Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Alcohol interventions in a trauma center as a means of reducing the risk of injury recurrence,1999,230,4,473-80; discussion 480-3,Villaveces Optimal restraint reduces the risk of abdominal injury in children involved in motor vehicle crashes,2004,239,1,127-131,Kallan The severity of injury in children resulting from acts against civilian populations,2005,241,4,666-670,Israel Trauma Group Alcohol interventions for trauma patients treated in emergency departments and hospitals: a cost benefit analysis,2005,241,4,541-550,Ebel The cost of not wearing seat belts. a comparison of outcome in 3396 patients,1993,217,2,122-127,Rutledge Alcohol interventions for trauma patients treated in emergency departments: can we afford not to intervene?,2005,241,4,551-552,Malangoni In-Hospital Resource Utilization During Multiple Casualty Incidents,2006,243,4,533-540,Aharonson-Daniel Effect of Alcohol on Glasgow Coma Scale in Head-Injured Patients,2007,245,4,651-655,Gentilello Comparison Between Civilian Burns and Combat Burns From Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom,2006,243,6,786-795,Barillo Suicide Bombers Form a New Injury Profile,2006,244,6,1018-1023,Aharonson-Daniel Causes of death in U.S. special operations forces in the global war on terrorism: 2001-2004,2007,245,6,986-991,Champion The Effects of Preexisting Medical Comorbidities on Mortality and Length of Hospital Stay in Acute Burn Injury: Evidence From a National Sample of 31338 Adult Patients,2007,245,4,629-634,Thombs Delta V as a predictor of significant injury for children involved in frontal motor vehicle crashes,2006,243,1,121-125,Durbin Medical Profession in Air Safety,1961,153,5,625,Lovell The Human Element in Aircraft Accidents,1958,147,5,590-595,Berry Patient and injury characteristics mortality risk and length of stay related to child abuse by burning: evidence from a national sample of 15802 pediatric admissions,2008,247,3,519-523,Thombs A trauma mortality prediction model based on the anatomic injury scale,2008,247,6,1041-1048,Osler Gender differences in pediatric burn patients: does it make a difference?,2008,248,1,126-136,Jeschke Abdominal trauma after terrorist bombing attacks exhibits a unique pattern of injury,2008,248,2,303-309,Mintz A national US study of posttraumatic stress disorder depression and work and functional outcomes after hospitalization for traumatic injury,2008,248,3,429-437,MacKenzie Assessment of mortality in older trauma patients sustaining injuries from falls or motor vehicle collisions treated in regional level I trauma centers,2009,249,3,488-495,Nikolis Wounds of the abdomen: radiographic diagnosis of intraperitoneal penetration,1967,165,1,77-82,Steichen The trauma risk adjustment model: a new model for evaluating trauma care,2009,249,6,1040-1046,Liberman Trauma-related infections in battlefield casualties from Iraq,2007,245,5,803-811,Hayden Suicide bombing attacks: can external signs predict internal injuries?,2007,245,3,502,Muggia-Sullam Surgical Response to Multiple Casualty Incidents Following Single Explosive Events,2009,250,2,311-315,Rasmussen Impact of motorcycle helmets and state laws on society's burden: a national study,2009,250,3,390-394,Croce Mesentery and bowel injury from automotive seat belts,1968,167,4,486-492,Witte The seat belt syndrome: sigmoid colon perforation,1967,165,4,637-639,Blumenberg Suicide bombing attacks: Can external signs predict internal injuries?,2006,243,4,541-546,Mintz Falls from heights: a surgical experience of 200 consecutive cases,1971,174,2,304-308,Reynolds Cardiac wounds. Experience with 70 patients,1986,203,3,315-317,Demetriades Child abuse. An update on surgical management in 256 cases,1986,203,2,219-224,Beaver Terrorist bombings. Lessons learned from Belfast to Beirut,1988,208,5,569-576,Tepas Abdominal gunshot wounds. An urban trauma center's experience with 300 consecutive patients,1988,208,3,362-370,Mattox Factors improving survival in multisystem trauma patients,1988,207,6,679-685,Moylan Primary blast injury after a bomb explosion in a civilian bus,1989,209,4,484-488,Katz The 1986 terrorist bombing experience in Paris,1989,209,3,368-373,Rignault Terror Explosive Injuries: A Comparison of Children Adolescents and Adults,2010,251,1,138-143,Peleg Studies on the Effects of Posture in Shock and Injury,1944,120,1,24-33,Duncan Mechanisms of head injury,1943,117,4,562-575,Moritz The uniform production of experimental shock by crush injury: possible relationship to clinical crush syndrome,1942,115,4,684-697,Duncan Nerve injury in fracture of the pelvis,1936,104,5,945-951,Lam Studies in brain injury: -increased cerebrospinal fluid pressure from blood in the cerebrospinal fluid: an experimental study,1936,104,4,492-506,Parker Injury as a Causative Factor in the Development of Malignant Tumors,1933,98,6,991-1012,Coley A Study in Extensive Cutaneous Burns,1933,97,5,670-682,McIver Automobile Rupture of the Intestines,1932,96,3,321-328,Cooke A Study of the Cause of Death Following Burns,1932,96,1,36-39,Blalock Fracture of the anterior superior spine of the ilium by muscular violence,1924,79,4,551-560,Carp Injury of the limbs due to back-fire,1922,76,1,83-90,Bizarro Report of the condition of a case of complete division of the spinal cord by gunshot wound nineteen years after the injury,1920,71,6,719-722,Cadwalader Gunshot injury of the musculospiral nerve,1919,70,2,226-230,Reder Electric burn causing necrosis of the skull,1918,67,2,149-151,Lewis Methods of handling injuries on transportation systems and wound treatment,1916,64,2,184-194,Mackenzie II. Injury as a Causative Factor in Cancer (Continued),1911,53,5,615-650,Coley I. Injury as a Causative Factor in Cancer,1911,53,4,449-488,Coley VI. Anaesthol Poisoning causing Acute Yellow Atrophy of Liver after Operation for Ileocolic Intussusception,1910,52,4,489-492,Torek I. An Analytical and Statistical Review of One Thousand Cases of Head Injury,1909,50,4,655-714,Phelps I. An Analytical and Statistical Review of One Thousand Cases of Head Injury,1909,50,3,511-541,Phelps VI. Gunshot Injury of the Brain: With Late Manifestations After Immediate Recovery,1909,50,1,66-72,Ransohoff II. Traumatic Asphyxia: With Report of a Case,1909,49,6,751-761,Despard I. An Analytical and Statistical Review of One Thousand Cases of Head Injury,1909,49,5,593-613,Phelps I. An Analytical and Statistical Review of One Thousand Cases of Head Injury,1909,49,4,449-477,Phelps IV. Impaction of a Toy Bicycle in the OEsophagus; Successful Removal by OEsophagotomy,1906,43,3,346.1-348,Rigby II. A Case of Suture of the Spinal Cord following a Gunshot Injury involving Complete Severance of the Structure,1905,42,4,507-513,Fowler I. Traumatic Asphyxia. Report of a Recent Case with a Study of the Minute Pathology and Summary of Reported Cases,1904,39,4,481-494,Cobb II. The Influence of Injury upon the Development of Sarcoma,1898,27,3,259-284,Coley VI. Double Fracture of the Clavicle from Direct Violence,1897,25,6,716-719,Franklin On the Cause of Death after Burns,1895,22,2,275-280,Holsten The experimental study of flash-burns,1949,130,4,774-789,Hogg Radiation Burns Including Vocational and Atomic Exposures. Treatment and Surgical Prevention of Chronic Lesions,1949,130,4,593-603,Brown A Study of Mortality in a Burns Unit: Standards for the Evaluation of Alternative Methods of Treatment,1949,130,2,160-173,Bull Burns from electricity,1950,131,1,80-91 illust,Lewis Physiopathology of crushed chest injuries,1968,168,1,128-136,Garzon First rib fracture: a hallmark of severe trauma,1975,181,3,251-254,Richardson Complete transection of the common bile duct due to blunt ranuma,1974,179,4,440-444,Lee Traumatic hemobilia,1974,179,3,311-315,Thompson Rupture of the common duct and ampulla of Vater due to blunt trauma,1973,178,2,200-203,Reynolds Traumatic rupture of the aorta,1973,178,1,6-12,Symbas "Wringer arm" reevaluated: a survey of current surgical management of upper extremity compression injuries,1973,177,3,362-369,Edgerton Blunt trauma rupture of the heart,1973,177,1,66-69,Trueblood Blunt abdominal trauma in children,1972,176,2,213-216,Richardson Increased incidence of cardiac contusion in patients with traumatic thoracic aortic rupture,1989,210,2,252-254,Moore Blunt intestinal trauma. A modern-day review,1985,201,2,198-203,Flancbaum Blunt abdominal trauma. A 5-year analysis of 870 patients requiring celiotomy,1984,199,4,467-474,Cox Morbidity and mortality rates in major blunt trauma to the upper chest,1981,193,1,70-75,Poole Gallbladder injuries resulting from blunt abdominal trauma: an experience and review,1981,193,1,60-66,Soderstrom Analyses of preventable deaths by mechanism of injury among 13500 trauma admissions,1991,214,4,510-20; discussion 520-1,Cayten Pelvic fracture from major blunt trauma. Outcome is determined by associated injuries,1991,213,6,532-8; discussion 538-9,Poole Maxillofacial injuries,1952,135,2,205-220,Rush Panic in disaster,1953,138,6,935-936,Churchill The incidence and significance of shock in head injury,1953,138,5,698-705,Campbell The neuro-endocrine response to injury: present status of the problem,1953,138,4,548-557,Hume Acute vascular injuries in the Korean War,1953,138,2,158-177,Jahnke Frostbite resulting in amputations,1953,138,1,65-72,Canty A study of mortality in a burns unit: a revised estimate,1954,139,3,269-274,Bull Blood histamine levels in swine following total body x-radiation and a flash burn,1954,139,2,179-185,Rose Acute arterial injuries in the Korean war; a statistical study,1954,139,1,1-8,Ziperman Cardiac tamponade,1955,141,4,437-442,Carr A study of plasma amylase activity in the combat casualty; the systemic response to injury,1955,141,3,337-341,Howard The hypertensive response to injury; the systemic response to injury,1955,141,3,327-336,Howard Studies of the absorption and metabolism of glucose following injury; the systemic response to injury,1955,141,3,321-326,Howard Studies of adrenal function in combat and wounded soldiers; a study in the Korean theatre,1955,141,3,314-320,Davis Problems of disaster planning,1956,143,5,566-571,Berry Reconstruction of electrical injuries including cranial losses; with preliminary report of cathode-ray burns,1957,146,3,342-53; discussion 354-6,Brown Radiation burns due to atomic explosions,1957,146,3,314-321,Morton Blunt trauma to the abdomen,1957,145,5,699-711,Morton Mortality of burns at the Massachusetts General Hospital 1939-1954,1957,145,2,210-222,Barnes Burn following accidental exposure to high energy radiation,1959,149,2,286-293,Cramer Use of the carbon arc and burning magnesium as thermal sources for experimental burns,1959,149,1,68-76,Davis Close proximity shotgunblast injuries of the chest,1958,148,5,811-818,Moore The human element in aircraft accidents,1958,147,5,590-3; discussion 594-5,Berry Electrical Burns: A Case Report,1961,154,1,120-124,Sturmer The medical profession in air safety,1961,153,,625-638,Lovell Regional Trauma System Reduces Mortality and Changes Admission Rates: A Before and After Study,2010,251,2,339-343,Leenen Cause of death from burns: role of respiratory damage,1965,161,6,497-501,Taylor A New Method for Evaluating Trauma Centre Outcome Performance: TRAM-Adjusted Mortality Estimates,2010,251,5,952-958,Hanley Coral snake bite: recovery following symptoms of respiratory paralysis,1966,163,6,943-948,Moseley Pancreatic trauma: review of 23 cases,1966,163,6,892-901,Hardy Accidental introduction of giant foreign body into the rectum: case report,1966,163,3,395-398,Lowicki Disparity in management and long-term outcomes of pediatric splenic injury in California,2010,251,6,1162-1166,Cryer Incidence of primary blast injury in US military overseas contingency operations: a retrospective study,2010,251,6,1140-1144,Holcomb Punji stick wounds: experience with 342 wounds in 324 patients in Vietnam,1967,166,6,902-907,Rich Inapparent hypoxemia in casualties with wounded limbs: pulmonary fat embolism?,1968,167,4,511-520,Hardaway Severe Traumatic Injury: Regional Variation in Incidence and Outcome,2010,252,1,149-157,Hoyt Arterial bullet embolism following thoracic gunshot wounds,1968,168,5,911-916,Trimble Incidence clinical predictors genomics and outcome of acute kidney injury among trauma patients,2010,252,1,158-165,Maier Development and Validation of the Mortality Risk for Trauma Comorbidity Index,2010,252,2,370-375,MacKenzie The Attributable Mortality and Length of Stay of Trauma-Related Complications: A Matched Cohort Study,2010,252,2,358-362,Nathens The Association Between Cost and Quality in Trauma: Is Greater Spending Associated With Higher-Quality Care?,2010,252,2,217-222,Osler Are Injuries From Terror and War Similar?: A Comparison Study of Civilians and Soldiers,2010,252,2,363-369,Peleg Infant survival after cesarean section for trauma,1996,223,5,481-8; discussion 488-91,Meredith Major injury induces increased production of interleukin-10 by cells of the immune system with a negative impact on resistance to infection,1997,226,4,450-8; discussion 458-60,Kelly Impact of Motorcycle Helmets and State Laws on Society's Burden: A National Study. (Croce et al.),2010,252,3,574,Croce Impact of Motorcycle Helmets and State Laws on Society's Burden: A National Study. (Adeleye),2010,252,3,573-574,Adeleye The plight of children,2007,246,3,343-350,Grosfeld Evacuation priorities in mass casualty terror-related events: implications for contingency planning,2004,239,3,304-310,Feigenberg Duodenal injury. Analysis of common misconceptions in diagnosis and treatment,1980,191,6,697-702,McCoy Respiratory insufficiency in combat casualties. II. Pulmonary edema following head injury,1969,170,1,39-44,Simmons Optimizing Medical Response to Large-scale Disasters: The Ad Hoc Collaborative Health Care System,2011,253,2,421-423,Peleg The Epidemiology of Vascular Injury in the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan,2011,253,6,1184-1189,Rasmussen Suicide bombing attacks: update and modifications to the protocol,2004,239,3,295-303,Rivkind The first open heart corrections of tetralogy of Fallot. A 26-31 year follow-up of 106 patients,1986,204,4,490-502,Cohen The fate of patients after renal transplantation graft rejection and retransplantation,1972,176,4,509-520,Kountz Computed Tomographic Angiography for Blunt Cerebrovascular Injuries: Don't Throw Out the Baby With the Bathwater,2011,253,3,451-452,Biffl The effect of an organized trauma system on mortality in major trauma involving serious head injury: a comparison of the United Kingdom and Victoria Australia,2011,253,1,138-143,Lecky Variation in Hospital Complication Rates and Failure-to-Rescue for Trauma Patients,2013,ePub,ePub,ePub,Glance Mortality Mauling and Maiming by Vicious Dogs,2013,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cohn Management outcomes in splenic injury: a statewide trauma center review,1997,226,1,17-24,Meredith Mortality determinants in massive pediatric burns. An analysis of 103 children with > or = 80% TBSA burns (> or = 70% full-thickness),1997,225,5,554-65; discussion 565-9,Desai Serious traumatic injury and major burns,1997,225,1,132-3 135,García-Unzueta Good Neighbors? The Effect of a Level 1 Trauma Center on the Performance of Nearby Level 2 Trauma Centers,2011,253,5,992-995,Ahmed A population-based study of the association of medical manpower with county trauma death rates in the United States,1994,219,5,547-63; discussion 563-7,Rutledge Surgical treatment of brown spider bites,1969,170,2,300-308,Hershey Surgical judgment in the management of stab wounds of the abdomen: A retrospective and prospective analysis based on a study of 600 stabbed patients,1969,170,4,569-580,Nance Effect of current therapy on burn mortality,1970,171,1,124-129,Silverstein Death associated with multiple pulmonary emboli soon after battle injury,1970,171,3,336-346,Doty The acid-base status of seriously wounded combat casualties. I. Before treatment,1970,171,4,595-608,Anderson Nonoperative management of solid organ injuries in children. Is it safe?,1994,219,6,625-8; discussion 628-31,Haller Principles of mass casualty management following terrorist disasters,2004,239,3,319-321,Frykberg Gunshot and explosion injuries: characteristics outcomes and implications for care of terror-related injuries in Israel,2004,239,3,311-318,Stein Hypertonic sodium resuscitation is associated with renal failure and death,1995,221,5,543-54; discussion 554-7,Dimick Physiologic consideration of hypoxemia in shock and trauma,1971,173,5,667-679,McLaughlin Right iliac artery-duodenal fistula in infancy: massive hemorrhage due to "whisk-broom" bristle perforation,1972,176,6,761-764,Grosfeld Biochemical and hematological changes associated with massive transfusion of ACD-stored blood in severely injured combat casualties,1972,176,5,585-589,Fletcher Early diagnosis of inhalation injury using 133 xenon lung scan,1972,176,4,477-484,Moylan Coagulopathy after major combat injury: occurrence management and pathophysiology,1972,176,2,243-246,McNamara Clinical fat embolism in combat casualties,1972,176,1,54-57,Molot A comparative evaluation of pressure-limited and volume-limited respirators for prolonged postoperative ventilatory support in combat casualties,1972,176,1,49-53,Bowen Small bowel injuries in children after blunt abdominal trauma,1971,174,2,238-241,Morse Incidence of long-term psychiatric complications in severely burned adults,1971,174,5,785-793,Hartford Sudden death after phosphorus burns: experimental observations of hypocalcemia hyperphosphatemia and electrocardiographic abnormalities following production of a standard white phosphorus burn,1971,174,5,779-784,Bowen The pregnant motor vehicle accident casualty: Adherence to basic workup and admission guidelines,2011,254,2,346-352,Einav The sympathetic response in head trauma; catecholamine and cardiopulmonary changes upon altering p CO 2 ,1973,177,1,86-92,Cowley Diabetes insipidus secondary to penetrating thoracic trauma,1975,181,1,31-34,Bauer Burn morbidity: a followup study of physical and psychological disability,1976,183,1,34-37,Chang Civilian arterial injuries,1976,183,1,13-23,Clauss Smoke burns and the natural history of inhalation injury in fire victims: a correlation of experimental and clinical data,1977,185,1,100-110,Jung Toothpick perforation of the intestines,1977,185,1,64-66,Schwartz Effect of injury and infection on visceral metabolism and circulation,1980,192,4,491-504,Mason Burn injury. Analysis of survival and hospitalization time for 937 patients,1980,192,4,472-478,Luterman The symphysiotomy approach to high velocity missile trauma,1973,178,5,616-620,Selikowitz Mass casualties in a maximum security institution,1974,179,5,592-597,Border Ergot intoxication: historical review and description of unusual clinical manifestations,1974,180,5,773-779,Porter Mechanisms of Indirect Acute Lung Injury: A Novel Role for the Coinhibitory Receptor Programmed Death-1,2012,255,1,158-164,Huang Effect of Pharmacological Enhancement on the Cognitive and Clinical Psychomotor Performance of Sleep-Deprived Doctors: A Randomized Controlled Trial,2012,255,2,222-227,Sahakian What is clinical smoke poisoning?,1975,181,2,151-156,Zikria Cardiac contusion: a capricious syndrome,1975,181,5,567-574,Jones The pathophysiology of smoke inhalation injury,1975,182,5,652-660,Fulton The role of erythropoietin in the anemia of thermal injury,1973,178,5,565-572,Monafo Vascular injury in Vietnam combat casualties: results of treatment at the 24th Evacuation Hospital 1 July 1967 to 12 August 1969,1973,178,2,143-147,Wright Sequential system failure after rupture of abdominal aortic aneurysms: an unsolved problem in postoperative care,1973,178,2,117-122,Tilney Management of post-traumatic pain syndromes: report of 113 cases,1973,177,6,780-787,Thompson National Variation in Outcomes and Costs For Splenic Injury and the Impact of Trauma Systems: A Population-Based Cohort Study,2012,255,1,165-170,Koepsell Acute hand burns in children: management and long-term outcome based on a 10-year experience with 698 injured hands,1999,229,4,558-564,Sheridan Calcium phosphorus and magnesium metabolism following head injury,1973,177,1,126-131,McLaurin Sequential hemodynamic changes in patients with head injury: evidence for an early hemodynamic defect,1973,177,2,187-192,Shoemaker Benchmarking Outcomes in the Critically Injured Trauma Patient and the Effect of Implementing Standard Operating Procedures,2012,255,5,993-999,McDonald-Smith Trauma Center Quality Improvement Programs in the United States Canada and Australasia,2012,256,1,163-169,Nathens Improved functional outcomes for major trauma patients in a regionalized inclusive trauma system,2012,255,6,1009-1015,Wolfe Contribution to the surgery of the deep urethra,1904,40,4,555-560,Lydston Multiple casualty incidents: lessons from the front line,2004,239,3,322-324,Hirshberg Cirrhosis in the trauma victim. Effect on mortality rates,1990,211,2,172-177,Rhodes A prospective study on fish bone ingestion. Experience of 358 patients,1990,211,4,459-462,Ngan Do micropauses prevent surgeon's fatigue and loss of accuracy associated with prolonged surgery?: an experimental prospective study,2013,257,2,256-259,Dorion Evaluating time points for measuring recovery after major trauma in adults,2013,257,1,166-172,Lyons Stress-induced hyperglycemia not diabetic hyperglycemia is associated with higher mortality in trauma,2012,256,3,446-452,Kerby Mass casualties in Tahrir square at the climax of the Egyptian uprising: evidence of an emerging pattern of regime's organized escalating violence during 10 hours on the night of January 28 2011,2012,256,6,1093-1097,Sarhan Reply to letter: "the pregnant motor vehicle accident casualty adherence to basic workup and admission guidelines",2014,ePub,ePub,ePub,Einav The pregnant motor vehicle accident casualty: adherence to basic workup and admission guidelines. Letter to the editor,2012,256,5,e26-7,Mintz Inhalation injury severity and systemic immune perturbations in burned adults,2013,257,6,1137-1146,Kovacs A randomized stepped care intervention trial targeting posttraumatic stress disorder for surgically hospitalized injury survivors,2013,257,3,390-399,Dunn A population-based analysis of the discrepancy between potential and realized access to trauma center care,2013,257,1,160-165,Nathens The association between air ambulance distribution and trauma mortality,2013,257,6,1147-1153,Forsythe En-route care capability from point of injury impacts mortality after severe wartime injury,2013,257,2,330-334,Rasmussen Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) screening and early intervention after physical injury: are we there yet?,2013,257,3,400-402,Coimbra Rates patterns and determinants of unplanned readmission after traumatic injury: a multicentre cohort study,2014,259,2,374-380,Nathens Survivors versus nonsurvivors postburn: differences in inflammatory and hypermetabolic trajectories,2014,259,4,814-823,Jeschke Revised estimates of mortality from the Birmingham Burn Centre 2001-2010: a continuing analysis over 65 years,2014,259,5,979-984,Hardwicke Perforations and foreign bodies of the rectum: report of 28 cases,1976,184,5,601-604,Barone Thoracic outlet syndrome in whiplash injury,1977,185,2,175-178,Capistrant Acute renal failure following blunt civilian trauma,1977,185,3,301-306,Matas Bullet emboli in the pulmonary and systemic arteries,1977,185,3,318-320,Symbas Mild Obesity Is Protective After Severe Burn Injury,2013,258,6,1119-1129,Jeschke Mobilization of the obese patient and prevention of injury,2013,258,4,646-50; discussion 650-1,Garrison Elevated levels of plasma mitochondrial DNA DAMPs are linked to clinical outcome in severely injured human subjects,2013,258,4,591-6; discussion 596-8,Gonzalez Minority trauma patients tend to cluster at trauma centers with worse-than-expected mortality: Can this phenomenon help explain racial disparities in trauma outcomes?,2013,258,4,572-9; discussion 579-81,MacKenzie Epidemiology of vascular injuries in modern wars,2014,259,6,e91,Rasouli A multisite randomized controlled trial of brief intervention to reduce drinking in the trauma care setting: How brief is brief?,2014,259,5,873-880,Brown Impact of Obesity on Mortality and Complications in Trauma Patients,2014,259,3,576-581,Osler Reduced population burden of road transport-related major trauma after introduction of an inclusive trauma system,2014,261,3,565-572,Lyons Association between intentional injury and long-term survival after trauma,2014,259,5,985-992,MacKenzie Increasing trauma deaths in the United States,2014,260,1,13-21,Rhee Survival from burns in the new millennium: 70 years' experience from a single institution,2014,261,2,263-268,Tompkins Triage patterns for medicare patients presenting to nontrauma hospitals with moderate or severe injuries,2014,261,2,383-389,Rosengart Infection in the severely traumatized patient,1974,179,3,352-357,Miller Differences in healing of skin wounds caused by burn and freeze injuries,1980,191,2,244-248,Ehrlich Secondary lesions of penetrating cardiac injuries: a frequent complication,1980,191,2,228-233,Fallahnejad The effect of smoke inhalation on pulmonary surfactant,1980,191,2,171-181,Webb Right ventricular dysfunction in acute thermal injury,1980,191,3,330-335,Burke Benchmarking outcomes in the critically injured burn patient,2014,259,5,833-841,McDonald-Smith Prehospital helicopter transport and survival of patients with traumatic brain injury,2014,261,3,579-585,Bekelis Organ procurement in patients with fatal head injuries. The fate of the potential donor,1991,213,2,143-150,Shackford Esophageal gunshot injuries,1980,191,6,703-707,Symbas Genetics of natural resistance to thermal injury,1982,195,3,294-304,Rapaport Carotid artery injuries caused by blunt trauma,1980,192,1,74-77,Thal Upper digestive tract reconstruction for caustic injuries,2014,261,5,894-901,Chirica Inhalation injury--an increasing problem,1978,188,1,34-37,Moylan Muscle blood flow following thermal injury,1978,188,6,778-782,Pruitt A new nonpenetrating ballistic injury,1978,188,6,753-757,Soderstrom Explaining the paradoxical age-based racial disparities in survival after trauma: the role of the treating facility,2014,262,1,179-183,Haider The Role of Biological Sex in Severely Traumatized Patients on Outcomes: A Matched-Pair Analysis,2014,261,4,774-780,Faist Detailed description of all deaths in both the shock and traumatic brain injury hypertonic saline trials of the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium,2014,261,3,586-590,Brasel Penetrating cardiac trauma. Quantifying the severity of anatomic and physiologic injury,1987,205,1,61-66,Stahl Selective nonoperative management in 1106 patients with abdominal gunshot wounds: conclusions on safety efficacy and the role of selective CT imaging in a prospective single-center study,2014,261,4,760-764,Ball Validation of complications selected by consensus to evaluate the acute phase of adult trauma care: a multicenter cohort study,2014,262,6,1123-1129,Kortbeek The influence of injury severity on complication rates after primary closure or colostomy for penetrating colon trauma,1989,209,4,439-447,Lewis Five thousand seven hundred sixty cardiovascular injuries in 4459 patients. 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Let's turn traumatic injury into a life-saving event,2017,265,5,854-855,Haider Cured into destitution: catastrophic health expenditure risk among uninsured trauma patients in the united states,2018,267,6,1093-1099,Haider Legislative strategies to reduce the toll of firearm injuries in America,2018,267,5,e99,Maa Advocating for a sensible firearm injury prevention plan,2018,267,5,e99-e100,Masiakos Addressing the public health epidemic of firearm-related violence in America,2018,268,1,e15,Masiakos Firearm deaths in America: can we learn from 462000 lives lost?,2017,266,3,432-440,Schwab Do surgeons react? A retrospective analysis of surgeons' response to harassment of a colleague during simulated operating theatre scenarios,2018,268,2,277-281,Gostlow Incidence and risk factors of long-term opioid use in elderly trauma patients,2018,268,6,985-991,Gosselin The relative lack of data regarding firearms injuries in the United States,2018,268,6,e55-e56,Zielinski Hidden costs of hospitalization after firearm injury: national analysis of different hospital readmission,2018,267,5,810-815,Namias Prevent the bleed: how surgeons can lead the national conversation about firearm safety forward,2018,267,3,428-429,Masiakos Response: Hidden costs of hospitalization after firearm injury,2018,268,6,e78,Namias A British perspective on the American College of Surgeons conversation about firearm safety,2018,267,3,430-431,Darzi Patterns and predictors of return to work after major trauma: a prospective population-based registry study,2019,269,5,972-978,Collie Pathophysiological response to burn injury in adults,2018,267,3,576-584,Jeschke Editorial of hidden costs of hospitalization after firearm injury: national analysis of different hospital readmission,2018,267,5,816,Rogers Can we do better? A Canadian perspective on firearm injury prevention,2018,267,6,1009-1010,Yanchar Increased rate of long-term mortality among burn survivors: a population-based matched cohort study,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jeschke Insurance status biases trauma-system utilization and appropriate interfacility transfer: national and longitudinal results of adult pediatric and older adult patients,2018,268,4,681-689,Davis Establishing a regional trauma preventable/potentially preventable death rate,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Holcomb Workplace bullying among surgeons-the perfect crime,2019,269,1,43-44,Cochran Factors associated with long-term outcomes after injury: results of the Functional Outcomes and Recovery After Trauma Emergencies (FORTE) multicenter cohort study,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brasel Prehospital ground transport rapid sequence intubation for trauma and traumatic brain injury outcomes,2019,269,3,e29-e30,Mitra A prospective evaluation of the utility of a hybrid operating suite for severely injured patients: 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