Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Cost-outcome analysis in injury prevention and control: eighty-four recent estimates for the United States,2000,38,6,562-582,Levy Classifying trauma severity based on hospital discharge diagnoses: validation of an ICD-9-CM to AIS-85 conversion table,1989,27,4,412-422,MacKenzie Predicting posttrauma functional disability for individuals without severe brain injury,1986,24,5,377-387,MacKenzie The abbreviated injury scale and injury severity score. levels of inter- and intrarater reliability,1985,23,6,823-835,MacKenzie The impact of the Texas 1989 motorcycle helmet law on total and head-related fatalities severe injuries and overall injuries,1992,30,9,832-845,Fleming Differences in Cause-Specific Mortality Between Latino and White Adults,2005,43,10,1058-1062,Wong Coding Algorithms for Defining Comorbidities in ICD-9-CM and ICD-10 Administrative Data,2005,43,11,1130-1139,Burnand A Comparison of the Case-Control and Case-Crossover Designs for Estimating Medical Costs of Nonfatal Fall-Related Injuries Among Older Americans,2005,43,11,1087-1091,Corso Disaster and subsequent healthcare utilization: a longitudinal study among victims their family members and control subjects,2006,44,6,581-589,Kerssens Effects of provider networks on health care costs for workers with short-term injuries,2002,40,8,686-695,Marcus Gender differences in recovery needs after a suicide attempt: a national qualitative study of US Military Veterans,2021,59,,S65-S69,Carlson Community Preferences for Health States Associated With Intimate Partner Violence,2006,44,8,738-744,Wittenberg Rural-urban differences in depression treatment and suicidality,1998,36,7,1098-1107,Zhang The Excess Medical Cost And Health Problems of Family Members of Persons Diagnosed With Alcohol or Drug Problems,2007,45,2,116-122,Mertens Double catastrophe: injury-related bankruptcies,2007,45,8,699-701,Woolhandler Advancing knowledge of suicide risk and prevention among women: introduction (editorial),2021,59,,S1-S3,Yano Canadian family physicians' and general practitioners' perceptions of their effectiveness in identifying and treating wife abuse,1994,32,12,1163-1172,Ferris Hospital costs of societal violence. 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