Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Transgenerational patterns of suicide attempt,1991,59,6,861-866,Rutter Depression in the community: an investigation into age of onset,1991,59,4,541-546,Aneshensel Sexual assault and mental disorders in a community population,1988,56,6,843-850,Telles Recent life events preceding suicide attempts in a personality disorder sample: findings from the collaborative longitudinal personality disorders study,2005,73,1,99-105,Pagano Risk factors for partner violence among a national sample of combat veterans,2005,73,1,151-159,Taft MMPI response patterns and alcohol consumption in DUI offenders,1980,48,3,350-355,Sutker Problem drinking and depression among DWI offenders: a three-wave longitudinal study,1990,58,2,166-174,Windle Preliminary typology designed for treatment matching of driving-while-intoxicated offenders,1992,60,5,757-765,Wieczorek The occurrence of male-to-female intimate partner violence on days of men's drinking: the moderating effects of antisocial personality disorder,2005,73,2,239-248,Leonard Testing a four-factor model of psychopathy and its association with ethnicity gender intelligence and violence,2005,73,3,466-476,Vitacco Using a five-factor lens to explore the relation between personality traits and violence in psychiatric patients,2005,73,3,454-465,Skeem Parent and partner violence in families with young children: rates patterns and connections,2005,73,3,435-444,Slep Comparison of compensation and capitalization models when treating suicidality in young adults,2005,73,4,756-762,Rudd Trauma depression coping and mental health service seeking among impoverished women,2005,73,4,667-677,Elliott What do clinicians expect? Comparing envisioned and reported violence for male and female patients,2005,73,4,599-609,Gardner The prediction of violence and homicide in young men,2005,73,6,1074-1088,Koehler The characteristics of persistent sexual offenders: a meta-analysis of recidivism studies,2005,73,6,1154-1163,Hanson Childhood sexual abuse relationship satisfaction and sexual risk taking in a community sample of women,2005,73,6,116-1124,Vanzile-Tamsen Psychopathy and suicidality in female offenders: mediating influences of personality and abuse,2005,73,6,1065-1073,Verona Youth-nominated support team for suicidal adolescents (version 1): a randomized controlled trial,2006,74,1,199-206,King Exposure to terrorism stress-related mental health symptoms and defensive coping among Jews and Arabs in Israel,2006,74,2,207-218,Hobfoll Comparison of programs for teaching personal safety skills to preschoolers,1989,57,4,505-511,Wurtele Multilevel selected primary prevention of child maltreatment,2003,71,3,601-612,Ewigman Circumstances surrounding the occurrence of child maltreatment,1983,51,3,424-431,Herrenkohl Substance use and community violence: a test of the relation at the daily level,2006,74,4,743-754,Gardner Childhood sexual abuse and sexual risk behavior among men and women attending a sexually transmitted disease clinic,2006,74,4,720-731,Carey Personality Subtypes Among Driving While Intoxicated Offenders -- Relationship to Drinking Behavior and Driving Risk,1982,50,2,241-249,Marlatt Brief motivational interventions for heavy college drinkers: a randomized controlled trial,2006,74,5,943-954,Carey Risk and protective factors for suicidal behavior in abused African American women,2002,70,2,311-319,Kaslow Suicide attempts among sexual-minority youths: population and measurement issues,2001,69,6,983-991,Savin-Williams Suicide intent and accurate expectations of lethality: predictors of medical lethality of suicide attempts,2004,72,6,1170-1174,Brown Demographic predictors of treatment attendance among adolescent suicide attempters,1995,63,3,469-473,Piacentini Effectiveness of an outpatient intervention targeting suicidal young adults: preliminary results,1996,64,1,179-190,Rajab Thresholds and tolerance of physical pain in suicidal and nonsuicidal adolescents,1997,65,4,646-652,Mikulincer Suicidal ideation among college students in the United States,1999,67,6,1004-1008,Brener Depression hopelessness suicidality and related factors in sexual minority and heterosexual adolescents,1999,67,6,859-866,Safren The 18-month impact of an emergency room intervention for adolescent female suicide attempters,2000,68,6,1081-1093,Piacentini Anger self-report: an objective questionnaire for the measurement of aggression,1972,39,2,340,Adler The intergenerational transmission of externalizing behaviors in adult participants: the mediating role of childhood abuse,2005,73,6,1135-1145,Verona Parent-child interaction therapy with physically abusive parents: efficacy for reducing future abuse reports,2004,72,3,500-510,Chaffin Predisaster trait anxiety and negative affect predict posttraumatic stress in youths after hurricane Katrina,2007,75,1,154-159,Weems Prospective Prediction of Women's Sexual Victimization by Intimate and Nonintimate Male Perpetrators,2007,75,1,52-60,Vanzile-Tamsen Personality differences in attempted suicide versus suicide in adults 50 years of age or older,2007,75,1,126-133,Conwell Personalized mailed feedback for college drinking prevention: a randomized clinical trial,2007,75,2,285-293,Mallett Community-based intervention for children exposed to intimate partner violence: an efficacy trial,2007,75,2,199-209,Graham-Bermann Verbal and physical abuse as stressors in the lives of lesbian gay male and bisexual youths: associations with school problems running away substance abuse prostitution and suicide,1994,62,2,261-269,Savin-Williams Adolescent psychosocial risk factors for severe intimate partner violence in young adulthood,2007,75,3,456-463,Hammen Posttraumatic stress disorder arising after road traffic collisions: Patterns of response to cognitive-behavior therapy,2001,69,3,541-551,Taylor Psychopathy in instrumental and reactive violent offenders,1996,64,4,783-790,Cornell Intrusive memories in perpetrators of violent crime: Emotions and cognitions,2007,75,1,134-144,Mezey Effects of alcohol intoxication on anger experience and expression among partner assaultive men,2007,75,1,61-71,Eckhardt Which heavy drinking college students benefit from a brief motivational intervention?,2007,75,4,663-669,Carey Changing network support for drinking: Initial findings from the Network Support Project,2007,75,4,542-555,Litt Factors predicting the type of tactics used to resist sexual assault: A prospective study of college women,2007,75,4,605-614,Gidycz Los Angeles County after the 1992 civil disturbances: Degree of exposure and impact on mental health,1995,63,6,987-996,Kilpatrick Perceived benefit from child sexual abuse,1995,63,6,1037-1043,Zuravin Violent recidivism: assessing predictive validity,1995,63,5,737-748,Rice Psychosocial sequelae of violent victimization in a national youth sample,1995,63,5,726-736,Finkelhor Aggression against self and aggression against others in violent psychiatric patients,1995,63,4,668-671,Hillbrand Characteristics of women physically abused by their spouses and who seek treatment regarding marital conflict,1995,63,4,616-623,O'Leary Multisystemic treatment of serious juvenile offenders: Long-term prevention of criminality and violence,1995,63,4,569-578,Williams Marital violence before and after alcoholism treatment,1995,63,2,256-262,Murphy Salient victim suffering and the sexual responses of child molesters,1995,63,2,249-255,Rice An experimental test of three methods of alcohol risk reduction with young adults,1992,60,6,974-979,Williams Assessing predictions of violence: being accurate about accuracy,1994,62,4,783-792,Mossman Evaluation of a sexual assault prevention program,1993,61,6,1046-1052,Hanson Physical aggression in early marriage: prerelationship and relationship effects,1994,62,3,594-602,O'Leary Social-cognitive processes of severely violent moderately aggressive and nonaggressive boys,1994,62,2,366-374,Dodge Exposure to violence and presence of depression among low-income African-American youth,1993,61,3,528-531,Fitzpatrick Long-term sequelae of childhood sexual abuse: perceived family environment psychopathology and dissociation,1993,61,2,276-283,Nash Sexual abuse family environment and psychological symptoms: on the validity of statistical control,1993,61,2,284-8; discussion 289-90,Briere Differential effects of women's child sexual abuse and subsequent sexual revictimization,1992,60,2,167-173,Wyatt Application of attachment theory to the study of sexual abuse,1992,60,2,185-195,Alexander Methodological issues in the study of sexual abuse effects,1992,60,2,196-203,Briere Predictors of posttraumatic distress 1 year after exposure to community violence: the importance of acute symptom severity,2007,75,5,683-692,Jaycox Prediction of suicide ideation and attempts among adolescents using a brief performance-based test,2007,75,5,707-715,Nock The epidemiology of psychiatric disorders among repeat DUI offenders accepting a treatment-sentencing option,2007,75,5,795-804,Labrie Sexuality and the commission of physical violence to partners and non-partners by men and women,2007,75,6,960-967,Cogan Boys who fight at home and school: Family conditions influencing cross-setting consistency,1984,52,5,759-768,Dishion Community violence exposure and children's social adjustment in the school peer group: the mediating roles of emotion regulation and social cognition,2000,68,4,670-683,Schwartz Longitudinal trajectories and predictors of adolescent suicidal ideation and attempts following inpatient hospitalization,2008,76,1,92-103,Nock Nonsuicidal self-injury in young adolescent girls: Moderators of the distress-function relationship,2008,76,1,63-71,Nolen-Hoeksema Emotional responses to self-injury imagery among adults with borderline personality disorder,2008,76,1,45-51,Linehan Posttraumatic stress symptoms mediate the relation between childhood sexual abuse and nonsuicidal self-injury,2008,76,1,39-44,Nock Physiological arousal distress tolerance and social problem-solving deficits among adolescent self-injurers,2008,76,1,28-38,Nock Parent-child interactions peripheral serotonin and self-inflicted injury in adolescents,2008,76,1,15-21,Smith A comparison of linear versus non-linear models of aversive self-awareness dissociation and non-suicidal self-injury among young adults,2008,76,1,9-14,Armey A review of unique challenges and important directions for self-injury science,2008,76,1,1-8,Prinstein Identifying clinically distinct subgroups of self-injurers among young adults: A latent class analysis,2008,76,1,22-27,Klonsky Nonsuicidal self-injury among"privileged"youths: Longitudinal and cross-sectional approaches to developmental process,2008,76,1,52-62,Luthar Do cognitive models help in predicting the severity of posttraumatic stress disorder phobia and depression after motor vehicle accidents? A prospective longitudinal study,2008,76,2,219-230,Ehlers Anger and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in crime victims: A longitudinal analysis,2008,76,2,208-218,Cahill The co-occurrence of childhood sexual abuse adult sexual assault intimate partner violence and sexual harassment: A mediational model of posttraumatic stress disorder and physical health outcomes,2008,76,2,194-207,Campbell A randomized clinical trial to dismantle components of cognitive processing therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder in female victims of interpersonal violence,2008,76,2,243-258,Clum 21st birthday drinking: Extremely extreme,2008,76,3,511-516,Sher Self-evaluative appraisals of coping capability and posttraumatic distress following motor vehicle accidents,2008,76,4,677-685,Benight A longitudinal investigation of interpersonal violence in relation to mental health and substance use,2008,76,4,633-647,Resnick Expressing thoughts and feelings following a collective trauma: Immediate responses to 9/11 predict negative outcomes in a national sample,2008,76,4,657-667,Silver Children and terrorism-related news: Training parents in coping and media literacy,2008,76,4,568-578,Comer Posttraumatic distress and physical functioning: A longitudinal study of injured survivors of community violence,2008,76,4,668-676,Jaycox Are body dissatisfaction eating disturbance and body mass index predictors of suicidal behavior in adolescents? A longitudinal study,2008,76,5,887-892,Eisenberg Psychopathic traits in a large community sample: links to violence alcohol use and intelligence,2008,76,5,893-899,Neumann Personality disorder symptoms and marital functioning,2008,76,5,769-780,Turkheimer A predictive screening index for posttraumatic stress disorder and depression following traumatic injury,2008,76,6,923-932,Bryant Trajectories of resilience resistance and distress during ongoing terrorism: The case of Jews and Arabs in Israel,2009,77,1,138-148,Galea Computer versus in-person intervention for students violating campus alcohol policy,2009,77,1,74-87,Carey Dismantling motivational interviewing and feedback for college drinkers: A randomized clinical trial,2009,77,1,64-73,Field Internet-based personalized feedback to reduce 21st-birthday drinking: A randomized controlled trial of an event-specific prevention intervention,2009,77,1,51-63,Lewis Multidimensional family therapy for young adolescent substance abuse: Twelve-month outcomes of a randomized controlled trial,2009,77,1,12-25,Greenbaum Mild closed-head injury in children and adolescents: behavior problems and academic outcomes,1998,66,6,1023-1029,Lewis Sensation seeking substance abuse and psychopathology in treatment-seeking and community cocaine abusers,1994,62,5,1053-1057,Rounsaville Sensation seeking and chronic public drunkenness,1981,49,2,292-294,Sutker Drug abuse patterns personality characteristics and relationships with sex race and sensation seeking,1978,46,6,1374-1378,Sutker Sensation seeking impulsivity and psychopathic personality,1969,33,5,571-574,Blackburn Prediction of sexual assault experiences in college women based on rape scripts: A prospective analysis,2009,77,2,361-366,Gidycz Gender differences in structured risk assessment: Comparing the accuracy of five instruments,2009,77,2,337-348,Farrington Therapeutic responses of psychopathic sexual offenders: Treatment attrition therapeutic change and long-term recidivism,2009,77,2,328-336,Wong Psychiatric diagnoses as contemporaneous risk factors for suicide attempts among adolescents and young adults: Developmental changes,2009,77,2,281-290,Goldston Treating co-occurring Axis I disorders in recurrently suicidal women with borderline personality disorder: a 2-year randomized trial of dialectical behavior therapy versus community treatment by experts,2008,76,6,1068-1075,Linehan Sleep disturbance preceding completed suicide in adolescents,2008,76,1,84-91,Brent Suicidal desire and the capability for suicide: tests of the interpersonal-psychological theory of suicidal behavior among adults,2008,76,1,72-83,Witte Using a vulnerability-stress-adaptation framework to predict physical aggression trajectories in newlywed marriage,2008,76,5,756-768,Langer Risk models of dating aggression across different adolescent relationships: a developmental psychopathology approach,2008,76,4,622-632,Craig Randomized trial of a gatekeeper program for suicide prevention: 1-year impact on secondary school staff,2008,76,1,104-115,Brown Mental health and substance use disorders among Latino and Asian American lesbian gay and bisexual adults,2007,75,5,785-794,Alegria Multivariate models of men's and women's partner aggression,2007,75,5,752-764,O'leary Multivariate models of mothers' and fathers' aggression toward their children,2007,75,5,739-751,O'leary What predicts psychological resilience after disaster? The role of demographics resources and life stress,2007,75,5,671-682,Vlahov Cognitive trauma therapy for battered women with PTSD (CTT-BW),2004,72,1,3-18,Owens Brain injury in battered women,2003,71,4,797-804,Valera Main mediating and moderating effects of social support on the well-being of survivors of intimate partner violence across 2 years,2009,77,4,718-729,Bybee Reducing conduct problems among children exposed to intimate partner violence: a randomized clinical trial examining effects of Project Support,2009,77,4,705-717,McDonald Predictive utility of the revised suicide potential scale,1970,35,3,426,Braucht Test-retest characteristics of a group of attempted suicide patients,1970,34,2,144-147,McCulloch Effects of foreknowledge of death in the assessment from case history material of intent to die,1970,34,2,129-133,Hood Distinctive personality attributes of child-abusing mothers,1969,33,6,746-749,Melnick Study of psychological content in the communications of suicidal individuals,1969,33,5,590-596,Darbonne Humor and suicide: favorite jokes of suicidal patients,1969,33,4,504-505,Spiegel Internal-external control dimension as related to accident and suicide proneness,1969,33,4,485-494,Williams Suicide and natural death in a state hospital population: a comparison of admission complaints MMPI profiles and social competence factors,1969,33,4,466-471,Foss Revised suicide potential scale,1969,33,2,258,Wilson Suicide and age: a suicide note analysis,1969,33,1,46-50,Darbonne Divergencies between attitudes towards life and death among suicidal psychosomatic and normal hospitalized patients,1968,32,1,59-63,Neuringer Clinical characteristics of adults reporting repressed recovered or continuous memories of childhood sexual abuse,2006,74,2,237-242,McNally Women's history of sexual abuse their sexuality and sexual self-schemas,2006,74,2,229-236,Heiman Unresolved attachment PTSD and dissociation in women with childhood abuse histories,2006,74,2,219-228,Cloitre Psychiatric symptoms and community violence among high-risk patients: A test of the relationship at the weekly level,2006,74,5,967-979,Gardner The effects of forgiveness therapy on depression anxiety and posttraumatic stress for women after spousal emotional abuse,2006,74,5,920-929,Reed Problem-solving behavior in suicidal adolescents,1971,37,3,433-436,Neuringer Suicidal ideation and behavior in youthful nonpsychiatric populations,1972,38,3,366-371,Leonard Personal characteristics of volunteer phone counselors,1973,41,2,245-250,Tapp The life satisfaction of nonnormal persons,1973,41,2,207-214,Cameron Defense styles in suicide attempters,1973,41,1,70-73,Scholz Show versus no show: a comparison of referral calls to a suicide prevention and crisis service,1973,40,3,481-486,Lester Suicide and the representation of transparency and cross-sections on the Rorschach,1974,42,2,280-287,Ritzler Self- and other-appraisals by suicidal psychosomatic and normal hospitalized patients,1974,42,2,306,Neuringer Impact and possible casualty from videotape feedback in marital therapy,1974,42,2,203-210,Brunse Depression and suicidality,1974,42,1,98-104,Leonard Severe self-injurious behavior: the problem of clinical control,1975,43,5,730-739,Romanczyk Negative response bias and the MMPI overcontrolled-hostility scale: a response to Deiker,1975,43,5,725-729,Megargee Process and outcome in the evaluation of telephone counseling referrals,1975,43,5,700-707,Tulkin Social perception of suicide: effects of three factors on causal attributions,1975,43,3,431,Calhoun Association of childhood parental loss with attempted suicide and depression,1975,43,2,277,Raskin Psychiatric history and symptom difference in black and white depressed inpatients,1975,43,1,73-80,Raskin Violent behavior and differential WAIS characteristics,1976,44,1,42-45,Ryan Clinical comparison of black and white suicide attempters,1977,45,6,982-986,Steele Violent behavior and differential Wechsler Intelligence Scale for children characteristics,1977,45,6,1187,Hays Interpersonal effects of a suicidal communication,1977,45,4,592-599,Cowgell The MMPI as a suicide predictor,1977,45,3,367-377,Leonard Physical and psychological responses to suicide in the family,1977,45,2,162-170,Rudestam MMPI profile types of exposers rapists and assaulters in a court services population,1977,45,1,61-69,Rader Steele's reply to Bedrosian and Beck,1978,46,6,1500-1501,Steele Premature conclusions regarding black and white suicide attempters: a reply to Steele,1978,46,6,1498-1499,Bedrosian Parental personality factors in child abuse,1978,46,6,1409-1414,Spinetta Cognitive and personality factors in suicidal behavior,1978,46,5,860-868,Geller Suicide and transparency responses on the Rorschach: a replication,1978,46,5,1162-1163,Lang Female criminal violence and differential MMPI characteristics,1978,46,5,1141-1143,Sutker Behavioral contingencies and self-mutilation in Lesch-Nyhan disease,1978,46,3,529-536,Anderson On the word preferences of suicidal versus nonsuicidal college students,1978,46,2,362-363,Thurber Buss-Durkee assessment and validation with violent versus nonviolent chronic alcohol abusers,1978,46,2,360-361,Adams The 4-3 MMPI profile type: a failure to replicate,1978,46,2,344,Graham Response to "a note on the MMPI as a suicide predictor",1978,46,2,337-338,Leonard A note on the MMPI as a suicide predictor,1978,46,2,335-336,Clopton Predicting violent behavior from WAIS characteristics: a replication failure,1978,46,1,206,Shawver Empirically based comprehensive treatment program for parasuicide,1979,47,5,937-945,Clum Interactional analysis of suicidal behavior,1979,47,4,653-669,Braucht Adaptive regression humor and suicide,1979,47,3,628-630,Goldsmith WAIS characteristics and violent behavior: failure to generalize versus failure to replicate,1979,47,3,581-582,Ryan Psychopathy and violent crime,1979,47,3,509-516,Heilbrun Cognitive characteristics of suicide attempters,1979,47,3,478-484,Clum Relationship between life and death among individuals of varying levels of suicidality,1979,47,2,407-408,Neuringer Variables affecting psychiatrists' and teachers' assessments of the dangerousness of mentally ill offenders,1979,47,2,353-362,Quinsey Assessment of suicidal intention: the Scale for Suicide Ideation,1979,47,2,343-352,Beck Temporal variables in telephone crisis intervention: their relationship to selected process and outcome variables,1979,47,1,193-195,Slaikeu Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory profile patterns of suicide attempters,1979,47,1,135-139,Birtchnell Reactions to the parents of the child suicide: a study of social impressions,1980,48,4,535-536,Calhoun Recognition of suicide lethality factors by physicians mental health professionals ministers and college students,1980,48,3,383-387,Howard Prospective study of the significance of life stress in the etiology of child abuse,1980,48,2,195-205,Egeland Differential patterns of wife abuse: a data-based typology,1981,49,6,878-885,Snyder Assessment of suicide ideation and parasuicide: hopelessness and social desirability,1981,49,5,773-775,Linehan A competency-based parent training program for child abusers,1981,49,5,633-640,Wolfe The social cognitive development of abused children,1981,49,4,508-516,Martin Identifying violent offenders using a video measure of interpersonal distance,1981,49,2,287-291,Walkey Abusive and nonabusive parental treatment from the child's perspective,1981,49,1,81-90,Herzberger Marital violence: characteristics of abusive couples,1981,49,1,63-71,O'Leary Intelligence personality and criminal violence: a multivariate analysis,1981,49,1,106-111,Levi Suicide ideation in a college population: a test of a model,1982,50,5,690-696,Clum Suicide attempters within a delinquent population,1982,50,4,491-498,Chiles Personality subtypes among driving-while-intoxicated offenders: relationship to drinking behavior and driving risk,1982,50,2,241-249,Marlatt Affect configurations and changes in women who threaten suicide following a crisis,1982,50,2,182-186,Neuringer Behavioral comparisons of children from abusive and distressed families,1983,51,5,702-708,Wolfe Abusive mothers: perceptions of their own and their children's behavior,1983,51,5,674-682,Reppucci Attraction and repulsion by life and death in suicidal and in normal children,1983,51,5,661-670,Orbach Assertion and overcontrolled hostility among mentally disordered murderers,1983,51,4,550-556,Maguire Hopelessness depression and suicidal intent among psychiatrically disturbed inpatient children,1983,51,4,504-510,Kazdin Hopelessness and social desirability as moderator variables in predicting suicidal behavior,1983,51,4,485-487,Petrie Societal reactions to a child's death by suicide,1983,51,3,461-462,Rudestam Use of the psychiatric evaluation form to quantify children's interview data,1983,51,3,353-359,Grace Cognitive and behavioral characteristics of physically abused children,1983,51,2,313-314,Friedrich Reasons for staying alive when you are thinking of killing yourself: the reasons for living inventory,1983,51,2,276-286,Linehan Social desirability: its relevance to the measurement of hopelessness and suicidal behavior,1983,51,1,141-143,Linehan Parenting behavior and emotional status of physically abusive mothers,1984,52,6,1062-1071,Treiber Lightning-strike disaster: effects on children's fears and worries,1984,52,6,1028-1038,Dollinger Attitudes toward life and death in suicidal normal and chronically ill children: an extended replication,1984,52,6,1020-1027,Orbach Predictive validity of the child abuse potential inventory,1984,52,5,879-884,Milner Effects of caffeine withdrawal on nocturnal enuresis insomnia and behavior restraints,1984,52,5,857-862,Edelstein Crime specialization seriousness progression and Markov chains,1984,52,5,837-840,Holland Prison inmates' explanations for interpersonal violence: accounts and attributions,1984,52,5,789-794,Henderson Unrealistic expectations and problem-solving ability in maltreating and comparison mothers,1984,52,4,687-691,Robinson Sexual arousal to nonsexual violence and sadomasochistic themes among rapists and non sex-offenders,1984,52,4,651-657,Quinsey Will the real social desirability please stand up? Hopelessness depression social desirability and the prediction of suicidal behavior,1984,52,3,449-457,Linehan Neuropsychological deficits learning disability and violent behavior,1984,52,2,323-324,Golden Presenting problems of parasuicides versus suicide ideators and nonsuicidal psychiatric patients,1986,54,6,880-881,Linehan Child abuse and unrealistic expectations: further validation of the parent opinion questionnaire,1986,54,6,867-868,Azar Prediction and explanation of child abuse: cross-validation of the child abuse potential inventory,1986,54,6,865-866,Milner The Modified Scale for Suicidal Ideation: reliability and validity,1986,54,5,724-725,Miller Teaching personal safety skills for potential prevention of sexual abuse: a comparison of treatments,1986,54,5,688-692,Wurtele Multimethod assessment of rapists child molesters and three control groups on behavioral and psychological measures,1986,54,5,682-687,Overholser Personality subtypes among driving-while-intoxicated offenders: follow-up of subsequent driving records,1986,54,4,563-565,Salzberg Long-term effects of sexual victimization in childhood: an attributional approach,1986,54,4,471-475,Gold Multimodal assessment of impulsiveness in abusing neglecting and nonmaltreating mothers and their preschool children,1986,54,2,231-236,Twentyman Theory and treatment in child molestation,1986,54,2,176-182,Lanyon Mother-son relationships of juvenile felons,1985,53,6,942-943,Henggeler Mental health correlates of criminal victimization: a random community survey,1985,53,6,866-873,Kilpatrick Multiple perspectives of rejected neglected and accepted children: relation between sociometric status and behavioral characteristics,1985,53,6,884-889,Prinz Children of battered women: the relation of child behavior to family violence and maternal stress,1985,53,5,657-665,Wolfe Primary prevention of child abuse,1985,53,5,576-585,Reppucci Temperament characteristics of suicide attempters,1985,53,4,544-546,Mehrabian Abusing neglectful and comparison mothers' responses to child-related and non-child-related stressors,1985,53,3,335-343,Twentyman Heterosexual social skills in a population of rapists and child molesters,1985,53,1,55-63,Segal Developmental psychopathology in infancy: illustration from the study of maltreated youngsters,1987,55,6,837-845,Cicchetti Practice makes perfect? The role of participant modeling in sexual abuse prevention programs,1987,55,4,599-602,Wurtele Coping strategies self-perceptions hopelessness and perceived family environments in depressed and suicidal children,1987,55,3,361-366,Carlson A quantitative literature review of the effectiveness of suicide prevention centers,1987,55,2,239-244,Brent Comparison of multisystemic therapy and parent training in the brief treatment of child abuse and neglect,1987,55,2,171-178,Henggeler Problem-solving skills in suicidal psychiatric patients,1987,55,1,49-54,Clum Effects of postassault exposure to attack-similar stimuli on long-term recovery of victims,1987,55,1,10-16,Wirtz Criminal behavior as a function of clinical and actuarial variables in a sexual offender population,1988,56,5,773-775,Hall Substantiation of child abuse and neglect reports,1988,56,1,9-16,Powers Long-term effects of incestuous child abuse in college women: Social adjustment social cognition and family characteristics,1988,56,1,5-8,Neimeyer Early intervention for parents at risk of child abuse and neglect: a preliminary investigation,1988,56,1,40-47,Koverola Effects of adult and peer social initiations on the social behavior of withdrawn maltreated preschool children,1988,56,1,34-39,Fantuzzo Affective responses to conflictual discussions in violent and nonviolent couples,1988,56,1,24-33,Margolin Anger hostility and depression in domestically violent versus generally assaultive men and nonviolent control subjects,1988,56,1,17-23,Maiuro Hopelessness social desirability depression and parasuicide in two college student samples,1988,56,1,131-136,Cole Suicide hopelessness and social desirability: a test of an interactive model,1989,57,4,500-504,Holden A comparison of group treatments of women sexually abused as children,1989,57,4,479-483,Neimeyer Interspousal aggression marital discord and child problems,1989,57,3,453-455,Murphy Prevalence and stability of physical aggression between spouses: a longitudinal analysis,1989,57,2,263-268,Arias Prediction of eventual suicide in psychiatric inpatients by clinical ratings of hopelessness,1989,57,2,309-310,Beck Discriminant analysis of risk factors for sexual victimization among a national sample of college women,1989,57,2,242-250,Koss Psychological functioning and behavior of sexually abused girls,1989,57,1,155-157,Friedrich Explaining discrepancies in arrest rates between Black and White male juveniles,2009,77,5,916-927,Fite The Youth-Nominated Support Team-Version II for suicidal adolescents: A randomized controlled intervention trial,2009,77,5,880-893,King Internal and external mediators of women's sexual abuse in childhood,1990,58,6,758-767,Wyatt Arrests among emotionally disturbed violent and assaultive individuals following minimal versus lengthy intervention through North Carolina's Willie M Program,1990,58,6,720-728,Weisz Problem-solving deficits in suicidal patients: trait vulnerability or state phenomenon?,1990,58,5,562-564,Schotte Cognitive style and pleasant activities among female adolescent suicide attempters,1990,58,5,554-561,Rotheram-Borus Use of mental health services among victims of crime: frequency correlates and subsequent recovery,1990,58,5,538-547,Norris Children's memories of a physical examination involving genital touch: implications for reports of child sexual abuse,1991,59,5,682-691,Goodman Identifying critical dimensions for discriminating among rapists,1991,59,5,643-661,Prentky The ecology of adolescent maltreatment: a multilevel examination of adolescent physical abuse sexual abuse and neglect,1991,59,3,449-457,Borduin The role of hopelessness and social desirability in predicting suicidal behavior: a study of prison inmates,1991,59,3,394-399,Ivanoff Sexual recidivism among child molesters released from a maximum security psychiatric institution,1991,59,3,381-386,Rice Effects of interparental violence on the psychological adjustment and competencies of young children,1991,59,2,258-265,Anderson Using growth modeling to examine systematic differences in growth: an example of change in the functioning of families at risk of maladaptive parenting child abuse or neglect,1991,59,1,38-47,Robinson Husband's aggression toward wives and mothers' and fathers' aggression toward children: moderating effects of child gender,1991,59,1,190-192,Jouriles Individual predictors of outcome in group treatment for incest survivors,1991,59,1,150-155,Alexander Problem solving and suicidality among prison inmates: another look at state versus trait,1992,60,6,970-973,Smyth Psychological and social indicators of suicide ideation and suicide attempts in Zuni adolescents,1992,60,3,473-476,Johnson Process and outcome research in the treatment of adult victims of childhood sexual abuse: methodological issues,1992,60,2,204-212,Beutler Effect of incest on self and social functioning: a developmental psychopathology perspective,1992,60,2,174-184,Cole Introduction to the special section on adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse,1992,60,2,165-166,Alexander Driver accidents and the neuropsychiatric patient,1969,33,3,381,Thomson Prevalence of civilian trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder in a representative national sample of women,1993,61,6,984-991,Resnick Investigating onset cessation relapse and recovery: why you should and how you can use discrete-time survival analysis to examine event occurrence,1993,61,6,952-965,Willett Self-reported suicidal ideation in adolescent psychiatric inpatients,1993,61,6,1096-1099,Beck Comparing genuine and simulated suicide notes: a new perspective,1993,61,4,699-702,Black Long-term recidivism of child molesters,1993,61,4,646-652,Hanson Social problem solving in suicidal adolescents,1993,61,1,121-127,Kelley The measurement of pessimism: The Hopelessness Scale,1974,42,6,861-865,Lester Prevention of child injury: an overview of targets methods and tactics for psychologists,1985,53,5,586-595,Peterson Long-term effects of a personality-targeted intervention to reduce alcohol use in adolescents,2011,79,3,296-306,Conrod Protective factors for violence among released prisoners-effects over time and interactions with static risk,2011,79,3,381-390,Coid Does distraction reduce the alcohol-aggression relation? A cognitive and behavioral test of the attention-allocation model,2011,79,3,319-329,Gallagher Ethnic differences in posttraumatic distress: Hispanics' symptoms differ in kind and degree,2009,77,6,1169-1178,Marshall Partner violence before and after couples-based alcoholism treatment for female alcoholic patients,2009,77,6,1136-1146,Murphy From in-session behaviors to drinking outcomes: A causal chain for motivational interviewing,2009,77,6,1113-1124,Tonigan Show Versus No Show: Comparison of Referral Calls to a Suicide Prevention and Crisis Service,1973,40,3,481-486,Lester Randomized trial of brief family interventions for general populations: adolescent substance use outcomes 4 years following baseline,2001,69,4,627-642,Spoth Dating violence prevention with at-risk youth: a controlled outcome evaluation,2003,71,2,279-291,Wekerle The ecological effects of universal and selective violence prevention programs for middle school students: a randomized trial,2009,77,3,526-542, Anger as a predictor of aggression among incarcerated adolescents,1999,67,1,108-115,Cornell Multisystemic therapy with violent and chronic juvenile offenders and their families: the role of treatment fidelity in successful dissemination,1997,65,5,821-833,Melton Structure of problem and positive behaviors in African American youths,1995,63,4,594-603,Vaughan Use of pooled time series in the study of naturally occurring clinical events and problem behavior in a foster care setting,1994,62,4,718-728,Osgood A prospective replication of the protective effects of IQ in subjects at high risk for juvenile delinquency,1989,57,6,719-724,Moffitt Alcohol and sexual risk behaviors as mediators of the sexual victimization-revictimization relationship,2010,78,2,249-259,Livingston Marital psychological and physical aggression and children's mental and physical health: direct mediated and moderated effects,2008,76,1,138-148,El-Sheikh Adolescent drug use: findings of national and local surveys,1990,58,4,385-394,Oetting Do subtypes of maritally violent men continue to differ over time?,2003,71,4,728-740,Meehan The mediating roles of perceived social support and resources in the self-efficacy-suicide attempts relation among African American abused women,2002,70,4,942-949,Kaslow Young adults' immediate and delayed reactions to simulated marital conflicts: Implications for intergenerational patterns of violence in intimate relationships,2001,69,1,13-24,O'Brien Testing a typology of batterers,2000,68,4,658-669,Babcock Spouse abuse recidivism in the U.S. Army by gender and military status,2000,68,3,521-525,McCarroll Risk factors for suicide in psychiatric outpatients: a 20-year prospective study,2000,68,3,371-377,Brown Adolescent and family predictors of physical aggression communication and satisfaction in young adult couples: a prospective analysis,2000,68,2,195-208,Andrews The socioeconomic impact of interpersonal violence on women,1999,67,3,362-366,Resnick Till violence does us part: the differing roles of communication and aggression in predicting adverse marital outcomes,1999,67,3,340-351,Bradbury Posttraumatic stress disorder and childhood abuse in battered women: comparisons with maritally distressed women,1995,63,2,308-312,Astin Relation between depressive symptoms and stressful life events in a sample of disadvantaged mothers,1994,62,6,1229-1234,Egeland Problems in families of male Vietnam veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder,1992,60,6,916-926,Schlenger Mothers' and sons' cognitive and emotional reactions to stimulated marital and family conflict,1991,59,5,692-703,O'Brien Constructional praxis and visual perception in school children,1968,32,2,186-192,Domrath Mental health pathways from interpersonal violence to health-related outcomes in HIV-positive sexual minority men,2010,78,3,387-397,Simoni Cognitive processes underlying women's risk judgments: Associations with sexual victimization history and rape myth acceptance,2010,78,3,375-386,Yeater Brief motivational and parent interventions for college students: A randomized factorial study,2010,78,3,349-361,Borsari Changes in affective states as a function of guilt over aggressive behavior,1968,32,3,265-270,Mosher Future time perspective: its relation to the socialization process and the delinquent role,1968,32,3,257-264,Sarbin Behavior modification and the brat syndrome,1968,32,4,447-455,Burns Dimensions and patterns of adolescence antisocial behavior,1968,32,4,375-382,Sarbin Disclosure of delinquent behavior under conditions of anonymity and nonanonymity,1968,32,5,506-509,Sarbin Orderly change in a stable world: the antisocial trait as a chimera,1993,61,6,911-919,Patterson The role of sexual arousal in sexually aggressive behavior: a meta-analysis,1993,61,6,1091-1095,Hirschman Early family environments and traumatic experiences associated with borderline personality disorder,1993,61,6,1068-1075,Clum Effectiveness of a social relations intervention program for aggressive and nonaggressive rejected children,1993,61,6,1053-1058,Underwood Preventing marital distress through communication and conflict management training: a 4- and 5-year follow-up,1993,61,1,70-77,Clements Examining maternal depression and attachment insecurity as moderators of the impacts of home visiting for at-risk mothers and infants,2009,77,4,788-799,Tandon Psychological and physical benefits of circuit weight training in law enforcement personnel,1993,61,3,520-527,Norvell The relationship between men's sexual aggression inside and outside the laboratory,1994,62,2,375-380,Hirschman Somatic symptoms social support and treatment seeking among sexual assault victims,1994,62,2,333-340,Kimerling Psychosocial risk factors for future adolescent suicide attempts,1994,62,2,297-305,Lewinsohn Forgetting sexual trauma: what does it mean when 38% forget?,1994,62,6,1177-81; discussion 1182-6,Feldman Recall of childhood trauma: a prospective study of women's memories of child sexual abuse,1994,62,6,1167-1176,Williams Avoiding the horrid and beastly sin of drunkenness: does dissuasion make a difference?,1994,62,6,1127-1140,Babor Implications of recent neuropsychopharmacologic research for understanding the etiology and development of alcoholism,1994,62,6,1116-1126,Kranzler Evaluation of a brief cognitive-behavioral program for the prevention of chronic PTSD in recent assault victims,1995,63,6,948-955,Foa Depressed mood in Chinese children: relations with school performance and family environment,1995,63,6,938-947,Chen Comparing indicators of sexual sadism as predictors of recidivism among adult male sexual offenders,2010,78,4,574-584,Seto Pre-hurricane perceived social support protects against psychological distress: A longitudinal analysis of low-income mothers,2010,78,4,551-560,Rhodes Future directions in studies of trauma among ethnoracial and sexual minority samples: Commentary,2010,78,4,490-497,Pole Impact of race on early treatment termination and outcomes in posttraumatic stress disorder treatment,2010,78,4,480-489,Resick Suicidal abused African American women's response to a culturally informed intervention,2010,78,4,449-458,Rhodes Patterns of relatedness depressive symptomatology and perceived competence in maltreated children,1996,64,1,32-41,Cicchetti Attachment organization and history of suicidal behavior in clinical adolescents,1996,64,2,264-272,Adam Comment on Black's (1993) article "comparing genuine and simulated suicide notes: a new perspective",1995,63,1,46-8; discussion 49-51,Diamond Cue exposure in moderation drinking: a comparison with cognitive-behavior therapy,1997,65,5,878-882,Kavanagh MMPI-2 profiles of adult women with child sexual abuse histories: cluster-analytic findings,1997,65,5,858-866,Naugle Psychopathy and sexual assault: static risk factors emotional precursors and rapist subtypes,1997,65,5,848-857,Brown A 2-year longitudinal analysis of the relationships between violent assault and substance use in women,1997,65,5,834-847,Resnick Traumatic events: prevalence and delayed recall in the general population,1997,65,5,811-820,Elliott Adolescent outcome of boys with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and social disability: results from a 4-year longitudinal follow-up study,1997,65,5,758-767,Biederman Perceived benefit and mental health after three types of disaster,1997,65,5,733-739,Smith Posttraumatic stress symptoms among National Guard soldiers deployed to Iraq: Associations with parenting behaviors and couple adjustment,2010,78,5,599-610,Gewirtz Family and individual factors associated with substance involvement and PTS symptoms among adolescents in greater New Orleans after hurricane Katrina,2010,78,6,806-817,La Greca The impact of evidence-based practice implementation and fidelity monitoring on staff turnover: evidence for a protective effect,2009,77,2,270-280,Hecht Social information-processing skills training to promote social competence and prevent aggressive behavior in the third grades,2005,73,6,1045-1055,Guo Sexual revictimization prevention: an outcome evaluation,2001,69,1,25-32,Wilson Detecting and describing preventive intervention effects in a universal school-based randomized trial targeting delinquent and violent behavior,2000,68,2,296-306,Eddy Reducing violence using community-based advocacy for women with abusive partners,1999,67,1,43-53,Sullivan Experimental avoidance and behavioral disorders: a functional dimensional approach to diagnosis and treatment,1996,64,6,1152-1168,Strosahl Clinical versus actuarial predictions of violence of patients with mental illnesses,1996,64,3,602-609,Lidz Introduction to special section: prediction and prevention of antisocial behavior in children and adolescents,1995,63,4,515-517,Guerra Hurricane-related exposure experiences and stressors other life events and social support: Concurrent and prospective impact on children's persistent posttraumatic stress symptoms,2010,78,6,794-805,Jaccard Longitudinal risk factors for intimate partner violence among men in treatment for alcohol use disorders,2010,78,6,924-935,Taft A randomized controlled trial of exposure therapy and cognitive restructuring for posttraumatic stress disorder,2008,76,4,695-703,Guthrie Husbands' and wives' marital adjustment verbal aggression and physical aggression as longitudinal predictors of physical aggression in early marriage,2005,73,1,28-37,Leonard Personality interpersonal and motivational predictors of the working alliance in group cognitive-behavioral therapy for partner violent men,2004,72,2,349-354,Taft Process and treatment adherence factors in group cognitive-behavioral therapy for partner violent men,2003,71,4,812-820,Taft Correlates of intimate partner violence among male alcoholic patients,2001,69,3,528-540,Feehan The San Diego Navy experiment: an assessment of interventions for men who assault their wives,2000,68,3,468-476,Dunford Therapeutic alliance: predicting continuance and success in group treatment for spouse abuse,2000,68,2,340-345,O'Leary Predicting relapse: a meta-analysis of sexual offender recidivism studies,1998,66,2,348-362,Hanson Articulated thoughts of maritally violent and nonviolent men during anger arousal,1998,66,2,259-269,Eckhardt Acute and chronic distress and posttraumatic stress disorder as a function of responsibility for serious motor vehicle accidents,1997,65,4,560-567,Ursano The relationship between acute stress disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder: a prospective evaluation of motor vehicle accident survivors,1998,66,3,507-512,Harvey Autobiographical memory in acute stress disorder,1998,66,3,500-506,Harvey Psychophysiology of posttraumatic stress disorder related to motor vehicle accidents: replication and extension,1996,64,4,742-751,Blanchard Secondary prevention with college drinkers: evaluation of an alcohol skills training program,1990,58,6,805-810,Williams Mediators and moderators of a psychosocial intervention for children affected by political violence,2010,78,6,818-828,Tol Pretrauma problems prior stressor exposure and gender as predictors of change in posttraumatic stress symptoms among physically injured children and adolescents,2010,78,6,781-793,Vogt Disasters and youth: A meta-analytic examination of posttraumatic stress,2010,78,6,765-780,Comer Relationship of selected psychosocial variables to prognostic judgments,1969,33,2,254-256,Pacht Personal adjustment as a determinant of aggressive behavior toward the mentally ill,1969,33,6,683-690,Ring Prediction enhancement through the use of moderator variables,1969,33,5,621-624,Cowden Personality characteristics of parents of neurotic aggressive and normal preadolescent boys,1969,33,5,575-581,Anderson Violence and risk of PTSD major depression substance abuse/dependence and comorbidity: results from the National Survey of Adolescents,2003,71,4,692-700,Resnick Prevalence of firesetting and related behaviors among child psychiatric patients,1988,56,4,628-630,Kolko Aggression and psychopathology in childhood firesetters: parent and child reports,1985,53,3,377-385,Kolko Gender differences in emotional risk for self- and other-directed violence among externalizing adults,2011,79,1,106-117,Verona Posttraumatic stress disorder and intimate relationship problems: A meta-analysis,2011,79,1,22-33,Monson A meta-analysis of predictors of offender treatment attrition and its relationship to recidivism,2011,79,1,6-21,Wormith Psychosocial concerns of sexual minority youth: complexity and caution in group differences,2009,77,1,196-201,Espelage Agreement between self- and clinician-rated suicidal symptoms in a clinical sample of young adults: explaining discrepancies,1999,67,2,171-176,Rajab Factors that mediate and moderate the link between partner abuse and suicidal behavior in African American women,1998,66,3,533-540,Chance Help negation after acute suicidal crisis,1995,63,3,499-503,Rajab National Lesbian Health Care Survey: implications for mental health care,1994,62,2,228-242,Ryan Levels of hopelessness in children and adolescents: a developmental perspective,1989,57,4,496-499,Kashani Treatment gain for sexual offenders against children predicts reduced recidivism: A comparative validity study,2011,79,2,182-192,Grace Cognitive-behavioral therapy for PTSD and depression symptoms reduces risk for future intimate partner violence among interpersonal trauma survivors,2011,79,2,193-202,Monson Construction and validation of risk assessments in a six-year follow-up of forensic patients: a tridimensional analysis,1995,63,5,766-778,Webster Psychotherapy and the recovery of memories of childhood sexual abuse: U.S. and British practitioners' opinions practices and experiences,1995,63,3,426-437,Memon Predicting serious delinquency and substance use among aggressive boys,1995,63,4,529-537,O'Donnell Stressful events and individual beliefs as correlates of economic disadvantage and aggression among urban children,1995,63,4,518-528,Guerra Affect verbal content and psychophysiology in the arguments of couples with a violent husband,1994,62,5,982-988,Babcock Physically aggressive boys from ages 6 to 12: family background parenting behavior and prediction of delinquency,1994,62,5,1044-1052,Haapasalo The experience of "forgetting" childhood abuse: a national survey of psychologists,1994,62,3,636-639,Pope Psychological distress following criminal victimization in the general population: cross-sectional longitudinal and prospective analyses,1994,62,1,111-123,Kaniasty Behavioral Self-Control Program for Windows: results of a controlled clinical trial,1997,65,4,686-693,Hester Gender differences in the relations between depressive symptoms and drinking behavior among problem drinkers: a three-wave study,1997,65,3,392-404,Schutte Psychometric properties of family members' reports of parental physical aggression toward clinic-referred children,1997,65,2,309-318,Mehta Risk factors associated with recidivism among extrafamilial child molesters,1997,65,1,141-149,Prentky The relation between adolescent alcohol use and peer alcohol use: a longitudinal random coefficients model,1997,65,1,130-140,Curran Posttraumatic stress disorder in adult female survivors of childhood sexual abuse: a comparison study,1997,65,1,53-59,Foy Depression and drinking behavior among women and men: a three-wave longitudinal study of older adults,1995,63,5,810-822,Schutte Invitation of punishment by excessive drinkers in treatment,1970,34,2,216-220,Butts Level of aspiration risk-taking behavior and projective test performance: a search for coherence,1970,34,2,193-198,Lefcourt Cue reactivity as a predictor of drinking among male alcoholics,1994,62,3,620-626,Abrams A promising parenting intervention in foster care,2006,74,1,32-41,Linares A comparison of girls' and boys' aggressive-disruptive behavior trajectories across elementary school: prediction to young adult antisocial outcomes,2006,74,3,500-510,Poduska Coping skills training and 12-step facilitation for women whose partner has alcoholism: effects on depression the partner's drinking and partner physical violence,2005,73,2,249-261,Rychtarik Randomized trial of cognitive-behavioral therapy for chronic posttraumatic stress disorder in adult female survivors of childhood sexual abuse,2005,73,3,515-524,McHugo Victimization over the life span: a comparison of lesbian gay bisexual and heterosexual siblings,2005,73,3,477-487,Beauchaine Predicting future antisocial personality disorder in males from a clinical assessment in childhood,2005,73,3,389-399,Burke The therapeutic alliance in cognitive-behavioral treatment of children referred for oppositional aggressive and antisocial behavior,2005,73,4,726-730,Kazdin An evaluation of cognitive processing therapy for the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder related to childhood sexual abuse,2005,73,5,965-971,Chard Ethnicity culture and sexual aggression: risk and protective factors,2005,73,5,830-840,Stephens Explaining the link between low socioeconomic status and psychopathology: testing two mechanisms of the social causation hypothesis,2005,73,6,1146-1153,Achenbach Developmental differences in the function and use of anatomical dolls during interviews with alleged sexual abuse victims,2005,73,6,1125-1134,Orbach Psychopathology associated with sexual abuse: the importance of complementary designs and common ground,1998,66,3,568-71; discussion 572-3,Nash Trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder in severe mental illness,1998,66,3,493-499,Foy The role of social and cognitive processes in children's adjustment to community violence,1998,66,1,199-209,Johnson Relational and overt forms of peer victimization: a multiinformant approach,1998,66,2,337-347,Crick Effects of neighborhood and family stressors on African American male adolescents' self-worth and propensity for violent behavior,1998,66,5,825-831,Paschall Psychophysiologic assessment of women with posttraumatic stress disorder resulting from childhood sexual abuse,1998,66,6,906-913,Lasko Childhood sexual abuse stigmatization internalizing symptoms and the development of sexual difficulties and dating aggression,2009,77,1,127-137,Cleland Patterns of psychopathology among urban poor children: comorbidity and aggression effects,1996,64,5,1094-1099,Tolan The relation between methods of coping during adulthood with a history of childhood sexual abuse and current psychological adjustment,1996,64,5,1090-1093,Turner Community-based resilient peer treatment of withdrawn maltreated preschool children,1996,64,6,1377-1386,Weiss Psychopathy and community violence among civil psychiatric patients: results from the MacArthur Violence Risk Assessment Study,2001,69,3,358-374,Skeem Categorizing partner-violent men within the reactive-proactive typology model,2001,69,3,567-572,O'Leary An integrated components preventive intervention for aggressive elementary school children: the early risers program,2001,69,4,614-626,Realmuto Childhood abuse and premilitary sexual assault in male Navy recruits,2001,69,2,252-261,Gold Predicting the impact of child sexual abuse on women: the role of abuse severity parental support and coping strategies,2001,69,6,992-1006,Gold Exposure to violence against a family member and internalizing symptoms in Colombian adolescents: the protective effects of family support,2001,69,6,971-982,Angold Childhood peer rejection and aggression as predictors of adolescent girls' externalizing and health risk behaviors: a 6-year longitudinal study,2004,72,1,103-112,Prinstein Sequential treatment for child abuse-related posttraumatic stress disorder: methodological comment on Cloitre Koenen Cohen and Han (2002),2004,72,3,543-8; discussion 549-51,Cahill Do assault-related variables predict response to cognitive behavioral treatment for PTSD?,2004,72,3,531-534,Foa Therapeutic alliance negative mood regulation and treatment outcome in child abuse-related posttraumatic stress disorder,2004,72,3,411-416,Chemtob Using a human figure drawing to elicit information from alleged victims of child sexual abuse,2004,72,2,304-316,Sternberg Partner violence before and after couples-based alcoholism treatment for male alcoholic patients: the role of treatment involvement and abstinence,2004,72,2,202-217,Murphy Psychopathy and offending from adolescence to adulthood: a 10-year follow-up,2004,72,4,636-645,Gretton The coping power program for preadolescent aggressive boys and their parents: outcome effects at the 1-year follow-up,2004,72,4,571-578,Wells Physically abusive mothers' responses following episodes of child noncompliance and compliance,2004,72,5,897-903,Urquiza Cognitive changes during prolonged exposure versus prolonged exposure plus cognitive restructuring in female assault survivors with posttraumatic stress disorder,2004,72,5,879-884,Foa A longitudinal examination of male college students' perpetration of sexual assault,2004,72,5,747-756,Abbey Psychopathy IQ and violence in European American and African American county jail inmates,2004,72,6,1165-1169,Walsh Prevention of heavy drinking and associated negative consequences among mandated and voluntary college students,2004,72,6,1038-1049,Fromme The impact of perceived child physical and sexual abuse history on Native American women's psychological well-being and AIDS risk,2002,70,1,252-257,Johnson Self-definition as a survivor of childhood sexual abuse among navy recruits,2002,70,2,369-377,Merrill Preadolescent girls with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: I. Background characteristics comorbidity cognitive and social functioning and parenting practices,2002,70,5,1086-1098,Hinshaw Skills training in affective and interpersonal regulation followed by exposure: a phase-based treatment for PTSD related to childhood abuse,2002,70,5,1067-1074,Cohen The effects of school-based intervention programs on aggressive behavior: a meta-analysis,2003,71,1,136-149,Lipsey Partner violence before and after individually based alcoholism treatment for male alcoholic patients,2003,71,1,92-102,Murphy Child parent and therapist (dis)agreement on target problems in outpatient therapy: the therapist's dilemma and its implications,2003,71,1,62-70,Hawley The occurrence of partner physical aggression on days of alcohol consumption: A longitudinal diary study,2003,71,1,41-52,Fals-Stewart The relationship between aggressive attributional style and violence by psychiatric patients,2003,71,2,399-403,Binder A prospective investigation of the impact of childhood sexual abuse on the development of sexuality,2003,71,3,575-586,Noll Gender victimization and outcomes: reconceptualizing risk,2003,71,3,528-539,Cortina Treatment of parental stress to enhance therapeutic change among children referred for aggressive and antisocial behavior,2003,71,3,504-515,Kazdin Prediction of violence and self-harm in mentally disordered offenders: a prospective study of the efficacy of HCR-20 PCL-R and psychiatric symptomatology,2003,71,3,443-451,Snowden Posttraumatic stress disorder following assault: the role of cognitive processing trauma memory and appraisals,2003,71,3,419-431,Halligan Utility of decision support tools for assessing acute risk of violence,2003,71,5,945-953,Binder Age differences in young children's responses to open-ended invitations in the course of forensic interviews,2003,71,5,926-934,Sternberg Readiness to change as a predictor of outcome in batterer treatment,2003,71,5,879-889,Wolfe Child sexual abuse and number of sexual partners in young women: the role of abuse severity coping style and sexual functioning,2003,71,6,987-996,Merrill Personality profiles dissociation and absorption in women reporting repressed recovered or continuous memories of childhood sexual abuse,2000,68,6,1033-1037,McNally Testing the Holtzworth-Munroe and Stuart (1994) batterer typology,2000,68,6,1000-1019,Stuart Relevance of interrater agreement to violence risk assessment,2000,68,6,1111-1115,Binder Sexual abuse and sexual function: an examination of sexually relevant cognitive processes,2000,68,3,399-406,Heiman Violent thoughts and violent behavior following hospitalization for mental disorder,2000,68,3,388-398,Monahan Toward a theory of sexual aggression: a quadripartite model,1991,59,5,662-669,Hirschman A synthesized (biosocial) theory of rape,1991,59,5,631-642,Ellis The role of male sexual arousal in rape: six models,1991,59,5,621-630,Marshall Introduction to special section on theories of sexual aggression,1991,59,5,619-620,Beutler Cognitive-behavioral intervention with aggressive boys: Three-year follow-up and preventive effects,1992,60,3,426-432,Lochman Predicting early adolescent disorder from childhood aggression and peer rejection,1992,60,5,783-792,Coie Sequential analysis of chronic pain behaviors and spouse responses,1992,60,5,777-782,Friedman Academic underachievement attention deficits and aggression: comorbidity and implications for intervention,1992,60,6,893-903,Hinshaw Reduced autobiographical memory specificity predicts depression and posttraumatic stress disorder after recent trauma,2008,76,2,231-242,Ehlers Cognitive-behavioral therapy for intermittent explosive disorder: a pilot randomized clinical trial,2008,76,5,876-886,Deffenbacher Ethnicity desirable responding and self-reports of abuse: a comparison of European- and Asian-ancestry undergraduates,1999,67,1,139-144,Heiman Change experienced during group therapy by female survivors of childhood sexual abuse,1999,67,1,28-36,Morgan A comparison of spousal aggression prevalence rates in U.S. Army and civilian representative samples,1999,67,2,239-242,Neidig A comparison of exposure therapy stress inoculation training and their combination for reducing posttraumatic stress disorder in female assault victims,1999,67,2,194-200,Foa Sexually and physically abused foster care children and posttraumatic stress disorder,1999,67,3,367-373,Dubner Trauma exposure among children with oppositional defiant disorder and attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder,1999,67,5,786-789,Sengupta Assessing risk for violence among psychiatric patients: the HCR-20 violence risk assessment scheme and the Psychopathy Checklist: Screening Version,1999,67,6,917-930,Nicholls Childhood victimization and drug abuse: a comparison of prospective and retrospective findings,1999,67,6,867-880,Widom Child Maltreatment History Among Newlywed Couples: A Longitudinal Study of Marital Outcomes and Mediating Pathways,2009,77,4,680-692,DiLillo Prevalences of intimate partner violence in a representative U.S. Air Force sample,2011,79,3,391-397,Slep Reducing Conduct Problems Among Children of Battered Women,2001,69,5,774-785,McDonald Violent Thoughts and Violent Behavior Following Hospitalization for Mental Disorder,2000,68,3,388-398,Appelbaum Community Violence Exposure and Children's Social Adjustment in the School Peer Group: The Mediating Roles of Emotion Regulation and Social Cognition,2000,68,4,670-683,Proctor Testing a Typology of Batterers ,2000,68,4,658-669,Babcock Testing the Holtzworth-Munroe and Stuart 1994 Batterer Typology,2000,68,6,1000-1019,Meehan Understanding factors associated with early therapeutic alliance in PTSD treatment: adherence childhood sexual abuse history and social support,2010,78,6,974-979,Zoellner Childhood abuse and mental health indicators among ethnically diverse lesbian gay and bisexual adults,2010,78,4,459-468,Beadnell Distinguishing homelessness from poverty: a comparative study,1995,63,2,280-289,Toro Structure of 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as schematized by families of normal disturbed and learning-problem children,1973,40,1,139-147,Gerber Dimensions of preventive behavior,1973,40,3,420-425,Williams Effects of anxiety arousal on the consumption of alcohol by alcoholics and social drinkers,1973,41,3,426-433,Marlatt Risk for suicidal ideation in the U.S. Air Force: An ecological perspective,2011,79,5,600-612,Langhinrichsen-Rohling Effects of multisystemic therapy through midlife: A 21.9-year follow-up to a randomized clinical trial with serious and violent juvenile offenders,2011,79,5,643-652,Borduin An initial investigation of the psychedelic drug flashback phenomena,1974,42,6,854-860,Matefy Age and drinking-related differences in the memory organization of alcohol expectancies in 3rd- 6th- 9th- and 12th-grade children,1998,66,3,579-585,Goldman Temporal progression of alcohol dependence symptoms in the U.S. household population: results from the National Comorbidity Survey,1998,66,3,474-483,Heath Substance use and 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drinking trajectories from adolescence to emerging adulthood in a high-risk sample: predictors and substance abuse outcomes,2002,70,1,67-78,Chassin Posttraumatic stress symptoms and victimization among Japanese American women,2002,70,1,205-215,Yoshihama Retrospective and prospective reports of precipitants to relapse in pathological gambling,2004,72,1,72-80,Hodgins Correlates of levels and patterns of positive life changes following sexual assault,2004,72,1,19-30,Frazier The adults in the making program: Long-term protective stabilizing effects on alcohol use and substance use problems for rural African American emerging adults,2012,80,1,17-28,Kogan Long-term outcomes of cognitive-behavioral treatments for posttraumatic stress disorder among female rape survivors,2012,80,2,201-210,Monson Evaluating the predictive validity of suicidal intent and medical lethality in youth,2012,80,2,222-231,Daniel Drink refusal training as part of a combined behavioral intervention: Effectiveness and 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Interventions for cognitive deficits in brain-injured adults,1981,49,6,822-834,Diller Intrapersonal positive future thinking predicts repeat suicide attempts in hospital-treated suicide attempters,2014,83,1,169-176,O'Connor Using alcohol expectancies to predict adolescent drinking behavior after one year,1989,57,1,93-99,Christiansen Effects of running or weight lifting on self-concept in clinically depressed women,1989,57,1,158-161,Neimeyer Phallometric diagnosis of pedophilia,1989,57,1,100-105,Freund Emergency department predictors of posttraumatic stress reduction for trauma-exposed individuals with and without an early intervention,2014,82,2,336-341,Houry Structure of anxiety and depression in urban youth: an examination of the tripartite model,2004,72,5,904-908,Lambert The interpersonal consequences of inflated self-esteem in an inpatient psychiatric youth sample,2001,69,4,712-716,Perez Intensity and duration of suicidal crises vary as a function of previous suicide attempts and 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Self-harm and suicidal behavior in borderline personality disorder with and without bulimia nervosa,2014,83,3,643-648,Rø Comparison of a smartphone app for alcohol use disorders with an internet-based intervention plus bibliotherapy: a pilot study,2015,83,2,335-345,Gonzalez Suicide attempts in a longitudinal sample of adolescents followed through adulthood: evidence of escalation,2015,83,2,253-264,Daniel Combining Seeking Safety with sertraline for PTSD and alcohol use disorders: a randomized controlled trial,2015,83,2,359-369,Hien Trajectories of suicide ideation and nonsuicidal self-injury among adolescents in Mainland China: peer predictors joint development and risk for suicide attempts,2015,83,2,265-279,Prinstein Online suicide risk screening and intervention with college students: a pilot randomized controlled trial,2015,83,3,630-636,King Defining and characterizing differences in college alcohol intervention efficacy: a growth mixture modeling application,2015,83,2,370-381,Carey Predicting suicide attempts by time-varying frequency of nonsuicidal self-injury among Chinese community adolescents,2015,83,3,524-533,You Fitting in and standing out: increasing the use of alcohol protective behavioral strategies with a deviance regulation intervention,2015,83,3,482-493,Martens Effects of a combined parent-student alcohol prevention program on intermediate factors and adolescents' drinking behavior: a sequential mediation model,2015,83,4,719-727,Koning Motivational enhancement mitigates the effects of problematic alcohol use on treatment compliance among partner violent offenders: results of a randomized clinical trial,2015,83,4,689-695,Eckhardt Evidence-based preventive intervention for preadolescent aggressive children: one-year outcomes following randomization to group versus individual delivery,2015,83,4,728-735,Dishion LGB-affirmative cognitive-behavioral therapy for young adult gay and bisexual men: a randomized controlled trial of a transdiagnostic minority stress approach,2015,83,5,875-889,Safren Behavioral economic predictors of brief alcohol intervention outcomes,2015,83,6,1033-1043,Murphy Pregnancy Rates Among Juvenile Justice Girls in Two Randomized Controlled Trials of Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care,2009,77,3,588-593,Leve Affiliation with delinquent peers as a mediator of the effects of multidimensional treatment foster care for delinquent girls,2012,80,4,588-596,Leve Mandated college students' response to sequentially administered alcohol interventions in a randomized clinical trial using stepped care,2015,84,2,103-112,Barnett Concurrent treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder and alcohol dependence: predictors and moderators of outcome,2015,84,1,43-56,Foa Evaluation of a school-based treatment program for young adolescents with ADHD,2015,84,1,15-30,Altaye Enhancing the efficacy of computerized feedback interventions for college alcohol misuse: an exploratory randomized trial,2015,84,2,122-133,Leffingwell Therapist empathy combined behavioral intervention and alcohol outcomes in the COMBINE research project,2016,84,3,221-229,Longabaugh Can a school-wide bullying prevention program improve the plight of victims? Evidence for risk × intervention effects,2016,84,4,334-344,Juvonen A randomized clinical trial of motivational interviewing to reduce alcohol and drug use among patients with depression,2016,84,7,571-579,Sterling Genetics moderate alcohol and intimate partner violence treatment outcomes in a randomized controlled trial of hazardous drinking men in batterer intervention programs: a preliminary investigation,2016,84,7,592-598,Stuart A brief mobile app reduces nonsuicidal and suicidal self-injury: evidence from three randomized controlled trials,2016,84,6,544-557,Nock Alcohol interventions for mandated college students: a meta-analytic review,2016,84,7,619-632,Carey The moderating role of internalized homonegativity on the efficacy of LGB-affirmative psychotherapy: results from a randomized controlled trial with young adult gay and bisexual men,2016,84,7,565-570,Pachankis A self-awareness intervention manipulation for heavy-drinking men's alcohol-related aggression toward women,2016,84,9,813-823,Gallagher "Can a school-wide bullying prevention program improve the plight of victims? 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(2016),2016,84,6,483, Predicting inept discipline: the role of parental depressive symptoms anger and attributions,2006,74,3,524-534,Slep Strength at Home Couples Program to prevent military partner violence: a randomized controlled trial,2016,84,11,935-945,Monson Randomized controlled trial of a very brief multicomponent web-based alcohol intervention for undergraduates with a focus on protective behavioral strategies,2016,84,11,1008-1015,O'Malley Efficacy of a web- and text messaging-based intervention to reduce problem drinking in adolescents: results of a cluster-randomized controlled trial,2016,85,2,147-159,Haug Efficacy of a family-focused intervention for young drivers with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder,2016,84,12,1078-1093,Pelham Randomized trial of motivational interviewing plus feedback for soldiers with untreated alcohol abuse,2016,85,2,99-110,Kaysen Effects of sexual assault on alcohol use and consequences among young adult sexual minority women,2017,85,5,424-433,Kaysen How does brief motivational intervention change heavy drinking and harm among underage young adult drinkers?,2017,85,5,447-458,Barnett A randomized controlled trial of a web-based personalized normative feedback alcohol intervention for young-adult veterans,2017,85,5,459-470,Marshall A randomized clinical trial targeting anxiety sensitivity for patients with suicidal ideation,2017,85,6,596-610,Schmidt Does impaired mental health interfere with the outcome of brief alcohol intervention at general hospitals?,2017,85,6,562-573,Rumpf Health care contact and suicide risk documentation prior to suicide death: results from the Army Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Servicemembers (Army STARRS),2017,85,4,403-408,Stein A functional analysis of two transdiagnostic emotion-focused interventions on nonsuicidal self-injury,2017,85,6,632-646,Nock Prospective identification of adolescent suicide ideation using classification tree analysis: models for community-based screening,2017,85,7,702-711,Kaplow An intervention for nonsuicidal self-injury in young adults: a pilot randomized controlled trial,2017,85,6,620-631,Miller How much is enough? 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