Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Deliberate self-harm cases: a primary care perspective,2004,18,48,33-36,Poustie Assessing the safety and effectiveness of hip protectors,2004,18,39,33-38,Minns Responding to international disasters,2005,19,21,33-36,Campbell Action on violence,2005,19,35,1,Gray Paracetamol poisoning,2005,20,2,67,Janette School's out for bullying,2006,20,21,24-25,Davis Under-reporting of violent incidents against nursing staff,2006,20,40,41-45,Ferns Domestic violence: the role of health professionals,2006,21,14-16,44-48,Du Plat-Jones Alcohol is the true 'rape drug',2007,21,29,26-27,Beynon Violence aggression and physical assault in healthcare settings,2006,21,13,42-46,Ferns When disaster strikes,2007,21,43,62-63,Andrews Falls prevention for older people with dementia,2007,22,6,50-55,Chaâbane The final log off for suicide sites,2008,22,32,20-21,Carlowe Alcohol-related presentations in the emergency department,2008,22,36,50-56,Dawood Intimate partner violence in Kenya: expanding healthcare roles,2008,22,35,35-39,Maina Should nurses report knife crime?,2008,22,45,1,Gray Emergency medical response to intimate partner violence in Kenya,2009,23,21,35-39,Maina Domestic violence against men,2008,22,51,35-39,Barber Cutting violence,2008,22,50,28-29,Jebb Identifying reporting and preventing elder abuse in the practice setting,2008,22,46,49-55,Simpson Characteristics of people who assault nurses in clinical practice,2007,21,50,35-39,Ferns 40 percent of nurses harassed or assaulted while working alone,2007,21,45,12-13,Snow Zero tolerance on torture,2006,20,51,28,Richens Violence: a growing trend?,1990,5,12,49,Bailey Violence: the nurses' victim,1990,5,10,48, Primary health care. Working together for child protection,1990,4,50,50-51,Wagner Personal safety: steps towards protection,1990,4,45,22-23,Thompson The prevention of child sexual abuse,1990,4,27,28-30,Hunt Aggressive treatment and the elderly,1990,4,26,29-31,Booth Children of 'The Troubles',1990,4,21,28-30,McElkerney Paediatric nursing: computer detection of child abuse,1991,6,10,38-39,Dove Bosnia: victims of the violence,1992,7,2,20,O'Byrne Ocular injuries in squash competitors,1992,6,39,25-27,Ballance Sexual abuse: giving support to nurses,1993,8,4,25-27,Berry Secondary sexual abuse,1993,8,4,22-23,Sheehan A and E management of sexual assault,1993,7,45,31-35,Holloway Helping male victims of sexual abuse,1993,7,43,36-39,Mills Freedom-of-choice movement could save nurses from violence and racial harassment,1993,7,37,51,Wright Safety at work: risking attack,1993,7,37,21,George Para-suicide: a cause for nursing concern,1993,7,19,37-39,Palmer Environmental notes: cutting traffic fatalities,1990,5,4,46,Hyam Helping to prevent accidents in the home,1990,4,16,28-30,Thomson Seasonal safety,1988,3,13-14,18-19,Alderman Armed and dangerous,1988,3,6,18-19,O'Byrne Freedom to roam,1988,2,32,34,Milne Managing aggression and violence using rapid tranquillisation,2009,24,7,40-49,Dickinson Health and safety: assessing the risks,1993,7,17,22-23,Brewer Square eyes: I hate that Casualty,1993,8,1,39,Jones Approaching with care: violence at work (continuing education credit),1993,7,52 Suppl NU,3-8,Holland Casualty: accident and non-urgency,1993,7,51,44,Louttit Carbon monoxide poisoning,2010,24,40,50-55,Murphy Violence: a thumping bad idea,1994,8,20,45,Tadd The impact of change on violent patients,1994,8,19,38-40,Charlton Child abuse. No smoke no fire,1994,8,30,93-94,Goodall The Clothier inquiry: lessons to be learned. Interview by Rosemary Rogers,1994,8,29,18-19,Macdonald Beyond the Clothier inquiry,1994,8,28,18-19,Glasper Dementia in acute units: aggression,1994,9,11,37-39,Holden Workplace violence. Breaking the cycle,1995,10,11,22-23,Hopkins Child protection: the interagency approach,1994,8,33,25-28,Marsland Women's health. The issue of unspoken abuse,1994,8,32,16-17,Robson Suicide prevention by general nurses,1996,10,17,30-33,Roberts Prevention of unintentional injury in the community setting,2010,24,42,50-56,Bennett General nurses' attitudes to patients who self-harm,1996,10,30,32-36,Sidley Putting professional conduct in the dock,1996,10,30,20-21,Skyte Shame on us,1996,10,30,14,Bailey Should rapists ever be allowed to nurse again?,1996,10,29,15,Healy Childcare: smacking of harsh reality,1993,7,29,49-51,Wadeson Violence to nurses: prevalence and risk factors,1997,12,5,49-54,Whittington Deliberate self-harm: developing clinical guidelines,1997,12,3,34-37,Williamson Keep children safe,2009,23,25,62-63,Turner Problems in identifying cases of child neglect,2004,18,29,33-38,Truman Domestic violence and men,2003,17,40,41-43,Lawrence Physical child abuse,2000,14,50,33-34,Truman You can't slap your neighbour or wife so why can parents hit their children?,2000,14,33,23,Allen Is child abuse a sign of a country in decline?,1999,13,33,23,Allen Reaching out to child prostitutes,1999,13,17,22-23,Barrett A lifeline for victims of domestic violence,1998,12,34,14-15,Cloke Casualties of war,2007,21,50,20-22,Salvage Drive for success,2007,21,38,62-63,Green First aid: basic procedures for nurses,2007,21,18,48-57,Kindleysides Vision and driving legislation: what nurses need to know,2009,23,37,41-45,Marsden Unthinkable nursing. Do unto others..,2008,23,8,20-21,Hudson Travesty of trust,2008,23,7,20-21,Andrews Crossing the pain barrier,2008,22,22,22-23,Payne Lloyd's legacy. Interview by Petra Kendall-Raynor,2007,22,5,20-21,Fouracre Safety first,2007,21,52,18-19,Davis Keep older people safe,2007,21,40,20,Sturdy Home sweet home,2007,21,39,22,Moore Life and death,2007,21,27,28,Wright When might is right,2007,21,24,18-19,Parish Home is where the hate is,2006,20,46,26-27,Lynch Identifying abuse in older people,2005,20,3,43-47,Neno In self-defence,2005,19,50,72,Pinder Reporting incidents of violence and aggression towards NHS staff,2005,19,38,51-56,Ferns Both sides of the story. Tackling abuse; professional regulation,2005,19,28,3,Gray Beating the bullies,2004,18,34,64,Beech Fighting back,2003,17,51,20-21,Farrant Face up to violence,2003,17,36,27,Broadwell Hospital beat,2002,16,40,18,Cohen Work out your frustration,2002,16,34,24,Darby Control and restraint training in acute mental health care,2002,16,27,33-36,Southcott Understanding and dealing with anger aggression and violence,2001,16,6,37-42,Garnham Violence in A and E: the role of training and self-efficacy,2001,15,46,33-38,Lee A violent reaction,2001,15,34,18-19,Moore Statistical assault,2001,15,27,13,Duffin Zero tolerance of violence against healthcare staff,2001,15,16,39-41,Beech Trust 'condoned' cruel abuse of older patients,2000,15,9,6,Healy In the face of violence,2000,15,1,27,Fraser Aggressive incidents on a psychiatric intensive care unit,2000,14,35,33-36,Saverimuttu Student preparation in managing violence and aggression,2000,14,30,39-41,Taylor We don't have to take this: dealing with violence at work,2000,14,28 Suppl,3-17,Brennan Breaking away from violence,2000,14,27,24-25,Southcott Visitors' violence: the serious effects of aggression on nurses and others,2000,14,23,36-38,Nabb Violence: a worldwide epidemic,1999,13,52,31, Violent treatment,1999,13,30,12-13,Stephen Open to abuse,1999,13,29,12,Stephen Violence at work,1999,13,21,43-46,Paterson Fighting back,1999,13,21,17,Harwin Don't attack me--I'm a student nurse,1998,13,10,63,Watson Swaziland--will nurses carry guns for protection?,1998,13,6,21,Herbst Yellow card for violent patients,1998,12,52,14,Stephen On violence and aggression in A and E,1998,12,34,1,Casey Peaceful means,1997,12,5,24-25,Dawes Violence at work,1997,12,5,22-24,Roach Disaster in the making,1997,11,35,14,Shamash An abuse of trust,1997,11,24,16,Shamash Witnessing violence to staff: a study of nurses' experiences,1996,11,13-15,45-47,Rees Carers in conflict,1995,9,43,43,Astin Coping with domestic violence in pregnancy,1994,8,50,25-28,Gibbs Using group work to understand arsonists,1995,9,23,25-28,Hall Return to Romania,2000,15,3,16,Pentney Cardiology. Maudsley Hospital Smokers' Clinic: a progress report,1996,10,23,54,Sutherland Mental health: what's it worth?,1995,9,20,47,Gillam Unintentional injury,2011,25,18,59,Nelson Management of water incidents: drowning and hypothermia,2009,24,7,35-39,Dean Bully in sight,1997,11,44,18,Field The NHS executive's new guidelines on violence in A and E departments,1997,11,37,1,Casey One minute wisdom. All you need to know about CS gas,1994,8,37,39,Williams Health promotion. Childhood accidents: the A and E nurses' role,1994,8,39,30-34,Baillie Suffer the children,2006,20,18,14-15,Parish Reducing workplace bullying in healthcare organisations,2007,21,22,49-56,Stevenson Factors that influence aggressive behaviour in acute care settings,2007,21,33,41-45,Ferns Courage under fire. Why nurses must look after themselves after terrorists strike,2005,19,45,32,Dolan Aggression and violence: examining the theories,1998,12,27,36-38,Brennan Risk assessment: a systematic approach to violence,1998,12,32,44-47,Fox Domestic violence: responding to the needs of patients,2011,25,26,48-56,Agnew-Davies Continence care and policy initiatives,2002,17,7,45-51,De Laine Disaster management at its best,2002,17,6,12-13,Harulow Bullying tactics,2002,17,3,34,Bennett Transforming lives,2007,21,34,18-19,Davis Banish the bingers,2007,22,8,24-25,Cray Libyan jail ordeal,2007,22,9,16-18,Kendall-Raynor Delegation of medication administration: an exploratory study,2008,22,22,35-40,Dickens Bullying upwards,2008,22,20,62-63,McDonald SOR points,2000,15,3,24,Hehir Bitterest pill?,2000,15,4,14-15,Hampshire Coming to terms,2000,14,36,26,Mead Northern Ireland. 'It's the patients who take us through.',1991,6,9,24-25,Casey Patrolling occupational health. Interview by Charlotte Alderman,1992,7,2,22-23,Meekin Mental health: use and abuse of control and restraint,1992,6,52,30-32,Tarbuck Mental health. Ethical standards and human rights,1992,7,6,27-30,Tarbuck The standard guide to confronting bullying at work,1992,7,10,44-46,Adams Mental health: counselling sexual abuse survivors,1992,6,46,28-31,Daniel Aggression: therapeutic response to verbal abuse,1992,6,47,29-31,Farrell I learnt that communication is vital in stressful situations,2008,23,4,27,Jones A safe place to chat,2008,23,4,22-23,Beaumont A valuable time to reflect,2008,23,4,1,Dennis What can healthcare professionals learn from the case of Baby P?,2008,23,12,12-13,Parish Children must come first,2008,23,12,1,Gray Positive response to negative feelings,1999,13,23,26-27,McMahon Take care of yourself,1999,13,23,24,Lamplugh Blowing the whistle,1999,13,20,14,Stephen Back to the future,1999,13,16,18,Galligan Rape crisis,1999,13,34,18-19,Jones Protecting the whistle blower,1999,13,47,16-17,Wallis Losing patience,1999,13,51,13,Waters Forced to quit,1999,13,50,57,Garland Abuse alert,1999,14,12,72,Middleton The school bullying problem,1999,14,11,32-35,Woods Workplace violence. In the wrong place at the wrong time. Interview by Charlotte Alderman,1995,9,30,18-19,Davis Once bitten,1998,13,5,28,Carr Improving the health care of women living with domestic abuse,2011,25,43,35-40,Kroll Management. Speaking out on violence,1991,5,15,52-53,Gooch Injuries from chemical weapons,1991,5,19,52-53,Murray Victims of the war zone,1991,5,19,23,O'Byrne Reducing violence in a special hospital,1991,5,17,29-31,Larkin Domestic violence,2011,25,46,49,Pugh Treating the victims of rape,1990,4,17,32-34,Hyde Preventing falls in older people: Assessment and interventions,2011,25,52,50-55,Jones Self-injury in people with learning disabilities,1998,12,26,39-42,Morgan Haunted memories,1998,12,26,26-27,Shamash The price of stress,1998,12,25,16,Cooper Coping by cutting,1998,12,29,25-26,Batty Nurses successful at diverting gang members to youth support,2011,26,1,10,Duffin The experience of rape,1998,12,48,49-54,Moore A question of justice,1998,12,50,22-24,Jones After Omagh,1998,12,50,19,Collins Grim reality,1998,12,52,24,Cook The principles and practice of child protection,2000,14,17,48-55,Stower Assault v discipline,2001,15,20,26,Caulfield Perceptions of men's sexual health behaviour,2001,15,24,33-37,Serrant-Green Tsunami aftermath,2005,19,23,27,Maddern Providing a sexual health service for young people in the school setting,2006,20,24,41-44,Richardson-Todd Ignorance and the law,1999,13,29,22-23,Beacock Millennium fireworks,1999,13,30,23,Hale Preventing falls in older people,2012,26,20,59,Lindus Recording violent incidents in the emergency department,2012,26,28,40-48,Ferns Domestic violence,2012,26,22,59,Khan Ambulance dispute: a bitter legacy,1990,4,24,18-19,Naish When love turns violent,2013,27,23,22-23,Dean Reported incidences of attacks and bullying at work almost double,2013,27,27,8,Duffin Mid Staffs ward sisters refute bullying and misconduct charges,2013,27,28,8,Duffin Promoting mental health in men,2013,27,30,48-57,Haddad Effects of nightlife activilty on health,2005,19,30,63-71,Bellis The Glasgow Coma Scale and other neurological observations,2005,19,33,55-64,Waterhouse No fall is just an accident,2013,27,34,20-21,Duffin Reducing alcohol-related health risks: The role of the nurse,2013,27,50,42-46,Govier Staff efforts to reduce their alcohol intake fall flat,2013,27,50,10, Punitive military action in Syria will just prolong the suffering,2013,28,1,32-33,Birch Report shows school nurses are key in spotting signs of child abuse,2013,28,1,7,Keogh Retaliation is not the solution to the human suffering in Syria,2013,28,2,30,Lee Mental health and substance misuse influence military suicide rate more than combat,2013,28,2,15, Assessment of suicidal intent in emergency care,2013,28,4,52-58,Bethel Risk of suicide in patients with dementia: A case study,2013,28,11,43-49,Nicholson Data on intimate partner murders prompt call for risk reduction strategies,2013,28,6,17, Anxiety is more likely than depression to trigger suicidal intent,2013,28,7,16, Don't wait to report child abuse implores leading academic,2013,28,7,12, Key recommendations of NICE guidance on domestic violence,2014,28,26,0, Nurses need to be trained in recognising and tackling domestic violence,2014,28,26,0, Every nurse should be trained to recognise domestic abuse - NICE,2014,28,27,11,Sprinks High levels of abuse and bullying could stem from workforce tension,2014,28,27,7,Keogh Some physical illnesses linked to higher risk of self-harm and suicide,2014,28,28,16, Updated guidance will help clinicians detect child abuse,2014,28,33,11, Wrongs of secluding aggressive patients,1992,6,21,43,Sallah Insuffcient evidence to screen women for domestic violence in healthcare settings,2014,28,39,16, Forget the cultural niceties we need to see FGM as child abuse,2014,28,40,35,Marsh Starting out - Patients who harm themselves deserve compassion not blame,2014,28,43,29,LizMason Fears over antidepressants led to drop in prescriptions and rise in suicide attempts,2014,28,46,17, Mental health support needed to prevent suicides after discharge,2014,28,47,13,Osborne Stresses that trigger violence against hospital staff,2014,29,,16, School nurses perfectly placed to spot girls at risk of joining gangs,2014,29,1,12,Keogh Did she fall or was she pushed?,1989,3,19,22-24,Williams Intense media coverage of South Korean actress's suicide blamed for copycat effect,2014,29,,19, Coroner rules hoax led to nurse's suicide,2014,29,3,13, Suicide: the preventable crisis,2014,29,4,20-22,Trueland Nurses believe speaking up about workplace violence will make no difference,2014,29,,17, Study results provide evidence for preventing cannabis use in teenagers,2014,29,,16, Hillsborough disaster: you'll never walk alone,1989,3,31,14-16,Walsh Hillsborough disaster: coping with tragedy,1989,3,31,14-15,O'Byrne Child abuse: the Dutch experience,1989,3,30,17,McBride Violence: a restraining hand,1989,3,27,20-22,Carlisle Measuring violence,1989,3,27,16, Violent times,1989,3,27,14, How to make the workplace safe,1989,3,43,55,Brewer Acute poisoning,1986,ePub,438,5,Johnstone Lack of support and resources to blame for abuse of district nurses,2014,29,13,13,Osborne Home hazards for falls spotted by app,2014,29,16,10, Distress signals Zeba Arif has seen the fallout from torture,2015,29,20,30,Arif Promoting walking to older people is 'useful' but won't reduce incidence of falls,2015,29,21,17, Patients needing to discuss religion should be referred to the specialists,2015,29,22,32,Evans Doctors facing complaints are at higher risk of depression and self-harm,2015,29,22,17, Child maltreatment: every nurse's business,2015,29,29,53-58,Taylor Inquiry finds link between patient suicide and inexperienced staff,2015,29,30,11,Osborne Training and experience will help prevent patient suicide,2015,29,31,35,Arif Breaking the cycle of violence,2015,29,36,18-21, Childhood bullying has greatest impact on mental ill-health,2015,29,36,11, New NICE guidelines recommend debriefing after violent incidents,2015,29,40,11,Kleebauer Volunteering in a disaster zone,2015,29,43,64-65,Kastner Nurses will join forces with safety bodies in bid to reduce violence,2015,29,49,11, Teenagers who identify with 'goth' culture are more likely to self-harm,2015,30,2,14, Burns nurses highlight fancy dress fire risk,2015,30,9,7, Could you spot someone who had been subject to trafficking?,2015,30,4,33,Smith NHS hospital staff who treat victims of human trafficking feel 'inadequately prepared',2015,30,1,15, Rescuing the vulnerable,2013,27,43,16-17,Dean Opportunities for suicide prevention in the general medical setting,2015,30,10,44-48,Kripalani NHS staff urged to speak up about assault as acute care attacks rise,2015,30,13,7,Longhurst 'Worrying picture' of violence and work-related stress in staff survey,2016,30,27,9,Longhurst Helping remove the shadow of torture,2016,30,19,24-25,Whyte An integrated practice approach to mobility care for older people,2016,30,29,51-60,Taylor Nurses' attitudes towards patients hospitalised for self-harm,2016,30,31,38-44,Hodgson Domestic violence,2016,30,31,17, Help in raising concerns about child abuse,2016,30,35,22-23,Trueland Nurse staffing levels and skill mix in accident and emergency departments,1992,7,7,18-23,Ward Link between violence and underfunding,1992,6,27,11, We need abuse training for all,2016,30,45,30,Lloyd How to deal with bullying in the workplace,2016,30,45,28,Arif Assessment of injury severity in patients with major trauma,2016,30,49,54-63,Stanford Trampolining's popularity leads to bounce in injuries,2016,31,1,17, Warning over vulnerable children as school nurse posts fall 13% in six years,2016,31,1,8, Non-suicidal self-injury: clinical presentation assessment and management,2016,31,5,42-49,Dhingra Accident risk factors for older drivers,1995,9,40,12, Nurses at high suicide risk,1995,9,40,6, Reprisal threats and little support for nurses reporting suspected child abuse,1993,7,28,8,Rogers RCN seeks Labour help to outlaw male rape,1993,7,45,8, I'll never practise but rapists can,1996,10,32,12-13,Taylor Bullying causes half workplace absences,1996,10,27,9,Wright Deaths from volatile substance use fall,1995,9,15,13, Nurses team up with police in road safety project,1995,9,15,5, RCN asked to adopt hardline stance on drinking and driving,2010,24,35,7, Starting out - staying calm helps to diffuse the fear in aggressive patients,2010,24,35,29,Banyard Causes and management of violence and aggression,2005,19,44,20, Imagine there's no violence.,2005,19,48,9, Home owners still unaware of new fire rules,2004,19,8,7, Professionalism of rail crash team praised,2004,19,10,6, Factors that help prevent violence,2004,19,13,31,Gallon Youths who drink alcohol are at high risk of accidents,2000,15,8,10, Welcome for tough line on assault,1997,11,48,6, Teenagers' risk-taking behaviour,1996,11,4,29, Nurses convicted of rape should be barred says survey,1996,10,30,6, Rise in suicide rate of female psychiatric patients linked to community-based care,1995,9,47,10, WHO urged to monitor health workers dealing with torture,1994,8,35,11,Cunning Drug warning for elderly sufferers from insomnia,1993,8,2,16, Bullying the number one cause of workplace stress,2001,16,11,7, How can some nurses be so insensitive to others?,2001,16,12,31,Thornton When the bombing stops,2001,16,12,13,Murray Bullies are cowards. Those whom they bully tend to be both popular and competent,2001,16,12,23,Thomas First UK survey on male rape,1999,13,28,6, Congress backs motion on zero tolerance of violence,1999,13,26,9,Scott Helmet debate axed before vote is taken,1999,13,26,7, Nursing staff play key role in preventing suicides says leading nurse,2016,31,2,11, Talking about suicide can help to save lives,2016,31,9,29,Fitchett Partnerships to reduce crime and disorder,2003,17,48,31,Thomson Mentors need help to tackle bullying students,2016,31,11,27,Hunt Nurses can help the fight against modern slavery,2016,31,10,10,Jones-Berry Infant distraction tests must be saved,1998,12,38,11,Smallwood Domestic violence advisers should be introduced at every hospital says charity,2016,31,13,8, Child abuse inquiry urges nurses to help survivors tell their stories,2016,31,14,12-13,Munn We have the power to combat modern slavery,2016,31,14,27,Garratt Trusts axe basic training in child protection to balance budgets,2007,21,26,10,Dinsdale Bike helmet scheme garners support,2011,25,24,5, Fear of failure can drive self-destructive behaviour,2017,31,26,31,Traynor Identifying nurses' needs in relation to suicide awareness and prevention,2017,31,27,44-51,Rebair Study finds risk of suicide higher for female nurses (editorial),2017,31,30,10,Mckew Bereaved by suicide,2017,31,31,18-20,Whyte Practical aspects of performing Glasgow Coma Scale observations,2017,31,35,40-46,Waterhouse Bereavement by suicide is a distinctive kind of loss,2017,31,36,29,Hulatt Developing implementing and evaluating a model for an outpatient self-harm service,2017,31,37,46-54,Brand Aggression and violence towards staff working with older patients,2007,21,27,35-38,Mullan Body cameras help to reduce violence on wards,2017,31,38,10,Longhurst Helping victims of modern slavery,2017,31,38,e36,Cahill Workplace violence is unacceptable,2017,31,38,33,Bates Keep unfit drivers off the road,2017,31,40,33,Bates Grenfell Tower tragedy echoes the public safety issues of Mid Staffs,2017,31,43,3, Nurses tell of horrific scenes as they helped those injured in London tower block fire,2017,31,43,8, Processing tragedy: the aftermath of Grenfell Tower,2017,31,44,12-13,Dean NHS reviews fire safety procedures at its buildings,2017,31,44,7,Longhurst Spotting the signs of domestic slavery,2017,31,44,15,Dean Creating calm amid confrontation,2017,31,47,36,Squirrell It's every nurse's duty to help prevent terrorism,2017,31,47,29,Garratt Action against human trafficking and slavery,2017,31,49,26-28,Cole Supporting children after a traumatic event,2017,32,1,e15,Pearce Supporting people who experience intimate partner violence,2018,32,24,54-62,McGarry Preventing and managing challenging behaviour,2018,32,26,51-63,Hallett Role of nurses in alcohol screening and treatment interventions,2018,33,4,42-49,Webzell Suicide prevention cannot be overlooked in nurse education,2018,32,27,31,Rebair Undertaking a systematic assessment of patients with a traumatic brain injury,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Parry Understanding and mitigating moral injury in nurses,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rowlands Self-harm and suicide: occurrence risk assessment and management for general nurses,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Haddad Recognising and responding to bruising in children,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Peel Reducing the risk of suicide among healthcare staff,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rees Safeguarding adults at risk of abuse,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Duffy A release from suffering. Supporters of a bill being introduced to parliament hope to make assisted dying legal while still protecting the vulnerable,2004,18,46,16-17,Duffin Self-harm and suicide: care interventions and policy,2004,18,43,43-52;quiz54,Clancy Depression: the challenge for all healthcare professionals,2003,17,26,45-52;quiz54,Moore How could we honour the memory of nurse Jacintha?,2013,27,49,32-33,Nelson Suicide policies in secure environments,1992,6,31,37-40,Robinson Suicide: a target for health (continuing education credit),1993,7,18 Suppl NU,9-16,Evans Ethnic minorities: the luck of the Irish?,1994,8,46,40-41,Doolin Substance misuse. Inn at the deep end,1994,8,48,18-19,Rees Live and let die?,1994,8,52,e39,Hands Worried to death. Interview by Dina Leifer,1995,9,38,18-19,Sutcliffe AIDS/HIV: no Mr Average. Interview by Charlotte Alderman,1990,4,23,20-21,Snape Obstacles to care,1996,10,18,e17,Sandford Occupational health: a new kind of health service,1996,10,15,e45,Flatt Special eyes,1996,11,3,e21,Lehane Tackling taboos,1996,10,36,e19,Wilkinson Clinical risk and depression (continuing education credit),1997,11,18,47-52; quiz 54-55,Sharkey Establishing a mental health liaison nurse service: lessons for the future,2000,14,17,43-47,Brendon A study of suicides on the railway network,2000,15,11,e33,Young Back from the brink,2001,16,10,e20, A collaborative approach to urgent mental health referrals,2001,15,52,39-42,Tummey Ending it all,2002,16,39,14-15,Swinburne Look for the healer inside yourself,2000,15,6,e22,Wright Launching the Tidal Model in an adult mental health programme,2001,15,49,33-36,Fletcher Inside job,2001,15,29,20-21,Wallis Over the edge. Interview by Lynne Wallis,2001,15,36,18-19,Stewart Social support. Interview by Mary Hampshire,2002,17,7,e69,Pearsall Depression: the challenge for all healthcare professionals,2003,17,26,45-52; quiz 54-55,Moore Life and death. Interview by Daniel Allen,2002,17,13,e16,Shenfield Self-harm: look behind the scars,2002,17,12,16-18,Sadler Sexuality and learning disabilities,2003,17,39,33-35,Savarimuthu The ego's last stand,2003,17,27,e25,Wright A specialist adolescent self-harm service,2004,18,17,33-38,McAlaney Improving perinatal mental health care,2004,19,3,40-43,Currid Self-harm and suicide: care interventions and policy,2004,18,43,43-52; quiz 54,Clancy Paracetamol poisoning: physiological aspects and management strategies,2005,19,38,58-64; quiz 66,Farley No harm done,2005,20,3,22-23,Moore Self-harm and suicide,2005,20,9,e67,Ngwenya Voices,2005,19,36,e28,Thomas Spirited approach. Interview by Stephen Wright,2006,20,22,24-25,Swinton Trying to predict the unpredictable,2007,21,27,26-27,Pack When care breaks down,2007,21,45,18-19,Waters Parental guidance,2008,22,42,62-63,Ring Adverse reaction,2009,23,20,18-19,Wallis Emotional empowerment,2009,23,33,18-19,Davis Suicide watch,2009,23,21,28-29, A game of tag,2010,25,7,26-27,Franco I was scared about saying the wrong thing to a suicidal man,2010,24,34,e27,Kingsley Tissue viability in mental health,2010,24,45,60 62-67,Kilroy-Findley Recognising and responding to non-fatal strangulation in domestic abuse,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Peel Foot and mouth trauma sparks mental health crisis,2001,15,37,e6,Duffin Female students more likely to have suicidal thoughts than males,2017,31,19,e17, Life and death,2002,17,13,e16,Allen Management of self-harm wounds,2012,27,9,58-66,Ousey Pioneering service will move treatment for self-harm out of A&E,2006,20,49,e8, Press must take some responsibility for fear,2002,17,13,e31,Paterson Self-injury and harm minimisation on acute wards,2012,26,38,51-56,Chris Holley Respecting patient choice extends to suicide rights,2009,23,49,e33,Sims Safe with Self-Injury: A Practical Guide to Understanding Responding and Harm-reduction Inckle Kay Safe with Self-Injury: A Practical Guide to Understanding Responding and Harm-reduction 274pp £23.99 PCCS Books 9781910919163 1910919160 [Formula: see text],2017,31,33,e34, Sharp contrasts in suicide levels,2002,16,24,e6, 'You made me feel human again',2017,31,49,e36,Wade