Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Comparison of (USA) VA Health Care System intentional and unintentional deaths,2004,13,4,358-371,Barglow Suicide risk in depressed methadone-maintained patients: associations with clinical and demographic characteristics,2004,13,4,327-332,Carpenter The disabling nature of comorbid depression among older DUI recipients,1999,8,2,128-135,O'Brien Israel 2000: immigration and gender differences in alcohol consumption,2005,14,3,234-247,Schiff Clinical characteristics of individuals using an online alcohol evaluation program,2005,14,2,155-165,Lieberman Alcohol-related suicides in victims with a history of hospital-treated depression,2005,14,5,455-463,Hakko Lifetime Histories of Trauma among Pathological Gamblers,2006,15,1,35-43,Kausch Risk factors for suicide ideation and attempts among pathological gamblers,2006,15,4,303-310,Hodgins One-year follow-up study of suicide attempters treated for drug dependence,2006,15,4,293-296,Agosti Heroin Use among Youths Incarcerated for Illicit Drug Use: Psychosocial Environment Substance Use History Psychiatric Comorbidity and Route of Administration,2006,15,3,233-241,Chen Exposure to terrorism and Israeli youths' psychological distress and alcohol use: an exploratory study,2006,15,3,220-226,Benbenishty Readiness to Quit Cigarette Smoking Violence and Psychopathology among Arrested Domestically Violent Men,2006,15,3,256-257,Stuart Self-Harm and Suicidal Behavior in Women with Comorbid PTSD and Substance Dependence,2006,15,5,392-395,Harned Readiness to Quit Cigarette Smoking Intimate Partner Violence and Substance Abuse among Arrested Violent Women,2006,15,5,396-399,Stuart Cognitive behavioral treatment for suicidal alcohol abusing adolescents: development and pilot testing,2006,15,Suppl,126-130,Esposito-Smythers Suicidal Ideation among Adolescents with Alcohol Use Disorders during Treatment and Aftercare,2006,15,Suppl,43-49,Burke Adolescent self-selection of service formats: implications for secondary interventions targeting alcohol use,2006,15,,58-66,D'Amico Effects of motivational interviewing for incarcerated adolescents on driving under the influence after release,2006,15,Suppl 1,50-57,Barnett More severe violence exposure associated with poly-pharmaceutical use,2006,15,6,457-461,Cortina Development and Validation of the GAIN Short Screener (GSS) for Internalizing Externalizing and Substance Use Disorders and Crime/Violence Problems Among Adolescents and Adults,2006,15,,80-91,Chan A cognitive behavioral therapy for alcohol-dependent domestic violence offenders: an integrated substance abuse-domestic violence treatment approach (SADV),2007,16,1,24-31,Rounsaville Fathers who abuse drugs and their adolescent children: longitudinal predictors of adolescent aggression,2007,16,5,410-417,Brook Ethnic differences in the predictors of drug and alcohol abuse in hospitalized adolescents,2007,16,5,389-396,Grilo Differences in Early Onset Alcohol Use and Heavy Drinking among Persons with Childhood and Adulthood Trauma,2007,16,6,439-442,Waldrop The CAGE as a Measure of Hazardous Drinking in the Homeless,2007,16,6,475-478,Hesse Risk factors for suicide attempts in methamphetamine-dependent patients,2008,17,1,24-27,Ang Identifying methamphetamine users at risk for major depressive disorder: findings from the methamphetamine treatment project at three-year follow-up,2008,17,2,99-102,Ang Correlates of substance use among homeless youths in eight cities,2008,17,3,224-234,Boyle Suicidality in opioid-dependent subjects,2008,17,3,187-194,Staner Contingent reinforcement of personal goal activities for adolescents with substance use disorders during post-residential continuing care,2008,17,4,278-286,Petry Substance abuse and domestic violence interventions: the need for theoretical based research,2008,17,4,341-342,Lee Alcohol and Injury in the United States General Population: A Risk Function Analysis from the 2005 National Alcohol Survey,2009,18,1,29-35,Cherpitel The Violence Proneness Scale of the DUSI-R predicts adverse outcomes associated with substance abuse,2009,18,2,173-177,Reynolds Are women at greater risk? An examination of alcohol-related consequences and gender,2009,18,3,194-197,Carey Treatment challenges associated with comorbid substance use and posttraumatic stress disorder: clinicians' perspectives,2009,18,1,15-20,Back Significance of cigarette smoking among youths with bipolar disorder,2008,17,5,364-371,Keller Earlier violent television exposure and later drug dependence,2008,17,4,271-277,Brook Childhood sexual and physical abuse histories PTSD depression and HIV risk outcomes in women injection drug users: a potential mediating pathway,2007,16,6,431-438,Holmes Child neglect and oral health problems in offspring of substance-abusing fathers,2007,16,5,397-402,Cornelius Sexual abuse and the outcome of addiction treatment,2007,16,2,93-100,Charney Serotonin and suicidal behavior in patients with comorbid depression and alcoholism,2006,15,2,198,Sher Substance use disorder comorbidity in major depressive disorder: a confirmatory analysis of the STAR*D cohort,2006,15,4,278-285,Warden A simple risk scoring system for prediction of relapse after inpatient alcohol treatment,2009,18,6,488-493,Hesse Are medications that reduce risk of drinking or heavy drinking or that promote abstinence of value in the treatment of alcohol dependence?,2008,17,1,1-5,Gitlow Age at regular drinking clinical course and heritability of alcohol dependence in the San Francisco Family Study: a gender analysis,2010,19,2,101-110,Ehlers Effects of childhood physical abuse on course and severity of substance abuse,2001,10,2,101-110,Westermeyer Club drug use in Hispanic college students,2010,19,4,319-324,Cooper Suicide and alcoholism. Distinguishing alcoholic patients with and without comorbid drug abuse,1997,6,4,304-310,Conwell The link between substance abuse and posttraumatic stress disorder in women. A research review,1997,6,4,273-283,Najavits The Association of Trauma and PTSD with the Substance Use Profiles of Alcohol- and Cocaine-Dependent Out-of-Treatment Women,2010,19,6,490-495,Cottler The effect of cannabis compared with alcohol on driving,2009,18,3,185-193,Sewell Daily Telephone Monitoring Compared with Retrospective Recall of Alcohol Use among Patients in Early Recovery,2011,20,1,63-68,Kivlahan Compulsive Alcohol Use and Other High-Risk Behaviors among College Students,2011,20,1,14-20,Zisook Relationship of tobacco use to depressive disorders and suicidality among patients treated for alcohol dependence,2003,12,1,71-83,Patten Dialectical behavior therapy for patients with borderline personality disorder and drug-dependence,1999,8,4,279-292,Linehan Women and alcohol abuse in primary care. Identification and intervention,1997,6,3,183-192,Goetz Outcome of trauma patients after brief intervention by a substance abuse consultation service,1997,6,1,38-47,Soeken A comparison of substance use disorder severity and course in American Indian male and female veterans,2009,18,1,87-92,Thuras Opioid deaths in rural Virginia: a description of the high prevalence of accidental fatalities involving prescribed medications,2009,18,1,5-14,Wunsch Coerced childhood sexual abuse moderates the association between cigarette smoking initiation and college drug use frequency,2009,18,5,363-366,Klanecky Relationship between Multiple Forms of Maltreatment by a Parent or Guardian and Adolescent Alcohol Use,2009,18,3,226-234,Heeren Maternal cigarette smoking during pregnancy and child aggressive behavior,2006,15,6,450-456,Brook Cigarette smoking alcohol use and psychiatric functioning among women arrested for domestic violence,2005,14,2,188-190,Stuart The relationship between substance use disorders impulse control disorders and pathological aggression,1998,7,3,221-230,Brady Posttraumatic stress disorder and cocaine dependence. Order of onset,1998,7,2,128-135,Dansky Alcohol introxication and violent crime: implications for public health policy,2001,10,Suppl,70-85,Teplin Intimate partner violence dependence symptoms and social consequences from drinking among white black and Hispanic couples in the United States,2001,10,Suppl,S60-S69,Caetano The role of alcohol use in intimate partner femicide,2001,10,2,122-135,Campbell Cigarette smoking and substance use among men court-referred to domestic violence treatment programs,2004,13,3,319-320,Stuart Predictors of recovery following involuntary hospitalization of violent substance abuse patients,2003,12,1,84-89,André Relationship between platelet serotonin uptake sites and measures of impulsivity aggression and craving among African-American cocaine abusers,2003,12,5,432-447,Berrettini Abuse and violence history of men and women in treatment for methamphetamine dependence,2003,12,5,377-385,Balabis Neural activity related to anger in cocaine-dependent men: a possible link to violence and relapse,2000,9,4,331-339,Kilts Cocaine dependence with and without post-traumatic stress disorder: a comparison of substance use trauma history and psychiatric comorbidity,2000,9,1,51-62,Back Gender differences in mental health characteristics and gambling among African-American adolescent gamblers,2008,17,2,126-134,Storr Pathways from Adolescent Parent‐Child Conflict to Substance Use Disorders in the Fourth Decade of Life,2009,18,3,235-242,Cohen Transient Cocaine‐Associated Behavioral Symptoms Rated with a New Instrument the Scale for Assessment of Positive Symptoms for Cocaine‐Induced Psychosis (SAPS‐CIP),2009,18,5,339-345,Gelernter Exposure to alcohol commercials in movie theaters affects actual alcohol consumption in young adult high weekly drinkers: an experimental study,2011,20,3,285-291,Engels Hazardous drinking is associated with a lower risk of coronary heart disease: results from a national representative sample,2011,20,3,257-263,Le Strat Sexual Risk Behavior and Sex under the Influence: An Event Analysis of Men in Substance Abuse Treatment Who Have Sex with Women,2011,20,3,250-256,Hatch-Maillette Chronic methamphetamine psychosis after long-term abstinence in Japanese incarcerated patients,2011,20,3,240-249,Akiyama The Effects of Parental Diagnosis and Changing Family Norms on Alcohol Use and Related Problems among Urban American Indian Adolescents,2011,20,3,212-219,Swaim Alcohol Intoxication and Violent Crime: Implications for Public Health Policy,2001,10,1,70-86,McClelland The Links Between Alcohol Crime and the Criminal Justice System: Explanations Evidence and Interventions,2001,10,2,136-158,Martin Neural Activity Related to Anger in Cocaine‐Dependent Men: A Possible Link to Violence and Relapse,2000,9,4,331-339,Drexler Additional Treatment Services in a Cocaine Treatment Study: Level of Services Obtained and Impact on Outcome,2008,17,3,209-217,Crits‐Christoph Co‐Morbid Substance Misuse and Mental Health Problems: Policy and Practice in Scotland,2007,16,3,147-159,Baldacchino MD Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms Identify “Type B” Cocaine‐Dependent Patients,2008,17,1,60-64,Ahmadi Comorbid Psychiatric Diagnoses and Their Association with Cocaine‐Induced Psychosis in Cocaine‐Dependent Subjects,2007,16,5,343-351,Gelernter Contextual Influences on Polydrug Use among Young Low‐Income Women: Effects of Neighborhood and Personal Networks,2008,17,2,135-144,Eschbach Criminal Behavior in Antisocial Substance Abusers between Five and Fifteen Years Follow‐Up,2007,16,1,10-14,Hesse Early Abstinence in Cocaine Dependence: Influence of Comorbid Major Depression,2007,16,4,283-290,Aharonovich Factors Affecting Hospital Length of Stay: Is Substance Use Disorder One of Them? A Study in a Greek Public Psychiatric Hospital,2008,17,5,447-451,Iacovides Hostility Among Methamphetamine Users Experiencing Psychotic Symptoms,2008,17,3,235-240,Hides Implications of Co‐Occurring Alcohol Abuse for Role Impairment Health Problems Treatment Seeking and Early Course of Alcohol Dependence,2007,16,4,300-309,Mojtabai Individual and Social Network Factors that Predict Entry to Drug Treatment,2007,16,1,38-45,Latkin Should Alcohol Be Tolerated in the Workplace?,2007,16,5,427,Sattar Socially Sanctioned Coercion Mechanisms for Addiction Treatment,2007,16,1,15-23,Westermeyer The Relationship between Posttraumatic Growth and Substance Use in Homeless Women with Histories of Traumatic Experience,2008,17,6,478-487,Smith A Meta-analysis of the Efficacy of Nonphysician Brief Interventions for Unhealthy Alcohol Use: Implications for the Patient-Centered Medical Home,2011,20,4,343-356,Sullivan Gender differences in trauma history and symptoms as predictors of relapse to alcohol and drug use,2011,20,4,307-311,Anthenelli Alcohol use in adolescent females: correlates with estradiol and testosterone,1999,8,1,9-14,Martin Ephedrine abuse among 36 female weightlifters,1998,7,4,256-261,Pope Stimulant use in sports,1998,7,4,243-255,Jones Defining "Binge" Drinking as Five Drinks per Occasion or Drinking to a .08% BAC: Which Is More Sensitive to Risk?,2011,20,5,468-475,Fillmore The impact of clinical and demographic variables on cognitive performance in methamphetamine-dependent individuals in rural South Carolina,2011,20,5,447-455,Tolliver Correlates of alcohol abuse/dependence in early-onset alcohol-using women,2011,20,5,429-434,Bucholz Psychological Distress Binge/Heavy Drinking and Gender Differences among Older Adults,2011,20,5,420-428,Dinitto Effects of deviant child behavior on parental alcohol consumption. Stress-induced drinking in parents of ADHD children,1998,7,2,103-114,Lang Prevalence and risk factors of illicit drug use by people with disabilities,1998,7,2,93-102,Moore A Pilot Study of Memory Impairment Associated with Discrepancies between Retrospective and Daily Recall of Alcohol Consumption,2011,20,6,568-574,Simpson Effect of alcohol references in music on alcohol consumption in public drinking places,2011,20,6,530-534,Scholte Stimulant psychosis: symptom profile and acute clinical course,2000,9,1,28-37,Harris Variability in veterans' alcohol use by place of residence,2012,21,1,31-37,Vander Weg Variation in OPRM1 and Risk of Suicidal Behavior in Drug-Dependent Individuals,2012,21,1,5-10,Gelernter The Strong Effect of Other People's Drinking: Two Experimental Observational Studies in a Real Bar,2012,21,2,168-175,Overbeek Potential cultural predictors of heavy episodic drinking in Hispanic college students,2012,21,2,145-149,Cooper Methadone overdose in an opiate-naïve patient,1999,8,2,170-171,Fudala Age-related patterns of factors associated with completed suicide in men with alcohol dependence,1999,8,4,312-318,Conwell Genetics of alcoholism: a review of recent studies in human and animal models,1999,8,4,261-278,Li Changing trends in heroin-related deaths in Sydney Australia-1995 to 1999,2003,12,1,52-59,Garrick Steroid and nutritional supplement use in professional athletes,2003,12,Suppl 2,S48-54,Millman Desire to dissociate: implications for problematic drinking in college students with childhood or adolescent sexual abuse exposure,2012,21,3,250-256,McChargue Drinking Correlates of DSM-IV Alcohol Use Disorder Diagnostic Orphans in College Students,2012,21,3,233-242,Hagman An examination of pathways from childhood maltreatment to adolescent binge drinking,2012,21,3,202-209,Shin Crack users show high rates of antisocial personality disorder engagement in illegal activities and other psychosocial problems,2012,21,4,370-380,Pechansky Prenatal Exposure to Testosterone Interacts with Lifetime Physical Abuse to Predict Anger Rumination and Cognitive Flexibility among Incarcerated Methamphetamine Users,2012,21,4,363-369,McChargue The Obsessive-Compulsive Cocaine Scale (OCCS): A Pilot Study of a New Questionnaire for Assessing Cocaine Craving,2012,21,4,313-319,Romo Substance use patterns among high-risk American Indians/Alaska Natives in Los Angeles County,2012,21,5,445-452,Dickerson Permanent neurologic damage from chronic gamma hydroxybutyrate abuse,2006,15,6,483-484,Barth Impact of nursing intervention on decreasing substances among homeless youth,2012,21,6,558-565,Nyamathi College drinking among Latinos(as) in the United States and Mexico,2012,21,6,544-549,Ceballos Association between adverse life events and addictive behaviors among male and female adolescents,2012,21,6,516-523,Storr Psychiatric symptoms in methamphetamine users,2004,13,2,181-190,Zweben Brief intervention for risk-drinking women: a mixed methods analysis of content and process,2013,22,1,67-74,Demarinis Impulsivity and substance use in young adulthood,2013,22,1,39-45,Shin New onset non-suicidal self-injury in a 57-year-old woman with co-morbid depression and alcohol dependence: case report,2013,22,2,178-179,Lev-Ran Alcohol use among recent Latino immigrants before and after immigration to the United States,2013,22,2,162-168,De La Rosa A novel approach to informing the public about the risks of overdose and nonmedical use of prescription medications,2013,22,2,108-112,Klein-Schwartz Alcohol and drug use as predictors of intentional injuries in two emergency departments in British Columbia,2013,22,2,87-92,Cherpitel The Role of Drinking Severity on Sex Risk Behavior and HIV Exposure among Illicit Drug Users,2013,22,3,239-245,Latimer A spatial analysis of student binge drinking alcohol-outlet density and social disadvantages,2013,22,4,391-401,Lo Biopsychosocial pathways to alcohol-related problems,2013,22,4,366-372,McChargue Problem Drinking by Race and Nativity: What Is Learned from Social Structural and Mental Health-Related Data of US-Born and Immigrant Respondents?,2012,21,Suppl 1,S77-S87,Lo The influence of guides on alcohol consumption among young tourists at a nightlife resort,2012,21,Suppl 1,S72-S76,Hesse Screening Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) for Substance Use in a School-Based Program: Services and Outcomes,2012,21,Suppl 1,S5-S13,O'Grady Characteristics of alprazolam-related deaths compiled by a centralized state medical examiner,2012,21,Suppl 1,S27-S34,Kaplan Symptom profile and outcome of delirium associated with alcohol withdrawal syndrome: A study from India,2013,22,5,503-509,Sharma Modeling the association between sexual maturation transmissible risk and peer relationships during childhood and adolescence on development of substance use disorder in young adulthood,2013,22,5,474-480,Clark A retrospective study of gender differences in depressive symptoms and risk of relapse in patients with alcohol dependence,2013,22,5,437-442,Frye Intimate Partner Violence Dependence Symptoms and Social Consequences from Drinking among White Black and Hispanic Couples in the United States,2001,10,Suppl,60-69,Caetano Alcohol Intoxication and Violent Crime: Implications for Public Health Policy,2001,10,Suppl,70-85,McClelland Residents' knowledge of standard drink equivalents: Implications for screening and brief intervention for at-risk alcohol use,2013,23,2,194-196,DiClemente Delinquency aggression and attention-related problem behaviors differentially predict adolescent substance use in individuals diagnosed with ADHD,2013,22,6,543-550,Harty Associations among pain non-medical prescription opioid use and drug overdose history,2014,23,1,41-47,Ilgen Problematic alcohol use and sexual assault among male college students: The moderating and mediating roles of alcohol outcome expectancies,2014,23,4,321-328,McChargue Health and social harms associated with crystal methamphetamine use among street-involved youth in a Canadian setting,2014,23,4,393-398,Kerr Age of first arrest varies by gambling status in a cohort of young adults,2014,23,4,386-392,Storr College students who endorse a sub-threshold number of DSM-5 alcohol use disorder criteria: Alcohol tobacco and illicit drug use in DSM-5 diagnostic orphans,2014,23,4,378-385,Schonfeld Maternal and personal religious engagement as predictors of early onset and frequent substance use,2014,23,4,363-370,Najman Parental co-viewing and susceptibility for smoking and drinking in adolescents: An experimental pilot study,2014,23,4,349-356,de Leeuw Attachment security and problematic substance use in low-income suicidal African American women,2014,23,3,294-299,Kaslow Predictors of drinking and functional outcomes for men and women following inpatient alcohol treatment,2014,23,3,226-233,Sugarman Cigarette smoking among intimate partner violence perpetrators and victims: findings from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions,2014,23,5,493-501,Weinberger The moderating effect of women's alcohol misuse on the relationship between intimate partner violence victimization and postpartum depression,2014,23,6,613-615,Stuart Advising depression patients to reduce alcohol and drug use: factors associated with provider intervention in outpatient psychiatry,2014,23,6,570-575,Mertens Alcohol abuse in developed and developing countries in the World Mental Health Surveys: socially defined consequences or psychiatric disorder?,2014,23,2,145-155,Stein Intervention with substance-abusing mothers: are there rural-urban differences?,2014,ePub,ePub,ePub,Graham Addiction and suicide: a review,2015,24,2,98-104,Yuodelis-Flores Prevalence of traumatic brain injury in cocaine-dependent research volunteers,2015,24,4,341-347,Lane Socio-contextual factors are linked to differences in the course of problem drinking in midlife: a discordant-twin study,2015,24,3,193-196,Jacob The association between sleep disturbances and alcohol relapse: a 12-month observational cohort study,2015,24,4,362-367,Frye Suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in five groups with different severities of gambling: Findings from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions,2015,24,4,292-298,Dickerson Intervention with substance-abusing mothers: are there rural-urban differences?,2015,24,2,144-152,Graham New developments on the neurobiological and pharmaco-genetic mechanisms underlying internet and videogame addiction,2015,24,2,117-125,Lejoyeux Frequent marijuana use binge drinking and mental health problems among undergraduates,2015,24,6,499-506,Goodwin Indicators of buprenorphine and methadone use and abuse: what do we know?,2010,19,1,73-88,Maxwell Correlates of smoking status among women experiencing intimate partner violence: substance use posttraumatic stress and coping,2015,24,6,546-553,Sullivan Factors associated with illicit methadone injecting in a Canadian setting,2015,24,6,532-537,Hayashi Psychosocial correlates of alcohol use and heavy episodic drinking among Italian adolescents: data from the second International Self-Reported Delinquency study,2015,24,6,507-514,Innamorati Predictors of binge drinking in elderly Americans,2015,24,7,621-627,Junquera Examining the role of psychological distress in linking childhood maltreatment and alcohol use in young adulthood,2015,24,7,628-636,Hassamal "High on My Own Supply": Correlates of Drug Dealing among Heterosexually Identified Methamphetamine Users,2011,20,6,516-524,Patterson Prevalence and differential profile of patients with drug addiction problems who commit intimate partner violence,2015,24,8,756-764,Fernandez-Montalvo Pharmacologic management of comorbid post-traumatic stress disorder and addictions,2015,24,8,705-712,Kosten Extreme binge drinking among adolescent athletes: a cause for concern?,2015,25,1,37-40,McCabe Erratum: Suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in five groups with different severities of gambling: findings from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions by Jacquelene F. Moghaddam Gihyun Yoon Daniel L. Dickerson Suck Won Kim and Joseph Westermeyer DOI: 10.1111/ajad.12197,2015,24,8,767, Degree of correspondence between daily monitoring and retrospective recall of alcohol use among men and women with comorbid AUD and PTSD,2016,25,2,145-151,Simpson Alcohol-related injuries hazardous drinking and BrAC levels among a sample of bar patrons,2016,25,2,132-137,Martin Psychosis following traumatic brain injury and cannabis use in late adolescence: a case series,2016,25,2,91-93,Rabner The epidemiology of substance use disorders in US Veterans: a systematic review and analysis of assessment methods,2016,25,1,7-24,Fiellin An independent replication of the Adolescent-Community Reinforcement Approach with justice-involved youth,2016,25,3,233-240,Henderson A web-based pilot study of childhood sexual abuse recent stressful events and alcohol use in women,2016,25,3,184-187,O'Malley Factors associated with non-adherence to Buprenorphine-naloxone among opioid dependent African-Americans: a retrospective chart review,2016,25,2,110-117,Manalai Opioid overdose and naloxone education in a substance use disorder treatment program,2016,25,3,221-226,Rhodes Seeking prescription opioids from physicians for nonmedical use among people who inject drugs in a Canadian setting,2016,25,4,275-282,Hayashi Effects of intimate partner violence PTSD and alcohol use on cigarette smoking in a nationally representative sample,2016,25,4,283-290,Back Incorporation of poison center services in a state-wide overdose education and naloxone distribution program,2016,25,4,301-306,Welsh Impact of alcohol and alcohol mixed with energy drinks on non-medical prescription stimulant use in a nationally representative sample of 12th-grade students,2016,25,5,378-384,Woolsey Subthreshold problem drinkers in DSM-5 alcohol use disorder classification,2016,25,5,408-415,Studer Prevalence and predictors of drinking binge drinking and related health and social problems in Puerto Rico,2016,25,6,478-485,Caetano Genetic and environmental risk factors for alcohol use disorders in American Indians and Alaskan Natives,2016,26,5,461-468,Enoch Parental socioeconomic status and binge drinking in adolescents: a systematic review,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kwok Differences between White and Black young women in the relationship between religious service attendance and alcohol involvement,2016,26,5,437-445,Bucholz Use of asian samples in genetic research of alcohol use disorders: genetic variation of alcohol metabolizing enzymes and the effects of acetaldehyde,2017,26,5,469-476,Matsushita Psychopathology and personality traits associated with driving while intoxicated in Beijing China: implications for interventions,2017,26,4,374-378,Wang E-cigarette use of young adults motivations and associations with combustible cigarette alcohol marijuana and other illicit drugs,2017,26,4,343-348,Stuart Prevalence of substance misuse among US veterans in the general population,2017,26,4,357-365,Simpson Prescription drug monitoring program data tracking of opioid addiction treatment outcomes in integrated dual diagnosis care involving injectable naltrexone,2016,25,7,557-564,Bell The influence of substance use on depressive symptoms among young adult Black men: the sensitizing effect of early adversity,2017,26,4,400-406,Kogan Substance use and suicide risk in a sample of young Colombian adults: an exploration of psychosocial factors,2017,26,4,388-394,Adan Development and feasibility of the misuse abuse and diversion drug event reporting system (MADDERS®),2016,25,8,641-651,Katz The use of auricular acupuncture in opioid use disorder: A systematic literature review,2016,25,8,592-602,Chang Social context and perspectives of non-medical prescription opioid use among young adults in Rhode Island: A qualitative study,2016,25,8,659-665,Clark An association between genetic variation in the glutamatergic system and suicide attempts in alcohol-dependent individuals,2017,26,6,595-601,Wojnar Long-term follow-up study of community-based patients receiving XR-NTX for opioid use disorders,2017,26,4,319-325,Levin Depression and severity of substance dependence among heroin dependent patients with ADHD symptoms,2017,26,1,26-33,Gossop Methadone "callbacks" within a veterans affairs opioid treatment program: detecting methadone misuse,2017,26,1,50-52,Cotton Reports of adverse health effects related to synthetic cannabinoid use in New York State,2017,26,8,772-775,Cummings The relationship between hazardous alcohol use and violence among street-involved youth,2017,26,8,852-858,Kerr Suicidal ideation in military veterans with alcohol dependence and PTSD: The role of hostility,2018,27,2,124-130,Ralevski Identifying women veterans with unhealthy alcohol use using gender-tailored screening,2018,27,2,97-100,Yano Nonmedical prescription stimulant users experience subjective but not objective impairments in attention and impulsivity,2018,27,3,238-244,Looby Trajectories of alcohol consumption in U.S. military veterans: results from the National Health and Resilience in Veterans Study,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Potenza Problematic alcohol use as a risk factor for cyber aggression within romantic relationships,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Easton A longitudinal evaluation of the role of alcohol self-concept in alcohol use motives negative affect and alcohol-related problems among emerging adults,2018,27,6,501-508,Anderson Suicidality among gambling helpline callers: a consideration of the role of financial stress and conflict,2018,27,6,531-537,Ledgerwood Attitudes toward defendants with substance-related charges: an analysis of a national sample of criminal defense attorneys,2018,27,8,639-645,Cooper Drug use and hazardous drinking are associated with PTSD symptoms and symptom clusters in US Army Reserve/National Guard Soldiers,2019,28,1,22-28,Cornelius Substance use disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder symptomology on behavioral outcomes among juvenile justice youth,2019,28,1,29-35,Aalsma Characterization of marijuana use in US college students by state marijuana legalization status as reported to an online survey,2019,28,4,266-269,Dart Adverse childhood experiences and e-cigarette use during young adulthood,2019,28,4,303-310,Wills Brief report: Sex differences in substance use mental health and impaired driving among rural DUI offenders,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Webster Prescription opioid misuse after a recent sexual assault: a randomized clinical trial of a video intervention,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Resnick Risk factors for overdose in young people who received substance use disorder treatment,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kelly Acute carbon monoxide poisoning secondary to cigarette smoking in a 40-year-old man: a case report,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sharma Distress-related internalizing symptoms interact with externalizing symptoms to predict alcohol problems in an inpatient adolescent sample,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Read Does cannabis dependence add on to the neurocognitive impairment among patients with opioid dependence? 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