Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Health promotion policy and politics: lessons from childhood injury prevention,2003,4,2,103-108,Schieber Implementation and evaluation of a Web-based continuing education course in injury prevention and control,2003,4,2,120-128,Bernhardt Evaluation activities to strengthen an injury prevention resource center for urban families,2003,4,2,129-137,Serwint A cost-benefit analysis of physical activity using bike/pedestrian trails,2005,6,2,174-179,Buchner Advice from bereaved parents: on forming partnerships for injury prevention,2005,6,2,207-213,Girasek Media advocacy and underage drinking policies: a study of Louisiana news media from 1994 through 2003,2005,6,3,246-257,Wagenaar The development and efficacy of a theory-based educational curriculum to promote self-regulation among high-risk older drivers,2003,4,2,109-119,Stalvey Rethinking the bystander role in school violence prevention,2006,7,1,117-124,Link Do Urban Parents' Interests in Safety Topics Match Their Children's Injury Risks?,2006,7,4,388-395,Serwint Helmets for Skiers and Snowboarders: An Injury Prevention Program,2007,8,3,257-265,Levy Lessons Learned From Evaluating Maryland's Anti-Drunk Driving Campaign: Assessing the Evidence for Cognitive Behavioral and Public Health Impact,2009,10,3,370-377,Beck Process Evaluation of a School-Based Intervention to Increase Physical Activity and Reduce Bullying,2009,10,3,394-401,Holowaty Application of a Walking Suitability Assessment to the Immediate Built Environment Surrounding Elementary Schools,2008,9,3,246-252,Tudor-Locke Exploring Local Perceptions of and Responses to Urban Youth Violence,2010,11,1,62-70,Gielen Implementation of Universal Screening for Domestic Violence in an Urgent Care Community Health Center,2009,10,4,517-526,Thurston High School Coaches' Assessments Intentions to Use and Use of a Concussion Prevention Toolkit: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Heads Up: Concussion in High School Sports,2010,11,1,34-43,Mitchko Implementation and Long-Term Outcomes of Two HIV Intervention Programs for Latinas,2002,3,2,245-254,Amaro Factors Influencing Booster Seat Use in a Multiethnic Community: Lessons for Program Implementation,2009,10,3,411-418,Ebel Implementing safe routes to school: application for the socioecological model and issues to consider,2009,10,4,606-614,Martin Selected sampling of resources on crisis and emergency risk communication,2008,9,4,96S-7S,Leonard Action not talk: a simulation of risk communication during the first hours of a pandemic,2008,9,4,35S-44S,Freimuth Crisis and emergency risk communication in a pandemic: a model for building capacity and resilience of minority communities,2008,9,4,18S-25S,Crouse Quinn Effective communication during an influenza pandemic: the value of using a crisis and emergency risk communication framework,2008,9,4,13S-17S,Reynolds Evaluating emergency risk communications: a dialogue with the experts,2008,9,4 Suppl,5S-12S,Thomas Promoting Community Preparedness: Lessons Learned From the Implementation of a Chemical Disaster Tabletop Exercise,2010,11,3,310-319,Benson Translating the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program Into Real-World Practice,2010,11,5,733-740,Black An Evaluation of a Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Education Program,2010,11,3,320-324,Louie Media literacy as a violence-prevention strategy: A pilot evaluation,2010,11,5,714-722,Kraus Empowerment evaluation: building prevention science and organizational capacity to prevent sexual violence,2009,10,1,71S-73S,Meltzer Graffunder Adoption adaptation and fidelity of implementation of sexual violence prevention programs,2009,10,1,59S-70S,Noonan "Like a family but better because you can actually trust each other": the Expect Respect dating violence prevention program for at-risk youth,2009,10,1,45S-58S,Kerig Logic models as a tool for sexual violence prevention program development,2009,10,1,29S-37S,Hart Factors contributing to the effectiveness of four school-based sexual violence interventions,2009,10,1,19S-28S,Hart Empowerment evaluation for violence prevention public health programs,2009,10,1,11S-18S,Goodman Empowerment evaluation with programs designed to prevent first-time male perpetration of sexual violence,2009,10,1,5S-10S,Gibbs Creating REAL MEN: Description of an Intervention to Reduce Drug Use HIV Risk and Rearrest Among Young Men Returning to Urban Communities From Jail,2011,12,1,44-54,Freudenberg Empowering programs with evaluation technical assistance: outcomes and lessons learned,2009,10,1 Suppl,38S-44S,Gibbs Innovative infrastructure in New Jersey: using health education professionals to inform and educate during a crisis,2008,9,4 Suppl,88S-95S,Taylor "Una Mujer Trabaja Doble Aquí": Vignette-Based Focus Groups on Stress and Work for Latina Blue-Collar Women in Eastern North Carolina,2007,8,1,41-49,Bentley Building on Partnerships: Reconnecting Kids With Nature for Health Benefits,2009,,,,Nelson Understanding youth: using qualitative methods to verify quantitative community indicators,2009,10,1,128-135,Makhoul The use of focus groups to plan poison prevention education programs for low-income populations,2003,4,3,340-346,Hoffman Community Organizing Goes to College: A Practice-Based Model to Implement Environmental Strategies to Reduce High-Risk Drinking on College Campuses,2010,11,6,817-827,Wolfson Practitioner-Recommended Policies and Procedures for Children Exposed to Domestic Violence,2010,11,6,900-907,Black Applying behavioral science to behavior change communication: the pathways to change tools,2007,8,4,384-393,Galavotti The evolution of an evaluation: a case study using the tribal participatory research model,2008,9,4,368-377,Richmond Physical activity influences in a disadvantaged African American community and the communities' proposed solutions,2008,9,2,180-190,Wilcox Youth Empowerment Solutions for Peaceful Communities: Combining Theory and Practice in a Community-Level Violence Prevention Curriculum,2011,12,3,425-439,Zimmerman Using Intervention Mapping to Promote the Receipt of Clinical Preventive Services Among Women With Physical Disabilities,2012,13,1,106-115,Suzuki Building Capacity for Community-Based Participatory Research for Health Disparities in Canada: The Case of "Partnerships in Community Health Research",2011,12,2,280-292,Masuda Building Positive Life Skills the Smart Girls Way: Evaluation of a School-Based Sexual Responsibility Program for Adolescent Girls,2011,12,3,463-471,Graves Developing a Web-Based Health Promotion Intervention: A Case Study From a Brief Motivational Alcohol Program,2011,12,2,193-201,Shope A Translational Research Evaluation of the Stay Active and Independent for Life (SAIL) Community-Based Fall Prevention Exercise and Education Program,2011,12,6,832-839,Shumway-Cook Especially for Daughters: Parent Education to Address Alcohol and Sex-Related Risk Taking Among Urban Young Adolescent Girls,2010,11,3 Suppl,70S-78S,Myint-U Countering Tobacco Industry Sponsorship of Hispanic/Latino Organizations Through Policy Adoption: A Case Study,2004,5,3 Suppl,143S-156S,Baezconde-Garbanati The Interactive Domain Model of Best Practices in Health Promotion: Developing and Implementing a Best Practices Approach to Health Promotion,2001,2,1,43-67,Kahan From Discovery to Delivery: Injury Prevention at CDC,2003,4,2,98-102,Hopkins Identifying the People and Factors That Influence Children's Intentions to Make Lifestyle Changes,2012,13,2,183-189,Gunel Reducing farmworker residential pesticide exposure: evaluation of a lay health advisor intervention,2009,10,3,447-455,Quandt Developing a bioterrorism preparedness campaign for veterans: Using focus groups to inform materials development,2007,8,1,31-40,Helmer Promotores as Researchers: Expanding the Promotor Role in Community-Based Research,2011,12,5,681-688,Kugel The Value of Partnerships in State Obesity Prevention and Control Programs,2012,13,2,222-229,Kelly Adoption Decisions and Implementation of a Community-Based Physical Activity Program: A Mixed Methods Study,2012,13,2,175-182,Downey The Implementation of a Statewide Bullying Prevention Program: Preliminary Findings From the Field and the Importance of Coalitions,2012,13,4,489-495,Schroeder Disaster Preparedness of Linguistically Isolated Populations: Practical Issues for Planners,2012,13,2,265-271,Nepal Translating Research to Practice: Using the RE-AIM Framework to Examine an Evidence-Based Physical Activity Intervention in Primary School Settings,2011,12,6,932-941,Mummery "I gave at the office" but did I give enough? Handling traumatic events,2003,4,1,5-7,Goldman Hidden heroines: lone mothers assessing community health using photovoice,2010,11,6,788-797,Duffy Development of Project Wings Home Visits a Mental Health Intervention for Latino Families Using Community-Based Participatory Research,2012,13,6,755-762,Garcia A Drive Through Web 2.0: An Exploration of Driving Safety Promotion on FacebookTM,2013,14,1,88-95,Miner Public health tools for holding self-regulators accountable: lessons from the alcohol experience,2011,12,3,336-340,Jernigan Using Protection Motivation Theory and Formative Research to Guide an Injury Prevention Intervention: Increasing Adherence to the North American Guidelines for Children's Agricultural Tasks,2011,12,3,396-405,Wilkins Harnessing Social Media for Health Promotion and Behavior Change,2013,14,1,15-23,Korda Exploring a Public Health Perspective on Pedestrian Planning,2012,13,2,204-213,Evenson Methodological Tips for Overcoming Formative Evaluation Challenges: The Case of the Arthritis Foundation Walk With Ease Program,2012,13,2,198-203,Callahan CBPR with service providers: Arguing a case for engaging practitioners in all phases of research,2012,13,2,252-258,Spector Using a Qualitative Approach to Develop an Evaluation Data Set for Community-Based Health Promotion Programs Addressing Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities,2011,12,6,912-922,Corey Introduction of a Guide to Enhance Risk Communication Among Low-Income and Minority Populations: A Grassroots Community Engagement Approach,2012,13,1,124-132,Sheikhattari Focus Group Evaluation of "Secret Feelings": A Depression Fotonovela for Latinos With Limited English Proficiency,2011,12,6,840-847,Cabassa An Approach to Assessing Data Quality in an Area Probability Survey Using CBPR,2011,12,5,704-712,Zanoni The West Virginia Prescription Drug Abuse Quitline: Challenges and Lessons Learned From Running a Remote Quitline,2012,13,1,81-89,Zullig Using Mixed Methods to Measure the Perception of Community Capacity in an Academic-Community Partnership for a Walking Intervention,2012,13,6,788-796,Anderson-Lewis Evaluating public and community health programs,2011,12,5,641-644,Hou Where do college students get health information? Believability and use of health information sources,2011,12,5,713-722,Walters Keep the faith! Working with african american/black churches,2011,12,6,789-794,Warren The Examination of Process Evaluation Use in Church-Based Health Interventions: A Systematic Review,2012,13,4,524-534,Linnan Challenges and Opportunities for Promoting Booster Seat Use: Progressive Dissemination of a High-Threat Message,2012,13,6,772-778,Will Associations Between Three Characteristics of Parent-Youth Relationships Youth Substance Use and Dating Attitudes,2012,13,4,515-523,Noonan Teaching safety at a summer camp: evaluation of a water safety curriculum in an urban community setting,2012,13,6,835-841,Maxson Foundation concepts of global community health promotion and education,2012,13,1,10-13,Hou Integrating social media and social marketing: a four-step process,2012,13,2,165-168,Thackeray Use of social media in health promotion: purposes key performance indicators and evaluation metrics,2012,13,2,159-164,Fagen Qualitative Research: The Importance of Conducting Research That Doesn't "Count",2012,13,2,153-158,Watkins A Model of Knowledge Translation in Health: The Active Healthy Kids Canada Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth,2012,13,3,320-330,Tremblay An Assessment of Community Capacity to Prevent Adolescent Alcohol Consumption,2012,13,5,670-678,Ta Reliability and Validity of the Hands-Up Survey in Assessing Commuting to School in New Zealand Elementary School Children,2012,13,3,349-354,Hinckson Health Promotion in Megachurches: An Untapped Resource With Megareach?,2012,13,5,679-686,Bopp Search and Ye Shall Find: Practical Literature Review Techniques for Health Educators,2012,13,5,666-669,Smith Effective global health promotion achievements tools and strategies used in the Americas over the past decade,2012,13,3,313-319,Rice Health promotion practice expands focus on global health promotion,2012,13,3,289-292,Jack Evaluation of criteria for developing traffic safety materials for latinos,2011,12,2,183-192,Gallagher Partnering to Translate Evidence-Based Programs to Community Settings: Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice,2012,13,4,559-566,Miller Preparing for bike-sharing: insight from focus groups and surveys Chattanooga Tennessee 2010,2013,14,1,62-68,Webster Being part of something: transformative outcomes of a community-based participatory study,2013,14,2,205-212,Malone What is hidden in my data? Practical strategies to reveal Yule-Simpson's paradox and strengthen research quality in health education research,2012,13,5,637-641,Smith Using communication theory for health promotion: practical guidance on message design and strategy,2012,13,5,587-590,Edgar A toolkit to promote fidelity to health promotion interventions in afterschool programs,2013,14,3,370-379,Hannon Promoting correct car seat use in parents of young children: challenges recommendations and implications for health communication,2013,14,2,301-307,Nansel Are young adolescents' social and emotional skills protective against involvement in violence and bullying behaviors?,2013,14,4,599-606,Sieving Evaluating the effectiveness of a lay health promoter-led community-based participatory pesticide safety intervention with farmworker families,2013,14,3,425-432,Quandt The use of concept mapping to identify community-driven intervention strategies for physical and mental health,2012,14,5,675-685,Vaughn Promoting positive youth development and highlighting reasons for living in northwest Alaska through digital storytelling,2013,14,4,617-623,Gubrium Making health promotion evidenced-informed: an organizational priority,2013,14,1,139-145,Dilworth Linking physical education with community sport and recreation: a program for adolescent girls,2013,14,5,721-731,Telford Development of STEADI: A Fall Prevention Resource for Health Care Providers,2013,14,5,706-714,Stevens Mental Health Promotion in a School Community by Using the Results From the Well-Being Profile: An Action Research Project,2014,15,1,44-54,Astedt-Kurki Intimate partner violence prevention services and resources in Los Angeles: issues needs and challenges for assisting lesbian gay bisexual and transgender clients,2013,14,6,841-849,Ford Equipping public health professionals for youth engagement: lessons learned from a 2-year pilot study,2014,15,1,28-34,Sahay Implementing evidence-based programs: a four-step protocol for assuring replication with fidelity,2013,14,6,850-858,Braun Evaluating social media's capacity to develop engaged audiences in health promotion settings: use of Twitter metrics as a case study,2013,14,2,157-162,Fagen Public health for an aging society,2013,14,1,7-9,Olson Engaging homeless youth in community-based participatory research: a case study from skid row Los Angeles,2014,15,1,18-27,Minkler Lived Challenges and Getting Through Them: Alaska Native Youth Narratives as a Way to Understand Resilience,2014,15,1,10-17,Wexler The validity and reliability of the Comprehensive Home Environment Survey (CHES),2014,15,1,109-117,Estabrooks Managing Ethical Dilemmas in Community-Based Participatory Research With Vulnerable Populations,2013,14,4,485-490,Campbell-Page Designing healthy communities,2013,14,5,645-648,Hou Using the community readiness model as an approach to formative evaluation,2013,14,5,649-655,Flay Can donated media placements reach intended audiences?,2013,14,5,656-662,Cooper A method for building evaluation competency among community-based organizations,2014,15,3,431-437,Kelly Expanding the concept of significant choice through consideration of health literacy during crises,2013,14,6,809-815,Sellnow An examination of stress in college students over the course of a semester,2014,15,3,438-447,Baghurst Family matters: a family-directed program designed to prevent adolescent tobacco and alcohol use,2001,2,1,81-96,Foshee Characterizing bicycle collisions by neighborhood in a large midwestern city,2014,15,2,232-242,Chaney Strategies to improve adolescent health: Lessons learned,2014,15,1,72-78,Allensworth Translating research into practice: Criteria for applying literature search results to your work,2014,15,2,157-160,Smith Barriers to bicycle helmet use in young children in an urban elementary school,2014,15,3,406-412,Palombaro Results from a pilot promotora program to reduce depression and stress among immigrant Latinas,2014,15,3,365-372,Ornelas Trained community providers conduct fall risk screenings with fidelity: An effective model for expanding reach,2013,15,4,599-607,Schrodt Implementation cost analysis of a community-based exercise program for seniors in south Florida,2014,15,4,585-591,Batra Finding a voice: participatory research with street-involved youth in the youth injection prevention project,2014,15,5,732-738,Saewyc Transforming Practices: A Primer on Action Research,2014,15,4,465-470,Acosta Intimate partner violence and sexual health: voices and images of Latina immigrant survivors in southwestern United States,2014,15,6,881-893,Moya Promoting the psychological well-being of Italian youth: a pilot study of a high school mental health program,2014,16,2,169-175,Veltro The CDC Clear Communication Index is a new evidence-based tool to prepare and review health information,2014,15,5,629-637,Baur Health education: theoretical concepts effective strategies and core competencies,2014,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hou Dogs physical activity and walking (Dogs PAW): acceptability and feasibility of a pilot physical activity intervention,2014,16,3,362-370,Richards Predicting improvement after a bystander program for the prevention of sexual and dating violence,2014,16,4,550-559,Hines Perceptions of a Culture of Health: Implications for Communications and Programming,2014,16,6,796-804,Jenkins Latino sexual and gender identity minorities promoting sexual health within their social networks: process evaluation findings from a lay health advisor intervention,2014,16,3,329-337,Rhodes A controlled health promoting school study in the Netherlands: effects after 1 and 2 years of intervention,2015,16,4,592-600,van Yperen Vision impaired or professionally blind: health education research and firearm violence,2015,16,3,316-319,Khubchandani Upgrading preschool environment in a Swedish municipality: evaluation of an implementation process,2015,16,4,583-591,Altin Promotoras as data collectors in a large study of physical activity in parks,2015,16,3,354-361,Marsh Medical students' beliefs about screening for intimate partner violence: a qualitative study,2015,16,4,540-549,Beck Translation of a ski school sun safety program to North American ski and snowboard schools,2015,16,4,560-570,Andersen Localized health news releases and community newspapers: a method for rural health promotion,2015,16,4,492-500,Young Understanding attendance in a community-based parenting intervention for immigrant Latino families,2015,17,1,57-69,Wieling Addressing the health of formerly imprisoned persons in a distressed neighborhood through a community collaborative board,2015,16,5,733-744,Smith Sustaining a pediatric injury prevention program through educational curriculum dissemination,2015,17,4,569-577,Solomon Sampling and recruiting community-based programs using community-partnered participation research,2015,17,2,254-264,Belin Honoring roots in multiple worlds: professionals' perspectives on healthy development of Latino youth,2015,17,2,186-198,Sieving State fall prevention coalitions as systems change agents: an emphasis on policy,2015,17,2,244-253,Altpeter Promotoras can facilitate use of recreational community resources: the Mi Corazón Mi Comunidad Cohort Study,2015,17,3,343-352,de Heer Cultural competence training for law enforcement responding to domestic violence emergencies with the deaf and hard of hearing: a mixed-methods evaluation,2015,17,2,177-185,Deardorff Translating an evidence-based injury prevention program for implementation in a home visitation setting,2016,17,4,578-585,Weaver Piloting health text messages for rural low-income mothers: effects of source similarity and simple action steps,2016,17,5,702-710,Roberts Identifying new strategies to assess and promote online health communication and social media outreach: an application in bullying prevention,2016,17,3,448-456,Limber Development of Maryland local overdose fatality review teams: a localized interdisciplinary approach to combat the growing problem of drug overdose deaths,2016,17,4,596-600,Rebbert-Franklin Applying ecological positive youth development theory to address co-occurring health disparities among immigrant Latino youth,2016,18,4,488-496,Cleary Facilitating a school-based prevention of commercial sexual exploitation of children,2016,17,4,530-536,Meyers Process evaluation of the Project SHINE intervention for African American families: an integrated positive parenting and peer monitoring approach to health promotion,2016,17,4,557-568,Wilson Change of community readiness over time: measurements of reduction of parental support and availability of alcohol in seven communities,2016,17,4,586-595,Lindberg Measuring health literacy levels of a patient portal using the CDC's Clear Communication Index,2017,18,1,140-149,Kreps Examination of teacher knowledge dissemination preferences and classroom management of student concussions: implications for return-to-learn protocols,2016,18,3,428-436,Dreer Encuentro: feasibility acceptability and outcomes of a culturally tailored teen-parent health promotion program,2016,18,5,751-762,Sieving Reducing premature mortality in the mentally ill through health promotion programs,2016,17,5,617-622,Khubchandani Do neighborhood demographics modify walking group intervention effectiveness in urban neighborhoods?,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schulz Improved physical activity screening enhances intervention effectiveness in ethnic minority women: a longitudinal study,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lee Expanding the reach of evidence-based self-management education and physical activity interventions: results of a cross-site evaluation of state health departments,2016,17,6,871-879,Brady Access to and use of schools for physical activity among adults in Los Angeles County,2016,17,3,416-428,Gase Dream Teens: Adolescents-Led Participatory Project in Portugal in the Context of the Economic Recession,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ozer Women's Health and Mindfulness (WHAM): a randomized intervention among older lesbian/bisexual women,2016,18,3,348-357,Minnis Community-based participatory research-speed dating: an innovative model for fostering collaborations between community leaders and academic researchers,2016,17,6,775-780,Hites What do Colorado adults know about legal use of recreational marijuana after a media campaign?,2016,18,2,193-200,Brooks-Russell Interpreting the prevalence of mental disorders in children: tribulation and triangulation,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Visser Needs of a silent minority,2017,18,3,332-340,Cheney Coaches' implementation of the USA football "Heads Up Football" educational program,2018,19,2,184-193,Dompier A community cultural wealth model to train promotoras as data collectors,2018,19,3,341-348,De la Torre Strengthening social ties to increase confidence and self-esteem among sexual and gender minority youth,2017,18,3,341-347,Kok The validation of a school-based culturally grounded drug prevention curriculum for rural Hawaiian youth,2018,19,3,369-376,Okamoto Engaging school mental health professionals to deliver evidence-based interventions to Hispanic families,2017,18,4,526-533,Prado Catalyzing implementation of evidence-based interventions in safety net settings: a clinical-community partnership in South Los Angeles,2017,18,4,586-597,Sloane Lessons learned from a community-based participatory research mental health promotion program for American Indian youth,2016,17,3,457-463,Arnold Enhancing understanding of community and public health,2017,18,4,485-487,Nahar Addressing college drinking as a statewide public health problem: key findings from the Maryland Collaborative,2018,19,2,303-313,Arria Environmental influences on physical activity in rural midwestern adults: a qualitative approach,2015,16,1,142-148,Yang Reality versus grant application research "plans",2018,19,4,566-572,Dignan College students' responses to emotional anti-alcohol abuse media messages: should we scare or amuse them?,2018,19,3,465-474,Lee Evaluation of an intimate partner violence training for home visitors using the theory of planned behavior,2018,19,2,194-202,Kristjánsson A youth-leader program in Baltimore city recreation centers: lessons learned and applications,2018,19,1,75-85,Gittelsohn Overcoming challenges in school-wide survey administration,2018,19,1,110-118,Geller A Social Marketing Intervention to Prevent Drowning Among Inner-City Youth,2018,19,2,175-183,Glassman The CDC Foundation's Health and Well-Being for All Meeting-in-a-Box,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pember Measuring the implementation of youth empowerment solutions,2018,19,4,581-589,Miller Preventing violence: a public health participatory approach to homicide reviews,2018,19,3,427-436,Burke Organizational-level recruitment of barbershops as health promotion intervention study sites: addressing health disparities among Black men,2018,19,3,377-389,Linnan Qualitative analysis of infant safe sleep public campaign messaging,2018,19,2,203-212,Altfeld Perceived barriers and enablers of help-seeking for substance use problems during adolescence,2018,19,1,86-93,Lubman Scaling up and tailoring the "Putting Public Health in Action" training curriculum,2018,19,5,664-672,Winters-Stone Case studies of community-academic partnerships established using the Give-Get Grid Model,2018,19,5,654-663,Southerland Barriers and enablers to the implementation of school wellness policies: an economic perspective,2018,19,6,873-883,Black Trialing the community-based Collaborative Action Research Framework: supporting rural health through a community health needs assessment,2018,19,5,673-683,Van Gelderen Community readiness to prevent opioid overdose,2018,19,5,747-755,Sanford Formative evaluation of a pilot afterschool physical activity-based positive youth development program,2018,ePub,ePub,1524839918759956,Snyder Evaluation of a school-based education program to promote bicycle safety,2003,4,2,138-145,Pullen Enrolling underserved women in mHealth programs: results from Text4baby outreach campaigns,2018,ePub,ePub,1524839918763589,Pirretti A description and evaluation of the concussion education application HEADS UP Rocket Blades,2019,20,1,22-30,Daugherty A real-world community health worker care coordination model for high-risk children,2019,20,3,409-418,Van Voorhees Experiences and needs of older adults following Hurricane Ike: a pilot study of long-term consequences,2019,20,1,31-37,Graham School-based and community-based gun safety educational strategies for injury prevention,2019,20,1,38-47,Holly Funding priorities: data-driven approach for prioritizing community health needs in vulnerable communities,2019,20,4,616-623,Schmidtlein Food access and its relationship to perceived walkability safety and social cohesion,2018,ePub,ePub,1524839918778553,Calise Attitudes motivators and barriers to emergency preparedness using the 2016 Styles Survey,2018,ePub,ePub,1524839918794940,Kruger Availability of concussion information in Spanish for parents of youth athletes,2019,20,3,372-380,Jimenez Rebuilding community-determined partnerships,2018,19,Suppl 1,55S-56S,Kowalski-Dobson Local overdose fatality review team recommendations for overdose death prevention,2019,20,4,553-564,Rebbert-Franklin Readiness to adopt physical activity policies in rural communities,2018,ePub,ePub,1524839918807449,Hahn Messaging lesbian gay bisexual and transgender health inequities: a qualitative exploration,2019,20,1,18-21,Lee A salient belief elicitation examining adolescents' meditation beliefs using the reasoned action approach,2018,ePub,ePub,1524839918811803,Beckmeyer Impact of exposure to sexual violence prevention messages on students' bystander behavior,2018,ePub,ePub,1524839918811151,McMahon Resources to reduce underage drinking risks and associated harms: social ecological perspectives,2019,20,2,160-166,Barry Using youth participatory action research as a health intervention in community settings,2018,ePub,ePub,1524839918818831,Lindquist-Grantz Promoting bike helmet safety for urban children through a culturally tailored educational video intervention,2019,ePub,ePub,1524839918822271,Solomon High school student driving perceptions following participation in a distracted driving curriculum,2019,ePub,ePub,1524839918824322,Smith Improving hospital safety culture for falls prevention through interdisciplinary health education,2019,ePub,ePub,1524839919840337,Lopez-Jeng Participatory survey data analysis as catalyst for empowering youth as school health change agents,2019,20,4,483-488,Scott Implementing the Icelandic model for preventing adolescent substance use,2019,ePub,ePub,1524839919849033,Sigfusdottir Development and guiding principles of the Icelandic Model for preventing adolescent substance use,2019,ePub,ePub,1524839919849032,Sigfusdottir Increasing physical activity in schools: strategies for school health practitioners,2019,ePub,ePub,1524839919857983,Behrens Older adults' experience with fall prevention recommendations derived from the STEADI,2019,ePub,ePub,1524839919861967,Vincenzo Escaping the prison of mind: meditation as violence prevention for the incarcerated,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cooley Developing a community-based research project proposal to build public health educator capacity: a graduate student perspective,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Baukus Developing a model to address mental health substance use and intimate partner violence among home visiting clients,2019,ePub,ePub,1524839919886293,Mendelson Perceptions of paratransit accessibility among persons with disabilities: an adapted photovoice study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mitchell Prevention is possible: a brief history of the origin and dissemination of the Icelandic Prevention Model,2020,21,1,58-61,Sigfusdottir Thrive: a novel health education mobile application for mothers who have experienced intimate partner violence,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bair-Merritt Health disparities and the heterogeneity of Blacks/African Americans in the United States: why should we 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