Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Gender-related changes in suicide rates and methods in Eastern Finland from 1988 to 1997,2004,58,4,327-332,Pesonen Reasons For Living: translation psychometric evaluation and relationships to suicidal behaviour in a Swedish random sample,2004,58,4,277-285,Dobrov Post-traumatic stress disorder among asylum seekers and refugees in Istanbul may be predicted by torture and loss due to violence,2013,67,3,219-224,Bosgelmez Suicide-preventive activities in psychiatric care: Evaluation of an educational program in suicide prevention,2004,58,5,389-394,Inga-Lill Chronic alcohol problems among suicide attempters--post-mortem findings of a 14-year follow-up,2005,59,1,45-50,Suokas Suicide attempts and life events 5-9 years after referral for emergency psychiatric outpatient treatment,2005,59,4,264-271,Skarbo Suicide and alcoholism,2005,59,2,154,Sher Relatives of psychiatric inpatients--do physical violence and suicide attempts of patients influence family burden and participation in care?,2005,59,1,7-11,Kjellin Time-trends in method-specific suicide rates compared with the availability of specific compounds. The Danish experience,2006,60,2,97-106,Nordentoft Risk factors of future suicide in suicide attempters - A comparison between suicides and matched survivors,2006,60,2,162-167,Holmstrand Brief checklists for assessing violence risk among patients discharged from acute psychiatric facilities: A preliminary study,2006,60,3,243-248,Hartvig Bullying in adolescence: Psychiatric problems in victims and bullies as measured by the Youth Self Report (YSR) and the Depression Self-Rating Scale (DSRS),2005,59,5,365-373,Ivarsson Suicide aggregation in relation to socio-demographic variables and the suicide method in a general population: Assortative susceptibility,2005,59,5,325-330,Chotai Suicide in borderline personality disorder: A meta-analysis,2005,59,5,319-324,Tatarelli The relationship of suicide attempt history with childhood abuse and neglect alexithymia and temperament and character dimensions of personality in substance dependents,2006,60,4,263-269,Evren Alcohol problems mental disorder and mental health among suicide attempters 5-9 years after treatment by child and adolescent outpatient psychiatry,2006,60,5,351-358,Rosenvinge Suicide in young people under 15 years: problems of classification,2003,57,6,411-417,Grøholt Traumatic injuries of children and adolescents--are they associated with psychiatric contacts?,2003,57,5,345-350,Moilanen Suicidal ideation and behavior in children's homes,2003,57,2,131-137,Sourander Self-poisonings with drugs by adolescents in the Lund catchment area,2001,55,5,325-328,Alsen Parasuicides without follow-up,2001,55,5,319-323,Runeson Suicide attempts and serious suicide threats in the city of Riga and resulting contacts with medical services,2001,55,4,279-286,Jacobsson Suicide and suicide attempts in adolescent-onset psychotic disorders,2004,58,2,115-123,von Knorring Parasuicide online: Can suicide websites trigger suicidal behaviour in predisposed adolescents?,2004,58,2,111-114,Becker Acute psychological reactions in assault victims of non-domestic violence: Peritraumatic dissociation post-traumatic stress disorder anxiety and depression,2006,60,6,452-462,Hanestad Evaluation of the Perception of Aggression Scale (POAS) in Swedish nurses,2006,60,6,447-451,Palmstierna Suicidal intent and psychiatric symptoms among inpatient suicide attempters,2007,61,1,27-32,Nimeus Risky use and misuse of alcohol drugs and cigarettes detected by screening questionnaires in a clinical psychosis unit,2007,61,2,92-99,Ojehagen Women with a history of childhood sexual abuse. Long-term social and psychiatric aspects,2007,61,2,115-120,Kristensen Does acute stress disorder predict post-traumatic stress disorder in traffic accident victims? Analysis of a self-report inventory,2004,58,3,223-229,Schnyder Parent-child discrepancy in reporting children's post-traumatic stress reactions after a traffic accident,2003,57,5,339-344,Holen A psychiatric and social matched case series comparison of victims of criminal homicide and homicide perpetrators in Sweden,2007,61,6,427-432,Johansson Traumatic impact of a fire disaster on survivors - A 25-year follow-up of the 1978 hotel fire in Boras Sweden,2007,61,6,479-485,Jansson Disentangling dysthymia from major depressive disorder in suicide attempters' suicidality comorbidity and symptomatology,2008,62,1,25-31,Engstrom Psychological distress and attitudes of emergency personnel towards suicide attempters,2008,62,2,144-146,Suokas Testing the Finno-Ugrian Suicide Hypothesis: Geographic variation of elderly suicide rates across Europe,2008,62,4,302 - 308,Voracek Self-reported health functioning in Swedish alcohol-dependent individuals: Age and gender perspectives,2008,62,5,405 - 412,Berglund Subjective psychological well-being (WHO-5) in assessment of the severity of suicide attempt,2008,62,6,431 - 435,Wasserman Core features of suicide. Gender age alcohol and other putative risk factors in a low-incidence population,2008,,,1-6,Wang Preventing repetition of attempted suicide - I. Feasibility (acceptability adherence and effectiveness) of a Baerum-model like aftercare,2009,63,2,148 - 153,Hvid Suicidal behaviour among alcohol-dependent Danes attending outpatient treatment,2008,,,1-8,Grønbæk Suicide in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq state of the art,2009,63,4,280-284,Ahmad Psychosocial correlates of police-registered youth crime. A Finnish population-based study,2009,,,1-9,Parkkola A nested case-control study of the risk of suicide attempts after discharge from psychiatric care: the role of co-morbid substance use disorder,2009,63,2,132-139,Christiansen Outcome of a psychotherapeutic programme for patients with severe personality disorders,2008,62,6,450-456,Munk-Jorgensen Partial remission indicates poor functioning and a high level of psychiatric symptoms: a 3-phase 6-year follow-up study on major depression,2008,62,6,437-443,Haatainen Psychometric properties of the Swedish version of the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire-Short Form (CTQ-SF),2009,63,2,160-170,Allgulander A latent class analysis of adolescent adverse life events based on a Danish national youth probability sample,2008,62,3,218-224,Elklit Attitudes towards mental disorders and psychiatric treatment--changes over time in a Swedish population,2008,62,3,192-197,Sjolander Attitudes of general hospital emergency room personnel towards attempted suicide patients,2007,61,5,387-392,Suokas Cerebrospinal fluid monoamine metabolites and suicide,2007,61,3,233-234,Sher Trauma and dissociation among prisoners,2007,61,3,167-172,Akyuz Staff injuries after patient-staff incidences in psychiatric acute wards,2007,61,2,121-125,Linaker On treatment with eye movement desensitization and reprocessing of chronic post-traumatic stress disorder in public transportation workers--a randomized controlled trial,2007,61,1,54-61,Aberg-Wistedt Children's autobiographical reports about sexual abuse: A narrative review of the research literature,2009,,,1-8,Sjöberg Violence and psychiatry,2006,60,6,429,Karlsson Diagnosed and self-reported childhood abuse in national and regional samples of child and adolescent psychiatric patients: prevalences and correlates,2006,60,1,58-66,Reigstad Predictors of mental health and quality of life in male tortured refugees,2006,60,1,51-57,Mortensen Attempted suicide predicts suicide risk in schizophrenia spectrum psychosis,2010,64,1,68-72,Nordström Suicidal behavior and depression in adolescents with eating disorders,2010,64,1,32-39,Fennig Sexual revictimization in a clinical sample of women reporting childhood sexual abuse,2010,64,1,4-10,Kristensen Evidence of gender bias in legal insanity evaluations: a case vignette study of clinicians judges and students,2008,62,4,273-278,Svenson Suicidality among Norwegian youth: Review of research on risk factors and interventions,2010,64,5,317-326,Mehlum Determinants of attempted suicide in urban environment,2002,56,6,451-456,Lahelma Comparison of psychiatric inpatient suicides with suicides completed in the surrounding community,2002,56,5,335-338,Marusic Murder followed by suicide: Norwegian data and international literature,2010,64,6,397-401,Galta Tsunami-affected Scandinavian tourists: Disaster exposure and post-traumatic stress symptoms,2011,65,1,9-15,Mortensen Childhood life events and psychological symptoms in adult survivors of the 2004 tsunami,2010,64,4,245-252,Wahlström Substance abusing mothers in residential treatment with their babies: Postnatal psychiatric symptomatology and its association with mother-child relationship and later need for child protection actions,2011,65,1,65-73,Helenius Flunitrazepam intake in male offenders,2012,66,2,131-140,Edman The reasons for using restraint and seclusion in psychiatric inpatient care: A nationwide 15-year study,2010,64,2,136-144,Lönnqvist Ethical aspects when treating traumatized refugee children and their families,2004,58,3,193-198,Björn Long-term predictive validity of historical factors in two risk assessment instruments in a group of violent offenders with schizophrenia,2001,55,4,243-249,Tengstrom Substance use disorders among personality disordered patients admitted for day hospital treatment. Implications for service developments,2009,63,1,57-63,Karterud Cerebrospinal fluid monoamine metabolites and suicide,2009,63,4,276-279,Nordström Violence and threats of violence within psychiatric care--a comparison of staff and patient experience of the same incident,2004,58,5,363-369,Omérov Staff's attitudes to the use of restraint and seclusion in a Norwegian university psychiatric hospital,2003,57,6,453-459,Wynn Forensic psychiatric patients among immigrants in Denmark--diagnoses and criminality,2009,63,2,140-147,Gabrielsen Factor structure and individual patterns of DSM-IV conduct disorder criteria in adolescent psychiatric inpatients,2006,60,2,168-175,Janson Preventing repetition of attempted suicide-II. The Amager Project a randomized controlled trial,2011,65,5,292-298,Hvid Prevalences and correlates of sleep problems among adolescents in specialty mental health services and in the community: what differs?,2010,64,3,172-180,Sund Predicting lifetime mood elevation in primary care patients and psychiatric patients,2008,62,4,263-271,Koivisto Psychometric properties of the Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation: a Norwegian study with university students,2006,60,5,400-404,Chioqueta Sense of coherence among Finnish young men--a cross-sectional study at military call-up,2005,59,6,473-480,Multimaki Adolescent outpatients with depressive disorders: clinical characteristics and treatment received,2005,59,2,127-133,Marttunen The trends in modern psychiatry are complex,2003,57,6,403,von Knorring A new priority in psychiatry: focused services for adolescents,2003,57,1,37-43,Laukkanen Psychiatric emergency outreach: a report on the first 2 years of functioning in Copenhagen,2002,56,6,399-405,Nordentoft Suicide attempts and serious suicide threats in the city of Riga and resulting contacts with medical services,2001,55,4,279-286,Jacobsson Personality disorders in parasuicide,2001,55,3,163-167,Söderberg A 20-year study of an adolescent psychiatric clientele with special reference to the age of onset,2001,55,1,5-10,Aarkrog Registration psychiatric evaluation and adherence to psychiatric treatment after suicide attempt,2005,59,3,213-216,Nordentoft Exposure to teacher bullying in schools: A study of patients with personality disorders,2011,65,5,323-329,Monsvold Swedish validation of the Early Assessment Risk List for Boys (EARL-20B) a decision aid for use with children presenting with conduct-disordered behaviour,2006,60,6,438-446,Gumpert Mental disorders and DSM-IV paedophilia in 185 subjects convicted of sexual child abuse,2005,59,6,534-537,Carlstedt The prevalence of abuse in Swedish female psychiatric users the perpetrators and places where abuse occurred,2005,59,6,504-510,Lewin Callous-unemotional traits are associated with clinical severity in referred boys with conduct problems,2005,59,6,431-440,Långström Clinical neuropsychiatric symptoms in perpetrators of severe crimes against persons,2005,59,4,246-252,Söderström Anckarsäter Mental health services provided for physically abused children in Sweden. A 4-year follow-up of child and adolescent psychiatric charts,2005,59,3,179-185,Lindell Long-term social status and intimate relationship in women with childhood sexual abuse who got outpatient psychotherapy for anxiety disorder and depression,2005,59,1,31-38,Peleikis Evaluation of the Incredible Years Series - an open study of its effects when first introduced in Sweden,2007,61,2,143-151,Axberg Registered criminality and sanctioning of schizophrenia patients,2009,63,6,485-492,Joergensen Adolescents who consulted for substance misuse problems: Outcomes 1 year later,2010,64,3,189-195,Hodgins Trauma and the adolescent brain,2010,64,1,3,Karlsson Missing data in previously published article,2001,55,5,364,Agren Aggression in the general Swedish population measured with a new self-rating inventory: The Aggression Questionnaire--revised Swedish version (AQ-RSV),2001,55,1,17-23,Agren The influence of childhood sexual abuse factors on women's health,2004,58,5,395-401,Svedin Childhood sexual abuse. Women's health when starting in group therapy,2004,58,1,25-32,Svedin Family relations family climate and sexual abuse,2002,56,5,355-362,Back Sexually abused women after multimodal group therapy: a long-term follow-up study,2002,56,3,215-221,Sexton Incidents of violence in psychiatric inpatient care,2002,56,3,207-213,Omérov False claims of victimization: a historical illustration of a contemporary problem,2002,56,2,132-136,Sjöberg Attitudes towards mental disorders--still lots of work to do,2008,62,3,173,Karlsson Autism spectrum disorders in institutionalized subjects,2008,62,2,160-167,Nilsson Juvenile and adult problems in 20 forensic psychiatric rapists in Sweden,2003,57,6,429-435,Daderman Negative memories of childhood and current drug use,2003,57,4,303-308,Moen Refugee families during asylum seeking,2003,57,3,203-207,Sourander Comorbid alcohol addiction increases aggression level in soldiers with combat-related post-traumatic stress disorder,2003,57,3,199-202,Karlovic Psychiatric and psychological evidence in the Supreme Court of Iceland--2001 to 2007,2010,64,4,283-287,Gudjonsson Lifetime history of abuse suffering and psychological health,2010,64,4,227-232,Wijma PECC-Factor structure and findings in three longitudinal cohorts of patients with schizophrenia,2012,66,1,33-39,Lindström Suicides during 7 years among a catchment area cohort of patients with psychoses,2012,66,1,8-13,Lindström Maternal report on child outcome after a community-based program following intimate partner violence,2012,66,4,239-247,Broberg Alcohol use and psychiatric comorbid disorders predict deliberate self-harm behaviour and other suicidality among depressed adolescent outpatients in 1-year follow-up,2012,66,4,268-275,Tuisku Somatically expressed psychological distress and alexithymia in adolescence--reflecting unbearable emotions?,2001,55,6,387-393,Moilanen Depression drinking and substance use among 14- to 16-year-old Finnish adolescents,2001,55,5,351-357,Rimpelä The relation of parental practices and self-conceptions to young adolescent problem behaviors and substance use,2001,55,3,203-209,Raboteg-Sarić Ganser syndrome after solitary confinement in prison: a short review and a case report,2001,55,3,199-201,Andersen Course of depression: findings from cross-sectional survey in rural Udmurtia,2001,55,3,185-189,Pakriev Injury proneness and personality,2001,55,3,157-161,Gudjonsson Criminal recidivism and mortality among patients discharged from a forensic medium secure hospital,2012,66,4,283-289,Kjellin Suicidal and self-harm behaviour associated with adolescent attention deficit hyperactivity disorder-A study in the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1986,2012,66,5,320-328,Moilanen Prenatal substance use prenatal stress and offspring behavioural outcomes: Considerations for future studies,2012,66,2,115-122,Huizink Anxiety symptoms among children after the Wenchuan earthquake in China,2012,66,5,349-354,Li Suicide behavior in parents with alcohol abuse problems and suicide behavior in their offspring-Adult offspring and counselor perspectives,2012,66,5,343-348,Hesse The Norwegian version of the PTSD Checklist (PCL): Construct validity in a community sample of 2004 tsunami survivors,2012,66,5,355-359,Wentzel-Larsen Unfavorable health conditions associated with high social anxiety in the elderly: a community-based study,2013,67,1,30-37,Dahl Cognitive-behaviour group therapy for men voluntary seeking help for intimate partner violence,2012,66,5,360-365,Rasmussen The roles of knowledge and supervision in work with suicidal patients,2003,57,5,365-371,Wasserman The long-term stability of temperament traits measured after a suicide attempt. A 5-year follow-up of ratings of Karolinska Scales of Personality (KSP),2003,57,2,125-130,Träskman-Bendz Re Stig Söderberg's "Personality disorders in parasuicide" in the Nordic journal of psychiatry (2001;55:163-7),2002,56,1,67; author reply 67,Persson Three cases of angel's trumpet tea-induced psychosis in adolescent substance abusers,2002,56,1,49-52,Göpel Stress reactions in police officers after a disaster rescue operation,2002,56,1,7-14,Weisaeth Adolescents selling sex: Exposure to abuse mental health self-harm behaviour and the need for help and support-a study of a Swedish national sample,2013,67,2,81-88,Wadsby Association between insight cognitive insight positive symptoms and violence in patients with schizophrenia,2013,67,2,116-123,Ekinci Staff's perception of adolescent aggressive behaviour in four European forensic units: A qualitative interview study,2013,67,2,124-131,Kaltiala-Heino Bullying and victimization among 8-year-old children: A 16-year population-based time-trend study,2013,67,3,171-176,Sourander Prevalence comorbidity and stability of post-traumatic stress disorder and anxiety and depression symptoms after exposure to physical assault: An 8-year prospective longitudinal study,2013,67,1,69-80,Johansen Low verbal ability predicts later violence in adolescent boys with serious conduct problems,2013,67,5,289-297,Moilanen Impact of gender and age on attitudes towards mental illness in Sweden,2013,67,5,360-368,Lützen The prevalence of dyslexia and AD/HD in a sample of forensic psychiatric rapists,2004,58,5,371-381,Daderman Post-traumatic stress associated with low self-rated well-being in primary care attenders,2004,58,4,261-266,Håkansson Impact of multiple traumatic experiences on the persistence of depressive symptoms--a population-based study,2004,58,6,459-464,Haatainen Patients' evaluation of their psychiatric consultation after attempted suicide,2004,58,1,55-59,Suominen Suicide mortality trends in the Nordic countries 1980-2009,2013,67,6,414-423,Wasserman Suicide in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq state of the art (Corrected and republished),2013,67,2,140-144,Hanna Serious suicidal behaviors: Socio-demographic and clinical features in a multinational multicenter sample,2014,68,1,44-52,Wasserman After the flood: Resilience among tsunami-afflicted adolescents,2014,68,1,38-43,Lundin Clinical utility of proposed non-suicidal self-injury diagnosis-A pilot study,2014,68,1,66-71,Ramklint The impact of the Danish Medico-Legal Council on the choice between treatment and punishment for non-psychotic offenders,2014,68,3,213-218,Gabrielsen Trait-aggressiveness and impulsivity: Role of psychological resilience and childhood trauma in a sample of male prisoners,2014,68,1,8-17,Roy The AVI-R2: An inventory for a differentiated diagnosis of alcohol problems,2014,68,4,266-269,Berglund Suicides among military conscripts between 1991-2007 in Finland-A descriptive replication study,2014,68,4,270-274,Marttunen Previous forensic mental examination is a useful marker indicating effective violence relapse prevention among psychotic patients,2013,68,5,311-315,Tiihonen Bullying behaviour among Norwegian adolescents: Psychiatric diagnoses and school well-being in a clinical sample,2014,68,5,355-361,Undheim Non-suicidal self-harm behavior within the previous year among 10th-grade adolescents in Istanbul and related variables,2014,68,7,481-487,Evren Sensitivity and specificity of the Brøset Violence Checklist as predictor of violence in forensic psychiatry,2014,68,8,536-542,Sestoft The Brief Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (BOCS): A self-report scale for OCD and obsessive-compulsive related disorders,2014,68,8,549-559,Anckarsäter Development of a Swedish Comprehensive International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health (ICF) Core Set for adult patients with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD),2014,68,3,161-168,Söderström Risk factors and study designs used in research of youths' suicide behaviour-An epidemiological discussion with focus on level of evidence,2014,68,8,513-523,Christiansen Testosterone levels and clinical features of schizophrenia with emphasis on negative symptoms and aggression,2014,69,2,102-109,Jukić Validation of the Impulsive/Premeditated Aggression Scale in Mexican psychiatric patients,2014,69,5,397-402,Fresán Impact of physical injury on mental health after the 2004 Southeast Asia tsunami,2012,66,3,203-208,Lundin Acute stress among adolescents and female rape victims measured by ASC-Kids: a pilot study,2015,69,7,539-545,Lundin Alcohol use in young indigenous Sami in Sweden,2015,69,8,621-628,Omma Karolinska Scales of Personality cognition and psychotic symptoms in patients with schizophrenia and healthy controls,2015,70,1,53-61,Ekselius Is there an association between the level of grandiose narcissism severity of psychopathology?,2015,70,2,121-127,Dahl SSRIs and risk of suicide attempts in young people - a Danish observational register-based historical cohort study using propensity score,2015,70,3,167-175,Christiansen Prevalence and sociodemographic characteristics of self-reported suicidal behaviours in Latvia in 2010: a population-based study,2015,70,3,195-201,Rancāns Associations with violent and homicidal behaviour among men with schizophrenia,2015,70,4,303-308,Karabekiroglu Personality traits in established schizophrenia: aspects of usability and differences between patients and controls using the Swedish Universities Scales of Personality,2016,70,6,462-469,Gustavsson Preventing repetition of attempted suicide-III: the Amager Project 5-year follow-up of a randomized controlled trial,2016,70,7,547-553,Hvid Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis hyperactivity is associated with decreased brain-derived neurotrophic factor in female suicide attempters,2016,70,8,575-581,Westrin Self-harm as a risk factor for inpatient aggression among women admitted to forensic psychiatric care,2016,70,7,554-560,Selenius Is there a complex relation between social anxiety disorder childhood traumatic experiences and dissociation?,2016,71,1,55-60,Belli Fire-setting performed in adolescence or early adulthood predicts schizophrenia: a register-based follow-up study of pre-trial offenders,2016,71,2,96-101,Tiihonen Mentally disordered offenders in Sweden: differentiating recidivists from non-recidivists in a 10-year follow-up study,2016,71,2,102-109,Nilsson Experiences of self-injury and aggression among women admitted to forensic psychiatric care,2017,71,4,304-311,Selenius Psychosocial risk factors and treatment of new onset and recurrent depression during the post-partum period,2017,71,5,355-361,Hintikka Risk of violence among patients in psychiatric treatment: results from a national census,2017,71,8,551-560,Ruud The influence of crisis resolution treatment on employment: a retrospective register-based comparative study,2017,71,8,581-588,Blæhr Severe clinical events in 100 patients with schizophrenia: a retrospective clinical description using a system-specific psychopathological approach,2018,72,1,1-8,Walther The association of measures of the serotonin system personality alcohol use and smoking with risk-taking traffic behavior in adolescents in a longitudinal study,2018,72,1,9-16,Eensoo Personality characteristics and individual factors associated with PTSD in firefighters one month after extended wildfires,2018,72,1,17-23,Theleritis Increased suicides during new year but not during Christmas in Sweden: analysis of cause of death data 2006-2015,2018,72,1,72-74,Hadlaczky Children exposed to a natural disaster: psychological consequences eight years after 2004 tsunami,2018,72,1,75-81,Schulman Suicidal ideation suicide attempts and psychological distress among intoxicated adolescents in the pediatric emergency department,2018,72,2,137-144,Aalto-Setälä Psychometric evaluation of the Swedish version of Rosenberg's self-esteem scale,2018,72,5,318-324,Bäckström Individuals' experiences with brief admission during the implementation of the brief admission skåne RCT a qualitative study,2018,72,5,380-386,Westling A review of factors associated with severe violence in schizophrenia,2018,72,8,561-571,Rund Sleep problems and mental health among young Norwegian adolescents,2018,72,8,578-585,Svendsen The clinical role of well-being therapy,2018,72,6,447-453,Guidi A study on the association of psychiatric diagnoses and childhood adversities with suicide risk,2019,73,2,125-131,Luutonen Inverse association between serum albumin and depressive symptoms among drug-free individuals with a recent suicide attempt,2019,73,4-5,229-232,Westling Assessing risk for inpatient physical violence in a female forensic psychiatric sample - comparing HCR-20v2 with the female additional manual to the HCR-20v2,2019,73,4-5,248-256,Selenius Differences in metacognitive beliefs among patients with bipolar disorder with or without previous suicide attempts,2019,ePub,ePub,1-8,Sahmelikoglu Onur Increased prevalence of psychopathy and childhood trauma in homicide offenders with schizophrenia compared to nonviolent individuals with schizophrenia,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lau Childhood traumas in euthymic bipolar disorder patients in Eastern Turkey and its relations with suicide risk and aggression,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ozdemir Alcohol habits in Sweden during 1997-2018: a repeated cross-sectional study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Källmén Psychopathy-associated personality traits influence crime-scene behavior in male homicide offenders,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kristiansson Help-seeking behavior among Danish veterans with self-reported mental problems - a 22 years register-based follow-up study,2019,ePub,ePub,1-9,Madsen The prevalence of childhood mental disorders in different habitations: are we underestimating their prevalence in rural areas?,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dursun ADHD symptoms in relation to internalizing and externalizing symptoms in children: the mediating role of sluggish cognitive tempo,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sevincok Childhood trauma stressful life events and suicidality in Danish psychiatric outpatients,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Teasdale Reduced awareness of surroundings is the most central domain in the network structure of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim Variability between psychiatrists on domains of the mental status examination,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Blaabjerg Psychiatric symptoms in traumatized Syrian refugee children settled in Hatay,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Günes Cannabis and alcohol: impact on simulated car driving,1971,25,4,350-356,Bech Revising the Self-Harm Antipathy Scale: validation among staff in psychiatric healthcare in Sweden,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Westling The treatment in the Danish suicide prevention clinics: a clinician perspective,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Erlangsen Serum nesfatin-1 ghrelin and lipid levels in adolescents with first episode drug naïve unipolar depression,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yaman Predictors of poor 6-week outcome in a cohort of major depressive disorder patients treated with antidepressant medication: the role of entrapment,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gilbert Antipsychotics as a method of suicide: population based follow-up study of suicide in Northern Finland,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hakko The road to diagnosis and treatment in girls and boys with ADHD - 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