Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Would a helmet law for snowmobile riders reduce head injuries?,1994,53,4,196-199,Bjornstig Snowmobile injuries in Kiruna northern Sweden,1994,53,4,189-195,Sundstrom Developing the snowmobile helmet,1994,53,Suppl 3,8-11,Aijala Service of snowmobiles in the wilderness and villages,1994,53,Suppl 3,55-60,Niskanen Snowmobile traumas in finnish lapland: injuries to head face and neck. possible effects of speed and the use of helmet,1994,53,Suppl 3,5-7,Koskinen Ergonomic aspects on snowmobile driving,1994,53,Suppl 3,45-54,Tostrup Proceedings of the Nordic Conference on Snowmobiles. Rovaniemi March 22-23 1994,1994,53,Suppl 3,1-60, Safety in the use of four-wheeled all-terrain vehicles in Finland,1992,51,Suppl 7,77-81,Pekkarinen Snowmobile accidents in Lapland,1992,51,Suppl 7,64-70,Soininen Accidents in the north. some aspects on snowmobile accidents and moose-car collisions,1992,51,Suppl 7,56-58,Bjornstig Snowmobile injuries in northern Newfoundland and Labrador 1985-86 winter season,1988,47,Suppl 1,406-408,Hamdy Accidents in reindeer herding work,1988,47,Suppl 1,403-405,Kisko Public health aspects of stray dogs in Barrow Alaska,1988,47,Suppl 1,83-89,Nelson Accidents in the arctic. a psychological point of view,1992,51,Suppl 7,71-76,Klen Prevention of accidents in reindeer herding work,1992,51,Suppl 7,59-63,Hassi Thermal responses in the body during snowmobile driving,1994,53,Suppl 3,12-18,Anttonen Snowmobile driving and symptoms of the locomotive organs,1994,53,Suppl 3,41-44,Hassi Residents' assessment of a community-based alcohol initiative in the Canadian Arctic,1995,54,4,184-191,Callaway Heat production during cold water immersion: The role of shivering and exercise in the development of hypothermia,1995,54,Suppl 2,60-64,Reinertsen Space or rescue blanket--a bluff?,1992,51,4,212-213,Renström Protective clothing against cold--performance standards as method for preventive measures,1992,51,Suppl 7,94-98,Holmér Substance abuse among Greenlandic school children,1992,51,2,67-71,Pedersen An epidemiological perspective of injuries in the Northwest Territories,1992,51,Suppl 7,27-36,Moffatt The hand in the cold performance and risk,1995,54,Suppl 2,37-47,Havenith Child survival in Greenland,1995,54,1,11-14,Bjerregaard Improving child survival in Greenland,1995,54,Suppl 1,113-116,Senderovitz Mental disorders and conditions of life in childhood in Greenlanders,1995,54,Suppl 1,60-67,Lynge Male sexuality and sexual offences,1995,54,Suppl 1,47-52,Hertoft Occupational needs and evaluation methods for cold protective clothing,1993,52,Suppl 9,1-76,Anttonen Preventive health programs among Sami adolescents in a Sami community,1995,54,Suppl 1,107-112,Kvernmo Risk of frostbite in vibration-induced white finger cases,1993,52,2,69-72,Anttonen Occupational safety and health training in Alaska,1992,51,Suppl 7,82-86,Hild Families in distress the development of children growing up with alcohol and violence,1995,54,,53-59,Christensen Mental health promotion among American Indian children,1995,54,Suppl 1,101-106,Harvey Ergonomic design of machinery for use in the cold. A review based on the literature and original research,1992,51,Suppl 7,87-91,Väyrynen Classification of accidents in the arctic. A suggestion for adaptation of the Nordic classification for accident monitoring,1992,51,7,15-21,Bay-Nielsen National registration of accidents in Iceland,1992,51,Suppl 7,42-44,Olafsson Adolescent psychiatry and child sexual abuse,1994,53,Suppl 1,57-62,Bengtsson Dynamic work in cold,1995,54,Suppl 2,29-31,Rintamäki Mortality related to alcohol use among the status Indian population of Saskatchewan,1991,50,Suppl,267-270,Szabo Epidemiology of injuries in northern areas,1992,51,Suppl 7,5-14,Middaugh Injuries in the Alaskan Arctic,1992,51,Suppl 7,45-55,Kennedy Accident toll in a Norwegian Spitsbergen mining community,1992,51,Suppl 7,37-41,Risholt Fatal non-intentional injuries in Greenland,1992,51,,22-26,Bjerregaard Local cold injuries sustained during military service in the Norwegian Army,1991,50,4,159-165,Rosén Mortality among Swedish reindeer breeding Lapps in 1961-85,1991,50,1,3-7,Eklund Resultant clothing insulation during exercise in the cold,1991,50,6,94-98,Holmér Frostbite in reindeer herders,1991,50,Suppl 6,89-93,Ervasti Freezing cold injury,1991,50,Suppl 6,76-79,Granberg Alcohol and cold,1991,50,Suppl 6,43-47,Granberg Diving and hypothermia,1991,50,Suppl 6,37-42,Hayes Human physiology under cold exposure,1991,50,Suppl 6,23-27,Granberg Crush injuries in arctic off-shore fisheries: initial treatment to prevent acute renal failure,1991,50,Suppl 6,104-107,Brattebø Severe accidental hypothermia: Survival after 6 hours 30 minutes of cardiopulmonary resuscitation,1991,50,Suppl 6,112-114,Lexow Traumatic occupational fatalities: how Alaska differs from the U.S. national statistics. Implications for circumpolar health,1991,1991,Suppl,722-726,Schnitzer A comparison of the patterns of illness and injury occurring on offshore structures in the northern North Sea and the stations of the British Antarctic Survey,1991,50,Suppl,719-721,Norman Socioeconomic and environmental characteristics of women of domestic violence in Alaska,1991,50,Suppl,590-595,Schultz Family violence in the North: what do we know and where do we go from here?,1991,,,586-589,Pasquali Unmet needs of children in Canada's north: nutrition injury prevention and problems of adolescents,1991,1991,Suppl,554-557,Moffatt Alaskan and Siberian studies on alcoholic behavior and genetic predisposition,1991,,,474-477,Segal Suicide among Inuit youth in Greenland 1977-86,1991,50,Suppl,299-302,Thorslund Community-based suicide prevention programs in rural Alaska: self determination as a new approach,1991,50,Suppl,291-293,Berger Community crisis intervention in suicide epidemics,1991,50,Suppl,276-280,Rodgers Seasonal depression and sleep disturbances in Alaska and Siberia: a pilot study,1991,50,Suppl,281-284,Booker Alcohol-related mortality in Finnish Lapland,1991,,,261-263,Näyhä Fatal accidents in Greenland,1990,49,3,132-141,Bjerregaard Avoidable deaths in Greenland 1968-1985: variations by region and period,1990,49,3,119-127,Bjerregaard Inuit suicides in Greenland,1990,49,1,25-33,Thorslund Geographic variation of mortality in Greenland. Economic and demographic correlations,1990,49,1,16-24,Bjerregaard On suicide statistics,1989,48,3,124-130,Thorslund Suicide in Greenland,1989,48,3,122-123,Senderovitz Pattern of emergency cases related to accidents violence and violent deaths during 1985 in Sukkertoppen/Maniitsoq Greenland,1988,47,3,125-130,Marschall Causes of death in Greenland 1968-85,1988,47,3,105-123,Bjerregaard Community trauma and community interventions,1988,47,Suppl 1,94-96,Macedo Alcohol related deaths in Greenland,1988,47,Suppl 1,596-597,Bjerregaard Alcohol problems in conditions of the North,1988,47,Suppl 1,593-595,Korolenko Suicides by status Indians in Manitoba,1988,47,Suppl 1,590-592,Garro Recognition of predisposing factors which affect the high suicide rate of Canadian Indians,1988,47,Suppl 1,588-589,Prince Screening and evaluating individuals held in protective custody under Title 47 in southwestern Alaska,1988,47,Suppl 1,585-587,Hite Psychological risk factors for sleep disturbances in a northern Finnish cohort of first and second born children,1988,47,Suppl 1,542-544,Seitamo Safety and first aid curriculum for circumpolar and developing rural areas,1988,47,Suppl 1,398-402,Taylor Circumpolar system safety engineering,1988,47,1,390-393,Pascal Cold injuries,1988,47,Suppl 1,39-41,Granberg Lost years of life in Greenland in the period 1968 to 1983,1988,47,Suppl 1,379-384,Bjerregaard The peculiarities of alcoholism in the north,1988,47,Suppl 1,36-37,Korolenko A sample of personality profiles of frostbite patients in Alaska 1980-86,1988,47,Suppl 1,243-245,Kappes Juvenile alcohol use and self-destructive behaviour in northern populations. A cross-cultural comparison,1988,47,Suppl 1,604-610,Jilek-Aall Alcoholic family systems: a legacy of dysfunction,1988,47,Suppl 1,611-614,Mann Treatment and prevention of cold injuries by ancient peoples indigenous to Arctic and subarctic regions,1988,47,Suppl 1,286-289,Foutch Assessment of cold environments in terms of required insulation,1988,47,Suppl 1,239-242,Holmér Mortality patterns in Greenland. An analysis of potential years of life lost 1968-83,1987,46,2,71-77,Bjerregaard Mortality patterns in Greenland. An analysis of potential years of life lost 1968-83,1987,46,1,24-28,Bjerregaard Validity of Greenlandic mortality statistics,1986,42,,18-24,Bjerregaard Occupational health and organization of occupational health services among forest workers in Finland,1986,44,,18-24,Husman Alcohol-associated deaths and their geographical location,1986,44,,42-47,Saukko Mortality studies in Greenland. Regional differences in alcohol related deaths and infant mortality,1985,40,,69-74,Bjerregaard Violence in Greenland,1985,40,,65-68,Jørgensen Criminal homicide in Greenland,1985,40,,61-64,Hansen Suicide in Greenland,1985,40,,53-60,Lynge Socialization family conflicts and responses to culture change among Canadian Inuit,1985,40,,40-52,Briggs The impact of housing on health: an ecologic study from the Canadian Arctic,1996,55,2,52-61,Young Enhancing tolerance to cold exposure--how successful have we been?,1995,54,Suppl 2,70-75,Mercer Prediction of responses to cold,1995,54,Suppl 2,48-54,Holmer The relation of sleep-wake patterns to seasonal depressive behavior,1994,53,3,130-136,Booker Whole body vibration and the snowmobile,1994,53,Suppl 3,24-28,Niskanen Hand-arm vibration in snowmobile drivers,1994,53,Suppl 3,19-23,Anttonen Human exposure to environmental hazards in the Arctic,1993,52,1,3-4,Akerblom Work in the cold--an information and research program in occupational health,1992,51,Suppl 7,92-93,Dahlström Personality profiles of Iditarod mushers as compared by Finish group,1991,50,3,131-137,Dean Working in the cold,1991,50,Suppl 6,80-82,Rodahl Norwegian military field exercises in the arctic: Cognitive and physical performance,1991,50,Suppl 6,132-136,Hodgdon Occupational health in Alaska: Problems and potential,1991,50,Suppl,715-718,Hild The Polar Psychology Project (PPP): a cross-national investigation of polar adaptation,1989,48,2,91-94,Suedfeld Clothing design for work in the cold,1987,46,1,3-12,Lotens Prevalence and causes of blindness in Greenland,1987,46,1,13-17,Rosenberg Family health in Greenland--as the social authorities see it,1985,40,,92-94,Munk A survey of attitudes of health care personnel in northern Manitoba and the Keewatin District towards emergency evacuation services,1991,50,Suppl,190-192,Mundy The impact of Chernobyl on the economy and cultural-environment of northern Sweden,1988,47,Suppl 1,195-198,Broadbent Diurnal and seasonal rhythms of melatonin cortisol and testosterone in interior Alaska,1994,53,1,25-34,Duffy Noise and hearing loss in reindeer herders,1994,53,Suppl 3,35-40,Anttonen Combined effects of cold vibration and smoking particularly in snowmobile users,1994,53,Suppl 3,29-34,Anttonen The population survey as a tool for assessing family health in the Keewatin region NWT Canada,1995,54,Suppl 1,77-85,Moffatt The pattern of medical contacts in a geographically isolated mine village in Greenland,1990,49,4,195-197,Gottlieb Episodes of illness and medical service in a geographically isolated mine village in Greenland,1990,49,3,128-131,Gottlieb Polar day and polar night: month of year and time of day and the use of physical and pharmacological restraint in a north Norwegian university psychiatric hospital,1996,55,4,174-181,Wynn Adverse reactions to N-acetylcysteine in Inuit to paracetamol (acetaminophen) overdose,1996,55,4,204-205,Pfeiffer Some consequences of polar stress: data from a transpolar ski-trek,1991,50,1,25-29,Shephard Disease pattern in Greenland: studies on morbidity in Upernavik 1979-1980 and mortality in Greenland 1968-1985,1991,50,Suppl 4,1-62,Bjerregaard Biochemical changes in the blood of participants of the Soviet-Canadian transarctic ski-journey,1991,,Suppl ,549-552,Panin Stresses encountered in the trans-polar ski-trek,1991,,Suppl,478-480,Shephard Problems of family health in circumpolar regions. Report on a WHO/NCAMR Working Group Ilulissat/Jakobshavn Greenland April 20-22 1985,1985,40,,7-20, The winter swimmer's self-portrait. Ice water immersion as a form of self care,1988,47,1,4-12,Urponen The establishment of an occupational health service for the British Antarctic Survey,1988,47,Suppl 1,365-367,Norman Health care in crisis: understanding nursing turnover in northern Canada (1),1991,Suppl,,177-180,Canitz