Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author All-terrain vehicle accidents,1995,129,7-8,246-9 295,Baruchin The cyclist and his helmet,1993,124,7,444,Ohry Head and brain injuries in bicyclists,1990,118,10,575-576,Linn Injury from fireworks and firecrackers during holidays,2004,143,10,698-701 7,Zohar Road traffic accidents--severe injuries. Decision-making on the basis of partial data,2004,143,2,111-5 167 166,Aharonson-Daniel Airbag-associated ocular trauma,1997,133,12,619-22 663-2,Muallem Childhood injuries in Israel: status and prevention strategies,2003,142,8-9,609-11 646 645,Danon Childhood injuries in northern Israel--prevalance and risk factors,2003,142,8-9,579-82 648,Miron Drinking and driving,1997,132,3,162-7 240,Peleg Traffic accidents--the national killer,2004,143,2,90-1 168,Shemer Air bags: benefits and risks,1996,130,2,120-122,Kluger Eye injuries caused by rotating wire brushes,2005,144,4,239-40 304,Hod Road traffic accidents--a public health issue,1997,132,12,847-848,Ishay Prevention of road accidents in children,1983,104,3,112,Wortreich Physicians and the battle against road accidents,1997,132,3,183-184,Shoenfeld Road accidents in Israel,1963,64,,15-20,Naftali The pregnant woman car accidents and the seat belt,1990,119,7-8,219-220,Fisher Seat-belt--hindrance of life-saver?,1975,89,1,38-40,Wortreich The physician's role in assessing the fitness of elderly patients to drive,2002,141,7,617-21 66,Steier Equilibrium and falls in the elderly,2005,144,12,845-7 911,Chaimoff The evaluation of mental capability to use firearms: practical and ethical questions,2002,141,1,26-9 127,Bauer Hospitalizations due to falls in the childhood population of Northern Israel: a comparison between the years 1993-1995 and 2002-2004,2006,145,4,269-71 319,Shavit Ocular injuries related to Independence day celebrations,2006,145,4,254-6 320,Levy Road traffic accidents circumstances diagnoses and severity of injury--data from the Israeli national trauma registry,2001,140,10,919-22 991,Avitzour Accidents of the free time--problems and prospects,1981,100,2,101-102,Kish Patterns of injuries and preventive measures for motorcycle accidents,1997,132,6,436-8 447,Kluger The influence of gender on risk factors for child and adolescent suicidal behavior,2003,142,3,203-7 237,Zalsman Characteristics of calls by psychiatric patients to an emergency telephone helpline,1996,130,10,669-72 728,Gilat Suicidal calls to a telephone emergency service,1998,134,7,523-8 591,Gilat The effects of violence and terrorism on chronic physical illness,2006,145,9,639-42 704,Kitai Domestic violence against women and the role of the obstetrician/gynecologist,2006,145,10,753-7 781,Rabinerson Injury proneness: the physiatric and psychiatric view points,1991,120,11,648-650,Ohry Driver drowsiness--are physicians at a special risk?,2003,142,5,338-41 399 398,Steier Traumatic brain injury--the national trauma registry,2001,140,5,381-5 455,Boyko Suicide by medications and other means in one time and repeated suicide attempts in Israel,2007,146,5,325-8 408,Katz-Sheiban Suicide: Clinical and systematic aspects of the self-responsibility dimension,2007,146,5,364-7 405,Kotler Parents' risk perception and analysis of children's injuries scenarios from cold fat removers,2007,146,7,523-8 575 574,Klein Frequency and reasons for falling among residents of the geriatric center,2007,146,8,589-93 647,Levencron Head injury in the elderly,1995,128,8,474-7 528-7,Soustiel Driving and diabetes,1994,127,3-4,91-93,Segal Elderly drivers: medical epidemiological and social aspects,1994,126,9,540-542,Wiener Psychiatric aspects of traffic accidents,1992,122,10,674-677,Iancu Alcoholism and traffic accidents,1992,122,9,603-604,Wiener Eye trauma in southern Africa,1994,126,3,128-30 175,Brook Motor vehicle accidents and eye injuries,1997,132,1,16-8 72 71,Miller Falling asleep at the wheel: chronicle of a predictable accident,1997,132,8,552-553,Lavie Is there a linkage between mental illness and traffic accidents?,1991,121,3-4,125-127,Ben-Artzi The rationale for promotion of bicycle helmet legislation for children up to 18 years,2007,146,9,690-4 733-4,Endy-Findling Sports emergencies in the pediatric population,2007,146,9,713-8 733,Fainmesser Bunt small bowel injuries--a challenging diagnosis,2008,147,3,207-10 279,Mintz Etiology of maxillofacial trauma--a 10-year survey at the Chaim Sheba Medical Center Tel-Hashomer,2008,147,3,192-196 280,Yoffe Seatbelts on school buses: are they safe for our children?,2008,147,8-9,717-21 749,Peleg Foreign body aspiration in children: ten-years experience at the ha'emek medical center,2006,145,8,569-71 631,Shlizerman Screening for domestic violence in primary care setting,2008,147,12,978-81 1030 1029,Steinmetz Instruments for the assessment of violent behavior towards others among the mentally ill population,2009,148,1,50-4 87 86,Bauer Rehabilitation outcomes of terror victims with multiple trauma: the experience in Hadassah University Hospital 2000-2004,2008,147,11,885-91 940,Schwartz Predictable surprise--the 2008 Sichuan earthquake,2008,147,7,578-86 664,Ashkenazi The contribution of cognitive and psychomotor evaluation tools to the assessment of driving potential,2007,146,12,952-6 997,Weiss Factitious disorder by proxy,2007,146,9,695-7 733,Kaplan Sleep deprivation and its effect on the ability to maintain wakefulness: implications on functioning and driving,2009,148,5,287-91 352,Furman The battered child syndrome,1970,78,5,248-249,Schavil The doctor as a key figure in observing and helping children who were victims of sexual abuse in the family,2006,145,8,592-6 630 629,Wolf Disclosure of medical information to automobile licensing authorities,1971,80,2,90-91,Wortreich Diabetes and driving,1971,80,10,553-554,Wortreich Physiological parameters in the laboratory and during driving in healthy individuals and coronary patients,1973,84,8,426-427,Wortreich Editorial: Hypothermia--a medical emergency,1975,88,11,536-537,Freund Selective amnesia adjustment and the seriousness of suicide attempts,1979,97,11-12,285-8 324,Gruner Rare side effects following paracetamol poisoning,1984,106,3,127-128,Rabinovitz Preparation and preparedness for earthquakes in Israel,1984,106,1,31-36,Eldar Münchausen syndrome by proxy or Polle syndrome,1986,110,5,248-250,Lerman Biological aspects of suicide,1987,113,1-2,28-31,Hermesh Suicidal behavior in adolescents--characteristics and prevention,1988,115,9,229-232,Apter Functional vs. nosological approach in biological psychiatry: the serotonergic dimension,1988,115,5-6,156-158,Bleich Biological research of suicidal behavior,1988,114,6,288-290,Kaminer Clinical aspects of the disaster in Bhopal,1988,114,5,251-252,Nussinovitch Swallowed toothbrush: an indication for immediate endoscopy,1989,116,11,582-583,Kluger Safety of children as car passengers,1989,116,6,333-335,Tal Sexual abuse of children,1989,116,2,101-104,Hardoff Traffic violations in schizophrenics before and after hospitalization,1990,119,10,307-308,Schlosberg Eye injuries due to playing squash,1990,118,12,695-696,Hirsh Use of car restraints for children: size of problem intervention strategies,1990,118,9,520-522,Gofin Self-injurious behavior in childhood,1990,118,1,29-31,Kaminer Evaluating parachute-drop stress by measuring blood lipids,1991,120,6,313-317,Mikulincer Violence suicide and the media,1991,120,5,295-297,Tyano Influence of violence in television programs of viewers' violence--a critical review,1991,120,5,283-286,Shemesh Driving and dementia of Alzheimer's type,1991,120,2,83-85,Heinik Seatbelt syndrome,1992,123,5-6,209-211,Nitecki Parkinsonism: to drive or not to drive?,1992,122,1,57,Braham War injuries of the thorax,1948,35,12,94-96,Tulcinsky Experiences in abdominal gun shot wounds,1948,35,12,96,Stein War injuries of the thorax,1948,35,12,93,Marcus Danger of poisoning by artillery shells during attacks on settlements and some conclusions about its treatment and hygiene,1948,35,1,5-7,Langrod Experiences with war injuries of the face and neck,1949,36,1,17-20,Lachmann Burns by phosphor bombs,1949,36,1,9-11,Kaplan Experiences in cranio-cerebral war injuries from the Jerusalem front,1949,36,1,14-17,Beller War injuries of the eye,1949,36,1,8,Feigenbaum Personality factors in automobile acidents,1970,79,4,165-167,Hertz Changes in the state of consciousness,1969,77,7,283-287,Askenasy High pressure injection injuries of the hand,1975,89,5,213-215,Lotem Work injuries in a medical center,1974,86,10,513-517,Turgman Patterns of disease in hospitalized infants: changes over a decade,1974,86,5,242-244,Friedman Driver injuries,1973,85,8,371-373,Weisz Traffic accidents and impaired health,1971,80,2,93, Injuries caused by speed boats,1979,96,2,106-107,Goldberg Cold injuries Part II: Accidental hypothermia,1976,90,4,175-179,Shoenfeld Accidental hypothermia in healthy adults,1976,90,4,164-167,Shoenfeld Abuse of the elderly: extent diagnosis treatment,1993,125,9,304-307,Ginath A piece of my mind. Road accident,1993,124,7,445-448,Shoenfeld Traumatic rupture of the diaphragm in an infant,1992,123,3-4,97-9 155,Shaked Spinal cord injuries caused by aviation accidents,1992,122,10,630-1 688 687,Ohry Spinal cord injury in the elderly,1992,122,9,596-599,Ohry The road accident epidemic,1990,118,9,517-519,Adler Casualties of the Peace for Galilee operation,1989,117,5-6,113-118,Linn Falls in the elderly--the great enigma,1989,116,6,335-338,Ring Home accidents in childhood,1989,116,6,330-333,Cohen Near-drowning and epilepsy during swimming,1986,111,11,364-365,Geller Mincer injuries of the hand in children,1985,109,1-2,15-17,Goldberg Traumatic avulsion of the male genitalia,1984,106,2,71-72,Wexler Cardiac contusion in road accidents: unrecognized injury,1983,105,5-6,138-139,Findler Eye injuries and their prevention,1981,101,12,352-353,Romem Work accidents and occupational diseases,1955,49,12,272,Dror On the poison of scorpions in Israel,1955,49,6,131-133,Shulov Problems of vision in driving,1955,48,4,75-76,Friedmann Problems of testing drivers,1955,48,4,74,Gotthelf Smoke bomb (zinc-chloride) poisoning; report of a case,1956,51,7,156-158,Rothschild Accidents among the aged and their prevention,1957,53,8,203-6; English abstract 206; French abstract 206,Plisskin The pediatrician's role in the field of child maltreatment,2009,148,8,502-6 574 573,Ben-Yehuda Medical child abuse another name for Munchausen's syndrome by proxy,2009,148,8,500-1 574,Ben-Yehuda Burns--risk factors and treatment,2009,148,6,375-80 412 411,Rosenberg The burn array in Israel,2009,148,6,373-4 412,Sagi Risk factors for suicide attempts in dual diagnosis patients,2009,148,6,355-8 413,Gimelfarb Generalized reactions to bee and wasp stings,1959,56,12,309-12; English & French abstracts 312-3,Seijffers Parathion poisoning,1959,56,10,264-266,Kadish Benadryl poisoning in children,1958,54,3,64-65,Munz Acute foreign bodies in the respiratory tract,1960,59,,271-273,Berman The social background and personality pattern in patients developing posttraumatic compensation neurosis,1960,59,,140-143,Fallik Poisoning with phosphorus insecticides,1960,58,,343-344,Manelis Meprobamate poisoning,1960,58,,200-201,Klaus Psychosis caused by bromide poisoning in an aged person,1960,58,,47-49,Nathan Poisoning due to chloroquine,1961,60,,256-257,Albagli Insecticide poisoning: its prevention and therapy,1961,60,,200-202,Dror The causes of 100 cases of accidents in children,1961,60,,178-180,Cohen Accidents and poisoning in childhood,1963,64,,363-366,Costeff Mushroom poisoning by Lepiota brunneo-incarnata,1963,64,,167-169,Cohen Malathione poisoning in an infant,1964,67,,346-347,Freundlich Mental disturbances in cases of hand injuries,1964,67,,184-185,Weiser The criteria for diagnosis of occupational intoxications,1964,67,,21-22,Gerasi Head injury and posttraumatic neurosis,1964,66,,298-302,Kidron Toxic hepatitis following the exposure to tnt,1964,66,,59-60,Naim Severe hand injuries caused by a potato digger,1962,62,,336-338,Torok Hydrocyanic acid poisoning in a tobacco warehouse,1962,62,,165-167,Bernstein Emergency Department (ED) administrative data--what can we learn from this data about pediatric injury? Is there a need for a designated injury surveillance system?,2009,148,10,698-702 734 733,Endy-Findling Burns in children in Israel--epidemiology prevention and treatment,1999,137,5-6,177-9 264,Eldad Evaluation of visits to an emergency department in rural population,1993,125,12,456-61 496,Ben-Noun Monocular blindness following blunt head trauma,1993,124,6,342-3 391,Shapiro Cobra bite: ophthalmic manifestations,1993,125,9,265-6 327-8,Brook Dilantin toxicity as a possible cause of major depression,1993,124,12,762-4 795,Abramovitch Diazepam-induced disinhibition,1993,124,11,681-2 739,Schreiber Disorders during exercise in heat and cold exposure children and adolescents,1994,126,4,222-227,Bar-Or Drugs and traffic safety,1994,126,4,219-221,Wiener Complete traumatic separation of the distal humeral epiphysis in a battered child,1994,126,4,195-6 239,Rinott Self-castration,1994,126,4,186-8 240 239,Stein Disc battery ingestion by children--what hazards and what therapy,1994,126,5,279-282,Rothschild Death from fluoro-silicate in floor polish,1994,126,5,258-9 303,Raikhlin-Eisenkraft The Amsterdam air disaster--management and fate of casualties,1994,126,8,484-5 491,Baruchin Attitudes of courts physicians and psychiatric committees to court-ordered psychiatric hospitalization,1994,126,8,475-81 491,Melamed Passover hand injuries,1994,126,7,413-5 427,Ashur Epidemiological aspects of alcohol hazards,1994,127,11,492-494,Modan Limb injuries at the Aerodium hover sport facility in Eilat,1995,129,12,546-8 616 615,Levy Head injuries in the Bible,1995,129,12,537-9 615,Feinsod Establishing of a nationwide trauma system in Israel,1995,129,11,526-529,Shemer Sexual abuse in children: determination identification and interventions,1995,129,11,460-3 535,Miller [The harmful potential of herbal therapy],1994,126,10,606-608,Zimlichman Symposium on drowsy driver--a round-table discussion. Sheba Medical Center Tel-Hashomer June 6 1995,1996,130,1,58-62,Askenasy Principles of orientation safety body dialogue (O.S.B.D) for primary intervention for acute stress events,2010,149,3,153-6 195,Hertzanu-Lati Results of treatment of multiple trauma in 130 children,1996,130,3,217-22; 222,Kaufmann Scoop-and-run versus stabilize-and-transfer,1996,130,6,427-429,Shapira Ethical commitment during mass casualties,1996,130,6,424-426,Priel Behind closed doors--the hidden epidemic,1996,130,5,337-339,Megiddo Whiplash injury--a valid diagnosis,1996,130,7,463-465,Sahar Psychiatric hospitalization for delirium in Israel,1996,130,9,594-8 655,Heinik [Physical child abuse--characteristics diagnosis and reporting],1996,130,12,836-842,Geva [Exertional heatstroke--diagnosis treatment and prevention],1996,130,12,828-833,Moran Home alone and in danger,1997,133,12,624-625,Kohn Occupational accidents and eye injuries treated at the Rambam Medical Center,1997,133,7-8,273-4 335,Miller Fatal multiple organ system dysfunction associated with germanium metal used in complementary therapy,1997,133,10,446-7 502,Sprung Fear of personal death among hospital physicians,1997,133,10,436-40 503,Solomon Penetrating ocular injuries: an epidemiologic and retrospective study,1997,133,10,423-8 504,Lifshitz VIP in the emergency department--a "one man disaster" proposal of treatment protocol,1997,133,9,401-403,Hod Blunt trauma during pregnancy,1997,133,9,397-400,Fait Blunt trauma causing emboli from friable atherosclerotic plaques,1997,133,9,355-6 415,Shoenfeld External ureteral injuries,2007,146,9,686-9 734,Asali Fat embolism syndrome following injuries and limb fractures,2010,149,5,304-8 335,Volpin Israel Medical Association conference on the role of physician in the prevention of elderly abuse,2002,141,11,997-998,Berner Can police car flashing lights induce a risk of encephalographic epileptic discharges and seizures?,1999,137,10,446-9 511,Vainstein Injuries due to falls in urban buses: 100 consecutive cases,1999,137,1-2,77-8 86,Aladgem Head injuries in children--clinical characteristics as prognostic factors,1999,136,9,677-81 755,Paret Art therapy for hospitalized children inspired by Elizabeth Kuebler-Ross' approach,1998,135,7-8,257-62 336,Pinchover Alcohol and trauma,1998,134,11,900-902,Kluger Trauma registry and injury,2001,140,10,938-9 990,Shapira Alpha and beta receptor blocking agents in a case of yellow scorpion sting with severe cardiovascular effects,1969,77,11,521-522,Levin Public health aspects of felafel preparations,1969,77,6,241-244,Seligmann Internet addiction,2007,146,7,549-53 573 572,Dannon Non-traumatic unintentional injuries and risk factors for hospitalization in children presenting to a pediatric emergency department,2010,149,11,693-6 750,Miron Anxiety disorders in children and adolescents,2008,147,7,628-33 661 660,Zalsman The importance of sexual orientation in the medical consultation,2007,146,8,626-30 644,Dahan Suicide in adolescents,1994,126,11,660-663,Apter Risk of suicide in young drug addicts,1994,127,1-2,52-4 63,Witztum Pyridoxine for severe metabolic acidosis and seizures due to isoniazid overdose,1993,124,10,616-8 667,Raikhlin-Eisenkraft Psycho-social aspects of diabetes,1988,115,3-4,68-69,Shvartzman Poisoning by tricyclic antidepressants and antidotes,1985,109,5-6,132-134,Weinbroum Colchicine overdose,1985,108,9,437-439,Cohen Sodium nitroprusside poisoning,1979,97,5-6,122-123,Heifetz Diatoms and the diagnosis of drowning,1999,136,12,965-966,Yanai Drowning in Israel--1990-1992,1998,134,7,576-80 591 590,Barell Management of near-drowning in children,1980,98,2,64-67,Barzilay Falls in the geriatric department: responsibility of the care-giver and the hospital,1995,128,11,690-3 743,Shats Head injuries from falls in children of 2 ethnic groups,1995,129,1-2,9-12 80 79,Guilburd Evaluation of sexual abuse in an infant with condyloma acuminatum,1995,129,12,548-50 615,Hammer Emotional reactions of psychiatric staff to violent patients,1994,126,11,642-5 691,Neuman Health concerns of Israelis traveling to Third World countries--experience of a travel advisory clinic,1994,126,7,410-2 427,Berger Urgent need for prevention of alcohol drinking among Arab youth,1997,133,5-6,229-31; 247,Weiss Should physical restraints be used in an acute geriatric ward?,1997,133,5-6,180-3 246-7,Barazovski Gynecologic problems of the lower genital tract in children and young adolescents,1997,133,3-4,84-6 168,Bernstein Mangled extremity syndrome,1997,133,1-2,52-57,Melamed Blast injury: detonation and injury pattern,1997,132,8,591-593,Kluger Treatment of open fractures due to dog bite,1997,132,7,461-3 527,Mosheiff Femoral fracture following total hip replacement,1997,132,5,327-9 383,Roffman Urban mass casualty terrorist incident: systematic management approach,1997,132,4,300-304,Shemer Mechanisms of injury by ballistic missiles,1995,129,10,436-441,Leibovici Incidence of sports-related eye injuries,1995,129,7-8,249-50 295 294,Miller Effect of ethanol on head injury,1995,129,3-4,145-147,Shapira Spinal cord injury due to penetrating missiles,2003,142,10,685-7 718 717,Ohry Medical support during the Sinai War of Attrition (1968-1970) from a 30-year perspective,2000,138,9,741-5 807 806,Adler Blunt perineal injuries,1997,132,3,233-5 239,Kluger Vestibular function in acoustic trauma,1995,128,3,129-34 200,Shupak Facial injury by fishing harpoons,1994,127,9,295-8 360,Joachims Barbiturate poisoning,1970,78,10,507-508,Lurie Physicians and terror: the historical perspective,2005,144,2,122-5 149,Ohry Münchausen's syndrome--the present situation,1998,134,2,114-116,Witztum Domestic violence in pregnancy,1998,134,7,550-552,Fisher Treatment of battered women--a diagnostic and intervention challenge for the primary physician,1998,134,7,548-550,Rabin Terror in Japan: mass-intoxication with the nerve-agent sarin,1998,135,7-8,268-71 336 335,Solberg Psychiatric and epidemiologic projections of sexual abuse of children and adolescents,1998,135,11,536-541,Becker Female sexual abuse of children,1996,131,9,337-340,Krieger Violence and homicide in psychotic patients--is this a variable phenomenon?,2001,140,3,243-247,Zalsman A new reality--epidemiology of terror,2001,140,11,994-996,Shoenfeld Commercial sex engagement: medical and social aspects,2004,143,1,26-7 86 85,Witztum A psychosocial view of a number of Jewish mourning rituals during normal and pathological grief,2004,143,4,287-90 317,Lauden The effects of terrorist attacks on European Holocaust survivors compared to Greek Holocaust survivors,2004,143,4,250-3 320,Zloof A treatment unit within a medical center for adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse: an interdisciplinary approach,2002,141,1,34-8 126,Bleich The history of biological warfare,2002,141 Spec No,,7-12 124,Rotman National preparedness for biological mass casualty event: between the devil and the deep blue sea,2002,141 Spec No,,21 123,Eldad Biological agents turning into weapons,2002,141 Spec No,,16-20 124 123,Hourvitz False memory syndrome: state of the art,2002,141,8,726-30 760,Kotler Child abuse--undiagnosed,2002,141,10,879-82 931 930,Glick Cyanides--treatment beneath the shade of terror,2007,146,3,228-34 244,Schein Complex posttraumatic stress disorder,2007,146,11,883-8 908,Kotler Jewish nurses and doctors as victims of personal terror during the British mandate,2000,139,7-8,312-315,Teicher Biological terrorism--clear and immediate danger?,2000,139,1-2,36-42,Moran Characteristics and implications of emotional abuse in children and adolescents,2000,138,3,237-240,Cohen Impact of living in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip on chronic disease among the Jewish population,2008,147,10,774-6 838-9,Vinker Violence in the emergency department,1999,137,3-4,95-101 175,Derazon The relationship between violence and psychopathology,1999,137,1-2,42-45,Kotler Over the counter drugs--a new era in Israel,2011,150,1,29-32 69 68,Shemer Dental trauma and dental practitioners' role in disaster events,2010,149,7,461-5 479,Levin The treatment of anxiety and acute stress reaction (ASR) in civilian casualties in community stress centers (CSC) in the 2nd Lebanon War,2010,149,7,427-32 481,Bar-Dayan Pediatric injuries from mass casualty events in Israel: a ten-year summary,2010,149,7,422-6 482,Peleg Characteristics of unintentional and intentional injuries in Israel between the years 2000-2006,2010,149,7,418-21 482,Peleg The pre-hospital medical treatment of the victims of multi-casualty incidents caused by explosions of suicide bombers during the Al-Aksa Intifada--April 2001 to December 2004: the activity and experience gained by the teams of Magen David Adom in Israel,2010,149,7,413-7 483 482,Feigenberg Disasters and emergency situations: what have we learned from the past to prepare for the future?,2010,149,7,410-2 483,Peleg Lethal sex,2011,150,3,251-4 303,Rabinerson Death due to hypothermia and paradoxical undressing,2011,150,3,227-9 305,Hiss Suicide by Ethiopian immigrants in Israel,1994,127,3-4,65-70,Gilat A case of self-circumcision,1994,127,7-8,230-1 287,Guy Engineering aspects of seismic behavior of health-care facilities: lessons from California earthquakes,1995,128,6,352-6 400 399,Rutenberg Moral considerations in the management of the suicidal patient,1995,128,5,315-317,Ishay Trauma resuscitation--a new perspective,1995,128,10,623-624,Walden The shaken baby syndrome,1996,131,9,334-337,Urkin Playing with fire..,1996,131,11,474-6 535,Shoenfeld The epidemiology of disasters,1998,135,12,607-610,Mimouni A case of Datura stramonium poisoning,1971,80,7,386-388,Eldor Aspis cerastes bite--case report,1971,81,2,85-86,Path Cardiac contusion,1999,136,1,86-90,Kluger Low cholesterol depression and unexplained deaths--the link and the mystery,1999,136,1,82-85,Shoenfeld Types of information on the Internet in injury prevention,1999,136,1,54-56,Barell Editorial: Hearing loss due to blast injury,1972,83,11,491,Leventon Alcoholic delirium: warning signs and diagnosis,1999,136,3,203-6 254,Witztum Cocaine "mules",1999,136,3,190-3 255,Hiss Hospital disaster planning and exercises,1972,83,9,377-380,Danon Poisoning caused by an airplane assembly hobby,1972,83,8,326-327,de Vries Fluoride poisoning and description of a method for testing fluorides in the blood and urine,1972,83,7,292-294,Lev Compensation litigation and post-traumatic morbidity in patients with mild head injuries,1972,83,1,14-16,Kidron Physiological and pathophysiological aspects of diving,1972,82,12,566-568,Harel Familial lead poisoning,1972,82,11,509-512,Montag Blister beetles in the Beth-Shean area,1972,82,10,447-448,Herman A case of Lasch--Nyhan syndrome (total deficiency of hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase),1972,82,9,410-413,Schmidt Endrin poisoning in children,1971,81,3,113-116,Karplus Rupture of the gastrointestinal tract in children by blunt trauma,1971,81,10,493-494,Wolloch Janusz Korczak in the eve of his life his work in the shadow of terror and death,1998,134,2,149-153,Rotem Sea urchin spine injury--a case report of chronic synovitis of the foot,2011,150,6,515-7 552,Keren Rupture of hepatic echinococcal cyst by minimal blunt abdominal trauma,1992,122,2,80-83,Shapira Psychological factors in sports injuries,1992,122,1,29-31,Hanne-Paparo Gunshot trauma to the common carotid artery,1992,122,1,23-25,Haddad Tardive akathisia and tardive dyskinesia,1991,120,2,71-72,Fennig On hallucinations bizarre sensations phantom phenomena and body-image disturbances,2011,150,7,600-2 616,Avi Psychosocial factors in the development of the post-traumatic syndrome after head injuries,1973,84,1,16-19,Sigal Acute hydantoin poisoning,1974,86,1,31-32,Bank Snow-related trauma in Jerusalem during the winter of 1980,1982,102,1,7-9,Adler Foreign body aspiration in an adult presenting as bronchial asthma,1982,102,1,18-19,Lieberman Pulmonary edema following snake bite,1982,102,4,156-157,Abboud The psychiatric syndrome following severe head injury,1973,85,8,354-357,Lerner Neurosurgical aspects of traumatic lesions of the optic nerve and chiasma,1973,85,12,576-578,Manor Tolerance to heat in burnt patients,2011,150,8,681-685,Epstein Mortality in 1200 burn patients,1974,86,8,402-404,Wexler Stings by poisonous fishes,1974,86,7,367-369,Eliraz Stab wounds of the heart,1974,87,3,105-107,Levy Severe injury due to shark bite,1974,87,6,258-260,Levy Stress fracture of the pubic bone,1974,87,6,253-254,Engel Editorial: Head and neck injuries in American football,1974,87,8,376-377,Bartal Cardiac failure following sting of yellow scorpion in an adult,1998,134,6,452-4 502,Kristal Delirium tremens in Israel,1998,134,7,513-6 592,Ezrielev Trauma in Israeli Arab children--an epidemic that can be prevented,1998,135,1-2,73-76,Shavit Corrosive gastritis due to ingestion of acid,1975,89,2,57-60,Weisz Bee and wasp stings,1975,89,12,572-575,Kessler Disseminated intravascular coagulation following trauma,1973,85,4,172-173,Maor Principles of treatment of mass injuries,1976,90,3,134-135,Doron Cold injuries. I. Physiology and pathology of exposition to cold,1976,90,3,124-128,Shapira Cold injuries. Part III: superficial cold lesions,1976,90,5,229-230,Shapira Occupational poisoning with cerebral symptoms,1976,90,10,481-482,Dror Medicine during the Holocaust as reflected in the medical literature of the nineties,2000,138,10,890-894,Farfel Evolution of management of penetrating brain wounds--lessons learned from wars since Israel's independence,2000,138,9,784-788,Feinsod External heat stroke--is it preventable in military settings?,2000,138,9,781-784,Shapira "From strength came forth sweetness"--on the contribution of military conflicts to the development of burn care in Israel,2000,138,9,777-781,Eldad Israeli Defence Forces registry of trauma injury data,2000,138,9,770-777,Scope Decompression sickness in divers treated at the Israel Naval Medical Institute between the years 1992 to 1997,2000,138,9,751-4 806,Shupak Burn injuries to military personnel during the Six Day War,2000,138,9,737-41 807,Dreyfuss Man in a hot climate--early studies of the Institute of Military Physiology,2000,138,9,723-7 808 807,Shapiro Firefighting--job demands health risks medical surveillance and retirement,2000,138,1,59-65,Sheiner Blast injury of the ear,2000,138,1,46-49,Kluger Skoptsi a cult of self-castrators,2000,138,2,167-168,Vago The syndrome of cardiac arrest induced by a chest blow--another reason for sudden death in athletes; a known accident causing sudden cardiac death in sports,2001,140,1,50-55,Ken-Dror Retinal injury induced by laser pointers,2001,140,1,28-9 86,Geyer Osteoporosis in men,2002,141,2,170-7 222,Liel Trauma-induced coagulopathy--mechanisms and state of the art treatment,2011,150,2,99-103 207,Misgav Domestic violence--the physician's role: screening diagnosis and primary intervention,2011,150,4,369-72 418,Wiener Nosology assessment and diagnosis of psychiatric disorders in early childhood,2011,150,4,353-8 419 418,Zalsman Utilization of external hip protectors in frail elderly residents of nursing homes,2005,144,2,112-4 150,Mendelson Determination of death in mobile intensive care units operating without a physician,2011,150,12,918-21 934,Yafe The prevalence of physical evidence in the anogenital area in sexual assault cases of children in Israel,2011,150,12,895-8 936,Hiss Physical examination of sportsmen--the Israeli sports law,1999,136,7,568-569,Shapiro Impalement injuries,1999,136,10,828-831,Kluger Severe mental disorders--need to reduce punishment for murder?,1999,136,12,997-1000,Melamed Contraception in emergencies,1999,136,11,874-877,Mashiach Rehabilitation of demented patients after fractures and orthopedic surgery as a multi-professional and social problem,1999,137,3-4,143-145,Kohn The non-operative management of low velocity anterior abdomen gunshot wounds,1999,137,7-8,341-344,Kluger Penile fracture,1999,137,7-8,320-322,Yossepowitch Knowledge attitudes and training of family physicians with regard to addiction to illicit drugs,1999,137,7-8,278-81 351,Peleg The mechanism of respiratory insufficiency in surgery and traumatology,1973,84,2,97-99,Molcho Decompression sickness among divers in Israel,1976,91,7,157-161,Uretzky Prioritizing suspected diagnosis of both brain and abdominal injuries--is it a problem?,2000,138,4,287-90 343,Michaelson Sports injuries among children,2002,141,1,89-92 123,Dankner Participation in competitive sports,1990,118,4,241-243,Hanne-Paparo Severe head injury--pathophysiology and initial treatment,1990,118,6,342-343,Feldman Crush injuries,1990,118,7,397-399,Robinson Crush syndrome,1990,118,7,394-397,Better The Israeli Sports Law--medical qualification to participate in competitive sport,2012,151,2,111-113,Epstein Injured players candidates for professional volleyball team: sign them up or not?,2012,151,2,79-81 128,Tsur Factors influencing the performance of medical teams in the early assessment of exposure to radiation in accident or man-made radiological disasters,2012,151,2,66-70 129,Aharonson-Daniel Electrocution and lightning strikes--pathophysiology and treatment,1995,129,1-2,62-68,Leibovici Childhood injuries in Israel--current status and the role of the community pediatrician,2012,151,6,349-52 378 377,Klein Characteristics of emergency room admissions of IDF soldiers in northern Israeli hospitals between May 2002 and April 2003,2004,143,1,8-11 88 87,Ashkenazi Vestibular function falls and hip fracture in elderly--a relationship study,2004,143,3,197-202 246,Zur Medical aspects of boxing,1990,119,5-6,156-159,Hanne-Paparo Moshe Silman's suicide and Werther effect,2012,151,8,445-446,Rosenberg Morbidity in the concentration camps of the Third Reich,2004,143,4,272-6 318,Shasha Medical management in the chemical terrorism scene,2005,144,4,266-71 302,Rotman Young man with gunshot wound (GSW)--what killed Ernst vom Rath?,2013,152,11,667-70 687,Feinsod The death of Agrippa the First King of Judaea,1959,56,5,118-9; abstracts 119,Meyshan War eye injuries with special reference to foreign bodies. Part 2: blunt traumata,1976,91,10,339-342,Belkin War eye injuries with special reference to foreign bodies. Part 1,1976,91,9,291-293,Belkin Foreign bodies of the upper respiratory tract in children,1976,91,9,280-282,Vered War eye injuries with special reference to foreign bodies. Part 4,1976,91,12,450-454,Belkin War eye injuries with special reference to foreign bodies. Part III: invasive traumata,1976,91,11,403-404,Belkin Cholinesterase inhibitor poisoning: A complicated medical challenge,2013,152,7,395-397 434,Lavon Severe and uncommon complications of anticholinesterase intoxication in children,2013,152,7,391-4 434,Leibson Smoke inhalation in children,1977,92,9,404-405,Keynan Effect of antivenin on the course of Echis colorata bite,1977,93,1-2,15-17,Dvilansky Mortality in spinal cord injuries,1977,93,3-4,63-65,Blank The relationship between whiplash injury and temporomandibular joint dysfunction,2013,152,10,612-4 622,Barak Opioids and driving,2011,150,12,922-5 934,Semionov Spider bites,1978,94,5-6,176-177,Haim Severe cardiac involvement due to scorpion sting,1980,98,5,221-222,Schonfeld Hand injuries due to detonators,1980,98,8,352-354,Ben-Hur Humeral fracture caused by arm wrestling,1981,100,3,131-132,Daniel Falls in patients with stroke,2014,153,3-4,195-8 237,Aizen Burns in the elderly--prevention of severe damage,1991,120,3,161-162,Eldad Inadvertent child health neglect by preference of homeopathy to conventional medicine,1992,122,3,137-142,Tsur Castor bean poisoning,1985,108,2,102-103,Zifroni Combination of imaging studies and autopsy in death investigations,2013,152,10,581-6 625,Hiss Eye injuries due to explosion of carbonated drink bottles,1978,95,2,69-70,Savir Palestinian viper bite,1980,99,11,352-353,Mann Eye injuries in children,1985,108,4,190-192,Romem Carbon monoxide poisoning and cigarette smoking,1985,108,4,181-183,Ratner Ingestion of button-batteries by children: the conservative approach,1985,108,4,183-185,Shoshany Trauma in pregnancy,1985,108,6,300-304,Sherman Suicide attempt with coumadin,1984,106,6,264,Heller Hyponatremic coma with shock after tapwater enema,1986,110,2,80-81,Levine Summer heat and the neuroleptic malignant syndrome,1986,110,1,6-8,Munitz Pediatric trauma--update,1987,112,4,183-187,Katz Dealing with violence in primary care,2014,153,6,312-4 368,Helvitz Spider bite in a child,1989,116,9,466-468,Press The clumsy child: should we be concerned,1989,117,1-2,37-38,Mendelsohn Lead poisoning in two families from a car battery workshop,1989,116,2,96-98,Sack Successful replantation of a self-mutilated penis,1989,116,2,92-94,Baruchin Syrup of ipecac as an emetic,1989,116,2,110-113,Aloufi Vincent Van Gogh--portrait of a disease,1991,120,5,291-293,Kadish Mustard gas injuries of the eyes,1991,120,5,279-283,Belkin Black widow spider bite in the Negev,1991,120,5,257-260,Kleiner-Baumgarten Force-feeding of hunger-striking prisoners,2014,153,9,554-556,Glick Exertional heat stroke,2015,154,2,94-7 137,Heled Foreign body aspiration in children,2015,154,3,175-7 211,Cohen Falls in patients with dementia,2015,154,5,323-326,Aizen The Levinsky Walk-in Clinic in Tel Aviv: holistic services to control sexually transmitted diseases in the community,2010,149,8,503-7 551,Shohat The clinical and demographic characteristics of patients who frequent the psychiatric emergency room in a general hospital,2015,154,10,624-31 677 676,Klil-Drori Burns in Israel: demographic etiologic and clinical features 2004-2010,2015,154,11,692-6 743,Peleg Lessons from preparedness of hospitals to snowstorms,2015,154,11,688-91 743,Goldberg The human chameleon--bombarded,2016,155,5,299-301 321,Naimer Epidemiology clinical characteristics prognostic factors and visual outcomes in patients with open ocular injuries and intraocular foreign bodies,2016,155,5,267-71 324,Levy Climbing higher--common injuries in rock climbers,2016,155,6,348-51 387,Sobel The illegal synthetic cannabinoid drug market in Israel - evolution and new challenges,2016,155,9,526-530,Shapira Diabetes and road accidents,2016,155,11,691-696,Haim Hand injuries in rock climbers,2016,155,7,407-409,Rubin Suppression of a non-trauma-related threatening thought as an avoidance strategy in post-traumatic stress disorder patients,2016,155,12,736-740,Kaplan Behavioral physiological and morphological characteristics associated with post-traumatic response to continuous exposure versus alternate exposure in an animal model of post-traumatic stress disorder,2016,155,12,731-735,Ostfeld High velocity penetrating head and neck injuries of Syrian civil war casualties treated in the Galilee Medical Center,2017,156,5,315-317,Ronen Extrinsic and intrinsic factors for falls that caused hip fracture,2017,156,5,294-297,Tsur Acute alcohol intoxication in an eight weeks old infant,2017,,3,139-141,Frenkel Rutenberg Epidemiology of basketball injuries,1990,119,5-6,121-124,Modan Sport-related maxillofacial fractures,1999,137,11,535-7 591,Taicher Iliopsoas injury in soccer players,1984,106,9,396-398,Mozes The relationship between injuries shoes and style in the runner's population,2018,157,2,99-103,Keren Fall prediction and fall severity in rehabilitation hospital,2018,157,9,566-569,Lapid Executive functions and daily functions road sign recognition and driving self-report among healthy and post-stroke drivers,2018,157,9,556-560,Ratzon Community pediatrics in israel during the next decade - a need for a change,2018,157,10,646-649,Kuint High voltage electric injury: mechanism of injury clinical features and initial evaluation,2019,158,1,65-69,Kessel Israeli military psychiatry: challenges and achievements,2019,158,7,473-477,Lubin Suicide: epidemiology etiology treatment and prevention,2019,158,7,468-472,Zalsman Maxillofacial traffic injuries related to motor vehicle accidents in Jerusalem 2000-2013: characteristics and ethnic comparisons,2019,158,8,488-493,Heyman Blunt and penetrating abdominal injuries during pregnancy,2019,158,12,817-821,Rabinerson Suicide among physicians in Israel and worldwide,2020,159,1,72-73,Zalsman Switch to manic episode with mixed features in depressive soldier under antidepressant treatment,2020,159,7,483-485,Kalla Pediatric animal-related injuries in the Jewish and Arab population in southern Israel,2020,159,12,876-881,Perry The visual changes during aging,2020,159,12,892-897,Morad The level of violence in closed psychiatric wards in relation to the legal status of the inpatients,2021,160,2,87-93,Trugman The connection between moral injury and burnout,2021,160,11,760-761,Leitner Hair straightening - not straightforward,2021,160,12,810-813,Mitler Safety planning intervention for suicide prevention,2022,161,4,210-214,Lotan Cuffing prisoners and detainees in Israeli hospitals - a multi-center study,2022,161,4,215-220,Peterfreund The liability triangle in suicide cases,2022,161,4,245-250,Lubin Effects of cannabis use on the physiological and mental health of children and adolescents: review of recent research,2022,161,6,378-382,Kaminer Suicides during psychiatric hospitalization - characteristics and ways of coping,2022,161,11,695-700,Lubin From national to individual trauma,2023,162,9,552-553,Zalsman Murder stemming from insanity: demographic criminal psychiatric and forensic characteristics of the perpetrators,2023,162,9,610-615,Yaron Antar What do we know about the treatment of prisoners of war?,2023,162,10,631-637,Shelef Caffeine poisoning and fatal arrhythmias: a case report,2024,163,1,29-31,Daskal Suicidal behavior in pre-adolescent children,2024,163,4,226-230,Zalsman When medications are not enough - neurofeedback as a complementary treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder - a case report,2024,163,4,208-210,Amital Toxic optic neuropathy caused by methanol poisoning,1998,134,8,613-615 671,Reisin [Severe methemoglobinemia following large dose of nitrate medication],1995,128,5,285-286 335,Ilia [The yearly distribution of suicide and parasuicide],2002,141,11,979-982 1009,Iancu [Legal involvement in psychiatric care],2005,144,10,696-699 751,Durst Pregnancy due to rape during captivity,2024,163,6,344-347,Zalsman