Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The relative frequency of offensive and defensive gun uses: results from a national survey,2000,15,3,257-272,Azrael I am the NRA: an analysis of a national random sample of gun owners,1993,8,4,353-365,Weil Bad data and the "evil empire": interpreting poll data on gun control,1993,8,4,367-376,Kleck Physical sexual and emotional abuse by male intimates: experiences of women in Japan,1994,9,1,63-77,Yoshihama Self-reports of spousal violence in a Mexican-American and non-Hispanic white population,1991,6,1,3-15,Telles Estimating intruder-related firearm retrievals in U.S. households 1994,1997,12,4,363-372,Mercy Violence against women with physical disabilities,2003,18,5,581-591,Milberger Magnitude and patterns of family and intimate assault in Atlanta Georgia 1984,1990,5,1,3-17,Mercy Mortality associated with the use of upper-body control holds by police,1990,5,3,215-222,Mercy Regional variation in homicide rates: Why is the West so violent?,1989,4,1,17-25,Mercy New directions in violence prediction: The public health arena,1988,3,4,285-301,Mercy Partner homicide-suicide involving female homicide victims: a population-based study in North Carolina 1988-1992,1998,13,2,91-106,Moracco Development of a screen for ongoing intimate partner violence,2003,18,2,131-141,Ernst A training program to improve domestic violence identification and management in primary care: preliminary results,1998,13,4,395-410,Caplow Resolution of depression among victims of intimate partner violence: is cessation of violence enough?,2003,18,2,115-129,Kernic Correlates of wife assault in Hong Kong Chinese families,2004,19,2,189-201,Chan The influence of gender and ethnicity on judgments of culpability in a domestic violence scenario,2004,19,2,203-220,Ferguson Pathways from physical childhood abuse to partner violence in young adulthood,2004,19,2,123-136,Herrenkohl Childhood victimization and subsequent adult revictimization assessed in a nationally representative sample of women and men,2002,17,6,639-653,Thompson Prevalence of wife rape and other intimate partner sexual coercion in a nationally representative sample of women,2002,17,5,511-524,Basile Attitudes toward wife rape: effects of social background and victim status,2002,17,3,341-354,Basile Attitudinal acceptance of intimate partner violence among u.s. adults,2001,16,2,115-126,Sacks The impact of professional (American) football games upon violent assaults on women,1992,7,2,157-171,White Gun violence exposure and trauma among rural youth,2001,16,4,389-400,Singer Gun injury and mortality: the delinquent backgrounds of juvenile victims,1999,14,4,339-352,Cohen Battered women who were "being killed and survived it": straight talk from survivors,2002,17,3,267-281,Farr Violence and gender: reports from an urban high school,2002,17,1,57-72,Scherzer Detecting ongoing intimate partner violence in the emergency department using a simple 4-question screen: the OVAT,2004,19,3,375-384,Ernst The use of temporary restraining orders (TROs) as a strategy to address intimate partner violence,2004,19,3,343-356,Kanuha Acculturation gender stereotypes and attitudes about dating violence among Latino youth,2004,19,3,273-287,Jaycox The economic toll of intimate partner violence against women in the United States,2004,19,3,259-272,Rice Testing three competing hypotheses for explaining lethal violence,2004,19,4,399-411,Wu Where to publish family violence research?,2004,19,4,495-503,Rhatigan Patterns of mutual and nonmutual spouse abuse in the U.S. Army (1998-2002),2004,19,4,453-468,McCarroll Criminal history and assault of dating partners: the role of type of prior crime age of onset and gender,2004,19,4,413-434,Straus Intimate partner physical assault before and during pregnancy: how does it relate to women's psychological vulnerability?,2004,19,4,387-398,Goldstein Relationships between experiences of parental violence during childhood and women's self-esteem,1998,13,1,63-77,Miller Adulthood depression anxiety and trauma symptoms: a comparison of women with nonabusive abusive and absent father figures in childhood,2004,19,6,659-671,Downs Self-destructive and delinquent behaviors of adolescent female victims of child sexual abuse: rates and covariates in clinical and nonclinical samples,2004,19,6,627-643,Cyr Association between physical partner violence posttraumatic stress childhood trauma and suicide attempts in a community sample of women,2005,20,1,87-98,Stein Assessing physical sexual and psychological violence perpetrated by intimate male partners toward women: a Spanish cross-sectional study,2005,20,1,99-123,Garcia-Linares Police-reported intimate partner violence during pregnancy: who is at risk?,2005,20,1,69-86,Holt Child neglect and adolescent violence: examining the effects of self-control and peer rejection,2005,20,1,39-53,Chapple Gender symmetry in dating intimate partner violence: does similar behavior imply similar constructs?,2005,20,2,207-218,Arias Domestic violence among male and female patients seeking emergency medical services,2005,20,2,187-206,Phelan What really happened? A validation study of rape survivors' help-seeking experiences with the legal and medical systems,2005,20,1,55-68,Campbell Applying the transtheoretical model to female and male perpetrators of intimate partner violence: gender differences in stages and processes of change,2005,20,2,235-250,Babcock Exerting power or striking back: a gendered comparison of motivations for domestic violence perpetration,2005,20,2,173-185,Kernsmith Men's and women's use of intimate partner violence in clinical samples: toward a gender-sensitive analysis,2005,20,2,131-151,Hamberger Physical and mental health outcomes of women in nonviolent unilaterally violent and mutually violent relationships,2005,20,3,335-359,Temple Typology of reactions to intimate partner violence among men and women arrested for partner violence,2005,20,3,303-317,Hamberger Prosecution of women arrested for intimate partner abuse,2005,20,3,361-376,Renauer Female-perpetrated intimate partner violence and romantic attachment style in a college student sample,2005,20,3,287-302,Orcutt Women who use violence in intimate relationships: the role of anger victimization and symptoms of posttraumatic stress and depression,2005,20,3,267-285,Swan Exploring the relation between bullying and homophobic verbal content: the homophobic content agent target (HCAT) scale,2005,20,5,513-528,Espelage Prevalence of victims of violence among ethnically diverse Asian/Pacific Islanders,2005,20,5,561-575,Jones College women's experiences of psychological maltreatment and sexual assault,2005,20,5,577-587,Aosved Effects of trauma exposure on anger aggression and violence in a nonclinical sample of men,2005,20,5,589-598,Jakupcak Gender partner violence and perceived family functioning among a sample of Vietnam veterans,2005,20,5,549-559,Taft The composite abuse scale: further development and assessment of reliability and validity of a multidimensional partner abuse measure in clinical settings,2005,20,5,529-547,Sheehan Longitudinal model predicting mutual partner violence among White Black and Hispanic couples in the United States general population,2005,20,5,499-511,Field Patterns of intimate partner violence: correlates and outcomes,2005,20,5,483-497,Dutton Correlates of women's sexual assault disclosure to informal and formal support sources,2005,20,4,417-432,Starzynski The dynamic nature of the drug use/serious violence relationship: a multi-causal approach,2005,20,4,433-454,Kuhns Average cost per person victimized by an intimate partner of the opposite gender: a comparison of men and women,2005,20,4,379-391,Arias Introduction and commentary: developmental perspectives on violence and victimization,2001,16,4,351-354,Maiuro Prevalence and correlates of interpersonal violence victimization in a junior enlisted Navy cohort,2005,20,6,679-694,Moore "Ordinary people" and "death work": Palestinian suicide bombers as victimizers and victims,2005,20,6,603-623,Berko Intimate sexual victimization among women with protective orders: types and associations of physical and mental health problems,2005,20,6,695-715,Cole Conducting research on violence in Asian American communities: methodological issues,2005,20,6,661-677,Yick PTSD symptoms among men and women survivors of intimate partner violence: the role of risk and protective factors,2005,20,6,625-643,Coker Reassessing who contributed most to the decline in violence during the 1990s: a reminder that size does matter,2006,21,1,23-47,Rennison Gender differences in correlates of recent physical assault among untreated rural and urban at-risk drinkers: role of depression,2006,21,1,67-80,Booth Reliability of translated measures assessing dating violence among Mexican adolescents,2006,21,1,117-127,Ramos-Lira Addressing intimate partner violence in primary care: lessons from chronic illness management,2006,21,1,101-115,Nicolaidis Intimate partner violence: Prevalence and risk factors for men in Cape Town South Africa,2006,21,2,247-264,Laubscher A comparative study examining associations between women's drug-related lifestyle factors and victimization within the family,2006,21,2,231-246,Hequembourg Domestic violence cases involving children: effects of an evidence-based prosecution approach,2006,21,2,213-229,Gewirtz Emotional functioning attachment style and attributions as predictors of child abuse potential in domestic violence victims,2006,21,2,199-212,Rodriguez Effects of community violence exposure and parental mental health on the internalizing problems of urban adolescents,2006,21,2,183-198,LeBlanc Help-seeking and coping strategies for intimate partner violence in rural and urban women,2006,21,2,167-181,Cole Fear of acquaintance versus stranger rape as a "master status": towards refinement of the "shadow of sexual assault",2006,21,3,355-370,Jordan Race gender and sexual orientation in hate crime victimization: identity politics or identity risk?,2006,21,3,323-337,Dunbar Violent crime and victim compensation: implications for social justice,2006,21,3,307-322,Smith The role of coping and problem drinking in men's abuse of female partners: Test of a path model,2006,21,3,267-285,Swan Longitudinal associations between submissive/nonassertive social behavior and different types of peer victimization,2006,21,3,383-400,Fox To tell or not to tell: lifestyle impacts on whether adolescents tell about violent victimization,2006,21,3,371-382,Stein Female sex offenders: a comparison of solo offenders and co-offenders,2006,21,3,339-354,Vandiver A longitudinal study of the effects of early abuse on later victimization among high-risk adolescents,2006,21,3,287-306,Tyler Child abduction parents' distress and social support,2006,21,2,149-165,Spilman Factors that influence battered women to leave their abusive relationships,2006,21,2,131-147,Kernic Influence of gender and experience on college students' stalking schemas,2006,21,1,91-100,Yanowitz Predictors of partner abuse in a nationally representative sample of adolescents involved in heterosexual dating relationships,2006,21,1,81-89,Auinger Psychological impact of writing about abuse or positive experiences,2005,20,6,717-728,Range Posttraumatic stress disorder symptomatology and comorbid depressive symptoms among abused women referred from emergency department care,2005,20,6,645-659,Field September 11 attacks: prior interpersonal trauma dysfunctional cognitions and trauma response in a midwestern university sample,2005,20,4,471-480,Nixon Angry drivers: a test of state-trait theory,2005,20,4,455-469,Deffenbacher Validation of the subtle and overt psychological abuse scale: an examination of construct validity,2005,20,4,407-416,Bogat Unidirectional and bidirectional intimate partner violence among White Black and Hispanic couples in the United States,2005,20,4,393-406,Field A qualitative investigation of Johnson's typology,2005,20,3,319-334,Stith Female perpetration of physical aggression against an intimate partner: a controversial new topic of study,2005,20,2,251-259,Holtzworth-Munroe Partner aggressive women: characteristics and treatment attrition,2005,20,2,219-233,Rosenbaum A representative measure of psychological aggression and its severity,2005,20,1,25-38,Follingstad Do multiple outcomes and conditional factors improve prediction of batterer reassault?,2005,20,1,3-24,Gondolf Genetic and environmental influences on intimate partner aggression: a preliminary study,2004,19,6,701-718,Hines Association between overt and relational aggression and psychosocial adjustment in undergraduate college students,2004,19,6,689-700,Storch Understanding perpetrators of nonphysical sexual coercion: characteristics of those who cross the line,2004,19,6,673-688,DiLillo Impact of interaction with a partner or friend on the exposure effects of pornography and erotica,2004,19,6,645-658,Senn Impacts of agency coordination on nonprofit domestic violence and sexual assault programs in communities with STOP formula grant funding,2004,19,5,613-624,Zweig Sexual assault prevention with college-aged women: a bibliotherapy approach,2004,19,5,593-612,O'Donohue Relationship between peer victimization and school adjustment in sixth-grade students: investigating mediation effects,2004,19,5,557-571,Williams Men's sexual coercion in intimate relationships: development and initial validation of the Sexual Coercion in Intimate Relationships scale,2004,19,5,541-556,Shackelford Substance use and vulnerability to sexual and physical aggression: a longitudinal study of young adults,2004,19,5,521-540,Ellickson A short form of the Revised Conflict Tactics Scales and typologies for severity and mutuality,2004,19,5,507-520,Straus Demographic and situational factors affecting injury resistance completion and charges brought in sexual assault cases: what is best for arrest?,2004,19,4,479-494,Scott Age and vengeance as predictors of mild driver aggression,2004,19,4,469-477,Hennessy Psychologists' judgments of psychologically aggressive actions when perpetrated by a husband versus a wife,2004,19,4,435-452,Follingstad Who is the victim anyway? The effects of bystander victim impact statements on mock juror sentencing decisions,2004,19,3,357-374,McGowan Couple age discrepancy and risk of intimate partner homicide,2004,19,3,321-342,Block Correlates of violent and nonviolent victimization in a sample of public high school students,2004,19,3,303-320,Van Dorn Sex offender notification and protective behavior,2004,19,3,289-302,Beck Trauma reactions of bystanders and victims to repetitive abuse experiences,2004,19,2,239-255,Janson The factor structure of generalized workplace harassment,2004,19,2,221-238,Rospenda The role of social support in the psychological well-being of African American girls who experience dating violence victimization,2004,19,2,171-187,Wingood Risk-taking attitudes toward aggression and aggressive behavior among rural middle school youth,2004,19,2,157-170,Swaim Comparing different types of child abuse and spouse abuse offenders,2004,19,2,137-156,Lee Experimental avoidance as a mediator of the effects of adolescent sexual victimization on negative adult outcomes,2004,19,1,109-120,Rosenthal Experience of maltreatment as a child and acceptance of violence in adult intimate relationships: mediating effects of distortions in cognitive schemas,2004,19,1,97-108,Ponce Space city revisited: patterns of legal outcomes in Houston homicide,2004,19,1,83-95,Titterington Methods of filicide: stepparents and genetic parents kill differently,2004,19,1,75-81,Shackelford The role of alcohol use in intimate partner violence and non-intimate partner violence,2004,19,1,63-74,Thompson Rural and urban women's perceptions of barriers to health mental health and criminal justice services: implications for victim services,2004,19,1,37-62,Logan Male partner violence against women in stepfamilies: an analysis of risk and explanations in the Canadian milieu,2004,19,1,17-36,Brownridge Physical and psychological partner aggression across a decade: a growth curve analysis,2004,19,1,3-16,O'Leary Exposure to "low-level" aggression in school: associations with aggressive behavior future expectations and perceived safety,2003,18,6,691-705,Boxer An analysis of the self-control and criminal versatility of gang and dating violence offenders,2003,18,6,671-690,Chapple Perceptions of domestic abuse in same-sex relationships and implications for criminal justice and mental health responses,2003,18,6,659-669,Poorman The internal validity of the index of spouse abuse in African American women,2003,18,6,641-657,Kaslow The joint contribution of experiencing and witnessing violence during childhood on child abuse in the parent role,2003,18,6,619-639,Cunningham Physical aggression forced sex and stalking victimization by a dating partner: an analysis of the National Violence Against Women Survey,2003,18,6,595-617,Coker Does writing reduce posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms?,2003,18,5,569-580,Range Demographic psychosocial and personality characteristics of lesbian batterers,2003,18,5,557-568,Fortunata The context of sexual violence: situational predictors of self-protective actions,2003,18,5,543-556,Clay-Warner Masculine gender role stress and men's fear of emotions as predictors of self-reported aggression and violence,2003,18,5,533-541,Jakupcak Sex differences in empathy and its relation to juvenile offending,2003,18,5,503-516,Espelage More harm than good? Diagnostic codes for child and adult abuse,2003,18,5,491-502,Rovi Association between child sexual abuse and sexual revictimization in adulthood among women sex partners of injection drug users,2003,18,4,473-484,Parillo Acute Stress Disorder in physical assault victims visiting a Danish emergency ward,2003,18,4,461-472,Brink The short- and long-term effects of adolescent violent victimization experienced within the family and community,2003,18,4,445-459,Fagan Nonlethal intimate partner violence: examining race gender and income patterns,2003,18,4,433-443,Planty Social support as a mediator of revictimization of low-income African American women,2003,18,4,419-431,Kaslow Violence coping and mental health in a community sample of adolescents,2003,18,4,403-418,Singer Male-initiated partner abuse during marital separation prior to divorce,2003,18,4,387-402,McKenry Determinants of women's perceptions of risk in battering relationships,2003,18,4,371-386,Gondolf The moderating role of parental warmth on the effects of exposure to family violence,2003,18,3,353-367,Arias The relationship between exposure to community violence and psychological distress among adolescents: a meta-analysis,2003,18,3,335-352,Wilson Sexual abuse family violence and female delinquency: findings from a longitudinal study,2003,18,3,319-334,McCloskey The relationship between adult sexual assault and prostitution: an exploratory analysis,2003,18,3,299-317,Campbell Stalking and other forms of intrusive contact after the dissolution of adolescent dating or romantic relationships,2003,18,3,279-297,Haugaard Men who use violence: intimate violence versus non-intimate violence profiles,2003,18,3,259-277,Marsh Co-occurrence between marital aggression and parents' child abuse potential: the impact of cumulative stress,2003,18,3,243-258,Margolin Post-traumatic stress disorder and health-related quality of life in female victims of intimate partner violence,2003,18,2,227-238,Stein Sexual assault while in the military: violence as a predictor of cardiac risk?,2003,18,2,219-225,Sullivan Gender differences in psychological physical and sexual aggression among college students using the revised conflict tactics scales,2003,18,2,197-217,Hines Stalking and psychological abuse: common factors and relationship-specific characteristics,2003,18,2,163-180,Davis Examining intergenerational violence: violent role modeling or weak parental controls?,2003,18,2,143-162,Chapple The effects of relationship aversive female partner behavior on attributions and physiological reactivity of verbally aggressive and non-aggressive males,2003,18,1,95-106,Stuart The relative effects of intimate partner physical and sexual violence on post-traumatic stress disorder symptomatology,2003,18,1,87-94,Resick Vicarious traumatization secondary traumatic stress and burnout in sexual assault and domestic violence agency staff,2003,18,1,71-86,Baird Structural antecedents of aggravated assault: exploratory assessment of female and male victimization,2003,18,1,55-70,Smith The political economy of urban homicide: assessing the relative impact of gender inequality on sex-specific victimization,2003,18,1,35-54,DeWees Different paths to death row: a comparison of men who committed heinous and less heinous crimes,2003,18,1,15-33,Van Soest Impulsiveness impulsive aggression personality disorder and spousal violence,2003,18,1,3-14,Edwards Work-related abuse: a replication new items and persistent questions,2002,17,6,743-757,Brush Child custody evaluations and domestic violence: case comparisons,2002,17,6,719-742,Walker The relationship between driver aggression violence and vengeance,2002,17,6,707-718,Hennessy Avoiding rape: the effects of protective actions and situational factors on rape outcome,2002,17,6,691-705,Clay-Warner Adolescent victimization and problem drinking,2002,17,6,669-689,Kaukinen The effects of child maltreatment on violent offending among institutionalized youth,2002,17,6,655-668,Gover Utilization of counseling and supportive services by female victims of domestic abuse,2002,17,5,623-636,Henning Intimate partner violence among married male U.S. Army soldiers: ethnicity as a factor in self-reported perpetration and victimization,2002,17,5,607-622,Rosen Characteristics of female perpetrators and victims of dating violence,2002,17,5,593-606,Fremouw The encounter with family violence and risky sexual activity among young adolescent females,2002,17,5,569-592,Avery Incidence and correlates of posttrauma symptoms in children from backgrounds of domestic violence,2002,17,5,555-567,Mertin Stalker profiles with and without protective orders: reoffending or criminal justice processing?,2002,17,5,541-553,Jordon Psychological aggression in dating relationships: predictive models for males and females,2002,17,5,525-540,Hammock The structure of harassment and abuse in the workplace: a factorial comparison of two measures,2002,17,4,491-505,Fendrich Violence and hostility among families of Vietnam veterans with combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder,2002,17,4,473-489,Beckham Double jeopardy?: Violence against immigrant women in Canada,2002,17,4,455-471,Brownridge Fear and expectations: differences among female victims of domestic violence who come to the attention of the police,2002,17,4,445-453,Apsler Physical and mental health effects of being stalked for men and women,2002,17,4,429-443,Coker The anger management scale: development and preliminary psychometric properties,2002,17,4,383-402,Hamby Violent comic books and judgments of relational aggression,2002,17,3,373-380,Kirsh An assessment of outcomes following parents' participation in a child abuse prevention program,2002,17,3,355-372,Lavoie Alcohol and substance use disorders as predictors of child to adult sexual revictimization in a sample of community women,2002,17,3,319-340,Messman-Moore Measuring the lifetime experience of domestic violence: application of the life history calendar method,2002,17,3,297-317,Yoshihama Risk factors for suicide attempts among African American women experiencing recent intimate partner violence,2002,17,3,283-295,Kaslow Understanding domestic violence against women: using evolutionary psychology to extend the feminist functional analysis,2002,17,2,255-264,Shackelford Opportunity theory and adolescent school-based victimization,2002,17,2,233-253,Wilcox Violence and trauma: predicting the impact on the well-being of African American women with severe mental illness,2002,17,2,219-232,Ford Sexual assault and alcohol use: exploring the self-medication hypothesis,2002,17,2,205-217,Long Repeat and multiple victimizations: the role of individual and contextual factors,2002,17,2,187-204,Outlaw The effects of domestic violence during pregnancy on maternal and infant health,2002,17,2,169-185,Levendosky A contextual exploration of siblicide,2002,17,2,157-168,Gebo What we know about social structure and homicide: a review of the theoretical and empirical literature,2002,17,2,127-156,Pridemore Threatened and attempted suicide by partner-violent male respondents petitioned to family violence court,2002,17,2,115-125,Caine Perceived verbal conflict behaviors associated with physical aggression and sexual coercion in dating relationships: a gender-sensitive analysis,2002,17,1,93-109,Katz The relationship between distress and resource loss following rape,2002,17,1,85-91,Resnick Repeat rape and multiple offending among undetected rapists,2002,17,1,73-84,Lisak The relationships among childhood abuse borderline personality and self-harm behavior in psychiatric inpatients,2002,17,1,49-55,Sansone A model for predicting dating violence: anxious attachment angry temperament and need for relationship control,2002,17,1,35-47,Follingstad Exposure to abuse neglect and household dysfunction among adults who witnessed intimate partner violence as children: implications for health and social services,2002,17,1,3-17,Felitti Prosecution of batterers: views of African American battered women,2002,17,1,19-34,Weisz The program effect of batterer programs in three cities,2001,16,6,693-704,Gondolf Social reactions to sexual assault victims from various support sources,2001,16,6,673-692,Filipas Sexual abuse: A comparison between resilient victims and drug-addicted victims,2001,16,6,655-672,Nadeau A follow-up study of posttraumatic stress disorder anxiety and depression in Australian victims of domestic violence,2001,16,6,645-654,Mertin Justifiability sympathy level and internal/external locus of the reasons battered women remain in abusive relationships,2001,16,6,621-644,Follingstad The influence of victim gender and sexual orientation on judgments of the victim in a depicted stranger rape,2001,16,6,607-619,Archer Exploring racial variations in the spousal sex ratio of killing,2001,16,6,591-606,Regoeczi Prevention of child sexual abuse: a survey of 87 programs,2001,16,5,575-588,Plummer Further validation of the driving vengeance questionnaire,2001,16,5,565-573,Hennessy Intimate partner sexual abuse among women on methadone,2001,16,5,553-564,Frye Sexual coercion among young street-involved adults: perpetrators' and victims' perspectives,2001,16,5,537-551,Strike Linking drug-related activities with experiences of partner violence: a focus group study of women in methadone treatment,2001,16,5,517-536,Frye The impact of husband physical aggression and alcohol use on marital functioning: does alcohol "excuse" the violence?,2001,16,5,507-516,Leonard Antisocial personality substance abuse and exposure to parental violence in males referred for domestic violence,2001,16,5,491-506,Harris Physical violence among Anglo African American and Hispanic couples: ethnic differences in persistence and cessation,2001,16,5,479-490,Jasinski The gender cycle of violence: comparing the effects of child abuse and neglect on criminal offending for males and females,2001,16,4,457-474,Fagan The effects of a high-risk environment on the sexual victimization of homeless and runaway youth,2001,16,4,441-455,Tyler Moral commitment and the effects of social influences on violent delinquency,2001,16,4,427-439,Hannon Short-term stability and prospective correlates of bullying in middle-school students: an examination of potential demographic psychosocial and environmental influences,2001,16,4,411-426,Bosworth Characteristics of homicidal and violent juveniles,2001,16,4,401-409,Shumaker Correlates contributing to involvement in violent behaviors among young adults,2001,16,4,371-388,Hawkins Childhood risk factors for persistence of violence in the transition to adulthood: a social development perspective,2001,16,4,355-369,Herrenkohl High school students' responses to dating aggression,2001,16,3,339-348,O'Leary Characteristics of maltreatment experience and academic functioning among maltreated children,2001,16,3,323-337,Kinard A meta-analysis of rape education programs,2001,16,3,303-321,Brecklin Social reactions to rape victims: healing and hurtful effects on psychological and physical health outcomes,2001,16,3,287-302,Campbell Abused women or abused men? An examination of the context and outcomes of dating violence,2001,16,3,269-285,Harned Interpersonal and systemic aspects of emotional abuse at work: the target's perspective,2001,16,3,233-268,Keashly Pregnancy stress and wife assault: ethnic differences in prevalence severity and onset in a national sample,2001,16,3,219-232,Jasinski Temperature routine activities and domestic violence: a reanalysis,2001,16,2,203-215,Cohn The implementation of workplace violence policy in state government,2001,16,2,185-202,Lord Effects of alcoholic beverage instigation and inhibition on expectancies of aggressive behavior,2001,16,2,173-184,Cheong Family violence and substance use: the perceived effects of substance use within gay male relationships,2001,16,2,161-172,Cruz Perpetrators as victims: understanding violence by female street-walking prostitutes,2001,16,2,145-159,Arnold Dropout and completion of treatment among spouse abusers,2001,16,2,127-143,Rondeau Research on stalking: what do we know and where do we go?,2000,15,4,473-487,Davis Negative family-of-origin experiences: are they associated with perpetrating unwanted pursuit behaviors?,2000,15,4,459-471,Langhinrichsen-Rohling The impact of severe stalking experienced by acutely battered women: an examination of violence psychological symptoms and strategic responding,2000,15,4,443-458,Mechanic The role of stalking in domestic violence crime reports generated by the Colorado Springs Police Department,2000,15,4,427-441,Tjaden Stalking perpetrators and psychological maltreatment of partners: anger-jealousy attachment insecurity need for control and break-up context,2000,15,4,407-425,Davis An empirical study of stalking victimization,2000,15,4,389-406,Bjerregaard An integrative contextual developmental model of male stalking,2000,15,4,373-388,White Obsessive relational intrusion: incidence perceived severity and coping,2000,15,4,357-372,Spitzberg Domestic violence laws: the voices of battered women,2001,16,1,91-111,Smith The epidemiology of physical attack and rape among crack-using women,2001,16,1,79-89,Wang Psychological abuse and posttraumatic stress disorder in battered women: examining the roles of shame and guilt,2001,16,1,65-78,Arias The prevalence and correlates of psychological distress following physical and sexual assault in a young adult cohort,2001,16,1,49-63,Langley Adult somatic preoccupation and its relationship to childhood trauma,2001,16,1,39-47,Sansone The effects of children's presence on woman abuse,2001,16,1,3-17,Hutchison The "Medea complex" among men: the instrumental abuse of children to injure wives,2001,16,1,19-37,McCloskey Anger irrational beliefs and dysfunctional attitudes in violent dating relationships,2000,15,3,337-350,Eckhardt Women's fear of crime: the role of fear for the well-being of significant others,2000,15,3,323-336,Mesch Abuse during and before pregnancy: prevalence and cultural correlates,2000,15,3,303-321,Ryan Coping with chronic community violence: the variety and implications of women's efforts,2000,15,3,283-301,Wolfer Wife killing: risk to women as a function of age,2000,15,3,273-282,Shackelford Aggressive behavior among women sexually abused as children,2000,15,3,235-255,Siegel Exploring the connection between pornography and sexual violence,2000,15,3,227-234,Bergen Supreme Court examines impact of errors in detecting bias during jury selection,2000,15,2,209-224,Hafemeister Interpreting and defensively responding to threat: examining appraisals and coping with acquaintance sexual aggression,2000,15,2,187-208,Young Labeling partner violence: when do victims differentiate among acts?,2000,15,2,173-186,Hamby Measuring interference with employment and education reported by women with abusive partners: preliminary data,2000,15,2,161-172,Riger Predictors of dropout among men who batter: a review of studies with implications for research and practice,2000,15,2,137-160,Daly The Driving Vengeance Questionnaire (DVQ): the development of a scale to measure deviant drivers' attitudes,2000,15,2,115-136,Hennessy Stalking as a variant of intimate violence: implications from a young adult sample,2000,15,1,91-111,Walker Breaking up is hard to do: unwanted pursuit behaviors following the dissolution of a romantic relationship,2000,15,1,73-90,Cohen Intimate partner violence and stalking behavior: exploration of patterns and correlates in a sample of acutely battered women,2000,15,1,55-72,Mechanic Stalking by former intimates: verbal threats and other predictors of physical violence,2000,15,1,41-54,Brewster Initial courtship behavior and stalking: how should we draw the line?,2000,15,1,23-40,Frieze Comparing stalking victimization from legal and victim perspectives,2000,15,1,7-22,Tjaden Introduction to stalking and obsessive behaviors in everyday life: assessments of victims and perpetrators,2000,15,1,3-5,Davis Obstacles to victims' cooperation with the criminal prosecution of their abusers: the role of social support,1999,14,4,427-444,Dutton Comparing violence over the life span in samples of same-sex and opposite-sex cohabitants,1999,14,4,413-425,Tjaden Neuropsychological correlates of domestic violence,1999,14,4,397-411,Rosenbaum Normative advice to campus crime victims: effects of gender age and alcohol,1999,14,4,381-396,Ruback Risk factors and correlates of dating violence: the relevance of examining frequency and severity levels in a college sample,1999,14,4,365-380,Follingstad Evaluations of aggressive women: the effects of gender socioeconomic status and level of aggression,1999,14,4,353-363,Jones Avoiding drunk drivers: the level and sources of protective behavior,1999,14,3,323-336,Link Nonviolent youth in a violent society: resilience and vulnerability in the country of Colombia,1999,14,3,311-322,Klevens Coping with partner abuse among Mexican American and Anglo women: ethnic and socioeconomic influences,1999,14,3,293-310,McCloskey Females' labor force participation and intimate femicide: an empirical assessment of the backlash hypothesis,1999,14,3,277-291,Avakame Secondary victimization of rape victims: insights from mental health professionals who treat survivors of violence,1999,14,3,261-275,Campbell An analysis of empirical estimates of sexual aggression victimization and perpetration,1999,14,3,241-260,Spitzberg Mothers who killed or attempted to kill their child: life circumstances childhood abuse and types of killing,1999,14,3,219-239,Haapasalo What happens when health practitioners report domestic violence injuries to the police? A study of the law enforcement response to injury reports,1999,14,2,203-214,Lund Capture-recapture analysis of batterer reassaults: an epidemiological innovation for batterer program evaluation,1999,14,2,191-202,LaPorte Violent substance abusers in domestic violence treatment,1999,14,2,179-190,Brown An examination of social cognitive theory with differences among sexually aggressive physically aggressive and nonaggressive children in state care,1999,14,2,161-178,Burton Sexual coercion history calloused sexual beliefs and judgments of sexual coercion in a date rape analogue,1999,14,2,147-160,Wilson The association between the perception of threat in a dating situation and sexual victimization,1999,14,2,135-146,Breitenbecher A comparison of gang and individual rape incidents,1999,14,2,123-133,Ullman The impact of different forms of psychological abuse on battered women,1999,14,1,105-117,Saunders Court-involved battered women's responses to violence: the role of psychological physical and sexual abuse,1999,14,1,89-104,Dutton Effects of men's subtle and overt psychological abuse on low-income women,1999,14,1,69-88,Marshall Psychological abuse: implications for adjustment and commitment to leave violent partners,1999,14,1,55-67,Arias Measuring emotional abuse in dating relationships as a multifactorial construct,1999,14,1,39-53,Murphy The validation of the Psychological Maltreatment of Women Inventory,1999,14,1,25-37,Tolman Psychological abuse: a variable deserving critical attention in domestic violence,1999,14,1,3-23,O'Leary "Why don't they just call the cops?": Reasons for differential police contact among women with abusive partners,1998,13,4,333-346,Davidson Partner violence and sexual HIV-risk behaviors among women in an inner-city emergency department,1998,13,4,377-393,Krishnan Sociodemographic predictors and cultural barriers to help-seeking behavior by Latina and Anglo American battered women,1998,13,4,361-375,West Major depressive disorder and depressive symptomatology as predictors of husband to wife physical aggression,1998,13,4,347-360,Heyman Violent pornography and abuse of women: theory to practice,1998,13,4,319-332,McFarlane Intergenerational transmission of violence self-control and conjugal violence: a comparative analysis of physical violence and psychological aggression,1998,13,3,301-316,Avakame Adolescent attitudes toward victim precipitation of rape,1998,13,3,287-300,Marciniak Childhood maltreatment history as a risk factor for sexual harassment among U.S. Army soldiers,1998,13,3,269-286,Rosen In their own words: battered women's assessment of the criminal processing system's responses,1998,13,3,251-268,Erez Victimization risks at leisure: a gender-specific analysis,1998,13,3,231-249,Mustaine A comparison of impulsive and instrumental subgroups of batterers,1998,13,3,217-230,Dutton Measuring sexual harassment: development and validation of the Sexual Harassment Inventory,1998,13,3,203-216,Murdoch Lifetime exposure to interparental physical and verbal aggression and symptom expression in college students,1998,13,2,175-196,Murphy Exploring violence and abuse in gay male relationships,1998,13,2,159-173,Cruz Effects of time and an educational presentation on student attitudes toward wife-beating,1998,13,2,149-157,O'Neal Depressive symptoms in maltreated children from mother teacher and child perspectives,1998,13,2,131-147,Kinard Testing a mediational model of sexually aggressive behavior in nonincarcerated perpetrators,1998,13,2,117-130,Ouimette Drug use predictors of partner violence in opiate-dependent women,1998,13,2,107-115,Catalano Close relationships of violent and nonviolent African American delinquents,1998,13,1,31-46,Gray Follow-up of rapists treated in a forensic psychiatric hospital,1998,13,1,79-86,Clelland Coercive sexual strategies,1998,13,1,47-61,Tyler Immigrants and the criminal justice system: an exploratory study,1998,13,1,21-30,Erez Correlates of sexual assault in Mexican American and white non-Hispanic adolescent males,1998,13,1,11-20,Chavez History of trauma and attempted suicide among women in a primary care setting,1998,13,1,3-9,Sansone Vulnerability to victimization concurrent problem behaviors and peer influence as predictors of in-school weapon carrying among high school students,1997,12,3,277-289,Sussman Individual differences in self-appraisals and responses to dating violence scenarios,1997,12,3,265-276,Arias Harassment in the workplace and the victimization of men,1997,12,3,247-263,Einarsen Perceptions of rape: the influence of closeness of relationship intoxication and sex of participant,1997,12,3,237-246,Richardson An evaluation of a dating violence prevention program for middle school students,1997,12,3,223-235,Macgowan Routine activities and involvement in violence as actor witness or target,1997,12,3,209-221,Felson Correlates of battering among 997 men: family history adjustment and attitudinal differences,1997,12,3,191-208,Hanson Victimization and perpetration rates of violence in gay and lesbian relationships: gender issues explored,1997,12,2,173-184,Waldner-Haugrud Health care utilization and history of trauma among women in a primary care setting,1997,12,2,165-172,Sansone Social ecology and entitlements involved in battering by heterosexual college males: contributions of family and peers,1997,12,2,147-165,Silverman The psychological impact of withholding disclosure of child sexual abuse,1997,12,2,137-145,Gold Comparison of beginning counselors' responses to lesbian vs. heterosexual partner abuse,1997,12,2,127-135,Wise Impact of expert testimony on the believability of repressed memories,1997,12,2,115-126,Boney-McCoy Validation of the Keane MMPI-PTSD Scale against DSM-III-R criteria in a sample of battered women,1997,12,1,99-104,Van Hasselt Sexual coercion in gay/lesbian relationships: descriptives and gender differences,1997,12,1,87-98,Waldner-Haugrud Predicting the fear of assault at school and while going to and from school in an adolescent population,1997,12,1,69-86,Bachman Estrangement interventions and male violence toward female partners,1997,12,1,51-67,Ellis Client personality disorders affecting wife assault post-treatment recidivism,1997,12,1,37-50,Dutton The role of blame distress and anger in the hypermasculine man,1997,12,1,19-35,Downs Relationship factors and depressive symptomatology associated with mild and severe husband-to-wife physical aggression,1997,12,1,3-18,Vivian Patterns of reassault in batterer programs,1997,12,4,373-387,Gondolf Anger aggression and violence in love triangles,1997,12,4,345-362,Felson Violent responses to strain: an examination of conditioning influences,1997,12,4,323-343,Piquero Awareness of guilt and shame in intimate violence,1997,12,4,307-322,Eisikovits Dating aggression among high school students,1997,12,4,295-305,O'leary Socially desirable responding and offence characteristics among rapists,1996,11,3,263-270,Kroner Psychopharmacological treatment of aggressive behavior: implications for domestically violent men,1996,11,3,239-261,Maiuro Dating violence: the association between methods of coping and women's psychological adjustment,1996,11,3,227-238,Jankowski The cycle of trauma; relationship aggression in male Vietnam veterans with symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder,1996,11,3,213-225,Riggs The Dominance Scale: preliminary psychometric properties,1996,11,3,199-212,Hamby Victimization and fear of crime,1996,11,3,187-197,Gartrell Feminist-cognitive-behavioral and process-psychodynamic treatments for men who batter: interaction of abuser traits and treatment models,1996,11,4,393-414,Saunders Psychological factors in the longitudinal course of battering: when do the couples split up? when does the abuse decrease?,1996,11,4,371-392,Berns Desistance of husband aggression in the early years of marriage,1996,11,4,355-370,Leonard The applicability of the theory of planned behavior to abusive men's cessation of violent behavior,1996,11,4,341-354,Fendrich Comparing the emotional reactions and behavioral intentions of violent and nonviolent husbands to aggressive distressed and other wife behaviors,1996,11,4,319-339,Holtzworth-Munroe Generalized versus spouse-specific anger/hostility and men's violence against intimates,1996,11,4,293-317,Vivian A large sample empirical typology of male spouse abusers and its relationship to dimensions of abuse,1996,11,4,277-292,Hamberger Men who batter: recent history and research,1996,11,4,273-276,Saunders The prevalence of sexual harassment among female family practice residents in the United States,1996,11,2,175-180,Vukovich The relationship between victimization and cognitive schemata among episodically homeless seriously mentally ill women,1996,11,2,159-174,Dutton Do social reactions to sexual assault victims vary by support provider?,1996,11,2,143-157,Ullman Childhood abuse as a precursor to homelessness for homeless women with severe mental illness,1996,11,2,129-142,Hough Risk and resilience among children exposed to family violence,1996,11,2,113-128,Kolbo Suicide following homicide in the family,1996,11,2,99-112,Cooper Protecting child witnesses: judicial efforts to minimize trauma and reduce evidentiary barriers,1996,11,1,71-91,Hafemeister Conducting research on child maltreatment: effects on researchers,1996,11,1,65-69,Kinard Attrition from a male batterer treatment program: client-treatment congruence and lifestyle instability,1996,11,1,51-64,Crawford Self-reported sexual interest in children: sex differences and psychosocial correlates in a university sample,1996,11,1,39-50,Briere Adjusting to criminal victimization: the correlates of postcrime distress,1996,11,1,21-38,Taylor Risk factors for youth victimization: beyond a lifestyles/routine activities theory approach,1996,11,1,3-19,Asdigian Constructing the symbolic complainant: police subculture and the nonenforcement of protection orders for battered women,1995,10,3,227-247,Rigakos Effects of feedback on emotion in hypermasculine males,1995,10,3,217-226,Gold Male and female sexual victimization in dating relationships: gender differences in coercion techniques and outcomes,1995,10,3,203-215,Waldner-Haugrud Suicidality in college women who were sexually and physically abused and physically punished by parents,1995,10,3,195-201,Range Repeat victims of violence in an urban trauma center,1995,10,3,183-194,Buss Exposure to serious family violence among incarcerated boys: its association with violent offending and potential mediating variables,1995,10,3,163-182,Bowden Absolute and relative involvement in homicide offending: contemporary youth and the baby boom cohorts,1995,10,4,327-333,Smith Excuses excuses: accounting for the effects of partner violence on marital satisfaction and stability,1995,10,4,315-326,Arias A study of the prevalence of sexual coercion in adolescent heterosexual dating relationships in a Quebec sample,1995,10,4,299-313,Lavoie Interpersonal conflict which includes mistreatment in a university workplace,1995,10,4,285-297,Spratlen Childhood physical abuse perceived social support and socioemotional status in adult women,1995,10,4,273-283,Crouch Beyond the Conflict Tactics Scale: assessing gender differences in partner violence,1995,10,4,251-272,Morse Police involvement in domestic violence: the interactive effects of victim injury offender's history of violence and race,1995,10,2,91-106,Coker Children of battered women: developmental delays and behavioral dysfunction,1995,10,2,153-160,Gleason Attributions about spouse abuse in cases of bidirectional battering,1995,10,2,143-151,Harris Using couple data to determine domestic violence rates: an attempt to replicate previous work,1995,10,2,133-141,Bohannon The role of shame and guilt in the intergenerational transmission of abusiveness,1995,10,2,121-131,Dutton Conflict resolution strategies and marital distress as mediating factors in the link between witnessing interparental violence and wife battering,1995,10,2,107-119,Pittman Impact of sexual and nonsexual assault on secondary victims,1995,10,1,73-84,Taylor Relationship between multiple exposures to violence and coping strategies among African-American mothers,1995,10,1,55-71,Hill Control coping and victimization in dating relationships,1995,10,1,43-54,Arias Violence in the marital dyad as a predictor of violence in the peer relationships of older adolescents/young adults,1995,10,1,35-41,MacIntyre A scale for identifying "Stockholm syndrome" reactions in young dating women: factor structure reliability and validity,1995,10,1,3-22,Thompson Distress and symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder in abused women,1995,10,1,23-34,Vogel Civil protection orders: a viable justice system tool for deterring domestic violence,1994,9,1,79-84,Keilitz Reliability and diagnostic efficacy of parents' reports regarding children's exposure to marital aggression,1994,9,1,45-62,O'Brien Posttraumatic stress symptom profiles of battered women: a comparison of survivors in two settings,1994,9,1,31-44,Saunders Structural and cultural determinants of child homicide: a cross-national analysis,1994,9,1,3-16,Cutright Women's fear of crime and abuse in college and university dating relationships,1994,9,1,17-30,DeKeseredy Gay and bisexual male domestic violence victimization: challenges to feminist theory and responses to violence,1994,9,2,95-106,Letellier Domestic partner abuse: expanding paradigms for understanding and intervention,1994,9,2,91-94,Hamberger On dancing with a bear: reflections on some of the current debates among domestic violence theorists,1994,9,2,195-200,Renzetti Expanding the boundaries: toward a more inclusive and integrated study of intimate violence,1994,9,2,183-194,Miller Patriarchy and wife assault: the ecological fallacy,1994,9,2,167-182,Dutton Head-injured males: a population at risk for relationship aggression?,1994,9,2,153-166,Rosenbaum Lesbian battering: the relationship between personality and the perpetration of violence,1994,9,2,139-152,Coleman Counseling heterosexual women arrested for domestic violence: implications for theory and practice,1994,9,2,125-137,Hamberger Are bi-directionally violent couples mutually victimized? A gender-sensitive comparison,1994,9,2,107-124,Langhinrichsen-Rohling Domestic partner abuse treatment programs and cultural competence: the results of a national survey,1994,9,3,287-296,Williams Adjustment and needs of African-American women who utilized a domestic violence shelter,1994,9,3,275-286,Sullivan The reliability and factor structure of the index of spouse abuse with African-American women,1994,9,3,259-274,Ryan Grandmother dishonored: violence against women by male partners in American Indian communities,1994,9,3,249-258,Goldman Sexual harassment and prior sexual trauma among African-American and white American women,1994,9,3,233-247,Wyatt Child sexual abuse and adult revictimization with women of color,1994,9,3,223-232,Urquiza Sociocultural status and incidence of marital violence in Hispanic families,1994,9,3,207-222,Jasinski Violence against women of color. introduction,1994,9,3,203-206,Wyatt Constitutional challenges to child witness protection legislation: an update,1994,9,4,369-377,Small Domestic abuse by male alcohol and drug addicts,1994,9,4,359-368,Tolman Abusive behavior in the workplace: a preliminary investigation,1994,9,4,341-357,Keashly Culture and domestic violence: The ecology of abused Latinas,1994,9,4,325-339,Norris Relationship between alcohol consumption and victim behaviors immediately preceding sexual aggression by an acquaintance,1994,9,4,315-324,Leitenberg Family violence and police utilization,1994,9,4,299-313,Hutchison Justice for victims of spouse abuse in divorce and child custody cases,1993,8,1,69-83,Pagelow Mental disorders in battered women: an empirical study,1993,8,1,53-68,Gleason An exploration of the violent victim experiences of female offenders,1993,8,1,41-51,Lake Spousal homicide risk and estrangement,1993,8,1,3-16,Daly For better or worse: the case of marital rape,1993,8,1,29-39,Whatley Posttraumatic stress disorder among battered women: risk and resiliency factors,1993,8,1,17-28,Foy Sexual aggression by an acquaintance: methods of coping and later psychological adjustment,1993,8,2,91-104,Leitenberg Juror stress,1993,8,2,177-186,Hafemeister Family of origin violence and MCMI-II psychopathology among partner assaultive men,1993,8,2,165-176,Murphy Sexual victimization in young pregnant and parenting African-American women: psychological and social outcomes,1993,8,2,153-163,Ebert A comparison of adaptive strategies and patterns of victimization among homeless adolescents and adults,1993,8,2,135-152,Whitbeck Victim-offender relationship and sexual assault,1993,8,2,121-134,Siegel Emotional attachments in abusive relationships: a test of traumatic bonding theory,1993,8,2,105-120,Dutton A social interactionist approach to violence: cross-cultural applications,1993,8,3,295-310,Tedeschi An evolutionary psychological perspective on male sexual proprietariness and violence against wives,1993,8,3,271-294,Daly Violence by and against women: a comparative and cross-national analysis,1993,8,3,253-270,Kruttschnitt Violent criminal behavior over the life course: A review of the longitudinal and comparative research,1993,8,3,235-252,Laub Issues in cross-cultural studies of interpersonal violence,1993,8,3,217-233,Ember Methodological issues in cross-cultural large-survey research on violence,1993,8,3,199-215,Gartner Social and cultural aspects of interpersonal violent behaviors. introduction,1993,8,3,193-198,Ruback Ethical and legal duties in conducting research on violence: lessons from the MacArthur Risk Assessment Study,1993,8,4,387-396,Lidz Sexual abuse prevention with high-risk males: the roles of victim empathy and rape myths,1993,8,4,339-351,O'Donohue Borderline personality in perpetrators of psychological and physical abuse,1993,8,4,326-337,Dutton Changes in perceived threats of shame embarrassment and legal sanctions for interpersonal violence 1982-1992,1993,8,4,313-325,Grasmick Recruiting nonviolent men as control subjects for research on marital violence: how easily can it be done?,1992,7,1,79-88,Holtzworth-Munroe The nuts and bolts of implementing large-scale longitudinal studies,1992,7,1,63-78,Stouthamer-Loeber A structural model examining the relationship between physical child abuse sexual victimization and marijuana/hashish use in delinquent youth: a longitudinal study,1992,7,1,41-62,Williams Dating violence social learning theory and gender: a multivariate analysis,1992,7,1,3-14,Tontodonato Patterns of socially desirable responding among perpetrators and victims of wife assault,1992,7,1,29-39,Dutton The assessment of maritally violent men on the California Psychological Inventory,1992,7,1,15-28,Hamberger Conventional and delinquent activities: Implications for the prevention of violent victimization among adolescents,1992,7,2,91-108,Sampson The moderating impact of social support following childhood sexual abuse,1992,7,2,173-186,Miller Perceived credibility of children's sexual abuse allegations: effects of gender and sexual attitudes,1992,7,2,147-155,Valentine An evaluation of a secondary school primary prevention program on violence in intimate relationships,1992,7,2,129-146,Jaffe Effects of battered women's early responses on later abuse patterns,1992,7,2,109-128,Follingstad Trends and patterns of justifiable homicide: a comparative analysis,1992,7,4,347-356,Alvarez Multiple perspectives on groupwork with children of battered women,1992,7,4,327-346,Edleson Joint consequences of parental alcoholism and childhood sexual abuse and their partial mediation by family environment,1992,7,4,313-325,Yama Predictors of dating violence: a multivariate analysis,1992,7,4,297-311,Smith Relationships among marital investment marital satisfaction and marital commitment in domestically victimized and nonvictimized wives,1992,7,4,287-296,Arias A sex-specific analysis of correlates of homicide victimization in United States cities,1992,7,4,279-286,Smith After the crisis: a needs assessment of women leaving a domestic violence shelter,1992,7,3,267-275,Davidson The role of family factors physical abuse and sexual victimization experiences in high-risk youths' alcohol and other drug use and delinquency: a longitudinal model,1992,7,3,245-266,Brown Coping capacity among women with abusive partners,1992,7,3,229-243,Nurius Attitudes and practices of doctors toward spouse assault victims: an Australian study,1992,7,3,217-228,Easteal Patterns of homicide among the elderly,1992,7,3,203-215,Goetting Sex race age and violent offending,1992,7,3,191-201,Baskin Protestant fundamentalism and attitudes toward corporal punishment of children,1991,6,4,283-298,Grasmick History of child sexual abuse and adult sexual fantasies,1991,6,1,75-82,Gold A multimethod approach to the assessment of physical abuse,1991,6,1,57-73,Schellenbach Police response to wife assault in Northern Ireland,1991,6,1,43-55,Montgomery For better or worse: attributions about drunken aggression toward male and female victims,1991,6,1,31-41,Aramburu Construct validity of two heterosocial perception skill measures for assessing rape proclivity,1991,6,1,17-30,McDonel The role of the child in physical abuse: a reappraisal,1991,6,2,87-101,Ammerman Assessment of MMPI profiles of male batterers,1991,6,4,309-320,Flournoy Repeated sexual victimization,1991,6,4,299-308,Stein Juror and expert conceptions of battered women,1991,6,4,271-282,Greene The competency of responses given by maritally violent versus nonviolent men to problematic marital situations,1991,6,4,257-269,Holtzworth-Munroe Courtship violence: incidence in a national sample of higher education students,1991,6,4,247-256,White An ecological approach to tracking battered women over time,1991,6,3,237-244,Davidson Therapists' perceptions of severity in cases of family violence,1991,6,3,225-235,Harway Child molesters who abduct,1991,6,3,213-224,Campbell MMPI profile subtypes of incarcerated sex offenders against children,1991,6,3,201-212,Kalichman Concurrent validity of a Crime-Related Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder scale for women within the Symptom Checklist-90-Revised,1991,6,3,191-199,Kilpatrick Predictors of long-term sexual assault trauma among a national sample of victimized college women,1991,6,3,175-190,Koss Female victims of homicide: a portrait of their killers and the circumstances of their deaths,1991,6,2,159-168,Goetting Over- vs. undercontrolled hostility: Application of the construct to the classification of maritally violent men,1991,6,2,151-158,Rosenbaum Battered wives: The home as a total institution,1991,6,2,137-149,Avni Lesbians in currently aggressive relationships: how frequently do they report aggressive past relationships?,1991,6,2,121-135,Lie Victim blame and the disinhibition of sexual arousal to rape vignettes,1991,6,2,103-120,Marshall Vulnerability: towards a better understanding of a key variable in the genesis of fear of crime,1990,5,2,97-108,Killias Self-reported offending victimization and the British Crime Survey,1990,5,2,83-96,Elliott Traditions in social science and victim policy,1990,5,2,79-81,Sales Impediments to the recovery of restitution by crime victims,1990,5,2,127-140,Harland Mobbing and psychological terror at workplaces,1990,5,2,119-126,Leymann Public perceptions of criminal justice policy: does victimization make a difference?,1990,5,2,109-118,Sampson Certificates of confidentiality under the Public Health Service Act: strong protection but not enough,1990,5,1,67-71,Melton Premarital violence: the impact of family of origin violence stress and reciprocity,1990,5,1,51-64,Marshall Police response to domestic violence: the influence of individual and familial factors,1990,5,1,37-49,Stith Childhood victimization and violent offending,1990,5,1,19-35,Widom Family intimacy and homicide: a macro-social approach,1990,5,3,195-210,Parker Effects of alcohol gender and role of spouses on attributions and evaluations of marital violence scenarios,1990,5,3,185-193,Arias The denial of elder mistreatment by victims and abusers: the application of neutralization theory,1990,5,3,171-184,Tomita Recidivism following spouse abuse abatement counseling: treatment program implications,1990,5,3,157-170,Hamberger Women's evaluations of and affective reactions to mainstream violent pornography nonviolent pornography and erotica,1990,5,3,143-155,Senn Child victims of homicide: a portrait of their killers and the circumstances of their deaths,1990,5,4,287-296,Goetting Acceptance of guided imagery of marital rape as a function of macho personality,1990,5,4,275-286,Sullivan Patriarchal ideology and wife beating: a test of a feminist hypothesis,1990,5,4,257-273,Smith Interventions with battered women in health care settings,1990,5,4,243-256,Kurz Gender and homicide: a comparison of men and women who kill,1990,5,4,227-242,Jurik Brief research report: the reliability of the rape index in a sample of rapists and nonrapists,1989,4,4,299-306,Marshall Increases in premature mortality due to homicide--United States 1968-1985,1989,4,4,287-293,Waxweiler Counseling male spouse abusers: characteristics of treatment completers and dropouts,1989,4,4,275-286,Hamberger Sexual conquest and patterns of black-on-black violence: A structural-cultural perspective,1989,4,4,257-273,Oliver Male abuse of a married or cohabiting female partner: the application of sociological theory to research findings,1989,4,4,235-255,Ellis Research note: the response of the clergy to spouse abuse in a suburban county,1989,4,3,217-225,Martin Practitioners' forum: Public health and the primary prevention of adolescent violence--the violence prevention project,1989,4,3,203-212,Spivak Child abuse and failure to thrive: individual familial and environmental characteristics,1989,4,3,191-201,Newberger Sexual victimization: is there a vicious cycle?,1989,4,3,179-190,Burkhart The development of a measure of psychological maltreatment of women by their male partners,1989,4,3,159-177,Tolman Early predictors of adolescent aggression and adult violence,1989,4,2,79-100,Farrington The impact of adolescent sexual victimization: Standardized measures of anxiety depression and behavioral deviancy,1989,4,2,139-149,Koss Physical abuse sexual victimization and illicit drug use: Replication of a structural analysis among a new sample of high-risk youths,1989,4,2,121-138,Williams The ecology of child abuse and neglect: Review of the literature and presentation of data,1989,4,2,101-120,Zuravin Research note: parallel reactions in rape victims and rape researchers,1989,4,1,57-62,Wright Social approval for violations of sexual consent in marriage and dating,1989,4,1,45-55,Miller New developments in research on aggression: an international report,1989,4,1,3-15,Maiuro Trouble in the schoolhouse: New views on victimization fear of crime and teacher perceptions of the workplace,1989,4,1,27-44,Williams Violence prediction methods: Statistical and clinical strategies,1988,3,4,303-324,Gottfredson Predictions of dangerousness: an argument for limited use,1988,3,4,263-283,Miller Stakes and risks in the prediction of violent criminal behavior,1988,3,4,247-262,Gottfredson Conceptions of rape,1988,3,3,217-232,Remer Temperament adjustment and alcoholism in adult female incest victims,1988,3,3,205-216,Carson Who are those guys? Toward a behavioral typology of batterers,1988,3,3,187-203,Gondolf Contributions of family violence research to criminal justice policy on wife assault: paradigms of science and social control,1988,3,3,159-186,Fagan Prior relationship resistance and injury in rapes: an analysis of crisis center records,1988,3,2,99-111,Ruback Patterns of family and nonfamily violence: violent husbands and violent men,1988,3,2,83-97,Shields Child maltreatment over two decades: Change or continuity?,1988,3,2,129-144,Knudsen Women who kill their children,1988,3,2,113-127,Kennedy The male batterer: clinical and research issues,1988,3,1,65-79,Sonkin Profiling of wife assaulters: preliminary evidence for a trimodal analysis,1988,3,1,5-29,Dutton Exposure to violence in the families-of-origin among wife-abusers and maritally nonviolent men,1988,3,1,49-63,Caesar Personality characteristics of spouse abusers: a controlled comparison,1988,3,1,31-48,Hamberger Women who sexually abuse children,1987,2,4,263-276,Faller Empathy with a rape victim: the role of similarity of experience,1987,2,4,255-262,Barnett Childhood sexual victimization among college men: definitional and methodological issues,1987,2,4,241-253,Fromuth Childhood experiences of parental physical violence for alcoholic women as compared with a randomly selected household sample of women,1987,2,4,225-240,Miller An empirical investigation of the role of pornography in the verbal and physical abuse of women,1987,2,3,189-209,Sommers The incidence and prevalence of woman abuse in Toronto,1987,2,3,173-187,Smith The role of childhood sexual abuse in the development of alcoholism in women,1987,2,3,157-172,Miller Motivational needs for power and spouse-specific assertiveness in assaultive and nonassaultive men,1987,2,3,145-156,Dutton The impact of crime victimization and fear of crime on attitudes toward death penalty defendants,1987,2,2,99-114,Seltzer The effects of threatening versus nonthreatening previous life events on levels of fear in rape victims,1987,2,2,89-98,Wirtz Women's attributions of responsibility for date rape: the influence of empathy and sex-role stereotyping,1987,2,2,115-125,Resick The effects of intrafamilial child sexual abuse on the adjustment and attitudes of adolescents,1987,2,1,59-78,DiPietro Crime at home and in the streets: The relationship between family and stranger violence,1987,2,1,5-23,Fagan The inventory of beliefs about wife beating: the construction and initial validation of a measure of beliefs and attitudes,1987,2,1,39-57,Saunders Wife assault and perceptions of sanctions,1987,2,1,25-38,Williams Origin and solution attributions of responsibility for wife abuse: effects of outcome severity prior history and sex of subject,1986,1,4,291-303,Sugarman Assertiveness deficits and hostility in domestically violent men,1986,1,4,279-289,Maiuro Factors related to coercive sexual behavior in a nonclinical sample of males,1986,1,4,255-278,Murphy Resistance and nonfatal outcomes in stranger-to-stranger predatory crime,1986,1,4,241-253,Block The therapist's duty to protect victims of domestic violence: where we have been and where we are going,1986,1,3,205-214,Sonkin The validity of robbery-murder classifications in Baltimore,1986,1,3,191-204,Loftin Television and violent criminal behavior: Beyond the Bobo doll,1986,1,3,177-190,Kruttschnitt The outcome of court-mandated treatment for wife assault: a quasi-experimental evaluation,1986,1,3,163-175,Dutton Gender lifestyles and victimization: beyond routine activity,1986,1,2,85-99,Brownfield Marital power conflict and violence in a nationally representative sample of American couples,1986,1,2,141-157,Straus Consensus and difference among hospital professionals in evaluating child maltreatment,1986,1,2,125-139,Newberger An analysis of risk markers in husband to wife violence: The current state of knowledge,1986,1,2,101-124,Hotaling Clairvoyance vs. common sense: therapist's duty to warn and protect,1986,1,1,7-22,Sonkin Victims of serious violence and their criminal behavior: subcultural theory and beyond,1986,1,1,61-70,Singer When battered women use violence: husband-abuse or self-defense?,1986,1,1,47-60,Saunders Subjective distress and violence during rape: their effects on long-term fear,1986,1,1,35-46,Resick Poverty and Homicide in Detroit 1926-1978,1986,1,1,23-34,McDowall Child maltreatment in families experiencing domestic violence,2004,19,5,573-591,Lee Does questionnaire format impact reported partner violence rates?: An experimental study,2006,21,4,507-518,Hamby Meta-research on violence and victims: the impact of data collection methods on findings and participants,2006,21,4,404-409,Langhinrichsen-Rohling The risk of partner aggression research: Impact of laboratory couples conflict protocols on participants,2006,21,4,483-497,Slep Telephone survey respondents' reactions to questions regarding interpersonal violence,2006,21,4,445-459,Shelley Participant responses to retrospective surveys of child maltreatment: does mode of assessment matter?,2006,21,4,410-424,DiLillo An examination of sheltered battered women's perpetration of stalking and other unwanted pursuit behaviors,2006,21,5,579-595,Langhinrichsen-Rohling Trends in the prevalence and characteristics of sexual violence: a cohort analysis,2006,21,5,629-644,Nurius An integrated relapse prevention and relationship safety intervention for women on methadone: testing short-term effects on intimate partner violence and substance use,2006,21,5,657-672,El-Bassel Factors associated with attitudes toward intimate partner violence: A study of women in Zambia,2006,21,5,645-656,Lawoko What do battered women want? Victims' opinions on prosecution,2006,21,5,611-628,Hare Peer and family influences on adolescent anger expression and the acceptance of cross-gender aggression,2006,21,5,597-610,Jaycox Intimate partner violence women and work: coping on the job,2006,21,5,561-578,Logan Rape acknowledgment and postassault experiences: how acknowledgment status relates to disclosure coping worldview and reactions received from others,2006,21,6,761-778,Littleton Early abuse experiences and subsequent gender differences in couple adjustment,2006,21,6,744-760,Lussier An examination of pathways from childhood victimization to violence: the role of early aggression and problematic alcohol use,2006,21,6,675-690,Widom Correlates of comorbid PTSD and polysubstance use in sexual assault victims,2006,21,6,725-743,Starzynski Domestic violence beliefs and perceptions among college students,2006,21,6,779-795,Jasinski Adding insult to injury: development and initial validation of the Partner-Directed Insults Scale,2006,21,6,691-706,Shackelford Comparing gang and individual rapes in a community sample of urban women,2007,22,1,43-51,Ullman Unwanted sexual contact on campus: A comparison of women's and men's experiences,2007,22,1,52-70,Banyard Assessing the efficacy of the protective action-completion nexus for sexual victimizations,2007,22,1,18-42,Fisher Borderline personality symptomatology and history of domestic violence among women in an internal medicine setting,2007,22,1,120-126,Sansone A mixed-methods examination of sexual coercion and degradation among women in violent relationships who do and do not report forced sex,2007,22,1,71-94,Cole Examining the correlates of engagement and disengagement coping among help-seeking battered women,2007,22,1,3-17,Mechanic Substance use during sexual and physical assault in HIV-infected persons,2007,22,2,216-225,Samet Children's direct sensory exposure to substantiated domestic violence crimes,2007,22,2,158-171,Fantuzzo Effects of social desirability on students' self-reporting of partner abuse perpetration and victimization,2007,22,2,243-256,Naugle Borderline and antisocial personality scores as mediators between attachment and intimate partner violence,2007,22,2,139-157,Tein Quality of life among lifetime victimized men,2007,22,2,189-204,Soares Routine activities and sexual assault: an analysis of individual- and school-level factors,2007,22,3,350-366,Cass Common correlates of suicidal ideation and physical assault among male and female university students in Hong Kong,2007,22,3,290-303,Chan Child maltreatment revictimization and violent behavior,2007,22,3,318-333,Hosser Youth violence trajectories and proximal characteristics of intimate partner violence,2007,22,3,259-274,Herrenkohl Coping among victims of relationship abuse: a longitudinal examination,2007,22,4,408-418,Mechanic Female victims of domestic violence: Which victims do police refer to crisis intervention?,2007,22,4,463-473,Kernic Prevalence and characteristics of sexual violence victimization among U.S. adults 2001-2003,2007,22,4,437-448,Saltzman The relationship between mothers' social networks and severe domestic violence: A test of the social isolation hypothesis,2007,22,4,503-512,Coohey Gender differences in the relationship between intimate partner violence victimization and the perception of dating situations among college students,2007,22,4,489-502,Prospero Maternal childhood parental abuse history and current intimate partner violence: Data from the Pacific Islands Families Study,2007,22,4,474-488,Schluter A gender-based incidence study of workplace violence in psychiatric and forensic settings,2007,22,4,449-462,Bornstein Men's recognition of violence against women and spousal abuse: Comparison of three groups of men,2007,22,4,419-436,Fortin The control motive and marital violence,2007,22,4,387-407,Outlaw Exposure to child abuse and risk for mental health problems in women,2007,22,5,620-631,Kimerling The impact of partner stalking on mental health and protective order outcomes over time,2007,22,5,546-562,Cole Perceptions of motives in intimate partner violence: expressive versus coercive violence,2007,22,5,563-576,Nicholls Prevalence perpetrators and characteristics of witnessing parental violence and adult dating Violence in Latina East Asian South Asian and Middle Eastern women,2007,22,5,632-647,Maker Preliminary report on the Accountability Scale: A change and outcome measure for intimate partner violence research,2007,22,5,515-531,Babcock Female domestic violence offenders: their attachment security trauma symptoms and personality organization,2007,22,5,532-545,Geffner Social inequalities in intimate partner violence: A study of women in Kenya,2007,22,6,773-784,Jansson Victimization and posttraumatic stress disorder among runaway and homeless adolescents,2007,22,6,721-734,Chen Women's experiences of male-perpetrated sexual assault by sexual orientation,2007,22,6,684-701,Starzynski Reporting to the police by Hispanic victims of violence,2007,22,6,754-772,Rennison Perpetrators and targets of bullying at work: role stress and individual differences,2007,22,6,735-753,Einarsen Stalking victimization in the context of intimate partner violence,2007,22,6,669-683,Cole Intimate partner homicide methods in heterosexual gay and lesbian relationships,2008,23,1,98-114,Shackelford Gender differences and socioeconomic status biases in judgments about blame in date rape scenarios,2008,23,1,115-128,Black Measurement and correlates of prosocial bystander behavior: The case of interpersonal violence,2008,23,1,83-97,Banyard A test of explanations for the effect of harsh parenting on the perpetration of dating violence and sexual coercion among college males,2008,23,1,66-82,Burt Attachment styles alcohol and childhood experiences of abuse: an analysis of physical violence in dating couples,2008,23,1,52-65,Baker Profiles of behavioral problems in children who witness domestic violence,2008,23,1,3-17,Drotar Explaining antigay violence using target congruence: an application of revised routine activities theory,2008,23,3,267-287,Berg Child abuse in the context of domestic violence: prevalence explanations and practice implications,2008,23,2,221-235,Slep Couples treatment for interpersonal violence: a review of outcome research literature and current clinical practices,2008,23,2,187-201,Stith A review of research on women's use of violence with male intimate partners,2008,23,3,301-314,Swan Rape myths among Appalachian [USA] college students,2008,23,3,373-389,Haywood The significance of the victim advocate for domestic violence victims in municipal court,2008,23,3,288-300,Alarid Intimate partner violence risk assessment and management,2008,23,2,202-220,Kropp The relationship between childhood abuse and suicidality in adult bipolar disorder,2008,23,3,361-372,Moon Understanding intimate partner violence against women in the rural South,2008,23,3,390-405,Waltermaurer Correlates of partner abuse in male same-sex relationships,2008,23,3,344-360,White A framework for treating partner aggressive women,2008,23,2,249-263,Leisring Substance abuse by men in partner abuse intervention programs: Current issues and promising trends,2008,23,2,236-248,Bennett State [USA] standards for domestic violence perpetrator treatment: current status trends and recommendations,2008,23,2,133-155,Maiuro Recent advances in the treatment of intimate partner violence and abuse. Foreword,2008,23,2,131-132,Lloyd Readiness to change partner violence subtypes and treatment outcomes among men in treatment for partner assault,2008,23,4,446-475,Eckhardt Understanding and facilitating the change process in perpetrators and victims of intimate partner violence: summary and commentary,2008,23,4,525-536,Maiuro The revised safe at home instrument for assessing readiness to change intimate partner violence,2008,23,4,508-524,Shelley Does the transtheoretical model predict attrition in domestic violence treatment programs?,2008,23,4,493-507,Lindsay Stages of change in batterers and their response to treatment,2008,23,4,476-492,Alexander Acceptability of a stage-matched expert system intervention for domestic violence offenders,2008,23,4,432-445,Prochaska The transtheoretical model in intimate partner violence victimization: Stage changes over time,2008,23,4,411-431,Larkin Motivational interviewing as a pregroup intervention for partner-violent men,2008,23,5,539-557,Taft Caring and compassion when working with offenders of crime and violence,2008,23,5,652-661,Stefanakis Patterns of abuse in male same-sex relationships,2008,23,5,617-636,White A comparison of women versus men charged with intimate partner violence: General risk factors attitudes regarding using violence and readiness to change,2008,23,5,571-585,Cobb The"homogamy"of road rage revisited,2008,23,6,758-772,Roberts Prevalence and risk factors of gender-based violence among female college students in Awassa Ethiopia,2008,23,6,787-800,Williams Hostile attributional bias early abuse and social desirability in reporting hostile attributions among Chinese immigrant batterers and nonviolent men,2008,23,6,773-786,Eagle Homicide victimization in California: an Asian and non-Asian comparison,2008,23,6,743-757,Wu Depression as a mediator between family factors and peer-bullying victimization in Latino adolescents,2008,23,6,727-742,Ulloa Self-reports of violent victimization among U.S. adults,2008,23,6,711-726,Kresnow Police officer perceptions of intimate partner violence: an analysis of observational data,2008,23,6,683-696,Dejong Polyvictimization by dating partners and mental health among U.S. college students,2008,23,6,667-682,Straus Prevalence and risk factors of gender-based violence committed by male college students in Awassa Ethiopia,2009,24,1,122-136,Williams Sexual assault in men: a population-based study of Virginia,2009,24,1,98-110,Anderson Intimate partner violence among Hispanic men and women: the role of drinking neighborhood disorder and acculturation-related factors,2009,24,1,83-97,Cunradi Defining appropriate stages of change for intimate partner violence survivors,2009,24,1,36-51,Gielen Longitudinal examination of physical and relational aggression as precursors to later problem behaviors in adolescents,2009,24,1,3-19,Herrenkohl Women's judgments of a sexual assault scenario: the role of prejudicial attitudes and victim weight,2009,24,2,248-264,Clarke Assaultive behavior in bars: a gendered comparison,2009,24,2,232-247,Vandiver A qualitative analysis of the temptation to use force in sexual relationships,2009,24,2,219-231,Ryan Reports of rape reperpetration by newly enlisted male navy personnel,2009,24,2,204-218,Merrill Helping women victims of intimate partner violence: comparing the approaches of two health care settings,2009,24,2,193-203,Scholle Fear of violent crime among men and women on campus: The impact of perceived risk and fear of sexual assault,2009,24,2,172-192,Lane Prevalence of stalking victimization in journalists: an E-mail survey of German journalists,2009,24,2,163-171,Dressing Intimate partner violence experience and expectations among college women in dating relationships: implications for behavioral interventions,2009,24,2,153-162,Fisher Reducing domestic violence and other criminal recidivism: effectiveness of a multilevel batterers intervention program,2009,24,2,139-152,Coulter Relationships between mobbing at work and MMPI-2 personality profile posttraumatic stress symptoms and suicidal ideation and behavior,2009,24,1,52-67,Balducci Exploring the relationship between childhood maltreatment and intimate partner abuse: gender differences in the mediating role of emotion dysregulation,2009,24,1,68-82,Jakupcak Is psychological aggression as detrimental as physical aggression? The independent effects of psychological aggression on depression and anxiety symptoms,2009,24,1,20-35,Langer Crime victims' perceptions of restitution: the importance of payment and understanding,2008,23,6,697-710,Ruback Exploring bystander presence and intervention in nonfatal violent victimization: when does helping really help?,2008,23,5,637-651,Miethe The denial of emergency protection: Factors associated with court decision making,2008,23,5,603-616,Jordan Motivational interviewing as a mechanism for change in men who batter: a randomized controlled trial,2008,23,5,558-570,Kistenmacher Trajectories of physical and emotional marital aggression in midlife couples,2008,23,1,18-34,Margolin Women's risk for revictimization by a new abusive partner: for what should we be looking?,2008,23,3,315-330,Cole Individual treatment of intimate partner violence perpetrators,2008,23,2,173-186,Murphy Group interventions for men who batter: a summary of program descriptions and research,2008,23,2,156-172,Saunders Putting youth violent victimization into context: sex race/ethnicity and community differences among a multisite sample of youths,2007,22,6,702-720,Peterson Family environment and adult attachment as predictors of psychopathology and personality dysfunction among inpatient abuse survivors,2007,22,5,577-600,Greenwald Comparison of open versus closed group interventions for sexually abused adolescent girls,2007,22,3,334-349,Hebert Female sex offenders' relationship experiences,2008,23,3,331-343,Lawson Intimate partner violence and risk for depression among postpartum women in Lima Peru,2009,24,3,380-398,Williams Alcohol use in nonmutual and mutual domestic violence in the U.S. Army: 1998-2004,2009,24,3,364-379,Bell Coercive first intercourse and unintended first births,2009,24,3,351-363,Williams Seeking psychosocial care after interpersonal violence: an integrative model,2009,24,3,322-336,Maercker The differential risk factors of physically forced and alcohol- or other drug-enabled sexual assault among university women,2009,24,3,302-321,Fisher Mortality of women from intimate partner violence in South Africa: a national epidemiological study,2009,24,4,546-556,Lombard Official incidents of domestic violence: Types injury and associations with nonofficial couple aggression,2009,24,4,502-519,Kim A model of vulnerability for adult sexual victimization: the impact of attachment child maltreatment and scarred sexuality,2009,24,4,485-501,Reid Impaired and incapacitated rape victims: assault characteristics and post-assault experiences,2009,24,4,439-457,Axsom A latent classification of male batterers,2009,24,4,419-438,Mauricio "If I can't have you no one can": Development of a Relational Entitlement and Proprietariness Scale (REPS),2006,21,5,539-560,Spitzberg Reaction time and item presentation factors in the self-report of partner aggression,2006,21,4,519-532,O'Leary Effects of method on participants and disclosure rates in research on sensitive topics,2006,21,4,499-506,Rosenbaum A comparison of methods for collecting self-report data on sensitive topics,2006,21,4,461-471,Rosenbaum Sensitive research with adolescents: just how upsetting are self-report surveys anyway?,2006,21,4,425-444,Langhinrichsen-Rohling Reliability of self-reported childhood physical abuse by adults and factors predictive of inconsistent reporting,2009,24,5,653-668,Caetano Age period and cohort effects on intimate partner violence,2009,24,5,627-638,Fishman Social reactions to rape: experiences and perceptions of women rape survivors and their potential support providers in Dar es Salaam Tanzania,2009,24,5,607-626,Emmelin The domestic violence home-visit intervention: Impact on police-reported incidents of repeat violence over 12 months,2009,24,5,591-606,Marans Subtypes of alcohol and intimate partner violence: a latent class analysis,2009,24,5,563-576,Chen Feelings of safety inside prison among male inmates with different victimization experiences,2009,24,6,800-816,Shi Posttraumatic stress symptoms as a mediating factor on the effects of exposure to community violence among children in Cape Town South Africa,2009,24,6,786-799,Pierce Correlates for legal help-seeking: Contextual factors for battered women in shelter,2009,24,6,771-785,Johnson Rape reporting: "Classic Rape" and the behavior of law,2009,24,6,723-743,Clay-Warner Prevalence and determinants of intimate partner violence against women in Kazeroon Islamic Republic of Iran,2010,25,1,116-127,Morowatisharifabad Patterns of intimate partner violence and associated risk factors among married enlisted female soldiers,2010,25,1,45-61,Forgey Understanding alcohol-related sexual assaults: characteristics and consequences,2010,25,1,29-44,Ullman Complex behavioral patterns and trajectories of domestic violence offenders,2010,25,1,3-17,Zhang Batterer intervention programs: a report from the field,2009,24,6,757-770,Rosenbaum History of abuse and psychological distress symptoms among female sex workers in two Mexico-U.S. border cities,2009,24,3,399-413,Amaro Factors that affect women's attitudes toward domestic violence in Turkey,2010,25,2,265-277,Furr Assessing gender differences and co-offending patterns of a predominantly "male-oriented" crime: a comparison of a cross-national sample of juvenile boys and girls arrested for a sexual offense,2010,25,2,243-264,Vandiver Parole release decisions: impact of positive and negative victim and nonvictim input on a representative sample of parole-eligible inmates,2010,25,2,224-242,Caplan The effects of gender violence/ harassment prevention programming in middle schools: a randomized experimental evaluation,2010,25,2,202-223,Taylor Children's exposure to intimate partner violence: relations between parent-child concordance and children's adjustment,2010,25,2,185-201,Clements A policy capturing investigation of battered women's decisions to stay in violent relationships,2010,25,2,165-184,McDonough Assessing resilience in preschool children exposed to intimate partner violence,2010,25,2,150-164,Graham-Bermann Childhood predictors of teen dating violence victimization,2010,25,2,131-149,Herrenkohl Coping with stalking among university students,2010,25,3,395-408,Roberts Racial disparities in hate crime reporting,2010,25,3,378-394,Zaykowski Area disadvantage and intimate partner homicide: an ecological analysis of North Carolina counties 2004-2006,2010,25,3,363-377,Halpern Measurement and correlates of intimate partner violence among expectant first-time parents,2010,25,3,319-331,Feinberg Anger management and the process mediating the link between witnessing violence between parents and partner violence,2010,25,3,306-318,Turcotte-Seabury Adult health and relationship outcomes among women with abuse experiences during childhood,2010,25,3,291-305,Thompson Preventing interpersonal violence in emergency departments: practical applications of criminology theory,2010,25,4,553-565,Henson The effectiveness of parent-child interaction therapy for victims of interparental violence,2010,25,4,486-503,Urquiza Examining the link between posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and dating aggression perpetration,2010,25,4,456-469,Taft Toward a deeper understanding of the harms caused by partner stalking,2010,25,4,440-455,Walker Effects of early exposure and lifetime exposure to intimate partner violence (IPV) on child adjustment,2010,25,4,427-439,Graham-Bermann Exploring Mexican-origin intimate partner abuse survivors' help-seeking within their sociocultural contexts,2009,24,6,817-832,Brabeck Health care providers' readiness to screen for intimate partner violence in Northern Nigeria,2010,25,5,689-704,Svanström Motivations for self-defensive aggression in dating relationships,2010,25,5,662-676,Cornelius Intimate partner aggression perpetration in primary care chronic pain patients,2010,25,5,649-661,Taft To tell or not to tell: the impact of disclosure on sexual assault survivors' recovery,2010,25,5,631-648,Ahrens Intimate partner violence and PTSD: The moderating role of emotion-focused coping,2010,25,5,604-616,Graham-Bermann Intimate partner violence and Hurricane Katrina: Predictors and associated mental health outcomes,2010,25,5,588-603,Norris Physical aggression and control in heterosexual relationships: the effect of sampling,2003,18,2,181-196,Graham-Kevan Sexual and nonsexual dating violence perpetration: testing an integrated perpetrator typology,2002,17,4,403-428,Langhinrichsen-Rohling Domestic violence and South Korean women: the cultural context and alternative experiences,2010,25,6,814-830,Wells Culturally specific treatment for partner-abusive Latino men: a qualitative study to identify and implement program components,2010,25,6,799-813,Welland The impact of childhood sexual abuse and intimate partner violence on sexually transmitted infections,2010,25,6,787-798,Larsen Does community violence exposure predict trauma symptoms in a sample of maltreated youth in foster care?,2010,25,6,755-769,Taussig Narrative coherence and the trauma experience: an exploratory mixed-method analysis,2010,25,6,742-754,Sprang Parent-child aggression: Association with child abuse potential and parenting styles,2010,25,6,728-741,Rodriguez How do I tell thee? Voice pen or computer key,2006,21,4,533-535,O'Leary The underreporting gap in aggressive incidents from geriatric patients against certified nursing assistants,2007,22,3,367-379,Chen Do hostile sexual beliefs affect men's perceptions of sexual-interest messages?,2007,22,2,226-242,George Personal predictors of spectator aggression at little league baseball games,2007,22,2,205-215,Hennessy Personality and psychopathological profiles in individuals exposed to mobbing,2007,22,2,172-188,Tatarelli Hug drug or thug drug? Ecstasy use and aggressive behavior,2007,22,1,104-119,Sterk Point subtraction aggression paradigm: Validity of a brief schedule of use,2007,22,1,95-103,Golomb Resource loss as a predictor of posttrauma symptoms among college women following the mass shooting at Virginia Tech,2009,24,5,669-686,Axsom Examining the correlates of aggression among male and female Vietnam veterans,2009,24,5,639-652,Monson Prevalence of perceived experiences of emotional physical sexual and health care abuse in a Swedish male patient sample,2009,24,2,265-279,Swahnberg Attachment and personality predicts engagement in sexual harassment by male and female college students,2010,25,6,770-786,Pincus Turning points in the progression of obsessive relational intrusion and stalking,2010,25,6,707-727,Cupach Does asking adolescents about suicidal ideation induce negative mood state?,2010,25,5,677-688,Love Classes of childhood sexual abuse and women's adult couple relationships,2010,25,4,518-535,Halford Sexual revictimization and interpersonal effectiveness,2010,25,4,504-517,Calhoun Child neglect social context and educational outcomes: examining the moderating effects of school and neighborhood context,2010,25,4,470-485,Chapple Women's autonomy and support for wife beating: findings from a population-based survey in Jordan,2010,25,3,409-419,Khawaja Recidivism among female child molesters,2010,25,3,349-362,Scalora Social indicators and physical abuse of women by intimate partners: a study of women in Zambia,2010,25,2,278-288,Lawoko The high-risk environment of homeless young adults: consequences for physical and sexual victimization,2010,25,1,101-115,Tyler Lifetime victimization and psychological distress: cluster profiles of out of treatment drug-involved women,2010,25,1,62-83,Logan The long-term effects of extreme war-related trauma on the second generation of Holocaust survivors,2009,24,5,687-700,Ferracuti Patterns of victimization among male and female inmates: evidence of an enduring legacy,2009,24,4,469-484,Wolff Victimization and the general theory of crime,2009,24,3,337-350,Nofziger A comparison of risk factors for sexual victimization among gay lesbian bisexual and heterosexual homeless young adults,2008,23,5,586-602,Tyler Self-regulation and the etiology of sexual deviance: evaluating causal theory,2008,23,1,35-51,Becker Covictims of capital murder: statements of victims' family members and friends made at the time of execution,2007,22,5,601-619,Longmire Parenting as a moderator of minority adolescent victimization and violent behavior in high-risk neighborhoods,2007,22,3,304-317,Walker The personality of pursuit: personality attributions of unwanted pursuers and stalkers,2007,22,3,275-289,Spitzberg A policy capturing investigation of battered women’s decisions to stay in violent relationships,2010,25,2,165-184,McDonough Bidirectional unidirectional and nonviolence: A comparison of the predictors among partnered young adults,2010,25,5,617-630,Tyler Children’s exposure to intimate partner violence: Relations between parent-child concordance and children’s adjustment,2010,25,2,185-201,Clements Civil protective order effectiveness: Justice or just a piece of paper?,2010,25,3,332-348,Walker External barriers to help-seeking encountered by Canadian gay and lesbian victims of intimate partner abuse: An application of The Barriers Model,2010,25,4,536-552,Senn Stages of change and the group treatment of batterers: A randomized clinical trial,2010,25,5,571-587,Alexander The coping window: A contextual understanding of the methods women use to cope with battering,2010,25,1,18-28,Coker Variation in late adolescents' reports of dating violence perpetration: A dyadic analysis,2010,25,1,84-100,Schnurr Women’s autonomy and support for wife beating: Findings from a population-based survey in Jordan,2010,25,3,409-419,Khawaja A translational research orientation to family violence,2009,24,3,283-301,Heyman Gender variations in dating violence and positive conflict resolution among Mexican adolescents,2009,24,4,533-545,Hokoda Intimate partner violence and community service needs among pregnant and postpartum Latina women,2009,24,1,111-121,Eisenman Intimate partner violence screening and pregnant Latinas,2009,24,4,520-532,Shoultz Male soldier family violence offenders: Spouse and child offenders compared to child offenders,2009,24,4,458-468,Johnson Prevalence and correlates of intimate partner violence victimization among men and women entering substance use disorder treatment,2009,24,6,744-756,Ilgen The relationship between dating violence and psychosocial problems in a sample of adolescent pregnancy termination patients,2009,24,5,577-590,Nugent Women's appraisals of intimate partner violence stressfulness and their relationship to depressive and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms,2009,24,6,707-722,Levendosky Understanding intimate partner violence among women in the rural South,2008,23,3,390-405,Waltermaurer Perceived threats of female infidelity male proprietariness and violence in college dating couples,2007,22,6,651-668,Gangestad Risk factors for femicide-suicide in abusive relationships: Results from a multisite case control study,2006,21,1,3-21,McFarlane Physical violence against children reported to the police: Discrepancies between register-based data and child victim survey,2011,26,2,257-268,Ellonen Behind the cycle of violence beyond abuse history: A brief report on the association of parental attachment to physical child abuse potential,2011,26,2,246-256,Rodriguez Children placed in out-of-home care: Risk factors for involvement with the juvenile justice system,2011,26,2,231-245,Yampolskaya The effect of poor parenting on male and female dating violence perpetration and victimization,2011,26,2,218-230,Tyler Women and men's use of coercive control in intimate partner violence,2011,26,2,208-217,Murachver In vino silentium? Individual situational and alcohol-related factors in reporting violence to the police,2011,26,2,191-207,Brennan Beliefs and attributions of partner violence perpetrators: The physical and psychological violence of adolescent males,2011,26,2,177-190,Makin-Byrd The relationship of alcohol problems to the risk for unidirectional and bidirectional intimate partner violence among a sample of blue-collar couples,2011,26,2,147-158,Cunradi Pandora doesn't live here anymore: Normalization of screening for intimate partner violence in Australian antenatal mental health and substance abuse services,2011,26,1,130-144,Zwi A pattern of violence: Analyzing the relationship between intimate partner violence and stalking,2011,26,1,103-115,Huss Routine inequality: Violent victimization at the intersection of race and ethnicity among females,2011,26,1,88-102,Warren The contribution of childhood family violence on later intimate partner violence among robbery victims,2011,26,1,73-87,Resick Forced sex: A critical factor in the sleep difficulties of young Australian women,2011,26,1,53-72,Loxton Addressing the intersections of violence and HIV/AIDS: a qualitative study of service providers,2011,26,1,33-52,Distefano Children's appraisals as mediators of the relationship between domestic violence and child adjustment,2011,26,3,377-392,Fortin Female victimization and intimate partner violence after the May 12 2008 Sichuan earthquake,2011,26,3,364-376,Chan Intimate partner violence: the effect of gender and contextual factors on community perceptions of harm and suggested victim and criminal justice responses,2011,26,3,347-363,Dennison Victimization in young urban adults and depressed mood: understanding the interplay of coping and gender,2011,26,3,329-346,Haden Using the Internet to prescreen participants for research on interpersonal violence: experimental design considerations,2011,26,3,319-328,Bell The influence of childhood maltreatment and self-control on dating violence: a comparison of college students in the United States and South Korea,2011,26,3,296-318,Rennison The efficacy of a high school rape prevention program in Israel,2011,26,3,283-295,Moor Trait anger as a mediator of difficulties with emotion regulation and female-perpetrated psychological aggression,2011,26,3,271-282,Cornelius Application of commercial software to the classification of suicide cases: A brief report,2011,26,4,533-540,Rezaeian The victimization experiences of women in the workforce: Moving beyond single categories of work or violence,2011,26,4,513-532,Banyard The relation of violence exposure and ethnicity to intelligence and verbal-performance discrepancies in incarcerated male adolescents,2011,26,4,496-512,Graham-Bermann College students' electronic victimization in friendships and dating relationships: Anticipated distress and associations with risky behaviors,2011,26,4,410-429,Margolin Predicting case conviction and domestic violence recidivism: Measuring the deterrent effects of conviction and protection order violations,2011,26,4,395-409,San Miguel Fear of property crime: examining the effects of victimization vicarious victimization and perceived risk,2011,26,5,684-700,Fox Attitudes affecting physical dating violence perpetration and victimization: findings from adolescents in a high-risk urban community,2011,26,5,669-683,Swahn Attitudes toward dating violence among college students in mainland China: an exploratory study,2011,26,5,631-647,Lee Sexual violence victimization among female secondary school students in eastern Ethiopia,2011,26,5,608-630,van Aken Childhood and adolescent violent victimization and the risk of young adult intimate partner violence victimization,2011,26,5,593-607,Murphy Gender differences in acknowledgment of stalking victimization: Results from the NCVS stalking supplement,2011,26,5,560-579,Reyns Student pursuers: an investigation of pursuit and stalking in the student-faculty relationship,2011,26,5,543-559,Winstead Victim service and justice system representative responses about partner stalking: what do professionals recommend?,2006,21,1,49-66,Walker Victim of and witness to violence: an interactional perspective on mothers' perceptions of children exposed to intimate partner violence,2011,26,6,830-852,Bjørkly The influence of running away on the risk of female sexual assault in the subsequent year,2011,26,6,816-829,Yoder Evaluations of sexual assault: perceptions of guilt and legal elements for male and female aggressors using various coercive strategies,2011,26,6,799-815,Russell Number of sexual partners and sexual assertiveness predict sexual victimization: do more partners equal more risk?,2011,26,6,774-787,Messman-Moore Antisociality and intimate partner violence: the facilitating role of shame,2011,26,6,758-773,Rhatigan Risk factors associated with elder abuse: the importance of differentiating by type of elder maltreatment,2011,26,6,738-757,Hafemeister Tools for screening for interpersonal violence: state of the science,2011,26,6,725-737,Hawkins The gender asymmetric effect of intimate partner violence on relationship satisfaction,2011,26,6,703-724,Ackerman Suicide clusters: introducing a novel type of categorization,2012,27,1,125-132,Rezaeian Physical victimization of rural methamphetamine and cocaine users,2012,27,1,109-124,Booth The mental health focus in rape crisis services: tensions and recommendations,2012,27,1,95-108,Woody A prospective study of sexual assault and alcohol use among first-year college women,2012,27,1,78-94,Calhoun Examining gender differences in the relationship between dating violence victimization and anger in college students,2012,27,1,70-77,Taft Epidemiology of mixed martial arts and youth violence in an ethnically diverse sample,2012,27,1,43-69,Hishinuma Adapting dating violence prevention to francophone Switzerland: a story of intra-western cultural differences,2012,27,1,33-42,Hamby Predictors of victim-perpetrator relationship stability following a sexual assault: a brief report,2012,27,1,25-32,Gidycz Modeling the effects of victim behavior and moral character on prosecutors' charging decisions in sexual assault cases,2012,27,1,3-24,Spohn Examining the nexus between domestic violence and animal abuse in a national sample of service providers,2012,27,2,280-295,Krienert Police interviews of sexual assault reporters: do attitudes matter?,2012,27,2,263-279,Rich Secondary victims of rape,2012,27,2,246-262,Elklit Gender differences in attitudinal acceptance of intimate partner violence perpetration under attachment-relevant contexts,2012,27,2,229-245,Lilly Dating violence: mental health consequences based on type of abuse,2012,27,2,215-228,Levendosky Examining the relationship between Latinas' perceptions about what constitutes domestic violence and domestic violence victimization,2012,27,2,182-193,Racine Youth violence in South Africa: exposure attitudes and resilience in Zulu adolescents,2012,27,2,166-181,Zimmerman Reactions to resistance: the role of contextual factors in sex offending,2012,27,2,148-165,Beauregard Approaches used by employee assistance programs to address perpetration of intimate partner violence,2012,27,2,135-147,Pollack A comparison of male and female dually arrested domestic violence offenders,2005,20,2,153-171,Feder Multidimensional self-esteem as a mediator of the relationship between sports participation and victimization: a study of African American girls,2012,27,3,434-452,Taylor Teachers bullied by students: forms of bullying and perpetrator characteristics,2012,27,3,396-413,Kauppi Exposure to harsh parenting and pornography as explanations for males' sexual coercion and females' sexual victimization,2012,27,3,378-395,Simons Workplace bullying emotions and outcomes,2012,27,3,360-377,Notelaers Does the age of offenders and victims in crime scenarios affect perceptions of crime seriousness and punitiveness among students?,2012,27,3,344-359,Bodner Coping with dating violence as a function of violence frequency and solution attribution: a structural modeling approach,2012,27,3,329-343,Tracey Links between childhood physical abuse and intimate partner aggression: the mediating role of anger expression,2012,27,3,315-328,Waldinger Patterns of intimate partner violence in young adult couples: nonviolent unilaterally violent and mutually violent couples,2012,27,3,299-314,Marcus Inflammatory effects and immune system correlates of rape,2006,21,6,796-808,Thomas Meeting the training needs of those who meet the needs of victims: assessing service providers,2012,27,4,609-631,Neff Prevalence and characteristics of sexual violence in the Netherlands the risk of revictimization and pregnancy: results from a national population survey,2012,27,4,592-608,de Haas The relationship between dating violence and suicidal behaviors in a national sample of adolescents,2012,27,4,580-591,Belshaw Bystander perceptions: implications for university sexual assault prevention programs,2012,27,4,563-579,Brown Mexican immigrant survivors of intimate partner violence: conceptualization and descriptions of abuse,2012,27,4,548-562,Edmond Violence victimization of young men in heterosexual relationships: does alcohol outlet density influence outcomes?,2012,27,4,527-547,Moracco The impact of parental trauma exposure on community violence exposed adolescents,2012,27,4,512-526,Self-Brown Mock juror perception of sexual assault nurse examiner testimony,2012,27,4,500-511,Wasarhaley Risk estimations of the conjunction of victim and crime event characteristics on the lethal outcome of sexual assaults,2012,27,4,470-486,Beauregard Breaking up is hard to do: psychological entrapment and women's commitment to violent dating relationships,2012,27,4,455-469,Tirone Assessing the relationship between alcohol outlets and domestic violence: routine activities and the neighborhood environment,2012,27,5,811-828,Roman An examination of general aggression and intimate partner violence in women with posttraumatic stress disorder,2012,27,5,777-792,Taft A prospective investigation of the relationship between child maltreatment and indicators of adult psychological well-being,2012,27,5,764-776,Herrenkohl Does the relationship between depression and intimate partner aggression vary by gender victim-perpetrator role and aggression severity?,2012,27,5,730-743,Wells Patterns of victimization between and within peer clusters in a high school social network,2012,27,5,710-729,Wilcox The difficulty in measuring suitable targets when modeling victimization,2012,27,5,689-709,Popp Social capital opportunity and school-based victimization,2012,27,5,656-673,Wang Risk of violent crime victimization during major daily activities,2012,27,5,635-655,Felson A comparison of three different scoring methods for self-report measures of psychological aggression in a sample of college females,2012,27,6,973-990,Stuart College students' social reactions to the victim in a hypothetical sexual assault scenario: the role of victim and perpetrator alcohol use,2012,27,6,957-972,Gidycz Evaluating preschool children's attitudes and beliefs about intimate partner violence,2012,27,6,941-956,Graham-Bermann Gender differences in sexual assault victimization among college students,2012,27,6,922-940,Hines Effects of the men's program on U.S. Army soldiers' intentions to commit and willingness to intervene to prevent rape: a pretest posttest study,2012,27,6,911-921,Foubert Men who sustain female-to-male partner violence: factors associated with where they seek help and how they rate those resources,2012,27,6,871-894,Douglas Stepchildren community disadvantage and physical injury in a child abuse incident: a preliminary investigation,2012,27,6,860-870,Stolzenberg Promising practices in the prevention of intimate partner violence among adolescents,2012,27,6,849-859,De Grace Safety planning with children and adolescents in domestic violence shelters,2012,27,6,831-848,Chanmugam The mediating effect of hostility toward women on the relationship between childhood emotional abuse and sexual violence perpetration,2013,28,1,178-191,DiLillo Parent and peer predictors of violent behavior of Black and White teens,2013,28,1,145-160,Catalano Gender differences in the effects of exposure to violence on adolescent substance use,2013,28,1,122-144,Fagan Predictors of physical intimate partner violence in the lives of young women: victimization perpetration and bidirectional violence,2013,28,1,103-121,Davidson Social disorganization and unfounded sexual assault case clearances,2013,28,1,90-102,Tewksbury Reflexive retaliation for violent victimization: the effect of social distance on weapon lethality,2013,28,1,69-89,Rennison Inclusive domestic violence standards: strategies to improve interventions for women with disabilities?,2013,28,1,50-68,Humphreys Objectification among college women in the context of intimate partner violence,2013,28,1,36-49,Davidson Perceived danger and offending: exploring the links between violent victimization and street crime,2013,28,1,16-35,Hagan Exposure to parental violence and outcomes of child psychosocial adjustment,2013,28,1,3-15,Peltonen Gender differences in victimization risk: exploring the role of deviant lifestyles,2013,28,2,341-356,Zaykowski Associations between attitudes toward violence and intimate partner violence in South Africa and Tanzania,2013,28,2,324-340,Mbwambo Public responses to intimate partner violence: comparing preferences of Chinese and American college students,2013,28,2,303-323,Button Revictimization and recovery from sexual assault: implications for health professionals,2013,28,2,274-287,Ranjbar Body image among victims of sexual and physical abuse,2013,28,2,259-273,Rosenbloom Symptom responses to a continuum of sexual trauma,2013,28,2,248-258,Carretta The mediating role of social support cognitive appraisal and quality health care in black mothers' stress-resilience process following loss to gun violence,2013,28,2,233-247,Sharma Adult attachment as a criminological construct in the cycle of violence,2013,28,2,210-232,Marganski Do men and women differ in their perceptions of stalking: an exploratory study among college students,2013,28,2,195-209,Lambert Risk factors for posttraumatic stress disorder in female help-seeking victims of sexual assault,2013,28,3,552-568,Elklit Violent victimization among state prison inmates,2013,28,3,531-551,Wooldredge Adverse childhood experiences posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and emotional intelligence in partner aggression,2013,28,3,513-530,Davis Adverse pregnancy outcomes and sexual violence among female sex workers who inject drugs on the United States-Mexico border,2013,28,3,496-512,Strathdee A revision of the Sexual Coercion in Intimate Relationships Scale for young adults in China,2013,28,3,483-495,Tsang The cycle of violence: examining the impact of maltreatment early in life on adult offending,2013,28,3,466-482,Beauregard Fear of rape among college women: a social psychological analysis,2013,28,3,443-465,Pryor Impulsivity and sexual assault in college men,2013,28,3,429-442,Calhoun Interpersonal problems and personality features as mediators between attachment and intimate partner violence,2013,28,3,414-428,Lawson Analysis of national empirical data on the characteristics and trends of injury among Taiwan's victims of hospitalized child abuse between 1997 and 2009,2013,28,3,403-413,Pai Risk factors for domestic violence during pregnancy: a meta-analytic review,2013,28,3,359-380,Brody Examining the offender-victim overlap among police officers: The role of social learning and job-related stress,2013,28,4,731-748,Zavala The assessment of cyberstalking: An expanded examination including social networking attachment jealousy and anger in relation to violence and abuse,2013,28,4,715-730,Huss The relationship between protective factors and outcomes for children exposed to violence,2013,28,4,697-714,Jaycox Police officers' collaboration with rape victim advocates: Barriers and facilitators,2013,28,4,681-696,Rich Exploring the impact of dysfunctional posttraumatic survival responses on crime revictimization,2013,28,4,670-680,Winkel Emotionally abusive behavior in young couples: Exploring a role for implicit aggression,2013,28,4,656-669,Ireland Children exposed to intimate partner violence and the reported effects of psychosocial interventions,2013,28,4,635-655,Axberg Northern European adolescent attitudes toward dating violence,2013,28,4,619-634,Bowen Driving frequency and its impact on road rage offending and victimization: A view from opportunity theory,2013,28,4,602-618,Asbridge Assessing the heterogeneity of aggressive behavior traits: Exploratory and confirmatory analyses of the reactive and instrumental aggression Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) scales,2013,28,4,587-601,Malaspina Mothers and infants exposed to intimate partner violence compensate,2013,28,4,571-586,Hughes Increases in premature mortality due to homicide-United States 1968-1985,1989,4,4,287-293,Waxweiler The association between adolescent gun ownership and gun carrying and adulthood violence and victimization,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Barnes Intergenerational Transmission of Violence Self-Control and Conjugal Violence: A Comparative Analysis of Physical Violence and Physiological Aggression,1998,13,3,301-316,Avakame Sexual Coercion History Calloused Sexual Beliefs and Judgements of Sexual Coercion in a Date Rape Analogue,1999,14,2,147-160,Calhoun Drug Use Predictors of Partner Violence in Opiate Dependent Women,1998,13,2,107-115,Catalano Suicidality in College Women Who Were Sexually and Physically Abused Punished by Parents,1995,10,3,195-201,Range Chinese male survivors of intimate partner violence: a three-pillar approach to analyze men's delayed help-seeking decisions,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cheung Initial development and validation of the likelihood to physically abuse scale in an American male sample,2021,36,1,3-28,Yamawaki Perpetration of dating violence among Belgian youth: impulsivity verbal skills and empathy as risk and protective factors?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Glowacz Polyvictimization and risk for suicidal phenomena in a community sample of Spanish adolescents,2013,28,5,899-912,Kirchner Inhibiting and facilitating factors to end a violent relationship: Patterns of behavior among women in Spain,2013,28,5,884-898,Plazaola-Castano Lethal firearm-related violence against Canadian women: Did tightening gun laws have an impact on women's health and safety?,2013,28,5,875-883,Mauser Correlates of parent-youth discordance about youth-witnessed violence: A brief report,2013,28,5,865-874,Runyan Physical assault victimization and coping among adults in residential substance use disorder treatment,2013,28,5,849-864,Ilgen Do networking activities outside of the classroom protect students against being bullied? A field study with students in secondary school settings in Germany,2013,28,5,832-848,Blickle Early dropout in men voluntarily undergoing treatment for intimate partner violence in Norway,2013,28,5,822-831,Heir Emotional intimacy mediates the relationship between posttraumatic stress disorder and intimate partner violence perpetration in OEF/OIF/OND veterans,2013,28,5,790-803,O'Leary Lethal intimate partner violence: An interactional perspective on women's perceptions of lethal incidents,2013,28,5,772-789,Bjørkly Predicting potentially life-threatening partner violence by women toward men: A preliminary analysis,2013,28,5,751-771,Douglas The role of race and respectability in attributions of responsibility for acquaintance rape,2013,28,6,1085-1095,Dupuis Victims of road rage: a qualitative study of the experiences of motorists and vulnerable road users,2013,28,6,1068-1084,Stoduto Bystander education training for campus sexual assault prevention: an initial meta-analysis,2013,28,6,1054-1067,Katz Associations between women's experiences of sexual violence and forgiveness,2013,28,6,1041-1053,Davidson New developments and implications for understanding the victimization of gang members,2013,28,6,1015-1040,Fox MMPI-2 personality profiles and suicidal ideation and behavior in victims of bullying at work: a follow-up study,2013,28,6,1000-1014,Balducci The impact of childhood maltreatment on PTSD symptoms among female survivors of intimate partner violence,2013,28,6,984-999,Resick The influence of anogenital injury on women's willingness to engage with the criminal justice process after rape,2013,28,6,968-983,Fisher Social norms for intimate partner violence,2013,28,6,959-967,Witte Factors associated with college women's labeling of sexual victimization,2013,28,6,940-958,Gidycz Perpetrator and victim gender patterns for 21 forms of youth victimization in the National Survey of Children's Exposure to Violence,2013,28,6,915-939,Finkelhor Revisiting the effects of self-protective behaviors on the risk of injury in assaults against women,2014,29,1,171-192,Yun Associations and experiences observed for family and nonfamily forms of violent behavior in different relational contexts among Swedish men and women,2014,29,1,152-170,Swahnberg Exploring the experiences of violence among individuals who are homeless using a consumer-led approach,2014,29,1,122-136,Meinbresse Gender equality and violent behavior: how neighborhood gender equality influences the gender gap in violence,2014,29,1,89-108,Simons Testing Johnson's typology: is there gender symmetry in intimate terrorism?,2014,29,1,73-88,Jasinski Violence victimization criminal justice involvement and substance use among drug-involved men,2014,29,1,53-72,Logan Battered police: risk factors for violence against law enforcement officers,2014,29,1,34-52,Corzine Using police data to measure children's exposure to neighborhood violence: a new method for evaluating relations between exposure and mental health,2014,29,1,24-33,Boxer The effect of victimization mental health and protective factors on crime and illicit drug use among homeless young adults,2014,29,2,348-362,Tyler Coping with grief responses among African American family members of homicide victims,2014,29,2,332-347,Sharpe The impact of parental and peer social support on dating violence perpetration and victimization among female adolescents: a longitudinal study,2014,29,2,317-331,Branch Child maltreatment personality pathology and stalking victimization among male and female college students,2014,29,2,300-316,Pincus Strain self-control and spousal violence: a study of husband-to-wife violence in Hong Kong,2014,29,2,280-299,Cheung Use of the response-latency paradigm for eliciting and evaluating women's responses to the threat of date rape,2014,29,2,248-261,Cahill Psychometric properties of the Cyberbullying Questionnaire (CBQ) among Mexican adolescents,2014,29,2,232-247,Calvete The "homogamy" of road rage: understanding the relationship between victimization and offending among aggressive and violent motorists,2003,18,5,517-531,Mann My brother's reaper: examining officially reported siblicide incidents in the United States 2000-2007,2014,29,3,523-540,Krienert Getting by after a loved one's death by homicide: the relationship between case status trauma symptoms life satisfaction and coping,2014,29,3,506-522,Simmons The role of alcohol use during sexual situations in the relationship between sexual revictimization and women's intentions to engage in unprotected sex,2014,29,3,492-505,Norris Control and support models of help-seeking behavior in women experiencing domestic violence in India,2014,29,3,464-475,Gupta Associations between intimate partner violence and posttraumatic stress symptom severity in a multiethnic sample of men with histories of childhood sexual abuse,2014,29,3,451-463,Loeb Sexual orientation child abuse and intimate partner violence victimization,2014,29,3,436-450,Bouffard Antecedents of intimate partner violence among gay and bisexual men,2014,29,3,422-435,Stephenson The experiences of homicide victims' families with the criminal justice system: an exploratory study,2014,29,3,407-421,Englebrecht Adolescents who assault their parents: a different family profile of young offenders?,2014,29,3,393-406,Contreras Psychological intimate partner violence during pregnancy and birth outcomes: threat of violence versus other verbal and emotional abuse,2014,29,3,383-392,Bailey Individual and social network predictors of physical bullying: a longitudinal study of Taiwanese early adolescents,2014,29,4,701-716,Wei Assessing the psychometric properties of the Turkish version of attitudes and practice of health care providers regarding intimate partner violence survey scale,2014,29,4,688-700,Gezgin The intergenerational transmission of violence: examining the mediating roles of insecure attachment and destructive disagreement beliefs,2014,29,4,670-687,Simons Quality of care for intimate partner violence in South African primary care: a qualitative study,2014,29,4,652-669,Joyner Cold or caring? Adolescent sexual assault victims' perceptions of their interactions with the police,2014,29,4,636-651,Greeson Does childhood sexual abuse victimization translate into juvenile sexual offending? New evidence,2014,29,4,620-635,Trulson Administrators' perceptions of college campus protocols response and student prevention efforts for sexual assault,2014,29,4,579-593,Amar Anger-related dysregulation as a factor linking childhood physical abuse and interparental violence to intimate partner violence experiences,2014,29,4,564-578,Monson The association between protective actions and homicide risk: findings from the Oklahoma Lethality Assessment Study,2014,29,4,543-563,Campbell Factors associated with increased risk for lethal violence in intimate partner relationships among ethnically diverse Black women,2014,29,5,719-741,Campbell The occurrence of female-to-male partner violence among male intimate partner violence offenders mandated to treatment: a brief research report,2014,29,6,940-951,Easton Interpersonal difficulties mediate the relationship between child sexual abuse and depression symptoms,2015,30,1,163-176,Scarpa A brief report on rape myth acceptance: differences between police officers law students and psychology students in the United Kingdom,2015,30,1,136-147,Bull Direct and indirect violence exposure: relations to depression for economically disadvantaged ethnic minority mid-adolescents,2015,30,1,120-135,Wiesner Individual and interpersonal risk factors for physical intimate partner violence perpetration by biological sex and ethnicity,2015,30,1,97-119,Renner Perceptions of sexual assault victims/survivors: the influence of sexual history and body weight,2015,30,1,66-80,Gotovac Sexual revictimization: the impact of attachment anxiety accumulated trauma and response to childhood sexual abuse disclosure,2015,30,1,49-65,Ben-Amitay Links between the police response and women's psychological outcomes following intimate partner violence,2015,30,1,32-48,DePrince Help-seeking patterns among women experiencing intimate partner violence: do they forgo the criminal justice system if their adjudication wishes are not met?,2015,30,1,16-31,Rhodes Impact of a court-referred psychological treatment program for intimate partner batterer men with suspended sentences,2015,30,1,3-15,Fernandez-Montalvo Recent victimization and recidivism: the potential moderating effects of family support,2015,30,2,342-360,Taylor Precursors to rape: pressuring behaviors and rape proclivity,2015,30,2,322-341,Saucier Youth involvement in anti-gay and anti-lesbian bias crimes,2015,30,2,308-321,Stotzer Translational models of workplace violence in health care,2015,30,2,293-307,Bowie Violence against teachers in South Korea: negative consequences and factors leading to emotional distress,2015,30,2,279-292,Morash Effects of group status and victim sex on female bystanders' responses to a potential party rape,2015,30,2,265-278,Katz Health implications of partner violence against women in Ghana,2015,30,2,250-264,Issahaku Interpersonal youth violence perpetration and victimization in a diverse Asian American and Pacific Islander adolescent sample,2015,30,2,225-249,Goebert "Just how graphic are graphic novels?" An examination of aggression portrayals in manga and associations with aggressive behavior in adolescents,2015,30,2,208-224,Coyne Patterns of misreporting intimate partner violence using matched pairs,2015,30,2,179-193,Wenger Keeping victims informed: service providers' and victims' experiences using automated notification systems,2015,30,3,533-544,Sun Improving systematic response in the face of homicide: family and friends of homicide victims service needs,2015,30,3,522-532,Cerulli Cumulative effects of multiple forms of violence and abuse on women,2015,30,3,502-521,Wuest Risk factors in arrest of rural and urban female victims of intimate partner violence,2015,30,3,488-501,Logan Understanding ecological factors associated with bullying across the elementary to middle school transition in the United States,2015,30,3,470-487,Espelage Reducing the harm of criminal victimization: the role of restitution,2015,30,3,450-469,Ruback The relation of severity and type of community violence exposure to emotional distress and problem behaviors among urban African American adolescents,2015,30,3,432-449,Richards An examination of emotion regulation and alcohol use as risk factors for female-perpetrated dating violence,2015,30,3,417-431,Cornelius What happens after i hit? A qualitative analysis of the consequences of dating violence for female perpetrators,2015,30,3,393-416,Bell Gender and the acceptance of retaliatory violence among acquaintance dating and marital relationships,2015,30,3,377-392,Bradley Evidence of the construct validity of the Scale of Economic Abuse,2015,30,3,363-376,Beeble Effects of childhood experience of violence between parents and/or parent-to-child violence on young Israeli adults' global self-esteem,2015,30,4,699-713,Winstok Perceived social norms for intimate partner violence in proximal and distal groups,2015,30,4,691-698,Witte Neighborhood-level LGBT hate crimes and bullying among sexual minority youths: a geospatial analysis,2015,30,4,663-675,Johnson A spatial analysis of heterogeneity in the link between alcohol outlets and assault victimization: differences across victim subpopulations,2015,30,4,649-662,Zimmerman The role of sexual orientation in the victimization and recovery of sexual assault survivors,2015,30,4,636-648,Ullman Safety strategy use among women seeking temporary protective orders: the relationship between violence experienced strategy effectiveness and risk perception,2015,30,4,614-635,Gielen Childhood adversity among institutionalized male juvenile offenders and other high-risk groups without offense records in Portugal,2015,30,4,600-614,Maia Stay-or-leave decision making in nonviolent and violent dating relationships,2015,30,4,581-599,Giordano The CAT: a gender-inclusive measure of controlling and abusive tactics,2015,30,4,547-580,Dutton Prevalence and correlates of school bullying victimization in Xi'an China,2015,30,4,714-732,Chan The development of the scale of protective factors: resilience in a violent trauma sample,2015,30,5,735-755,Kennison Heterogeneity in trajectories of child maltreatment severity: a two-part growth mixture model,2015,30,5,916-932,Brown Community context and men's control-seeking in intimate relationships,2015,30,5,884-901,Whitaker More than a feeling: public expectations about emotional responses to criminal victimization,2015,30,5,902-915,Ask Survivors of homicide: mental health outcomes social support and service use among a community-based sample,2015,30,5,870-883,Rheingold Consequences of using self-protective behaviors in nonsexual assaults: the differential risk of completion and injury by victim sex,2015,30,5,846-869,Powers Children's everyday lives shadowed by stalking: postseparation stalking narratives of Finnish children and women,2015,30,5,830-845,Nikupeteri The prevalence of coworker conflict including bullying in a unionized U.S. public sector workforce,2015,30,5,813-829,Johnson The development and validation of the Social Networking Experiences Questionnaire: a measure of adolescent cyberbullying and its impact,2015,30,5,798-812,Dredge Pay now or pay later: an economic rationale for state-funded helping services to assist women leaving an abusive relationship,2015,30,5,770-797,DeRiviere Regional variations in self-protection in Canada,2014,29,5,828-842,Pare Correlates of serious violent crime for recently released parolees with a history of homelessness,2012,27,5,793-810,Nyamathi Recent victimization experiences and continued criminal behaviors: what are the links for adult drug-involved offenders?,2012,27,5,674-688,Rossman The code of the street and violent versus property crime victimization,2015,30,6,1049-1067,Wilcox Violent death rates and risk for released prisoners in North Carolina,2015,30,6,1019-1036,Norwood Effects of physical and emotional child abuse and its chronicity on crime into adulthood,2015,30,6,1004-1018,Herrenkohl Married women's justification of intimate partner violence in Bangladesh: examining community norm and individual-level risk factors,2015,30,6,984-1003,Jesmin Exploring risk and protective factors for recent and past intimate partner violence against New Zealand women,2015,30,6,960-983,Fanslow Sexual assault experienced by deaf female undergraduates: prevalence and characteristics,2015,30,6,948-959,Smith Child-to-parent violence: an exploratory study of the roles of family violence and parental discipline through the stories told by Spanish children and their parents,2015,30,6,935-947,Calvete Disability and violent victimization in a national sample of adolescents: a longitudinal study,2015,30,6,1099-1116,Yun Home invasion homicide offenders: an analysis of subsequent prison rule violations,2015,30,6,1082-1098,Bonner "The police have given up": an empirical examination of covictims' beliefs about cold case homicide investigations,2016,31,1,135-154,Unnithan Intimate partner violence in men voluntarily attending treatment: a study of couple agreement,2016,31,1,124-134,Wentzel-Larsen Alcohol outlet density and intimate partner violence in a nonmetropolitan college town: accounting for neighborhood characteristics and alcohol outlet types,2016,31,1,111-123,Snowden The clinical and radiological examination of acute intimate partner violence injuries: a retrospective analysis of an Italian cohort of women,2016,31,1,85-102,Angeletti Correlates of problem drinking and drug use in black sexual assault victims,2016,31,1,71-84,Ullman Education and income imbalances among married couples in Malawi as predictors for likelihood of physical and emotional intimate partner violence,2016,31,1,51-69,Bonnes "Even 'daily' is not enough": how well do we measure domestic violence and abuse? - a think-aloud study of a commonly used self-report scale,2016,31,1,3-26,Hegarty Bullying among South Korean adolescents: prevalence and association with psychological adjustment,2016,31,1,167-184,Yun Campus sexual violence resources and emotional health of college women who have experienced sexual assault,2016,31,2,274-284,Eisenberg Children whose fathers seek help for partner violence victimization: descriptive characteristics and their behavioral health as compared to a population-based sample,2016,31,2,251-273,Douglas Severe and less severe intimate partner violence: from characterization to prediction,2016,31,2,235-250,GonÇalves Assessing bystander behavior intentions toward friends to prevent dating violence: development of the bystander behavior intentions-friends scale through concept mapping and exploratory factor analysis,2016,31,2,215-234,McDonnell Testing a dual process model of gender-based violence: a laboratory examination,2016,31,2,200-214,Zeichner Public mass shooters and firearms: a cross-national study of 171 countries,2016,31,2,187-199,Lankford Labeling sexual victimization experiences: the role of sexism rape myth acceptance and tolerance for sexual harassment,2016,31,2,332-346,Russell Sexual victimization and subsequent police reporting by gender identity among lesbian gay bisexual transgender and queer adults,2016,31,2,320-331,Walls What works to reduce victimization? Synthesizing what we know and where to go from here,2016,31,2,285-319,Fox Violence and victimization during incarceration: relations to psychosocial adjustment during reentry to the community,2016,31,2,361-378,Boxer Empathy impairments in intimate partner violence perpetrators with antisocial and borderline traits: a key factor in the risk of recidivism,2016,31,2,347-360,Moya-Albiol Neighborhood firearm victimization rates and social capital over time,2015,30,1,81-96,Medina The Dating Violence Questionnaire: Validation of the Cuestionario de Violencia de Novios using a college sample from the United States,2016,31,3,438-456,López-Cepero DSM-5 pathological personality traits and intimate partner violence among male and female college students,2016,31,3,416-437,Krueger Domestic violence reported to the police: correlates of victims' reporting behavior and support to legal proceedings,2016,31,3,402-415,Boivin Life course and intergenerational continuity of intimate partner aggression and physical injury: a 20-year study,2016,31,3,381-401,Menard Characteristics of violent crime committed by female prisoners,2016,31,3,552-570,Willison Development and psychometric evaluation of a self-administered questionnaire to assess parental attitudes toward firearms and related parenting decisions,2016,31,3,537-551,Davis No safe havens: protective parenting strategies for African American youth living in violent communities,2016,31,3,523-536,Takahashi Morality and intimate partner violence: do men in court-mandated psychological treatment hold a sacred moral vision of the world and themselves?,2016,31,3,510-522,Vecina Kin group affiliation and marital violence against women in Ghana,2016,31,3,486-509,Tenkorang The association of partner abuse types and suicidal ideation among men and women college students,2016,31,3,471-485,Smith Sexual assault disclosure recipients' experiences: emotional distress and changes in the relationship with the victim,2016,31,3,457-470,Paul Instruments to assess intimate partner violence: a scoping review of the literature,2016,31,4,591-621,Barros Victim injury and social distance: a national test of a general principle of conflict,2016,31,4,726-751,Rennison Violent victimization among disadvantaged young adults exposed to early family conflict and abuse: a 24-year prospective study of the victimization cycle across gender,2016,31,4,767-785,Reynolds Examining the relationship between school climate and peer victimization among students in military-connected public schools,2016,31,4,751-767,Benbenishty "Yeah we serve alcohol but... We are here to help": a qualitative analysis of bar staff's perceptions of sexual violence,2016,31,4,692-707,Powers Introducing the Date and Acquaintance Rape Avoidance Scale,2016,31,4,664-679,Hughes The cycle of violence revisited: distinguishing intimate partner violence offenders only victims only and victim-offenders,2016,31,4,573-590,Gover Understanding the correlates of face-to-face and cyberbullying victimization among U.S. adolescents: a social-ecological analysis,2016,31,4,638-663,Espelage Homicide survivors' definitions of forgiveness: intrapersonal interpersonal and extrapersonal orientations,2016,31,5,869-887,Hourigan Romantic attachment and physical intimate partner violence perpetration in a Chilean sample: the mediating role of emotion regulation difficulties,2016,31,5,854-868,Lafontaine Victims' compensation as a tool of therapeutic justice: examining the physical and mental health needs of victim compensation applicants and the role of health in receiving compensation,2016,31,5,837-853,Daigle The effects of sexual victimization history acute alcohol intoxication and level of consensual sex on responses to sexual assault in a hypothetical scenario,2016,31,5,938-956,Norris Military/civilian risk markers for physical intimate partner violence: a meta-analysis,2016,31,5,787-818,Stith Relationship dissolution and psychologically aggressive dating relationships: preliminary findings from a college-based relationship education course,2016,31,5,921-937,Fincham A study of violence among Hong Kong young adults and associated substance use risky sexual behaviors and pregnancy,2016,31,5,985-996,Lam Domestic violence training experiences and needs among mental health professionals: implications from a statewide survey,2016,31,5,901-920,Murray The influence of adult role statuses on violent victimization reporting,2016,31,5,957-984,Rennison The health care sector response to intimate partner violence in Kenya: exploring health care providers' perceptions of care for victims,2016,31,5,888-900,Miller Testing a social mechanism: does alcohol outlet density moderate the relationship between levels of alcohol use and child physical abuse?,2016,31,6,1080-1099,Freisthler Building Nehemiah's Wall: the North Minneapolis faith community's role in the prevention of intimate partner violence,2016,31,6,1064-1079,Clark The morality of men convicted of domestic violence: how it supports the maintenance of the moral self-concept,2016,31,6,1155-1170,Vecina A longitudinal analysis of the criminal careers of intimate partner violence offender subtypes: results from a prospective survey of males,2016,31,6,999-1020,Farrington Gender differences in workplace disclosure and supports for domestic violence: results of a pan-Canadian survey,2016,31,6,1135-1154,Wathen Examining change in adolescent street efficacy and its association with violent outcomes,2016,31,6,1183-1196,Messner An analysis of adverse beliefs about cyberbullying among Taiwanese adolescents,2016,31,6,1116-1134,Chou Multiple types of childhood and adult violence among homeless and unstably housed women in San Francisco,2016,31,6,1171-1182,Shumway The Big Five personality traits and intimate partner violence: findings from a large nationally representative sample,2016,31,6,1100-1115,Ulloa Sexual assault victim participation in police investigations and prosecution,2016,31,5,819-836,Long Romantic attachment and physical intimate partner violence perpetration in a Chilean sample: the mediating role of emotion regulation difficulties,2016,31,5,854-868,Lafontaine Perceptions of stalking: the impact of threat level and victim response,2017,32,2,299-310,Plumm Typological analysis of victimization profiles of young children,2017,32,2,230-250,Clement The violent victimization of children adolescents adults and the elderly: situational characteristics and victim injury,2017,32,2,342-361,Ward Trauma center youth violence screening and brief interventions: a multisite pilot feasibility study,2017,32,2,251-264,Portwood What would they do? Parents' responses to hypothetical adolescent dating violence situations,2017,32,2,311-325,Weisz Investigating the self-protective potential of immobility in victims of rape,2017,32,2,210-229,de Heer Intimate partner violence victimization and romantic relationship distress among White and Mexican newlyweds,2017,32,2,326-341,Ulloa Social skills and school readiness in young children exposed to violence,2017,32,2,265-278,LeBlanc Help-seeking behavior in survivors of intimate partner violence: toward an integrated behavioral model of individual factors,2017,32,2,195-209,Resick The implementation of state-mandated standards for batterer intervention programs: the Colorado experience,2017,32,2,279-298,Gover Perceptions of psychological abuse versus physical abuse and their relationship with mental health outcomes,2017,32,2,362-376,Sandra F Masci School violent victimization among youth: is there an association with perceived school safety?,2017,32,1,181-192,King Gender sexual orientation and rape myth acceptance: preliminary findings from a sample of primarily LGBQ-identified survey respondents,2017,32,1,159-180,Koon-Magnin Trauma type and posttraumatic stress disorder as predictors of parenting stress in trauma-exposed mothers,2017,32,1,141-158,Samuelson "If I can't have you nobody will": explicit threats in the context of coercive control,2017,32,1,126-140,Logan Sexual assault and sexual risk behaviors among lower-income rural women: the mediating role of self-worth,2017,32,1,110-125,Littleton Childhood maltreatment public service system contact and preventable death in young adulthood,2017,32,1,93-109,Jonson-Reid (Missing) knowledge about sexual assault resources: undermining military mental health,2017,32,1,60-77,Cortina The bystander approach to sexual assault risk reduction: effects on risk recognition perceived self-efficacy and protective behavior,2017,32,1,46-59,Foubert Examining perpetration of physical violence by women: the influence of childhood adversity victimization mental illness substance abuse and anger,2017,32,1,22-45,Bybee The impact of lifetime victimization and polyvictimization on adolescents in Québec: mental health symptoms and gender differences,2017,32,1,3-21,Gagne Victim gender rater attitudes and rater violence history influence perceptions of intimate partner violence,2017,32,3,533-544,Erickson Co-occurring cyberbullying and school bullying victimization and associations with mental health problems among Canadian middle and high school students,2017,32,4,671-687,Sampasa-Kanyinga Dating violence perpetration: associations with early maladaptive schemas,2017,32,4,714-727,Stuart Victim impact statements: how victim social class affects juror decision making,2017,32,3,521-532,Nunez Mother father and teacher agreement on victimization and bullying in children with psychiatric disorders,2017,32,3,466-478,Waschbusch A gendered analysis of the shadow of sexual harm among a college sample,2017,32,3,405-430,Cook Are men with a history of head injury less responsive to cognitive behavioral therapy for intimate partner violence?,2017,32,3,493-505,Murphy Identification of nonfatal strangulation by 911 dispatchers: suggestions for advances toward evidence-based prosecution,2017,32,3,506-520,Reckdenwald The role of psychopathic traits in female sexual coercion,2017,32,3,479-492,Bouffard Who is at risk for intimate partner violence victimization: using latent class analysis to explore interpersonal polyvictimization and polyperpetration among pregnant young couples,2017,32,3,545-564,Lewis Revealing victimization: the impact of methodological features in the National Crime Victimization Survey,2017,32,4,688-713,Gatewood Owens Victim alcohol intoxication during a sexual assault: relations with subsequent PTSD symptoms,2017,32,4,642-657,DiLillo Ethno-racial differences in children's attitudes and beliefs about violence,2017,32,3,452-465,Graham-Bermann Acute alcohol use history of homelessness and intent of injury among a sample of adult emergency department patients,2017,32,4,658-670,Field Help-seeking behavior among Moroccan Romanian and Ecuadorian women experiencing intimate partner violence in Spain,2017,32,4,754-768,Vives-Cases A review and assessment of intimate partner violence interventions and trainings for service providers and frontline staff,2017,32,3,379-404,An Modifying self-blame self-esteem and disclosure through a cooperative cross-age teaching intervention for bullying among adolescents,2017,32,4,609-626,Boulton The neighborhood context of hate crime: a comparison of violent and property offenses using rare events modeling,2017,32,4,584-608,Benier An exploration of the mediators between childhood maltreatment and intimate partner violence,2017,32,4,567-583,Gardner Childhood victimization attachment coping and substance use among victimized women on probation and parole,2017,32,3,431-451,Logan Bullying victimization social network usage and delinquent coping in a sample of urban youth: examining the predictions of general strain theory,2016,31,6,1021-1043,Pelfrey Teen dating violence: predicting physical and sexual violence and mental health symptoms among heterosexual adolescent males,2017,32,5,886-896,Fawson A mixed method study of intimate partner violence: how sex and severity impact perpetrator prior involvement abnormality and responsibility,2017,32,5,897-918,Lockwood Harris Language barrier as a risk factor for injuries from patient violence among direct care workers in home settings: findings from a U.S. national sample,2017,32,5,858-868,Lipscomb Psychosocial maladjustment at student and classroom level as indicators of peer victimization,2017,32,5,842-857,Bjorkqvist Coercive control and the stay-leave decision: the role of latent tactics among a sample of abused pregnant women,2017,32,5,811-828,Graham-Bermann Unique associations among emotion dysregulation dimensions and aggressive tendencies: a multisite study,2017,32,5,791-810,Casselman Roadway aggression among drivers and passengers with or without a history of traumatic brain injury,2017,32,5,869-885,Asbridge Social norms for intimate partner violence: a replication with college students,2017,32,5,829-841,Hackman Tweets gangs and guns: a snapshot of gang communications in Detroit,2017,32,5,919-934,Crandall Random acts of violence? Examining probabilistic independence of the temporal distribution of mass killing events in the United States,2017,32,6,1014-1023,Jacobson Family matters: examining child abuse and neglect as family dysfunction for minority youth living in extreme poverty,2017,32,6,1063-1078,Bolland Investigating the risk of date rape by auditory status,2017,32,6,1044-1062,Porter The difference between living and dying: victim characteristics and motive among nonfatal shootings and gun homicides,2017,32,6,977-997,Kroovand Hipple Intimate terrorism and situational couple violence: classification variability across five methods to distinguish Johnson's violent relationship types,2017,32,6,955-976,Eckstein Psychometric properties of the lifetime assessment of violent acts,2017,32,6,998-1013,Bailly A short measure of social reactions to sexual assault: the social reactions questionnaire-shortened,2017,32,6,1096-1115,Ullman The role of entitlement self-control and risk behaviors on dating violence perpetration,2017,32,6,1079-1095,Tyler Intimate partner violence victimization and cognitive function in a mixed-sex epidemiological sample of urban adults,2017,32,6,1133-1148,Murphy Exposure to community violence among low-income African American youth in Chicago: a latent class analysis,2017,32,6,1116-1132,Voisin The impact of victim alcohol consumption and perpetrator use of force on perceptions in an acquaintance rape vignette,2018,33,1,40-52,Brown Unacknowledged rape in the community: rape characteristics and adjustment,2018,33,1,142-156,Littleton Screening tool for psychological intimate partner violence: Portuguese validation of the Psychological Maltreatment of Women Inventory,2018,33,1,75-90,Maia Methodological considerations for research with black male victims of violent injury in an urban trauma unit,2018,33,2,383-396,Cooper Exposure to family violence and internalizing and externalizing problems among Spanish adolescents,2018,33,2,368-382,Calvete Intimate partner violence myths in police reports: a directed content analysis,2018,33,2,351-367,Nordberg The relationship between experiences with the criminal justice system and mental health outcomes among survivors of homicide,2018,33,2,310-329,Rheingold Relationships between shame restrictiveness authoritativeness and coercive control in men mandated to a domestic violence offenders program,2018,33,2,296-309,Raghavan Turkish version of the Multidimensional Measure of Emotional Abuse: preliminary psychometrics in college students,2018,33,2,275-295,Murphy Injury and psychiatric disorder in low-income women experiencing bidirectional intimate partner violence,2018,33,2,259-274,Behnken Young adult victimization and midlife consequences: sensitization or steeling effects of childhood adversity?,2018,33,2,239-258,Ensminger The intersection of stalking and the severity of intimate partner abuse,2018,33,2,218-238,Hayes Psychometric properties of the Child-to-Parent Aggression Questionnaire in a clinical sample of adolescents who abuse their parents: prevalence and gender differences,2018,33,2,203-217,Calvete Sexual teen dating violence victimization: associations with sexual risk behaviors among U.S. high school students,2018,33,5,964-980,Clayton Impact of spousal violence on employment at the post-leaving stage in Japan,2018,33,5,949-963,Tsukasaki Exploring the experience of Arab American and Arab immigrant women with intimate partner violence,2018,33,5,918-931,Crabtree-Nelson Partner type matters: differences in cross-sectional predictors of men's sexual aggression in casual and steady relationships,2018,33,5,902-917,Abbey Parent- and sibling-directed aggression in children of domestic violence victims,2018,33,5,886-901,Karatekin Emotional symptoms and risk behaviors in adolescents: relationships with cyberbullying and implications on well-being,2018,33,5,871-885,Gaspar de Matos Prevalence of sexual abuse among secondary school students in Saudi Arabia,2018,33,5,855-870,Al-Eissa Closure and justice: a qualitative study of perspectives from homicide survivorship experts,2018,33,5,830-854,Dirks A violent event perspective on women's involvement in incidents of severe partner violence,2018,33,5,813-829,Lysova Development and validation of the youth violence potential scale,2018,33,5,789-812,Edelstein Involvement in bullying during high school: a survival analysis approach,2018,33,3,563-582,Slee Intimate partner violence and psychological distress among young couples: the role of the pattern of violence,2018,33,3,547-562,Guay Women's use of aggression and their depressive symptoms: the mediating effect of aggression-related shame and avoidance coping among women experiencing bidirectional intimate partner violence,2018,33,3,533-546,Swan Intimate partner violence in the workplace: exploring gender differences in current health-related quality of life,2018,33,3,519-532,Woods Trajectories of children's attitudes and beliefs about violence in families exposed to intimate partner violence,2018,33,3,504-518,Grogan-Kaylor Further validation of a laboratory analog sexual aggression task: associations with novel risk factors for sexual violence,2018,33,3,486-503,DiLillo Self-compassion and psychological flexibility in a treatment-seeking sample of women survivors of interpersonal violence,2018,33,3,472-485,Follette Understanding characteristics of victims and perpetrators of anti-LGBT hate crimes in the united states,2018,33,3,453-471,Coston Shameful "victims" and angry "survivors": emotion mental health and labeling sexual assault,2018,33,3,436-452,Clay-Warner Domestic violence agency personnel experiences with and perceptions of the lethality assessment program,2018,33,3,417-435,Dutton Dangerous liaisons: examining the connection of stalking and gun threats among partner abuse victims,2018,33,3,399-416,Logan The relationship between offline and online stalking victimization: a gender-specific analysis,2018,33,4,769-786,Reyns The associations between perceived harsh and controlling parenting shame proneness and psychological aggression among Chinese dating couples,2018,33,4,759-768,Johnson White female bystanders' responses to a Black woman at risk for sexual assault: positive effects of intergroup contact,2018,33,4,739-754,Katz A qualitative study of sexual assault disclosure impact and help-seeking on support providers,2018,33,4,721-738,Ullman The development of a culturally adapted pilot intervention for African American family members of homicide victims: a preliminary report,2018,33,4,708-720,Iwamoto Perceptions of adolescents and caregivers of corporal punishment: a qualitative study among Indo-Caribbean in Suriname,2018,33,4,686-707,van der Kooij An exploration of the experience of harm in the bondage/discipline/sadomasochism community,2018,33,4,663-685,Holt Evaluation of the intervention initiative: a bystander intervention program to prevent violence against women in universities,2018,33,4,645-662,Fenton What women think should be done to stop intimate partner violence in Ghana,2018,33,4,627-644,Issahaku Help-seeking among abused women with pets: evidence from a Canadian sample,2018,33,4,604-626,Barrett The relationship between partner violence and number of abortions in a national sample of abortion patients,2018,33,4,585-603,Ely Is the trouble still going on? Exploring victims' accounts of why repeat violent and property victimization ends,2018,33,6,1193-1208,Lauritsen Workplace violence against Iranian nurses: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2018,33,6,1148-1175,Khorshidi Intimate partner violence in Tajikistan: risk and protective factors,2018,33,6,1124-1147,Chernyak Envisioning justice: the complex journey of cold case homicide survivors,2018,33,6,1102-1123,Wellman Posttraumatic growth as a mediator of self-blame and happiness in the context of interpersonal violence,2018,33,6,1088-1101,Banyard Examining associations between strangulation and depressive symptoms in women with intimate partner violence histories,2018,33,6,1072-1087,Cerulli Treatment goals assessment and evaluation practices in rape crisis centers,2018,33,6,1055-1071,Voth Schrag Cyber partner abuse: a systematic review,2018,33,6,983-1011,Xia Dating violence attitudes among Latino college students: an examination of gender machismo and marianismo,2019,34,1,194-210,Sabina Sexual trauma screening for men and women: examining the construct validity of a two-item screen,2019,34,1,175-193,Mengeling Violent victimization and low self-control: the mediating effect of risky lifestyles,2019,34,1,157-174,Reisig The dynamics of partner violence and alcohol use in couples: research methods,2019,34,1,136-156,Becho The self-report delinquency scale from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health among at-risk for delinquency youths,2019,34,1,120-135,Pechorro Re-examining the relationship between avoidance and post-traumatic stress symptoms in rape survivors enrolled in self-defense training: the protective effect of activities self-efficacy,2019,34,1,104-119,Orcutt Does training and coursework in domestic violence affect students' perceptions of behaviors as domestic violence?,2019,34,1,85-103,Wareham Context matters: posttraumatic stress disorder symptom associations with military sexual trauma event characteristics and dual histories of interpersonal trauma,2019,34,1,69-84,Bennett Violence trajectories associated with dating violence victimization and perpetration: an examination of gendered pathways,2019,34,1,46-68,Kaukinen Patterns of coping with cyberbullying: emotional behavioral and strategic coping reactions among middle school students,2019,34,1,28-45,Olenik-Shemesh The reliability and validity of the Arabic Version of the Composite Abuse Scale,2019,34,1,3-27,Ford-Gilboe “Violence is everywhere": childhood polyvictimization perceptions of the prevalence of victimization and posttraumatic stress symptoms,2019,34,2,376-393,Howell Nurses between the hammer and the anvil: analyzing the role of the workplace prevention climate in reducing internal and external violence,2019,34,2,363-375,Converso Workplace bullying among nurses: developing a model for intervention,2019,34,2,346-362,Arnetz Posttraumatic stress disorder upon admission to shelters among female victims of domestic violence: an ecological model of trauma,2019,34,2,329-345,Itzhaky Factors associated with batterer intervention program attrition,2019,34,2,296-311,Kulkarni Reliability and findings from an instrument examining sexual assault disclosure content and context: the Sexual Assault Inventory of Disclosure,2019,34,2,260-295,Orcutt Correlates of persistent victimization by romantic partners: a short-term prospective study,2019,34,2,243-259,Avery-Leaf Effects of poly-victimization before age 18 on health outcomes in young Kenyan adults: violence against children survey,2019,34,2,229-242,Kegler A preliminary examination of an acceptance and commitment therapy-based program for incarcerated domestic violence offenders,2019,34,2,213-228,Zarling Beliefs about consent and sexual assault perpetration in a longitudinal study of college men,2019,34,3,548-565,Zinzow Intimate partner violence negative attitudes toward pregnancy and mother-to-fetus bonding failure among Japanese pregnant women,2019,34,3,536-547,Kamibeppu Interpersonal style and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in female victims of dating violence,2019,34,3,522-535,Levendosky Social disconnection as a pathway to sexual risk behavior among victims of intimate partner violence,2019,34,3,508-521,Sullivan Dangerous liaisons: the role of hookups and heavy episodic drinking in college sexual victimization,2019,34,3,492-507,Livingston Multiple forms of early violent socialization and the acceptance of interpersonal violence among Chinese college students,2019,34,3,474-491,Kim No idle threat: coercive control and enacted violence in the pre-prison relationships of incarcerated women,2019,34,3,452-473,McLeod Who are the victims of NGRI acquittees? A study of Belgian internees,2019,34,3,434-451,Bogaerts Condemnation of statutory rape based on respondent race perpetrator race and victim race,2019,34,3,414-433,Ruback Differential gender responses to an empathy component of a sexual assault prevention program,2019,34,3,397-413,Hines Gang-related attitudes and affiliations among African American youth: an ecological model,2019,34,4,717-730,McMahon Turnover intention and job satisfaction among the intimate partner violence and sexual assault workforce,2019,34,4,678-700,Wachter Toward a comprehensive model of physical dating violence perpetration and victimization,2019,34,4,661-677,Tyler Human services utilization among male IPV perpetrators: relationship to timing and completion of batterer intervention programs,2019,34,4,635-660,Chang When abused women decide to seek help from a victims assistance program: their perceived needs and self-reported mental health symptoms,2019,34,4,613-634,Mengo Hate the players or the game? The role of court mediators and hearing officers in the civil protection order process,2019,34,4,592-612,Miller The development and psychometric evaluation of the Reasons for Disclosing Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence Scale,2019,34,4,569-591,Banyard Peer victimization internalizing problems and substance use in urban African American adolescents in Chicago: the relevance of the self-medication hypothesis,2019,34,5,850-866,Voisin Intimate partner violence perpetration and victimization among Chinese young adults: profiles and associated health problems,2019,34,5,838-849,Fan Sexual assault policing and justice for people with developmental disabilities,2019,34,5,818-837,Fogel Psychopathology in violent offenders against healthcare workers,2019,34,5,786-803,Taymur Childhood polyvictimization and the life course: associations with depression and crime,2019,34,5,770-785,Carbonaro Examination of a new brief screener to measure trauma symptoms and violence exposure among young children,2019,34,5,733-751,Flannery Self-protection routine activities and victimization: studying Arab Americans in metro-Detroit,2019,34,6,1030-1048,Wu Longitudinal associations between bullying and intimate partner violence among adolescents and young adults,2019,34,6,1011-1029,Roberts An experimental investigation of the perceived credibility of complainants of sexual revictimization: disbelief and victim-blame,2019,34,6,992-1010,Wager International student perceptions of American gun culture and school shootings: a public health examination,2019,34,6,972-991,Gelzhiser Factors associated with types of sexual assault victimization and bystander behavior among South Korean university students,2019,34,6,952-971,Cho Bullying among international adoptees: testing risks and protective factors,2019,34,6,930-951,Elovainio Associations between attachment insecurities and psychological violence in a sample of court-mandated batterers,2019,34,6,910-929,Buttell Participants' views about the survivor contact element of IPV perpetrator programs: a preliminary study,2019,34,6,889-909,Taylor Examining attempted and completed intimate partner homicide: a qualitative synthesis,2019,34,6,869-888,Stith An exploration of sexual assault survivors' discourse online on help-seeking,2020,35,1,126-140,Du Mont Information to help stalking victims on college and university websites: it's not easy to find,2020,35,1,108-125,Simmons How "conditions of confinement" impact "conditions of employment": the work-related well-being of provincial correctional officers in Atlantic Canada,2020,35,1,88-107,Power Relational aggression victimization as a predictor of middle-school girls' self-disclosure to peers,2020,35,1,54-67,Kahn Comparing prevalence and correlates of intimate partner sexual victimization relative to other victim-offender relationships in college students,2020,35,1,39-53,Johnson Violent victimization: the role of social support and risky lifestyle,2020,35,1,20-38,Daigle Measurement of economic abuse among women not seeking social or support services and dwelling in the community,2020,35,1,3-19,Voth Schrag Bullying and delinquency: the impact of anger and frustration,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Patchin Sexual assault prevention: a randomized control trial of a standard military intervention and a motivational interview enhancement,2020,35,2,266-280,Lundahl Risk factors for and mental well-being outcomes of economic abuse in Hong Kong Chinese population,2020,35,2,246-265,Wong Pathways from intimate partner violence to academic disengagement among women university students,2020,35,2,227-245,Busch-Armendariz Does alcohol use in large group contexts mediate the association between sex-related alcohol expectancies and rape?,2020,35,2,195-209,Lefkowitz The impact of PTSD-linked strain sensitivity on violent offending: differences in effects during adolescence versus early adulthood,2020,35,2,176-194,Wojciechowski Prosecutorial response to nonfatal strangulation in domestic violence cases,2020,35,2,160-175,Reckdenwald Peer victimization patterns and trauma symptoms in a national longitudinal sample of youth,2020,35,2,143-159,Jones Intersectional standpoint methodology: toward theory-driven participatory research on human trafficking,2020,35,3,418-439,Preble An intersectional content analysis of inclusive language and imagery among sex trafficking-related services,2020,35,3,400-417,Gerassi Human trafficking efforts to protect Connecticut's vulnerable children and youth: incorporating the voices of community practitioners,2020,35,3,382-399,Thomas Sex trafficking knowledge and training: implications from environmental scanning in the American midwest,2020,35,3,363-381,Preble Victim or prostitute? The classification of commercial sex events involving minors in the National Incident-Based Reporting System,2020,35,3,331-353,Fisher Structural vulnerabilities personal agency and caste: an exploration of child sex trafficking in rural India,2020,35,3,307-330,Dalla Before saying "I do": legal and policy considerations for facilitating clarity on human trafficking and the protection of children in Albania,2020,35,3,285-306,Heywood The sexual victimization of the elderly: an empirical analysis of officially reported incidents 2007-2016,2020,35,4,443-466,Krienert Co-occurrence of dating violence victimization subtypes: assessing the influence of family factors dating attitudes risky behaviors and the moderating effect of gender among school-aged teens,2020,35,4,467-502,Markham Dark triad personality traits in cyber aggression among college students,2020,35,4,524-538,Dahlen The experiences of domestic violence shelter workers and their perceptions of shelter services: a preliminary study,2020,35,4,539-561,Brown Court-affiliated diversion programs for prostitution-related crimes: a comprehensive review of program components and impact,2020,35,4,562-588,Beaujolais Data missingness patterns in homicide datasets: an applied test on a primary data set,2020,35,4,589-614,Neuilly Campus support providers' discussion of consent in response to sexual assault disclosure situations: understanding of consent linked to resource referrals,2020,35,4,615-632,Cipriano Added cost and time spent by patients with history of abuse in Florida emergency departments,2020,35,5,741-750,Langland-Orban Experiences of Jewish and Arab healthcare practitioners treating terrorists in Israel,2020,35,5,674-689,Popper-Giveon Association between dating violence and behavioral and health outcomes among early adolescents from Denmark: the role of exposure to childhood maltreatment,2020,35,5,690-711,Elklit Toward an empirically derived classification of sexually aggressive juveniles in a treatment setting,2020,35,5,751-779,Dunton It hurts when you're close: high betrayal sexual trauma dissociation and suicidal ideation in young adults,2020,35,5,712-723,Gómez The Youth Firearm Risk and Safety Tool (Youth-FiRST): psychometrics and validation of a gun attitudes and violence exposure assessment tool,2020,35,5,635-655,Beseler Spousal violence: a Mokken scaling analysis of attitudes of south Asian men and women,2020,35,5,656-673,Watson The impact of parental factors on physical aggression perpetration among Turkish urban adolescents: the mediating role of beliefs supporting aggression,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hatipoğlu-Sümer Identifying women's strengths for promoting resilience after experiencing intimate partner violence,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hamby A retrospective descriptive analysis of sexual assault nurse examiner records from sexual assault survivors at a large university emergency department from 2003 to 2017,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Scheiman Vicarious victimization negative emotions and maladaptive coping: investigating the role of violent peers,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Walker Convict code risky lifestyles and violent victimization among inmates in South Korea,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Choi Healthy romantic relationships: attitudes and perceptions of college students,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Baldwin-White The association of different cyber-victimization types with current psychological and health status in southern Appalachian communities,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hamby Multiple maltreatment and adverse childhood experiences: exploring cumulative threats to attachment quality,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Howe The assessment and management of stalking perpetrated by clients against their counselors,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hart Victimization experiences and well-being in adulthood: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2020,35,6,783-814,Antunes Dispositional mindfulness and aggression among adults in residential treatment for opioid use disorder: preliminary findings from an applied setting,2020,35,6,828-840,Stuart Deployment experiences and suicidal behaviors related to interpersonal violence perpetration among Army National Guard soldiers,2020,35,6,841-860,Bryan Reducing physical aggression in high school students in KwaZulu-Natal: a cluster randomized trial,2020,35,6,861-884,Vries Gendered massacres: examining the effects of cultural and structural gender inequality on the incidence of mass public shootings,2020,35,6,885-905,Capellan Pennsylvania workplace safety: employee perceptions of active shooter preparedness,2020,35,6,920-939,Wallace Self-reported sexual victimization among Chilean children and youth,2021,36,2,306-319,Pereda Alcohol's effects on bystander intervention strategies to prevent sexual assault,2021,36,2,320-336,Ham Community effects of police-related deaths: associations with low birthweight births and poverty among US counties,2021,36,3,339-346,Chandran Femicide and femicide-suicide in Israel: the role of immigration and the cultural context,2021,36,3,347-362,Sela-Shayovitz Beliefs on marital violence among Portuguese adolescents: monitoring their evolution and relationship with dating violence,2021,36,3,363-380,Caridade Recollections of maternal and paternal punitive discipline in childhood and violent attitudes and behaviors in adulthood: a mediation model,2021,36,3,381-400,Kalaitzaki Seeking help from formal sources among teen dating violence victims: exploring the role of incident and victim characteristics,2021,36,3,401-423,Hoffman Recent sexual assault predicting changes in coping motives for alcohol use in first-year college women,2021,36,3,424-435,Fischer Predicting violent victimization using social network analysis from police data,2021,36,3,436-454,Fox "I was worried I wouldn't be believed": sexual assault victims' perceptions of the police in the decision to not report,2021,36,3,455-476,Lorenz Economic abuse as a form of intimate partner violence: a literature review of the instruments and mental well-being outcomes,2021,36,4,479-492,Wong Centering transgender survivors' experiences of intimate partner violence victimization: a critique of dominant approaches to research and service provision,2021,36,4,493-508,Dolan Gender-based violence among female senior secondary school students in eastern Ethiopia,2021,36,4,509-530,Loxton Hazers' personality characteristics and the perception of school climate in Slovenia,2021,36,4,531-547,Pečjak Help-seeking behaviors for intimate partner violence among college students: implications for intimate partner violence prevention and intervention,2021,36,4,548-564,Cho Prevalence of intimate partner violence among pregnant women in the poor neighborhoods of Hamadan Iran,2021,36,4,565-579,Rezapur-Shahkolai The effects of social location and situational factors on young women's disclosure of intimate partner violence across relationships,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bybee Quality of life and behaviors of bullies and victims in an Iranian school sample: the moderating role of self-esteem,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Khodarahimi Intimate partner violence victimization and perpetration among U.S. adults during the earliest stage of the CoViD-19 pandemic,2021,36,5,583-603,Gilbar Adolescent school bullying and life skills: a systematic review of the recent literature,2021,36,5,604-637,Kubiszewski An exploratory study of the prosecution of fatal child maltreatment: criminal charges filed against presumed perpetrators in the United States in 2017,2021,36,5,638-650,Douglas Nurturing hope and well-being among survivors of domestic violence within the Family Justice Center Model,2021,36,5,651-666,Gwinn Brief report: Turkish validity and reliability of the HITS Intimate Partner Violence Screening Tool with women,2021,36,5,667-680,Kosan State standards for batterer intervention programs: a content analysis,2021,36,6,683-705,Flasch Risk of outdoor rape and proximity to bus stops bars and residences,2021,36,6,723-738,Felson Sex-specific predictors of exposure to hospital-treated assaults among former adolescent psychiatric inpatients,2021,36,6,751-769,Hakko The co-occurrence of animal abuse and intimate partner violence among a nationally representative sample: evidence of "the link" in the general population,2021,36,6,770-792,Barrett Developing trauma-informed research methods: using proxy respondents to assess sexual assault survivors' experiences seeking medical forensic exams,2021,36,6,793-807,Campbell Predictors of skeptical responses to disclosures of childhood sexual abuse,2021,36,6,808-822,de Roos Help-seeking among battered immigrant Filipina Indian and Pakistani women in the United States: perceived barriers and helpful responses,2021,36,6,823-838,Yoshihama The impact of life domains on delinquent behaviors in five Caribbean countries: a partial test of Agnew's General Theory of Crime and Delinquency,2022,37,1,3-25,Cho Mental healthcare: experiences of rural women with disabilities following interpersonal violence,2022,37,1,26-43,Hughes The relationship between sexual assault intimate partner violence and eating disorder symptomatology among college students,2022,37,1,63-76,Zullig Exposures to potentially psychologically traumatic events among provincial correctional workers in Ontario Canada,2022,37,1,77-100,Groll Homicide clearance rates in the United States 1976-2017: examining homicide clearance rates relative to the situational circumstances in which they occur,2022,37,1,101-115,Avdija Taking action in student harassment situations: application of the behaviour change wheel to bystander intervention,2022,37,1,116-140,Hennelly What are the chances? Perceived risk of sexual victimization for self and others among college women,2022,37,1,141-162,Testa Conflict appraisals and trauma symptoms in children exposed to intimate partner violence,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Levendosky Predictors of multidisciplinary team sustainability in work with child sex trafficking cases,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jones Relational factors associated with posttraumatic stress among emerging adults of color exposed to community violence,2022,37,2,277-293,Howell The role of perpetrator tactics on physical and mental health outcomes associated with intimate partner sexual violence: a sex-specific analysis,2022,37,2,165-184,Jennings Unfounding the ideal victim: does Christie's ideal victim explain police response to intimate partner sexual assault?,2022,37,2,201-221,Taylor Verbal arguments that precede dating violence perpetration: a qualitative analysis,2022,37,2,260-276,Bell Safe dating in the digital era: protective behavioral strategies in dating behaviors facilitated by dating applications,2022,37,2,185-200,Benuto Use of an electronic referral application to address post-injury needs of victims of firearm injury in a hospital-based violence intervention program,2022,37,2,294-302,Cranford The associations between gang membership and domestic minor sex trafficking (DMST): findings from a nationally representative study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Martin An exploratory analysis of harassment in adult sexual assault cases,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Burns Domestic violence risk assessment research to real-world practice: the devil is in the implementation,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dawson The importance of neighborhood context and gender on international students' fear of crime in Istanbul,2022,37,3,381-395,Özascilar Prevalence of parental violence toward teachers: a meta-analysis,2022,37,3,348-366,McMahon A cross-national examination of global gender inequality and femicide by intimate partners and family members,2022,37,3,305-325,Smithey Trauma history as a significant predictor of posttraumatic growth beyond mental health symptoms in women-identifying survivors of undergraduate non-consensual sexual experiences,2022,37,3,396-421,Ploutz-Snyder The dark tetrad intimate partner violence and the mediating role of moral disengagement,2022,37,3,326-347,Egan A prospective study of employee response to bullying in a workplace environment: does assertiveness actually help or hurt?,2022,37,3,367-380,Gamian-Wilk MMPI-2-RF differences between violent offending and institutional violence among incarcerated women,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vitacco Exploring correlates of social reactions to disclosure among Latina sexual assault survivors,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ullman Unique and additive effects of family and school victimization on child-to-parent violence,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cano-Lozano The relationship between college student characteristics and reporting sexual assault experiences on two different scales,2022,37,4,532-546,Tyler Always at the ready: fears threats and unsafe gun storage in households with children,2022,37,4,441-458,Warner Adolescent experience with dating violence in relation to virginity status: findings from a Jamaican sample,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mason Family violence personality traits and risk behaviors: links to dating violence victimization and perpetration among college students,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tyler Prosecution as a "soul crushing" job: emotional labor and secondary trauma in working sexual assault cases,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brubaker Assessing knowledge and acceptability of a trauma-informed training model to strengthen response to conflict and gender-based violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nelson Examining the influence of gender child abuse and narcissism on four forms of interpersonal violence among men and women college students,2022,37,5,569-587,Pincus Stressful events during last year violence and anxiety and depression: a moderated mediation model by sex,2022,37,5,610-624,Antunes The impact of bullying victimization and sexual orientation on the severity of suicidal behavior,2022,37,5,641-658,Peskin Reduced posttraumatic stress in mothers taking part in group interventions for children exposed to intimate partner violence,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Almqvist A qualitative investigation of service providers' experiences supporting raped and sexually abused men,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Murji International and domestic college students: a comparison of campus sexual assault victimization,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ward Associations between sexual objectification and bystander efficacy: the mediating role of barriers to bystander intervention,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,DiLillo Victimology of mass shootings and mass murders not involving firearms,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Appelbaum A 10-year epidemiologic overview of firearm injuries in southern West Virginia,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Samanta "Get stuck and can't walk out": exploring the needs for support among Chinese immigrant women experiencing intimate partner violence in the US,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Li Substance use and violence victimization among women: a review of relevant literature,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Victor Social reactions and trauma symptoms among gender and sexual minority students disclosing sexual violence,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Martin-Storey (Un)acknowledgment of men as victims of intimate partner violence,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Matos Internalized heterosexism and exposed psychological intimate partner violence: experiences of lesbian and bisexual women in Turkey and Denmark,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Toplu-Demirtaş Can attitudes serve as proxies for behavioral outcomes of dating violence prevention programs? Broader lessons from a pilot evaluation of the Relationship Education Project,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kettrey Relative effects of sexual assault and temperament traits on cognitive characteristics of histrionic personality disorder,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yalch Ethnoracial differences in past year victimization rates for a national sample of gender and sexual minority adolescents,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sterzing Rural differences in victim vulnerability and revictimization of intimate partner violence,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Petersson The impact of police response on intimate partner violence victims' social emotional and physical well-being: results from the National Crime Victimization Survey,2023,38,2,167-184,Pearlman Violent victimization during childhood in the United States: associations with revictimization and health,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mercy Violence within food deserts: a block-group examination of food access racial composition and violent crime,2023,38,3,435-456,Kaminski Organizational readiness and response during COVID-19: reflections from a sexual assault agency serving a predominately African American community,2023,38,3,328-344,Campbell Formal and informal services used by women who suffer intimate partner violence in Spain,2023,38,3,358-374,Rodríguez-Borrego Female-to-male sexual assault: the role of the perpetrator's attractiveness and attributed emotional states on victim blame,2023,38,3,396-413,Caricati Resources and support for sexual assault survivors receiving services from the U.S. Air Force: what survivors say they need for recovery,2023,38,3,414-434,Stith Sexual harassment: knowledge prevalence pattern and impacts among Egyptian female college students,2023,38,3,345-357,Hagras Polyvictimization and academic performance: findings from a national-level study of college students,2023,38,3,307-327,Daigle ADHD as a predictor of quicker time to violent recidivism and a moderator of the exposure to violence-violent recidivism relationship,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wojciechowski Long-term relationships between negative life events and suicidal ideation specifying Agnew's general theory of crime and delinquency: a 7-year longitudinal mediation analysis,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cho Deadly initiations: characteristics of hazing deaths in the United States (1994-2019),2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Perez Nonintimate polyvictimization and the severity of intimate partner violence experienced by men,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lysova Intimate partner violence among Hispanic/Latinx and White college students,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hong Can a pessimistic outlook moderate the victimization-delinquency relationship?,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Walters Perceived barriers and facilitators to treatment for alcohol misuse among survivors and victim service professionals following sexual assault and intimate partner violence,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rheingold Intentions to call a helpline among targets of intimate partner violence: the role of the theory of planned behavior and gender role conflict,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Arriaga Factors associated with domestic violence against peri- and postmenopausal women,2023,38,4,611-624,Rahnavardi Experiences and expectations of battered women: a mixed method study among women living in shelters in Ankara Turkey,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tekiner How expert are the experts? Child custody evaluations in situations of domestic violence in Italy,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Feresin Defiance and strength: a qualitative study of sex trafficking survivor-advocate coping strategies,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Preble The link between victimization and misconduct in prison inmates: the influence of importation deprivation and low self-control factors,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kuo Psychometric adaptation of a brief scale of child-to-parent violence and intrafamily violence in Peruvian adolescents,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Melendez-Torres The traveling public as a witness: understanding travelers' intent to report signals of child sexual exploitation abroad,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Koning Violence exposure among women in the sex industry and their children in El Alto Bolivia: a comparative cross-sectional study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Boynton-Jarrett We have a voice: an examination of intimate partner violence in a Native American community,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gillespie Intangible identity theft and intimate partner violence,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stolzenberg Prevalence of violence victimization and perpetration during middle and high school in under-resourced urban communities,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,DeGue Transgender incarceration and law enforcement as a source of harm: upstream and primordial prevention perspectives,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Griner College students' trust betrayal and needs during and after their worst nonassault-related healthcare experiences differ based on sexual violence exposure,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Langhinrichsen-Rohling Interpersonal violence and maxillofacial injuries: toward an active surveillance proposal through the presentation profile in hospital emergency services,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Werlinger The importance of narcissism and impulsivity for bullying and cyberbullying perpetration,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vazsonyi Intimate partner sexual violence gender and psychological distress among Northern Irish university students,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Armour Correlates of sexual victimization among community college women,2024,39,1,38-52,Orchowski Exploring the underlying constructs of rape-related cognition scales and their relationships with sexual aggression,2024,39,1,3-20,Nunes Whose expertise counts? Women survivors' experiences with psychologists,2024,39,1,71-87,Hegarty Social bonding risky lifestyle and polyvictimization among a sample of Chinese adolescents,2024,39,1,88-103,Qu Risk factors for multiple violations of protective orders in intimate partner violence against women,2024,39,1,21-37,Amor The effect of irrational relationship beliefs on attitudes toward intimate partner violence in emerging adults: moderating effect of gender,2024,39,1,104-121,Yavuzer The exosystem impact: an analysis of male- and female physical intimate partner violence victimization in heterosexual relationships,2024,39,1,53-70,Ballucci Common correlates of suicidal ideation and physical assault among male and female university students in Hong Kong,2007,22,3,290-303,Tiwari Bodily autonomy and trauma: understanding the nature of the association between sexual trauma an external locus of control and depressive symptoms,2024,39,2,219-239,Thomas Are differences evident in the ways boys and girls appraise and interpret their traumatic experiences? A qualitative analysis of youth trauma narratives,2024,39,2,143-167,Sprang Development and evaluation of a community advisory board for family violence,2024,39,2,189-203,Leventhal The labor market integration of women having suffered gender violence: some critical questions,2024,39,2,204-218,González-Portillo Logistics and interdisciplinary expertise of a sexual assault response team: a case study through observations and interviews,2024,39,2,168-188,Koon-Magnin