Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Surveillance of spinal cord injuries in Utah USA,1994,32,10,665-669,Thurman Acute spinal-cord lesions in a pediatric population: epidemiological and clinical features,1980,18,3,206-219,Kraus A nationwide epidemiological survey of spinal cord injuries in Japan from January 1990 to December 1992,1995,33,4,183-188,Shingu Road traffic accidents spinal injuries and seat belts,1983,21,1,63-65,Watson Tetraplegia resulting from a bus roll over accident: case report,1988,26,6,413-415,Hill Motor vehicle crashes and spinal injury,1992,30,8,543-549,Wigglesworth Towards prevention of spinal cord injury: the role of a national register,1988,26,6,389-392,Wigglesworth Traumatic spinal cord injuries in the rural region of Taiwan: an epidemiological study in Hualien county 1986-1990,1993,31,6,398-403,Chang Spinal cord injuries as a result of motorcycle accidents,1978,16,1,102-112,Shrosbree The female paraplegic: a statistical survey,1983,21,3,149-153,Girard Traumatic spinal cord injuries in Istanbul Turkey. an epidemiological study,1995,33,8,469-471,Karamehmeto?lu Pediatric seatbelt injuries: diagnosis and treatment of lumbar flexion-distraction injuries,1994,32,11,743-751,Greenwald Epidemiology of spinal injuries in Romania,1994,32,11,715-722,Soopramanien Epidemiology of spinal cord injuries: a reflection of changes in South African society,1994,32,11,709-714,Williams Traumatic injury to the spinal cord. prevalence in Brazilian hospitals,1992,30,9,636-640,da Paz Traumatic spinal cord injuries in Turkey,1992,30,9,641-646,Dincer Hangman's fracture in Singapore (1975-1988),1992,30,3,160-164,Tan Prevention of spinal cord injuries in an Australian study (New South Wales),1993,31,12,759-763,Yeo The causes sequelae and attempts at prevention of cervical spine injuries in Poland,1993,31,8,527-533,Kiwerski Spinal cord injuries in iceland 1973-1989. a follow up study,1993,31,1,68-72,Knútsdóttir Car driving for the severely physically disabled: the American experience,1994,32,10,697-699,Shand Spinal cord injuries. An analysis of 300 new lesions,1970,7,4,243-249,Key Causes of death in 11 of 227 patients with traumatic spinal cord injury over period of nine years,1973,11,3,217-220,Price Spinal cord injury by falls: comparison between suicidal and accidental cases,1980,18,6,381-385,Girard An unusual suicide method used by a paraplegic,1982,20,5,304-307,Chapuis Life expectancy following spinal cord injury,1982,20,5,277-279,Silver A driving adaptation for triplegic persons and a travelling adaptation device for paraplegic persons,1983,21,2,127-130,Dollfus Simple devices for the physically disabled,1984,22,3,182-193,Harrison Self-biting with multiple finger amputations following spinal cord injury,1985,23,5,306-318,George Seat belt injuries of the lumbar spine--stable or unstable?,1989,27,6,450-456,Yu Suicide following spinal cord injury,1991,29,9,620-627,Stover Suicide following acute traumatic spinal cord injury,1992,30,3,173-177,Brown Spinal cord injury due to suicide attempts,1992,30,2,139-144,Biering-Sørensen Prevention and therapy of accidents in myelography,1968,6,2,90-92,Allert Associated injuries in traumatic paraplegia and tetraplegia,1968,5,4,215-220,Harris A spinal injury caused by a patient impaled on a shotgun,1975,13,1,62-65,Reynolds Experiences with traumatic paraplegic patients in India,1975,13,1,29-36,Masalawala A case of traumatic transection of cervical spinal cord by glass,1974,12,3,167-169,Makowski The medical and economic fate of twenty-nine industrial spinal cord injured patients,1974,12,2,145-150,Peerless Traumatic spinal paralysis in children,1974,11,4,268-276,Burke Sexual function and dysreflexia,1971,9,1,51-63,Rossier Spinal cord trauma in children,1971,9,1,1-14,Burke Analysis of swimming pool accidents resulting in spinal cord injury,1980,18,2,94-100,Green Spinal cord lesions due to water sports and occupations: our experience in 20 years,1980,18,2,106-108,Gaspar Analysis of 139 spinal cord injuries due to accidents in water sports,1980,18,2,86-93,Steinbrück The treatment and the neurological aspects of diving accidents in Israel,1980,18,2,127-138,Ohry Spinal injuries from swimming and diving treated in the spinal department of Royal Perth Rehabilitation Hospital: 1956-1978,1980,18,2,105-117,Griffiths Traumatic atlanto-axial fracture disclocation in a child,1979,17,3,372-377,McSweeney Two years of bed procurement for patients with spinal cord lesions. A report on progress and experiences at the Bed Procurement Service at the Industrial Injuries Insurance Institute for Research in Traumatology at Frankfurt/Main,1979,17,1,62-72,Meinecke Injuries to the cervical spine sustained while carrying loads on the head,1978,16,1,94-101,Scher Epidemiology of spinal cord injury in the Rhône-Alpes Region France 1970-75,1978,16,1,76-87,Girard Traumatic rupture of the aorta and paraplegia,1978,16,1,123-127,Dollfus Spinal injuries in Rangoon Burma,1978,16,1,118-120,Toe Pattern of spinal cord injury in the elderly,1976,14,1,36-40,Watson Epidemiology of spinal cord lesions in Denmark,1990,28,2,105-118,Pedersen Cervical spine injuries: a follow-up of 332 patients,1990,28,1,25-40,Ersmark Falls resulting in spinal cord injury: patterns and outcomes in an older population,1989,27,6,423-427,Graham Spinal cord injuries in Enugu Nigeria--preventable accidents,1988,26,1,12-18,Okonkwo Spinal cord injuries following electrical accidents,1986,24,3,159-166,Mani Spinal cord injuries in Taipei Taiwan 1978-1981,1985,23,6,364-370,Lien Comparison of spinal cord injuries in females and in males 1979-1981 Basle,1983,21,3,154-160,Kuhn An unusual injury of the cervical spine caused by a fork lift,1982,20,4,237-241,Dollfus The paraplegic patient as a social problem,1964,2,,169-177,Damanski Social aspects of paraplegic coal-miners in germany,1964,2,,163-169,Meinecke Paraplegia in new zealand,1964,2,,153-155,Brown A medico-social survey of Romanians with spinal cord injury,1995,33,1,49-54,Soopramanien Mortality and survival in traumatic myelopathy during nineteen years from 1946 t0 1965,1967,5,1,22-48,Nyquist Blast injury of the spinal cord,1967,5,2,83-88,Wolman Associated injuries and complications of stab wounds of the spinal cord,1967,5,2,75-82,Lipschitz Traumatic paraplegia and associated fractures,1968,5,4,211-215,Tricot Frequency and distribution of associated injuries in traumatic paraplegia and tetraplegia,1968,5,4,196-209,Meinecke Tetraplegic wheelchair basketball,1994,32,1,59-62,Uchida Spinal cord injury hospitalisation in a rehabilitation hospital in Japan,1994,32,1,47-51,Kumagai Spinal cord injuries in Japan: a nationwide epidemiological survey in 1990,1994,32,1,3-8,Shingu Anxiety and depression over the first year of spinal cord injury: a longitudinal study,1993,31,6,349-357,Martin Spinal cord injury: patients who had an accident walked but became spinal paralysed,1994,32,2,93-97,Neves The international standards booklet for neurological and functional classification of spinal cord injury. American Spinal Injury Association,1994,32,2,70-80,Young Severe penile erosion after use of a vacuum suction device for management of erectile dysfunction in a spinal cord injured patient. Case report,1994,32,2,120-123,LeRoy The Standomobile: a new electrically powered mobile stand up device for use in paraplegia. Case report,1994,32,3,202-204,Stam Group psychotherapy with spinal cord injured substance abusers,1994,32,3,188-192,Perez A survey of spinal cord injuries resulting from sport,1994,32,3,170-173,Noguchi The Stockholm Spinal Cord Injury Study. 3. Health-related issues of the Swedish annual level-of-living survey in SCI subjects and controls,1995,33,12,726-730,Levi Delayed central cord syndrome after a handstand in a child: case report,1996,34,3,176-178,Lee The Stockholm spinal cord injury study: 4. Psychosocial and financial issues of the Swedish annual level-of-living survey in SCI subjects and controls,1996,34,3,152-157,Levi A model for estimating spinal cord injury prevalence in the United States,1995,33,2,62-68,Nguyen Pediatric wheelchair athletics: sports injuries and prevention,1993,31,5,330-337,Washington Pathology of hyperextension injuries of the cervical spine,1994,32,6,367-374,Kinoshita A second traumatic spinal cord injury: associated risk factors. Case report and review,1992,30,4,288-291,Sliwa Traumatic spinal cord injuries in Greenland 1965-1986,1989,27,5,345-349,Müller Life expectancy following spinal cord injury: a ten-years survey in the Rhône-Alpes Region France 1969-1980,1983,21,1,11-15,Girard Survival in traumatic spinal cord injury,1983,21,6,364-373,Wynne-Jones Depression in individuals with spinal cord injury: methodological issues,1995,33,7,377-380,Jacob The prevention of spinal injuries in rugby football,1994,32,7,442-453,Stewart Psychosocial outcome following spinal cord injury,1994,32,11,771-779,Hammell Epidemiology of spinal cord injuries in Novosibirsk Russia,1995,33,6,322-325,Silberstein The Stockholm spinal cord injury study: 1. Medical problems in a regional SCI population,1995,33,6,308-315,Levi Acute hypotension associated with terbutaline nebuliser therapy in a traumatic tetraplegic patient during the spinal shock phase. Case report,1995,33,5,300-301,Vaidyanathan Sports injuries in athletes with disabilities: wheelchair racing,1995,33,5,296-299,Williams Prevention of spinal injuries from diving in Slovenia,1995,33,5,246-249,Damjan Maximal physiological responses during arm cranking and treadmill wheelchair propulsion in T4-T6 paraplegic men,1995,33,5,267-270,Harvey Mean term follow-up of a series of post-traumatic syringomyelia patients after syringo-peritoneal shunting,1995,33,5,241-245,Barat Marriage and family patterns with long-term spinal cord injury,1972,10,3,219-226,Deyoe Sexual function in the normal and in paraplegia,1972,10,3,201-208,Tarabulcy The blood pressure in paraplegia. I,1972,10,3,193-200,Beral The circulating blood volume of para- and tetraplegics in correlation to serum factors,1972,10,3,192,Lob A preliminary survey of the incidence and aetiology of spinal paralysis,1972,10,1,23-28,Harris Spinal injury associations: a British perspective,1992,30,1,37-38,Hart Spinal injury in Scotland,1992,30,1,35-36,Edmond Targeting teenagers in a spinal cord injury prevention program,1991,29,1,65-69,Graham Analysis of mortality of patients after cervical spine trauma,1981,19,6,347-351,Weiss Experience with a spinal cord unit in Brasilia Brazil,1990,28,1,17-24,Neves Mechanisms of injury to the cervical cord,1973,10,4,314-320,Braakman The perceived effects of marijuana on spinal cord injured males,1974,12,3,175,Davis Spinal cord injury-a cost benefit analysis of alternative treatment modals,1974,12,3,222-231,Miller Ethical considerations in treatment and research in spinal injuries,1975,12,4,242-245,Frankel A method of quantitating injury inflicted in acute spinal cord studies,1975,13,3,137-142,Francis Working ability of the paraplegics,1973,11,2,182-193,Nakamura Psychological and social reactions to acute spinal paralysis,1973,11,2,132-136,Harris The United States National Spinal Cord Injury Data Research Centre,1976,14,1,81-86,Young The study of spinal deformity in traumatic spinal paralysis,1973,10,4,321-335,Bedbrook Reflection on the 1976 Toronto Olympiad for the physically disabled,1976,14,3,225-240,Guttmann Paraplegia due to decompression sickness,1977,14,4,306-311,Frankel How an American plaintiff's lawyer presents the spinal cord injury resulting from trauma,1977,15,3,195-197,Grand The costs of spinal cord injury,1978,15,4,302-310,Fine Incidence of traumatic paraplegia and tetraplegia in Norway: a statistical survey of the years 1974 and 1975,1978,16,1,88-93,Gjone Past history and degree of depression in paraplegic individuals,1978,16,1,8-14,Gordon Three unusual cases of spinal cord injury in childhood,1978,16,1,130-134,Renard Coping and adaptation following acute spinal cord injury: a theoretical analysis,1980,18,2,74-85,Bracken Paraplegia during skin-diving. (13 cases),1980,18,2,123-126,Girard Spinal cord injuries due to diving,1980,18,2,118-122,Frankel Cervical spine injuries caused by diving into water,1980,18,2,101-105,Kiwerski New spinal cord injury standards 1992,1992,30,2,90-91,Ditunno Spinal cord injuries: the last decade and the next,1992,30,2,77-82,Brown Long term follow up of spinal cord injury caused by penetrating missiles,1992,30,2,131-134,Ohry Community reintegration and quality of life following spinal cord injury,1992,30,2,108-112,DeVivo A social and psychological study of 166 spinal cord injured patients from Queensland,1982,20,2,90-96,Richards The social aspects of the treatment of spinal cord injured patients in Israel,1982,20,2,80-84,Ohry Marital educational employment income and general financial status prior to and one to six years post-spinal cord injury,1982,20,2,108-109,Webb Spinal cord injury: an epidemiologic perspective,1979,17,2,237-250,Stover Trigger-pulling device for target shooting,1979,17,3,265-266,Ohry Spinal cord injuries in children in British Columbia,1979,17,4,442-451,Andrews Spinal injuries as a result of sporting accidents,1987,25,1,16-17,Silver Traumatic paraplegia in Zaria Nigeria: the case for a centre for injuries of the spine,1983,21,2,81-85,Iwegbu Survey of the neurological evolution of 300 spinal cord injuries seen within 24 hours after injury,1980,18,5,337-346,Kuhn University of Miami Neuro-Spinal Index (UMNI): a quantitative method for determining spinal cord function,1980,18,5,331-336,Adkins The prognosis of patients sustaining severe cervical spine injury (C2-C7 inclusive),1980,18,5,324-330,Harris The disease pattern and causes of death of spinal cord injured patients in Japan,1989,27,3,163-171,Ono Cervical spine injuries resulting from collision sports,1981,19,5,303-312,Kraus Heterotopic ossification and rhabdomyolysis,1995,33,3,164-166,Minaire