Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Highway injury,1983,79,9,48-50,Robertson Unintentional injury death rates for Texas children drop while intentional injury death rates rise,1997,93,1,22-23,Zane Firearms continue to be the leading cause of injury mortality in Texas,1996,92,5,54,Perrotta Firearms are leading cause of injury mortality in texas ... again,1993,89,5,26-27,Perrotta Firearm-related mortality in Texas (1985-1990),1991,87,11,63-65,Zane All-terrain vehicle accidents,1987,83,12,27-30,Kubala Impact of community efforts to promote helmet use among Central Texas children engaged in four types of wheel-related leisure activities,2004,100,8,56-62,Forjuoh Physicians should participate in gun safety education,1993,89,7,7,Hein Physicians need to encourage responsibility not gun control,1993,89,6,8-9,McFaul Gun control: education is the best control,1993,89,4,8,Jones Gun control policy need not be all or nothing,1993,89,4,7-8,Giesecke Education is key to firearm safety,1993,89,2,7-8,Williams Firearm mortality in Texas 1976-1985: how far is Fort Smith?,1991,87,4,78-83,Clanton Firearm-related deaths among children in Texas: 1984-1988,1990,86,7,92-97,Patterson Sensible gun laws needed,2000,96,10,13,Rogers Female suicides in major Texas cities 1994 through 1998,2003,99,7,50-58,Doddakashi Deaths of Texas adolescents from injury 1996 through 1998,2003,99,4,60-66,Kerr Motorcycle helmet laws--legislative frivolity or common sense,1988,84,2,34-35,Schuchmann Motorcycle deaths and injuries in Texas: helmets make a difference,1987,83,4,30-33,Lloyd Wheelings and dealings. physicians push for universal bicycle helmet law in Texas,1994,90,11,36-38,Albrecht Bike helmet campaign making statewide impact,1995,91,10,47,Kubula Medicine and the law. physicians and DWI examinations,1984,80,2,53-54,Wilcox Poisoning hospitalizations among Texas adolescents: age and gender differences in intentional and unintentional injury,2005,101,5,64-71,Ramisetty-Mikler Death on Texas roads: the picture worsens for young adults,1983,79,5,53-56,Lloyd Parental behavior and knowledge of infant auto safety,1985,81,5,42-46,Faber Texas Medical Advisory Board aims for safe driving,1971,67,7,118-121,Lippmann Suicide in Travis County Texas from 1994 through 1998,2001,97,5,64-68,Hauser Injuries at school: a review,1999,95,4,62-65,Haq How many deaths will it take?,1987,83,4,5-6,Narayan Searching for preventable causes of child mortality in Texas: trends in the major causes from 1987 through 1996,1999,95,7,56-64,Kerr Pit bull attack: case report and literature review,1988,84,11,40-44,Viegas Animal bites as a public health disease,1977,73,11,49-52,Newman Physical abuse as a predictor of child homicide,1986,82,6,21-23,Hollander Tackling disaster: medicine's "trusted agent" role becomes evident,2005,101,11,7-8,Riggins Hurricane Rita forces Texas physicians back into action,2005,101,11,65-6 68,Ortolon Texas poisonings at the beginning of the 21st century: 2000 through 2002,2005,101,11,72-78,Forrester Hurricane shows value of electronic health records,2005,101,11,63,No Author(s) Listed Investigation of Texas poison center calls regarding a chlorine gas release: implications for terrorist attack toxicosurveillance,2006,102,5,52-57,Forrester Children at risk for accidental burns from hot tap water,1994,90,11,54-58,Pichoff Motorcycle-related injuries: the high costs of riding,2004,100,10,56-63,Race Interpersonal violence in Texas: a physician's role,2007,103,1,43-50,Schindeler-Trachta Epidemiology of snakebites reported to poison centers in Texas from 1998 through 2002,2004,100,9,64-70,Forrester Potential effect of over-the-counter sales on Omeprazole calls to Texas poison centers,2007,103,6,48-51,Forrester Physicians must take different approach to curbing violence,1994,90,9,9-10,Foulks Violence against physicians. Societal aggression worsens an occupational hazard,1994,90,7,25-27,Graddy Physicians must report elder abuse,1993,89,6,22-23,Fite Guns don't kill; people do,1993,89,4,9,Martin Pattern of chlorine gas exposures reported to Texas poison control centers 2000 through 2005,2008,104,3,52-7 51,Forrester Trends in fall-related mortality among older adults in Texas,2008,104,5,55-59,Orces Near-drowning in children,1977,73,7,39-44,Gilfoil SSRI Use and Behavioral Disruption Among Children and Adolescents at Austin State Hospital,2009,105,5,e1-5,Becker Reducing contraband in a psychiatric hospital through the use of a metal detector,2007,103,5,51-56,Rustin Pediatric injuries in central Texas,2009,105,9,e1,Prince The automobile. The greatest killer,1970,66,6,92-96,Kowalewski The major cause of death,1970,66,9,56-61,Reese Identifying the physically abused child,1969,65,3,50-55,Hartley New safety laws require vision tests for drivers,1968,64,2,39,Lippmann Suicide and attempted suicide in children and adolescents,1967,63,11,58-63,Lourie Battered child law reporting procedure places moral obligation on physician,1967,63,5,120, Injuries peculiar to traffic accidents: seat belt syndrome laryngeal fracture hangman's fracture,1974,70,1,77-83,Rogers The medical profession and child abuse in Texas,1975,71,7,87-89,Furst Reporting child abuse,1975,71,2,84-86,Hartley Railway medicine in Galveston,1976,72,12,82-85,Darst Epidemiological survey of physical child abuse,1976,72,10,81-84,Friedrich Suicide and the family physician: clinical assessment of suicide risk,1977,73,10,57-63,Mareth Are children affected by television violence?,1980,76,8,21-22,Nickey The depressed adolescent and the family,1981,77,12,40-43,Lewis Adolescent suicide attempts and melancholia,1982,78,12,62-65,Crumley You can promote safe transportation,1983,79,9,9, Public health and cost implications of suicide homicide and criminal violence,1983,79,9,6-7,Houk Family violence,1983,79,8,43-47,Justice Abuse of the elderly and children--the physician's role in detection and prevention,1983,79,2,74-75,Wilcox Neurosurgical evaluation of the battered child,1986,82,6,26-31,Laurent Suicide by adolescents,1985,81,8,45-49,Crumley Psychotic reactions to a natural disaster: Hurricane Alicia,1985,81,7,48-49,Martin Pediatricians' views: "latchkey" children corporal punishment,1987,83,12,40-42,Fearnow Child sexual abuse,1987,83,10,5,Jones Child sexual abuse: recognition and response,1987,83,10,23-28,Myers Texas Coalition for the Prevention of Child Abuse,1988,84,7,9-10,Cousins Suicide of AIDS patients in Texas: a preliminary report,1989,85,8,40-43,Plott Initial Medical Advisory Board review of medical impairment: effect on driver performance and traffic safety,1990,86,12,64-68,Gober Hospital-based toxicology: patterns of use and abuse,1990,86,6,44-51,Prihoda Preventing child abuse and neglect in Texas,1990,86,2,44-45,Poertner Munchausen syndrome by proxy: a review,1991,87,10,66-69,Sofinowski Abuse of elders: a review for Texas physicians,1991,87,7,70-75,Thompson Sexual abuse of children,1991,87,6,66-69,Kellogg Physicians can help victims of violence during examinations,1992,88,12,57-58,Fite Start the healing now: TMA begins series on domestic violence,1992,88,11,22-23,Albrecht Disaster! When catastrophe strikes. Physicians' roles in emergency planning,1992,88,8,38-45,Richardson Adolescent mental health: a review of preventive interventions,1992,88,3,62-68,Coverdale Heads up. Protect neck head from serious football injuries,1967,63,11,40-41,Johnson Analysis of medical factors in fatal aircraft accidents in 1965,1967,63,1,64-68,Gibbons Accident proneness in aviation,1966,62,11,75-78,Reinhardt The fine lines in traffic violence,1965,61,11,781-783,Economos Analysis of medical factors in fatal aircraft accidents,1965,61,9,667-671,Gibbons Doctors need knowledge of eye safety lenses,1965,61,,163-165,Lippman Where should you have an accident?,1975,71,10,89-93,Brown Tracheobronchial injuries secondary to blunt thoracic trauma,1974,70,4,74-77,Trinkle Pediatric grand rounds: freshwater drowning,1973,69,8,83-87,Hill The hazardous hospital environment,1973,69,5,63-67,Feldtman Accidental and self-induced poisoning in Galveston County 1958-1969,1971,67,2,50-55,Micks Back injuries sustained in industrial accidents,1978,74,5,69-81,McGuire Etiology of traumatic spinal cord injury: statistics of more than 1100 cases,1977,73,6,61-65,Carter Products liability for the physician,1976,72,10,85-89,Rose Missile injuries from power lawn mowers,1976,72,4,53-54,Coopwood Physicians not alone in battle against incest,1993,89,2,29,Mishaw Failure to report child elder abuse is criminal offense in Texas,1993,89,2,22-24,Barton Costs of on-the-job injuries high in Texas,1993,89,6,21-22, Alcohol and injury,1983,79,10,51-52,Thompson Farm and ranch injuries in west Texas,1983,79,9,51-54,Jackson Injury control advocacy,1983,79,9,8-9,Teret NIOSH injury surveillance system,1983,79,9,58-59,Key A strategy for injury prevention,1983,79,8,51-54,Bull "Water babies" intoxication,1982,78,12,6,Geda Fractures of spine caused by automotive injuries: relative incidence and types,1963,59,,1173-1176,Kosicki Space medicine beyond the moon,1963,59,,1166-1172,Strughold Agricultural poisons,1965,61,,336-339,Gallaher Prevention recognition and treatment of heat disorders,1964,60,,746-753,Baxter A case of "psychosis" from drugs,1964,60,,659-660,Greiner The athletic toll,1964,60,,661-664,Davis Battered child syndrome,1964,60,,107-108,Mintz Under siege: the embattled trauma care system,1992,88,1,36-47,Hylton Statewide attitudes and behavior on child abuse and neglect in Texas,1998,94,9,52-56,Johnson Prescription for public health disaster: budget cuts will weaken already fragile system,2010,106,5,14-20,Conde Mechanics of cranial trauma,1967,63,2,83-85,Ehni Acute ethion poisoning,1967,63,6,71-75,Comstock Contact sports in junior high school,1967,63,10,67-69,Collins Physicians evaluate medical aspects effectiveness of plans in Beulah,1967,63,11,124-130,Queen Characteristics of pesticide poisoning in South Texas,1968,64,9,56-58,Reich Tobacco alcohol questions now appear on death certificates,1993,89,2,28,Albrecht Tommy Love DO. Adventurer tries to solve aviation mystery,1994,90,4,41-43,Graddy Physicians need to know disabled parking guidelines,1995,91,12,39-40,Pietrobono Concealed handgun law has safety legal implications for physicians,1996,92,4,18-19,Price Consider implications of handgun prohibition,1996,92,6,7,Restrepo Invisible gas: who's liable?,1993,89,4,58-60,Levin Standing sober,1997,93,10,58-60,Moran Consent may not matter,2006,102,6,41-43,Prather spectrum of ocular trauma at an urban county hospital,2004,100,12,60-63,Blomquist The pediatrician's role in child abuse: position statement of the Texas Pediatric Society a chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Child Abuse,1999,95,2,69-71,Kellogg Policy development for the control of sex-offending behavior,1997,93,3,65-69,Meyer Abuse of handicap tags and license tags,2009,105,1,49-50,Zimmerman Bioterrorism fears,2002,98,9,28-34,Ortolon Increasing physician impact on the prevention of domestic violence,2002,98,1,58-61,Brackley A new war,2000,96,3,32-5 37-9,Franke Abuse of Hispanic elders,1999,95,3,68-71,Otiniano Suffering in silence. Victims of elder abuse rarely ask for help,1998,94,6,44-46,Moran Approaches offered for curbing violence in the health-care workplace,1994,90,10,7,Leong Placental laceration and stillbirth following motor vehicle accident with legal ramifications,1986,82,3,26-28,Weedn Injuries in children: what can be done about them?,1989,85,4,8-10,Patterson Consent requirements for treatment of minors,1989,85,8,56-59,Thompson Childhood injury deaths in Texas: a major public health problem,1989,85,4,29-33,Cooper The wounded soul,1982,78,12,51-54,Mattox The patient as person: an empty phrase?,1975,71,9,57-63,Engelhardt Treatment of the near-drowning victim,1969,65,8,32-43,Ahlgren Defusing the poor man's nuke,1997,93,6,49-51,BeSaw Minimizing the risk,1997,93,6,45-47,Grimes Treating violence. Future physicians search for answers to a different kind of epidemic,1995,91,10,38-40,Franke Transfer law puts rural internist between a rock and a hard place,1990,86,9,27-28,Hancher Complete transection of duodenum by blunt trauma,1970,66,3,72-74,Nixon Pitfalls in rattlesnake bite,1970,66,6,42-43,Lockhart Football injuries: acute subdural hematoma without loss of consciousness,1970,66,7,58-59,Meek 'I fell down the stairs.' Physicians can help by learning to recognize the signs of domestic violence,1995,91,5,18-21,Moran The Texas Supreme Court speaks: mental health professionals have no duty to warn or protect third parties,2002,98,11,61-64,Scarano Professional ice hockey and violence in American society,1999,95,4,70,Moore Winning the Stanley Cup Final Series is related to incurring fewer penalties for violent behavior,1999,95,4,66-69,McCaw Legal issues associated with sexual activity between adults and minors in Texas: a review,1999,95,7,65-69,Foreman That day in November. A Dallas physician remembers his experiences at Parkland Memorial Hospital on November 22 1963,1994,90,11,39-40,Carter The silent epidemic: burn injuries in Texas,1970,66,11,21-23,Abston Liability and firearms in the waiting room,1996,92,10,16,Nidess Pesticide poisoning. Epidemiology of pesticide poisoning in the lower Rio Grande valley in 1969,1971,67,2,56-59,Smith Common drugs can cause psychiatric illness,1971,67,3,30-32,Grove The burned child,1971,67,4,58-67,Abston Clinicopathologic conference,1971,67,7,76-86,Lane Delegating tasks to physicians' assistants: physicians' reactions,1972,68,10,69-79,Parker Accidental caustic ingestion in childhood: a review. Pathogenesis & current concepts of treatment,1972,68,6,86-88,Ashcraft New city ambulances speed emergency care to Houstonians,1971,67,8,112-113,Slataper Carbon tetrachloride poisoning. Report of a case,1973,69,1,86-90,Jones Lethal drug interactions,1973,69,1,39-55,Martin Houston MD tackles football injuries,1973,69,1,106-109,Schier Anesthesia for trauma. Is blood alcohol level a factor?,1974,70,1,84-87,Giesecke Payment procedures for medical examinations of rape victims in Houston,1978,74,1,59-62,Mattox Psychogenic water intoxication: a fatality,1980,76,1,58-59,Blotcky Alcohol,1973,69,6,63-72,Shepard The opiates and their derivatives,1973,69,6,47-53,DeBoer Penetrating wounds of the rectum,1973,69,9,77-81,Allen Management of alleged sexual assault,1973,69,9,59-73,McCubbin Fractures seen in a rural community hospital,1974,70,9,65-68,Smith Fighting evil,1998,94,4,45-46,Steinberg Pneumothorax in high school football,1998,94,5,72-74,Funk Persistent psychotic phenomena following one dose of pentazocine,1976,72,6,68-69,Kane Performance-enhancing substances in adolescent athletes,2002,98,2,41-46,Gomez Tarasoff in Texas,1999,95,3,72-78,Felthous The Texarkana mercury incident,1999,95,10,65-70,Anger Cardiac trauma,1976,72,7,49-52,Ching UT tower shooting. A madman's rampage changes the emergency response system,2003,99,1,55-58,Baker Nov. 22 1963. Texas physicians are thrust into history,2003,99,1,45-52,Baker Steroid use by athletes shows poor judgment lost integrity,1990,86,3,4,Corley Anabolic steroids in athletics,1990,86,3,32-36,Holden Safety concerns,2012,108,7,43-45,Ortolon Poison fighters,2012,108,9,27-32,Conde Preventing injury,2012,108,10,35-39,Conde Enhanced surveillance of maternal mortality in Texas,2012,108,12,e1,Estes Deadly distractions,2013,109,4,37-40,Zuzek Skiing injuries,1976,72,12,110, The night West blew up,2013,109,7,41-45,Zuzek Uncommon insect bites: the reduviid bite,1977,73,7,45-50,Hunt The Texas natural death act,1977,73,10,91-95,Farabee Corrosive acid burns of the stomach,1977,73,12,64-67,Jimenez-Chapa Burns involving area heating: enduring the Texas winter,1985,81,1,33-34,Parks Phencyclidine (angel dust) invades Texas,1979,75,5,64-65,Grove Physicians and the clergy: help for abusive families,1982,78,4,41-43,Caldwell Death related to informed consent,1978,74,12,49-50,Patten Emergency services to survivors of sexual assault,1986,82,3,6,McLaughlin We have your daughter,2014,110,11,43-46,Nuzback Identification and management of suicide risk in U.S. military veterans,2015,111,2,56-60,Chapman Identification of mental disorders with potential for violence in adolescents and young adults,2015,111,2,51-55,Chambers A pediatric application of the STRAC Regional Hospital Trauma Registry database: pediatric Trauma deaths in South Central Texas during 2004-2013,2017,113,1,e1,Edwards Front Line: Using Primary Care to Prevent Suicide,2018,114,11,16-21,Price Predict and prevent: using statistics to stop child abuse,2018,114,7,10-11,Price Hurricane harvey: the way back,2018,114,8,24-29,Berlin A different direction: pediatrician's practice unexpectedly turns toward suicide prevention,2018,114,12,48,Price Firearms safety: a growing public health threat,2019,115,8,42-44,Price Moral injury: the pandemic for physicians,2019,115,3,4-6,Frezza Md Under the gun: how Texas hospitals clinics can prepare for active shooter situations,2020,116,3,36-39,Price Keeping children safe: prevention a more prevalent approach to address child abuse neglect,2021,117,4,40-43,Price Back to the Heart,2020,116,4,e23,Berlin Pandemic Pressures:COVID-19 Poses Serious Behavioral Health Challenges,2020,116,10,18-25,Price Managing mental health,1998,94,11,74-76,McEver Ultimate failure,2005,101,5,30-38,Prather