Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Suicide in schizophrenia,1986,47,11,570-571,Knight Antidepressants and suicide risk in the United States 1985-1999,2004,65,11,1456-1462,Mann Clinical differences between suicidal and nonsuicidal depressed children and adolescents,2005,66,4,492-498,Bridge Clinical predictors of suicide in primary major depressive disorder,2005,66,4,412-417,Coryell Actual driving performance and psychomotor function in healthy subjects after acute and subchronic treatment with escitalopram mirtazapine and placebo: a crossover trial,2005,66,4,436-443,Wingen Suicide and attempted suicide in bipolar disorder: a systematic review of risk factors,2005,66,6,693-704,Harriss Assessing and Managing Suicide Risk: Guidelines for Clinically Based Risk Management,2005,66,6,804-805,Hirschowitz Antidepressant Drug Consumption and Public Health Indicators in Italy 1955 to 2000,2005,66,6,750-755,Guaiana Suicidal Ideation and Suicide Attempts in Body Dysmorphic Disorder,2005,66,6,717-725,Phillips Excessive daytime sleepiness in young adults: a 20-year prospective community study,2005,66,4,521-529,Eich Epidemiology of daytime sleepiness: definitions symptomatology and prevalence,2004,65,Suppl 16,12-16,Young Hurricane Katrina: a physician's whirlwind course in disaster psychiatry,2005,66,11,1349-1350,Spicer Suicidal ideation and attempts in bipolar I and II disorders,2005,66,11,1456-1462,Suominen Prevalence and severity of intimate partner violence and associations with family functioning and alcohol abuse in psychiatric inpatients with suicidal intent,2006,67,1,23-29,Stuart Paroxetine other antidepressants and youth suicide in New York City: 1993 through 1998,2004,65,7,915-918,Marzuk Indirect self-destructive behavior and overt suicidality in patients with complicated grief,2006,67,2,233-239,Reynolds Characterizing Impaired Driving in Adults With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Controlled Study,2006,67,4,567-574,Reimer Suicide Rates in Relation to Health Care Access in the United States: An Ecological Study,2006,67,4,517-523,Baldessarini A pilot study on differences in aggression in New York City and Madrid Spain and their possible impact on suicidal behavior,2006,67,3,375-380,De Leon The influence of media coverage of a celebrity suicide on subsequent suicide attempts,2007,68,6,862-866,Chen Association of suicide and antidepressant prescription rates in Japan 1999-2003,2007,68,6,908-916,Mann Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Hospital Surgical Physicians Exposed to Victims of Terror: A Prospective Controlled Questionnaire Survey,2006,67,6,890-896,Shalev Juvenile maladaptive aggression: a review of prevention treatment and service configuration and a proposed research agenda,2006,67,5,808-820,Carlson Effect of cannabis use on cognitive functions and driving ability,1999,60,6,395-399,Kurzthaler Adolescent substance abuse and psychiatric comorbidities,2006,67,Suppl 7,18-23,Deas Clinical Features of Depressed Children and Adolescents With Various Forms of Suicidality,2006,67,9,1442-1450,Liu Intimate partner violence victimization among adults with severe mental illness: Results of a cross-sectional study,2006,67,9,1472-1473,Frueh Association between the accessibility to lethal methods and method-specific suicide rates: An ecological study in Taiwan,2006,67,7,1074-1079,Lu Suicide attempts in bipolar patients,2001,62,12,963-966,Gonzalez-Pinto Intervention research with persons at high risk for suicidality: safety and ethical considerations,2001,62,Suppl 25,17-26,King Suicide prevention: increasing education and awareness,2001,62,Suppl 25,12-16,Gray Suicidality as a possible side effect of antidepressant treatment,2004,65,6,742-749,Dietrich Methods of adolescent suicide prevention,1999,60,Suppl 2,70-4; discussion 75-6 113-6,Shaffer Antidepressants and driver impairment: empirical evidence from a standard on-the-road test,2003,64,1,20-29,Ramaekers Childhood maltreatment as a risk factor for adult cardiovascular disease and depression,2004,65,2,249-254,Maciejewski Gender and Risk Factors for Suicide: Evidence for Heterogeneity in Predisposing Mechanisms in a Psychological Autopsy Study,2006,67,10,1612-1617,Renaud The Repetition of Suicidal Behavior: A Multicenter Cohort Study,2006,67,10,1599-1609,Rodway Trends in suicide risk associated with hospitalized psychiatric illness: A case-control study based on Danish longitudinal registers,2006,67,12,1936-1941,Nordentoft The relationship between smoking and suicidal behavior comorbidity and course of illness in bipolar disorder,2006,67,12,1907-1911,Weiss Intimate partner violence suicidal intent and alcoholism,2006,67,12,2033-2034,Bacskai Self-injurious behavior in a community sample of young women: relationship with childhood abuse and other types of self-damaging behaviors,2007,68,1,122-131,Favaro The psychopharmacology of violence with emphasis on schizophrenia part 2: long-term treatment,2007,68,2,331-332,Citrome Prevalence and correlates of lifetime suicidal ideation and suicide attempts among Latino subgroups in the United States,2007,68,4,572-581,Canino Use of antidepressants and suicide rate in Finland: an ecological study,2007,68,4,505-511,Korkeila Regular daily smoking among 14-year-old adolescents increases the subsequent risk for suicide: the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort Study,2007,68,5,775-780,Hakko Risk factors for suicide completion in borderline personality disorder: a case-control study of cluster B comorbidity and impulsive aggression,2007,68,5,721-729,Renaud Antidepressants and driving ability: results from a clinical study,2006,67,11,1776-1781,Moller Posttraumatic stress disorder and its impact on the economic and health costs of motor vehicle accidents in South australia,2003,64,2,175-181,McFarlane Major life activity and health outcomes associated with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,2002,63,Suppl 12,10-15,Barkley Lithium treatment reduces suicide risk in recurrent major depressive disorder,2007,68,3,380-383,Baldessarini Predictors of suicide in first-episode affective and nonaffective psychotic inpatients: five-year follow-up of patients from a catchment area in Vitoria Spain,2007,68,2,242-247,Gonzalez-Pinto The psychopharmacology of violence with emphasis on schizophrenia part 1: acute treatment,2007,68,1,163-164,Citrome Comparing acute toxicity of first- and second-generation antipsychotic drugs: A 10-year retrospective cohort study,2009,70,1,122-129,Olson Command hallucinations in outpatients with schizophrenia,1995,56,10,462-465,Zisook Dangerous driving and eating disorders,1992,53,11,416,Gupta Aggression suicidality and serotonin,1992,53,,46-51,Virkkunen Is smoking associated with suicide in bipolar patients?,2007,68,9,1446-7; author reply 1447-8,Neves Homicide of infants: a cross-sectional study,2007,68,10,1501-1509,Flynn Deliberate self-harm in young people: characteristics and subsequent mortality in a 20-year cohort of patients presenting to hospital,2007,68,10,1574-1583,Harriss Relevance of family history of suicide in the long-term outcome of bipolar disorders,2007,68,10,1517-1521,Vieta Suicidality psychopathology and gender in incarcerated adolescents in Austria,2007,68,10,1593-1600,Friedrich Suicidal behavior in obsessive-compulsive disorder,2007,68,11,1741-1750,Kamath Response to self-injurious behaviors in a community sample of young women,2007,68,11,1811; author reply 1811-2,Plener Mirtazapine a sedating antidepressant and improved driving safety in patients with major depressive disorder: A prospective randomized trial of 28 patients,2009,70,3,370-377,Moller Violent Behavior and DSM-IV Psychiatric Disorders: Results From the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions,2008,61,1,12-22,Dawson Risks of Suicide and Poisoning Among Elderly Patients Prescribed Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors: A Retrospective Cohort Study,2008,69,3,349-357,Galbaud du Fort A Case-Control Study of Antidepressants and Attempted Suicide During Early Phase Treatment of Major Depressive Episodes,2008,69,3,425-432,Olfson Violent Behavior and DSM-IV Psychiatric Disorders: Results From the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions,2008,69,1,12-22,Ruan Familial Transmission of Suicidal Behavior: Factors Mediating the Relationship Between Childhood Abuse and Offspring Suicide Attempts,2008,69,4,584-596,Mann Course of Major Depressive Disorder and Suicide Outcome: A Psychological Autopsy Study,2008,69,6,966-970,Renaud A Survey on the Impact of Being Depressed on the Professional Status and Mental Health Care of Physicians,2008,69,4,617-620,Schwenk Depressed patients with co-occurring alcohol use disorders: a unique patient population,2008,69,6,907-915,Sher Googling suicide: surfing for suicide information on the internet,2008,69,6,878-888,Recupero Exploring the Correlates of Suicide Attempts Among Individuals With Major Depressive Disorder: Findings From the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions,2008,,,e1-e11,Cox Minor Increase in Risk of Road Traffic Accidents After Prescriptions of Antidepressants: A Study of Population Registry Data in Norway,2008,69,7,1099-1103,Engeland Recidivism in medication: Noncompliant serious juvenile offenders with bipolar disorder,2005,66,4,477-484,Kuskowski Hazardous alcohol use and receipt of risk-reduction counseling among U.S. veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan,2008,69,11,1686-1693,Calhoun Low Serum Cholesterol May Be Associated With Suicide Attempt History,2008,69,12,1920-1927,Ceverino The duration of the suicidal process: how much time is left for intervention between consideration and accomplishment of a suicide attempt?,2008,70,1,19-24,Kemmler Suicide in Prisoners: A Systematic Review of Risk Factors,2008,69,11,1721-1731,Fazel Hyperresponsivity to threat stimuli in domestic violence offenders: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study,2009,70,1,36-45,Raine A closer look at depression in mothers who kill their children: Is it unipolar or bipolar depression?,2008,69,10,1625-1631,Kim The impact of reboxetine and mirtazapine on driving simulator performance and psychomotor function in depressed patients,2008,69,12,1880-1886,Moller High-risk groups for charcoal-burning suicide in Taiwan 2001-2005,2008,69,9,1499-1501,Lu Antidepressant use in elderly suicide victims in New York city: An analysis of 255 cases,2009,70,3,312-317,Marzuk Suicide sex ratio: The interaction between mental illness and suicide methods,2009,70,2,294-295,Chen Risk factors for violent crime in schizophrenia: a national cohort study of 13806 patients,2009,70,3,362-369,Fazel High-risk groups for charcoal-burning suicide attempt in Hong Kong China 2004,2009,70,3,431,Lee Benzodiazepine use and driving: a meta-analysis,2009,70,5,663-673,Vingilis Suicidal ideation and varenicline: a possible case of mistaken adverse drug reaction?,2008,69,11,1834-1835,Spirling Lithium and suicidal behavior in patients with bipolar disorder,2008,69,11,1831-1832,Rihmer An update on depression in children and adolescents,2008,69,11,1818-1828, Family history of depression and therapeutic outcome: findings from STAR*D,2009,70,2,185-195,Husain Depressive illness burden associated with complex polypharmacy in patients with bipolar disorder: findings from the STEP-BD,2009,70,2,155-162,Goldberg Treatment-resistant self-mutilation tics and obsessive-compulsive disorder in neuroacanthocytosis: a mouth guard as a therapeutic approach,2008,69,7,1186-1187,Fontenelle Efficacy of risperidone augmentation to antidepressants in the management of suicidality in major depressive disorder: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled pilot study,2008,69,8,1228-1336,Batra Case-control analyses of the impact of pharmacotherapy on prospectively observed suicide attempts and completed suicides in bipolar disorder: findings from STEP-BD,2008,69,6,916-922,Martinez Isotretinoin and the risk of depression in patients with acne vulgaris: a case-crossover study,2008,69,4,526-532,Koren Classification trees distinguish suicide attempters in major psychiatric disorders: a model of clinical decision making,2008,69,1,23-31,Mann Are depressed outpatients with and without a family history of substance use disorder different? A baseline analysis of the STAR*D cohort,2007,68,12,1931-1938,Rush Family problems among recently returned military veterans referred for a mental health evaluation,2009,70,2,163-170,Ross Violent parasomnia associated with a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor: a case report,2008,69,12,1982-1983,Schenck Suicidal behavior in bipolar disorder: what is the influence of psychiatric comorbidities?,2009,70,1,13-18,Correa Psychological adjustment of adolescents 18 months after the terrorist attack in Beslan Russia: a cross-sectional study,2008,69,5,854-859,Altoè Virtual reality exposure therapy for the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder following September 11 2001,2007,68,11,1639-1647,Hoffman Antidepressants in adult suicides in New York City: 2001-2004,2007,68,9,1399-1403,Marzuk Cognitive facilitation and behavioral disinhibition with benzodiazepine: a case report,2007,68,8,1305-1306,Cohen The revised black box warning for antidepressants sets a public health experiment in motion,2007,68,7,1139-1141,Leon Smoking as a risk factor for mental health disturbances after a disaster: a prospective comparative study,2007,68,1,87-92,Gersons Suicidal events in the Treatment for Adolescents with Depression Study (TADS),2009,70,5,741-747,Rohde A pooled analysis of suicidality in double-blind placebo-controlled studies of sertraline in adults,2009,70,5,674-683,Kremer Responses to depressed mood and suicide attempt in young adults with a history of childhood-onset mood disorder,2009,70,5,644-652,Liu Association of adverse childhood environment with late-life depression,2009,70,9,1281-1288,Malafosse Complex trauma among psychiatrically impaired children: a cross-sectional chart-review study,2009,70,8,1155-1163,Connor Long-term effects of the terrorist attack in Beslan on adolescent survivors,2009,70,6,934; author reply 934-5,van der Velden Estimating the risk for suicide following the suicide deaths of 3 Asian entertainment celebrities: a meta-analytic approach,2009,70,6,869-878,Yip Specific features of suicidal behavior in patients with narcissistic personality disorder,2009,70,11,1583-1587,Oquendo Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder and suicidal behavior: evidence for a positive association in a sample of depressed patients,2009,70,11,1551-1556,Turecki Suicide risk and psychopharmacology: assessment and management of acute and chronic risk factors,2009,70,7,1052-1053,Freeman Correlates of historical suicide attempt in rapid-cycling bipolar disorder: a cross-sectional assessment,2009,70,7,1032-1040,Brady A case of Capgras delusion presenting as a postpartum psychosis,1985,46,6,242-243,De Leo Mixed depression suicidality and antidepressants,2006,67,10,1650-1; author reply 1650-1,Benazzi Childhood trauma psychiatric disorders and criminal behavior in prisoners in Germany: a comparative study in incarcerated women and men,2006,67,10,1486-1492,Schneider Moral objections to suicide: Can they counteract suicidality in patients with cluster B psychopathology?,2006,67,4,620-625,Mann Lessons in posttraumatic stress disorder from the past: Venezuela floods and Nairobi bombing,2006,67,Suppl 2,56-63,Njenga Psychosocial therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder,2006,67 ,Suppl 2,40-45,Foa Are antidepressants associated with new-onset suicidality in bipolar disorder? A prospective study of participants in the Systematic Treatment Enhancement Program for Bipolar Disorder (STEP-BD),2006,67,1,48-55,Bauer Characteristics of e-therapy web sites,2006,67,9,1435-1440,Recupero Reduced suicidal ideation in bipolar I disorder mixed-episode patients in a placebo-controlled trial of olanzapine combined with lithium or divalproex,2006,67,8,1246-1252,Baldessarini Using data mining to explore complex clinical decisions: A study of hospitalization after a suicide attempt,2006,67,7,1124-1132,De Leon The prescription of psychotropic medications for patients discharged from a psychiatric emergency service,2006,67,5,720-726,Goldberg Agitated "unipolar" major depression: prevalence phenomenology and outcome,2006,67,5,712-719,Maj Antidepressant discontinuation and risk of suicide attempt: a retrospective nested case-control study,2009,70,8,1069-1077,Libby Suicide and female aggression: a contemporary analysis of anomic suicide,1978,39,10,761-765,French Life threatening self-mutilation of the nose,1978,39,8,676-677,Akhtar Role interference: an analysis of suicide victims homicide offenders and non-violent individuals,1978,39,8,652-655,Humphrey Common errors in the treatment of suicidal patients,1978,39,8,649-652,Krieger Brain injury and criminality,1978,39,5,486-487,Mark Human aggression and the lunar synodic cycle,1978,39,5,385-392,Lieber Metropolitan jail psychiatric clinic: a year's experience,1978,39,3,191-195,Petrich Pathological intoxication--is there such an entity?,1979,40,10,424-426,Hollender Self-mutilation of the eye,1979,40,10,420-423,Gross Electroencephalographic abnormalities in suicidal patients,1979,40,5,213-216,Zung Fantasy and reality in patients reports of incest,1979,40,4,159-164,Rosenfeld Factors associated with suicidal behavior in polydrug abusers,1980,41,11,379-385,Schuckit Management of violent patients in a psychiatry walk-in clinic,1980,41,11,370-373,Richmond Suicide by psychiatrists: a study of medical specialists among 18730 consecutive physician deaths during a five-year period 1967-72,1980,41,8,261-263,Rich Hopelessness depression and suicide intent,1980,41,5,159-160,Davis Emergency psychiatric home visiting: report of four years experience,1980,41,4,113-118,West Victims of terrorism,1980,41,3,73-74,Ochberg Childhood hyperactivity in an adult psychiatric population: social factors,1980,41,2,40-43,Morrison Suicide by psychiatrists,1981,42,11,447,Shevitz Command Hallucinations and self-amputation of the penis and hand during a first psychotic break,1981,42,8,322-324,Wilson Self-mutilation accompanying religious delusions: a case report and review,1981,42,6,243-245,Clark Family pathology and father-daughter incest: restricted psychopathy,1981,42,5,197-202,Wells Suicide in a case of Briquet's syndrome,1981,42,3,123,Morrison Effects of chronically administered buspirone and diazepam on driving-related skills performance,1982,43,12 Pt 2,45-55,Smiley Suicide in a psychiatric practice population,1982,43,9,348-352,Morrison Self-performed bilateral orchiectomy in transsexuals,1982,43,7,292-293,McAninch The implications of tattooing in prisoners,1982,43,6,231-234,Newman Attempted suicide and death anxiety,1982,43,4,159,Goldney Risk of suicide in the relatives of schizophrenics manics depressives and controls,1983,44,11,396-7 398-400,Tsuang History of drug abuse and dangerous behavior in inpatient schizophrenics,1983,44,7,259-261,Yesavage Use of the Children's Depression Rating Scale in an inpatient psychiatric population,1983,44,6,200-203,Cook Double suicides: four modal cases,1984,45,11,470-472,Rich Race violence and psychopathology,1984,45,7,294-297,Yesavage Suicidal behavior: a neglected issue in DSM-III,1984,45,6,280,Pomara Attempted suicide by ingestion of dentures,1984,45,4,189,Price A controlled study of suicide pacts,1984,45,4,154-157,Fishbain An evaluation of primary alcoholics with histories of violence,1984,45,1,3-6,Schuckit Affective and character pathology of suicidal adolescent and young adult inpatients,1984,45,1,19-22,Friedman Trazodone overdose: four years of experience from voluntary reports,1986,47,11,544-546,Gamble Recidivism of the criminally insane in France: a 22-year follow-up,1986,47,9,465-466,Benezech Suicide in schizophrenia: the Iowa Record Linkage Study,1985,46,11 Pt 2,14-17,Black Double suicides,1985,46,10,453,Fishbain Family history of suicide in affective disorder patients,1985,46,8,317-319,Roy Depression and suicidality in eating disorders,1985,46,4,118-124,Roig Suicide pacts: international comparisons,1985,46,1,11-15,Fishbain Suicide attempt by insulin overdose,1985,46,1,34,Ragan Suicide risk prediction by computer interview: a prospective study,1987,48,12,464-467,Greist Lest treatment abet suicide,1987,48,Suppl,44-54,Himmelhoch Psychobiologic predictors of suicide,1987,48,Suppl,39-43,Mann Clinical epidemiology of suicide,1987,48,Suppl,33-38,Klerman Patients who bring weapons to the psychiatric emergency room,1987,48,6,230-233,Binder Assessing dangerousness and responding appropriately: Hedlund expands the clinician's liability established by Tarasoff,1987,48,1,9-12,Weinberger Predictors of early suicide: identification and appropriate intervention,1988,49,Suppl,7-8,Fawcett Suicide and other consequences of childhood and adolescent anxiety disorders,1988,49,Suppl,9-11,Mattison Seasonal variation in suicide rates in the United States,1988,49,9,371,Lester Assaults against psychiatrists in outpatient settings,1988,49,9,338-345,Wilson What destroys our restraints against suicide?,1988,49,Suppl,46-52,Himmelhoch Suicide prevention in depressed women,1988,49,Suppl,42-45,Jamison The epidemiology of teen suicide: an examination of risk factors,1988,49,Suppl,36-41,Shaffer Excess suicide among formerly hospitalized child psychiatry patients,1988,49,3,88-93,Black Brain structure and function in sexual molesters of children and adolescents,1988,49,3,108-112,Hartmann Non-erotic self-choking in five psychiatric inpatients,1989,50,12,465-468,Carlson Childhood sexual abuse in women with bulimia,1989,50,12,460-464,Bulik Long-term effects of sibling incest,1989,50,11,428-431,Witztum Psychosocial stressors and adjustment disorder: van Gogh's life chart illustrates stress and disease,1990,51,Suppl,13-19,Rahe Violence by geriatric patients who need psychiatric hospitalization,1990,51,8,340-343,McNiel CSF serotonin metabolite (5-HIAA) studies in depression impulsivity and violence,1990,51,Suppl,31-41; discussion 42-3,Brown Postmortem evidence for serotonin's role in suicide,1990,51,Suppl,22-8; discussion 29-30,Stanley The relationship of gender to violent behavior in acutely disturbed psychiatric patients,1990,51,3,110-114,McNiel Homicide and near-homicide by anabolic steroid users,1990,51,1,28-31,Pope Reexposure to fluoxetine after serious suicide attempts by three patients: the role of akathisia,1991,52,12,491-493,Rothschild Serotonin suicide and aggression: clinical studies,1991,52,Suppl,61-69,Golden Does fluoxetine induce suicidality?,1991,52,11,479-480,Brewerton Suicidality and fluoxetine: is there a relationship?,1991,52,3,108-111,Fava Akathisia suicidality and fluoxetine,1992,53,11,401-406,Hamilton Psychiatric comorbidity and suicidality among intravenous drug users,1992,53,10,364-369,Cloninger Lack of association between fluoxetine and suicidality in bulimia nervosa,1992,53,7,235-241,Thompson Fluoxetine and suicidality,1992,53,7,256-257,Pearlman Suicidal and homicidal ideations emerging during a placebo period,1992,53,5,171,Dominguez Suicide risk factors in depressive disorders and in panic disorder,1992,53,Suppl,9-13,Fawcett Suicidality and fluoxetine revisited,1992,53,3,102-103,Dewan Depression: a neglected major illness,1993,54,11,419-424,Greenberg Alprazolam and depression: a review of risks and benefits,1993,54,Suppl,78-84; discussion 85,Fawcett Adverse behavioral events reported in patients taking alprazolam and other benzodiazepines,1993,54,Suppl,49-61; discussion 62-3,Cole Analyses of suicidality in double-blind placebo-controlled trials of pharmacotherapy for weight reduction,1993,54,8,309-316,Beasley Clinical distinctions between long-acting and short-acting benzodiazepines,1992,53,Suppl,4-9,Mendelson New epidemiologic findings about insomnia and its treatment,1992,53,Suppl,34-9; 40-2,Balter Munchausen syndrome: new cause for concern,1989,50,2,73,Connelly Accident- and injury-related health-care utilization among benzodiazepine users and nonusers,1987,48,Suppl,17-21,Oster Outcome of patients with major depressive disorder after serious suicide attempt,2009,70,10,1372-1378,Haukka Definition and management of suicidality in psychiatric patients,2009,70,10,e38,Fawcett Beliefs about voices and aggressive behavior in inpatients in an acute psychiatric setting,2009,,,,Duffy Comorbid substance use disorders among youth with bipolar disorder: opportunities for early identification and prevention,2010,71,3,348-358,Bukstein Exploratory data mining analysis identifying subgroups of patients with depression who are at high risk for suicide,2009,70,11,1495-1500,Ilgen Differential diagnoses and assessment of depression in elderly patients,2009,70,12,e47,Small An investigation of water lithium concentrations and rates of violent acts in 11 Texas counties: can an association be easily shown?,2008,69,2,325-326,Gonzalez Severe mental illness and risk of sexual offending in men: a case-control study based on Swedish national registers,2007,68,4,588-596,Fazel Risk factors for completed suicide in schizophrenia,2005,66,5,579-585,Wang The economic burden of depression in the United States: how did it change between 1990 and 2000?,2003,64,12,1465-1475,Birnbaum Risk factors for completed suicide in bipolar disorder,2002,63,6,469-476,Lee Characteristics of opiate dependent patients who attempt suicide,2002,63,5,403-407,Roy Depression screening as an intervention against suicide,1999,60,Suppl 2,42-5; discussion 51-2 113-6,Jacobs Determinants of suicidal ideation: the role of substance use disorders,1997,58,11,510-515,Ries Causes of aggressive behavior in patients with dementia,2010,71,9,1145-1152,Doody Prevalence and correlates of fire-setting in the United States: results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC),2010,71,9,1218-1225,Petry Resilience in the aftermath of terrorism and during warzone exposure: Is it religiousness or is it number of blood relatives?,2006,67,7,1156; author reply 1156-7,Bracha Manic psychosis and auditory hallucinations following traumatic brain injury in a 13-year-old boy,2010,71,4,506-507,Greene Stress-related responses after 3 years of exposure to terror in Israel: are ideological-religious factors associated with resilience?,2005,66,9,1146-1154,Kaplan Psychiatric discharge against medical advice is a risk factor for suicide but not for other causes of death,2010,71,6,808-809,Lee Strategies in treatment of suicidality: identification of common and treatment-specific interventions in empirically supported treatment manuals,2010,71,6,699-706,Ronningstam Diagnostic Features Prevalence and Impact of Bipolar Disorder,2010,71,6,e14,Ketter Harakiri: a clinical study of deliberate self-stabbing,1994,55,3,98-103,de Moore Depression as a lethal disease: prevention strategies,1994,55,Suppl,37-45,Coppen Recurrent brief depression: the Zurich Study,1994,55,Suppl,3-9,Angst Suicide in major depression in different treatment settings,1994,55,12,523-527,Aro Self-injurious behavior: pathophysiology and implications for treatment,1995,56,12,580-588,Pies Phencyclidine in CSF and serum: a case of attempted filicide by a mother without a history of substance abuse,1986,47,8,428-429,Foster Alcohol and cannabis use in Urban African American first-episode schizophrenia-spectrum patients: associations with positive and negative symptoms,2007,68,12,1939-1945,Compton Suicidality and risk of suicide-definition drug safety concerns and a necessary target for drug development: a brief report,2010,71,8,1040-1046,Brown Reduced anterior cingulate and orbitofrontal volumes in child abuse-related complex PTSD,2010,71,12,1636-1644,Smit Increased risk for suicidal behavior in comorbid bipolar disorder and alcohol use disorders: results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC),2010,71,7,902-909,Oquendo Fluoxetine treatment of alcoholic perpetrators of domestic violence: a 12-week double-blind randomized placebo-controlled intervention study,2011,72,1,60-65,George Comorbidity of depression and panic disorder,1996,57,Suppl 10,34-41; discussion 42-3,Gorman Panic disorder: diagnosis epidemiology and clinical course,1996,57,Suppl 10,3-8; discussion 9-10,Hirschfeld Tolerability and safety: essentials in antidepressant pharmacotherapy,1996,57,Suppl 2,39-44,Lader A review of the effects of moderate alcohol intake on the treatment of anxiety and mood disorders,1996,57,5,207-212,O'Malley Suicide assessment and terminology,1997,58,10,450,Smith Delusional jealousy in dementia,1997,58,11,492-494,Yang Karolinska interpersonal violence scale predicts suicide in suicide attempters,2010,71,8,1025-1032,Åsberg Suicidality and risk of suicide-definition drug safety concerns and a necessary target for drug development: a consensus statement,2010,71,8,e1-e21,Brown Analysis of suicidality in pooled data from 2 double-blind placebo-controlled aripiprazole adjunctive therapy trials in major depressive disorder,2011,72,4,548-555,Yang Twelve-month prevalence of and risk factors for suicide attempts in the World Health Organization world mental health surveys,2010,71,12,1617-1628,Nock Suicidality as rare adverse event of antidepressant medication: report from the amsp multicenter drug safety surveillance project,2010,71,10,1293-1307,Muller-Oerlinghausen Prescription sleeping pills insomnia and suicidality in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication,2011,72,4,515-521,Ilgen Treatment of Veterans with depression who died by suicide: timing and quality of care at last Veterans Health Administration visit,2011,72,5,622-629,Valenstein A comparative study of online suicide-related information in Chinese and English,2011,72,3,313-319,Yip Risk and protective factors for suicide among patients with methamphetamine dependence: a nested case-control study,2011,72,4,487-493,Conwell Poor long-term prognosis in mixed bipolar patients: 10-year outcomes in the vitoria prospective naturalistic study in Spain,2011,72,5,671-676,Gonzalez-Pinto A review of the safety and efficacy of droperidol for the rapid sedation of severely agitated and violent patients,2003,64,5,500-505,Shale Prolonged QT associated with an overdose of trazodone,2007,68,8,1309-1310,Nordin Reducing violence risk in persons with schizophrenia: olanzapine versus risperidone,2004,65,12,1666-1673,Van Dorn Hostility during admission interview as a short-term predictor of 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A prospective case-control study,2011,72,3,378-387,Tordjman Ethnoracial disparities in sexual assault among Asian Americans and Native Hawaiians/Other Pacific Islanders,2011,72,6,820-826,Triffleman Prolonged exposure therapy for combat- and terror-related posttraumatic stress disorder: a randomized control comparison with treatment as usual,2011,72,9,1174-1180,Foa Prevalence and clinical features of body dysmorphic disorder in adolescent and adult psychiatric inpatients,2001,62,7,517-522,Crow Antidepressant-induced mania in bipolar patients: identification of risk factors,2001,62,4,249-255,Leboyer The association between income and distress mental disorders and suicidal ideation and attempts: findings from the collaborative psychiatric epidemiology surveys,2010,71,9,1168-1175,Enns Clinical features associated with poor pharmacologic adherence in bipolar disorder: results from the STEP-BD study,2010,71,3,296-303,Perlis Baseline characteristics and outcomes in patients with first episode 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during luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone treatment,2004,65,10,1429,Hill Patterns of concomitant psychotropic medication use during a 2-year study comparing clozapine and olanzapine for the prevention of suicidal behavior,2004,65,5,679-685,Glick Clinical characteristics of depressive symptoms in children and adolescents with major depressive disorder,2004,65,12,1654-1659,Axelson Suicide attempts and ideation in patients with bipolar I disorder,2004,65,4,509-514,Rucci Improving the course of illness and promoting continuation of treatment of bipolar disorder,2004,65,Suppl 15,10-14,Keller Suicide attempts among veterans seeking treatment for pathological gambling,2003,64,9,1031-1038,Kausch Factors associated with suicide attempts in 648 patients with bipolar disorder in the Stanley Foundation Bipolar Network,2003,64,5,506-515,Grunze The suicide risk of discharged psychiatric patients,2003,64,6,702-707,Ho The effects of clozapine versus haloperidol on measures of impulsive aggression and suicidality in chronic schizophrenia patients: an open nonrandomized 6-month study,2003,64,7,755-760,Mester Clinical correlates of inpatient suicide,2003,64,1,14-19,Fawcett Depression and dysphoria in adult and adolescent patients with Tourette's disorder treated with risperidone,2002,63,11,1040-1044,Margolese Features associated with the delayed initiation of mood stabilizers at illness onset in bipolar disorder,2002,63,11,985-991,Goldberg Is bipolar disorder specifically associated with panic disorder in youths?,2002,63,5,414-419,Brent Met and unmet needs in the management of depressive disorder in the community and primary care: the size and breadth of the problem,2001,62,Suppl 26,23-28,Wittchen Psychosocial approaches to suicide prevention: applications to patients with bipolar disorder,2001,62,Suppl 25,56-64,Gray Integration of suicide prevention into outpatient management of bipolar disorder,2001,62,Suppl 25,3-11,Yan The burden of recurrent depression: causes consequences and 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Part I. 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An analysis of eligibility criteria in randomized controlled trials,2010,71,11,1425-1433,Heuser Sudden deaths in psychiatric patients,2011,72,7,936-941,Correll Child murder and mental illness in parents: Implications for psychiatrists,2011,72,5,587-588,Friedman Antidepressants and risks of suicide and suicide attempts: A 27-year observational study,2011,72,5,580-586,Leon Donepezil overdose,1999,60,1,56-57,Tariot Adverse reactions of antidepressants in elderly patients,1999,60,Suppl 20,4-8,Pollock Suicide and schizophrenia: clozapine and the InterSePT study. International Clozaril/Leponex Suicide Prevention Trial,1999,60,Suppl 12,47-50,Meltzer Major depression in 1998: are we providing optimal therapy?,1999,60,Suppl 6,5-9,Angst Effects of medical interventions on suicidal behavior. Summary and conclusions,1999,60,Suppl 2,117-122,Baldessarini Electroconvulsive therapy and suicide risk,1999,60,Suppl 2,104-10; discussion 111-6,Sackeim Do antipsychotic medications decrease the risk of suicide in patients with schizophrenia?,1999,60,Suppl 2,100-3; discussion 111-6,Wyatt Antidepressants and suicidal risk,1999,60,Suppl 2,94-9; discussion 111-6,Muller-Oerlinghausen Anticonvulsant therapy and suicide risk in affective disorders,1999,60,Suppl 2,89-93; discussion 111-6,Goodwin Lithium therapy and suicide risk,1999,60,Suppl 2,85-8; discussion 111-6,Nilsson Effects of lithium treatment and its discontinuation on suicidal behavior in bipolar manic-depressive disorders,1999,60,Suppl 2,77-84; discussion 111-6,Baldessarini Suicide attempts in major affective disorder patients with comorbid substance use disorders,1999,60,Suppl 2,63-9; discussion 75-6 113-6,Baldessarini Expression of the myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS) and MARCKS-related protein (MRP) in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus of suicide victims,1999,60,Suppl 2,21-6; discussion 40-1 113-6,Kleinman Genetics of suicide in depression,1999,60,Suppl 2,12-7; discussion 18-20 113-6,Nielsen The neurobiology of suicide risk: a review for the clinician,1999,60,Suppl 2,7-11; discussion 18-20 113-6,Underwood Effects of medical interventions on suicidal behavior. Introduction,1999,60,Suppl 2,4-6; discussion 113-6,Baldessarini Concise Health Risk Tracking scale: A brief self-report and clinician rating of suicidal risk,2011,72,6,757-764,Husain First episode of self-harm in older age: A report from the 10-year prospective Manchester Self-Harm project,2011,72,6,737-743,Cooper The chronological assessment of suicide events: a practical interviewing strategy for the elicitation of suicidal ideation,1998,59,Suppl 20,58-72,Shea The measurement of retardation in depression,1998,59,Suppl 14,19-25,Dantchev Antidepressant drugs: disturbing and potentially dangerous adverse effects,1998,59,Suppl 16,25-30; discussion 40-2,Settle SSRI safety in overdose,1998,59,Suppl 15,42-48,Roose Suicide in schizophrenia: risk factors and clozapine treatment,1998,59,Suppl 3,15-20,Meltzer Clozapine reduces violence and persistent aggression in schizophrenia,1998,59,Suppl 3,8-14,Dickson Clinical and cognitive correlates of suicide attempts in bipolar disorder: Is suicide predictable?,2011,72,8,1027-1033,Garno Are Beslan's children learning to cope? 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self-harm: a national cohort study 2000-2008,2015,77,2,240-246,Runeson Addressing PTSD and suicide in US veterans,2015,76,8,e1037,Parikh Docosahexaenoic acid for selective prevention of posttraumatic stress disorder among severely injured patients: a randomized placebo-controlled trial,2015,76,8,e1015-e1022,Noguchi Marijuana use is associated with worse outcomes in symptom severity and violent behavior in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder,2015,76,9,1174-1180,Rosenheck Detection and classification of suicidal behavior and nonsuicidal self-injury behavior in emergency departments,2015,76,10,1397-1403,Brown Does acute stress disorder predict subsequent posttraumatic stress disorder in pediatric burn survivors?,2015,76,11,1564-1568,Sharp A randomized controlled clinical trial of the Strength at Home Men's Program for partner violence in military veterans,2015,77,9,1168-1175,Monson Direct comparison of the psychometric properties of multiple interview and patient-rated assessments of suicidal ideation and behavior in an adult psychiatric inpatient sample,2015,76,12,1676-1682,Youngstrom Measuring patient outcomes and making the transition from acute to maintenance treatment for bipolar depression,2015,76,12,e1603,Manning Decision-making competence and attempted suicide,2015,76,12,e1590-7,Szanto Population trends in substances used in deliberate self-poisoning leading to intensive care unit admissions from 2000 to 2010,2015,76,12,e1583-9,Sareen Risk and protective factors for suicide mortality among patients with alcohol dependence,2015,76,12,1687-1693,Tsai The predictive validity of the Beck depression inventory suicide item,2015,76,12,1683-1686,Brown Suicidal behavior: measurement and mechanisms (editorial),2015,76,12,1675,Oquendo Prevalence and impact of obsessive-compulsive symptoms in depression: a STAR*D report,2015,76,12,1668-1674,Rush Killing the mother of one's child: psychiatric risk factors among male perpetrators and offspring health consequences,2016,77,3,342-347,Runeson Temperament character and suicide attempts in unipolar and bipolar mood disorders,2016,77,2,252-260,Oquendo Altered topological patterns of brain networks in remitted late-onset depression: a resting-state fMRI study,2016,77,1,123-130,Zhang Antidepressant treatment and risk of dementia: a population-based retrospective case-control study,2016,77,1,117-122,Sung Risk of suicide attempt and suicide death following completion of the Patient Health Questionnaire depression module in community practice,2016,77,2,221-227,Simon The economic burden of schizophrenia in the United States in 2013,2016,77,6,764-771,François Clinical outcomes associated with comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder among patients with bipolar disorder,2016,77,5,e555-60,Soares The long-term psychiatric sequelae of severe injury: a 6-year follow-up study,2016,77,4,e473-e479,O'donnell Gender differences in adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC),2016,77,4,e421-e428,Faraone Repeated suicide attempts and suicide among individuals with a first emergency department contact for attempted suicide: a prospective nationwide Danish register-based study,2016,77,6,832-840,Nordentoft Rapid and sustained reductions in current suicidal ideation following repeated doses of intravenous ketamine: secondary analysis of an open-label study,2016,77,6,e719-25,Nock Prevalence and mental health treatment of suicidal ideation and behavior among college students aged 18-25 years and their non-college-attending peers in the United States,2016,77,6,815-824,Eisenberg Prediction of late-onset psychiatric disorder in survivors of severe injury: findings of a latent transition analysis,2016,77,6,807-812,McFarlane Cannabis and neuropsychiatry 1: benefits and risks,2016,77,5,e551-e554,Andrade The course of suicide risk following traumatic injury,2016,77,5,648-653,O'donnell Suicide risk assessment in hospitals: an expert system-based triage tool,2016,77,7,e874-82,Althoff Temporal association between nonfatal self-directed violence and tree and grass pollen counts,2016,77,9,1160-1167,Claassen Nocturnal wakefulness as a previously unrecognized risk factor for suicide,2016,77,6,e726-e733,Brown Nocturnal wakefulness is associated with next-day suicidal ideation in major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder,2016,77,6,825-831,Bernert Further evidence of a cohort effect in bipolar disorder: more early onsets and family history of psychiatric illness in more recent epochs,2016,77,8,1043-1049,Grunze Frontostriatal connectivity changes in major depressive disorder after repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation: a randomized sham-controlled study,2016,77,9,e1137-e1143,Lee Smoking and suicide mortality risk in alcohol-dependent individuals,2016,77,7,e906,Berlin Psychometric reevaluation of the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale: findings from a prospective inpatient cohort of severely mentally ill adults,2016,77,7,e867-e873,Ellis Ethnic differences in mental illness severity: a population-based study of Chinese and South Asian patients in Ontario Canada,2016,77,9,e1108-e1116,Zaheer Predictors of rehospitalization for depressed adolescents admitted to acute psychiatric treatment,2016,78,5,592-598,Pridgen Clinicians should not adopt a single self-reported item as a screener for suicide,2016,77,8,1087,Large Sleep disturbance predicts posttraumatic stress disorder and depressive symptoms: a cohort study of Chinese adolescents,2016,78,7,882-888,Fan Functional recovery after postpartum psychosis: a prospective longitudinal study,2016,78,1,122-128,Kamperman Recognizing and assessing risk factors for difficult-to-treat depression and treatment-resistant depression,2016,77,9,e1154,Gaynes A randomized trial of dialectical behavior therapy in high-risk suicidal veterans,2016,77,12,e1591-e1600,Pérez-Rodríguez Physician warnings in psychiatry and the risk of road trauma: an exposure crossover study,2016,77,10,e1256-e1261,Kurdyak Behavioral effects of neurofeedback compared to stimulants and physical activity in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a randomized controlled trial,2016,77,10,e1270-e1277,Maras Posttraumatic stress disorder in young children 3 years posttrauma: prevalence and longitudinal predictors,2016,78,3,334-339,Yule Antisuicidal response following ketamine infusion is associated with decreased nighttime wakefulness in major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bernert An infanticide trial: US infanticide laws fall well short of international standards,2016,77,11,1546-1547,Spinelli Associations of leisure-time and occupational physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness with incident and recurrent major depressive disorder depressive symptoms and incident anxiety in a general population,2017,78,1,e41-e47,Grabe Acute substance use as a warning sign for suicide attempts: a case-crossover examination of the 48 hours prior to a recent suicide attempt,2017,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bagge Cognitive control deficits differentiate adolescent suicide ideators from attempters,2017,78,6,e614-e621,Nock Intermittent explosive disorder and substance use disorder: analysis of the National Comorbidity Survey Replication Sample,2017,78,6,697-702,Coccaro Contributing factors and mental health outcomes of first suicide attempt during childhood and adolescence: results from a nationally representative study,2017,78,06,e622-e630,Limosin Self-reported reasons for not receiving mental health treatment in adults with serious suicidal thoughts,2017,78,6,e631-e637,Han Symptoms of apathy independently predict incident frailty and disability in community-dwelling older adults,2017,78,5,e529-e536,Holtzer The association of baseline suicidality with treatment outcome in psychotic depression,2017,78,8,1149-1154,Mulsant Characteristics and risk factors for suicide and deaths among college students: a 23-year serial prevalence study of data from 8.2 million Japanese college students,2017,78,4,e404-e412,Uchida Hospitalizations and emergency department visits for psychiatric illness during and after pregnancy among women with schizophrenia,2016,77,4,541-547,Kurdyak Development of a Computerized Adaptive Test Suicide Scale-The CAT-SS,2017,78,9,1376-1382,Gibbons Childhood maltreatment and lifetime suicidal behaviors among new Soldiers in the US Army: results from the Army Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Servicemembers (Army STARRS),2018,79,2,e10900,Stein Psychotropic medications in Swedish homicide victims and offenders: a forensic-toxicological case-control study of adherence and recreational use,2017,78,7,e797-e802,Sturup Objectively assessed sleep variability as an acute warning sign of suicidal ideation in a longitudinal evaluation of young adults at high suicide risk,2017,78,6,e678-e687,Joiner Assessment of suicidal ideation and behavior: report of the International Society for CNS Clinical Trials and Methodology Consensus Meeting,2017,78,6,e638-e647,Silverman Introduction: identifying the patients most at risk for suicide beyond suicidal ideation,2017,78,6,730-731,Courtet Florida best practice psychotherapeutic medication guidelines for adults with major depressive disorder,2017,78,6,703-713,McIntyre Enhancing extinction learning in posttraumatic stress disorder with brief daily imaginal exposure and methylene blue: a randomized controlled trial,2017,78,7,e782-e789,Foa Secondary prevention of chronic PTSD by early and short-term administration of escitalopram: a prospective randomized placebo-controlled double-blind trial,2018,79,2,ePub,Stein Infant-related intrusive thoughts of harm in the postpartum period: a critical review,2017,78,8,e913-e923,Schene Risk of suicide attempts among adolescents and young adults with autism spectrum disorder: a nationwide longitudinal follow-up study,2017,78,9,e1174-e1179,Su Psychological pain in suicidality: a meta-analysis,2018,79,3,e10732,Courtet Myxedema psychosis--insanity defense in homicide,1980,41,9,316-318,Easson The association between sleep apnea and suicidal thought and behavior: an analysis of national survey data,2017,79,1,e11480,Pigeon Pathways to late-life suicidal behavior: cluster analysis and predictive validation of suicidal behavior in a sample of older adults with major depression,2018,79,2,e11611,Szanto Lessons from the latest US military suicide surveillance data,2018,79,1,e11790,Pruitt Treatment of complicated grief in survivors of suicide loss: a HEAL report,2018,79,2,e11592,Reynolds Ketamine for depression 6: effects on suicidal ideation and possible use as crisis intervention in patients at suicide risk,2018,79,2,e18f12242,Andrade Risk factors for overdose in treatment-seeking youth with substance use disorders,2018,79,3,e11678,Kelly Bilateral repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation decreases suicidal ideation in depression,2018,79,3,e11692,Mulsant Mediation analyses of insight quality of life depression and suicidality: results from the FACE-SZ Cohort,2018,79,3,e11638,Llorca Relative efficacy and acceptability of antidepressant drugs in adults with major depressive disorder: commentary on a network meta-analysis,2018,79,2,e12254,Andrade Working with decisionally capable patients who are determined to end their own lives,2018,79,4,e11767,Ganzini Sedative hypnotics and the risk of falls and fractures in the elderly,2018,79,3,e12340,Andrade Internet addiction and its relationship with suicidal behaviors: a meta-analysis of multinational observational studies,2018,79,4,ePub,Stubbs Neurobiology of generalized anxiety disorder,2009,70 Suppl 2,,15-19,Stein Public health perspectives on generalized anxiety disorder,2004,65 Suppl 13,,3-7,Stein The history epidemiology and differential diagnosis of social anxiety disorder,1999,60 Suppl 9,,4-8,Stein Modes of resting functional brain organization differentiate suicidal thoughts and actions: a preliminary study,2018,79,4,e11901,Stowe Prevalence and clinical correlates of and cognitive function at the time of suicide attempts in first-episode and drug-naive patients with schizophrenia,2018,79,4,ePub,Soares A comprehensive model of predictors of suicide attempt in depressed individuals and effect of treatment-seeking behavior: results from a national 3-year prospective study,2018,79,5,e11704,Oquendo Suicidality 6 years after occupational injury,2018,79,5,e11729,Liao Combining postcards crisis cards and telephone contact into a decision-making algorithm to reduce suicide reattempt: a randomized clinical trial of a personalized brief contact intervention,2018,79,6,e11631,Courtet Suicide methods and specific types of accidental death and fatal poisoning among discharged psychiatric patients: a national cohort study,2018,79,6,e11809,Webb Effects of psychiatric disorders on suicide attempt: similarities and differences between older and younger adults in a national cohort study,2018,79,6,e11911,Wall Circadian pattern of deaths due to suicide in intoxicated alcohol-dependent individuals,2018,79,6,17m11800,Perlis Access to psychotropic medication via prescription is associated with choice of psychotropic medication as suicide method: a retrospective study of 27876 suicide attempts,2018,79,6,e11982,Gutierrez Effect of educative suicide prevention news articles featuring experts with vs without personal experience of suicidal ideation: a randomized controlled trial of the papageno effect,2018,80,1,e11975,Niederkrotenthaler Acupuncture for treatment of persistent disturbed sleep: a randomized clinical trial in veterans with mild traumatic brain injury and posttraumatic stress disorder,2018,80,1,e12235,Bliwise Psychotic features in patients with major depressive disorder: a report from the European Group for the Study of Resistant Depression,2019,80,1,e12090,Serretti Deaths by suicide and other causes among patients with borderline personality disorder and personality-disordered comparison subjects over 24 years of prospective follow-up,2019,80,1,e12436,Zanarini Natural and synthetic cannabinoids for agitation and aggression in Alzheimer's disease: a meta-analysis,2019,80,2,e18r12617,Herrmann Suicide immediately after discharge from psychiatric inpatient care: a cohort study of nearly 2.9 million discharges,2019,80,2,e12172,Lichtenstein A real-world effectiveness study comparing a priority appointment an enhanced contact intervention and a psychotherapeutic program following attempted suicide,2019,80,2,e12416,Baca-Garcia Nightmares are associated with future suicide attempt and non-suicidal self-injury in adolescents,2019,80,4,e12181,Bo Predictors of post-discharge suicide attempt among veterans receiving specialized intensive treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder,2019,80,5,e12745,Rosenheck Self-harm self-harm ideation and mother-infant interactions: a prospective cohort study,2019,80,5,e12708,Pawlby Suicide risk factors in patients recently discharged from a psychiatric hospital: a case-control study,2019,80,5,18m12702,Deisenhammer A comparison of suicide risk scales in predicting repeat suicide attempt and suicide: a clinical cohort study,2019,80,6,e18M12707,Waern The prevalence and correlates of self-harm in the perinatal period: a systematic review,2019,81,1,e19r12773,Dutta Cyberbullying and its relationship to current symptoms and history of early life trauma: a study of adolescents in an acute inpatient psychiatric unit,2020,81,1,e2170,Harvey The burden of subthreshold posttraumatic stress disorder in World Trade Center responders in the second decade after 9/11,2020,81,1,e12881,Moline Angiotensin receptor blockers and the risk of suicide: an exercise in the critical examination of a case-control study,2020,81,1,ePub,Andrade Role of hopelessness in suicidal ideation among patients with depressive disorders,2020,81,2,e12866,Brown Relationship of nocturnal wakefulness to suicide risk across months and methods of suicide,2020,81,2,e12964,Basner Disordered aggression and violence in the United States,2020,81,2,e2937,Coccaro Keep socially (but not physically) connected and carry on: preventing suicide in the age of COVID-19,2020,81,3,e20com13370,Courtet Machine learning algorithms in suicide prevention: clinician interpretations as barriers to implementation,2020,81,3,e12970,Brown Suicide attempts among pregnant and postpartum women in Japan: a nationwide retrospective cohort study,2020,81,3,e19m12993,Fushimi CoViD-19 mental health and suicide risk among health care workers: looking beyond the crisis,2020,81,5,e13381,Reger Trends in psychiatric emergency department visits due to suicidal ideation and suicide attempts during the CoViD-19 pandemic in Madrid Spain,2020,81,5,e3419,Bravo-Ortiz Suicide and happiness: the association between two potential sustainable development goal indicators for mental health,2020,81,6,e13339,Gunnell Depression and suicidal behavior in young adult men and women with ADHD: evidence from claims data,2020,81,6,e13130,Babinski Impact of pandemic on suicide: excess suicides in Taiwan during the 1918-1920 influenza pandemic,2020,81,6,e13454,Gunnell Antidepressant use and lifetime history of mental disorders in a community sample: results from the Baltimore Epidemiologic Catchment Area Study,2015,76,1,40-44,Eaton Sociodemographic factors health behaviors and biological indicators associated with suicide mortality among young adults in South Korea: a nationwide cohort study among 15 million men and women,2021,82,1,e37,Park Predictors of suicidal ideation and preparatory behaviors in individuals with bipolar disorder: the contribution of chronobiological dysrhythmicity and its association with hopelessness,2021,82,2,m13371,Etain If suicide were CoViD-19: a neglected cause of premature death,2021,82,2,,Oquendo Shorter- and longer-term risk for suicide among male US military veterans in the year after discharge from psychiatric hospitalization,2021,82,2,,Ilgen Homicide-suicide in the United States: moving toward an empirically derived typology,2021,82,2,,McNiel Serum fatty acid latent classes are associated with suicide in a large military personnel sample,2021,82,2,,Wilcox Separation anxiety and measures of suicide risk among patients with mood and anxiety disorders,2021,82,2,,Baldwin Persons with debt burden are more likely to report suicide attempt than those without: a national study of US adults,2021,82,3,,Williams Risk factors for reattempt and suicide within 6 months after an attempt in the French ALGOS Cohort: a survival tree analysis,2021,82,1,,Vaiva Posttraumatic distress symptoms and their response to treatment in adults with prolonged grief disorder,2021,82,3,,Reynolds Insomnia suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in the clinical antipsychotic trials of intervention effectiveness,2021,82,3,,McEvoy Second-generation antipsychotics and suicide: a commentary,2021,82,5,,Zuschlag Prevalence correlates and treatment of suicidal behavior in US military veterans: results from the 2019-2020 National Health and Resilience in Veterans Study,2021,82,5,e13714,Stein Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for preventing suicide in military veterans: a randomized clinical trial,2021,82,5,e13791,Stanley Childhood trauma and perinatal depression: data from the IGEDEPP Cohort,2021,82,5,20m13664,Le Strat Nocturnal and morning wakefulness are differentially associated with suicidal ideation in a nationally representative sample,2021,82,6,e13820,Perlis Patient and clinical factors associated with response to medications for posttraumatic stress disorder,2021,82,6,e13913,Schnurr Combat exposure and risk of suicide attempt among Danish Army military personnel,2021,82,6,20m13251,Erlangsen Suicide risk among adults with mental health emergency department visits with and without suicidal symptoms,2021,82,6,20m13833,Olfson Effects of electroconvulsive therapy on suicidal behavior and emergency department use among homeless veterans: a propensity score-matched study,2021,82,6,21m13935,Tsai Decrease in suicide during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in Taiwan,2021,82,6,e21br14137,Chang Recovering from intimate partner violence through strengths and empowerment: findings from a randomized clinical trial,2021,83,1,21m14041,Gerber Medication use and physical assaults in the psychiatric emergency department,2021,83,1,e13970,Dixon Mortality and suicide related to major depressive disorder before and after type 2 diabetes mellitus,2022,83,1,e13692,Huang Shedding light on classic psychedelics and self-harm,2022,83,2,,Hendricks Decreases in suicidality following psychedelic therapy: a meta-analysis of individual patient data across clinical trials,2022,83,2,21r14057,Wang Clinical dimensions associated with psychological pain in suicidal patients: one-year follow-up study,2022,83,2,21m14065,Courtet Ineligibility for and refusal to participate in randomized controlled trials that have studied impact on suicide-related outcomes in the United States: a meta-analysis,2022,83,2,20r13798,Wilcox Postpartum thoughts of infant-related harm and obsessive-compulsive disorder: relation to maternal physical aggression toward the infant,2022,83,2,21m14006,Wolfe Increased admissions of older adults to substance use treatment facilities and associated changes in admission characteristics 2000-2017,2022,83,3,21m13938,Rhee Economic burden of commercially insured patients with major depressive disorder and acute suicidal ideation or behavior in the United States,2022,83,3,21m14090,Greenberg Impact of depression on anxiety well-being and suicidality in Mexican adolescent and young adult students from Mexico City: a mental health screening using smartphones,2022,83,3,20m13806,Baca-Garcia Electroconvulsive therapy and death by suicide,2022,83,3,21m13886,Shiner Co-occurring depression and suicidal ideation in opioid use disorder: prevalence and response during treatment with buprenorphine-naloxone and injection naltrexone,2022,83,3,21m14140,Nunes Epilepsy and associated factors among adults hospitalized for attempted suicide,2022,83,3,21m14207,Courtet Suicide risk in a national va sample: roles of psychiatric diagnosis behavior regulation substance use and smoking,2022,83,3,21m14123,Swann The relationship between mental pain suicide risk and childhood traumatic experiences: results from a multicenter study,2022,83,4,21m14176,Pompili Incidence and predictors of suicide attempts and suicide deaths among individuals recently hospitalized for a mental disorder: a population-based study,2022,83,4,21m14055,Sareen Nocturnal wakefulness and suicide risk in the Australian population,2022,83,4,21m14275,Paul Treatment-resistant mood disorders in LGBTQ people: a retrospective study of clinical features and response to electroconvulsive therapy,2022,83,4,21m14321,Bakian High scores on the Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale and psychotic symptoms predict suicide: a prospective cohort study of psychiatric acute ward patients,2022,83,5,21m14018,Walby Machine learning prediction of suicide risk does not identify patients without traditional risk factors,2022,83,5,21m14178,Simon Mother's and father's serious mental illness and risk of child injury in a Taiwanese birth cohort,2022,83,6,21m14214,Kernic Antidepressant discontinuation syndrome resulting in a suicide attempt: a case report,2022,83,6,22cr14562,Waldvogel Overlapping patterns of suicide attempts and non-suicidal self-injuries in adults: a prospective clinical cohort study,2022,83,6,21m14330,Waern Tools to detect risk of death by suicide: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2022,84,1,21r14385,Young-Xu Durkheim's theory of social integration and suicide revisited: is it diversity of social networks or perceived strength of social support that matters?,2022,84,1,22m14477,Pietrzak Imminent and short-term risk of death by suicide in 7000 acutely admitted psychiatric inpatients,2022,84,1,22m14460,Vaaler Six-month clinical and ecological momentary assessment follow-up of patients at high risk of suicide: a survival analysis,2022,84,1,22m14411,Courtet Sleep complaints among adults with major depressive episode are associated with increased risk of incident psychiatric disorders: results from a population-based 3-year prospective study,2022,84,1,21m14236,Limosin Prolactin-raising and prolactin-sparing antipsychotic drugs and the risk of fracture and fragility fracture in patients with schizophrenia dementia and other disorders,2023,84,1,23f14790,Andrade Long-term suicidal ideation profiles in late-life depression and their association with suicide attempt or death by suicide,2023,84,2,22m14469,Szanto Ten-year follow-up of earthquake survivors: long-term study on the course of PTSD following a natural disaster,2023,84,2,22m14377,Fostick Association of recent and past suicide attempts with health-related quality of life,2023,84,2,22m14441,Bommersbach A double-blind randomized controlled trial of doxazosin for co-occurring PTSD and alcohol use disorder in veterans,2023,84,2,21m14367,Back The protective effect of clozapine on suicide: a population mortality study of statewide autopsy records in Maryland,2023,84,3,22m14587,Mojtabai Pandemics and suicide rates in Spain: from the Spanish flu to COVID-19,2023,84,3,22m14601,Giner Impact of the Abbreviated Suicide Crisis Syndrome Checklist on clinical decision making in the emergency department,2023,84,3,22m14655,Galynker Predictors of suicidal ideation during residential substance use treatment,2023,84,4,22m14611,Ellis Leveraging natural language processing to improve electronic health record suicide risk prediction for Veterans Health Administration users,2023,84,4,22m14568,Dufort Potential aggravation of suicide risk with daridorexant: currently not enough data to show a link [letter],2023,84,4,23lr14892,Riemann Nitrous oxide reduced suicidal ideation in treatment-resistant major depression in exploratory analysis,2023,84,5,22br14725,Kumar Risk-sensitive decision-making and self-harm in youth bipolar disorder,2023,84,5,22m14693,Youngstrom Risk of all-cause and suicide death in patients with schizophrenia: an entire-population longitudinal study in Taiwan,2023,84,6,22m14747,Chang Suicide and all-cause mortality within 1 year after a suicide attempt in the VigilanS Cohort,2023,84,6,22m14520,Vaiva Suicide attempts in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: an analysis of the Korean National Health Insurance Database,2023,84,6,22m14754,Kim Dual orexin receptor antagonists and suicide risk: findings from the WHO spontaneous reporting database,2023,84,6,23br14923,Salvo Social media images can predict suicide risk using interpretable large language-vision models,2023,85,1,23m14962,Klomek A comparison of depressive symptom self-reported measures in the Texas Youth Depression and Suicide Research Network (TX-YDSRN),2023,85,1,23m14861,Rush Enriching the assessment of suicidal ideation: learning from digital studies [editorial],2024,85,1,23com15205,Courtet Suicidality emerging from rapid venlafaxine discontinuation: a challenge-dechallenge-rechallenge case report,2024,85,1,23cr14930,Ploderl A systematic review of the clinical effects of cannabis and cannabinoids in posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and symptom clusters,2024,85,1,23r14862,George What does a systematic review of cannabis and PTSD tell us? That we need to learn more,2024,85,1,23com15279,Ostacher Associations of MSK1 methylation and executive function with suicidal ideation in adolescents with major depressive disorder: a prospective cohort study,2024,85,1,23m14996,Yin Psychological pain as a risk factor for suicidal ideation: an ecological momentary assessment study on inpatients with depression with and without comorbid borderline personality disorder,2024,85,2,23m14926,Isometsä Resilience in bipolar disorder and interrelationships with psychopathology clinical features psychosocial functioning and mediational roles: a systematic review,2023,84,2,22r14431,Sim High exposure to neuroleptics in bipolar patients: a retrospective review,2000,61,1,68-72,Post Risk for suicide and homicide peaks at night: findings from the National Violent Death Reporting System 35 states 2003-2017,2024,85,2,23m15207,Klerman Lithium in unipolar depression and the prevention of suicide,1997,58,7,52-56,Coppen Comorbidity in social anxiety disorder: Impact on disease burden and management: Comments,1998,59,Suppl 17,e38,Ballenger Daily and cumulative sleep duration as predictors of suicidal desire and intent: an ecological momentary assessment study,2024,85,2,23m15164,Bozzay Dark was the night: sleep alterations as proximal markers for suicide risk,2024,85,2,24com15359,Geoffroy Patient-specific considerations the GABA pathway and new clinical trial data on neuroactive steroids in MDD and PPD,2023,84,Suppl 1,SG22045SU1C,Clayton Memory impairment in those who attempted suicide by benzodiazepine overdose,2000,61,6,456-459; quiz 460,Verwey Clozapine for treatment-refractory schizophrenia schizoaffective disorder and psychotic bipolar disorder: a 24-month naturalistic study,2000,61,5,329-334,Cassano Comorbidity of psychiatric disorders and posttraumatic stress disorder,2000,61 Suppl 7,,22-32,Brady Efficacy of lithium in mania and maintenance therapy of bipolar disorder,2000,61 Suppl 9,,35-40,Bowden Evidence for a biochemical lesion in depression,2000,61 Suppl 6,,12-17,Leonard Estrogen administration does not reduce the rate of recurrence of affective psychosis after childbirth,2003,64,2,112-118,Papadopoulos Acupuncture for depression: A randomized controlled trial,2006,67,11,1665-1673,Allen Escitalopram maintenance treatment for prevention of recurrent depression: A randomized placebo-controlled trial,2006,67,11,1767-1775,li The effect of dermatologic precautions on the incidence of rash with addition of lamotrigine in the treatment of bipolar I disorder: A randomized trial,2006,67,3,400-406,Ketter Efficacy and tolerability of once-daily extended release quetiapine fumarate in acute schizophrenia: A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study,2007,68,6,832-842,Svensson Psychosis inflammatory biomarkers and subtypes of childhood trauma,2024,85,2,24com15310,Nasrallah A multicenter randomized double-blind study of the effects of aripiprazole in overweight subjects with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder switched from olanzapine,2008,69,7,1046-1056,Newcomer A Primer on How to Critically Read an Observational Study on Adverse Medical Outcomes Associated With Long-Term Antidepressant Drug Use,2022,83,6,22f14733,Andrade Relevance of family history of suicide in the long-term outcome of bipolar disorders (Journal of Clinical Psychiatry (2007) 68 (1517-1521)),2008,69,2,e329,Romero Factors Associated With Remission of Suicidal Ideation During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Population-Based Longitudinal Study in US Military Veterans,2022,83,4,21br14341,Norman Dr Stübner and colleagues reply,2011,72,5,e722,Greil Dr Leon and colleagues reply,2011,72,12,e1697,Endicott Dr Gilbert and colleagues reply,2011,72,12,e1698,Gilbert Effectiveness and safety of vagus nerve stimulation for severe treatment-resistant major depression in clinical practice after FDA approval: Outcomes at 1 year,2011,72,10,1376-1382,Thase Meta-analysis of epidemiologic studies of pediatric bipolar disorder,2011,72,9,1250-1256,Van Meter A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled 8-week trial of the efficacy and tolerability of multiple doses of Lu AA21004 in adults with major depressive disorder,2012,73,7,953-959,Jacobsen A case of acute psychosis after buprenorphine withdrawal: Abrupt versus progressive discontinuation could make a difference,2012,73,6,e756,Bertschy Does the presence of one feature of borderline personality disorder have clinical significance? 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Major Depressive Disorder in Primary Care: Strategies for Identification,2020,81,2,UT17042BR1C,Trivedi Contributing Factors to Heterogeneity in the Timing of the Onset of Nonfatal Suicidal Behavior: Results From a Nationally Representative Study,2020,81,3,19m13017,Limosin Inclusion of Suicidal Individuals in Research Studies,2020,81,3,20com13276,Courtet Esketamine Nasal Spray for Rapid Reduction of Major Depressive Disorder Symptoms in Patients Who Have Active Suicidal Ideation With Intent: Double-Blind Randomized Study (ASPIRE I),2020,81,3,19m13191,Hough Increasing Emergency Department Visits for Mental Health Conditions in the United States,2020,81,5,20m13241,Rhee Positive Urine Drug Screens and External Mortality in Teenagers Who Present for Medical Care,2022,83,1,20m13729,Bobo The Effect of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on Suicidal Ideation in Treatment-Resistant Depression: A Meta-Analysis,2022,83,2,21r13969,Mulsant Suicidal Ideation Trends and Associated Factors in Different Large Spanish Samples During the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic,2022,83,2,21br14061,Saiz Phase 3b Multicenter Prospective Open-label Trial to Evaluate the Effects of a Digital Medicine System on Inpatient Psychiatric Hospitalization Rates for Adults With Schizophrenia,2022,83,3,21m14132,Lindenmayer Resting State MRI Amplitude of Low Frequency Fluctuations Associated With Suicidal Ideation in Bipolar Depression,2022,83,3,21m14054,Mann A Systematic Review of Complex Polypharmacy in Bipolar Disorder: Prevalence Clinical Features Adherence and Preliminary Recommendations for Practitioners,2021,82,3,20r13263,Goldberg Effectiveness of an Internet-Based Self-help Therapy Program for Suicidal Ideation With Follow-up at 6 Months: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial,2021,82,5,20m13803,Nordentoft Mental Health Care Resource Utilization and Barriers to Receiving Mental Health Services Among US Adults With a Major Depressive Episode and Suicidal Ideation or Behavior With Intent,2021,82,6,20m13842,Wilkinson Firearm Storage Practices Among Military Service Members With Suspected Traumatic Brain Injury,2021,82,6,21br13951,Marx Continuation Magnetic Seizure Therapy for Treatment-Resistant Unipolar or Bipolar Depression,2021,82,6,20m13677,Mulsant Deep Brain Stimulation of the Ventral Capsule/Ventral Striatum for Treatment-Resistant Depression: A Decade of Clinical Follow-Up,2021,82,6,21m13973,O'Reardon Acute Objective Severity of COVID-19 Infection and Psychiatric Disorders 4 Months After Hospitalization for COVID-19,2021,83,1,21br14179,Corruble Common and Country-Specific Characteristics Associated With Suicidality in the Arab Region,2020,82,1,19m13199,Leykin Differences in Prescription Stimulant Misuse Motives Across Adolescents and Young Adults in the United States,2020,81,6,20m13302,Ford Prevalence of Passive Suicidal Ideation in the Early Stage of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic and Lockdown in a Large Spanish Sample,2020,81,6,20l13421,Saiz The Antisuicidal Effect of Esketamine Should Be Further Investigated,2020,81,6,20l13482,Courtet Clinical Trials With Suicidal Individuals Can Be Conducted Safely,2020,81,5,20l13353,Ballard A placebo-controlled trial of paroxetine in the treatment of major depression,1992,53 Suppl,,36-39,Smith Novel selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors Part I,1992,53,3,107-112, Long-term clinical management of depressive disorders,1992,53 Suppl,,32-35,Burrows Simultaneous major depression and panic disorder: treatment with electroconvulsive therapy,1992,53,1,12-15,Jarvis Akathisia and sertraline,1993,54,8,e321,Settle Adverse drug reactions/interactions in maintenance therapy,1993,54 Suppl,,48-58; discussion 59-60,Tollefson A primary care perspective on management of acute and long-term depression,1993,54 Suppl,,74-84; discussion 85-87,Stokes Uncomplicated bereavement,1993,54,10,365-372,Shuchter The natural history and heterogeneity of depressive disorders: implications for rational antidepressant therapy,1994,55 Suppl A,,25-31; discussion 32-33 98-100,Keller The pharmacoeconomics of clozapine: a review,1994,55 Suppl B,,161-165,Meltzer Beyond efficacy: setting standards in the treatment of depression,1994,55,6,270-277, Possible therapeutic window for serotonin reuptake inhibitors,1994,55,1,36-38,Braun Targeting treatment in patients with mixed symptoms of anxiety and depression,1990,51 Suppl,,40-43,Fawcett Treatment-resistant depression: definition and treatment approaches,1990,51 Suppl,,39-47; discussion 48-50,Amsterdam Depression: challenges for the future,1991,52 Suppl,,44-51,Dunner The relationship between fluoxetine use and suicidal behavior in 654 subjects with anxiety disorders,1996,57,4,158-166,Keller Management of patients with depression associated with anxiety symptoms,1997,58 Suppl 8,,11-16,Nutt The detection and consequences of anxiety in clinical depression,1997,58 Suppl 8,,35-40,Fawcett Anxious depression,1998,59 Suppl 18,,10-17,Lydiard A comparison study of body dysmorphic disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder,1998,59,11,568-575,Phillips Effects of clozapine therapy in schizophrenic individuals at risk for tardive dyskinesia,1998,59 Suppl 3,,31-37,Casey Optimizing treatment with clozapine,1998,59 Suppl 3,,44-48,Conley The impact of comorbidity on the treatment of panic disorder,1998,59 Suppl 8,,11-14; discussion 15-16,Lecrubier Care of depressed patients with anxiety symptoms,1999,60 Suppl 17,,23-27; discussion 46-48,Nutt New vs. old antipsychotics: the Texas experience,1999,60 Suppl 1,,23-25; discussion 28-30,Reid Proceedings of a symposium on effects of medical interventions on suicidal behavior. Miami Florida USA February 26-28 1998,1999,60 Suppl 2,,2-122, Evidence of early onset of antidepressant effect in randomized controlled trials,2001,62 Suppl 4,,17-23; discussion 37-40,Gorman Fatal body dysmorphic disorder by proxy,2001,62,3,204-205,Phillips Electroconvulsive therapy in medication-nonresponsive patients with mixed mania and bipolar depression,2001,62,7,552-555,Cassano Internet-observed suicide attempts,2001,62,6,e478,Lippmann A longitudinal view of triggers and thresholds of suicidal behavior in depression,2002,63,10,866-873,Jagsch Burning charcoal: an indigenous method of committing suicide in Hong Kong,2002,63,5,447-450,Leung Evidence-based long-term treatment of bipolar II disorder,2002,63 Suppl 10,,29-33,Dennehy Indicators of suicide over 10 years in a specialist mood disorders unit sample,2001,62,12,945-951,Wilhelm New standard of depression treatment: remission and full recovery,2001,62 Suppl 26,,5-9,Bakish Olanzapine new-onset diabetes mellitus and risk for insulin overdose,2001,62,12,993-994,Doraiswamy Suicide in primary affective disorders revisited: a systematic review by treatment era,2001,62,10,804-811,Todd Gender differences in pathological gambling,2003,64,3,295-301,Saiz-Ruiz New approaches to managing psychotic depression,2003,64 Suppl 1,,19-23,Schatzberg Lithium combinations in acute and maintenance treatment of unipolar and bipolar depression,2003,64 Suppl 5,,32-37,Fawcett Reducing the risk for suicide in schizophrenia and affective disorders,2003,64,9,1122-1129,Baldessarini Suicidal ideation and attempts among psychiatric patients with major depressive disorder,2003,64,9,1094-1100,Sokero The impact of attempted suicide on the symptoms and course of mood disorders,2003,64,10,1210-1216,Sakamoto Agitation and inpatient suicide,2003,64,12,1517; author reply 1517-1518,Sharma Clonidine in acute aversive inner tension and self-injurious behavior in female patients with borderline personality disorder,2004,65,10,1414-1419,Bohus Comparison of rapid-cycling and non-rapid-cycling bipolar I manic patients during treatment with olanzapine: analysis of pooled data,2004,65,10,1420-1428,Hennen Effectiveness of close watch precautions in suicidal patients,2003,64,12,1520; author reply 1520,Aldrich Effect of reboxetine on major depressive disorder in breast cancer patients: an open-label study,2004,65,4,515-520,Grassi Introduction: managing bipolar depression,2004,65 Suppl 10,,3-4,Bowden Posttraumatic stress disorder in primary care: a hidden diagnosis,2004,65 Suppl 1,,49-54,Lecrubier Plotting the course to remission: the search for better outcomes in the treatment of depression,2004,65 Suppl 12,,20-25,Burt Treatment of anxiety in suicidal patients,2003,64,12,1518; author reply 1518-1519,Rich Challenges in the management of bipolar depression,2005,66 Suppl 5,,11-16,Suppes Complicated grief and its correlates in patients with bipolar disorder,2005,66,9,1105-1110,Nierenberg Does recovery from substance use disorder matter in patients with bipolar disorder?,2005,66,6,730-735; quiz 808-809,Wisniewski Dissociative disorders among inpatients with drug or alcohol dependency,2005,66,10,1247-1253,Sar Pain predicts longer time to remission during treatment of recurrent depression,2005,66,5,591-597,Reynolds Reevaluating therapies for bipolar depression,2005,66 Suppl 5,,17-25,Grunze The economic burden of schizophrenia in the United States in 2002,2005,66,9,1122-1129,Birnbaum The ABCs of suicide,2005,66,9,1194-1195,Freudenreich The impact of bipolar depression,2005,66 Suppl 5,,5-10,Post A retrospective analysis of risk and protective factors for natural death in bipolar disorder,2005,66,12,1586-1591,Tsai Children of currently depressed mothers: a STAR*D ancillary study,2006,67,1,126-136,King Epidemiology clinical consequences and psychosocial treatment of nonadherence in schizophrenia,2006,67 Suppl 5,,3-8,Leucht Emerging therapies for bipolar depression,2006,67,7,1140-1151, FDA post-marketing safety decisions,2006,67,8,1305-1306,Klein Illness course comorbidity gender and suicidality in patients with bipolar disorder,2006,67 Suppl 11,,8-11,Baldassano Treatment of rapid-cycling bipolar disorder,2006,67 Suppl 11,,22-27,Schneck Update on bipolar disorder and substance abuse: recent findings and treatment strategies,2006,67,9,e10,Sachs Bipolar mixed episodes: characteristics and comorbidities,2007,68,10,e25,Goldberg Managing bipolar disorder from urgent situations to maintenance therapy part 1: urgent situations,2007,68,7,1129-1138,CME Institute of Physicians Postgraduate Press Limitations of contemporary antidepressants: tolerability,2007,68 Suppl 10,,11-17,Papakostas Practical strategies for assessing and stabilizing bipolar patients in urgent situations,2007,68,10,e23,Jain The Ziprasidone Observational Study of Cardiac Outcomes (ZODIAC): design and baseline subject characteristics,2008,69,1,114-121,D'Agostino Treatment strategies to prevent relapse and encourage remission,2007,68 Suppl 14,,27-30,Kane Bipolar disorder: diagnostic conundrums and associated comorbidities,2009,70,8,e26,Young Diagnostic assessment of major depressive disorder,2009,70,4,e09,Papakostas Easing the burden of social anxiety disorder,2008,69,9,1485-1496, Early career psychiatry,2009,70,11,e1571,Freeman Is DSM-IV bereavement exclusion for major depressive episode relevant to severity and pattern of symptoms? A case-control cross-sectional study,2009,70,8,1091-1097,Chouinard Selecting appropriate treatments for maintenance therapy for bipolar disorder,2008,69 Suppl 5,,28-35,Thase Talking about the Internet,2008,69,11,1831; author reply 1831,Neimark Update on partial response in depression,2009,70 Suppl 6,,4-9,Thase Tools and strategies for ongoing assessment of depression: a measurement-based approach to remission,2009,70 Suppl 6,,26-31,Trivedi Efficacy and safety of duloxetine 60 mg and 120 mg daily in patients hospitalized for severe depression: a double-blind randomized trial,2011,72,8,1086-1094,Desaiah Major depressive disorder treatment guidelines in Japan,2010,71 Suppl E1,,e05,Higuchi Rapid resolution of suicidal ideation after a single infusion of an N-methyl-D-aspartate antagonist in patients with treatment-resistant major depressive disorder,2010,71,12,1605-1611,Henter Suicidality is associated with medication access problems in publicly insured psychiatric patients,2010,71,12,1657-1663,Moscicki V code for bereavement,2010,71,3,359-360; author reply 360,Clayton Using assessment tools to screen for diagnose and treat major depressive disorder in clinical practice,2010,71 Suppl E1,,e01,Gelenberg Back to "normal bereavement",2011,72,2,260; author reply 260-261,Clayton Crisis of confidence: antidepressant risk versus benefit,2011,72,3,e11,Leon Concise Associated Symptoms Tracking scale: a brief self-report and clinician rating of symptoms associated with suicidality,2011,72,6,765-774,Rush Improving treatment adherence in patients with schizophrenia,2011,72,9,e28,Kane Panic attacks and panic disorder in a population-based sample of active Canadian military personnel,2011,72,1,66-74; quiz 119-120,Sareen PTSD comorbidity and suicidal ideation associated with PTSD within the Ohio Army National Guard,2011,72,8,1072-1078,Galea Suicidality in obsessive-compulsive disorder: prevalence and relation to symptom dimensions and comorbid conditions,2011,72,1,17-26; quiz 119-120,Fontenelle Suicidal risk during antidepressant treatment,2011,72,5,722; author reply 722,Baldessarini The current crisis of confidence in antidepressants,2011,72,1,27-33,Leon Treatment-resistant depression: prevalence risk factors and treatment strategies,2011,72,5,e18,Thase Beyond Statistical Significance: An Underrated Suicide Prevention Intervention,2019,80,4,19lr12814,Baca-Garcia Dr Berrouiguet and Colleagues Reply,2019,80,4,19lr12814a,Vaiva Negative Schema and Rumination as Mediators of the Relationship Between Childhood Trauma and Recent Suicidal Ideation in Patients With Early Psychosis,2019,80,3,17m12088,Kim Oral Ketamine for Depression: A Systematic Review,2019,80,3,18r12475,McIntyre Trajectories of Suicidal Ideation During 12 Weeks of Escitalopram or Nortriptyline Antidepressant Treatment Among 811 Patients With Major Depressive Disorder,2019,80,4,18m12575,Rietschel A Risk Algorithm for the Persistence of Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors During College,2017,78,7,e828-e836,Nock Clinical Outcomes in Children and Adolescents With Bipolar Disorder and Substance Use Disorder Comorbidity,2017,78,3,e230-e233,Soares Comments on the Role of the Character Dimension Self-Transcendence in Suicidal Phenomena,2017,78,2,e161,Jakšić Ketamine for Depression 2: Diagnostic and Contextual Indications,2017,78,5,e555-e558,Andrade Prospective Longitudinal Study of Predictors of Postpartum-Onset Depression in Women With a History of Major Depressive Disorder,2017,78,8,1110-1116,Newport Reduction in Suicidal Ideation Following Repeated Doses of Intravenous Ketamine?,2017,78,1,e71,Schoevers The Need to Assess Suicidal Risk in the Checklist for Prescribing Opioids,2016,77,12,e1719,Courtet Postmortem evidence for serotonin's role in suicide,1990,51,Suppl,22-28,Stanley The hidden patient: Unrecognized panic disorder,1990,51,11,5-8,Weissman Targeting treatment in patients with mixed symptoms of anxiety and depression,1990,51,11,40-43,Fawcett Treatment-resistant depression: Definition and treatment approaches,1990,51,6 Suppl,39-47,Nierenberg 'Does fluoxetine induce suicidality?': Reply,1991,52,11,479-480,Fava Does fluoxetine induce suicidality?,1991,52,11,479,Brewerton Panic disorder: Impact on quality of life,1991,52,2 Suppl,6-8,Weissman Depression rumination and suicide attempts in adolescents with mood disorders: sex differences in this relationship,2024,85,3,23m15136,Zhang Predicting remission from depression in youth receiving outpatient medication management,2023,84,4,22m14581,Kennard The challenge of clinical research and suicidality: participant feedback on a safety protocol,2023,84,4,22m14737,Dimidjian Daridorexant: Caution Is Needed About Suicidal Risk in Depressed Patients With Insomnia-Reply to Palagini et al,2023,84,4,23lr14892a,Courtet Adult Outcomes of Children With Reactive Attachment Disorder in a Non-Institutionalized Sample,2023,84,6,23m14994,Romanowicz Underdiagnosis undertreatment and noncompliance with treatment in people who died by suicide,2024,85,3,23m15182,Giner