Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Wisconsin needs to support death investigation: here's why,2001,100,2,60-62,Hargarten Public health: a successful paradigm applied to firearm injuries,2000,99,1,48-49,Hargarten Public health strategies to reduce and prevent alcohol-related illness injury and death in Wisconsin and Milwaukee County,2000,99,3,71-78,Hargarten The availability of extrinsic handgun locking devices in a defined metro area,1999,98,7,25-28,Hargarten Wisconsin firearm injury surveillance system development: a comparison of medical examiner/coroner data,1996,95,5,277-282,Hargarten Trends in motor vehicle and firearm deaths in Wisconsin: an analysis for examining prevention strategies,1994,93,10,521-524,Hargarten Injuries in Wisconsin,1990,89,4,158,Hargarten Recreational injuries and deaths in northern Wisconsin: analysis of injuries and fatalities from snowmobiles over 3 years,1993,92,12,671-675,Stueland All-terrain vehicle injuries in central Wisconsin: a continuing problem,1991,90,6,275-278,Stueland The toll taken by all-terrain vehicles climbs,1990,89,6,250 254,Cogbill Three- and four-wheeled all-terrain vehicle injuries: one year's experience in a large rural medical center,1986,85,8,15-17,Stueland Firearms prevalence and storage practices in Wisconsin households,1996,95,5,286-291,Chatterjee Increasing use of firearms in completed suicides in Wisconsin 1979-1994,1996,95,5,283-285,Fox Public health strategies to reduce firearm injuries and deaths in Milwaukee County,1995,94,10,572-584,Pratt What works in Wisconsin: talking to your patients about gun violence and gun safety,1995,94,2,92-94,Hamilton Assessing the increase in firearm-related homicides in Wisconsin 1979-1993,1995,94,2,88-90,Stahlsmith SMS kicks off statewide CHILD SAFE health initiative to reduce firearm injuries deaths among children teens,1994,93,10,535-536,Hamilton The Wisconsin firearm injury surveillance system,1994,93,10,531-533,Remington Firearm mortality trends in Wisconsin,1994,93,10,525-529,Nashold Firearm injuries among children and adolescents: ii. the physician's role in prevention,1994,93,10,515-519,Katcher Firearm injuries among children and adolescents: i. the facts,1994,93,10,511-515,Katcher The tragedy of gun violence,1994,93,10,508-509,Bincer Hunting-related injuries,1990,89,10,573-576,Cogbill Firearm injury prevention: Internet resources for the health care provider,2001,100,2,26-31,Craig-Shashko Unique system examines firearm injury data: looking behind the bullets,1999,98,7,19-20,Kennedy The Wisconsin Research Network Firearm Safety Survey,2003,102,4,46-50,Radant Football players wear helmets,1983,82,9,6,Falk The importance of bicycle helmets,1991,90,6,279-280,Barkow Suicide: a focus on primary care,2004,103,6,88-92,Gillmore Post-traumatic stress disorder following traumatic injuries in adults,2004,103,6,69-72,Weis Trends in falls poisoning drowning and burns Wisconsin: 1986-1996,2001,100,2,39-42 38,Cox Recreational water safety in Wisconsin,2001,100,2,43-46,Cox Air bag safety: what physicians should know,1999,98,3,15-17,Florey I was saved by a seat belt... would my 5 year old have been so lucky?,2000,99,9,8-9,Burns Research shows effectiveness of safety belts,2001,100,3,4,Remington Child restraint systems: an update for physicians,2001,100,2,47-52,Funk-Zbinden Buckling up: whose choice should it be?,2001,100,2,4,Halter Fatal injuries in adolescents,2000,99,9,34-38,Moreno Kids can't fly: preventing fall injuries in children,2005,104,1,33-36,Britton Bullying prevention: Wisconsin takes a stand,2005,104,1,57-61,Melzer-Lange Community-based fall prevention programs for older adults in Wisconsin,2005,104,1,29-32,Hale Trends risk factors and prevention of falls in older adults in Wisconsin,2005,104,1,22-28,Hale Falls--the great silent killer,2005,104,1,7-8,Reineck The burden of suicide and homicide of Wisconsin's children and youth,2005,104,1,62-67,Hargarten Medical College faculty provide national leadership in injury control and prevention,2005,104,1,69-70,Dunn Wisconsin's experience with the graduated driver licensing law,2005,104,1,52-56,McIntosh Analysis of booster seat and seat belt use: How many Wisconsin childhood deaths and hospitalizations could have been prevented in 1998--2002?,2005,104,1,42-45,Corden Give Wisconsin children a boost,2005,104,1,37-40,Melzer-Lange Wisconsin's violent death reporting system: monitoring and responding to Wisconsin's violent deaths,2005,104,1,17-19,Hargarten Injury: a disease that affects all of society,2005,104,1,9-11,Hargarten Horse-related injuries in children: a review,2005,104,2,50-54,Jagodzinski The role of the health care professional in bicycle safety,2005,104,2,35-38,Katcher An explanation for Wisconsin's high falls rate?,2005,104,2,4; author reply 4,Barry Increased risk of death or disability in unhelmeted Wisconsin motorcyclists,2005,104,2,39-44,Hargarten Promoting childhood water safety: the physician's role,2005,104,2,45-49,Corden Much more research needed on injury prevention,2005,104,2,55-56,Farrell The perils of snowmobiling,2005,104,2,32-34,Corden Geographic analysis of traffic injury in Wisconsin: impact on case fatality of distance to level I/II trauma care,2005,104,2,26-31,Durkin The epidemiology of traumatic brain injury in Wisconsin 2001,2005,104,2,22-5 54,Layde Injuries can be prevented,2005,104,2,19-20,Christiansen Education is not enough: equipment and legislation also needed to prevent injury,2005,104,2,17-18,Staresinic Injury prevention: part 2,2005,104,2,1,Meyer Improving awareness and use of booster seats in Head Start families,2005,104,1,46-51,Katcher Youth suicide in Wisconsin: mortality hospitalizations and risk factors,2005,104,7,54-8 69,Remington Adolescent hospital discharges associated with self-poisonings in Wisconsin 2000-2002,2005,104,7,59-64,Layde Graduated driver licensing in Wisconsin: does it create safer drivers?,2005,104,7,31-36,Layde Health care utilization for unintentional poisoning,2005,104,8,8-9,Gummin Firearms injury center's objectivity questioned,2001,100,9,4-5,Hutchins Project UJIMA: working together to make things right,2001,100,2,22-25,Melzer-Lange Guns in Wisconsin,2001,100,2,12-16,Kennedy Evaluation of five data sources for inclusion in a statewide tracking system for accidental carbon monoxide poisonings,2006,105,2,36-40,Anderson Status of work-related diseases in Wisconsin: five occupational health indicators,2006,105,2,26-31,Anderson Trends in occupational and adult lead exposure in Wisconsin 1988 - 2005,2006,105,2,21-25,Anderson Community-based injury prevention programs: toward a safer Wisconsin,2000,99,9,22-26,Hale Prevention of choking strangulation and suffocation in childhood,2000,99,9,43-6 42,Tarrago Football injuries in a rural area,1996,95,8,570-573,Nordstrom Severity and types of head trauma among adult bicycle riders,1988,87,1,11-14,Weiss ATV group rebuts,1986,85,10,8-9,Baxter Nonfatal motor vehicle crash injuries: Wisconsin's experience with linked data systems,1996,95,5,301-304,Karlson Heat-related illness and death Wisconsin 1995,1997,96,5,33-38,Morgan Wisconsin July 1999 heat wave: an epidemiologic assessment,2000,99,5,41-44,Peterson Injuries from ultimate frisbee,2006,105,6,46-49,Reynolds Health priorities in Wisconsin: a case for tracking childhood mortality,2003,102,8,31-36,Newburn Suicide trends in Wisconsin 1984-1998: good news for young and old,2001,100,2,35-38,Sausen Incidence of dog bites in Milwaukee Wisconsin,1996,95,4,237-241,Ndon An assessment of emergency preparedness in western Wisconsin,2007,106,2,71-77,Gilmore Forensic Toxicology Program: Alcohol and drug testing in Wisconsin drivers,2003,102,6,79-83,Harding Graduated driver licensing in Wisconsin: A new law for teens and parents,2000,99,9,31-3 30,McIntosh Trends in motor vehicle deaths in Wisconsin 1986-1996: a decade of progress?,2000,99,9,27-30,Mitchell Hospitalizations for vehicle associated injuries in Wisconsin,1999,98,7,34-39,Kuhn Sport-specific injuries and medical problems of figure skaters,2007,106,6,330-334,Young Urban community characteristics and adolescent assault victims,2007,106,7,394-396,Melzer-Lange Prevalence and characteristics of hazardous drinkers: results of the Greater Milwaukee Survey,2007,106,7,389-393,Fendrich The Milwaukee Homicide Review Commission: an interagency collaborative process to reduce homicide,2007,106,7,385-388,Cisler Preventable causes of death in Wisconsin 2004,2007,106,7,373-379,Wegner Wisconsin firearm deer hunting season: injuries at a level I trauma center 1999-2004,2008,107,1,20-24,Corden Child safe. Working to prevent childhood injuries,2001,100,2,17-18,Kennedy A comparison of Wisconsin's suicide rates by urbanization and sex,2009,108,2,94-98,Baeseman The burden of suicide in Wisconsin's older adult population,2009,108,2,87-93,Hargarten Suicide from the perspective of the patient's family,2009,108,2,83-84,Derer Alcohol-related motor vehicle accident fatality: Wisconsin rural-urban trends and observations,2009,108,7,359-364,Baeseman Free child passenger restraints for patients in an urban pediatric medical home: effects on caregiver behavior,2009,108,7,352-358,Brixey The value of a web-based interactive regional health scorecard in setting public health priorities,2009,108,8,403-406,Thompson Graduated driver licensing policy in the Great Lakes states: current benefits and future potential,2009,108,8,393-397,Corden Has there been progress in reducing mortality among Wisconsin adults ages 25 to 44?,2003,102,8,42-46,Hoffman Age and gender differences in suicide trends Wisconsin and the United States 1980-1994,1999,98,6,35-38,Remington Sudden cardiac death in young athletes: trying to find the needle in the haystack,2007,106,6,335-342,Ng A survey of inner city youth and their parents about participation in sports,2007,106,6,307-311,Young Youth violence prevention: a personal and professional priority,2002,101,6,8-9,Andrew Youth violence must be treated at the source,2002,101,6,34-35,Dunn Developing community coalitions in youth violence prevention,2002,101,6,30-33,Melzer-Lange Bullying: the physician's role,2002,101,6,26-29,Melzer-Lange Alliance working to stop youth violence,2002,101,6,22-23,Garvey Physicians can make a difference in combating youth violence,2002,101,6,19-20,Selkurt Recognizing and preventing youth violence: A guide for physicians and other health care professionals,2002,101,6,14-17, A call to action: the physician's role in the prevention of youth violence,2002,101,6,11-13,Westover Preventing trauma through CHILD SAFE,1999,98,7,11,Sherman What's the matter with kids today?,1998,97,8,40-43,Kennedy "2% by 2000" to prevent child neglect and abuse,1998,97,8,19 45,Westman Pilot study of adolescent attitudes regarding ski or snowboard helmet use,2010,109,1,28-30,Brooks A cost-benefit analysis of Wisconsin's screening brief intervention and referral to treatment program: adding the employer's perspective,2010,109,1,9-14,Brown Teenage driving rural bugs in urban spaces web scorecards to set public health priorities and how primary care physicians should be taught,2009,108,8,391-392,Frey Addressing a deadly epidemic,2009,108,7,377-378,Golden Focusing on youth--and taking responsibility,2009,108,7,341-342,Maginot Research in defense of terrorism will benefit medicine as a whole,2006,105,3,67-68,Dunn Preparing for bioterrorism,2002,101,2,35-36,Farrell The USA preparing for bioterrorism: the role of Fort Detrick since 1970,2002,101,2,20-24,Proctor Bioterrorism threat makes preparation essential,2002,101,2,14-16,Parvin Domestic violence: level of training knowledge base and practice among Milwaukee physicians,2001,100,1,24-8 36,Groth The subtle and the overt: identifying elder abuse,2000,99,7,10-14,Kennedy Recognizing and responding to elder abuse,2000,99,7,8-9,Stiles The next step: focusing on abusers in the health care system,1998,97,4,60-1 59,Hanusa Physicians make advisement they don't withdraw licenses,1997,96,10,8,Weeth Physician's responsibility versus patient's rights,1997,96,10,8,Cameron Assessing safe sleep: injury prevention for central city infants,2010,109,5,287,Richards Why older age predicts lower acceptance of physician-assisted suicide,2000,99,7,20-7 46,Skinner Perceptions of underage drinkers by bartenders in a midwestern university town,2010,109,6,322-325,Moreno Protecting children from agricultural injuries,2002,101,5,14-15,Lee Farm injuries in children: a review,2000,99,9,51-55,DeMuri Basketball injuries in a rural area,1999,98,7,22-24,McCormick Prevalence of elder abuse in the United States: a comparative report between the national and Wisconsin data,2001,100,6,22-26,Hajjar Risk communication risk perception and public health,2004,103,1,25-27,Aakko Strangulation injuries,2003,102,3,41-45,Funk Teens today facing familiar problems,2000,99,2,28-32,Kennedy Relationship of gender to characteristics of patients referred to a Rural Wisconsin Addiction Treatment Unit,1999,98,1,42-47,Stueland Traumatic asphyxia following stadium crowd surge: stadium factors affecting outcome,1998,97,9,42-45,DeAngeles Critical adolescent health issues: results of the 1997 Wisconsin Youth Risk Behavior Survey,1998,97,8,23-24,Coleman Use of imported folk remedies and medications in the Wisconsin Hmong community,2001,100,7,32-34,Anderson Burn injury from products in the home: prevention and counseling,2001,100,6,39-44,Katcher Geriatric trauma: review and recommendations,2001,100,2,57-59,Wright Trends in homicide in Wisconsin 1985-1998,2001,100,2,32-4 31,Insinga A multidisciplinary course on injury prevention and control for medical students,2011,110,5,234-239,Hargarten Prevention of miscommunication and injury,2011,110,5,219-220,Frey An analysis of elder abuse rates in Milwaukee County,2011,110,6,271-276,Meurer Recognition of chronic carbon monoxide poisoning,1999,98,6,26-29,Jackson Accidental pediatric ingestion hospital charges and failure to utilize a poison control center,1999,98,7,29-33,Stremski Second degree burn from a toe warmer,1999,98,7,4,Hammer Students enrolled in school-sponsored work programs: the effect of multiple jobs on workplace safety and school-based behaviors,2011,110,4,171-177,Zierold The State Laboratory of Hygiene's role in terrorism preparedness and response,2003,102,6,60-64,Hintzman Forward for women's health: the state of women's health in Wisconsin,2003,102,3,22-28,Whitfield Physicians can help abused women,2003,102,3,4,Kramer Evaluation of excessive daytime sleepiness,2003,102,1,21-24,Ruggles Addressing rural health from a public health perspective,2002,101,5,16-19,Chapin Post-traumatic stress disorder within a primary care setting: effectively and sensitively responding to sexual trauma survivors,2004,103,6,73-77,Clardie Combined rectovesicular injuries from low velocity penetrating trauma in an adult,2013,112,1,32-34,Kuy Juvenile delinquency. 1928,2013,112,1,7,Bushong A single urban center experience with adult pedestrians struck by motor vehicles,2013,112,3,117-122,McElroy Heat-related fatalities in Wisconsin during the summer of 2012,2013,112,5,219-223,Anderson Child abuse pediatric consults in the pediatric emergency department improve adherence to hospital guidelines,2013,112,5,206-210,Webb A social-ecologic framework for improving bicycle helmet use by children,2014,113,2,49-51,Corden Ocular trauma resulting in enucleation: a 12-year experience from a large regional institution,2014,113,3,99-101,Albert Pediatrician's passion evolves into center for childhood safety,2014,113,3,90-92,Simmons Association between alcohol use among college students and alcohol outlet proximity and densities,2015,114,4,143-147,Tanumihardjo The medical response to sex trafficking of minors in Wisconsin,2015,114,2,52-59,Rabbitt One Wisconsin county's experience with fall-related mortality,2015,114,6,253-256,Deprey Electronic cigarette exposure: calls to Wisconsin poison control centers 2010-2015,2016,115,6,306-310,Anderson Spine and spinal cord injuries after falls from tree stands during the Wisconsin deer hunting season,2017,116,4,201-205,Hamilton Wisconsin firearm mortality 2000-2014,2017,116,4,194-200,Frey Wheels for all: addressing social determinants of health one bicycle at a time,2017,116,3,165-167,Zellmer Influences of a church-based intervention on falls risk among seniors,2017,116,3,161-164,Ellis Biking for health: results of a pilot randomized controlled trial examining the impact of a bicycling intervention on lower-income adults,2017,116,3,154-160,Schneider Differences in methods of self-inflicted injuries by sex in Wisconsin 2002-2014,2017,116,5,196-199,Nair Gunderkids: design of a clinical care management program for parents with substance abuse and their newborn children with a focus on preventing child abuse,2018,117,1,29-33,Budzak-Garza Shift in drug vs alcohol prevalence in Milwaukee County motor vehicle decedents 2010-2016,2018,117,1,24-28,Faryar Faryarka Ucmail Uc Edu Physician's passion helps improve the lives of victims of sex trafficking,2018,117,5,190-191,Simmons Carbon monoxide exposure and poisoning cases in Wisconsin 2006-2016,2019,118,1,21-26,Creswell Exposures to opioids among Wisconsin children and adolescents 2002-2016,2019,118,1,9-15,Gibson Survey of southern Wisconsin needle exchange clients regarding opioid overdose and naloxone use,2019,118,2,84-87,Birstler Brodifacoum poisoning linked to synthetic marijuana use in Wisconsin,2020,119,2,129-131,Kircher Bicycling rates and the prevalence of bicycle helmet usage in Wisconsin,2020,119,2,91-95,Snedden Age- and sex-specific risk factors for youth suicide: a mixed methods review,2020,119,3,165-170,Cassidy Trends in mortality at a level II rural trauma center,2021,120,3,178-182,Cullinane Hypertensive emergency caused by sexual enhancement supplements,2021,120,4,330-332,Abenoza Preventing firearm-related death and injury: a call to action for Wisconsin health systems and the Wisconsin Hospital Association,2022,121,2,74-76,Peterson Analysis and incidence calculation of snowmobile injuries identified in a rural Wisconsin health care system over five years,2022,121,4,256-262,Cullinane Naloxone prescribing in an academic emergency department: provider practices and attitudes,2023,122,1,20-25,Zosel Cannabis use among female community college students who use alcohol in a state with and a state without nonmedical cannabis legalization in the US,2023,122,2,95-100,Lewis Mountain bike injury incidence and risk factors among members of a Wisconsin mountain bike club,2023,122,2,121-123,Remington Description of kratom exposure events in Wisconsin as reported to the Wisconsin Poison Center January 1 2010 to September 1 2022,2023,122,3,187-190,Gummin Functional assessment of concussion tool application in a pediatric concussion clinic,2023,122,3,191-195,Thomas Trends in adult suicide rates in Milwaukee County Wisconsin 2002 through 2020,2023,122,4,268-271,deRoon-Cassini A Milwaukee syndemic? Penetrative Injury and COVID-19,2023,122,5,313-318,Kallies Ocular emergencies during the coronavirus disease 'safer at home order' in Wisconsin,2023,122,5,331-336,Channa Central cord syndrome after fall from inversion table,2024,123,1,51-55,Michels Interfacility ambulance versus helicopter transport of traumatic spinal cord injury patients: outcomes observations and utilization,2024,123,2,88-94,Brooks Differences in methods of self-inflicted injuries by sex in Wisconsin 2002-2014,2017,116,5,240-243,Archer Buckle up?,2001,100,2,e1,Meyer Calcium Channel Blocker Toxicity Causing Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: A Commonly Used Drug Triggering a Life-Threatening Condition,2020,119,1,66-68,Ali Homicide: A Leading Cause of Death for Black Non-Hispanics in Wisconsin,2021,120,S1,S6-S9,Hargarten Medical Student Wellness in Wisconsin: Current Trends and Future Directions,2018,117,5,211-213,Dolan Assessment of a pilot peer support program for suicide prevention on a medical school campus: impact on awareness stigma and self-efficacy for outreach,2024,123,3,195-198,Kohlbeck Vigilance needed in polypharmacy drugs,2024,123,3,e156,Thangaraju Mapping Milwaukee's Blueprint for Peace : evaluating the geospatial reach of a cure violence implementation 414,2024,123,3,166-171,de Moya 'I'm so proud of how hard you're trying': a photovoice analysis of youth mental health and wellness in Wisconsin,2024,123,3,189-194,Kohlbeck