Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author All-terrain vehicle accidents in Robertson County Tennessee,1987,80,12,732-733,Wheelhouse Safety belts,1991,84,10,513,Wade Failure to use safety belts: a call to arms for Tennessee physicians,1991,84,8,379-380,Olive Protecting the child passenger,1988,81,4,249,Sadler Asleep at the wheel: fatigue usually wins with deadly results,1995,88,2,66,Marshall Public health and violence,1994,87,5,197-198,Hickey Auto insurance problems of the teenager,1971,64,12,1059-1060,Luton The meaning of the automobile to the adolescent,1971,64,12,1057-1059,Stewart Drug overdose--an increasing medical emergency,1977,70,1,23,Sannella Successfully resolved geriatric abuse cases by the Geriatric Abuse Intervention Team,1984,77,10,599-600,Clark Geriatric abuse intervention team in a family practice setting,1984,77,9,535-536,Clark Geriatric abuse--out of the closet,1984,77,8,470-471,Clark Chronic pain in adults with a history of childhood sexual abuse,1985,78,8,493-495,Parris Adolescent suicide in East Tennessee. A birth cohort study,1987,80,11,671-673,Maden Health risk factors of Tennessee's teenagers,1987,80,9,554-555,Bolton A public health perspective on violent death,1988,81,2,103-104, Cylindrical battery ingestion: a case of endoscopic retrieval,1989,82,8,415-416,Young Blunt injury of the abdominal aorta,1989,82,5,255-256,Fabian Blunt abdominal trauma associated with seat belt use,1989,82,1,21-22,Burns Trends in suicide among Tennessee youth aged 10 to 24 years,1989,82,1,28,Hogan Abdominal gunshot injuries in children,1991,84,11,544 547,Morris Isolated cardiac rupture due to a blunt chest trauma,1991,84,2,73-74,Croce Fear of anticipated disaster in psychiatric patients,1992,85,4,157-158,Arnold Physicians' involvement with industrial productivity,1970,63,12,1022-1027,Kerr The invisible glass door: another hazard of modern living,1968,61,4,395-396,Sachatello Visual factors in automotive driver safety,1968,61,3,278-282,Hiatt Alcohol and highway safety in Tennessee,1974,67,1,36-37,Barry Power lawn mower injuries,1979,72,9,653-655,Madigan Case report: accidental aphrodisiac ingestion,1978,71,10,747 750,Field The Tennessee Child Passenger Protection Act of 1977,1976,69,11,773-776,Sanders Fighting child abuse: saving the children,1993,86,7,310,Bowers Tennessee physicians join national effort to end domestic violence,1993,86,2,68,Bowers Home safety ... to go,1993,86,9,405,Osterle Controlling costs after a workers' comp injury,1993,86,4,163,Elkins Accidents will happen,1991,84,3,140-141,Thomison Injuries are not accidents,1991,84,3,128,Sadler Large diameter impalement,1990,83,11,557-558,Morris Blunt intestinal trauma,1990,83,9,462 465,Fisher On the role of alcohol in nonvehicular unintentional injuries among adolescents,1990,83,4,169-173,Rockett Unusual presentation of traumatic transection of aorta,1987,80,7,421-422,Coates Myocardial contusion,1987,80,5,293-295,Fabian Child safety program,1983,76,1,39-40,Dewey Child restraint,1981,74,9,678-679,Bushore A new look at whiplash injuries,1965,58,,39-44,Von werssowetzo Poisoning from psychopharmacologic drugs,1967,60,12,1325-1330,Lash Blunt duodenal trauma,1993,86,7,303-305,Enderson Responding to the health and medical consequences of catastrophic earthquakes,1993,86,8,358-359,Phillips Diabetic youth: why do they choose suicide?,1993,86,8,346-349,Hayes Cervical spine injury--quadriplegia,1994,87,12,516-517,Avery Crush syndrome of the upper extremity,1994,87,5,195 198,Lewis Tennessee's Traumatic Brain Injury Program,1996,89,3,83 86,Doster Scalping injuries: report of a historical case,1993,86,4,154,Lewis Decision absent good data,1993,86,5,203-204,Avery Family violence: reaching out to stop the abuse,1994,87,10,436,Bowers Cardiac contusion: a case report of left ventricular cardiac contusion,1995,88,9,351-2 355,Cooper Laryngotracheal transection,1990,83,8,402-403,Minard Bronchial rupture,1991,84,4,178-179,Meadors Occult unstable cervical spine injury,1988,81,4,243-244,Maull An accidental self-inflicted gunshot wound,1995,88,5,190 192,Lewis TMA's domestic violence program,1995,88,1,33,Ku Electrical injury as a cause of fracture,1995,88,8,313,Enderson Isolated blunt renal trauma in a pediatric patient,1994,87,11,476-478,Crabtree Combined thoracic and intra-abdominal injury,1994,87,1,12-13,Frame Partners in medicine--health promotions,1994,87,12,525,Phillips Trauma in pregnancy--the maternal-fetal relationship,1994,87,7,291-292,Chang Recognition of the subtle signs of child abuse,1990,83,1,20-21,Burns Licorice intoxication,1975,68,1,24-25,Hollifield Implied consent. Methods and results--state of Tennessee 1971,1973,66,2,118-120,Francisco X-ray of the month. Child abuse,1973,66,11,1053-4 passim,Lee Trauma in pregnancy,1990,83,2,74-76,Lee Severe systemic toxicity from a spider bite in a six-year-old boy,1979,72,2,110-111,Billmeier Paraquat burn of the scrotum and perineum,1979,72,2,109,Lynch The violent patient--differential diagnosis and management,1982,75,5,313-317,Koomen Traumatic laceration of internal mammary vessels,1987,80,1,29-30,Maull Good medicine--lethal side effects,1989,82,2,91,Avery Experiences of the Southern Poison Center during 1986 and 1987,1989,82,5,245-249,Chyka A toxic cause of chest pain,1991,84,3,126-127,Neuzil Don't take off with your fuel tanks half full,1986,79,3,161,Avery The sympathy factor,1992,85,7,331-332,Avery Child fatality review in Tennessee,1996,89,1,18,Joyner In a heartbeat. Interview by David E. Reiser,1993,86,2,69-72,Sims