Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Motor vehicle injuries: the law and the profits,1989,17,1,69-72,Robertson Fires cigarettes and advocacy,1989,17,1,73-77,McGuire ATVs--the hidden danger,1989,17,1,86-93,Kitzes Professional and agency liability for negligence in child protection,1983,11,2,71-75,Bross Disclosure and consent problems in pediatrics,1988,16,3-4,219-228,Holder Alcohol injury and legal controls: some complex interactions,1989,17,1,58-68,Hingson Protection of research subjects: do special rules apply in epidemiology?,1991,19,3-4,184-190,Capron Injury prevention as a public health responsibility: the New York State Department of Health Injury Control Program,1989,17,1,50-57,Standfast Injuries are not accidents. Introduction,1989,17,1,5-6,Foege Deterring death in the workplace: the prosecutor's perspective,1989,17,1,23-31,Reiner The role of law in reducing injury,1989,17,1,7-16,Christoffel Prevention of patient falls through perceived control and other techniques,1986,14,1,20-4 12,Halpert Legal issues in school nursing practice,1984,12,5,219-221,Cohn The role of physicians in human rights,1990,18,1-2,132-139,Nightingale The role of physicians in human rights,1990,18,1-2,13209,Nightingale Legal problems of medical practice; withholding treatment from defective newborns,1982,10,1,4-10,Taub Withholding and withdrawing treatment: the role of the criminal law,1988,15,4,231-241,Glantz Disclosure of injury and illness: responsibilities in the physician-patients relationship,1981,9,4,4-7,LeBlang The psychiatric nurse's duty to warn potential victims of homicidal psychotherapy outpatients,1981,9,6,11-16,Kjervik The chain saw and the regulator: inching toward safety,1989,17,1,78-85,Furrow Injury community and the republic,1989,17,1,42-49,Beauchamp Intentional injury: are there no solutions?,1989,17,1,32-41,Hawkins Injury prevention,1989,17,1,3-93, Prevention and torts: the role of litigation in injury control,1989,17,1,17-22,Teret Voluntary euthanasia and the risks of abuse: can we learn anything from The Netherlands?,1992,20,1-2,133-143,Battin