Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Full circle or spiralling out of control? State violence and the control of urbanisation in Papua New Guinea,2001,38,11,2017-2036,Koczberski Thresholds of fear: embracing the urban shadow,2001,38,5-6,869-883,Ellin Structural analysis of how urban form impacts travel demand: evidence from Taipei,2009,46,9,1951-1967,Lin Preventable Mortality as a Predictor of Community Social Organisation: Examining Reverse Causality,2009,46,9,1829-1858,Feinberg How Does Urban Public Transport Change Cities? Correlations between Past and Present Transport and Urban Planning Policies,2009,46,7,1421-1437,Pflieger Crime in a City in Transition: The Case of Tallinn Estonia,2009,46,8,1611-1638,Ceccato Classification of Residential Areas in the Three Largest Dutch Cities Using Multidimensional Data,2009,46,8,1639-1663,Kauko Isolated entities or integrated neighbourhoods? An alternative view of the measurement of deprivation,2009,46,9,1859-1878,Rae Keeping up Appearances: Profiting from Patriarchy in the Nation's 'Safest City',2009,46,8,1680-1701,Brownlow Design Coding and the Creative Market and Regulatory Tyrannies of Practice,2009,46,12,2643-2667,Carmona Risk Regulation and the Practices of Architects,2009,46,12,2555-2576,Imrie Commentary: From the Consumerist/ Oppressive City to the Functional/ Emancipatory City,2009,46,12,2703-2711,Sklair Commentary: Designing Codes: Trends in Cities Planning and Development,2009,46,12,2691-2702,Ben-Joseph Poor Neighbourhoods and Poor Services: Evidence on the ‘Rationing’ of Environmental Service Provision to Deprived Neighbourhoods,2009,46,13,2907-2927,Hasting The Dynamics of Residential Segregation in Buffalo: An Agent-based Simulation,2009,46,13,2749-2770,Yin Policing Development: Urban Renewal as Neo-liberal Security Strategy,2010,47,1,197-214,Samara The City as a Mirror: Transport Land Use and Social Change in Jakarta,2010,47,3,529-555,Hutabarat Lo Children’s Views on Child-friendly Environments in Different Geographical Cultural and Social Neighbourhoods,2010,47,3,514-528,Nordström Accessibility and Cognition: The Effect of Transport Mode on Spatial Knowledge,2010,47,4,845-866,Mondschein Built Environment Effects on Children's School Travel in Taipai: Independence and Travel Mode,2010,47,4,867-889,Lin Density Housing Types and Mixed Land Use: Smart Tools for Affordable Housing?,2010,47,5,1015-1036,Aurand Playing the Ethnic Card: Politics and Segregation in London’s East End,2010,47,5,991-1013,Glynn Timely Partnerships? Contrasting Geographies of Activism in New Zealand and Australia,2010,47,6,1343-1366,Panelli Cooking up Non-violent Civil-disobedient Direct Action for the Hungry: ‘Food Not Bombs’ and the Resurgence of Radical Democracy in the US,2010,47,6,1225-1240,Heynen Islam in the Spotlight: The Mediatisation of Politics in an Amsterdam Neighbourhood,2010,47,6,1325-1342,Uitermark Social Inclusion at Different Scales in the Urban Environment: Locating the Community to Empower,2010,47,7,1439-1457,Bellaby Public Housing and Poverty Concentration in Urban Neighbourhoods: The Case of Hong Kong in the 1990s,2010,47,7,1391-1413,Delang Evolving Residential and Employment Locations and Patterns of Commuting under Hyper Growth: The Case of Guangzhou China,2010,47,8,1643-1661,Li The Built Environment and Motor Vehicle Ownership and Use: Evidence from Santiago de Chile,2010,47,8,1793-1817,Zegras Commuting Times: Is There Any Penalty for Immigrants?,2010,47,8,1663-1686,Blázquez Revanchist Sanitisation or Coercive Care? The Use of Enforcement to Combat Begging Street Drinking and Rough Sleeping in England,2010,47,8,1703-1723,Johnsen Book Review: Unequal Crime Decline: Theorizing Race Urban Inequality and Criminal Violence,2010,47,8,1822-1824,Hall Managing the Parameters of Visibility: The Revelations of Katrina,2010,47,10,2051-2068,Rhodes Effects of Urban Growth Controls on Intercity Commuting,2010,47,10,2173-2193,Ogura Refining the Air Traffic Approach to City Networks,2010,47,10,2195-2215,Neal Unpacking Preference: How Previous Experience Affects Auto Ownership in the United States,2010,47,10,2111-2128,Weinberger Comparing the Capitalisation Benefits of Light-rail Transit and Overlay Zoning for Single-family Houses and Condos by Neighbourhood Type in Metropolitan Phoenix Arizona,2010,47,11,2409-2426,Atkinson-Palombo Book Review: New Directions in Surveillance and Privacy,2010,47,11,2473-2475,Klauser What is the ‘Neighbourhood’ in Neighbourhood Satisfaction? Comparing the Effects of Structural Characteristics Measured at the Micro-neighbourhood and Tract Levels,2010,47,12,2517-2536,Hipp Misleading Comparisons of Homeownership Rates when the Variable Effect of Household Formation Is Ignored: Explaining Rising Homeownership and the Homeownership Gap between Blacks and Asians in the US,2010,47,12,2615-2640,Myers Addressing Fear of Crime in Public Space: Gender Differences in Reaction to Safety Measures in Train Transit,2010,47,12,2491-2515,Yavuz Accessibility and Residential Land Values: Some Tests with New Measures,2010,47,14,3103-3130,Giuliano Housing Supply and Residential Segregation in Ireland,2010,47,14,2983-3012,Vang Road Pricing and Relocation Decisions of Dutch Households,2010,47,14,3013-3033,Tillema The Impact of Transit-oriented Development on Housing Prices in San Diego CA,2011,48,1,101-127,Duncan Retrofitting the Suburbs to Increase Walking: Evidence from a Land-use-Travel Study,2011,48,1,129-159,Boarnet Gentrification and Community Fabric in Chicago,2011,48,2,383-406,Betancur Gender Race Age and Fear in the City,2001,38,5-6,899-913,Pain Bicycle use in Germany: explaining differences between municipalities with social network effects,2011,48,2,427-437,Goetzke Planning responds to gender violence: evidence from Spain Mexico and the United States,2010,47,10,2129-2147,Sweet The Impact of Rail Transport on Real Estate Prices: An Empirical Analysis of the Dutch Housing Market,2011,48,5,997-1015,Rietveld Examining Commuting Patterns: Results from a Journey-to-work Model Disaggregated by Gender and Occupation,2011,48,5,891-909,Sunhee Sang Searching for Economic Rationale behind Gated Communities: A Public Choice Approach,2011,48,4,749-764,Cséfalvay Determinants of Neighbourhood Satisfaction and Perception of Neighbourhood Reputation,2011,48,5,977-996,Permentier On the Genesis of Social Rental Agencies in Belgium,2002,39,2,297-326,De Decker A Gender Audit for Public Transport: A New Policy Tool in the Tackling of Social Exclusion,2000,37,10,1793-1800,Hamilton 'Let the Streets Take Care of Themselves': Making Sociological and Common Sense of 'Skid Row',2007,44,12,2305-2319,Huey Why Not NIMBY? Reputation Neighbourhood Organisations and Zoning Boards in a US Midwestern City,2001,38,3,507-518,Matejczyk The Risks of Street Prostitution: Punters Police and Protesters,2004,41,9,1703-1717,Sanders Neighbourhood Crime and Scattered-site Public Housing,2003,40,11,2147-2163,Santiago Urban Policing and the Fear of Crime,2001,38,5-6,941-957,Silverman Commuting Economy: An alternative Approach for Assessing Regional Commuting Efficiency,2011,48,6,1255-1272,Murphy Examining Neighbourhood and School Effects Simultaneously: What Does the Dutch Evidence Show?,2011,48,7,1307-1331,Sykes Neighbourhood and Class: A Study of Three Neighbourhoods in Hong Kong,2011,48,6,1181-1200,La Grange Reclaiming Respectability? The Class-cultural Dynamics of Crime Community and Governance in Inner-city Dublin,2011,48,6,1137-1155,Ilan ‘I’m a Normal Person’1: An Examination of How Utilitarian Cyclists in Charleston South Carolina Use an Insider/Outsider Framework to Make Sense of Risks,2011,48,7,1439-1455,McCarthy Children's Social Capital in the Segregated Context of Amsterdam: An Historical-geographical Approach,2011,48,8,1651-1666,Karsten Spatial Restructuring to Facilitate Shorter Commuting: An Example of the Relocation of Hong Kong International Airport,2011,48,8,1681-1694,Loo Non-exercise Physical Activity in Agricultural and Urban People,2011,48,11,2417-2427,Forrester An Assessment of Parking Fare Rate Deregulation in Taipei,2011,48,10,2069-2083,Shyr Composition Concentration and Deprivation: Exploring their Association with Social Cohesion among Different Ethnic Groups in the UK,2011,48,13,2771-2787,Stafford Lack of Legacy? Shadows of Surveillance after the 2006 FIFA World Cup in Germany,2011,48,15,3329-3345,Eick The Exemplification of 'Fan Zones': Mediating Mechanisms in the Reproduction of Best Practices for Security and Branding at Euro 2008,2011,48,15,3203-3219,Klauser Civil Cities and Urban Governance: Regulating Disorder for the Vancouver Winter Olympics,2011,48,15,3185-3201,Haggerty Mega Event Securitisation in a Third World Setting: Glocal Processes and Ramifications during the 2010 FIFA World Cup,2011,48,15,3221-3240,Cornelissen Ensuring Safety at Australian Sport Event Precincts: Creating Securitised Sanitised and Stifling Spaces?,2011,48,15,3259-3275,Taylor The Aesthetics of Control: Mega Events and Transformations in Japanese Urban Order,2011,48,15,3241-3257,Murakami Wood Sport mega events urban football carnivals and securitised commodification: the case of the English Premier League,2011,48,15,3293-3310,Giulianotti From 'Violence-complacent' to 'Terrorist-ready': Post-9/11 Framing of the US Super Bowl,2011,48,15,3277-3291,Schimmel Laminated Security for London 2012: Enhancing Security Infrastructures to Defend Mega Sporting Events,2011,48,15,3311-3327,Coaffee Surveillance in Athens 2004 and Beijing 2008: A Comparison of the Olympic Surveillance Modalities and Legacies in Two Different Olympic Host Regimes,2011,48,15,3347-3366,Samatas Introduction: Security and Surveillance at Sport Mega Events,2011,48,15,3157-3168,Klauser The spatial pattern of suicide in the US in relation to deprivation fragmentation and rurality,2011,48,10,2101-2122,Congdon Violence drug markets and racial composition: challenging stereotypes through spatial analysis,2011,48,13,2715-2732,Lum Evaluating the economic impacts of light rail by measuring home appreciation: a first look at New Jersey's River Line,2012,49,3,467-487,Chatman Exploring social mobilities: narratives of walking and driving in Auckland New Zealand,2008,45,13,2829-2848,Collins Encouraging walking: the case of journey-to-school trips in compact urban areas,2001,38,7,1121-1141,Black Capital crime control and statecraft in the entrepreneurial city,2005,42,13,2511-2530,Tombs Re-assessing the results of the London congestion charging scheme,2012,49,5,1089-1105,Givoni Driving cities and changing climates,2012,49,15,3307-3325,Waitt Mobility social capital and sense of community: what value?,2012,49,16,3595-3609,Stanley Functional polycentricity: examining metropolitan spatial structure through the connectivity of urban sub-centres,2012,49,16,3627-3644,Vasanen Young people anti-social behaviour and public space: the role of community wardens in policing the 'ASBO generation',2013,50,3,538-555,Brown Local inequality and crime: exploring how variation in the scale of inequality measures affects relationships between inequality and crime,2013,50,4,725-741,Whitworth Racial harassment in social housing in a multi-ethnic city: the case for moving beyond acting against individual perpetrators of racial harassment,2013,50,4,674-690,Netto Culture wars revanchism moral panics and the creative city. A reconstruction of a decline of tolerant public policy: The case of Dutch anti-squatting legislation,2013,50,6,1114-1129,Pruijt Highway investment and regional economic development: decision methods and empirical foundations,1993,30,2,437-450,Rephann Congestion and safety on highways: towards an analytical model,1997,34,4,679-692,Rietveld The aesthetic experience of traffic in the modern city,2003,40,8,1609-1625,Taylor Road traffic change: a catalyst for segregation?,2005,42,1,69-89,Bjørnskau The value of access to highways and light rail transit: evidence for industrial and office firms,2005,42,4,751-764,Ryan Transport implications of urban containment policies: a study of the largest twenty-five US metropolitan areas,2006,43,10,1879-1897,Rodriguez Testing the conventional wisdom about land use and traffic congestion: the more we sprawl the less we move?,2006,43,3,601-626,Sarzynski How to turn a beggar into a bus stop: law traffic and the 'function of the place',2007,44,9,1697-1712,Blomley Public disorder and its relation to the community-civility-consumption triad: a case study on the uses and users of contemporary urban public space,2011,48,9,1925-1943,Ranasinghe Housing shadow prices in an inundation-prone suburb,2012,50,9,1889-1905,Rambaldi Neighbourhood for playing: using GPS GIS and accelerometry to delineate areas within which youth are physically active,2013,50,14,2922-2939,Raja The impact of the built environment on bicycle commuting: Evidence from Beijing,2013,51,5,1019-1037,Zhao Crime across the states: Are US crime rates converging?,2013,50,9,1724-1741,Cook Conflict and resilience in an urban squatter settlement in Dili East Timor,2013,50,10,1935-1950,Scambary Smart growth and state territoriality,2013,50,11,2275-2292,Dierwechter Suburban sprawl or urban centres: tensions and contradictions of smart growth approaches in Denver Colorado,2013,50,11,2178-2195,Goetz Sustainability and neoliberal urban development: the environment crime and the remaking of Austin's downtown,2013,50,11,2222-2237,Tretter Imagine all the neighbours: Perceived neighbourhood ethnicity interethnic friendship ties and perceived ethnic threat in four Nordic countries,2013,50,16,3305-3322,Kouvo Gulu in war … and peace? The town as camp in northern Uganda,2013,50,15,3152-3167,Branch Cities and conflict in fragile states in the developing world,2013,50,15,3065-3083,Rodgers From urban catastrophe to 'model' city? Politics security and development in post-conflict Kigali,2013,50,15,3185-3202,Goodfellow The importance of political coalitions in the successful reduction of violence in Colombian cities,2013,50,15,3134-3151,Pinto Informality and political violence in Karachi,2013,50,15,3099-3115,Gazdar Unravelling Dili: The crisis of city and state in Timor-Leste,2013,50,15,3116-3133,Moxham Safe nightlife collaborations: multiple actors conflicting interests and different power distributions,2015,52,3,486-500,Liempt The outsourcing of control: alcohol law enforcement private-sector governance and the evening and night-time economy,2015,52,3,517-537,Measham Neighbourhood effects and cultural exclusion,2002,39,1,85-93,Bauder Effects of greening and community reuse of vacant lots on crime,2016,53,15,3279-3295,Branas Urban encounters limited: the importance of built-in boundaries in contacts between people with intellectual or psychiatric disabilities and their neighbours,2016,53,16,3371-3387,Bredewold Unlocking the mind-trap: politicising urban theory and practice,2017,54,1,55-61,Swyngedouw Public transportation and the idiocy of urban life,2017,54,1,196-213,Attoh Accessibility dynamics and location premia: do land values follow accessibility changes?,2017,54,2,364-381,Levinson Waiting for the R train: public transportation and employment,2017,54,2,520-537,Tyndall A stop too far: how does public transportation concentration influence neighbourhood median household income?,2017,54,2,538-554,Barton Time space and the authorisation of sex premises in London and Sydney,2017,54,3,633-648,Prior Tipping points in Dutch big city neighbourhoods,2017,54,4,1016-1037,Ong What works? Policies for employability in cities,2017,54,5,1162-1177,Green The spatial pattern of premature mortality in Hong Kong: how does it relate to public housing?,2017,54,5,1211-1234,Yip Shaping urban consolidation debates: social representations in Brisbane newspaper media,2017,54,6,1519-1536,Raynor School travel modes and children's spatial cognition,2017,54,7,1578-1600,Lin Does school district and municipality border congruence matter?,2017,54,7,1601-1618,Hall The impact of rail transit on the distribution of new housing projects in Beijing,2017,54,8,1867-1886,Hu Encounters with diversity: children's friendships and parental responses,2017,54,8,1974-1989,Neal The link between crime risk and property prices in England and Wales: evidence from street-level data,2017,54,8,1990-2007,Braakmann Interrogating the city: comparing locally distinct crisis discourses,2017,54,9,2072-2086,Barbehön Searching for actually existing justice in the city,2017,54,10,2217-2231,Williams Mobility in a global city: making sense of Shanghai's growing automobile-dominated transport culture,2017,54,10,2232-2248,Williams Intra-city access to inter-city transport nodes: the implications of high-speed-rail station locations for the urban development of Chinese cities,2017,54,10,2249-2267,Zhu More than just a bus ride: the role of perceptions in travel behaviour,2017,54,11,2490-2503,Klein Distribution dynamics of property crime rates in the United States,2017,54,11,2613-2630,Moro Socio-spatial factors associated with ethnic inequalities in districts of England and Wales 2001-2011,2017,54,11,2540-2560,Lymperopoulou Cycling the city re-imagining the city: envisioning urban sustainability transitions in tThailand,2017,54,12,2763-2779,Sengers Driving reduction after the introduction of light rail transit: evidence from an experimental-control group evaluation of the Los Angeles Expo Line,2017,54,12,2780-2799,Boarnet Place-based correlates of motor vehicle theft and recovery: measuring spatial influence across neighbourhood context,2017,54,13,2998-3021,Piza 'If everyone says so …' press narratives and image change in major event host cities,2017,54,14,3178-3198,García Normative and image motivations for transportation policy compliance,2017,54,14,3318-3336,Zhao Traffic congestion accessibility to employment and housing prices: a study of single-family housing market in Los Angeles County,2017,54,15,3423-3445,Hou Exploring the synergistic economic benefit of enhancing neighbourhood bikeability and public transit accessibility based on real estate sale transactions,2017,54,15,3480-3499,Li The UK community anchor model and its challenges for community sector theory and practice,2017,54,16,3826-3842,Henderson Towards a new vocabulary of urbanisation processes: a comparative approach,2018,55,1,19-52,Schmid Does accessibility matter? Understanding the effect of job accessibility on labour market outcomes,2018,55,1,91-115,Jin Effects of urban spatial structure on level of excess commutes: a comparison between Seoul and Los Angeles,2018,55,1,195-211,Choi The socialities of everyday urban walking and the 'right to the city',2018,55,2,296-315,Middleton Rethinking place in the study of societal responses to terrorism: insights from Boston Massachusetts (USA),2018,55,2,461-480,Keenan Friendship fears and communities of convenience in Africa's urban estuaries: connection as measure of urban condition,2018,55,3,505-521,Landau Linking residential relocation desires and behaviour with life domain satisfaction,2018,55,4,870-890,McCollum Informing Africa's urban transformation: a response to Fox et al. and Potts,2018,55,5,987-993,Turok Crime insecurity and corruption: considering the growth of urban private security,2018,55,5,1111-1120,Garmany Does zoning help or hinder transit-oriented (re)development?,2018,55,8,1672-1689,Giuliano The impact of neighbourhood environments on quality of life of elderly people: evidence from Nanjing China,2018,55,9,2020-2039,Feng Ungating the city: a permeability perspective,2018,55,12,2586-2602,Webster The production of flood vulnerability in Accra Ghana: re-thinking flooding and informal urbanisation,2018,55,13,2903-2922,Amoako Impact of a new subway line on housing values in Daegu Korea: distance from existing lines,2018,55,15,3318-3335,Im Neighbourhood social conduits and resident social cohesion,2019,56,1,226-248,Hipp Unruly bodies and dangerous spaces: masculinity and the geography of 'dreadful enclosures',2019,56,2,419-433,McDowell Minor stadiums major effects? Patterns and sources of redevelopment surrounding minor league baseball stadiums,2019,56,4,672-688,van Holm Planners' role in accommodating citizen disagreement: the case of Dutch urban planning,2019,56,4,741-759,Özdemir The value of Twitter data for determining the emotional responses of people to urban green spaces: a case study and critical evaluation,2019,56,4,818-835,Chapman Does traffic congestion influence the location of new business establishments? An analysis of the San Francisco Bay Area,2019,56,5,1026-1041,Taylor What do we know about urban sustainability? A research synthesis and nonparametric assessment,2019,56,9,1729-1747,Swann Security beyond the men: women and their everyday security apparatus in Mathare Nairobi,2019,56,9,1835-1849,Jones The hidden side of the entropy-based land-use mix index: clarifying the relationship between pedestrian volume and land-use mix,2019,56,9,1865-1881,Im The potential for urban surveillance to help support people who are homeless: evidence from Cairns Australia,2019,56,10,1951-1967,Clarke Geographies of ethnic segregation in Stockholm: the role of mobility and co-presence in shaping the 'diverse' city,2019,56,12,2426-2446,Vaughan Gentrification in the wake of a hurricane: New Orleans after Katrina,2019,56,13,2763-2778,van Holm Unbundling negative and positive externalities of nature in cities: the influence of wild animals on housing prices,2019,56,13,2820-2836,Czamanski Neighbourhood change and the neighbourhood-school gap,2019,56,15,3308-3333,Candipan Reconfiguring urban governance in an age of rising city networks: a research agenda,2019,56,16,3540-3555,Davidson What is walkability? The urban DMA,2020,57,1,93-108,Pafka Beyond agency and passivity: situating a gendered articulation of urban violence in Brazil and El Salvador,2020,57,2,249-266,Hume Measuring and mapping displacement: the problem of quantification in the battle against gentrification,2020,57,2,286-306,Hubbard Mobility among older adults: deconstructing the effects of motility and movement on wellbeing,2020,57,2,383-401,Kestens An exploratory factor analysis model for slum severity index in Mexico City,2020,57,4,789-805,Roy Gendered mobility and violence in the São Paulo metro Brazil,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Moreira How important is perception of safety to park use? A four-city survey,2016,53,12,2624-2636,Evenson Plans for pavement or for people? The politics of bike lanes on the "Paseo Boricua' in Chicago Illinois,2016,53,12,2637-2653,Lubitow Cycling in the post-socialist city: on travelling by bicycle in Sofia Bulgaria,2016,53,9,1822-1835,Plyushteva Behind a bicycling boom: governance cultural change and place character in Memphis Tennessee,2016,53,1,193-209,Smiley Informal settlements Covid-19 and sex workers in Kenya,2023,60,8,1483-1496,Campbell The impact of socioeconomic factors on state suicide rates: A methodological note,2002,39,1,155-162,Kunce Socioeconomic factors and suicide rates at large-unit aggregate levels: A comment,2003,40,13,2769-2776,Neumayer