Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Safer at work: development and evaluation of an aggression and violence minimization program,2004,38,10,804-810,Grenyer Coroners' records of rural and non-rural cases of youth suicide in New South Wales,1998,32,2,242-251,Taylor Access to methods of suicide: what impact?,1998,32,1,8-14,Cantor Hunting guns in homes and suicides in 15-24-year-old males in eastern Finland,1997,31,6,858-861,Hintikka Jumping the gun: firearms and the mental health of Australians,1996,30,3,370-381,de Moore Suicide in New Zealand 1957-1986: the influence of age period and birth-cohort,1991,25,2,181-190,Cox Firearms and suicide in Australia,1990,24,4,500-509,Lewin Youth suicide trends in Australian metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas 1988-1997,2000,34,5,822-828,Wilkinson Hanging firearm and non-domestic gas suicides among males: a comparative study,2002,36,2,183-189,Neulinger Do nations' mental health policies programs and legislation influence their suicide rates? An ecological study of 100 countries,2004,38,11-12,933-939,Saxena Australian and New Zealand clinical practice guidelines for the management of adult deliberate self-harm,2004,38,11-12,868-884,Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists Non-suicidal deaths following hospital-treated self-poisoning,2005,39,1-2,101-107,Whyte Mortality and further suicidal behaviour after an index suicide attempt: a 10-year study,2005,39,1-2,95-100,Fergusson Mortality and mental illness,2005,39,3,194-197,Drew Clinical management of deliberate self-harm in young people: the need for evidence-based approaches to reduce repetition,2005,39,3,121-128,Hazell Comparison of neuropsychological functioning and emotional processing in major depression and social anxiety disorder subjects and matched healthy controls,2012,46,10,972-981,Joyce Application of risk assessment for violence methods to general adult psychiatry: a selective literature review,2005,39,5,328-335,Kumar Self-harming in depressed patients: pattern analysis,2005,39,10,899-906,Wilhelm Risk and protective factors for medically serious suicide attempts: a comparison of hospital-based with population-based samples of young adults,2006,40,1,87-96,Jones A dose-response relationship of imitational suicides with newspaper distribution,2001,35,2,251,Voracek Suicide in Australian farming 1988-1997,2002,36,1,81-85,Fragar Firearms legislation and reductions in firearm-related suicide deaths in New Zealand,2006,40,3,253-259,Fergusson Rural suicide-people or place effects?,2006,40,3,208-216,Davis Suicide and antidepressants: what is the evidence?,2006,40,5,381-385,Goldney Fire interest fire setting and psychopathology in Australian children: a normative study,2006,40,6,581-586,Dadds What violent offenders remember of their crime: empirical explorations,2006,40,6,508-518,Evans CO and suicide,1989,23,3,312-313,Spencer Hopelessness demoralization and suicidal behaviour: the backdrop to welfare reform in Australia,2006,40,8,648-656,Anstey Mentally abnormal homicide in New Zealand as defined by legal and clinical criteria: a national study,2006,40,9,804-809,Simpson Suicidal behaviour in Te Rau Hinengaro: The New Zealand Mental Health Survey,2006,40,10,896-904,Beautrais How have the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants affected suicide mortality?,2006,40,11-12,941-950,Hall Prevalence of victimization posttraumatic stress disorder and violent behaviour in the seriously mentally ill,2006,40,11-12,1010-1015,Browne A population-based study of help-seeking for self-harm in young adults,2003,37,5,600-605,Skegg Subsequent mortality in medically serious suicide attempts: a 5 year follow-up,2003,37,5,595-599,Beautrais A study of factors affecting suicide in Aboriginal and 'other' populations in the Top End of the Northern Territory through an audit of coronial records,2002,36,3,404-410,Parker Suicide among psychiatric patients: a case-control study,2002,36,1,86-91,Burgess Child and young adolescent suicide in New Zealand,2001,35,5,647-653,Beautrais Gender differences in the relationship between depression and suicidal ideation in young adolescents,2001,35,4,498-503,Roeger Suicide and attempted suicide in the army in Italy 1986 to 1998,2001,35,3,392,Mancinelli Major depression: Does a gender-based down-rating of suicide risk challenge its diagnostic validity?,2001,35,3,322-328,Blair-West A pessimistic attitude towards the future and low psychosocial functioning predict psychiatric diagnosis among treatment-seeking adolescents,2001,35,2,160-165,Viinamäki Relative misery and youth suicide,2001,35,1,49-57,Barber Depressive symptoms and suicidal behaviour: changes with time in an adolescent clinic cohort,2004,38,9,732-737,Simpson Risk factors for suicide and other deaths following hospital treated self-poisoning in Australia,2004,38,7,520-525,Carter Knowledge and attitudes about suicide in 25-year-olds,2004,38,4,260-265,Fergusson Correlates of firesetting in a community sample of young adolescents,2004,38,3,148-154,Richardson Drug use binge drinking and attempted suicide among homeless and potentially homeless youth,1995,29,2,248-256,Bammer Arguments for and against teaching suicide prevention in schools,1996,30,5,633-642,Hazell Family dynamics hopelessness and psychiatric disturbance in parasuicidal adolescents,1997,31,2,227-231,Pillay Temporal variation in parasuicide among Singaporean Chinese,1998,32,4,500-503,Hong Youth suicide attempts: a social and demographic profile,1998,32,3,349-357,Beautrais Psychological distress and suicidal ideation among 15-24-year-olds presenting to general practice: a pilot study,1998,32,3,344-348,Pfaff Suicidal ideation in a random community sample: attributable risk due to depression and psychosocial and traumatic events,2000,34,1,98-106,Goldney Death by hanging: implications for prevention of an important method of youth suicide,2000,34,5,836-841,Kosky The cost of being perfect: perfectionism and suicide ideation in university students,2000,34,5,829-835,Schweitzer Factors associated with repeat suicide attempts among adolescents,2000,34,3,437-445,Vajda Risk factors for suicide and attempted suicide among young people,2000,34,3,420-436,Beautrais Methods of youth suicide in New Zealand: Trends and implications for prevention,2000,34,3,413-419,Beautrais Cohort trends in youth suicide in Australia 1964-1997,2000,34,3,408-412,Hall Preventive interventions for youth suicide: A risk factor-based approach,2000,34,3,388-407,Patton The epidemiology of suicide and attempted suicide among young Australians,2000,34,3,370-387,Neulinger Parental bonding and suicidality in adulthood,2007,41,1,66-73,Alonso Problem alcohol use in young Australian adults,2007,41,5,436-441,Patton Assessing the impact of media guidelines for reporting on suicides in Austria: interrupted time series analysis,2007,41,5,419-428,Sonneck Did geographical inequalities in suicide among men aged 15-44 in New Zealand increase during the period 1980-2001?,2007,41,4,359-365,Collings Preventing suicide among depressed patients in primary care practice,2007,41,3,295-296,Sher Risk of repetition of suicide attempt suicide or all deaths after an episode of attempted suicide: a register-based survival analysis,2007,41,3,257-265,Christiansen Self-reported suicide attempts and associated risk and protective factors among secondary school students in New Zealand,2007,41,3,213-221,Denny Are violence risk assessment tools clinically useful?,2007,41,4,301-307,Carroll Suicide in New South Wales Prisons 1995-2005: towards a better understanding,2007,41,6,519-524,Samuels Newspaper stories and the incidence of suicide,1995,29,4,699,Hills An audit of medico-legal reports prepared for claims of psychiatric injury following motor vehicle accidents,2001,35,4,535-540,Large Munchausen syndrome by proxy abuse: a foundation for adult Munchausen syndrome,1995,29,3,504-507,Conway Psychological sequelae of torture and trauma in Chilean and Salvadorean migrants: a pilot study,1995,29,1,84-95,Thompson Effects of newspaper stories on the incidence of suicide in Australia: a research note,1995,29,3,480-483,Hassan Suicidal ideation and behaviours among university students in Australia,1995,29,3,473-479,Schweitzer Homicide and attempted homicide by patients suffering from dementia: Two case reports,1994,28,1,136-140,Ticehurst Serious suicide attempts among adolescents in custody,1992,26,3,474-478,Kosky Sexual abuse in Chinese children in Hong Kong: a review of 134 cases,1992,26,4,639-643,Ho Gender differences in the relationship between acute stress disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder following motor vehicle accidents,2003,37,2,226-229,Harvey Women catastrophe and mental health,2008,42,1,13-23,Taylor Antenatal psychosocial risk factors and depression among women living in socioeconomically disadvantaged suburbs in Adelaide South Australia,2008,42,1,45-50,Edwards Suicide misappropriation and impulsivity,2008,42,6,544-546,Schmitt Suicide in psychiatric patients: case-control study in Singapore,2008,42,6,509-519,Yew Thong New-generation antidepressants suicide and depressed adolescents: how should clinicians respond to changing evidence?,2008,42,6,456-466,Andrews Early childhood predictors of early substance use and substance use disorders: prospective study,2008,42,8,720-731,Najman Preventing alcohol abuse and suicidal behaviour among college students,2008,42,8,746-747,Sher Harm associated with stalking victimization,2008,42,9,800-806,Mullen Suicidal behaviour by train collision in Queensland 1990-2004,2008,42,9,772-779,De Leo Suicide on railway networks: epidemiology risk factors and prevention,2008,42,9,763-771,De Leo Prevalence and correlates of suicidality among Indian women with post-partum psychosis in an inpatient setting,2008,42,11,976-980,Subbakrishna Lifetime prevalence of suicidal ideation suicide plans and attempts in rural and urban regions of Beijing China,2009,43,2,158-166,Li Prevalence and predictors of suicide attempt in an incidence cohort of 661 young people with first-episode psychosis,2009,43,2,149-157,Robinson Risk factors for deliberate self-harm and completed suicide in young Chinese people with schizophrenia,2009,43,3,252-259,Lui CLIMATE Schools: alcohol module: cross-validation of a school-based prevention programme for alcohol misuse,2009,43,3,201-207,Teesson Emotional sequelae of parents and sibs following the drowning or near-drowning of a child,1977,11,4,265-268,Pearn Deliberate exposure to motor vehicle exhaust gas: The psychosocial profile of attempted suicide,1998,32,6,830-838,Perkins 2004 Tsunami: long-term psychological consequences for Swiss tourists in the area at the time of the disaster,2009,43,5,420-425,Wittmann Evaluation of treatment in 35 cases of bipolar suicide,2009,43,6,503-508,Graham Effect of restricting access to a suicide jumping site,2009,43,6,498-502,Skegg Removing bridge barriers stimulates suicides: an unfortunate natural experiment,2009,43,6,495-497,Fergusson Is suicidality distinguishable from depression? Evidence from a community-based sample,2009,43,3,208-215,Anstey Sleep disturbances synaptic homeostasis and suicidal behaviour,2008,42,12,1072-1073,Sher Targeted clinical education for staff attitudes towards deliberate self-harm in borderline personality disorder: randomized controlled trial,2008,42,11,981-988,Commons Treloar Evaluating the short form of the Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale in New Zealand adolescents,2008,42,11,950-954,Robinson Cutting: rare in Kelantan (Malaysia),2008,42,10,909,Pridmore Professional attitudes towards deliberate self-harm in patients with borderline personality disorder,2008,42,7,578-584,Commons Treloar Delayed neurological sequelae after carbon monoxide poisoning,2008,42,5,430,Lee Effects of diagnostic comorbidity and dimensional symptoms of attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder in men with antisocial personality disorder,2008,42,5,405-413,Ebrinc Self-inflicted eye injuries in first-episode and previously treated psychosis,2008,42,3,183-191,Andrews Preliminary findings from the National Register of Antipsychotic Medication in Pregnancy,2008,42,1,38-44,Kulkarni Childhood maltreatment in patients with somatization disorder,2008,42,4,335-341,Barnow Pilot study evaluating the effect of massage therapy on stress anxiety and aggression in a young adult psychiatric inpatient unit,2008,42,5,414-422,McGorry Impact of co-occurring substance use on 6 month outcomes for young people seeking mental health treatment,2007,41,11,896-902,Hides Traumatic entrapment appeasement and complex post-traumatic stress disorder: evolutionary perspectives of hostage reactions domestic abuse and the Stockholm syndrome,2007,41,5,377-384,Price Mental health status of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australian prisoners,2007,41,5,429-435,Butler Self-cannibalism: an unusual case of self-mutilation,2007,41,3,294-295,Ahuja Effects of childhood experiences on cortisol levels in depressed adults,2007,41,1,62-65,Joyce Epidemiology of intentional self-harm presenting to four district health boards in New Zealand over 12 months and comparison with official data,2009,43,7,659-665,Hatcher Suicidal thoughts and behaviours among Australian adults: findings from the 2007 National Survey of Mental Health and Well-being,2009,43,7,635-643,Pirkis Preventing suicide in post-traumatic stress disorder,2009,43,7,691-692,Sher Post-traumatic stress impacts on quality of life in children after road traffic accidents: prospective study,2009,43,8,746-753,Landolt Family and social influences on offending in men with schizophrenia,2006,40,6-7,554-560,Ritter Empirical basis and forensic application of affective and predatory violence,2006,40,6-7,539-547,Meloy Psychopathy/antisocial personality disorder conundrum,2006,40,6-7,519-528,Ogloff Genetic developmental and personality correlates of self-mutilation in depressed patients,2006,40,3,225-229,Joyce Self-cannibalism: an unusual case of self-mutilation,2006,40,10,937,de Moore Alcohol and suicide in Western Australia,1971,5,3,228,James Psychiatry and human nature in modern society,1971,5,3,173-182,Munz The epidemiology of suicidal behaviour in Australia,1971,5,3,156-166,Hetzel A psychiatric model for intercession in violent intergroup conflict,1971,5,2,84-100,Wedge The law and the changing view of man,1971,5,2,78-83,Brett Aggression in television,1971,5,2,118-125,Adams Aggression in film,1971,5,2,110-117,Rado Aspects of aggression in the university,1971,5,2,106-109,Irwin Aggression and politics,1971,5,2,101-105,Davis Aggression: instinct or symptom?,1971,5,2,66-77,Freeman Suicide in Western Australia 1967. An analysis of coroners' records,1971,5,1,37-44,Burvill Some psychological determinants of violence and its control,1972,6,3,158-164,Frank Social psychiatry and public health,1972,6,1,9-18,Stoller Proceedings: Adolescents who kill parents--reactive parricide,1973,7,4,263-277,Tanay Proceedings: A child is being beaten,1973,7,4,243-248,Shenken The epidemiology of self-poisoning in Hobart 1968-1972,1974,8,3,167-172,Williams On the prevention of parasuicide,1974,8,4,237-240,Williams Aspects of psychiatric morbidity in adolescents in Victoria Australia,1974,8,1,61-69,Krupinski Attempted suicide in the Perth Statistical Division 1971-1972,1975,9,4,273-279,Burvill Suicidal attempts in an outer region of metropolitan Melbourne and in a provincial region of Victoria,1975,9,4,255-261,Nicholson Merphos poisoning or mass panic?,1975,9,4,225-229,McLeod Letter: Attempted suicide,1975,9,3,201,Kessell The infant development distress (IDD) syndrome: a predictor of impaired development?,1975,9,3,153-158,Ironside Attempted suicide: an operant formulation,1975,9,2,107-110,Williams Out-patient follow-up of those who have attempted suicide: fact or fantasy?,1975,9,2,111-113,Goldney Risk-taking propensity depression and parasuicide,1976,10,3,269-273,James Family interaction and adolescent suicidal behaviour: a preliminary investigation,1976,10,3,243-252,Williams Social geography of suicidal behaviour in Hobart,1976,10,3,237-242,Koller Letter: Attempted suicide,1976,10,1,65,Williams Social implications of the "dyscontrol syndrome" (neuropsychiatric correlates),1977,11,4,245-249,Girgis The significance of suicide notes,1977,11,3,197-200,Chynoweth Early psycho-social assessment of overdose patients in a casualty department,1977,11,2,133-135,Hetzel Urban-rural differences in student mental health: the Hong Kong scene,1978,12,4,277-281,Law Australasian suicidology,1978,12,3,175-180,Lindsay Suicide attempts 1973-1977--urban Hobart. A further five year follow up reporting a decline,1978,12,3,169-173,Slaghuis A model of violence,1978,12,2,123-126,Grant Battered wives: a controlled study of predisposition,1978,12,1,43-47,Armstrong Interpersonal factors in suicide attempts: a pilot study in Christchurch,1978,12,1,59-63,Bianchi Some age-related effects of the 1974 Brisbane floods,1978,12,1,55-58,Price Suicide in Australia--a comparison with suicide in England and Wales,1979,13,4,301-307,Snowdon Children under stress,1979,13,3,193-207,Eisen Assessment of suicidal intent by a visual analogue scale,1979,13,2,153-155,Goldney Urbanization and mental health: psychiatric morbidity suicide and violence in the State of Victoria,1979,13,2,139-145,Krupinski Attempted suicide in Christchurch: a controlled study,1980,14,4,305-314,Adam Community mental health as a myth,1980,14,3,187-192,Ellard Trends in suicidal behaviour and its management,1980,14,3,219-220,Kessel Depression in young women who have attempted suicide,1980,14,3,203-211,Goldney Suicide in Australia,1980,14,2,152,Hepburn Suicide in Brisbane--a retrospective psychosocial study,1980,14,1,37-45,Armstrong Trends in suicidal behaviour and its management,1980,14,1,1-15,Goldney The relationship between suicide undetermined deaths and accidental deaths in the Australian born and migrants in Australia,1982,16,3,179-184,Burvill The lust murder of Edward,1982,16,3,161-168,Kippax The Vietnam veteran ten years on,1982,16,3,107-127,Boman Malaysian child psychiatric practice: a pragmatic and rational approach,1982,16,2,61-66,Yeoh The neurology of affective disorder and suicide,1982,16,1,1-12,Whitlock Effects of the introduction of the dexamethasone suppression test on diagnosis and treatment of depression by psychiatrists,1983,17,4,350-353,Schrader A comparison of Australian suicide rates in 1969-73 and 1976-80,1983,17,3,254-257,Dorsch Follow-up of attempted suicide in Christchurch,1983,17,1,18-25,Adam The experience of a mental health team involved in the early phase of a disaster,1984,18,4,354-358,Berah Psychiatric consultancy in major disaster,1984,18,4,303-306,Raphael Dangerousness,1984,18,3,290-291,Storm History of incest in a parasuicide population in Singapore,1984,18,2,188-190,Peng Physical maltreatment of children,1986,20,4,404-412,Adler The effects of stressful life events and disasters: research and theoretical issues,1985,19,4,409-421,McFarlane From Humpty-Dumpty to Rapunzel: theoretical formulations concerning borderline personality disorder,1985,19,4,372-381,Lonie Suicide in Hong Kong,1985,19,3,287-292,Lo Suicide in association with psychiatric hospitalisation,1985,19,2,177-183,Goldney Parasuicide and depression: a comparison of clinical and questionnaire diagnoses,1985,19,1,30-33,Large Parasuicide: interaction between inadequate parenting and recent interpersonal stress,1987,21,2,221-228,Silove Family functioning and overprotection following a natural disaster: the longitudinal effects of post-traumatic morbidity,1987,21,2,210-218,McFarlane Is suicidal ideation associated with puberty?,1987,21,1,54-58,Kosky Is suicide predictable?,1987,21,1,3-4,Goldney Aboriginal suicides in custody: a view from the Kimberley,1988,22,3,273-282,Hunter On Gordian knots and nooses: aboriginal suicide in the Kimberley,1988,22,3,264-271,Hunter Two cases of papillary carcinoma of the thyroid associated with psychosis and violence,1988,22,2,203-206,Price Is suicide predictable?,1988,22,1,6-7,Cantor Grasping the nettle: forensic child psychiatry,1989,23,4,512-516,Connell Changing patterns of suicide in Australia,1989,23,4,437 440,Cantor Victims of crime as victims of disaster,1989,23,3,403-406,Taylor Depression and attempted suicide,1989,23,3,307-308,Goldney Alcohol-related problems in the emergency room of an Indian general hospital,1989,23,2,274-278,Mohan Predicting child abuse and neglect in New Zealand,1989,23,2,255-260,Monaghan Aboriginal deaths in custody,1989,23,2,164-165,Spencer Changing patterns of suicide in Australia,1989,23,2,226-234,Hassan Should sex offenders be treated?,1989,23,2,176-180,Kosky The dangerousness of psychiatrists,1989,23,2,169-175,Ellard Depression and attempted suicide: a comparative study,1989,23,1,59-66,Davis Suicide: the role of the media,1989,23,1,30-34,Goldney Genital self-amputation and the Klingsor syndrome,1990,24,4,566-569,Schweitzer Persisting hallucinations following childhood sexual abuse,1990,24,4,561-565,Gray The development of the New South Wales Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors (STARTTS): the first year,1990,24,4,486-495,Reid Damages for self-inflicted injuries,1990,24,4,436 441,Gaughwin Australian suicide data and the use of "undetermined" death category (1968-1985),1990,24,3,381-384,Cantor Suicide from river bridges,1990,24,3,377-380,Cantor Damages for self-inflicted injuries,1990,24,3,298-9 303,Parker The madness of Mental Health Acts,1990,24,2,167-174,Ellard Using a socio-historical frame to analyse aboriginal self-destructive behaviour,1990,24,2,191-198,Hunter The relationship between divorce unemployment and female participation in the labour force and suicide rates in Australia and America,1991,25,4,519-523,Lester Psychosocial needs of torture survivors,1991,25,4,481-490,Reid An examination of recent suicides in remote Australia: further information from the Kimberley,1991,25,2,197-202,Hunter Genital self-amputation and the Klingsor syndrome,1991,25,2,163-164,Walter Handcuffs helplessness or resignation?,1991,25,1,23-24,Cantor Lethality of tricyclic antidepressants,1991,25,1,16 21 23,Battersby Case report of a female-to-male transsexual homicide offender,1992,26,4,661-665,Lawrence Youth suicide and gender in Australia and New Zealand compared with countries of the Western world 1973-1987,1992,26,4,609-617,Pritchard Suicide in Singapore 1986,1992,26,4,599-608,Peng Suicide precautions for psychiatric inpatients: a review,1992,26,4,592-598,Cheung Assaults by patients: the experience and attitudes of psychiatric hospital nurses,1992,26,4,567-573,Hafner The Broken Hill Psychopathology Project,1992,26,2,197-207,Yellowlees Staff response to inpatient and outpatient suicide: what happened and what do we do?,1992,26,2,162-167,Little A study of coroner's records of suicide in young people 1986-88 in Western Australia,1992,26,1,30-39,Burvill Psychiatric disorders following road traffic and industrial injuries,1973,7,1,32 passim,Taylor Accident neurosis,1972,6,3,152-153,Cole Mental illness and road traffic accidents,1980,14,1,53-60,Whitlock Crisis life events and accidents,1977,11,2,127-132,Whitlock Ganser syndrome,1989,23,3,308,Parker The post-accident syndrome: variations in the clinical picture,1987,21,4,560-567,Jones Multiple personality disorder and satanic ritual abuse,1993,27,4,701 706 708,Gelb Non-sexist Sexual Experiences Survey and Scale of Attraction to Sexual Aggression,1993,27,4,686-693,McConaghy Adolescent suicide clusters: evidence mechanisms and prevention,1993,27,4,653-665,Hazell Suicide among psychiatric in-patients in the Wellington region,1993,27,3,392-398,Mellsop Post-traumatic stress disorder in Australian prisoners of the Japanese: a clinical study,1993,27,1,20-29,Watson Societal approval of suicide,1983,17,3,293,Lester Variations in therapeutic interventions for Cambodian and Chilean refugee survivors of torture and trauma: a pilot study,1993,27,3,429-435,Morris Borderline disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder: an equivalence?,1993,27,2,233-245,Lonie Assault on staff in psychiatric hospitals: a safety issue,1993,27,2,324-328,Whiteford Recall of news stories about mental illness by Australian youth: associations with help-seeking attitudes and stigma,2009,43,9,866-872,Jorm Does school bullying affect adult health? Population survey of health-related quality of life and past victimization,2009,43,12,1163-1170,Roeger Antidepressant dispensing trends in New Zealand between 2004 and 2007,2009,43,12,1131-1140,Robinson Suicide in the Northern Territory 2001-2006,2009,43,12,1126-1130,Pridmore Post-traumatic stress disorder: evolutionary perspectives,2009,43,11,1038-1048,Cantor Evolution of human brain functions: the functional structure of human consciousness,2009,43,11,994-1006,Cloninger The Relationship Between Divorce Unemployment Female Participation in the Labor Force and Suicide Rates in Australia and America,1991,25,4,519-523,Lester Clinical and cognitive associations with aggression in the first episode of psychosis,2010,44,1,85-93,Anderson Strong Souls: development and validation of a culturally appropriate tool for assessment of social and emotional well-being in Indigenous youth,2010,44,1,40-48,Thomas Impact of current and past intimate partner violence on maternal mental health and behaviour at 2 years after childbirth: evidence from the Pacific Islands Families Study,2010,44,2,174-182,Carter Suicide in selected occupations in Queensland: evidence from the State suicide register,2010,44,3,243-249,Kolves Vulnerability factors for disaster-induced child post-traumatic stress disorder: the case for low family resilience and previous mental illness,2010,44,4,384-389,McDermott Recent declines in Australian male suicide are real not artefactual,2010,44,4,358-363,Taylor Characteristics of bipolar disorder in an Australian specialist outpatient clinic: comparison across large datasets,2009,43,2,109-117,Ball What determines compulsory community treatment? A logistic regression analysis using linked mental health and offender databases,2004,38,8,613-618,Xiao Suicide after discharge from psychiatric inpatient care: a case-control study in Hong Kong,2004,38,1-2,65-72,Yip Childhood abuse parenting and postpartum depression,1998,32,4,479-487,Buist Ritualised self harm in traditional aboriginal society,1994,28,4,696-697,Parker The social and family context of aboriginal self-harmful behaviour in remote Australia,1991,25,2,203-209,Hunter Australian suicide rates and the National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing,2010,44,5,490-492,Large Prediction of aggression and restraint in child inpatient units,2010,44,5,443-449,Crocker Suicide by occupation: does access to means increase the risk?,2010,44,5,429-434,Cox Distinguishing suicidal from non-suicidal deliberate self-harm events in women with Borderline Personality Disorder,2010,44,6,574-582,Carter Suicide attempts by jumping and psychotic illness,2010,44,6,568-573,Andrews The mental health and wellbeing of adolescents on remand in Australia,2010,44,6,551-559,Sawyer A study on the relationship between posttraumatic stress disorder in flood victim parents and children in Hunan China,2010,44,6,543-550,Huang Psychosocial factors associated with parent and teacher reports of aggression in children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,2010,44,7,667-675,Vance Inquisitorial hearings the answer?,1993,27,3,531 535,Bartholomew The influence of spinal cord injury on coping styles and self-perceptions: a controlled study,1993,27,3,450-456,Craig Cigarette smoking and psychiatric morbidity in women,1993,27,3,399-404,Herbison Psychological maladjustment among homeless adolescents,1993,27,2,275-280,Schweitzer DSM-III-R disorders in New Zealand 18-year-olds,1994,28,1,87-99,Williams An examination of the associations between life problems and psychiatric disorders in a rural patient population,1994,28,1,50-57,Yellowlees Further comments on multiple personality disorder,1994,28,1,154-156,Middleton Teachers' perceptions of maladaptive behaviour in Lebanese refugee children,1994,28,1,100-105,Marriage Self harm,1994,28,4,693-695,Hatcher The reactivation of post-traumatic stress disorder in later life,1994,28,4,625-634,Macleod To see or not to see: the debate over pornography and its relationship to sexual aggression,1994,28,4,600-606,Fukui False memory syndrome,1995,29,4,695-696,Spragg Victims of violence in Fiji,1995,29,4,666-670,Blizzard Childhood sexual abuse: a risk factor for postpartum depression?,1995,29,4,604-608,Buist Reasons why young adults do or do not seek help for alcohol problems,2007,41,12,1005-1012,Fergusson Changing epidemiology of intentional antidepressant drug overdose in Victoria Australia,2010,44,8,759-764,Ashby Prevalence of stalking in a psychiatric hospital population,2010,44,8,736-741,Dressing Health-care staff attitudes towards self-harm patients,2010,44,8,713-720,Beautrais Late-onset obsessive-compulsive disorder presenting as genital self-mutilation,2013,47,10,969-970,Pandit Women need greater safety in psychiatric wards,2013,47,10,970,Ong Response to : 'Does abortion reduce the mental health risks of unwanted or unintended pregnancy?' Fergusson et al. 2013,2013,47,12,1204-1205,Steinberg Sexual abuse in therapy: gender issues,1996,30,1,124-31; discussion 131-3,Quadrio Child abuse,1996,30,2,301-302,Uzych A prospective study of aggression among psychiatric patients in rehabilitation wards,1996,30,2,257-262,Cheung Antidepressant deaths by overdose,1996,30,2,223-228,Hunt Season of birth and schizophrenia: southern hemisphere data,1996,30,2,220-222,Berk Cannabis and the brain,1996,30,2,179-183,Castle Pathological gambling: forensic issues,1996,30,3,358-369,Blaszczynski Depression in schizophrenia: a descriptive study,1996,30,3,354-357,Markou The 'anatomy' of female child sexual abuse: who does what to young girls?,1996,30,3,319-325,Martin Folie à deux in forensic setting,1997,31,6,883-888,Patrick Adverse experiences in psychiatric training. Part 2,1997,31,5,641-52; discussion 653-4,Kozlowska Aggression and restraint in child inpatient units,2010,44,9,866,Dignam Accuracy of official suicide mortality data in Queensland,2010,44,9,815-822,De Leo Parenting factors associated with reduced adolescent alcohol use: a systematic review of longitudinal studies,2010,44,9,774-783,Jorm Impact of the priority follow-up system on quality of life in Chinese schizophrenia patients,2008,42,2,154-158,Leung Dissociation abuse and the eating disorders: evidence from an Australian population,1999,33,4,521-528,Russell To tell or not to tell: the psychiatrist and child abuse,1995,29,2,190-198,Adler Video tape and patients' rights,1994,28,3,525-526,Wade Clinical management of parasuicides: critical issues in the 1990s,1994,28,2,212-221,Cantor Mobile phones suicide and prognostication,2010,44,10,958-959,Alexander Short-term outcomes of mothers and newborn infants with comorbid psychiatric disorders and drug dependency,2009,43,4,323-331,Austin Morbid jealousy as a variant of obsessive-compulsive disorder,1997,31,1,133-138,Parker A reassessment of the link between mental disorder and violent behaviour and its implications for clinical practice,1997,31,1,3-11,Mullen Christchurch Earthquake,2011,45,1,89,Beaglehole Posttraumatic stress disorder after a bus accident,1995,29,1,75-83,Watts Reducing impulsivity in repeat violent offenders: an open label trial of a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor,2010,44,12,1137-1143,D'Este Practitioner perceptions of Skills for Psychological Recovery: a training programme for health practitioners in the aftermath of the Victorian bushfires,2010,44,12,1105-1111,Ruzek Pharmacists' beliefs about treatments and outcomes of mental disorders: a mental health literacy survey,2010,44,12,1089-1096,O'Reilly Posttraumatic stress disorder and emotional problems in children following motor vehicle accidents: an extended case series,2000,34,3,446-452,McDermott Delayed-onset posttraumatic stress disorder: a prospective evaluation,2002,36,2,205-209,Bryant Severe non-lethal violence during psychotic illness,2010,ePub,ePub,ePub,Large 'Kindling theory' in arson: how dangerous are firesetters?,2004,38,6,419-425,Brett Children who light fires: a comparison between firesetters and non-firesetters referred to a child psychiatric outpatient service,1984,18,3,251-255,Kosky Preventing suicide in young people: systematic review,2011,45,1,3-26,Hetrick Suicidality induced by steroid treatment,2009,43,5,484,Chan Delirium as a symptom of quetiapine poisoning,2009,43,8,781,Alexander Rural/urban differences in the distribution of eating disorder symptoms among adolescents from community samples,2007,41,6,525-535,Preti Twelve-month and lifetime prevalences of mental disorders and treatment contact among Pacific people in Te Rau Hinengaro: the New Zealand Mental Health Survey,2006,40,10,924-934,Schaaf Mental disorder comorbidity in Te Rau Hinengaro: the New Zealand Mental Health Survey,2006,40,10,875-881,McGee An unusual presentation of PTSD,2004,38,9,760,Chandrasekaran Substance use disorder comorbidity among inpatient youths with psychiatric disorder,2003,37,3,294-298,Swadi Correlates of youth suicide attempters in Australian community and clinical samples,2003,37,3,286-293,Clover Suicide prevention in first episode psychosis: the development of a randomised controlled trial of cognitive therapy for acutely suicidal patients with early psychosis,2003,37,4,414-420,Henry The Esperance primary prevention of suicide project,2002,36,5,617-621,Slaven "Best intentions" lives on: untoward health outcomes of some contemporary initiatives in Indigenous affairs,2002,36,5,575-584,Hunter First-episode mania: a neglected priority for early intervention,2002,36,2,158-172,Conus Effectiveness of barriers at suicide jumping sites: a case study,2001,35,5,557-562,Beautrais Trends in Maori mental health in Otago,2000,34,4,677-683,Williams MindMatters a whole-school approach promoting mental health and wellbeing,2000,34,4,594-601,Wyn Youth mental health promotion in the Hunter region,2000,34,4,579-585,Hazell The response of healthcare services to people at risk of suicide: a qualitative study,1999,33,3,361-371,Nirui Assessing attachment: convergent validity of the adult attachment interview and the parental bonding instrument,1999,33,4,559-567,Adam Marijuana stress and suicide: a neuroimmunological explanation,1998,32,3,465-466,Holden Familial bipolar disorder: preliminary results from the Otago Familial Bipolar Genetic Study,1998,32,6,823-829,Romans Six-month outcome following a relapse of schizophrenia,1998,32,6,815-822,Hunt Dissociative identity disorder: an Australian series,1998,32,6,794-804,Butler Inpatient suicides in an Australian mental hospital,1997,31,2,291-298,Shah Use of interpreters in individual psychotherapy,1996,30,1,153-156,Baxter Access to firearms and the risk of suicide: a case control study,1996,30,6,741-748,Beautrais Parental representation in suicidal adolescents: a controlled study,1994,28,3,418-425,Adam Youth suicide: a public health problem?,1994,28,2,186-187,Goldney Making conscious identifications: a means of promoting empathic contact,1993,27,1,115-126,Korner Psychiatry in Bali,1976,10,1A,95-97,Thong Early parental deprivation and later behavioural outcomes: cluster analysis study of normal and abnormal groups,1974,8,2,89-96,Koller Mass media and suicide,2003,37,1,110-111,Mancinelli Paranoia in patients attending child and adolescent mental health services,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Freeman Gender differences in patients presenting with first-episode psychosis in Hong Kong: a three-year follow up study,2011,45,3,199-205,Hung The heavy drinking culture is primarily an adult issue: Not what you read in the newspapers,2011,45,4,344,Connor Is it possible to predict suicide?,2011,45,4,341,Sher False memory syndrome,1995,29,3,516-517,Kaplan Working with survivors of torture and trauma: the Victorian Foundation for Survivors of Torture in perspective,1995,29,3,463-472,McGorry The loss of the sense of reality in incest and child sexual abuse: a psychoanalytic perspective,1995,29,3,415-423,Whelan The clinical boundaries of posttraumatic stress disorder,1995,29,3,385-393,McGorry Conflicting constructions of aboriginal suicide: a letter in response to Robert Parker,1995,29,2,335-337,Hunter A mass killing in New Zealand,1995,29,2,316-320,Brinded Video tape and patients' rights,1994,28,3,524-526,Bartholomew Stalking and the pathologies of love,1994,28,3,469-477,Mullen Neglect of child psychiatry,1994,28,2,345 350,Armstrong Child maltreatment and later life psychopathology,1994,28,2,345,Gluskie Dis-attachment,1994,28,4,691-693,Smith Sexual attraction depression self-harm suicidality and help-seeking behaviour in New Zealand secondary school students,2011,45,5,376-383,Ameratunga Reporting of suicide in the Australian media,2002,36,2,190-197,Pirkis Firearms and New Zealand suicide,1997,31,4,608-609,Cantor Patterns of symptomatology and patterns of torture and trauma experiences in resettled refugees,1997,31,4,555-565,Cunningham The effect of a new integrated mental health service on hospitalisation,1997,31,4,480-483,Blair-West Experiences of physical and sexual abuse in Australian general practice attenders and an eating disordered population,1997,31,3,398-404,Russell Effects of childhood sexual abuse in adult female psychiatric patients,1997,31,2,208-213,Pettigrew Characteristics of childhood sexual abuse and adult psychopathology in female psychiatric patients,1997,31,2,200-207,Pettigrew Child physical and sexual abuse and eating disorders: a review of the links and personal comments on the treatment process,1997,31,2,194-199,Brown Aggressive behaviour in schizophrenia: the role of psychopathology,1997,31,1,62-67,Cheung The doors of perception,1997,31,1,36-45,Leibrich Suicidality and the use of serotonin reuptake inhibitors,1995,29,3,517-518,Arya Self-amputation of the ear: three men amputate four ears within five months,1995,29,3,508-512,Alroe Suicide risk factors for NSW,2011,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pridmore Self-inflicted enucleation of both eyes,1994,28,2,337-341,Buhrich Natural history of Khat psychosis,1994,28,2,331-332,Jager The influence of spinal cord injury on coping styles and self-perceptions two years after the injury,1994,28,2,307-312,Hancock Police referrals to a psychiatric hospital: indicators for referral and psychiatric outcome,1994,28,2,259-268,Meadows Liaison psychiatry with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples,2009,43,6,509-517,Wand Complex post-traumatic stress disorder in patients with somatization disorder,2009,43,1,80-86,Barnow Illicit drug use and dependence in a New Zealand birth cohort,2006,40,2,156-163,Boden The prevalence of eating disorders among university students and the relationship with some individual characteristics,2006,40,2,129-135,Akyuz Psychological health of men with partners who have post-partum depression,2006,40,8,704-711,Collings Similarities and differences between aggressive and delinquent children and adolescents in a national sample,2005,39,5,366-372,Sawyer Zero tolerance approach to aggression and its impact upon mental health staff attitudes,2007,41,2,187-191,Grenyer Does psychological treatment help only those patients with severe irritable bowel syndrome who also have a concurrent psychiatric disorder?,2005,39,9,807-815,Creed Correlates of aggressive behaviour in schizophrenia: an overview,1998,32,3,400-409,Cheung Childhood abuse postpartum depression and parenting difficulties: a literature review of associations,1998,32,3,370-378,Buist Paedophilia: a review of the evidence,1998,32,2,252-65; discussion 266-7,McConaghy Staff response to abuse histories of psychiatric inpatients,1998,32,2,206-213,Read Psychiatry and paedophilia: a major public health issue,1998,32,2,162-167,Glaser Lunar cycles and violent behaviour,1998,32,4,496-499,Owen Mandatory reporting of child abuse: is it in the best interest of the child?,1996,30,6,794-804,Budai An XXYY male with schizophrenia,1996,30,4,553-556,Lee Evolutionary approaches to psychopathology: the role of natural defences,2001,35,1,17-27,Gilbert Is self disturbance the core of borderline personality disorder? An outcome study of borderline personality factors,2011,45,3,214-222,Korner Inquiries into homicides and serious violence perpetrated by psychiatric patients in New Zealand: need for consistency of method and result analysis,2001,35,3,364-369,Simpson Patterns of critical incidents and their effect on outcome in an adolescent inpatient service,2001,35,2,155-159,Simpson Sexual abuse antisocial behaviour and substance use: gender differences in young community adolescents,2004,38,1-2,34-41,Richardson Prevention and treatment of childhood and adolescent aggression and antisocial behaviour: a selective review,2004,38,5,373-380,Bor Violence in male patients with schizophrenia: risk markers in a South African population,2004,38,4,254-259,Niehaus Schizophrenia genes and violence,2004,38,10,850; author reply 850,Parker The prevalence and nature of stalking in the Australian community,2002,36,1,114-120,Purcell Reduction of trauma symptoms following group therapy,2002,36,1,67-74,Wallis Dysregulation of the right brain: a fundamental mechanism of traumatic attachment and the psychopathogenesis of posttraumatic stress disorder,2002,36,1,9-30,Schore Quality of life of Chinese schizophrenia outpatients in Hong Kong: relationship to sociodemographic factors and symptomatology,2007,41,5,442-449,Weng CAOS contribution to understanding cultural/ethnic differences in the prevalence of bipolar affective disorder in New Zealand,2007,41,5,392-396,Mellsop XXYY syndrome with schizophrenia: implications for genetic research in psychotic spectrum disorders,2007,41,10,854-855,Rege Reflections on masculinity culture and the diagnosis of depression,2007,41,10,850-853,Mellsop Methods and consequences of suicide attempts among Australian students,2000,34,1,170-172,Schweitzer Trauma dissociation and posttraumatic stress disorder in female borderline patients with and without substance abuse problems,2003,37,5,549-555,van den Brink Capgras syndrome: possibly more common among the Maori of New Zealand,2000,34,5,865-868,Shepherd Prevalence and precipitants of aggression in psychiatric inpatient units,2000,34,6,967-974,Barlow Lifetime prevalence of trauma among homeless people in Sydney,2000,34,6,963-966,Buhrich Down will come baby cradle and all: diagnostic and therapeutic implications of chronic trauma on child development,2000,34,6,903-918,Streeck-Fischer Lesbians in New Zealand: their mental health and satisfaction with mental health services,2000,34,2,256-263,Howden-Chapman Child sexual abuse II: treatment,2000,34,1,92-97,Nurcombe Child sexual abuse I: psychopathology,2000,34,1,85-91,Nurcombe Robert Lowell: the search for the father or the result of trauma?,1991,25,4,448 450-1,Wurth Amygdalo-hippocampectomy for pathological aggression,1992,26,4,671-676,Smith Adverse incidents in acute psychiatric inpatient units: rates correlates and pressures,2008,42,4,267-282,Conrad Physical aggression during admission to a child and adolescent inpatient unit: predictors and impact on clinical outcomes,2008,42,6,536-543,McDermott Psychopathology in twins: ancient case study,2008,42,11,989-990,Pridmore Trauma-induced dissociative amnesia in World War I combat soldiers,1999,33,1,37-46,Brown Children who are cruel to animals: a revisit,1999,33,1,29-36,Wong Mental illness depictions in prime-time drama: identifying the discursive resources,1999,33,2,232-239,Wilson Early developmental experiences of female sex workers: a comparative study,1999,33,6,935-940,Romans Suicide in Indigenous people in Queensland Australia: trends and methods 1994-2007,2011,45,7,532-538,De Leo From source material to news story in New Zealand print media: a prospective study of the stigmatizing processes in depicting mental illness,2001,35,5,654-659,Coverdale Can we justifiably draw epidemiological conclusions from small case studies?,2001,35,3,388-389,Kumar Stalking: new constructions of human behaviour,2001,35,1,9-16,Purcell Stalkers and their victims,2001,35,3,413-415,Glaser Prevalence of psychiatric disorders in New Zealand prisons: a national study,2001,35,2,166-173,Simpson Chronic posttraumatic stress disorder and family functioning of Vietnam veterans and their partners,2003,37,6,765-772,McHugh Contextualizing Indigenous suicide,2011,45,7,601-602,Hunter Severe non-lethal violence during psychotic illness,2011,45,6,466-472,Large Parasuicide,1994,28,3,528-529,Ryan Suicide litigation: from legal to clinical wisdom,1994,28,3,431-437,Cantor Suicide litigation: an Australian survey,1994,28,3,426-430,Cantor Mental health law and dangerousness,1995,29,1,154-155,Ryan Antidepressants and side effects,1995,29,2,337,Carter A Malay crosscultural worldview and forensic review of amok,1996,30,4,505-510,Hatta Hanging and poisoning autopsies in Fiji,1996,30,5,685-687,Lawler The dangers of dextropropoxyphene,1996,30,6,864-866,Dore Competence and the elderly patient with cognitive impairments,1996,30,6,768-773,Ryan Aggression,1971,5,2,61, The foetus as a personality,1972,6,2,99-105,Liley Sexual offending and improvement in autistic characteristics after acquired brain injury: A case report,2011,45,10,902-903,Chan Risk assessment: Predicting physical aggression in child psychiatric inpatient units,2011,45,8,638-645,Stargatt Suicide risk factors for NSW,2011,45,7,602,Pridmore Comparison of British national newspaper coverage of homicide committed by perpetrators with and without mental illness,2011,45,7,539-548,Rodway Token reinforcement systems,1971,5,3,134-136,Andrews Boxing,1971,5,3,131-132, Marijuana: a brief review,1972,6,1,41-45,Hasleton Risk factors for suicide within a year of discharge from psychiatric hospital: A systematic meta-analysis,2011,45,8,619-628,Large Psychiatry in transition: outcomes of mental health policy shift in Italy,1998,32,5,673-679,Barbato Risk factors for self-harm in children and adolescents admitted to a mental health inpatient unit,2011,45,9,749-755,Starling Characteristics of suicide attempts in young people undergoing treatment for first episode psychosis,2011,45,10,838-845,Edwards Problems with suicide risk assessment,2011,45,8,605-607,Mulder Childhood and adolescence on Elcho Island,1973,7,2,84-86,Nurcombe The relevance of the neurophysiological concepts of excitation and inhibition to clinical psychiatry,1973,7,2,114-120,Horvath Letter: Doctors who suicide,1973,7,4,298, Proceedings: Adolescent psychiatry and the concepts of "open system" in the service of ego growth and evolvement,1973,7,4,257-261,Hofstatter Youth in Canberra--results and implications of a mental health survey,1974,8,1,55-59,Hennessy Alcohol-related cognitive impairment in New South Wales hospital patients aged 50 years and over,2011,45,11,985-992,Draper Confirmation of the diagnosis of schizophrenia after death using DSM-IV: a Victorian experience,1998,32,1,73-76,Opeskin Recovery from post-earthquake psychological morbidity: who suffers and who recovers?,1998,32,1,15-20,Lewin One hundred years of Emile Durkheim's Suicide: A Study in Sociology,1998,32,2,168-171,Hassan What are specialist mental health clinician attitudes to guideline recommendations for the treatment of depression in young people?,2011,45,11,993-1001,Hetrick Alcoholism: a genetic disorder?,1975,9,1,3-7,Whitlock Suicide prevention in older men: do medical professionals know enough?,2011,45,12,1094,Sher Reconsidering suicide prevention strategies in physicians,2011,45,12,1095-1096,Braquehais Mental hygiene in diminishing population areas,1976,10,1A,111-113,Matsubara A comparison of estimates of the prevalence of heavy drinkers in local regions of Queensland,1998,32,4,504-510,Oei Uncommon self-mutilation in a borderline personality disorder patient,2001,35,1,133-134,Schneider Psychotic depression subcortical arteriosclerotic encephalopathy and holocaust-conditioned posttraumatic stress disorder,2001,35,1,129,Kropp Alcoholism and personality,2002,36,1,44-52,Mulder Establishment of a disaster-related psychological screening test,2003,37,1,97-103,Chou Coexisting psychiatric disorders in a New Zealand outpatient alcohol and other drug clinical population,2006,40,2,164-170,Adamson Risk assessment for aggression in child inpatient mental health units,2012,46,1,67,Large Risk assessment of self- and other-directed aggression in adolescent psychiatric inpatient units,2012,46,1,40-46,Stargatt Risk assessment for suicide and violence is of extremely limited value in general psychiatric practice,2012,46,2,173-174,Szmukler Problems with suicide risk assessment,2012,46,2,172-173,Goldney Significant relationship between lifetime alcohol use disorders and suicide attempts in an Australian schizophrenia sample,2012,46,2,132-140,McLean Social connectedness: A potential aetiological factor in the development of child post-traumatic stress disorder,2012,46,2,109-117,Berry Physician-assisted suicide: Saying what we mean and meaning what we say,2012,46,2,84-86,Vamos A survey of suicide prevention curricula taught in Australian universities,1999,33,2,253-259,Hazell Children of holocaust survivors and behavioural genetics,1999,33,3,446-447,Sher Toxicity of 'newer' antidepressants in overdose,1999,33,3,441,Hundertmark The place for the tricyclic antidepressants in the treatment of depression,1999,33,3,323-327,Judd Cannabis use in psychotic patients,1999,33,4,529-532,Lee Harm minimisation in overdose,1999,33,5,769,Owen Ethical issues in the prevention of suicide in prison,1999,33,5,723-728,Bell Post-disaster service provision following proactive identification of children with emotional distress and depression,1999,33,6,855-863,McDermott Oedipus,1976,10,3,229-236,Medlicott Cannabis use and psychosis: a review of clinical and epidemiological evidence,2000,34,1,26-34,Hall Antidepressants and suicide,2000,34,1,168,Menkes Preventing suicide,2000,34,1,167-168,Dignam Clinical features of parricide in patients with schizophrenia,2012,46,7,621-629,Choi Suicide risk assessment: Reply to Draper,2012,46,4,387,Large Isn't it a bit risky to dismiss suicide risk assessment?,2012,46,4,385-386,Draper Mania homicide and severe violence,2012,46,4,357-363,Malhi Borderline personality disorder and bipolar affective disorder. Spectra or spectre? A review,2012,46,4,327-339,Bassett Educating health care professionals about suicide prevention,2012,46,5,481-482,Sher The rise and fall of ADHD child prescribing in Western Australia: Lessons and implications,2012,46,5,400-403,Whitely Stimulant side effects and inverted-U: Implications for ADHD guidelines,2013,47,3,217-221,Levy People living with psychotic illness in 2010. The second Australian national survey of psychosis,2012,46,8,735-752,Bush Severe serotonin toxicity and manic switch induced by combined use of tramadol and paroxetine,2007,41,2,192-193,John Insanity acquittee outcomes in New Zealand,2006,40,11-12,1003-1009,Skipworth The presentation of early-onset psychotic disorders,2013,47,1,43-50,Starling Incidence and risk factors for suicide attempts in a general population of young people: A Danish register-based study,2013,47,3,259-270,Christiansen Phallicide: A case of auto penile amputation as a mode of suicide,2013,47,5,491-492,Chaturvedi On suicide clusters: More than contagion,2013,47,5,490-491,Blasco-Fontecilla Future-proofing our community for natural disaster requires more attention on men,2013,47,6,584,Wilson Genetic screening for susceptibility to depression: can we and should we?,2004,38,1-2,73-80,Morley Cannabis abuse is not a risk factor for treatment outcome in methadone maintenance treatment: a 1-year prospective study in an Israeli clinic,2004,38,1-2,42-46,Bleich Insight and hopelessness in forensic patients with schizophrenia,2004,38,3,169-173,Carroll Clinical management for hospital-treated deliberate self-poisoning: comparisons between patients with major depression and borderline personality disorder,2005,39,4,266-273,Bryant A cross-sectional analysis of factors that influence the detection of depression in older primary care patients,2005,39,4,262-265,Pfaff Not guilty by reason of epilepsy. Post-ictal delirium and psychosis resulting in violent offending,2013,47,10,961-962,Every-Palmer Acquired brain injury needs to be acknowledged at the national mental health policy level,2013,47,3,212-216,Hopwood Emotional sequelae of parents and sibs following drowning or near-drowning of a child,1977,11,4,265-268,Pearn A retrospective of publications addressing suicidal behaviour in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 1967-2012,2013,47,5,431-434,Goldney Risk assessment for violence and self-harm in first episode psychosis and the need for early psychosis intervention services,2014,48,1,94-95,Large Managing aggression and violence: The clinician's role in contemporary mental health care,2013,47,8,728-736,O'driscoll Co-occurring mental disorder and intellectual disability in a large sample of Australian prisoners,2013,47,10,938-944,Kinner 'Can they really identify mental health problems at the age of three?' Parent and practitioner views about screening young children's social and emotional development,2013,47,6,538-545,Mazza The role of psychopathology in stalking by adult strangers and acquaintances,2013,47,6,546-555,McEwan Longitudinal course and predictors of suicidal ideation in a rural community sample,2013,47,11,1032-1040,Kelly Psychiatric epidemiology: its uses and limitations,1977,11,1,9-18,Whitlock Can violence risk assessment really assist in clinical decision-making?,2014,48,3,286-288,Large Correlates of persisting posttraumatic symptoms in children and adolescents 18 months after a cyclone disaster,2014,48,1,80-86,Berry A retrospective quasi-experimental study of a community crisis house for patients with severe and persistent mental illness,2013,47,7,667-675,Pirkis Mental illness and psychiatric treatment amongst firesetters other offenders and the general community,2013,47,10,945-953,Ducat Duration of untreated psychosis in a high-income versus a low- and middle-income region,2013,47,12,1176-1182,Malik A 21-year retrospective outcome study of New South Wales forensic patients granted conditional and unconditional release,2014,48,3,259-282,Large Testosterone and homicidal behavior,2014,48,3,290,Sher Psychological autopsies,2013,47,9,878-879,Pridmore Opinions data and policy,2013,47,9,793-794,Henderson Does abortion reduce the mental health risks of unwanted or unintended pregnancy? A re-appraisal of the evidence,2013,47,9,819-827,Boden Covert clozapine overdose: Clozapine toxicity in a naive patient,2013,47,12,1208-1209,West Revisiting the treatment of conduct problems in children with callous-unemotional traits,2013,47,7,646-653,Dadds Cough syrup psychosis: Is it under-recognised?,2013,47,12,1209-1210,Alam Intermittent explosive disorder and DSM-5: A flawed conceptualization of pathological anger,2013,47,6,578-579,Anand Post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms form a traumatic and non-traumatic stress response dimension,2013,47,6,569-577,Fergusson Conceptualising the neurobiology of fatigue,2013,47,4,312-316,Hegerl Does accumulating exposure to illicit drugs bring forward the age at onset in schizophrenia?,2013,47,1,51-58,Jablensky Schizophrenia and retinitis pigmentosa: Are there mechanisms which blind insanity?,2013,47,1,95-96,Viswanath Commentary on 'The association between problematic internet use and depression suicidal ideation and bipolar disorder in Korean adolescents',2013,47,2,185-186,Tam The association between problematic internet use and depression suicidal ideation and bipolar disorder symptoms in Korean adolescents,2013,47,2,153-159,Park Psychological autopsy studies: Past present and future,2013,47,9,884,Sher Costs of psychosis in 2010: Findings from the second Australian National Survey of Psychosis,2014,48,2,169-182,Carr The relationship between excessive daytime sleepiness and depressive and anxiety disorders in women,2013,47,8,772-778,Kennedy Adolescents Who Kill Parents: Reactive Parricide,1973,7,4,263-277,Tanay High and low testosterone levels may be associated with suicidal behavior in young and older men respectively,2013,47,5,492-493,Sher White matter integrity alterations in young healthy adults reporting childhood trauma: A diffusion tensor imaging study,2013,47,12,1183-1190,Li Lower anterior cingulate volume in seriously violent men with antisocial personality disorder or schizophrenia and a history of childhood abuse,2014,48,2,153-161,Gudjonsson Self-injurious behaviour in children: A treatable catatonic syndrome,2013,47,12,1113-1115,Shorter Do testosterone and brain-derived neurotrophic factor interactions play a role in the pathophysiology of suicidal behavior?,2014,48,3,290-291,Sher Is alcohol consumption in Australia increasing or decreasing?,2013,47,12,1199-1200,Taylor Parent-child relationship quality and adolescent alcohol use,2013,47,11,1093,Kelly Fatigue and occupational functioning in major depressive disorder,2013,47,11,989-991,Hegerl A randomised controlled trial of the Flinders Program™ of chronic condition management in Vietnam veterans with co-morbid alcohol misuse and psychiatric and medical conditions,2013,47,5,451-462,Blunden Public belief that mentally ill people are violent: Is the USA exporting stigma to the rest of the world?,2014,48,3,213-215,Jorm High impact child abuse may predict risk of elevated suicidality during antidepressant initiation,2013,47,12,1191-1195,Bousman Unlocking the diagnosis of depression in primary care: Which key symptoms are GPs using to determine diagnosis and severity?,2013,48,6,542-547,Malhi Modelling the incidence and mortality of psychotic disorders: Data from the second Australian national survey of psychosis,2014,48,4,352-359,Whiteford Joveini: A Persian psychiatrist's view and management of the insane,2014,48,4,381-382,Ghanizadeh Can screening 4-5 year olds accurately identify children who will have teacher-reported mental health problems when children are aged 6-7 years?,2013,48,6,554-563,Sawyer Stability and change in the mental health of New Zealand secondary school students 2007-2012: Results from the national adolescent health surveys,2014,48,5,472-480,Robinson Bullying in children and adolescents: A modifiable risk factor for mental illness,2014,48,3,288-289,Durheim Bullying in children and adolescents: A modifiable risk factor for mental illness,2014,48,3,209-212,Moore The need for specialist services for serious and recurrent mood disorders,2013,48,6,587-588,Rosenman Childhood trauma in bipolar disorder,2013,48,6,564-570,Young Shotgun weddings: trends in the sociopathology of marriage,1977,11,4,259-264,Kraus Lessons for ICD-11 coming after DSM-5,2014,48,1,90-91,Carroll Psychiatric diagnosis in ICD-11: Lessons learned (or not) from the mood disorders section in DSM-5,2014,48,1,89-90,Miklowitz What should ICD-11 do that DSM-5 did not?,2014,48,1,87-88,Goldberg Institutional abuse and societal silence: An emerging global problem,2014,48,1,22-25,Sar The Australian royal commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse,2014,48,1,17-21,Sar The John Cade Fellowship: Modifiable risk factors for serious mental illness,2014,48,1,13-16,McGrath Suicidal behavior in military veterans and health care professionals,2013,48,6,589,Braquehais Accuracy of general practitioner unassisted detection of depression,2014,48,6,571-578,D'Este Fit for purpose? Validation of a conceptual framework for personal recovery with current mental health consumers,2014,48,7,644-653,Slade The 'pragmatic' secret of DSM revisions,2014,48,2,196-197,Ghaemi Moving from DSM-5 to ICD-11: A joint problem?,2014,48,2,194-196,Farmer DSM-5 ICD-11 and 'pathologization of normal conditions',2014,48,2,193-194,Maj ICD Future,2014,48,2,107-109,Malhi Do the classification and neurobiology of psychiatric illness align?,2014,48,2,105-106,Porter What can ICD-11 be that DSM-5 cannot?,2014,48,3,283-284,Ostacher Alcohol testosterone and suicide,2014,48,7,688-689,Sher Kava: a comprehensive review of efficacy safety and psychopharmacology,2011,45,1,27-35,Sarris The effects of involuntary job loss on suicide and suicide attempts among young adults: Evidence from a matched case-control study,2014,48,4,333-340,Page Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for recurrent depression: A translational research study with 2-year follow-up,2014,48,8,743-755,Shawyer The links between early childhood trauma and major mental illness: psychiatry's response?,2014,48,6,580-581,Haliburn Management of suicidal behaviour: Is the world upside down?,2014,48,5,399-401,De Leon Systematic meta-analysis of outcomes associated with psychosis and co-morbid substance use,2014,48,5,418-432,Harris Unemployment and psychosocial outcomes to age 30: A fixed-effects regression analysis,2014,48,8,735-742,Fergusson ICD-11 and operationalism,2014,48,8,781,Carroll Borderline personality disorder neuroscience and responsibility,2014,48,9,878,Little The neural basis of aggression and its treatment by psychosurgery,1978,12,1,21-28,Kiloh Exploring the efficacy and acceptability of Internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy for young adults with anxiety and depression: An open trial,2014,48,9,819-827,Titov Special issues for women with mental issues during pregnancy and beyond,2014,48,9,880,Kulkarni Restraint practices in Australasian emergency departments,2001,35,4,464-467,Sprivulis Spectrum disorders social stressors and suicide: The impact on service utilisation,2014,48,4,299-301,Boyce To be or not to let others be: is it relevant to the mental health field?,2014,48,6,505-506,Bou Khalil Domestic squalor: Who should take responsibility?,2014,48,7,690,Macfarlane Behaviour therapy as precipitant and treatment in a case of dual personality,1979,13,1,63-66,Price Time for change: homicide bombers not suicide bombers,2014,48,6,579-580,Goldney Severe domestic squalor: Time to sort out the mess,2014,48,7,682-684,Snowdon Heavy drinkers--their prevalence attitudes and characteristics,1981,15,1,63-67,Reynolds Mental illness and the National Disability Insurance scheme: lessons from Europe,2014,48,5,482-484,Einfeld Adverse psychiatric reactions to modern medication,1981,15,2,87-103,Whitlock Pregnancy and levels of depression and anxiety: A prospective cohort study of Australian women,2014,48,10,944-951,Leach Persistent disability is a risk factor for late-onset mental disorder after serious injury,2014,48,12,1143-1149,O'donnell Are child and adolescent mental health problems increasing in the 21st century? A systematic review,2014,48,7,606-616,Dean Psychological flexibility and nonjudgemental acceptance in voice hearers: relationships with omnipotence and distress,2014,48,12,1150-1162,Garety Psychological outcomes following the Victorian Black Saturday bushfires,2014,48,7,634-643,Gibbs Child abuse and the dynamics of silence,2014,48,6,581-583,Sar Psychiatric disorders in primary care,2014,48,6,497-499,Berk Classifying teenage depression,2014,48,8,774-775,Dignam Ambulatory mental health data demonstrates the high needs of people with an intellectual disability: Results from the New South Wales intellectual disability and mental health data linkage project,2014,49,2,137-144,Trollor The recovery model and anorexia nervosa,2014,48,11,1009-1016,Dawson Longitudinal trends in the dispensing of psychotropic medications in Australia from 2009-2012: Focus on children adolescents and prescriber specialty,2014,48,10,917-931,McGregor Lifetime and current prevalence of common DSM-IV mental disorders their demographic correlates and association with service utilisation and disability in older Australian adults,2014,49,2,145-155,Sachdev Suicide attempt and externalizing behaviours in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD): possible role of the activating effect of antidepressants,2014,49,1,89-90,Gupta Violence risk assessment has not been shown to reduce violence,2014,49,1,91,Large Clinical applications of herbal medicines for anxiety and insomnia; targeting patients with bipolar disorder,2014,48,8,705-715,Nierenberg My facebook family: should adolescent psychiatric evaluation include information about online social networks?,2014,48,9,805-808,Delfabbro Women's mental health: still not a priority still not good enough,2014,48,8,701-704,Kulkarni Repertoires of response to potential precipitants of depression,1979,13,4,327-333,Brown The supplementation of alcoholic beverages with thiamine--a necessary preventive measure in Queensland?,1979,13,4,315-320,Price Personality disorder in transcultural perspective,1979,13,4,293-300,Morice Gender and mental health,2014,48,7,603-605,Wilhelm Learning for the future: the challenge of disaster research,2014,48,7,600-602,McFarlane The psychological impacts of major disasters,2014,48,7,597-599,Boden Frequent callers to crisis helplines: who are they and why do they call?,2014,49,1,54-64,Pirkis Admissions to a prison psychiatric unit,1985,19,1,45-52,Glaser Mental disorder and dangerousness,1984,18,1,8-17,Mullen Predictors of mental health-related acute service utilisation and treatment costs in the 12 months following an acute psychiatric admission,2014,48,11,1048-1058,Robinson Childhood socio-economic status and ethnic disparities in psychosocial outcomes in New Zealand,2014,48,7,672-680,Boden Twelve-month prevalence and predictors of self-reported suicidal ideation and suicide attempt among Korean adolescents in a web-based nationwide survey,2014,49,1,47-53,Woo The impact of past direct-personal traumatic events on 12-month outcome in first episode psychotic mania: Trauma and early psychotic mania,2014,48,11,1017-1024,Conus Progress towards parity: Improving the physical health of long-term psychiatric inpatients,2014,48,11,1060-1061,Shiers The relationships between insomnia sleep apnoea and depression: Findings from the American National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2005-2008,2014,49,2,156-170,Kennedy The Castle Hill lunatic asylum (1811-1826) and the origins of eclectic pragmatism in Australian psychiatry,1981,15,4,319-322,Parkinson Pseudodementia or Ganser syndrome in a ten year old boy,1981,15,4,339-342,Adler The importance of mental disorders in suicide,2014,49,1,21-23,Goldney Mental disorder and suicide: a faulty connection,2014,49,1,18-20,Pridmore Does our advocacy need a crisis to be effective?,2014,48,9,871-872,Whiteford Why hasn't the mental health of Australians improved? The need for a national prevention strategy,2014,48,9,795-801,Jorm Benzodiazepine use and aggressive behaviour: a systematic review,2014,48,12,1096-1114,Best Oral ketamine augmentation for chronic suicidality in treatment-resistant depression,2014,48,7,686,De Leo Suicide explained!,2014,49,1,83-84,Ryan Childhood adversity in bipolar disorder,2014,48,11,975-976,Porter Switching suicide methods as a predictor of completed suicide in individuals with repeated self-harm: A community cohort study in northern Taiwan,2014,49,1,65-73,Wu Mental disorder and suicide: a faulty connection or a faulty argument?,2014,49,1,84-86,Sara Suicide is a complex behaviour in which mental disorder usually plays a central role,2014,49,1,13-15,Haw Help-seeking behaviour and adolescent self-harm: a systematic review,2014,48,12,1083-1095,Henderson Reserpine withdrawal psychosis,1989,23,1,129-130,Taylor Psychiatry molecular genetics and ethics: the new discoveries and the new issues,1989,23,1,67-72,McGrath Murderous Science,1989,23,1,15-16,Mitchell Community treatment orders,1989,23,2,162-163,Bartholomew Post-concussional syndrome (PCS),1989,23,2,154-155,Gordon Suicide rates and mental health disorder prevention,2014,49,1,91-92,Kulkarni The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement: Exacerbation of inequality for patients with serious mental illness,2014,48,12,1077-1080,Monasterio Does telephone counselling have preventive value?,1986,20,1,23-28,Hornblow The adjustment of hospitalised Vietnam veterans,1986,20,1,77-81,Tennant Should thiamine be added to beer?,1986,20,1,3-6,Finlay-Jones Limitations on the use of scales in psychiatric research,1988,22,1,99-108,Grayson The gravely inadequate definition of a "mentally ill person" in the Mental Health Act (New South Wales) 1983,1988,22,1,43-68,Durham Attention-based classification pattern a research domain criteria framework in youths with bipolar disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,2014,49,3,255-265,Lafer Classification and the clinician,2014,48,12,1168-1169,Wilson Largely unnoticed flaws in the fundamentals of depression diagnosis: the semantics of core symptoms,2014,48,12,1166,Hegerl Postpartum psychosis: what is in a name?,2014,48,12,1081-1082,Sharma Paradoxical hypersexuality in depression,2014,49,3,297-298,Kulkarni Depression prevention labour force participation and income of older working aged Australians: A microsimulation economic analysis,2014,49,5,430-436,Veerman Perceptions of distress and positive consequences following exposure to a major disaster amongst a well-studied cohort,2014,49,4,351-359,Mulder The use of clinical and biological characteristics to predict outcome following first episode psychosis,2014,49,1,24-35,Baune Low vitamin D levels found in 95 % of psychiatric inpatients within a forensic service,2014,49,4,391-392,Every-Palmer Psychiatric admissions fall following the Christchurch earthquakes: an audit of inpatient data,2014,49,4,346-350,Beaglehole Improving access to primary mental healthcare for Indigenous Australians,2014,49,2,118-128,Pirkis Characteristics of antidepressant medication users in a cohort of mid-age and older Australians,2014,49,3,275-290,Rodgers Suicide prevention: let's start at the very beginning,2015,49,1,16-17,Dignam Mental illness and housing outcomes among a sample of homeless men in an Australian urban centre,2014,49,5,471-480,Conroy Postpartum psychosis: a valuable misnomer,2014,49,2,102-103,Munk-Olsen Psychotic disorders in DSM-5: a paradigm shift?,2014,49,3,291-292,Kumari Could modafinil be a drug of dependence?,2015,49,5,485-486,Bastiampillai Treatment of postnatal depression with cognitive behavioural therapy sertraline and combination therapy: A randomised controlled trial,2015,49,3,236-245,Milgrom The association between use of antidepressants and bone quality using quantitative heel ultrasound,2015,49,5,437-443,Koivumaa-Honkanen The role of anger and ongoing stressors in mental health following a natural disaster,2015,49,8,706-713,Gibbs Psychiatric diagnosis: nominalism versus realism,2015,49,5,488,d'Abrera Non-pharmacological strategies for treatment of inpatient depression,2015,49,3,215-226,Beaglehole Brief psychotic disorder and suicidal behavior,2015,49,6,578,Sher Tea consumption and the risk of depression: a meta-analysis of observational studies,2015,49,4,334-345,Gong A systematic review: identifying the prevalence rates of psychiatric disorder in Australia's Indigenous populations,2015,49,5,412-429,Kisely Personality characteristics in childhood and outcomes in adulthood: findings from a 30 year longitudinal study,2015,49,4,377-386,Mulder Cyclical suicidal ideation following natalizumab infusion for multiple sclerosis,2015,49,7,668-669,Bastiampillai Suicide-related internet use: a review,2015,49,8,697-705,Jorm The prevalence and correlates of chronic pain and suicidality in a nationally representative sample,2015,49,9,803-811,Degenhardt Is Australia in the post-traumatic stress disorder petri dish?,2015,49,4,315-316,O'donnell Chronic disease health risk behaviours amongst people with a mental illness,2015,49,8,731-741,Bowman Child developmental outcomes in preschool children following antidepressant exposure in pregnancy,2015,49,7,642-650,Lewis A failed experiment: substitution of acute inpatient beds by sub-acute community residential beds in South Australia,2015,49,6,579-580,Dhillon The prevalence and correlates of childhood trauma in patients with early psychosis,2015,49,7,651-659,Hides Un-rapping teen spirit: use of rap music as a treatment tool in adolescence psychiatry,2015,49,7,670,Suetani The aftermath of the Bougainville Crisis: mental health and psychosocial impacts and the need for services,2015,49,5,481-482,Bolton Benzodiazepine use and aggressive behaviour,2015,49,7,661-662,Dervaux A cross-validation trial of an internet-based prevention program for alcohol and cannabis: preliminary results from a cluster randomised controlled trial,2015,50,1,64-73,Teesson The counterintuitive effect of a disaster: the need for a long-term perspective,2015,49,4,313-314,McFarlane Males' mental health disadvantage: An estimation of gender-specific changes in service utilisation for mental and substance use disorders in Australia,2015,49,9,821-832,Pirkis The paradoxes of doubting in obsessive-compulsive disorder,2015,50,1,19-20,Starcevic Portrayal of violent male psychiatric patients by entertainment media and the stigma of psychiatric illness,2015,49,9,849,Sher Gender differences in depressive symptom profiles and patterns of psychotropic drug usage in Asian patients with depression: Findings from the Research on Asian Psychotropic Prescription Patterns for Antidepressants study,2015,49,9,833-841,Shinfuku Response to 'benzodiazepine use and aggressive behaviour',2015,49,7,664,Staiger Harassment stalking threats and attacks targeting New Zealand politicians: a mental health issue,2015,49,7,634-641,Barry-Walsh Violence risk assessment in psychiatric patients in China: a systematic review,2015,50,1,33-45,Fazel Changes in cortical N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors and post-synaptic density protein 95 in schizophrenia mood disorders and suicide,2015,50,3,275-283,Uezato Childhood predictors of lifetime suicide attempts and non-suicidal self-injury in depressed adults,2015,50,2,135-144,Mulder Developmental typologies of serious mental illness and violence: evidence from a forensic psychiatric setting,2015,49,11,1048-1059,Penney Why have Australian suicide rates decreased?,2015,50,1,13-15,Snowdon The impact of the Canterbury earthquakes on prescribing for mental health,2015,49,8,742-750,Beaglehole A review of factors associated with greater likelihood of suicide attempts and suicide deaths in bipolar disorder: Part II of a report of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders Task Force on Suicide in Bipolar Disorder,2015,49,11,1006-1020,Goldstein Suicide prevention: the role of the psychiatrist,2015,50,1,95-96,Goldney Personality disorders and the DSM-5: scientific and extra-scientific factors in the maintenance of the status quo,2015,50,2,119-127,Moskowitz Epidemiology neurobiology and pharmacological interventions related to suicide deaths and suicide attempts in bipolar disorder: Part I of a report of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders Task Force on Suicide in Bipolar Disorder,2015,49,9,785-802,Goldstein Tobacco and psychosis: not quite a smoking gun,2015,49,10,859-860,Maccabe Neural substrates of risky decision making in individuals with Internet addiction,2015,49,10,923-932,Sohn Deep brain stimulation for depression: scientific issues and future directions,2015,49,11,967-978,Mosley Association of different forms of bullying victimisation with adolescents' psychological distress and reduced emotional wellbeing,2015,50,4,371-379,Kelly Prevalence and risk factors for violent behavior in young people presenting with first-episode psychosis in Hong Kong: a 3-year follow-up study,2015,49,10,914-922,Chang Preventing suicide requires more attention on technology-based crisis support services,2015,50,2,181,Wilson A transdisciplinary approach to adolescent forensic mental health,2004,38,9,746-752,Martin Anger and disaster management,2015,50,9,924,Brown The mental health of fire-fighters: an examination of the impact of repeated trauma exposure,2015,50,7,649-658,Harvey Self-harm: prevalence estimates from the second Australian Child and Adolescent Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing,2015,50,9,911-921,Lawrence Suicidal ideation suicide attempts and non-suicidal self-injury among lesbian gay bisexual and heterosexual adults: findings from an Australian national study,2015,50,2,145-153,Page Exploring the validity of the Fantastic Lifestyle Checklist in an inner city population of people presenting with suicidal behaviours,2015,50,2,128-134,Reddy Cognitive remediation for depressed inpatients: results of a pilot randomized controlled trial,2016,50,1,46-55,Gallhofer Why it's important for it to stop: examining the mental health correlates of bullying and ill-treatment at work in a cohort study,2015,50,11,1085-1095,Leach Best strategies for reducing the suicide rate in Australia,2015,50,2,115-118,Krysinska Prospective rates of suicide attempts and nonsuicidal self-injury by young people with bipolar disorder participating in a psychotherapy study,2015,50,2,167-173,Luty Preventing suicide by a systems approach,2016,50,2,174-175,Leeder Synergistic effects of multi-level suicide preventive interventions: important but difficult to disentangle,2016,50,2,178-179,Hegerl Improving access to treatment for mental health problems as a major component of suicide prevention strategy,2016,50,2,176-178,Cipriani The population-level effectiveness of suicide prevention strategies that might be used in a systems-based approach,2016,50,2,179-180,Pirkis Building an evidence base for national suicide prevention strategies,2016,50,2,175-176,Schaffer Suicidal behaviours: prevalence estimates from the second Australian Child and Adolescent Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing,2016,50,9,899-910,Lawrence Risk factors for repetition of a deliberate self-harm episode within seven days in adolescents and young adults: a population-level record linkage study in Western Australia,2016,50,2,154-166,Hu A month for reflecting on suicide prevention,2016,50,2,109-110,Jorm Attachment style and interpersonal trauma in refugees,2016,50,12,1161-1168,Nickerson The treatment of suicidality in adolescents by psychosocial interventions for depression: a systematic literature review,2016,50,8,726-740,Lewis Understanding women who self-harm: predictors and long-term outcomes in a longitudinal community sample,2016,51,2,151-160,Jones Depression or personality disorder: autopsy of a mass-homicide,2016,50,9,926,Aloosh Self-harm following release from prison: a prospective data linkage study,2016,51,3,250-259,Kinner Best strategies for reducing the suicide rate in Australia: response to Pirkis,2016,50,4,386,Krysinska Association between childhood dimensions of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and adulthood clinical severity of bipolar disorders,2016,51,4,382-392,Scott Preventing violence in schizophrenia: why do delusional familiarity disorders remain so unfamiliar?,2016,50,12,1209,Thomas Dexamphetamine and the faltering war against depression and suicide,2016,50,11,1112,Horgan Workplace bullying in australia: recruiting ethical leaders is an important public health measure,2016,50,11,1104-1105,Allison A rise in Australian suicide? A reflection on the 2016 cause of death statistics,2016,51,1,99-100,Page Trajectories of major depression disorders: a systematic review of longitudinal neuroimaging findings,2016,51,5,441-454,Dannlowski The long-term co-occurrence of psychiatric illness and behavioral problems following child sexual abuse,2016,51,6,604-613,Mullen Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists clinical practice guideline for the management of deliberate self-harm,2016,50,10,939-1000,Carter Male suicide as a gendered phenomenon: implications for telephone crisis support,2016,51,6,640,Wilson The impact of potentially traumatic events on the mental health of males who have served in the military: findings from the Australian National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing,2016,51,7,693-702,Varker The first 30 months of the MindSpot Clinic: evaluation of a national e-mental health service against project objectives,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Andersson Australia's economic transition unemployment suicide and mental health needs,2016,51,2,119-123,Large Community mental health care after self-harm: a retrospective cohort study,2016,51,7,727-735,Pirkis Why do stimulants not work in typical depression?,2016,51,1,20-22,Hegerl Psychosocial recovery following community disasters: an international collaboration,2016,51,7,660-662,Bryant Lithium suicide prevention and unipolar depression?,2016,51,8,844,Allison Responding to challenges for people with psychotic illness: updated evidence from the Survey of High Impact Psychosis,2016,51,2,124-140,McGorry Sleep problems and suicide associated with mood instability in the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2007,2017,51,8,822-828,Geddes The Journal's concerns about suicide,2017,51,3,210-211,Snowdon Suicide hurts people,2017,51,4,406-407,Pridmore Suicide in 19th-century Australian fiction,2017,51,10,1058-1059,Pridmore Bullying and mental health and suicidal behaviour among 14- to 15-year-olds in a representative sample of Australian children,2017,51,9,897-908,Priest Suicidal behaviour in Indigenous compared to non-Indigenous males in urban and regional Australia: prevalence data suggest disparities increase across age groups,2017,51,12,1240-1248,Jorm Farm suicides in New Zealand 2007-2015: a review of coroners' records,2018,52,1,78-86,Beautrais Depressive symptom trajectories in late adolescence and early adulthood: a systematic review,2017,51,5,477-499,Baune Prevalence and correlates of bullying victimisation and perpetration in a nationally representative sample of Australian youth,2017,51,9,909-920,Lawrence Exposure to suicide behaviour and individual risk of self-harm: findings from a nationally representative New Zealand high school survey,2018,52,4,349-356,Fortune A controlled trial of trauma-focused therapy versus problem-solving in Islamic children affected by civil conflict and disaster in Aceh Indonesia,2018,52,3,253-261,Steel Longitudinal study of changing psychological outcomes following the Victorian Black Saturday bushfires,2018,52,6,542-551,Gibbs Striving for balance between participation and protection in research involving prison populations,2017,51,10,974-976,Spencer An evaluation of Health of the Nation Outcome Scales data to inform psychiatric morbidity following the Canterbury earthquakes,2017,51,11,1098-1105,Mulder Psychotropic pharmacogenetics - distraction or destiny?,2017,51,7,665-667,Malhi The role of peri-traumatic stress and disruption distress in predicting symptoms of major depression following exposure to a natural disaster,2017,51,7,711-718,Mulder Self-harm hospitalised morbidity and mortality risk using a matched population-based cohort design,2018,52,3,262-270,Mitchell Increased risk of attempted suicide in Australian veterans is associated with total and permanent incapacitation unemployment and posttraumatic stress disorder severity,2018,52,6,552-560,Kerr Longitudinal risk factors for suicidal thoughts in depressed and non-depressed young adolescents,2017,51,9,930-937,Pan Should the recently reported increase in Australian suicide rates alarm us?,2017,51,8,766-769,Snowdon Co-ingested alcohol and the timing of deliberate self-poisonings,2018,52,3,271-278,Buckley A caution for suicide prevention focused on help-seeking in young people,2017,51,12,1255,Wilson Zimelidine in chronic suicidal behaviour,1982,16,4,296-297,O'Connor Neuropsychology and emotion processing in violent individuals with antisocial personality disorder or schizophrenia: the same or different? A systematic review and meta-analysis,2017,51,12,1178-1197,Kumari Trauma characteristics post-traumatic symptoms psychiatric disorders and suicidal behaviours: results from the 2007 Australian National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing,2017,51,11,1142-1151,Slade A three-decade repeated cross-sectional survey on mental health of the Chinese Jino minority,2017,51,11,1134-1141,Li Research into Australian emergency services personnel mental health and wellbeing: an evidence map,2018,52,2,129-148,Bryant Psychological distress and unmet mental health needs among urban taxi drivers: a cross-sectional survey,2018,52,5,473-482,Fletcher Static metrics of impact for a dynamic problem: the need for smarter tools to guide suicide prevention planning and investment,2018,52,7,660-667,Page Cortical surface area reduction in identification of subjects at high risk for post-traumatic stress disorder: a pilot study,2018,52,11,1084-1091,Xiao More action needed: psychotropic prescribing in Australian residential aged care,2019,53,2,136-147,Peterson Cumulative childhood interpersonal trauma is associated with reduced cortical differentiation between threat and non-threat faces in posttraumatic stress disorder adults,2019,53,1,48-58,Bryant Violent offending in schizophrenia spectrum disorders preceding and following diagnosis,2018,52,8,782-792,Luebbers Subtypes of suicidal ideation in Korean adolescents: a multilevel latent profile analysis,2019,53,2,158-167,Hong A decision support tool to inform local suicide prevention activity in Greater Western Sydney (Australia),2018,52,10,983-993,Page Cognitive and educational outcomes of maltreated and non-maltreated youth: a birth cohort study,2019,53,3,248-255,Najman Effective suicide prevention: where is the discussion on alcohol?,2018,52,6,507-508,Lubman Earthquake brain: impairment of spatial memory following long-term earthquake-related stress,2019,53,1,37-47,Carter Australia's 'Better Access' scheme: has it had an impact on population mental health?,2018,52,11,1057-1062,Jorm Intensive suicide prevention: provide intensive contact and start 2 antidepressants,2018,52,11,1023-1025,Malhi Direct and indirect psychological impacts of shark-bite events,2019,53,1,27-36,Korner Starting two antidepressants to prevent suicide: a potentially dangerous recommendation?,2019,53,1,82-83,Ploderl Is the reported increase in young female hospital-treated intentional self-harm real or artefactual?,2019,53,7,663-672,Page Endogenous cannabinoids and suicide,2019,53,3,263-264,Sher The need for smarter tools to guide suicide prevention,2019,53,4,369-370,Pridmore Association between nonmedical use of opioids or sedatives and suicidal behavior among Chinese adolescents: an analysis of sex differences,2019,53,6,559-569,Lu The impact of strengthening mental health services to prevent suicidal behaviour,2019,53,7,642-650,Page Is it time to employ Rose's Theorem to prevent suicide?,2019,53,5,381,Sher Pharmacotherapy to reduce violent offending? Offenders might be interested,2019,53,7,697-698,Schofield A different kind of gut-brain connection: Can lessons learned from reduction of colon cancer deaths guide enhanced suicide prevention?,2019,53,6,583-584,Schaffer Lack of impact of past efforts to prevent suicide in Australia: please explain,2019,53,5,379-380,Jorm Get angry or get even: finding balance in the discussion of masculinity and mental health,2019,ePub,ePub,4867419844321,Rice Media depictions of possible suicide contagion among celebrities: a cause for concern and potential opportunities for prevention,2019,53,8,735-738,Niederkrotenthaler Externalizing and internalizing symptoms in childhood and adolescence and the risk of alcohol use disorders in young adulthood: a meta-analysis of longitudinal studies,2019,ePub,ePub,4867419844308,Alati Prevalence of traditional bullying and cyberbullying among children and adolescents in Australia: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2019,ePub,ePub,4867419846393,Scott Lifeline caller response times and suicide prevention,2019,ePub,ePub,4867419850312,Watson The capacity to consent to sex in mental health inpatient units,2019,ePub,ePub,4867419850320,Maylea The role of dissociation and abuse among adolescents who self-harm,2019,ePub,ePub,4867419851869,Chen Traumatic imagery following glucocorticoid administration in earthquake-related post-traumatic stress disorder: a preliminary functional magnetic resonance imaging study,2019,ePub,ePub,4867419851860,Bisson History of abuse and neglect and their associations with mental health in rescued child labourers in Nepal,2019,ePub,ePub,4867419853882,Kumari The Sydney Lindt café siege: the role of the consultant psychiatrist,2019,ePub,ePub,4867419853886,Scott The utility of artificial intelligence in suicide risk prediction and the management of suicidal behaviors,2019,ePub,ePub,4867419864428,Kennedy Suicide prevention [letter],2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rosenman Suicide: reframing the problem from the perspective of Durkheim,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pridmore Suicide and sudden death bereavement in Australia: a longitudinal study of family members over 2 years after death,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kolves Pharmacotherapy for incarcerated people with a history of violence: response to commentary by Schofield et al,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Young Teen mental health first aid as a school-based intervention for improving peer support of adolescents at risk of suicide: outcomes from a cluster randomised crossover trial,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jorm Ketamine for suicidal ideation in adults with psychiatric disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis of treatment trials,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Grunebaum Suicides in Australia following media reports of the death of Robin Williams,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pirkis A tale of two cities: suicide rates in Sydney and Melbourne are consistently lower than the rest of Australia,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Allison What the highest rated movie of all time may teach us about portraying suicide in film,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Niederkrotenthaler Response to: Media depictions of possible suicide contagion among celebrities: A cause for concern and potential opportunities for prevention - the role of grief,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,O'Connor Why are Australia's suicide rates returning to the hundred-year average despite suicide prevention initiatives? Reframing the problem from the perspective of Durkheim,2020,54,1,12-14,Allison Attempting suicide changes the brain?,2020,54,1,7-9,Malhi Healthcare utilization psychiatric medication and risk of rehospitalization in suicide-attempting patients with common mental disorders,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Niederkrotenthaler Hospital-treated deliberate self-poisoning in the older adult: Identifying specific clinical assessment needs,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Carter Mental health during and after protests riots and revolutions: a systematic review,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Galea Can suicide ever be rational?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Seneviratne Childhood maltreatment and its mental health consequences among Indian adolescents with a history of child work,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kumari Challenges in detecting and treating depression and a glimmer of hope in suicide prevention,2020,54,4,341-343,Boyce An infectious disease epidemic and resilience to suicide,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sher Inconvenient truths in suicide prevention: why a Restorative Just Culture should be implemented alongside a Zero Suicide Framework,2020,ePub,ePub,4867420918659,Sveticic Locations for noninvasive brain stimulation in treating depressive disorders: a combination of meta-analysis and resting-state functional connectivity analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kong High prevalence of health and social risk behaviours among men experiencing suicidal thoughts and behaviour: the imperative to undertake holistic assessments,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Caine The use of stimulants in depression: results from a self-controlled register study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nielsen Developing best practice guidelines for the psychosocial assessment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people presenting to hospital with self-harm and suicidal thoughts,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Armstrong Suicide prevention: time to change the paradigm,2020,54,6,559-560,Mulder What would cardiology do? Lessons from other medical specialties should help guide suicide prevention research,2020,54,6,568-570,Schaffer Lack of impact of past efforts to prevent suicide in Australia: a proposed explanation,2020,54,6,566-567,Jorm Fire disease and fear: effects of the media coverage of 2019-2020 Australian bushfires and novel coronavirus 2019 on population mental health,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Allison COVID-19 and suicides: the urban poor in Bangladesh,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Monjur Systems modelling and simulation to inform strategic decision making for suicide prevention in rural New South Wales (Australia),2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pirkis A randomised trial of dialectical behaviour therapy and the conversational model for the treatment of borderline personality disorder with recent suicidal and/or non-suicidal self-injury: an effectiveness study in an australian public mental health service,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lewin Is suicidal behaviour a stronger predictor of later suicide than suicidal ideation? A systematic review and meta-analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,McHugh Prevalence and predictors of suicidal thoughts and behaviours among Australian police and emergency services employees,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,LaMontagne Opioids testosterone and suicide,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sher Assessing risks of violent extremism in depressive disorders: developing and validating a new measure of sympathies for violent protest and terrorism,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bhui The need to prevent suicide by hanging in Australia,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Large A case of tramadol-induced psychosis on a background of mixed substance use resulting in serious violence,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Carroll Suicide ideation versus suicide attempt: examining overlapping and differential determinants in a large cohort of patients with depression and/or anxiety,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Eikelenboom Suicide in school-age students: a need for psychoeducation and further study,2020,54,9,863-866,Malhi Bushfires COVID-19 and the urgent need for an Australian Task Force on gender mental health and disaster,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rees The impact of torture on interpersonal threat and reward neurocircuitry,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Malhi Determinants of treatment disengagement among those at risk of suicide referred to primary mental health care services in Western Sydney Australia,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Page Characterization of depressed bipolar patients with current suicidal ideation,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Courtet Substance use disorders and violent behaviour in patients with severe mental disorders: a prospective multicentre study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,de Girolamo The association between lithium in drinking water and neuropsychiatric outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis from across 2678 regions containing 113 million,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kisely Prospective study of association of characteristics of hotline psychological intervention in 778 high-risk callers with subsequent suicidal act,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Conner The association between Twitter content and suicide,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pirkis The dynamic course of psychological outcomes following the Victorian Black Saturday bushfires,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gibbs Implementing a systems approach to suicide prevention in a mental health service using the Zero Suicide Framework,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sveticic Memes fears and suicide,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mitra Suicide mortality in the United States following the suicides of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Voracek Using the 'presenting problem' field in emergency department data improves the enumeration of intentional self-harm in NSW hospital settings,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pirkis Incarceration among adults living with psychosis in Indigenous populations in Cape York and the Torres Strait,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hunter Multimorbidity and vulnerability among those living with psychosis in Indigenous populations in Cape York and the Torres Strait,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hunter The Zero Suicide Framework requires adaptation to include older adults,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wand Use of methylphenidate and the incidence of intentional self-harm or suicide attempts among individuals with schizophrenia bipolar disorder and personality disorder,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nielsen Learning from previous disasters: potential pitfalls of epidemiological psychosocial research in the COVID-19 environment,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Porter Trajectories of change in depression symptoms and suicidal ideation over the course of evidence-based treatment for depression: secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial of cognitive behavioural therapy plus fluoxetine in young people,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hetrick Physical diseases and elderly suicide in rural China: a case-control psychological autopsy study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jia Suicide and suicidality in contemporary serving and ex-serving Australian Defence Force personnel,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Van Hooff Fatal poisonings involving clozapine: a 16-year review of Australian coronial investigations,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Procter Suicide prevention: emergency departments are crucial for surveillance of self-harm and suicide-related behaviours,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Eagar Suicide crisis calls to emergency services: cohort profile and findings from a data linkage study in Queensland Australia,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Waterson Hospital-treated deliberate self-poisoning patients: drug-induced delirium and clinical outcomes,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lewin Changing trends in quality of media reporting of suicide in the community following a celebrity suicide in India,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Menon Comparison of accredited person and medical officer discharge decisions under the Mental Health Act of NSW: a cohort study of deliberate self-poisoning patients,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lewin Commentary on Jorm and Kitchener 2020: rising Australian youth suicide rates despite headspace and Better Access,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kisely A call to implement a multi-systems approach to suicide prevention in the justice system,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Torok 'Wasn't offered one too poorly to ask for one' - reasons why some patients do not receive a psychosocial assessment following self-harm: qualitative patient and carer survey,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Webb Zero Suicide requires a radical reimagining of inpatient care,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Large Effect of suicide prevention law and media guidelines on copycat suicide of general population following celebrity suicides in South Korea 2005-2017,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jeon A Delphi study to identify intervention priorities to prevent the occurrence and reduce the impact of adverse childhood experiences,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jorm How do lipids influence risk of violence self-harm and suicidality in people with psychosis? A systematic review,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kumari Validation of a Dari translation of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale among women of refugee background at a public antenatal clinic,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fazel Sexual violence within mental health units: the forgotten fight?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vaiva Characteristics and treatment outcome of suicidal depression: two large naturalistic cohorts of depressed outpatients,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Courtet Suicide mortality after a nonfatal suicide attempt: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vaiva Psychological distress loneliness alcohol use and suicidality in New Zealanders with mental illness during a strict COVID-19 lockdown,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stanley Association between COVID-19 and inpatient self-harm,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hooke Deliberate self-harm masquerading as psychogenic purpura: the dangers of misdiagnosis and imperative for psychiatric assessment,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gillies Rates of homicide and homicide associated with severe mental illness in NSW between 1993 and 2016,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dean Aftermath of anti-police protests in Nigeria: burden and predictors of psychiatric morbidity among protesters and non-protesters,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bello Comorbidity between mood and substance-related disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Degenhardt Intentional self-harm in culturally and linguistically diverse communities: a study of hospital admissions in Victoria Australia,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Clapperton The association between alcohol use disorder and suicidal ideation in a New Zealand birth cohort,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Beautrais Homicide associated with psychotic illness: What global temporal trends tell us about the association between mental illness and violence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Penney Emergency department visits for self-harm in adolescents after release of the Netflix series '13 Reasons Why',2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schaffer Socio-demographic development and burden of mental substance use disorders and self-harm: an ecological analysis using the Global Burden of Disease study 2019,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Barbalat The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on hospital-treated self-harm in Sydney (Australia),2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Page A systematic review of evidence-based aftercare for older adults following self-harm,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Peisah Thoughts of suicide or self-harm among Australian healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bismark Growth in emergency department self-harm or suicidal ideation presentations in young people: comparing trends before and since the COVID-19 first wave in New South Wales Australia,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Perkes Correlates of suicidality in young people with depressive disorders: a systematic review,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Moller Genomics-driven screening for causal determinants of suicide attempt,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Batterham Mental health symptoms in children and adolescents during COVID-19 in Australia,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cobham Trends in calls to a state poisons centre and presentation to emergency departments for intentional antidepressant overdose in Victoria Australia,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wong Mental health service utilisation and reoffending in offenders with a diagnosis of psychosis receiving non-custodial sentences: a 14-year follow-up study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Grant Suicides in Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people following hospital admission for suicidal ideation and self-harm: a retrospective cohort data linkage study from the Northern Territory,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Borschmann Suicide crises among women and mothers during and around the time of pregnancy: prevalence and timing of initial contact with first responders and health services,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Waterson The prevalence of self-reported mental illness among those imprisoned in New South Wales across three health surveys from 2001 to 2015,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dean Self-harm and suicide attempts among incarcerated lesbian gay and bisexual people in Australia,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kinner Suicide risk assessments: why are we still relying on these a decade after the evidence showed they perform poorly?,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hetrick Police ambulance and psychiatric co-response versus usual care for mental health and suicide emergency callouts: a quasi-experimental study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kuehl Societal factors and psychological distress indicators associated with the recent rise in youth suicide in Taiwan: a time trend analysis,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gunnell Suicide mortality after suicide attempt,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Large The evolution of charcoal-burning suicide: a systematic scoping review,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yip Is the narrative the message? 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