Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Child sexual abuse as a public health issue: recommendations of an expert panel,1999,11,4,257-266,McMahon The strength of sexual arousal as a function of the age of the sex offender: comparisons among pedophiles hebephiles and teleiophiles,2005,17,4,441-456,Barbaree Identifying schemas in child molesters rapists and violent offenders,2005,17,4,425-439,Milner Police posing as juveniles online to catch sex offenders: Is it working?,2005,17,3,241-267,Wolak Sexual offenders against children: the influence of personality and obsessionality on cognitive distortions,2005,17,3,223-240,Blair The criminal histories and later offending of child pornography offenders,2005,17,2,201-210,Seto Onset persistence and versatility of offending among adult males convicted of sexual offenses against children,2004,16,4,285-298,Smallbone The etiology of risk: a preliminary model,2004,16,4,271-284,Ward Assessing sexual arousal with adolescent males who have offended sexually: self-report and unobtrusively measured viewing time,2006,18,4,383-400,Worling Adolescent sexual offenders: a total survey of referrals to Social Services in Sweden and subgroup characteristics,2006,18,4,357-372,Långström Risk factors for adolescent sex offender recidivism: evaluation of predictive factors and comparison of three groups based upon victim type,2006,18,4,319-342,Parks Different actuarial risk measures produce different risk rankings for sexual offenders,2006,18,4,423-440,Langton The effectiveness of sexual offender treatment for juveniles as measured by recidivism: a meta-analysis,2006,18,4,401-421,Carbonell Background Offence Characteristics and Criminal Outcomes of Aboriginal Youth Who Sexually Offend: A Closer Look at Aboriginal Youth Intervention Needs,2007,19,3,257-283,Rojas Attitudes About Community Notification: A Comparison of Sexual Offenders and the Non-offending Public,2007,19,4,369-379,Levenson The relationship between victim age and gender crossover among sex offenders,2008,20,1,43-60,Levenson An exploratory evaluation of the contribution of personality and childhood sexual victimization to the development of sexually abusive behavior,2008,20,1,102-115,Burton "I thought . . . maybe this is my chance": sexual abuse against girls and women with disabilities in Malawi,2008,20,1,5-24,Kvam Initial psychometric properties of a treatment planning and progress inventory for adolescents who sexually abuse,2008,20,2,161-187,Worling It's all about me: A brief report of incarcerated adolescent sex offenders' generic and sex-specific cognitive distortions,2008,20,3,261-271,Gibbs Long-Term Predictive Validity of the Risk Matrix 2000: A Comparison With the Static-99 and the Sex Offender Risk Appraisal Guide,2008,20,4,466-484,Firestone Risk factors for criminal recidivism in older sexual offenders,2006,18,2,159-167,Fazel Effects of Sex Offender Registration Policies on Juvenile Justice Decision Making,2009,21,2,149-165,Letourneau Individual Differences in the Propensity for Partner Sexual Coercion,2009,21,1,111-129,Quinsey Psychological Profiles of Internet Sexual Offenders: Comparisons With Contact Sexual Offenders,2009,21,1,76-92,Beech Implicit measurement of sexual associations in child sex abusers: role of victim type and denial,2009,21,2,166-180,Brown Facial and prosodic affect recognition among pedophilic and nonpedophilic criminal child molesters,2009,21,1,93-110,Suchy Assessing the implicit beliefs of sexual offenders using the implicit relational assessment procedure: a first study,2009,21,1,57-75,Hart Sexual abuse: a journal of research and treatment performance indicators for 2007,2009,21,1,3-5,Cantor Sexual preferences and recidivism of sex offenders with mental retardation,2008,20,4,409-425,Rice The interaction between genetic risk and childhood sexual abuse in the prediction of adolescent violent behavior,2008,20,4,426-443,Beaver Improving the measurement of criminal sexual behavior: the application of randomized responding technique,2008,20,1,88-101,Miner Social desirability and sexual offenders: a review,2008,20,1,61-87,Grace The Rockwood Preparatory Program for sexual offenders: description and preliminary appraisal,2008,20,1,25-42,Marshall The quality of community reintegration planning for child molesters: effects on sexual recidivism,2008,20,2,218-240,Grace The relationship between developmental variables personality disorder and risk in sex offenders,2008,20,2,119-138,Craissati The validity of phallometric assessment with rapists: comments on Looman and Marshall (2005),2007,19,1,61-8; Discussion 69-72,Rice Increasing honest responding on cognitive distortions in child molesters: the bogus pipeline revisited,2007,19,1,5-22,Polaschek Strategic behavior in adolescent sexual offenses against children: linking modus operandi to sexual behaviors,2007,19,1,23-41,Tremblay Characteristics of internet child pornography offenders: a comparison with child molesters,2007,19,4,449-465,Craissati Physical height in pedophilic and hebephilic sexual offenders,2007,19,4,395-407,Blanchard Offense history and recidivism in three victim-age-based groups of juvenile sex offenders,2007,19,4,409-424,Kemper The construction and preliminary validation of the Internet Behaviours and Attitudes Questionnaire (IBAQ),2007,19,3,237-256,Webster Psychometric assessment of dynamic risk factors for child molesters,2007,19,4,347-367,Hudson Denial predicts recidivism for some sexual offenders,2007,19,2,91-105,Hanson Sexual offense adjudication and sexual recidivism among juvenile offenders,2007,19,2,107-113,Caldwell Effect of age-at-release on long term sexual re-offense rates in civilly committed sexual offenders,2007,19,1,43-59,Prentky The psychometric validation of the Social Problem-Solving Inventory--Revised with UK incarcerated sexual offenders,2007,19,3,217-236,Wakeling The Diagnostic Reliability of Sexual Sadism,2009,21,3,251-261,Doren Penile-Response Profiles of Sexual Aggressors During Phallometric Testing,2009,21,3,308-334,Michaud How Safe Are Trick-or-Treaters?,2009,21,3,363-374,Levenson A Cumulative Scale of Severe Sexual Sadism,2009,21,3,262-278,Nitschke The Impact of Prison-Based Treatment on Sex Offender Recidivism,2009,21,3,279-307,Duwe Does Static-99 predict recidivism among older sexual offenders?,2006,18,4,343-355,Hanson A comparison of the application of the self-regulation model of the relapse process for mainstream and special needs sexual offenders,2006,18,4,373-382,Beech Predicting sex offender treatment entry among individuals convicted of sexual offense crimes,2006,18,1,83-98,Jones Psychopathy sexual deviance and recidivism among sex offenders,2006,18,1,65-82,Wong Another look at interpreting risk categories,2006,18,1,41-63,Mossman Age and sexual recidivism: a variable connection,2006,18,2,123-135,Thornton The use of clarification sessions in the treatment of incest victims and their families: an exploratory study,2006,18,1,27-39,Davis Phallometric comparison of pedophilic interest in nonadmitting sexual offenders against stepdaughters biological daughters other biologically related girls and unrelated girls,2006,18,1,1-14,Blanchard Evaluation of the SORAG and the Static-99 on Belgian sex offenders committed to a forensic facility,2006,18,1,15-26,Pham Sex offenders' response to treatment and its association with recidivism as a function of psychopathy,2006,18,1,99-120,Langton Comparison of two risk assessment instruments for sexual offenders,2006,18,2,193-206,Looman Religious affiliations among adult sexual offenders,2006,18,3,279-288,Smallbone An investigation of the validity and reliability of the Criminal Sentiments Scale in a sample of treated sex offenders,2006,18,3,249-258,Wong The offence process of sex offenders with intellectual disabilities: a qualitative study,2006,18,2,169-191,Courtney Relapse prevention for sexual offenders: considerations for the "abstinence violation effect",2006,18,3,233-248,George The self-regulation model of sexual offending: the relationship between offence pathways and static and dynamic sexual offence risk,2006,18,3,259-270,Kingston A test of counterfeit deviance: a comparison of sexual knowledge in groups of sex offenders with intellectual disability and controls,2006,18,3,271-278,Martin Sexual offenders' state-of-mind regarding childhood attachment: a controlled investigation,2006,18,3,289-302,Wilson What do we know about the effect of aging on recidivism risk for sexual offenders?,2006,18,2,137-157,Doren Prescription of medroxyprogesterone acetate to a patient with pedophilia resulting in Cushing's syndrome and adrenal insufficiency,2006,18,2,227-228,Hill Construct validity of the violence risk scale--sexual offender version for measuring sexual deviance,2009,21,4,474-492,Wong Does victim age differentiate between perpetrators of sexual child abuse? A study of mental health psychosocial circumstances and crimes,2009,21,4,442-454,Nilsson Understanding Sexual Perpetration Against Children: Effects of Attachment Style Interpersonal Involvement and Hypersexuality,2010,22,1,58-77,Berg Women Don't Do Such Things! Characteristics of Female Sex Offenders and Offender Types,2010,22,2,135-156,Bijleveld An Evaluation of Classification Criteria for Juvenile Sex Offenders,2010,22,2,172-190,Kistner Sexual Arousal to Female Children in Gynephilic Men,2010,22,3,279-289,Blanchard Evaluation for civil commitment of sex offenders: a survey of experts,2007,19,4,425-448,Jackson Treatment retention in a prison-based residential sex offender treatment program,2007,19,4,333-346,Pelissier The Characteristics of Online Sex Offenders: A Meta-Analysis,2011,23,1,92-123,Hanson Are All Perpetrators Alike? Comparing Risk Factors for Sexual Coercion and Aggression,2010,22,4,402-426,DiLillo Victims' routine activities and sex offenders' target selection scripts: a latent class analysis,2010,22,3,315-342,Beauregard Sexual murderers with adult or child victims: are they different?,2010,22,3,290-314,Hill A trial of voluntary polygraphy testing in 10 english probation areas,2010,22,3,266-278,Grubin Male sexual assault and rape: who seeks counseling?,2010,22,3,255-265,Monk-Turner Outcomes in a community sex offender treatment program: a comparison between polygraphed and matched non-polygraphed offenders,2007,19,4,381-393,McGrath Internet-Facilitated Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children: Findings From a Nationally Representative Sample of Law Enforcement Agencies in the United States,2011,23,1,43-71,Jones Human rights and the treatment of sex offenders,2007,19,3,195-216,Ward Introduction to special article on human rights,2007,19,3,193-194,Barbaree IQ handedness and pedophilia in adult male patients stratified by referral source,2007,19,3,285-309,Blanchard Cognition or involvement? Explaining sexual-coercion in high-school dating,2007,19,3,311-329,Enosh Assessment of dynamic risk factors: an independent validation study of the Violence Risk Scale: Sexual Offender Version,2010,22,2,234-251,Grace A controlled evaluation of a prison-based sexual offender intervention program,2010,22,1,95-111,Carr Examining the influence of denial motivation and risk on sexual recidivism,2010,22,1,78-94,Beech Considering the pedophile subculture online,2010,22,1,3-24,Holt The Oregon depo-Provera program: a five-year follow-up,2006,18,3,303-316,Maletzky The factor structure of static actuarial items: its relation to prediction,2006,18,2,207-226,Langton What happens in therapy with sexual offenders? A model of process research,2005,17,2,141-151,Pfäfflin Relationship between therapeutic climate and treatment outcome in group-based sexual offender treatment programs,2005,17,2,127-140,Hamilton-Giachritsis Research on the processes involved in treating sexual offenders,2005,17,2,117-125,Drapeau Implicit cognitive distortions and sexual offending,2004,16,4,333-350,Ward Use of visual reaction time to assess male adolescents who molest children,2004,16,3,255-265,Abel The Estimate of Risk of Adolescent Sexual Offense Recidivism (ERASOR): preliminary psychometric data,2004,16,3,235-254,Worling A prospective longitudinal study of sexual recidivism among adolescent sex offenders,2004,16,3,223-234,Smallbone Psychiatric disorders and recidivism in sexual offenders,2004,16,2,139-150,Grann Accuracy of actuarial procedures for assessment of sexual offender recidivism risk may vary across ethnicity,2004,16,2,107-120,Långström Mapping child molester treatment progress with the FoSOD: denial and explanations of accountability,2004,16,2,85-105,Schneider A comparison of relational attitude and personality disorders in the explanation of child molestation,2004,16,1,37-47,Bogaerts The importance of offense characteristics victimization history hostility and social desirability in assessing empathy of male adolescent sex offenders,2003,15,4,347-364,Curwen Considerations on fantasy use by child molesters and exhibitionists,2003,15,4,297-305,Wolfe Implications for treatment of sexual offenders of the Ward and Hudson model of relapse,2003,15,2,121-134,Beech The child sexual abuser: perceptions of college students and professionals,2002,14,3,271-280,Wurtele Dynamic risk factors: the Kia Marama evaluation,2002,14,2,103-19; discussion 195-7,Ward Calculating number of offenses and victims of juvenile sexual offending: the role of posttreatment disclosures,2001,13,2,79-90,Tabacoff Comprehensiveness and collaboration: key ingredients of an effective public health approach to preventing child sexual abuse,1999,11,4,323-325,Wurtele Judges' knowledge about sexual offenders difficulties presiding over sexual offense cases and opinions on sentencing treatment and legislation,1999,11,4,305-315,Bumby Partnering in response to sexual violence: how offender treatment and victim advocacy can work together in response to sexual violence,1999,11,4,293-304,D'Amora Evaluation of a child sexual abuse prevention program,1999,11,4,279-292,Tabachnick Preventing sexual abuse and assault,1999,11,4,267-278,Becker Pathways in the offending process of extrafamilial sexual child molesters,1999,11,2,117-129,Proulx Sexual offender treatment efficacy revisited,1999,11,2,101-116,Alexander A Special Issue on Ethical Issues in Sexual Offender Treatment,2010,ePub,ePub,ePub,Levenson "But I Didn't Do It!": Ethical Treatment of Sex Offenders in Denial,2011,23,3,346-364,Levenson Paternalism and the Good Lives Model of Sex Offender Rehabilitation,2011,23,3,329-345,Glaser The Treatment of Sex Offenders: Evidence Ethics and Human Rights,2011,23,3,295-313,Birgden Predictors of Child Pornography Offenses and Child Sexual Abuse in a Community Sample of Pedophiles and Hebephiles,2011,23,2,212-242,Seto Differences in Legal Outcomes for Male and Female Children Who Have Been Sexually Abused,2010,22,4,427-442,Joa An Examination of the Predictive Validity of the Risk Matrix 2000 in England and Wales,2010,22,4,443-470,Wakeling An Exploratory Study of Internet-Initiated Sexual Offenses and the Chat Room Sex Offender: Has the Internet Enabled a New Typology of Sex Offender?,2011,23,1,72-91,Briggs Therapist Awareness and Responsibility in Working With Sexual Offenders,2010,22,4,374-386,Firestone The Ethics of Care and Treatment of Sex Offenders,2011,23,3,397-413,Ward The Case of Juvenile Polygraphy as a Clinical Ethics Dilemma,2011,23,3,314-328,Chaffin Ethical Practice in Sex Offender Assessment: Consideration of Actuarial and Polygraph Methods,2011,23,3,381-396,Vess Boundaries and Dual Relationships,2011,23,3,365-380,Sawyer Clinician's Perceptions of Indicators of Amenability to Sex Offender-Specific Treatment in Juveniles,2011,23,2,193-211,Fanniff Mental disorder predisposition prediction and ability to control: evaluating sex offenders for civil commitment,2009,21,4,395-411,Elwood Approach versus avoidance goals in relapse prevention with sexual offenders,2004,16,1,65-75,Webster Actuarial risk assessment: commentary on Berlin et al,2003,15,4,383-388,Hart The use of actuarials at civil commitment hearings to predict the likelihood of future sexual violence,2003,15,4,377-382,Berlin Measuring motivation to change in sexual offenders from institutional intake to community treatment,2003,15,4,269-283,Barrett The public health approach to the prevention of sexual violence,2000,12,1,27-36,McMahon Pedophilia: An Evaluation of Diagnostic and Risk Prediction Methods,2011,23,2,260-274,Abracen Postrelease Specialization and Versatility in Sexual Offenders Referred for Civil Commitment,2011,23,2,243-259,Knight Recent research (N = 9305) underscores the importance of using age-stratified actuarial tables in sex offender risk assessments,2010,22,4,471-490,Vess The recidivism rates of female sexual offenders are low: a meta-analysis,2010,22,4,387-401,Hanson Performance Indicators for Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment (SAJRT),2010,22,4,371-373,Barbaree Contact Sexual Offending by Men With Online Sexual Offenses,2011,23,1,124-145,Hanson Comparing the Validity of the RM2000 Scales and OGRS3 for Predicting Recidivism by Internet Sexual Offenders,2011,23,1,146-168,Wakeling Child pornography possessors: Trends in offender and case characteristics,2011,23,1,22-42,Wolak Sexualized images of children on the internet,2011,23,1,7-21,Quayle Introduction to special issue on internet-facilitated sexual offending,2011,23,1,3-6,Seto Predicting Sexual and Nonsexual Recidivism in a Consecutive Sample of Juveniles Convicted of Sexual Offences,2011,23,4,456-473,Plattner Biological fathers and stepfathers who molest their daughters: psychological phallometric and criminal features,2005,17,1,39-46,Firestone Do child molesters deliberately fake good on cognitive distortion questionnaires? An information processing-based investigation,2005,17,2,183-200,Polaschek Sexual Material Perception in Sexually Coercive Men: Disattending Deficit and Its Covariates,2011,23,2,275-291,Knight Adult attachment cognitive distortions and views of self others and the future among child molesters,2009,21,3,375-390,Wood Offense-related interpretative bias in female child molesters: a preliminary study,2009,21,2,194-207,Gannon Heterogeneity in antisocial trajectories in youth of adult sexual aggressors of women: an examination of initiation persistence escalation and aggravation,2009,21,2,223-248,Lussier Examining childhood abuse patterns and sensitive periods in juvenile sexual offenders,2009,21,2,208-222,Knight Applying rapid serial visual presentation to adolescent sexual offenders: attentional bias as a measure of deviant sexual interest?,2009,21,2,135-148,Beech Female sex offender recidivism: a large-scale empirical analysis,2009,21,4,455-473,Freeman An exploratory study of victim resistance in child sexual abuse: offender modus operandi and victim characteristics,2010,22,1,25-41,Smallbone Examining the substance use patterns and treatment needs of incarcerated sex offenders,2001,13,3,179-195,Peugh Personality-based typology of adolescent male sexual offenders: differences in recidivism rates victim-selection characteristics and personal victimization histories,2001,13,3,149-166,Worling Empathy deficits and cognitive distortions in child molesters,2001,13,2,123-130,Hamilton Hostility toward women and victim empathy in rapists,2001,13,4,249-255,Marshall Memory of childhood sexual abuse among clinicians: characteristics outcomes and current therapy attitudes,2001,13,4,233-248,Hamby Therapeutic engagement styles of child sexual offenders in a group treatment program: a grounded theory study,2004,16,3,191-208,Frost Alcohol and drug abuse among sexual and nonsexual offenders: relationship to intimacy deficits and coping strategy,2004,16,3,177-189,Abracen An exploration of developmental factors related to deviant sexual preferences among adult rapists,2004,16,2,151-161,Beauregard Offender and victim characteristics of registered female sexual offenders in Texas: a proposed typology of female sexual offenders,2004,16,2,121-137,Vandiver The implicit theories of rapists: what convicted offenders tell us,2004,16,4,299-314,Polaschek The relationship between static and dynamic risk factors and reconviction in a sample of U.K. child abusers,2002,14,2,155-67; discussion 195-7,Hanson Constructing and testing a framework for dynamic risk assessment,2002,14,2,139-53; discussion 195-7,Thornton A comparison of modified versions of the Static-99 and the Sex Offender Risk Appraisal Guide,2002,14,3,253-269,Broom An evaluation of the Empat as a measure of victim empathy with civilly committed sexual offenders,2002,14,3,241-251,Vess Characteristics of perpetrators of child sexual abuse who have been sexually victimized as children,2002,14,3,225-239,Craissati A comparison of objective measures of sexual arousal and interest: visual reaction time and penile plethysmography,2002,14,3,207-223,Letourneau Prediction of recidivism in exhibitionists: psychological phallometric and offense factors,2002,14,4,329-347,Firestone An application of the rational choice approach to the offending process of sex offenders: a closer look at the decision-making,2007,19,2,115-133,Beauregard Juvenile sex offenders: toward the development of a typology,2003,15,1,27-48,Becker Childhood attachment childhood sexual abuse and onset of masturbation among adult sexual offenders,2003,15,1,1-9,Smallbone Adolescents' perceptions of the seriousness of sexual aggression: influence of gender traditional attitudes and self-reported experience,2003,15,3,201-214,Hilton Distorted attitudes and perceptions and their relationship with self-esteem and coping in child molesters,2003,15,3,171-181,Marshall Sexual assaults during hostage takings and forcible confinements: implications for practice,2003,15,3,161-170,Mailloux Men in his category have a 50% likelihood but which half is he in? Comments on Berlin Galbreath Geary and McGlone,2003,15,4,389-392,Harris Emotional loneliness in sexual murderers: a qualitative analysis,2003,15,4,285-296,Beech An evaluation of the Bumby RAPE and MOLEST scales as measures of cognitive distortions with civilly committed sexual offenders,2003,15,4,237-249,Vess Prediction of recidivism in extrafamilial child molesters based on court-related assessments,2000,12,3,203-221,McCoy Comparison of perpetration characteristics between male juvenile and adult sexual offenders: preliminary results,2000,12,3,179-188,Miranda Developmental antecedents of sexual coercion in juvenile sexual offenders,2000,12,3,165-178,Knight The importance of meeting research standards: a reply to Fischer and Smith's articles on the Abel assessment for sexual interest,2000,12,2,155-161,Abel An exploration of child sexual abusers' sexual fantasies before and after treatment,2000,12,1,61-68,Hollin A theory of mind perspective on cognitive affective and intimacy deficits in child sexual offenders,2000,12,1,49-60,Ward Were adolescent sexual offenders children with sexual behavior problems?,2000,12,1,37-48,Burton Childhood attachments sexual abuse and their relationship to adult coping in child molesters,2000,12,1,17-26,Marshall Attachment and coercive sexual behavior,2000,12,1,3-15,Smallbone Emotional congruence in sexual offenders against children,1999,11,1,33-47,Wilson The child molester empathy measure: description and examination of its reliability and validity,1999,11,1,17-31,Marshall Familial support as perceived by adult victims of childhood sexual abuse,1999,11,2,159-175,Stroud Alcohol's possible covert role: brain dysfunction paraphilias and sexually aggressive behaviors,1999,11,2,147-158,Williams Organizing sexual abuse,1999,11,2,97-100,Maletzky Do sexual offenders molest when other persons are present? A preliminary investigation,1999,11,3,243-247,Underwood Use of physical force as an offense characteristic in subtyping juvenile sexual offenders,1999,11,3,217-232,Spaccarelli Agency Relatedness Inner Peace and Problem Solving in Sexual Offending,2008,20,4,444-465,Barnett The Utility of Cumulative Meta-Analysis: Application to Programs for Reducing Sexual Violence,2005,17,4,357-373,Hanson Crossover Sexual Offenses,2003,15,4,221-236,Heil The Validity of Phallometric Assessment With Rapists: Comments on Looman and Marshall (2005),2007,19,1,61-68,Rice Understanding Adolescent Peer Sexual Harassment and Abuse: Using the Theory of Planned Behavior,2010,22,2,157-171,Tang Construct Validity of Stable-2000 and Stable-2007,2012,24,1,29-45,Nunes Dynamic Risk Assessment in Sexual Offenders Using STABLE-2000 and the STABLE-2007: An Investigation of Predictive and Incremental Validity,2012,24,1,5-28,Eher Psychopathy moderates the relationship between time in treatment and levels of empathy in incarcerated male sexual offenders,2011,23,2,171-192,Pincus Dynamic Risk Groups Among Adult Male Sexual Offenders,2011,23,4,494-507,Seto The impact of health care reform: a survey of victim and offender treatment providers,1999,11,1,5-16,Berliner Validation of an Adaptation of Levenson's Locus of Control Scale With Adult Male Incarcerated Sexual Offenders,2012,24,1,46-63,Palmer Merging Developmental and Criminal Career Perspectives: Implications for Risk Assessment and Risk Prediction of Violent/Sexual Recidivism in Adult Sexual Aggressors of Women,2012,24,2,107-132,Lussier Assessing Youth Who Sexually Offended: The Predictive Validity of the ERASOR J-SOAP-II and YLS/CMI in a Non-Western Context,2012,24,2,153-174,Chu Improving the Predictive Accuracy of Static-99 and Static-2002 With Older Sex Offenders: Revised Age Weights,2012,24,1,64-101,Hanson The Relationships of Perpetrator and Victim Substance Use to the Sexual Aggression of Rapists and Child Molesters,2012,24,4,307-327,Knight Using a Pictorial-Modified Stroop Task to Explore the Sexual Interests of Sexual Offenders Against Children,2012,24,2,175-197,Ó Ciardha Offender Types and Criminality Dimensions in Male Juveniles Convicted of Sexual Offenses,2011,24,3,265-288,Plattner A Large-Scale Evaluation of Risk Matrix 2000 in Scotland,2011,23,4,419-433,Grubin Correlates of Recidivism Among Adolescents Who Have Sexually Offended,2011,23,4,434-455,Carpentier Adolescents Who Have Sexually Offended: Is Phallometry Valid?,2012,24,2,133-152,Rice Prospective Validity of the Estimate of Risk of Adolescent Sexual Offense Recidivism (ERASOR),2011,24,3,203-223,Worling The Development of the Interest in Child Molestation Scale,2011,23,4,474-493,Gannon Victim Age-Based Subtypes of Juveniles Adjudicated for Sexual Offenses: Comparisons Across Domains in an Outpatient Sample,2011,24,3,224-264,Kolko Failure to Register as a Predictor of Sex Offense Recidivism: The Big Bad Wolf or a Red Herring?,2012,24,4,328-349,Levenson General and Victim-Specific Empathy: Associations With Actuarial Risk Treatment Outcome and Sexual Recidivism,2012,24,5,411-430,Beech Using Logistic Regression Modeling to Predict Sexual Recidivism: The Minnesota Sex Offender Screening Tool-3 (MnSOST-3),2012,24,4,350-377,Duwe Evaluation of a Community-Based Sex Offender Treatment Program Using a Good Lives Model Approach,2012,24,6,519-543,Beech Utilization and Implications of the Static 99 in Practice,2012,24,3,289-302,Hart Another Piece of the Puzzle: Psychometric Properties of the J-SOAP-II,2012,24,4,378-408,Fanniff The Sex Offender Treatment Intervention and Progress Scale (SOTIPS): Psychometric Properties and Incremental Predictive Validity With Static-99R,2012,24,5,431-458,McGrath The effect of alcohol on the responses of sexually coercive and noncoercive men to an experimental rape analogue,1999,11,2,131-145,Gross Harm reduction or harm facilitation? A reply to Maletzky,1999,11,3,233-241,Laws Special issue sexual abuse: a journal of research and treatment: change among high-risk sex offenders,2012,24,1,102,Seto Having new eyes: viewing child sexual abuse as a public health problem,1999,11,4,317-321,Mercy South African Serial Rapists: The Offenders Their Victims and Their Offenses,2012,24,6,544-574,Woodhams New Zealand Youth That Sexually Offend: Improving Outcomes for Maori Rangatahi and Their Whanau,2012,24,5,459-478,Lambie The Psychological Profiles of Internet Contact and Mixed Internet/Contact Sex Offenders,2013,25,1,3-20,Beech Comparing a Pictorial Stroop Task to Viewing Time Measures of Sexual Interest,2012,24,5,479-500,Bourke Multiplex versus multiple taxonomy of paraphilia: case example,2003,15,1,61-72,Lehne Victim empathy social self-esteem and psychopathy in rapists,2003,15,1,11-26,Marshall A U.K. Cost-Benefit Analysis of Circles of Support and Accountability Interventions,2013,25,3,211-229,Beech The Influence of Risk and Psychopathy on the Therapeutic Climate in Sex Offender Treatment,2013,25,2,103-122,Thornton Predicting Relapse for Catholic Clergy Sex Offenders: The Use of the Static-99,2012,24,6,575-590,Helmus Birth order birth interval and deviant sexual preferences among sex offenders,2002,14,1,67-81,Earls Resiliency in the victim-offender cycle in male sexual abuse,2002,14,1,31-48,Adams Juvenile sex offenders in diversion,2002,14,1,1-17,Campbell Predicting Reoffense for Community-Based Sexual Offenders: An Analysis of 30 Years of Data,2012,24,5,501-514,Miner Offenders' Attachment and Sexual Abuse Onset: A Test of Theoretical Propositions,2012,24,6,591-610,Smallbone An Examination of Suicide Attempts Among Incarcerated Sex Offenders,2013,25,1,21-40,Jeglic Differences in the prevalence and impact of risk factors for general recidivism between different types of juveniles who have committed sexual offenses (JSOS) and juveniles who have committed nonsexual offenses (NSOS),2013,25,1,41-68,Dekovic Life-course persistent offenders and the propensity to commit sexual assault,2013,25,1,69-81,Beaver How to integrate the Good Lives model into treatment programs for sexual offending: an introduction and overview,2013,25,2,123-142,Gannon A test of two typologies of sexual homicide,2013,25,1,82-100,Lalumière Typology of female sex offenders: a test of Vandiver and Kercher,2007,19,2,73-89,Freeman Can circles of support and accountability (COSA) work in the United States? Preliminary results from a randomized experiment in Minnesota,2013,25,2,143-165,Duwe Are cognitive distortions associated with denial and minimization among sex offenders?,2013,25,2,166-188,Nunes Computerized assessment of pedophilic sexual interest through self-report and viewing time: reliability validity and classification accuracy of the affinity program,2013,25,3,230-258,Glasgow Victim empathy intervention with sexual offenders: rehabilitation punishment or correctional quackery?,2013,25,3,282-301,Barnett Sex offender registration and notification policy increases juvenile plea bargains,2013,25,2,189-207,Letourneau The (f)utility of post-conviction polygraph testing,2013,25,3,259-281,Rosky Does volunteering for sex offender treatment matter? using propensity score analysis to understand the effects of volunteerism and treatment on recidivism,2013,25,4,319-346,Grady Risk and protective factors for recidivism among juveniles who have offended sexually,2013,25,4,347-369,Scalora Unraveling sexual associations in contact and noncontact child sex offenders using the single category - implicit association test,2013,25,5,444-460,van Marle Sex offender treatment outcome actuarial risk and the aging sex offender in Canadian corrections: a long-term follow-up,2013,25,4,396-422,Wong An exploration of crossover sexual offending,2013,25,5,427-443,Jeglic Child pornography and likelihood of contact abuse: a comparison between contact child sexual offenders and noncontact offenders,2013,25,4,370-395,Alison Why have all the boys gone? Gender differences in prosecution acceptance of child sexual abuse cases,2013,25,5,461-481,Edelson Sexual preference or opportunity: An examination of situational factors by gender of victims of clergy abuse,2013,25,6,606-621,Holt Quantifying the relative risk of sex offenders: risk ratios for Static-99R,2013,25,5,482-515,Hanson Stability of the interpretative risk percentages for the RRASOR and Static-99,2004,16,1,25-36,Doren Psychopathy and sexual deviance in treated rapists: association with sexual and nonsexual recidivism,2004,16,1,1-24,De Ruiter Too close for comfort? Registered sex offender spatial clustering and recidivistic sex crime arrest rates,2013,25,6,531-556,Socia The virtual people set: developing computer-generated stimuli for the assessment of pedophilic sexual interest,2013,25,6,557-582,Santtila Risk factors for father-daughter incest: data from an anonymous computerized survey,2013,25,6,583-605,Kuo Routine activities and time use: a latent profile approach to sexual offenders' lifestyles,2014,26,1,34-57,Beauregard Processing bias for sexual material: the emotional stroop and sexual offenders,2004,16,2,163-171,Smith Community males show multiple-perpetrator rape proclivity: development and preliminary validation of an interest scale,2014,26,1,82-104,Gannon Accuracy of sexually violent person assessments of juveniles adjudicated for sexual offenses,2013,25,5,516-526,Caldwell The Good Lives Model (GLM):: An evaluation of GLM operationalization in North American treatment programs,2014,26,1,58-81,Levenson Direct and indirect measures of sexual maturity preferences differentiate subtypes of child sexual abusers,2014,26,2,107-128,Banse Catch me if you can: An analysis of fugitive sex offenders,2014,26,2,129-148,Levenson The neuropsychology of sexual offenders: a meta-analysis,2014,26,2,149-177,Joyal Development of Vermont Assessment of Sex Offender Risk-2 (VASOR-2) Reoffense Risk Scale,2014,26,3,271-290,Langton Suicide attempts and self-harm behaviors in psychiatric sex offenders,2014,26,3,252-270,Gonsalves Women who sexually offend display three main offense styles: a re-examination of the Descriptive Model of Female Sexual Offending,2014,26,3,207-224,Blake Sexually intrusive behavior among alleged CSA male victims: : a prospective study,2014,26,3,291-305,Hershkowitz An evaluation of mandatory polygraph testing for sexual offenders in the United Kingdom,2014,26,2,178-203,Pina Criminal history and future offending of juveniles convicted of the possession of child pornography,2013,26,4,375-390,Plattner Age actuarial risk and long-term recidivism in a national sample of sex offenders,2014,26,5,406-428,Wong Psychosocial and developmental characteristics of female adolescents who have committed sexual offenses,2013,26,4,330-342,Hendriks Specialization in and within sexual offending in England and Wales,2014,26,3,225-251,Mann Sexual and general offending trajectories of men referred for civil commitment,2013,26,4,311-329,Knight Testosterone sexual offense recidivism and treatment effect among adult male sex offenders,2005,17,2,171-181,Reddon A multimodal examination of sexual interest in children: A comparison of sex offenders and non-sex offenders,2013,26,4,343-374,Babchishin Measuring deviant sexual interest in adolescents using the Emotional Stroop Task,2014,26,5,450-471,Humphreys The self-regulation model of sexual offending: Intermediate outcomes and posttreatment recidivism,2014,26,5,429-449,Olver Heterogeneity within multiple perpetrator rapes: A national comparison of lone duo and 3+ perpetrator rapes,2013,26,6,503-522,Woodhams Youth who sexual offended: Primary human goods and offense pathways,2013,27,2,151-172,Chu Visual Reaction Time™ as a predictor of sexual offense recidivism,2013,27,2,173-188,Abel Incorporating change information into sexual offender risk assessments using the Violence Risk Scale-Sexual Offender Version,2013,26,5,472-499,Wong A criminal careers typology of child sexual abusers,2013,26,6,569-585,Smallbone Correlates and moderators of child pornography consumption in a community sample,2013,26,6,523-545,Seto Alcohol and Drug Abuse in Sexual and Nonsexual Violent Offenders,2000,12,4,263-274,Abracen The Impact of Polygraphy on Admissions of Victims and Offenses in Adult Sexual Offenders,2000,12,2,123-138,Heil Evaluating Treatment Efficacy with Sexual Offenders: The Insensitivity of Recidivism Studies to Treatment Effects,1997,9,2,111-128,Barbaree Some Implications of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure for the Treatment of Adolescents with Sexual Offending Behaviors,2002,14,4,313-327,Baumbach The Relationship Between Static and Dynamic Risk Factors and Reconviction in a Sample of U.K. Child Abusers,2002,14,2,155-167,Hanson Personality Characteristics of Adolescent Sexual Offenders: A Pilot Study,1995,7,3,195-203,Carpenter Sexual Interest in Children Among an Online Sample of Men and Women: Prevalence and Correlates,2013,26,6,546-568,Wurtele Prevention nearby: The influence of the presence of a potential guardian on the severity of child sexual abuse,2013,27,2,189-204,Smallbone Secondary Traumatic Stress Among Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Personnel: : Impact Risk Factors and Coping Strategies,2013,26,6,586-609,Craun Construction and validation of the SRA-FV needs assessment,2013,27,4,360-375,Thornton Rationally irrational: the case of sexual burglary,2014,27,4,376-397,Beauregard Examining antisocial behavioral antecedents of juvenile sexual offenders and juvenile non-sexual offenders,2014,27,4,414-438,Corrado Prioritizing child pornography notifications: Predicting direct victimization,2014,27,4,398-413,Kamphuis Development and validation of the Juvenile Sexual Offense Recidivism Risk Assessment Tool-II,2014,27,6,529-558,Ralston Measurement matters: Comparing old and new definitions of rape in federal statistical reporting,2014,27,5,443-459,Bierie Brothers under the bridge: Factors influencing the transience of registered sex offenders in Florida,2014,27,6,559-586,Levenson Sexual violence in the backlands: Toward a macro-level understanding of rural sex crimes,2014,27,5,496-523,Braithwaite Risk and criminogenic needs of youth who sexually offended in Singapore: An examination of two typologies,2014,27,5,479-495,Chu Child pornography possessors and child contact sex offenders: A multilevel comparison of demographic characteristics and rates of recidivism,2014,27,5,460-478,Faust More than a nuisance: the prevalence and consequences of frotteurism and exhibitionism,2014,28,1,3-19,Jeglic Baby with the bath water: response to Fanniff and Letourneau,2014,26,5,395-400,Hecker Paraphilic interests: An examination of sex differences in a nonclinical sample,2014,28,1,20-45,Lalumière Identifying male sexual offender subtypes using cluster analysis and the Static-2002r,2014,28,5,403-426,Jung Keep testing the waters: Fanniff and Letourneau reply,2014,26,5,401-405,Fanniff Sexual offenders' perceptions of the client-therapist relationship: the role of risk,2014,28,4,271-290,Jeglic The MATS-1 Risk Assessment Scale: summary of methodological concerns and an empirical validation,2014,28,3,160-186,Thornton Adverse childhood experiences in the lives of male sex offenders: implications for trauma-informed care,2014,28,4,340-359,Levenson Exploring client and therapist experiences of sexual offender intervention: developing a model of "significant events",2014,28,4,314-339,O'Halloran A quasi-experimental evaluation of high-intensity inpatient sex offender treatment in the Netherlands,2014,28,5,469-485,Kamphuis Assessing sexual interest in adolescents who have sexually offended,2014,28,2,96-115,Strassberg Helping sex offenders to desist offending: the gains and drains for CoSA volunteers-a review of the literature,2014,28,5,364-402,Bogaerts Victim age and the generalist versus specialist distinction in adolescent sexual offending,2014,28,2,79-95,Seto Does change on the MOLEST and RAPE Scales predict sexual recidivism?,2014,28,5,427-447,Looman The relation of familiarity with sexual abusers to subsequent developmental adaptation in youths who have sexually offended,2014,27,6,587-608,Knight Routine activities preceding adolescent sexual abuse of younger children,2014,28,2,116-131,Felson An incident-based comparison of female and male sexual offenders,2014,27,3,235-257,Bierie Are child abusers sexually attracted to submissiveness? Assessment of sex-related cognition with the Implicit Association Test,2014,28,5,448-468,Nunes Entrapment and enmeshment schemes used by sex traffickers,2014,28,6,491-511,Reid Is the sexual murderer a unique type of offender? A typology of violent sexual offenders using crime scene behaviors,2014,28,6,512-533,Healey Cross-validation of the JSORRAT-II in Iowa,2014,28,6,534-554,Ralston Protective factors in male adolescents with a history of sexual and/or violent offending: a comparison between three subgroups,2014,27,1,109-126,van der Put A prospective investigation of factors that predict desistance from recidivism for adolescents who have sexually offended,2014,27,1,127-142,Langton Adverse childhood experiences in the lives of female sex offenders,2014,27,3,258-283,Levenson Assessing protective factors for sexually violent offending with the SAPROF,2014,27,1,51-70,Bogaerts Women convicted of promoting prostitution of a minor are different from women convicted of traditional sexual offenses: a brief research report,2014,27,3,324-334,Freeman Protective factors and recidivism in accused juveniles who sexually offended,2014,27,1,71-90,Briken Characteristics of females who sexually offend: a comparison of solo and co-offenders,2014,27,3,284-301,Elliott "Identifying and describing emotions": measuring the effectiveness of a brief alexithymia-specific intervention for a sex offender population,2014,28,7,599-619,Egan Executive dysfunction predicts delinquency but not characteristics of sexual aggression among adolescent sexual offenders,2014,ePub,ePub,ePub,Burton Etiological risk factors for sibling incest: data from an anonymous computer-assisted self-interview,2014,28,7,620-659,Kuo Group sexual offending by juvenile females,2014,27,3,335-356,Bijleveld Assessing protective factors of youth who sexually offended in Singapore: preliminary evidence on the utility of the DASH-13 and the SAPROF,2014,27,1,91-108,Chu Risk assessment in child sexual abusers working with children,2014,28,6,572-596,Eher What's in a name? Evaluating the effects of the "sex offender" label on public opinions and beliefs,2014,28,7,660-678,Socia Protective strengths risk and recidivism in a sample of known sexual offenders,2015,27,1,34-50,Miller Sadism and violent reoffending in sexual offenders,2015,28,1,46-72,Eher Introduction to the special issue on factors positively associated with desistance for adolescents and adults who have sexually offended,2015,27,1,3-15,Langton Acquaintance rape: applying crime scene analysis to the prediction of sexual recidivism,2015,28,7,679-702,Hanson The neuropsychology of adolescent sexual offending: testing an executive dysfunction hypothesis,2015,28,8,741-754,Joyal The Adam Walsh Act: an examination of sex offender risk classification systems,2015,28,8,722-740,Thornton Less is more: using Static-2002R subscales to predict violent and general recidivism among sexual offenders,2015,28,3,187-217,Hanson A systematic review of behavioral health interventions for sex offenders with intellectual disabilities,2015,29,2,148-185,Marotta Treatment progress and behavior following 2 years of inpatient sex offender treatment: a pilot investigation of safe offender strategies,2015,29,1,3-27,Becker Cognitional impairment: is there a role for cognitive assessment in the treatment of individuals civilly committed pursuant to the Sexually Violent Predator Act?,2015,28,8,755-769,Sreenivasan Contextualizing the policy and pragmatics of reintegrating sex offenders,2015,29,1,28-50,Fox What sexual recidivism rates are associated with Static-99R and Static-2002R scores?,2015,28,3,218-252,Hanson The juvenile sex offender: criminal careers and life events,2015,29,1,81-101,Bijleveld Juvenile sex offending through a developmental life course criminology perspective: an agenda for policy and research,2015,29,1,51-80,Lussier The impact of using documented but uncharged offense data on JSORRAT-II predictive validity,2015,29,2,186-202,Ralston Offense trajectories the unfolding of sexual and non-sexual criminal activity and sex offense characteristics of adolescent sex offenders,2015,28,8,791-812,Cale Primary prevention of sexual violence in Aotearoa New Zealand: a survey of prevention activities,2015,29,2,128-147,Willis Childhood sexual abuse attachments in childhood and adulthood and coercive sexual behaviors in community males: main effects and a moderating function for attachment,2015,29,3,207-238,Langton The impact of interpersonal style and interpersonal complementarity on the therapeutic alliance between therapists and offenders in sex offender treatment,2015,29,2,107-127,Daffern A longitudinal outcome evaluation of a prison-based sex offender treatment program,2015,29,3,239-266,Grady What is so special about female sexual offenders? Introduction to the special issue on female sexual offenders,2015,27,3,232-234,Cortoni Deconstructing incidents of female perpetrated sex crimes: comparing female sexual offender groupings,2015,29,3,267-290,Bierie Offender mobility during the crime: investigating the variability of crime event contexts and associated outcomes in stranger sexual assaults,2015,29,4,313-341,Beauregard Changes in J-SOAP-II and SAVRY scores over the course of residential cognitive-behavioral treatment for adolescent sexual offending,2015,29,4,342-374,Scalora Beauty and the eye of the beholder: gender and attractiveness affect judgments in teacher sex offense cases,2015,29,4,375-395,Becker Disproportionate minority contact: comparisons across juveniles adjudicated for sexual and non-sexual offenses,2015,29,3,291-308,Burkhart Looking beyond the screen: a critical review of the literature on the online child pornography offender,2015,29,5,416-445,Ogloff Youth arrested for trading sex have the highest rates of childhood adversity: a statewide study of juvenile offenders,2015,29,4,396-410,Hardt Circles of Support and Accountability for sex offenders: a systematic review of outcomes,2015,29,5,446-478,Völlm Volunteers in circles of support and accountability job demands job resources and outcome,2015,29,6,541-562,Bogaerts Social anxiety and loneliness in adults who solicit minors online,2015,29,6,519-540,Hoyer On the shoulders of giants: Obituaries for Marnie Rice and Mark Chaffin,2015,27,6,527-528,Seto Psychopathy checklist-revised use and reporting practices in sexually violent predator evaluations,2015,29,6,592-614,Murrie A qualitative analysis of offenders' modus operandi in sexually exploitative interactions with children online,2015,29,6,563-591,Hamilton-Giachritsis The Revised Screening Scale for Pedophilic Interests (SSPI-2): development and criterion-related validation,2015,29,7,619-635,Seto The impact of interpersonal style on ruptures and repairs in the therapeutic alliance between offenders and therapists in sex offender treatment,2015,29,7,709-728,Daffern Assessing the validity of automated webcrawlers as data collection tools to investigate online child sexual exploitation,2015,29,7,685-708,Bouchard Immaterial boys? A large-scale exploration of gender-based differences in child sexual exploitation service users,2015,29,7,658-684,Brayley Review of the empirical and clinical support for group therapy specific to sexual abusers,2015,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jennings Is emotional congruence with children associated with sexual offending in pedophiles and hebephiles from the community?,2015,ePub,ePub,ePub,Beier Utility of the Static-99 and Static-99R with Latino sex offenders,2015,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jeglic The revised Screening Scale for Pedophilic Interests: predictive and concurrent validity,2015,29,7,636-657,Seto Special issue of Sexual Abuse: a journal of research and treatment-connecting theory with research: testing hypotheses about the causes of sexual offending,2016,28,1,73-74,Nunes Childhood sexual abuse in adolescents adjudicated for sexual offenses: mental health consequences and sexual offending behaviors,2018,30,1,23-42,Alexander Attitude may be everything but is everything an attitude? Cognitive distortions may not be evaluations of rape,2018,30,1,43-62,Nunes Sex trafficking of girls with intellectual disabilities: an exploratory mixed methods study,2018,30,2,107-131,Reid Exploring neural correlates of empathy in juveniles who have sexually offended,2018,30,1,82-103,Jones Preventative services for sexual offenders,2018,30,1,63-81,Lussier The relationships between victim age gender and relationship polymorphism and sexual recidivism,2018,30,2,132-146,Seto Do sex offenders have higher levels of testosterone? Results from a meta-analysis,2018,30,2,147-168,Wong An evaluation of a community-based psycho-educational program for users of child sexual exploitation material,2018,30,2,169-191,Eldridge The role of psychopathic traits in the development of the therapeutic alliance among sexual offenders,2018,30,3,211-229,Jeglic Fantasy-driven versus contact-driven users of child sexual exploitation material: offender classification and implications for their risk assessment,2018,30,3,230-253,Curtis Predictive accuracy of Violence Risk Scale-Sexual Offender Version risk and change scores in treated Canadian Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal sexual offenders,2018,30,3,254-275,Wong Convergent validity of three measures of sexual sadism: value of a dimensional measure,2018,30,2,192-208,Proulx Implicit theories and offender representativeness in judgments about sexual crime,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bartels Romeo juliet and statutory rape,2018,30,3,296-321,Bierie Age diversity among victims of hebephilic sexual offenders,2018,30,3,322-339,Seto A qualitative analysis of offenders' emotional responses to perpetrating sexual assault,2018,30,4,393-412,Parrott An emerging risk factor of sexual abuse: the use of smartphone dating applications,2018,30,4,343-366,Fong Relationship between sexual abuse in childhood and the occurrence of mental illness in adulthood: a matched case-control study in Nigeria,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Okeafor Comparing help-seeking behavior of male and female survivors of sexual assault: a content analysis of a hotline,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Colvin Examining implicit and explicit evaluations of sexual aggression and sexually aggressive behavior in men recruited online,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nunes Reducing stigma and punitive attitudes toward pedophiles through narrative humanization,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hogue Implicit and explicit evaluations of sexual aggression predict subsequent sexually aggressive behavior in a sample of community men,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nunes Prison experience and reoffending,2016,ePub,ePub,epub,Zgoba Assessing sexual interest in children using the go/no-go association test,2018,30,5,593-614,Thornton Volunteering with sex offenders,2018,30,6,659-675,Völlm Three central dimensions of sexual recidivism risk,2018,30,6,676-704,Hanson "It's not something i chose you know": making sense of pedophiles' sexual interest in children and the impact on their psychosexual identity,2018,30,6,728-754,Williams Sex offenders in prison: are they socially isolated?,2018,30,7,828-845,Nieuwbeerta Deconstructing incidents of campus sexual assault: comparing male and female victimizations,2019,31,3,296-317,Bierie Sexual assault in the ivory tower: public opinion on university accountability and mandatory reporting,2019,31,3,344-365,Brownstein Enhancing the reproducibility of research findings,2017,29,4,311-312,Seto Sex offender mobility: an application of crime pattern theory among child sex offenders,2018,30,8,908-931,Mogavero Are Latinos who commit sexual offenses different? A closer examination of characteristics and offense patterns,2018,30,7,846-868,Jeglic Sexual murderers: sex offender murderer or both?,2018,30,8,932-950,Beauregard Sexual violation of patients by physicians: a mixed-methods exploratory analysis of 101 cases,2019,31,5,503-523,Anderson Sexual abuse within employment settings: a comparison of work-related intra- and extra-familial child molesters,2019,31,5,524-542,Jeglic Between the pew and the pulpit: can personality measures help identify sexually abusive clergy?,2019,31,6,686-706,Calkins Identifying criminogenic needs using the personality assessment inventory with males who have sexually offended,2018,30,8,992-1009,Jung A typology of sex offending against minors: an empirical study of rape and molestation cases in china,2018,30,8,951-974,Hu The motivation-facilitation model of sexual offending,2019,31,1,3-24,Seto Offense processes of online sexual grooming and abuse of children via internet communication platforms,2019,31,1,73-96,Hamilton-Giachritsis Turning a blind eye: public support of emergency housing policies for sex offenders,2019,31,1,25-49,Socia Attachment and personality disorders among child molesters: the role of trust,2019,31,1,97-124,Bogaerts Race and victim age matter: sexual behaviors and experiences among confined African American and European American youth with sexual and nonsexual offenses,2019,31,1,50-72,Alexander The construction and psychometric properties of the questionnaire for online sexual solicitation and interaction of minors with adults,2018,30,8,975-991,Gámez-Guadix The challenges of identifying and classifying child sexual abuse material,2018,ePub,ePub,1079063217724768,Hamilton-Giachritsis "I know correlation doesn't prove causation but . . .": are we jumping to unfounded conclusions about the causes of sexual offending?,2017,ePub,ePub,1079063217729156,Nunes An opportunity view of child sexual offending: investigating nonpersuasion and circumstances of offending through criminological lens,2018,30,7,869-882,Leclerc The pursuit of primary human goods in men desisting from sexual offending,2019,31,2,197-219,Harris You do what? A qualitative investigation into the motivation to volunteer with circles of support and accountability,2017,ePub,ePub,1079063217729157,Gibson Characteristics of female solo and female co-offenders and male solo sexual offenders against children,2017,ePub,ePub,1079063217724767,Elliott A Bayesian decision-support tool for child sexual abuse assessment and investigation,2019,31,4,374-396,Santtila Toward identification of the sexual killer: a comparison of sexual killers engaging in post-mortem sexual interference and non-homicide sexual aggressors,2017,29,5,479-499,Higgs Leg length versus torso length in pedophilia: further evidence of atypical physical development early in life,2017,29,5,500-514,Cantor National comparisons of rape myth acceptance predictors between nonathletes and athletes from multi-institutional settings,2019,31,5,543-559,Tewksbury Approach and avoidance tendencies toward picture stimuli of (pre-)pubescent children and adults: an investigation in pedophilic and nonpedophilic samples,2018,30,7,781-802,Schiffer "It's sort of reaffirmed to me that I'm not a monster I'm not a terrible person": sex offenders' movements toward desistance via peer-support roles in prison,2018,30,7,759-780,Dillon Patterns of adverse childhood experiences in juveniles who sexually offended,2018,30,7,803-827,Landolt Developmental trajectories of child sexual behaviors on the path of sexual behavioral problems: evidence from a prospective longitudinal study,2018,30,6,622-658,Lussier Psychosocial correlates of attitudes toward male sexual violence in a sample of financial crime property crime general violent and homicide offenders,2018,30,6,705-727,Boduszek The intensity and timing of sex offender treatment,2019,31,4,397-409,Day Campus sexual assault: future directions for research,2019,31,3,270-295,McMahon The etiology of risk in sexual offenders: a preliminary model,2019,31,4,431-455,Proulx The prevalence of sexual abuse in institutions: results from a representative population-based sample in Germany,2019,31,6,643-661,Brahler Differentiating adults with mixed age victims from those who exclusively sexually assault children or adults,2019,31,4,410-430,Knight Relationships between treatment delivery program attrition and reoffending outcomes in an intensive custodial sex offender program,2019,31,4,477-499,Howard A validation study of the Child Pornography Offender Risk Tool (CPORT),2019,31,4,456-476,Seto Case studies of men's perceptions of their online sexual interactions with young people: an interpretative phenomenological analysis,2018,ePub,ePub,1079063218769031,Hamilton-Giachritsis Narrative roles among contact versus noncontact sexual offenders,2018,ePub,ePub,1079063218769651,Hamilton Sex offender supervision: communication training and mutual respect are necessary for effective collaboration between probation officers and therapists,2019,31,5,607-631,Hanson Mixed emotions: an incentive motivational model of sexual deviance,2018,ePub,ePub,1079063218775972,Smid The virtuous circle: a grounded theory exploration of the Good Lives Model,2018,ePub,ePub,1079063218780730,McCauley Maternal caregiving practices and child abuse experiences as developmental antecedents to insecure attachments: differential pathways between adolescents who commit sexual and non-sexual crimes,2018,ePub,ePub,1079063218784557,Yoder Promoting accurate and respectful language to describe individuals and groups,2018,30,5,480-483,Letourneau Sexual violence risk prediction in a police context,2018,30,5,576-592,Jung Heterogeneity in male adolescents with illegal sexual behavior: a latent profile approach to classification,2018,ePub,ePub,1079063218784554,Burkhart The use of leuprolide acetate in the management of high-risk sex offenders,2018,ePub,ePub,1079063218791176,Abracen Therapeutic engagement and treatment progress: developing and testing an in-treatment measure of client engagement among sex offenders in a group program,2018,ePub,ePub,1079063218791178,Grace Veterans in prison for sexual offenses: characteristics and reentry service needs,2019,31,5,560-579,Sreenivasan Preventing child sexual abuse: screening for hidden child molesters seeking jobs in organizations that care for children,2019,31,6,662-683,Abel Negotiating the intersection of science and commerce,2019,31,6,684-685,Seto Predictors of sexual aggression perpetration among male and female college students: cross-cultural evidence from Chile andTturkey,2019,31,3,318-343,Krahé Preventing sexual abuse: perspectives of minor-attracted persons about seeking help,2018,ePub,ePub,1079063218797713,Levenson Do developmental and life-course theory risk factors equally predict age of onset among juvenile sexual and nonsexual offenders?,2018,ePub,ePub,1079063218797714,Jennings Parks playgrounds and incidents of sexual assault,2019,31,5,580-606,Bierie Campus sexual assault: forging an action-focused research agenda,2019,31,3,263-269,Terry Sexual sadism among sex offenders in Switzerland,2018,ePub,ePub,1079063218800473,Rossegger Victim crossover index offending patterns and predictors in a Portuguese sample,2018,ePub,ePub,1079063218800472,Leal How do professionals assess sexual recidivism risk? An updated survey of practices,2018,ePub,ePub,1079063218800474,Thornton Sextortion among adolescents: results from a national survey of U.S. youth,2018,ePub,ePub,1079063218800469,Patchin A long-term outcome assessment of the effects on subsequent reoffense rates of a prison-based CBT/RNR sex offender treatment program with strength-based elements,2018,ePub,ePub,1079063218807486,Marshall Covariates of the severity of aggression in sexual crimes: psychopathy and borderline characteristics,2018,ePub,ePub,1079063218807485,Knight Predictive validity of the Static-99 and Static-99R in Switzerland,2019,ePub,ePub,1079063218821117,Rossegger Speak up! Prosocial intervention verbalizations predict successful bystander intervention for a laboratory analogue of sexual aggression,2019,ePub,ePub,1079063218821121,Parrott Criminogenic needs as intervening factors in the relation between insecure attachments and youth sexual violence,2019,ePub,ePub,1079063218821108,Brown Correlates of chronic suicidal ideation among community-based minor-attracted persons,2019,ePub,ePub,1079063219825868,Yaseen Inhibitory control in sexually coercive men: behavioral insights using a stop-signal task with neutral emotional and erotic stimuli,2019,ePub,ePub,1079063219825866,Rouleau Long-term predictive validity of the Juvenile Sex Offender Assessment Protocol-II: research and practice implications,2019,ePub,ePub,1079063219825871,Righthand Paraphilia and antisociality: motivations for sexual offending may differ for American whites and blacks,2019,ePub,ePub,1079063219828779,Hanson Determining sexual offender profiles from life trajectories,2019,ePub,ePub,1079063219828782,Ducro Excusing and justifying rape cognitions in judgments of sexually coercive dating scenarios,2019,ePub,ePub,1079063219825869,Harper A comparison of sexual arousal in men exposed to visual stimuli with and without facial blurring,2019,ePub,ePub,1079063219828784,Bradford Would god forgive? Public attitudes toward sex offenders in places of worship,2019,ePub,ePub,1079063219839498,Socia "Sex offender" versus "person": the influence of labels on willingness to volunteer with people who have sexually abused,2019,ePub,ePub,1079063219841904,Willis Comparing recidivism of sexual and nonsexual offenders: the role of humanist spiritual and religious involvement,2019,ePub,ePub,1079063219843903,Hall Elderly sexual abuse: an examination of the criminal event,2019,ePub,ePub,1079063219843899,Beauregard Cross-validation of the revised version of the Violence Risk Appraisal Guide (VRAG-R) in a sample of individuals convicted of sexual offenses,2019,ePub,ePub,1079063219841901,Eher The absence of evidence-based practices (EBPs) in the treatment of sexual abusers: recommendations for moving toward the use of a true EBP model,2019,ePub,ePub,1079063219843897,Jennings The role of consent in the context of BDSM,2019,ePub,ePub,1079063219842847,Brotto “We're all the same here"-investigating the rehabilitative climate of a re-rolled sexual offender prison: a qualitative longitudinal study,2019,ePub,ePub,1079063219839496,Blagden Sexual offense legislation across the pond: a review of community sentiment toward the United Kingdom's implementation of Sarah's Law,2019,ePub,ePub,1079063219847671,Zgoba Contextual influences on the sentencing of individuals convicted of sexual crimes,2019,ePub,ePub,1079063219852936,Socia Predicting sexual recidivism,2019,ePub,ePub,1079063219852944,Piquero Are juveniles who have committed sexual offenses the same everywhere? Psychometric properties of the Juvenile Sex Offender Assessment Protocol-II in a Portuguese youth sample,2019,ePub,ePub,1079063219858070,GonÇalves Child sexual abuse in organizational settings: a research framework to advance policy and practice,2019,31,6,635-642,Terry Development and psychometric properties of the Detection of Sexual Abuse Risk Screening Scale (DSARss),2019,ePub,ePub,1079063219858061,Ballester-Arnal Validity and reliability of the Violence Risk Scale-Youth Sexual Offense Version,2019,ePub,ePub,1079063219858064,Rojas Cognitive affective and general empathy in individuals convicted of a sexual offense: a meta-analysis,2019,ePub,ePub,1079063219858062,Morrow On the effectiveness of sexual offender treatment in prisons: a comparison of two different evaluation designs in routine practice,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bender Impairment of both reward and punishment learning in males who have sexually offended against a child,2019,ePub,ePub,1079063219871579,Brazil Developmental and sexual offense onset characteristics of Australian Indigenous and non-Indigenous male youth who sexually offend,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,McKillop Estimating lifetime and residual risk for individuals who remain sexual offense free in the community: practical applications,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hanson STABLE-2007 demonstrates predictive and incremental validity in assessing risk-relevant propensities for sexual offending: a meta-analysis,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hanson Sexual violence perpetration within intimate relationships: an I3 model analysis of the effects of sexual violence victimization and psychological flexibility,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Parrott To reoffend or not to reoffend? An investigation of recidivism among individuals with sexual offense histories and psychopathy,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Abracen Predicting sexual offenders' specialization/versatility: the role of impulsivity and moral reasoning,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Leal An exploratory study of recidivism risk assessment instruments for individuals convicted of sexual offenses in Singapore,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chu Incarcerated for a sex offense: in-prison experiences and concerns about reentry,2019,ePub,ePub,1079063219884588,Gordon Scripting stranger sexual offenses against women,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Leclerc Somnophilia: examining its various forms and associated constructs,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bartels Functional isolation: understanding isolation in trafficking survivors,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Raghavan Differences in sexual interest in children between men who commit undetected versus detected sexual offenses,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Seto Child sexual abuse by Catholic priests deacons and male members of religious orders in the authority of the German Bishops' Conference 1946-2014,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dressing Intrasexual competition as a predictor of women's judgments of revenge pornography offending,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Harper Multiple perpetrator rape committed by female offenders: a comparison of solo duo and 3+ group offenders,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,da Silva Determinants of sexual violence against married women: qualitative evidence from Ghana,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tenkorang Measuring inappropriate sexual behavior among university students: using the randomized response technique to enhance self-reporting,2020,32,3,320-334,Rueda Special Issue: International Developmental/Life-Course Perspectives and Research on Sexual Offending and Offenders,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jennings Validity of risk assessment instruments among juveniles who sexually offended: victim age matters,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Landolt Alexithymia prior trauma alcohol use and sexual aggression perpetration: a cross-cultural comparison of a moderated mediation model,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Klanecky Spanish validation of the Child Pornography Offender Risk Tool,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Seigfried-Spellar The influence of gender on perceptions of culpability and victim status in statutory rape offenses involving teachers,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Powers Pornography use and sexual coercion: examining the mediation effect of sexual arousal,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bouffard Indirect and neuropsychological indicators of pedophilia,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mokros Registration and the closure of stranger-perpetrated sex crimes reported to police,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bierie Incidents of sexual assault against older adults: a comparison study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Budd A comparison of risk factors among discharged military veterans and civilians involuntarily hospitalized under California's Sexually Violent Predator Act,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sreenivasan Exploring hostility toward women in high-risk rapists: the relevance of ambivalence and relational experience,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Smid Is male adolescents' sexual aggressiveness better explained by prior pornography use or callousness? A brief report,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stulhofer A delicate dance: ethical and systemic issues in providing community-based sex offender treatment,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Walker Convergent and predictive associations of three measures of pedophilic interest,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Olver Corrigendum to testing the Static-99r as a global screen for risk of sex crime recidivism in a Norwegian routine sample,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,No Author(s) Listed Adverse childhood experiences among sexual offenders: associations with sexual recidivism risk and psychopathology,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Levenson Sexual offending pathways and chat conversations in an online environment,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bogaerts Race ethnicity and punishment for federal sex offenses: changing composition in child pornography and sex abuse cases and temporal disparity in sentencing over time,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hartley A crime script analysis of child sexual exploitation material fora on the darkweb,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Blokland The victim-offender overlap in sexual offending: exploring a community-based sample of young adults in Hong Kong,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chan Disentangling cognitions about sexual aggression,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nunes Toward a focused conceptualization of collateral consequences among individuals who sexually offend: a systematic review,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hamilton Trauma and maternal caregivers as risks for executive function deficits among youth who have sexually harmed,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brown Is there an "expert" stranger rapist?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Beauregard "I would report it even if they have not committed anything": social service students' attitudes toward minor-attracted people,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Butters Public attitudes toward institutional child sexual abuse in Israel: the case of Malka Leifer,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tener Why men (don't) buy sex: purity moralization and perceived harm as constraints on prostitution offending,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bontrager The prevalence of sexual interest in children and sexually harmful behavior self-reported by men recruited through an online crowdsourcing platform,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ó Ciardha Effects of automated messages on internet users attempting to access "barely legal" pornography,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Krone Treatment satisfaction in a civil commitment facility for sexually violent persons,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Smith Measuring collateral consequences among individuals registered for a sexual offense: development of the sexual offender collateral consequences measure,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hamilton Dispelling a myth: reevaluating the predictive validity of rape myth acceptance for likelihood of engaging in sexual violence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Frazier Older individuals convicted of sexual offenses: a literature review,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tramontano Assessing rape myth acceptance: a contribution to Italian validation of the Measure for Assessing Subtle Rape Myth (SRMA-IT),2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tartaglia Using graphs in sexual violence risk communication: benefits may depend on the risk metric,2021,33,6,698-724,Hilton California sexually violent predator (SVP) evaluations in the field: Static-99R and diagnostic field reliability,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lockhart Balancing political and criminogenic needs: evaluating the New Zealand Department of Corrections' response to men assessed with a below average risk for sexual recidivism,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Willis A longitudinal examination of developmental covariates of sexual behavior problems among youth referred to child protection services,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lussier Predicting risk of reoffending in persons with child sexual exploitation material offense histories: the use of child pornography offender risk tool in a Scottish population,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Quayle Motivational and cognitive factors in pathways to offending amongst women who have sexually offended,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Epstein Exploring risk for sexual recidivism and treatment responsivity through the lens of early trauma,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Levenson The experience of working with individuals who sexually offend,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jeglic MeToo and sexual violence among women in Zambia,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Muzyamba Neighborhood-level predictors of sexual violence across intimate partner and non-intimate partner relationships: a case-control study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stinson Understanding sexual aggression in UK male university students: an empirical assessment of prevalence and psychological risk factors,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gannon Changes in the risk of sexual reoffending: the role and relevance of perceived self-efficacy and adult attachment styles in correctional treatment,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Briken Sexism moral disengagement and dark triad traits on perpetrators of sexual violence against women and community men,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sobral The effect of attitudes towards individuals with sexual convictions on professional and student risk judgments,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Harper The prevalence of sexual grooming behaviors in a large sample of clergy,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jeglic What kind of therapy works with juveniles who have sexually offended? A randomized-controlled trial of two versions of a specialized cognitive behavioral outpatient treatment program,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rossegger Public perception of men who have committed intrafamilial and extrafamilial sexual offences against children,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bartels "It was in control of me": notions of addiction and online child sexual exploitation material offending,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Holt Associations between self-regulation experiences of childhood adversity and problematic sexual and aggressive behaviors,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stinson No check we will not write: a report on the high cost of sex offender incarceration,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Letourneau Between sanctity and real life: child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church in Spain,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tamarit Development and validation of the beliefs about revenge pornography questionnaire,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Harper Reliability and factor structure of the sex offender treatment intervention and progress scale,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hanson Serious mental illness and sexual offending in forensic psychiatric patients,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Simpson Atypical sexual interests in compulsive sexual behavior: results from a phallometric study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ballester-Arnal Realization self-view and disclosure of pedophilia: a content analysis of online posts,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jimenez-Arista A qualitative exploration of sleep-related sexual interests: somnophilia and dormaphilia,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bartels Power-related emotions alcohol intoxication and nonconsensual sex intentions: the role of fear of intimacy,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,George Improving justice equity diversity and inclusion in research on sexual abuse perpetration. [editorial],2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fanniff Pedohebephilia and perceived non-coercive childhood sexual experiences: two non-matched case-control studies,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schmidt Correspondence of child age and gender distribution in child sexual exploitation material and other child content with age and gender of child sexual assault victims,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Seto Examining sexual crime severity in China: a general-specific model on sex offending against adults,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sun Multiple-perpetrator and solo-offender sexual assaults between strangers: differences and predictive variables,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pérez Ramírez Etiological pathways to the emergence of preteen problematic sexual behavior: an exploratory mediational model,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Allen Investigating the effect of post-release housing mobility on recidivism: considering individuals convicted of sexual offenses,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Huebner Comparison of community and expert samples in the perceived risk of individuals who have sexually offended,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Knight Modus operandi in sexual assaults of female strangers does not change over time,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Beauregard Do sanctions affect undetected sexual offending?,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kahn Open versus closed group treatment of men with a history of sexual offenses,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Daffern Long term recidivism rates among individuals at high risk to sexually reoffend,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hanson Predictive validity of Static-99R among 8207 men convicted of sexual crimes in South Korea: a prospective field study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hanson Sexual offense disclosure assessment in youth referred to community treatment: a latent class analysis,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kolko A qualitative examination of school counselors' experiences of sextortion cases of female students in Israel,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dolev-Cohen "I know it's hard to believe but the monster who abused me is my mother:" experiences of being sexually abused as a child by a female,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Katz General criminal dynamic risk and strength factors predict short-term general recidivism outcomes among people convicted of sexual crime during community supervision,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Serin "Falling through the cracks": a retrospective exploration of the barriers to help-seeking among men convicted of sexual crimes,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lievesley Protectors of society: understanding the impact of courtesy stigma on the experiences of volunteers working with individuals convicted of sexual offences,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Parkes Sexual recidivism during treatment: impact on therapists,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Proulx Same score different audience different message: perceptions of sex offense risk depend on Static-99R risk level and personality factors of the recipient,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schäfer The predictive validity of the Revised Screening Scale for Pedophilic Interests (SSPI-2),2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Seto Understanding the risk of sexual reoffending in adult men: a network-based model,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Janssen Evaluating a theory-based online program for preventing sexual aggression: an experimental-longitudinal study with German university students,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Krahé The impact of mental illness and intellectual disability information on general public perceptions of a person convicted of a child sex offence,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hand A grounded theory model of relationship decision-making in non-offending partners of individuals accused of sexual offending,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gannon Factors associated with contact sexual offending among a non-forensic sample of women with sexual interest in children - results from an anonymous online survey,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Briken Moderators of sexual recidivism as indicator of treatment effectiveness in persons with sexual offense histories: an updated meta-analysis,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mokros Relationships between early maladaptive schemas and emotional states in individuals with sexual convictions,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vos Dynamic individual risk networks: personalized network modelling based on experience sampling data,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Smid Learning from consumers of mandated sex-offending programs: "it's not treatment I wish it was.",2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Levenson Sexual misconduct: what does a 20-year review of cases in Quebec reveal about the characteristics of professionals victims and the disciplinary process?,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Martin Investigating trauma symptomology as a mediator of the relationships between childhood maltreatment and sexual and non-sexual delinquency,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bosetti The risk need and responsivity relevance of working alliance in a sexual offense treatment program: its intersection with psychopathy diversity and treatment change,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Olver Emotional congruence with children: an empirical examination of different models in men with a history of sexually offending against children,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Babchishin Motives for sex and sexual perpetration in college men: an exploratory study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Anderson Nonstranger and stranger sexual homicides in Mainland China: comparing the modus operandi of male sexual murderers,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chan The ripple effects of post-conviction traumatic stress in people required to register as sex offenders and their families,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Levenson "That doesn't define who I am": strategies of resistance to stigmatization among a sample of U.S. individuals convicted of a sexual offense,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Spivey Differentiating between sexual offending and violent non-sexual offending in men with schizophrenia spectrum disorders using machine learning,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hill Sexual offending: adverse childhood experiences shame and self-compassion explain the variance in self-harm and harm towards others?,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gregson Perpetration-focused prevention: the perceptions of victim-survivors,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Humphreys Factor analysis with unusual sexual interests: a replication study in a representative population sample,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,de Vogel The impact of a public health campaign to deter viewing of child sexual abuse images online: a case study of the UK Stop It Now! Campaign,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Quayle Psychopathic personality as a moderator of the relationship between atypical sexuality and sexual coercion proclivity in the general population,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fido Interactions between offender and crime characteristics leading to a lethal outcome in cases of sexually-motivated abductions,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Beauregard Inadequate coping strategies of men who have committed sexual aggression against women: a study of their developmental antecedents,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Proulx Men's narratives of sexual intimate partner violence in urban Mwanza northwestern Tanzania,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stöckl Predictors of individual and interpersonal adjustment among non-offending partners of individuals with histories of sexual offenses,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ronis Static-99R norms and cross-cultural validity for Australian Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal men convicted of sexual offences,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Howard Latent profile analysis predicting recidivism among women who have sexually offended,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Walker Explaining male sex offender recidivism: accounting for differences in correctional supervision,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jones Violent partners or a specific class of offenders? A criminal career approach to understanding men involved in intimate partner sexual violence,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Guay Looping disruption: a relational mechanism enhancing treatment readiness among individuals convicted of sexual offending?,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lindegren Online communities for child-attracted persons as informal mental health care: exploring self-reported wellbeing outcomes,2024,36,2,158-184,Holt Use of the MMPI and its derived scales with sex offenders: I. Reliability and validity studies,1990,3,3,245-291,Wright