Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Characteristics of road traffic accidents treated in an urban trauma center,2005,7,1,9-12,Aladgem Ending in a crash,2005,7,1,41-42,Peleg Childhood accidents: the relationship of family size to incidence supervision and rapidity of seeking medical care,2005,7,9,558-563,Schwartz Risk for motorcyclists in a busy metropolitan city: the example of Tel Aviv,2005,7,8,511-514,Kluger Alcohol use among trauma victims admitted to a level I trauma center in Israel,2006,8,2,98-102,Peleg Childhood injury: rate estimates and prevention strategies,2005,7,9,595-596,Amitai Organophosphate poisoning: a multihospital survey,2002,4,7,573-576,Hourvitz Issues to consider when using the new diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment,2005,7,11,732-735,Kavé Adolescent suicide and attempted suicide,2002,4,4,283-284,Apter Deliberate self-poisoning in adolescents,2002,4,4,252-254,Lifshitz Trends in youth mortality in Israel 1984-1995,2001,3,8,610-614,Sikron An intraocular injury from a dog bite,2006,8,1,67-68,Habot-Wilner The aging of Holocaust survivors: myth and reality concerning suicide,2007,9,3,196-198,Yoram Traumatic female urethral injury: an overlooked entity,2004,6,10,634-635,Mor Outcome of head and other injuries among Israeli children: Physical limitations and stress symptoms,2007,9,7,531-536,Avitzour Ethnic differences in the epidemiological characteristics of severe trauma due to falls from heights among children in northern Israel,2007,9,8,603-606,Tamir Use of pre-hospitalization services in two population groups of injured children and adolescents in Israel,2007,9,10,724-728,Avitzour Abdominal stab wounds in Israel 1997-2004: significant increase in overall incidence and prevalence of severe injury,2008,10,2,135-137,Alfici Characteristics of thermal burns in children admitted to an Israeli pediatric surgical ward,2008,10,4,282-286,Boaz Post-traumatic intramural duodenal hematoma in children,2006,8,2,95-97,Steiner Medical management of toxicological mass casualty events,2008,10,11,761-766,Schein Remote identification of poisonous plants by cell-phone camera and online communication,2008,10,11,802-803,Bentur Scombroid fish poisoning in Israel 2005-2007,2008,10,11,789-792,Bentur Venomous fish injuries along the Israeli Mediterranean coast: Scope and characterization,2008,10,11,783-788,Bentur Organophosphate and carbamate poisoning: review of the current literature and summary of clinical and laboratory experience in southern Israel,2008,10,11,767-770,Lifshitz Poison Control and the Drug Information Center: the Palestinian experience,2008,10,11,757-760,Sawalha Poisoning in Israel: annual report of the Israel Poison Information Center 2007,2008,10,11,749-756,Bentur Contact dermatitis from occupation-induced injury,2009,11,2,125,Zeller Earthquake disasters--lessons to be learned,2002,4,5,361-365,Stein Samson's suicide: psychopathology (Grossman) vs. heroism (Jabotinsky),2008,10,3,196-201,Strous The challenge of military adversity and the need for protective mechanisms,2008,10,12,892-893,Kotler The psychological toll of the Intifada: symptoms of distress and coping in Israeli soldiers,2008,10,12,873-879,Berger Demographic and clinical parameters of patients with high risk behavior in a general hospital: the use of constant observation,2008,10,10,681-685,Raveh Postmortem computed tomography in victims of military air mishaps: radiological-pathological correlation of CT findings,2007,9,10,699-702,Goldstein Osmium tetroxide: a new kind of weapon,2007,9,10,750-752,Schein Bromine--the red cloud approaching,2007,9,9,677-679,Schein Toxic industrial compounds--the threat is out there,2007,9,9,676,Dushnitsky A decade to the Israel National Trauma Registry,2007,9,5,347-351,Avitzour The neglect of "child abuse and neglect",2006,8,3,200-202,Antonelli Domestic abuse in pregnancy: results from a phone survey in northern Israel,2003,5,1,35-39,Fisher Domestic violence: prevalence among women in a primary care center--a pilot study,2001,3,12,907-910,Biderman Traumatic pseudoaneurysm of the superficial temporal artery after paintball injury,2010,12,2,123-124,Cohen Can we make our home our castle?,2004,6,6,364-366,Friedmann My home is my castle! Or is it? Hospitalizations following home injury in Israel 1997-2001,2004,6,6,332-335,Sikron Falls in stroke patients: risk factors and risk management,2010,12,4,216-219,Tsur Burns in Israel: demographic etiologic and clinical trends 1997-2003,2007,9,9,659-662,Peleg Evaluation of a syndromic surveillance system using the WSARE algorithm for early detection of an unusual localized summer outbreak of influenza B: implications for bioterrorism surveillance,2007,9,1,3-7,Cohen Estimating the usual prevalence and incidence of acute illness in the community: implications for pandemic influenza and bioterrorism preparedness,2006,8,8,563-567,Aharonowitz Massive air embolism caused by blunt chest trauma,2003,5,4,304,Rivkind Bomb explosions in acts of terrorism--detonation wound ballistics triage and medical concerns,2003,5,4,235-240,Kluger Hydrazine--the space era agent,2008,10,4,302-306,Markel Alcohol and driver fatalities in Israel: an examination of the current problem,2009,11,12,725-729,Hiss Secondary enuresis: post-traumatic stress disorder in children after car accidents,2000,2,2,135-137,Amir Traumatic adrenal injury in children,2000,2,2,132-134,Schwarz Acute cervical spinal cord injury dopamine and venous hyperoxemia,2001,3,2,155-156,Silfen Child abuse and neglect: reporting by health professionals and their need for training,2010,12,10,598-602,Ziv The medico-legal investigation of the El Aqsah Intifada,2002,4,7,549-553,Hiss Pediatric poisonings in Israel: National Poison Center data,2010,12,9,554-559,Bentur Near-drowning in the Dead Sea: a retrospective observational analysis of 69 patients,2003,5,12,856-858,Saidel-Odes Acute respiratory distress syndrome in children: a 10 year experience,1999,1,3,149-153,Barzilai Survey of a pediatric hospital staff regarding cases of suspected child abuse and neglect,2006,8,3,179-183,Glasser Hippocrates' Oath is challenged,2009,11,10,581-584,Kivity Letter to the Royal College of Physicians (London): take anti-Israeli politics out of medicine,2009,11,6,334,Abramsky Ethical dilemmas for physicians in time of war,2010,12,3,172-173,Malke Ethical dilemmas for physicians in time of war,2010,12,3,133-135,Rosner Dislocation of the proximal tibiofibular joint: a rare sports-related injury,2011,13,1,62-63,Goldstein The emergency department in a region under missile attack: utilization patterns during Operation Cast Lead,2011,13,2,69-75,Plakht Terror and rehabilitation of two family members with spinal cord injury,2002,4,7,563,Zeilig Blast injury of the ear in a confined space explosion: auditory and vestibular evaluation,2002,4,7,559-562,Cohen Rectal penetrating injuries from blast trauma,2002,4,7,557-558,Rivkind The experience of one institution dealing with terror: the El Aqsa Intifada riots,2002,4,7,554-556,Mintz A novel mode of infection with hepatitis B: penetrating bone fragments due to the explosion of a suicide bomber,2002,4,7,528-529,Oren And the doctor shall heal: the Israel-Palestinian conflict,2002,4,7,485-486,Blachar Diabolical haunting terror--here and now,2002,4,7,483-484,Shoenfeld Suspected child abuse and neglect: assessment in a hospital setting,2002,4,8,617-623,Zur An off-duty doctor in the face of terrorism,2002,4,12,1169,Collins Burkholderia mallei and Burkholderia pseudomallei as bioterrorism agents: national aspects of emergency preparedness,2007,9,7,499-503,Amsalem Assessing child abuse,2003,5,2,152; author reply 152,Hiss Aggression--from basic science to real life,2003,5,9,667-668,Barak Aggression: the testosterone-serotonin link,2003,5,9,653-658,Birger Conspiracy in Paris November 1938: Medical fraud as pretext for the Kristallnacht pogrom,2011,13,5,266-269,Weisz Fracture of vertebra D12 in jet-ski accidents,2011,13,8,510-511,Salai Strychnine--a killer from the past,2008,10,2,142-145,Schein A simplified fall-risk assessment tool for patients hospitalized in medical wards,2008,10,2,125-129,Salameh International trauma care: a comparison between Jerusalem Israel and Fairfax County Virginia USA,2002,4,2,103-108,Avitzour Evacuation to a trauma center or a non-trauma center? Is there any doubt?,2006,8,2,134-136,Stein Evacuation of trauma patients solely to level 1 centers: is the question patient or trauma center survival?,2006,8,2,131-133,Goldberg Evacuating trauma victims: to the nearest or the appropriate hospital?,2006,8,2,129-130,Shapira Ocular injuries caused by elastic cords,1999,1,4,287-288,Shulman An obscure cause of odynophagia (or "check the wrapper"),1999,1,4,278,Eliakim Poison exposure in children before Passover,2000,2,2,142-144,Amitai Profile of the pediatric burn patient at the Schneider Children's Medical Center of Israel,2000,2,2,138-141,Hauben Damage control on the combat field: old philosophy new concept,2007,9,2,132,Farraj Resilience emotions and acute stress reactions in the population of Dimona and the general population of Israel two days after the first suicide bombing attack in Dimona,2012,14,5,281-285,Bar-Dayan The role of radiology in terror injuries,2002,4,7,564-567,Rivkind Postpartum post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms: the uninvited birth companion,2012,14,6,347-353,Strous The care of sexual assault victims: the first regional center in Israel--10 years experience,2012,14,11,658-661,Golan Field evaluation and treatment of short-term psycho-medical trauma after sexual assault in the Democratic Republic of Congo,2012,14,11,653-657,Mankuta Open globe eye injury characteristics and prognostic factors in southern Israel: a retrospective epidemiologic review of 10 years experience,2013,15,3,158-162,Levy Comparative outcome of bomb explosion injuries versus high-powered gunshot injuries of the upper extremity in a civilian setting,2013,15,3,148-152,Avitzour Hospitalization due to horse-related injuries: has anything changed? A 25 year survey,2013,15,4,169-172,Abu-Kishk Objective estimates of the risk factors for death and length of hospitalization following burn injuries Soroka University Medical Center 2001-2002,2013,15,4,152-155,Perry Occupational exposures and symptoms among firefighters and police during the carmel forest fire: the Carmel cohort study,2013,15,6,288-292,Linn Psychiatric consultation of all suicide-attempt patients during a one year period in a tertiary hospital,2013,15,8,424-429,Cooper-Kazaz Double-blind placebo and active (caffeine) controlled study to examine the effects of the herbal nutritional supplement beverage "Wake up" on vigilance and function after lunch,2013,15,8,419-423,Pillar Sport-related eye injury in northern Israel,2013,15,12,763-765,Pikkel The impact of sleep deprivation on sleepiness risk factors and professional performance in medical residents,2013,15,12,739-744,Perry Poisoning following ingestion of Narcissus tazetta bulbs by schoolchildren,2014,16,2,125-126,Hussein The Istanbul protocol (manual on the effective investigation and documentation of torture and other cruel inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment): implementation and education in Israel,2014,16,3,137-141,Akar Poisoning in Israel: annual report of the Israel Poison Information Center 2012,2014,16,11,686-692,Bentur Mars can wait: facing the challenges of our civilization,2014,16,12,744-747,Goodman Video surveillance in mental health facilities: is it ethical?,2015,17,5,274-276,Melamed Ocular paintball injuries,2016,18,1,27-31,Lang Bicycle-related shoulder injuries: etiology and the need for protective gear,2016,18,1,23-26,Goldstein Injuries in a developing sport cachibol (Newcomb ball),2016,18,2,85-89,Nyska Epidemiology of kite surfing injuries among recreational athletes,2016,18,5,272-274,Givon Deliberate self-harm in older adults: a general hospital emergency department survey,2017,19,3,160-163,Apter Savage war injuries: the alleviation of suffering,2017,19,3,137-138,Biswas Specific ethical codes for mental health care professionals: do we need to annotate?,2016,18,8,454-460,Strous Awareness and Functional Outcome of Hip Fracture-Related Falls among Patients with a History of Recurrent Falling,2018,1,20,38-42,Aizen Born in Auschwitz and survived: a triumph over murderers,2018,20,4,203-206,Weisz Awareness and functional outcome of hip fracture-related falls among patients with a history of recurrent falling,2018,20,1,38-42,Aizen The differences in stabbing-related injury profiles of men and women,2019,21,3,198-202,Peleg Poisoning in Israel: Annual Report of the Israel Poison Information Center 2017,2019,21,3,175-182,Bentur The epidemiology injury patterns and outcomes of horse-related injuries in israeli children,2019,21,4,279-282,Bala Validity and inter-observer reliability of the TURN 180 test to identify older adults who reported falls,2019,21,4,269-274,Melzer Contact sport-induced coronary artery dissection,2019,21,8,555-556,Weisz Parapet along the roof: injury prevention in the context of an ancient but still relevant commandment,2020,22,1,64-65,Freud Smartphone based timed up and go test can identify postural instability in Parkinson's disease,2020,22,1,37-42,Yahalom Cellulitis and lymphangitis following an injury from a broken cellular phone touch screen,2020,22,10,e594,Oron The clinical value of routine acetaminophen level screening in pediatric patients presenting to the emergency department,2020,22,9,547-551,Kozer The effect of the CoViD-19 outbreak on trauma-related visits to a tertiary hospital emergency department,2021,23,2,82-86,Klein Hip fracture following a fall among older adults during the CoViD-19 pandemic,2021,23,8,479-483,Ben Natan Ocular trauma caused by confetti cannons,2021,23,11,703-707,Dotan Military medical research in the IDF: an array of fields and interests,2022,24,9,557-558,Glassberg Isolated versus non-isolated traumatic brain injuries identification and decision making: a comparative study,2022,24,9,574-578,Chen Patterns in vehicle-ramming attacks,2022,24,9,579-583,Chen Rates of missed injuries in the prehospital setting are unrelated to the gender of the medical provider: a retrospective study,2022,24,9,606-611,Karp Trampoline-related injuries in children: a tertiary pediatric center experience in Israel,2022,24,10,666-670,Becker Should I ask Doctor Google? Reliability of Israeli web-based information regarding general orthopedic injuries and symptoms,2023,25,10,688-691,Keren October 7 terror attack: a one-day case series of imaging trauma patients at a single medical center,2023,25,12,780-786,Shrot Forensic frontiers: navigating complex challenges of a large-scale invasion by armed Hamas terrorists in southern Israel,2023,25,12,787-790,Kugel Nitrous oxide-induced myeloneuropathy due to recreational abuse,2024,26,5,294-298,Hershkovich Effects of COVID-19 Lockdowns on the Development of Educational Social and Emotional Gaps among Children: A Retrospective Chart Review,2022,25,12,791-796,Ebert The role of periodic mortality case review sessions in a primary care teaching clinic,2006,8,6,373-377,Vinker