Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Highway safety--a progress report,1967,56,11,456-459,Haddon Guns in the medical literature,1994,83,6,320-2 324,Kellermann Gun smoke,1994,83,5,254-258,Kellermann Re: guns and self-protection (march 1994),1994,83,5,254,Kellermann Guns in the medical literature,1994,83,6,324-326,Kleck Guns and self-protection,1994,83,1,42,Kleck Crime control or gun control?,1995,84,6,279,Barr Guns germs and science: public health approaches to gun control,1995,84,6,269-273,Kopel Firearm violence and public health. limiting the availability of guns,1995,84,6,265-267,Adler On public health and gun control,1995,84,6,251-252,Faria Gun control in the medical literature,1994,83,6,329-330,Huckaby "Assault weapons" revisited--an analysis of the AMA report,1994,83,5,281-289,Suter The allure of foreign gun laws,1994,83,3,153-155,Kopel Fire deaths in Fulton County 1983-1985,1987,76,7,494-497,Hanzlick Seat belts save lives!,1988,77,4,221-222,Burns Reporting medically impaired drivers,1976,65,4,129-130,Zoukis Health care and firearms,1994,83,3,149-152,Pratt Re: Guns and violence,1994,83,2,65,Suter Male privilege and male violence,1998,87,1,45-47,Bathrick Responding to family violence,1997,86,3,221-223,Holz Violence in the workplace,1997,86,1,5,Fine A sign of hope: promising solutions in response to youth violence,1996,85,3,156-158,Costley We need you in the fight against family violence,1994,83,7,400-402,McAfee Controlling violence and other destructive impulses: a retail approach,1994,83,4,225-226,Messer Re: Guns and violence,1994,83,3,127,Piner Re: Guns and violence,1993,82,11,568,Dombroski Re: Editor's Corner "On guns and violence" (July 1993),1993,82,9,439,Hawkins On guns and violence,1993,82,7,318-320,Faria Family violence: a national epidemic,1992,81,7,372-373,Tippins Controlling violence: a retail approach,1991,80,9,479-480,Messer Domestic violence: an analysis of battered women in Georgia,1990,79,12,907-913,Sikes Safety and the child,1985,74,4,242-243,McCord Child abuse by scalding,1992,81,10,574-578,Renz Re: "Guns in the medical literature (March and May)",1994,83,8,450-451,Knott Guns in the medical literature,1994,83,6,329,Kirkpatrick Guns in the medical literature,1994,83,6,326-328,Waters Guns in the medical literature,1994,83,6,328,Jarrett Guns in the medical literature: A failure of peer review,1994,83,3,133-148,Suter Guns: Health destroyer or protector?,1994,83,3,157-159,Caruth Disaster preparedness in Georgia,1970,59,7,282-283,Williams Heart rate measurements of drivers with the Highway Systems Research Car,1970,59,1,16-22,Platt Safe driving habits can lower insurance costs,1968,57,9,420,Bentley The doctor's role in the reduction of accidents,1967,56,11,475-477,Jones Those new gadgets on the car--one may save your life,1967,56,11,460-463,Hall Georgia needs new traffic safety laws,1967,56,11,453-455,Ellis Reporting of child abuse,1966,55,7,328-329,Moore Protecting the abused child in Georgia: identifying and reporting,1971,60,3,86-88,White Suicide and the physician: experience and attitudes in the community,1972,61,9,307-311,Whittemore So what's wrong with the cave man?,1972,61,8,286-291,Anchell Poisonous snakebites in Georgia,1975,64,4,99-103,Bryant The determination of dangerousness,1976,65,2,50-52,Skelton What can we do about child abuse?,1978,67,3,226-227,Bruner Child abuse in Georgia: a duty to report,1978,67,3,195-196,Cundiff Child abuse in Georgia: the doctor's legal responsibility,1978,67,3,239-240,Berg Child abuse in Georgia 1975--1977,1979,68,5,393-395, Child abuse: the hidden crime,1984,73,10,671-673,Bruner Adolescent suicide: a geometric increase,1986,75,11,667-669,Messer Teenage suicide in Cobb DeKalb and Fulton Counties: a perspective,1986,75,7,434-437,Hanzlick Driving under the influence,1985,74,12,833-835,Alonso Everything you've always wanted to know about child abuse and were required to report,1985,74,4,259-261,Berg The pediatric radiologist looks at child abuse,1985,74,4,232-234,Ball Communicating through puppets,1985,74,4,228-231,Coplin "It's OK to tell",1985,74,4,226-227,Satcher Child abuse and neglect,1985,74,4,224-225,Wood Child advocacy. A role for auxilians,1985,74,4,220-221,Gay Assessment and management of suicidal patients,1988,77,11,833-834,Davidson Health care consequences for Atlanta of a nuclear explosion,1988,77,7,557-560,Koplan Preventing youth suicide: we can make a difference,1988,77,4,233-234,Bolton Georgia's child abuse reporting statute survives initial constitutional attack,1989,78,6,357-359,Berg Stepparents and stepchildren: the Phaedra complex,1990,79,10,747-748,Messer Bruxism neck pain and a history of child sexual abuse,1992,81,11,637-640,Messer The physician's support might clinch it,1967,56,11,478-479,Bentley What the new safety act will mean in Georgia,1967,56,11,464,Jordan Re: Child abuse and breakdown of the family,1993,82,12,638,Mongan Motor vehicle engine-related burns,1993,82,10,541-543,Renz On child abuse and the breakdown of the family,1993,82,10,521-524,Faria Guidelines for identifying and helping abused patients,1993,82,7,327-332, Factors affecting return to work after job-related injuries,1992,81,12,673-677,Bickers The Georgia Institute for the Prevention of Human Disease and Accidents,1989,78,10,701-704,Levy Traffic fatalities and drinking teens: how big is the problem in Fulton County?,1986,75,11,660-662,Hanzlick Automobile passenger deaths in children less than five years of age,1986,75,4,209-211,Hanzlick Three-wheeler injuries in southeast Georgia,1986,75,1,26-7 33,Boyd Drownings in Georgia,1985,74,11,761-765,Sikes Child passenger safety in Georgia,1984,73,7,461-465,Levi Childhood accidents and their prevention,1952,41,9,392-394,Morrison Methyl alcohol poisoning; an account of the 1951 Atlanta epidemic,1952,41,2,48-51, Car window fractures left elbow,1953,42,4,211,Carswell The physician and childhood accidents,1954,43,2,142-145,Bellhouse Head injuries and psychiatric sequelae,1954,43,2,127-129,McELROY The medicolegal aspects of head injury,1955,44,9,431-435,Bickers Digitalis intoxication,1957,46,2,74,Knight The toxicity of stilbamidine,1957,46,2,65,Smith Psychophysiological factors in juvenile delinquency,1960,49,,553-555,Lipton Responsibility to the injured,1961,50,,23-24,Curry Refinery explosion: a trauma network at its best,2008,97,3,29-30,Gallup Poverty and child abuse: suffer the children,2000,89,1,5-7,Johnson Fat embolism following severe trauma in a child,1967,56,2,50-53,Cardin Competitive sports for boys under fifteen beneficial or harmful?,1966,55,11,464-468,Allman Single trauma and cancer,1967,56,9,385-386,Moore Gateway House: a safe place,1993,82,7,333-335,Christian On the Journal's new look and the right to self-protection,1994,83,3,129-131,Faria Is it pseudo or is it science?,1994,83,12,712-713,Hughes Comparative analysis of data from the Georgia Eye Injury Registry,1996,85,1,27-30,Johnson Child abuse: past present future,1996,85,3,149-151,Keller Public health preparedness for bioterrorism,2002,91,2,8-11,Wetterhall Biological warfare and bioterrorism,2002,91,2,12-15,Smith Violence in America. Effective solutions,1995,84,6,253-263,Suter Preventing death in a ditch,1970,59,11,427, Council helps keep you from killing yourself,1967,56,11,474,Brokaw Tobacco-poisoning and its effects upon the eye-sight,1969,58,6,312-313,Calhoun Emergency medical services during civil disturbances,1969,58,2,74-75, Code Blue: adolescent health the crisis and the hope,1990,79,10,729-732,Bawtinhimer Life preservers,1995,84,6,244,Mayes Comprehensive health education: primary prevention's best hope,1994,83,7,397-399,Andrews Head injury at the southeastern Georgia Regional Trauma Center: a three-year review,1989,78,6,341-344,Boyd Guns in the medical literature,1994,83,6,330,Wheeler Guns in the medical literature,1994,83,6,330,Eisen Guns in the medical literature,1994,83,6,329,Stubbs Guns in the medical literature,1994,83,6,328-329,Bevirt Guns in the medical literature,1994,83,6,328,Winter Guns in the medical literature,1994,83,6,328,Williams What happens after a physician reports suspected child abuse?,1998,87,1,51-53,Berg Sexual harassment: it's not just applicable to judges and law professors,1992,81,5,247-249,Fox Re: Guns in the medical literature (March and May),1994,83,8,451-452,Berg Re: Guns in the medical literature (March and May),1994,83,8,451,Hughston Re: Guns in the medical literature (March and May),1994,83,8,450,Wiggs Fear not science drives toxicologic risk assessment,1995,84,5,221-223,Lehr Drugs containing halogen atoms: toxicity and lack of toxicity,1972,61,10,347-351,Adriani Orthopaedic sports medicine and the adult male athlete: a review of common exercise-related injuries,1998,87,1,17-21,Woodfin The liabilities of physicians rendering first aid at the scene of an accident,1973,62,1,23-25,Raney Georgia's medical malpractice statute of limitations declared unconstitutional as applied to wrongful death actions,1983,72,3,217-220,Berg The meaning and significance of leisure,1973,62,7,255-260,Sessoms Critical issues facing teenagers: alcohol smoking and drug abuse,1975,64,12,457-459,Ellington Theodosia Burr Alston: medical history and mysterious death,2002,91,1,40-42,Lathan Snake bite,1959,48,7,371-372,Strickler Alcoholism. A community problem a medical responsibility,1966,54,11,358-362,Mooney The abuse of drugs,1966,55,2,69,Jones The alcoholic and his family physician,1966,55,2,49-51,Catanzaro Guns ethics and public safety,2013,102,1,18-19,Elliott Violence and schizophrenia,2013,102,1,16-17,Buckley The middle of the road,2013,102,2,3,Bohlke Mortality from carbon monoxide in Georgia 1961-1973,1978,67,2,98-100,Lisella Frequency of fire ant stinging in Lowndes County Georgia,1978,67,2,101-102,Yeager Prevalence of tobacco marijuana and alcohol usage among high school students: a local survey and comments on current patterns of usage,1978,67,3,211-214,O'Neill Heat injury: a possible association with lithium carbonate therapy,1980,69,4,284-286,Lowance Chiropractic physical examinations of high school athletes in Georgia--a preview of the legal issues,1978,67,12,1002-1004,Berg Blunt and penetrating trauma during pregnancy: four cases,1985,74,3,158-161,Boyd Fifteen-year review of extracranial carotid artery injury,1987,76,2,129-132,Boyd What does alcohol consumption cost Georgia?,1987,76,2,125-128,Sikes Mayonnaise and hot tar burns,1981,70,9,659-660,Shea The National Head and Spinal Cord Injury Prevention Program,1989,78,6,333-338,Watts Participation in prevention: the Georgia Head and Spinal Cord Injury Prevention Program,1989,78,6,329-331,Wirth The Savannah Head and Spinal Cord Injury Prevention Program,1989,78,6,325-328,Wirth Physician-assisted suicide,2014,103,4,42-43,Elliott Pay as much attention to firing as to hiring,1992,81,2,53-54,Messer The five-second rule,2009,98,1,e60,Coffsky When and on what basis do physicians decide to ignore a patient's choice in favor of administering a treatment involuntarily?,2009,98,4,22-23,Elliott