiwala A profile of sports hand injuries in an accident and emergency department,1998,15,1,35-38,Potts Restricting extensions to permitted licensing hours does not influence the numbers of alcohol or assault related attendances at an inner city accident and emergency department,1998,15,1,23-25,Steedman Deliberate self harm assessment by accident and emergency staff--an intervention study,1998,15,1,18-22,Crawford Injuries from broken china,1997,14,5,348-349,Beckett Tracheobronchial foreign bodies in relation to feeding practices in young children,1997,14,5,341-343,Indudharan Saturday night blue--a case of near fatal poisoning from the abuse of amyl nitrite,1997,14,5,339-340,Booth MDMA-induced hyperthermia: a survivor with an initial body temperature of 42.9 degrees c,1997,14,5,336-338,Mallick Spontaneous pneumomediastinum and Ecstasy abuse,1997,14,5,335-336,Pittman Childhood accidents: epidemiology trends and prevention,1997,14,5,316-320,Sibert Gamma hydroxybutyrate--a coma inducing recreational drug,1997,14,4,259-261,Ryan Unusual pattern of injury caused by a pyrotechnic hand held signal flare,1997,14,4,258-259,Oliver Back from the dead: extracorporeal rewarming of severe accidental hypothermia victims in accident and emergency,1997,14,4,255-257,Ireland Ichthyosarcotoxism: poisoning by edible fish,1997,14,4,246-251,Grant Violence: the relation between seriousness of injury and outcome in the criminal justice system,1997,14,4,204-208,Shepherd British poison centres' advice concerning dothiepin overdosage in young children,1997,14,3,200,Emerton Occult gunshot injury of the temporal bone,1997,14,3,185-186,Geary Accidental ingestion of Ecstasy by a toddler: unusual cause for convulsion in a febrile child,1997,14,3,183-184,Egleston Effect of Strathclyde police initiative "Operation Blade" on accident and emergency attendances due to assault,1997,14,3,153-156,Swann The casualty profile from the Manchester bombing 1996: a proposal for the construction and dissemination of casualty profiles from major incidents,1997,14,2,76-80,Mackway-Jones An unusual cause of rib fracture following a road traffic accident,1997,14,2,113-114,Daniels Childhood accidents,1997,14,1,58-59,Terry Traumatic asphyxia in children,1997,14,1,47-49,Campbell-Hewson Potassium permanganate poisoning--a rare cause of fatal self poisoning,1997,14,1,43-45,Ong Ocular superglue injury,1997,14,1,40-41,McLean Sarin,1996,13,6,431-432,Morgan-Jones Review of police inquiries to an accident and emergency department,1996,13,6,402-405,Marshall Skull fractures in children: a population study,1996,13,6,386-389,Johnstone Ecstasy induced retropharyngeal emphysema,1996,13,5,359-361,Onwudike Rollerblading in children: the Edinburgh experience,1996,13,5,354-355,Beattie Incidence pathology and treatment of adder (vipera berus l.) bites in man,1996,13,5,346-351,Reading Antipersonnel mines: who are the victims?,1996,13,5,343-346,Jeffrey A case of Munchausen syndrome with claims of trauma and haemophilia,1996,13,4,293-295,Huang Road humps: accident prevention or hazard?,1996,13,4,288-289,Richmond Does alcohol contribute to accident and emergency department attendance in elderly people?,1996,13,4,258-260,James Prehospital deaths in the Yorkshire Health Region,1996,13,4,248-250,McGowan Stress hormones in accident patients studied before admission to hospital,1996,13,4,243-247,Hetz Stingray injury,1996,13,3,224-225,Evans Missed cervical spine injury following barflying,1996,13,3,222-223,Taylor Nail gun injury: a barbed problem,1996,13,3,210,Armstrong Warfarin and the apparent minor head injury,1996,13,3,208-209,Gray Sarin: guidelines on the management of victims of a nerve gas attack,1996,13,3,202-206,Volans An investigation into the effects of British summer time on road traffic accident casualties in Cheshire,1996,13,3,189-192,Whittaker Detection of aluminium ring pulls,1996,13,2,151,Davies Weever fish stings: a report of two cases presenting to an accident and emergency department,1996,13,2,139-141,Evans Munchausen syndrome presenting as major trauma,1996,13,2,137-138,Meek Near hanging presenting to an accident and emergency department,1996,13,2,135-136,Guly An accident and emergency based child accident surveillance system: is it possible?,1996,13,2,116-118,Beattie Suicide rate following attendance at an accident and emergency department with deliberate self harm,1996,13,2,101-104,Ryan Protective clothing in accident and emergency departments: cost versus risk benefit,1996,13,1,70,Skinner Collection and local use of accident and emergency hospital data in England,1996,13,1,23-25,Morgan Disaster plan education: how we made and tested a video,1996,13,1,21-22,Gray Computers communication and confidentiality: tales of Baron Munchausen,1996,13,1,18-20,Booth Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus and deliberate self-harm,1995,12,4,296-297,Ryan Near asphyxiation with a child's dummy,1995,12,4,291-292,MacNamara Amphetamine not MDMA is associated with intracranial hemorrhage,1995,12,3,231-232,Galloway Puffer fish poisoning,1995,12,3,214-215,Wong Occupational phosgene poisoning: a case report and review,1995,12,3,212-213,Wyatt Bomb blast injuries to the ear: the London Bridge incident series,1995,12,3,194-198,Walsh Near-fatal aspiration of a child's dummy: design fault or deliberate injury?,1995,12,2,154-155,Barrett Chainsaw penetrating neck injury,1995,12,2,134-137,Brown Burns caused by domestic alkalis,1995,12,2,130-131,Rider Ecstasy toxicity,1995,12,1,74,Hardern Training in major incident planning,1995,12,1,73,Cottingham Selenops radiata bite,1995,12,1,67,Evans Using a metal detector to locate a swallowed ring pull,1995,12,1,64-65,Ryan Self-castration in a transsexual,1995,12,1,57-58,McGovern Heroin bodypacking,1995,12,1,43-48,Leo Violence towards junior doctors in accident and emergency departments,1995,12,1,40-42,Watt Support for victims of assaults and domestic violence: are accident and emergency departments doing enough?,1995,12,1,32-33,Llewellyn The Glastonbury Festival 1993: pattern of attendances and admissions to an NHS Trust,1995,12,1,30-31,Britten Women attending an accident and emergency department after assaults,1995,12,1,15-19,Crawford Preventable deaths after injury: Why are the traditional 'vital' signs poor indicators of blood loss?,1995,12,1,1-14,Driscoll Injuries sustained by passengers on buses,1994,11,3,209-210,Mabrook Aluminium ring pulls: an invisible foreign body,1994,11,3,201-203,Jackson Contaminated casualties: are we prepared to receive them?,1994,11,3,172-177,James The tragedy at St Peter's Field Manchester 16 August 1819,1994,11,2,97-100,Marrow Major incident planning in South East Thames Region: a survey of medical staff awareness and training,1994,11,2,85-89,Simpson Sequelae of minor head injury: the natural history of post-concussive symptoms and their relationship to loss of consciousness and follow-up,1994,11,2,79-84,Ward Fracture of cervical rib: a novel seat-belt injury,1994,11,2,136-137,Edwards The health of the nation: 'where do the children play...'?,1994,11,2,132-133,Hashemi Farm accidents involving power take-off devices,1994,11,2,121-124,Hyland-McGuire Foreign body in the throat,1994,11,2,113-115,Phillips Epidemiology of paediatric injury,1994,11,1,9-16,Mazurek Air-bag injury,1994,11,1,60,Burton A review of injuries sustained by bus passengers,1994,11,1,57,Bodiwala Survival following intentional massive overdose of 'Ecstasy',1994,11,1,53-54,Roberts Temporal bone fractures in children: a review of 34 cases,1994,11,4,218-222,Johnstone A comparison of the backgrounds of first time and repeated overdose patients,1994,11,4,238-242,Taylor The effect of audit and feedback on data recording in the accident and emergency department,1994,11,1,45-47,Johnson Use of a pro forma for head injuries in the accident and emergency department--the way forward,1994,11,1,33-42,Bennett Head injuries in the accident and emergency department: are we using resources effectively?,1994,11,1,25-31,Bennett The role of the social worker in the accident and emergency department of a district general hospital,1994,11,1,21-24,Rahman The Patient's Charter: views of patients attending an inner-city accident and emergency department,1994,11,4,264-265,Cugnoni Patients who attend two accident and emergency departments,1994,11,4,231-233,Guly Reattendance audit in an inner-city emergency department,1994,11,4,213-217,Wong Dealing with disasters: does psychological debriefing work?,1995,12,4,255-258,Bisson Management of drug overdoses in accident and emergency departments in the United Kingdom,1996,13,1,46-48,Greaves Emergency medicine at a large rock festival,1996,13,1,26-27,Hewitt Are schools safer for children than public places?,1996,13,3,196-197,Maitra Use of a psychiatric proforma for accident and emergency officers,1996,13,3,180-183,Schnieden Drug history taking and the identification of drug related problems in an accident and emergency department,1996,13,3,166-168,Harding Post-traumatic stress disorder,1997,14,6,387-391,Mason Characteristics of female victims of assault attending a Scottish accident and emergency department,1997,14,6,375-378,Wright A case of maternal pelvic trauma following a road traffic accident associated with fetal intracranial haemorrhage,1997,14,2,115-117,Matthews Hidden impact of paramedic interventions,1996,13,6,383-385,Dove The 'light bulb' sign,1994,11,3,210,Wright The continuing need to formalize pre-hospital triage highlighted by a case of unusual injury,1995,12,3,206-207,Lavis Contamination of clothing in accident and emergency departments,1995,12,1,73,Ireland Post-traumatic transient cortical blindness in children: a report of four cases and a review of the literature,1994,11,4,250-252,Beattie Bradycardia due to an eye dressing,1997,14,5,348,Cooke On-scene times for trauma patients in West Yorkshire,1997,14,5,283-285,Gray Conversion disorder presenting as a head injury,1997,14,4,263-264,Poyner Traumatic pericardial tamponade: relearning old lessons,1997,14,4,252-254,Crawford Characteristics of self referred patients attending minor injury units,1997,14,4,212-214,Dolan Oesophageal "cross"--a sinister foreign body,1997,14,1,54-55,Losanoff Glucose insulin and other plasma metabolites shortly after injury,1994,11,2,67-77,Heath The development of an assault patient questionnaire to allow accident and emergency departments to contribute to Crime and Disorder Act local crime audits,2000,17,3,196-198,Shepherd Head injuries in the accident and emergency department,1995,12,1,73-74,Ward An unusual site to find a "swallowed" foreign body,1996,13,4,304,Hilton The relevance of hearing a crack in ankle injuries,1996,13,4,278-279,Reid Toddler's fracture,1996,13,5,366-367,Beattie Inadvertent subclavian artery puncture in an intravenous drug abuser,1996,13,5,358-359,Swann The use of a metal detector to locate ingested metallic foreign bodies in children,1996,13,5,341-342,Tidey Deliberate self harm,1996,13,6,432,Gilbody Planning cannot rely on emergencies arriving by ambulance,1999,16,1,74-75,Cooke The impact of nationally distributed guidelines on the management of paracetamol poisoning in accident and emergency departments. National Poison Information Service,1998,15,1,13-17,Evans Towards evidence based emergency medicine: best BETs from the Manchester Royal infirmary. Management of household electrical injury,1998,15,4,228,Dollery CS spray,1998,15,4,288,Stark Fire,1998,15,5,365-366,Hughes Life threatening airway obstruction: a hazard of concealed eating disorders,1998,15,5,332-333,Luke Glioblastoma presenting as carbon monoxide poisoning,1999,16,2,155-156,Clark Metal detector and swallowed metal foreign bodies in children,1999,16,2,123-125,Doraiswamy Carbon monoxide poisoning: an update,1999,16,2,92-96,Hamilton-Farrell Open water scuba diving accidents at Leicester: five years' experience,1999,16,3,198-200,Bodiwala An unusual case of patella dislocation,1999,16,4,301,Reid Foreign body in the throat,1999,16,6,462-463,Gonsalves Eye muscle paralysis after Vipera aspis envenomation,1999,16,6,458,Re Trauma to a horseshoe kidney,1999,16,6,455-456,Ramsay Managing patients with deliberate self harm admitted to an accident and emergency observation ward,1996,13,1,31-33,Ryan Emergency medicine at a large rock festival,1996,13,4,303,Reddy Accident and emergency medicine or emergency medicine?,1999,16,1,74,Rocke Accident and emergency medicine or emergency medicine?,1999,16,3,238,Jones Accident and emergency medicine or emergency medicine (letter),1999,16,3,238,Simpson The treatment of head injury during the Renaissance,1998,15,2,119-120,Nathan Fatal flecainide intoxication,1998,15,6,423-425,Bodiwala Serotonin syndrome caused by overdose with paroxetine and moclobemide,1999,16,4,293-295,FitzSimmons