Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Pediatric injuries resulting from use of all-terrain vehicles,2001,97,10,351-353,Bercher Arkansas and the motorcyle helmet law,2004,100,12,430-433,Bledsoe The mandatory motorcycle helmet law issue in Arkansas: the cost of repeal,1990,86,8,312-316,Rollberg Evaluating the impact of child safety seat check-up events on parental knowledge,2002,99,6,187-190,Jones Drowning among personal watercraft passengers: the ability of personal flotation devices to preserve life on Arkansas waterways 1994-1997,1999,96,3,97-98,Jones Near-drowning,1984,80,12,589-592,Fiser Farm injuries in Arkansas 1990-2000,2005,101,10,304-307,Huitink Traffic safety,1964,60,,366,Henry Seat belt usage--preventive orthopedics,1985,82,1,86-87,Sorrells Bicycle accidents,1985,82,2,125,Fitzhugh Motorcycle injuries: problem without solution,1976,73,2,115-119,Dodson When children sexually abuse other children,2007,103,8,205-208,Worley Familial variables and domestic violence,1995,92,5,222-224,Saarnio You and the law. The Domestic Abuse Act: the physician's role,1995,92,5,218-220,Mixon The physician's responsibility and domestic violence,1995,92,5,209-210,Seguin-Calderon Bicycle/automobile accidents in Arkansas 1991-1993,1995,92,2,72-74,Lambert Driving and epilepsy: the state of the matter,1994,91,5,222-224,Sharp Safety restraint use linked to hospital use and charges in Arkansas,2008,104,7,161-164,Lin Delay yields disaster,2008,105,2,30,Avery Battered child syndrome,1966,62,10,413,Warren Reflections on a disaster,1965,62,,59-60,Gordy Meth abuse in Arkansas,2006,102,8,218-219,Penn Arkansas' Blood Alcohol Program,1972,68,11,387, Arkansas' blood alcohol testing program,1977,73,8,324-325,Horn 1976 Arkansas death statistics,1978,74,11,457-460,Powell The December 2 1982 tornado of Saline and Pulaski counties: implications for injury prevention,1983,80,2,98-102,Leibovich Adolescent suicide,1984,81,2,120-122,Stern Acute care for the violent patient,1986,82,11,541-543,Reid Three-wheelers--unsafe?,1985,82,4,188,Grimes 70% by '92,1992,88,12,598-599,Saltzman Safety education as preventive medicine,1975,72,3,143-144,Clark Water sense and safety,1974,71,1,64-65,Hopkins Shared responsibility for sport safety. A statement of the NCAA Committee on Competitive Safeguards and Medical aspects of Sports,1980,76,10,381-382,Clark Fireworks blindness in Arkansas,1976,72,9,357,Wilson The prevention of death and serious injury,1990,87,5,182-183,Saltzman Accidents-the chief cause of death in children,1952,49,6,96-97,Rosenzweig Industrial problems in ophthalmology,1954,51,7,160-163,Landers Human factors in space flight,1960,56,,338-342,Steinkamp Irradiation injury,1960,56,,310-315,Bonar "Whiplash" injuries of the cervical spine,1961,57,,499-502,Hundley Carbon monoxide poisoning,1965,62,7,255-260,Fisher Willful injury in childhood. A distinct syndrome,1962,59,,266-270,Potts Black/white life expectancy differences and sociodemographics: Arkansas and the U.S,1994,91,4,177-180,McGehee Hypersensitivity to Hymenoptera insects,1967,63,11,428-430,Vanselow Arkansas Poison Control Centers,1966,63,7,262-263, Carbon monoxide poisoning,1996,92,8,405, Understanding juvenile violence: an Arkansas perspective,1999,95,8,349-353,Kelly Tragedy in Jonesboro. What have we learned?,1998,95,2,69-70,Skaug A survey of domestic violence in a university emergency department,2001,98,6,180-182,Bacon Domestic violence in pregnancy: a survey of obstetrical patients at the UAMS department of obstetrics and gynecology clinics,1998,95,5,187-189,Seguin An ounce of prevention,1994,90,12,572-573,Saltzman Sports concussion in the child and adolescent athlete,2010,107,6,111-114,Nesmith Poison prevention week--its significance,1969,65,10,363-364,Jones Mountain sickness,1969,66,5,183-184,Kahn Injury prevention: Role of the hospital-based Child Passenger Safety Program (CPSP),2010,107,7,135-138,Palmer Are antidepressants safe to use in children and adolescents?,2004,101,1,27-29,Lubsch From one physician to another: the indiscrimination of domestic violence and what one physician is doing to help heal the scars,1995,92,5,214,English A physician's personal experience with domestic violence,1995,92,5,213,Stallings A survivor's personal experience with domestic violence,1995,92,5,211-212, Protecting the public's health and investigating the potential for exposure: the BPS Chemical Company fire and explosion in West Helena,1997,94,3,125-126, Personal watercraft-related injuries in Arkansas: 1994-1996,1997,94,3,111-112,Jones What's this about?,1995,92,5,204-205,Landrum Trauma deaths in a rural area,1998,95,7,290-293,Abbott Head injuries patho-physiology,1970,66,10,340-347,Feild The major cause of death,1970,67,5,155-159,Reese Ocular sequalae following air-blast injury,1971,67,10,317-318,King Poisoning from the mushroom Stropharia coronilla (Bull. ex Fr.) Quel,1977,73,8,311-312,Thomas Extension-flexion trauma to the cervical spine,1978,74,8,305-307,Dodson Arkansas Children's Hospital Burn Center thermal injury in children,1978,74,8,297-300,Caldwell Physicians part of disaster response prescription. Healing patients from the field,2011,108,4,56-58,Penn Caustic injuries of the esophagus,1983,79,10,341-343,Golladay The physician and the novice skier,1973,70,7,246-248,Sorrells Heat and cold injuries,1974,71,1,53-58,Eubanks Beware of poisonous snakes,1974,71,4,159-160,Ellis Plants pose potential problems,1976,72,10,401-402,Fowlkes Snake bites: a review,1976,73,1,69-77,Strickland Management of animal bites,1998,95,2,84-85, When tragedy strikes. A medical community in action,1998,95,2,71-72,Beaton Prenatal exposure to illegal drugs,2005,101,8,240-242,Goodwin Study classifies low body mass index as risk factor for osteoporotic fracture among older U.S. women,1999,96,4,138-141,Turner Loss prevention case study. And God said "That's the idea",1990,86,10,391-392,Avery High time for a trauma system. Area experts believe a designated trauma system will save Arkansas lives time and money,2007,103,8,196-198,Penn Distracted driving: a neglected epidemic,2012,109,5,86-88,Dildy Ethical legal and policy issues in management of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder,2011,108,6,123-124,Hackler The current state of non-accidental head injury in Arkansas,2013,109,9,183-185,Aitken Children presenting with fractures in an emergency room: child abuse?,2013,109,10,212,Jones The physician's role as a part of the community team,1959,56,,230-233,Gardner Myths about the issues of gun control and violence are once again presented,2013,109,11,222-223,Davis New gun control law,2013,109,11,222,Horan Adult elbow injuries,1977,73,10,388-392,Grimes The brown recluse spider and necrotic arachnidism: a current review,1977,74,3,126-129,Hufford Medical student mortality at Arkansas 1879-1976,1977,74,3,119-120,Marvin New football rules and athletic injuries,1977,74,4,163-165,Arnold Protective athletic equipment,1977,74,5,202-204,Park Sports concussion,2013,110,5,92-94,Balmakund Sadness suicide and bullying in Arkansas: results from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey -- 2011,2013,110,5,90-91,Messias Sadness suicide and sexual behavior in Arkansas: Results from the youth risk behavior survey 2011,2013,110,7,134-136,Cisler The role of the trainer in modern athletics,1978,74,9,346-350,Weber Sports injuries to the hand,1978,74,12,501-506,Moore The nail-gun/staple-gun injury,1980,76,9,361-363,Sorrells Sadness suicide and drug misuse in Arkansas: results from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey 2011,2014,110,9,185-186,Messias Pediatric review: head and neck injuries in the young athlete,1981,78,2,102-105,Burks "MAST: saving lives in Arkansas",1979,75,11,436-438,Hampton "Seven--ski--ex.",1978,75,7,237-242,Sorrells Anatomical and physiological characteristics to predict football ability at the University of Arkansas,1977,74,7,253-260,Arnold Deaths from accidental drowning in Arkansas,1961,59,,65-66, Falls and comorbid conditions among community dwelling Arkansas older adults from a population-based survey,2014,111,7,136-139,Kilmer The physician's role in infant and child death review in Arkansas,2013,110,7,137-140,Aitken In a heartbeat. Interview by David E. Reiser,1992,89,3,141-145,Sims Utilization review puts doctors on a tightrope,1993,90,7,320-322,Ivers A paradox in physician health,2008,105,5,e101,Sisterhen