Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author All-terrain vehicle injuries in children: injury patterns and prognostic implications,2004,34,2,130-133,Bhutta Distribution of spinal fractures in children: Does age mechanism of injury or gender play a significant role?,2003,33,11,776-781,Reddy Mechanical factors associated with posterior rib fractures: Laboratory and case studies,1997,27,1,87-91,Kleinman Seatbelt induced chance fracture in an infant. Case report and literature review,1991,21,8,575-577,Miller Current controversies in the interpretation of non-accidental head injury,2008,38,Suppl 3,S378-87,Jaspan Non-accidental head injury--the evidence,2008,38,Suppl 3,S370-7,David Evaluating the data concerning vitamin D insufficiency/deficiency and child abuse,2008,38,11,1221-1224,Chapman Acute rib fracture diagnosis in an infant by US: a matter of child protection,2009,39,1,70-72,Kelloff Worldwide survey of damage from swallowing multiple magnets,2009,39,2,142-147,Oestreich Nonaccidental trauma: clinical aspects and epidemiology of child abuse,2009,39,5,457-460,Hobbs Skeletal imaging of child abuse (non-accidental injury),2009,39,5,461-470,Kleinman Sport injuries in the pediatric and adolescent patient: a growing problem,2009,39,5,471-484,Karantanas Imaging findings in 512 children following all-terrain vehicle injuries,2009,39,7,677-684,Bhutta Assessment of the nature and age of subdural collections in nonaccidental head injury with CT and MRI,2009,39,6,586-590,Vezina Nonaccidental trauma: clinical aspects and epidemiology of child abuse,2009,39,7,758,Squier Nonaccidental trauma: clinical aspects and epidemiology of child abuse,2009,39,7,759,Geddes How should we image skeletal injuries in child abuse?,2009,39,2,S226-9,van Rijn Rickets vs. abuse: a national and international epidemic,2008,38,11,1210-1216,Keller Rickets or abuse or both?,2008,38,11,1217-1218,Chesney Rickets or abuse?,2008,38,11,1219-1220,Jenny Neuroimaging of nonaccidental head trauma: pitfalls and controversies,2008,38,8,827-838,Fernando Lap-belt syndrome: management of aortic intimal dissection in a 7-year-old child with a constellation of injuries,2007,37,1,87-90,Bulas Unilateral hypoxic-ischemic injury in young children from abusive head trauma lacking craniocervical vascular dissection or cord injury,2008,38,2,164-174,McKinney Dual and discrepant case publication in regard to hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis and child abuse,2007,37,8,846,Hansen Pediatric blunt splenic trauma: a comprehensive review,2009,39,9,904-916,Lynn The role of the follow-up chest radiograph in suspected non-accidental injury,2006,36,3,216-218,Anilkumar Imaging of American football injuries in children,2009,39,12,1264-1274,Podberesky Basketball injuries in children,2009,39,12,1275-1285,Gaca Unusual bone involvement in congenital syphilis mimicking the battered child syndrome,1978,7,4,232-234,Horodniceanu Large skull defect in a headbanger,1979,8,4,257-258,Stuck Unsuspected costo-vertebral fractures demonstrated by bone scanning in the child abuse syndrome,1980,10,2,103-106,Green Pancreatitis child abuse and skeletal lesions,1981,10,3,175-177,Haller Occult humeral epiphyseal fracture in battered infants,1981,10,3,151-154,Merten Intracranial bleeding from child abuse: the value of skull radiographs,1982,12,4,175-178,Saulsbury Craniocerebral trauma in the child abuse syndrome: radiological observations,1984,14,5,272-277,Merten A "hole in a rib" as a sign of child abuse,1990,20,5,334-336,Magid Sonographically detected costo-chondral dislocation in an abused child. 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Now what?,2008,38,1,124-125,Leonidas Imaging of nonaccidental head injury,2009,39,Suppl 2,S230-5,Sato Bilateral hippocampal hyperintensities: a new finding in MR imaging of heat stroke,2007,37,12,1289-1291,Sudhakar Mushroom poisoning in children: liver MDCT findings in three cases,2007,37,9,908-911,Cakir All-terrain vehicle use by children: a form of child neglect?,2009,39,7,657-658,Greenberg Controversial aspects of child abuse: a roundtable discussion. 43rd annual meeting Society for Pediatric Radiology,2001,31,11,760-774,Boal 1999 Neuhauser lecture. From a radiologist's judgment to public policy on child abuse and neglect: what have we wrought?,2000,30,4,219-228,Richman Severe bilateral renal injuries,2009,39,5,522,Janse van Rensburg Imaging of accidental paediatric head trauma,2009,39,5,438-446,Tang Lap belt iliac wing fracture: a predictor of bowel injury in children,2002,32,12,892-895,Emery CT diagnosis of traumatic bronchial rupture in children,2002,32,12,888-891,Klein Abdominal imaging in child abuse,2011,41,1,4-16,Raissaki Hangman's fracture in an abused infant: imaging features,1997,27,9,776-777,Kleinman Comparison of intracranial computed tomographic (CT) findings in pediatric abusive and accidental head trauma,1997,27,9,743-747,Jenny An unusual foreign body: catfish spine,1997,27,7,585,Baker Non-accidental injury: confusion with temporary brittle bone disease and mild osteogenesis imperfecta,1997,27,2,111-113,Ablin Non-accidental injury or brittle bones,1997,27,2,106-110,Chapman Raccoon eyes and the MIBG super scan: scintigraphic signs of neuroblastoma in a case of suspected child abuse,1995,25,Suppl 1,S90-2,Bohdiewicz Traumatic abdominal pseudoaneurysm secondary to child abuse,1995,25,Suppl 1,S247-8,Berger Critical review of 'temporary brittle bone disease',2005,35,10,1036-1040,Mendelson Cervical spine injury in child abuse: report of two cases,1998,28,3,193-195,Sisler Follow-up skeletal surveys for nonaccidental trauma: can a more limited survey be performed?,2009,39,9,962-968,Prince Vitamin D deficiency vs. child abuse: what do we know now and where do we go?,2009,39,10,1033,Strouse The pathophysiology does not denote the mechanism,2009,39,3,197-198,Slovis CT findings in hyperacute non-accidental brain injury,2001,31,9,673-674,Lee Controversial aspects of child abuse,2001,31,11,759,Slovis Skeletal injuries associated with sexual abuse,2004,34,8,620-623,Chapman Intraosseous vascular access defect: fracture mimic in the skeletal survey for child abuse,2002,32,3,188-190,Harty Sternal fractures as a manifestation of abusive injury in children,2002,32,12,902-906,Huyer Detection of rib fractures in an abused infant using digital radiography: a laboratory study,2002,32,12,896-901,Kleinman Intracranial vertebral artery dissection with subarachnoid hemorrhage following child abuse,2007,37,6,600-602,Nguyen Another perspective on the cause of metaphyseal fractures,2008,38,5,598-9; author reply 600,Miller Another perspective as to the cause of bone fractures in potential child abuse,2000,30,7,495-496,Miller CT findings in hyperacute nonaccidental brain injury,2000,30,2,74-81,Barnes Problems in the diagnosis of metaphyseal fractures,2008,38,Suppl 3,S388-94,Kleinman Fluorine-18 NaF PET imaging of child abuse,2008,38,7,776-779,Sapp MR imaging findings of retinal hemorrhage in a case of nonaccidental trauma,2009,39,3,290-292,Altinok Occult hyperextension "toddler's" fracture by Swischuk et al,1999,29,9,720,Kleinman ELECTRICA: ELEctronic knowledge base for Clinical care Teaching and Research In Child Abuse,2011,41,11,1433-1439,Offiah Long term sequelae of frostbite,1990,20,5,365-366,Smith Long bone fracture detection in suspected child abuse: contribution of lateral views,2011,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hibbard Non-accidental pediatric pelvic fracture: a case report,1998,28,5,344-346,Prendergast Precervical myositis ossificans in an infant secondary to child abuse,2012,42,7,881-885,Shiels Costochondral junction fractures and intra-abdominal trauma in non-accidental injury (child abuse),1998,28,9,671-676,Hall Severe cerebellitis following methadone poisoning,2008,38,2,227-229,Mills Fractures of the cuboid bone in toddlers,1999,29,7,563,Patterson The creation of non-disease: an assault on the diagnosis of child abuse,2012,42,8,903-905,Coley Intracardiac needle in a 12-year-old girl with self-injurious behaviour,2002,32,3,209-210,Mihmanli Cervical spine anomalies in Menkes disease: a radiologic finding potentially confused with child abuse,2012,42,11,1301-1304,Hill Alternate lung collapse in a 9-year-old boy with peanut aspiration,2006,36,12,1327,Wu Diffusion-weighted imaging of Wallerian degeneration in non-accidental head injury,2006,36,12,1326,Ajilogba Challenging topics in child abuse imaging: improving our understanding,2013,43,2,131,Strouse Multiple thoracic vertebral compression fractures caused by non-accidental injury: case report with radiological-pathological correlation,2004,34,8,665-668,Stephens Prevalence and relevance of pediatric spinal fractures in suspected child abuse,2013,43,11,1507-1515,Kleinman Elevated lactate as an early marker of brain injury in inflicted traumatic brain injury,2005,35,7,668-676,Makoroff Rate of resident recognition of nonaccidental trauma: how well do residents perform?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sharma Diagnostic errors in interpretation of pediatric musculoskeletal radiographs at common injury sites,2014,44,5,552-557,Bisset The AAP and the SPR Child Abuse Committee issue a clinical report on 'Evaluating children with fractures for child physical abuse',2014,44,3,243,Perez-Rossello Ischial apophyseal fracture in an abused infant,2014,44,9,1175-1178,Kleinman Imaging of spinal injury in abusive head trauma: a retrospective study,2014,44,9,1130-1140,Dias Pneumopericardium as a complication of foreign body aspiration,1978,7,2,121-123,Tjhen Humeral fracture in non-ambulant infants-a possible accidental mechanism,2014,44,10,1219-1223,Somers Frequency of intrathoracic injuries in children younger than 3 years with rib fractures,2014,44,10,1230-1236,Feldman The yield of high-detail radiographic skeletal surveys in suspected infant abuse,2014,45,1,69-80,Kleinman European survey of imaging in non-accidental injury demonstrates a need for a consensus protocol,2014,44,12,1557-1563,van Rijn An electronic tool for systematic reporting of fractures on skeletal surveys in suspected child abuse: prototype development and physician feedback,2014,44,12,1564-1572,Kleinman Break dance hip: chronic avulsion of the anterior superior iliac spine,1987,17,6,501-502,Ogden Acute pulmonary edema after near strangulation,1988,19,1,59-60,Treloar Frequency of skeletal injuries in children with inflicted burns,2014,45,3,396-401,Jackson Therapeutic approach to ingested button-type batteries. 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Kleinman (ed) : Cambridge 2015 Hardcover 750 pp 1930 illustrations English ISBN 9781107010536 US $232,2015,46,3,436-437,Dwek The etiology and significance of fractures in infants and young children: a critical multidisciplinary review,2016,46,5,591-600,Christian Child abuse: we have problems,2016,46,5,587-590,Strouse Growth recovery lines are more common in infants at high vs. low risk for abuse,2016,46,9,1275-1281,Kleinman Imaging button battery ingestions and insertions in children: a 15-year single-center review,2016,47,2,178-185,de Alarcón Hoverboards: spectrum of injury and association with an uncommon fracture,2017,47,4,437-441,Anton Double-read of skeletal surveys in suspected non-accidental trauma: what we learned,2017,47,5,584-589,Karmazyn Throwing the baby out with the bath water - response to the Swedish Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Assessment of Social Services (SBU) report on traumatic shaking,2017,47,11,1386-1389,Raissaki Distinguishing child abuse fractures from rickets,2018,48,3,305-307,Oestreich Ultrasound evaluation of stress injuries and physiological adaptations in the fingers of adolescent competitive rock climbers,2018,48,3,366-373,Jaramillo Emergency department imaging of pediatric trauma patients during combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan,2018,48,5,620-625,April Anatomy and injuries of the pediatric wrist: beyond the basics,2018,48,6,764-782,Thapa Occult head injury is common in children with concern for physical abuse,2018,48,8,1123-1129,Stanley Consensus statement on abusive head trauma in infants and young children,2018,48,8,1048-1065,Christian Buckle fracture of the proximal tibia in children and frequency of association with trampoline and inflatable bouncer use,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ho-Fung Growth recovery lines: a specific indicator of child abuse and neglect?,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kellogg Subdural hemorrhage rebleeding in abused children: frequency associations and clinical presentation,2019,49,13,1762-1772,Feldman Correlation of clinical and chest radiograph findings in pediatric submersion cases,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shenoi Characteristics associated with spine injury on magnetic resonance imaging in children evaluated for abusive head trauma,2020,50,1,83-97,Zhang Implementation of a brain injury screen MRI for infants at risk for abusive head trauma,2020,50,1,75-82,Berger Understanding the importance of spinal injury in abusive head trauma (AHT),2020,50,1,15-16,Choudhary Connectome mapping with edge density imaging differentiates pediatric mild traumatic brain injury from typically developing controls: proof of concept,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mukherjee Ingestion of multiple magnets: hazardous foreign bodies for children,2006,36,3,263-264,Iwata Comparison of prevalence and characteristics of fractures in term and preterm infants in the first 3 years of life,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Offiah A call to action: education of radiology residents in child abuse imaging,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Marine Evaluation of the abdomen in the setting of suspected child abuse,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wood Fractures of child abuse,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Marine Pediatric hanging and strangulation: is vascular injury a true risk?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhang Utility of three-dimensional and reformatted head computed tomography images in the evaluation of pediatric abusive head trauma,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ramakrishnaiah Venous injury in pediatric abusive head trauma: a pictorial review,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ramakrishnaiah Artificial intelligence in child abuse imaging,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Choudhary What's in a name? Sentinel injuries in abused infants,2021,51,6,861-865,Wood Brief resolved unexplained events vs. child maltreatment: a review of clinical overlap and evaluation,2021,51,6,866-871,Wood Sibling screening in suspected abusive head trauma: a proposed guideline,2021,51,6,872-875,Offiah Clinical evaluation and management of children with suspected physical abuse,2021,51,6,853-860,Christian Abusive head trauma: Canadian and global perspectives,2021,51,6,876-882,Biswas Perspective: child abuse in the military,2021,51,6,883-890,Rooks Abusive head trauma: neuroimaging mimics and diagnostic complexities,2021,51,6,947-965,Mankad Unravelling neuroinflammation in abusive head trauma with radiotracer imaging,2021,51,6,966-970,Choudhary Spinal subdural hemorrhage in abusive head trauma: a pictorial review,2021,51,6,980-990,Ramakrishnaiah Spinal ligamentous injury in abusive head trauma: a pictorial review,2021,51,6,971-979,Jayappa Magnetic resonance imaging of optic nerve and optic sheath hemorrhages in child abuse,2021,51,6,997-1002,Zuccoli Vitamin D rickets and child abuse: controversies and evidence,2021,51,6,1014-1022,Christian The radiology report in child abuse,2021,51,6,1065-1069,Perez-Rossello Ethical challenges in child abuse: what is the harm of a misdiagnosis?,2021,51,6,1070-1075,Brown The impact of the consensus statement on abusive head trauma in infants and young children,2021,51,6,1076-1078,Choudhary Evolving forensic controversies in child abuse imaging,2021,51,6,1079-1083,Pfeifer Preventing abusive head trauma: can educating parents reduce the incidence?,2021,51,6,1093-1096,Dias Magnetic resonance imaging findings following button battery ingestion,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kramer Multi-modality imaging characteristics of costochondral fractures a highly specific rib fracture for child abuse,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Karmazyn Machine learning to identify distal tibial classic metaphyseal lesions of infant abuse: a pilot study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kleinman Postmortem computed tomography plus forensic autopsy for determining the cause of death in child fatalities,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,van Rijn Typical median effective radiation doses using an anthropomorphic bone fracture phantom for initial radiographic skeletal surveys in the investigation of suspected physical abuse,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Thomas Prevalence of cerebral sinovenous thrombosis in abusive head trauma,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lindberg Professional practice and awareness of child abuse among radiologists and radiologic technologists: results from Saudi Arabia,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Offiah Benign enlargement of the subarachnoid spaces and subdural collections-when to evaluate for abuse,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Raissaki Controversial aspects of imaging in child abuse: a second roundtable discussion from the ESPR child abuse taskforce,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Raissaki Correction to: Controversial aspects of imaging in child abuse: a second roundtable discussion from the ESPR child abuse taskforce,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Raissaki Imaging of sports injuries in adolescents,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cerezal