Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Injury in aged: clinical and epidemiological implications,1974,74,12,2200-2208,Waller Preventing bicycle-related head injuries,1987,87,6,319-320,Weiss Moped minibike and motorcycle accidents: Associated injury problems,1978,78,4,628-633,States Promoting bicycle helmet use in children,1990,90,1,47,Glaser Survey of injury prevention knowledge among low-income families,1988,88,2,91-92,No Author(s) Listed Effect of eating at various times on subsequent performances in swimming,1963,63,,600-603,Ball Electric blanket hazard,1980,80,2,238-239,Shafer Preventive medicine for traffic accident injuries. Safety standards for automobiles,1966,66,20,2690-2694,States Crash injuries and their prevention,1958,58,10,1704-1723, A "pack of trouble" for smoking drivers,1987,87,3,184-186,Fernandez Spinal cord injuries in athletes,1991,91,2,44-45,Maroon Bicycle safety,1988,88,9,505-506,No Author(s) Listed Reducing neurologic trauma in sports,1988,88,1,15-17,Lehman Bicycle injuries,1990,90,8,426-427,No Author(s) Listed Fire hazard of Florida water: Pyrogenic potential in Hispanic folk medicine,1978,78,9,1475-1477,Cosman Accidents in the aged. Medicolegal implications,1975,75,3,381-387,Dacso Problem of accidents to preschool child,1967,67,7,913-916,Fontana Toxic Drugs and Accidents,1949,49,22,2720-2720,Gleason Accident Prevention,1949,49,14,1649-1651,No Author(s) Listed Fatal Accidental Poisoning,1948,48,20,2240-2241,No Author(s) Listed Home Accidents,1946,46,3,270-271,No Author(s) Listed Briefs on Accidental Chemical Poisonings in New York City: Phosphorous Phenothiazine and Arsenic Poisonings,1961,61,4,620,Jacobziner Hospital Report on Home Accidents,1961,61,13,2337,Hammond Survival in a thermonuclear war: 11. Protection of houses against blast and fire,1961,61,1,136,Garb Management of suicide attempt,1970,70,12,1666-1667,Denner The enigma of whiplash injury,1970,70,24,2971-2978,States Further reflections on maltreatment of children,1968,68,16,2214-2215,Fontana Prevention of suicide,1966,66,23,3023-3025,Avella Psychotherapy of suicidal patient,1966,66,23,3020-3023,Moss Suicide in adolescence,1966,66,23,3017-3020,Perlstein Dynamic aspects of suicide,1966,66,23,3009-3016,Hand Medical management of suicide victim,1966,66,23,3007-3009,Friedman Suicide and the altered prescription,1966,66,23,3005-3007,Friedman Child abuse: epidemiologic study of medically reported cases,1966,66,21,2783-2788,Simons Relationship of mental disorder to suicidal behavior. Review of recent issues,1971,71,12,1503-1505,Lester Medical disaster planning. I. Urban areas,1971,71,5,591-595,Holloway Determinants of violence,1972,72,17,2163-2165,Nordlicht Impact of violence on law enforcement,1972,72,17,2159-2163,Murphy Violence and the law,1972,72,17,2157-2159,Stevens Trauma as national problem,1972,72,14,1876-1880,Hampton Pediatric forensic pathology,1972,72,7,816-819,Lyons Scopolamine intoxication from nonprescription sleeping pill,1972,72,6,725-726,Thakkar Self-inflicted stab wounds to pregnant uterus and fetus at term,1972,72,3,391-392,Knapp Community committee on child abuse. A step toward better understanding and cooperation,1973,73,16,2071-2075,Sayre Dilemma of "battered child" and "battered children",1973,73,6,799-801,Bloch Diaphragmatic visceral and somatic injuries following rear lap seat belt trauma,1973,73,4,577-580,Dardik Evaluation of suicidal patients,1974,74,1,64-65,Salamon Pelvic inflammatory disease. Rare sequela of battered-child syndrome,1975,75,13,2405-6 2415,Caruso Drugs ingested in suicide attempts and fatal outcome,1975,75,13,2343-2349,Holland Child abuse in Megalopolis,1976,76,11,1799-1802,Fontana Terrorism and mass media,1977,77,14,2294-2296,Mosse Flavius Josephus: first-century A.D. view of suicide,1977,77,12,1986-1992,Hankoff Occupationally related emotional problems,1977,77,11,1737-1741,Smith High-pressure paint gun injuries of hand: clinical and roentgen aspects,1978,78,12,1955-1956,Agha Maltreated children requiring hospitalization. Thirteen-year study,1978,78,11,1704-1706,Ellerstein Murder or suicide?,1978,78,6,965-967,Rho Child sexual abuse. Ultimate in maltreatment syndrome,1978,78,4,612-616,Blumberg Child abuse and neglect. Overview,1978,78,4,610-611,Wethers Maltreatment syndrome of children,1978,78,4,603-608,Fontana First aid for school athletic emergencies,1979,79,7,1058-1062,Greensher Flavius Josephus: Suicide and transition,1979,79,6,937-942,Hankoff Physician's role in highway safety. Medical Advisory Board. State of Maryland,1980,80,13,1992-1994,Baldwin Physician's role in highway safety. Functional impairment in driving,1980,80,13,1987-1991,Waller Dynamics of juvenile violence,1980,80,6,926-928,Nordlicht Child abuse in our violent society,1980,80,6,921-925,Blumberg Child abuse; prevention in teen-age parent,1980,80,1,53-56,Fontana Sexually transmitted diseases and child sexual abuse. Part II,1983,83,5,714-716,Felman Sexually transmitted diseases and child sexual abuse. Part 1,1983,83,3,341-343,Felman Under-diagnosis of child abuse?,1984,84,5,228-229,Fontana Retinal hemorrhage meningitis and child abuse,1984,84,2,59-60,Kessler School bus safety,1986,86,1,29-30,Spital Violence in the Third World,1985,85,2,74-76,O'Sullivan How the police view violence,1985,85,2,72-73,Murphy Violence on the highway. A national public health problem,1985,85,2,69-71,States The obligation to assess dangerousness,1985,85,2,67-68,Schwartz Violence in psychiatric institutions,1985,85,2,64-66,Cohen Psychiatry and the prevention of violence,1985,85,2,57-58,Craig Preventing alcohol-related violence: the physician's role,1985,85,2,56-57,Blume Ethylene glycol intoxication: a new stage in the clinical syndrome,1987,87,3,179-180,Factor Chinese torture of Tibetans,1988,88,6,331,Beyrer Suicide,1988,88,3,159-160, Prevalence and characteristics of violent patients in a general hospital,1990,90,12,591-595,Bluestone Crack abuse and asthma: a fatal combination,1990,90,10,511-512,Rao Injury mortality in New York State,1990,90,7,382-383, Risk factors for teenage suicide,1990,90,1,46,Glaser Physician training in the recognition and reporting of child abuse maltreatment and neglect,1991,91,1,1-2,Gordon Physician involvement in capital punishment,1991,91,1,15-18,Rosner The non-psychiatric physician's responsibilities for the suicidal adolescent,1992,92,3,97-104,Clark Prevention of youth suicide,1992,92,3,85-86,Pfeffer The accident-prone patient,1948,48,19,2168-2170,Gleason Accident prevention in medical practice,1948,48,16,1831,Kleinschmidt A foreign body fatality,1948,48,3,309,Wolcott The toxicology laboratory and its importance to the community,1949,49,22,2682-2686,Klendshoj Foreign body (needle) in heart,1949,49,15,1837-1839,Smith Returning the patient to normal activity following injury,1950,50,1,51-5 illust,Goldstein Vaginal bleeding after trauma in pregnant woman,1970,70,18,2338-2340, Medical aspects of motor vehicle accidents. Role of physician,1970,70,13,1745-1750,Brandaleone Unusual industrial injuries of hand,1969,69,13,1931-1932,Whalen Coagulopathy in pregnant woman folwing car accident,1969,69,9,1196-1198, Intestinal perforation and fracture of lumbar vertebra caused by lap-type seat belt,1967,67,7,930-932,Haddad Four facets of automotive crash injury research,1966,66,13,1798-1813,Wolf Role of physician in control of accidental poisoning,1965,65,,2167-2170,Jacobziner Accidents in aged. Psychological and psychiatric viewpoint,1974,74,13,2417-2420,Jacobson Penetrating foreign body of maxillary antrum,1974,74,11,2027-2028,Berger Snowblower injuries,1974,74,5,887-889,Hughes Americium contamination incident,1972,72,19,2430-2434,Davies Traffic safety in Suffolk County,1971,71,19,2328-2330,Abel Pesticide poisoning a reportable disease in New York,1990,90,12,621, Death takes a ride. Alcohol-associated single vehicle fatalities revisited,1990,90,7,349-351,Lowenfels The behavioral risks: mother knows best,1990,90,7,346-347,Decker Injuries from falls,1988,88,7,394-395, The relationship of smoking to motor vehicle accidents and traffic violations,1986,86,9,464-467,DiFranza On smoking and drinking and crashing,1986,86,9,459-460,Waller Hypothermia detection in emergency departments. How low does your thermometer go?,1982,82,3,374-376,Sherman The relationship of brain injury to brain tumors and other nontraumatic diseases of the nervous system,1951,51,19,2237-2240,Wechsler Thermal burns from an atomic explosion,1951,51,19,2221-2222,Morton The problem of burns in atomic warfare,1951,51,19,2219-2220,Hilleboe Hatpin in the uterus,1951,51,3,397,Weisman Food poisoning and carbon monoxide poisoning,1952,52,19,2409-2411,Plotkin Accident and occupational disease prevention,1952,52,19,2377-2380,Eckelberry Emotional factors in safety education,1952,52,19,2373-2376,Tabershaw Boric acid poisoning,1952,52,15,1913-1914,Bumbalo Myocardial contusion in trauma to the anterior chest,1952,52,6,741-743,Berte Accidents during infancy and childhood,1953,53,24,2957-2961,Powers Ocular changes in head injuries,1953,53,21,2481-2485,Gipner The second injury law,1953,53,11,1358-1359,Klein Effects of football playing on the composition of the urine,1955,55,21,3120-3122,Selman Toothpick injuries of the intestinal tract,1955,55,21,3115-3119,St. john The human bite,1955,55,20,2943-2944,O'Brien An unusual case of depressed fracture of the skull due to a rooster peck,1955,55,13,1910,Barry MEDICAL aspects of motor vehicle accident prevention,1956,56,24,3853-3882, Task force; accident control,1956,56,12,1923-1927,Jacobziner Treatment of anticholinesterase poisoning by phosphate insecticides and nerve gas,1956,56,11,1766-1768,Loomis Medicolegal aspects of head injuries,1956,56,8,1253-1254,Hamby Foreign body in an immature vagina,1956,56,3,415,Cushing The unsolved problem of infant suffocation,1957,57,19,3160-3161,Beinfield Epidemiologic aspects of automobile accidents,1957,57,8,1440-1442,MOORE Briefs on accidental chemical poisonings in New York City: miscellaneous poisonings in children and adults,1959,59,,4598-4601,Jacobziner Briefs on accidental chemical poisonings in New York City-A series of serious incidents,1959,59,,4237-4241,Jacobziner TRANQUILIZER and lye poisonings,1959,59,,4014-4018, Late effects of retained missile fragments,1959,59,,3967-3970,Schwartz Disaster medicine: the local problem,1959,59,,4023-4028,Burkhardt Poisonings from insecticides parents' medications and other substances,1959,59,,3826-3830,Jacobziner Motor vehicle accidents in New York State,1959,59,,3575-3583,Powers Improper disposal of drugs and household products,1959,59,,3631 4,Jacobziner POISONINGS with alarming symptoms,1959,59,,3460-3464, NONBARBITURATE sedative and other ingestions,1959,59,,3259-3263, BRIEFS on accidental chemical poisonings in New York City from the Poison Control Center New York City Department of Health; miscellaneous incidents,1959,59,16,3085-3088, Attempted suicides and other emergencies,1959,59,15,2937-2940,Jacobziner Briefs on accidental chemical poisonings in New York City: out-of-town incidents,1959,59,14,2753-2756,Jacobziner PETROLEUM distillates (furniture polish) aspirin and other ingestions and suicidal attempts,1959,59,13,2597-2601, Unusual modes of ingestion,1959,59,12,2410-2414,Jacobziner Accidental chemical poisonings in adults,1959,59,11,2223-2227, POISONING by insecticide (endrin),1959,59,10,2017-2022, Briefs on accidental chemical poisonings in New York City; from the poison Control Center New York City; from the Poison Control Center New York City Department of Health; ingestion accidents and their mode of occurrence,1959,59,9,1836-1841,Jacobziner Protective measures against stinging insects,1959,59,8,1546-1548,Morse Ingestion of isopropyl alcohol coal tar and other substances,1959,59,6,1105-1110,Jacobziner Attempted suicides in adolescents,1959,59,5,869-872, Briefs on accidental chemical poisonings in New York City; incidents involving household products,1959,59,4,658-663,Jacobziner Briefs on accidental chemical poisonings in New York City from the Poison Control Center New York City Department of Health: grandparents children and poisons,1959,59,2,315-319,Jacobziner OIL OF wintergreen camphor and lye ingestions,1959,59,1,115-118, Briefs on accidental chemical poisonings in New York City,1958,58,23,3839-3842,Jacobziner Briefs on accidental chemical poisonings in New York City,1958,58,22,3670-3674,Jacobziner Briefs on accidental chemical poisonings in New York City,1958,58,21,3500-3505,Jacobziner Adult suicide attempts by poisoning,1958,58,20,3326-3331,Jacobziner Modern concepts of whiplash injury,1958,58,20,3306-3310,Hartley Briefs on accidental chemical poisonings in New York City,1958,58,19,3163-3167,Jacobziner The neuropsychiatric aspects of juvenile delinquency,1958,58,19,3117-3126,Sands Rattlesnake poisoning,1958,58,19,3114-3116,Ruggiero Briefs on accidental chemical poisonings in New York City from the Poison Control Center New York City Department of Health,1958,58,18,2987-2991,Jacobziner BRIEFS on accidental chemical poisonings in New York City,1958,58,17 Part 1,2828-2831, Briefs on accidental chemical poisonings in New York City from the Poison Control Center New York City Department of Health,1958,58,16,2699-2702,Jacobziner Briefs on accidental chemical poisonings in New York City: from the Poison Control Center New York City Department of Health,1958,58,15,2565-2569,Jacobziner Briefs on accidental chemical poisonings in New York City,1958,58,14,2415-2418,Jacobziner Briefs on accidental chemical poisonings in New York City; from the Poison Control Center New York City Department of Health,1958,58,13,2271-2275,Jacobziner Briefs on accidental chemical poisoning in New York City from the Poison Control Center New York City Department of Health,1958,58,12,2097-2100,Jacobziner Briefs on accidental chemical poisonings in New City; from the Poison Control Center New York City Department of Health,1958,58,11,1923-1925,Jacobziner Briefs on accidental chemical poisonings in New York City,1958,58,10,1734-1737,Jacobziner Ingestion accidents and their mode of occurrence,1958,58,9,1535-1539,Jacobziner Accidental arsenic poisoning,1958,58,9,1510-1513,Jacobziner Whiplash injury of the neck: symptoms diagnosis treatment and prognosis,1958,58,9,1501-1507,Braaf Ingestion accidents and their mode of occurrence,1958,58,8,1327-1330,Jacobziner Patient accidents occurring in hospitals; epidemiologic study of 614 accidents,1958,58,6,838-846,Parrish The law in relation to problem drinking and alcoholism,1958,58,5,727-729,Murtagh Briefs on accidental chemical poisonings in New York City,1958,58,4,572-574,Jacobziner Activities of the Posion Control Center during the first six months of 1960 and the reporting of side-reactions,1960,60,,4067-4070, Quinine aspirin kerosene and analgesic intoxication,1960,60,,3461-3464,Jacobziner Aminophylline and other severe poisonings,1960,60,,3300-3303,Jacobziner Heat stroke in New York City. Experience with twenty-five cases,1960,60,,2531-2538,Ferguson INGESTIONS with alarming symptoms and suicidal attempts,1960,60,,2456-2459, SUICIDAL attemps and poisonings involving infants,1960,60,,2145-2149, CONFUSION caused by products with similar names and other incidents,1960,60,,1828-1832, Activities of the New York City Poison Control Center during 1959,1960,60,,1648-1653,Jacobziner POISONINGS associated with bizarre behavior,1960,60,,1634-1637, Briefs on accidental chemical poisonings in New York City-Incidents involving radioactive clock dial paint and other agents,1960,60,,1484-1489,Jacobziner VITAMIN sedative aspirin and nonmedicinal poisonings,1960,60,,1284-1290, Pine oil and other ingestions,1960,60,,894-896,Jacobziner SODIUM fluoride and acid fume poisonings. With special notes on garden hazards and blood dyscrasia registry,1960,60,,718-722, MISCELLANEOUS incidents including benzine poisoning,1960,60,,548-551, Modes of occurrence of accidental ingestions in children and a suicide attempt,1960,60,,426-429,Jacobziner Lead poisoning in young children-fatal and nonfatal,1960,60,,273-277,Jacobziner Accidental and intentional poisonings,1960,60,,100-104,Jacobziner Amphetamine poisoning,1961,61,,4256-4258,Jacobziner Activities of the New York City Poison Control Center during the first six months of 1961,1961,61,,3898-3901,Jacobziner Mechanics of athletic injury,1961,61,,2589-2592,Rachun Psychiatric aspects of head injury,1961,61,,1879-1883,Weinstein Cerebral concussion: presentation of the problem,1961,61,,1865-1868,Kaplan Medicolegal aspects of concussion and sequelae,1961,61,,1888-1892,Grimes Sequelae of cerebral concussion,1961,61,,871-875,Caveness The pathophysiology of cerebral concussion,1961,61,,1868-1871,Baldwin Incidents involving detergents kerosene and tranquilizers,1961,61,,944-946,Jacobziner Proceedings of the New York City Poison Control Advisory Committee Meeting,1961,61,,482-488,Jacobziner Proposed policy for disaster medicine and its local application,1961,61,,309-312,Burkhardt Survival in a thermonuclear war. XI. Protection of houses against blast and fire,1961,61,,136-139,Garb Camphorated oil talcum powder and lead poisonings,1963,63,,3575-3577,Jacobziner Kerosene and other petroleum distillate poisonings,1963,63,,3428-3430,Jacobziner Fatalities due to aspirin and ddt intoxications,1963,63,,3139-3143,Jacobziner Accidental chemical poisonings. Lead poisoning,1963,63,,2999-3001,Jacobziner Lead poisoning and glue sniffing intoxications,1963,63,,2846-2848,Jacobziner Phosphorus trifluoperazine and methyl alcohol intoxications,1963,63,,2705-2707,Jacobziner Glue sniffings,1963,63,,2415-2418,Jacobziner Disaster medical care. Developing and implementing a coordinated community health plan for disaster preparedness,1963,63,,2271-2275,Wagner Accidental chemical poisonings. Lead poisonings with two fatalities,1963,63,,2269-2270,Jacobziner Fatalities due to ingestion of corrosives,1963,63,,1969-1971,Jacobziner Automotive safety. Medical factors,1963,63,,1773-1778,Brandaleone Aspirin poisoning with two fatalities,1963,63,,1839-1840,Jacobziner The impaired driver,1963,63,,1778-1783,Malfetti Carbon tetrachloride iron and aspirin poisonings,1963,63,,1701-1704,Jacobziner Accidental chemical poisonings. Imipramine hydrocholoride intoxiation,1963,63,,1394-1397,Jacobziner Accidental chemical poisonings. Hydralzine hydrocholoride mercury tranylcpromine and permanganate intoxications,1963,63,,1210-1213,Jacobziner Aspirin poisoning,1963,63,,864-866,Jacobziner The effectiveness of feararousing movies in motivating preventive health measures,1963,63,,867-874,Leventhal Year-end report on activities of the New York City Poison Control Center,1963,63,,444-450,Jacobziner Methyl salicylate poisoning,1963,63,,295-296,Jacobziner Laryngeal and bronchial obstruction in children,1965,65,24,3049-3055,Norris Poisonings due to mace (nutmeg) furniture polish and lead,1965,65,,2270-2279,Jacobziner The neglected child and the child health conference,1965,65,,1880-1885,Bleiberg Psychiatric casualties,1965,65,,1041-1044,Allerton Pathologic aspects of traumatic intracranial hemorrhage,1965,65,,889-893,Angrist Accidental chemical poisonings. Activities of the poison control center during 1963,1964,64,,2699-2701,Jacobziner The post-traumatic neuroses of industry,1964,64,,2161-2165,Mintz Naphthalene poisoning,1964,64,,1762-1763,Jacobziner Transient loss of vision following head trauma,1964,64,,916-920,Bodian The neglect and abuse of children,1964,64,,215-224,Fontana Mushroom poisoning,1962,62,,3959-3960,Jacobziner Prochlorperazine dimaleate poisoning,1962,62,,3804-3806,Jacobziner Poisonings due to mistaken identiies of products,1962,62,,3460-3461,Jacobziner Glue sniffing,1962,62,,3294-3296,Jacobziner Carbon tetrachloride poisoning,1962,62,,2991-2992,Jacobziner Survey of 419 cases of acute poisoning,1962,62,,2959-2964,West Carbon monoxide poisoning,1962,62,,2714-2716,Jacobziner Accidental chemical poisonings,1962,62,,2551-2553,Jacobziner Accidental chemical poisonings. Zinc chloride poisoning (solder),1962,62,,1848-1852,Jacobziner The physician's responsibilities under the Second Injury Law,1962,62,,1704-1708,Kornblith Rhubarb poisoning,1962,62,,1676-1678,Jacobziner Car wax imipramine hydrochloride and salicylate poisoning,1962,62,,470-473,Jacobziner Arson with special reference to pyromania,1967,67,6,795-798,Robbins Long road to nirvana. Dissertation on marijuana,1967,67,7,952-956,Pelner Ten months experience with LSD users admitted to county psychiatric receiving hospital,1967,67,13,1849-1853,Blumenfield Similarities in fatal woundings of John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald,1966,66,13,1782-1794,Lattimer Orthopedic aspects and safety factors in snow skiing,1966,66,22,2899-2907,Harwood Psychosis due to bromide intoxication,1966,66,21,2818-2823,Stern Missile-type injury from hammer fragment,1966,66,18,2453-2455,Reynolds Peyote cult mescaline hallucinations and model psychosis,1967,67,21,2838-2843,Pelner Physiologic aspects of depression,1968,68,9,1142-1154,Kermani Confronting child abuse and neglect in New York State,1989,89,3,163-165,Sherman Aeromedical emergency trauma services and mortality reduction in rural areas,1990,90,7,358-365,Spiegel Physician's role in highway safety. Physician reporting: a national perspective,1980,80,13,1984-1987,Gregory Medical team at Grand Prix. Example of preparedness,1973,73,13,1818-1820,Dexter Stab wound of common bile duct,1974,74,12,2256-2258,Rakower Hallucinogenic effects of nutmeg in adolescent,1969,69,3,463-465,Fras Salicylate poisoning in children,1969,69,24,3155-3156,Fay Varsity football. Knee and ankle injury,1969,69,23,3000-3003,Rowe Health and economic impact of cigarette smoking in New York State 1987-1989,1992,92,11,469-473,Mahoney Near-drowning in children: management and outcome,1988,88,8,427-433,Rasch Disaster management of burn patients,1970,70,12,1647-1650,Morton Boxing program for youngsters,1970,70,11,1300-1305,NOVICH Multiple drug usage by children,1972,72,22,2793-2796,Milman Need for burn-care facilities in New York State,1972,72,21,2677-2680,Greenwald Renal trauma in children. Diagnostic work-up and management,1972,72,19,2414-2420,Cockett Naloxone reversal of methadone poisoning,1972,72,18,2305-2309,Stewart Changing patterns of homicide in New York City,1972,72,17,2154-2157,Helpern Bromide intoxication,1972,72,16,2086-2088,Serpe Depression,1972,72,14,1825-1830,Braceland Multihandicapped children's center: statistical trends in population,1972,72,9,1031-1036,Schub Psychiatric emergencies in industry,1971,71,17,2069-2072,Longaker Philosophy underlying treatment of industrial injuries,1971,71,19,2319-2320,Senior Strange murder of William of Norwich 1144,1971,71,2,2569-2574,Sharpe Unorthodox warfare,1971,71,21,2560-2568,Schechter Editorial: Bill of Rights for the doctor: without consent or due process it is rape,1974,74,1,40-41,Angrist Cupping in New York State--1978; historic review,1980,80,1,117-120,Carter Scombroid fish poisoning in central New York State,1982,82,2,202-203,Nosanchuk The return of the perilous prune pit,1983,83,2,228-229,Tchertkoff Tips for the identification of drug abusers,1973,73,8,946, Incidence of plumbism and pica in accidentally poisoned children,1973,73,14,1881-1885,Allen Gamekeeper's thumb. Result of skiing injuries,1973,73,19,2329-2331,Schultz Drug abuse and drugs in sports. Personal observations,1973,73,21,2597-2600,NOVICH Stinging insect hypersensitivity. Safety and efficacy of venom immunotherapy,1984,84,2,66-68,Golub Unusual intracranial complications of head trauma,1974,74,5,832-837,Decker Problems of inert gases,1974,74,5,813-819,Peirce Medical education in the decade of violence,1974,74,6,1056-1059,Moore Cytogenetic damage in americium poisoning,1974,74,9,1597-1598,Kelly Prisons of the future,1975,75,7,1087-1090,Rector Spinal-cord injury rehabilitation. New approaches,1975,75,7,1029-1034,Stern Ingested foreign bodies,1975,75,7,1003-1007,Towne Recovery following massive self-poisoning with aspirin,1975,75,9,1512-1514,Martinak Today's problems in penology,1975,75,10,1812-1814,Malcolm Stress aging and mental health,1975,75,12,2135-2137,Nordlicht Left ventricular aneurysm due to blunt trauma,1975,75,13,2367-2369,Sakurai High-flyer syndrome: survival after 17-story fall,1976,76,6,982-985,Kazarian Chest trauma: its nature in urban ghetto,1976,76,7,1103-1105,Miller Lead poisoning during home renovation,1990,90,4,215,Sedlis Passover matzoh and chocolate Easter eggs,1990,90,4,196-200,Imperato Nalorphine in the prevention of narcotic deaths,1959,59,6,1030-1035,Berger Deaths from narcotism in New York City. Incidence circumstances and postmortem findings,1966,66,18,2391-2408,Helpern Death following withdrawal of Diazepam,1966,66,13,1770-1772,Relkin Psychological significance of rape. Some aspects,1976,76,12,2044-2048,Shainess Maternal mortality study. 1970-1975,1976,76,13,2206-2212,Hughes Did Socrates die of hemlock poisoning?,1977,77,2,254-258,Ober Physician and family court,1978,78,4,617-620,Palmer Carbon tetrachloride poisoning. Radiographic findings,1978,78,4,646-647,Bagnasco Pacemaker malfunction associated with blunt trauma,1978,78,4,645,McCann Camphor overdosage. Therapeutic considerations,1978,78,6,896-897,Antman Factitious diseases including Munchausen's syndrome,1980,80,4,594-604,Shafer Neck injuries to high school football players in western New York State,1991,91,2,46-49,Marzo A report on the quality of ambulance service as observed in 1862 by S.L. Abbot Francis Minot. Transactions of the New York State Medical Society 1863,1982,82,3,393-394, Remarks on the gunshot wounds of the Civil War by Robert F. Weir. New York State Journal of Medicine April 1904,1982,82,3,391-393,Weir Trial of Daniel M'Naghten. Insanity defense and its well-kept secret,1982,82,3,381-386,Brody Missile injuries of brain,1982,82,3,313-319,Bakay Penetrating injuries of chest. Stab and gunshot wounds,1982,82,3,309-311,Mehta Industrial diseases and injuries. Medicolegal implications,1978,78,14,2239-2241,Rho Facial disfigurement and psychiatric sequelae,1979,79,9,1382-1384,Nordlicht Role of trauma in facial disfigurement,1979,79,9,1379-1382,Bromberg Air safety. Role of family physician,1979,79,11,1694-1698,Zaret The wounds of war. With particular reference to 1861-1865,1985,85,2,61-63,Sharpe The child and adolescent in sports,1987,87,2,116-119,Wickiewicz Multiple trauma. A disease entity,1983,83,5,710-713,Delany Perirenal hematoma following judo training,1988,88,1,33-34,Yamamura Secondary syphilis in a prepubertal child. Differentiating condylomata lata from condylomata acuminata,1989,89,3,180-181,Goldenring The physician's management of child maltreatment,1989,89,3,168,Lynn Abuse of the elderly: misuses of power,1989,89,3,159-162,Cassell Child abuse: the physician's responsibility,1989,89,3,152-155,Fontana Torture and health care professionals,1989,89,3,143-148,Plachta Spouse abuse,1989,89,3,141-143,Loeb Abuse of the child and anxiety in the adult,1989,89,3,138-140,Nurnberg Child abuse: where are we going?,1989,89,3,133-135,Birrer The sexual abuse of boys,1989,89,3,132-133,Johnson The need for physicians to recognize sexual abuse in children,1989,89,3,131-132,Gordon Human abuse through the ages,1989,89,3,129-130,Rosner Burn injuries and deaths,1989,89,5,299-300, Wood burning related injuries,1989,89,5,262-263,Dietz Buttocks blow barotrauma and pneumomediastinum,1989,89,6,361,Tamarin A proposal concerning products liability,1989,89,7,396-399,Nusbaum Injury mortality in the first year of life,1991,91,3,118-119, Breast carcinoma in a man following local trauma,1987,87,3,186-187,Raviglione Left renal artery dissection caused by a football injury,1991,91,12,550-552,Borrero Importance of testing for sexually transmitted chlamydial disease in the pediatric emergency room,1988,88,3,149-151,Ruddy Psychotic mother charged with infanticide; new dispositional developments,1980,80,10,1553-1556,Halpern Prevalence of prescription drug abuse: Data from the National Institute on Drug Abuse,1991,91,11 Suppl,32-36,Adams