Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Gendered violence and restorative justice: the views of victim advocates,2005,11,5,603-638,Curtis-Fawley What Would MacGyver Do? The Meaning(s) of Resistance and Survival,2005,11,4,531-559,Jordan Perceived causes of physical assault in heterosexual dating relationships,2005,11,4,447-472,Mahlstedt Understanding women's labeling of unwanted sexual experiences with dating partners: a qualitative analysis,2005,11,3,374-413,Harned Attitudes toward rape: a comparison between Asian and Caucasian college students (USA),2005,11,2,177-196,Pomeroy Rape reporting after reforms: have times really changed?,2005,11,2,150-176,Clay-Warner Restraining orders in California: a look at statewide data,2005,11,7,912-933,Shen TANF Workers' Responses to Battered Women and the Impact of Brief Worker Training: What Survivors Report,2005,11,2,227-254,Saunders Intimate Partner Violence Substance Use and HIV Among Low-Income Women: Taking a Closer Look,2005,11,9,1140-1161,Gielen Child custody and visitation decisions when the father has perpetrated violence against the mother,2005,11,8,1076-1107,Morrill Child custody mediation in cases of domestic violence: empirical evidence of a failure to protect,2005,11,8,1022-1053,Johnson Training police officers on domestic violence and racism: challenges and strategies,2005,11,6,792-821,Huisman Challenging Despair: Teaching About Women's Resistance to Violence,2005,11,6,776-791,Hollander Do structural inequalities contribute to marital violence? Ethnographic evidence from rural South India,2005,11,6,759-775,Krishnan The voices of battered women in India,2005,11,6,736-758,Panchanadeswaran Incorporating feminist theory and insights into a restorative justice response to sex offenses,2005,11,5,693-723,Hopkins Safety conferencing: toward a coordinated and inclusive response to safeguard women and children,2005,11,5,666-692,Pennell Sita's Trousseau: Restorative Justice Domestic Violence and South Asian Culture,2005,11,5,639-665,Goel Justice From the Victim's Perspective,2005,11,5,571-602,Herman Individual family and community risk markers for domestic violence in Peru,2005,11,3,353-373,Flake Knowledge and attitudes about intimate partner violence among immigrant Latinos in rural North Carolina: baseline information and implications for outreach,2005,11,3,337-352,Moracco Women's Resources and Use of Strategies as Risk and Protective Factors for Reabuse Over Time,2005,11,3,311-336,Dutton Barriers to Domestic Violence Help Seeking: Implications for Intervention,2005,11,3,290-310,Fugate Domestic violence: court case conviction and recidivism,2005,11,2,255-277,Davis Regulating Intimacy: Judicial Discourse in Cases of Wife Assault (1970 to 2000),2005,11,2,197-226,Crocker Adult domestic violence in cases of international parental child abduction,2005,11,1,115-138,Shetty Women's Experience of Violence During Stalking by Former Romantic Partners: Factors Predictive of Stalking Violence,2005,11,1,89-114,Roberts Domestic violence at the intersections of race class and gender: challenges and contributions to understanding violence against marginalized women in diverse communities,2005,11,1,38-64,Sokoloff R and B: a conversation between a researcher and a battered woman about domestic violence fatality review,2005,11,9,1186-1200,Websdale Prosecutorial perspectives on gender-bias hate crimes,2005,11,9,1162-1185,McPhail Immigrant Latinas' conceptualizations of intimate partner violence,2005,11,10,1341-1364,Campbell The critical path of women affected by family violence in Latin America: case studies from 10 countries,2005,11,10,1292-1318,Sagot A web in the patriarchal clan system: tactics of intimate partners in the Japanese sociocultural context,2005,11,10,1236-1262,Yoshihama Considering the interplay of cultural context and service provision in intimate partner violence: the case of Haitian immigrant women,2005,11,11,1441-1464,Goodman Through Black Eyes: African American Women's Constructions of Their Experiences With Intimate Male Partner Violence,2005,11,11,1420-1440,Nash The framing safety project: photographs and narratives by battered women,2005,11,11,1396-1419,Frohmann Battered mothers speak out: participatory human rights documentation as a model for research and activism in the United States,2005,11,11,1367-1395,Slote Peritraumatic responses and their relationship to perceptions of threat in female crime victims,2005,11,12,1515-1535,Resick Resilience among Urban Adolescent Mothers Living with Violence: Listening to Their Stories,2005,11,12,1490-1514,Kennedy No resting place: African American women at the crossroads of violence,2005,11,12,1473-1489,Taylor A summary of personal protection order statutes in the United States,2006,12,1,68-88,Dejong Rape survivors' experiences with the legal and medical systems: do rape victim advocates make a difference?,2006,12,1,30-45,Campbell After-rape among three populations in the Southwest: a time of mourning a time for recovery,2006,12,1,5-29,Koss Women's Use of Force: Voices of Women Arrested for Domestic Violence,2006,12,1,89-115,Miller An examination of the effectiveness of domestic violence coordinating councils,2006,12,1,46-67,Allen Interpersonal violence at the crossroads between adolescence and adulthood: learning about partner violence from young mothers,2006,12,2,187-207,Kulkarni Protecting prosecution: exploring the powers of law in an intervention program for domestic violence,2006,12,2,160-186,Romkens Evaluation of a police and social services domestic violence program: empirical evidence needed to inform public health policies,2006,12,2,137-159,Hovell Violence Against American Indian Women and the Services-Training-Officers-Prosecutors Violence Against Indian Women (STOP VAIW) Program,2006,12,2,125-136,Luna-Firebaugh Separation and/or Divorce Sexual Assault in Rural Ohio: Preliminary Results of an Exploratory Study,2006,12,3,301-311,DeKeseredy Intimate Partner Violence and Women's Depression Before and During Pregnancy,2006,12,3,221-239,Martin An examination of sexual violence against college women,2006,12,3,288-300,Winslett Punitive action or gentle persuasion: exploring police officers' justifications for using dual arrest in domestic violence cases,2006,12,3,268-287,Finn Responding to the needs of older women experiencing domestic violence,2006,12,3,251-267,Montminy Arresting developments: trends in female arrests for domestic violence and proposed explanations,2006,12,4,355-371,Deleon-Granados Electroshock as a form of violence against women,2006,12,4,372-392,Burstow Responding in Their Best Interests: Contextualizing Women's Coping With Acquaintance Sexual Aggression,2006,12,5,478-500,Nurius Dating aggression sexual coercion and aggression-supporting attitudes among college men as a function of participation in aggressive high school sports,2006,12,5,441-455,Forbes The Phenomenology of Meditation for Female Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence,2006,12,5,501-518,Kane A qualitative exploration of the nature of domestic violence in pregnancy,2006,12,6,588-604,Bacchus Who listens? The voices of domestic violence survivors in service provision in the United kingdom,2006,12,6,568-587,Hague Putting a stop to domestic violence in the United Kingdom: challenges and opportunities,2006,12,6,556-567,Harwin Theorizing About Violence: Observations From the Economic and Social Research Council's Violence Research Program,2006,12,6,543-555,Stanko Mental health consequences of intimate partner violence against women in El Salvador,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Megías Guest editor's introduction: domestic violence is a subject that has "found its time",2006,12,6,531-542,Hague Ecological predictors of traumatic stress symptoms in caucasian and ethnic minority children exposed to intimate partner violence,2006,12,7,662-692,Graham-Bermann Alcohol and domestic violence: womens views,2006,12,7,641-662,Galvani Serving women who use force in their intimate heterosexual relationships: an extended view,2006,12,7,622-640,Larance Reasons for intimate partner violence perpetration among arrested women,2006,12,7,609-621,Stuart The impact of sexual abuse in the lives of young women involved or at risk of involvement with the juvenile justice system,2006,12,5,456-477,Ng Murder in Ciudad Juarez: A parable of women's struggle for human rights,2006,12,5,417-440,Ensalaco Coping and violence exposure as predictors of psychological functioning in domestic violence survivors,2006,12,4,340-354,Griffing Gender equality and women's absolute status: a test of the feminist models of rape,2006,12,4,321-339,Martin The importance of spirituality in the lives of domestic violence survivors,2006,12,3,240-250,Sullivan Experiencing interpersonal violence: perspectives of sexually active substance-using women living in shelters and low-income housing,2005,11,10,1319-1340,Wenzel Disclosure of child abuse in conflict areas,2005,11,10,1263-1291,Shalhoub-Kevorkian Battered women at risk: a rejoinder to Jacquelyn Hauser's and Jacquelyn Campbell's commentaries on "R and B",2005,11,9,1214-1221,Websdale Commentary on Websdale: lethality assessment approaches: reflections on their use and ways forward,2005,11,9,1206-1213,Campbell Interviewing clinicians and advocates who work with sexual assault survivors: a personal perspective on moving from quantitative to qualitative research methods,2005,11,9,1113-1139,Ullman Outcomes of custody and visitation petitions when fathers are restrained by protection orders: the case of the New York family courts,2005,11,8,1054-1075,Rosen Children in the crossfire: child custody determinations among couples with a history of intimate partner violence,2005,11,8,991-1021,Kernic Reply to Weitzer,2005,11,7,965-70; discussion 971-7,Raphael Flawed theory and method in studies of prostitution,2005,11,7,934-949,Weitzer Protective orders in rural and urban areas: a multiple perspective study,2005,11,7,876-911,Walker Walking a tightrope: the many faces of violence in the lives of racialized immigrant girls and young women,2005,11,7,846-875,Jiwani When advocacy for domestic violence victims backfires,2005,11,6,822-7; author reply 828-9,Walsh Trauma exposure and sexual revictimization risk: comparisons across single multiple incident and multiple perpetrator victimizations,2005,11,4,505-530,Nurius Sexual abuse of vulnerable young and old women: a comparative analysis of circumstances and outcomes,2005,11,4,473-504,Roberto Revisiting unwanted sexual experiences on campus: a 12-year follow-up,2005,11,4,426-446,Banyard The mediational role of relationship efficacy and resource utilization in the link between physical and psychological abuse and relationship termination,2005,11,1,65-88,Swan White privilege color blindness and services to battered women,2005,11,1,6-37,Donnelly Spousal homicide in Russia. gender inequality in a multifactor model,1997,3,5,533-546,Gondolf Victim-perpetrator reconciliation,1997,3,5,515-532,Barcus Elderly adult survivors of family violence. implications for clinical practice,1997,3,5,499-514,Anetzberger Talking violent. a phenomenological study of metaphors battering men use,1997,3,5,482-498,Eisikovits Gender differences in attributions of self-defense and control in interpartner aggression,1997,3,5,462-481,Lee Medicolegal response to violence against women in India,1999,5,5,478-506,Prasad Violence against women: an integrated ecological framework,1998,4,3,262-290,Heise Should I stay or should I go? Some thoughts on the variants of intimate violence,1997,3,6,629-635,Stanko Dating status variations and woman abuse. a test of the dependency availability and deterrence (dad) model,1997,3,6,610-628,Alvi Rethinking estrangement interventions and intimate femicide,1997,3,6,590-609,DeKeseredy Recent or imminent separation and intimate violence against women. a conceptual overview and some canadian examples,1997,3,6,566-589,Sev'er Coping appraisals and adjustment to nonstranger sexual assault,1998,4,2,224-239,Burkhart Victims of dating violence among high school students. Are the predictors different for males and females?,1998,4,2,195-223,O'Keefe Gender and contextual factors in adolescent dating violence,1998,4,2,180-194,Tolman Tensions in providing services to South Asian victims of wife abuse in Toronto,1998,4,2,153-179,Agnew Woman abuse in South Africa: an exploratory study,1998,4,2,125-152,Scott The battered women's movement response to children of battered women. a critical analysis,1997,3,4,424-446,Peled An empirical classification of motivations for domestic violence,1997,3,4,401-423,Hamberger Sexism and sexual harassment. concerns of african american women of the christian methodist episcopal church,1997,3,4,382-400,Whitson General and culture-specific factors influencing african american women's reporting patterns and perceived social support following sexual assault. an exploratory investigation,1997,3,4,361-381,Neville Therapist responses to recovered and never-forgotten memories of child sex abuse. a national survey of licensed psychologists,1997,3,4,348-360,Tabachnick Disability pornography: the fetishization of women's vulnerabilities,1997,3,3,257-270,Elman Harm moralism and the struggle for the soul of feminism,1997,3,3,237-256,Brush Situational determinants of police responses to civil and criminal injunctions for battered women,1997,3,2,204-216,Rigakos A multivariate model explaining men's violence toward women. predisposing and triggering hypotheses,1997,3,2,182-203,O'Neil Women's reactions to sexually aggressive mass media depictions,1997,3,2,149-181,Krafka Prime time sexual harrassment,1997,3,2,129-148,King Violence against women in Belgrade Serbia: SOS Hotline 1990-1993,1997,3,2,101-128,Hughes Women's Rights Network (WRN),1997,3,1,76-80,Cuthbert "The war against women". media representations of men's violence against women in Australia,1997,3,1,59-75,Howe Working toward freedom from violence. the process of change in battered women,1997,3,1,5-26,Brown Date and acquaintance rape. development and validation of a set of scales,1997,3,1,46-58,Walsh Bringing order to chaos. a framework for understanding and treating female sexual abuse survivors,1997,3,1,27-45,Stevens Mothers in "incest families": a critique of blame and its destructive sequels,1996,2,3,322-348,Green A case of woman abuse: gender ideologies power paradoxes and unresolved conflict,1996,2,3,302-321,Rosen Sexual harassment in the chinese workplace. attitudes toward and experiences of sexual harassment among workers in taiwan,1996,2,3,284-301,Luo Wife battering in Asian American communities: identifying the service needs of an overlooked segment of the U.S. population,1996,2,3,260-283,Huisman In the footsteps of "Arundhati": Asian Indian women's experience of domestic violence in the United States,1996,2,3,238-259,Dasgupta Rape-prone versus rape-free campus cultures,1996,2,2,191-208,Sanday Athletic participation fraternity membership and date rape. The question remains -- self-selection or different causal processes?,1996,2,2,180-190,Koss Male student-athletes and violence against women: a survey of campus judicial affairs offices,1996,2,2,163-179,McDonald Fraternity membership rape myths and sexual aggression on a college campus,1996,2,2,148-162,Schwartz Influences of fraternity membership athletics and male living arrangements on sexual aggression,1996,2,2,134-147,Boeringer Knowing pornography,1996,2,1,82-102,Jensen Separation divorce and woman abuse,1996,2,1,63-81,Kurz Warnings to women. Police advice and women's safety in Britain,1996,2,1,5-24,Stanko Understanding rape survivors' preparations for court,1996,2,1,25-62,Konradi A look at the Violence Against Women Act and gender-related political asylum,1995,1,4,380-400,Orloff Factors affecting credibility in a simulated sexual harassment hearing,1995,1,4,366-379,Gibbs Females' perception of date rape: an examination of two contextual variables,1995,1,4,351-365,Marx Rural woman abuse: the voices of Kentucky women,1995,1,4,309-338,Websdale Syostri (Sisters): the Moscow Sexual Assault Recovery Center,1995,1,3,266-271,Zabelina Revisiting sexual harassment of undergraduate women 1989 and 1993,1995,1,3,254-265,Mccormack The influence of the victim's consumption of alcohol on perceptions of stranger and acquaintance rape,1995,1,3,241-253,Scronce Fear of rape: its perceived seriousness and likelihood among young Greek women,1995,1,2,174-186,Softas-nall Enhancing the quality of survey data on woman abuse. Examples from a national Canadian study,1995,1,2,158-173,DeKeseredy Violence at the door: treatment of lesbian batterers,1995,1,2,139-157,Margolies Surviving wife rape: how women define and cope with the violence,1995,1,2,117-138,Bergen The making of a whore,1995,1,1,77-98,Russell Sexual violence in women's lives. findings from the women's safety project a community-based survey,1995,1,1,6-31,Randall Sexual abuse during childhood and adolescence as predictors of HIV-related sexual risk during adulthood among female sexual partners of injection drug users,1995,1,1,55-76,Klein Pornographic lives,1995,1,1,32-54,Jensen Review Symposium: The Forgotten Victims of World War II: Masculinities and Rape in Berlin 1945,2006,12,7,706-712,Messerschmidt Reducing repeat victimization among high-risk victims of domestic violence: the benefits of a coordinated community response in Cardiff Wales,2006,12,8,761-788,Robinson Social support among Afro-Trinidadian women experiencing intimate partner violence,2006,12,8,740-760,El-Bassel Hostile sexism type of rape and self-reported rape proclivity within a sample of Zimbabwean males,2006,12,8,789-800,Abrams Barriers to working with sexual assault survivors: a qualitative study of rape crisis center workers,2007,13,4,412-443,Townsend Physical and sexual assault of women with disabilities,2006,12,9,823-837,Moracco Older Women's Descriptions and Understandings of Their Abusers,2006,12,9,851-865,Zink Partner violence against women with disabilities: prevalence risk and explanations,2006,12,9,805-822,Brownridge The impact of differential patterns of physical violence and stalking on mental health and help-seeking among women with protective orders,2006,12,9,866-886,Cole Intimate partner violence: predictors of recidivism in a sample of arrestees,2006,12,10,917-935,Kingsnorth "Aren't I a Victim?": Notes on Identity Challenges Relating to Police Action in a Mandatory Arrest Jurisdiction,2006,12,10,897-916,Frye Victims of intimate partner violence more likely to report abuse from in-laws,2006,12,10,936-949,Raj Future research on gender symmetry in physical assaults on partners,2006,12,11,1086-1097,Straus Beyond frequency and severity: development and validation of the brief coercion and conflict scales,2006,12,11,1050-1072,Goodman Commentary on Swan and Snow's "The Development of a Theory of Women's Use of Violence in Intimate Relationships",2006,12,11,1046-1049,Renzetti The Development of a Theory of Women's Use of Violence in Intimate Relationships,2006,12,11,1026-1045,Swan Commentary on Johnson's "Conflict and Control: Gender Symmetry and Asymmetry in Domestic Violence",2006,12,11,1019-1025,Stark Conflict and control: gender symmetry and asymmetry in domestic violence,2006,12,11,1003-1018,Johnson Origin and goals of the "gender symmetry" workshop,2006,12,11,997-1002,Rosen Black Women's Health: The Effect of Perceived Racism and Intimate Partner Violence,2006,12,12,1214-1222,Watson "Anything With Two Heads Is a Monster": Religious Leaders' Perspectives on Marital Equality and Domestic Violence,2006,12,12,1169-1190,Levitt Systemic Obstacles to Battered Women's Participation in the Judicial System: When Will the Status Quo Change?,2006,12,12,1150-1168,Gillis Community Violence and Its Direct Indirect and Mediating Effects on Intimate Partner Violence,2006,12,12,1132-1149,Raghavan A Specification of the Types of Intimate Partner Violence Experienced by Women in the General Population,2006,12,12,1105-1131,Miller What can we do? Social workers in Trinidad discuss intimate partner violence against women,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nathaniel The 2005 reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act: why congress acted to expand protections to immigrant victims,2007,13,5,457-468,Conyers A network model for providing culturally competent services for intimate partner violence and sexual violence,2007,13,2,190-209,Whitaker Latino teens talk about help seeking and help giving in relation to dating violence,2007,13,2,172-189,Shelley A comparison of help seeking between Latino and non-Latino victims of intimate partner violence,2007,13,2,159-171,Ingram Latinos' perspectives and experiences with intimate partner violence,2007,13,2,141-158,Shelley Intimate partner violence among Latinas in eastern North Carolina,2007,13,2,123-140,Hooten An overview of intimate partner violence among Latinos,2007,13,2,111-122,Klevens Differing Effects of Partner and Nonpartner Sexual Assault on Women's Mental Health,2007,13,3,285-297,Temple No refuge: an exploratory survey of nightmares dreams and sleep patterns in women dealing with relationship violence,2007,13,3,314-322,Rasmussen Battered Black Women's Use of Religious Services and Spirituality for Assistance in Leaving Abusive Relationships,2007,13,3,262-284,Potter "When You're Involved It's Just Different": Making Sense of Domestic Violence,2007,13,3,240-261,Berns Engaging men and boys in preventing violence against women: applying a cognitive-behavioral model,2007,13,3,217-239,Hughes Lethal and nonlethal violence against an intimate female partner: comparing male murderers to nonlethal abusers,2007,13,4,329-353,Dobash Effects of coordinated services for drug-abusing women who are victims of intimate partner violence,2007,13,4,395-411,Bennett A comparison of the police response to heterosexual versus same-sex intimate partner violence,2007,13,4,374-394,Hirschel Battered pets and domestic violence: animal abuse reported by women experiencing intimate violence and by nonabused women,2007,13,4,354-373,Heath Sexual violence against adolescent girls: influences of immigration and acculturation,2007,13,5,498-513,Decker Migration sexual exploitation and women's health: a case report from a community health center,2007,13,5,486-497,Decker Night Terrors: Women's Experiences of (Not) Sleeping Where There Is Domestic Violence,2007,13,6,549-561,Humphreys A specialized domestic violence court in South Carolina: an example of procedural justice for victims and defendants,2007,13,6,603-626,Macdonald In Their Own Voices: A Qualitative Study of Women's Risk for Intimate Partner Violence and HIV in South Africa,2007,13,6,583-602,Fox Experiences with intimate partner violence among Latina women,2007,13,6,562-582,Hazen The factors affecting sexual assaults committed by strangers and acquaintances,2007,13,7,717-749,Pazzani Exploring the perceptions of domestic violence service providers in rural localities,2007,13,7,700-716,Williams Batterer intervention program enrollment and completion among immigrant men in Massachusetts,2007,13,5,527-543,Pavlos Wife battery in Islam: a comprehensive understanding of interpretations,2007,13,5,516-526,Ammar Collegiate sororities and dating violence: an exploratory study of informal and formal helping strategies,2007,13,1,87-100,Anderson An evaluation of gender differences in the implementation and impact of a comprehensive approach to domestic violence,2007,13,1,46-69,Muftić Women's use of physical and nonphysical self-defense strategies during incidents of partner violence,2007,13,1,28-45,Downs Exploring couple attributes and attitudes and marital violence in Vietnam,2007,13,1,5-27,Schuler Patterns of injuries: accident or abuse,2007,13,8,802-816,Allen Analysis and Implications of the Omission of Offenders in the DoD Care for Victims of Sexual Assault Task Force Report,2007,13,9,961-970,Houser Lifetime and current sexual assault and harassment victimization rates of active-duty United States Air Force women,2007,13,9,927-944,Bostock Attitudes toward women and tolerance for sexual harassment among reservists,2007,13,9,879-900,Street Rape rates and military personnel in the United States: an exploratory study,2007,13,9,945-960,Rosen An evaluation of the coping patterns of rape victims: integration with a schema-based information-processing model,2007,13,8,789-801,Littleton Understanding the complexities of feminist perspectives on woman abuse: A commentary on Donald G. Dutton's rethinking domestic violence,2007,13,8,874-884,DeKeseredy Negotiating state and NGO politics in Bangladesh: women mobilize against acid violence,2007,13,8,857-873,Halim Chowdhury Intimate partner violence technology and stalking,2007,13,8,842-856,Fraser An integrative feminist model: the evolving feminist perspective on intimate partner violence,2007,13,8,817-841,McPhail "Everybody makes choices": Victim advocates and the social construction of battered women's victimization and agency,2007,13,10,977-1001,Dunn Domestic violence across race and ethnicity: implications for social work practice and policy,2007,13,10,1029-1052,Lundy Factor structure and validity of the revised conflict tactics scales for Spanish women,2007,13,10,1072-1087,Calvete Making Meaning of Relationships: Young Women's Experiences and Understandings of Dating Violence,2007,13,12,1274-1295,Chung Violence against girls provokes girls' violence: from private injury to public harm,2007,13,12,1229-1248,Schaffner Patriarchy matters: toward a gendered theory of teen violence and victimization,2007,13,12,1249-1273,Brown Violence and desire in Beijing: a young Chinese woman's strategies of resistance in father daughter incest and dating relationships,2007,13,12,1319-1338,Xiying Wang Dating conflicts: rethinking dating violence and youth conflict,2007,13,12,1296-1318,Adelman Screening for domestic violence in public welfare offices: an analysis of case manager and client interactions,2008,14,1,5-28,Lindhorst Histories of violent victimization among women who reported unwanted sex in marriages and intimate relationships: findings from a qualitative study,2008,14,1,29-52,Basile What we know about intimate partner violence in the middle East and north Africa,2008,14,1,53-70,Boy Getting beyond 'What did she do to provoke him?': Comments on child custody and domestic violence,2008,14,1,93-99,Fields Deconstructing male violence against women: the men stopping violence community-accountability model,2008,14,2,247-261,Bathrick A new gender microaggressions taxonomy for undergraduate women on college campuses: a qualitative examination,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gartner A longitudinal study of arrested batterers 1995-2005: career criminals,2008,14,2,136-157,Klein Findings From an Outcome Examination of Rhode Island's Specialized Domestic Violence Probation Supervision Program: Do Specialized Supervision Programs of Batterers Reduce Reabuse?,2008,14,2,226-246,Klein Does judicial monitoring deter domestic violence recidivism?: results of a quasi-experimental comparison in the Bronx,2008,14,2,185-207,Davis Resistance among domestic violence offenders: measurement development and initial validation,2008,14,2,158-184,Velicer Prevalence and effects of rape myths in print journalism: the Kobe Bryant case,2008,14,3,287-309,Franiuk Beyond the campus: unacknowledged rape among low-income women,2008,14,3,269-286,Berenson Exploring the links between components of coordinated community responses and their impact on contact with intimate partner violence services,2008,14,3,346-358,Shelley Women's Rights Domestic Violence and Recourse Seeking in Rural Bangladesh,2008,14,3,326-345,Bates The Influence of Gender Role Stereotyping on Women's Experiences of Female Same-Sex Intimate Partner Violence,2008,14,3,310-325,Glass Implacably hostile or appropriately protective?: women managing child contact in the context of domestic violence,2008,14,4,381-405,Harrison Risk factors for intimate partner violence against women in St. Petersburg Russia,2008,14,4,483-495,Stickley The fathering of violent men: constriction and yearning,2008,14,4,457-482,Peled No more black and blue: women against violence against women and the Warner Communications boycott 1976--1979,2008,14,4,418-436,Bronstein Linking male use of the sex industry to controlling behaviors in violent relationships: an exploratory analysis,2008,14,4,406-417,Lehmann Prevalence and patterns of sexual assault across the life span among incarcerated women,2008,14,5,528-541,Rose The Men's Domestic Abuse Check-Up: A Protocol for Reaching the Nonadjudicated and Untreated Man Who Batters and Who Abuses Substances,2008,14,5,589-605,Edleson Intimate partner violence among pregnant Thai women,2008,14,5,509-527,Thananowan And justice for all? Aboriginal victims of sexual violence,2008,14,6,678-696,Alaggia Training opportunity: audio conference on violence against women: research/practitioner discourse,2008,14,6,732-733, Providing Support to IPV Victims in the Emergency Department: Vignette-Based Interviews With IPV Survivors and Emergency Department Nurses,2008,14,6,715-726,Moracco Police involvement in cases of intimate partner violence against women: the influence of perceived severity and personal responsibility,2008,14,6,697-714,Garcia Empowerment and Physical Violence Throughout Women's Reproductive Life In Mexico,2008,14,6,655-677,Brindis Mental health consequences of intimate partner abuse: a multidimensional assessment of four different forms of abuse,2008,14,6,634-654,Mechanic "I have heard horrible stories . . .": Rape victim advocates' perceptions of the revictimization of rape victims by the police and medical system,2008,14,7,786-808,Maier Does health care provider screening for domestic violence vary by race and income?,2008,14,7,844-855,Bonds Child protection involvement and victims of intimate partner violence: is there a bias?,2008,14,7,833-843,Bhandari The elevated risk for violence against cohabiting women: a comparison of three nationally representative surveys of Canada,2008,14,7,809-832,Brownridge Gender violence among teenagers: socialization and prevention,2008,14,7,759-785,Valls When will adolescents tell someone about dating violence victimization?,2008,14,7,741-758,Callahan Speaking About the Unspeakable: Exploring the Impact of Mother-Daughter Sexual Abuse,2008,14,9,1033-1053,Peter Maternal blame: battered women and abused children,2008,14,8,870-885,Terrance Training Adult Protective Services Workers About Domestic Violence: Training Needs and Strategies,2008,14,10,1199-1213,Payne Physical and sexual covictimization from dating partners: a distinct type of intimate abuse?,2008,14,8,961-980,Katz Violence Against Women With HIV Risk and Recent Criminal Justice System Involvement: Prevalence Correlates and Recommendations for Intervention,2008,14,8,944-960,O'Brien The benefits of a culturally specific intimate partner violence intervention for African American survivors,2008,14,8,917-943,Gillum Coping as a mediator and moderator between intimate partner violence and symptoms of anxiety and depression,2008,14,8,886-904,Calvete A comparison of intimate partner homicide to intimate partner homicide-suicide: one hundred and twenty-four new Mexico cases,2008,14,9,1065-1078,Sklar Propensity for intimate partner abuse and workplace productivity: why employers should care,2008,14,9,1054-1064,Corso Consequences of teen dating violence: understanding intervening variables in ecological context,2008,14,9,998-1013,Banyard Substance abuse issues among women in domestic violence programs: Findings from North Carolina,2008,14,9,985-997,Moracco The Extensive Sexual Violation and Sexual Abuse Histories of Incarcerated Women,2008,14,10,1090-1127,Belknap Risk Factors for Physical Injury Among Help-Seeking Battered Women: An Exploration of Multiple Abuse Dimensions,2008,14,10,1148-1165,Mechanic Combining Ethical Considerations With Recruitment and Follow-Up Strategies for Partner Violence Victimization Research,2008,14,11,1226-1251,Cole Understanding Violence Against Chinese Women in Hong Kong: An Analysis of Risk Factors With a Special Emphasis on the Role of In-Law Conflict,2008,14,11,1295-1312,Chan Danger Zone: Battered Mothers and Their Families in Supervised Visitation,2008,14,11,1313-1325,Rogers Intersections of Harm and Health: A Qualitative Study of Intimate Partner Violence in Women's Lives,2008,14,11,1252-1273,Wittenberg Domestic violence and contraceptive use in a rural Indian village,2008,14,10,1181-1198,Stephenson Disclosing sexual assault to parents: the influence of parental messages about sex,2008,14,11,1326-1348,Cook Intimate Partner Violence and Women's Contraceptive Use,2008,14,12,1382-1396,McCloskey Factors Associated With Engagement in a Police-Advocacy Home-Visit Intervention to Prevent Domestic Violence,2008,14,12,1430-1450,Marans Violence against women. Editor's introduction,2008,14,11,1223-1225,Renzetti Primary Prevention of Violence Against Women: Training Needs of Violence Practitioners,2009,15,1,44-56,Coyne-Beasley Backlash or equality? The influence of men's and women's rights discourses on domestic violence legislation in Ontario,2009,15,1,5-23,Girard Good Women Martyrs and Survivors: A Theoretical Framework for South Asian Women's Responses to Partner Violence,2009,15,1,81-105,Pinnewala Improving Services to African American Survivors of IPV: From the Voices of Recipients of Culturally Specific Services,2009,15,1,57-80,Gillum Covariation in the Use of Physical and Sexual Intimate Partner Aggression Among Adolescent and College-Age Men: A Longitudinal Analysis,2009,15,1,24-43,White Empowerment and programs designed to address domestic violence,2008,14,12,1465-1475,Kasturirangan Survivors of gendered violence in the feminist classroom,2008,14,12,1451-1464,Lee "Violence Is an International Language": Tamil Women's Perceptions of Intimate Partner Violence,2008,14,12,1397-1412,Mason Empowering bystanders to prevent campus violence against women: a preliminary evaluation of a poster campaign,2009,15,1,106-121,Banyard Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Funding: A Nationwide Assessment of Effects on Rape and Assault,2009,15,2,168-185,Boba The effects of survey question wording on rape estimates: Evidence from a quasi-experimental design,2009,15,2,133-147,Fisher Battered women who kill: The impact of expert testimony and empathy induction in the courtroom,2009,15,2,186-205,Plumm If She Is Not a Victim? Does That Mean She Was Not Traumatized? Evaluation of Predictors of PTSD Symptomatology Among College Rape Victims,2009,15,2,148-167,Littleton Prevalence types and pattern of intimate partner violence among pregnant women in Lima Peru,2009,15,2,224-250,Williams A preliminary study of intimate partner violence among Nepali women in the United States,2009,15,2,206-223,Thapa-Oli Women's Fatalistic Suicide in Iran: A Partial Test of Durkheim in an Islamic Republic,2009,15,3,307-320,Pridemore Exploring the Mediating Mechanism Between Gender-Based Violence and Biologically Confirmed Chlamydia Among Detained Adolescent Girls,2009,15,3,258-275,DiClemente Between the Professional and the Private: The Meaning of Working With Intimate Partner Violence in Social Workers' Private Lives,2009,15,3,362-384,Goldblatt Biblical Framings of and Responses to Spousal Violence in the Narratives of Abused Christian Women,2009,15,3,340-361,Nash National Trends in Intimate Partner Homicides: Explaining Declines in Canada 1976 to 2001,2009,15,3,276-306,Dawson Varieties of Patriarchy and Violence Against Women: Resurrecting,2009,15,5,553-573,Hunnicutt Advancing the Study of Violence Against Women: Evolving Research Agendas Into Science,2009,15,4,393-419,Jordan Training Interviewers for Research on Sexual Violence: A Qualitative Study of Rape Survivors' Recommendations for Interview Practice,2009,15,5,595-617,Campbell "What's the Problem?",2009,15,5,532-552,Murray The Roots of Resistance to Women's Self-Defense,2009,15,5,574-594,Hollander "No Matter What Has Been Done Wrong Can Always Be Redone Right": Spirituality in the Lives of Imprisoned Battered Women,2009,15,4,443-459,Feltey A Descriptive Analysis of Transitional Housing Programs for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence in the United States,2009,15,4,460-481,Baker Collecting Reliable Information About Violence Against Women Safely in Household Interviews: Experience From a Large-Scale National Survey in South Asia,2009,15,4,482-496,Khan Fathers' Rights Groups: Demographic Correlates and Impact on Custody Policy,2009,15,5,513-531,Gibbs Violence During Pregnancy in Jordan: Its Prevalence and Associated Risk and Protective Factors,2009,15,6,720-735,Hill Still a Movement After All These Years? Current Tensions in the Domestic Violence Movement,2009,15,6,656-677,Allen Intimate partner violence against Athabaskan women residing in interior Alaska: results of a victimization survey,2009,15,4,497-507,Wood Advancing the study of violence against women: response to commentaries and next steps,2009,15,4,440-442,Jordan Science social change and ending violence against women: which one of these is not like the others?,2009,15,4,434-439,Campbell Advancing the study of violence against women: response to Jordan,2009,15,4,428-433,Basile Should the study of violence against women be a science?,2009,15,4,425-427,Martin The substance scholarship and science of research on violence against women: a comment,2009,15,4,420-424,Ford Evaluation of lifetime trauma exposure and physical health in women with posttraumatic stress disorder or major depressive disorder,2009,15,5,618-627,Beckham "Boys Will Be Boys" and Other Gendered Accounts: An Exploration of Victims' Excuses and Justifications for Unwanted Sexual Contact and Coercion,2009,15,7,810-834,Weiss Trauma Victim: Yes or No? Why It May Be Difficult to Answer Questions Regarding Violence Sexual Abuse and Other Traumatic Events,2009,15,6,699-719,Thoresen Email Use Among a Sample of Intimate Partner Violence Shelter Residents,2009,15,6,736-744,Decker Partner Violence and Sexual Jealousy in China: A Population-Based Survey,2009,15,7,774-798,Parish Violence against women,2009,15,5,511-512,Renzetti Domestic Violence and Forced Sex Among the Urban Poor in South India: Implications for HIV Prevention,2009,15,7,753-773,Celentano Assessing Acceptance of Violence Toward Women: A Factor Analysis of Burt's Acceptance of Interpersonal Violence Scale,2009,15,7,799-809,Maisto Sorority Participation and Sexual Assault Risk,2009,15,7,835-851,Minow Women's Experiences of Violence and Seeking Help,2009,15,7,852-868,Postmus Experiences of South Asian brides entering Canada after recent changes to family sponsorship policies,2009,15,3,321-339,Merali One of the central principles taught in research methods courses is that the wording of survey questions influences respondents' answers,2009,15,2,131-132,Renzetti Getting out of harm's way: one-year outcomes for abused women in a vietnamese immigrant enclave,2008,14,12,1413-1429,Zhang Pathways to prison: impact of victimization in the lives of incarcerated women,2008,14,12,1362-1381,Dehart The taming of the shrew: batterers' constructions of their wives' narratives,2008,14,10,1166-1180,Borochowitz Violence against women prevention relationships and coping behavior,2008,14,8,867-869,Renzetti The experience of abused women with their children's law guardians,2008,14,1,71-92,Berger Implementation of case management for batterer program participants,2008,14,2,208-225,Gondolf Interventing with domestic violence offenders. Introduction,2008,14,2,131-135,Auchter Abuse characteristics and coping resources as predictors of problem-focused coping strategies among battered women,2008,14,4,437-456,Sabina Abusive men's contact with their children following separation or divorce from the children's mother,2008,14,4,379-380,Renzetti Development of the scale of economic abuse,2008,14,5,563-588,Bybee Parent-Child Relationship and Mother's Sexual Assault History,2009,15,8,920-932,Reid-Cunningham Oppression Through Acceptance? Predicting Rape Myth Acceptance and Attitudes Toward Rape Victims,2009,15,8,877-897,Smith Psychological Consequences of Sexual Victimization Resulting From Force Incapacitation or Verbal Coercion,2009,15,8,898-919,Brown Sexual Assault Support Services and Community Systems: Understanding Critical Issues and Needs in the LGBTQ Community,2009,15,8,952-976,Linville Creating lasting attitude and behavior change in fraternity members and male student athletes: the qualitative impact of an empathy-based rape prevention program,2007,13,1,70-86,Foubert The weakness of family ties and their perpetuating effects on gender violence: a qualitative study in Mexico,2007,13,11,1206-1220,Castro Cognitive and emotional processing in narratives of women abused by intimate partners,2007,13,11,1192-1205,Miller Abusers' perceptions of the effect of their intimate partner violence on children,2007,13,11,1179-1191,Rothman Predicting women's perceptions of domestic violence and sexual assault agency helpfulness: what matters to program clients?,2007,13,11,1149-1178,Zweig The perceptions of high-risk victims of domestic violence to a coordinated community response in Cardiff Wales,2007,13,11,1130-1148,Robinson Intimate partner violence and suicidality in low-income African American women: a multimethod assessment of coping factors,2007,13,11,1113-1129,Kaslow Race/ethnicity religious involvement and domestic violence,2007,13,11,1094-1112,Anderson The effect of child sexual abuse allegations/ investigations on the mother/child relationship,2007,13,10,1053-1071,Plummer Cultural beliefs and service utilization by battered Arab immigrant women,2007,13,10,1002-1028,Abu-Ras Women who are stalked: questioning the fear standard,2007,13,7,750-776,Dietz Silenced voices and structured survival: battered women's help seeking,2007,13,7,676-699,Moe Risk factors for abusive relationships: a study of Vietnamese American immigrant women,2007,13,7,653-675,Zhang Lessons of the kiss,2007,13,6,644-645,Forbes When Older African American Women Are Affected by Violence in the Home: A Qualitative Investigation of Risk and Protective Factors,2009,15,8,977-990,Kaslow Interpersonal Violence and Women With Disabilities: Analysis of Safety Promoting Behaviors,2009,15,9,1040-1069,Curry A research agenda for sexual revictimization: priority areas and innovative statistical methods,2008,14,10,1128-1147,Macy Frequency and perceived effectiveness of strategies to survive abuse employed by battered Mexican-origin women,2008,14,11,1274-1294,Brabeck The functions of gender role traditionality ambivalent sexism injury and frequency of assault on domestic violence perception: a study between Japanese and American college students,2009,15,9,1126-1142,Brown Developing teen dating violence prevention strategies: formative research with middle school youth,2009,15,9,1087-1105,Noonan Women's Awareness of and Discomfort With Sexual Assault Cues: Effects of Alcohol Consumption and Relationship Type,2009,15,9,1106-1125,Norris Survivor: I have been her kind,2009,15,7,869-871,Roush The perception of elder sexual abuse in the courtroom,2009,15,6,678-698,Golding Commentary on Powers et al.'s Article: "Interpersonal Violence and Women With Disabilities: An Analysis of Safety Promoting Behaviors",2009,15,9,1070-1074,Grossman Commentary on development of measures of abuse among women with disabilities and the characteristics of their perpetrators,2009,15,9,1035-1039,Macy Commentary on Curry et al.'s Safer and Stronger Program and Suggestions for Future Methodological Research,2009,15,9,1026-1034,Fisher Reply to our commentators,2009,15,9,1080-1086,Curry Situating research on safety promoting behaviors among disabled and deaf victims of interpersonal violence,2009,15,9,1075-1079,Brownridge Development of measures of abuse among women with disabilities and the characteristics of their perpetrators,2009,15,9,1001-1025,Curry Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Disorders of Extreme Stress (DESNOS) Symptoms Following Prostitution and Childhood Abuse,2009,15,8,933-951,Lee Editor's introduction: a diverse collection of articles in terms of topic geographic location of the research and methodology,2009,15,3,255-257,Renzetti Researchers who study victim's coping responses to abuse often report a high incidence of alcohol and drug use among clients and study participants,2008,14,9,983-984,Renzetti Gendered War and Gendered Peace: Truth Commissions and Postconflict Gender Violence: Lessons From South Africa,2009,15,10,1169-1193,Borer Psychometric Properties of a New Scale to Assess Family Violence in Older African American Women: The Family Violence Against Older Women (FVOW) Scale,2009,15,10,1213-1226,Kaslow Intimate Partner Violence and Social Isolation Across the Rural/Urban Divide,2009,15,11,1311-1330,Lanier Editor's introduction. Violence against women with disabilities and deaf women,2009,15,9,999-1000,Renzetti Evaluating the cultural validity of the stressful life events screening questionnaire,2006,12,12,1191-1213,Kaltman Abusive partners and ex-partners: understanding the effects of relationship to the abuser on women's well-being,2006,12,10,950-969,Bogat Everyday sexism and posttraumatic stress disorder in women: a correlational study,2006,12,10,970-988,Berg Disability psychosocial and demographic characteristics of abused women with physical disabilities,2006,12,9,838-850,Taylor Prevalence of male intimate partner abuse in Vietnam,2006,12,8,732-739,Nguyen History of domestic violence and physical health in midlife,2006,12,8,715-731,Loxton Methodological innovations in research on violence against women: a special issue of Violence Against Women,2009,15,10,1263-1264, Violence against women and the U.S. Supreme court: recent challenges and opportunities for advocates and practitioners,2009,15,10,1248-1258,Webster The victim-informed prosecution project: a quasi-experimental test of a collaborative model for cases of intimate partner violence,2009,15,10,1227-1247,Goodman Promoting the safe and strategic use of technology for victims of intimate partner violence: evaluation of the technology safety project,2009,15,11,1402-1414,Atkinson Intimate partner violence victimization and parenting stress: assessing the mediating role of depressive symptoms,2009,15,11,1380-1401,Renner Secondary traumatic stress among domestic violence advocates: workplace risk and protective factors,2009,15,11,1358-1379,Goodman Sexual assault and current mental health: the role of help-seeking and police response,2009,15,11,1331-1357,Kaukinen Pink or blue ... Black and blue? Examining pregnancy as a predictor of intimate partner violence and femicide,2009,15,11,1273-1293,Taylor The Paradox of Progress: Translating Evan Stark's Coercive Control Into Legal Doctrine for Abused Women,2009,15,12,1458-1476,Hanna A Battered Women's Movement Perspective of Coercive Control,2009,15,12,1432-1443,Arnold Reframing Violence Against Women as a Human Rights Violation: Evan Stark's Coercive Control,2009,15,12,1477-1489,Parekh Rethinking Coercive Control,2009,15,12,1509-1525,Stark "How Would That Help Our Work?": The Intersection of Domestic Violence and Human Rights in the United States,2011,17,1,6-27,Morgaine How to Tell a New Story About Battering,2009,15,12,1490-1508,Polletta Intimate partner violence. Editor's introduction,2009,15,11,1271-1272,Renzetti Does the Inclusion Criterion of Women's Aggression as Opposed to Their Victimization Result in Samples That Differ on Key Dimensions of Intimate Partner Violence?,2010,16,1,84-98,Fisher "What has it been like for you to talk with me today?": the impact of participating in interview research on rape survivors,2010,16,1,60-83,Campbell "But sometimes I think . . . They put themselves in the situation": exploring blame and responsibility in interpersonal violence,2010,16,1,32-59,Thapar-Björkert Gendered and Social Hierarchies in Problem Representation and Policy Processes: "Domestic Violence" in Finland and Scotland,2010,16,2,136-158,Hearn Violence against women. Guest editor's introduction,2009,15,12,1423-1431,Brush Lesbian/Bisexual Mothers and Intimate Partner Violence: Help Seeking in the Context of Social and Legal Vulnerability,2011,17,1,28-46,Fonseca "He messed me up": Swedish adolescent girls' experiences of gender-related partner violence and its consequences over time,2010,16,2,207-232,Wiklund "Keeping up a front": narratives about intimate partner violence pregnancy and antenatal care,2010,16,2,189-206,Dahlgren The ability of criminal law to produce gender equality: judicial discourses in the Swedish criminal legal system,2010,16,2,173-188,Burman General Practice Utilization After Sexual Victimization: A Case Control Study,2010,16,3,280-290,Elklit Learning From Youth Exposed to Domestic Violence: Decentering DV and the Primacy of Gender Stereotypes,2010,16,3,291-312,Phillips Examining the sexual harassment experiences of Mexican immigrant farmworking women,2010,16,3,237-261,Waugh Losing the "gender" in gender-based violence: the missteps of research on dating and intimate partner violence,2010,16,3,348-354,Reed "Fathers' rights" and the defense of paternal authority in Australia,2010,16,3,328-347,Flood Women's Reporting of Sexual and Physical Assaults to Police in the National Violence Against Women Survey,2010,16,3,262-279,Chen Normative Misperceptions of Abuse Among Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence,2010,16,4,370-386,Edleson At the Intersection of Interpersonal Violence Masculinity and Alcohol Use: The Experiences of Heterosexual Male Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence,2010,16,4,387-409,Peralta Why do women take self-defense classes?,2010,16,4,459-478,Hollander South Asian immigrant women who have survived child sexual abuse: resilience and healing,2010,16,4,444-458,Watson Intimate partner violence and posttraumatic stress disorder among high-risk women: does pregnancy matter?,2010,16,4,426-443,Chapman The efficacy of a police-advocacy intervention for victims of domestic violence: 12 month follow-up data,2010,16,4,410-425,Marans Intimate partner violence (IPV). Editor's introduction,2010,16,4,367-369,Renzetti Mothers Domestic Violence and Child Protection,2010,16,5,489-508,Walsh Editor's introduction,2008,14,10,1087-1089,Renzetti Birth control sabotage and forced sex: experiences reported by women in domestic violence shelters,2010,16,5,601-612,Thiel de Bocanegra Intimate partner violence and maternal depression during the perinatal period: a longitudinal investigation of Latinas,2010,16,5,543-559,Rodriguez Beliefs about wife beating: an exploratory study with Lebanese students,2010,16,6,691-712,Ginges Protection order petitioners' health care utilization,2010,16,6,679-690,Conner Do differing types of victimization and coping strategies influence the type of social reactions experienced by current victims of intimate partner violence?,2010,16,6,638-657,Sullivan Violence against women. Editor's introduction,2010,16,7,727-729,Renzetti Association between intimate partner violence and irritable bowel syndrome: a population-based study in Nicaragua,2010,16,7,832-845,Morgan Juxtaposing beliefs and reality: prevalence rates of intimate partner violence and attitudes to violence and gender roles reported by New Zealand women,2010,16,7,812-831,Robinson Narratives of suffering of South Asian immigrant survivors of domestic violence,2010,16,7,789-811,Kallivayalil Suicidality among battered women in Tajikistan,2010,16,7,764-788,Haarr "All the men here have the Peter Pan syndrome--they don't want to grow up": Navajo adolescent mothers' intimate partner relationships--a 15-year perspective,2010,16,7,743-763,White Preventing sexual aggression among college men: an evaluation of a social norms and bystander intervention program,2011,17,6,720-742,Berkowitz "How Can I Not?": Men's Pathways to Involvement in Anti-Violence Against Women Work,2010,16,8,953-973,Smith Fact or fiction? Gender issues related to newspaper reports of intimate partner homicide,2010,16,8,934-952,McCloskey Incapacitated rape and alcohol use in White and Asian American college women,2010,16,8,919-933,Kaysen Violence against women and natural disasters: findings from post-tsunami Sri Lanka,2010,16,8,902-918,Fisher "I am not [just] a rabbit who has a bunch of children!": agency in the midst of suffering at the intersections of global inequalities gendered violence and migration,2010,16,8,881-901,Parson Experiences of immigrant women who self-petition under the violence against women act,2010,16,8,858-880,Martin Ellen's Hand,2010,16,9,1055-1060,Wynn Ellen Pence appreciation: letters from Britain and Europe,2010,16,9,1045-1054,Dobash The praxis safety and accountability audit: practicing a "sociology for people",2010,16,9,1031-1044,McGee With "equal regard": an overview of how ellen pence focused the supervised visitation field on battered women and children,2010,16,9,1022-1030,Scaia Discussing the Duluth curriculum: creating a process of change for men who batter,2010,16,9,1007-1021,Miller The contributions of Ellen Pence to batterer programming,2010,16,9,992-1006,Gondolf What's the Pence Line?,2010,16,9,981-984,Edleson Editor's introduction: the impact of the Violence Against Women Act,2010,16,8,855-857,Renzetti Modern-day comfort women: the U.S. Military transnational crime and the trafficking of women,2007,13,9,901-22; discussion 923-6,Hughes Child welfare and domestic violence: tackling the themes and thorny questions that stand in the way of collaboration and improvement of child welfare practice,2010,16,5,530-6; discussion 537-42,Mandel Mothers domestic violence and child protection: an American legal perspective,2010,16,5,524-9; discussion 537-42,Goodmark Commentary on "Mothers domestic violence and child protection" by Heather Douglas and Tamara Walsh,2010,16,5,516-23; discussion 537-42,Hester Crossing the great divide: response to Douglas and Walsh,2010,16,5,509-15; discussion 537-42,Humphreys The start of Violence Against Women 15th year of publication: what to watch for,2008,14,12,1359-1361,Renzetti The importance of epistemology: a response to Rosenstein's commentary,2010,16,10,1186-1193,Callahan Commentary on Jamie L. Callahan's "Manifestations of power and control: training as the catalyst for scandal at the United States Air Force Academy",2010,16,10,1173-1185,Rosenstein Telling Our Stories: The Importance of Women's Narratives of Resistance,2010,16,10,1162-1172,Cermele Domestic violence and sexual assault agency directors' perspectives on services that help survivors,2010,16,10,1138-1161,Macy Deconstructing self-blame following sexual assault: the critical roles of cognitive content and process,2010,16,10,1120-1137,Miller The impossibility of bearing witness: wartime rape and the promise of justice,2010,16,10,1098-1119,Henry Perpetrators of intimate partner sexual violence: Are there unique characteristics associated with making partners have sex without a condom?,2010,16,10,1086-1097,Abbey Aggression and sexual behavior in best-selling pornography videos: a content analysis update,2010,16,10,1065-1085,Bridges Substance use by soldiers who abuse their spouses,2010,16,11,1295-1310,Johnson Teen magazines as educational texts on dating violence: the $2.99 approach,2010,16,11,1270-1294,Emery Meaningful differences: Comparison of adult women who first traded sex as a juvenile versus as an adult,2010,16,11,1252-1269,Hearst College women: history of childhood abuse and its relationship to smoking,2010,16,11,1242-1251,De Von Figueroa-Moseley Excusable deficiency: staff perceptions of mothering at shelters for abused women,2010,16,11,1224-1241,Dekel Who are the defendants in domestic violence protection order cases?,2010,16,11,1201-1223,Moracco What Were They Thinking? Men Who Murder an Intimate Partner,2011,17,1,111-134,Dobash Special Issue of Violence Against Women: Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in the Middle East North Africa Region (MENA),2010,16,12,1437,Khawaja The role of ethnicity and context: Intimate femicide rates among social groups in Israeli society,2010,16,12,1424-1436,Sela-Shayovitz Living in the world of the domestic violence perpetrator: Negotiating the unreality of coercive control,2010,16,12,1412-1423,Williamson Criminal offending among respondents to protective orders: Crime types and patterns that predict victim risk,2010,16,12,1396-1411,Jordan The perceptions of judicial and psychosocial interveners of the consequences of dropped charges in domestic violence cases,2010,16,12,1375-1395,Gauthier Behind the torment of rape victims lies a dark fear: reply to the commentaries,2010,16,12,1372-1374,Lisak Trying to move the elephant in the living room: responding to the challenge of false rape reports,2010,16,12,1356-1371,Lonsway The (In)credible Words of Women: False Allegations in European Rape Research,2010,16,12,1345-1355,Kelly Rape: too hard to report and too easy to discredit victims,2010,16,12,1335-1344,Belknap False allegations of sexual assualt: an analysis of ten years of reported cases,2010,16,12,1318-1334,Lisak Incapacitated sexual violence involving alcohol among college women: the impact of a brief drinking intervention,2011,17,1,135-154,Clinton-Sherrod The role of adaptation in advocate burnout: a case of good soldiering,2011,17,1,89-110,Bemiller Battered Women's Perceptions of Civil and Criminal Court Helpfulness: The Role of Court Outcome and Process,2011,17,1,71-88,Dutton Variations in Women's Help Seeking in Response to Intimate Partner Violence: Findings From a Canadian Population-Based Study,2011,17,1,47-70,Barrett Exploring officer arrest discretion following state policy changes in intimate partner violence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Petrie The Long Arc of Recovery: Characterizing Intimate Partner Violence and Its Psychosocial Effects Across 17 Years,2011,17,4,480-499,Lindhorst The Relationships Between Perceived Levels of Control Psychological Distress and Legal System Variables in a Sample of Sexual Assault Survivors,2011,17,5,603-618,Bruce Narrative possibilities: poor women of color and the complexities of intimate partner violence,2011,17,2,267-286,Boonzaier Applying experience sampling methods to partner violence research: Safety and feasibility in a 90-day study of community women,2011,17,2,251-266,Sullivan Advancing the study of violence against women using mixed methods: integrating qualitative methods into a quantitative research program,2011,17,2,236-250,Vanzile-Tamsen Comparing sexual assault prevalence estimates obtained with direct and indirect questioning techniques,2011,17,2,219-235,Fisher Emerging issues in the measurement of rape victimization,2011,17,2,201-218,Koss Longitudinal tracking methods in a study of adult women sexual assault survivors,2011,17,2,189-200,Ullman Enhancing Latinas' participation in research on sexual assault: Cultural considerations in the design and implementation of research in the Latino community,2011,17,2,177-188,Ahrens Collaborating With Police Departments: Recruitment in the Oklahoma Lethality Assessment (OK-LA) Study,2011,17,2,163-176,Campbell Using mixed methods to evaluate a community intervention for sexual assault survivors: a methodological tale,2011,17,3,376-388,Bybee Cost effectiveness of health care interventions to address intimate partner violence: what do we know and what else should we look for?,2011,17,3,389-403,Taft Sex trafficking in Nepal: a review of intervention and prevention programs,2011,17,5,651-665,Crawford Review symposium: a voice for every woman and the travesties of war,2006,12,7,700-705,Bletzer Future directions,2006,12,11,1078-1085,DeKeseredy Commentary on Cook and Goodman's "beyond frequency and severity: development and validation of the brief coercion and conflict scales",2006,12,11,1073-7; discussion 1050-72,Tjaden Prostitution harms women even if indoors: reply to Weitzer,2005,11,7,950-64; discussion 971-7,Farley Guest editors' introduction,2005,11,10,1231-1235,Banyard The problem of sexual assault of female cadets by male cadets at the United States Air Force Academy,2009,15,10,1147-1148,Renzetti Spiritual abuse: an additional dimension of abuse experienced by abused Haredi (ultraorthodox) Jewish wives,2009,15,11,1294-1310,Dehan Implementing mental health treatment for batterer program participants: interagency breakdowns and underlying issues,2009,15,6,638-655,Gondolf Editor's introduction: finacial crisis,2009,15,7,751-752,Renzetti Gendering Coercive Control,2009,15,12,1444-1457,Anderson Profiling abusive men based on women's self-reports: findings from a sample of urban low-income minority women,2010,16,3,313-327,Gielen Strength trapped within weakness/ weakness trapped within strength: the influence of family of origin experiences on the lives of abused women,2010,16,6,658-678,Birnbaum The role of female behavior and attributions in predicting behavioral responses to hypothetical male aggression,2010,16,6,621-637,Rhatigan "A fool to keep staying": battered women labeling themselves stupid as an expression of gendered shame,2010,16,1,5-31,Enander The Nordic countries score high on gender equality rankings year after year,2010,16,2,131-135,Ohman The impact of bullying and sexual harassment on middle and high school girls,2007,13,6,627-643,Gruber Factors associated with acceptance of psychological aggression against women,2008,14,6,612-633,Arriaga Sexual boundaries: an examination of the importance of talking before touching,2008,14,5,542-562,Winslett Editor's introduction,2008,14,7,739-740,Renzetti Gender attitudes and sexual behaviors: comparing center and marginal athletes and nonathletes in a collegiate setting,2008,14,9,1014-1032,Gage Multisectorial afghan perspectives on girl child marriage: foundations for change do exist in Afghanistan,2014,20,12,1489-1505,Raj "Trauma of Rape" Discourse: A Double-Edged Template for Everyday Understandings of the Impact of Rape?,2011,17,4,433-456,Gavey My friend advocate Ellen Pence,2010,16,9,985-991,Dasgupta This issue of Violence Against Women focuses on storytelling of some type,2010,16,10,1063-1064,Renzetti Violence Against Women. Editor's introduction,2010,16,11,1199-1200,Renzetti First symposium for 2010. Introduction,2010,16,5,487-488,Renzetti Exiting prostitution: an integrated model,2010,16,5,579-600,Dalla Development and feasibility of an HIV and IPV prevention intervention among low-income mothers receiving services in a Missouri Day Care Center,2010,16,5,560-578,Kelly To the memory of Deborah L. Rhatigan,2010,16,6,619-620,Renzetti Going along with it: sexually coercive partner behavior predicts dating women's compliance with unwanted sex,2010,16,7,730-742,Tirone What we talk about when we talk about buying sex,2010,16,2,159-172,Niemi Manifestations of power and control: training as the catalyst for scandal at the United States Air Force Academy,2009,15,10,1149-1168,Callahan Acculturation and conflict in Mexican immigrants' intimate partnerships: the role of women's labor force participation,2009,15,10,1194-1212,Grzywacz Editor's introduction,2009,15,4,391-392,Renzetti Commentary on Hughes Chon and Ellerman,2008,14,3,359-63; discussion 364-5,Sea Ling Cheng Peer sexual harassment: finding voice changing culture--an intervention strategy for adolescent females,2008,14,1,100-124,Martin Sex trafficking in Nepal: survivor characteristics and long-term outcomes,2008,14,8,905-916,Crawford Governmental and industry roles and responsibilities with regard to international marriage brokers: equalizing the balance of power between foreign fiances and spouses,2007,13,5,469-485,Orloff The reciprocal relationship between sexual victimization and sexual assertiveness,2007,13,3,298-313,Vanzile-Tamsen Attitudinal Correlates of Girls' Use of Violence in Teen Dating Relationships,2011,17,4,500-516,Tolman Understanding Self-Harm in Victims of Intimate Partner Violence: A Qualitative Analysis of Calls Made by Victims to a Crisis Hotline in China,2011,17,4,532-544,Phillips The Mothering Perceptions of Women Abused by Their Partner,2011,17,4,457-479,Peled Intimate Partner Violence and HIV Risk Behaviors Among Socially Disadvantaged Chilean Women,2011,17,4,517-531,Miner Rehearsing for Real Life: The Impact of the InterACT Sexual Assault Prevention Program on Self-Reported Likelihood of Engaging in Bystander Interventions,2011,17,6,760-776,Ahrens The Military Militarism and the Militarization of Domestic Violence,2003,9,9,1118-1152,Adelman Witchcraft Accusations and Female Homicide Victimization in Contemporary Ghana,2004,10,4,325-356,Adinkrah Trafficking for Prostitution in Italy,2004,10,10,1126-1155,Aghatise Patriarchal Beliefs and Perceptions of Abuse among South Asian Immigrant Women,2004,10,3,262-282,Ahmad Chattels of Society,2004,10,1,94-118,Ahmed-Ghosh Nationalism War and Archaization of Gender Relations in the Balkans,2001,7,9,999-1023,Albanese A Risk Marker Analysis of Wife Assault in Latino Families,2002,8,4,429-454,Jasinski Battered Women’s Multitude of Needs,2004,10,9,1015-1035,Sullivan "Challenges and Strategies" and "Evidence-Based Care",2002,8,6,639-660,Campbell Family Violence and Public Health Education,2002,8,6,746-778,Alpert Women's Fear of Crime in Canadian Public Housing,2001,7,6,638-661,DeKeseredy Asymptotic Justice,2002,8,1,6-34,Ames Long-term Trends in Depression among Women Separated from Abusive Partners,2003,9,7,807-838,Saunders Perceptions of the Police by Female Victims of Domestic Partner Violence,2003,9,11,1318-1335,Cummins Family Violence Including Crimes of Honor in Jordan,2001,7,5,586-621,Araji Intimate Partner Violence in Jamaica,2001,7,11,1284-1302,Arscott-Mills Differential Police Treatment of Male-on-Female Spousal Violence,2001,7,1,22-45,Avakame A Personal Memorial to Linda Saltzman,2005,11,7,844-845,Bachman A Comparison of Annual Incidence Rates and Contextual Characteristics of Intimate-Partner Violence Against Women from the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) and the National Violence Against Women Survey (NVAWS),2000,6,8,839-867,Bachman Family Violence in Chile,2000,6,4,427-448,Bacigalupe Domestic Violence and Housing Problems,2003,9,7,754-783,Norris Eva's Story,2000,6,6,586-605,Belknap Cycles within cycles of domestic violence welfare and low-wage work,2003,9,10,1245-1262,Bell The Importance of Cultural Competence in Ministering to African American Victims of Domestic Violence,2000,6,5,515-532,Bell Supporting Battered Women Involved with the Court System,2001,7,12,1377-1404,Bell Substance Abuse and Men Who Batter,2003,9,5,558-575,Bennett Risk Assessment Among Batterers Arrested for Domestic Assault,2000,6,11,1190-1203,Dutton Studying Wife Rape,2004,10,12,1407-1416,Bergen Physical and Sexual Violence Experienced by Lesbian and Heterosexual Women,2000,6,1,68-79,Bernhard Dating Violence,2003,9,2,187-206,Weisz Child Maltreatment Investigations Among Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Families in Canada,2004,10,8,901-916,Trocme Understanding the Impact of Intimate Partner Violence Mandatory Reporting Law,2004,10,5,534-560,Yankeelov Nonoffending Mothers of Sexually Abused Children,2003,9,11,1336-1366,Bolen Extrafamilial Child Sexual Abuse,2000,6,10,1137-1169,Bolen University Women's Acknowledgment of Rape,2001,7,3,294-314,Bondurant "He's a Man and I'm a Woman": Cultural Constructions of Masculinity and Femininity in South African Women's Narratives of Violence,2003,9,8,1003-1029,de la Rey To Love Violently,2002,8,4,476-494,Borochowitz Anatomy of a Massacre,2001,7,10,1101-1121,Bosworth Sterilization of Girls and Women With Intellectual Disabilities,2001,7,4,432-461,Brady Feeling Safe Feeling Strong,2003,9,12,1490-1503,Brandl Self-Defense/Assertiveness Training Women’s Victimization History and Psychological Characteristics,2004,10,5,479-497,Brecklin Cultural Variation in Male Partner Violence Against Women,2002,8,1,87-115,Brownridge Understanding Women’s Heightened Risk of Violence in Common-Law Unions,2004,10,6,626-651,Brownridge Effects of Work on Hitting and Hurting,2003,9,10,1213-1230,Brush Battering Traumatic Stress and Welfare-to-Work Transition,2000,6,10,1039-1065,Brush Images of Sex and Rape,2000,6,12,1317-1344,Bufkin Help-Seeking Behavior Among Abused Immigrant Women,2003,9,2,207-239,Bui The Process of Ending Abuse in Intimate Relationships,2001,7,10,1144-1163,Gielen Toward a Radical Understanding of Trauma and Trauma Work,2003,9,11,1293-1317,Burstow Battered Women Speak Out,2002,8,5,566-584,Busch Male Customers of Prostituted Women,2002,8,9,1093-1112,Busch Abuse During Pregnancy in Industrialized and Developing Countries,2004,10,7,770-789,Sharps Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse among Active Duty Military Women,2003,9,9,1072-1092,Gielen Promise and Perils of Surveillance in Addressing Violence Against Women,2000,6,7,705-727,Campbell Intimate Partner Abuse and Mental Health,2002,8,6,720-745,Carlson Seeking Informal Support,2001,7,9,1024-1050,Chatzifotiou Gender Differences in Adolescent and Young Adult Predictors of Later Intimate Partner Violence,2004,10,11,1283-1301,Chen An Analysis of the Assets for Independence Act of 1998 for Abused Women,2000,6,10,1066-1084,Christy-McMullin A Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Violence Against Women Act of 1994,2002,8,4,417-428,Clark Trauma Exposure and Alcohol Use in Battered Women,2000,6,1,37-48,Foy Race Poverty and the Crime-Centered Response to Domestic Violence,2004,10,11,1331-1353,Coker Impoverished Women in Violent Partnerships,2001,7,2,222-233,Cole Self-Reports of Sexual Physical and Nonphysical Abuse Perpetration,2002,8,5,541-565,Cook Toward a Transnational and Cross-Cultural Analysis of Family Violence,2004,10,8,935-949,Rondeau Women's Hostility Toward Women and Rape and Sexual Harassment Myths,2000,6,3,238-246,Cowan The Impact of Sexual Assault Sexual Assault Perpetrator Type and Location of Sexual Assault on Ratings of Perceived Safety,2001,7,8,858-875,Vik Abuse of Women With Disabilities,2001,7,1,60-79,Curry The Physical and Psychosocial Health of Bedouin Arab Women of the Negev Area of Israel,2003,9,2,240-257,Al-Krenawi “You Just Give them what they Want and Pray they don't Kill You”,2003,9,11,1367-1394,Dalla Domestic Violence and Crime Victim Compensation,2003,9,3,374-390,Danis Men at Work to End Wife Abuse in Quebec,2000,6,9,936-959,Dankwort A Framework for Understanding Women's Use of Nonlethal Violence in Intimate Heterosexual Relationships,2002,8,11,1364-1389,Dasgupta The Cult of Paternity,2000,6,12,1435-1441,Davis National Trends in Intimate Partner Homicides,2009,15,3,276-306,Dawson Homicide Risk Factors Among Pregnant Women Abused by Their Partners,2004,10,5,498-513,Moracco Current Controversies on Defining Nonlethal Violence Against Women in Intimate Heterosexual Relationships,2000,6,7,728-746,DeKeseredy The Role of Profeminist Men in Dealing With Woman Abuse on the Canadian College Campus,2000,6,9,918-935,DeKeseredy The Reliability and Validity of Measures of Domestic Violence Resources as Used in Intimate Partner Homicide Research,2003,9,2,148-162,Deleon-Granados Accounting for Domestic Violence,2000,6,3,286-310,Dell Migrant Thai Women Subjected to Slavery-Like Abuses in Japan,2002,8,9,1113-1139,Dinan Not an Ordinary Killer -- Just an Ordinary Guy,2004,10,6,577-605,Dobash Improving Intimate Partner Violence Protocols for Emergency Departments,2002,8,3,320-338,Saltzman Mothers Domestic Violence and Child Protection: Toward Collaboration and Engagement,2010,16,5,537-542,Douglas The Role of “Real Rape” and “Real Victim” Stereotypes in the Police Reporting Practices of Sexually Assaulted Women,2003,9,4,466-486,Du Mont So Few Convictions,2000,6,10,1109-1136,Du Mont In Memory of Paul and Sheila Wellstone and Mary Mcevoy,2003,9,2,142-144,Edleson The First Israeli National Survey on Domestic Violence,2004,10,7,729-748,Fishman Overdrawing and Balancing Accounts,2001,7,1,5-21,Winstok The Swedish Law that Prohibits the Purchase of Sexual Services,2004,10,10,1187-1218,Ekberg Social Support Among Women in Methadone Treatment Who Experience Partner Violence,2001,7,3,246-274,Frye Safety Equity and Human Agency,2000,6,9,1012-1027,Ellis Immigration Domestic Violence and the Military,2003,9,9,1093-1117,Erez Violent men as good-enough fathers? A look at England and Sweden,2001,7,7,779-798,Hester “Bad for the Body Bad for the Heart”: Prostitution Harms Women Even if Legalized or Decriminalized,2004,10,10,1087-1125,Farley The Words Change But the Melody Lingers,2003,9,1,110-129,Ferraro Adolescents at Work,2002,8,8,953-967,Fineran Puerto Rican Drug Users' Experiences of Physical and Sexual Abuse,2003,9,7,839-858,Deren Domestic Violence Organizations on the Web,2000,6,1,80-102,Finn Missing Voices,2002,8,2,181-205,Fleury When Ending the Relationship Does Not End the Violence,2000,6,12,1363-1383,Sullivan Woman's Best Friend,2000,6,2,162-177,Flynn First- and Second-Generation Measures of Sexism Rape Myths and Related Beliefs and Hostility Toward Women,2004,10,3,236-261,Forbes Social Support and Spirituality as Culturally Relevant Factors in Coping Among African American Women Survivors of Partner Abuse,2004,10,11,1267-1282,Hill Femicide and Social Disorganization,2001,7,3,335-351,Frye Estimating the Incidence and Prevalence of Violence Against Women,2000,6,7,784-804,Gelles Welfare Policies and Domestic Abuse among Single Mothers,2003,9,10,1171-1190,Gennetian Discourses of Female Violence and Societal Gender Stereotypes,2002,8,11,1271-1300,Gilbert Exploring the Link Between Stereotypic Images and Intimate Partner Violence in the African American Community,2002,8,1,64-86,Gillum Linking the Assessment of Self-Reported Functional Capacity With Abuse Experiences of Women With Disabilities,2001,7,4,418-431,Cramer Speaking Silence: Definitional Dialogues in Abusive Lesbian Relationships,2002,8,10,1233-1259,Giorgio No Sugar No Spice,2002,8,12,1500-1520,Girshick Female-Perpetrated Femicide and Attempted Femicide,2004,10,6,606-625,Koziol-McLain The Need for Intervention Studies,2004,10,8,855-859,Gondolf Regional and Cultural Utility of Conventional Batterer Counseling,2004,10,8,880-900,Gondolf Women’s Accounts of Domestic Violence Versus Tactics-Based Outcome Categories,2003,9,3,278-301,Gondolf How Batterer Program Participants Avoid Reassault,2000,6,11,1204-1222,Gondolf “Consumer” Recommendations for Batterers Programs,2000,6,2,198-217,Gondolf The Impact of Family and Friends’ Reactions on the Well-Being of Women With Abusive Partners,2003,9,3,347-373,Sullivan A Contextual Analysis of Battered Women’s Safety Planning,2004,10,5,514-533,Sullivan The Intimate Partner Violence Strategies Index,2003,9,2,163-186,Dutton Definitional Issues in Violence Against Women,2000,6,7,747-783,Gordon The Effects of Batterer Intervention Programs,2002,8,2,206-232,Erez Review Essay: Gender Categories and Science-as-Usual,2006,12,4,393-406,Graham-Bermann Use of Domestic Violence Services Across Race and Ethnicity by Women Aged 55 and Older,2003,9,12,1442-1452,Lundy European Research on the Prevalence of Violence Against Women,2001,7,7,732-759,Hagemann-White Men's and Women's Use of Intimate Partner Violence in Clinical Samples,2002,8,11,1301-1331,Hamberger Domestic violence in the African American community: An analysis of social and structural factors,2003,9,5,533-557,Oliver stop!,2007,13,5,514-515,Hanna Separation Assault in the Context of Postdivorce Parenting,2002,8,5,597-625,Hardesty A Therapeutic Jurisprudence Approach to the Trial Process in Domestic Violence Felony Trials,2003,9,4,410-437,Hartley "He Said She Said": The Defense Attack of Credibility in Domestic Violence Felony Trials,2001,7,5,510-544,Hartley "Marriage is Half of Faith and the Rest is Fear Allah": Marriage and Spousal Abuse Among American Muslims,2001,7,8,927-946,Hassouneh-Phillips Silencing State-Sponsored Rape: In and Beyond a Transnational Guatemalan Community,2002,8,10,1153-1181,Hastings Listening to Survivors' Voices,2002,8,6,687-716,Hathaway Commentary on Websdale,2005,11,9,1201-1205,Hauser The History of Violence Against Women in Three Acts,2004,10,12,1383-1394,Hendrix Future Trends and Developments,2004,10,12,1431-1448,Hester What the Papers Say,2003,9,6,698-722,Hilsdon An Empirical Investigation of the Psychological Sequelae of Childhood Sexual Abuse in an Adult Latina Population,2002,8,7,816-844,Morahan "The World was Never a Safe Place for Them": Abuse Welfare Reform and Women with Drug Convictions,2001,7,2,159-175,Hirsch Understanding the Context of Dual Arrest With Directions for Future Research,2002,8,12,1449-1473,Hirschel The Relative Effects of Offense Offender and Victim Variables on the Decision to Prosecute Domestic Violence Cases,2001,7,1,46-59,Hirschel “I Can Take Care of Myself”,2004,10,3,205-235,Hollander Patterns of Aggravated Assault in Public Housing,2001,7,6,662-684,Holzman Toward Ethnically Specific Models of Employment Public Assistance and Victimization,2001,7,2,126-140,Marshall Response to Cheng,2008,14,3,364-365,Hughes Partner Violence and Child Custody Cases,2004,10,8,917-934,Jaffe "I Couldn't go Anywhere" -- Contextualizing Violence and Drug Abuse: A Social Network Study,2004,10,9,991-1014,Raghavan Interviewer Training in the WHO Multi-Country Study on Women’s Health and Domestic Violence,2004,10,7,831-849,Watts Violation and Resistance: Women Religion and Chinese Statehood,2003,9,6,655-675,Jaschok The Oppression of Women in India,2001,7,9,1051-1068,Johnson Equality and the Truth of Brahma,2001,7,9,1069-1096,Kapur Explaining Girls' and Women's Crime and Desistance in the Context of Their Victimization Experiences,2000,6,6,633-660,Katz “Gender Symmetry” in Domestic Violence: A Substantive and Methodological Research Review,2002,8,11,1332-1363,Kimmel Revelations and Rage,2000,6,6,661-681,Knafo The Roles of Coping and Social Support in Battered Women’s Mental Health,2003,9,3,323-346,Goodman Crosstrails,2004,10,4,418-434,Kogan Negotiating Feminist Survival: Gender Race and Power in Academe,2000,6,11,1269-1296,Hippensteele A Strategy for Increasing Postrape Medical Care and Forensic Examination,2003,9,8,955-988,Konradi Having the Last Word,2000,6,4,351-395,Konradi The Coverage of Rape in the Israeli Popular Press,2004,10,9,1056-1074,Korn Some Questions Regarding Spousal Assault Risk Assessment,2004,10,6,676-697,Kropp Sex Work and “Date” Violence,2004,10,4,357-385,Inciardi The Extent of Family Violence in Europe,2004,10,7,749-769,Kury Economic Context and Multiple Abuse Techniques,2000,6,1,49-67,Firestone Rape-Accepting Attitudes,2001,7,8,876-885,Lanier Teen Dating Relationships and Aggression,2000,6,1,6-36,Hébert With the Best of Intentions: Family Violence Option and Abused Women's Needs,2001,7,2,193-210,Lewis Mothers' Perceptions of the Impact of Woman Abuse on Their Parenting,2000,6,3,247-271,Graham-Bermann Less than Ideal: The Reality of Implementing a Welfare-to-Work Program for Domestic Violence Victims and Survivors in Collaboration with the TANF Department,2001,7,2,211-221,Levin Gender Race Childhood Abuse and Body Image among Adolescents,2003,9,8,931-954,Logio Violence and the Outlaw Status of (Street) Prostitution in Canada,2000,6,9,987-1011,Lowman Woman Abuse and Self-Affirmation,2000,6,2,178-197,Graham-Bermann Four Poems by Victoria Marinelli,2000,6,11,1297-1305,Marinelli Generic Violence Prevention and Gendered Violence,2000,6,3,311-331,Matthews Wife Abuse Among a Sample of Divorced Women in Botswana,2002,8,2,257-274,Maundeni Nonoffending Mothers,2001,7,3,315-334,McCallum Are Reproductive Health Services a Good Place to Screen for Intimate Partner Violence?,2003,9,8,989-1002,McCarraher When Advocacy for Domestic Violence Victims Backfires,2004,10,11,1245-1266,McDermott Response to Flanakin and Walsh,2005,11,6,828-829,McDermott Women Filing Assault Charges on an Intimate Partner,2000,6,4,396-408,McFarlane Making Social Change,2003,9,1,47-74,Pence Survival is not Enough,2003,9,12,1478-1489,Mears Intimate Partner Violence in Spain,2003,9,3,302-322,Medina-Ariza Domestic Violence Prevalence and Effects on Employment in Two California TANF Populations,2003,9,10,1191-1212,Meisel Domestic Violence and Housing,2001,7,6,707-720,Menard The Baby Boomers' Bad Boys,2000,6,12,1417-1434,Messerschmidt Making Sociological Sense Out of Trends in Intimate Partner Violence: The Social Structure of Violence Against Women,2004,10,6,652-675,Michalski Violence and Coercion in Sri Lanka's Commercial Sex Industry,2002,8,9,1044-1073,Miller The Paradox of Women Arrested for Domestic Violence,2001,7,12,1339-1376,Miller Intimacy and Terror,2005,11,12,1536-1543,Mills Activism Against Domestic Violence in the People's Republic of China,2003,9,6,630-654,Milwertz Abject Economics,2004,10,1,29-55,Bell Patterns of Assault in a Sample of Recent Rape Victims,2002,8,5,585-596,Resnick Female Prostitution Customers and Violence,2004,10,2,160-188,Monto Predictors of Rape Myth Acceptance Among Male Clients of Female Street Prostitutes,2001,7,3,275-293,Monto Correlates of Poverty and Partner Abuse Among Women on Methadone,2002,8,4,455-475,El-Bassel Intimate Partner Violence and Health Status among Older Women,2003,9,12,1465-1477,Mouton “The Woman is Not Always the Bad Guy”,2003,9,7,784-806,Feltey The Everyday Occurrence,2002,8,9,1016-1043,Tutty A Comparison of Pimp- and Non-Pimp-Controlled Women,2004,10,2,189-194,Norton-Hawk The Investigation of Abuse and Women With Disabilities,2001,7,4,477-499,Hughes Women’s Situational Coping With Acquaintance Sexual Assault,2004,10,5,450-478,Nurius Do Sexual Health Care Needs Differ for Women with and without Histories of Abuse?,2004,10,3,294-311,Frasier Mistreatment of Older Women in Three European Countries,2003,9,12,1453-1464,Barnes-Holmes Preventing Domestic Violence in the African American Community,2000,6,5,533-549,Oliver Violent Offenders on Probation,2001,7,10,1164-1185,Stalans Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Data Collection Systems in the United States,2000,6,8,904-911,Orchowsky But Gertrude I Beg to Differ a Hit Is Not a Hit Is Not a Hit,2002,8,12,1521-1544,Osthoff Violence Against Women Research Post VAWA,2004,10,12,1417-1430,Parmley Translation of Domestic Violence Instruments for Use in Research,2003,9,7,859-878,Higgins Balancing Safety and Self-Sufficiency: Lessons on Serving Victims of Domestic Violence for Child Support and Public Assistance Agencies,2001,7,2,176-192,Pearson A Working Analysis of Women’s Use of Violence in the Context of Learning Opportunity and Choice,2003,9,1,10-46,Perilla Feminization of Labor Migration as Violence Against Women,2003,9,6,723-745,Piper Examining Elements of Campus Sexual Violence Policies,2000,6,12,1345-1362,McMahon Protecting the Child and the Family,2002,8,8,917-933,Pulido Weaving a Tangled Safety Net,2003,9,10,1263-1277,Purvin National Trends in Intimate Partner Homicide,2000,6,4,409-426,Mercy The PEERS Story,2004,10,2,140-159,Strega Violence Against Immigrant Women: The Roles of Culture Context and Legal Immigrant Status on Intimate Partner Violence,2002,8,3,367-398,Raj In Memoriam,2003,9,2,139-142,Raphael Rethinking Criminal Justice Responses to Intimate Partner Violence,2004,10,11,1354-1366,Raphael Review Symposium: Silencing Reports of Sexual Assault,2006,12,7,693-699,Raphael Violence in Indoor and Outdoor Prostitution Venues,2004,10,2,126-139,Raphael Stiffed at the Citadel,2000,6,12,1403-1416,Raphael Public Housing and Domestic Violence,2001,7,6,699-706,Raphael Prostitution on Demand,2004,10,10,1156-1186,Raymond Nonlethal Intimate Partner Violence Against Women,2003,9,12,1417-1428,Rennison "One Strike and You're Out": Implications of a Federal Crime Control Policy for Battered Women,2001,7,6,685-698,Renzetti Detecting and Documenting Intimate Partner Violence,2003,9,4,458-465,Mayo Welfare Reform Domestic Violence and Employment: What Do We Know and What Do We Need to Know?,2004,10,9,961-990,Riger A Survey on Violence Against Female Partners in Québec Canada,2004,10,7,709-728,Drouin Substance Abuse and Domestic Violence,2003,9,5,590-598,Williams Low-Income Mothers' Experience with Poor Health Hardship Work and Violence,2003,9,10,1231-1244,Smith Sexual Harassment among Female Personnel in an Italian Hospital,2004,10,4,386-417,Romito The Relationship Between Parents' Violence Against Daughters and Violence by Other Perpetrators,2001,7,12,1429-1463,Romito “I Just Let Him Have His Way”,2004,10,1,6-28,Rosen The Effects of Peer Group Climate on Intimate Partner Violence among Married Male U.S. Army Soldiers,2003,9,9,1045-1071,Rosen Seeking Justice,2003,9,9,1153-1161,Rosenthal Encountering "hot" anger: Domestic violence in contemporary Vietnam,2003,9,6,676-697,Rydstrøm The Relationship Between Intimate Partner Violence and the Use of Addictive Substances in Poor and Homeless Single Mothers,2002,8,7,785-815,Huntington Definitional and Methodological Issues Related to Transnational Research on Intimate Partner Violence,2004,10,7,812-830,Saltzman Are Physical Assaults by Wives and Girlfriends a Major Social Problem?,2002,8,12,1424-1448,Saunders “Bring My Scooter So I Can Leave You”,2001,7,4,393-417,Curry Boys Against Girls,2000,6,9,960-986,Schissel African American HMO Enrollees,2003,9,5,599-618,Gielen Methodological Issues in the Use of Survey Data for Measuring and Characterizing Violence Against Women,2000,6,8,815-838,Schwartz “The Lovely Evil”,2002,8,1,116-146,Segrave Security Matters: Domestic Violence and Public Social Services,2001,7,7,799-820,Seith “Is it Meant to Hurt is it?”,2001,7,4,462-476,Sequeira Culture of Honor Culture of Change,2001,7,9,964-998,Sev'er Achieving Successful Collaboration in the Evaluation of Sexual Assault Prevention Programs,2001,7,10,1186-1201,Shapiro Healing the Wounds of Domestic Abuse,2001,7,12,1405-1428,Sharma Clergy's Attitudes and Attributions of Blame Toward Female Rape Victims,2002,8,2,233-256,Sheldon To Endure,2008,14,10,1214,Sherrer Canadian Domestic Violence Policy and Indian Immigrant Women,2004,10,8,860-879,Shirwadkar When Words Are Not Enough,2004,10,1,56-72,Shope Survivors' Identification of Protective Factors and Early Warning Signs for Intimate Partner Violence,2000,6,3,272-285,Shelley Risk Factors for Sexual Victimization of Women,2003,9,8,902-930,Williams Criminalizing Abused Girls,2002,8,12,1474-1499,Simkins A Population-Based Study of the Prevalence and Distinctiveness of Battering Physical Assault and Sexual Assault in Intimate Relationships,2002,8,10,1208-1232,Coker It's My Decision isn't it?,2000,6,12,1384-1402,Smith Peer Education: Sexual Assault,2000,6,11,1255-1268,Smith Sexual Assault of Women,2004,10,1,73-93,Fairbrother Men in Transition: The Representation of Men's Violence Against Women in Greenland,2001,7,7,826-847,Sørensen A Tribute to 10 Years of Knowledge,2004,10,12,1395-1400,Stanko Insults Injury and Injustice,2004,10,11,1302-1330,Stark A Brave New World?,2001,7,4,370-392,Stehlik Violence Injury and Presentation Patterns in Spousal Sexual Assaults,2001,7,11,1218-1233,Stermac Prevalence of Violence Against Dating Partners by Male and Female University Students Worldwide,2004,10,7,790-811,Straus “Accident-Prone”?,2001,7,4,367-369,Strong Marital Violence Victimization and Perpetration Among Women Substance Abusers,2002,8,8,934-952,Stuart Legalization,2002,8,9,1140-1148,Jeffreys Effects of Intimate Partner Violence Versus Poverty on Women's Health,2001,7,10,1122-1143,Sullivan A Typology of Women's Use of Violence in Intimate Relationships,2002,8,3,286-319,Swan Behavioral and Psychological Differences Among Abused Women Who Use Violence in Intimate Relationships,2003,9,1,75-109,Swan Social Construction of Women as Legitimate Victims of Violence in Chinese Societies,2002,8,8,968-996,Tang The Lived Experience of Battered Women,2001,7,5,563-585,Magnussen Impulsive But Violent?,2001,7,12,1464-1489,Holmberg A Comparison of Risk Factors for Intimate Partner Violence-Related Injury Across Two National Surveys on Violence Against Women,2003,9,4,438-457,Saltzman Risk Factors for Physical Injury Among Women Assaulted by Current or Former Spouses,2001,7,8,886-899,Saltzman Prevalence and Consequences of Male-to-female and Female-to-male Intimate Partner Violence as Measured by the National Violence Against Women Survey,2000,6,2,142-161,Thoennes Experience of Abuse Among Women Visiting Incarcerated Partners,2001,7,1,80-109,Greaves Domestic Violence in the Lives of Women Receiving Welfare,2001,7,2,141-158,Tolman “If I Really Loved Him Enough He Would Be Okay”,2000,6,6,558-585,Towns My Distant Aunt... and I,2002,8,3,399-402,Tripathi A Log-Linear Analysis of Variables Associated With Self-Mutilation Behaviors of Women With Histories of Child Sexual Abuse,2003,9,4,487-512,Turell African American Substance Use,2003,9,5,576-589,Turner A Case Study of Community-Based Responses to Rural Woman Battering,2002,8,7,845-872,Van Hightower Assessing the Impact of Gender Inequality on Female Homicide Victimization Across U.S. Cities,2002,8,1,35-63,Vieraitis “Dowry Deaths” in Andhra Pradesh India,2000,6,10,1085-1108,Vindhya A Model Collaborative Project Toward Making Domestic Violence Centers Elder Ready,2003,9,12,1504-1513,Vinton Health Related Surveillance Data on Violence Against Women: State and local sources,2000,6,8,868-903,Waller Battered Women in the Restraining Order Process,2000,6,6,606-632,Wan "Culturally Competent Responses" and "Children: Hidden Victims": Excerpts from day 2 plenary sessions,2002,8,6,661-686,Lieberman Disclosure Patterns of Black Female Sexual Assault Survivors,2001,7,11,1254-1283,Washington Review Essay: The Elephants in the Room: Ethnicity and Violence Against Women in Post-Communist Slovakia,2010,16,1,99-125,Miller Rehashing Tired Claims About Prostitution,2005,11,7,971-977,Weitzer The Multidimensional Nature of Sexual Harassment,2000,6,2,118-141,Welsh Growing Up Sexualized: Issues of Power and Violence in the lives of Female Exotic Dancers,2002,8,10,1182-1207,Wesley Dating Aggression Among Low Income African American Youth,2000,6,5,470-494,Rose The Nexus of Domestic Violence and Poverty,2004,10,3,283-293,Williams Pimp-Controlled Prostitution,2002,8,9,1074-1092,Williamson Pharaonic Circumcision Under Patriarchy and Breast Augmentation Under Phallocentric Capitalism,2002,8,4,495-521,Wilson Walking on Fire: Haitian Women’s Stories of Survival and Resistance by Beverly Bell. Ithaca New York: Cornell University Press 2001. 259 pp. $18.95 (paper),2003,9,3,394-398,Wilson The Impact of Father-to-Mother Aggression on the Structure and Content of Adolescents’ Perceptions of Themselves and their Parents,2004,10,9,1036-1055,Winstok Women's Use of Force,2002,8,11,1390-1415,Worcester Examining Patterns of Vulnerability to Domestic Violence Among African American Women,2000,6,5,495-514,Wyatt Feminist Theory and Status Inconsistency Theory,2001,7,5,545-562,Yick The Definitional Process of Domestic Violence in Japan,2002,8,3,339-366,Yoshihama Attitudes Toward Marital Violence,2001,7,8,900-926,Yoshioka Cohort period and aging effects: A qualitative study of older women’s reasons for remaining in abusive relationships,2003,9,12,1429-1441,Zink Assisting Women Victims of Violence Who Experience Multiple Barriers to Services,2002,8,2,162-180,Zweig Linda Saltzman: In Memoriam,2005,11,7,842-843,No Author(s) Listed Erratum: National trends in intimate partner homicide: United States 1976-1995,2000,6,10,1179-1184, Assessing Acceptance of Violence Toward Women,2009,15,7,799-809,Maisto Complexity of Patterns of Violence Against Women in Heterosexual Partnerships,2002,8,7,873-900,Piispa Valuable Assistance or Missed Opportunities?,2003,9,10,1278-1288,Postmus No Refuge,2007,13,3,314-322,Rasmussen The Social Justice Roots of the Mentors in Violence Prevention Model and Its Application in a High School Setting,2011,17,6,684-702,Katz The Men's Program: Does It Impact College Men's Self-Reported Bystander Efficacy and Willingness to Intervene?,2011,17,6,743-759,Langhinrichsen-Rohling Sisterhood May Be Powerful for Reducing Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence: An Evaluation of the Bringing in the Bystander In-Person Program with Sorority Members,2011,17,6,703-719,Banyard Reviews of Indian feminisms: Law patriarchies and violence in India and Body evidence: Intimate violence against South Asian women in America,2008,14,4,496-501,Neely 'Women's Use of Force: Voices of Women Arrested for Domestic Violence': Erratum,2006,12,4,409-409,Miller The Impact of Comprehensive Services in Substance Abuse Treatment for Women With a History of Intimate Partner Violence,2011,17,5,550-567,Cao Putting Context Into a Cultural Perspective: Examining Arab and Jewish Adolescents' Judgments and Reasoning About Spousal Retribution,2011,17,5,584-602,Benbenishty "Paper Abuse": When All Else Fails Batterers Use Procedural Stalking,2011,17,5,637-650,Miller What Accounts for Men's Hostile Attitudes Toward Women? The Influence of Hegemonic Male Role Norms and Masculine Gender Role Stress,2011,17,5,568-583,Gallagher Law Enforcement Officers' Attitudes About Domestic Violence,2011,17,5,619-636,Gover Evaluation of Green Dot: An Active Bystander Intervention to Reduce Sexual Violence on College Campuses,2011,17,6,777-796,Coker Intimate Partner Violence Against Deaf Female College Students,2011,17,7,822-834,Anderson A Qualitative Analysis of Sexual Victimization Narratives,2011,17,7,925-943,Yeater Exploring the Intersection of Partner Stalking and Sexual Abuse,2011,17,7,904-924,Cole Victimization in Off-Street Sex Industry Work,2011,17,7,944-963,O'Doherty The Importance of Resources and Information in the Lives of Battered Mothers,2011,17,7,882-903,Fleury-Steiner When Status Hurts: Dimensions of Women's Status and Domestic Abuse in Rural Northern India,2011,17,7,835-857,Mogford Bringing in the target audience in bystander social marketing materials for communities: Suggestions for practitioners,2011,17,6,797-812,Potter The Cumulative Impact of Sexual Revictimization on Emotion Regulation Difficulties: An Examination of Female Inmates,2011,17,8,1103-1118,DiLillo Correlates of HIV Testing Among Abused Women in South Africa,2011,17,8,1014-1023,Hansen Characteristics of Women Who Do and Do Not Receive Onsite Shelter Services From Domestic Violence Programs,2011,17,8,1024-1045,Lundy Welfare Caseworker Assessments and Domestic Violence Services: Findings From Administrative Data and Case Narratives,2011,17,8,1046-1066,Hetling The Dialectical Psychoeducational Workshop (DPEW): The Conceptual Framework and Curriculum for a Preventative Intervention for Males at Risk for IPV,2011,17,8,970-989,Cavanaugh Pregnancy and intimate partner violence: Risk factors severity and health effects,2011,17,7,858-881,Tyler Concomitant Forms of Abuse and Help-Seeking Behavior Among White African American and Latina Women Who Experience Intimate Partner Violence,2011,17,8,1067-1085,Cerulli The University of Kentucky Center for Research on Violence Against Women: Science Inspired by Women's Stories,2011,17,9,1137-1158,Jordan The Minnesota Center Against Violence and Abuse (MINCAVA): Providing Research Education and Access to Information on Violence Against Women and Children,2011,17,9,1207-1219,Edleson Forum Theatre for Bystanders: A New Model for Gender Violence Prevention,2011,17,8,990-1013,Mitchell A Canadian Model for Building University and Community Partnerships: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women and Children,2011,17,9,1159-1175,Jaffe Intimate Partner Violence Against Women in the Capital Province of Sri Lanka: Prevalence Risk Factors and Help Seeking,2011,17,8,1086-1102,Axemo Building Community Partnerships to End Interpersonal Violence: A Collaboration of the Schools of Social Work Law and Nursing,2011,17,9,1194-1206,Johnson University of Illinois at Chicago's Interdisciplinary Center for Research on Violence: Changing Systems to Prevent Violence in Chicago and Beyond,2011,17,9,1176-1193,Riger Building academic research centers to advance research on violence against women: An empirical foundation,2011,17,9,1123-1136,Jordan Risk Assessment With Victims of Intimate Partner Violence: Investigating the Gap Between Research and Practice,2011,17,10,1286-1298,Cattaneo Watching Pornography: Gender Differences Violence and Victimization. An Exploratory Study in Italy,2011,17,10,1313-1326,Romito Suicidal Ideation and the Prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence Against Women in Rural Western China,2011,17,10,1299-1312,Yanqiu The Influence of Spirituality on Service Utilization and Satisfaction for Women Residing in a Domestic Violence Shelter,2011,17,10,1244-1259,Fowler Focus on violence prevention against women,2011,17,8,967-969,Renzetti Legislating Gender Inequalities: The Nature and Patterns of Domestic Violence Experienced by South Asian Women With Insecure Immigration Status in the United Kingdom,2011,17,10,1260-1285,Anitha From the Voices of Women: Facilitating Survivor Access to IPV Services,2011,17,10,1226-1243,Simmons Occurrence Characteristics and Impact of Chronic Pain in Formerly Abused Women,2011,17,10,1327-1343,Humphreys "We Belong to Them": The Costs of Funding for Rape Crisis Centers,2011,17,11,1383-1408,Maier Use of Nonmedical and Pediatric Primary Care Medical Services by Families Who Call Police for Domestic Violence-Related Issues,2011,17,11,1409-1420,Cerulli Percentage of Named Offenders on the Registry at the Time of the Assault: Reports From Sexual Assault Survivors,2011,17,11,1374-1382,Simmons Qualitative study of an operations research project to engage abused women health providers and communities in responding to gender-based violence in Vietnam,2011,17,11,1421-1441,Schuler The Impact of Detectives' Manner of Questioning on Rape Victims' Disclosure,2011,17,11,1349-1373,Patterson Barriers to service provision. Introduction,2011,17,10,1223-1225,Renzetti Pain is my blanket,2011,17,11,1483-1484,Valeras Box of rocks,2011,17,11,1480-1482,Quam-Wickham Husband's Control and Sexual Coercion Within Marriage: Findings From a Population-Based Survey in Egypt,2011,17,11,1465-1479,Khawaja Honor killings in the middle East and north Africa: a systematic review of the literature,2011,17,11,1442-1464,Kulczycki Effect of an In-Clinic IPV Advocate Intervention to Increase Help Seeking Reduce Violence and Improve Well-Being,2012,18,1,118-131,Whitaker The Attenuating Effect of Empowerment on IPV-Related PTSD Symptoms in Battered Women Living in Domestic Violence Shelters,2012,18,1,102-117,Johnson Back to basics: essential qualities of services for survivors of intimate partner violence,2012,18,1,85-101,Bell Situational ambiguity and gendered patterns of arrest for intimate partner violence,2012,18,1,64-84,Durfee Women's Perceptions of Safety and Risk Following Police Intervention for Intimate Partner Violence,2012,18,1,44-63,Gelles Measuring Social Support in Battered Women: Factor Structure of the Interpersonal Support Evaluation List (ISEL),2012,18,1,30-43,Dutton Beyond borders: comparative quantitative research on partner violence in the United States and Mexico,2012,18,1,5-29,Frias Gender-Based Violence Against Civilian Women in Postinvasion Iraq: (Re)Politicizing George W. Bush's Silent Legacy,2011,17,12,1619-1634,Lee-Koo Surviving the storm: the role of social support and religious coping in sexual assault recovery of African American women,2011,17,12,1601-1618,Ullman Leaving ≠ moving: Housing patterns of women who have left an abusive partner,2011,17,12,1576-1600,Wuest Victim advocates' perceptions of legal work,2011,17,12,1559-1575,Kolb Don't just widen one lens; instead use many: a response to Cerulli Conte Cromer and Newman and Mulla and Hlavka,2011,17,12,1549-1558,Walker Research ethics in victimization studies: widening the lens,2011,17,12,1536-1548,Newman Research ethics in victimization studies: widening the lens: a response and alternative view,2011,17,12,1529-1535,Cerulli Commentary,2011,17,12,1521-1528,Conte Gendered violence and the ethics of social science research,2011,17,12,1509-1520,Mulla Research ethics in victimization studies: widening the lens,2011,17,12,1489-1508,Walker Prosecution of adult sexual assault cases: a longitudinal analysis of the impact of a sexual assault nurse examiner program,2012,18,2,223-244,Bybee Use of forensic science in investigating crimes of sexual violence: contrasting its theoretical potential with empirical realities,2012,18,2,193-222,Sommers The Criminal Justice System's Response to Sexual Violence,2012,18,2,169-192,Spohn The "justice gap" for sexual assault cases: future directions for research and reform,2012,18,2,145-168,Lonsway Women who have experienced intimate partner violence. Editor's introduction,2012,18,1,3-4,Renzetti An Intergenerational Women's Empowerment Intervention to Mitigate Domestic Violence: Results of a Pilot Study in Bengaluru India,2012,18,3,346-370,Krishnan To Whom Do College Women Confide Following Sexual Assault? A Prospective Study of Predictors of Sexual Assault Disclosure and Social Reactions,2012,18,3,264-288,Gidycz Letter to the editor regarding "exiting prostitution: an integrated model" by L. M. Baker R. L. Dalla & C. Williamson Violence against women 16 579-600,2012,18,3,371-372,Ohlund Violence against women in the militarized Indian frontier: beyond "indian culture" in the experiences of ethnic minority women,2012,18,3,322-345,McDuie-Ra School-based sexual violence among female learners with mild intellectual disability in South Africa,2012,18,3,309-321,Phasha Does alcohol consumption exacerbate the mental health consequences of interpersonal violence?,2012,18,3,289-308,Hill The Effects of Male Attractiveness and Sexual Attitudes on Women's Risk Perception,2012,18,3,249-263,Yeater Separate and intersecting realities a comparison of men's and women's accounts of violence against women,1998,4,4,382-414,Dobash Use of Mental Health Services Among Asian and Latino Victims of Intimate Partner Violence,2012,18,4,404-419,Cho Depressive and Posttraumatic Symptoms Among Women Seeking Protection Orders Against Intimate Partners: Relations to Coping Strategies and Perceived Responses to Abuse Disclosure,2012,18,4,420-436,Cerulli The gendered dynamics of power in disputes over the postseparation care of children,2012,18,4,459-481,Gavey Interpersonal victimization among a national sample of Latino women,2012,18,4,377-403,Cuevas Juvenile entry into prostitution: the role of emotional abuse,2012,18,5,562-579,Roe-Sepowitz Sexual victimization and completed suicide among Danish female adults,2012,18,5,552-561,Qin Voices of resistance: seeking shelter services in Pakistan,2012,18,4,437-458,Critelli Sex offender risk assessment: the need to place recidivism research in the context of attrition in the criminal justice system,2012,18,4,482-501,Larcombe Immigrant and nonimmigrant women: factors that predict leaving an abusive relationship,2012,18,5,611-633,Campbell Violence against women in South Africa: Policy position and recommendations,2012,18,5,580-594,Mogale Creating a more complete and current picture: examining police and prosecutor decision-making when processing sexual assault cases,2012,18,5,525-551,Ullman Girls' experiences with violence: an analysis of violence against and by at-risk girls,2012,18,6,672-680,Tasca "There's so much at stake": sexual minority youth discuss dating violence,2012,18,7,725-745,Gillum Who died? The murder of collaterals related to intimate partner conflict,2012,18,6,662-671,Dobash Characteristics related to protection order use among victims of intimate partner violence,2012,18,6,701-710,Messing Child contact centers and domestic abuse: victim safety and the challenge to neutrality,2012,18,6,711-720,Wasoff Why do women talk about it? Reasons for disclosure of sexual victimization and associated symptomology,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brown Intimate partner violence prevention program in an Asian immigrant community: integrating theories data and community,2012,18,7,763-783,Yoshihama A feminist response to Weitzer,2012,18,4,512-520,Dines The myth of objectivity: a reply to Weitzer,2012,18,4,506-511,Boyle A reply to Weitzer on anti-pornography feminism,2012,18,4,502-505,Watson Expect Respect support groups: preliminary evaluation of a dating violence prevention program for at-risk youth,2012,18,7,746-762,Valle Effect of sexual coercion proclivity insult and fantasy on emotional reactivity and appeal of sexual aggression,2012,18,8,973-995,Thomas " . . . There is no war here; it is only the relationship that makes us scared": factors having an impact on domestic violence in Liberian refugee communities in South Australia,2012,18,7,807-828,Zannettino The impact of victim-focused outreach on criminal legal system outcomes following police-reported intimate partner abuse,2012,18,8,861-881,DePrince Mandatory reporting in the context of home visitation programs: intimate partner violence and children's exposure to intimate partner violence,2012,18,5,595-610,Coben Relationship power control and dating violence among Latina girls,2012,18,6,681-690,Chesney-Lind Hidden behind the gunfire: young women's experiences of gang-related violence,2012,18,6,653-661,Aldridge Gender violence and transdisciplinarity,2012,18,6,641-652,Messing Married women's risk of STIs in developing countries: the role of intimate partner violence and partner's infection status,2012,18,7,829-853,Kishor Shifting policy responses to domestic violence in the Netherlands and Spain (1980-2009),2012,18,7,784-806,Roggeband Self-defense among women with disabilities: an unexplored domain in domestic violence cases,2012,18,9,1083-1107,Ballan Portrayal of women as intimate partner domestic violence perpetrators,2012,18,9,1067-1082,Hester Physical tactics of female partners against male batterer program participants,2012,18,9,1027-1044,Gondolf Claims about women's use of non-fatal force in intimate relationships: a contextual review of Canadian research,2012,18,9,1008-1026,DeKeseredy Lethal and non-lethal violence against women in Australia: measurement challenges conceptual frameworks and limitations in knowledge,2012,18,8,958-972,McPhedran Psychological distress and substance use among community-recruited women currently victimized by intimate partners: a latent class analysis and examination of between-class differences,2012,18,8,934-957,Sullivan The validation of the Checklist of Controlling Behaviors (CCB): Assessing coercive control in abusive relationships,2012,18,8,913-933,Lehmann The impact of victim-focused outreach on criminal legal system outcomes following police-reported intimate partner abuse: reply to the commentaries,2012,18,8,906-912,DePrince The benefits of more "victim-focused" coordinated community responses to intimate partner violence: a critique of "the impact of victim-focused outreach on criminal legal system outcomes following police-reported intimate partner abuse" by Anne P. DePrin,2012,18,8,897-905,Hirschel Harmony or discord between victim agency and the criminal justice system: a comment on DePrince Belknap Labus Buckingham and Gover,2012,18,8,889-896,Garvin From victim safety to victim engagement: comments on "the impact of victim-focused outreach on criminal legal system outcomes following police-reported intimate partner abuse",2012,18,8,882-888,Gamache Factor structures for aggression and victimization among women who used aggression against male partners,2012,18,9,1045-1066,Swan Factors affecting prevalence and extent of intimate partner violence in Ukraine: evidence from a nationally representative survey,2012,18,10,1147-1176,Barrett Once is not enough: effective strategies for medical student education on intimate partner violence,2012,18,10,1192-1212,Buranosky South Asian battered women's use of force against intimate male partners: a practice note,2012,18,9,1108-1118,Roy A predictive theory of intentions to exit street-level prostitution,2012,18,10,1235-1252,Cimino Women as easy scapegoats: witchcraft accusations and women as targets in tea plantations of India,2012,18,10,1213-1234,Chaudhuri Justification of wife beating in rural Bangladesh: a qualitative analysis of gender differences in responses to survey questions,2012,18,10,1177-1191,Yount The role of gender identity threat in perceptions of date rape and sexual coercion,2012,18,10,1125-1146,Willer Sexual victimization and family violence among urban African American adolescent women: do violence cluster profiles predict partner violence victimization and sex trade exposure?,2012,18,11,1319-1338,Bybee Men's talk: men's understandings of violence against women and motivations for change,2012,18,11,1300-1318,Stanley Recovery: resilience and growth in the aftermath of domestic violence,2012,18,11,1279-1299,Renner The supportive process for ending intimate partner violence after pregnancy: the experience of Nicaraguan women,2012,18,11,1257-1278,Valladares Intimate partner violence and mental health among Italian adolescents: gender similarities and differences,2013,19,1,89-106,Romito Subjection subjectivity and agency: the power meaning and practice of mothering among women experiencing intimate partner abuse,2013,19,1,69-88,Jasinski Birthplace culture self-esteem and intimate partner violence among community-dwelling Hispanic women,2013,19,1,6-23,McCabe Maternal childhood abuse intimate partner violence and child psychopathology: the mediator role of mothers' mental health,2013,19,1,50-68,Ezpeleta Strategies and help-seeking behavior among mexican women experiencing partner violence,2013,19,1,24-49,Frias "En el grupo tomas conciencia (in group you become aware)": Latino immigrants' satisfaction with a culturally informed intervention for men who batter,2013,19,1,107-132,Parra-Cardona Framing deadly domestic violence: why the media's spin matters in newspaper coverage of femicide,2013,19,2,222-245,Richards Ptsd symptoms in young children exposed to intimate partner violence,2013,19,2,187-201,Levendosky Grace's story: prolonged incestuous abuse from childhood into adulthood,2013,19,2,146-165,Salter Where do you think domestic abuse hurts most?,2013,19,1,133-138,Sweetnam The complexity of victim-questioning attitudes by rape victim advocates: exploring some gray areas,2012,18,12,1413-1434,Maier A public health approach to intimate partner violence prevention in Uganda: the SHARE project,2012,18,12,1390-1412,Serwadda Intimate partner stalking victimization and posttraumatic stress symptoms in post-abuse women,2012,18,12,1368-1389,Fernandez-Botran The impact of intimate partner violence on low-income women's economic well-being: the mediating role of job stability,2012,18,12,1345-1367,Tolman Iraqi American refugee youths' exposure to violence: relationship to attitudes and peers' perpetration of dating violence,2013,19,2,202-221,Kernsmith Power and control in the legal system: from marriage/relationship to divorce and custody,2013,19,2,166-186,Watson Experiences and perceptions of sexual harassment in the Canadian Forces Combat Arms,2013,19,2,269-287,Febbraro Men's beliefs and attitudes toward intimate partner violence against women in Pakistan,2013,19,2,246-268,Zakar Editor's introduction: intimate partner violence,2013,19,1,1-5,Renzetti Economic abuse in Lebanon: experiences and perceptions,2013,19,3,356-375,Usta Exploring rape myths gendered norms group processing and the social context of rape among college women: a qualitative analysis,2013,19,4,465-485,Swan Predicting shelter residence in women experiencing recent intimate partner violence,2013,19,4,518-535,Graham-Bermann Domestic violence against single never-married women in the Occupied Palestinian Territory,2013,19,3,422-441,Assaf The impact of sexual enhancement alcohol expectancies and risky behavior on alcohol- involved rape among college women,2013,19,4,449-464,Messman-Moore College women's experiences with rape disclosure: a national study,2013,19,4,486-502,Resnick The relationship between postpartum depression domestic violence childhood violence and substance use: epidemiologic study of a large community sample,2013,19,4,503-517,Dennis Gender-based violence in Egypt: analyzing impacts of political reforms social and demographic change,2013,19,3,400-421,Condon Attitudes of Palestinian physicians toward wife abuse: their definitions perceptions of causes and perceptions of appropriate interventions,2013,19,3,376-399,Haj-Yahia Women's shelters in Turkey: a qualitative study on shortcomings of policy making and implementation,2013,19,3,338-355,Toktas Violence against women in the context of war: experiences of Shi'i women and Palestinian refugee women in Lebanon,2013,19,3,316-337,Holt Femicide and colonization: between the politics of exclusion and the culture of control,2013,19,3,295-315,Shalhoub-Kervorkian Key components of the Batterer Intervention Program process: an analysis of observational data from two community-based bips,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chang Associations of power relations wife-beating attitudes and controlling behavior of husband with domestic violence against women in India: insights from the National Family Health Survey-4,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Paul The influence of plaintiff gender on the judicial decision to grant civil restraining orders: a replication and analysis,2013,19,5,579-601,Kingsnorth The effects of receiving a rape disclosure: college friends' stories,2013,19,5,658-670,Branch When does intimate partner violence continue after separation?,2013,19,5,617-633,Ornstein Removing guns from batterers: findings from a pilot survey of domestic violence restraining order recipients in California,2013,19,5,602-616,Vittes Reframing the narrative of the battered women's movement,2013,19,5,557-578,Arnold Sexual victimization and associated risks among lesbian and bisexual women,2013,19,5,634-657,Livingston Gender-based violence (GBV) is a worldwide problem that violates fundamental human rights and threatens the well-being of women and girls. Introduction,2013,19,3,291-294,Khawaja An interview with Bernie Auchter,2013,19,6,681-686,DeKeseredy Erratum: creating a more complete and current picture: examining police and prosecutor decision-making when processing sexual assault cases. Violence Against Women 18(5) 525-551.,2013,19,5,671-673, Building a solid foundation for sexual violence research: Applying lessons learned to inform research priorities,2013,19,6,737-755,Backes Teen dating violence: Building a research program through collaborative insights,2013,19,6,756-770,Mulford A few lines on the clothesline project,2013,19,7,940-942,Gilfus Global efforts to engage men in preventing violence against women: An international survey,2013,19,7,924-939,Tolman College men's and women's respective perceptions of risk to perpetrate or experience sexual assault: The role of alcohol use and expectancies,2013,19,7,903-923,Orchowski Partner violence and substance abuse are intertwined: Women's perceptions of violence-substance connections,2013,19,7,881-902,Macy Expanding resource theory and feminist-informed theory to explain intimate partner violence perpetration by court-ordered men,2013,19,7,848-880,Basile Changed and changing gender and family roles and domestic violence in African refugee background communities post-settlement in Perth Australia,2013,19,7,833-847,Fisher Violence against women and HIV risk behaviors in Kampala Uganda: Baseline findings from the SASA! study,2013,19,7,814-832,Watts Practitioner perspectives on the National Institute of Justice's Violence Against Women Research and Evaluation Program,2013,19,6,791-807,Auchter NIJ's Program of Research on Violence Against American Indian and Alaska Native Women,2013,19,6,771-790,Brooks NIJ's Program of Domestic Violence Research: Collaborative Efforts to Build Knowledge Guided by Safety For Victims and Accountability of Perpetrators,2013,19,6,713-736,Auchter Mounting and sustaining the violence against women research and evaluation program at the National Institute of Justice,2013,19,6,687-712,Auchter Explaining aboriginal/non-aboriginal inequalities in postseparation violence against Canadian women: Application of a structural violence approach,2013,19,8,1034-1058,Malcoe Intimate partner violence victimization among undergraduate women at historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs),2013,19,8,1014-1033,Krebs Client beliefs about a multicouple group service for intimate partner violence: A narrative analysis,2013,19,8,995-1013,Linville Reading Playboy for the articles: The graying of rape myths in black and white text 1953 to 2003,2013,19,8,968-994,Kettrey Predicting date rape perceptions: The effects of gender gender role attitudes and victim resistance,2013,19,8,949-967,McCloskey Abuse danger and security in transnational marriages: Polity and community in india and the united kingdom,2013,19,10,1263-1281,Stewart No way out: divorce-related domestic violence in Israel,2000,6,11,1223-1254,Adelman Trafficking for Prostitution in Italy: Possible Effects of Government Proposals for Legalization of Brothels,2004,10,10,1126-1155,Aghatise Chattels of Society: Domestic Violence in India,2004,10,1,94-118,Ahmed-Ghosh Battered Women's Multitude of Needs: Evidence Supporting the Need for Comprehensive Advocacy,2004,10,9,1015-1035,Sullivan "Challenges and Strategies" and "Evidence-Based Care": Excerpts From Day 1 Plenary Sessions,2002,8,6,639-660,Campbell Family Violence and Public Health Education: A Call for Action,2002,8,6,746-778,Alpert Aysymptotic Justice: Probation as a Criminal Justice Response to Intimate Partner Violence,2002,8,1,6-34,Ames Family Violence Including Crimes of Honor in Jordan: Correlates and Perceptions of Seriousness,2001,7,5,586-621,Araji Femicide in the Name of Honor in Turkey,2001,7,7,821-825,Arin Differential Police Treatment of Male-on-Female Spousal Violence: Additional Evidence on the Leniency Thesis,2001,7,1,22-45,Avakame A Comparison of Annual Incidence Rates and Contextual Characteristics of Intimate-Perpetrated Violence Against Women From the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) and the National Violence Against Women Survey (NVAWS),2000,6,8,839-867,Bachman Family Violence in Chile: Political and Legal Dimensions in a Period of Democratic Transition,2000,6,4,427-450,Bacigalupe Domestic Violence and Housing Problems: A Contextual Analysis of Women's Help-seeking Received Informal Support and Formal System Response,2003,9,7,754-783,Norris Control and the Dalkon Shield,2001,7,11,1303-1317,Baker Eva's Story: One Woman's Life Viewed Through the Interpretive Lens of Gilligan's Theory,2000,6,6,586-605,Belknap Cycles within Cycles: Domestic Violence Welfare and Low-Wage Work,2003,9,10,1245-1262,Bell Supporting Battered Women Involved With the Court System: An Evaluation of a Law School-Based Advocacy Intervention,2001,7,12,1377-1404,Bell Standards for Batterer Intervention Programs: In Whose Interest?,1999,5,1,6-24,Bennett Substance Abuse and Men Who Batter: Issues in Theory and Practice,2003,9,5,558-575,Bennett Risk Assessment Among Batterers Arrested for Domestic Assault: The Salience of Psychological Abuse,2000,6,11,1190-1203,Dutton Dating Violence: Help-Seeking Behaviors of African American Middle Schoolers,2003,9,2,187-206,Weisz Extrafamilial Child Sexual Abuse: A Study of Perpetrator Characteristics and Implications for Prevention,2000,6,10,1137-1169,Bolen Nonoffending Mothers of Sexually Abused Children: A Case of Institutionalized Sexism?,2003,9,11,1336-1366,Bolen University Women's Acknowledgment of Rape: Individual Situational and Social Factors,2001,7,3,294-314,Bondurant To Love Violently: Strategies for Reconciling Love and Violence,2002,8,4,476-494,Borochowitz Anatomy of a Massacre: Gender Power and Punishment in Revolutionary Paris,2001,7,10,1101-1121,Bosworth Reflections on the Reproduction and Transformation of Gender Differences Among Women in the Shelter Movement in Germany,2001,7,7,760-778,Br¸ckner Sterilization of Girls and Women With Intellectual Disabilities: Past and Present Justifications,2001,7,4,432-461,Brady Feeling Safe Feeling Strong: Support Groups for Older Abused Women,2003,9,12,1490-1503,Brandl Self-Defense/Assertiveness Training Women's Victimization History and Psychological Characteristics,2004,10,5,479-497,Brecklin Cultural Variation in Male Partner Violence Against Women: A Comparison of QuÈbec With the Rest of Canada,2002,8,1,87-115,Brownridge Understanding Women's Heightened Risk of Violence in Common-Law Unions: Revisiting the Selection and Relationship Hypotheses,2004,10,6,626-651,Brownridge Images of Sex and Rape: A Content Analysis of Popular Film,2000,6,12,1317-1344,Bufkin Help-Seeking Behavior Among Abused Immigrant Women: A Case of Vietnamese American Women,2003,9,2,207-239,Bui The Process of Ending Abuse in Intimate Relationships: A Qualitative Exploration of the Transtheoretical Model,2001,7,10,144-1163,Gielen Battered Women Speak Out: Welfare Reform and Their Decisions to Disclose,2002,8,5,566-584,Wolfer Male Customers of Prostituted Women: Exploring the Perceptions of Entitlement to Power and Control and Implications for Violent Behavior Toward Women,2002,8,9,1093-1112,Bell Predictors of Depression in Battered Women,1997,3,3,271-293,Campbell Intimate Partner Abuse and Mental Health: The Role of Social Support and Other Protective Factors,2002,8,6,720-745,Carlson Critiquing the Case for Marriage Promotion: How the Promarriage Movement Misrepresents Domestic Violence Research,2004,10,11,1226-1244,Catlett Seeking Informal Support: Marital Violence Against Women in Greece,2001,7,9,1024-1050,Chatzifotiou Gender Differences in Adolescent and Young Adult Predictors of Later Intimate Partner Violence: A Prospective Study,2004,10,11,1283-1301,Chen Violence and Women with Disabilities,1996,2,4,391-411,Chenoweth An Analysis of the Assets for Independence Act of 1998 for Abused Women,2000,6,10,1066-1084,Christy-McMullen Impoverished Women in Violent Partnerships: Designing Services to Fit Their Reality,2001,7,2,222-233,Cole The Impact of Father-to-Mother Aggression on the Structure and Content of Adolescents' Perceptions of Themselves and their Parents,2004,10,9,1036-1055,Winstok The Nexus of Domestic Violence and Poverty: Resilience in Women's Anxiety,2004,10,3,283-293,Williams Girl child marriage and its association with national rates of HIV maternal health and infant mortality across 97 countries,2013,19,4,536-551,Raj Mobilizing culture as an asset: A transdisciplinary effort to rethink gender violence,2012,18,6,691-700,Adelman The life history calendar method and multilevel modeling: Application to research on intimate partner violence,2011,17,3,295-308,Bybee What your data didn't tell you the first time around: Advanced analytic approaches to longitudinal analyses,2011,17,3,309-321,White Examining systems change in the response to domestic violence: Innovative applications of multilevel modeling,2011,17,3,359-375,Allen Work welfare and protection orders: Modeling changing earnings in the context of group differences and institutional shifts,2011,17,3,322-339,Brush The need for experimental methodology in intimate partner violence: Finding programs that effectively prevent IPV,2011,17,3,340-358,Campbell Roads to nowhere? Mapping violence against women services,2011,17,3,404-425,Kelly Wife burning: Cultural cues for lethal violence against women among Asian Indians in the United States,1999,5,6,641-653,Unnithan Domestic violence in South Asian communities in America: Advocacy and intervention,1999,5,6,684-699,Preisser The social construction of wife abuse experiences of Asian Indian women in the United States,1999,5,6,619-640,Mehrotra Addressing culture in batterers intervention: The Asian Indian community as an illustrative example,1999,5,6,654-683,Almeida Sexual abuse in South Asian immigrant marriages,1999,5,6,591-618,Abraham Domestic dangers: Approaches to women's suicide in contemporary Maharashtra India,1999,5,5,525-547,Waters Marking bodies reproducing violence: A feminist reading of female infanticide in South India,1999,5,5,507-524,Hegde Making sex violent: Love as force in recent Hindi films,1999,5,5,548-575,Derné The family violence option: An early assessment,1999,5,4,449-466,Raphael Child support and domestic violence: The victims speak out,1999,5,4,427-448,Pearson The effects of male violence on female employment,1999,5,4,370-392,Lloyd The impact of recent partner violence on poor women's capacity to maintain work,1999,5,4,393-426,Browne Bad dates or emotional trauma? The aftermath of campus sexual assault,1999,5,3,251-271,Schwartz Prevalence and correlates of relationship abuse among a community-based sample of low-income African American women,1999,5,3,272-291,DiClemente When a date changes from fun to dangerous: Factors affecting women's ability to distinguish,1999,5,3,230-250,Nurius Type and severity of abuse and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms reported by women who killed abusive partners,1999,5,3,292-312,Hattendorf Estimating hospital charges associated with intimate violence,1999,5,3,313-335,Saltzman Not going back: Sustaining the separation in the process of leaving abusive relationships,1999,5,2,110-133,Wuest Bodily self-harm and its relationship to childhood abuse among women in a primary care setting,1999,5,2,155-163,Sansone The overlap between child maltreatment and woman battering,1999,5,2,134-154,Edleson The development of a comprehensive measure of the sexual victimization of college women,1999,5,2,185-214,Fisher Family killing fields: Honor rationales in the murder of women,1999,5,2,164-184,Baker Living without democracy and peace Violence against women in the former Yugoslavia,1999,5,1,63-80,Nikolic-Ristanovic A routine activity theory explanation for women's stalking victimizations,1999,5,1,43-62,Tewksbury Associations of rape-supportive attitudes with fraternal and athletic participation,1999,5,1,81-90,Boeringer Standards for batterer intervention programs in whose interest?,1999,5,1,6-24,Bennett The impact of a batterers' program on battered women,1999,5,1,25-42,Dankwort Violence against indigenous women public and private dimensions,1996,2,4,378-390,Lucashenko The violence of displacement: The problematics of survival for homeless young women,1996,2,4,412-428,Hatty Aboriginality and lawyering: Problems of justice for aboriginal defendants--focus on partner homicide,1996,2,4,429-446,Hancock Women war and the violence of history: An Australian perspective,1996,2,4,359-377,Davies Violence and women with disabilities: Silence and paradox,1996,2,4,391-411,Chenoweth Tailhook and the construction of sexual harassment in the media: "Rowdy navy boys" and women who made a difference,1998,4,1,81-99,Kasinsky Crack mothers at 6: Prime-time news crack/cocaine and women,1998,4,1,45-61,Humphries Playing gender against race through high-profile crime cases: The Tyson/Thomas/Simpson pattern of the 1990s,1998,4,1,100-113,Chancer Jane Tennison and the feminist police procedural,1998,4,1,10-29,Cavender The relative visibility of rape cases in national popular magazines,1998,4,1,62-80,Caringella-MacDonald "That wasn't even me they showed": Women as criminals on America's Most Wanted,1998,4,1,30-44,Bond-Maupin Self-esteem and depression in battered women: A comparison of lesbian and heterosexual survivors,1998,4,3,344-362,Tuel High school students' adherence to rape myths and the effectiveness of high school rape-awareness programs,1998,4,3,308-328,Belknap Magnitude scaling of intensity of sexual refusal behaviors in a date rape,1998,4,3,329-343,Gross King Kong and the white woman: Hustler magazine and the demonization of black masculinity,1998,4,3,291-307,Dines Predictors of tolerance of sexual harassment among male U.S. Army soldiers,1998,4,4,491-504,Rosen A post-structuralist review of the theoretical literature surrounding wife abuse,1998,4,4,457-490,O'Neill Holding men accountable for prostitution: The unique approach of the Sexual Exploitation Education Project (SEEP),1998,4,4,505-517,Monto Men's sexual aggression in marriage couples' reports,1998,4,4,415-435,O'Leary Abused women help-seeking strategies and police utilization,1998,4,4,436-456,Hirschel Utilization of police by abused pregnant Hispanic women,1998,4,6,677-693,McFarlane The prevalence and characteristics of male perpetrators of acquaintance rape: New research methodology reveals new findings,1998,4,6,713-725,Corcoran The contribution of alcohol to the likelihood of completion and severity of injury in rape incidents,1998,4,6,694-712,Bachman The victims of court-ordered batterers: Their victimization helpseeking and perceptions,1998,4,6,659-676,Gondolf Battered Women Seeking Solutions: A South African study,1998,4,6,637-658,Angless A nationwide survey of domestic violence shelters' programming for older women,1998,4,5,559-571,Vinton "It'll come right back at me": The interactional context of discussing rape with others,1998,4,5,572-594,Sudderth Perception of cues in conflictual dating situations: A test of the miscommunication hypothesis,1998,4,5,609-624,Senn Beliefs about wife beating among Palestinian women: The influence of their patriarchal ideology,1998,4,5,533-558,Haj-Yahia Childhood forced sex and cervical dysplasia among women prison inmates,1998,4,5,595-608,Coker Strategic alliance a way forward for violence against women: A case for the Special Cells India,2013,19,10,1203-1223,Dave The Violence Against Women Research and Evaluation Program at the National Institute of Justice,2013,19,6,679-680,Auchter Identified intimate partner violence (IPV) as a risk for women in contracting HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted disease,2013,19,7,811-813,Renzetti Learning from each other: The Special Cell and domestic violence activist responses in different contexts across the world,2013,19,10,1224-1245,Hague Intimate violence family and femininity: Women's narratives on their construction of violence and self,2013,19,10,1282-1301,Mitra Across the high seas: Abuse desertion and violence in transnational marriages in India,2013,19,10,1246-1262,Bajpai Safety planning in focus groups of Malawian women living with HIV: Helping each other deal with violence and abuse,2013,19,11,1331-1349,Mkandawire-Valhmu ERRATUM : Expect Respect support groups: preliminary evaluation of a dating violence prevention program for at-risk youth,2014,20,4,481,Valle Intimate relationship status variations in violence against women: Urban suburban and rural differences,2013,19,11,1312-1330,DeKeseredy Perceptions of similarity and responsibility attributions to an acquaintance sexual assault victim,2013,19,11,1384-1407,Littleton An exploratory examination of student to professor disclosures of crime victimization,2013,19,11,1408-1422,Branch Breaking barriers: Addressing structural obstacles to social service provision for Asian survivors of domestic violence,2013,19,11,1350-1369,Lee Undocumented Latina networks and responses to domestic violence in a new immigrant gateway: Toward a place-specific analysis,2013,19,12,1472-1497,Lohman Sexual victimization fear of sexual powerlessness and cognitive emotion dysregulation as barriers to sexual assertiveness in college women,2013,19,12,1518-1537,Messman-Moore Outcomes of short course interprofessional training in domestic violence and child protection,2013,19,11,1370-1383,Hackett I built my house of hope: Abused women and pathways into homelessness,2013,19,12,1498-1517,Tutty Intimate partner violence and neighborhood income: A longitudinal analysis,2014,20,1,42-58,Kernic Prevalence of intimate partner violence across medical and surgical health care settings: A systematic review,2014,20,1,118-136,Goslings Intimate partner violence in late life: A review of the empirical literature,2013,19,12,1538-1558,Roberto Never innocent victims: Street sex workers in canadian print media,2014,20,1,6-25,Strega Correlates of victim-blaming attitudes regarding partner violence against women among the Spanish general population,2014,20,1,26-41,Gracia Marriage migration patriarchal bargains and wife abuse: A study of South Asian women,2014,20,2,141-161,Morash Woman abuse in Canada: Sociological reflections on the past suggestions for the future,2014,20,2,228-244,DeKeseredy Experiences of Muslim and non-Muslim battered immigrant women with the police in the United States: A closer understanding of commonalities and differences,2013,19,12,1449-1471,Ammar Mental health effects of intimate terrorism and situational couple violence among black and Hispanic women,2013,19,12,1429-1448,Jasinski Intimate terrorism and situational couple violence in general surveys: Ex-spouses required,2014,20,2,186-207,Leone A qualitative exploration of researcher trauma and researchers' responses to investigating sexual violence,2014,20,1,95-117,Coles Correlates of perceived helpfulness of mental health professionals following disclosure of sexual assault,2014,20,1,74-94,Starzynski The prevalence and impact of intimate partner violence on maternal distress in a community of low-income Bangladeshi and displaced ethnic Bihari mothers: Dhaka 2008-2009,2014,20,1,59-73,Dahlberg Fear of past abusive partner(s) impacts current posttraumatic stress among women experiencing partner violence,2014,20,2,208-227,Sullivan From gun politics to self-defense politics: a feminist critique of the great gun debate,2014,20,3,369-377,Carlson She deserved it: effects of sexism norms type of violence and victim's pre-assault behavior on blame attributions toward female victims and approval of the aggressor's behavior,2014,20,4,446-464,Bohner Empowering self-defense training,2014,20,3,351-359,Thompson Prevalence and correlates of client-perpetrated abuse among female sex workers in two Mexico-U.S. border cities,2014,20,4,427-445,Amaro Appropriate care for shelter-based abused women: concept mapping with Dutch clients and professionals,2014,20,4,465-480,Jonker Resisting rape: the effects of victim self-protection on rape completion and injury,2014,20,3,270-292,Kleck Responsible integration of biological and psychosocial models: comments on "Genetic associations with intimate partner violence in a sample of hazardous drinking men in batterer intervention programs",2014,20,4,401-405,Abbey Ethnic group differences in police notification about intimate partner violence,2014,20,2,162-185,Ackerman A new piece to understanding the intimate partner violence puzzle: what role do genetics play?,2014,20,4,414-419,Dewall Comments on Stuart et al.'s "Genetic associations with intimate partner violence in a sample of hazardous drinking men in batterer intervention programs",2014,20,4,406-413,Bennett Self-defense or undermining the self? Exploring the possibilities and limitations of a novel anti-rape technology,2014,20,3,360-368,Rees Self-defense training as clinical intervention for survivors of trauma,2014,20,3,293-308,Rosenblum Prevalence of sexual violence against women in 23 states and two U.S. Territories BRFSS 2005,2014,20,5,485-499,Basile Further investigation of genetics and intimate partner violence,2014,20,4,420-426,Stuart Genetic associations with intimate partner violence in a sample of hazardous drinking men in batterer intervention programs,2014,20,4,385-400,Stuart Response to Errors and Misrepresentations in "Breaking Barriers: Addressing Structural Obstacles to Social Service Provision to Asian Survivors of Domestic Violence" by Mihan Lee,2014,20,12,1532-1538,Sullivan Assessing the risk of intimate partner violence in the Chinese population: the Chinese Risk Assessment Tool for Perpetrator (CRAT-P),2014,20,5,500-516,Chan Re-experiencing motherhood: transformation of relationships between formerly abused women and their children,2014,20,5,561-580,Goldblatt The impact of sexual assault nurse examiner programs on criminal justice case outcomes: a multisite replication study,2014,20,5,607-625,Bybee Challenges and opportunities for a human rights frame in South Korea: context and strategizing in the anti-domestic violence movement,2014,20,5,581-606,Heo Victim participation in intimate partner violence prosecution: implications for safety,2014,20,5,539-560,Rhodes Violence in the lives of rural southern and poor white women,2014,20,5,517-538,Miller-Cribbs "This is about me": feasibility findings from the children's component of an IPV intervention for justice-involved families,2014,20,6,653-676,Macy Policymaking under uncertainty: routine screening for intimate partner violence,2014,20,6,730-749,Garza Are collaborations enough? Professionals' knowledge of victim services,2014,20,6,716-729,Wilke The laws have changed but what about the police? Policing domestic violence in Bosnia and Herzegovina,2014,20,6,695-715,Muftić Displaced African female survivors of conflict-related sexual violence: challenges for mental health providers,2014,20,6,677-694,Akinsulure-Smith Intimate partner physical and sexual violence and outcomes of unintended pregnancy among national samples of women from three former Soviet Union countries,2014,20,6,633-652,El-Bassel Feminism status inconsistency and women's intimate partner victimization in heterosexual relationships,2014,20,7,825-845,Franklin A Safety Awareness Program for Women With Diverse Disabilities: A Randomized Controlled Trial,2014,20,7,846-868,Robinson-Whelen Facial disfigurement stigma: a study of victims of domestic assaults with fire in india,2014,20,7,783-798,Furr Indonesian men's perceptions of violence against women,2014,20,7,869-888,Nilan Frames in contestation: gendering domestic violence policies in five Central and Eastern European countries,2014,20,7,758-782,Krizsan Neighborhood characteristics and sexual intimate partner violence against women among low-income drug-involved new york city residents: results from the IMPACT Studies,2014,20,7,799-824,Frye Experiencing violence and enacting resilience: the case story of a transgender youth,2015,21,11,1385-1405,Difulvio Predictors of workplace violence among female sex workers in Tijuana Mexico,2015,21,5,571-597,Durfee Feminist activism and YPAR: privileged girls interrupt rape culture,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Catlett Extending Johnson's intimate partner violence typology: lessons from an adolescent sample,2014,20,8,948-971,Davidson Evaluation of the Green Dot bystander intervention to reduce interpersonal violence among college students across three campuses,2015,21,12,1507-1527,Coker The explanatory role of relationship power and control in domestic violence against women in Nicaragua: a feminist psychology analysis,2014,20,8,972-993,Grabe Interview interruption and responses to questions about domestic violence in India,2014,20,8,937-947,Cunningham Integrating attachment and depression in the confluence model of sexual assault perpetration,2014,20,8,994-1011,Parkhill "You're in that realm of unpredictability": mateship loyalty and men challenging men who use domestic violence against women,2014,20,8,1012-1036,Terry Health at the intersections of precarious documentation status and gender-based partner violence,2016,22,1,17-40,Parson Theorizing low levels of reporting of abuse of older immigrant women,2015,21,5,632-651,Brownridge Approaching the subject of violence: a response-based approach to working with men who have abused others,2014,20,9,1117-1137,Weaver-Dunlop Interviewing therapists about working with sexual assault survivors: researcher and therapist perspectives,2014,20,9,1138-1156,Ullman Mexican immigrant women reaching out: the role of informal networks in the process of seeking help for intimate partner violence,2014,20,9,1097-1116,Kyriakakis "Stop importing weapons of family destruction!": cyberdiscourses patriarchal anxieties and the men's backlash movement in India,2014,20,8,905-936,Lodhia Challenge and opportunity in evaluating a diffusion-based active bystanding prevention program: Green Dot in high schools,2014,20,10,1179-1202,Coker Statewide estimates of stalking among high school students in Kentucky: demographic profile and sex differences,2014,20,10,1258-1279,Coker From Empower to Green Dot: successful strategies and lessons learned in developing comprehensive sexual violence primary prevention programming,2014,20,10,1162-1178,Coker Prevalence of intimate partner violence and associated risk factors among Latinos/as: an exploratory study with three Latino subpopulations,2014,20,9,1041-1058,Parra-Cardona Intimate partner femicide-suicides in Gyhana: victims offenders and incident characteristics,2014,20,9,1078-1096,Adinkrah Stalking and psychosocial distress following the termination of an abusive dating relationship: a prospective analysis,2014,20,11,1383-1397,Gidycz Non-partner violence against women who use drugs in San Francisco,2014,20,11,1285-1298,Lutnick The role of sexual violence in creating and maintaining economic insecurity among asset-poor women of color,2014,20,11,1299-1320,Loya Relationship type and sexual precedence: their associations with characteristics of sexual assault perpetrators and incidents,2014,20,11,1360-1382,Abbey The association of mental health conditions with employment interpersonal and subjective functioning after intimate partner violence,2014,20,11,1321-1337,Beck Sexual harassment victimization and perpetration among high school students,2014,20,10,1203-1219,Coker Adulthood animal abuse among men arrested for domestic violence,2014,20,9,1059-1077,Stuart What do women want? A qualitative study of dating,2016,22,2,168-188,Maisto "The only solution there is to fight": discourses of masculinity among South African domestically violent men,2016,22,3,271-291,Boonzaier Victimization and perpetration of unwanted sexual activities among high school students: frequency and correlates,2014,20,10,1239-1257,Coker Dating violence victimization and perpetration rates among high school students,2014,20,10,1220-1238,Coker Linking community protective factors to intimate partner violence perpetration,2014,20,11,1338-1359,Whitaker Factors increasing the likelihood of sole and dual charging of women for intimate partner violence,2014,20,12,1447-1472,Dawson Resisting religious coercive control,2014,20,12,1407-1427,Sharp A border context of violence: Mexican female sex workers on the U.S.-Mexico border,2014,20,12,1506-1531,Cepeda Jordanian nurses' barriers to screening for intimate partner violence,2014,20,12,1473-1488,Felblinger Bring the subjective back in: resource and husband-to-wife physical assault among Chinese couples in Hong Kong,2014,20,12,1428-1446,David Why Straus's "reanalysis" of physical tactics used by female partners is wrong: a response to "Addressing violence by female partners is vital to prevent or stop violence against women: evidence from the multisite batterer intervention evaluation" by Murray Straus Violence Against Women 20 889-899,2014,20,12,1539-1546,Gondolf Victims' voices and victims' choices in three IPV courts,2015,21,1,105-124,Anderson The role of economic factors on women's risk for intimate partner violence: a cross-national comparison of Canada and the United States,2015,21,2,229-248,Kaukinen Intimate partner homicide: new insights for understanding lethality and risks,2015,21,2,269-288,Moynihan Exploring the potential for changing gender norms among cricket coaches and athletes in India,2015,21,2,188-205,Miller Changing attitudes about being a bystander to violence: translating an in-person sexual violence prevention program to a new campus,2015,21,2,165-187,Banyard What counts? A mixed-methods study to inform evaluation of shelters for abused women,2015,21,1,125-146,Wathen The relation between alcohol use and psychological physical and sexual dating violence perpetration among male college students,2015,21,2,151-164,Stuart World assumptions religiosity and PTSD in survivors of intimate partner violence,2015,21,1,87-104,Lilly Does neighborhood environment differentiate intimate partner femicides from other femicides?,2015,21,1,49-64,Layde Outcomes associated with common and immigrant-group-specific responses to intimate terrorism,2015,21,2,206-228,Morash When women tell: intimate partner violence and the factors related to police notification,2015,21,1,65-86,Peralta Abused women with children who are first-time users of a shelter or applicants for a protection order: entry data of a 7-year prospective analysis,2015,21,2,249-268,Nava Economic abuse in the lives of women abused by an intimate partner: a qualitative study,2015,21,1,3-29,Sanders Patterns of cumulative abuse among female survivors of intimate partner violence: links to women's health and socioeconomic status,2015,21,1,30-48,Wuest Exploring the context of trafficking and adolescent sex industry involvement in Tijuana Mexico: consequences for HIV risk and prevention,2015,21,4,478-499,Strathdee The Cedar Project: historical trauma and vulnerability to sexual assault among young aboriginal women who use illicit drugs in two Canadian cities,2015,21,3,313-329,Schechter Association between intimate partner violence and child maltreatment in a representative student sample in Hong Kong,2015,21,4,500-515,Chan The moderating effect of social support from a dating partner on the association between dating violence victimization and adjustment,2015,21,4,460-477,Stuart Sexual assault response teams (SARTs): mapping a research agenda that incorporates an organizational perspective,2015,21,4,516-534,Tajima Providers' perspectives about helpful information for evaluating domestic violence and sexual assault services: a practice note,2015,21,3,416-429,Macy Determinants of clergy behaviors promoting safety of battered Korean immigrant women,2015,21,3,394-415,Choi Women from different ethnic groups and their experiences with victimization and seeking help,2015,21,3,376-393,Postmus Measuring coercive control: what can we learn from national population surveys?,2015,21,3,355-375,Myhill Violence against women through the lens of objectification theory,2015,21,3,330-354,Davidson Poly-victimization among girls in the justice system: trajectories of risk and associations to juvenile offending,2015,21,3,291-312,Dehart Examining cultural social and self-related aspects of stigma in relation to sexual assault and trauma symptoms,2015,21,5,598-615,Williams Violence and vulnerability of female migrants in drop houses in Arizona: the predictable outcome of a chain reaction of violence,2015,21,5,551-570,Menjívar Letter to the Editor,2017,23,1,NP4,German Feminine ideology and sexual assault: are more traditional college women at greater risk?,2015,21,5,616-631,Katz A practitioner's response to: "Addressing violence by female partners is vital to prevent or stop violence against women: evidence from the multisite batterer intervention evaluation" by Murray Straus Violence Against Women 20 889-899,2017,23,1,NP1-NP2,Larance Comment on the Straus article : Addressing violence by female partners,2017,23,1,NP3,Barnes Perceptions of options available for victims of physical intimate partner violence in northern India,2015,21,5,652-675,Iyengar Understanding how domestic abuse is associated with greater depressive symptoms in a community sample of female primary care patients: does loss of belongingness matter?,2015,21,6,700-711,Hirsch Social and health care professionals' views on responsible agency in the process of ending intimate partner violence,2015,21,6,712-733,Virkki Letter to the Editor,2017,23,1,NP5,Huffine Embodied Harms: Gender Shame and Technology-Facilitated Sexual Violence,2015,21,6,758-779,Powell Community economic status and intimate partner violence against women in Bangladesh: compositional or contextual effects?,2015,21,6,679-699,Naved The struggle to address woman battering in Slovakia: stories from service providers,2015,21,6,734-757,Miller Concurrent administration of sexual assault prevention and risk reduction programming: outcomes for women,2015,21,6,780-800,Gidycz Psychological consequences associated with positive and negative responses to disclosure of sexual assault among college women: a prospective study,2015,21,7,803-823,Gidycz Improving coordinated responses for victims of intimate partner violence: law enforcement compliance with state-mandated intimate partner violence documentation,2015,21,7,897-907,Conner Validity and psychometric properties of the measure of psychologically abusive behaviors among young women and women in distressed relationships,2015,21,7,875-896,Coker Beyond the dyad: an assessment of sexual assault prevention education focused on social determinants of sexual assault among college students,2015,21,7,848-874,Jozkowski Responses of international migrant women to abuse associated with pregnancy,2016,22,3,292-306,Gagnon Pathways to help: adolescent sexual assault victims' disclosure and help-seeking experiences,2015,21,7,824-847,Kennedy Corrigendum: Shorey R. C. Brasfiled H. Zapor H. Z. Febres J. & Stuart S. L. (2014). The Relation Between Alcohol Use and Psychological Physical and Sexual Dating Violence Perpetration Among Male College Students. -- correction to author name,2015,21,7,NP1, Domestic violence courts: a multisite test of whether and how they change offender outcomes,2015,21,9,1102-1122,Rempel Sexual assault perpetrators' justifications for their actions: relationships to rape supportive attitudes incident characteristics and future perpetration,2015,21,8,1018-1037,Abbey Using Experimental Paradigms to Examine Alcohol's Role in Men's Sexual Aggression: Opportunities and Challenges in Proxy Development,2015,21,8,975-996,Abbey Background predictors and event-specific characteristics of sexual aggression incidents: the roles of alcohol and other factors,2015,21,8,997-1017,Norris Mechanisms of alcohol-facilitated intimate partner violence,2015,21,8,939-957,Eckhardt The impact of appraisals and context on readiness to leave a relationship following intimate partner abuse,2015,21,9,1043-1064,DePrince Emotional distress alcohol use and bidirectional partner violence among lesbian women,2015,21,8,917-938,Kelley Examining the role of antisocial personality disorder in intimate partner violence among substance use disorder treatment seekers with clinically significant trauma histories,2015,21,8,958-974,Schumacher Conflict displacement and IPV: findings from two Congolese refugee camps in Rwanda,2015,21,9,1087-1101,Swahn Making meaning out of interpersonal victimization: the narratives of IPV survivors,2015,21,9,1065-1086,Lilly To tell or not to tell,2015,21,9,1145-1165,Carretta Prosecuting intimate partner sexual assault: legal and extra-legal factors that influence charging decisions,2015,21,10,1237-1258,Tellis Familial power and women's contradictory responses to attitudinal questions about intimate partner violence in rural Bangladesh,2015,21,10,1171-1193,Yount Violence against women in Hong Kong: Results of the International Violence Against Women Survey,2015,21,11,1311-1329,Broadhurst Work-related intimate partner violence acculturation and socioeconomic status among employed Mexican men enrolled in batterer intervention programs,2015,21,10,1218-1236,Mankowski Violence as an under-recognized barrier to women's realization of their right to adequate food and nutrition: case studies from Georgia and South Africa,2015,21,10,1194-1217,Bellows A moral panic? The problematization of forced marriage in British newspapers,2015,21,9,1123-1144,Anitha The link between ADHD and the risk of sexual victimization among college women: expanding the lifestyles/routine activities framework,2015,21,11,1364-1384,Snyder The influence of social norms on advancement through bystander stages for preventing interpersonal violence,2015,21,10,1284-1307,Kenneavy Patterns and correlates of intimate partner violence to women living with HIV/AIDS in Osogbo Southwest Nigeria,2015,21,11,1330-1340,Fawole Ordered rape: a principal-agent analysis of wartime sexual violence in the DR Congo,2015,21,11,1341-1363,Schneider The role of alcohol consumption patterns and pro-social bystander interventions in contexts of gender violence,2015,21,10,1259-1283,Fleming Strategies to engage men and boys in violence prevention: a global organizational perspective,2015,21,11,1406-1425,Tolman Violence against women: globalizing the integrated ecological model,2015,21,12,1431-1455,Fulu "It wasn't about being slim": understanding eating disorders in the context of abuse,2015,21,12,1456-1480,Moulding A trial of telephone support services to prevent further intimate partner violence,2015,21,12,1528-1547,Scribano Responding effectively to women experiencing severe abuse: identifying key components of a British advocacy intervention,2016,22,1,41-63,Robinson Moral absolutism self-deception and moral self-concept in men who commit intimate partner violence: a comparative study with an opposite sample,2016,22,1,3-16,Vecina Living with and within the rules of domestic violence shelters: a qualitative exploration of residents' experiences,2015,21,12,1481-1506,Goodman Rape myths rape scripts and common rape experiences of college women: differences in perceptions of women who have been raped,2016,22,3,307-323,Saucier Bringing a network-oriented approach to domestic violence services: a focus group exploration of promising practices,2016,22,1,64-89,Goodman Predicting abused women with children who return to a shelter: development and use of a rapid assessment triage tool,2016,22,2,189-205,Montalvo-Liendo Sexual harassment bullying and school outcomes for high school girls and boys,2016,22,1,112-133,Fineran Predictors of sexual assault-specific prosocial bystander behavior and intentions: a prospective analysis,2016,22,1,90-111,Berkowitz Primary prevention is? A global perspective on how organizations engaging men in preventing gender-based violence conceptualize and operationalize their work,2016,22,2,249-268,Tolman Exploring variations within situational couple violence and comparisons with coercive controlling violence and no violence/no control,2016,22,2,206-224,Raffaelli International students and gender-based violence,2016,22,3,344-365,McCulloch Challenges of bystander intervention in male-dominated professional sport: lessons from the Australian Football League,2016,22,3,324-343,Flood Fractured identity in the context of intimate partner violence: barriers to and opportunities for seeking help in health settings,2016,22,2,225-248,Hegarty "Police wouldn't give you no help": female offenders on reporting sexual assault to police,2016,22,3,366-396,Carbone-López Effects of socialization on gender discrimination and violence against women in Lebanon,2016,22,4,415-431,Farver HIV-testing rates and testing locations among women who have experienced intimate partner violence: data from the Centers for Disease Control Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System 2006,2016,22,4,399-414,Rountree "He could scare me without laying a hand on me": mothers' experiences of nonviolent coercive control during marriage and after separation,2016,22,4,454-473,Raffaelli Gender differences in intimate partner homicides among ethnic sub-groups of Asians,2016,22,4,432-453,Campbell Clergy perceptions of sexual assault victimization,2016,22,5,588-608,Stanford "I didn't know whether i was right or wrong or just bewildered": ambiguity responsibility and silencing women's talk of men's domestic violence,2016,22,4,496-520,Towns Rape myth consistency and gender differences in perceiving rape victims: a meta-analysis,2016,22,2,139-167,Smith Does type of child risk affect whether mothers seek assistance for intimate partner violence from civil or criminal court?,2016,22,4,474-495,Dutton Witnessing interparental violence and acceptance of dating violence as predictors for teen dating violence victimization,2016,22,5,625-646,Weston Exploring the role of faith-based organizations in addressing adolescent relationship abuse,2016,22,5,609-624,Miller El silencio: conceptualizations of Latina immigrant survivors of intimate partner violence in the midwest of the United States,2016,22,5,523-544,Silva-Martínez Beliefs and recommendations regarding child custody and visitation in cases involving domestic violence: a comparison of professionals in different roles,2016,22,6,722-744,Saunders Promotion of Latina health: intersectionality of IPV and risk for HIV/AIDS,2016,22,5,545-564,Rountree Stalking victimization labeling and reporting: findings from the NCVS Stalking Victimization Supplement,2016,22,6,671-691,Ménard "It gave me my life back": an evaluation of a specialist legal domestic abuse service,2016,22,6,704-721,Lea Predicting rape victim empathy based on rape victimization and acknowledgment labeling,2016,22,7,767-779,Osman Prevalence and factors associated with severe physical intimate partner violence among U.S. Black women: a comparison of African American and Caribbean Blacks,2016,22,6,651-670,Jackson Facilitating change: a process of renewal for women who have used force in their intimate heterosexual relationships,2016,22,7,876-891,Larance Measuring economic abuse in the lives of survivors: revising the Scale of Economic Abuse,2016,22,6,692-703,Postmus The moderating role of attachment on the relationship between history of trauma and intimate partner violence victimization,2016,22,6,745-764,Stover Perceptions of incapacitated heterosexual sexual assault: influences of relationship status perpetrator intoxication and post-assault sleeping arrangements,2016,22,7,780-797,Maurer Guest editor's note: Modern-day comfort women,2007,13,9,923-926,Hansen Governmental and industry roles and responsibilities with regard to international marriage brokers,2007,13,5,469-485,Orloff Migration sexual exploitation and women's health,2007,13,5,486-497,Decker Modern-day comfort women,2007,13,9,901-922,Chon Modern-day comfort women,2007,13,9,923-926,Hansen The 2005 reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act,2007,13,5,457-468,Conyers Jr. Sorority affiliation and sexual assault victimization: assessing vulnerability using path analysis,2016,22,8,895-922,Franklin The nature of co-occurring exposure to violence and of court responses to girls in the juvenile justice system,2016,22,8,923-942,Morash Negotiating peril: the lived experience of rural low-income women exposed to ipv during pregnancy and postpartum,2016,22,8,943-965,Sharps Measuring physical violence and rape against Somali women using the neighborhood method,2016,22,7,798-816,Stark Within the bounds: the role of relocation on intimate partner violence help-seeking for immigrant and native women with histories of homelessness,2016,22,8,986-1006,Jasinski Traumatic events associated with posttraumatic stress disorder: the role of race/ethnicity and depression,2016,22,9,1055-1074,Kernic A qualitative examination of situational risk recognition among female victims of physical intimate partner violence,2016,22,8,966-985,Bell Deterring future incidents of intimate partner violence: does type of formal intervention matter?,2016,22,9,1113-1133,Broidy Intimate partner violence against women in Zimbabwe,2016,22,9,1075-1096,Bui A comparison of the batterer intervention and prevention program with alternative court dispositions on 12-month recidivism,2016,22,9,1134-1157,Boots Care seeking patterns among women who have experienced gender-based violence in Afghanistan,2016,22,7,817-831,Miller The relationship between family-of-origin violence hostility and intimate partner violence in men arrested for domestic violence: testing a mediational model,2016,22,10,1243-1258,Stuart Elder mistreatment in U.S. community-dwelling Chinese older women,2016,22,9,1097-1112,Dong Personality and perpetration: narcissism among college sexual assault perpetrators,2016,22,10,1228-1242,Calhoun "Shades of foreign evil": "honor killings" and "family murders" in the Canadian press,2016,22,10,1163-1188,Shor The survivor master narrative in sexual assault,2016,22,5,565-587,Norma Lifetime physical and sexual abuse and self-harm in women with severe mental illness,2016,22,10,1211-1227,Shen Increased risk of mortality due to interpersonal violence in foreign-born women of reproductive age: a Swedish register-based study,2016,22,11,1287-1304,Ostergren Hidden voices: disabled women's experiences of violence and support over the life course,2016,22,10,1189-1210,Shah Teaching domestic violence online: a step forward or a step backward?,2016,22,12,1476-1483,Danis A cross-cultural understanding of depression among abused women,2016,22,11,1371-1396,Tiwari Depression in women who have left violent relationships: the unique impact of frequent emotional abuse,2016,22,11,1397-1413,Coulter Breaking the silence at Spanish universities: findings from the first study of violence against women on campuses in Spain,2016,22,13,1519-1539,Valls The experience of mothers exposed to the abuse of their daughters by an intimate partner: "there is no definition for it",2016,22,13,1577-1596,Peled Teaching domestic violence in the new millennium: intersectionality as a framework for social change,2016,22,12,1463-1475,McQueeney Teaching Lawyering With Heart in the George Washington University Law School Domestic Violence Project,2016,22,12,1484-1495,Meier Domestic violence and social justice: a structural intersectional framework for teaching about domestic violence,2016,22,12,1426-1437,Coker Models of invisibility: rendering domestic and other gendered violence visible to students through clinical law teaching,2016,22,12,1438-1450,MacDowell Gender problems in the practice of professional interpreters assisting migrant women in Australia: a theoretical case for feminist education,2016,22,11,1305-1325,Norma Exploring the relationship between gender violence and state failure: a cross-national comparison,2016,22,11,1343-1370,Agnich Preliminary validation of the Sex Trafficking Attitudes Scale,2016,22,10,1259-1281,Todd Attitudes toward domestic violence and corporal punishment among former Soviet Union immigrants in Israel,2016,22,11,1326-1342,Buchbinder It's her fault: student acceptance of rape myths on two college campuses,2016,22,13,1540-1555,Hayes Simulations and social empathy: domestic violence education in the new millennium,2016,22,12,1451-1462,Adelman "He never did anything you typically think of as abuse": experiences with violence in controlling and non-controlling relationships in a non-agency sample of women,2016,22,9,1031-1054,Velonis Want a better criminal justice response to rape? Improve police interviews with complainants and suspects,2016,22,14,1748-1769,Kebbell Violent attacks and damaged victims: an exploration of the rape scripts of European American and African American U.S. college women,2016,22,14,1725-1747,Littleton Snooping and sexting: digital media as a context for dating aggression and abuse among college students,2016,22,13,1556-1576,Tolman Association between intimate partner violence against women and HIV-risk behaviors: findings from the Nepal Demographic Health Survey,2016,22,13,1621-1641,Shrestha Domestic violence and abortion among rural women in four Indian states,2016,22,13,1642-1658,Hindin Influence of intimate partner violence on domestic relocation in metropolitan and non-metropolitan young Australian women,2016,22,13,1597-1620,Loxton Gender-blind sexism and rape myth acceptance,2017,23,1,28-45,Stoll Non-traditional wives with traditional husbands: gender ideology and husband-to-wife physical violence in Chinese society,2016,22,14,1704-1724,Choi Risk and protective factors for suicidal ideation in African American women with a history of sexual violence as a minor,2016,22,14,1770-1787,Oser Intimate partner violence and patterns of safety strategy use among women seeking temporary protective orders: a latent class analysis,2016,22,14,1663-1681,Gielen Perceived impact of a land and property rights program on violence against women in rural Kenya: a qualitative investigation,2016,22,14,1682-1703,Grabe Predicting sexual assault perpetration among heterosexually active young men,2017,23,1,3-27,Masters Sexual violence against female and male children in the United Republic of Tanzania,2016,22,14,1788-1807,Mercy A qualitative analysis of the effects of victimization history and sexual attitudes on women's hypothetical sexual assault scripts,2017,23,1,46-66,Yeater The influence of non-misogynous and mixed portrayals of intimate partner violence in music on beliefs about intimate partner violence,2017,23,2,243-257,Franiuk Bringing in "the ones who know them": informal community and safety planning for victims of intimate partner violence in New Zealand,2017,23,2,222-242,Sudderth Victimization and HIV risks among Croatian female sex workers: exploring the mediation role of depressiveness and the moderation role of social support,2017,23,1,67-88,Stulhofer To tell or not to tell,2016,22,13,1499-1518,Carretta "Maybe she was provoked": exploring gender stereotypes about male and female perpetrators of intimate partner violence,2017,23,1,89-113,Carlyle Ethnicity and sexual attitudes affect women's judgments of sexual victimization risk,2017,23,2,163-177,Yeater Smoke and mirrors: U.K. newspaper representations of intimate partner domestic violence,2017,23,1,114-139,Lloyd What role do peers play in adolescent dating? Insights from adolescents with a history of dating violence,2017,23,2,178-201,Baker No quick fixes: a mixed methods feasibility study of an urban community health worker outreach program for intimate partner violence,2017,23,3,287-308,Grisso What is nonconsensual sex? Young women identify sources of coerced sex,2017,23,3,368-394,Neville The use of forensic evidence in sexual assault investigations: perceptions of sex crimes investigators,2017,23,4,399-425,Wells "I look across from me and I see me": survivors as advocates in intimate partner violence agencies,2017,23,3,309-329,Wood Predicting forgiveness in women experiencing intimate partner violence,2017,23,4,452-468,Gilbert Insights into intimate partner violence in pregnancy: findings from a cross-sectional study in two states in Nigeria,2017,23,4,469-481,Andersson Are abused women's protective actions associated with reduced threats stalking and violence perpetrated by their male intimate partners?,2017,23,3,263-286,Webster A boom for whom? Exploring the impacts of a rapid increase in the male population upon women's services in Darwin Northern Territory,2017,23,5,535-558,Ennis Intersections of race ethnicity and gender: reframing knowledge surrounding barriers to social services among Latina intimate partner violence victims,2017,23,5,643-665,O'Neal Somos hermanas del mismo dolor (we are sisters of the same pain): intimate partner sexual violence narratives among Mexican immigrant women in the United States,2017,23,5,623-642,Sommers Household financial management and women's experiences of intimate partner violence in the Philippines: a study using propensity score methods,2017,23,3,330-350,Tsai Domestic violence shelters' efforts to prevent teen dating violence: a national survey,2017,23,4,520-529,Black Acceptability of partner violence in 51 societies: the role of sexism and attitudes toward violence in social relationships,2017,23,3,351-367,Herrero Power and control in Kathmandu: a comparison of attempted power actual power and achieved power,2017,23,4,482-502,Emery Associations between sexual behavior norm beliefs in relationships and intimate partner rape judgments,2017,23,4,426-451,Golding "Time out": a strategy for reducing men's violence against women in relationships?,2017,23,6,730-748,Kelly Should programs designed to help IPV survivors screen for mental health-related problems? Voices from the field,2017,23,5,603-622,Simmons The abuse of technology in domestic violence and stalking,2017,23,5,584-602,Woodlock Marital separation and lethal male partner violence,2017,23,4,503-519,Ellis Family violence in domestic homicides: a case study of women who killed intimate partners post-legislative reform in Victoria Australia,2017,23,5,559-583,Kirkwood Predicting bystander efficacy and willingness to intervene in college men and women: the role of exposure to varying levels of violence in pornography,2017,23,6,692-706,Foubert Adult pornography and violence against women in the heartland: results from a rural Southeast Ohio study,2017,23,7,830-849,DeKeseredy Understanding decision-making in specialized domestic violence courts: can contemporary theoretical frameworks help guide these decisions?,2017,23,6,749-771,Pinchevsky The associations between forced sex and severe mental health substance use and HIV risk behaviors among Asian American women,2017,23,6,671-691,Hahm Sexual coercion practices among undergraduate male recreational athletes intercollegiate athletes and non-athletes,2017,23,7,795-812,Baldwin "I wasn't a priority I wasn't a victim": challenges in help seeking for transgender survivors of intimate partner violence,2017,23,6,772-792,Jasinski The Researcher-Practitioner Partnership Study (RPPS): experiences from criminal justice system collaborations studying violence against women,2017,23,7,887-907,Sullivan When the perpetrator is a partner: arrest and charging decisions in intimate partner sexual assault cases-a focal concerns analysis,2017,23,6,707-729,O'Neal The contribution of cognitive strategies to the resilience of women survivors of childhood sexual abuse and non-abused women,2017,23,8,993-1015,Davidson-Arad Intimate partner violence screening practices in California after passage of the Affordable Care Act,2017,23,7,871-886,Tavrow "He didn't necessarily force himself upon me but . . . ": women's lived experiences of sexual coercion in intimate relationships with men,2017,23,8,911-933,Barata The girl is mine: reframing intimate partner violence and sex work as intersectional spaces of gender-based violence,2017,23,2,202-221,Cimino Women's self-report of sexual victimization: an experimental examination of the influence of race mode of inquiry setting and researcher contact,2017,23,7,850-870,Peterson The relationship between television sports exposure and rape myth acceptance: the mediating role of sexism and sexual objectification of women,2017,23,7,813-829,Custers An exploratory case study of a sexual assault telephone hotline: training and practice implications,2017,23,8,973-992,Colvin Women's attitudes toward intimate partner violence in Ethiopia: the role of social norms in the interview context,2017,23,8,1016-1036,Kaufman "There were rapes!": sexual assaults of African American women and children in Jim Crow,2017,23,8,934-950,Thompson-Miller Gender equality patriarchal cultural norms and perpetration of intimate partner violence: comparison of male university students in Asian and European cultural contexts,2017,23,9,1076-1099,Otis Rape and mental health outcomes among women: examining the moderating effects of "healthy" fear levels,2017,23,9,1055-1075,Wright "I fear I'm a checkbox": college and university victim advocates' perspectives of campus rape reforms,2017,23,9,1122-1139,Moylan Sexist humor and rape proclivity: the moderating role of joke teller gender and severity of sexual assault,2017,23,8,951-972,Romero-Sánchez The health of women and children after surviving intimate partner violence,2017,23,10,1205-1227,Ragavan Climate surveys: an inventory of understanding sexual assault and other crimes of interpersonal violence at institutions of higher education,2017,23,10,1249-1267,Busch-Armendariz Women's empowerment as a protective factor against intimate partner violence in Bangladesh: a qualitative exploration of the process and limitations of its influence,2017,23,9,1100-1121,Bates Calling the shots: how family courts address the firearms ban in protection orders,2017,23,9,1140-1151,Miller Differences in mental health and sexual outcomes based on type of nonconsensual sexual penetration,2017,23,9,1039-1054,Norris Risk factors of physical and sexual abuse for women in Mali: findings from a nationally representative sample,2017,23,11,1361-1381,Hayes "You are a part of the solution": negotiating gender-based violence and engendering change in urban informal settlements in Mumbai India,2017,23,11,1336-1360,Daruwalla Ethics methods and measures in intimate partner violence research: the current state of the field,2017,23,11,1382-1413,Bender The impact of primary aggressor laws on single versus dual arrest in incidents of intimate partner violence,2017,23,10,1155-1176,Hirschel Marriage migration as a multifaceted system: the intersectionality of intimate partner violence in cross-border marriages,2017,23,11,1293-1313,Chiu Tackling trafficking by targeting sex buyers: can it work?,2017,23,10,1228-1248,Niemi Secondary victimization: domestic violence survivors navigating the family law system,2017,23,11,1314-1335,Laing When women do not want it: young female bargoers' experiences with and responses to sexual harassment in social drinking contexts,2017,23,12,1419-1441,Wells Predicting sexual assault revictimization in a longitudinal sample of women survivors: variation by type of assault,2017,23,12,1462-1483,Ullman "Till death us do part": homicide defenses for women in abusive relationships-similar problems-different responses in Germany and Australia,2017,23,10,1177-1204,Braun Impact of domestic violence on children's education in Colombia: methodological challenges,2017,23,12,1484-1512,Friedemann-Sánchez Sheltering for safety in community women with divorce histories,2017,23,13,1638-1655,Fernandez-Botran Adult victimization in female survivors of childhood violence and abuse: the contribution of multiple types of violence,2017,23,13,1601-1619,Wentzel-Larsen Intimate partner violence among help-seeking deaf women: an empirical study,2017,23,13,1585-1600,Marti College women's assignment of blame versus responsibility for sexual assault experiences,2017,23,14,1671-1688,Donde Professional help-seeking for adolescent dating violence in the rural south: the role of social support and informal help-seeking,2017,23,12,1442-1461,McDonell Pregnancy-associated deaths in Virginia due to homicides suicides and accidental overdoses compared with natural causes,2017,23,13,1620-1637,Bronson Addressing intimate partner violence among female clients accessing HIV testing and counseling services: pilot testing tools in Rakai Uganda,2017,23,13,1656-1668,Maman Differences and similarities in mother and child reports about IPV risks: concordance is likely but cannot be assumed,2017,23,13,1563-1584,Simmons Pedagogies of domestic violence,2016,22,12,1419-1425,Adelman A primer for preventing teen dating violence? The representation of teen dating violence in young adult literature and its implications for prevention,2017,23,14,1730-1751,Storer Women's behavioral responses to sexual aggression: the role of secondary cognitive appraisals and self-regulation,2017,23,14,1689-1709,Caraway Microfinance participation and marital violence in Bangladesh: a qualitative inquiry,2017,23,14,1752-1770,Murshid Indigenous partner violence Indigenous sentencing courts and pathways to desistance,2017,23,12,1513-1535,Daly In her own words: women describe their use of force resulting in court-ordered intervention,2017,23,12,1536-1559,Miller The consequences of intimate partner violence on health: a further disaggregation of psychological violence-evidence from Spain,2017,23,14,1771-1789,Domenech Del Rio Adaptation of the Domestic Violence Myth Acceptance Scale to Portuguese and tests of its convergent divergent and predictive validities,2017,23,14,1790-1810,Giger Naked aggression: the meaning and practice of ejaculation on a woman's face,2017,23,14,1710-1729,Sun What do domestic violence and sexual assault service providers need to know about survivors to deliver services?,2018,24,1,28-44,Macy Chinese women's experience of intimate partner violence: exploring factors affecting various types of IPV,2018,24,1,66-84,Sun Correlates of disclosure cessation after sexual assault,2018,24,1,85-100,Dworkin When wife-beating is not necessarily abuse: a feminist and cross-cultural analysis of the concept of abuse as expressed by Tibetan survivors of domestic violence,2018,24,1,3-27,Rajan Postpartum domestic violence in homes with young children: the role of maternal and paternal drinking,2018,24,2,144-162,Mumford How violence constitutes order: consent coercion and censure in Tanzania,2018,24,1,45-65,Jakobsen Measuring substance use among system-involved IPV survivors: a research note,2018,24,1,101-119,Macy Predicting sexual harassment from hostile sexism and short-term mating orientation: relative strength of predictors depends on situational priming of power versus sex,2018,24,2,123-143,Bohner Protective strategies of mothers abused by intimate partners: rethinking the deficit model,2017,23,11,1271-1292,Tutty Assessing the impact of a focused deterrence strategy to combat intimate partner domestic violence,2018,24,3,243-265,Sechrist Exploring the moderating role of problematic substance use in the relations between borderline and antisocial personality features and intimate partner violence,2018,24,2,223-240,Babcock Provision and exclusion: the dual face of services to battered women in three Deep South states,1999,5,7,710-741,Donnelly Violence against women in disasters: a study of domestic violence programs in the United States and Canada,1999,5,7,742-768,Enarson Domestic violence in the Vietnamese immigrant community: an exploratory study,1999,5,7,769-795,Morash Teaching women a lesson: sexually aggressive and sexually nonaggressive men's perceptions of acquaintance and date rape,1999,5,7,796-812,Yescavage Persistence intensity and areal extent of violence against women: Baltimore city 1992 to 1995,1999,5,7,813-828,Harries Talking control: metaphors used by battered women,1999,5,8,845-868,Buchbinder Domestic violence against women of Japanese descent in Los Angeles: two methods of estimating prevalence,1999,5,8,869-897,Yoshihama Residents' views of the efficacy of shelter services for assaulted women,1999,5,8,898-925,Tutty Females' labor force participation and rape: an empirical test of the backlash hypothesis,1999,5,8,926-949,Avakame There's safety in numbers: creating a campus advisers' network to help complainants of sexual harassment and complaint receivers,1999,5,8,950-977,Grauerholz High rape chronicity and low rates of help-seeking among wife rape survivors in a nonclinical sample: implications for research and practice,1999,5,9,993-1016,Mahoney Forced sex and intimate partner violence: effects on women's risk and women's health,1999,5,9,1017-1035,Campbell Rape by acquiescence: the ways in which women "give in" to unwanted sex with their husbands,1999,5,9,1036-1058,Basile Wife rape: a social problem for the 21st century (editorial),1999,5,9,1059-1063,Yllo Accomplishing the impossible: an advocate's notes from the successful campaign to make marital and date rape a crime in all 50 U.S. states and other countries,1999,5,9,1064-1081,X Marital rape: a selected bibliography,1999,5,9,1082-1083,Harmes A winning alliance: collaboration of advocates and researchers on the Massachusetts Mothers Survey,1999,5,10,1118-1139,Lennett Collaboration as a partnership,1999,5,10,1140-1157,Campbell The Chicago Women's Health Risk Study: lessons in collaboration,1999,5,10,1158-1177,Engel When the community punches a time clock: evaluating a collaborative workplace domestic abuse prevention program,1999,5,10,1178-1193,Bennett Research on violence against women: creating survivor-informed collaborations,1999,5,10,1194-1212,Fineran Participatory evaluation: researchers and service providers as collaborators versus adversaries,1999,5,10,1213-1227,Levin The price of the ticket: a survivor-centered appraisal of trauma theory,1999,5,11,1238-1257,Gilfus Tactics of the antifeminist backlash against Canadian national woman abuse surveys,1999,5,11,1258-1276,DeKeseredy Characteristics of court-mandated batterers in four cities: diversity and dichotomies,1999,5,11,1277-1293,Gondolf Uxoricide in Fiji: the sociocultural context of husband-wife killings,1999,5,11,1294-1320,Adinkrah Sex ratios female labor force participation and lethal violence against women: extending Guttentag and Secord's thesis,1999,5,11,1321-1341,Avakame From legal to substantive equality: realizing women's rights by action,1999,5,12,1394-1410,Mingxia Prostitution and economic modernization in China,1999,5,12,1411-1436,Ren Kidnapping and selling women and children: the state's construction and response,1999,5,12,1437-1468,Biddulph Enduring violence and staying in marriage: stories of battered women in rural China,1999,5,12,1469-1492,Liu Why are Beijing women beaten by their husbands? A case analysis of family violence in Beijing,1999,5,12,1493-1504,Xingjuan Rape myth acceptance impacts the reporting of rape to the police: a study of incarcerated women,2013,19,9,1065-1078,Lynch The impact of offenders leaving the scene on the police decision to arrest in cases of intimate partner violence,2013,19,9,1079-1103,Buzawa Drawing the line: how African Caribbean and White British women live out psychologically abusive experiences,2013,19,9,1104-1132,Rivas Frequency of intimate partner violence and rural women's mental health in four Indian states,2013,19,9,1133-1150,Hindin Intimate partner violence and the relation between help-seeking behavior and the severity and frequency of physical violence among women in Turkey,2013,19,9,1151-1174,Ergöçmen "Relationships so loving and so hurtful": the constructed duality of sexual and racial/ethnic intimacy in the context of violence in Asian and Pacific Islander lesbian and queer women's relationships,2013,19,9,1175-1196,Kanuha Long journeys toward freedom: the relationship between coercive control and space for action-measurement and emerging evidence,2018,24,2,163-185,Kelly Mediated effects of coping on mental health outcomes of African American women exposed to physical and psychological abuse,2018,24,2,186-206,Hill Is the end really the end? Prevalence and correlates of college women's intentions to return to an abusive relationship,2018,24,2,207-222,Gidycz Battered wives or dependent mothers? Negotiating familial ideology in law,2018,24,8,901-921,Kodikara An evaluation of the impacts of changing firearms legislation on Australian female firearm homicide victimization rates,2018,24,7,798-815,McPhedran Comparing violent victimization experiences of male and female college-attending emerging adults,2018,24,8,952-972,Rennison College campus sexual assault: the contribution of peers' proabuse informational support and attachments to abusive peers,2018,24,8,922-935,DeKeseredy Social reactions to sexual assault disclosure: a qualitative study of informal support dyads,2018,24,12,1497-1520,Ullman The relationship between domestic partner violence and suicidal behaviors in an adult community sample: examining hope agency and pathways as protective factors,2018,24,12,1399-1412,Hirsch Practitioner views on the impacts challenges and barriers in supporting older survivors of sexual violence,2018,24,9,1070-1090,Bows The role of sexual abuse in trauma symptoms delinquent and suicidal behaviors and criminal justice outcomes among females in a juvenile justice diversion program,2018,24,8,973-993,Kretschmar Difficult but close relationships: children's perspectives on relationships with their mothers in the context of domestic violence,2018,24,9,1023-1038,Lavergne After the escape: physical abuse of offspring posttraumatic stress disorder and the legacy of political violence in the DPRK,2018,24,9,999-1022,Emery Using the Woman Abuse Screening Tool to screen for and assess dating violence in college students,2018,24,9,1039-1051,Wong The rise of the crime victim and punitive policies? Changes to the legal regulation of intimate partner violence in Finland,2018,24,12,1433-1453,Kotanen Supporting rape survivors through the criminal injuries compensation scheme: an exploration of English and Welsh independent sexual violence advisors' experiences,2018,24,9,1091-1109,Smith Alcohol-related victim behavior and rape myth acceptance as predictors of victim blame in sexual assault cases,2018,24,9,1052-1069,Krahé Sexual assault and dyadic relationship satisfaction: indirect associations through intimacy and mental health,2018,24,8,936-951,Doss The oppression of Latina mothers: experiences of exploitation violence marginalization cultural imperialism and powerlessness in their everyday lives,2018,24,8,879-900,Ayón Understanding trauma normativeness normalization and help seeking in homeless mothers,2018,24,13,1523-1539,Brush Sociodemographic and incident variables as predictors of victim injury from intimate partner violence: findings from police reports,2018,24,12,1413-1432,Rheingold "Killed out of love": a frame analysis of domestic violence coverage in Hong Kong,2018,24,12,1454-1473,Hernández Situational variations in and women's accounts of avoided acts of serious intimate partner violence,2018,24,4,477-501,Kruttschnitt The psychology of the politics of rape: political ideology moral foundations and attitudes toward rape,2018,24,5,545-564,Barnett I said no: the impact of voicing non-consent on women's perceptions of and responses to rape,2018,24,5,507-527,Messman-Moore Challenging narratives of the anti-rape movement's decline,2018,24,3,350-376,Bevacqua A template analysis of intimate partner violence survivors' experiences of animal maltreatment: implications for safety planning and intervention,2018,24,4,452-476,Ascione How narratives of fear shape girls' participation in community life in two conflict-affected populations,2018,24,5,565-585,Muñoz-Laboy How ending impunity for conflict-related sexual violence overwhelmed the UN women peace and security agenda: a discursive genealogy,2018,24,6,631-649,Reilly Viewing gendered violence in Guatemala through photovoice,2018,24,4,421-451,Duffy Rape aggression defense: unique self-efficacy benefits for survivors of sexual trauma,2018,24,5,528-544,Orcutt Rape crimes: are victims' acute psychological distress and perceived social support associated with police case decision and victim willingness to participate in the investigation?,2018,24,6,684-696,Elklit Double jeopardy: insurance animal harm and domestic violence,2018,24,6,718-726,Burke An evaluation of adolescent and young adult (re)victimization experiences: problematic substance use and negative consequences,2018,24,5,586-602,Angelone Relationship (a)symmetries and violence: comparing intimates and nonpartners,2018,24,6,697-717,Gartner The effects of victim age perceiver gender and parental status on perceptions of victim culpability when girls or women are sexually abused,2018,24,6,650-667,Mellor Drivers of intimate partner violence against women in three refugee camps,2018,24,3,286-306,Horn Sexual scripts and criminal statutes: gender restrictions spousal allowances and victim accountability after rape law reform,2018,24,3,322-349,Levine "Back off buddy this is my body not yours": empowering girls through self-defense,2018,24,13,1591-1613,Jordan Victim empowerment safety and perpetrator accountability through collaboration: a crisis to transformation conceptual model,2018,24,14,1678-1696,White Bar training for active bystanders: evaluation of a community-based bystander intervention program,2018,24,13,1614-1634,Powers Gender-based violence among HIV-positive women in Kazakhstan: prevalence types and associated risk and protective factors,2018,24,13,1570-1590,El-Bassel Integrating reproductive health services into intimate partner and sexual violence victim service programs,2018,24,13,1557-1569,Miller Women's decisions to stay in or leave an abusive relationship: results from a longitudinal study in Bolivia,2018,24,14,1639-1657,Seddig Gender migration and exclusionary citizenship regimes: conceptualizing transnational abandonment of wives as a form of violence against women,2018,24,7,747-774,Anitha The meaning of choosing a spouse among ultra-Orthodox Jewish women who found themselves in a violent relationship,2018,24,6,727-744,Band-Winterstein The process of primary desistance from intimate partner violence,2018,24,7,843-875,Bowen "Plates and dishes smash; married couples clash": cultural and social barriers to help-seeking among women domestic violence survivors in kyrgyzstan,2018,24,7,775-797,Childress An updated assessment of personal protective order statutes in the United States: have statutes become more progressive in the past decade?,2018,24,7,816-842,Gover Evaluation of a victim-centered trauma-informed victim notification protocol for untested sexual assault kits (SAKs),2018,24,4,379-400,Campbell Drinking motives as a moderator of the relationship between dating violence victimization and alcohol problems,2018,24,4,401-420,Stuart Domestic violence counseling in rural northern China: gender social harmony and human rights,2018,24,3,307-321,Eyre Building a novel health curriculum for survivors of intimate partner violence residing at a transitional housing program,2018,24,3,266-285,Bair-Merritt A trauma-informed analysis of the Violence Against Women Act's provisions for undocumented immigrant women,2018,24,13,1540-1556,Bowen "I don't know that I've ever felt like I got the full story": a qualitative study of courtroom interactions between judges and litigants in domestic violence protective order cases,2018,24,12,1474-1496,Bowling Barriers to and methods of help seeking for domestic violence victimization: a comparison of Hispanic and non-Hispanic white women residing in the United States,2018,24,15,1810-1829,Bridges A qualitative investigation of the role of gender in young women's dating violence in the United States,2018,24,14,1697-1717,Allen "I must be silent because of residency": barriers to escaping domestic violence in the context of insecure immigration status in England and Sweden,2018,24,15,1830-1850,Voolma Intimate partner violence against women in Northwestern Botswana: the Maun Women's Study,2018,24,16,1909-1927,Dougherty A new "shield of the weak": continued paternalism of domestic violence services in Uruguay,2018,24,16,1949-1966,Bloom The effects of exposure to negative social reactions and participant gender on attitudes and behavior toward a rape victim,2019,25,2,208-222,Brown Attitudes of Palestinians toward social work interventions in cases of wife assault,2018,24,5,603-626,Haj-Yahia Reporting maltreatment to child protective services in the context of intimate partner violence research,2019,25,2,131-147,Macy What constitutes rape? The effect of marital status and type of sexual act on perceptions of rape scenarios,2018,24,16,1867-1886,Chrisler Bystander training as leadership training: notes on the origins philosophy and pedagogy of the mentors in violence prevention model,2018,24,15,1755-1776,Katz Response to Commentaries on Bystander Training as Leadership Training,2018,24,15,1802-1809,Katz Commentary on Katz's Bystander Training as leadership training,2018,24,15,1777-1784,Coker Reflections on Jackson Katz and the MVP Program,2018,24,15,1794-1801,Edleson Reclaiming gender and power in sexual violence prevention in adolescence,2018,24,15,1785-1793,Miller Constructions of battered Asian Indian marriage migrants: the narratives of domestic violence advocates,2018,24,16,1928-1948,Kapur "Bitch you got what you deserved!": violation and violence in sex buyer reviews of legal brothels,2018,24,16,1887-1908,Tyler Gender violence as a water sanitation and hygiene risk: uncovering violence against women and girls as it pertains to poor WaSH access,2018,24,15,1851-1862,Pommells Mental health among help-seeking urban women: the relationships between adverse childhood experiences sexual abuse and suicidality,2018,24,16,1967-1981,Gill Justification of wife beating in adolescents: associated beliefs and behaviors,2019,25,2,167-187,Mellor Intimate partner violence in urban rural and remote areas: an investigation of offense severity and risk factors,2019,25,2,188-207,Storey Reconsidering forced labels: outcomes of sexual assault survivors versus victims (and those who choose neither),2018,24,6,668-683,Williamson Childhood trauma and dissociative intimate partner violence,2019,25,2,148-166,Murphy "Get out of my home and don't come back!" empowering women through self-defense,2019,25,3,313-336,Jordan "Everybody's really close-knit": disconnections between helping victims of intimate partner violence and more general helping in rural communities,2019,25,3,337-358,Banyard Understanding how solidarity groups-a community-based economic and psychosocial support intervention-can affect mental health for survivors of conflict-related sexual violence in Democratic Republic of the Congo,2019,25,3,359-374,Ramazani Alcohol use and experiences of partner violence among female sex workers in coastal Andhra Pradesh India,2019,25,3,251-273,Steward Expanding and validating a typology of intimate partner violence: intersections of violence and control within relationships,2019,25,4,379-400,Mennicke Suiga/change: an ethnodrama exploring challenges in intimate relationships with young people in Samoa,2019,25,3,297-312,Heard Australian media messages: critical discourse analysis of two intimate homicides involving domestic violence,2019,25,4,441-462,Holland Discrepant drinking and partner violence perpetration over time in lesbians' relationships,2018,24,10,1149-1165,Winstead Trait jealousy moderates the relationship between alcohol problems and intimate partner violence among men in batterer intervention programs,2018,24,10,1132-1148,Stuart Alcohol marijuana and dating abuse perpetration by young adults: results of a daily call study,2018,24,10,1187-1206,Stuart Sexual assault survivor reports of missed bystander opportunities: the role of alcohol sexual objectification and relational factors,2018,24,10,1232-1254,DiLillo Understanding the role of alcohol anxiety and trait mindfulness in the perpetration of physical and sexual dating violence in emerging adults,2018,24,10,1166-1186,Chermack A qualitative analysis of bystander intervention among heavy-drinking college men,2018,24,10,1207-1231,Orchowski "She wasn't resisting": students' barriers to prosocial intervention as bystanders to sexual assault risk situations,2019,25,4,485-505,McMahon Young mothers' and fathers' perceptions of relationship violence: a focus group study,2019,25,3,274-296,Herrman Alcohol use mental health disability and violence victimization in college women: exploring connections,2018,24,11,1314-1326,Miller Men who sexually assault drinking women: similarities and differences with men who sexually assault sober women and nonperpetrators,2018,24,11,1327-1348,Abbey Latent profile analysis of alcohol consumption and sexual attitudes among college women: associations with sexual victimization risk,2018,24,11,1279-1298,Yeater Men's coercive condom use resistance: the roles of sexual aggression history alcohol intoxication and partner condom negotiation,2018,24,11,1349-1368,Davis Reducing heavy episodic drinking incapacitation and alcohol-induced blackouts: secondary outcomes of a web-based combined alcohol use and sexual assault risk reduction intervention,2018,24,11,1299-1313,George Sexual assault prevention for heavy drinking college men: development and feasibility of an integrated approach,2018,24,11,1369-1396,Barnett Gendered vulnerabilities in times of natural disasters: male-to-female violence in the Philippines in the aftermath of Super Typhoon Haiyan,2019,25,4,421-440,Nguyen Bystander Intervention to Abusive Behavior on Social Networking Websites,2019,25,4,463-484,Hayes Factors related to depression and post-traumatic stress disorder in shelter-based abused women,2019,25,4,401-420,van Hemert Discourse after a batterer intervention program: a qualitative analysis of "Letters From the Future",2019,25,5,593-613,Lehmann Associations between forced and "persuaded" first intercourse and later health outcomes in women,2019,25,5,528-548,McElvaney Reply to Lessons in program evaluation: the ACTV batterer program study and its claims,2019,25,4,NP1-NP7,Zarling Intimate partner violence among female sex workers and their noncommercial male partners in Mexico: a mixed-methods study,2019,25,5,549-571,Strathdee Is women's fear of crime fear of sexual assault? A test of the shadow of sexual assault hypothesis in a sample of Swedish university students,2019,25,5,511-527,Ivert Patterns of intimate partner violence victimization and perpetration among sexual minority women: a latent class analysis,2019,25,5,572-592,Perrin Gender differences in intimate partner violence: a predictive analysis of IPV by child abuse and domestic violence exposure during early childhood,2019,25,8,903-924,Herrenkohl "Salía de uno y me metí en otro 1 ": exploring the migration-violence nexus among Central American women,2019,25,6,677-702,Cook Heffron Service provider difficulties in operationalizing coercive control,2019,25,6,635-653,Brennan Drinking to cope motivations as a mediator of the relationship between sexual coercion victimization and alcohol use among college women: the role of depressive symptoms,2019,25,6,721-742,Kelley Place injury patterns and female-victim intimate partner homicide,2019,25,6,654-676,Reckdenwald Examining men's perceptions of GBV prevention programming content,2019,25,5,614-632,Tolman Framing blame in sexual assault: an analysis of attribution in news stories about sexual assault on college campuses,2019,25,6,743-762,Alexopoulos "I asked myself if I would ever love my baby": mothering children born of genocidal rape in Rwanda,2019,25,6,703-720,Kahn "If he's abusing you . . . The baby is going to be affected": hiv-positive pregnant women's experiences of intimate partner violence,2019,25,7,839-861,Stein "I was grabbed by my pussy and its #notokay": a twitter backlash against Donald Trump's degrading commentary,2018,24,14,1739-1750,Bonomi If it wasn't rape was it sexual assault? Comparing rape and sexual assault acknowledgment in college women who have experienced rape,2018,24,14,1718-1738,Koss Have alcohol management plans reduced violence against women in Cape York Australia?,2018,24,14,1658-1677,Clough Using social network analysis to identify successful relationship patterns within sexual assault response teams (SARTs),2019,25,8,968-998,Greeson Freeing oneself from intimate partner violence: a follow-up of women who contacted an anti-violence center in Italy,2019,25,8,925-944,Romito The harasser's toolbox: investigating the role of mobility in street harassment,2019,25,7,767-791,Hutson A pilot study of a teen dating violence prevention program with Karen refugees,2019,25,7,792-816,Black Violence against women and children following the 2011 Great East Japan Disaster: making the invisible visible through research,2019,25,7,862-881,Yoshihama Gender differences in violence and other human rights abuses among migrant workers on the Thailand-Myanmar border,2019,25,8,945-967,Decker Emotion regulation moderates the relationship between alcohol consumption and the perpetration of sexual aggression,2019,25,9,1053-1073,Parkhill Navigating an unclear terrain: challenges in recognizing naming and accessing services for "forced marriage",2019,25,9,1138-1159,Dank Social reactions to intimate partner violence disclosure among low-income ethnically diverse community women,2019,25,7,817-838,Weston The influence of masculinity on male Latino adolescents' perceptions regarding dating relationships and dating violence,2019,25,9,1039-1052,Belknap The Safe Shelter Collaborative: an innovative approach to locating emergency shelter for human trafficking and domestic violence survivors,2019,25,7,882-899,Danis Age aggression and pleasure in popular online pornographic videos,2019,25,8,1018-1036,Shor "Suddenly everyone's an expert in our field": campus victim advocates and the promise and perils of professionalization,2019,25,9,1116-1137,Brubaker Sexual assault in Ethiopian contexts: data from a large sample of women and girls presenting at two hospital-based limited-resource sexual assault treatment clinics,2019,25,9,1074-1095,Richards Cornered at a bar: how victim clothing alcohol intake and relationship with bystander impact intention to help,2019,25,10,1163-1190,Johnson Sexual assault information posted on college and university websites: size and setting matter,2019,25,10,1191-1210,Simmons People of diverse genders and/or sexualities caring for and protecting animal companions in the context of domestic violence,2019,25,9,1096-1115,Donovan Exploring the role of race and gender on perceived bystander ability and intent: findings before and after exposure to an online training program to prevent sexual assault on campus,2019,25,8,999-1017,Eaton Rape disclosure and depression among community women: the mediating roles of shame and experiential avoidance,2019,25,10,1226-1242,DiLillo Isn't it all about victimization? (intra)cultural pressure and cutural betrayal trauma in ethnic minority college women,2019,25,10,1211-1225,Gómez If you can't say something nice: a latent profile analysis of social reactions to intimate partner violence disclosure and associations with mental health symptoms,2019,25,10,1243-1261,Sullivan Male partner contraceptive interference: associations with destructive conflict and women's relational power,2019,25,10,1262-1278,Katz Bros will be bros? The effect of fraternity membership on perceived culpability for sexual assault,2018,ePub,ePub,1077801218820196,Ward Women victims of intimate partner violence in shelters: correlates of length of stay and subsequent reentries,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801218821445,Calvete How and how much: combined services for domestic violence and substance abuse,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801218820201,Bennett Sexual violence-"victim" or "survivor": news images affect explicit and implicit judgments of blame,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801218820202,Bohner Exploring south Asian women's experiences of domestic violence and help-seeking within the sociocultural context in Hong Kong,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801218821443,Tonsing Domestic violence and humanitarian crises: evidence from the 2014 Israeli military operation in Gaza,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801218818377,Müller Characteristics of different types of childhood violence and the risk of revictimization,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801218818381,Wentzel-Larsen Male intimate partner violence perpetrators' perceptions of the positives and negatives of peer interactions in group batterer intervention programs,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801218824053,Burke Marital rape and HIV risk in Uganda: the impact of women's empowerment factors,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801218821444,Small Animal maltreatment in the context of intimate partner violence: a manifestation of power and control?,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801218824993,Barrett Sexual violence against women in India: daily life and coping strategies of young women in Delhi,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801218824056,Muck Coercive control domestic violence and a five-factor framework: five factors that influence closeness distance and strain in mother-child relationships,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801218824998,Katz When daddy stalks mommy: experiences of intimate partner stalking and involvement of social and legal authorities when stalker and victim have children together,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219826738,Elklit Influence of survivors' entrapment factors and traffickers' characteristics on perceptions of interpersonal social power during exit,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219826742,Black Adapting a sexual violence primary prevention program to Ghana utilizing the ADAPT-ITT Framework,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219828533,Stephenson Predictors of assertive and nonassertive styles of self-defense behavior during a lab-based sexual assault scenario,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219828542,Cahill Physical health mental health and fear of crime among college students: a consideration of sex differences,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219826749,Rader Envisioning future directions: conversations with leaders in domestic and sexual assault advocacy policy service and research,2019,25,1,105-127,White Preventing gender-based violence among adolescents and young adults: lessons from 25 years of program development and evaluation,2019,25,1,29-55,Crooks Coercive control: update and review,2019,25,1,81-104,Stark Viewing children's exposure to intimate partner violence through a developmental social-ecological and survivor lens: the current state of the field challenges and future directions,2019,25,1,6-28,Carlson Understanding and addressing women's use of force in intimate relationships: a retrospective,2019,25,1,56-80,Miller "Most [false reports] involve teens": officer attitudes toward teenage sexual assault complainants-a qualitative analysis,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219828537,O'Neal Racial discrimination as a risk factor for African American men's physical partner violence: a longitudinal test of mediators and moderators,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219830245,Simons Forced marriage coercive control and conducive contexts: the experiences of women in Scotland,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219830234,Chantler 99 reasons and he ain't one: a content analysis of domestic homicide news coverage,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219832325,Wong Client-perpetrated violence toward female sex workers in Kathmandu,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219832117,Karandikar Enacting entangled practice: interagency collaboration in domestic and family violence work,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219832125,Stewart A content analysis of personal safety apps: are they keeping us safe or making us more vulnerable?,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219832124,Wise What difference does peace make? Intimate partner violence and violent conflict in Northern Ireland,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219832902,McWilliams "Made me feel connected": a qualitative comparative analysis of intimate partner violence routine screening pathways to impact,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219830250,Koziol-McLain Why women are not talking about it: reasons for nondisclosure of sexual victimization and associated symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder and depression,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219832913,Brown Opening the black box: identifying common practice approaches in urban and rural rape crisis centers,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219832903,Bender Is campus rape primarily a serial or one-time problem? Evidence from a multicampus study,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219833820,Foubert Prevention and mitigation of intimate-partner violence: the role of community leaders in Tanzania,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219832923,Halim The sex of firstborn children and intimate partner violence in India,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219833823,Weitzman Mandating inclusion: critical trans perspectives on domestic and sexual violence advocacy,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219836728,Jordan Social reactions and women's decisions to report sexual assault to law enforcement,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219838345,DePrince Experiences of racism and racial tensions among African American women impacted by commercial sexual exploitation in practice: a qualitative study,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219835057,Gerassi The interrelations of physical and mental health: self-rated health depression and PTSD among female IPV survivors,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219832916,Itzhaky The effects of victim and perpetrator characteristics on ratings of guilt in a sexual assault case,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219840439,Franiuk Pilot test of an adapted evidence-based intervention for preventing HIV for women residing in domestic violence shelters,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219838329,Wingood Obstetric violence in Mexico: results from a 2016 national household survey,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219836732,Castro The effects of legislation mandating DNA testing in sexual assault cases: results in Texas,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219838330,Wells Gender differences in the relationship between the nature of intimate partner violence and the survivor's help-seeking,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219841440,Cho "My husband has to stop beating me and I shouldn't go to the police": family meetings patriarchal bargains and marital violence in the Eastern Cape Province South Africa,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219840440,Moore Trauma power and intimate relationships among women in prison,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219842948,Wechsberg The frequency nature and effects of coerced debt among a national sample of women seeking help for intimate partner violence,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219841445,Adams Do party schools report higher rates of violence against women in their Clery data? A latent class analysis,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219840436,Cleveland Evaluating an intergenerational model to explain the path from violence against mothers to child behavior and academic outcomes,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219841444,Symes Childhood exposure to partner violence as a moderator of current partner violence and negative parenting,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219847291,Howell Incest survivors' life-narratives,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219847295,Buchbinder Partner disagreement on the occurrence of intimate partner violence among a national sample of heterosexual young-adult couples,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219850343,Kuijpers Intimate partner violence in India: abuse in India's empowered action group states,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219848500,Mengo On the road to social death: a grounded theory study of the emotional and social effects of honor killing on families-a Palestinian perspective,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219847289,Speed Psychosocial mediators between intimate partner violence and alcohol abuse in low-income African American women,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219850331,Kaslow A sample of predominately African American domestic violence victims' responses to objective risk assessments,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219848485,Coker Gender (a)symmetry in correlates of perpetration of intimate partner violence: gender (a)symmetry in IPV and the role of gender attitudes,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219848488,Bybee Developing a theory of economic solvency for women who have experienced intimate partner violence,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219853366,Nava Mexican immigrant women's reconstruction of punishment and victimhood in intimate partner violence,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219850347,Ramirez It won't happen to me: an examination of the effectiveness of defensive attribution in rape victim blaming,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219853367,Orcutt Non-partner violence in Sub-Saharan Africa and the built environment: a multicountry analysis of the effects of sanitation water access and urban settings,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219853370,Winter Responding to intimate partner violence: urban women's decisions about getting personal protection orders when other resources are scarce,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219854537,Weisz Acceptability of sexual violence against women in Spain: demographic behavioral and attitudinal correlates,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219854536,Sirvent Garcia Del Valle Intimate partner violence and material hardship among urban mothers,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219854539,Nepomnyaschy Exploring the relationship between stigma stigma challenges and disclosure among slum-dwelling survivors of intimate partner violence in Kenya,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219856101,Barnett Predicting depression among Jewish and Arab Israeli women who are victims of intimate partner violence,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219861166,Itzhaky Receiving leniency after hurting a female norm-violator: the mediating role of victim and harm-doer empathy,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219861149,Johnson Child maltreatment and polyvictimization as predictors of intimate partner violence in women from the general population of Quebec,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219857824,Tourigny The decision to arrest in sexual assault case processing: a test of Black's theory of the behavior of law,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219862632,Holtfreter Innovating the problem away? A critical study of anti-rape technologies,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219856115,White Understanding school sabotage among survivors of intimate partner violence from diverse populations,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219862626,Edmond Reproductive coercion and perceptions of future violence,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219856107,Miller Reporting sexual assault: survivors' satisfaction with sexual assault response personnel,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219857831,Lating "Call for help immediately": a discourse analysis of resident assistants' responses to sexual assault disclosures,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219863879,Holland Image-based sexual abuse: online distribution channels and illicit communities of support,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219863881,Henry Pain in the acute aftermath of stalking: associations with posttraumatic stress symptoms depressive symptoms and posttraumatic cognitions,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219857829,Morris Making power visible: "slow activism" to address staff sexual misconduct in higher education,2019,25,11,1309-1330,Page Tackling rape culture in Québec universities: a network of feminist resistance,2019,25,11,1290-1308,Bergeron Changing the culture? A feminist academic activist critique,2019,25,11,1331-1351,Atkinson Guest editors' introduction [to special issue on gender-violence in university campus settings],2019,25,11,1283-1289,Lewis "It is time to make our way home" : how contingent labor practices impact transformative possibilities of teaching about violence against women,2019,25,11,1370-1387,Cohan Faculty confronting gender-based violence on campus: opportunities and challenges,2019,25,11,1352-1369,Sharoni Intimate partner femicide: using Foucauldian analysis to track an eight stage progression to homicide,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219863876,Monckton Smith Sites of exception: gender violence digital activism and Nirbhaya's Zone of Anomie in India,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219862633,Dey Skirting around the issue: misdirection and linguistic avoidance in parliamentary discourses on upskirting,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Thompson The right (way) to represent: the emotional politics of remembering mass rape in Germany after 1945,2019,25,13,1522-1542,Stone Rape representation and the endurance of hegemonic masculinity,2019,25,13,1613-1630,Swanson The truth (?) of wartime rape: memory form and meaning in Helke Sander's Liberators Take Liberties and Wojciech Tochman's Today We're Going to Draw Death,2019,25,13,1594-1612,Sokołowska-Paryż Framing sexual violence in Portuguese colonialism: on some practices of contemporary cultural representation and remembrance,2019,25,13,1558-1577,Garraio My body is a war zone: exhibitions and testimonies as a tool for change,2019,25,13,1578-1593,Kahn "Thinking of you" in Kosovo: art activism against the stigma of sexual violence,2019,25,13,1543-1557,Rushiti Online interpersonal victimization as a mechanism of social control of women: an empirical examination,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Johnson Advancing theory methods and dissemination in sexual violence research to build a more equitable future: an intersectional community-engaged approach,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Moylan "But the law won't help us": challenges of mobilizing Law 348 to address violence against women in Bolivia,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rogers Intimate partner violence and body shame: an examination of the associations between abuse components and body-focused processes,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Weaver Service-women's responses to sexual harassment: the importance of identity work and masculinity in a gendered organization,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bonnes The association between sexually aggressive cognitions and pathological personality traits in men,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Anderson Cyber sexual harassment: a summary of current measures and implications for future research,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Reed Trouble in paradigm: "gender transformative" programming in violence prevention,2019,25,14,1635-1656,Miller "Trouble in paradigm" and the social norms approach to violence prevention,2019,25,14,1672-1681,Orchowski Authors' response to commentaries on "Trouble in paradigm",2019,25,14,1689-1695,Miller Gender-transformative approaches to engaging men in reducing gender-based violence: a response to Brush & Miller's "Trouble in Paradigm",2019,25,14,1657-1671,Dworkin Comment on Brush and Miller's "Trouble in Paradigm: 'Gender Transformative Programming' in Violence Prevention",2019,25,14,1682-1688,Hollander Pressure and persuasion: young Fijian women's experiences of sexual and reproductive coercion in romantic relationships,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mitchell Predicting disengagement from judicial proceedings by female victims of intimate partner violence in Spain: a systematic replication with prospective data,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Trigo Substance use as a coping mechanism for survivors of intimate partner violence: implications for safety and service accessibility,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gezinski An examination of the lethality assessment program (LAP): perspectives on implementation help-seeking and victim empowerment,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Richards State-sanctioned structural violence: women migrant domestic workers in the Philippines and Sri Lanka,2019,ePub,ePub,1077801219880969,Henderson The impact of coercive control on use of specific sexual coercion tactics,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Raghavan The mental health and well-being of Canadian Indigenous and non-Indigenous women abused by intimate partners,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tutty Regulating bodies: children and sexual violence,2019,25,16,1956-1979,Hlavka Twenty-five years of research and advocacy on violence against women: What have we accomplished and where do we go from here? 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equality: representations of gender in "progressive" domestic violence policy,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Parsell Persons who fear freedom and equality are the ones who most blame women who are victims of acquaintance rape,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Perles The effect of rape myth endorsement on police response to sexual assault survivors,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Franklin Does sexism mediate the gender and rape myth acceptance relationship?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Angelone Policy roles in promoting affordable housing for survivors of intimate partner violence,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hahn Access and accessibility in domestic and family violence services for women with disabilities: widening the lens,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dyson Online social support for intimate partner violence victims in China: quantitative and automatic content analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wang She left the party: college students' meanings of sexual consent,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Groggel Women convicted of intimate partner homicide in Oromiya Regional State of Ethiopia: profile and associated factors,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Venema Survival and resilience among Palestinian women: a qualitative analysis using individual and collective life events calendars,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Veronese Seeking sanctuary: violence against women in El Salvador Honduras and Guatemala,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Obinna Understanding women's help-seeking with intimate partner violence in Tanzania,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stöckl Influence of the relational context on reproductive coercion and the associated consequences,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lévesque Zimbabwean stakeholders' perspectives on causes of and solutions to gender-based violence in their community: findings from a focus group,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Edwards Rethinking women's mental health after intimate partner violence,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chung Help-seeking behaviors and barriers among black women exposed to severe intimate partner violence: findings from a nationally representative sample,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lacey Influence of survivors' entrapment factors and traffickers' characteristics on perceptions of interpersonal social power while being recruited to be trafficked,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Preble Same-sex couples and the police: a 10-year study of arrest and dual arrest rates in responding to incidents of intimate partner violence,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hirschel Risk of revocation among batterers: a preliminary analysis of criminogenic intimate partner violence and mental health risks,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stuart Effects of historical coercive control historical violence and lawyer representation on post-separation male partner violence against mother litigants who participated in adversarial family court proceedings,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ellis Age moderates the association between microfinance membership and physical abuse relationship power and transactional sex in Haitian women,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rosenberg "Not an either/or situation": the minimization of violence against women in United Kingdom "domestic abuse" policy,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Aldridge Therapeutic achievements of a program based on drama therapy the theater of the oppressed and psychodrama with women victims of intimate partner violence,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mondolfi Miguel Promoting wellness and recovery of young women experiencing gender-based violence and homelessness: the role of trauma-informed health promotion interventions,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stergiopoulos Investigating the effects of stealthing justifications on rape perceptions,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nguyen A qualitative study of women's lived experiences of conflict and domestic violence in Afghanistan,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mannell The impact of rape myths and current events on the well-being of sexual violence survivors,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Anderson Coronavirus and quarantine: catalysts of domestic violence,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dutheil "Mongering is a weird life sometimes": discourse analysis of a sex buyer online community,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Alves Motivations for police support of domestic violence response team implementation with advocates,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Johnson The decision to leave the abusive partner by women survivors of intimate partner violence and risk of further revictimization: the role of gratitude and risk perception,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cinquegrana Sexual minority high school boys' and girls' risk of sexual harassment sexual violence stalking and bullying,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Coker Two studies investigating associations between sexual assault victimization history and bystander appraisals of risk,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ham From physical violence to intensified economic abuse: transitions between the types of IPV over survivors' life courses,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Benjamin Representation of intimate partner violence against women in Swedish news media: a discourse analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gracia Violence against women: representations interpretations and education,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chhabra Technology-facilitated domestic abuse in political economy: a new theoretical framework,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yardley Family and community approaches to intimate partner violence: restorative programs in the United States,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pennell Sahiyo stories: shattering the silence on female genital mutilation/cutting,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Taher Agency and paternalism: balancing acts between a domestic violence survivors' task force and a state coalition,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Miller Women's pornography consumption alcohol use and sexual victimization,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,de Heer South Asian Albertan men's understandings of spousal violence,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Merali Young women subjected to nonconsensual condom removal: prevalence risk factors and sexual self-perceptions,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Boadle The social network of victims of domestic violence: a network-based intervention model to improve relational autonomy,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cousineau Violence at the intersections of women's lives in an urban context: indigenous women's experiences of leaving and/or staying with an abusive partner,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ford-Gilboe Guest editors' introduction: violence against women-reflecting on 25 years of the Violence Against Women Act and directions for the future,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Moore A review of the effects of the Violence Against Women Act on law enforcement,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jennings Intimate partner violence and brain injury screening,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chiou Moving toward a new model of sexual consent: the development of the process-based consent scale,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kaufman Honor-based abuse in England and Wales: who does what to whom?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bates A scholar's reflection on intimate partner violence in the Cape Verdean community,2020,26,14,1790-1811,Thomas A space to speak: therapeutic theater to address gender-based violence,2020,26,14,1771-1789,Arias Silent girls in fairy tales: against the grain of violence,2020,26,14,1817-1822,Ronderos The maternal frame and the rise of the counterpublic among Naga women,2020,26,14,1751-1759,Ghosh Can a poem be a shield? A weapon? A light?,2020,26,14,1812-1816,Georges Understanding forgiveness after leaving an abusive relationship: the voices of Chinese female intimate partner violence survivors,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wang Poly-victimization among female college students: are the risk factors the same as those who experience one type of victimization?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Snyder Sexual assault survivors' perceived helpfulness of university-affiliated resources,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Annan Transitioning out of an urban domestic violence emergency shelter: voices of survivors,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hoge A qualitative study on friends and the social context of sexual victimization: implications for campus-based interventions,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Read Seeking justice: how VAWA reduced the stronghold over American Indian and Alaska Native women,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hartman Cross-national examination of the relationship between gender equality and female homicide and rape victimization,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chon Domestic violence and sexual assault service providers' perspectives on Nigerian immigrants' domestic violence experiences,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ogbonnaya The use of structural intersectionality as a method to analyze how the domestic violence civil protective order process replicates inequality,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Durfee The impact of threat type and prior abuse history on perceptions of intimate partner sexual coercion,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Golding Hidden dramas of masculinity: women's perspectives on intimate violence in different social classes,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ptacek Masculinities sport and violence against women: the contribution of male peer support theory,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schwartz User-involvement in the development of a culturally sensitive intervention in the safe pregnancy study to prevent intimate partner violence,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lukasse Technology-facilitated domestic and sexual violence: a review,2020,26,15-16,1828-1854,Powell The 1994 Violence Against Women Act: a historic response to gender violence,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gover Experiences with help seeking among non-service-engaged survivors of IPV: survivors' recommendations for service providers,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Robinson Sexual victimization and disordered eating in bisexual women: a test of objectification theory,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Johnson The use of autobiographical poetry to process trauma promote awareness and shift views on sexual violence: exploring the "against our will" campaign,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hand Status inconsistencies and power in intimate relations: domestic exploitation and violence against women in homogenous and mixed couples formed by native and migrant partners,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rodríguez-Menés Gender and the nexus between preferences and patriarchal practices: justifications of intimate partner violence in the Dominican Republic,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Henderson The killing of women in "sex games gone wrong": an analysis of femicides in Great Britain 2000-2018,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yardley Intersection of intimate partner violence and pre-exposure prophylaxis: exploring HIV worry and PrEP acceptability among women,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Burke A collaborative community college sexual violence prevention and response effort: climate study results to assess impact,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Moynihan A campus climate/violence survey's psychometrics and findings,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Coker Recognizing connections between intimate partner sexual violence and pornography,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tarzia Social and psychological readiness to take collective action against violence against women: a mixed methods study of informal settlements in Mumbai India,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Daruwalla "Where is the women's center here?": the role of information in refugee women's help seeking for intimate partner violence in a resettlement context,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wachter Increasing screening for intimate partner violence and reproductive coercion: understanding provider motivations,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Carlyle Combat workplace sexual harassment by third parties? Reframing institutional measures and cultural transformation in South Korea,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lee Physical conflict during pregnancy: a socioecological cross-cultural examination of risk and protective factors for New Zealand women,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fanslow Violence in commercial sex work: a case study on the impact of violence among commercial female sex workers in india and strategies to combat violence,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dasgupta Risk markers for women's physical intimate partner violence victimization in Iran: a meta-analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stith Improving the quality of survey data on college campus woman abuse: the contribution of a supplementary open-ended question,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,DeKeseredy Responding to domestic and family violence: a qualitative study on the changing perceptions of frontline police officers,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kebbell Patterns of surveillance control and abuse among a diverse sample of intimate partner abuse survivors,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mechanic Community approaches to sexual assault: VAWA's role and survivors' experiences,2021,27,1,30-51,Zweig The global ruling of local crisis intervention: an institutional ethnography of anti-violence work in Kyrgyzstan,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim Understandings and perceptions of domestic violence among newly arrived Afghan women in Australia,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Crisp Intimate partner violence against indigenous women in Sololá Guatemala: qualitative insights into perspectives of service providers,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mirzoev Gender-based mass shootings: an examination of attacks motivated by grievances against women,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mills Domestic violence and immigrant women: a glimpse behind a veiled door,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lasiuk Impact of intimate partner violence on parenting and children's externalizing behaviors: transactional processes over time,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Macy Coercive controlling behaviors and reporting physical intimate partner violence in Australian women: an exploration,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Walker Help-seeking within the context of patriarchy for domestic violence in urban Uganda,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Musuya "A community of survivors": a grounded theory of organizational support for survivor-advocates in domestic violence agencies,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Goodman Commuter students' readiness to help in incidents of campus sexual violence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,McMahon Initiatives to support older women who experience intimate partner violence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Weeks Persistence and potential lethality in intimate partner violence: evaluating the concurrent and predictive validity of a dual risk assessment protocol,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Williams Attachment characteristics among women victimized in no one and multiple IPV relationships: a case-control study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bjørkly Accessing rights and mitigating revictimization: the role of the victim's legal counsel in the Swedish criminal justice system,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Carroll Intersectional and trauma-informed approaches to employment services: insights from intimate partner violence (IPV) service providers,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Alaggia Compassion fatigue among the intimate partner violence and sexual assault workforce: enhancing organizational practice,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kulkarni Avoidance coping partially accounts for the relationship between trauma-related shame and PTSD symptoms following interpersonal trauma,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Badour Second-order sexual harassment: violence against the silence breakers who support the victims,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Flecha Gender resources and intimate partner violence against women in Egypt before and after the Arab Spring,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Abouelenin A methodology report for the life's snapshot cohort study to investigate the long-term efficacy of a violence intervention,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Coker The ghost of violence: the lived experience of violence after the act,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Henze-Pedersen Fear of sexual harassment and its impact on safety perceptions in transit environments: a global perspective,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ceccato Abducting children abroad: gender power and transnational mobility in immigrant family conflicts,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Liversage How gentle must violence against women be in order to not be violent? Rethinking the word "violence" in obstetric settings,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Swartz "I can't blame mum": a qualitative exploration of relational dynamics in women with female genital mutilation (FGM) in the United Kingdom,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Newton Making care better in the context of violence: the limits of blame,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Swartz Moaning and eye contact: men's use of ambiguous signals in attributions of consent to their partners,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bedera Commentary on the article "How gentle must violence against women be in order to not be violent? Rethinking the word 'violence' in obstetric settings" reframed within a critical discourse orientation,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Burnett What is the problem with sexual intimacy following intimate partner violence in the DSM-5?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Buller Survivors' beliefs about the causes of sexual offending: an Australian study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Richards "If you are born a girl in this crisis you are born a problem": patterns and drivers of violence against women and girls in conflict-affected South Sudan,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Murphy "I don't hate all women just those stuck-up bitches": how incels and mainstream pornography speak the same extreme language of misogyny,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tranchese "There's girls who can fight and there's girls who are innocent": gendered safekeeping as virtue maintenance work,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lennox The role of cultural beliefs norms and practices in Nigerian women's experiences of sexual abuse and violence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chantler The lived experience of older women who are sexually abused in the context of lifelong IPV,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Band-Winterstein Prenatal and postnatal intimate partner violence and associated factors among HIV-infected women in rural South Africa: a longitudinal study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Peltzer Dating violence and the impact of technology: examining the lived experiences of sorority members,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Byrd Risky casual sex and posttraumatic stress in college females: an examination of assault history self-esteem and social support,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Balderrama-Durbin Use of social network analysis to identify popular opinion leaders for a youth-led sexual violence prevention initiative,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Banyard Operating-system design and its implications for victims of family violence: the comparative threat of smart phone spyware for Android versus iPhone users,2021,27,6-7,851-875,Harkin Gender campus sexual violence cultural betrayal institutional betrayal and institutional support in U.S. ethnic minority college students: a descriptive study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gómez Migrant women's help-seeking decisions and use of support resources for intimate partner violence in China,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wang Challenges of using videos in exam rooms of safety-net clinics to encourage patient self-disclosure of intimate partner violence and to increase provider screening,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tavrow Who are you to me? Relational distance to victims and perpetrators affects advising to report rape,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Parekh Combating IPV with community leaders in Honduras: an evaluation of an IPV training program among teachers and health professionals,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sung "Upskirting" homosociality and craftmanship: a thematic analysis of perpetrator and viewer interactions,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hall Reflecting the times? Reexamining the effect of alcohol intoxication on perceptions of campus sexual assault,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Perillo The role of presumed head and neck injuries in emotion dysregulation among community women with a history of physical intimate partner violence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Weiss Sexual violence and mental health: an analysis of the mediating role of self-compassion using a feminist lens,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vennum Fear of crime among Caribbean women in university: a qualitative exploration using the free association narrative method,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bailey Empowering practices with domestic violence survivors in India,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Allen Participation in sport empowerment and safety from violence: critiquing the connections through women's experiences in Aotearoa/New Zealand,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Armstrong Prevalence and correlates of sexual violence experienced by female sex workers in Iran: results from a national hiv bio-behavioral surveillance survey,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sharifi It happened matters more than what happened: associations between intimate partner violence abuse type emotion regulation and post-traumatic stress symptoms,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fruzzetti Translation and cross-cultural adaptation protocol of abuse questionnaires: the Brazilian Portuguese Version of the Composite Abuse Scale (CAS),2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hegarty Sexual assault: indigenous women's experiences of not being believed by the police,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chambers Exploring help seeking patterns for emerging adult victims using the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Addington Exploring the roles of familial and dating relationship violence and sexual assault on adolescent girls and young women's risk of partner violence in Tanzania,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vyas A social identity threat perspective on why partisans may engage in greater victim blaming and sexual assault myth acceptance in the #MeToo Era,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ortiz "We all get raped": sexual violence against Latin American women in migratory transit in Mexico,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Soria-Escalante Dating violence sexual assault and sexual harassment victimization among girls on an Indian reservation: an examination of rates and risk and protective factors,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Edwards "The day I die is the day I will find my peace": narratives of family marriage and violence among women living with serious mental illness in India,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bhattacharya Portrayal of domestic violence trajectories during the perinatal period,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lessard Development and test of a text-messaging follow-up program after sexual assault,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Downing Does the shortage of marriageable women induce the trafficking of women for forced marriage? Evidence from China,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Xiong Perspectives of women living with HIV on addressing violence and use of alcohol during HIV services: qualitative findings from fishing communities in Uganda,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kigozi The mediated portrayal of intimate partner violence in true crime podcasts: strangulation isolation threats of violence and coercive control,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Slakoff Association of black women's perceptions of the sex ratio to their attitudes toward and experiences of intimate partner violence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yarber Correlates of safety strategy use among South African women living with HIV and at risk of intimate partner violence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brown Gendered responses to gendered harms: sexual violence and bystander intervention at Australian music festivals,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fileborn Adding insult to injury: the effects of intimate partner violence spillover on the victim's reputation,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Johnson Asking the hard questions: psychologists' discomfort with inquiring about sexual abuse histories,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nixon Peerformance: bystanders enacting and challenging gender norms in community-based theater to prevent domestic violence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yoshihama "I've never told anyone": a qualitative analysis of interviews with college women who experienced sexual assault and remained silent,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Caron The effect of social anxiety on the risk of sexual victimization via assertiveness in an ethnically diverse sample,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wilson Women's reproductive coercion and pregnancy avoidance: associations with homicide risk sexual violence and religious abuse,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Durfee Transgender and gender diverse community connection help-seeking and mental health among Black transgender women who have survived violence: a mixed-methods analysis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cannon Intersectionality and femicide: Palestinian women's experiences with the murders of their beloved female relatives,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Daher-Nashif "He acted as if he owned me": an exploratory case study analysis of correctional staff sexual misconduct against women on parole,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fedock Differences in nonresponse bias and victimization reports across self-administered web-based and paper-and-pencil versions of a campus climate survey,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,O'Neal Investigating rape culture in news coverage of the Anita Hill and Christine Blasey Ford cases,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Blumell Making the call: college students' legal consciousness and hypothetical activation of police for sexual assaults,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Oberweis The prevalence and nature of violence against women experiencing homelessness: a quantitative study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Panadero How victims of strangulation survived: enhancing the admissibility of victim statements to the police when survivors are reluctant to cooperate,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brady Professionals' views on the comparatively low prevalence of intimate partner violence against women in Spain,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gracia The efficacy of principle-based correctional counseling for improving the self-control and mental health of people incarcerated for sexual violence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kelley Building a model to predict sexual assault victimization frequency among undergraduate women,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pickett A promising approach to preventing gender-based violence and HIV among slum-dwelling youth in Nairobi Kenya,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Edwards Help-seeking to cope with experiences of violence among women living with HIV in Canada,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wang The impact of national-level gender inequality on the sexual abuse of girls,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,LeSuer Stereotypes in attributions about women's gender-based mistreatment,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stewart The interplay between poly-victimization and sexual assault in late life in the context of life course perspective,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Goldblatt Development of and preliminary evidence for a psychological service barriers measure among college sexual assault survivors,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tyler "If I don't allow him to have sex with me our relationship will be broken": rape sexual coercion and sexual compliance within marriage in rural Cambodia,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Farvid The reaffirmation of self? Narrative inquiry for researching violence against women and stigma,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ballantine Does setting matter? An exploratory examination of victimization risk reduction strategies among female college students studying abroad,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cuevas Examining partnership approaches for engaging fathers to address domestic violence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Scott The Batty effect: victim-survivors and domestic and family violence policy change,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Flynn "I'd go from a mountain top and tell my story": perspectives of survivors of intimate partner violence on storytelling for social change,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dichter U.S. news coverage of transgender victims of fatal violence: an exploratory content analysis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Osborn Exploring the domestic abuse narratives of trans and nonbinary people and the role of cisgenderism in identity abuse misgendering and pathologizing,2021,27,12-13,2187-2207,Rogers Strength versus sensitivity: the impact of attorney gender on juror perceptions and trial outcomes in a rape case,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Golding Gendered attributions of blame and failure to protect in child welfare responses to sexual abuse: a feminist critical discourse analysis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Azzopardi How research evidence is defined acquired and shared across systems that address intimate partner violence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Casey "We are forgotten": forced migration sexual and gender-based violence and coronavirus disease-2019,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Phillimore Preventing gender-based homelessness in Canada during the CoViD-19 pandemic and beyond: the need to account for violence against women,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yakubovich Criminalized black women's experiences of intimate partner violence in Canada,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Duhaney "I felt I was screaming under the water": domestic violence victims' experiences in iran's police departments and criminal courts,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Miller Sexual and relationship violence prevention programming on commuter campuses: wisdom from students and campus personnel,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Casey #MeToo on the Canadian Prairies: raising awareness of sexual assaults and mental health in women abused by intimate partners,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tutty None of my business? An experiment analyzing willingness to formally report incidents of intimate partner violence against women,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Aizpurua Nonfatal strangulation during domestic violence events in New South Wales: prevalence and characteristics using text mining study of police narratives,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Butler Heightened sexual misconduct victimization rates among Reserve Officers' Training Corps women: results from a campus climate survey,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gray A multiple streams framework approach to access to domestic violence services in an indigenous community,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Coulter Contending with carcerality: discursive resistance to elite appropriation of antiviolence activism in Indian media,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Packard Intimate partner violence animal maltreatment and concern for animal safekeeping: a survey of survivors who owned pets and livestock,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Giesbrecht Violence against incarcerated women: predicting risk through the lens of childhood 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pandemic?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nardi-Rodríguez Spatial and temporal distance between the victim and offender as a factor in protective order violations: how much distance is enough?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Allen History of sexual assault perpetration and violence-related prosocial tendencies among men by fraternity affiliation status,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hoxmeier The dangers of minimizing obstetric violence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chadwick Comparing rape myth acceptance among police trainees and medical students: a preliminary Danish validation of the Updated Illinois Rape Myth Acceptance Scale,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Skov Social-level factors related to positive mental health outcomes following intimate partner violence: results from a population-based Aotearoa New Zealand sample,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fanslow Obstetric violence in their own words: how women in Mexico and South Africa expect experience and respond to violence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Smith-Oka "Drinking too much fighting too much": the dual "disasters" of intimate partner violence and alcohol use in South Africa,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mendenhall Exploring beliefs and attitudes toward female genital mutilation/cutting among healthcare providers in New York City,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Akinsulure-Smith Understanding the determinants of gambling-related intimate partner violence: perspectives from women who gamble,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hing Refining sexual assault treatment: recovered survivors and expert therapists concur on effective therapy components,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Avigail The mediating role of moral absolutism between the "binding moral foundations" and sexist attitudes: a path that may lead to intimate partner violence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vecina Single repeat and poly intimate partner violence victimization among women at a college campus: extending research through the inclusion of technology-facilitated violence and examining key social determinants for intimate partner violence 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and physical health outcomes of survivors of gender-based violence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,van Ingen She asked for it: hardcore porn sexism and rape myth acceptance,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,McDermott Cultural adaptation and validation into Spanish of the Scale to Measure Attitudes Towards the Sex Trafficking of Women and Girls in students of the University of Salamanca,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Herrero-Villoria The intercultural role of attitudes towards violence against women among Moroccan immigrants,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Arnoso "Next it will be you": women's fear of victimization and precautionary safety behaviors in informal settlement communities in Nairobi Kenya,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Johnson The impact of the CoViD-19 pandemic on the needs and lived experiences of intimate partner violence survivors in the United States: advocate perspectives,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Villaveces How do you define sexual harassment? Why context matters,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zelin The effects of workplace support on workplace disruptions: differences between White and Black survivors of intimate partner violence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Showalter Problem-focused coping strategies used by victims of gender violence across the stages of change,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Puente-Martínez Trafficking client and police violence sexual risk and mental health among women in the sex industry at the Thai-Myanmar border,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Decker Weaponizing CoViD-19: how the pandemic influenced the behavior of those who use violence in domestic and family relationships,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Carrington Money power and relationships: economic vulnerability in girls' lives and risk for partner violence among girls in Ibadan Nigeria,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Reed We need to use words that we'd use in Brazil right? A community-based content validation of a translated femicide risk assessment instrument,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Campbell Development of an index to measure the exposure level of UN peacekeeper-perpetrated sexual exploitation/abuse in women/girls in the Democratic Republic of Congo,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stuart It ain't over till it's over? Correlates of post-separation abuse among unmarried women in the Republic of Korea,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hayes Association between intimate partner violence and depressive symptoms among women aged 15 to 45 years in peru: a three-year analysis of the demographic and health survey,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Al-Kassab-Córdova "If not mine she won't belong to another": mechanisms of moral disengagement in a femicide perpetrator from Brazil,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Regis-Moura Assessing the efficacy of a cultural and artistic intervention for indigenous women who have experienced intimate partner violence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Giesbrecht Feasibility and acceptability of engaging significant adults in youth sexual and relationship violence prevention work,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Frye Public opinion about #MeToo victims and offenders: a nationwide experiment,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shi Barriers to help-seeking for sexual violence among married or cohabiting women in Ghana,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tenkorang "You feel 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framework,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sutton Women of color student survivors' perceptions of campus sexual assault prevention programming,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Harris Opening the "black box": student-generated solutions to improve sexual violence response and prevention efforts for undergraduates on college campuses,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Swendeman Violations of sexual and information privacy: understanding Dataraid in a (cyber)rape culture,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cermele Intimate partner violence in Fiji: how the perpetrator is "rewarded" for perceived victim suffering,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Luo Blameworthy suspects and "real rape": assessing the effects of rape culture-specific suspect culpability factors on the police decision to arrest,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,O'Neal Faculty and staff perceptions of Title IX mandatory reporting policies at two institutions,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Koon-Magnin Rape myth acceptance and general self-efficacy: gender race and ethnic differences of knowing a sexual assault victim 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gendered contexts of parricide in England and Wales,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Condry Education class and female genital cutting among the Samburu of Northern Kenya: challenging the reproduction of the "ignorant pastoralist" narrative in anticutting campaigns,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Van Bavel Transmuting girls into women: examining the adultification of Black female sexual assault survivors through Twitter feedback,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Curtis Contextual factors associated with women's attitudes toward intimate partner violence in Tajikistan: findings from the 2012 and 2017 demographic and health surveys,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zainiddinov Bringing the "invisible population" to light: justice for incarcerated and formerly incarcerated women,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cobbina-Dungy Abuse and discrimination experienced by older women in the era of COVID-19: a two-wave representative community survey in Hong Kong,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yan Proposing a unified framework for coordinated community response,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ranjan A global view of women prison and aftercare: a call for reform,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Beichner Addressing gender-based violence using evidence-based practices during COVID-19: the case of Puerto Rico,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gaba Moving beyond a reliance on criminal legal strategies to address the root causes of domestic and sexual violence,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Peacock A measure of justice: alternatives to pursuing criminal accountability for conflict-related sexual violence in Sri Lanka,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gomez Women mobilizing for change: resisting state violence from repressive drug policies,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Birgin Establishing the social and legal categories for "girls" and "girl children",2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Guercio CEDAW and violence against women: reflections after 40 years,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Reddock The United Nations victim approach revisited: a review of the literature on sexual assault and gender-based violence hotlines,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Galleguillos Intimate partner violence against women during the COVID-19 lockdown in Italy: a multicenter survey involving anti-violence centers,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Romito More talent more leeway: do violence against women arrests really hurt NFL player careers?,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sailofsky "It was all wrong and shameful to beat her": discursive analysis of men's talk of intimate partner violence,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dery Evaluating the impact of policy and programming on female-victim intimate partner homicide at the county level in Florida,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Reckdenwald What we think when we think about (interpersonal) violence: understanding knowledge production,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Murshid Marriage trafficking: demand exploitation and conducive contexts-a study in China-Vietnam border areas,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Liang How social responses to child sexual abuse and intimate partner violence affect homelessness among women in two rural regions with resource-based economies in eastern Quebec,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lapierre Chinese women's financial independence and their intimate partner violence victimization experiences,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Liu Hope shattered: an interpretive phenomenological analysis of survivors' experiences with untested rape kits,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Howard Associations between sexual assault victimization and risky drinking within college women's personal networks,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Barry Technology-based responses to technology-facilitated domestic and family violence: an overview of the limits and possibilities of tech-based "solutions",2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Harkin Polyvictimization and psychological outcomes among North Korean refugee women,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Negi Women's formal help-seeking before and after their abusive partner initiates relationship violence treatment,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Murphy The experiences of women and healthcare providers in assessing the history of gender-based violence during perinatal care,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brotto Exploring help-seeking predictors among Colombian victims of intimate partner violence in different age groups,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Small "Why I stayed in that relationship": barriers to indigenous women's ability to leave violent relationships,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,McKinley Online guidance for domestic violence survivors and service providers: a COVID-19 content analysis,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Miller Stories of backlash in interviews with survivors of intimate partner violence against women in Sweden,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wemrell The influence of group identification with student subgroups on perceptions of bystander intervention to prevent sexual assault,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Riggs Corrigendum to: Chinese women's financial independence and their intimate partner violence victimization experience,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,The editors The rapid uptake of digital technologies at domestic violence and sexual assault organizations during the COVID-19 pandemic,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Storer Women's agency as reason for life threats among the Pashtuns in Pakistan: narratives of women fleeing honor killing and masculine domination,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Khan Multiyear multisectoral training program in Kenya to enhance medical-legal processes in response to sexual and gender-based violence,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nelson Men have gender and women are people: a structural approach to gender and violence,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Curtis "I could never tell my parents": barriers to queer women's college sexual assault disclosure to family members,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nordmeyer The elephant in the room: toward an integrated feminist analysis of mass murder,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yardley Rural and urban/suburban victim professionals' perceptions of gender-based violence victim challenges and safety advice during the COVID-19 pandemic,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Logan Mitigating loss and trauma: the continuing bonds experience of daughters bereaved to intimate partner femicide,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Leshem Understanding violence against women in the Caribbean through an exploration of men's perspectives,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jones Socioecological framework for drivers of conflict and postconflict violence against women and girls,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Murphy Alcohol use before sexual violence and cognitive appraisals: differential associations with barriers to help-seeking,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,DiLillo Correlates of bystander intervention among heavy drinking college men,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Spillane Street harassment interpretations: an exploration of the intersection of gender and race/ethnicity and mediator variables,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,McCarthy Barriers to reporting sexual violence: a qualitative analysis of #WhyIDidntReport,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nugent A trisonance: identities of women whose mothers were murdered by their fathers,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Leshem A popular approach but do they work? A systematic review of social marketing campaigns to prevent sexual violence on college campuses,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wong The role of social reactions to disclosures in the relationship between sexual assault acknowledgment and psychological symptoms,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Newins Adolescent girls and their family members' attitudes around gendered power inequity and associations with future aspirations in Karnataka India,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Moses Differential treatment of sexual assault cases by US Army law enforcement personnel,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Carpenter An exploratory investigation into women's experience of sexual harassment in the workplace,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Witcomb Intimate partner violence and age at marriage in Mali: the moderating influence of polygynous unions,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hayes Patient advocates' perspectives on the care of sexual assault survivors in Chicago-area emergency departments,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Parameswaran Sexual violence among sorority women: victimization experiences contexts and disclosure,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,McMahon Initial reports from early adopters of restorative justice for reported cases of campus sexual misconduct: a qualitative study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,McMahon Women are survivors: public services announcements on violence against women in Latin America,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mensa Sexualized violence and neoliberal discourse,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Downey Conceptualizing physicians' roles in addressing intimate partner violence: a critical discourse analysis of resources for Canadian physicians,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,MacMillan Intimate partner violence in an Orthodox Jewish community in the United States: a qualitative exploration of community members' perspectives,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Murugan Reflecting on legal responses to intimate partner femicide in Scotland,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,McPherson American women's experiences with intimate partner violence during the start of the COVID-19 pandemic: risk factors and mental health implications,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Oswald Perceptions of a hypothetical sexual assault: the impact of the interrelationships between eight situational factors,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Marks Academic and career outcomes following sexual assault in early adulthood: a comparison of LGBQ+ and heterosexual women,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Potter How helpful is bystander intervention? Perspectives of dating and sexual violence survivors,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,McMahon "Living in the darkness": technology-facilitated coercive control disenfranchised grief and institutional betrayal,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dragiewicz Image-based sexual abuse as a means of coercive control: victim-survivor experiences,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gavey Which aspects of social support enhance positive mental health in the context of intimate partner violence?,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fanslow "He will not leave us alone and I need the courts to help": defendants' use of nonphysical violence in domestic violence protective order cases,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Moracco "I felt better when I moved into my own place": needs and experiences of intimate partner violence survivors in rapid rehousing,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wood Understanding the link between reproductive coercion and covert use of contraception as a safety strategy for women experiencing violence in Nairobi's urban informal settlements,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Decker The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on staff in violence against women services,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ford-Gilboe Women survivors of adolescent dating violence describe the maintenance of their abusive relationships: first person stories via YouTube,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Toews Resurfacing gender: a typology of conflict-related violence against women for the Northern Ireland Troubles,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Swaine "It's like a drive by misogyny": sexual violence at UK music festivals,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bows Who can you trust? The impact of procedural justice trust and police officer sex on women's sexual assault victimization reporting likelihood,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fox Income inequality and pregnancy-associated homicide in the US: a longitudinal state-level analysis,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Harville Centering our voices: experiences of violence among homeless African American women,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mkandawire-Valhmu Men's reflections on romantic jealousy and intimate partner violence in Mwanza Tanzania,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stöckl Gender-based violence subjective quality of life and mental health outcomes among Palestinian women: the mediating role of social support and agency,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Veronese When she is standing left she might be blamed. responsibility attribution for sexualized violence moderated by rape myth acceptance and benevolent sexism,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Halicki Mothers domestic violence and child protection: the UK response,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Arnull Factors influencing the use of domestic violence restraining orders in Los Angeles,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wagman The reliability and predictive validity of sense of coherence scale for American survivors of gender-based violence,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Saint Arnault "It's just kind of this thing that i need to navigate": young women's stories of recoveries after domestic abuse in childhood,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Beetham "Pornography encouraged me to belittle women": a thematic analysis of men's reflections on violence against women and ceasing pornography use,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tyler The association between resources accessibility and female victim intimate partner homicide at the county-level in Florida,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Reckdenwald Engagement of sexual violence survivors in research: trauma-informed research in the thrive study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stockman Stories of hope and health: wisdom from older Mexican-American women who broke free from the entangled web of love and violence,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Volker Intimate partner violence economic insecurity and health outcomes among American Indian and Alaska Native men and women: findings from a national sample,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fedina Types of economic abuse in postseparation lives of women experiencing IPV: a qualitative study from Finland,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kaittila Commentary on Campbell et al.'s "Creating a university strategic plan to address relationship violence and sexual misconduct": sustainability and replicability concerns,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Boots Mapping coercive violence,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Monterrosa Adolescents' victim-blaming responses to narratives about sex trafficking: strategies for curriculum development,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Johnston Technology-facilitated gender-based violence hate speech and terrorism: a risk assessment on the rise of the incel rebellion in Canada,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chan Barriers faced by American Indian women in urban Wisconsin in seeking help following an experience of intimate partner violence,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dressel Engaging campuses in meaningful change efforts to address relationship violence and sexual misconduct: lessons learned from the Michigan State University experience,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,McMahon From compliance to transformation: notes on the MSU strategic plan to address RVSM,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hirsch Adopting a "both/and" mindset to address relationship violence and sexual misconduct (RVSM) in institutions of higher education,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Moylan Enhancing inclusivity for LGBTQIA+ student survivors of color commentary: creating a university strategic plan to address relationship violence and sexual misconduct (RVSM): an application of principles-focused evaluation at michigan state university,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jacobson López Creating a university strategic plan to address relationship violence and sexual misconduct (RVSM): an application of principles-focused evaluation at Michigan State University,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Moylan Perpetrator blame attribution in heterosexual intimate partner violence: the role of gender and perceived injury,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Saklofske Concurrent intimate partner violence: survivors' health and help-seeking,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hong Through myths attitudes or norms? The relationship between low self-control and sexual aggression,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vazsonyi Police investigators' perceptions of the challenges associated with interviewing adult sexual assault complainants,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zajac College student perceptions of the root causes of sexual violence before and after a curricular intervention,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lederer Partner violent men's perspectives on the factors that they believe contributed to their abusive behaviors,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Morrison Researching men's violence against women as feminist women researchers: the tensions we face,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Morgan Relationships between stigma and intimate partner violence among female sex workers living with HIV: social and economic exclusion,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Maman Patriarchy's link to intimate partner violence: applications to survivors' asylum claims,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Saunders Taking practical steps: a feminist participatory approach to cocreating a trauma- and violence-informed physical activity program for women,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Varcoe Promoting compassionate responses to disclosures of sexual violence in university settings: exploring the impact of a social marketing campaign,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Heard A complex relationship: intimate partner violence identification with the aggressor and guilt,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Siegel Intimate partner and family violence among women tertiary students in Australia: prevalence and cross-cultural differences,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Toumbourou Responsibility or responsibilization in medical evidencing of domestic violence? The Belgian case analyzed through a care ethical lens,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vergaert Influence of ambivalent sexism on intimate partner violence tolerance and mental violence in a Chinese female sample: relationship causality orientation as a moderator,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhou Motivations and barriers to help-seeking among female victims of intimate partner violence in Ghana,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tenkorang Exploring the perspectives of professionals on providing intimate partner violence services to women with disabilities,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Namatovu Help-seeking among pregnant and postpartum women with lifetime experiences of opioid use disorder and intimate partner violence,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chang Dehumanized violated and powerless: an Australian survey of women's experiences of obstetric violence in the past 5 years,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Keedle Language beyond labeling: toward a language ideologies analysis of anti-violence interventions,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kowalski The experiences of post-separation survivors of domestic violence during the COVID-19 pandemic: findings from a qualitative study in the United Kingdom,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bradbury-Jones "Are you safe at home?": clinician's assessments for intimate partner violence at the initial obstetric visit,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Buranosky Social dynamics gendered subjectivities and surreptitious acts of agency from women to face intimate partner violence in a rural community of Peru,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Velázquez Does self-silencing behavior mediate the relation between rejection sensitivity and sexual violence victimization?,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Crowson The pursuit of medical care for female victims of nonfatal strangulation at the time of police response,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wilkes Depression anxiety and posttraumatic stress disorder following intimate partner violence: the role of self-criticism guilt and gender beliefs,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ripoll-Núñez Correlates of client-perpetrated violence against female sex workers in Bogotá,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Solymosi Understanding intimate partner violence service delivery for Latinx survivors in rural areas,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Macy Why young women who use opioids are at risk for rape: the impact of social vulnerabilities and sexually coercive drug using contexts,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fong The role of mistrust in sexual revictimization: an analysis of serial indirect effects,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lutz-Zois Disclosing and reporting of consent violations among kink practitioners in the United States,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cramer Judicial dilemmas of female domestic violence victims: an empirical study based on Chinese civil judgments in 2020,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gao Birth control sabotage motivation and measurement: a mixed-methods analysis among Latina women,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Decker Profiles of childhood victimization as predictors of sexual aggression and intimate partner violence perpetration,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Parkhill Exploring factors associated with intimate partner violence survivors' use of financial safety planning strategies,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Postmus Co-occurring intimate partner violence and child abuse in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo: the influence of early life experiences of abuse,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Falb Understanding intimate partner violence among ethnic and sexual minorities: lived experiences of queer women in Norway,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ummak In their own words: women veterans identify the personal consequences of military sexual trauma victimization,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Street "Wherever there's men it can happen": constructions of violence against women by young adults in Ireland,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Edwards Post-gender-based violence services utilization among female entertainment workers in Cambodia: a cross-sectional study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yi The effect of victim attractiveness and type of abuse suffered on attributions of victim blame and credibility in intimate partner violence: a vignette-based online experiment,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Debowska Absence versus presence of intimate partner violence in a sample of Spanish women: conflict resolution strategies and associated variables,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Exposito A review of intimate partner violence interventions relevant to women during the COVID-19 pandemic,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Weeks Student experiences reporting sexual and gender-based misconduct to the Title IX office at a public state university,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Murphy Will boys always be boys? The criminalization of street harassment in Portugal,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ribeiro "Safety is elusive:" a critical discourses analysis of newspapers' reporting of domestic violence during the coronavirus pandemic,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Storer In their own words: sexual assault resistance strategies among Kenyan adolescent girls following participation in an empowerment self-defense program,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Edwards Non-physical and ambient sexual harassment of women undergraduate university students in Canada: a diary study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Couture-Carron The indirect effects of proximal stressors associated with posttraumatic stress symptoms severity among sexually victimized sexual minority women: a cross-sectional path analysis,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Capron Timing of physical and emotional intimate partner violence exposure and women's health in an Australian longitudinal cohort study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hegarty Contraceptive use among women experiencing intimate partner violence and reproductive coercion: the moderating role of PTSD and depression,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kershaw Different scripts different casts: a crime script analysis indicating intimate partner violence is not all the same,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kebbell Through an intersectional lens: prevalence of violence against disabled women in Iceland,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Snæfríðar-Og Gunnarsdóttir From lived experience: listening to stories of healing from Middle Eastern immigrant IPV survivors,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nelson-Gardell Patterns of gender equitable attitudes and behaviors among young men: relationships with violence perpetration and masculinity ideologies,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Casey Women's experiences of intimate partner violence while incarcerated: the measurement structure reliability and validity of a novel instrument,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fedock Adult survivors of child sexual abuse draw and describe their experiences of dissociation,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lev-Wiesel Australia's divergent legal responses to women who kill their abusive partners,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dioso-Villa "Having one person tell me I didn't do the wrong thing": the impact of support on the post-sexual assault exam experience,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Miyamoto Emotion regulation difficulties moderate the association between typical drinking and sexual assault victimization among sexual and gender minority university students,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Davis "He loves me hard and then he abuses me hard": how service providers define and explain trauma bonds among sex trafficking survivors,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Karandikar A brief internet-based passive psychoeducation intervention to promote healthy relationships among young adults: a pilot randomised placebo-controlled trial,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Debowska South Asian young adults and gender roles: expectations expressions and intimate partner violence prevention,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mahapatra The rurality of intimate partner femicide: examining risk factors in Queensland,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,McLachlan Of good mothers and violent fathers: negotiating child protection interventions in abusive relationships,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Perales "I felt like I was a puppet-he's the master and he's playing with my life": newcomer women's experiences of intimate partner violence,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Giesbrecht Characterizing possible acute brain injury in women experiencing intimate partner violence: a retrospective chart review,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mason "Domestic drama" "love killing" or "murder": does the framing of femicides affect readers' emotional and cognitive responses to the crime?,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schnepf Children's physical proximity to interparental conflict: resilient process and retrospective perceptions of parent-child relationships,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pietri Women's behavioral coping responses during sexual assault: association with posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and the moderating role of alexithymia,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Thompson The Polish variant of patriarchy? Explaining the relationship between gender inequality and violence against women in Poland,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Grzyb Resilience and challenges among women with histories of addiction and victimization newly admitted to a sober living home: a brief report,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Edwards Domestic violence on the Italian screen: representation and resistance,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Luciano "I came here and it got worse day by day": examining the intersections between migrant precarity and family violence among women with insecure migration status in Australia,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vasil Multidisciplinary perspectives on the implementation of a comprehensive sexual assault telehealth program in rural communities: a qualitative study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Perkins "I have to make sure she is not sad": children's perceptions of their mothers' experiences in shelters for battered women,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Haj-Yahia No escape: mass incarceration and the social ecology of intimate partner violence against women,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,McKay Insult to injury? Women and mental disorder in italian photography and visual culture,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hill Raising awareness of female genital mutilation through theater,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cavallaro Unmasking state harm: the border as a theatrical space of gendered violence,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Marmo Advancing the measurement of trauma-related shame among women with histories of interpersonal trauma,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Badour "Boiling water but there's no pop-off valve": health care provider perceptions of the effects of COVID-19 on intimate partner violence,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Evans Reporting rape: stigmatizing reactions to survivors who seek accountability,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dover Knowledge perceived competence and behaviors relative to traumatic brain injury among a sample of domestic violence emergency shelter advocates in a New England state,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Howland Trauma of the shared environment: a qualitative analysis of the experiences of survivors of college campus sexual assault,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Coates Quezada Indelible: violence against women and their resistance to it in the visual and performing arts in Italy and beyond,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hill Protective orders for male perpetrators of intimate partner violence: differences between violators and non-violators,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Amor Intimate partner violence against women and labor productivity: the mediating role of morbidity,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vara-Horna Perpetration victimhood and blame: Australian newspaper representations of domestic violence 2000-2020,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Karageorgos "He tells people that I am going to kill my children": post-separation coercive control in men who perpetrate IPV,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tutty The role of gender sexual assault history and sexism in endorsement of rape myths among college students,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wilson Mock juror perceptions of a male or female adult rape victim crying in the courtroom,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Golding 'Show us a kiss!': the everyday sexual harassment experiences of female lesbian bisexual and queer students,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Witcomb Shifting the center: relocating refugee men in strategies aiming to address violence against women,2023,29,6-7,1275-1298,Maturi Experiences of sexual assault and financial stability: sense of control as a potential mechanism,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Furlong Response to Commentaries on "From the War on Terror to the moral crusade against female genital mutilation: anti-Muslim racism and femonationalism in the United States",2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bader Examining FGC survivor and FGC impacted community involvement behind FGM/C legislation in the united states: a response to bader's "from the war on terror to the moral crusade against female genital mutilation: anti-muslim racism and femonationalism in the United States",2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Taher Commentary on from the war on terror to the moral crusade against female genital mutilation,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Clark From the war on terror to the moral crusade against female genital mutilation: anti-Muslim racism and femonationalism in the United States,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bader Sexual assault labels compassion for others self-compassion and victim blaming,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Williamson Trauma exposure social networks and suicide risk among North Korean refugee women in South Korea,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nam "My family was also happy": couples' qualitative reports of a combined behavioral economics and cognitive behavioral therapy intervention to reduce alcohol use and intimate partner violence,2023,,,e10778012231170866,Spring Trauma-disclosure meaning-making and help-seeking in mothers experiencing homelessness: results from a trauma-focused clinical ethnographic narrative intervention,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brush The impact of media watching and victim gender on victim and offender blameworthiness and punishment,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schanz Risks of severe assault and intimate partner homicide among transgender and gender diverse intimate partner violence survivors: preliminary findings from community listening sessions,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Campbell "It is in the nature of men": the normalization of non-consensual sex and intimate partner violence against women with acquired physical disabilities in South Africa,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Swartz Technology-facilitated sexual violence in South Korea: a content analysis of a website for victims,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Champion Disrupting patriarchal illusio to reduce violence against women and girls,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mackenzie Gendered dimensions of demand for commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) in Kathmandu Nepal,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Emery "Obviously it's for the victim to decide": restorative justice for sexual and family violence from the perspective of second-wave anti-rape activists,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Loff Agents of socialization anxiety college women and fear of rape,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pryor "They give you a bus ticket and they kick you loose": a qualitative analysis of post-release experiences among recently incarcerated women living with HIV in Metro Vancouver Canada,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shannon An exploratory study of financial health as an antecedent of economic abuse among women seeking help for intimate partner violence,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Beeble "Your skin crawled every time he touched you": a secondary qualitative analysis exploring Bagwell-Gray's taxonomy of intimate partner sexual violence,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tutty Tonic immobility as a defensive trauma response to rape: bridging public health and law,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,de Heer Women's experiences accessing mental health care in Australia after sexual violence in adulthood,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hegarty Male sexual dysfunction and the perpetration of intimate partner violence,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hill Intimate partner violence survivorship posttraumatic stress disorder and disaster: implications for future disasters,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Buttell Femicide in Mexico. who are the slain women according to news media? A quantitative study of social representations of victims and perpetrators,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Aldrete Insurance discrimination companion animal harm and domestic violence and abuse - double jeopardy in the UK,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Turgoose Gender directionality of intimate partner violence and relationship quality among Chinese couples,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zheng "I want to be heard": rape victims' encounters with Swedish police,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rudolfsson Violence victimization and alcohol use among venue-based female sex workers in Pattaya Thailand: unpacking the temporal relationship,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Decker Technology-facilitated sexual harassment against women and psychological dysfunction: a test of objectification theory,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mazmanian "I believed in myself more than anything." indigenous intimate partner violence advocates promote resiliency among clients,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Holder Intimate partner violence among international and interprovincial migrants: a population-based analysis of Canadian linked immigration and justice data,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brownridge A qualitative study of how Israeli Arab educational counselors handle image-based sexual abuse of female adolescents,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dolev-Cohen Speaking out on sexualized violence through artistic storytelling in post-conflict Northern Ireland,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Van Ooijen The effects of traumatic events on mental health among women experiencing homelessness: a longitudinal study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vázquez Commentary on "From the war on terror to the moral crusade against female genital mutilation: anti-muslim racism and femonationalism in the United States",2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bootwala An exploration of Australian online government portals for women experiencing domestic violence during the COVID-19 pandemic,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lewis "Say her name": symbolic racism and officer valuing predict White americans' reactions to the fatal police shooting of a Black woman,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sattler Pet protection orders for domestic violence survivors: are they being used?,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Randour Structural problems demand structural solutions: addressing domestic and family violence,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mertens Movements' dynamics and government responsiveness to violence against women: a study set against political and social change in Spain and Italy,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Corradi Between voices and silence: indigenous women and sexual offenses by men among the Arhuaco People,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Medina "The mole on his penis lassos her:" cultural understandings of coercive control and emotional abuse of women in Cambodia,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Eisenbruch Obstetric violence questionnaire: adaptation of a Turkish self-report tool,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kömürcü Akik The long shadow of intimate partner violence: associations of mental and physical health with employment housing and demographic factors,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chung "Unconscious or for other reasons incapable of resisting": (un)protected sexual assault under Norwegian criminal law,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Houge Empowerment at work? Examining employment-based economic empowerment initiatives for survivors of commercial sexual exploitation,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Corple Social media's impact on rape myth acceptance and negative affect in college women: examining the #MeToo and #HimToo movement,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wisco Bystander behavior and sexual harassment: the case of the fashion industry,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Crowley Keepers of trauma: rape victim advocates' secondary traumatic stress burnout and coping techniques,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Maier Perceived barriers and benefits of exercise among women survivors of sexual violence by physical activity level and posttraumatic stress disorder status,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hall Exploring the role of traditional women society membership among west African immigrant women who have experienced female genital mutilation/cutting,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Akinsulure-Smith "The little money I get is used to buy drugs": a qualitative exploration of the economic cost of intimate partner violence for female survivors in Ghana,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tenkorang Exploring perceived legal and organizational support and attitudes on the decision to mediate or arrest in domestic violence cases: a study among community and criminal justice professionals in China,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Macy Factors related to police reporting in sexual assault care centers: are we underestimating the role of support persons?,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Roelens Intimate partner violence victimization mental health and unemployment: year one of the COVID-19 pandemic,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Clements "You can't meet everyone's needs after-hours": after-hours domestic and family violence services in rural and remote areas,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Macphail "He won't pay": the entanglement of financial abuse and negligence in Swedish child maintenance processes,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tegler Female homicides in Brazil and its major regions (1980-2019): an analysis of age period and cohort effects,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Guimarães "If not me then who?": exploring the challenges experienced by front-line clinicians screening for and communicating about domestic violence in the emergency department,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Baird Bystander intervention for the prevention of campus sexual violence: opportunity frequency of action and consequences for confronting those at risk of perpetration,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,McMahon But someone was right there: an examination of how third-party presence is associated with rape and sexual assault victim help-seeking behavior and reports to police,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rennison Relationships between burnout secondary traumatic stress mindfulness and self-compassion in victim advocates,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hazlett-Stevens How the invisible becomes visible: the lived experience of economic abuse in heterosexual relationships,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Barata Exceptional clearances "real" cases of intimate partner violence and mandatory arrest laws,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hirschel A comparative account of institutional approaches to addressing campus-based sexual violence in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Beres Transformative social responses to domestic family and sexualized violence: a qualitative exploration of insight exchange a victim-survivor-centered initiative informed by response-based practice,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Funston Domestic violence and the law: a study of complaints under the protection of women from Domestic Violence Act 2005 in Maharashtra India,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Panchal Interventions to prevent intimate partner violence: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Browne Stakeholder group differences on knowledge attitudes and perspectives of coordinated community response teams for domestic violence,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hetzel-Riggin Co-occurrence of intimate partner violence against mothers and maltreatment of their children with behavioral problems in eastern Europe,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Foran The role of culture in the justification and perpetuation of domestic violence: the perspectives of service providers in Kyrgyzstan,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Childress Police body-worn cameras as a response to domestic and family violence: practitioner insights into the consequences for victim/survivors,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tyson Understanding body resistance in El Salvador: a qualitative discussion of a pilot program for embodied empowerment,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brigden Reproductive coercion among college students: an extension and test of routine activity theory,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pinchevsky Sociological understandings of sexual assault: the legacy of Diana Scully,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,DeKeseredy Understanding concentrations of sexual violence and abuse: a new theory,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rayment-McHugh Technology-facilitated abuse in the context of intimate partner violence: a qualitative study of women survivors in Taiwan,ePub,,,ePub,Kuo Me too? Yes me too! Sexual harassment of female expatriates in China's overseas enterprises,2023,29,11,2288-2310,Gui Mediators of the link between psychopathy and sexual coercion: the role of rape myth acceptance arousal and misperception of sexual interest,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Miller Timing of sexual assault disclosure: a study of college women,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Orchowski Exploring coping strategies among older women who have experienced intimate partner violence during COVID-19,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Irwin Intimate partner violence against women and workplace productivity in the financial sector of two Latin American societies,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vara-Horna Researcher-practitioner partnerships to implement and evaluate sexual and relationship violence prevention programs for boys and men,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Moracco Perceptions of sexual violence terms used in statutes throughout the United States,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rennison Arab women at the police station in Israel: cultural crisis and empowerment,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Buchbinder A qualitative study of risk and protective factors for resilience in survivors of sex trafficking,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yoon How many terms does it take to define sexual assault? 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Queer advocacy at contemporary neoliberal rape crisis centers,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chen Intimate partner violence polyvictimization and health outcomes,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cho The impact of victim demeanor on jurors' perceptions of a sexual harassment victim,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Golding Differences in symptom report by survivors with and without probable intimate partner violence-related brain injury,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chiou Remembering Diana Scully and the art of a well-asked question,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Campbell Reproductive coercion and intimate partner violence perpetration among young adult males,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shorey "There is no one way to get over it": an examination of psychotherapy and complementary therapy use within a sample of survivors who experienced sexual violence,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Einolf The relationship between rape myths revictimization by law enforcement and well-being for victims of sexual assault,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vallières The working relationship between emergency room nurses and medical rape victim advocates: a qualitative examination of nurses' perceptions of the influence of nurse training and experience on nurse-advocate interactions,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Greeson Barriers to disclosure of intimate partner violence among undocumented Spanish-speaking immigrants in the united states,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Goldman Social participation after intimate partner violence: investigating the impact on women's citizenship,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chung Empowerment through feminist self-defense: the IMPACT Lasts,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Thompson Sexual violence disclosure in #NotOkay: disclosure goals disclosure-facilitating resources and overall disclosure trajectory,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Subramanian Diana Scully: a feminist mentor and torch bearer,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brubaker Changes in the correlates for intimate partner violence against women in Vietnam: evidence from the 2010 and 2019 national prevalence surveys,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vyas Technology-facilitated abuse in the context of intimate partner violence: a qualitative study of women survivors in Taiwan,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kuo Representative survivorship: a look into the race-evasiveness of Title IX and understanding the barriers to reporting for women of color,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Aloisi The use of chemical control within coercive controlling intimate partner violence and abuse,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hester Feminist semiotics of "safe": intimate violence in the time of pandemic,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Preser The impact of child polyvictimization and cultural factors on lifetime intimate partner violence among Salvadoran women,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rajah Justice-involved sexually victimized women's perspectives on the acceptability of receiving trauma-focused therapy in prison,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zielinski Promoting healthy relationships in foster care-"if I had seen what a healthy relationship looks like that would have changed my perspective",2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ball The impacts of conservatism social dominance and rape myth acceptance on blame attribution in ambiguous rape scenarios,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hammond The prevalence of domestic violence in the lives of female heterosexual partners of sex addicts,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,De Haan Perceptions of anticipated peer support for survivors of sexual violence among students with minoritized identities,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,McMahon Victim notification protocols for untested sexual assault kits: survivors' and advocates' perspectives on law enforcement-led outreach methods,2023,,,e10778012231200479,Campbell Police decisions in a rape scenario: the effect of trauma response forensic evidence stranger-perpetrators and rape mythology,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Franklin Understanding the nature of family violence against women with insecure migration status in Australia,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vasil Hope as a moderator of intimate partner violence and suicide risk behaviors among Latinas,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Edwards Contextualizing cisgender women's histories of intimate partner violence victimization with men and women,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Miller Chinese women's acceptance of intimate partner violence against women,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Liu "If he were a terrorist you would have caught him already": the experience of divorce denial among intimate partner violence survivors,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gueta Experiences of online sexual violence: interviews with Swedish teenage girls in psychiatric care,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gillander Gådin Trauma-informed yoga: a capacity building and wellness strengthening intervention for female survivors of intimate partner violence and affiliative staff,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,D'Andrea Changes in psychiatric symptoms in Swedish mothers who took part in Project Support: an intervention for mothers exposed to intimate partner violence with children who have developed conduct problems,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tillfors Examining the content validity of the measure of psychologically abusive behaviors: a qualitative approach,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Beck Exploring the experiences of sexual violence/abuse survivors attending a recovery group: a qualitative study of recovery and evaluation implications,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Meyrick Objectification and violence against women: the Spanish validation of the Interpersonal Sexual Objectification Scale-Perpetration Version,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Moyano Adverse childhood experiences intimate partner violence and mental well-being among mothers of toddlers in Tirana Albania: a cross-sectional mediation analysis,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Eisner Industry culture matters: sexual harassment in the South Korean film industry,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lee Insights on engaging men and boys in creating a more gender equal future in Canada,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fotheringham Patterns of sexual harassment: an intersectional approach to reported victimization in a campus climate survey of students at Irish higher education institutions,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Macneela A virtual reality courtroom for survivors of sexual violence: a mixed-method pilot study on application possibilities,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Asgeirsdottir The importance of reflexivity in program development: a case study involving teaching self-defense to middle school girls in PE class,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Follo Understanding intimate partner violence: why coercive control requires a social and systemic entrapment framework,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wilson Sexual harassment beliefs and myth acceptance among Hispanic and Indigenous farmworkers in California (USA) and Michoacán (Mexico),2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,McCurdy Psychometric evaluation of initial domains on the comprehensive assessment of pornography use tool,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Miller Intimate partner violence survivors' perspectives on coping with family court processes,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gutowski Using the Colaizzi method to explore intimate partner violence caseworkers' subjective experience: pathways to intimate partner violence work and what keeps them going,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sharp Decision-making violence resistance and love: contested and complicating narratives of Syrian marriages,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lokot The role of Hindu mandirs in addressing intimate partner violence among South Asian American communities,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Reddy Pornography use and sexual objectification of others,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bridges Shared risk factors among women for intimate partner violence in the United States: a secondary analysis,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Smith "You feel like you did something so wrong": women's experiences of a loved one's child sexual abuse material offending,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Salter Calling it out? A Q methodological study of sexual harassment labelling,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Turner Social reactions to disclosures of intimate partner stalking and unwanted pursuit behaviors: associations with PTSD academic outcomes and empowerment,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dardis The role of gender norms on intimate partner violence among newly married adolescent girls and young women in India: a longitudinal multilevel analysis,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Deardorff Intimate partner violence animal maltreatment and barriers to safety for survivors with companion animals and livestock: findings from a qualitative study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wuerch "It's not something that I realized until I started working here": a constructivist grounded theory of knowledge transmission in victim service providers,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Reed CALD communities as "collateral damage" in the criminalization of coercive control: an argument for prioritizing civil system reform over further criminalization in Victoria,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jones What is justice? Perspectives of victims-survivors of gender-based violence,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hester Sex trafficked women drug dealers and men who buy sex: a look at "race",2023,,,e10778012231216711,Meshelemiah Department of the Air Force Family Advocacy Program: exploring the impact of an antiviolence intervention program for women,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Miller Healing after violence: the effect of perception of social support on posttraumatic growth in female university students,2023,,,e10778012231214771,Saint Arnault Different types of intimate partner violence among Latinx women: a call for expanded measurement screening and safety planning,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jiwatram-Negrón "Everything that is here I have lived": a triangulated analysis of an intimate partner violence assessment tool in Curitiba Brazil,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Signorelli Do risk factors for incapacitated and other sexual assault differ for black and white college women? A preliminary investigation,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Read "I was trying to be the mother to her that I didn't have": mothers' experiences of child sexual abuse and intergenerational maltreatment,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fernet The undercommons of childbirth and their abolitionist ethic of care. A study into obstetric violence among mothers midwives (in training) and doulas,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Leget Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States by domestic violence coalition leaders,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Miller Violence against women: experiences of Eritrean refugee women in Britain,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tsegay Incredible women: legal systems abuse coercive control and the credibility of victim-survivors,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Walklate Correction notice to: What Is Justice? Perspectives of Victims-Survivors of Gender-Based Violence. Hester M Williamson E Eisenstein N et al. Violence Against Women. DOI: 10.1177/10778012231214772,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,The editors Intimate partner violence and suicidality: applicability of general strain theory to women in Trinidad and Tobago,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Baek Beyond surviving: a glimpse into Jewish-Israeli women's recovery trajectories after experiencing intimate partner violence,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Goldner Women's empowerment through access to safe transport: the impact of sexual and nonsexual victimization on female commuters in Bangladesh and Cambodia,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,King Differences among types of sexual misconduct incidents reported to Title IX coordinators and institutional stability in incidents over time,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Richards The role of race social support empowerment and posttraumatic cognitions in survivors of intimate partner violence symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Johnson Correlates of college women's sexual assault resistance self-efficacy,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Orchowski Pivots and partnerships: successes challenges and lessons learned from conducting research during a global pandemic,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,O'Brien APPS-S: a tool for measuring the attitudes toward prostitution and women in prostitution in the Spanish population,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Terol-Cantero Intimate partner violence in El Salvador: a relationship between femicide attempts and barriers to help-seeking,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rajah Safeguarding the "internet of things" for victim-survivors of domestic and family violence: anticipating exploitative use and encouraging safety-by-design,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Harkin Support or betrayal? Swedish survivors' experiences of support from social workers during post-separation violence,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kjellberg "I worry about my kids' safety when they visit": mothers' perceptions of father/child post-separation contact in the context of IPV,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tutty Student knowledge of university confidential resources and Title IX training effectiveness,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wilf A qualitative exploration of intimate partner violence among HIV/TB coinfected persons with problematic alcohol use participating in an incentive-based alcohol/medication adherence intervention in Uganda during COVID-19,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hahn Characteristics and dynamics of cyberstalking victimization among juveniles and young adults,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Walsh Predictors of rape myth acceptance among South Asian students in Canada,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Senn An exploratory analysis of domestic and intimate partner violence victimization among persons experiencing eviction,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Richards Female circumcision and sexual negotiation ability of Ethiopian women,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Haile Gendered responses to fear of victimization? A comparative study of students' precautionary and avoidance strategies in suburban and urban contexts,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jacobsen Challenges to the provision of services for sexual and intimate partner violence in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic: results of a nationwide web-based survey,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zarowsky "Teen fled danger into the arms of death": the political agenda setting effect of Australian news media framing of violence against women,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Son Stereotypical victims: visibility of #MeToo disclosures on Twitter,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Groggel Painting the way forward: an ecological cultural visual analysis of anti-VAW public art in rural Ecuador,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bates "We get our healing through traditional ways": Canadian Indigenous women's use of violence against women shelters mainstream counseling and traditional healing,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tutty "Gender-based water violence": cross-cultural evidence for severe harm associated with water insecurity for women and girls,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tallman How advocates use CARE to accommodate the needs of domestic violence survivors seeking services with brain injuries and mental health challenges: a process evaluation,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nemeth Help-seeking and service utilization among survivors of intimate partner violence in Michigan during the COVID-19 pandemic,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Herrenkohl Violence increases psychological distress among women trafficking survivors in Ghana,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Clay-Warner Trauma-informed care training in U.S. and Canadian ob/gyn residencies,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lewis-O'Connor Girls and gangs: a decade on from the Firmin report and what has changed?,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jump Who is centered in the humanitarian response to gender-based violence? A critical discourse analysis of the survivor-centered approach,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Reis Co-designing an outreach intervention for women experiencing street-involvement and gender-based violence: community-academic partnerships in action,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bungay "Never give up. The creator has good things in store for you": risk factors protective factors and evidence of resilience for Canadian Indigenous women abused by intimate partners,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tutty The role of intersectionality and context in measuring gender-based violence in universities and research-performing organizations in europe for the development of inclusive structural interventions,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Humbert How do college students perceive their partner responds to them when they refuse sexual activity?,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jozkowski Applying the WHO INSPIRE framework to ending violence against pregnant women and unborn children: a case study in Vietnam,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dunne A feasibility and acceptability assessment of photo-experiencing and reflective listening (PEARL): an intervention to promote recovery engagement after gender-based harm,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Teitelman What women want: mental health in the context of violence against women in a Sri Lanka-qualitative study of priorities and capacities for care,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hanwella Extending the shadow of sexual assault hypothesis: fear of sexual violence and hate crimes among lesbian gay bisexual and transgender persons,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hayes Help or harm? Criminalizing intimate partner violence and feminist abolitionist frames,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Smith Incapacitated and/or forcible rape experience predicting college women's rape victim empathy,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Osman Institutional courage in the college context: a mixed-methods analysis of campus victim advocate perceptions and experiences,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nightingale Clinical and advocacy implications of the Dobbs vs. Jackson Women's Health Organization Ruling on trafficked persons,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Coverdale Pathways to resistance: theorizing trauma and women's use of force in intimate relationships,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Miller Sexism and feminist conspiracy beliefs: hostile sexism moderates the link between feminist conspiracy beliefs and rape myth acceptance,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mari Resilience across the life course for women experiencing intimate partner violence,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mantler "I need help with the abortion so I won't have to ever see or hear from him again": relationship barriers faced by abortion fund applicants in the Rocky Mountain West,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Liddell Attitudes toward wife beating in Pakistan: over-time comparative trends by gender,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pals The transformative role of information and communication technologies in shaping gender norms and empowering women: evidence from Pakistan and Nepal,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Broidy Unpacking police endorsement of myths surrounding intimate partner violence against women: formation and implications,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nørgaard Madsen Overlooked realities: reimagining "home" and "house" among women domestic workers in India,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Smiley Sowing the seeds of recovery: a qualitative study of women in recovery from addiction and victimization,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Edwards Family disaster: the origins of gender violence legislation in Turkey,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Alnıaçık Economic abuse of women in intimate relationships in Ghana: consequences and coping strategies,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tenkorang Intimate partner sexual violence: an exploratory study on sexual victimization profiles among survivors of intimate partner violence in France,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Romo Gender sexism and police attitudes toward policing intimate partner violence in China,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yu How do employees in the disability and family and domestic violence sectors respond to disclosures of violence from women with disability?,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chung Witches victims and villains: #MeToo and the political polarization of sexual violence,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pierce Serving IPV survivors in culturally diverse communities: perspectives from current service providers,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Taylor The reconsecration of the self: a qualitative analysis of sex trafficking survivors' experience of the body,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Raghavan "DV fatigue": work stress and officers' attitudes and performance at domestic and family violence incidents,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kebbell Working the edge: the emotional experiences of commissioning and funding arrangements for service leaders in the sexual violence voluntary sector,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Taylor Evaluating the nature and prevalence of economic empowerment services provided to intimate partner abuse survivors,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chronister The failure to recognize continuing harm: post-separation domestic abuse in child contact cases,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Walsh Relatively unworthy victims? Middle-aged women as rape survivors,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Su Rape victims' perceptions of quality of encounters with the Swedish police,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rudolfsson Self-regulatory sex motives scale in online dating: exploratory factor analysis and internal consistency,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Daniels Young women's experiences of violence and homelessness,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wendt Emergency nurses' experience providing care and perceptions about using telemedicine for sexual assault patients,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Walsh Unheard voices of LGB people in Türkiye on LGB-specific experiences of intimate partner violence: a qualitative analysis,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Toplu Demirtaş Beyond the surface: intimate partner violence typology and recent depression,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hernández Women's lives and voices in conflict situations matter: a study of farmer-herder conflict in Agogo Traditional Area Ghana,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Appiah-Boateng Help-seeking after intimate partner or sexual violence: exploring the experiences of international student women in Australia,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tarzia "I had to allow myself to heal": how survivors of sex trafficking have experienced healing from trauma bonding,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Karandikar Using epistemic injustice to examine scholarship about sexual violence among students with minoritized identities,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Linder Endorsing precarious manhood beliefs is associated with sexual harassment myths acceptance in Italian men and women,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Guizzo Legal decision-making in an adult rape case involving DNA evidence,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Neuschatz Perils and possibilities: sexual violence preventionists' perspectives on gathering community input on prevention practice,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Allen "Pleasure to pain?" the impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on sexual violence in marriages: experiences of rural Ghanaian women,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Asiama Lifetime polyvictimization and mental health outcomes in women with vs without incarceration histories: a population-based latent class analysis,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhao SDGs managers' assessment bias and their implications for preventing violence against women in companies,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vara-Horna "I put her in the baby stroller and left": the escape route from violence to a domestic violence shelter for mothers and children,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Arnell My path to recovery from gender-based violence: elusive victimized or agentive position,2024,,,e10778012241248456,Albertín-Carbó Hostile masculinity male peer support for violence and problematic anger: linking childhood abuse to men's partner violence perpetration,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sutton Women's experiences of sexual harassment in online gaming,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Peterson Longitudinal exploration of prenatal and postnatal intimate partner violence postpartum depression and child-mother attachment: a mediation model,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhang Where intersectionality and multiculturalism meet: Australian Muslim women's experiences of domestic and family violence,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Elhelw Exploring the theological context to domestic and family violence,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wendt Developmental trajectories leading to hostility toward women: a structural equation modeling study,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Caroline Emotional clarity and psychopathology in women who have experienced physical intimate partner violence,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Valera Impacts of COVID-19 on intimate partner violence service provision,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Salami "it's a valuable service but a hard place to be:" women's views about violence against women shelters,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tutty Women's use of intimate partner aggression: associations with sexist experiences,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Murphy Readiness of exercise physiologists physiotherapists and other allied health professionals to respond to gender-based violence: a mixed-methods study,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rees Men's economic abuse toward women in Sweden: findings from a national survey,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bruno Fear "discomfort" anger and shame in the night-time economy: women's responses to unwanted sexual intrusions,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lewis Trans and gender-diverse Latinx individuals in the southern United States: experiences with violence and service utilization,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Seelman Gender division of housework and intimate partner violence among mothers of toddlers during the COVID-19 pandemic: findings from the 2019 Rio Grande (Brazil) birth cohort,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Murray Canadian gender-based violence prevention programs: gaps and opportunities,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mendes Dating violence experiences among sex-trafficking youths in juvenile detention,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Roe-Sepowitz "It was one of the most revealing experiences of my life:" women's views on group counseling for survivors of intimate partner violence,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tutty