Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Snowmobile accidents--a special challenge to traffic medicine,1998,118,9,1348,Solheim A potential for prevention of bicycling-related head injuries,2000,120,17,1955-1959,Kopjar Bicycle helmets,2000,120,19,2331,Mohr Unpowered scooter injuries,2003,123,22,3222-3223,Brudvik Possibility of serious damage when handling air guns,1999,119,8,1094-1095,Johansen Dangerous animals,2002,122,17,1695-1701,Hasle Spray- and grease-gun injuries: injuries caused by high-pressure spurting from small openings manner of development and treatment,1963,83,,1263-1266,Gruener Use of safety devices among children and adolescents,1991,111,19,2448-2451,Thuen A prospective study of patients admitted to a Norwegian university hospital after deliberate self-poisoning 1978 - 2002,2004,124,21,2736-2739,Rygnestad Occupationally related eye injuries: could they be avoided?,2004,124,21,2776-2779,Hovding Shift work and accidents: relevance for the offshore industry,2004,124,21,2773-2775,Bjorkum Development of drinking habit among adolescents: Factors connected with alcohol consumption,1995,115,22,2764-2767,Grimsmo Drowning--near drowning,1993,113,21,2699-2701,Vaagenes Air bags influence the pattern of injury in severe thoracic trauma,1997,117,17,2437-2439,Pillgram-Larsen Safety equipment and automobile accidents,1997,117,17,2436,Lereim Home accidents among small children and preventive potential,2000,120,28,3376-3379,Myklestad Infant swimming programs in Norway during the last 10 years,1990,110,30,3847-3850,Weidle Drowning accidents,1997,117,29,4288-4289,Heide Under water swimming with breathing mask,1957,77,12,503-508,Sebelien Impaired driving as an indicator of drug abuse: what consequences for treatment?,2003,123,13-14,1841-1843,Christophersen Bicycle accidents,1992,112,27,3460-3461,Oygard Cannabis. Biological and pharmacological effect analytical methods and car driving,1980,100,12,680-1 695,Bugge Prevention of child accidents in Norway,2000,120,28,3375,Ytterstad Accident research ought to be given priority,1988,108,27,2241,Solheim Sources of intoxication--how do adolescents get hold of alcohol?,2005,125,9,1160-1162,Rossow Incidence of hospital admissions for deliberate self-poisoning with drugs in Norway,2005,125,13,1798-1800,Kopjar Osteoporosis and risk of fracture,2005,125,12,1701-1702,Hoiseth Seat belt legislation,1975,95,23,1319-1320,Solheim Seat belt injuries. Editorial,1974,94,16,1088-1089,Solheim Vision disorders during automobile driving after using hallucinogens,1971,91,19,1481-1482,Retterstol Aging dementia and automobile driving,1997,117,25,3688-3689,Braekhus Bicycle injuries. Hospital based registration of injuries during 1985-89,1990,110,17,2218-2221,Ytterstad A five-year study of snowmobile injuries in Svalbard: does prevention work?,2005,125,23,3252-3255,Ytterstad Increased number of snowmobiles and serious injuries in western Finnmark Norway,2005,125,23,3248-3251,Wisborg Sexual assault of women: injury pattern and victim-perpetrator relationship,2005,125,24,3424-3427,Schei Self-reported walking balance testing and risk of fall,2006,126,2,176-178,Wyller Hand weapons and health,2002,122,20,2030-2031,Hanevik Risk factors for accidental injuries in the construction industry,2006,126,4,453-456,Lund Alcohol consumption among convicted drivers,1992,112,25,3216-3220,Gjerde To manage and control own risk,2005,125,6,763-764,Middelthon School injuries among 7 to 15 years old children,2000,120,3,301-305,Kopjar Injuries among children and little more,1999,119,10,1507,Solheim How do we perceive the risk?,1996,116,30,3590-3591,Thelle Bicycles and head injuries. a prospective study from Trondelag 1979-1980],1983,103,17-18,1376-1378,Edna Paracetamol poisoning - occurrence and treatment,2006,126,13,1731-1733,Jacobsen Injuries connected to violence--an analysis of data from the injury registry,2000,120,6,714-717,Kopjar Injuries among children treated at emergency medical centers and in hospitals 1990-97,1999,119,6,784-787,Kopjar Costs of medical treatment of injuries in Norway,1996,116,4,512-516,Kopjar Fall-related injuries among elderly at home,1995,115,9,1060-1062,Kopjar Reduction of the number of fatal traffic accidents. Preventive measures against injuries yield results,1995,115,2,195-196,Kopjar "The patient slipped on the ice...". non-traffic related fractures among pedestrians occurrence and seasonal variations,1994,114,10,1209-1211,Kopjar Go ahead with the bicycle!,1993,113,16,2012,Lande Traction injury of the brachial plexus--a typical motorcycle injury,1963,83,,16-18,Solheim Cannabis and car driving,1973,93,28,2121-2122,Retterstol Diagnosis of sexual abuse in prepubertal children,2006,126,19,2511-2514,Ormstad Suicidal adolescents--what should clinicians look for?,2003,123,16,2246-2249,Grøholt Deliberate self harm in adolescents,2003,123,16,2241-2245,Mehlum Is there an elevated risk of attempted suicide among homosexual adolescents?,2001,121,9,1100-1102,Hegna Registration of parasuicide at hospitals and emergency units,2001,121,9,1033-1037,Wiik Suicide and suicide attempts in Baerum 1984-95,2001,121,9,1026-1031,Dieserud Parasuicide in Sør-Trøndelag 1989-92. Rates and sociodemographic characteristics,1995,115,10,1221-1224,Hjelmeland Death behind the wheel,1999,119,7,966-968,Alvestad Check up on pacemaker patients. Experiences with long intervals between check ups,1997,117,16,2308-2310,Grendahl Animal bites at the casualty department of the Oslo city council,1998,118,17,2614-2617,Dahl The elderly and automobile driving,1993,113,10,1259,Braekhus Fatal child abuse--child killing in Norway: A review of the years 1950-1979,1984,104,5,289-292,Steen Suicidal behaviour in borderline personality disorder,2006,126,22,2946-2949,Mehlum Cannabis effects driving skills,2007,127,5,583-584,Christophersen Acute poisonings in Norway 1999 - 2004 - morbidity and mortality,2007,127,8,1023-1027,Gjertsen Enforcement of the mimimum legal age for purchase of alcohol,2007,127,11,1510-1512,Rossow Child accidents. A study of the pattern of accidents and injuries in children treated at the Trondheim county hospital,1984,104,31,2155-2158,Sahlin Injuries to visitors in an amusement park. results of 5 years' registration of injuries in the kristinsand amusement park,1988,108,19-21,1459-1463,Glad Child accidents. A comparative study of children treated in Oslo and Troms,1984,104,31,2158-2162,Reikerås Medically treated injuries in surnadal 1990-91. incidence risk alcohol and other contributory conditions,1995,115,20,2546-2551,Grimsmo Routines upon suspicion of driving under influence,2007,127,5,618-619,Christophersen Can fatal head injuries be prevented?,2005,125,10,1309,Haugen Sleepiness and fatal traffic accidents,2004,124,16,2155,Arnestad Sleepiness and fatal traffic accidents,2004,124,13-14,1828,Bjorvatn Disagreement about epilepsy and driving,2004,124,8,1100-1102,Brodtkorb Of what significance are diseases intoxication and suicide in fatal traffic accidents?,2004,124,7,916-919,Mørland Medical certificate for elderly automobile drivers,2003,123,20,2920,Lystad Are physicians' examinations required for driving licences correct?,2000,120,28,3409-3411,Steen Automobile driving after a brain injury,2000,120,28,3392-3395,Mosberg Elderly automobile drivers,2000,120,28,3373,Braekhus Centrally acting muscle relaxants and traffic hazards,2000,120,17,1966-1969,Skurtveit Driving under the influence of medication and various substances other than alcohol,2000,120,18,2148-2150,Mørland Acute poisoning and statistics,2007,127,8,1022,Rygnestad Suicidal behavior--what should be done?,2006,126,22,2932,Ekeberg Assessment of cognitive suitability to drive after brain injury,1999,119,7,954-958,Schanke Bullying and health complaints in children and adolescents,2007,127,15,1941-1944,Vatn Risk of injuries among older drivers,1992,112,17,2196-2198,Ueland The faces of violence. Norway--a violent society?,1992,112,3,321-324,Trumpy Multiple injuries in pregnant women,1992,112,11,1454-1455,Solheim Violence. The need for preventive health activity,1994,114,1,9-10,Kvåle Not wearing seat belts is expensive!,1993,113,28,3449-3450,Solheim Weapons without control--violence without end: America's internal war,1994,114,1,68-69,Maeland Violence--a challenge for health policy and an obligation for forensic medicine,1993,113,14,1693-1694,Bang Abuse in marriages and living-together relationships,1993,113,14,1695-1697,Lereim Sexual child abuse. 221 persons charged with sexual abuse of children examined by forensic psychiatrists,1993,113,14,1739-1742,Grünfeld Mental retardation and sexual abuse. 65 mentally retarded men submitted to forensic psychiatric examination because of sex offenses,1993,113,16,2003-2005,Grünfeld Seizures and traffic risks,1993,113,18,2231,Løyning Driver's licence and seizures,1993,113,18,2273-2275,Steen Driver's licenses and medicine. A review of legal requirements and practice,1993,113,18,2277-2280,Steen Violence--a challenge for health policy and an obligation of forensic medicine. Careless handling of numbers,1993,113,19,2434,Haugstad Assessment of habitually violent persons with psychiatric symptoms,1992,112,28,3576-3578,Berg-Nielsen Social network alcohol drinking habits and injuries caused by violence among women and men in the county of Akershus. Results from anonymous questionnaires among persons aged 40-42 years. 1990-91,1992,112,28,3579-3583,Dalgard Facial violence and the many faces of violence,1992,112,3,320,Sundby Health problems of women-- accidental falls and injuries?,1992,112,11,1491-1492,Eklund Air bags--do they help?,1996,116,4,471,Solheim Driving under the influence is no longer only "one in a thousand",1997,117,21,3063-3064,Mørland Measures against driving under the influence of drugs--the county medical officer's role. a 2-year material from vest-agder,1997,117,21,3093-3096,Steen Injuries in rauma municipality in 1983. therapeutic level and costs,1991,111,1,41-44,Aarseth Blunt thoracic injuries in Oslo,1991,111,11,1353-1355,Pillgram-Larsen Suicides committed by patients who receive psychiatric care,2008,128,2,180-183,Walby Gambling and suicidal behaviour,2008,128,2,174-176,Rossow A personal crisis support team at an accident and emergency department,2008,128,18,2056-2059,Morken Driving under the influence of amphetamine and metamphetamine,2009,129,2,105-108,Lia Child abuse more common than the official statistics indicate,2009,129,1,44,Riska Self-harm in fiction literature,2009,129,8,773-775,Skårderud Self-harm - what approach should we take?,2009,129,8,759-762,Mehlum What is self-harm?,2009,129,8,754-758,Skårderud Self-harm presentations in movies,2009,129,9,896-899,Skårderud Psychiatric treatment of deliberate self-harm in the out-of-hours services,2009,129,9,885-887,Walby Patients with self-poisoning in a medical department,2009,129,9,882-884,Ekeberg Self-harm and eating disorders,2009,129,9,877-881,Skårderud Self-harm and personality disorders,2009,129,9,872-876,Urnes Mortality due to occupational injury is underreported,2009,129,10,981-986,Lund Self-harm and sports--case reports,2009,129,9,888-890,Skårderud Injuring own body,2009,129,8,734,Hem Suicide in and outside mental health care,2008,128,2,160,Ekeberg On propaganda terrorism and conflicts of interest,2009,129,7,651,Stien Sexual experiences without consent among young people,2009,129,5,436-437,Rostad Few consequences for the perpetrator in acid burning cases,2008,128,20,2354,Riska Medical proof of torture use in the USA,2008,128,16,1860,Riska Still high mortality in Iraq,2008,128,5,598,Gjersvik Childhood neglect and personality disorders,2008,128,13,1538-1540,Klette Munchausen syndrome by proxy?,2007,127,2,206,Larsen Warning against antidepressive agents has been effective,2007,127,20,2652,Grøholt New screening tool for violence risk assessment,2007,127,19,2557,Hartvig Violence in silent darkness,2007,127,3,326-328,Watne Microfinancing against domestic violence and HIV,2007,127,2,212,Gjersvik Self-medication with OTC analgesics among 15 - 16 year-old teenagers,2009,129,15,1447-1450,Rosvold Forensic pathology in Norway 1960-1964. Medico-legally examined homicides,1970,90,20,1862-3 passim,Giertsen Forensic pathology in Norway 1960-1964. Medico-legally examined suicides,1970,90,20,1859-1861,Giertsen Depressive reactions in treatment with neuroleptics,1970,90,5,504-505,Lingjaerde The Norwegian Poisoning Centre--the first 904 applications,1970,90,2,71-79,Enger Acute poisoning with phenylbutazone,1970,90,2,95-97,Anvik Depression--suicide and attempted suicide,1969,89,11,Suppl:920-7,Eitinger Depressions in general practice. Experiences from a district of North Norway,1969,89,6,402-404,Ogar Anatomic trauma scoring following accidents,2006,126,4,479; author reply 479,Kruger Snowmobile injuries,2006,126,3,340-1; author reply 341,Husum Unexploded bombs in Gaza,2006,126,19,2550,Lund Gaza--a comment,2006,126,19,2549-50; author reply 2550,Saunes Suicide and attempted suicide,1971,91,3,183-189,Noreik Drugs and traffic safety,1971,91,30,2216,Lange-Nielsen Drugs and traffic security--once more,1971,91,26,1899-1901,Knaess Catastrophe planning for hospitals,1971,91,26,1862-1864,Blikra Hospitalization after LSD-abuse,1971,91,24,1765,Retterstol Safety belts,1971,91,19,1486,Solheim Taking blood samples from car-drivers,1971,91,13,1003-1005,Prytz Antidepressive agents and the risk of suicide,1971,91,12,892,Naess Administration of antidepressive agents in general practice with special regard to the risk of suicide,1971,91,12,889-891,Retterstol Child abuse. A case report with fatal end,1972,92,33,2251-2253,Giertsen Prevention of suicide,1972,92,17,1199-1201,Stengel Treatment of the suicidal patient. Introduction to a panel discussion,1972,92,17,1184,Salvesen The future fate of suicide attempters. Has the suicide attempt influenced the future life of the patients?,1972,92,17,1195-1198,Retterstol Problems concerning suicide amongst psychiatric patients in childhood and adolescence,1972,92,17,1190-1193,Madland Treatment of suicidal patients in general practice,1972,92,17,1184-1186,Vaksdal Suicidal risks. Prognostic factors,1972,92,17,1180-1183,Retterstol The appeal function of the suicidal attempt,1972,92,17,1178-1180,Stengel Suicidal attempts and suicide in relation to psychiatric diseases,1972,92,17,1174-1178,Ose Psychological and social factors in suicide and suicide attempts,1972,92,17,1169-1174,Retterstol International suicide statistics,1972,92,17,1167-1169,Stengel Treatment of suicidal patients in outpatient-aftercare departments,1972,92,17,1193-1194,Salvesen Nurses' attitude to suicidal patients,1972,92,17,1189-1190,Broch Treatment of suicidal patients in psychiatric hospitals-clinics,1972,92,17,1187-1188,Lunde Suicide frequency in drug addicts,1973,93,31,2333,Retterstol Carbon dioxide poisoning--an industrial accident,1973,93,21,1520-1521,Jorde Personal follow-up investigation of suicide attempters who have been admitted to a psychiatric hospital,1974,94,8,491-494,Retterstol Suicidal problems in Norway,1974,94,3,137-142,Retterstol Child protection services and adolescents,1975,95,29,1650-1655,Benneche Suicide in psychiatric hospitals in Norway,1975,95,28,1571-4 1602,Retterstol A French study of morbidity and mortality in suicidal attempts,1975,95,25,1430,Retterstol Suicide and attempted suicide among youth. WHO-conference 1974,1975,95,16,1021,Retterstøl Child maltreatment--"the battered child syndrome",1975,95,12,752-5779,Hågå Gass accidents,1975,95,8-9,539-541,Halvorsen Radiation injuries,1975,95,8-9,542-545,Devik Head injuries,1975,95,8-9,545-546,Blikra Drownings,1975,95,8-9,532-533,Skulberg Local Frost Injuries,1975,95,8-9,530-531,Hysing Hypothermia,1975,95,8-9,528-530,Skulberg Burns,1975,95,8-9,526-527,Ugland Special disaster medicine. Wounds,1975,95,8-9,524-526,Heimann Disaster medicine preparedness,1975,95,8-9,515-518,Heimann Definition of international disaster medicine,1975,95,8-9,512-514,Dommerud General disaster medicine,1975,95,8-9,518-524,Tidemann Disaster medicine terminologym definitions abbreviations and explanations,1975,95,8-9,486-487,Tidemann Death among young drug addicts. A review of the Norwegian drug addicts under the age of 30 who died during 1971-1974,1976,96,15,873-874,Brautaset Mortality and suicide among young hospitalized drug addicts,1976,96,3,186,Retterstol Child abuse,1977,97,15,756-758,Halvorsen Child abuse. Experience from a pediatric department,1977,97,15,784-787,Hjermann Noise and hearing damage. A study from the shipping industry,1977,97,12,571-573,Korsrud Sociological and psychiatric aspects of 232 poisonings,1977,97,5,232-234,Enger Acute self-poisoning--sociological and psychiatric aspects,1978,98,26,1256-1258,Berg Traumatic and unnatural deaths in Norway and Olso 1951-1975,1978,98,23,1072-1075,Reigstad Attempted suicide with insulin,1978,98,9,438-439,Brinch Death caused by acute self-poisoning by drugs and alcohol in and outside the hospital in Oslo,1978,98,7-8,371-373,Enger Suicide and accidents among alcoholics treated in Norwegian institutions for alcoholics. A pilot project,1979,99,28,1381-1382,Retterstøl Injuries by violence. A 5-year series of hospitalized patients,1979,99,17-18,876-879,Dahl Injuries by violence,1979,99,17-18,874-875,Sundby Suicide among young people,1980,100,12,662-666,Stang Divers' diseases and injuries,1980,100,6,394-395,Smith-Sivertsen Radiation injuries,1980,100,6,388-391,Devik Gas accidents,1980,100,6,391-393,Halvorsen Snow slide accidents,1980,100,6,382-383,Kofstad Hypothermia,1980,100,6,380-382,Skulberg The Stockholm syndrome,1980,100,5,307-309,Weisaeth Fatal poisoning with dextropropoxyphene,1980,100,5,283-285,Giertsen Haloperidol-induced akathisia in the state of violence,1980,100,3,175,Nordbø Fatal drug alcohol poisoning investigated at the Institute of Forensic Medicine. University of Oslo during 1977-1979,1981,101,28,1563-1566,Teige Alcohol and drugs in victims of violence,1981,101,5,329-330,Dahl Attempted suicide with digitoxin,1981,101,5,327-328,Gundersen Roentgen findings in child abuse - the battered child syndrome,1981,101,2,155-156,Smith Battered wives' patterns of injuries and life situation. A study from the Oslo Municipal Emergency Service,1982,102,33,1787-1790,Malterud Psychological and social consequences of torture. A pilot study,1982,102,11,613-616,Hauff Child abuse and neglect in Nordland county during 1979,1982,102,11,605-608,Ulstein Epilepsy and the driving license,1983,103,23,1648-1650,Brodtkorb Working with parents in child abuse and neglect,1983,103,5,537-540,Heap Suicide studied from forensic autopsy material. Experiences from a 10-year case material from Hordaland and Bergen,1984,104,16,1126-1127,Thoresen Wife abuse. A study from general practice,1984,104,10-11,743-745,Malterud Abuse of the elderly. A hidden problem,1984,104,3,178-180,Evensen Alcohol consumption of patients admitted with acute injuries requiring surgery,1986,106,32,2718-9 2742,Andersen Violence and victims of violence in Oslo,1986,106,27,2226-2227,Dahl Torture of a Norwegian ship's crew. The torture the coping behavior and the psychological effects,1986,106,27,2224-2225,Weisaeth Use of seat belts during pregnancy,1986,106,24,1922-1923,Brückner Acute self poisoning. The Stavanger region in 1980 and 1981. Sociomedical and psychiatric aspects,1986,106,6,475-478,Nessa Acute self poisoning. Use and benefits of the determination of serum concentrations of drugs and poisons as an immediate help,1986,106,6,471-474,Rygnestad The Board of Child Welfare--friend or foe?,1985,105,34-36,2492-2494,Hansen Abuse of the elderly exposed,1985,105,34-36,2475-2478,Evensen Wife abuse and the public health service,1985,105,30,2148-2151,Fossheim Suicide among Norwegian soldiers between 1977 and 1984. A retrospective study,1985,105,26,1770-1773,Hytten The primary physician and acute poisoning,1985,105,23,1478-1479,Enger Battered women. Do battered women need psychiatric help?,1985,105,14,962-963,Tjora The reliability of suicide statistics in Norway,1985,105,2,123-127,Ekeberg Suicide in adolescents. Development in Scandinavia. 7-year case material from Oslo,1985,105,2,119-122,Retterstøl Suicide in Western visual art,1985,105,2,114-118,Hjortsjö Violent patients in a nursing home,1987,107,25,2142-2143,Brochmann Severe liver damage following suicidal intake of paracetamol,1987,107,12,1041-1042,Bell Paracetamol poisoning. Mechanisms and clinical treatment,1987,107,12,1033-1036,Wiik-Larsen Self-inflicted wounds,1987,107,4,345-348,Hortemo Child abuse and neglect in Ostfold. A study of the occurrence as registered by the regional health and social care services,1987,107,3,263-267,Otterstad Nightmares after incest--an important correlation,1988,108,34-36,3238-3240,Haga Anogenital condylomata and chlamydia infections in children. Is it always tantamount to sexual abuse?,1988,108,27,2258-2260,Rygg Sexual abuse of children,1988,108,24,1891-1894,Normann Self poisoning. Medical and social aspects,1988,108,7,561-564,Sahlin Sexual abuse of children. Manifestations and management in primary health care,1988,108,6,468-470,Myraker Children and disasters. Guidelines for a working model--experiences from the mental health services for children after the aircrash at Brønnøysund,1989,109,33,3403-3406,Sørensen Children and disasters,1989,109,33,3402,Ulvik Suicide--an increasing problem in Norway,1989,109,33,3397-3398,Retterstøl Poisoning by phenylpropanolamine (Rinexin)--an alpha adrenergic receptor agonist,1989,109,30,3108 3107,Semb Methods of torture and their consequences,1989,109,17-18,1863-1866,Berg Methods of torture and its consequences,1989,109,17-18,1860-1862,Eitinger Aircrashes,1989,109,17-18,1859,Solheim Terrorist bombing,1989,109,10,1036-1037,Solheim Alcohol and head injuries,1989,109,9,959-960,Johnson A snow avalanche in Vassdalen. Medical experiences,1989,109,7-8,807-813,Gilbert Interprofessional case conferences in connection with child abuse. A resource or a badly used time?,1989,109,2,193-195,Heap Fatal self-poisoning in Western Norway in 1978-1987,1989,109,2,180-182,Morild Self-poisoning in Northwest Norway in 1975-1984,1989,109,2,173-176,Ekeberg The suicidal motif in the life and poetry of Amalia Skram. A psychiatric study,1990,110,30,3900-3904,Bremer Medical examination of sexually abused children,1990,110,29,3761-3762,Michalsen Suicide investigation--a psychological autopsy,1990,110,28,3643-3644,Haga Diagnosis of suicidal tendencies,1990,110,26,3402,Bratfos Psychosocial consequences of organized violence. Experiences from Latin America,1990,110,17,2253-2257,Lavik Diagnosis of suicidal tendencies,1990,110,13,1714,Kringlen Alcohol and statistics of causes of death in middle-aged men in Oslo. A forensic study,1990,110,11,1366-1371,Olving The snowmobile--only for fun? Registration of snowmobile accidents in Western Finnmark 1988-89,1990,110,10,1196-1198,Hortemo The influence and use of drugs other than alcohol among drivers,1990,110,9,1103-1105,Christophersen Are prosecuted parents allowed the benefit of the doubt in cases of child abuse?,1990,110,5,627-628,Aakhus What examinations are performed in suspicious or violent death?,1991,111,5,598,Haugen Suicide--prediction and risk evaluation,1991,111,5,569-573,Hytten Attempted suicide among Norwegian soldiers. A retrospective study,1991,111,5,565-568,Mehlum Suicide and attempted suicide among the elderly,1991,111,5,562-564,Ekeberg Suicide and attempted suicide among the elderly,1991,111,5,561,Retterstøl Injuries following a hurricane in Nordmøre,1992,112,30,3777-3780,Ranhoff Violent behavior of patients--is it predictable?,1992,112,28,3571-3574,Guldberg Suicide and mass media,1992,112,28,3541-3542,Retterstøl Rhabdomyolysis in self-induced poisoning. A prospective study,1992,112,18,2359-2361,Jacobsen Evaluation of suicidal tendency,1992,112,14,1841-1842,Retterstøl Gunshot wounds and explosion injuries,1992,112,12,1590-1593,Pillgram-Larsen Deaths caused by antidepressive agents and neuroleptics,1992,112,11,1490-1491,Mehlum Neck injuries,1992,112,10,1287-1289,Mattox Death caused by antidepressive agents and neuroleptics,1992,112,10,1336-1337,Mehlum Vision and driving license among young people,1992,112,7,926,Espnes Deaths caused by antidepressive agents and neuroleptics. Risk groups illustrated by a forensic material,1992,112,5,612-615,Teige The significance of self-hate in suicide,1992,112,4,529,Valla Conditioned and unconditioned probability,1992,112,2,254-255,Stavem Visual acuity and driver's licence among young people. Are routine vision tests necessary?,1992,112,2,213,Steen A letter to an enemy of society,1992,112,1,75; author reply 75-6,Michalsen Child abuse or fragile bones: how can we tell the difference?,1992,112,1,74,Stavem Suicide in Norway. Changes in the 20th century with special emphasis on the development during the last 20 years,1992,112,1,38-42,Rygnestad Suicidal trends in Norway and Scandinavia,1992,112,1,15,Retterstøl Frequency of forensic autopsies after deaths in road traffic accidents,2009,129,18,1850-1852,Igeltjørn Poisoning with crude animal oil,1950,70,18,583-584,Dalseth Forensic pathology in Norway 1960-1964. Medico-legally examined accidental deaths,1970,90,20,1856-1859,Giertsen Shaft fractures of both bones of the forearm,1970,90,,969-971,Solheim Peripheral nerve injuries,1970,90,,945-950,Hagen Head injuries in children due to falls through granary hatches,1970,90,7,711-712,Lande High tension and head trauma,1969,89,4,249-254,Ugland Diagnosis and therapy of traffic injuries,1969,89,3,179-186,Solheim Acute accidental poisoning with diphenylhydantoin (phenytoin). A survey and report on 2 cases in children,1968,88,16,1480-1484,Koldsland Facial injuries in traffic accidents. Plastic surgery considerations,1968,88,13,1313-1324,Heggö Accidents as a cause of death 1901-1965,1968,88,11,1022-1024,Bjerkedal Closed thoracic injuries,1968,88,10,949-954,Solheim Isolated subcutaneous traumatic rupture of the stomach,1968,88,5,334-335,Korvald On the causes of traffic accidents,1966,86,18,1250-1252,Omland Gasoline poisoning; a serious accident,1975,95,23,1312-1314,Moller Letter: Thoughts about the "paradoxical undressing syndrome",1975,95,16,1022-1023,Sørli Glowing particles in the ear,1975,95,7,445-446, Letter: Ethanol and diazepam as causative agents in serious traffic accidents,1974,94,27,1667-1668,Bo Rupture of the mesenterium in blunt abdominal trauma,1974,94,16,1042-1043,Lund Accidental injury in industry. Traumatological and sociomedical aspects,1973,93,6,382-386,Grüner Perineal injuries,1972,92,35,2428-2429,Solheim Fatal Scuba diving accidents. A discussion of 8 fatal cases,1972,12,13,924-928,Giertsen Fatal traffic accidents in Norway,1971,91,18,1422-1423,Solheim Drugs and traffic safety. Everything must have an end!,1980,100,12,657-658,Naess Drowning,1980,100,6,377-378,Skulberg Accidents among children. Registration at a central hospital,1979,99,34-36,1783-1785,Høyer Traumatic rupture of the aortic arch,1978,98,10,492-497,Solheim Arterial injuries. 15 years-statistics from Oslo community hospital departments,1976,96,23,1195-1197,Bo Burns. A patient series and various experiences,1976,96,15,864-867,Ugland Mandibular fractures. A 4-year series,1976,96,7,420-422,Korsrud Perforating eye injuries in Oslo,1976,96,2,94-95,Nornes Physicians and drivers' licences,1993,113,18,2232-2233,Schjønsby Suicide among inpatients in Gaustad Hospital 1954-1991,1993,113,16,1974-1977,Mehlum Suicide among young people aged 15-29 years in Oslo. The development in the Nordic countries and regional variations in Norway,1993,113,16,1969-1974,Olving Increased tendency towards suicide among the young,1993,113,16,1968,Roness Violence--from a psychiatric point of view,1993,113,14,1692,Retterstøl Heroin related overdose problems,1993,113,11,1363-1365,Hansen Avalanche accidents,1993,113,9,1100-1102,Gilbert An echo of another pain. Physicians' meeting with the hidden violence against women,1993,113,6,753-754,Kirkengen Violent behavior of patients--can it be predicted?,1993,113,2,230-231,Guldberg Torture in Israel,1993,113,1,70,Wergeland Use of psychiatrists in security matters,1993,113,30,3760-3761,Noreik Skiing injuries and safety,1993,113,30,3671-3672,Ekeland Injuries in epileptic seizures,1993,113,21,2690-2692,Nakken Joint European monitoring of differences in health care. A description of practices established by the European Community for reporting accidents and near accidents in relation to the use of medical technology,1993,113,18,2302-2303,Fønstelien Scalding injuries in children,1993,113,14,1716-1718,Sørensen Frequency and clinical consequences of self-injection among salmon vaccinators,1993,113,13,1566-1568,Dyrkorn Health risks of vaccination of farmed fish,1993,113,13,1563-1565,Leira Physician's statement concerning whiplash injuries. Significance of supplementary information,1993,113,9,1104-1106,Bovim Quality assurance based on reports of injuries and accidents,1992,112,24,3078,Piene Traumatic pneumopericardium with cardiac tamponade,1992,112,16,2085-2087,Pillgram-Larsen Accidents cost 24 billions per year,1992,112,9,1223,Aasen Symptoms in patients with neck injury after a car crash. A retrospective study,1992,112,7,884-886,Lereim In-hospital injury reports and the injury evaluation work. Intentions and practice in somatic hospitals,1991,111,25,3090-3092,Molven Evaluation of injuries--a crucial element of quality assurance in hospitals,1991,111,25,3055,Melsom Injuries in nursing homes,1991,111,24,2999,Sudmann Self-reported accident frequency among children and adolescents,1991,111,19,2445-2448,Thuen Accidents in Vågå in 1988,1991,111,19,2404-2406,Båtnes Accidents in nursing homes,1991,111,19,2401-2403,Mediås Are you always there? About accidents we can avoid,1991,111,19,2398-2400,Guldvog We and child protection,1991,111,19,2395-2396,Lie Accidental hypothermia. Risk factors in 29 patients with body temperature of 30 degrees C and below,1991,111,2,180-183,Pillgram-Larsen Accidental hypothermia,1991,111,2,174-175,Vaagenes A campaign against home accidents--accident prevention efforts in the communities,1990,110,26,3387-3390,Thuen Neck distorsions after traffic accidents,1990,110,24,3091-3092,Nyberg-Hansen Accidental poisoning in children,1990,110,18,2345-2348,Sommerfelt Alcohol and work,1990,110,13,1697-1699,Aasland Prognosis for patients involved in traffic injuries,1990,110,13,1680-1683,Solheim Accidental hypothermia,1990,110,5,634-635,Bjørnstad Accidental hypothermia. Physiopathology clinical manifestations and treatment,1989,109,30,3105-3107,Lexow Doctors' assessment of occupational injuries. Regulations and working methods,1989,109,26,2669-2673,Hanoa Injuries in nursing homes. Hospital-based registration of injuries of patients in nursing homes,1989,109,22,2164-2166,Wasmuth Abdominal injuries. Occurrence and outcome,1989,109,22,2111-2114,Edna Injuries in nursing homes,1989,109,22,2107,Nygaard Drowning,1989,109,19-21,1965-1966,Skulberg Investigation of accidents by the Special Inspection for Electrical Electrical Medical Equipment,1989,109,16,1801-1803,Nilsson First aid in traffic accidents. A prospective 1 year trial in the Trondheim region,1988,108,33,3071-3074,Lereim Traffic injuries. A hospital-based registry of injuries,1988,108,33,3065-3070,Ytterstad Traffic accidents--3 points of attack,1988,108,33,3061-3062,Solheim A disaster in a local community. Experiences following an airplane crash in Spitsbergen,1988,108,5,407-410,Schirmer An industrial disaster. Disaster behavior and posttraumatic stress reactions,1986,106,27,2220-2224,Weisaeth Psychiatric stress medicine accidents and injuries,1986,106,27,2217-2219,Malt Falls in a geriatric department,1986,106,16,1414-1416,Asbjørnsen Femoral neck fractures in Oslo and Troms. A comparative study,1986,106,16,1377-1379,Reikerås Children and minibatteries,1986,106,10,827-828,Roti Fatal accidents and alcohol in Western Norway,1985,105,32,2311-2312,Giertsen Use of nail guns. Side effects of a preventive measure,1985,105,17-18,1222-1224,Grini-Johansen Injuries caused by snow ploughs,1985,105,2,128-129,Almdahl Home accidents,1984,104,35-36,2502-2503,Strand Femoral shaft fractures in children. 5-year case material,1984,104,31,2162-2164,Alho Results of accident prevention activity in general practice,1984,104,26,1838-1842,Tellnes Lightning accidents,1984,104,22,1413-1414,Kristensen Accidental hypothermia. Treatment with the heart-lung machine,1983,103,29,1992-1993,Andersen Accidents in a region of Norway during a single year,1983,103,23,1620-1623,Lund Prognosis in drowning related to status at the time of admission,1982,102,17-18,964-967,Pillgram-Larsen The effect of a liquor store strike on injuries treated at a hospital,1982,102,11,600-604,Reigstad Alcohol-related diseases and injuries,1982,102,11,598-600,Sundby Posttraumatic aneurysms of the left heart ventricle,1981,101,34-36,1961-1962,Hammelbo Injuries and prevention of injuries in a local community,1981,101,26,1454-1457,Tellnes Plant poisoning,1951,71,18,582, Water hemlock (cicutoxin) poisoning; review and personal observations,1951,71,18,579-580,Pedersen Water hemlock (Cicuta virosa) poisoning; report of two cases,1951,71,18,577-578,Vogt Poisoning by iron tablets,1952,72,24,810-1; passim,Tungland Ethylene glycol poisoning,1952,72,24,805-6; passim,Rosenlund Competitive athletics and medical examination,1952,72,18,602,Aubert Competitive athletics and physical examination,1952,72,17,568,Johansen Competitive athletics and medical examination,1952,72,13-14,453-454,Aubert Barbituric poisoning,1952,72,12,402, Poisoning hazards in use of herbicides and insecticides,1952,72,11,357-358,Bruusgaard Prevention of acoustic injury,1952,72,10,301-302,Hillesung Shooting accident in pregnancy; case report,1953,73,13-14,538-9; passim,Liavag Expert knowledge and responsibility in relation to athletic competition,1953,73,8,306-310,Opsahl Acute gasoline poisoning,1953,73,3,86-87,Thommesen Death caused by therapeutic doses of morphine or morphinescopolamine in subjects under influence of alcohol or barbiturates,1953,73,1,1-8,M|oller Football injuries; case material from Gjøvik county hospital,1954,74,20,647-648,Øksne Vitamin D poisoning,1954,74,12,419-420,Andersen Acute methadone poisoning,1954,74,10,354-355,Oulie Acute intoxication; considerations on a case material covering 10 years including the war,1954,74,10,351-354,Lyngar Ethylene glycol poisoning,1954,74,5,175-177,Abrahamsen Iron-silicon poisoning; reports on two cases,1954,74,3,88-89,Jorde Incidence of athletic injuries and their significance as causes for sick leave,1955,75,20,715-7; passim,Holen Contraindication of morphine after ingestion of alcohol,1955,75,13-14,489-492,Naalsund Whaling and medical service,1955,75,12,471,Albretsen Circular saw injury with severe intestinal lesions,1955,75,8,270-273,Bernstein Insecticide poisoning,1955,75,6,205-206,Rolfsen Acute gasoline poisoning,1955,75,4,130-132,Iversen Duty of the physician to take blood tests of vehicle drivers for the determination of alcohol,1956,76,18,669,Strom Duty of the physician to take blood tests of automobile drivers whom he suspects of having an illegally high alcohol content,1956,76,18,667-668,Evang Thallium poisoning; case report,1956,76,16,559-560,Gadeholt Thallium poisoning by rodenticide,1956,76,4,118-120,Omland Radioactive fall-out,1957,77,22,1001-1003,Devik Mushroom poisoning caused by Amanita virosa,1957,77,3,114-116,Wendelbo Phenergan poisoning; case report,1959,79,,890,Kjeldsberg Hemlock poisoning with fatal outcome,1959,79,,885-887,Svendsen Poisoning by irreversible cholinesterase inhibitors; cholinesterase reactivators as antidotes,1959,79,8,464-470,Barstad Accidental poisoning in children,1959,79,3,133-138,Trygstad Poisoning in children,1959,79,3,130-1 passim,Sigstad Motor cycle accidents as a social problem,1958,78,16,788 passim,Moe Acetylsalicylic acid poisoning in children,1958,78,15,710-715,Trygstad Insecticide poisoning: a case of suicide with alkyl phosphate (systox),1958,78,8,356-357,Michelsen Visual function and traffic safety,1960,80,,1167-1168,Odd Digitalis poisoning in the aged,1960,80,,641-642,Bru Ankle injuries in small children from bicycle accidents,1960,80,,558-559,Ramstad A case of carbon monoxide poisoning. With remarks on various forms of treatment,1960,80,,347-348,Sigstad Meprobamate poisoning,1960,80,,15-16,Laane Ethylene glycol poisoning. 5 Cases of which 3 had fatal outcome,1960,80,,9-12,Julsrud Accidents among children aged 0-15 years. One year's material,1961,81,,744-756,Edvardsen Glutethimide (Doriden) poisoning in an infant,1963,83,,26-27,Hexeberg War gases,1963,83,,966-972,Kass Traffic accidents,1963,83,,474-475,Kristiansen The human element in traffic,1963,83,,444-447,Karlsen Traffic accidents in Oslo from a surgical viewpoint,1963,83,,435-438,Dahl Some psychiatric aspects of traffic safety problems,1963,83,,452-453,Sundby Traffic accidents,1963,83,,413-423,Solheim Traffic injuries. Problems concerning prevention and treatment illustrated by a one-year series of injuries treated at the Drammen Hospital,1963,83,,429-435,Rugtveit Traffic accidents and insurance,1963,83,,448-450,Holst-larsen Craniocerebral traffic injuries. A traffic-medical analysis of a day-book record,1963,83,,424-428,Gjone Alcohol and traffic accidents,1963,83,,439-440,Molland Traumatic rupture of the aorta caused by traffic accidents,1963,83,,440-444,Lundevall Intoxication with iron tablets,1965,85,8,726,Myhre Child abuse,1964,84,,1635-1636,Harlem The "battered child syndrome",1964,84,,1609-1612,Gjerdrum Sickness accidents and mortality among norwegian sailors,1964,84,,1228-1236,Arner Acute intoxications. Somatic social and psychiatric aspects in data covering 5 years,1964,84,,1180-1186,Lavik Teflon poisoning,1964,84,,923,Rygvold Traffic accidents in vestfold in 1962. An analysis of patients admitted ti vestfold central hospital,1964,84,,858-862,Slungaard Digitalis poisoning,1964,84,,830,Jervell Acute toluene poisoning. An accidental case while painting in a silo,1964,84,,623-624,Heiberg Significant factors in fracture union,1964,84,,593-598,Vasli Dangerous insect stings in Norway,1962,82,,831-833,Naess Fatal poisoning with diphenhydramine,1962,82,,581,Eide The Norwegian methanol poisonings in 2007-08,2010,130,2,146-148,Haugen Victims of violence in the general youth population. A longitudinal study of risk factors,1997,117,23,3347-3351,Pape Underreporting of occupational injuries to the Labour Inspection,2003,123,15,2057-2059,Lund Patients in general practice who experienced violence or threats from someone they knew well,2000,120,7,839-842,Gulbrandsen Young victims in Oslo--a problem of immigration?,1999,119,16,2317-2321,Pape Body height and disease,1999,119,8,1158-1161,Njølstad Risk factors of femoral neck fractures in Oslo,1996,116,22,2656-2659,Falch Parasuicide in Sør-Trøndelag 1989-1992--clinical and psychological characteristics,1995,115,15,1824-1828,Hjelmeland Variations of suicide rate in the population. Historical perspective with special reference to the 1970s and 1980s,1995,115,1,18-22,Gjertsen Suicide in Norway,1995,115,1,13,Retterstøl Stroke patients and vision,2005,125,24,3521; author reply 3521,Walberg Physicians' control of driving after stroke attacks,2005,125,19,2610-2612,Samuelsson Amitriptyline (Sarotex) poisoning,1967,87,10,975-976,Skotte Poisoning by a weever in Norwegian waters,1966,86,7,448-452,Mjos Barbiturate poisoning in elderly persons,1966,86,6,372-374,Lorentsen Barbiturate poisoning caused by diemal-containing analgesics,1966,86,6,369-372,Anstad Injuries caused by oil under pressure,1966,86,19,1339-1340,Nakrem Severe psychic injury in mentally retarded children. Experiences from work in child psychiatry in a special school for the mentally retarded,1967,87,18,1479-1481,Bodtker Nortriptyline poisoning,1967,87,17,1415-1417,Teien Evaluation of disability in head injuries,1967,87,16,1349-1350,Strom Poisoning with imipramine,1968,88,8,708-709,Naess Snowmobile accidents,1990,110,10,1194-1195,Solheim Poisoning with salicylic acid preparations in children,1968,88,13,1344-1345,Naess Poisoning in children,1968,88,20,1934-1936,Halvorsen Skiing injuries and ski equipment,1968,88,23,2180-1 passim,Janssen Alcohol education among junior high school students. Results from a WHO educational program,1993,113,2,202-205,Klepp Acute and chronic effects of deep diving on the nervous system,1993,113,1,36-39,Todnem A little about coffee drinking,1993,113,9,1140,Thelle I accuse! Whiplash injuries,1993,113,9,1113,Aanesen Head injuries in sports--evaluation during admission follow-up and routine check-ups,1993,113,8,955-957,Sahlin Accidental hypothermia,1993,113,20,2579-2582,Vaagenes Causes of death among alcoholics,1993,113,20,2556-2560,Morild Bone mineral density and fracture frequency in 66-year old women in Oslo. Worst in the world?,1993,113,19,2433,Høiseth Poisonings and gas accidents,1993,113,18,2261-2265,Jacobsen Political violence and partner violence,2010,130,12,1220,Holen Liposuction and suicide,1994,114,2,202-203,Lund Use of safety equipment among immigrant children in Norway. A comparison with Norwegian children,1994,114,2,195-198,Thuen Violence--a field for preventive health work,1994,114,6,710,Rasmussen Alcohol related mortality 1980-90 how many children are affected?,1994,114,6,697-701,Clausen A shipwreck and organization of the psychosocial support work,1994,114,5,562-564,Roness Preventive psychiatry in accidents and disasters,1994,114,5,552-553,Weisaeth Driving under the influence of alcohol drugs and narcotics,1994,114,4,429-431,Christophersen Addictive drugs in road traffic,1994,114,4,423-424,Mørland Violence--a field of concern?,1994,114,8,988-989, Torture in Botswana?,1994,114,11,1346-1347,Haukeland Complications of acupuncture therapy. A study of the literature from 1981-92,1994,114,10,1192-1194,Norheim Changed injury pattern and by that therapeutic routines,1996,116,6,715,Solheim Chloroquine poisoning,1996,116,4,478-480,Jacobsen Human failure--more frequent than expected?,1996,116,9,1152,Westin Suicidal process and suicidal motives. Suicide illustrated by the art life and illness of Vincent van Gogh,1996,116,9,1095-1101,Mehlum Torture-related injuries--a medical challenge. Diagnosis and treatment of Falanga victims,1996,116,9,1073-1075,Lie In this world anything is possible. Medical consequences of torture,1996,116,9,1063,Olsen Snowboard injuries,1996,116,9,1060,Solheim Forensic psychiatry in Norway. A review of the period 1980-93,1996,116,8,983-987,Grünfeld Trauma epidemiology--a tool in trauma prevention,1996,116,10,1205-1206,Ytterstad Do tough men and women tolerate the sight of blood?,1996,116,13,1617,Malt [Injuries and drug use among soccer players],1996,116,17,1996-1999,Nilssen [Adolescents and sports a connection with many aspects],1996,116,17,1994-1995,Lereim [Violence in society],1996,116,17,1992,Nessa Mortality and causes of death among intravenous drug addicts in Oslo,1993,113,11,1331-1333,Magnus Youth friendship and use of drugs,1993,113,14,1747-1749,Pedersen Homicide and mental disease,1993,113,14,1736-1738,Noreik Radiation accidents and radiation disasters,1993,113,13,1583-1588,Reitan Rupture of the thoracic aorta and multiple injuries,1993,113,12,1471-1474,Solheim Contusion of the eyeball. Changes in trauma types and their treatment,1993,113,12,1466-1468,Klyve Hip fractures,1993,113,12,1445,Alho Health and function after occupational injury,2010,130,15,1458-1462,Holtedahl Seriously injured patients transferred from local hospitals to a university hospital,2010,130,15,1455-1457,Fredriksen Drowning accidents--still a challenge for Norwegian physicians,1997,117,26,3762,Lexow May suicide be prevented?,1997,117,25,3700,Seier Mental health among refugees. Connection between symptoms traumatization and exile,1997,117,25,3654-3658,Lavik Women and violence. A one-year prospective study from Bergen emergency department,1997,117,25,3640-3642,Steen Injuries women and violence in Bergen,1997,117,25,3633,Hydle Do most of the persons with whiplash injury suffer of profit neurosis?,1997,117,28,4120-4122,Sulg Suicide attempts among the elderly,1997,117,27,3988-3991,Ekeberg Registration of accidents and injuries in primary health care. Methods and the users' experiences,1997,117,27,3973-3975,Lund Coding practice in fatal poisonings,2010,130,16,1601-1605,Heyerdahl Is the Norwegian injury register adequately representative?,2010,130,18,1815-1817,Eilertsen A different cardiovascular epidemiology,2008,128,19,2181-2184,Kirkengen Child abuse in Swaziland,2009,129,13,1365,Riska What indicates sexual abuse?,1997,117,5,726,Meland Mental health school and leisure time of adolescents born "small for gestational age",2007,127,15,1933-1937,Brubakk Traumatic abdominal wall hernia in children,2003,123,6,804-805,Labori Unexplained circulatory collapse after a motorcycle accident,2004,124,11,1523-1524,Kalstad Physicians health and drivers licence,2005,125,19,2609,Braekhus Thoracic injuries at a regional trauma centre,2007,127,11,1496-1499,Kjøs Nine out of ten traffic accidents occur in middle and low income countries,2009,129,17,1782,Riska Prepared for medical peace work?,2007,127,19,2553-2555,Melf Nerve gas--guidelines for care of victims of terrorism,2005,125,6,731-735,Aas On bioterrorism,2002,122,4,428-429,Berdal Anthrax as biological weapon,2001,121,29,3364,Iversen Injuries connected to violence,2000,120,6,656,Ytterstad Bioterrorism--threat and preparedness,1999,119,12,1730,Aavitsland Violence,1997,117,2,193-194,Solheim Detection of zopiclone in many drivers--a sign of misuse or abuse,1999,119,19,2820-2821,Bramness The vision of zero traffic accidents in Norway,1999,119,11,1633-1634,Ytterstad Repeated driving under influence,1999,119,7,959-963,Christophersen Traffic accidents and risks in connection with automobile driving,1999,119,7,920,Lereim Strategic choices to prevent injuries,1999,119,6,783,Ytterstad The value of accident prevention in Norway after the "safe community" model in Harstad,1999,119,1,68-70,Ytterstad Chronic CO poisoning. Use of generator gas during the second world war and recent research,1997,117,17,2454-2457,Tvedt Blue lights and sirens in emergency services,1997,117,13,1950-1951,Holmboe Blue lights and syrens in emergency services,1997,117,7,986,Grøgaard Prehospital treatment of heroin intoxication in Oslo in 1996,1998,118,20,3144-3146,Hansen Whiplash injuries,1998,118,3,434,Robberstad Driving under the influence of benzodiazepines. Sale differences in the counties are reflected among drivers suspected of driving under the influence of a drug,1995,115,2,200-203,Christophersen Pill-taking drivers,1995,115,2,198-199,Aasland Is regionalization disadvantageous for patients? A registration study based on ambulance transports in Oslo,1989,109,5,545-548,Hagen Abdominal injuries after blunt trauma,1990,110,23,2994-2998,Solheim First aid instruction for drivers,1977,97,5,245-248,Blikra Fractures of the facial skeleton and temporal bone in head injuries. A 3-year series,1978,98,5,250-252,Torjussen Patients with traumatic spinal cord injuries at the department of neurology Haukeland Hospital 1952-99,2001,121,28,3273-3275,Hagen Misuse of ambulances by the PLO,2002,122,18,1818; author reply 1819,Saunes Misuse of ambulances by the PLO,2002,122,13,1313-4; author reply 1314,Saunes Chronic whiplash syndrome--an overview,2002,122,13,1296-1299,Ferrari Whiplash injuries--a psychosomatic perspective,2002,122,13,1291-1295,Sundet Military attacks against ambulances and health personnel,2002,122,10,1055; author reply 1055,Baksaas Protect health personnel in war zones!,2002,122,9,892,Gilbert Working environment and job adjustment among bus drivers,2002,122,8,797-800,Schjøtt Traumatic rupture of the thoracic aorta,1984,104,8,568-570,Geiran Adder bite,1969,89,7,486-488,Halvorsen Skier's eye,1969,89,6,414-415,Opsahl Forensic psychiatric examinations of the mentally retarded,1998,118,14,2149-2151,Grünfeld Forensic psychiatric examination of arsonists,1990,110,14,1820-1822,Grünfeld Burn injuries in children,2011,131,1,20-23,Brudvik Planned hospitalization after deliberate self-harm,2007,127,11,1521-1523,Torgersen Why does not the Norwegian suicide rate drop?,2003,123,16,2240,Hem Deaths in police custody,2003,123,8,1066-1067,Aasebø Methemoglobinemia--causes diagnosis and treatment,2000,120,13,1549-1551,Jacobsen Support to relatives after suicide,1999,119,27,4010-4015,Dyregrov Fatalities caused by anticholinergic antiparkinsonian drugs. Analysis of findings in a 11-year national material,1998,118,1,42-44,Engelstad Prevention of suicide among young people--recent experiences from the armed forces,1998,118,11,1724-1726,Mehlum Psycho-cutaneous disorders in practice. Self-inflicted skin diseases of psychological origin,1997,117,22,3241-3244,Lützow-Holm Admissions of suicidal patients,1997,117,21,3070-3072,Bratberg A 15-year follow-up study after deliberate self-poisoning,1997,117,21,3065-3069,Rygnestad When need is greatest--is help nearest? Help and treatment after attempted suicide among adolescents,1997,117,12,1740-1743,Rossow Suicidal behavior among young people--is it possible to prevent?,1997,117,12,1733-1734,Mehlum Penetrating head and neck gunshot injuries. A 10-year neurological material,1997,117,2,236-240,Berg-Johnsen Life expectancy in Norway. An international perspective--causes of death,1996,116,30,3656-3661,Guldvog Health and living conditions in the Agder counties,1995,115,24,3046-3049,Hagestad Treatment of suicide attempters in a somatic hospital. Is psychosocial support offered in addition to somatic treatment?,1994,114,20,2374-2377,Berntsen Mental Health's hot line. A report from the first year of the service,1994,114,18,2117-2119,Lyngstad Treatment of paracetamol poisoning. An indication for liver transplantation?,1994,114,10,1199-1203,Berg How are we today? On physicians' health well-being and job satisfaction,1992,112,30,3818-3823,Aasland Prognosis of diabetes mellitus type 1. A follow-up study,1989,109,11,1145-1149,Lien Cardiac injuries after blunt trauma. Report of a successful surgery of acute traumatic heart rupture with a review,1972,92,31,2063-2070,Solheim Epilepsy and death,2002,122,11,1114-1117,Lossius Late effects of low-voltage electricity accidents. Rotator cuff tendinitis hearing loss and neuropsychological dysfunction,1997,117,23,3363-3365,Veiersted Land mines--the devil's seed,1997,117,22,3254-3256,Hanevik Stress among air traffic controllers,1997,117,22,3234-3237,Rodahl Who is susceptible to osteoporosis? What is the significance of bone mass and clinical factors?,1997,117,22,3191-3194,Høiseth Osteoporosis. Bone mass fractures treatment and compliance,1997,117,22,3188-3190,Høiseth Physicians against land mines,1997,117,22,3183,Wium Can suicide be prevented?,1997,117,21,3061-3062,Sundby "Earth rays"--an underground phenomenon?,1997,117,17,2476-2477,Baerheim Alcohol and public health,1997,117,12,1810-1811,Engelstad Prevention of fractures in the elderly,1997,117,12,1810,Ytterstad Suicide prevention--professional choices one what basis?,1997,117,12,1804,Bilsbak Occupational injuries and prolonged sick listings during the period 1989-93,1997,117,12,1774-1778,Tellnes Are preventive measures against suicide efficient? A literature review,1997,117,12,1746-1750,Bilsbak Whiplash injuries,1997,117,8,1185-1186,Laake Norwegian policy on alcohol use and the Norwegian Medical Society,1997,117,8,1184,Thorsby Alcohol as a "heart drug". Beneficial for the individual? Harmful for the general population!,1997,117,5,713,Engelstad Alcohol as an agent against coronary heart disease-- flippancy or fact?,1997,117,5,708-712,Skovenborg Violence 1994--Oslo Legevakt,1997,117,2,230-235,Melhuus Violence in Bergen. A one-year material from the emergency department in Bergen,1997,117,2,226-229,Steen Whiplash injuries with objective findings. Delayed diagnosis of fractures of the odontoid process,1997,117,1,21-22,Hestnes Assessment of medical disability after whiplash injury. The first 112 cases assessed by the expert group appointed by the Norwegian Medical Association,1997,117,1,17-21,Nestvold Alcohol consumption among adolescents in 3 municipalities,1995,115,25,3180,Thelle Accidental atropine poisoning. Anticholinergic syndrome in a child after intranasal overdose,1995,115,24,3030-3031,Jelstad Alcohol consumption among adolescents in 3 municipalities. A survey of local variations in alcohol consumption,1995,115,22,2759-2763,Grimsmo Alcohol--more than wine with meals,1995,115,22,2757-2758,Aasland Whiplash--mechanics and medicine,1995,115,19,2438,Solum International consensus on suffering associated with whiplash injuries,1995,115,19,2438,Myhrvold Dimensions of health services for big sport events. Are preventive measures effective?,1995,115,18,2276-2279,Opdahl Medical emergencies in a rural community,2009,129,8,738-742,Rørtveit Development of events in medical emergency situations in a rural community,2009,129,8,735-737,Rørtveit The forestry doctor and the lumber camp people,2001,121,9,1082-1083,Bache Injuries from mines,1992,112,17,2183-2187,Pillgram-Larsen The Kings Bay accident November 5 1962,1989,109,19-21,1974-1981,Hanoa Evacuation of patients from the North Sea,1989,109,16,1757-1758,Freund The morphology and biochemistry of healing fractures,1970,90,,951-958,Solheim Can cannabis effect long-lasting psychoses in a "well integrated" individual?,1970,90,7,715,Retterstol Norwegian psychiatric security units,1994,114,17,2028-2029,Albretsen Form and readability of disaster plans,1994,114,16,1820-1822,Arvesen Contents and updating of disaster plans,1994,114,16,1815-1819,Arvesen Ricin--a therapeutic agent and a biological weapon,2005,125,18,2477-2479,Høiseth Explosive distinctions,2005,125,22,3079,Haug Descriptions of mental illness in Alf Prøysen's first book,2005,125,24,3454-3456,Kanter Violence in psychiatry--something for the European agenda?,1998,118,29,4563,Nøttestad The murder at Grünerløkken--a centenary,1998,118,30,4678-4682,Forsmo Stoning in modern time,1994,114,27,3173,Solheim "Clarification" before punishment--a medical matter,1994,114,20,2427,Hals Preparation prior to punishment--a medical issue?,1994,114,19,2296,Ikdahl Group work with children and their parents--a support after suspected sexual abuse in a day care center,1995,115,17,2064-2066,Dyb A case of sexual abuse with several victims in a small municipality. A cooperation project between health services,1996,116,29,3506-3508,Horneland Sexual abuse of boys. Examples of a group-oriented treatment,1996,116,29,3482-3484,Horneland Sexual abuse of children,1996,116,29,3447-3448,Schei Physicians' responsibility in the violation of human rights,1996,116,18,2198,Sandvik Torture survivors in Norway--physician's responsibility,2001,121,29,3383-3385,Cohn Knowledge concerning the sequelae of torture,2001,121,29,3366,Lie Sexual child abuse,2004,124,2,223; author reply 223,Kringlen Documentation of violence and mortality in Darfur,2004,124,22,2934,Gjersvik Sexual abuse recovered memory and multiple personality disorder,2002,122,2,202-208,Kringlen Schizophrenia and violence,2002,122,23,2303-2305,Rasmussen Wild and crazy--the myths we prefer to repress,2002,122,23,2256,Krüger The ward atmosphere and satisfaction in four psychogeriatric wards,2008,128,3,310-312,Lorentzen Tragedies in drunk cells,2003,123,8,1047,Waal Automatism and the law in Norway 1981-2000,2003,123,13-14,1831-1834,Hartvig Violence and verbal aggression in young people's intimate relationships,2003,123,15,2016-2020,Pape Physicians need knowledge of human rights torture and conflicts,2003,123,19,2766,Melf Sexual abuse of children,2003,123,20,2918; author reply 2918,Kringlen Sexual abuse of children,2003,123,24,3627; author reply 3627,Jensen Childhood trauma and chronic pain,2000,120,23,2759-2760,Bell Inscribed in the body,2000,120,13,1518-1522,Kirkengen Sensitive nose is not to be despised,2000,120,13,1509,Gulbrandsen Forensic psychiatric risk assessment is ethically defensible. The dangerousness and risk of relapse are possible to judge with more precision than random assessment,2000,120,18,2126-2128,Nilstun Tooth and jaw injuries following violence--diagnosis and treatment in emergency department,2000,120,7,843-847,Kvaal Insufficient help to victims of violence,2000,120,7,778,Bang Late sequelae of violence seen from victims' perspective,2000,120,6,718-721,Brink Turkish physicians and human rights,2008,128,11,1306-1307,Rogde Unbalanced about Iran,2008,128,10,1191-2; discussion 1192,Linstad Antipsychotic agents--not to patients with dementia?,1999,119,2,263-264,Arsland Deserved punishment? Legal settlement 1945-50. Sociomedical aspects,1999,119,17,2495-2500,Gogstad Treatment of suicide attempters in a somatic department,1994,114,20,2370-2371,Retterstøl Is it necessary to be burned first to avoid the fire?,1994,114,19,2237,Abyholm Is top level athletic performance dangerous? A 25-year follow-up study of 24 elite cross-country skiers,1994,114,28,3300-3304,Smith Mortality among drug addicts in Norway,1995,115,9,1050-1054,Rossow Use and abuse of euphoristic substances among conscripts at the Oslo sessions of 1969,1970,90,16,1549-56 passim,Jakob Stang Multiple sclerosis and prerequisites for driver's licence. A retrospective study of 33 patients with multiple sclerosis assessed at Sunnaas hospital,1995,115,11,1349-1352,Schanke Femoral neck fractures--the unfortunate epidemic,1996,116,22,2654-2655,Finsen Health effects of plutonium pollution--assessment after the Thule disaster in 1968,1996,116,21,2588-2590,Lund The Thule accident in 1968,1996,116,21,2539-2540,Glattre Minor head injuries. May early CT-scanning replace in-hospital observation?,1995,115,13,1601-1603,Ingebrigtsen Treatment of acute head injuries in Norway,1995,115,13,1599-1600,Lundar Alcohol--not good for the brain?,1995,115,12,1542-1543,Jacobsen Hypoxic brain damage after carbon monoxide poisoning. Visual agnosia reduced initiative and memory and delayed sequelae,1996,116,25,3005-3008,Tvedt Is overdose of selective serotonin uptake inhibitors dangerous?,1996,116,27,3270-3271,Malt Femoral neck fractures--problems with the official statistics,1996,116,27,3269,Falch Minor head injuries in sport. Occurrence management sequelae and prevention,1996,116,30,3594-3597,Romner Behavior in adolescence,1971,91,5,334-340,Andersson Drug abuse and psychoses. Biochemical aspects,1971,91,9,669,Retterstol Brain injury following lightning stroke,1971,91,7,492-494,Ritland "After-drink" pills,1971,91,10,733,Naess Poisoning from dibenzepin (Deprex). Serious cardiac arrhythmia,1971,91,10,708-709,Luhr Frostbite injuries,1999,119,3,382-385,Berg Validation of causes of death by age,1999,119,6,826-830,Håheim Ecstasy and related drugs in biological materials,1999,119,5,702,Christophersen Serotonin syndrome with fatal outcome caused by selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors,1999,119,5,647-650,Apelland Medical records on whiplash injuries,1999,119,4,566,Hexeberg "Minimata" and "Itai-Itai". Heavy metals and new diseases,1972,92,31,2084-2086,Norseth Early care of gravely ill and severely injured patients. Material from a county hospital,1972,92,31,2077-2080,Geiran Medical problems in students before examination,1972,12,13,937-938,Brock-Utne Bicycle ergometry,1971,91,19,1445-1450,Spilker Fatal poisoning by d-propoxyphene,1971,91,27,1938-1939,Norheim Basic errors of indication in childhood fractures,1971,91,26,864-870,Daum More on cannabis,1971,91,25,1839-1840,Retterstol Homicide related to amphetamine abuse,1971,91,35,2578-2579,Retterstol Vasodilator agents for divers. A dangerous misuse,1971,91,35,2574,Naess Methanol poisoning. Biochemical disturbances and recommendations for treatment,1972,92,1,28-30,Enger Amphetamine poisoning,1998,118,28,4340-4343,Jacobsen Favism. Acute hemolysis after intake of fava beans,1998,118,3,384-385,Holm On prevention of bone fractures and breach of confidence,1998,118,1,88-90,Kristiansen A classification system of anogenital findings. A diagnostic tool in the assessment of sexually abused children,1998,118,1,67-70,Normann Clinical pharmacology of anticholinergic antiparkinson agents. A review with emphasis on acute toxicity,1998,118,1,53-55,Gjerden Prevention of femoral neck fractures in the Stovner district of Oslo,1998,118,1,37-39,Steihaug Femoral neck fractures in Nord-Trøndelag 1988-95. Incidence differences between winter and sommer months,1998,118,1,34-36,Fretland Regional differences in the incidence of femoral neck fractures in Norway,1998,118,1,30-33,Wiik Femoral neck fractures in Norway--can they be prevented?,1998,118,1,12,Kaastad Tear gas and eye injuries,1992,112,2,203-205,Klyve Hip fractures in Troms and Oslo in 1989. Risk development 1978-89,1992,112,2,190-193,Wasmuth A letter to an enemy of society,1992,112,1,75; author reply 75-6,Ringberg Living conditions and pattern of acute poisonings in Oslo Norway,2011,131,15,1424-1428,Hovda Lung damage caused by waxing of skis,1991,111,3,364,Hansen Young drug addicts in a psychiatric department. Body conditions and reactions on meeting a therapeutic community,1973,93,1,7-12 passim,Vaglum Amphetamine poisoning,1973,93,1,41-42,Retterstol Catastrophe medicine,1974,94,3,179,Solheim Drug addiction problems among youth in Scandinavia,1974,94,1,47-48,Retterstol Young drug addicts--further development after treatment,1975,95,3,171-177,Holsten A comparative study of drug addicts over and under 30 years of age,1975,95,3,163-170,Jorgensen Pancreatic injuries following blunt trauma,1975,95,1,5-8,Erichsen Fatal dextro propoxyphene poisoning,1976,96,3,180-181,Setekleiv Alcohol and drug intoxication during a strike in the state monopoly for liquer and wine sale,1980,100,2,98-99,Dahl Injuries among soccer players in lower division clubs,1990,110,3,385-389,Drogset Trends in alcohol-related damages in Norway,1990,110,3,372-375,Skog The café coronary - foreign bodies in the upper respiratory tract as a cause of sudden unexpected death,1982,102,2,99-100,Olving Posttraumatic carotid occlusion,1982,102,1,19-20,Laugaland Mushroom poisoning,1982,102,1,15-16,Fauchald Soccer injuries. A 5-year material,1973,93,6,377-381,Nilsson Blood concentrations in acute fatal poisoning. Experiences with forensic cases,1983,103,7,679-685,Teige Shoulder injuries in electric shock,1973,93,10,673-675,Stadaas Formic acid. A dangerous aid in agriculture,1973,93,15,1154,Mjolsnes Cannabis-psychoses. 46 cases reported from Sweden,1973,93,18,1410,Retterstol Loss of hearing during diving. A survey of etiology pathogenesis prophylaxis and therapy,1973,93,21,1509-1512,Molvaer New major trends in the development of narcotic use among young people,1973,93,25,1757-1760,Lind Are cannabis substances dangerous?,1973,93,25,1754-1757,Retterstol Drug abuse among youth in Greenland 1972,1973,93,29,2183,Retterstol Use of alcohol and tobacco among youth in Oslo 1968-1973,1973,93,30,2260,Retterstol Periarticular sport injuries,1973,93,32,2353-2358,Nilsson Crush-injuries of fingertips,1973,93,35,2572-2573,Halleraker Acute digoxin-intoxication. A case report,1973,93,35,2565-2566,Teien Letter: The fight against torture,1973,93,34,2507-2508,Strom Torture and treatment of prisoners--the responsibility of the physician,1973,93,34,2504-2505,Kringlen When worst comes to worst - the long road home,2011,131,18,1748,Sollid Shellfish poisoning. An epidemic in the Nesset district,1984,104,5,292-294,Hasselgård Mezereon poisoning,1984,104,4,264-265,Skaug Congress report. Congress on trauma,1974,94,4,247-250,Solheim Intoxications by tricyclic antidepressants in children,1974,94,4,238-239,Langslet Injuries in Norwegian medium- and longdistance runners. A 4-years material,1974,94,15,959-962,Nilsson Letter: Drug addiction and poisoning with methadone,1974,94,14,943,Norheim Letter: Methadone misuse and poisoning,1974,94,17,1144-1145,Hallgrimsson Viper bite. Still a dangerous disease,1974,94,19,1262-1264,Daltveit Toxic epidermal necrolysis. A fatal case after sulfonamide and doxycycline therapy,1974,94,19,1254,Aksnes Alkyl phosphate poisoning. A case of Lebaycid (Fenthion) poisoning,1974,94,19,1251-1253,Haavik Age dependent differences in reactions of the central nervous system to injuries,1974,94,24,1477-1478,Trumpy Young drug abusers further destiny. Follow-up study of 350 patients,1974,94,21-22,1335-1340,Retterstol Letter: Death caused by drugs,1974,94,25,1548-1549,Naess Abuse of physiotherapy,1974,94,31,2169-2170,Lereim Apparent death. Popular belief and reality,1974,94,31,2135-2139,Schirmer Fosamax statistics and the national agency for drug control,1998,118,5,774,Aalen Osteoporosis and fractures in Norway. Occurrence and risk factors,1998,118,4,568-572,Falch Information on research and suicide prevention on the Internet,1998,118,7,1114-1115,Mehlum Penis fracture,1998,118,13,2017-2018,Schrama Roller-skating injuries,1998,118,12,1843-1844,Solheim Pet animal bites,1998,118,17,2613,Solheim When children fall,1998,118,16,2481-2482,Solheim Soccer--more than a game! About development of social aspects of soccer among children and adolescents in Norway,1998,118,15,2354-2357,Vaglum Knife stab injuries,1998,118,15,2302,Solheim Psychiatric reactions during crises and catastrophes,1975,95,8-9,552-560,Sund Extremity injuries,1975,95,8-9,547-549,Olerud Neck and back injuries,1975,95,8-9,547,Blikra Diving diseases and injuries,1975,95,8-9,533-535,Smith-Sivertsen Physician's role in relief work,1975,95,8-9,510-512,Solheim Hospital organization in a disastrous situation,1975,95,8-9,502-510,Larssen Connection--communication--information. A review and principle views,1975,95,8-9,496-500,Heimann Disaster area. Medical relief work in catastrophes and larger accidents,1975,95,8-9,491-496,Tidemann Orientation in disaster medicine preparedness,1975,95,8-9,487-491,Oyen Disaster medicine preparedness. Purpose for medical relief work,1975,95,8-9,483-485,Heimann An new point of view of the basis of restitution after injuries of the central nervous system,1975,95,5,307-309,Brodal STP--(DOM) a psychomimetic amphetamine with hallucinogenic and psychosis-inducing properties,1975,95,4,234-237,Holsten Injuries induced by fireworks,1975,95,12,788-789,Djupesland Paracetamol poisoning--liver damage,1975,95,14,897,Nordahl Young women who commit intimate partner violence,2011,131,20,1994-1997,Pape Burns caused by simulataneous use of diathermy and ECG,1975,95,24,1353-1356,Larsen Editorial: Ambulance personnel,1975,95,34-36,1996-1997,Skulberg Ephedrine abuse and psychosis,1973,93,27,2027-2029,Nyland Abuse of gamma-hydroxybutyrate,2011,131,21,2122-2125,Bramness Paracetamol poisonings after the lifting of the place of sale restriction,2011,131,21,2115-2118,Andrew Letter: Fatigue fractures of the ribs during paddling in river rapids,1976,96,12,723-724,Wannag Poisoning by cholinesterase inhibiting insecticides,1976,96,17-18,1000-1001,Odegaard Use and misuse of alcohol,1976,96,16,950,Kjolstad Femoral shaft fractures in children,1976,96,16,939-941,Solheim Mortality resulting from femoral neck fractures in Norway 1980-94,1998,118,18,2764-2766,Lund Health of the pilots and flight safety,1998,118,23,3643-3645,Arva 406 femoral fractures in children,1998,118,22,3415-3418,Vetti Femoral fractures in children,1998,118,22,3397,Viddal Boxing: reprehensible--and fascinating,2000,120,16,1846,Wester Is terminal sedation active euthanasia?,2000,120,15,1763-1768,Materstvedt Cerebral hemorrhage after diving,2000,120,1,125,Brattebø Pacemaker therapy and driver's licence,1999,119,18,2694,D'Angelo Publishing of material after the Asta [rail] accident,2001,121,1,106; author reply 106,Hommeren Recurrent falls in the elderly,2002,122,6,631-634,Pettersen Factors contributing to interindividual variability to chemical toxicity,2002,122,6,615-618,Lindeman Interactions between drugs and alcohol,2002,122,5,511-512,Mørland Knee injuries in the Oslo emergency ward,2003,123,3,322-324,Engebretsen Poisonings with benzodiazepine-like drugs,2003,123,4,473-474,Haga Neonatal deaths and injuries,2011,131,24,2465-2468,Oian Alcohol-injured statistics?,2006,126,4,481; author reply 481-2,Kristiansen Low use of drugs among farmers,2006,126,4,432-434,Bårnes Is high-risk use of intoxicants more common among adolescents who have seen their parents intoxicated?,2012,132,4,410-413,Strandheim Among murderers and Nobel Prize winners in Chicago,1999,119,8,1164,Christiansen Justice--the most demanding of virtues,1999,119,8,1149-1153,Gulbrandsen Without shame no moral. How physicians could commit murder,1999,119,8,1096-1099,Riksen Alcohol and the good life--solidarity or the market?,1999,119,8,1073,Aasland Home-brew and alcohol drinking of adolescents,1999,119,14,2010-2014,Jaegtvik Home-brew and hillbilly culture: attitudes hypocrisy and health,1999,119,14,2007,Hagestad Epidemiology of head injuries in Troms,1999,119,13,1870-1873,Romner The bell tolls for Ernest Hemingway. Somatic psychiatric and psychoanalytical aspects of his life and work,1999,119,17,2477-2481,Bramness War and health failure,1999,119,17,2455,Forsdahl Increased use of semiautomatic defibrillators in Norway,1999,119,18,2687,Lexow Twin studies in psychiatry,1999,119,22,3322-3328,Kringlen Dangers of safety,1999,119,21,3113,Ingebrigtsen Community services in the prevention of suicide,1999,119,27,4075-4078,Jacobsen Relatives and suicide,1999,119,27,4009,Mehlum Acetphenolisatin-induced liver damage,1973,93,1,24-5 passim,Sigstad Paracetamol poisoning--liver damage. Therapy or prevention?,1976,96,24,1287,Moerland Absolutely not true and relatively true about risk reduction,2003,123,1,78-79,Skolbekken The total use theory and its significance for alcohol policy,2003,123,1,46-48,Nordlund Biological mechanisms and some clinical effects of alcohol,2003,123,2,180-184,Mørland Methanol poisoning--an update,2003,123,2,175-176,Hunderi Traumatic spinal cord injuries - incidence mechanisms and course,2012,132,7,831-837,Grønning Poisonous mushrooms--lot of myths few facts,2002,122,1,91-93,Svare Disease and responsibility for one's own actions--history of forensic expertise,2002,122,1,65-68,Skålevåg Genocide--some medical and psychological aspects,2002,122,1,40-44,Lavik The reality of war: wounded and fallen Norwegian soldiers in Afghanistan,2012,132,9,1076-1079,Bjerkan Chloroquine poisoning,1990,110,4,488-489,Aasarød Injuries in handball players,1990,110,4,475-478,Fagerli Interactions between alcohol and drugs,1990,110,9,1106-1110,Mørland Injuries caused by electricity,1990,110,8,946-947,Lippestad Electric injuries. Physiopathology and principles of treatment,1990,110,8,948-952,Lippestad Skateboard injuries in Oslo,1990,110,10,1221-1223,Jahnsen Serious mushroom poisoning by Cortinarius and Amanita virosa,2002,122,8,777-780,Jacobsen A peculiar speech disorder due to bomb injury of the brain,2006,126,24,3311-3313,Hem Injuries caused by lightning,1984,104,15,1031-1033,Naess Chemical burns to the eye,2004,124,1,49-51,Midelfart Why do we overlook child abuse?,2013,133,1,16-17,Halvorsen Professional boxing should still be prohibited,2011,131,6,567-568,Lehmann Amateur boxing--risks ethics and the Medical Society,2000,120,24,2929-2930,Faugstadmo Response time of ambulances,2004,124,8,1143; author reply 1143-4,Brattebø Body art health and identity development,2004,124,7,960-962,Meland Parathion (bladan) poisoning treated with 2-PAM (pyridyl-2-aldoxime methyl iodide): case report,1959,79,2,65-67,Willumsen Parathion (bladan) poisoning; report on case treated with 2 PAM,1959,79,2,65,Lindseth ditlefsen Abuse of drugs,1966,86,21,1502-1503,Evang Abuse of drugs especially with regard to causes and prevention,1966,86,21,1465-1472,Retterstol Poisoning following the use of tablets. Who is basically responsible?,1966,86,10,816-818,Evang Abuse of drugs. How do we learn about its occurrence?,1966,86,10,804-805,Naess Use and abuse of drugs,1966,86,23,1612-1614,Romcke Toxic epidermal necrolysis. A syndrome caused by drugs?,1966,86,8,542,Wereide Resuscitation of drowning victims,1976,96,34-36,1797-1798,Lund Pasteurella multocida infections in man after dog bites and cat scratches,1977,97,6,289-290,Andersen Viper bites cell membrane damage and electrolyte disturbances. A review of "sick cell" syndrome and a case report,1977,97,8,382-387,Borresen Foreign bodies in the esophagus causing major medical emergencies,1977,97,7,330-333,Pettersen Health care related to workplace bullying,2013,133,20,2129-2130,Einarsen Scandinavian guidelines for the acute management of adult patients with minimal mild or moderate head injuries,2013,133,22,E1-E6,Wester Beta-blockers--dangerous for skiers?,1977,97,12,576,Aksnes Dead infants and unmarried women - from forensic pathology reports 1910-12,2013,133,23/24,2493-2497,Alfsen "The child has lived and breathed." Forensic examinations of newborns 1910-1912,2013,133,23/24,2498-2501,Ellingsen Femoral neck fractures in children,1977,97,24,1215-1219,Monclair Soccer injuries,1977,97,25,1283-1285,Nilsson Deaths from violent causes and accidents in Hordaland County 2003-04,2014,134,1,27-30,Morild Deaths in Norwegian police cells from 2003 to 2012,2014,134,3,291-294,Aasebø Fixed limits for central stimulants in traffic,2012,132,3,275-276,Mørland Anticonvulsants and drivers license--new guidelines should be revised,2012,132,18,2040-2041,Lossius Changed health requirements regarding driver's licence for people with epilepsy,2011,131,13-14,1283-1284,Lossius Hypoglycemia--a dreaded complication of diabetes,2000,120,20,2441-2444,Bjørgaas Maintenance treatment with methadone--an alternative,1991,111,25,3094-3095,Skogstad Diving and inner ear damage,1978,98,5,263-265,Molvaer Paracetamol poisoning--liver damage,1978,98,9,441-442,Reikvam School-related fractures,2014,134,5,521-524,Randsborg Fractures of the proximal femur. Occurence and incidence in Oslo 1950-1975,1978,98,14,738-739,Falch Injuries caused by animals,1979,99,9-10,459-461,Beisland Emergency psychiatry,1980,100,6,395-399,Sund Local frostbites,1980,100,6,378-379,Hysing Neck and spinal injuries,1980,100,6,376-377,Blikra Head injuries,1980,100,6,375-376,Blikra Burns,1980,100,6,369-370,Ugland Sports for children and young people in relation to psychosocial health,1980,100,12B,799-806,Railo Physical activity in leisure time and some aspects of mental health,1980,100,12B,787-792,Fasting Injuries among physically active people,1980,100,12B,819-823,Nilsson An elderly woman with unexplained falls and "tingling sensations in the head",2014,134,7,717-720,Wyller Medical findings in an interdisciplinary geriatric outpatient clinic specialising in falls,2014,134,7,705-709,Wyller Tendency to fall in older people,2014,134,7,688,Roksund Corrosive burns from wet cement,2014,134,8,845,Waage Leisure activities detrimental to hearing in students at technical vocational schools,1981,101,6,370-373,Axelsson Shellfish poisoning. A short review of shellfish poisoning and a description of an outbreak,1981,101,7,452-454,Gulbrandsen Mushroom poisoning,1981,101,7,454-458,Jacobsen Attempted suicide with digitoxin,1981,101,11,663,Jacobsen Foxglove poisoning,1981,101,15,949-950,Omvik Foreign bodies in the brain. 20-year autopsy material,1981,101,13,799-801,Torvik Psychological reactions of women to rape. Review of the literature,1991,111,4,466-468,Helland Risk of medication among alcohol users,1992,112,5,611,Mørland Multiple injuries and quality control,1992,112,4,485-488,Solheim Poisoning,1978,98,26,1251-1252,Enger Psychological aspects of burn injuries in adults,1978,98,33,1687-1690,Sund Depression in old age,1978,98,32,1626-1629,Gunby Effect of alcohol on the nervous system. Basic aspects,1979,99,26,1242-1246,Mørland The fat embolism syndrome,1979,99,30,1512-1515,Vaagenes A mushroom with hallucinatory effects,1979,99,29,1453-1454,Kvambe Mushroom as an hallucinogen,1979,99,29,1476-1477,Nordbø Workplace bullying and subsequent health problems,2014,134,12/13,1233-1238,Einarsen Suicide prevention in mental health care - time for new ideas?,2014,134,12/13,1222,Hjelmeland Does bullying lead to health problems?,2014,134,12/13,1212,Fretheim Acute traumatology/orthopedics at the Ullevål hospital,1985,105,4,287-290,Andersen Riding accidents. A case report,1986,106,1,9-12,Tysvaer Riding accidents,1986,106,1,6-8,Tysvaer Fatal verapamil poisoning,1986,106,5,401-402,Omvik Suicide and mental disorders,2014,134,14,1369-1370,Dieserud Persons with known alcohol problems. Screening procedures for alcohol consumption,1987,107,1,62-65,Amundsen Acute manure gas intoxication,1980,100,32,1913-1914,Heimdal Life-threatening hypoglycemia in a skier using beta blockaders,1981,101,27,1530,Gjeldal The effect of a liquor store strike on consultations at a casualty department,1981,101,26,1442-1444,Reigstad Beta-blocker poisoning,1981,101,25,1390-1391,Jacobsen Poisoning with tricyclic antidepressive agents. Treatment of severe hypotension with dopamine,1981,101,32,1825-1827,Rygnestad Fatal infection after a dog bite. Septicemia caused by Dysgonic fermenter 2 bacteria,1989,109,6,693-694,Holter Memory function after head injuries,1989,109,6,684-686,Bjerke The contaminated chocolate epidemic of 1987,1989,109,19-21,1982-1985,Aasen Self-poisoning in Northwest Norway in 1984. A follow-up after 6 months. A prospective study,1989,109,2,177-179,Ekeberg Injuries in alpine skiing,1989,109,2,167-168,Solheim Dangerous alcohol consumption. How should it be detected?,1986,106,7,591-595,Bell The use of drugs as the cause of admission to a department of internal medicine,1986,106,7,587-590,Sander Increased risk of sudden infant death over weekends?,1987,107,8,755-757,Kaada Prevention of chemical violence in Syria,2014,134,21,2070-2072,Haga Patients with personality disorders in private specialist practice,2014,134,23-24,2267-2271,Wilberg Treatment of drowning,1960,80,,560-562,Haukebo Suicide among doctors,2015,135,4,305,Hem Prevalence of injuries associated with the "russ" celebration in Norway,2015,135,7,648-652,Bogstrand Living conditions in the districts of Oslo and poisonings by substances of abuse treated at casualty clinic level,2015,135,21,1943-1948,Jacobsen Avalanche accidents and treatment of avalanche victims,2016,136,5,430-432,Skaiaa Visual impairment in children and adolescents in Norway,2016,136,11,996-1000,Haugen Incentives and participation in a medical survey,2016,136,12-13,1082-1087,Adami Dog bites. A prospective study,1988,108,33,3106-3107,Freund Dog-bite injuries,1987,107,34-36,3026-3027,Almdahl Dog bites treated at a surgical outpatient clinic,1982,102,26,1320-1321,Larsen Patients with burn injuries admitted to Norwegian hospitals - a population-based study,2016,136,21,1799-1802,Onarheim Contacts with out-of-hours services because of poisonings in Norway 2006 - 15,2017,137,12-13,876-880,Hunskår The poisonings chart,2017,137,12-13,850,Vallersnes Blunt pancreatic injury in children,2017,137,17,e16-0888,Søreide Medical ethics in combat sports that permit knockouts,2017,137,17,e17.o411,Hytten Suicide during therapy,2017,137,18,ePub,Ekeberg Suicides mental health care and interdisciplinary specialised addiction services in the Agder counties 2004-13,2017,137,18,ePub,Walby Head and neck injuries during soccer games,1992,112,10,1260,Lundar Soccer injuries and artificial turf,1987,107,26,2215-2217,Engebretsen Soccer injuries in Norway,1985,105,26,1766-1769,Engebretsen Soccer injuries,1985,105,26,1764-1766,Rein Can we predict suicide?,2017,137,21,e0573,Hem Experiences of the bereaved in connection with the suicide of young men,2018,138,3,e0571,Dieserud Better care fewer suicides?,2018,138,3,e1039,Hjelmeland Apprentice electrician with electrical injury,2018,138,10,ePub,Veiersted Guidelines do not prevent suicide,2018,138,10,ePub,Hjelmeland Psychedelic drugs in the treatment of anxiety depression and addiction,2018,138,18,e1110,Andreassen The doctors' role in cases of suspected child abuse,2019,138,2,e922,Rognum Doping substances in dietary supplements,2019,139,4,e502,Helle Self-injection injury during vaccination of salmon,2019,139,7,e0653,Aas Fatalities and personal injuries from the use of ATVs and snowmobiles in Northern Norway in 2013-14,2019,139,7,e0966,Wisborg Injury prevention leads to better health,2019,139,7,e0231,Ytterstad Why is the suicide rate not declining in Norway?,2019,139,11,e943,Hem Acute poisoning among children and adolescents in southern Norway,2019,139,13,ePub,Freuchen Cannabis. Biological and pharmacological effects laboratory tests road traffic safety,1980,100,12,680-681 695,Bugge Acute poisoning from substance abuse of benzodiazepines,2020,140,10,e35,Vallersnes Acute poisoning with gamma-hydroxybutyrate,2020,140,10,e780,Vallersnes A man in his forties with impaired cognitive and circulatory function after a fall,2021,141,2,e546,Morild Poisonings by substances of abuse at the Oslo Accident and Emergency Outpatient Clinic 2014-18,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vallersnes Adherence to the Scandinavian guidelines for initial management of minimal mild and moderate head injuries in adults,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ingebrigtsen Inadequate treatment of affective disorders,1992,112,20,2647-2650,Holsten Medical certificate for older drivers - an analysis of the Norwegian parliamentary debate,2022,142,6,e0639,Houge Injuries after violence and accidents - the forgotten pandemic?,2022,142,8,,Clausen Deaths associated with MDMA in the period 2000-2019,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vindenes Long-term post-concussion symptoms,2022,142,12,e713,Skandsen Coercion in the ambulance setting,2022,142,14,,Bergem Unused treatment offer at a drug withdrawal clinic - a qualitative study,2023,143,5,,Rognli Follow-up of those affected by war and disasters,2023,143,18,,Thoresen Alcohol use among NTNU students 2007-19,2023,143,18,,Bråthen Triaging of acutely ill children transported by ambulance,2024,144,1,,Østerås Delayed neuropsychiatric syndrome after carbon monoxide poisoning,2024,144,3,,Gustavsen [Can we have a genuine debate about suicide prevention in Norway?],2021,141,6,,Hjelmeland Re: Suicide and mental disorders ;; Re: Selvmord og psykiske lidelser,2014,134,17,e1638,Uldal Re: Selvmord og psykiske lidelser,2014,134,20,1919-1920,Blomkvist Ethical dilemmas in cases of suicidality,2020,140,1,,Magelssen Ø. Ekeberg responds,2020,140,1,,Ekeberg The start of epilepsy care in Norway,2021,141,2,,Nakken A teenage girl who took a large quantity of tablets with suicidal intent,2022,142,6,,Skjeflo Plants - the perfect murder weapon?,2022,142,6,,Torp [Does involuntary admission prevent repeated suicide attempts?],2020,140,17,,Søegaard [New perspective on suicide prevention],2020,140,13,,Rasmussen [Strong statements - weak basis],2020,140,14,,Mehlum [The wish for a new perspective is neither outdated nor devoid of knowledge],2020,140,14,,Velken [Affective disorders. Drug treatment and electroconvulsive therapy],1992,112,20,2651-2656,Olsen [Inadequate treatment of affective disorders],1992,112,20,2647-2650,Holsten [Poisoning with long-acting anticoagulants],1992,112,15,1958-1960,Haug [Is health service a good working place for female physicians?],1993,113,15,1869-1872,Buxrud [About physicians as characters in Norwegian literature],1995,115,30,3778-3783,Nørstebø [Attitude towards active voluntary euthanasia],1991,111,4,460-463,Vigeland [Art medicine and interpretation],1991,111,4,486-487,Bremer [Chronic health problems after rape],1991,111,20,2525-2529,Bang [Drug-induced dystonia misinterpreted as hysteria],1996,116,7,844-845,Magnusson [Euthanasia. An attempt to explain and define limits of the concept],1997,117,24,3548-3550,Pande [I prescribe suicide agents to my patients],1997,117,6,e851,Meland [I prescribe suicide-weapons to my patients],1997,117,7,e1003,Martinsen [Digitalis poisoning treated with a specific antidote],1998,118,3,408-410,Jacobsen [The pain takes hold of life. A qualitative study of how patients with chronic back pain experience and cope with their life situation],1999,119,11,1624-1629,Hjortdahl [Suicide--still a big health problem],2001,121,9,e1025,Hem [Telephone hot line service to Kirkenes SOS in Norway],2001,121,9,1103-1104,Berle [Telephone service for people in crisis],2001,121,9,1130-1131,Berle [To commit to make or to take suicide--changing language norm],2000,120,30,e3798,Hem [You are dead--but your personal integrity is still alive],2000,120,30,e3816,Hjort [Autopsies and suicide among the elderly],2002,122,15,e1456,Haugen [Psychological treatment in attempted suicide],2001,121,29,e3367,Ekeberg [Applied suicide intervention skills training workshop],2003,123,16,2281-2283,Silvola [Applied suicide intervention--an evaluation],2003,123,16,2284-2286,Silvola [Conversational groups for medical students],2003,123,16,2287-2288,Stordal [Fatal carbon monoxide poisoning],2003,123,8,1081-1083,Haugen [Serotonin syndrome--several cases of this often overlooked diagnosis],2002,122,17,1660-1663,Höjer [The suicide of Hjalmar Johansen],2003,123,24,3536-3538,Albretsen [Eating disorders and personality disorders--possible interactions and their therapeutic implications],2004,124,17,2247-2250,Godt [Deliberate self-harm],2004,124,21,e2734,Mehlum [Journalist and professor],2005,125,10,1384-1385; author reply 1385,Flaten [Reporting on suicide and health hazards],2005,125,20,e2757,Hytten [Use of electroconvulsive therapy],2006,126,13,e1728,Ekeberg [A community short-term crisis unit does not reduce acute admissions to psychiatric wards],2009,129,19,1973-1976,Ruud [Is it dangerous to talk with people about suicide?],2010,130,10,1018-1019,Dieserud [Think of a number!],2010,130,16,e1594,Alfsen [Flight to the body--five reflections on self-harm],2011,131,5,e486,Skårderud [Ethical dilemmas concerning suicidality in patients with short life expectancy],2019,139,16,,Magelssen Patients with borderline personality disorder need tailored emergency care,2019,139,15,,Hem Suicidal patients with personality disorder,2019,139,15,,Hem [Suicidal behaviour among severely ill patients],2019,139,17,,Ekeberg [What do adolescents say about why they self-harm?],2019,139,7,,Stänicke [We need both high-risk and population-oriented strategies],2019,139,12,,Walby Chronically suicidal?,2017,137,21,,Hem Intoxication cases in the emergency department at a Norwegian university hospital 2019-20,2024,144,8,,Laugsand About suicide attempts in women,1949,69,12,e290,Krane