Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Risk factors for violent death of women in the home,1997,157,7,777-782,Kellermann Hip fracture risk in older white men is associated with change in body weight from age 50 years to old age,1998,158,9,990-996,Maggi Postservice mortality in Vietnam veterans: 30-year follow-up,2004,164,17,1908-1916,Boehmer Suicide attempts by the old and the very old,1991,151,1,141-144,Frierson Mortality and suicide among Danish women with cosmetic breast implants,2004,164,22,2450-2455,Jacobsen Driver screening for older adults,2003,163,18,2129-31; discussion 2131,Fitten Should older drivers have to prove that they are able to drive?,2003,163,18,2126-8; discussion 2132,Fain Adverse health behaviors and the detection of partner violence by clinicians,2005,165,9,1016-1021,McCloskey Reduction of alcohol consumption by brief alcohol intervention in primary care: systematic review and meta-analysis,2005,165,9,986-995,Bertholet Prevention of Fall-Related Injuries in Long-term Care: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Staff Education,2005,165,19,2293-2298,Hall Perceived and actual risks of driving in patients with arrhythmia control devices,1995,155,6,609-613,Beauregard Women exposed to intimate partner violence: expectations and experiences when they encounter health care professionals: a meta-analysis of qualitative studies,2006,166,1,22-37,Feder Medical illness and the risk of suicide in the elderly,2004,164,11,1179-1184,Redelmeier All-cause mortality associated with physical activity during leisure time work sports and cycling to work,2000,160,11,1621-1628,Andersen Superwarfarin poisoning,1998,158,17,1929-1932,Chua Changing patterns in causes of death in a cohort of injecting drug users 1980-2001,2004,164,11,1214-1220,Elton Suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in general medical illnesses,2000,160,10,1522-1526,Druss Body Mass Index and Risk of Suicide Among Men,2007,167,5,468-475,Rimm Domestic violence: the perpetrators are our patients too,1996,156,22,2626,Platt Short- and Long-term Outcomes of Heatstroke Following the 2003 Heat Wave in Lyon France,2007,167,20,2177-2183,Robert Prevention of sports injuries: Systematic review of randomized controlled trials,2007,167,15,1585-1592,Kujala Suicide: a weighty matter?,2007,167,17,1908,Mednick Body mass index low cholesterol level and death from suicide,2007,167,17,1907-1908,Mascitelli Low cholesterol and violence,1995,155,22,2485,Golomb Neurobiology of cholesterol and violent behavior,1995,155,5,543-544,Friedman Cholesterol and violent behavior,1995,155,5,544,Serjeant The internist's role in addressing violence. A review of current recommendations and a model for intervention,1996,156,9,951-956,Conway The effect of smoking on elderly drivers,1992,152,11,2347-2348,Sataline The older driver. clinical assessment and injury prevention,1992,152,4,735-740,Underwood Cholesterol and violent behavior,1994,154,12,1317-1321,Santiago Marital aggression: Impact injury and health correlates for husbands and wives,1992,152,6,1178-1184,Langhinrichsen Cessation of driving and unsafe motor vehicle operation by dementia patients,1991,151,5,941-946,Wilson Drivers with untreated sleep apnea. A cause of death and serious injury,1991,151,7,1451-1452,Findley Biochemical Studies in a Fatal Case of Methyl Alcohol Poisoning,1922,29,6,821-827,Rabinovitch The Physiology and Experimental Treatment of Poisoning With the Lethal War Gases,1919,23,6,753-770,Underhill An Experimental Study of Poison Oak,1913,11,2,148-164,Von Adelung Poisoning by Nitric Oxid Fumes,1912,10,5,478-504,Wood Snake Poisoning in the United States - A Study Based on an Analysis of 740 Cases,1908,1,5,516-570,Willson Accidental Hypothermia: A Report of 8 Cases of Subnormal Body Temperature Due to Exposure,1960,106,2,218-229,Fruehan One-year health care costs associated with delirium in the elderly population,2008,168,1,27-32,Leslie Comparison of 2 Frailty Indexes for Prediction of Falls Disability Fractures and Death in Older Women,2008,168,4,382-389,Cawthon Randomized controlled trial of web-based alcohol screening and brief intervention in primary care,2008,168,5,530-536,Saunders Actigraphy-measured sleep characteristics and risk of falls in older women,2008,168,16,1768-1775,Blackwell Live fast die young leave a good-looking corpse,2008,168,18,1946-1947,Burns Disorders of Balance and Vestibular Function in US Adults: Data From the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2001-2004,2009,169,10,938-944,Agrawal An empirical model to estimate the potential impact of medication safety alerts on patient safety health care utilization and cost in ambulatory care,2009,169,16,1465-1473,Davis Phosphorus poisoning simulating acute myocardial infarction,1968,122,5,430-434,Tobin Lowering the threshold for discussions of domestic violence: a randomized controlled trial of computer screening,2006,166,10,1107-1114,Rhodes An evaluation of screening questions for childhood abuse in 2 community samples: implications for clinical practice,2006,166,18,2020-2026,Stein Propoxyphene suicides. Report of nine cases,1972,129,1,62-66,Young Suicide attempts with drug overdose. Outcomes of intensive vs conventional floor care,1974,134,4,703-706,Piper Mass hysteria. Diagnosis and treatment in the emergency room,1984,144,10,1945-1946,Levine Nonexertional heatstroke. Physiologic management and cooling in 14 patients,1986,146,1,87-90,Lichtenstein Cause of death for patients with spinal cord injuries,1989,149,8,1761-1766,Stover Serum cholesterol and risk of accidental or violent death in a 25-year follow-up. The Finnish cohorts of the Seven Countries Study,1989,149,7,1589-1591,Karvonen Deaths due to accidents and violence in two recent trials of cholesterol-lowering drugs,1990,150,10,2169-2172,Gross Does cholesterol lowering increase non-illness-related mortality?,1991,151,7,1453-1454,Matthews Toxicologic data--sorry wrong number,1992,152,6,1333,Hodgson Complete recovery after massive ethylene glycol ingestion,1992,152,6,1311-1313,Curtin Inquiry about victimization experiences. A survey of patient preferences and physician practices,1992,152,6,1186-1190,Samet Lowering cholesterol and death due to accidents suicides: unresolved issues,1992,152,2,414 417,Vasan Medical and psychosocial diagnoses in women with a history of intimate partner violence,2009,169,18,1692-1697,Thompson Deaths from bites and stings of venomous animals and insects in the United States,1959,104,2,198-207,Parrish Tomahawk head injury,1958,102,5,820-822,Summers Salicylate intoxication in an adult,1958,102,2,213-216,Schadt Atypical heat stroke with hypernatremia acute renal failure and fulminating potassium intoxication,1958,101,6,1040-1050,Baxter Acute glutethimide (Doriden) poisoning; the use of bemegride (Megimide) and hemodialysis,1958,101,5,899-911,Kovach Some metabolic and nutritional changes associated with injury,1958,101,3,537-550,Levenson Digitalis intoxication; a review and report of forty cases with emphasis on etiology,1957,100,6,881-893,Shrager Motoring; a clinical challenge,1956,98,4,399-400,Kulowski The manifestations and treatment of poisoning due to nerve gas and other organic phosphate anticholinesterase compounds,1956,98,2,221-239,Grob Ammonia intoxication and hepatic coma,1956,97,6,661-663,Summerskill Survival after asphyxia secondary to gravel aspiration,1976,136,4,471-473,Van Dyke Material safety data sheets. Caveat emptor,1990,150,5,981-984,Lerman Falls in older persons. Causes and interventions,1989,149,10,2217-2222,Hindmarsh Predictors of falls among elderly people. Results of two population-based studies,1989,149,7,1628-1633,Rubenstein Does determining serum alcohol concentrations in emergency department patients influence physicians' civil suit liability?,1989,149,5,1016-1018,Simel Benzodiazepine sedatives and the risk of falling in a community-dwelling elderly cohort,1988,148,11,2441-2444,Sorock Intrinsic factors in falling among the elderly,1985,145,6,1089-1093,Nickens Near drowning in the dead sea. Electrolyte imbalances and therapeutic implications,1985,145,1,50-53,Stalnikowicz Urine sugar reagent tablet ingestion causing gastric and duodenal ulceration,1984,144,1,161-163,Warren Human sacrifice or nuclear energy?,1983,143,4,843-844,Orient Low serum cholesterol levels and morning suicide,1993,153,10,1268 1271,Friedman Cyclic antidepressants and the risk of hip fracture,1991,151,4,754-756,Griffin Acute abdominal condition due to bishydroxycoumarin (dicumarol) poisoning,1953,92,5,760-762,Mendelsohn Cantharidin poisoning,1960,105,,574-582,Ditunno Cerebral concussion as a cause of cough syncope,1961,108,,248-252,Keer Myocardial contusion,1965,115,,434-442,DeMuth Some aspects of the burns legend and of the part played by physicians in its creation and later correction,1965,115,,94-100,Scarlett Effects of ergocalciferol added to calcium on the risk of falls in elderly high-risk women,2008,168,1,103-108,Bruce Prevention of soccer-related knee injuries in teenaged girls,2010,170,1,43-49,Michaëlsson Exercise effects on bone mineral density falls coronary risk factors and health care costs in older women: the randomized controlled senior fitness and prevention (SEFIP) study,2010,170,2,179-185,Kemmler Effects of exercise programs to prevent decline in health-related quality of life in highly deconditioned institutionalized elderly persons: a randomized controlled trial,2010,170,2,162-169,Dechamps Acute selenium toxicity associated with a dietary supplement,2010,170,3,256-261,Hammond Adverse childhood experiences obesity and liver disease,2004,164,4,460; author reply 460-1,Bachman Adverse childhood experiences and self-reported liver disease: new insights into the causal pathway,2003,163,16,1949-1956,Felitti Intimate partner violence and physical health consequences,2002,162,10,1157-1163,Gielen Prevalence and correlates of harassment among US women physicians,1998,158,4,352-358,Frank Older adults. An 11-year longitudinal study of adult protective service use,1996,156,4,449-453,Lachs Overwhelming salicylate intoxication in an adult. Acid-base changes during recovery with hemodialysis,1967,119,4,399-402,Levy Gasoline sniffing complicated by acute carbon tetrachloride poisoning,1967,119,4,371-374,Durden Trends in fall-related hospital admissions in older persons in the Netherlands,2010,170,10,905-911,van Beeck Cardiac contusion resulting from "spearing" in football. A case history,1966,118,2,129-131,Williams Heat stroke. An electron microscopic study of endothelial cell damage and disseminated intravascular coagulation,1968,122,1,43-47,Burch Heatstroke caused by dehydration and physical effort,1968,122,2,159-161,Sohar The whimsy syndromes. The fine art of literary nosology,1968,122,5,448-452,London How much is too much? Advising patients about safe levels of alcohol consumption,1993,153,24,2734-2740,Larson Medical complications of pleasure-giving drugs,1969,123,1,82-87,Louria A program of screening and prompting improves short-term physician counseling of dependent and nondependent harmful drinkers,1993,153,13,1573-1577,Schnoll Moonshine lead poisoning and pragmatism,1994,154,3,348 351,Kirkland Physical activity recommendations and decreased risk of mortality,2007,167,22,2453-2460,Blair Why multifactorial fall-prevention interventions may not work: Comment on "multifactorial intervention to reduce falls in older people at high risk of recurrent falls",2010,170,13,1117-1119,Mahoney Multifactorial intervention to reduce falls in older people at high risk of recurrent falls: a randomized controlled trial,2010,170,13,1110-1117,Bouter Leisure-time physical activity among US adults. Results from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey,1996,156,1,93-98,Heath A prospective study of coffee drinking and suicide in women,1996,156,5,521-525,Willett The clinical spectrum of Jin Bu Huan toxicity,1996,156,8,899-903,Dart Leisure-time physical activity among older adults. United States 1990,1996,156,12,1321-1326,Anda Alcohol-related problems in older persons. Determinants consequences and screening,1996,156,11,1150-1156,Fink How sleep and mental disorders are related to complaints of daytime sleepiness,1997,157,22,2645-2652,Guilleminault Initial and steady-state effects of diphenhydramine and loratadine on sedation cognition mood and psychomotor performance,1997,157,20,2350-2356,Morris Provider training for patient-centered alcohol counseling in a primary care setting,1997,157,20,2334-2341,Adams Prognostic factors in heat wave related deaths: a meta-analysis,2007,167,20,2170-2176,Menne Long-term Outcomes of Exercise: Follow-up of a Randomized Trial in Older Women With Osteopenia,2010,170,17,1548-1556,Nieminen White matter lesions and the risk of incident hip fracture in older persons: results from the progetto veneto anziani study,2007,167,16,1745-1751,Crepaldi Practice redesign to improve care for falls and urinary incontinence: primary care intervention for older patients,2010,170,19,1765-1772,Ganz Patient Education to Prevent Falls Among Older Hospital Inpatients: A Randomized Controlled Trial,2011,171,6,516-524,Haines Effect of Music-Based Multitask Training on Gait Balance and Fall Risk in Elderly People: A Randomized Controlled Trial,2011,171,6,525-533,Trombetti Toxic effects following ingestion of C-4 plastic explosive,1969,124,6,726-730,Stone Recent trends in the prevalence of coronary disease: a population-based autopsy study of nonnatural deaths,2008,168,3,264-270,Leibson Lack of relations of hostility negative affect and high-risk behavior with low plasma lipid levels in the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults Study,1997,157,17,1953-1959,Oberman Causes of death of HIV-infected persons in Ottawa Ontario 1984-1995,1997,157,18,2069-2073,Page Nephrotoxicity of paraquat in man,1979,139,2,172-174,Vaziri Alcoholism and socioeconomic status hepatic damage and arteriosclerosis. Study of 777 autopsied men in Santiago Chile,1966,117,1,84-91,Viel Barbiturate intoxication. Evaluation of therapy including dialysis in a large series selectively referred because of severity,1966,117,2,224-236,Maher Tranylcypromine sulfate poisoning; successful treament by hemodialysis,1965,116,,18-20,Matter Thallium poisoning,1964,114,,132-138,Grunfeld Survival after prolonged submersion in cold water without neurologic sequelae. Report of two cases,1980,140,6,775-779,Herman Benzodiazepines and the risk of falling leading to femur fractures. Dosage more important than elimination half-life,1995,155,16,1801-1807,Stricker Lowering high plasma cholesterol levels is not dangerous,1995,155,9,985,Richter Is postmenopausal estrogen therapy associated with neuromuscular function or falling in elderly women? Study of Osteoporotic Fractures Research Group,1995,155,3,293-299,Grady Occupational injury and illness in the United States. Estimates of costs morbidity and mortality,1997,157,14,1557-1568,Shin Victimization among substance-abusing women. Worse health outcomes,1997,157,10,1093-1097,Samet Weight change and fractures in older women. Study of Osteoporotic Fractures Research Group,1997,157,8,857-863,Cauley Hip fracture outcomes,1997,157,5,485-486,Cooney Phalangeal bone density and hip fracture risk,1997,157,4,433-438,Lydick Caffeine as a stimulant against suicide,1997,157,2,243-244,Szekely Prospective study of moderate alcohol consumption and mortality in US male physicians,1997,157,1,79-85,Stampfer Organophosphate and carbamate poisoning,1994,154,13,1433-1441,Bardin Potentially modifiable resident characteristics that are associated with physical or verbal aggression among nursing home residents with dementia,2006,166,12,1295-1300,Allore Ability of physicians to diagnose and manage illness due to category A bioterrorism agents,2005,165,17,2002-2006,Cosgrove Airport Full-Body Screening: What Is the Risk?,2011,171,12,1112-1115,Mehta Unforeseen consequences of terrorism: medically unexplained symptoms in a time of fear,2002,162,16,1809-1813,Hassett Responding to a small-scale bioterrorist anthrax attack: cost-effectiveness analysis comparing preattack vaccination with postattack antibiotic treatment and vaccination,2007,167,7,655-662,Kyriacou Preattack vaccination against anthrax may be cost-effective in certain populations,2008,168,1,114-5; author reply 115,Hopkins Elder abuse and neglect. Autopsy Committee of the College of American Pathologists,2000,160,11,1567-1568,Hanzlick Euthanasia: morals and ethics,1999,159,15,1815-1816,Matz Victims as victimizers: physical aggression by persons with a history of childhood abuse,1999,159,16,1920-1924,Clarke Crush syndrome: saving more lives in disasters: lessons learned from the early-response phase in haiti,2011,171,7,694-696,Karp Serum cholesterol level and mortality due to suicide and trauma in the Honolulu Heart Program,1995,155,7,695-700,Dwyer Osteoporosis. Frequency consequences and risk factors,1996,156,13,1399-1411,Ross Mortality following fractures in older women. The study of osteoporotic fractures,1996,156,14,1521-1525,Nevitt Cost-effectiveness of regional poison control centers,1996,156,22,2601-2608,Harrison Medical care during the November 1969 antiwar demonstrations in Washington DC. An experience in crowd medicine,1971,127,1,67-69,Schneider Spinal cord casualties,1971,127,5,962,Magee Alveolar injury in acute carbon tetrachloride intoxication,1971,128,1,109-117,Gould Comparative tests for diagnosis of lead poisoning,1972,130,3,335-340,Morgan Suicide hastening death and psychiatry,1998,158,18,1973-1976,Cohen Toxic effects of aerosol propellants on the heart,1973,131,1,162-166,Harris Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura in carbon monoxide poisoning. Report of a case,1980,140,1,104-105,Stonesifer Experimental heatstroke. A model in dogs,1973,131,5,688-692,Shapiro Complications of propoxyphene abuse,1973,132,2,191-194,Tennant Barium sulfide poisoning. Some factors contributing to survival,1973,132,6,891-894,Gould Toxic oil syndrome,1984,144,2,249-250,Lockey Environmental heat illness. An eclectic review,1974,133,5,841-864,Knochel Costs of occupational injury and illness in the United States,1998,158,6,680,Liss Survival after massive (>2000) Africanized honeybee stings,1998,158,8,925-927,Díaz-Sánchez Physiologic and biochemical abnormalities in self-induced drug overdosage,1975,135,11,1468-1473,Smith Intravenously injected marihuana syndrome,1976,136,3,337-339,Farber Skid row alcoholism. A distinct sociomedical entity,1976,136,3,272-278,Schmidt Mild traumatic brain injury: toward understanding manifestations and treatment,1998,158,15,1617-1624,Kushner First-generation vs second-generation antihistamines,1998,158,17,1949-1950,Aelony The AUDIT alcohol consumption questions (AUDIT-C): an effective brief screening test for problem drinking. Ambulatory Care Quality Improvement Project (ACQUIP). Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test,1998,158,16,1789-1795,Fihn Freud's death,2000,160,1,118; author reply 118,Pierach Anaphylaxis in the United States: an investigation into its epidemiology,2001,161,1,15-21,Miller Rattlesnake envenomations: unusual case presentations,2001,161,3,474-479,Curry Posttraumatic stress disorder in female veterans: association with self-reported health problems and functional impairment,2004,164,4,394-400,Maynard Hearing loss and falls among older adults in the United States,2012,172,4,369-371,Ferrucci Depression falls and risk of fracture in older women. Study of Osteoporotic Fractures Research Group,1999,159,5,484-490,Nevitt Recurrent and persistent coagulopathy following pit viper envenomation,1999,159,7,706-710,Dart Prosecutors and end-of-life decision making,1999,159,10,1089-1095,Meisel Freud's physician-assisted death,1999,159,14,1521-1525,Cohen Hazardous and harmful alcohol consumption in primary care,1999,159,15,1681-1689,O'Connor Bullets joints And lead intoxication. A remarkable and instructive case,1976,136,8,939-941,Switz Alcohol and acetaminophen hepatotoxicity,2003,163,2,244-245,Dart Frequency and impact of active clinical issues and new impairments on hospital discharge in patients with hip fracture,2003,163,1,108-113,Hannan Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide: a review of the empirical data from the United States,2002,162,2,142-152,Emanuel Fractures between the ages of 20 and 50 years increase women's risk of subsequent fractures,2002,162,1,33-36,Horne Factors associated with serious traffic crashes: a prospective study in southwest France,2012,172,13,1039-1041,Moore Renal failure caused by chemicals foods plants animal venoms and misuse of drugs. An overview,1990,150,3,505-510,Abuelo Acute voluntary life-threatening carbonate lithium poisoning,1990,150,4,920,Guerin Alcohol dosing and total mortality in men and women: an updated meta-analysis of 34 prospective studies,2006,166,22,2437-2445,Iacoviello The risk of hip fracture after initiating antihypertensive drugs in the elderly,2012,172,22,1739-1744,Austin US emergency department visits for alcohol-related diseases and injuries between 1992 and 2000,2004,164,5,531-537,Camargo The effect of fructose on alcohol metabolism,1977,137,9,1121,Iber Antidepressant use depression and survival in patients with heart failure,2008,168,20,2232-2237,Jiang Creatine phosphokinase isoenzyme fractions in the serum of a patient struck by lightning,1978,138,4,645-646,Harwood Moonshine-related arsenic poisoning,1980,140,2,211-213,Gerhardt Alcohol arsenic and (rapidly) old kidneys,1980,140,2,167-168,Harrington Liquid caustic ingestion. Spectrum of injury,1980,140,4,501-504,Cello The metabolic and respiratory alterations of heat stroke,1980,140,5,665-669,Sprung Deleterious effects of criminal victimization on women's health and medical utilization,1991,151,2,342-347,Woodruff An acquired hemorrhagic disorder from long-acting rodenticide ingestion,1992,152,2,410-412,Robert Activated charcoal reborn. Progress in poison management,1985,145,1,43-44,Spyker Runaway pacemaker. Unpredictable pacemaker failure,1979,139,10,1190-1191,Chung Continuous murmur following chest trauma,1979,139,11,1305-1306,Berger Psychogenic polydipsia and inappropriate antidiuresis,1980,140,12,1574,Robertson The case of Elizabeth Bouvia. Starvation suicide or problem patient?,1986,146,1,161-164,Lo Hyperamylasemia following methyl alcohol intoxication. Source and significance,1986,146,1,193-194,Eckfeldt Role of the laboratory in treatment of the poisoned patient,1988,148,2,279-280,Snyder Predicting the clinical course in intentional drug overdose. Implications for use of the intensive care unit,1987,147,1,133-137,Gray Predicting the clinical course in intentional drug overdose,1988,148,1,253,Tunkel Neuropsychological side effects of beta-blockers,1989,149,3,514-525,Dimsdale The expression of health risk information,1989,149,7,1507-1508,Berger A two-year review of salicylate deaths in Ontario,1987,147,3,510-512,McGuigan Central nervous system magnesium deficiency,1991,151,3,593-596,Langley Full recovery from severe orthostatic hypotension after vacor rodenticide ingestion,1981,141,11,1505-1507,Hopkins Acetaminophen overdose. 662 cases with evaluation of oral acetylcysteine treatment,1981,141,3 Spec No,380-385,Rumack Liver damage in acute self-induced hypermanganemia,1982,142,2,405-406,Rosenfeld Experimental heatstroke: a model in dogs,1973,131,5,688-692,Shapiro Bicycle riding walking and weight gain in premenopausal women,2010,170,12,1050-1056,Lusk From profound hypokalemia to life-threatening hyperkalemia: a case of barium sulfide poisoning,2000,160,4,548-551,Venugopal Long-term assessment of psychological well-being in a randomized placebo-controlled trial of cholesterol reduction with pravastatin. The LIPID Study Investigators,2000,160,20,3144-3152,Menkes The will to live suicide and euthanasia,2000,160,11,e1706,Niculescu In reply [3],2006,166,21,e2405,Morton Opioids and dose-related deaths-association or causation? - Reply,2011,171,18,1688-1689,Gomes Serum cholesterol level and mortality findings for men screened in the Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial. Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial Research Group,1992,152,7,1490-1500,Stamler Tinnitus psychosis and suicide,1994,154,20,2371 2375,Frankenburg Bad news: delivery dialogue and dilemmas,1991,151,3,463-468,Townsend Failure of physicians to recognize acetaminophen hepatotoxicity in chronic alcoholics,1991,151,6,1189-1191,Kumar Legal myths about terminating life support,1991,151,8,1497-1502,Meisel Epidemiologic review of the calcium channel blocker drugs. An up-to-date perspective on the proposed hazards,2001,161,9,1145-1158,Kizer Deaths involving drugs in vermont 2004 through 2010,2011,171,18,1676-1678,Edwards