Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Prevention of injuries to children and adolescents,1998,45,,37-72,Aitken Fatal child neglect,2001,48,,331-361,Berkowitz Adolescent homosexuality,1998,45,,107-144,Remafedi An ethical approach to intervention/prevention of child maltreatment,2003,50,,215-229,Ledbetter Children and megadisasters: lessons learned in the new millennium,2007,54,,189-214,Redlener The battered child syndrome,1968,15,,9-27,Helfer Adolescent depression: challenges and opportunities: a review and current recommendations for clinical practice,2006,53,,111-163,Lurie The development of abused children,1974,21,,25-73,Kempe Suicide and self-poisoning in pediatrics,1977,24,,291-309,McIntire Current trends in the treatment of self-injurious behavior,1981,28,,377-440,Singh Accidents and violence as a cause of morbidity and mortality in childhood,1982,29,,471-495,Stulginskas Suicide in children and adolescents,1987,34,,313-334,Shaw Sexual abuse of children and adolescents,1987,34,,275-312,Berkowitz Prevention of accidents in childhood,1956,8,,191-215,Wheatley Poisonings in childhood,1966,14,,55-89,Jacobziner Advances in pediatric pharmacology and toxicology,1993,40,,405-439,Berlin Childhood accidents: injuries and poisoning,2010,57,1,33-62,Hon Disasters and their effects on children,2010,57,1,7-31,Lynch Child pornography: legal and medical considerations,2009,56,,203-218,Berkowitz Controversies in the evaluation of young children with fractures,2010,57,1,63-83,Berkowitz Disaster and terrorism preparedness: what pediatricians need to know,2003,50,,1-37,Markenson The vulnerable child: new evidence new approaches,1992,39,,1-33,Boyce Sports injuries in young athletes,1995,42,,465-500,Landry Carbon monoxide and carboxyhemoglobin,1995,42,,303-334,Vreman Adolescent sexuality,1979,26,,119-136,Litt The evolving role of pediatrics in the 21st century,2003,50,,305-326,Gephart Pediatric overuse injuries in sports,2012,59,1,359-383,Hoang Cosleeping: benefits risks and cautions,2004,51,,329-349,Berkowitz Bullying and victimization among children,2013,60,1,33-51,Shetgiri Pediatrics in disasters: evaluation of a global training program,2014,61,1,245-260,Berman Advances in pediatric pharmacology and toxicology,1987,34,,411-443,Berlin Advances in pediatric pharmacology and toxicology,1989,36,,431-459,Berlin Better transportation to health care will improve child health and lower costs,2016,63,1,389-401,Grant Child sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation,2018,65,1,55-70,Greenbaum Care of the foster child: a primer for the pediatrician,2011,58,1,87-111,Edelstein The impact of cumulative sociodemographic risk factors on the home environment and vocabulary in early childhood,2017,64,1,371-380,Camp The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on violent injuries in children: a literature review,2023,70,1,17-44,Flynn-O'Brien Burns in children: accidental or inflicted?,2023,70,1,45-57,DeRidder Pediatrics in disasters: evolution of a hybrid global health training program during the COVID-19 pandemic,2023,70,1,1-15,Berman Medical child abuse: a review by subspecialty,2023,70,1,59-80,Egge Childhood behind bars: children and the US juvenile legal system,2024,71,1,29-40,Barnert A review of community-based gun violence prevention programs and the physician's role,2024,71,1,41-54,DeBlieux