Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Premenstrual symptoms and suicide attempts,2004,254,5,326-329,Ceverino Suicide attempts and impulsivity,2005,255,2,152-156,Garcia Resa Suicidal ideation in prisoners: risk factors and relevance to suicidal behaviour. a prospective case-control study,2005,256,2,87-92,Lekka Suicide in severe depression related to treatment depressive characteristics and rate of antidepressant overdose,2005,255,4,245-250,Berglund Axis I disorders and personality disorders as risk factors for suicide,2005,256,1,17-27,Schneider Season-of-birth as a risk factor for the seasonality of suicidal behaviour,2005,256,2,98-105,Rock Age-period-cohort analysis of Swiss suicide data 1881-2000,2005,256,4,207-214,Bopp The enduring effects of abuse and related adverse experiences in childhood. 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