Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Firearm injuries in girls and women. the unaddressed imperative,1993,128,6,663-668,Kelter The magnitude of acute and chronic alcohol abuse in trauma patients,1993,128,8,907-12; discussion 912-3,Fligner Reasons why trauma surgeons fail to screen for alcohol problems,1999,134,5,564-568,Maier Does the face protect the brain? A case-control study of traumatic brain injury and facial fractures,1999,134,1,14-17,Maier Posttraumatic stress problem drinking and functional outcomes after injury,2002,137,2,200-205,Jurkovich Spinal cord injury. a preventable public burden,1997,132,7,778-781,Davis High-risk behavior and the public burden for funding the costs of acute injury,1995,130,8,844-9; discussion 849-51,Hoyt Obesity is an independent risk factor of mortality in severely injured blunt trauma patients,2004,139,9,983-987,Neville Increased survival among severe trauma patients: the impact of a national trauma system,2004,139,11,1231-1236,Boyko Transection of the appendix: a seat belt injury,1999,134,1,90-91,Paul Pediatric restraint use in motor vehicle collisions: reduction of deaths without contribution to injury,2000,135,10,1173-1176,Kaups Morbidity and mortality of children following motor vehicle crashes,2003,138,2,142-145,Thompson Moose-motor vehicle collisions. an increasing hazard in northern New England,1996,131,4,377-381,Clark Suicide: the unmet challenge of the trauma system,2005,140,9,902-904,O'Connor September 11 2001 revisited: a review of the data,2005,140,11,1068-1073,Feeney Trauma: the motor end plate of violence,2005,140,11,1055-1056,Organ Frequency of burn-trauma patients in an urban setting,2003,138,12,1292-1296,Kowal-Vern Alarming surge in nonsurvivable urban trauma and the case for violence prevention,2006,141,8,800-3; discussion 803-5,Cornwell Surgeon and hospital leadership during terrorist-related multiple-casualty events: a coup d'etat,2006,141,8,815-822,Einav Association between alcohol and mortality in patients with severe traumatic head injury,2006,141,12,1185-1191,Rizoli Association between alcohol and mortality in patients with severe traumatic head injury: Invited critique,2006,141,12,1192,Eastman Length of stay: an appropriate quality measure?,2007,142,5,461-5; discussion 465-6,Brasel Abdominal seat belt marks in the era of focused abdominal sonography for trauma,2002,137,6,718-22; discussion 722-3,Lukan Intoxicated motor vehicle passengers: an overlooked at-risk population,2001,136,11,1244-1248,Apodaca Mortality in Adolescent Girls vs Boys Following Traumatic Shock: An Analysis of the National Pediatric Trauma Registry,2007,142,9,875-880,Paidas A youth violence prevention program. Description and preliminary evaluation,1993,128,3,303-308,Champion The epidemiology of traumatic death. a population-based analysis,1993,128,5,571-575,Hoyt Incidence characteristics and outcome of spinal cord injury at trauma centers in North America,1993,128,5,596-599,Maio Injury and violence in Los Angeles. Impact on access to health care and surgical education,1992,127,6,671-676,Sterling-Scott Epidemiologic changes in gunshot wounds in Washington DC 1983-1990,1992,127,6,694-698,Champion Trauma during pregnancy. a review of 79 cases,1991,126,9,1073-1078,Esposito Trauma in pregnancy. Predicting pregnancy outcome,1991,126,9,1079-1086,Morris A Method of Estimating the Extensiveness of Lesions (Burns and Scalds) Based on Surface Area Proportions,1924,8,1,138-148,Berkow Automobile Injuries - A Study From Records of Postmortem Examinations,1929,18,3,769-802,Bacon Trauma death: views of the public and trauma professionals on death and dying from injuries,2008,143,8,730-735,Jacobs Race and insurance status as risk factors for trauma mortality,2008,143,10,945-949,Haider Time and its effects on casualties in World War II and Vietnam,1969,98,1,39-40,Haacker Seat belt injuries,1968,96,2,242-246,Porter Crossbow arrow injury of the abdomen,1973,106,5,721,Saw The MGM Grand Hotel fire: lessons learned from a major disaster,1982,117,5,641-644,Ravenholt Effects of alcohol and other drugs on traumatized patients,1985,120,6,708-712,Anderson Diagnostic and surgical implications of child abuse,1988,123,9,1101-1105,Feldman The medical and social impact of nonaccidental injury,1988,123,7,825-827,Copass Pain insensitivity in schizophrenic patients. A surgical dilemma,1988,123,1,49-51,Harris Positive serum ethanol level and mortality in moderate to severe traumatic brain injury,2009,144,9,865-871,Cryer Adult assault as a mechanism of burn injury,1990,125,2,268-269,Hunt Care for victims of urban violence and the education of trauma and critical care surgeons. A troubled partnership?,1992,127,9,1085-1088,Carrico Trauma. The motor end plate of violence,1992,127,6,651-652,Organ Blood in our streets. The status and evolution of trauma care systems,1992,127,6,677-681,Eastman Cardiac rupture from blunt trauma with atrial septal defect,1992,127,3,347-348,Baumgartel Complete transection of the common bile duct due to blunt abdominal trauma,1970,100,6,724-728,Rydell Lawn mower injuries in children,1970,100,5,582-583,Morse Acute blunt traumatic rupture of the spleen,1969,99,1,121-122,Magee Aortic laceration due to rapid deceleration,1969,98,5,595-601,Beall Splenectomy. An 11-year review,1969,98,2,167-170,Bostrom Rupture of the diaphragm from blunt trauma,1968,97,5,801-804,Asbury Seat belt injuries,1968,97,3,474-477,Shamblin Wringer injuries in children,1968,97,2,194-197,Allen Rupture of the thoracic aorta following blung trauma,1975,110,9,1119-1123,Bartlett Sudden death and hexachlorophene,1974,109,3,434-435,Ibrahim Are consumer products dangerous?,1974,109,2,283-286,Schenk An electrically safe surgical environment,1973,107,4,567-573,Dornette Surgical hazard control. Effect of architecture and engineering,1973,107,4,552-559,Laufman Cardiac valve injury with major chest trauma,1973,107,2,279-283,Bryant Accidental profound hypothermia. Successful resuscitation by core rewarming and assisted circulation,1973,106,2,216-218,Truscott The hazard of cyclopropane explosion,1972,105,5,802,Keenan Snowmobiling injuries,1972,105,2,188-191,Mongé An explosion hazard due to an imperfect design,1972,105,1,125-127,Milliken Systems of trauma care. A study of two counties,1979,114,4,455-460,Lim Marijuana and alcohol use among 1023 trauma patients. A prospective study,1988,123,6,733-737,Soderstrom A national alcohol and trauma center survey. Missed opportunities failures of responsibility,1987,122,9,1067-1071,Soderstrom Diagnosis of traumatic cardiac contusion,1986,121,6,689-692,Waxman Intra-abdominal injury in handlebar hernia,1986,121,4,491-492,Yarbrough Isolated traumatic aortic valvular insufficiency with rapid pulmonary deterioration. Report of two cases,1985,120,8,971-973,Schwaitzberg Nonpenetrating subclavian artery injuries,1985,120,6,685-692,Lindenauer Perforation of the gallbladder due to blunt abdominal trauma,1982,117,6,805-807,Wiener Downwardly mobile: the accidental cost of being uninsured,2009,144,11,1006-1011,Rogers The surgical volumes of the history of the United States Army Medical Department in World War II. Cold injury,1960,80,,396-405,Simeone Red cell destruction following experimental thermal burns,1961,82,,360-365,Saltz Acute thoracic compression with traumatic asphyxia; report of six cases,1963,87,,967-975,Shamblin Post-traumatic vasospasm: role of thermal measurement,1963,87,,539-541,Meagher Nonpenetrating injuries of abdomen causing rupture of spleen: report of 100 cases,1965,90,,498-502,Willox The effect of surface cooling on heat penetration in experimental burns,1965,90,,401-403,Zimmerman Contrecoup injuries of the brain in infancy,1965,90,,157-165,Courville Emergency care of a major civilian disaster,1964,89,,105-113,Morton Cervical spine cineradiography after traffic accidents,1962,85,,974-981,Jones A technique for the removal of gunpowder tattoos,1962,84,,515,Veith Quality indicators for evaluating trauma care: a scoping review,2010,145,3,286-295,Nathens Ethnic disparities in initial management of trauma patients in a nationwide sample of emergency department visits,2008,143,11,1057-61; discussion 1061,Gentilello Significant correlation of trauma epidemiology with the economic conditions of a community,2004,139,12,1350-1355,Wilson Repeat victims of violence: report of a large concurrent case-control study,2000,135,7,837-843,Cooper Factors Associated With Survival Following Blunt Chest Trauma in Older Patients: Results From a Large Regional Trauma Cooperative,2010,145,5,432-437,Brotman Electrical injury to the larynx,1968,96,6,975-978,Furnas Ingested table fork,1968,96,6,929-930,Katsas Problems in the management of rattlesnake bites,1969,98,1,13-18,Sparger Can patients with minor head injuries be safely discharged home?,1993,128,3,289-292,Taheri Blunt intestinal injury. Keys to diagnosis and management,1990,125,10,1319-22; discussion 1322-3,Blaisdell Survival after severe brain injury in the aged,1993,128,7,787-93; discussion 793-4,Bachulis Improved survival of burned patients with inhalation injury,1993,128,7,772-8; discussion 778-80,Rue Morbidity and mortality following major penetrating liver injuries,1994,129,3,256-261,Lim Mortality factors in geriatric blunt trauma patients,1994,129,4,448-453,Morris Paramedic vs private transportation of trauma patients. Effect on outcome,1996,131,2,133-138,Asensio Blunt thoracic aortic trauma. A cost-utility approach for injury detection,1996,131,6,619-25; discussion 625-6,Brasel The impact of a dedicated trauma program on outcome in severely injured patients,1995,130,2,216-220,Asensio The effect of regional trauma care systems on costs,1995,130,2,188-193,Levy More guns and younger assailants. A combined police and trauma center study,1997,132,10,1067-1070,Davis Terrorism in America. An evolving threat,1997,132,10,1059-1066,Trunkey Hospital performance in caring for injured patients: does the type of injury make a difference?,2009,144,12,1121-1126,Glance The effect of payer status on utilization of hospital resources in trauma care,1997,132,4,399-404,Jurkovich Medical advances during the Civil War,1988,123,9,1045-1050,Blaisdell Traumatic aneurysm of the abdominal aorta with acute thrombosis of bilateral iliac arteries,1983,118,11,1337-1339,Ohta Disruption of aortic arch branches due to nonpenetrating chest trauma,1983,118,11,1333-1336,Faro Validation of autopsy method for evaluating trauma care,1982,117,8,1033-1035,West Burn injury after carbon dioxide laser irradiation,1969,98,2,219-222,Fine Analysis of compliance and outcomes in a trauma system with a 2-hour transfer rule,2010,145,12,1171-1175,Esposito Can external signs of trauma guide management?: Lessons learned from suicide bombing attacks in Israel,2005,140,4,390-393,Mintz Toll of methamphetamine on the trauma system,2004,139,8,844-847,Tominaga Effect of organ donor race on health team procurement efforts,1993,128,12,1331-5; discussion 1335,Hall Factors Associated With Trauma Center Use for Elderly Patients With Trauma: A Statewide Analysis 1999-2008,2011,146,5,585-592,Saynina Special report: suicidal ideation among American surgeons,2011,146,1,54-62,Novotny Using hospital outcomes to predict 30-day mortality among injured patients insured by medicare,2011,146,2,195-200,Clark Is cardiopulmonary bypass effective for treatment of hypothermic arrest due to drowning or exposure?,1992,127,5,525-528,Carter Long-term survival of elderly trauma patients,1997,132,9,1010-1014,Koepsell Long-term results of lower-extremity venous injuries,1997,132,9,963-7; discussion 967-8,Knudson Blunt intestinal injury in children. Diagnostic and therapeutic considerations,1997,132,6,652-7; discussion 657-8,Weber Trauma deaths in a mature urban vs rural trauma system. A comparison,1997,132,4,376-81; discussion 381-2,Hoyt Shotgun wounds in children. Not just accidents,1997,132,1,58-61; discussion 62,Sing Blunt cardiac rupture. The Emanuel Trauma Center experience,1995,130,8,852-6; discussion 856-7,Long Possible geographical barriers to trauma center access for vulnerable patients in the United States: an analysis of urban and rural communities,2011,146,1,46-52,Shen Methamphetamine colitis: a rare case of ischemic colitis in a young patient,2009,144,8,780-782,Holubar Rural trauma recidivism: a different disease,2007,142,1,77-81,Rotondo Outcomes following injury in a predominantly rural-population-based trauma center,1994,129,8,800-805,Norwood What is the meaning of labels on trauma care?,1992,127,8,994-995,Esposito Trauma experience of a rural hospital,1991,126,11,1427-1430,Dietz Can general surgery improve the outcome of the head-injury victim in rural America? A review of the experience in American Samoa,1985,120,10,1163-1166,Schecter Penetrating wounds of the neck. A military and civilian experience,1969,99,3,307-314,Fitchett Blast injuries of the chest and abdomen,1970,100,1,24-30,Huller Hair brush bristle: foreign body of the submaxillary gland,1970,100,3,317-318,Smith Corrosive injuries of the stomach,1970,100,4,409-413,Hunt Trauma research ascendancy,1994,129,7,681-682,Champion Is mortality all it's cracked up to be after injury?,2011,146,2,200,Sperry Usage of blood products in multiple-casualty incidents: the experience of a level I trauma center in Israel,2008,143,10,983-9; discussion 989,Soffer Protection From Traumatic Brain Injury in Hormonally Active Women vs Men of a Similar Age: A Retrospective International Study,2011,146,4,436-442,Graham Predictive accuracy of the TRISS survival statistic is improved by a modification that includes admission pH,1995,130,3,307-311,Hirsch Sex differences for traumatic brain injury outcomes: comment on "Protection from traumatic brain injury in hormonally active women vs men of a similar age",2011,146,4,442-443,Crandall Vascular injuries. An experimental study of high and low velocity missile wounds,1970,101,2,167-174,Amato Pediatric grease burn injury,1995,130,5,478-482,Hunt Emergency shunt. Role in the present management of variceal bleeding,1995,130,5,472-477,Rikkers Stab wounds of the abdomen. An analysis of 500 patients,1971,102,5,465-468,Kazarian Arterial injuries of the extremities associated with fractures,1972,105,4,582-585,Wilder Visceral injuries: an unusual complication of an electrical burn,1972,105,3,494-497,Curreri Adrenal cortical function in severe burns,1972,105,2,213-220,Wise Corn picker injuries of the hand,1972,104,1,26-29,Melvin History and current status of trauma scoring systems,1992,127,1,111-117,Wisner Why surgeons prefer not to care for patients with trauma,1992,127,1,118-119,Clark Eliminating Preventable Death on the Battlefield,2011,146,12,1350-1358,Champion Impaired antibody production in blunt trauma. Possible role for T cell dysfunction,1990,125,1,91-96,McRitchie Association Between Hospitals Caring for a Disproportionately High Percentage of Minority Trauma Patients and Increased Mortality: A Nationwide Analysis of 434 Hospitals,2012,147,1,63-70,Haider Mechanical considerations of the hip joint,1973,107,3,411-417,Johnston Carbon monoxide toxicity in human fire victims,1973,107,6,851-853,Zarem Proceedings: Surgery for necrotic bites of the brown spider,1974,108,4,612-618,Auer A panel by correspondence. Fat embolism,1974,109,1,12-16,Sevitt The natural history of liquid lye ingestion. Rationale for aggressive surgical approach,1974,109,3,436-439,Wenzel Low-velocity gunshot wounds of the hand,1974,109,3,395-397,Duncan Genes don't count,1998,133,6,667-669,Meng Mortality in burned children with acute renal failure,1998,133,7,752-756,Wolf Relationship between leapfrog safe practices survey and outcomes in trauma,2011,146,10,1170-1177,Osler Abortion vs manslaughter,1975,110,7,790-791,Stubblefield Complications of ornamental Christmas bulb ingestion. Case report and review of the literature,1975,110,12,1494-1497,Reyes Letter: An unusual esophageal foreign body: dead or alive?,1975,110,12,1516,Houston Energy metabolism following thermal burns,1976,111,2,181-185,Caldwell Traumatic rupture of thoracic aorta. Diagnosis and management,1976,111,6,697-702,Dart Esophageal disruption from blunt and penetrating external trauma,1976,111,6,663-667,Benfield Cervical spine injuries. Diagnosis and classification,1976,111,6,646-651,Babcock Recurrent trauma in elderly patients,2001,136,2,197-203,McGwin Resident operative experience during the transition to work-hour reform,2005,140,2,137-145,Britt Association Between Trauma Quality Indicators and Outcomes for Injured Patients,2011,147,4,308-315,Osler The Double Jeopardy of Blunt Thoracoabdominal Trauma,2012,147,6,498-504,Inaba Male gender is a risk factor for major infections after surgery,1999,134,9,935-8; discussion 938-40,Moore A multi-institutional study of factors associated with fetal death in injured pregnant patients,1999,134,11,1274-1277,Shackford Avulsion of the profundus tendon insertion in football players,1973,106,2,145-149,Wenger Rapid City flood. Medical response,1973,106,6,770-772,Coolidge Gunshot wounds of the abdomen. A review of 277 cases,1976,111,8,862-865,Litwin Acute blunt traumatic rupture of the diaphragm in children,1976,111,9,1009-1011,Melzig Neuroleptic malignant syndrome in a multiple trauma patient,1990,125,2,274-275,Boorse Early physiologic predictors of injury severity and death in blunt multiple trauma,1990,125,4,498-508,Rivkind A year after hurricane katrina: lessons learned at one coastal trauma center,2007,142,2,203-205,Sariego Association between helmets and facial injury after a motorcycle collision: an analysis of more than 40 000 patients from the national trauma data bank,2012,147,7,674-676,Haider Outcomes of adult trauma patients admitted to trauma centers in Pennsylvania 2000-2009,2012,147,8,732-737,Osler Association between alcohol and mortality in patients with severe traumatic head injury,2006,141,12,1185-91; discussion 1192,Brenneman Pediatric injury outcomes in racial/ethnic minorities in California: diversity may reduce disparity,2013,148,1,76-80,Chang Influence of resident involvement on trauma care outcomes,2012,147,9,856-862,Salim A youth violence prevention program description and preliminary evaluation,1993,128,3,303-308,Webster Incidence and outcome of posttraumatic respiratory failure,1977,112,4,436-443,Lewis 'Lethal' burns. A progress report,1978,113,4,397-401,Monafo Traumatic injuries of the inferior vena cava,1978,113,4,413-418,Mattox Pulmonary response to major injury,1974,108,3,349-355,Carrico Pathophysiology of bends and decompression sickness. An overview with emphasis on treatment,1979,114,3,296-301,Pilmanis Peritoneal lavage. Its unreliability in gunshot wounds of the lower chest and abdomen,1980,115,4,430-433,Thal Acute electric burns. Current diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to management,1980,115,4,434-438,Hunt Bronchiectasis in pediatric patients resulting from aspirated grass inflorescences,1980,115,8,979-983,Parker Acute alcohol ingestion and platelet function,1981,116,8,1082-1083,Moore Cardiac contusion. The effect on operative management of the patient with trauma injuries,1989,124,4,506-507,Baker Why surgeons prefer not to care for trauma patients,1991,126,3,292-297,Carrico Esophageal rupture secondary to passage of a gastric bubble for weight control,1988,123,3,394-395,Rubio Toothbrush swallowing,1988,123,3,382-384,Moylan Comparison of hospital performance in trauma vs emergency and elective general surgery: implications for acute care surgery quality improvement,2012,147,7,591-598,Nathens Redefining hypotension in the elderly: normotension is not reassuring,2011,146,7,865-869,Haider Moving beyond personnel and process: a case for incorporating outcome measures in the trauma center designation process,2008,143,2,115-9; discussion 120,Gentilello Effect of trauma center designation on outcome in patients with severe traumatic brain injury,2008,143,12,1213-7; discussion 1217,Inaba Testing for substance use in trauma patients: are we doing enough?,2007,142,7,633-638,Battistella Shotgun wounds in children: Not just accidents,1997,132,1,58-62,Nance Death rates and causes of death after bariatric surgery for Pennsylvania residents 1995 to 2004 - Invited critique,2007,142,10,e929,Livingston Effect of organ donor race on health team procurement efforts,1993,128,2,1331-1335,Hartwig Death rates and causes of death after bariatric surgery for Pennsylvania residents 1995 to 2004,2007,142,10,923-928; discussion 929,Wecht