Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Epidemiological and Trauma Injury and Severity Score (TRISS) analysis of trauma patients at a tertiary care centre in India,2004,17,4,186-189,Goel Deaths due to road traffic crashes in Hyderabad city in India: need for strengthening surveillance,2004,17,2,74-79,Mishra Road traffic deaths and injuries in India: time for action,2004,17,2,63-66,Mohan Towards a national strategy to reduce suicide in India,2005,18,3,118-122,Manorantjtham Alcohol: its health and social impact in India,2006,19,2,94-99,Das Making road safety a public health concern for policy-makers in India,2006,19,3,126-133,Dandona Mind your head,2001,14,1,54-55,Mani Guidelines planning and training will help in a coordinated disaster response,2006,19,5,294,Bhan Cellular phones and their hazards: the current evidence,2002,15,5,275-277,Jalali Sleep apnoea and road traffic accidents,2000,13,1,22-23,Guleria Impact of violence: physicians must face the epidemic,1992,5,5,246,Das Dores Silva Pesticide poisoning,2007,20,4,182-191,Goel Perceptions about suicide: a qualitative study from southern India,2007,20,4,176-179,Abraham Road traffic deaths injuries and disabilities in India: current scenario,2008,21,1,14-20,Gururaj Violence against doctors,2008,21,3,148,Mani The nephrotoxicity of the Tsunami,2007,20,3,154-155,Mani Hazardous alcohol use in rural southern India: nature prevalence and risk factors,2009,22,3,123-125,John Fire at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences: hindsight review from the emergency services,1993,6,6,295-296,Aggarwal Mass casualties in a disaster,1993,6,6,266-270,Ananthakrishnan Violence against women,2009,22,5,269-270,Kohli Completed suicide in adults of rural Kerala: rates and determinants,2009,22,5,228-233,Thomas Traffic hazards of Chennai,2009,22,6,324-325,Mani Accidents and deaths in hospitals outside the wards,1994,7,3,151,Murmu The Bhopal tragedy,1994,7,3,150-151,Murlidhar Managing a violent patient,1994,7,3,140-142,Jacob Long term morbidity in survivors of the 1984 Bhopal gas leak,1996,9,1,5-10,Dhara Introducing regular behavioural surveillance into the health system in India: Its feasibility and validity,2010,23,1,13-17,Nongkynrih Road traffic injuries,2010,23,3,178-179,Kohli Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide ingestion: a rare cause of corrosive chemical poisoning,2010,23,3,150-151,Subbalaxmi Whose head is it anyway?,2007,20,5,262-263,Ramamurthi World report on violence and health: Engaging utopia through evidence,2002,15,6,313-316,Seedat Bioterrorism: a threat for which we are ill prepared,2001,14,4,225-230,Chaudhry Biological warfare: bioterrorism,2001,14,4,194-196,Raghunath A prospective study of suicidal behaviour in Sundarban Delta West Bengal India,2010,23,4,201-205,Das Association between domestic violence and unintended pregnancies in India: findings from the National Family Health Survey-2 data,2010,23,4,198-200,Begum Inequitable coverage of non-communicable diseases and injury interventions in India,2010,23,5,267-273,Kumar The Tribal Health Initiative model for healthcare delivery: a clinical and epidemiological approach,2005,18,4,197-204,Prabhakar Chemical injury due to colours used at the festival of Holi,1997,10,5,256,Kumar The Scottish Health Survey--alcohol consumption in Scotland,1997,10,5,244-245,Kohli Osteoporosis in India,1997,10,1,48-49,Sridhar Gender sexual abuse and risk behaviours in adolescents: a cross-sectional survey in schools in Goa,2001,14,5,263-267,Patel Low dose radiation--a curse or a boon?,1994,7,4,169-172,Mani Communal riots: a deja vu,2002,15,2,116,Murlidhar The Girl Child: health status in the post-Independence period,2003,16,Suppl 2,42-45,Patel Life at seventeen: coming of age,2008,21,4,193-199,Anand Seasonal recurrent mania following head injury,1998,11,6,300-301,Sharan Snake bites in the hills of north India,1998,11,6,264-265,Bhardwaj Trends in poisoning in children: experience at a large referral teaching hospital,1998,11,4,166-168,Gupta Food poisoning due to organophosphorus compounds,1999,12,2,90,Bhalla Oestrogen deficiency: an important risk marker for fractures,1999,12,3,119-120,Vij Risk behaviour in an urban and a rural male adolescent population,1999,12,3,107-110,Singh Prevalence of smoking and drinking among students in north-eastern India,2003,16,1,49-50,Gupta Wounds caused by low-velocity hand grenade spheres,2003,16,1,40-41,Lovric Compensation guidelines for research-related injury in India could destroy investigator-initiated research,2012,25,1,35-37,Pramesh Ninety-one killed in fire in Kolkata hospital,2012,25,2,126,Pai Domestic violence service in Mumbai wins international award,2012,25,3,189,Liao Camphor poisoning in a child,2013,26,1,60,Charanraj Violence takes theme as United Nations (UN) holds 57th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women,2013,26,3,188-189,Liao Domestic violence as a risk factor for infant and child mortality: A community-based case-control study from southern India,2013,26,3,142-146,Jacob Drug use among the urban poor in Kolkata: behaviour and environment correlates of low HIV infection,2002,15,3,128-134,Panda Nature prevalence and risk factors of alcohol use in an urban slum of southern India,2013,26,4,203-209,Jacob Violence against women and mental health,2013,26,5,307-308,Jacob Accidental Jatropha curcas poisoning in children,2013,26,6,359,Kumar Child abuse and neglect: challenges and opportunities (Editorial),2014,27,1,54,Neki Child abuse and neglect: challenges and opportunities,2014,27,,52-53,Seshadri Community perspectives on alcohol use among a tribal population in rural southern India,2015,28,3,117-121,Rose Sociodemographic characteristics and aggression quotient among children in conflict with the law in India: a case-control study,2015,28,4,172-175,Singh Post-earthquake Nepal: acute-on-chronic problems,2016,29,1,e27,Basnyat Self-harm attempts with corrosive 'acid' among patients referred to psychiatric emergency services: observations and implications,2016,29,3,182-183,Pattanayak Mortality among homeless women who remain unclaimed after death: An insight,2016,29,4,207-208,Bhardwaj Workplace violence against resident doctors in a tertiary care hospital in Delhi,2016,29,6,344-348,Kumar Incidents of violence against doctors in India: can these be prevented?,2017,30,2,97-100,Nagpal Suicide in India: part perceptions partial insights and inadequate solutions,2017,30,3,155-158,Jacob Health impact is the invisible side of terrorism,2017,30,5,285-286,Mohanti Surveillance of maternal deaths in Barpeta district of Assam,2018,31,4,206-210,Kakoty Removing highly hazardous pesticides from Indian agriculture will reduce suicides,2018,31,5,317-318,Eddleston Occurrence of disease after natural disasters does not follow a set pattern,2018,31,6,380-381,Aggarwal Challenges in the conduct of community-based research,2018,31,6,366-369,Nongkynrih Prevalence of fall and determinants of repeat incidents of fall in older persons living in old age homes in the National Capital Territory of Delhi India,2018,31,6,329-333,Pandav Falls research is coming of age,2018,31,6,321-323,Goel Atypical presentation of intimal tear of aorta in a young deceased boy secondary to road traffic collision,2019,32,1,52,Shekhawat Viper bite and its complications at a tertiary care centre in southern part of West Bengal: A prospective clinical socioeconomic and epidemiological study,2019,32,1,13-16,Gantait Renal outcomes among snake-envenomed patients with acute kidney injury in southern India,2019,32,1,5-8,Zachariah Road traffic injuries: epidemiology challenges and initiatives in India,2019,32,2,113-117,Singhal Feasibility of mobile telephonic follow-up among patients with alcohol dependence syndrome,2019,32,2,77-82,Chandramouleeswaran Intimate partner violence against Iranian women,2019,32,2,67-71,Ansari Sexual assault and associated factors among the cases reported in a tertiary care hospital of Delhi,2019,32,6,344-346,Naagar Study of pre-hospital care patterns of injury and outcomes of suburban railway accident victims in Mumbai India,2020,33,4,201-204,Khajanchi Burden of falls among elderly persons in India: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2020,33,4,195-200,Kaur Substance use and its associated factors among school students,2021,34,2,79-83,Sagar Prevalence of intimate partner violence among pregnant women attending a public sector hospital in Bengaluru southern India,2021,34,3,132-137,Nath Reasons for under-reporting of paraquat poisoning in India,2021,34,3,138-142,Dambal Hand sanitizer-related calls at the National Poisons Information Centre India during the lockdown period of the Covid-19 pandemic,2022,35,3,159-161,Sharma A family with nutmeg poisoning due to a home-made 'Covid treatment syrup',2022,35,3,e187,Medagoda A family with nutmeg poisoning due to a home-made 'Covid treatment syrup',2023,35,6,380-381,Medagoda Suicides of elite Japanese writers: the case of Ryunosuke Akutagawa,2023,36,2,117-123,Kantha Publication requirement for faculty promotion in medical institutions in India: 'Mind the gap',2023,36,2,104-108,Chhavi Workplace violence against physicians in intensive care units in Turkey: a cross-sectional study,2023,36,5,327-333,Hancı Letter from London [1],2004,17,5,e276,Black News from here and there,2018,31,2,127-128,Hussain Hand sanitizer-related calls at the National Poisons Information Centre India during the lockdown period of the Covid-19 pandemic,2022,35,,,Sharma The suicide bombers of modern clinical medicine,2020,33,2,113-115,Yajnik Burden of poisoning on a critical care unit in southern India,2019,32,4,197-199,Nambiar Mental health in the women's health agenda,2003,16 Suppl 2,,39-41,Davar Suicide: rates and methods before during and after the war in Croatia (1985-2000),2002,15,6,356-357,Grubisic-Ilic Mental and behavioural emergencies at a tertiary healthcare centre in India: Pattern and profile,2018,31,6,339-342,Kumar Exogenous endophthalmitis caused by Enterobacter cloacae following water gun injury,2023,36,6,367-369,Deb Metabolic syndrome is associated with an increased risk of falls in the elderly,2023,36,6,370-373,Vennu Camphor poisoning in an adult: seizures manifesting as 'mis-purposed' drug effect,2024,37,1,26-27,Sahu