Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Self-rated changes in cognition and piloting skills: a comparison of younger and older airline pilots,2002,73,5,466-471,Grabowski Human factors in aviation crashes involving older pilots,2002,73,2,134-138,Grabowski General aviation crashes involving military personnel as pilots,2001,72,11,1001-1005,Gillis Characteristics of general aviation crashes involving mature male and female pilots,2001,72,5,447-452,Grabowski Factors associated with pilot error in aviation crashes,2001,72,1,52-58,Grabowski Homebuilt aircraft crashes,1999,70,6,543-547,Hasselquist Correlates of pilot fatality in general aviation crashes,1999,70,4,305-309,Baker Alcohol in aviation-related fatalities: North Carolina 1985-1994,1998,69,8,755-760,Hooten At work and play in a hazardous environment: injuries aboard a deployed U.S. Navy aircraft carrier,1997,68,1,51-55,Krentz The epidemiology of aircraft fire in commuter and air taxi crashes,1996,67,5,434-437,Dodd Crashes of instructional flights,1996,67,2,105-110,Lamb Crash and violation experience of pilots involved in prior commuter and air taxi crashes: a historical cohort study,1995,66,12,1131-1135,Baker Factors related to pilot survival in helicopter commuter and air taxi crashes,1995,66,2,99-103,Krebs Pilots involved in multiple crashes: "accident proneness" revisited,1995,66,1,6-10,Lamb Prior crash and violation records of pilots in commuter and air taxi crashes: a case-control study,1994,65,11,979-985,Baker Epidemiology of hot-air balloon crashes in the u.s. 1984-88,1994,65,1,3-6,Frankenfield Work-related aviation fatalities in Colorado 1982-1987,1991,62,9 Pt 1,827-830,Wiant Hazards of mountain flying: crashes in the Colorado Rockies,1989,60,6,531-536,Lamb Underwater detectibility of a lighting system on a helicopter escape exit,2004,75,6,526-530,O'Neill Human response to buffeting in an all-terrain vehicle,1976,47,1,9-16,Fraser Gender and effect of impact acceleration on neck motion,1999,70,9,851-856,Morris Involuntary sleep during civil air operations: wrist activity and the prevention of sleep,2004,75,1,37-45,Wright Aircrew helmet protection against potential cerebral concussion in low-magnitude impacts,1979,50,6,553-561,Bishop Theory and application of a three-dimensional model of the human spine,1978,49,1 Pt. 2,158-165,Belytschko Nonlinear numerical prediction of human head/helmet crash impact response,1978,49,1 Pt. 2,114-119,Saczalski Neck muscle loading and fatigue: systematic variation of headgear weight and center-of-gravity,1983,54,10,901-905,Phillips The strength-endurance relationship in skeletal muscle: its application to helmet design,1982,53,4,365-369,Phillips A comparative study of G-induced neck injury in pilots of the F/A-18 A-7 and A-4,1988,59,8,758-760,Knudson Potential crashworthiness benefits to general aviation from Indianapolis Motor Speedway technology,1988,59,1,67-73,Jennings The need for improved anthropometric methods for the development of helmet systems,1994,65,5 Suppl,A95-9,Robinette Effects of weight and center of gravity location of head-supported devices on neck loading,1997,68,10,915-922,Ashrafiuon Army ranger casualty attrition and surgery rates for airborne operations in Afghanistan and Iraq,2004,75,10,833-840,Kotwal Flight safety in Alaska: comparing attitudes and practices of high- and low-risk air carriers,2005,76,1,52-57,Conway Alcohol and other risk factors for drowning among male active duty U.S. Army soldiers,2001,72,12,1086-1095,Smith A modified crash brace position for aircraft passengers,1998,69,10,975-978,Brownson The mechanism of femoral fracture in an impact accident,1998,69,10,971-974,Rowles Windchill index and military applications,2002,73,7,699-702,Santee Analysis of injuries among pilots killed in fatal helicopter accidents,2003,74,4,337-341,Wiegmann Human factors analysis and classification system applied to civil aircraft accidents in India,2005,76,5,501-505,Gaur Extravehicular mobility unit training and astronaut injuries,2005,76,5,469-474,Strauss Color vision tests for aviation: comparison of the anomaloscope and three lantern types,2005,76,5,421-429,Squire Caffeine maintains vigilance and marksmanship in simulated urban operations with sleep deprivation,2005,76,1,39-45,Kamimori Pilot behaviors in the face of adverse weather: A new look at an old problem,2005,76,6,552-559,Batt Fatigue in military aviation: an overview of US military-approved pharmacological countermeasures,2005,76,7 Suppl,C39-51,Caldwell Motion-sickness medications for aircrew: impact on psychomotor performance,2005,76,6,560-565,Paul Aircrew ejection experience: questionnaire responses from 20 survivors,2005,76,7,670-674,Taneja Crash-resistant fuel system effectiveness in civil helicopter crashes,2005,76,8,782-785,Baker Suicide by aircraft: a comparative analysis,2005,76,8,715-719,Grabowski Inadequate harnesses as a cause of death in two light aircraft accidents,1980,51,9 Pt 2,1077-1079,Hill Aircraft fires smoke toxicity and survival,1996,67,3,275-278,Chaturvedi Ground crew injuries and fatalities in U.S. commercial aviation 1983-2004,2005,76,11,1007-1011,Grabowski Toxicological findings from 1587 civil aviation accident pilot fatalities 1999-2003,2005,76,12,1145-1150,Chaturvedi Balloon crash damage and injuries: an analysis of 86 accidents 2000-2004,2006,77,5,556-558,de Voogt Procedural errors in air traffic control: effects of traffic density expertise and automation,2006,77,6,639-643,Di Nocera Case-control study of risk factors for fatal and non-fatal injury in crashes of civil aircraft,2003,74,10,1061-1066,Chalmers Spatial disorientation-implicated accidents in Canadian forces 1982-92,1995,66,6,579-585,Cheung Direct and indirect cost of general aviation crashes,2002,73,9,851-858,Chalmers Pilot error in air carrier accidents: does age matter?,2006,77,7,737-741,Grabowski Helmet slippage during visual tracking: the effect of voluntary head movements,1993,64,7,623-630,Williams Survivability and injuries from use of rocket-assisted ejection seats: analysis of 232 cases,2006,77,9,936-943,Lewis Ballooning accidents,2006,77,9,989; autho,Cowl Ultralight aviation accident factors and latent failures: a 66-case study,2006,77,9,950-952,de Voogt Task performance and eye activity: predicting behavior relating to cognitive workload,2007,78,5 Suppl,B176-85,Tsai Federal Aviation Administration's behavioral research program for defense against hijackings,1975,46,4 Sec 1,423-427,Dailey General aviation accidents in degraded visibility: a case control study of 72 accidents,2006,77,10,1062-1067,Price Eastern minds in western cockpits: meta-analysis of human factors in mishaps from three nations,2007,78,4,420-425,Harris The Cincinnati DC-9 experience: lessons in aircraft and airport safety,1985,56,5,457-461,Mohler Personal characteristics related to accident histories of Canadian pilots,1989,60,1,42-45,Wilde Midair collisions in U.S. civil aviation 2000-2004: the roles of radio communications and altitude,2006,77,12,1252-1255,de Voogt Pilot alcohol violations reported in U.S. newspapers 1990-2006,2006,77,12,1288-1290,Li Glider accidents: an analysis of 143 cases 2001-2005,2007,78,1,26-28,de Voogt Approaches and landings at wrong airports: analysis of 54 incidents and 11 accidents 1981-2004,2007,78,2,117-120,de Voogt Survey of pilots' attitudes and opinions about drinking and flying,1978,49,2,390-394,Damkot Preventing G-induced loss of consciousness: 20 years of operational experience,2004,75,2,150-153,Grayson Pilots' attitudes toward alcohol use and flying,1988,59,10,913-919,Ross Reduced cerebral perfusion on sudden immersion in ice water: a possible cause of drowning,2007,78,4,374-376,Mantoni Alcohol violations and aviation accidents: findings from the U.S. mandatory alcohol testing program,2007,78,5,510-513,Qiang Looking for an accident: glider pilots' visual management and potentially dangerous final turns,2007,78,6,597-600,Jarvis Sensitivity of subjective questionnaires to cognitive loading while driving with navigation aids: a pilot study,2007,78,5 Suppl,B39-50,Smyth Oculomotor responses during partial and total sleep deprivation,2005,76,7 Suppl,C104-13,Belenky Circadian alertness simulator for fatigue risk assessment in transportation: application to reduce frequency and severity of truck accidents,2004,75,3 Suppl,A107-18,Moore-Ede Flight display dynamics and compensatory head movements in pilots,2007,78,6,579-586,Beer Airline passenger misconduct: management implications for physicians,2007,78,4,361-367,Dahlberg Pilot medical history and medications found in post mortem specimens from aviation accidents,2006,77,11,1171-1173,Lewis Fatigue and related human factors in the near crash of a large military aircraft,2006,77,9,963-970,Armentrout Ejection experience 1956-2004 in Japan: an epidemiological study,2007,78,1,54-58,Nakamura Role of impact velocity and chest compression in thoracic injury,1983,54,1,16-21,Viano An experimental study on hepatic injury from belt-restraint loading,1981,52,10,611-617,Viano Evaluation of biomechanical response and potential injury from thoracic impact,1978,49,1 Pt. 2,125-135,Viano Prediction of carboxyhemoglobin concentration from transient carbon monoxide exposure,1977,48,11,1076-1080,Viano Antidepressant use and safety in civil aviation: a case-control study of 10 years of Australian data,2007,78,8,749-755,Griffiths Posturography as an indicator of fatigue due to sleep deprivation,2007,78,9,859-863,Zadok Human factors and aircraft accidents,1995,66,11,1120,Salazar Major depressive disorder with psychotic features in an aviator after head trauma,2004,75,2,175-179,Kim Medical histories of 61 aviation accident pilots with postmortem SSRI antidepressant residues,2007,78,11,1055-1059,Chaturvedi Usual seat belt practices reported by airline passengers surveyed in gate areas of a U.S. airport,2007,78,11,1050-1054,Girasek Accident rates for novice glider pilots vs. pilots with experience,2007,78,12,1155-1158,Jarvis Parachute landing fall characteristics at three realistic vertical descent velocities,2007,78,12,1135-1142,Steele Neck muscle strain when wearing helmet and NVG during acceleration on a trampoline,2008,79,2,112-116,Oksa Pilot error in air carrier mishaps: longitudinal trends among 558 reports 1983-2002,2008,79,1,2-6,Qiang Human factors in crashes of commuter airplanes,1993,64,1,63-68,Baker Classification and prediction of pilot weather encounters: A discriminant function analysis,2011,82,5,543-549,Wiggins Parachute ankle brace and extrinsic injury risk factors during parachuting,2008,79,4,408-415,Jones Antiemetic and sedative levels found together in 26 civil aviation pilot fatalities 2000-2006,2008,79,6,607-610,Johnson Injury risk factors in parachuting and acceptability of the parachute ankle brace,2008,79,7,689-694,Jones Time-course of sleep inertia upon awakening from nighttime sleep with different sleep homeostasis conditions,2000,71,3,225-229,Ferrara CC130 pilot fatigue during re-supply missions to former Yugoslavia,2001,72,11,965-973,Paul Dealing with inter-individual differences in the temporal dynamics of fatigue and performance: importance and techniques,2004,75,3 Suppl,A147-54,Dinges SLEEP (Sleep Loss Effects On Everyday Performance) Model,2004,75,3 Suppl,A125-33,Xie On the importance of countermeasures in sleep and performance models,2004,75,3 Suppl,A155-7,Kamimori Is residual impairment after alcohol an effect of repeated performance?,1999,70,2,124-130,Millar Modeling performance and alertness: the QinetiQ approach,2004,75,3,A93-103; discussion 104-6,Spencer Critical research issues in development of biomathematical models of fatigue and performance,2004,75,3 Suppl,A181-91,Dinges Alertness management in aviation operations: enhancing performance and sleep,2006,77,12,1256-1265,Rosekind Fatigue in the aviation environment: an overview of the causes and effects as well as recommended countermeasures,1997,68,10,932-938,Caldwell Gyroplane accidents 1985-2005: epidemiological analysis and pilot factors in 223 events,2008,79,10,983-985,Pagán Civilian helicopter accidents into water: analysis of 46 cases 1979-2006,2008,79,10,935-940,Brooks Finger and toe temperatures on exposure to cold water and cold air,2008,79,10,941-946,Daanen Standardized aircraft accident reporting,1993,64,10,963,Ungs Geographic patterns of pilot fatality rates in commuter and air taxi crashes,2002,73,10,1014-1020,Grabowski Age-related vision problems in commuter and air taxi pilots: a study of 3019 pilots 1987-1997,2007,78,7,706-711,Qiang Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in pilot fatalities of civil aviation accidents 1990-2001,2003,74,11,1169-1176,Chaturvedi Alaska air carrier operator and pilot safety practices and attitudes: a statewide survey,2004,75,11,984-991,Conway Controlled flight into terrain accidents among commuter and air taxi operators in Alaska,2000,71,11,1098-1103,Conway Geographic variations in crash risk of general aviation and air taxis,2000,71,1,19-21,Li Flight crew fatigue III: North Sea helicopter air transport operations,1998,69,9 Suppl,B16-25,Rosekind Analysis of accidents during instrument approaches,1992,63,4,253-261,Bennett A comparison of emergency medical helicopter accident rates in the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany,1990,61,8,750-752,Rhee General aviation accident rates and pilot community population size: an examination of rural-urban differences,1983,54,4,351-356,Urban Heat stress in the A-10 cockpit: flights over desert,1981,52,9,513-516,Nunneley Heat stress in front and rear cockpits of F-4 aircraft,1981,52,5,287-290,Nunneley Biodynamic effects of canopy loss in the TF-15 aircraft,1979,50,4,338-342,Kendall Melatonin and zopiclone as pharmacologic aids to facilitate crew rest,2001,72,11,974-984,Brown Two-crew operations: Stress and fatigue during long-haul night flights,1997,68,8,679-687,Samel Fatigue in trans-Atlantic airline operations: Diaries and actigraphy for two- vs. three-pilot crews,2006,77,6,605-612,Akerstedt Melatonin and zopiclone as facilitators of early circadian sleep in operational air transport crews,2004,75,5,439-443,Paul Avoiding involuntary sleep during civil air operations: Validation of a wrist-worn alertness device,2005,76,9,847-856,Wright Dextroamphetamine use during B-2 combat missions,2004,75,5,381-386,Kenagy Controlled breaks as a fatigue countermeasure on the flight deck,2002,73,7,654-664,Dinges Instrument flying performance after G-induced loss of consciousness,1996,67,11,1028-1033,Paul Circadian rhythms sleep and performance in space,2005,76,6,B94-107,Mallis Perceived fatigue for short- and long-haul flights: a survey of 739 airline pilots,2003,74,10,1072-1077,Coblentz Inflight application of three pilot workload measurement techniques,1987,58,5,402-410,Hart Improving daytime sleep with temazepam as a countermeasure for shift lag,2003,74,2,153-163,Norman Sleep deficit and stress hormones in helicopter pilots on 7-day duty for emergency medical services,2004,75,11,935-940,Samel Utility of dextroamphetamine for attenuating the impact of sleep deprivation in pilots,2003,74,11,1125-1134,Caldwell Modafinil's effects on simulator performance and mood in pilots during 37 h without sleep,2004,75,9,777-784,Caldwell Crew fatigue during simulated long duration B-1B bomber missions,1994,65,5 Suppl,A1-6,French Impact of melatonin zaleplon zopiclone and temazepam on psychomotor performance,2003,74,12,1263-1270,Paul Survey of Israeli Air Force line commander support for fatigue prevention initiatives,2001,72,4,352-356,Caine An in-flight investigation of the efficacy of dextroamphetamine for sustaining helicopter pilot performance,1997,68,12,1073-1080,Caldwell A survey of aircrew fatigue in a sample of U.S. Army aviation personnel,2002,73,5,472-480,Caldwell Aircrew fatigue during Desert Shield C-5 transport operations,1993,64,9 Pt 1,848-853,Lyons Acute effects of nicotine withdrawal syndrome in pilots during flight,2003,74,3,247-251,Giannakoulas Visual perception psychomotor performance and complex motor performance during an overnight air refueling simulated flight,2005,76,7,C92-103,Johnson Psychomotor test performance and sleep patterns of aircrew flying transmeridional routes,1976,47,9,979-986,Buck Flight crew fatigue V: Long-haul air transport operations,1998,69,9 Suppl,B37-48,Rosekind Simulator-induced spatial disorientation: effects of age sleep deprivation and type of conflict,2007,78,5,470-477,Ercoline Prior sleep with zolpidem enhances the effect of caffeine or modafinil during 18 hours continuous work,2006,77,5,515-525,Coste Fatigue assessment in the field: validation of a hand-held electronic psychomotor vigilance task,2005,76,5,486-489,Lamond SSRI effects on pyschomotor performance: assessment of citalopram and escitalopram on normal subjects,2007,78,7,693-697,Paul Flight crew fatigue VI: a synthesis,1998,69,9 Suppl,B49-60,Rosekind The use of amphetamines in U.S. Air Force tactical operations during Desert Shield and Storm,1995,66,3,260-263,Emonson Aircrew fatigue monitoring during sustained flight operations from Souda Bay Crete Greece,1996,67,9,863-866,Stoner Workload and fatigue--in-flight EEG changes,1978,49,10,1197-1202,Howitt Circadian adaptation of aircrew to transmeridian flight,2002,73,12,1153-1160,Roach Physiological index as an aid in developing airline pilot scheduling patterns,1976,47,3,238-247,Mohler Aircrew perceived stress: examining crew performance crew position and captains personality,2000,71,11,1093-1097,Ursin Fatigue in military aviation shift workers: Survey results for selected occupational groups,2006,77,11,1166-1170,Tvaryanas Circadian rhythms in airline pilots submitted to long-haul transmeridian flights,2002,73,5,445-455,Martin Caffeine restores engagement speed but not shooting precision following 22 h of active wakefulness,2004,75,9,771-776,McLellan Caffeinated tube food effect on pilot performance during a 9-hour simulated nighttime U-2 mission,2006,77,10,1034-1040,Hickey Electronic pilot-activity monitor: a countermeasure against fatigue on long-haul flights,2003,74,6 Pt 1,679-682,Cabon Research requirements for operational decision-making using models of fatigue and performance,2004,75,3 Suppl,A192-9,Popkin Involuntary eye responses as measures of fatigue in US Army Apache aviators,2005,76,7 Suppl,C86-91,LeDuc Comparison of mathematical model predictions to experimental data of fatigue and performance,2004,75,3,A15-36,Van Dongen Fatigue in two-pilot operations: implications for flight and duty time limitations,2008,79,11,1047-1050,Spencer Fatigue and performance models: general background and commentary on the circadian alertness simulator for fatigue risk assessment in transportation,2004,75,3 Suppl,A119-21,Dijk Visual and flight performance recovery after PRK or LASIK in helicopter pilots,2007,78,6,547-553,Bower The maintenance of wakefulness test as a predictor of alertness in aircrew members with idiopathic hypersomnia,2004,75,3,281-283,Goldstein Fatigue countermeasures in aviation,2009,80,1,29-59,Caldwell Cerebral white-matter lesions in asymptomatic military divers,2009,80,1,2-4,Mutlu Musculoskeletal injuries and minor trauma in space: incidence and injury mechanisms in U.S. astronauts,2009,80,2,117-124,Jones Confinement and sleep deprivation effects on propensity to take risks,2009,80,2,73-80,Sagaspe Sponge divers of the Aegean and medical consequences of risky compressed-air dive profiles,2009,80,4,414-417,Toklu Aircraft mishap investigation with radiology-assisted autopsy: helicopter crash with control injury,2009,80,4,400-404,Folio Geographic region weather pilot age and air carrier crashes: a case-control study,2009,80,4,386-390,Pressley Pilot age and error in air taxi crashes,2009,80,7,647-651,Qiang Ejection injury to the spine in small aviators: sled tests of manikins vs. post mortem specimens,2009,80,7,621-628,Crandall Crashes of sightseeing helicopter tours in Hawaii,2009,80,7,637-642,Baker Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B)--the first step in the FAA's next-generation air transportation system,2009,80,4,422-423,Barson Fatigue countermeasures and the use of hypnotics in aircrew,2009,80,4,418; author reply 418,Nicholson Crash rates of scheduled commuter and air carrier flights before and after a regulatory change,2009,80,4,381-385,Qiang Pulmonary barotrauma in divers during emergency free ascent training: review of 124 cases,2009,80,4,371-375,Germonpre Pilot workload during approaches: comparison of simulated standard and noise-abatement profiles,2009,80,4,364-370,Vejvoda Civil aviation rules on crew flight time flight duty and rest: comparison of 10 ICAO member states,2009,80,2,135-138,Nikolic Seating type and cognitive performance after 3 hours travel by high-speed boat in sea states 2-3,2009,80,1,24-28,Hall Combining control input with flight path data to evaluate pilot performance in transport aircraft,2008,79,11,1061-1064,Harris Perceived clutter in advanced cockpit displays: measurement and modeling with experienced pilots,2008,79,11,1007-1018,Kim Lilienthal's fatal glider crash in 1896: evidence regarding the cause of death,2008,79,10,993-994,Harsch Hepatic hemangiomas and parachuting,2008,79,10,986-988,Plackett Hypercapnia effect on core cooling and shivering threshold during snow burial,2008,79,8,735-742,Radwin Improved military air traffic controller selection methods as measured by subsequent training performance,2008,79,1,36-43,Carretta Loss of cabin pressure in a military transport: a mass casualty with decompression illnesses,2008,79,4,429-432,Johnston Cabin cruising altitudes for regular transport aircraft,2008,79,4,433-439, Configural features of helmet-mounted displays to enhance pilot situation awareness,2008,79,4,397-407,Jenkins BPPV and fitness to fly--or drive,2008,79,5,541; author reply 541-2,Gresty Cockpit design and cross-cultural issues underlying failures in crew resource management,2008,79,5,537-538,Harris Effects of airsickness in male and female student pilots: adaptation rates and 4-year outcomes,2008,79,7,677-684,Casagrande Visual conversion disorder in a harbor pilot leading to sudden loss of control of a large vessel,2007,78,1,59-62,Griffiths Alcohol screening instruments and psychiatric evaluation outcomes in military aviation personnel,2007,78,1,48-51,Moore Rheumatoid arthritis in a military aviator,2007,78,1,63-66,Moszyk Head position of helicopter pilots during slalom maneuvers,2007,78,1,38-42,Temme Can color vision defective subjects who pass the Farnsworth lantern test recognize surface color codes?,2007,78,1,21-25,Cole Tactile cueing effects on performance in simulated aerial combat with high acceleration,2007,78,12,1128-1134,van Erp Isometric force production in experienced fighter pilots during +3 Gz centrifuge acceleration,2007,78,11,1072-1074,Pongratz Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo in an airline pilot,2007,78,11,1060-1063,Sen Aircraft crash rates and cumulative hours: USAF data for 25 airframes 1950-2006,2007,78,10,923-925,Lyons Perceived brightness of incandescent and LED aviation signal lights,2007,78,9,893-900,Yuan Rapid counterclockwise shift rotation in air traffic control: effects on sleep and night work,2007,78,9,878-885,Gander Age-60 Rule: the end is in sight,2007,78,6,624-626,Baker The estimated full-scale intellectual abilities of U.S. Army aviators,2007,78,5 Suppl,B261-7,Kratz Multisensory cueing for enhancing orientation information during flight,2007,78,5 Suppl,B186-90,Albery Premenstrual dysphoric disorder: treatment with sertraline neuropsychological effects and flight status,2007,78,5 Suppl,B138-43,Anderson Linguistic correlates of team performance: toward a tool for monitoring team functioning during space missions,2007,78,5 Suppl,B86-95,Orasanu Aviation Rulemaking Committee--Age 60 Rule: the penultimate act,2007,78,4,448,Rayman Airsickness prevention in helicopter passengers,2007,78,4,408-413,LeDuc G protection: interaction of straining maneuvers and positive pressure breathing,2007,78,4,392-398,Eiken Heart rate and performance during combat missions in a flight simulator,2007,78,4,387-391,Laitinen Angina pectoris: can I control it and continue flying?,2007,78,2,158 163,Smith Antisocial personality disorder and medical certification,2007,78,2,145-146,Connolly Accidents associated with aerobatic maneuvers in U.S. aviation,2009,80,8,732-733,de Voogt Aircraft accidents with student pilots flying solo: analysis of 390 cases,2009,80,9,803-806,de Voogt Parachute opening shock emulator with pitch and yaw control,2006,77,11,1204,Paskoff Cervical and lumbar MRI findings in aviators as a function of aircraft type,2006,77,11,1158-1161,Goldstein Predicting neck injuries due to head-supported mass,2006,77,5,509-514,Kennedy Recovery from unusual attitudes: HUD vs. back-up display in a static F/A-18 simulator,2006,77,4,444-448,Huber Air traffic controller burnout: survey responses regarding job demands job resources and health,2006,77,4,422-428,Martinussen Hormonal responses of pilots to training flights: the effects of experience on apparent stress,2006,77,4,410-414,Otsuka Head and helmet biodynamics and tracking performance in vibration environments,2006,77,4,388-397,Smith Multi-sensor integration systems for the tactical combat pilot,2006,77,1,85 88,Newman Ejection decisions by strike pilots: an extreme value interpretation,2006,77,1,62-64,Irwin Hearing in military pilots: one-time audiometry in pilots of fighters transports and helicopters,2006,77,1,57-61,Job Aviation signal light gun: variations in photometric and colorimetric properties among airports,2006,77,1,46-52,Hovis Crew familiarity: operational experience non-technical performance and error management,2006,77,1,41-45,Petrilli Human performance optimization in aviation,2006,77,9,996,Martindale Perception of cockpit environment among pilots on commercial aircraft,2006,77,8,832-837,Andersson Human factors in remotely piloted aircraft operations: HFACS analysis of 221 mishaps over 10 years,2006,77,7,724-732,Tvaryanas Aircraft and related factors in crashes involving spatial disorientation: 15 years of U.S. Air Force data,2006,77,7,720-723,Grayson Head-coupled display visual design considerations,1975,46,11,1373-1377,Chisum Helmets and head protection in CF ejections 1967-1973,1975,46,10,1265-1266,Noble Cervicocranium and the aviator's protective helmet,1975,46,10,1263-1264,Colangelo Aircraft-type crash injury investigation of a commuter train collision,1975,46,9,1157-1160,Braden Smoke toxicity of common aircraft carpets,1975,46,9,1141-1143,Dressler Probability of casualties in an airport disaster,1975,46,7,958-961,Lane Vocational interests of air traffic control personnel,1975,46,7,871-877,Smith Spinal injury after ejection in jet pilots: mechanism diagnosis followup and prevention,1975,46,6,842-848,Rotondo Hearing and para-airport children,1975,46,5,740-742,Andrus Proposal for improving ejection seats with respect to sitting comfort and ejection posture,1975,46,5,736-739,Beck Control of health hazards from airborne lasers,1975,46,5,691-696,Sliney Comparisons of pilot performance in simulated and actual flight,1975,46,3,304-308,Billings Human factors in air force aircraft accidents,1975,46,3,316-318,Lewis Potential crew hazards due to radioactive cloud penetrations,1975,46,3,281-289,Patrick Telemetric control of heart adaptation during automatic and free-fall parachute jumps,1975,46,2,128-131,Petit Pseudo-internuclear oculomotor ophthalmoplegia secondary to Guillain-Barré polyneuronitis simulating myasthenia gravis in a air transport pilot,1975,46,2,204-207,Diamond Reaction time performance with and without backscatter from intense pulse light,1975,46,2,125-127,Zeiner Some highlights of aircraft passenger behavior research,1975,46,1,89-91,Altman Review of aviation safety measures which have application to aviation accident prevention,1975,46,1,82-85,Doughtery Sudden incapacitation encountered in flight by professional pilots in French civil aviation 1948-1972,1975,46,1,80-81,Raboutet Re-evaluation of a tilt-back seat as a means of increasing acceleration tolerance,1975,46,1,55-63,Burns Effect of a general aviation trainer on the stress of flight training,1975,46,1,1-5,Melton Planning an airport disaster drill,1976,47,5,556-560,Hays Prolactin thyrotropin and growth hormone release during stress associated with parachute jumping,1976,47,5,534-537,Noel Method for determining pilot stress through analysis of voice communication,1976,47,5,528-533,Okamura Simulated aircraft disaster instructional exercise at Baltimore-Washington International Airport,1976,47,4,445-448,Evans Paroxysmal and chronic atrial fibrillation in airman certification,1976,47,2,185-191,Davis Preemployment and periodic physical examination of airline pilots at the Mayo clinic 1939-1974,1976,47,2,180-184,Carter Evaluating the ability of aircrew personnel to hear speech in their operational environments,1976,47,2,154-158,Greene Alpha index and personality traits of pilots,1976,47,2,133-136,Terelak Simulated flying performance after marihuana intoxication,1976,47,2,124-128,Janowsky Use of pilot heart rate measurement in flight evaluation,1976,47,1,86-90,Roscoe Attitudes and accidents aboard an aircraft carrier,1976,47,1,82-85,Levine Impact of noise control techniques on the aviation industry,1976,47,1,62-69,Becker Development of a uniform approach to characterize noise impact on people,1976,47,1,45-53,von Gierke Disorienting effects of aircraft catapult launchings. II. Visual and postural contributions,1976,47,1,39-41,Cohen Service life analysis of the sPH-4 aviator helmet,1977,48,11,1058-1067,Nelson Prediction of airbone target detection,1977,48,11,1018-1022,Chisum Effect of emotional stress on recognition of visual patterns,1977,48,9,856-858,Simonov Psycho-physiological assessment of acceleration-induced changes in various seat configurations,1977,48,6,527-538,Voge Aeromedical considerations for flight operations from high-elevation airfields,1977,48,6,565-567,DeHart Heat stress in an aircraft cockpit during ground standby,1977,48,6,519-523,Harrison Characteristics in the atmosphere of long-range transport aircraft cabins,1977,48,6,503-507,Auffret Diurnal rhythms of visual accommodation and blink responses: implication for flight-deck visual standards,1977,48,6,524-526,Williams Suicide by aircraft: a case report,1977,48,5,454-459,Jones Motion sickness susceptibility and related behavioral characteristics in men and women,1977,48,4,316-322,Collins Stress responses of pilots flying high-performance aircraft during aerial combat maneuvers,1977,48,4,301-307,Storm Carbon dioxide hazards in general aviation,1977,48,3,261-263,Gibbons Study of PFT (parasail) in air training command,1977,48,2,164-168,Hall Cockpit thermal conditions and crew skin temperatures measured in flight,1977,48,1,44-47,Nunneley Comparison of the vigilance performance of men and women using a simulated radar task,1978,49,10,1215-1218,Thackray Use of path models to study a precareer air traffic control training program,1978,49,10,1203-1211,Boone Ripcord release capability of female parachutists,1978,49,10,1177-1183,Bullock Objective assessment of prior air traffic control-related experience through the use of an occupational knowledge test,1978,49,10,1155-1159,Lewis Spatial disorientation in general aviation accidents,1978,49,9,1080-1086,Collins Concorde: ride quality and passenger reactions,1978,49,7,905-913,Jacobson Permanent changes in the spines of military parachutists,1978,49,6,823-826,Mustajoki Visual target acquisition and tracking performance using a helmet-mounted sight,1978,49,4,565-572,Barnes Model for human controller performance in vibration environments,1978,49,1 Pt. 2,321-327,Levison Method to quantify ride comfort and allowable accelerations,1978,49,1 Pt. 2,262-269,Payne Response of the skeletal system to helicopter-unique vibration,1978,49,1 Pt. 2,253-256,Gearhart Validation of the CALSPAN gross-motion-simulation code with actually occurring injury patterns in aircraft accidents,1978,49,1 Pt. 2,191-195,McMeekin Biodynamic model of a parachutist,1978,49,1 Pt. 2,178-182,Huston Identification and classification of vertebral fractures following emergency capsule egress from military aircraft,1978,49,1 Pt. 2,150-157,Kazarian The case for models in biodynamics,1978,49,1 Pt. 2,111-113,Mohr Psychogenic G-force intolerance revisited,1978,49,1 Pt 1,76-77,Perry Relationships between ambient cockpit and pilot temperatures during routine air operations,1978,49,1 Pt 1,5-13,Harrison Spinal injuries in the F/FB-111 crew escape system,1979,50,9,948-957,Kazarian Injuries in air transport emergency evacuations,1979,50,9,943-947,Pollard The treatment of acute accidental hypothermia: proceedings of a symposium held at the RAF Institute of Aviation Medicine,1979,50,8,834-843,Marcus Cockpit thermal stress and aircrew thermal strain during routine Jaguar operations,1979,50,8,808-812,Harrison Effect of cockpit temperature gradients on the validity of single-point measurements,1979,50,7,669-671,Nunneley Oculogravic illusion in response to straight-ahead acceleration of CF-104 aircraft,1979,50,4,382-386,Money Survey on eye comfort in aircraft: I. Flight attendants,1979,50,4,401-404,Eng Laser eye protection for flight personnel,1979,50,3,239-242,Chisum SPH-4 helmet damage and head injury correlation,1979,50,2,139-146,Slobodnik Helicopter passenger survival suit standards in the UK offshore oil industry,1979,50,2,110-114,Norman Aviation-related decompression sickness,1980,51,11,1271,Margulies Passenger survival in wide-bodied jet aircraft accidents vs. other aircraft: a comparison,1980,51,11,1266-1269,Star Mobilization of trauma teams for aircraft disasters,1980,51,11,1262-1266,DelGuercio Developing an emergency medical disaster plan for an airport,1980,51,11,1258-1259,Pixley Medical coordination in airport disasters,1980,51,11,1256-1258,Webb Exposure to radio-frequency radiation from an aircraft radar unit,1980,51,11,1243-1244,Williams The role of crisis intervention in an airport disaster plan,1980,51,11,1260-1262,Butcher The accident/injury matrix: a tool for aircraft accident investigation,1980,51,10,1147-1149,Brandon The value of postmortem examination of passengers in fatal aviation accidents,1980,51,9 Pt 2,1071-1073,Cullen A systematic technique for the identification of crash hazards in U.S. Army aircraft,1980,51,9 Pt 2,1043-1049,Hicks Noise-induced hearing loss and vestibular dysfunction,1980,51,8,823-826,Oosterveld Toward the development of a new aptitude selection test battery for air traffic control specialists,1980,51,7,694-699,Boone A comparison of underwater helicopter-escape lights,1980,51,7,674-679,Luria Human tolerance to aerial combat maneuvers,1980,51,7,641-648,Burton Thresholds for detection of constant rotary acceleration during vibratory rotary acceleration,1980,51,6,603-606,Clark Development test and evaluation of an advanced anti-G valve for the F-15,1980,51,5,504-509,Burton Rocket plume burn hazard,1980,51,5,480-484,Stoll Pickup of visual information by the pilot during a ground control approach in a fighter aircraft simulator,1980,51,5,463-469,Papin Minimizing the psychological effects of a wartime disaster on an individual,1980,51,4,409-413,Kentsmith UNIGEN - universal language of aviation,1980,51,4,339-343,Taylor Electroencephalographic recordings during parachute jump sessions,1980,51,4,336-338,Jouffray Studies of limb-dislodging forces acting on an ejection seat occupant,1980,51,3,256-264,Schneck Recognition of the aircraft navigation light color code,1981,52,11 Pt 1,658-665,Cole Onboard oxygen generation systems,1981,52,11 Pt 1,645-653,Manatt Effects of beta blockade on driving,1981,52,11 Pt 2,S40-5,Betts Instructor pilot teaching behavior and student pilot stress in flight training,1981,52,10,594-597,Krahenbuhl A comparison between over-the-shoulder and computer-derived measurement procedures in assessing student performance in radar air traffic control,1981,52,10,589-593,Steen Perception of runway image shape and approach angle magnitude by pilots in simulated night landing approaches,1981,52,7,373-386,Mertens Human error in the seventies--reviewed and projected through the eighties,1981,52,4,241-246,Zeller The selection of air traffic control specialists: history and review of contributions by the Civil Aeromedical Institute 1960-80,1981,52,4,217-240,Collins Industrial hygiene and the F-16 air combat fighter,1981,52,3,147-149,Christensen PAVE LOW III: interior lighting reconfiguration for night lighting and night vision goggle compatibility,1982,53,12,1162-1165,Task Selected papers from the First International Symposium on Aviation Psychology: III,1982,53,12,1161-1210, The performance of warning systems in avoiding controlled-flight-into-terrain (CFIT) accidents,1982,53,11,1085-1090,Loomis Fitts' principles still applicable: computer monitoring of fighter aircraft emergencies,1982,53,11,1080-1084,Reising Tanker avionics and aircrew complement evaluation,1982,53,11,1073-1079,Moss Towards an internal model in pilot training,1982,53,10,996-999,Braune The landing signal officer: auditory aspects,1982,53,7,670-675,Williams Apparent instrument horizon deflection during and immediately following rolling maneuvers,1982,53,6,549-553,Guedry Mechanism of vertebral fracture in the F/FB-111 ejection experience,1982,53,5,440-448,Raddin Airline pilot disability: economic impact of an airline preventive medicine program,1982,53,4,398-402,Anderson Post-acceleration chaotic atrial rhythm,1982,53,4,390-392,Whinnery Effect of flight on the Eustachian tube function and the tympanic membrane system--a follow-up study,1982,53,4,360-364,Groth G stress on A-10 pilots during JAWS II exercises,1982,53,4,336-341,Gillingham Improving the crashworthiness of general aviation aircraft by crash injury investigations,1982,53,4,319-325,Kirkham Television computer games: a 'new look' in performance testing,1982,53,1,49-53,Kennedy Visual test results compared with flying performance in telemetry-tracked aircraft,1983,54,10,906-911,Kruk Heart rate variability cardiac mechanics and subjectively evaluated stress during simulator flight,1983,54,8,685-690,Keskinen Basilar skull fracture in U.S. Army aircraft accidents,1983,54,7,628-631,Shanahan A model for prediction of resynchronization after time-zone flights,1983,54,6,524-527,Wegmann Effects of approach lighting and variation in visible runway length on perception of approach angle in simulated night landings,1983,54,6,500-506,Mertens Head and/or torso cooling during simulated cockpit heat stress,1983,54,6,496-499,Nunneley Quantitative electromyography: response of the neck muscles to conventional helmet loading,1983,54,5,452-457,Phillips Hypoxia: USAF experience 1970-1980,1983,54,4,357-359,Rayman The controller aviation medicine and air safety,1983,54,3,263-265,Watkin Decompression sickness: USAF experience 1970-80,1983,54,3,258-260,Rayman The measurement of risk indicators for coronary heart disease in air traffic control officers: a screening study in a healthy population,1983,54,3,246-249,Maxwell Flight flight duty and rest times: a comparison between the regulations of different countries,1983,54,3,212-217,Wegmann Sudden incapacitation: USAF experience 1970-80,1983,54,2,161-164,Rayman Loss of cabin pressure in Canadian Forces ejection seat aircraft 1962-1982,1984,55,12,1154-1163,Brooks Physical training and +Gz tolerance,1984,55,11,991-992,Balldin Visual slant misperception and the 'black-hole' landing situation,1984,55,11,1020-1025,Perrone Application of the compartmentalization/airlock concept to aircraft and tolerance of lung to rapid decompression,1984,55,11,1015-1019,Fang The 1980 and 1981 accident experience of civil airmen with selected visual pathology,1984,55,10,966-969,Dille Human factors in aircraft incidents: results of a 7-year study,1984,55,10,960-965,Billings Sphere and cylinder distribution among the USAF rated population requiring spectacles,1984,55,8,751-753,Provines The energy expenditure of helicopter pilots,1984,55,8,746-750,Brown Prediction of arterial wall failure under acceleration stress in high-performance aircraft,1984,55,7,620-631,McCormack Head and neck injuries in Canadian Forces ejections,1984,55,4,313-315,Brooks Othematoma associated with ill-fitting helmet and high G load: a case report,1984,55,2,143-144,Aghina Reduction of military high-altitude parachute entanglement using the controlled alternating parachute exit system,1984,55,1,65-68,Hadley Benefits of helmet-mounted display image stabilisation under whole-body vibration,1984,55,1,13-18,Griffin Cockpit resource management: exploring the attitude-performance linkage,1986,57,12 Pt 1,1198-1200,Benson An investigation regarding the use of a dynamic seat-pan display for training and as a device for communicating roll-axis motion information,1986,57,12 Pt 1,1189-1193,Martin Cases from the aerospace medicine residents' teaching file. Case #15. An aviator with chronic lymphocytic leukemia,1986,57,11,1109-1111,Parmet Anti-G training of Japanese Air Self Defense Force fighter pilots,1986,57,11,1029-1034,Sekiguchi Human performance issues in the design of future Air Force systems,1986,57,10 Pt 2,A78-82,Pew Future Air Force systems,1986,57,10 Pt 2,A64-8,Tremaine +Gz-induced loss of consciousness in undergraduate pilot training,1986,57,10 Pt 1,997-999,Whinnery Biodynamics--the key to flight,1986,57,10 Pt 2,A32-6,Stapp Comparative effects of whole-body vibration on sensorimotor performance achieved with a mini-stick and a macro-stick in force and position control modes,1986,57,8,792-799,Gauthier Women's G tolerance,1986,57,8,745-753,Gillingham A conceptual model for predicting pilot group G tolerance for tactical fighter aircraft,1986,57,8,733-744,Burton Surviving helicopter crashes at sea: a review of studies of underwater egress from helicopters,1986,57,6,603-609,Luria A blitz of bends: decompression sickness in four students after hypobaric chamber training,1986,57,6,600-602,Schwartz Influence of inspired oxygen concentration on acceleration atelectasis,1986,57,5,432-437,Burton Comparison of human impact response in restraint systems with and without a negative G strap,1986,57,4,301-312,Brinkley Effect of seat cushions on human response to +Gz impact,1986,57,2,113-121,Brinkley Noise levels in cockpits of aircraft during normal cruise and considerations of auditory risk,1986,57,2,103-112,Gasaway Airport preparedness for mass disaster: a proposed schematic plan,1986,57,1,77-81,Barbash Naval training command mishaps and instructor experience,1986,57,1,65-70,Borowsky Injury pattern analysis of helicopter wire strike accidents (-Gz load),1985,56,12,1216-1219,Wagner Stress and accidents,1985,56,7,638-641,Green Differences in health risks by aircraft model among U.S. Navy pilots,1985,56,7,676-682,Hoiberg Puma (SA 330) helicopter impact simulation: demonstration of the efficiency of the French crashworthy seat,1985,56,7,672-675,Auffret Back to basics: suggested solutions to some flight instruction problems,1985,56,6,587-590,Telfer A study of some factors influencing military parachute landing injuries,1985,56,6,564-567,Pirson Biogenic amine/metabolite response during in-flight emergencies,1985,56,6,576-580,Harris Physiological characteristics of elite sport parachutists,1985,56,4,351-357,Murphy The association of age flying time and aircraft type with hearing loss of aircrew in the Israeli Air Force,1985,56,4,322-327,Ribak Color discrimination as a function of saturation field size and adaptation level,1985,56,3,251-253,Martin Helicopter copilot workload during nap-of-the-earth flight,1985,56,2,153-157,Simmons Pilot judgment: an operational viewpoint,1985,56,2,149-152,Stone Aircraft automation: the problem of the pilot interface,1985,56,2,144-148,Bergeron Speech technology: present and future applications in the airborne environment,1985,56,2,138-143,Porubcansky Displays deja vu,1985,56,2,131-137,Huntoon The effect of head and neck suction on G tolerance,1987,58,11,1075-1081,Glaister Immersion suit insulation: the effect of dampening on survival estimates,1987,58,10,964-969,Avery +Gz-induced loss of consciousness and aircraft recovery,1987,58,6,600-603,Glaister Characteristics of medically disqualified airman applicants in calendar years 1982 and 1983,1987,58,5,452-460,Dark A perspective on human performance as the limiting factor in aircraft performance,1987,58,5,393-394,Raddin Helicopter cooling of heatstroke victims,1987,58,4,358-361,Walker Simulator sickness: a problem for Army aviation,1987,58,4,355-357,Crowley Flight trial of a helmet-mounted display image stabilisation system,1987,58,4,319-322,Griffin Loss of cabin pressure in Canadian Forces transport aircraft 1963-1984,1987,58,3,268-275,Brooks Visual acuity corrective lenses and accidents in helicopter pilots,1987,58,3,252-253,Gross Heart rate responses to moderate linear body accelerations: clinical implications in aeromedical evacuation,1987,58,3,248-251,Lauritzen Hydrostatic theory and G protection using tilting aircrew seats,1987,58,2,169-173,Nelson Medical helicopters: carbon monoxide risk?,1987,58,2,166-168,Poulton Noise vibration and changes in wakefulness during helicopter flight,1987,58,2,109-118,Landstrom AS-204 remembered,1987,58,1,1-2,Harter Programs and prospects in aircrew performance measurement,1988,59,11 Pt 2,A46-51,Waag Visual perception in high-speed low-altitude flight,1988,59,11 Pt 2,A116-24,Warren Toxicity assessment of hydrazine fuels,1988,59,11 Pt 2,A100-6,Keller High-G stress and orientational stress: physiologic effects of aerial maneuvering,1988,59,11 Pt 2,A10-20,Gillingham Parachuting injuries and type of parachute in a reserve rescue unit,1988,59,8,780-782,Baldwin Objective psychological testing of U.S. Air Force officers in pilot training,1988,59,7,661-663,Retzlaff IgA nephropathy in a student naval aviator,1988,59,7,655-656,Voge Alcohol aviation and safety revisited: a historical review and a suggestion,1988,59,7,657-660,Gibbons The effect of jet engine harmonics on conscious and subconscious repetitive recall of music,1988,59,4,386-387,McNeil USAF take-off and landing ejections 1973-85,1988,59,4,359-362,McCarthy Cases from the aerospace medicine residents' teaching file. Case #22. An air traffic controller with syncope and accelerated idioventricular rhythm,1988,59,2,183-185,Crowley Anti-G straining maneuver incompatibility with tactical aircraft oxygen systems,1988,59,2,176-177,White A new look at the loss of consciousness experience within the U.S. Naval forces,1988,59,1,6-8,Johanson Soft contact lens wear at altitude: effects of hypoxia,1988,59,1,44-48,Tredici Prevention of loss of consciousness with positive pressure breathing and supinating seat,1988,59,1,20-22,Burns Sunglasses to keep you eagle-eyed,1989,60,12,1229,Dille Use of advanced structural materials for wings of competition aerobatic aircraft has led to the appearance of maneuvers generating peak levels of -9Gz,1989,60,12,1227,Albery Assessing health effects of radiation in Navy pilots of electronically modified aircraft,1989,60,12,1227,Lyons Response capability during civil air carrier inflight medical emergencies,1989,60,12,1211-1214,Hordinsky Head cooling is desirable but not essential for preventing heat strain in pilots,1989,60,11,1056-1062,Frim Compatibility of the aviation night vision imaging systems and the aging aviator,1989,60,10 Pt 2,B78-80,Farr Ascertaining the causal factors for "ejection-associated" injuries,1989,60,10 Pt 2,B44-71,Guill Fire deaths in aircraft without the crashworthy fuel system,1989,60,10 Pt 2,B35-8,Springate Helicopter wire strike accident and high voltage electrocution: a case report,1989,60,10 Pt 2,B29-34,Wagner SPH-4 U.S. Army flight helmet performance 1972-1983,1989,60,10 Pt 2,B110-20,Licina Pre-escape and escape aircraft maneuvers and gyrations: a critical under-reported problem affecting escape system performance and aircrew safety,1989,60,10 Pt 2,B11-23,Guill Geographic disorientation: approaching and landing at the wrong airport,1989,60,10 Pt 1,996-1004,Mohler The human factor: United 232,1989,60,10 Pt 1,1029,Moser What the aircrew automated escape system and aircrew life support system equipment designers need from the investigating medical officer and pathologist,1989,60,10 Pt 2,B1-10,Guill Incidence of airsickness among military parachutists,1989,60,8,792-797,Antuñano Detection efficiency on an air traffic control monitoring task with and without computer aiding,1989,60,8,744-748,Thackray U.S. Army anthropometric standards for rotary-wing aviators in the light observation helicopter,1989,60,7 Pt 2,A74-6,Farr Investigation of incidents of terrorism involving commercial aircraft,1989,60,7 Pt 2,A55-9,Clark An evaluation of proposed causal mechanisms for "ejection associated" neck injuries,1989,60,7 Pt 2,A26-47,Guill Bone scintigraphy in the evaluation of ejection injuries,1989,60,7 Pt 2,A16-7,Bury Effect of electromagnetic interference by neonatal transport equipment on aircraft operation,1989,60,6,599-600,Walsh Triazolam impairs learning and fails to improve sleep in a long-range aerial deployment,1989,60,6,594-598,Belenky Depth perception after prolonged usage of night vision goggles,1989,60,6,573-579,Sheehy Effects of underwater escape training--a psychophysiological study,1989,60,5,460-464,Hytten Communication as group process media of aircrew performance,1989,60,5,402-410,Kanki To pop a balloon,1989,60,5,472,Lam G-induced loss of consciousness,1989,60,4,377,Morey Experiences of rocket seat ejections in the Swedish Air Force: 1967-1987,1989,60,4,367-373,Sandstedt Effect of head or neck cooling used with a liquid-conditioned vest during simulated aircraft sorties,1989,60,4,315-320,Cohen Crew workload in JASDF C-1 transport flight: II. Change in urinary catecholamine excretion,1989,60,4,301-306,Nakamura Neuropsychological screening of aviators: a review,1989,60,4,361-366,Banich Simulator induced syndrome: evidence for long-term aftereffects,1989,60,3,252-255,Ungs Limitations of postural equilibrium tests for examining simulator sickness,1989,60,3,246-251,Hamilton Detectability of emergency lights for underwater escape,1989,60,3,199-204,Richardson Multidimensional scaling analysis of simulated air combat maneuvering performance data,1989,60,2,141-144,Reid Flight simulator platform motion and air transport pilot training,1989,60,2,136-140,Lee Kinematics of U.S. Army helicopter crashes: 1979-85,1989,60,2,112-121,Shanahan Two cases of accidental immersion hypothermia with different outcomes under identical conditions,1989,60,2,162-165,McLellan Chemical hazards in aeromedical aircraft,1989,60,1,73-75,Tupper The giant hand phenomenon,1989,60,1,64-66,Lyons A simulator-based approach to training in aeronautical decision making,1989,60,1,50-52,Connolly Simulator sickness in U.S. Navy flight simulators,1989,60,1,10-16,Kennedy Enhancing aircrew centrifuge high-G training using on-line videotape documentation,1990,61,12,1153-1155,Whinnery Military parachute mishap fatalities: a retrospective study,1990,61,12,1149-1152,Mellen A retrospective study of marital discord in pilots: the USAFSAM experience,1990,61,12,1145-1148,Schofield Flight deck design and pilot selection: anthropometric considerations,1990,61,12,1079-1084,David Effect of whole-body vibration on acoustic measures of speech,1990,61,11,989-993,Moore Stress inoculation training for smoke divers and free fall lifeboat passengers,1990,61,11,983-988,Hytten Corporate instability is related to airline pilots' stress symptoms,1990,61,11,977-982,Rosen The aeromedical implications of atrial fibrillation,1990,61,11,1036-1038,Smith Exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation in flight,1990,61,11,1032-1035,Roscoe The risk of developing decompression sickness during air travel following altitude chamber flight,1990,61,11,1028-1031,Rush A new approach to the analysis of nystagmus: an application for order-statistic filters,1990,61,9,859-864,Engelken Positive pressure breathing for acceleration protection and its role in prevention of inflight G-induced loss of consciousness,1990,61,9,845-849,Bomar The effects of acoustic orientation cues on instrument flight performance in a flight simulator,1990,61,8,699-706,Lyons Cataracts intra-ocular lens implants and a flying career,1990,61,7,660-661,Boyd Control of simulator sickness in an AH-64 aviator,1990,61,6,584-585,Crowley Preliminary results from the evaluation of cockpit resource management training: performance ratings of flightcrews,1990,61,6,576-579,Chidester A case of G-LOC in a propeller aircraft,1990,61,6,567-568,Ross Flight attendants' desynchronosis after rapid time zone changes,1990,61,6,543-547,Partinen Geographic disorientation: approaching and landing at the wrong airport,1990,61,6,584,Ungs Impact of microclimate cooling in rotary-wing aircraft,1990,61,5,442,Hill Sixteen years with the Danish Search and Rescue Helicopter Service,1990,61,5,436-439,Jessen An analysis of factors impeding passenger escape from aircraft fires,1990,61,3,261-265,Hill Clinical aspects of inflight incapacitations in commercial aviation,1990,61,3,256-260,Lavernhe Hearing loss and radiotelephony intelligibility in civilian airline pilots,1990,61,1,52-55,van Deelen Exertional headaches with multiple triggers,1990,61,1,49-51,Katchen Rapid decompression of a transport aircraft cabin: protection against hypoxia,1990,61,1,21-27,Marotte The influence of alcohol and aging on radio communication during flight,1990,61,1,12-20,Morrow Airshow disaster plans,1991,62,12,1192-1195,Edwards White finger symptoms: a cross-sectional study,1991,62,9 Pt 1,879-883,Odén Mortality and cancer morbidity after exposure to military aircraft fuel,1991,62,8,789-794,Seldén Biodynamic simulations of the effect of a neck-mounted air bag on the head/neck response during high G acceleration,1991,62,8,747-753,Lee Visual acuity of the U.S. Navy jet pilot and the use of the helmet sun visor,1991,62,8,715-721,Morris Panel on deliberate G-induced loss of consciousness: introduction,1991,62,7,609-611,Burton The failure analysis of composite material flight helmets as an aid in aircraft accident investigation,1991,62,6,587-592,Caine Heat balance of subjects wearing protective clothing with a liquid- or air-cooled vest,1991,62,5,383-391,Ackles Primary flight training performance of student naval aviators with vision waivers,1991,62,2,162-164,Bohnker Aircrew decision-making behavior in hazardous weather avoidance,1991,62,2,158-161,Lee Determining aircrew helmet size design requirements using statistical analysis of anthropometric data,1991,62,1,67-74,Belyavin Motion sickness in operational bomber crews,1991,62,1,57-59,Charlton Yellow lens effects upon visual acquisition performance,1992,63,12,1122,Yacavone Success rate analysis of Navy SERGRAD flight training,1992,63,11,957-960,Miller Radiated electric field measurements in U.S. Army helicopters,1992,63,11,1019-1023,Bruckart Effects of 2 mg and 4 mg atropine sulfate on the performance of U.S. Army helicopter pilots,1992,63,10,857-864,Caldwell Through the canopy glass: a comparison of injuries in naval aviation ejections through the canopy and after canopy jettison 1977 to 1990,1992,63,10,934,Ungs A review of military pilot selection,1992,63,9,825-830,Turnbull Women in the fast jet cockpit--aeromedical considerations,1992,63,9,809-818,Lyons Comparison of parachute landing injury incidence between standard and low porosity parachutes,1992,63,9,802-804,Bagian Air-to-air target detection,1992,63,8,739-740,Temme Injuries associated with the use of ejection seats in Finnish pilots,1992,63,8,727-730,Visuri The effect of trans-cockpit authority gradient on Navy/Marine helicopter mishaps,1992,63,8,659-661,Borowsky A new generation of U.S. Army flight helmets,1992,63,7,629-633,Carter Yellow lens effects upon visual acquisition performance,1992,63,7,561-564,Provines The revised trauma score: a means to evaluate aeromedical staffing patterns,1992,63,4,308-313,Rodenberg Eyeglass use by U.S. Navy jet pilots: effects on night carrier landing performance,1992,63,4,273-275,Temme Through the canopy glass: a comparison of injuries in Naval Aviation ejections through the canopy and after canopy jettison 1977 to 1990,1992,63,4,262-266,Bason Historical development of civil aviation medical standards,1992,63,3,237-238,Dille Seasickness in totally-enclosed motor-propelled survival craft: remedial measures,1992,63,3,219-225,Landolt Decompression sickness: an increasing risk for the private pilot,1992,63,3,200-202,DeHart Temperature and humidity within the clothing microenvironment,1992,63,3,186-192,Sullivan Seasickness in totally-enclosed motor-propelled survival craft: five offshore oil rig disasters,1992,63,2,138-144,Light Spatial disorientation in naval aviation mishaps: a review of class A incidents from 1980 through 1989,1992,63,2,128-131,Bason Prescribing spectacles for aviators: USAF experience,1992,63,1,80-85,Miller A survey of pre-placement urinalysis drug findings,1992,63,1,56-59,Wick The relationship between head and neck anthropometry and kinematic response during impact acceleration,1992,63,1,32-36,Mawn Analysis of changes in the pilot population and general aviation accidents,1992,63,1,75-79,Bruckart Fatal occupational injury related to helicopters in the United States 1980-1985,1992,63,1,67-71,Conroy Hearing loss in civilian airline and helicopter pilots compared to air traffic control personnel,2009,80,10,857-861,Wagstaff Physiological and psychological effects of escape from a sunken submarine on shore and at sea,2009,80,10,850-856,Trousselard Civilian aviation fatalities involving pilot ethanol and a previous record of substance abuse,2009,80,10,841-844,Johnson Putting "human error" into perspective,1995,66,6,521,Baker Cardiac injuries in aircraft occupants resulting from aircraft accidents,1975,46,11,1395-1402,Krefft Coronary artery disease and preventive cardiology in aviation medicine,1975,46,10,1299-1304,McMeekin Application of radioimmunoassay techniques in support of toxicologic investigations of aircraft accidents,1975,46,10,1297-1298,Dominguez Impaired pilot performance: drugs or alcohol,1975,46,10,1284-1288,Underwood Ground Error and artefact in post mortem toxicological analysis,1975,46,10,1280-1283,Wootton Alcohol associated with fatal light aircraft accidents United Kingdom-1964-1973,1975,46,10,1275-1279,Underwood Ground Alcohol and other drugs in aircraft accidents,1975,46,10,1271-1274,Zeller Crew rest and nap-of-the-eart flying,1975,46,10,1267-1270,Berliner Analysis of human factors in aircraft accidents,1975,46,10,1260-1262,Dean Application of the Calspan scene measurement system to the investigation of aircraft accidents,1975,46,10,1257-1259,Lynch Medical and psychiatric aspects of accident investigation,1975,46,10,1254-1256,Yanowitch Accidental hypothermia: an experimental study of inhalation rewarming,1975,46,10,1236-1240,Hayward Factors in 171 navy diving decompression accidents occurring between 1960-1969,1975,46,8,1069-1073,Biersner Toxicological findings in fatal civil aviation accidents fiscal years 1968-1974,1975,46,8,1030-1032,Lacefield Medical flying fitness--a routine affair--but who examines and assesses psychic health,1975,46,7,953-957,Goerres Incidence of vestibular symptomatology in 2500 U.S. Navy diving accidents (1933-1970),1975,46,4 Sec 1,432-435,Kennedy Personality aspects of involvement in pilot-error accidents,1975,46,2,186-190,Hoffman Air crash survival: injuries and evacuation toxic hazards,1975,46,1,86-88,Mohler Accident statistics and the human-factor element,1975,46,1,76-79,Shuckburgh Aeromedical aspects of civil aviation accidents,1975,46,1,74-75,Smith Investigation of life changes as a contributing factor in aircraft accidents: a prospectus,1980,51,9 Pt 2,981-988,Haakonson Hazards of crop spraying,1980,51,9 Pt 2,959-960,Balfour Mechanism of extremity injuries occurring during ejection from F-4 aircraft,1980,51,9 Pt 2,1074-1076,Combs An unsuccessful ejection,1980,51,9 Pt 2,1050-1051,Ground 3W approach to the investigation analysis and prevention of human-error aircraft accidents,1980,51,9 Pt 2,1036-1042,Ricketson A questionnaire study of psychological background factors in U.S. Navy aircraft accidents,1980,51,9 Pt 1,860-863,Borowsky Initial treatment of profound accidental hypothermia,1980,51,7,680-687,O'Brien Hypoxia-induced fatal aircraft accident revealed by voice analysis,1980,51,4,402-406,Fujiwara The 1976 accident experience of civilian pilots with static physical defects,1980,51,2,182-184,Dille Heat stress exposure of aerial spray pilots,1980,51,1,56-60,Gordon Passive resistive torques about long bone axes of major human joints,1979,50,10,1052-1057,Engin Visual recognition thresholds in a compressed air environment,1979,50,10,1003-1006,Banks The history of civil aviation medicine in the United States Government since 1926,1979,50,5,448-457,Dille Current role of alcohol as a factor in civil aircraft accidents,1979,50,3,275-279,Mohler Head acceleration and psychomotor performance,1979,50,3,267-270,Reader U.S. fatal general aviation accidents due to cardiovascular incapacitation: 1974-75,1978,49,10,1225-1228,Mohler Longevity in military pilots: 37-year followup of the Navy's "1000 aviators",1978,49,9,1120-1122,Harlan Disorientation training in FAA-certificated flight and ground schools: a survey,1978,49,8,947-951,Collins Monocular peripheral vision as a factor in flight safety,1978,49,5,698-706,Fraser Medical certification of pilots,1978,49,3,517-518,Dodds 1975 accident experience of civilian pilots with static physical defects,1978,49,2,422-425,Dille Comprehensive three-dimensional head-neck model for impact and high-acceleration studies,1978,49,1 Pt. 2,205-210,Huston Mathematical modeling of the head and neck response to -Gx impact accelration (minimum articulation requirements),1978,49,1 Pt. 2,196-204,Cooper Epidemiologic investigation of occupation age and exposure in general aviation accidents,1977,48,11,1081-1091,Booze Joint Committee on Aviation Pathology: XVIII. Correlation of occurrence of aircraft accidents with biorhythmic criticality and cycle phase in U.S. Air Force U.S. Army and civil aviation pilots,1977,48,10,976-983,Wolcott Joint Committee on Aviation Pathology: XV. Medical investigation of fatalities from aircraft-accident burns,1977,48,10,964-968,McMeekin Joint Committee on Aviation Pathology: XIV. Ischaemic heart disease: a problem in aircraft accident reconstruction,1977,48,10,959-963,Ground Joint Committee of Aviation Pathology: X. Previous disease in aircrew killed in flying accidents,1977,48,10,944-948,Mason Joint Committee on Aviation Pathology: VIII. Medical investigator preparedness for aircraft accident investigation,1977,48,10,932-936,McCormick Joint Committee on Aviation Pathology: VII. Aviation pathology in relation to aviation safety,1977,48,10,929-931,Ellis Joint Committee on Aviation Pathology: VI. Cause of death in aircraft accidents: drowning vs. traumatic injuries,1977,48,10,924-928,Thompson Joint Committee on Aviation Pathology: V. The psychologist and flying accidents,1977,48,10,922-923,Green Joint Committee on Aviation Pathology: IV. Crew behavior in accident causation,1977,48,10,918-921,Yanowitch Joint Committee on Aviation Pathology: III. Some influences of restraint harness design on accident pathology,1977,48,10,916-917,Reader Joint Committee on Aviation Pathology: II. Epidemiology of military air display accidents,1977,48,10,911-915,McArthur Joint Committee on Aviation Pathology: I. Fatal aircraft accidents,1977,48,10,909-910,Balfour Joint Committee on Aviation Pathology: IX. Laboratory examination of unidentified suspected tissue fragments found at aircraft sites,1977,48,10,937-943,McMeekin Post-mortem blood alcohol in general aviation pilots,1977,48,8,771-775,Lane Complexities of human factors in aviation,1977,48,5,471-473,Moore Aeromedical support of flying safety programs,1977,48,5,465-467,Moser Mechanism of head and neck response to -Gx impact acceleration: a math modeling approach,1977,48,3,223-230,Frisch Cross-validation study of the personality aspects of involvement in pilot-error accidents,1976,47,2,177-179,Sanders Community psychological effects following a non-fatal aircraft accident,1990,61,10,879-886,Slagle Thermal status of Antarctic divers,1990,61,9,795-801,Bridgman Pilots' perception of risks and hazards in general aviation,1990,61,7,599-603,O'Hare Why birds kill: cross-sectional analysis of U.S. Air Force bird strike data,1990,61,4,343-348,Neubauer Hazards of mountain flying,1989,60,12,1228,Fisher Occupational injuries suffered by flight attendants while on board,1989,60,11,1109-1111,Gonzalez Automating the flight surgeon's report simplifying the investigative-reportage task and enhancing the data quality and depth: a concept,1989,60,10 Pt 2,B89-105,Guill Toxicologic studies on USAF aircraft accident casualties 1973-1984,1989,60,10 Pt 2,B86-8,Ruehle The use of soot analysis as an investigative tool in aircraft fires,1989,60,10 Pt 2,B72-7,Birky Failing aviator syndrome: a case history,1989,60,7 Pt 2,A89-91,Voge Mass fatality aircraft disaster processing,1989,60,7 Pt 2,A64-73,Clark An air photo analysis of an airplane crash,1989,60,7 Pt 2,A6-15,Edwards The bite of Jesuits' bark,1989,60,7 Pt 2,A4-5,Balfour Mechanism of injury in aircraft accidents--a theoretical approach,1989,60,7 Pt 2,A18-25,Hill Beyond aerospace medical research--the human element,1989,60,5,399,Jones Sudden inflight incapacitation in general aviation,1989,60,4,332-335,Booze Do the planes in Spain fall mainly on the grain?,1989,60,3,286,Dille Federal Air Regulations and the Medical Certification of civilian airmen,1989,60,3,285,Whaley Pilot judgment,1988,59,10,997-998,Dille The Aviation Psychology Program at RAF Upper Heyford,1988,59,10,973-975,Senechal Air accidents pilot experience and disease-related in-flight sudden incapacitation,1988,59,10,1000,Ungs Post accident/incident counseling: some exploratory findings,1988,59,8,766-769,Johnston Studies which concern private and commercial pilots,1988,59,6,590,Pollock The flying service from a medical point of view. By Hardy V. Wells 1915,1988,59,4,382-384,Wells Air accidents pilot experience and disease-related inflight sudden incapacitation,1988,59,3,278-281,Gross Scott Emergency Escape Breathing Device evaluation for use by aircraft cabin crew and passengers,1987,58,8,747-753,Martin Retrospective cohort analysis of class A mishaps in aviators evaluated at USAFSAM: 1957-1984,1987,58,8,735-741,Jackson Cases from the aerospace medicine residents' teaching file. Case #17. An aviator with multiple compression fractures of the spine secondary to high speed ejection,1987,58,4,379-381,Lyons A comparison of postmortem coronary atherosclerosis findings in general aviation pilot fatalities,1987,58,4,297-300,Booze Reported in-flight incapacitation: the early birds of 1911,1987,58,3,276-278,Parmet A method for the recovery of mishap related events lost to amnesia,1987,58,3,257-259,Levy Pulmonary barotrauma in submarine escape trainees and the treatment of cerebral arterial air embolism,1986,57,12 Pt 1,1201-1207,Brooks Risk of an accident from cardiovascular-caused inflight incapacitation,1986,57,3,287,Nichamin Ship/rig personnel abandonment and helicopter crew/passenger immersion suits: the requirements in the North Atlantic,1986,57,3,276-282,Brooks Flying and danger joy and fear,1986,57,2,131-136,Jones Psychomotor performance after forward-facing impact,1985,56,11,1043-1051,Brinkley Lt Paul R. Wolff MC USNR saves crewmen during ordeal within collapsed aircraft fuselage after crash,1985,56,7,721-723,Leverett Will they fly again? The probability of wounded military aviators returning to flying duty: a study of 70 cases,1985,56,7,702-708,Caine Age and pilot performance,1985,56,6,553-558,Borowsky A review of Army Air Corps helicopter accidents 1971-1982,1985,56,5,403-409,Vyrnwy-Jones Measuring the effects of neurotoxicants on flight simulator performance,1985,56,3,254-257,Taylor Pilot error as a symptom of inadequate stress coping,1985,56,3,244-247,Borowsky The accident injury matrix and its use in diving injury investigations,1984,55,12,1143-1147,Dembert Hypnosis in the investigation of aviation accidents,1984,55,12,1136-1142,Hiland Commercial diving fatalities,1984,55,8,721-724,Bradley The consequences of in-flight incapacitation in civil aviation,1984,55,6,497-500,Chapman The sickle cell trait in relation to the training and assignment of duties in the armed forces: IV. Considerations and recommendations,1984,55,6,487-492,Diggs After the fire-ball,1984,55,4,337-338,Popplow Comparative analysis of social demographic and flight-related attributes between accident and nonaccident general aviation pilots,1984,55,4,308-312,Urban Pilot disorientation and the use of a peripheral vision display. The 1983 Annual Harry G. Armstrong Lecture,1984,55,3,231-238,Malcolm Applications of gas chromatographic head space analysis to aviation accident toxicology,1984,55,1,62-64,Mayes Prevalence of fatty liver in healthy male adults accidentally killed,1984,55,1,59-61,Underwood Ground Pilot-induced factors in fatal light aircraft accidents in the United Kingdom: 1969-1981,1984,55,1,52-58,Underwood Ground Water survival: 20 years Canadian Forces aircrew experience,1984,55,1,41-51,Brooks Spinal injury in a U.S. Army light observation helicopter,1984,55,1,32-40,Shanahan Diurnal rhythmicity and Air Force flight accidents due to pilot error,1983,54,12 Pt 1,1096-1099,Ribak Non-ejection cervical spine fracture due to defensive aerial combat maneuvering in an RF-4C: a case report,1983,54,12 Pt 1,1111-1116,Schall Fatal gliding accidents in the United Kingdom: 1960-1980,1983,54,11,1028-1030,Underwood Ground No drowning mark upon him,1983,54,11,1021-1022,Balfour Ultralight aircraft safety and regulation,1983,54,10,944-948,Moseley Smoke/fumes in the cockpit,1983,54,8,738-740,Rayman Naval aviation mishaps and fatigue,1983,54,6,535-538,Wall The human element in air traffic control: aeromedical aspects problems and prescriptions,1983,54,6,511-516,Mohler Locus of control self-serving biases and attitudes towards safety in general aviation pilots,1983,54,6,507-510,Ball Evaluation of an experimental central warning system with a synthesized voice component,1983,54,6,517-523,Wheale Flight experience and naval aircraft mishaps,1983,54,5,440-446,Wall Aircraft accident survivors as witnesses,1983,54,2,165-167,Dodge Survival following accidental decompression to an altitude greater than 74000 feet (22555 m),1982,53,12,1211-1214,Kolesari Mental stress causes accidents too,1982,53,11,1137,Dille Stress coping and the U.S. Navy aircrew factor mishap,1982,53,11,1112-1115,Borowsky The role of communications socio-psychological and personality factors in the maintenance of crew coordination,1982,53,11,1062-1066,Foushee Central nervous dysfunctions after near-miss accidents in diving,1982,53,8,803-807,Eidsvik Some legal implications of pilot error,1982,53,7,687-693,Hill Emotional reactions to military aircraft accidents,1982,53,6,595-598,Jones Effect of different runway sizes on pilot performance during simulated night landing approaches,1982,53,5,463-471,Mertens An analysis of civil aviation propeller-to-person accidents: 1965-79,1982,53,5,458-462,Collins Sarcoidosis in aircrew,1982,53,3,269-272,Balfour The prevalence of visual deficiencies among 1979 general aviation accident airmen,1982,53,2,179-182,Dille Recent life change measurement in Canadian Forces pilots,1982,53,1,6-13,Haakonson Check your oxygen,1982,53,1,24-26,Ground Hepato-splenic injury in aircraft accidents,1982,53,1,19-23,Hill Liver pathology in aircrew,1982,53,1,14-18,Ground Role of pre-existing disease in the causation of naval aircraft mishaps,1981,52,11 Pt 1,677-682,Voge Occurrence of pre-existing disease in aircrew killed in flying accidents,1981,52,11 Pt 1,672-676,Underwood Ground Retro-hyperflexion luxation: mechanism of cervical spinal cord contusion injury during ejection sequence,1981,52,10,625-626,Hazzard Relationships between naval aviation safety and pilot flight experience,1981,52,10,608-610,Borowsky Hazards of chemicals used in agricultural aviation: a review,1981,52,10,581-588,Quantick Dual accident pilots in naval aircraft,1981,52,5,310-311,Borowsky Fatal light aircraft accidents in Papua New Guinea,1981,52,2,92-94,Ree The effects of tobacco on aviation safety,1981,52,2,112-115,Dille Relationships between U.S. Navy carrier landing accidents and flight experience parameters,1981,52,2,109-111,Beck Death and injury in aerial spraying: pre-crash crash and post-crash prevention strategies,1981,52,1,53-56,Gordon Brain/computer communication to reduce human error: a perspective,1981,52,1,33-37,Sem-Jacobsen Postmortem coronary atherosclerosis findings in general aviation accident pilot fatalities: 1975-77,1981,52,1,24-27,Davis Civil aeromedical standards: year 2000 plus,1993,64,12,1142-1145,Mohler 39th annual Louis H. Bauer Lecture: Cultural differences--facilitators or hindrances to global civil aviation medical standards,1993,64,12,1135-1141,Finkelstein Prevention of decompression sickness in current and future fighter aircraft,1993,64,11,1048-1050,Webb Catapult launch-associated cardioversion of atrial fibrillation,1993,64,10,939-940,Bohnker Postural and performance changes following exposures to flight simulators,1993,64,10,912-920,Kennedy Situational awareness: the trainability of the near-threshold information acquisition dimension,1993,64,10,885-892,Hartman Helicopter rotor blade injury: a persistent safety hazard in the U.S. Army,1993,64,9 Pt 1,854-858,Crowley F-16 pilot experience with combat ejections during the Persian Gulf War,1993,64,9 Pt 1,845-847,Williams Fatal mishap report: first SPH-4B flight helmet recovered from a U.S. Army helicopter mishap,1993,64,8,755-759,Licina Mortality experience of cockpit crewmembers from Japan Airlines,1993,64,8,748-750,Yamamoto Some personality and aptitude characteristics of air traffic control specialist trainees,1993,64,8,711-716,Collins Spatial contrast sensitivity through aviator's night vision imaging system,1993,64,8,706-710,Rabin The time-course of alcohol impairment of general aviation pilot performance in a Frasca 141 simulator,1993,64,8,697-705,Taylor Physiological problems caused by transportation of hazardous cargo in military aircraft,1993,64,7,662-665,Voge Hazardous materials incidents in military aircraft,1993,64,7,658-661,Voge Changes in the dark focus of accommodation associated with simulator sickness,1993,64,7,612-618,Kennedy Hazardous materials accidents: initial scene assessment and patient care,1993,64,6,546-551,Leonard Prevalence of corrective lens wear in Royal Australian Air Force flight crews,1993,64,6,541-545,Mork Case report: chronic sub-dural hematoma following high-speed ejection,1993,64,6,534-537,Warburton The effects of structural failure on injuries sustained in the M1 Boeing 737 disaster January 1989. NLDB Study Group,1993,64,2,95-102,Rowles The effects of brace position on injuries sustained in the M1 Boeing 737/400 disaster January 1989. NLDB Study Group,1993,64,2,103-109,Rowles Hazard potential of ejection with canopy fragmentation,1993,64,1,9-13,Chiou The physiological consequences of simulated helicopter flight in NBC protective equipment,1993,64,1,69-73,Caldwell Flight helmet weight +Gz forces and neck muscle strain,1993,64,1,55-57,Hamalainen Safety concerns as a factor in pilot desire to change aircraft,1993,64,1,20-23,Ungs Aphakia and artificial lens implants in the civil airman population,1993,64,10,932-938,Wood Loss of consciousness as a presenting feature in HIV/AIDS disease in the pilot population,1993,64,6,573-574,Perry Aircraft accident investigation,1993,64,5,417,Ungs Disorientation,1993,64,5,414,Dille Mishap trends and cause factors in naval aviation: a review of Naval Safety Center data 1986-90,1993,64,5,392-395,Yacavone Flight leads and crisis decision-making,1993,64,5,359-362,McKinney Effect of trans-cockpit authority gradient on Navy/Marine helicopter mishaps,1993,64,3 Pt 1,254,Ungs Asymptomatic HIV-1 infection and aviation safety,1993,64,2,172-175,Selnes Peacetime U.S. Army air-crew rescue and factors delaying rescue,1992,63,8,739,Ungs Peacetime U.S. Army air-crew rescue and factors delaying rescue,1992,63,8,739,Bruckart Peacetime U.S. Army aircrew rescue and factors delaying rescue,1992,63,2,132-134,Bruckart The impact of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection on aviation safety,1992,63,1,88, Flight experience and the likelihood of U.S. Navy aircraft mishaps,1992,63,1,72-74,Bason G-induced loss of consciousness accidents: USAF experience 1982-1990,1992,63,1,60-66,Freeman Burn injuries from small airplane crashes,1991,62,11,1081-1083,Cruse Airline pilot incapacitation survey,1991,62,11,1068-1072,James Speech analysis as an index of alcohol intoxication--the Exxon Valdez accident,1991,62,9 Pt 1,893-898,Brenner The Golden Fleece Award for cabin safety research,1991,62,8,798-799,Dille Mortality among British Columbia pilots,1991,62,4,351-352,Threlfall Cockpit resource management,1991,62,3,268-271, Agricultural pilot safety in Australia: a survey,1991,62,3,258-260,Hall Organizational pressures and mitigating strategies in small commercial aviation: findings from Alaska,2009,80,12,1055-1058,Orasanu Aviation-related injury morbidity and mortality: Data from U.S. health information systems,2009,80,12,1001-1005,Baker Severe neurological decompression sickness in a U-2 pilot,2010,81,1,64-68,Jersey Airline pilots' knowledge and beliefs about over-the-counter medications,2010,81,2,112-119,Casner Exertional heat illness among overweight U.S. Army recruits in basic training,2010,81,2,107-111,Cowan Kinematic response of the spine during simulated aircraft ejections,2010,81,5,453-459,Bass Relating alcohol-induced performance deficits to mental capacity: a suggested methodology,1993,64,12,1077-1085,Kennedy Current trends in the usage of the Adaptability Rating for Military Aviation (ARMA) among USAF flight surgeons,1993,64,12,1086-1093,Miles Individual differences and subgroups within populations: the shopping bag approach,1993,64,1,74-77,Popper Response of the circadian system to 6 degrees head-down tilt bed rest,1993,64,1,50-54,Samel Operation Everest II: gas tensions in expired air and arterial blood at extreme altitude,1993,64,1,37-42,Rock Effects of simulated high altitude exposure on long-latency event-related brain potentials and performance,1993,64,1,30-36,Devine Measuring performance decrements in aviation personnel infected with the human immunodeficiency virus,1993,64,2,158-164,Kay The effect of G-LOC on psychomotor performance and behavior,1993,64,2,132-138,Forster Bubble formation and decompression sickness on direct ascent from shallow air saturation diving,1993,64,2,121-125,Okamoto The effects of wearing protective chemical warfare combat clothing on human performance,1993,64,3 Pt 2,A1-41,Taylor Things may not be the way they seem,1993,64,3 Pt 1,247-248,Sandler Pulmonary barotrauma after a free dive--a possible mechanism,1993,64,3 Pt 1,236-237,Melamed Flying after diving and decompression sickness,1993,64,9 Pt 1,801-807,Vann Assessments of astronaut effectiveness,1993,64,9 Pt 1,789-794,Fogg Metacarpal fracture and the failing aviator,1993,64,10,963-964,Johnson Pressurization and acute mountain sickness,1993,64,10,928-931,Herry Mission challenge mental workload and performance in military aviation,1993,64,11,985-991,Svensson Overhead and forward reach capability during exposure to +1 to +6 Gx loads,1993,64,11,979-984,Bagian Aviation safety and asymptomatic HIV-1 infection,1993,64,11,1059-1060,Selnes Delayed onset arterial gas embolism,1993,64,11,1040-1043,Moloff Epidemiology of decompression sickness under simulated space extravehicular activities,1993,64,11,1032-1039,Powell The "Age 60" rule approaching the twenty-first century,1993,64,11,1059,Clarke Inbuilt obsolescence in conventionally piloted advanced fighter aircraft,1993,64,7,666-667,Wood Determinants of +Gz-related neck pain: a preliminary survey,1993,64,7,651-652,Hamalainen Continuous vs. intermittent work with Canadian Forces NBC clothing,1993,64,7,595-598,McLellan Influence of temperature and metabolic rate on work performance with Canadian Forces NBC clothing,1993,64,7,587-594,McLellan The effects of Benadryl and Hismanal on psychomotor performance and perceived performance,1993,64,8,726-734,Rice A correlative investigation of simulated occupant motion and accident report in a helicopter crash,1996,67,1,23-29,Alem HIV-encephalopathy: should we await a catastrophe before screening?,1994,65,1,70-73,Patt Effects of alcohol and chronic aspartame ingestion upon performance in aviation relevant cognitive tasks,1994,65,1,7-15,Banich A case of Tullio phenomenon in a subject with oval window fistula due to barotrauma,1994,65,1,67-69,Ildiz Health sleep and mood perceptions reported by airline crews flying short and long hauls,1994,65,1,27-34,Skogstad Speech measures indicating workload demand,1994,65,1,21-26,Brenner Simulating reduced gravity: a review of biomechanical issues pertaining to human locomotion,1993,64,6,557-566,Cavanagh Dynamic analysis of human visuo-oculo-manual coordination control in target tracking tasks,1993,64,6,500-506,Gauthier Dissociation of the effects of alcohol and amphetamine on inert gas narcosis using reaction time and P300 latency,1993,64,6,493-499,Fowler Imagery ability and air traffic personnel,1994,65,2,95-99,Isaac Compromises in the visual field with the M43 aviation mask,1994,65,2,157-160,Bachman Comparison of fixed versus formed aircrews in military transport,1994,65,2,153-156,McKinney Classification problems of U.S. Air Force spatial disorientation accidents 1989-91,1994,65,2,147-152,Lyons Cervical disk bulges in fighter pilots,1994,65,2,144-146,Hamalainen Effect of pyridostigmine bromide on acceleration tolerance and performance,1994,65,2,110-116,Whinnery Aerospace or aviation medicine?,1994,65,3,257-258,Martin Indian Air Force and world spatial disorientation accidents: a comparison,1994,65,3,254-256,Singh G-LOC recovery with and without G-suit inflation,1994,65,3,249-253,Whinnery Population-based description of air and space transport accident mortality United States 1979-89,1994,65,3,237-242,Ungs Perceived exertion during submaximal G exposures before and after physical training,1994,65,3,199-203,Svensson The effect of a new ejection seat headbox and high G garments on head mobility during air combat,1994,65,3,187-192,Anton Switching from forward-looking infrared to night vision goggles: transitory effects on visual resolution,1994,65,4,327-329,Rabin Burnout and health status in Italian air traffic controllers,1994,65,4,315-322,Porcu Effects of different simulated gravity conditions on neuromuscular control in drop jump exercises,1994,65,4,301-308,Kyröläinen Ballooning,1994,65,12,1161-1162,Kaufman Fixed vs. formed aircrews and safety,1994,65,12,1160-1161,Ungs The four C's of flying,1994,65,12,1156-1157,Maiocco An operational definition for spatial disorientation,1994,65,12,1153-1155,Singh A new source for vestibular illusions in high agility aircraft,1994,65,12,1130-1133,Bomar Effect of short-term unweighting on human skeletal muscle strength and size,1994,65,12,1116-1121,Adams The effects of strength training and centrifuge exposure on +Gz tolerance,1994,65,12,1097-1104,Thomas Human and manikin head/neck response to +Gz acceleration when encumbered by helmets of various weights,1994,65,12,1086-1090,Perry Prevalence of spatial disorientation in Indian Air Force aircrew,1994,65,12,1082-1085,Singh The effect of test chart design and human factors on visual performance with night vision goggles,1994,65,12,1077-1081,Mitchell Comparative study of musculoskeletal injuries in transport aircrew,2010,81,7,688-690,Gaona Some problems of high altitude in the 1930's: a world record attempt,1995,66,12,1212-1214,Hawkins Of honey bees and aviators: a tale of evolutionary biology,1995,66,12,1205-1206,Riggs Convulsive syncope in the aviation environment,1995,66,12,1198-1204,Voge Common accidents among airport ground personnel,1995,66,12,1188-1190,Ribak Variations in the presentation of altitude-induced chokes,1995,66,12,1185-1187,Rudge Diabetes mellitus: rates and outcomes among U.S. Army aviators,1995,66,12,1175-1178,Mason Visual performance effects and user acceptance of the M43A1 aviation protective mask frontserts,1995,66,12,1136-1143,Wildzunas International Space Station medical standards and certification for space flight participants,2007,78,12,1162-1169,Tachibana Stressful military training: endocrine reactivity performance and psychological impact,2007,78,12,1143-1149,Reis My car is sinking: automobile submersion lessons in vehicle escape,2010,81,8,779-784,Giesbrecht Chinese herbal medicine and cognitive and emotional functions during 60-day head-down bed rest,2010,81,8,754-760,Chan Neuromuscular function following prolonged load carriage on level and downhill gradients,2010,81,8,745-753,Bilzon Biomechanical gender differences of the ankle joint during simulated half-squat parachute landing,2010,81,8,761-767,Wang Proposed revision of FAA medical standards is not an April Fools' Day joke,1996,67,1,89-90,Dille Occupational outcome in military aviators after psychiatric hospitalization,1996,67,1,8-13,Flynn Arterial gas embolism following a 1-meter ascent during helicopter escape training: a case report,1996,67,1,63-64,Benton Respiratory changes during initial days of acclimatization to increasing altitudes,1996,67,1,40-45,Selvamurthy Crew resource management: a simulator study comparing fixed versus formed aircrews,1996,67,1,3-7,McKinney Cerebral artery blood flow velocity changes following rapid release of lower body negative pressure,1996,67,1,19-22,Balldin Effect of upright and supine posture on hypoxemia during air transport,1996,67,1,14-18,Phillips The ergonomics of jettisoning escape hatches in a ditched helicopter,1994,65,5,387-395,Brooks Performance-based and physiological measures of situational awareness,1994,65,5 Suppl,A7-12,Stratton Gender differences in perceptual-motor performance,1994,65,5 Suppl,A49-53,Tirre Personality factors affecting pilot combat performance: a preliminary investigation,1994,65,5 Suppl,A45-8,Siem Top performer survey: computerized psychological assessment in aircrew,1994,65,5 Suppl,A39-44,Flynn 3-dimensional auditory displays: development applications and performance,1994,65,5 Suppl,A31-8,McKinley United States Air Force head-up display control and performance symbology evaluations,1994,65,5 Suppl,A20-30,Ercoline Tools for assessing situational awareness in an operational fighter environment,1994,65,5 Suppl,A13-9,Waag Aircrew laser eye protection: visual consequences and mission performance,1994,65,5 Suppl,A108-15,Thomas You're the flight surgeon. Grenade smoke hypersensitivity,1996,67,2,184-185,Black A probabilistic model of hypobaric decompression sickness based on 66 chamber tests,1996,67,2,176-183,Powell Flying status and coronary revascularization procedures in military aviators,1996,67,2,165-170,Khan Correction of subtle refractive error in aviators,1996,67,2,161-164,Rabin Analysis of workload predictions generated by multiple resource theory,1996,67,2,139-145,Cohen Performance of a simple aiming task in hypergravity: II. detailed response characteristics,1996,67,2,133-138,Cheung Performance of a simple aiming task in hypergravity: I. overall accuracy,1996,67,2,127-132,Cheung Collision avoidance: a helicopter simulator study,1996,67,2,111-114,Kruk U.S. Air Force pilot selection tests: what is measured and what is predictive?,1996,67,3,279-283,Carretta Delayed recompression after SCUBA diving-induced barotrauma: a case report,1996,67,3,266-267,Tirpitz Severe carbon monoxide poisoning in the pediatric patient: a case report,1996,67,3,262-265,Brown Ground reaction forces during locomotion in simulated microgravity,1996,67,3,235-242,Cavanagh Visual display delay effects on pilot performance,1996,67,3,214-221,Wiley Neurological decompression illness in swine,1996,67,3,207-213,Broome Prevalence of decompression sickness among U-2 pilots,1996,67,3,199-206,Pilmanis Aircrew ejections in the Republic of Bulgaria 1953-93,1996,67,4,364-368,Milanov Disease evaluated on return-to-work examinations: aviation ground personnel compared to other workers,1996,67,4,361-363,Ribak Exertional heat illness in Marine Corps recruit training,1996,67,4,354-360,Gardner The severity of nauseogenic effect of cross-coupled rotation is proportional to gyroscopic angular acceleration,1996,67,4,325-332,Koo The USAF Aircrew Medical Contact Lens Study Group: operational problems,1996,67,4,303-307,Dennis U.S. Naval helicopter mishaps: cockpit egress problems,1996,67,5,480-485,Barker A comparison between phosphors for aviator's night vision imaging system,1996,67,5,429-433,Rabin High performance supine flight assessment using the NAWC dynamic flight simulator,1996,67,5,414-422,Shender Alcohol elimination and simulator performance of male and female aviators: a preliminary report,1996,67,5,407-413,Friedman The "automatic stabilizer" and angle of attack assessor: human factors contributions of the Wright brothers,1996,67,6,585-588,Mohler High altitude medicine and physiology in the former Soviet Union,1996,67,6,576-584,West Sinus node arrest and asystole from vaso-vagal phenomena during lower body negative pressure in a healthy pilot,1996,67,6,572-575,Mazurek A miniswine model of acute exertional heat exhaustion,1996,67,6,560-567,Durkot Differences between syncope resulting from rapid onset acceleration and orthostatic stress,1996,67,6,547-554,White Mental workload in heat: toward a framework for analyses of stress states,1996,67,6,530-538,Razmjou Sources of situation awareness errors in aviation,1996,67,6,507-512,Endsley The crash of the Partnair Convair 340/580 in the Skagerrak: identification of the deceased,1995,66,2,158-163,Knudsen The crash of the Partnair Convair 340/580 in the Skagerrak: traumatological aspects,1995,66,2,152-157,Knudsen Evaluation of integrated night vision goggle (NVG) helmets under sustained +Gz,1995,66,2,118-125,McCloskey The psycho-physiological response to parachuting among novice and experienced parachutists,1995,66,2,114-117,Falk Neuroendocrine responses to real and simulated BA Hawk MK 51 flight,1995,66,2,108-113,Huttunen The fate of eyewear in aircraft ejections,1995,66,2,104-107,O'Connell Space and cognition: the measurement of behavioral functions during a 6-day space mission,1993,64,5,376-379,Gerstenbrand Evaluation of zolpidem on alertness and psychomotor abilities among aviation ground personnel and pilots,1993,64,5,371-375,Vieillefond Possible aircrew intoxication caused by accidental release of RainBoe: a case report,1997,68,12,1159-1160,Voge How to measure human adaptation in extreme environments: the case of Antarctic wintering-over,1997,68,12,1144-1149,Larue Passenger doctors in civil airliners--obligations duties and standards of care,1997,68,12,1134-1138,Newson-Smith Effects of fore-and-aft lateral and vertical whole-body vibration on a head-positioning task,1997,68,12,1115-1122,Griffin Validity of using non-pilot subjects to represent pilots in a sustained acceleration environment,1997,68,12,1081-1087,Popper The very large airplane: safety health and comfort considerations. Air Transport Medicine Committee Aerospace Medical Association,1997,68,10,943-946, Human subject screening: a dynamic process,1997,68,10,939-942,Morris An examination of two emergency breathing aids for use during helicopter underwater escape,1997,68,10,907-914,Tipton Are the laboratory and field conditions observations of acute mountain sickness related?,1997,68,10,895-899,Garcia Slowing due to acute hypoxia originates early in the visual system,1997,68,10,886-889,Fowler Interpersonal relationship and prisoner of war concerns of rated military male and female aircrew,1997,68,10,879-885,King High refractive errors and the accident/incident rate in Canadian medical category 1 pilots,1997,68,11,1050-1051,Wallace Injury among female and male army parachutists,1997,68,11,1006-1011,Bell Anti-emetic drug effects on pilot performance: granisetron vs. ondansetron,1997,68,11,998-1005,French Cognitive performance during short acclimation to severe hypoxia,1997,68,11,993-997,Barraud Effects of normobaric hypoxic confinement on visual and motor performance,1997,68,11,985-992,Gustafsson Maculopathy associated with Dengue fever in a military pilot,2007,78,11,1064-1067,Nah Postural activity and visual vigilance performance during rough seas,2010,81,9,843-849,Stoffregen Cognitive demand of human sensorimotor performance during an extended space mission: a dual-task study,2010,81,9,819-824,Bock Evaluation of a human factors analysis and classification system used by trained raters,2010,81,10,957-960,O'Connor Probability of spacesuit-induced fingernail trauma is associated with hand circumference,2010,81,10,907-913,Newman Heat shock protein (HSP-72) levels in skeletal muscle following work in heat,2007,78,9,901-905,Watkins Reflective inserts to reduce heat strain in body armor: tests with and without irradiance,2007,78,8,809-813,Santee Visual spatial disorientation: revisiting the black hole illusion,2007,78,8,801-808,Gibb Psychological selection of Antarctic personnel: the "SOAP" instrument,2007,78,8,793-800,Palinkas Walking capacity and fitness to fly in patients with chronic respiratory disease,2007,78,8,789-792,Aiello Virtual-reality-Based 3D navigation training for emergency egress from spacecraft,2007,78,8,774-783,Aoki Visual field effects on motion sickness in cars,2004,75,9,739-748,Griffin Cardiovascular data acquisition in a dynamic motion environment,2008,79,4,416-419,Newman Motion sickness with combined fore-aft and pitch oscillation: effect of phase and the visual scene,2009,80,11,946-954,Griffin Sports aviation accidents: fatality and aircraft specificity,2010,81,11,1033-1036,de Voogt Mortality among U.S. astronauts: 1980-2009,2010,81,11,1024-1027,Day Case report: cough syncope in a U.S. Army aviator,1998,69,5,515-516,Fitzsimons The United States Air Force crash ambulance--origins current use and suggested future directions,1994,65,3,243-248,Leonard Effect of magnitude and direction of horizontal oscillation on motion sickness,2002,73,7,640-646,Griffin Locomotion in simulated and real microgravity: horizontal suspension vs. parabolic flight,2010,81,12,1092-1099,Edwards Suicide by use of aircraft in the United States 1979-1989,1994,65,10 Pt 1,953-956,Ungs Psychiatric diagnoses aboard an aircraft carrier,1992,63,11,1015-1018,Bohnker Exit strategies and safety concerns for machinery occupants following ice failure and submersion,2011,82,1,52-57,Giesbrecht Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics: Repeated assessment with two military samples,2011,82,1,34-39,Kamimori Cognitive demands and the relationship between age and workload in apron control,2011,82,1,26-33,Petru Anxiety and psychomotor performance in divers on the surface and underwater at 40 m,2011,82,1,20-25,Hobbs Hypoxia-induced changes in standing balance,2011,82,5,518-522,Wagner Pilot age and geographic region of commuter and air taxi crashes: A case-control study,2011,82,2,111-115,Qiang Assessing astronaut injury potential from suit connectors using a human body finite element model,2011,82,2,79-86,Stitzel Shivering heat production and core cooling during head-in and head-out immersion in 17 degrees C water,2008,79,5,495-499,Giesbrecht Voluntary respiratory control and cerebral blood flow velocity upon ice-water immersion,2008,79,8,765-768,Mantoni Breath-hold time during cold water immersion: effects of habituation with psychological training,2007,78,11,1029-1034,Tipton Desensitizing a pilot with a phobic response to required helicopter underwater escape training,2007,78,6,618-623,Brooks Breath-hold performance during cold water immersion: effects of psychological skills training,2006,77,11,1136-1142,Tipton Cold stress near drowning and accidental hypothermia: a review,2000,71,7,733-752,Giesbrecht A simple emergency underwater breathing aid for helicopter escape,1995,66,3,206-211,Tipton Hyperventilation response to cold water immersion: reduction by staged entry,1989,60,12,1163-1165,Hayward Physiological responses and survival time prediction for humans in ice-water,1984,55,3,206-211,Hayward Thermal protection performance of survival suits in ice-water,1984,55,3,212-215,Hayward The feasibility of collecting in-flight EEG data from helicopter pilots,1995,66,9,883-889,Lewis Critical incident stress intervention following fatal aircraft mishaps,1995,66,9,880-882,Cigrang Motion sickness incidence during a round-the-world yacht race,1995,66,9,849-856,Griffin Cockpit-cabin crew interaction: satisfaction with communication and information exchange,1995,66,9,841-848,Dyregrov Attitudes toward urinalysis drug testing within a civilian pilot training program,1995,66,9,837-840,Lindseth China eastern MD-11 mass casualty--expect the unexpected: a case report,1995,66,10,998-1000,Towne Sustaining helicopter pilot performance with Dexedrine during periods of sleep deprivation,1995,66,10,930-937,Crowley The truth about wire strikes,1995,66,11,1122 1130, NASA/FAA partnership improves airspace efficiency,1995,66,11,1122, U.S. Air Force aeromedical evacuation of obstetric patients in Europe,1995,66,11,1090-1093,Lyons Alterations in growth rate associated with a normally persisting circadian rhythm during spaceflight,1995,66,11,1079-1085,Ferraro G-related musculoskeletal spine symptoms in Japan Air Self Defense Force F-15 pilots,1995,66,3,269-272,Yagura Post-traumatic stress disorder in airplane cabin crew attendants,1995,66,3,264-268,Yule Effects of exposure to simulated altitudes on visual fields contrast sensitivity and dazzle recovery,1995,66,3,243-246,Legg Physiological responses during shipboard firefighting,1995,66,3,225-231,Williams Naval flight deck injuries: a review of Naval Safety Center data 1977-91,1995,66,6,590-595,Shappell Self-tonometry under microgravity conditions,1995,66,6,568-570,Schwartz Explanatory factors for the geographic distribution of U.S. civil aviation mortality,1995,66,6,522-527,Ungs Deaths and injuries as a result of lightning strikes to aircraft,1995,66,7,687-689,Cherington Greyout blackout and G-loss of consciousness in the Brazilian Air Force: a 1991-92 survey,1995,66,7,675-677,Alvim Interpersonal relations during simulated space missions,1995,66,7,617-624,Ursin Small letter contrast sensitivity: an alternative measure of visual resolution for aviation candidates,1995,66,1,56-58,Rabin The ejection experience of the Royal Australian Air Force: 1951-92,1995,66,1,45-49,Newman Aviators at risk,1995,66,1,35-39,Moser Flying therapy for flying phobia,1995,66,12,1179-1184,McCarthy Inadequacy of visual alarms in helicopter air medical transport,1995,66,8,784-786,Campbell Predicting human heat strain and performance with application to space operations,1995,66,4,364-368,Gonzalez Thermal study of anti-G ensembles aboard F-16 aircraft in hot weather,1995,66,4,309-312,French A unique flight experience in light of a volcano,1994,65,9,869-871,Schutzius Recurrent loss of consciousness in an aircrew member--a controllable cause,1994,65,9,866-868,Hull HIV-encephalopathy: should we await a catastrophe before screening?,1994,65,10 Pt 1,966,Wick Pilot-related factors in aircraft crashes: a review of epidemiologic studies,1994,65,10 Pt 1,944-952,Li Psychological evaluation of European astronaut applications: results of the 1991 selection campaign,1994,65,10 Pt 1,925-929,Fassbender Psychological evaluation of Japanese astronaut applicants,1994,65,10 Pt 1,920-924,Sekiguchi Astronaut psychiatric selection procedures: a Japanese experience,1994,65,10 Pt 1,916-919,Endo Psychological predictors of astronaut effectiveness,1994,65,10 Pt 1,910-915,Rose Predicting astronaut effectiveness: a multivariate approach,1994,65,10 Pt 1,904-909,Rose An overview of international issues in astronaut psychological selection,1994,65,10 Pt 1,900-903,Jones Perceptual and eye movement responses elicited by linear acceleration following spaceflight,1994,65,11,1015-1024,Young Civil aviation mortality state differences and the role of multi-fatality aircraft accidents,1994,65,6,546-550,Ungs Changes in the central nervous system and their clinical correlates during long-term spaceflight,1994,65,6,562-572,Newberg Survivorship models for estimating the risk of decompression sickness,1994,65,7,661-665,Powell Surviving a C-130 accident in the Canadian high arctic,1994,65,8,764-767,de Groot A gravity-independent ergometer to be used for resistance training in space,1994,65,8,752-756,Berg Helicopter door and window jettison mechanisms for underwater escape: ergonomic confusion!,1997,68,9,844-857,Brooks Male-female performance on U.S. Air Force pilot selection tests,1997,68,9,818-823,Carretta Comparisons of altitude tolerance and hypoxia symptoms between nonsmokers and habitual smokers,1997,68,9,807-811,Watanabe Outcome from neurological decompression illness,1997,68,8,756,Ball Incorporating occupational medicine methodology into military fitness for duty and readiness issues,1997,68,8,740-745,Popper The Dynamic Aviation Data System (DADS),1997,68,8,736-739,Francescutti Head positioning for high +Gz loads: an analysis of the techniques used by F/A-18 pilots,1997,68,8,732-735,Newman Relationship of leg strength and power to ground reaction forces in both experienced and novice jump trained personnel,1997,68,8,710-714,Hoffman Relationship between age and susceptibility to altitude decompression sickness,1997,68,8,695-698,Pilmanis Heart rate responses to real and simulated BA Hawk MK 51 flight,1997,68,7,601-605,Kuronen Echocardiographic findings in NATO pilots: do acceleration (+Gz) stresses damage the heart? AGARD Neuilly-sur-Seine France,1997,68,7,596-600, Unusual vestibular and visual input in human dynamic balance as a motion sickness susceptibility test,1997,68,7,588-595,Bessou Laboratory simulator and field pursuit tracking performance with females and males in the presence of laser glare,1997,68,7,580-587,Stamper Visual scanning and pilot expertise: the role of attentional flexibility and mental model development,1997,68,7,569-579,Wickens Pilots' knowledge of the relationship between alcohol consumption and levels of blood alcohol concentration,1997,68,6,531-537,Harris +GZ-induced neck injuries in Royal Australian Air Force fighter pilots,1997,68,6,520-524,Newman Estimation of spine forces under whole-body vibration by means of a biomechanical model and transfer functions,1997,68,6,512-519,Fritz Anti-emetic drug effects on cognitive and psychomotor performance: granisetron vs. ondansetron,1997,68,6,504-511,French The optokinetic cervical reflex in pilots of high-performance aircraft,1997,68,6,479-487,Merryman Passenger safety health and comfort: a review,1997,68,5,432-440,Rayman Human subject research at Armstrong Laboratory 1973-93: medical and musculoskeletal disqualifications,1997,68,5,378-383,Morris The psychophysiological assessment method for pilot's professional reliability,1997,68,5,368-372,Zhang Inflight incapacitation in the USAF,1997,68,4,354,Lyons The British Army Air Corps in-flight spatial disorientation demonstration sortie,1997,68,4,342-345,Braithwaite Vertebral fracture after aircraft ejection during Operation Desert Storm,1997,68,4,337-341,Cook Spontaneous resolution of a disc protrusion in a military aviator: a case report,1997,68,4,334-336,Newlands Scuba decompression illness and diving fatalities in an overseas military community,1997,68,4,325-333,Arness Assessment of the anti-G straining maneuver (AGSM) skill performance and reinforcement program,1997,68,4,322-324,Lyons Role of metabolites in aviation forensic toxicology,1997,68,3,230-233,Chaturvedi Neck injury after repeated flexions due to parachuting,1997,68,3,228-229,Mäkelä Saccade amplitude as a discriminator of flight types,1997,68,3,205-208,Katoh Effects of hypobaric-hypoxia on the salivary cortisol levels of aircraft pilots,1997,68,3,183-186,Hackney Fire hazard in oxygen-enriched atmospheres at low barometric pressures,1997,68,2,159-162,West Air traffic controller shiftwork: what are the implications for aviation safety? A review,1997,68,1,69-79,Luna Laughter in the cockpit: gelastic seizures--a case report,1997,68,1,66-68,Murphy Predictors of barotrauma events in a Navy altitude chamber,1997,68,1,61-65,Davenport Military and civilian emergency aeromedical services: common goals and different approaches,1997,68,1,56-60,De Lorenzo Liferaft evacuation from a ditched helicopter: dry shod vs. swim away method,1997,68,1,35-40,Brooks A study of USAF air traffic controller shiftwork: sleep fatigue activity and mood analyses,1997,68,1,18-23,French Defining and measuring the "right stuff": neuropsychiatrically enhanced flight screening (N-EFS),1995,66,10,951-956,King Physical performance and heat tolerance after chronic water loading and heat acclimation,1995,66,8,733-738,Kristal-Boneh Cavitation/boundary effects in a simple head impact model,1995,66,7,661-667,Nusholtz Effect of alcohol on the threshold for detecting angular acceleration,1995,66,7,635-640,Ross The effect of single engine fixed wing air transport on rate-responsive pacemakers,1999,70,9,892-896,De Rotte +Gz associated stenosis of the cervical spinal canal in fighter pilots,1999,70,4,330-334,Hamalainen A memorable aeromedical evacuation mission,1994,65,6,577,Ravella Effect of caffeine on submaximal exercise performance at altitude,1994,65,6,539-545,Rose Use of the early aberration reporting system (EARS) for detection of bioterrorism agent attacks,2005,76,10,1001-1002,Barson Long-distance air evacuation of blast-injured sailors from the U.S.S. Cole,2002,73,7,677-680,Alkins Facial recognition technology (FERET),2003,74,5,590-591,Barson Rolling into spatial disorientation: Simulator demonstration of the post-roll (Gillingham) illusion,2011,82,5,505-512,Groen Neck pain among fighter pilots after the introduction of the JHMCS helmet and NVG in their environment,2011,82,5,559-563,Lange Visual manifestations of neurologic decompression sickness,1994,65,8,736-738,Fitzpatrick Acute and 8-hour effects of alcohol (0.08% BAC) on younger and older pilots' simulator performance,1994,65,8,718-725,Friedman Measurement of night vision goggle (NVG) visual acuity with the NVG resolution chart,1994,65,9,846-850,DeVilbiss Wireless communication technology applied to disaster response,1994,65,9,839-845,Yoho Performance during mild acute hypoxia,1994,65,10 Pt 1,891-899,Paul RK is usually ok with the FAA,1995,66,3,281-282, Barosinus pneumocele: transient visual loss due to sphenoid sinus pneumocele in a U.S. Air Force pilot,1995,66,3,276-279,Ivan Human tolerance and physiological responses to exercise while breathing oxygen at 2.0 ATA,1995,66,4,336-345,Clark Psychological changes during altitude hypoxia,1995,66,4,330-335,Bonnon Effects of high altitude and cold exposure on resting thyroid hormone concentrations,1995,66,4,325-329,Hackney The relationship between the U.S. Navy fleet diver physical screening test and job task performance,1995,66,4,320-324,Marcinik The effects of tyrosine on cognitive performance during extended wakefulness,1995,66,4,313-319,Stanny Characteristics of the venous hemodynamics of the leg under simulated weightlessness: effects of physical exercise as countermeasure,1995,66,6,542-549,Güell Outcome of neurological decompression illness: development of a manifestation-based model,1996,67,7,654-658,Francis Survival at high altitudes: wheel-well passengers,1996,67,8,784-786,Mohler F-16 Class A mishaps in the U.S. Air Force 1975-93,1996,67,8,777-783,Johnson Injury risk for research subjects with spina bifida occulta in a repeated impact study: a case review,1996,67,8,767-769,Mason Musculoskeletal injury review in the U.S. space program,1996,67,8,762-766,Jennings The effect of optical blur on simulated IFR approaches,1996,67,8,739-745,Mann Type III decompression sickness,1996,67,9,905,Butler Coffee tea or frostbite? A case report of inflight freezing hazard from dry ice,1996,67,9,880-881,Gamble Effects of sleeping in a chemical protective mask on sleep quality and cognitive performance,1996,67,9,841-848,Tharion Influence of a carbohydrate drink on performance of military personnel in NBC protective clothing,1996,67,9,819-826,Boer The initial signs and symptoms of altitude decompression sickness,1996,67,10,983-989,Pilmanis Performance of color-dependent air traffic control tasks as a function of color vision deficiency,1996,67,10,919-927,Mertens Physiological psychophysical and psychological responses of firefighters to firefighting training drills,1996,67,11,1063-1068,Smith Heat strain while wearing the current Canadian or a new hot-weather French NBC protective clothing ensemble,1996,67,11,1057-1062,McLellan Effects of overlay symbology in night vision goggles on accommodation and attention shift,1996,67,11,1039-1047,Task The effect of a headset leakage on speech intelligibility in helicopter noise,1996,67,11,1034-1038,Wagstaff Alcohol and workload as factors affecting the detection of angular acceleration,1996,67,12,1148-1151,Ross Anthropometric measurements and ejection injuries,1996,67,12,1144-1147,Edwards Muscle strain during aerial combat maneuvering exercise,1996,67,12,1138-1143,Hamalainen Prevention of minor neck injuries in F-16 pilots,1998,69,12,1193-1199,Albano Assessment of acute mountain sickness by different score protocols in the Swiss Alps,1998,69,12,1186-1192,Muller Flight coverall microclimate evaluation using a Japanese type sweating mannequin,1998,69,12,1174-1177,Kurihara Using functional magnetic resonance imaging to understand the mechanisms of consciousness,1998,69,12,1146-1157,Martin Long term disability rates in a cohort of Air Canada pilots,1998,69,12,1137-1140,Gallagher Airline use of automatic external defibrillators: shocking developments,1999,70,1,87-88,Wolbrink Physician casualties in U.S. aerospace medical research,1999,70,1,82-83,Dille Performance of red-green color deficient subjects on the Farnsworth Lantern (FALANT),1999,70,1,62-67,Dain Bioelectric impedance as an index of thoracic fluid,1999,70,1,58-61,Gotshall Long-term neuropsychological effects in non-saturation construction divers,1999,70,1,51-57,Bast-Pettersen Exercise-induced altitude decompression sickness,1999,70,1,22-29,Webb Evoked potentials and decompression,1999,70,2,193,Hamilton The epidemiology of cold injury in Antarctica,1999,70,2,135-140,Cattermole The relationship of physical fitness on pilot candidate selection in the Israel Air Force,1999,70,2,131-134,Hoffman Drinking and flying: a structural model,1999,70,2,117-123,Harris Post-traumatic stress disorder after a submarine accident,2011,82,6,643-647,Trousselard Development and validation of a web-based questionnaire for surveying skydivers,2011,82,6,610-614,Nilsson Spatial disorientation: Decades of pilot fatalities,2011,82,7,717-724,Gibb Sleep and alertness in North Sea helicopter operations,2011,82,7,704-710,Valk Neurological altitude decompression sickness among U-2 pilots: 2002-2009,2011,82,7,673-682,Jersey Female voice communications in high level aircraft cockpit noises--part II: vocoder and automatic speech recognition systems,1998,69,11,1087-1094,Morris Frequency of the "push-pull effect" in U.S. Air Force fighter operations,1998,69,11,1083-1086,Hansen Thermoregulatory responses to cold: effects of handwear with multi-layered clothing,1998,69,11,1076-1082,Gonzalez The hazard of spatial disorientation during helicopter flight using night vision devices,1998,69,11,1038-1044,Braithwaite Case report: postconcussion syndrome after minor head injury,1998,69,10,999-1000,Wright Case reports of insulin-dependent glider pilots in the United Kingdom,1998,69,10,995-998,Saundby A loglogistic model for altitude decompression sickness,1998,69,10,965-970,Pilmanis Cognition and aging in a complex work environment: relationships with performance among air traffic control specialists,1998,69,10,944-951,Becker A comparison of two U.S. Air Force pilot aptitude tests,1998,69,10,931-935,Carretta Responding to a shark attack in Panama,1998,69,1,83,Quittenton Longitudinal studies of behavior and performance during a winter at the South Pole,1998,69,1,73-77,Palinkas The geometry of high angle of attack maneuvers and the implications for Gy-induced neck injuries,2011,82,8,819-824,Newman Military parachuting injuries associated events and injury risk factors,2011,82,8,797-804,Grier Decompression sickness presenting as a viral syndrome,1991,62,1,60-61,Rudge Experimental verification of effectiveness and harmlessness of the Qigong maneuver,1991,62,1,46-52,Wang Optimal use of nitrogen to suppress the high pressure nervous syndrome,1975,46,1,37-40,Bennett Effect of potassium depletion in normal males: an Apollo 15 simulation,1975,46,1,11-15,Hulley Helicopter crashes related to oil and gas operations in the Gulf of Mexico,2011,82,9,885-889,Baker Land use planning to reduce noise impact,1976,47,1,60-62,Vest Control of noise by operational techniques,1976,47,1,53-55,Lahr Noise control act,1976,47,1,42-44,Strelow Occupational differences between conventional and saturation divers,1976,47,1,29-32,Biersner Aircraft noise-sound reduction techniques,1976,47,1,55-59,Barriage Interdependence of decompression sickness and plasma enzymes on dive profile and vitamin B-6 status,1977,48,1,29-32,Robertson Thermographic evaluation of the relative heat loss by area in man after swimming,1977,48,1,16-18,Veghte Recent advances in modelling the effects of roll motion on the human operator,1978,49,1 Pt. 2,328-334,Levison Application of the response probability density function technique to biodynamic models,1978,49,1 Pt. 2,234-239,Hershey Prediction of head/neck dynamic response of selected military subjects to -Gx acceleration,1978,49,1 Pt. 2,211-223,Bowman Systems identification scheme for the estimation of the linear viscoelastic properties of the intervertebral disc,1978,49,1 Pt. 2,175-177,Liu Finite element dynamic structural model of the human thorax for chest impact response and injury studies,1978,49,1 Pt. 2,143-149,Chen Biodynamic finite element models used in brain injury research,1978,49,1 Pt. 2,136-142,Ward Application of a fluid-filled spherical sandwich shell as a biodynamic head injury model for primates,1978,49,1 Pt. 2,120-124,Engin Effect of alcohol and marijuana on eye movements,1979,50,1,18-23,Moskowitz EEG changes measured by spectrum analysis under hyperbaric conditions,1990,61,1,33-37,Petersen Visual scanning behavior and mental workload in aircraft pilots,1982,53,1,54-61,Harris The effect of acetazolamide on the proteinuria of altitude,1982,53,1,40-43,Bradwell The historical background to aerospace pathology,1982,53,1,1-5,Hill Cardiovascular origins of heatstroke pathophysiology: an anesthetized rat model,1982,53,2,171-178,Burger Psychological testing at high altitudes,1982,53,2,122-126,Nelson Another function of the inner ear: facilitation of the emetic response to poisons,1983,54,3,208-211,Money Neuropsychological functioning after prolonged high altitude exposure in mountaineering,1983,54,3,202-207,Clark Small hospital support of unscheduled overnight air evacuation,1984,55,1,69-71,Cook Side effects of antimotion sickness drugs,1984,55,2,113-116,Manno Cervical artery dissection following a turbulent flight,2011,82,10,995-997,Quinn The Advanced Tactical Parachute System (T-11): Injuries during basic military parachute training,2011,82,10,935-940,Knapik Test your knowledge of transient vision loss,1998,69,2,178-179,Carpenter Central effects of the H1-antihistamine cetirizine,1998,69,2,166-171,Nicholson Effect of 100% oxygen on EKG changes and serum myoglobin in fighter pilots,1998,69,2,149-153,Comens Activation of coagulation in decompression illness,1998,69,2,129-132,Boussuges Oculomotor response to linear acceleration as induced by counter-rotation in supine subjects,1998,69,2,121-128,Cheung Improved anti-G protection boosts sortie generation ability,1998,69,2,117-120,Hill Visual influence on the magnitude of somatogravic illusion evoked on advanced spatial disorientation demonstrator,1998,69,2,111-116,Mizumoto Effects of map orientation during learning on airport identification,1998,69,2,104-110,Mealey A comparison of stereopsis with ANVIS and F4949 night vision goggles,1998,69,2,99-103,Knight GZ-induced neck injuries,1998,69,3,322,Hämäläinen The influence of CO2 in a space-like environment: study design,1998,69,3,285-290,Wenzel The effects of moderately elevated ambient carbon dioxide levels on human physiology and performance: a joint NASA-ESA-DARA study--overview,1998,69,3,282-284,Sulzman Evolved gas pain the power law and probability of hypobaric decompression sickness,1998,69,4,352-359,Powell Tactical vs. other simulated aerial combat maneuvers,1998,69,5,525-527,Hill Eye injuries from laser exposure: a review,1998,69,5,519-524,Hudson Case report: inflight decompression sickness affecting the temporomandibular joint,1998,69,5,517-518,Fabian Joint NASA-ESA-DARA Study. Part three: effects of chronically elevated CO2 on mental performance during 26 days of confinement,1998,69,5,506-514,Manzey Pro-opiomelanocortin activation and simulated interceptor combat flight,1998,69,5,486-490,Kuronen Use of cytochrome-P450 mono-oxygenase 2 E1 isozyme inhibitors to delay seizures caused by central nervous system oxygen toxicity,1998,69,5,480-485,Kindwall Back pain in Australian military helicopter pilots: a preliminary study,1998,69,5,468-473,Heller Evidence of baroreflex adaptation to repetitive +Gz in fighter pilots,1998,69,5,446-451,Newman Smart Aircrew Integrated Life Support System,1998,69,6,614-615,Forster Legal implications of preflight passenger screening,1998,69,7,709-710,Glazer Alcoholism and certification,1998,69,7,709,Cooley The desire to fly,1998,69,7,703-704,Salazar Aviation suicide: a review of general aviation accidents in the UK 1970-96,1998,69,7,696-698,Cullen A case of the Wolff-Parkinson-White ECG abnormality in a trainee military pilot,1998,69,7,687-689,Cable The effects of the M40 protective mask on sleep,1998,69,7,684-686,Vories Female voice communications in high levels of aircraft cockpit noises--Part I: spectra levels and microphones,1998,69,7,675-683,Nixon Validity of clinical color vision tests for air traffic control,1998,69,7,666-674,Mertens Intensive and sustained air operations: potential use of the stimulant pemoline,1998,69,7,647-655,Nicholson Assessment of cardiac autonomic nervous activities during heliox exposure at 24 atm abs,1998,69,7,643-646,Lin Arm pain among Swedish fighter pilots during +Gz flight and centrifuge exposures,1998,69,7,639-642,Linde Maxillary sinus barotrauma with cranial nerve involvement: case report,1975,46,3,314-315,Linaweaver Somatic-evoked brain responses as indicators of adaptation to nitrogen narcosis,1975,46,2,147-151,Hamilton Drug interactions: How to identify them,1975,46,2,199-203,Davis Predictive validities of several clinical color vision tests for aviation signal light gun performance,1975,46,5,660-667,Collins Acute mountain sickness: increased severity in eucapnic hypoxia,1975,46,6,826-829,Cymerman Motion effects on the human operator in a roll axis tracking task,1975,46,6,819-822,Junker Biothermal simulation of scuba divers,1975,46,6,814-818,Montgomery Physiologic effects of seatback angles 45degrees (from the vertical) relative to G,1975,46,7,887-897,Iampietro Prevention of decompression sickness during a simulated space docking mission,1975,46,7,930-933,Cooke Some effects of alcohol on various aspects of oculomotor control,1975,46,8,1008-1013,Collins Management of severe decompression sickness with treatment ancillary to recompression: case report,1975,46,8,1065-1068,Kindwall Association of aircraft noise stress to periodontal disease in aircrew members,1975,46,8,1041-1043,Haskell Electroencephalography in naval divers,1975,46,8,1000-1001,Malhotra Hemodynamics renal function plasma renin and aldosterone in man after 5 to 14 days of bedrest,1975,46,8,1049-1055,Goldman Central nervous system involvement following type I aviator's bends complicated by complacency,1975,46,9,1186-1187,Dully Circulo-respiratory fitness in United States Air Force Academy cadets,1975,46,9,1144-1146,Harger Vision in the water without a facemask,1975,46,9,1128-1131,Kinney Effects of pyrobenzamine and plimasin on fighter pilots flying a fighter intercept mission in the F4D flight simulator,1975,46,9,1191-1193,Maioriello What is the mechanism of carbon monoxide toxicity?,1975,46,10,1289-1291,Goldbaum Psychological characteristics of deep submergence vehicle personnel,1975,46,10,1227-1231,Biersner Associations between psychological factors and pulmonary toxicity during intermittent oxygen breathing at 2 ATA,1976,47,2,173-176,Biersner Effect of a reduction in arterial oxygen content (carbon monoxide) on coronary flow,1976,47,2,142-146,Young Intracardial bubbles during decompression to altitude in relation to decompression sickness in man,1976,47,2,113-116,Balldin Head and neck cooling by air water or air plus water in hyperthermia,1976,47,3,265-271,Kissen Ethnic variations in psychological performance under altitude stress,1976,47,3,248-251,Sharma Heat stroke: a review,1976,47,3,280-301,Danon Air operations and circadian performance rhythms,1976,47,3,221-230,Wegmann Review of the effects of infrasound on man,1976,47,4,430-434,Harris Laboratory investigation of "biorhythms",1976,47,4,425-429,Neil Sleep monitoring: the second manned Skylab mission,1976,47,4,372-382,Frost Mechanism of lung damage in explosive decompression,1976,47,5,517-522,Topliff Amelioration of the symptoms of acute mountain sickness by staging and acetazolamide,1976,47,5,512-516,Robinson Heat and simulated high altitude: effects on biochemical indices of stress and performance,1976,47,5,548-552,Kobrick Technique for electrocardiographic monitoring of working divers,1976,47,6,667-671,Raymond Five-year study of emergency aeromedical evacuation in the United States,1976,47,6,662-666,Cooper Biochemistry and hematology at decompression sickness: a case report,1976,47,6,657-661,Tappan Use of H2 as an inert gas during diving: pulmonary function during H2-O2 breathing at 7.06 ATA,1976,47,6,618-626,Dougherty Human and nonhuman operators in manual control systems,1976,47,6,612-617,Bachman An international Critical Care Air Transport flight: intervening in the Korean airline crash,1998,69,8,806-807,Topley Flight crew fatigue IV: overnight cargo operations,1998,69,9 Suppl,B26-36,Rosekind Flight crew fatigue II: short-haul fixed-wing air transport operations,1998,69,9 Suppl,B8-15,Rosekind Flight crew fatigue I: objectives and methods,1998,69,9 Suppl,B1-7,Rosekind Evidence that the slowing caused by acute hypoxia is modality dependent,1998,69,9,887-891,Fowler Female exposure to high G: effects of simulated combat sorties on cerebral and arterial O2 saturation,1998,69,9,869-874,Tripp Female exposure to high G: performance of simulated flight after 24 hours of sleep deprivation,1998,69,9,862-868,Albery Decompression illness reported in a survey of 429 recreational divers,2008,79,2,123-128,Klingmann Cognitive impairment by spatial disorientation,2008,79,2,105-111,Golding Static apnea effect on heart rate and its variability in elite breath-hold divers,2008,79,2,99-104,Tourny-Chollet Ejection associated injuries,2000,71,5,556,Janco Hereditary hemochromatosis among U.S. Army aviators,2000,71,5,543-544,Mason Release from masking in virtual auditory space during sustained positive acceleration,2000,71,5,536-542,Arrabito Pressurized sleeves and gloves for protection against acceleration-induced arm pain,2000,71,5,501-505,Shaffstall Further support for the concept of a G-LOC syndrome: a survey of military high-performance aviators,2000,71,5,496-500,Morrissette Post-roll effects on attitude perception: "the Gillingham Illusion",2000,71,5,489-495,Ercoline Cerebral blood flow velocity by transcranial Doppler during a vertical-rotating table simulation of the push-pull effect,2000,71,5,485-488,Geng Head roll compensation in a visually coupled HMD: considerations for helicopter operations,2000,71,5,476-484,Craig Aircraft control forces and EMG activity in a UH-1H Iroquois helicopter during routine maneuvers,2000,71,5,470-475,Hewson The experience of nausea during sustained hyper-gravity flight with negligible angular velocity,2000,71,5,522-530,Muth Extradural hemorrhage on the flight line: case report,2000,71,1,65-67,Keller Efficacy of Dexedrine for maintaining aviator performance during 64 hours of sustained wakefulness: a simulator study,2000,71,1,7-18,Caldwell Operational physiology in the U.S. Navy,2001,72,1,82-83,Clark Fatigue modeling,2001,72,1,78,Nesthus The experience of nausea during sustained hyper-gravity flight with negligible angular velocity,2001,72,1,74,Markham Louis H. Bauer M.D. and the first civil U.S. aeromedical standards: his continuing legacy,2001,72,1,62-69,Mohler Age and risk-taking in French naval crew,2001,72,1,59-61,Sicard Determination of lumbar muscular activity in helicopter pilots: a new approach,2001,72,1,38-43,Jimenez Heat strain imposed by toxic agent protective systems,2001,72,1,32-37,Whipple Energy cost of physical task performance in men and women wearing chemical protective clothing,2001,72,1,25-31,Murphy Dynamic strength capabilities of small-stature females to perform high-performance flight tasks,2001,72,2,89-99,Shender Concept of a Neck Protective Device (CNPD),2001,72,2,155,Panin Psychiatric considerations in military aerospace medicine,2001,72,2,129-135,Jones Prevalence of drugs and alcohol in fatal civil aviation accidents between 1994 and 1998,2001,72,2,120-124,Canfield Simulated shuttle egress: comparison of two Space Shuttle protective garments,2001,72,2,110-114,Schneider Dynamic strength capabilities of small-stature females to eject and support added head weight,2001,72,2,100-109,Shender Redefining the approach to aircrew protection: helicopter aircrew integrated life support systems,2002,73,2,164-165,Forster Pulmonary barotrauma-induced cerebral arterial gas embolism with spontaneous recovery: commentary on the rationale for therapeutic compression,2002,73,2,139-146,Clarke An analysis of control reversal errors during unusual attitude recoveries using helmet-mounted display symbology,2002,73,2,102-111,Liggett In-flight hypoxia incidents in military aircraft: causes and implications for training,2003,74,2,169-172,Cable Acceleration effects on neck muscle strength: pilots vs. non-pilots,2003,74,2,164-168,Seng Review of studies on flight attendant health and comfort in airliner cabins,2003,74,2,101-109,Nagda Human factors of powered flight: the Wright brothers' contributions,2004,75,2,184-188,Mohler Speech intelligibility with helicopter noise: tests of three helmet-mounted communication systems,2004,75,2,132-137,Murphy Neck muscle activity and perceived pain and discomfort due to variations of head load and posture,2004,75,2,123-131,Knight Traumatic iridodialysis in a student naval aviator applicant,2005,76,2,147-150,Roller Isolated dextrocardia in a commercial pilot candidate,2005,76,2,137-140,Huber Cognitive paralysis in an emergency: the role of the supervisory attentional system,2005,76,2,134-136,Leach Aviation-relevent epidemiology of color vision deficiency,2005,76,2,127-133,Hovis Caffeine effects on recovery sleep following 27 h total sleep deprivation,2005,76,2,108-113,Kamimori Cerebral blood flow velocity and psychomotor performance during acute hypoxia,2006,77,2,107-113,Gennser Helicopter type and accident severity in helicopter emergency medical services missions,2011,82,12,1148-1152,Hinkelbein Instructor perceptions of the accident likelihood faced by recently trained glider pilots,2011,82,12,1093-1097,Harris Heat tolerance in women--reconsidering the criteria,2012,83,1,58-60,Yanovich The annual incapacitation rate of commercial pilots,2012,83,1,42-49,Evans Aeromedical decision making and seizure risk after traumatic brain injury: longitudinal outcome,2012,83,2,140-143,McGuire Vibroacoustic disease: some forensic aspects,1999,70,3 Pt 2,A145-51,Jones Facial dyskinesia induced by auditory stimulation: a report of four cases,1999,70,3 Pt 2,A119-21,Castelo Branco Effects of occupational exposure to low frequency noise on cognition,1999,70,3 Pt 2,A115-8,Castelo Branco Balance disturbances in individuals with vibroacoustic disease,1999,70,3 Pt 2,A96-9,Castelo Branco Neurological aspects of vibroacoustic disease,1999,70,3 Pt 2,A91-5,Castelo Branco Maintenance of complex performance during a 135-day spaceflight simulation,1999,70,3 Pt 1,236-244,Hockey Difficulties inherent in certifying people with gender dysphoria,1999,70,4,338-339,Feinberg Combined caffeine and ephedrine ingestion improves run times of Canadian Forces Warrior Test,1999,70,4,325-329,Jacobs Aircrew lumbar supports: an update,1999,70,4,321-324,Winfield Analysis of the Gz environment during air combat maneuvering in the F/A-18 fighter aircraft,1999,70,4,310-315,Newman Outcome after treatment of neurological decompression illness is predicted by a published clinical scoring system,1999,70,5,517-521,Broome Naps and modafinil as countermeasures for the effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive performance,1999,70,5,493-498,Batéjat The gyroplane,1999,70,6,626,Elsner Samuel Franklin Cody: aviation and aeromedical evacuation pioneer,1999,70,6,612-617,Gibson Cognitive performance over 7 days in a distressed submarine,1999,70,6,604-608,Windle Reduce risk of inducing spatial disorientation using physiologically compatible ground lighting,1999,70,6,598-603,Schmidt Neuroendocrine responses and psychomotor test results in subjects participating in military pilot selection,1999,70,6,571-576,Kuronen Neuroendocrine responses to psychological workload of instrument flying in student pilots,1999,70,6,565-570,Kuronen Muscle fatigue caused by repeated aerial combat maneuvering exercises,1999,70,6,556-560,Hamalainen British Airways flightdeck mortality study 1950-1992,1999,70,6,548-555,Davies Prevention of minor neck injuries in F-16 pilots,1999,70,7,720,Burton Visual symptoms and G-LOC in the operational environment and during centrifuge training of Turkish jet pilots,1999,70,7,709-712,Akin Cerebral arterial gas embolism in air force ground maintenance crew--a report of two cases,1999,70,7,698-700,Lee Report of ejections in the Spanish Air Force 1979-1995: an epidemiological and comparative study,1999,70,7,686-691,Moreno Vázquez Does over-accomodation occur when using aircraft head-up displays?,1999,70,7,666-673,Edgar Low-altitude overflights of fighters and the risk of hearing loss,1999,70,7,650-655,Paakkonen Pulmonary and auditory function among experienced construction divers: a cross-sectional study,1999,70,7,644-649,Kjuus Comparison of short-term aerobic training and high aerobic power on tolerance to uncompensable heat stress,1999,70,7,637-643,McLellan Evaluation of a new universal jettison mechanism for helicopter underwater escape,1999,70,8,752-758,Brooks Aircraft control forces and EMG activity: comparison of novice and experienced pilots during simulated take-off and landing,1999,70,8,745-751,Hewson Determinants of enlisted air traffic controller success,1999,70,9,910-918,Carretta The effect of water immersion on postural and visual orientation,1999,70,9,879-886,Jarchow Short hypobaric hypoxia and breathing pattern: effect of positive end expiratory pressure,1999,70,9,863-866,Savourey Cognitive performance and physiological changes in females at high G while protected with COMBAT EDGE and ATAGS,1999,70,9,857-862,Zhang You're the flight surgeon. Carbon monoxide poisoning,1999,70,10,1041-1042,Sutherlin Record and around the world flights through Singapore by women,1999,70,10,1038-1040,Dille Detecting transient cognitive impairment with EEG pattern recognition methods,1999,70,10,1018-1024,Smith Blood ammonia response during incremental and steady-state exercise in military staff,1999,70,10,1007-1011,Léon Evaluation of cutaneous insensible water loss during hyperbaric exposure in humans,1999,70,10,990-995,Yamaguchi Case report of an aviator with a single episode of altered consciousness due to Hymenoptera hypersensitivity,1999,70,11,1113-1116,Gee Accidental injection of a U.S. Air Force aviator by a pralidoxime chloride auto-injector: a case report,1999,70,11,1110-1112,Yamane Gender differences in motion sickness history and susceptibility to optokinetic rotation-induced motion sickness,1999,70,11,1077-1080,Hu Speech intelligibility in aircraft noise as a function of altitude,1999,70,11,1064-1069,Wagstaff Ejection associated injuries within the German Air Force from 1981-1997,1999,70,12,1230-1234,Werner MRI cervical spine findings in asymptomatic fighter pilots,1999,70,12,1183-1188,Petrén-Mallmin Effects of FOV and aircraft bank on pilot head movement and reversal errors during simulated flight,1999,70,12,1152-1160,Gallimore Human error and crew resource management failures in Naval aviation mishaps: a review of U.S. Naval Safety Center data 1990-96,1999,70,12,1147-1151,Wiegmann What EEG criteria for diving fitness?,1976,47,8,868-872,Corriol Incidence of decompression sickness in Navy low-pressure chambers,1976,47,9,995-997,Bason Screening test for decompression sickness,1976,47,9,993-994,Hart Intravascular bubbles associated with intravenous injections and altitude,1976,47,9,974-978,Cooke Reports propose ways to better protect military troops from exposure to hazardous agents,2000,71,2,196-197, NASA opens new virtual airport control tower at Ames,2000,71,2,196, Physiological problems associated with wearing NBC protective clothing during cold weather,2000,71,2,184-189,Gonzalez Complications and side effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy,2000,71,2,119-124,Busch Escape from a disabled submarine: decompression sickness risk estimation,2000,71,2,109-114,Ball A trial to determine the risk of decompression sickness after a 40 feet of sea water for 200 minute no-stop air dive,2000,71,2,102-108,Ball Parachute opening shock simulator to determine cervical injury tolerance,2003,74,1,95,Paskoff Prevention of carbon monoxide exposure in general and recreational aviation,2003,74,1,91; author reply 91,Blue Lumbar disc volume measured by MRI: effects of bed rest horizontal exercise and vertical loading,2003,74,1,73-78,Hutton Prediction of muscle performance during dynamic repetitive movement,2003,74,1,69-72,Squires In-flight medical events and aircraft diversions: one airline's experience,2003,74,1,62-68,Illig Incidence of decompression sickness in hypoxia training with and without 30-min O2 prebreathe,2003,74,1,56-61,Moore Eye tracking point of gaze and performance degradation during disorientation,2003,74,1,11-20,Cheung Gender not a factor for altitude decompression sickness risk,2003,74,1,2-10,Pilmanis Victim fragmentation patterns and seat location supplements crash data: American Airlines flight 587,2012,83,4,412-417,Vidoli The age 60 rule: age discrimination in commercial aviation,2002,73,3,194-202,Wilkening The development of the Australian anti-G suit,1990,61,2,176-182,Brook Altitude symptomatology and mood states during a climb to 3630 meters,1990,61,3,225-228,Shukitt-Hale Effects of whole-body vibration waveform and display collimation on the performance of a complex manual control task,1990,61,3,211-219,McLeod Advantages of a low-oxygen environment in space cabins,1990,61,3,272-276,Shvartz Modeling peripheral vision for moving target search and detection,2012,83,6,585-593,Yang Transient global amnesia and its aeromedical implications,2012,83,6,565-569,Jagathesan Modafinil as a replacement for dextroamphetamine for sustaining alertness in military helicopter pilots,2012,83,6,556-564,Estrada Fatal respiratory failure during a "technical" rebreather dive at extreme pressure,2007,78,2,81-86,Mitchell Drugs and alcohol found in civil aviation accident pilot fatalities from 2004-2008,2012,83,8,764-770,Dubowski Physiological responses of astronaut candidates to simulated +Gx orbital emergency re-entry,2012,83,8,758-763,Wu Ten years of spatial disorientation in U.S. Army rotary-wing operations,2012,83,8,739-745,Gaydos Human systems integration in remotely piloted aircraft operations,2006,77,12,1278-1282,Tvaryanas Long-term survivors of childhood malignancies--aeromedical dilemmas and implications,2006,77,12,1266-1270,Azaria Muscle oxygen supply during cold face immersion in breath-hold divers and controls,2006,77,12,1224-1229,Valic CNS oxygen toxicity in closed-circuit diving: signs and symptoms before loss of consciousness,2006,77,11,1153-1157,Arieli Heart period variability in trauma patients may predict mortality and allow remote triage,2006,77,11,1107-1112,Holcomb Superior vestibular dysfunction in severe decompression sickness suggests an embolic mechanism,2012,83,11,1097-1100,Tribukait +Gz-induced spinal symptoms in fighter pilots: operational and individual associated factors,2012,83,11,1092-1096,Wagstaff Acute neurological symptoms during hypobaric exposure: consider cerebral air embolism,2012,83,11,1084-1091,Weenink Clothing buoyancy and underwater horizontal swim distance after exiting a submersed vehicle simulator,2012,83,11,1077-1083,Giesbrecht Risk factors for musculoskeletal injuries for soldiers deployed to Afghanistan,2012,83,11,1060-1066,Knapik Fly-eye collision avoidance for unmanned aerial vehicles,2004,75,1,92,Bossert Human exposure to the jet fuel JP-8,2004,75,1,49-59,Tu Distortion product of otoacoustic emissions as a sensitive indicator of hearing loss in pilots,2004,75,1,46-48,Zhang Performance following a sudden awakening from daytime nap induced by zaleplon,2004,75,1,29-36,Whitmore Neck muscle strength and endurance in fighter pilots: effects of a supervised training program,2004,75,1,23-28,Werner Acceleration in other axes affects +Gz tolerance: dynamic centrifuge simulation of agile flight,2004,75,1,1-6,Albery Submarine escape from depths of 30 and 60 feet: 41183 training ascents without serious injury,2004,75,3,269-271,Yildiz Flight safety and medical incapacitation risk of airline pilots,2004,75,3,260-268,Evans Locomotion in simulated zero gravity: ground reaction forces,2004,75,3,203-210,McCrory Alternative methods for modeling fatigue and performance,2004,75,3 Suppl,A173-80,Reifman Fatigue models as practical tools: diagnostic accuracy and decision thresholds,2004,75,3 Suppl,A168-72,Raslear Trends in the risk of accidents and injuries and their implications for models of fatigue and performance,2004,75,3 Suppl,A161-7,Folkard Modulating the homeostatic process to predict performance during chronic sleep restriction,2004,75,3 Suppl,A141-6,Thorne Nonlinear mixed-effects modeling: individualization and prediction,2004,75,3 Suppl,A134-40,Dinges Commentary on the interactive neurobehavioral model,2004,75,3 Suppl,A90-2,Samel Predictions from the three-process model of alertness,2004,75,3 Suppl,A75-83,Folkard A model to predict work-related fatigue based on hours of work,2004,75,3 Suppl,A61-9; discussion A70-4,Roach Fatigue models for applied research in warfighting,2004,75,3 Suppl,A44-53; discussion A54-60,Miller Summary of the key features of seven biomathematical models of human fatigue and performance,2004,75,3 Suppl,A4-14,Dinges Predicting head injury risk during International Space Station increments,2013,84,1,38-46,Lewandowski Maladaptive behavior in survivors: dysexecutive survivor syndrome,2012,83,12,1152-1161,Leach Hearing deficit in a birth cohort of U.S. male commuter air carrier and air taxi pilots,2008,79,11,1051-1055,Qiang Fatigue and use of go/no-go pills in extraordinarily long combat sorties,2004,75,4,370-371,Miller Color vision changes in young subjects acutely exposed to 3000 m altitude,2004,75,4,364-366,Karakucuk Decompression sickness in Miskito Indian lobster divers: review of 229 cases,2004,75,4,350-353,Van Meter Mental workload in air traffic control: an index constructed from field tests,2004,75,4,333-341,Dittmar Visual neglect: occurrence and patterns in pilots in a simulated overnight flight,2004,75,4,323-332,Thorne Heat stress and carbon monoxide exposure during C-130 vehicle transportation,2005,76,4,399-402,Barenboim Middle East aircrew use of alcohol tobacco coffee and medicaments,2005,76,4,395-398,Omar Altitude training experiences and perspectives: survey of 67 professional pilots,2005,76,4,392-394,Hackworth G-induced loss of consciousness: case-control study of 78 G-Locs in the F-15 F-16 and A-10,2005,76,4,370-374,Gardner Midair collisions: limitations of the see-and-avoid concept in civil aviation,2005,76,4,357-365,Morris Isometric force production in high Gz: mechanical effects proprioception and central motor commands,2005,76,4,339-343,Pongratz Toxicological findings in fatally injured pilots of 979 amateur-built aircraft accidents,2013,84,2,134-141,Craft Quantifying fatigue risk in model-based fatigue risk management,2013,84,2,155-157, Coronary artery disease in aircrew fatalities: morphology risk factors and possible predictors,2013,84,2,142-147,Dumser Design and acceptability of the viation Laser Exposure Self-Assessment (ALESA),2013,84,3,246-251,Waggel Cause of death in aircraft accidents: drowning vs traumatic injuries,1977,48,10,924-928,Thompson Vehicle submersion: a review of the problem associated risks and survival information,2013,84,5,498-510,Giesbrecht Motion sickness in rally car co-drivers,2013,84,5,473-477,Lion Identifying cognitive state from eye metrics,2007,78,5 Suppl,B165-75,Marshall Investigating the "white spot" in aviation medicine and aircraft accident analysis,2013,84,6,642,Hinkelbein Stress reactivity and cognitive performance in a simulated firefighting emergency,2013,84,6,592-599,Sünram-Lea Auditory visual and bimodal data link displays and how they support pilot performance,2013,84,6,560-566,McCarley Impairment of flying efficiency in anancastic pilots,1977,48,2,156-161,Haward Coronary risk factors in flying personnel: a progress report,1977,48,2,162-163,King Heart rate and core temperature as indicators of heat stress during deep underwater activity,1977,48,2,146-148,Lemaire Responses to temperate cold and hot environments and the effect of physical training,1977,48,3,254-260,Shvartz Studies on heat output from the hand of frostbite subjects,1977,48,3,192-194,Nair Stabilization of gas cavitation nuclei by surface-active compounds,1977,48,3,185-189,Yount Centrifuge-induced neck and back pain in F-16 pilots: a report of four cases,2013,84,7,734-738,Lange Escape from a submersible vehicle simulator wearing different thermoprotective flotation clothing,2013,84,7,708-715,Giesbrecht Vasodilation associated with supplement use: Potential concern for military aviators,2013,84,8,872-873,Catrambone Ejection in hostile environments: Medico-psychological aspects for the fighter pilot,2013,84,8,856-858,Daudin Reaction time in pilots at sustained acceleration of +4.5 G(z),2013,84,8,845-849,Truszczynski Prevalence of fatigue in a group of airline pilots,2013,84,8,828-833,Reis Influence of vision and dental occlusion on body posture in pilots,2013,84,8,823-827,Rinaldi Military aircrew eyewear survey: operational issues,2013,84,8,814-822,Lattimore In-flight incapacitation and cystic medial necrosis,2013,84,9,990-994,Sokol Flat spin and negative Gz in high-altitude free fall: pathophysiology prevention and treatment,2013,84,9,961-970,Pattarini Pilot perception and confidence of location during a simulated helicopter navigation task,2013,84,9,952-960,Kennedy Predicting individual differences in response to sleep loss: application of current techniques,2013,84,9,927-937,Chandler Hot-air balloon tours: Crash epidemiology in the United States 2000-2011,2013,84,11,1172-1177,Baker Musculoskeletal pain and related risks in skydivers: A population-based survey,2013,84,10,1034-1040,Westman Cold weather aviation psychology: a case report,1977,48,4,377-379,Treanor Systematic desensitization of a phobia for flying with the use of suggestion,1977,48,4,370-372,Timm Effects of three kinds of hypoxias on vigilance performance,1977,48,6,491-496,Christensen Naval aviators admitted to a Naval hospital,1977,48,8,763-764,Morioka Twenty years and beyond,1977,48,8,745-752,Combs Altitude decompression sickness: hyperbaric therapy results in 145 cases,1977,48,8,722-730,Heimbach Ten-year survey of altitude chamber reactions using the FAA training chamber flight profiles,1977,48,8,718-721,Valdez Continuous ECG monitoring on civil air crews during flight operations,1977,48,9,872-876,Sekiguchi Disorienting effects of aircraft catapult launchings: III. Cockpit displays and piloting performance,1977,48,9,797-804,Cohen Human tolerance to He Ne and N2 at respiratory gas densities equivalent to He-O2 breathing at depths to 1200 2000 3000 4000 and 5000 feet of sea water (predictive studies III),1977,48,9,843-853,Lambertsen Joint Committee on Aviation Pathology: XVI. Studies on the relation between carboxyhemoglobin concentration and toxicity,1977,48,10,969-970,Goldbaum Joint Committee on Aviation Pathology: XI. Evaluation and disposition of Army helicopter aviators with finger amputations,1977,48,10,949-952,Humbert Joint Committee on Aviation Pathology: XVII. Round window tear in aviators,1977,48,10,971-975,Tingley Shallow habitat air dives I and II: human hematologic responses to compressed air saturation diving,1977,48,11,1012-1017,Murray Intracardial gas bubbles of altitude after negative pressure breathing,1977,48,11,1007-1011,Balldin Eye-tracking measures and human performance in a vigilance task,2002,73,4,367-372,Lavine Flight schedules and occupational accidents among cabin crew: A longitudinal study,2013,84,12,1281-1285,van der Beek Terrain stiffness and ankle biomechanics during simulated half-squat parachute landing,2013,84,12,1262-1267,Fan Neck injury criteria formulation and injury risk curves for the ejection environment: A pilot study,2013,84,12,1240-1248,Pellettiere Spine injuries related to high-performance aircraft ejections: A 9-year retrospective study,2014,85,1,66-70,Manen Development of the Facial and Ocular Countermeasures Safety (FOCUS) headform,2009,80,9,831,Kennedy Computer modeling of airbag-induced ocular injury in pilots wearing night vision goggles,2002,73,10,1000-1006,Herring Fear of flying treatment programs for passengers: an international review,2000,71,4,430-437,Van Gerwen Voluntary eye movements and alcohol,1977,48,7,612-614,Levett Physiological monitoring and analysis of a manned stratospheric balloon test program,2014,85,2,177-182,Pattarini Risk factors for closed-head injuries during military airborne operations,2014,85,2,105-111,Knapik Rat lung hyper-reactivity to stress,1978,49,1 Pt 1,70-72,Beckman Comparison of exercise responses of males and females during acute exposure to hypobaria,1978,49,2,415-418,Atterbom Effects of using long breathing hoses upon mask pressure,1978,49,2,365-370,Cooke Effect of clothing insulation beneath an immersion coverall on the rate of body cooling in cold water,1978,49,3,480-483,Marcus Psychological states and aerobic fitness of male and female recruits before and after basic training,1978,49,4,603-606,Vogel Explosive decompression of subjects up to a 20000-m altitude using a two-pressure flying suit,1978,49,4,599-602,Balldin Review of stress in air traffic control: its measurement and effects,1979,50,3,243-248,Crump Swimming accuracy and consistency of scuba divers under conditions of low visibility,1979,50,3,233-238,Luria Aeromedical implications of the X-Chrom lens for improving color vision deficiencies,1979,50,3,249-255,Rasmussen Evaluation of the helicopter in aeromedical transfers,1979,50,2,168-170,Reddick The effect of propranolol on human psychomotor performance,1980,51,2,176-179,Broadhurst Bioman--an improved occupant-crew station compliance modeling system,1980,51,2,160-167,Frisch Development of performance evaluation tests for environmental research (PETER): complex counting test,1980,51,2,142-144,Kennedy Comparison of two techniques for the development and maintenance of tracking behavior in monkeys,1980,51,2,121-125,Pace Intravascular hemolysis in acute mountain sickness,1980,51,3,271-272,Lovlin Prediction of success in a stressful career by personality attributes,1980,51,4,388-390,Keinan Effect of induced cyclic changes of deep body temperature on performance in a flight simulator,1980,51,4,356-360,Allan Psychomotor performance during ozone exposure: spectral and discriminant function analysis of EEG,1980,51,4,344-351,Horvath Performance effects of alcohol intoxication and hangover at ground level and at simulated altitude,1980,51,4,327-335,Collins Effect of direction and rate of change of deep body and skin temperatures on performance of a rotary pursuit task,1980,51,5,445-447,Allan Absolute and relative work capacity in women at 758 586 and 523 torr barometric pressure,1980,51,5,439-444,Horvath Agricultural aviation medicine in the Soviet Union,1980,51,5,515-517,Mohler Helicopter crashes into water: warning time final position and other factors affecting survival,2014,85,4,440-444,Baker Temporary heat intolerance in a heatstroke patient,1981,52,2,116-117,Keren Effects of severe heat stress on respiration and metabolic rate in resting man,1981,52,5,281-286,Saxton Cardiac decompression sickness: report and discussion of a case,1981,52,6,350-353,Halpern Decompression sickness,1981,52,7,421, The interaction of hand vibration with oculomanual coordination in pursuit tracking,1991,62,2,145-152,Martin Effects of high altitude and exercise on marksmanship,1992,63,2,114-117,Tharion Influence of a new vapor protective clothing layer on physical work tolerance times at 40 degrees C,1992,63,2,107-113,McLellan Aerobic fitness and hormonal responses to prolonged sleep deprivation and sustained mental work,1992,63,2,101-106,Goodman Eagle Rock to Concorde: 90 to 1350 mph,1979,50,5,468-472,Backenstoe The early development of aviation medicine in the United States,1979,50,5,459-467,Wilmer Physiologic and performance measurements in simulated airborne combined stress environments,1979,50,6,604-608,von Beckh Thermal strain resulting from protective clothing of an armored vehicle crew in warm conditions,1979,50,6,599-603,Bittel Effect of induced cyclic changes of deep body temperature on task performances,1979,50,6,585-589,Allan Physiological effects of a military training program on male and female cadets,1979,50,6,562-566,Daniels Psychomotor deterioration during exposure to heat,1980,51,6,607-610,Keren Physiological effects of cold air inhalation during exercise,1980,51,6,591-594,Nunneley An attempted validation study of the birthdate-based biorhythm (BBB) hypothesis,1980,51,6,583-590,Naitoh Tennis elbow in aviators,1982,53,3,281-282,Farr Increase in jammed word intelligibility due to training of listeners,1982,53,3,239-244,Nixon An introduction to disaster: some considerations of a psychological nature,1982,53,3,245-250,Singer Analysis of dental materials as an aid to identification in aircraft accidents,1982,53,4,326-331,Wilson The pathophysiology presentation and triage of altitude-related decompression sickness associated with hypobaric chamber operation,1982,53,5,489-494,Margulies Reducing motion sickness: a comparison of autogenic-feedback training and an alternative cognitive task,1982,53,5,449-453,Cowings Human tracking performance changes during combined +Gz and +/- Gy stress,1982,53,5,435-439,Frazier Treatment after blow-up (uncontrolled ascent to the surface),1980,51,7,717-719,Unger Device for measuring the precision of eye-hand coordination while tracking changing size,1980,51,7,688-693,Regan Catecholamine excretion in A-10 pilots,1980,51,7,661-664,Krahenbuhl Venous gas bubbles while flying with cabin altitudes of airliners or general aviation aircraft 3 hours after diving,1980,51,7,649-652,Balldin Aeromedical transportation of psychiatric patients: Historical review and present management,1980,51,7,709-716,Jones Mission physical and war stressors' impact on aircrew psychological strain,2014,85,5,568-572,Stetz Training monitoring skills in helicopter pilots,2014,85,5,543-549,Boquet Attention and visual tracking degradation during acute sleep deprivation in a military sample,2014,85,5,497-503,Ghajar Analysis of population mortality kinetics with application to the longevity followup of the Navy's "1000 Aviators",1979,50,7,697-701,Miquel Separation of the effects of raised skin and core temperature on performance of a pursuit rotor task,1979,50,7,678-682,Allan Changes in the circadian rhythm of performance and mood in healthy young men exposed to prolonged heavy physical work sleep deprivation and caloric deficit,1979,50,7,663-668,Bugge Vigilance performance of men sleeping under arctic conditions,1979,50,7,692-696,Angus A new equation for calculating the maximum wait time for pilots who use an impairing medication,2014,85,6,668-671,Dubowski Fatal accident rates for instrument-rated private pilots,2014,85,6,631-637,Shao Control pattern injuries in fatal fixed-wing general aviation accidents,2014,85,6,618-623,Olson Cockpit displays of traffic information and pilot bias in time-to-contact judgments,2014,85,6,597-604,Kaber Operational characteristics of liquid-conditioned suits,1978,49,8,994-1003,Harrison Diving experience and emotional factors related to the psychomotor effects of nitrogen narcosis,1978,49,8,959-962,Biersner Effects of hypocapnia on psychomotor and intellectual performance,1978,49,8,943-946,Gibson Emergency mental health services during and after a major aircraft accident,1978,49,8,1004-1008,Duffy Quantifying fatigue in working divers,1978,49,10,1160-1167,Monod Intracardial gas bubbles and decompression sickness while flying at 9000 m within 12-24 h of diving,1978,49,11,1314-1318,Balldin Ejection problems and injuries: their causes effects and treatments and suggestions for preventive measures,1979,50,8,829-833,Fleming Increased survival in experimental dog heatstroke after reduction of gut flora,1979,50,8,816-819,Brown Heat- and exercise-induced hyperthermia: effects on high-energy phosphates,1979,50,8,799-802,Mager Thermal conduction effects in human skin,1979,50,8,778-787,Stoll Effect on performance of cycling deep body temperature between 37.0 and 37.6 degrees C,1979,50,9,935-938,Allan Pilot performance during simulated approaches and landings made with various computer-generated visual glidepath indicators,1979,50,10,991-1002,Mertens Medical barofunction testing of aviators with otorhinolaryngologic disease,1979,50,10,1062-1066,Smolensky Susceptibility to seasickness: influence of hull design and steaming direction,1979,50,10,1046-1051,Kennedy Cold water survival suits for aircrew,1979,50,10,1040-1045,White Comparison of the job attitudes and interest patterns of air traffic and airway facility personnel,1979,50,10,1031-1036,Smith Bioassay of thermal protection afforded by candidate flight suit fabrics,1979,50,10,1023-1030,Wachtel Sustained performance with short evening and morning sleeps,1985,56,2,105-114,Spencer Isometric abdominal muscle training and G tolerance,1985,56,2,120-124,Balldin Enhancement of military pilot reliability by hypnosis and psychophysiological monitoring: preliminary inflight and simulator data,1985,56,3,248-250,Barabasz Cold and performance: the effects of information load analgesics and the rate of cooling,1985,56,3,233-237,Ellis The effects of task performance on ocular accommodation and perceived size,1985,56,3,225-232,Gawron The effect of the UK aircrew chemical defence assembly on thermal strain,1985,56,3,208-211,Brown Louis H. Bauer lecture. New perspectives on aviation: Is the sky still the limit?,1980,51,8,809-813,Winant Circadian rhythms of performance among workers in the Arctic,1980,51,8,805-808,Buck A human performance/workload evaluation of the AN/PVS-5 bifocal night vision goggles,1980,51,8,797-804,Kimball Effect of alcohol on man's response to mild physical activity in a cold environment,1980,51,8,793-796,Dalton Cardiovascular and sympathetic reactions to in-flight emergency responses among base fire fighters,1980,51,8,788-792,Anderson Distortion and adaptation in underwater sound localization,1980,51,8,767-774,Ross Mortality among Soviet and Russian cosmonauts: 1960-2013,2014,85,7,750-754,Day Acute hypoxic hypoxia and isocapnic hypoxia effects on oculometric features,2014,85,7,700-707,Cevette The effect of skill on performance under an environmental stressor,1986,57,1,59-64,Hancock On the use of a bubble formation model to calculate diving tables,1986,57,2,149-156,Yount Effect of wearing chemical protective clothing in the heat on signal detection over the visual field,1986,57,2,144-148,Kobrick Differential neuropsychological effects of diving to 350 meters,1987,58,2,155-165,Aarli Effect of heat and chemical protective clothing on cognitive performance,1987,58,2,149-154,Kobrick Effectiveness of an air-cooled vest using selected air temperature and humidity combinations,1987,58,2,119-124,Wenger Aerobic fitness and susceptibility to motion sickness,1987,58,2,105-108,Grissett Health profile of U.S. Navy pilots of electronically modified aircraft,1988,59,2,168-171,Hoiberg G-LOC Panel: questions answers and discussion,1988,59,1,36-39,Burton Current and emerging technology in G-LOC detection: noninvasive monitoring of cerebral microcirculation using near infrared,1988,59,1,23-28,Glaister The respiratory response to microwaves,1980,51,10,1139-1143,Clemedson The influence of U.S. Army Basic Initial Entry Training on the muscular strength of men and women,1980,51,10,1086-1090,Knapik The thermal protection offered by lightweight survival systems,1980,51,10,1100-1103,Norman Comparisons of performance effectiveness among divers,1980,51,11,1193-1196,Biersner A study of unusual incidents in a well-documented series of dives,1981,52,10,618-624,Leitch Beta-receptor blocking therapy in hypertensive patients--effects on vigilance and behaviour,1981,52,11 Pt 2,S35-9,Lang Influence of the beta-blocking atenolol and other medications on visual reaction time,1981,52,11 Pt 2,S31-5,Harms Effects of beta blockers on psychomotor performance--a review,1981,52,11 Pt 2,S23-30,Glaister The transportable recompression rescue chamber as an alternative to delayed treatment in serious diving accidents,1981,52,8,480-484,Melamed Effects of whole-body vibrations on sensory motor system performance in man,1981,52,8,473-479,Martin The guidance of saccadic eye movements to perceptually mislocalized visual an non-visual targets,1981,52,8,461-465,Levine Correlations between visual test results and flying performance on the advanced simulator for pilot training (ASPT),1981,52,8,455-460,Kruk Reasons for eliminating the "age 60" regulation for airline pilots,1981,52,8,445-454,Mohler Cognitive performance deficits in a simulated climb of Mount Everest: Operation Everest II,1989,60,2,99-104,Kennedy High-altitude mountaineering and brain function: neuropsychological testing of members of a Mount Everest expedition,1989,60,2,170-173,Jason Cognitive demands in automation,1989,60,2,130-135,Tsang Measuring moment-to-moment pilot workload using synchronous presentations of secondary tasks in a motion-based trainer,1989,60,2,124-129,Hart Observations on the physical effects of flying. 1917,1989,60,2,180-182,Schurmeier Spacecraft occupant protection requirements: a review of the recent changes,2014,85,9,940-948,Somers Spatial disorientation mishap trends in the U.S. Air Force 1993-2013,2014,85,9,919-924,Miller Injury rate in a helicopter underwater escape trainer (HUET) from 2005-2012,2014,85,8,857-862,Brooks British Army Air Corp accidents 1991-2010: a review of contrasting decades,2014,85,8,852-856,Curry Aircraft-assisted pilot suicides: lessons to be learned,2014,85,8,841-846,Sajantila Pilot fatigue: relationships with departure and arrival times flight duration and direction,2014,85,8,833-840,Gander A study of general aviation accidents involving children in 2011,2014,85,8,818-822,Poland Development of an updated tensile neck injury criterion,2014,85,10,1026-1032,Pellettiere Habituation of the cold shock response may include a significant perceptual component,2014,85,2,167-171,Barwood Aircraft noise-induced temporary threshold shift,1989,60,3,268-270,Liu Thresholds for the perception of whole body angular movement about a vertical axis,1989,60,3,205-213,Benson Type II altitude decompression sickness (DCS): U.S. Air Force experience with 133 cases,1989,60,3,256-262,Wirjosemito Trends in Poland in space psychology research,1989,60,4,352-360,Terelak Non-ejection cervical spine injuries due to +Gz in high performance aircraft,1989,60,5,445-456,Schall Interactive effects of heat physical work and CO exposure on metabolism and cognitive task performance,1989,60,5,428-432,Horvath Seven years' experience in medical care at Mexico City International Airport,1989,60,6,580-585,Antuñano The role of forensic anthropology in mass disaster resolution,1989,60,7 Pt 2,A60-3,Hinkes The use of the pressure cuff test in the diagnosis of decompression sickness,1991,62,3,266-267,Stone Errors in measurement of +Gz acceleration tolerance,1991,62,3,261-265,Krock Effects of water temperature on performance: a practical evaluation of a neutral buoyancy facility,1991,62,3,241-245,Bolstad Effects of alcohol on pilot performance in simulated flight,1991,62,3,233-235,Billings Effect of hypoxia on psychomotor performance during graded exercise,1991,62,3,228-232,Schlichting Limitations to heavy work at 21 degrees C of personnel wearing the U.S. military chemical defense ensemble,1991,62,3,216-220,Constable Marijuana carry-over effects on aircraft pilot performance,1991,62,3,221-227,Yesavage Performance overnight in shiftworkers operating a day-night schedule,1986,57,3,241-249,Spencer Transdermal scopolamine: human performance and side effects,1986,57,3,236-240,Rolnick Decompression sickness and intravenous bubble formation using a 7.8 psia simulated pressure-suit environment,1986,57,3,223-228,Adams Head-up/head-down transition: measurement of transition times,1986,57,3,218-222,Menu A review of the psychological aspects of space flight,1986,57,3,203-212,Christensen The effective intensity of Coriolis cross-coupling stimulation is gravitoinertial force dependent: implications for space motion sickness,1986,57,3,229-235,Lackner Anecdotal case report of a T-38 rapid decompression,1987,58,3,284,Cramer An evaluation of tests of anaerobic power,1987,58,3,237-242,Patton The effects of long-term aerobic conditioning on +Gz tolerance,1987,58,3,199-204,Whinnery The risk of decompression sickness after loss of cabin pressure at 35000 ft,1988,59,3,286,Hawkins Loss of performance while wearing a respirator does not increase during a 22.5-hour wearing period,1988,59,3,273-277,van de Linde Heat intolerance heat exhaustion monitored: a case report,1988,59,3,262-266,Hubbard The effect of altitude on tests of reaction time and alertness,1988,59,3,246-248,Thomas Quantification of reaction time and time perception during Space Shuttle operations,1988,59,3,220-224,Goodyear Heat stress evaluation of anti-exposure flight garments,1988,59,3,213-219,Kaufman Cases from the aerospace residents' teaching file. Case #48. A student pilot is referred for evaluation of a "head injury with post-traumatic amnesia",1992,63,2,147-149,Seay Neck injury sustained during exposure to high-G forces in the F16B,1988,59,4,356-358,Andersen Heat exchange during encapsulation in a chemical warfare agent protective patient wrap in four hot environments,1988,59,4,345-351,Santee The effects of excess body fat on fine motor performance following physical exertion,1988,59,4,340-344,Kerr Causal factors of hot air ballooning incidents: identification frequency and potential impact,2014,85,12,1190-1198,Goode Injury incidence with T-10 and T-11 parachutes in military airborne operations,2014,85,12,1159-1169,Knapik Night vision goggle-induced neck pain in military helicopter aircrew: a literature review,2015,86,1,46-55,Harrison Performance during simple and complex military psychomotor tasks at various altitudes,2013,84,11,1147-1152,Muza Perceived gravitoinertial force during vection,2013,84,9,971-974,Seno Acute soft tissue neck injury from unexpected acceleration,2003,74,10,1085-1090,Green Development of occupational and environmental health criteria for the F-16,1981,52,3,145-147,McLendon Safety attitudes of a general aviation pilot population,1982,53,12,1227-1229,Mohler You're the flight surgeon,1991,62,12,1205-1206,Feeks The clinical stages of vibroacoustic disease,1999,70,3 Pt 2,A32-39,Castelo Branco Aeromedical management of U.S. air force aviators who attempt suicide,2001,72,12,1081-1085,Jones