Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Suicide bombers: are psychological profiles possible?,2004,27,4,238-250,Lester Contextualizing political terrorism: A collective action perspective for understanding the Tanzim,2006,29,3,263-283,Alimi A failure of imagination (intelligence WMDs and "virtual Jihad"),2006,29,3,285-300,Atran Pyro-terrorism - The threat of arson-induced forest fires as a future terrorist weapon of mass destruction,2006,29,5,415-428,Baird Kahane in America: An Exercise in Right-Wing Urban Terror,1999,22,4,311-329,Baumel A coalition of coalitions: International cooperation against terrorism,2006,29,1,35-49,Bensahel Women and Organized Racial Terrorism in the United States,2005,28,5,421-433,Blee Anarchist Direct Actions: A Challenge for Law Enforcement,2005,28,3,201-223,Borum Influence in terrorist networks: From undirected to directed graphs,2006,29,7,679-694,Brams Talking to 'terrorists': Towards an independent analytical framework for the study of violent substate activism,2001,24,1,3-24,Brannan The decision to begin talks with terrorists: Lessons for policymakers,2006,29,5,403-414,Byman The logic of ethnic terrorism,1998,21,2,149-169,Byman Women Fighting in Jihad?,2005,28,5,375-384,Cook Cross-Regional Trends in Female Terrorism,2003,26,3,171-195,Cunningham Misjudging Islamic terrorism: The academic community's failure to predict 9/11,2006,29,7,657-678,Czwarno The Bombing of Omagh 15 August 1998: The Bombers Their Tactics Strategy and Purpose Behind the Incident,2001,24,6,451-465,Dingley Terrorism crime and transformation,2001,24,1,43-58,Dishman Die and Let Die: Exploring Links between Suicide Terrorism and Terrorist Use of Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Weapons,2003,26,1,17-35,Dolink Federalism and the Battle over Counterterrorist Law: State Sovereignty Criminal Law Enforcement and National Security,2002,25,1,1-18,Donohue Do religious institutions support violence or the status quo?,1999,22,2,119-139,Fox Is ethnoreligious conflict a contagious disease?,2004,27,2,89-106,Fox The Effect of Database and Website Inconstancy on the Terrorism Field's Delineation,2004,27,2,79-88,Gordon "Purity of arms" "preemptive war" and "selective targeting" in the context of terrorism: General conceptual and legal analyses,2006,29,5,493-508,Gordon Terrorism as an Academic Subject after 9/11: Searching the Internet Reveals a Stockholm Syndrome Trend,2005,28,1,45-59,Gordon Suicide terrorism in Iraq: A preliminary assessment of the quantitative data and documentary evidence,2006,29,6,531-559,Hafez Rationality culture and structure in the making of suicide bombers: A preliminary theoretical synthesis and illustrative case study,2006,29,2,165-185,Hafez Do targeted assassinations work? A multivariate analysis of Israel's controversial tactic during Al-Aqsa uprising,2006,29,4,359-382,Hafez Bombers and bystanders in suicide attacks in Israel 2000 to 2003,2006,29,2,187-206,Harrison Key considerations in counterideological work against terrorist ideology,2006,29,6,561-588,Hassan Responding to catastrophic terrorism,2002,25,4,245-261,Hills Insurgency and counterinsurgency in Iraq,2006,29,2,103-121,Hoffman Terrorism Signaling and Suicide Attack,2004,27,4,243-281,Hoffman Technology Acquisition by Terrorist Groups: Threat Assessment Informed by Lessons from Private Sector Technology Adoption,2001,24,3,183-213,Jackson Groups networks or movements: A command-and-control-driven approach to classifying terrorist organizations and its application to Al Qaeda,2006,29,3,241-262,Jackson Terrorist Victimization: Prevention Control and Recovery,2001,24,6,467-473,Kratcoski Causes of Communal War: Fear and Feasibility,1999,22,4,331-355,Lischer Can the violent jihad do without sympathizers?,2006,29,4,343-357,Mascini Cults Violence and Religious Terrorism: An International Perspective,2001,24,5,361-376,Mayer Girls as 'Weapons of Terror' in Northern Uganda and Sierra Leone,2005,28,5,385-397,McKay How do we know we're winning the war against terrorists? Issues in measurement,2002,25,3,151-160,Mickolus Nihilism in Political Chaos: Himmler Bin Laden and Altruistic Punishment,2004,27,3,187-206,Midlarsky Palestinian Suicide Terrorism in the Second Intifada: Motivations and Organizational Aspects,2003,26,2,65-92,Moghadam Terrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction: The Case of Aum Shinrikyo,1999,22,1,79-91,Muir The Portrayal of Female Terrorists in the Media: Similar Framing Patterns in the News Coverage of Women in Politics and in Terrorism,2005,28,5,435-451,Nacos In the Name of the Cause: Women's Work in Secular and Religious Terrorism,2005,28,5,353-373,Ness Jihadism in Western Europe after the invasion of Iraq: Tracing motivational influences from the Iraq war on Jihadist terrorism in Western Europe (vol 29 pg 323 2006),2006,29,6,621-621,Nesser Jihadism in Western Europe after the invasion of Iraq: Tracing motivational influences from the Iraq war on jihadist terrorism in Western Europe,2006,29,4,323-342,Nesser Complexity and Counterterrorism: Thinking about Biometrics,2005,28,6,547-566,O'Neil Consequence Management in the 1995 Sarin Attacks on the Japanese Subway System,2002,25,6,421-448,Pangi Comparing Motives and Outcomes of Mass Casualty Terrorism Involving Conventional and Unconventional Weapons,2001,24,5,389-406,Parachini Struggling with the Challenges of Right-Wing Extremism and Terrorism within Democratic Boundaries: A Comparative Analysis,2001,24,5,339-359,Pedahzur The radical group in context: 1. an integrated framework for the analysis of group risk for terrorism,2002,25,2,73-100,Post The radical group in context: 2. identification of critical elements in the analysis of risk for terrorism by radical group type,2002,25,2,101-126,Post A Historical Analysis of Mass Casualty Bombers,2002,25,5,279-292,Quillen The Dutch Response to Moluccan Terrorism 1970-1978,2005,28,6,481-492,Rasser Who Are the Terrorists? Analyzing Changes in Sociological Profile among Members of ETA,2004,27,6,465-488,Reinares Realizing Hegemony? Symbolic Terrorism and the Roots of Conflict,2003,26,4,289-309,Richmond Aum Shinrikyo's Biological Weapons Program: Why Did it Fail?,2001,24,4,289-301,Rosenau When terrorism hits home: Domestic newspaper coverage of the 1998 and 2002 terror attacks in Kenya,2006,29,6,607-619,Schaefer Defining Religious Terrorism: A Causal and Anthological Profile,2003,26,2,105-134,Schbley Religious Terrorism the Media and International Islamization Terrorism: Justifying the Unjustifiable,2004,27,3,207-233,Schbley Applying Lessons from Medical Management of Conventional Terror to Responding to Weapons of Mass Destruction Terror: The Experience of a Tertiary University Hospital,2003,26,5,379-385,Shapira Saddam Hussein: Political Psychological Profiling Results Relevant to His Possession Use and Possible Transfer of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) to Terrorist Groups,2003,26,5,347-364,Shaw Beyond Horror: Terrorist Atrocity and the Search for Understanding--The Case of the Shankill Bombing,2003,26,1,37-60,Silke Making sense of ethnic cleansing,1999,22,1,1-20,Simons From Words to Action: Exploring the Relationship between a Group's Value References and Its Likelihood of Engaging in Terrorism,2004,27,5,409-437,Smith The making of a martyr: Chechen suicide terrorism,2006,29,5,429-492,Speckhard Aviation Security: Promise or Reality?,2004,27,1,47-63,Szyliowick Crisis Negotiation: A Counter-Intuitive Method to Disrupt Terrorism,2004,27,5,455-459,Voss Treachery and Deceit: Parallels in Tribal and Terrorist Warfare?,2003,26,5,331-345,Wadley Revenge without rules: On the renaissance of an archaic motif of violence,2001,24,6,435-450,Waldmann Catastrophic New Age groups and public order,2000,23,1,21-36,Whitsel Anatomy of the Salafi movement,2006,29,3,207-239,Wiktorowicz The European Union and post-9/11 counterterrorism: A reappraisal,2006,29,2,123-145,Zimmermann Female Survival Calculations in Politically Violent Settings: How Political Violence and Terrorism Are Viewed as Pathways to Life,2009,32,7,561-575,Cunningham Israeli State Violence during the Second Intifada: Combining New Institutionalist and Rational Choice Approaches,2009,32,7,611-626,Brym Understanding Insurgency Violence: A Quantitative Analysis of the Political Violence in Northern Ireland 1969–1999,2009,32,8,705-725,Beggan Before Jihadists There Were Anarchists: A Failed Case of Transnational Violence,2008,31,10,903-923,Aydinli Explaining Strategic Violence after Wars,2009,32,3,209-236,Boyle Turkey’s Kurdish Problem: Steps Toward a Solution,2007,30,2,157-172,Uslu Terrorism Security and the Threat of Counterterrorism,2007,30,1,75-92,Wolfendale Terrorism as Transnational Advocacy: An Organizational and Tactical Examination,2007,30,1,15-39,Asal Jihadist Beheading: A Convergence of Technology Theology and Teleology?,2007,30,4,303-325,Lentini Gender Palestinian Women and Terrorism: Women's Liberation or Oppression?,2007,30,6,493-519,Berko Explaining Israel's Misuse of Strategic Assassinations,2007,30,6,563-577,Honig A Subnational Study of Insurgency: FARC Violence in the 1990s,2007,30,3,249-265,Holmes Religious Basis for Islamic Terrorism: The Quran and Its Interpretations,2007,30,3,229-248,Venkatraman U.S. Military Interventions and the Risk of Civil Conflict,2010,33,3,246,Aslam Who is Afraid of the T-word? Labeling Terror in the Media Coverage of Political Violence Before and After 9/11,2010,33,6,533,Nagar Unpacking the Social Origins of Terrorism: The Role of Women's Empowerment in Reducing Terrorism,2010,33,8,735,Robison Violent Radicalization in Europe: What We Know and What We Do Not Know,2010,33,9,797,Dalgaard-Nielsen Fatah al-Islam in Lebanon: Anatomy of a Terrorist Organization,2010,33,6,548,Haddad Single-Issue Terrorism: A Neglected Phenomenon?,2000,23,4,255,Monaghan Illuminating the global suicide-attack network,2013,36,1,49-76,Acosta Investing in the market of violence: toward a micro-theory of terrorist financing,2012,35,10,693-711,Myres Studying Suicide Bombers: A Response to Brym and Araj's Critique,2012,35,6,444-455,Merari Suicidality and suicide bombing revisited: a rejoinder to Merari,2012,35,10,733-739,Brym Promoting exit from violent extremism: themes and approaches,2013,36,2,99-115,Dalgaard-Nielsen Know your enemy: on the futility of distinguishing between terrorists and insurgents,2013,36,5,419-430,Khalil Targeting civilians in ethno-territorial wars: power- and preference-based sources of ethnic cleansing and mass killing strategies,2013,36,5,372-393,Horowitz Military experience identity discrepancies and far right terrorism: an exploratory analysis,2013,36,8,654-671,Simi The infiltration of terrorist organizations into the pharmaceutical industry: Hezbollah as a case study,2013,36,9,699-712,Ganor Far-right lone wolf homicides in the United States,2013,36,12,1005-1024,Freilich Revisiting the "problem from hell": Suicide terror in Afghanistan,2013,36,10,819-838,Rome What drives inter-religious violence? Lessons from Nigeria Côte d'Ivoire and Tanzania,2013,36,10,857-879,Basedau The challenges to cooperation posed by the nexus of terrorism and organized crime: Comparing the situations between the Andean and the Sahel regions,2014,37,1,18-40,Teirilä The cyberterrorism threat: Findings from a survey of researchers,2014,37,1,68-90,Macdonald Civilian defense forces state capacity and government victory in counterinsurgency wars,2014,37,2,162-184,Peic Radical beliefs and violent actions are not synonymous: how to place the key disjuncture between attitudes and behaviors at the heart of our research into political violence,2014,37,2,198-211,Khalil Sectarian violence and social group identity in Pakistan,2014,37,6,457-472,Kfir Misperception and opportunity in South Asia,1996,19,4,413-425,Perkovich Bosnia's Muslim/Croat federation: a step in the right direction or another recipe for disaster?,1996,19,4,403-411,O'Shea Russia and the Caucasus,1996,19,4,389-402,Henze Russia's air war in Chechnya,1996,19,4,365-388,Lambeth The threat of militant Islam: a fundamental reappraisal,1996,19,4,353-364,Kibble A fundamentalist Islamic threat to the West,1996,19,4,339-352,Bouchat Suicide bombers: business as usual,1996,19,4,329-337,Kushner The last surge to the south: the new enemies of Russia in the rhetoric of Zhirinovsky,1996,19,3,279-327,Koman Impact of the Vietnam war on the civil rights movement in the Midsixties,1996,19,3,261-278,Harrison The application of military doctrine to counterinsurgency (COIN) operations: a British perspective,1996,19,3,247-259,Bulloch Preventive peacekeeping ethnic violence and Macedonia,1996,19,3,229-246,Kaufman A year in Bosnia: what was achieved,1996,19,3,221-228,Rose Tajikistan today,1996,19,2,199-212,Auten Pakistan's ethnic divide,1996,19,2,179-198,Hurst With the best of intentions: lessons from UNOSOM I and II,1996,19,2,153-177,Diehl Terminating intervention: understanding exit strategy and U.S. involvement in intrastate conflicts,1996,19,2,117-151,Tellis Has global ethnic conflict superseded cold war ideology?,1996,19,1,93-107,Trundle Pablo Escobar drug baron: his surrender imprisonment and escape,1996,19,1,55-91,Thompson Jerusalem media and communications center poll: one year after "autonomy",1996,19,1,43-53,Salmi On the Razor's edge: the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam,1996,19,1,19-42,Joshi From spikes to bombs: the rise of eco‐terrorism,1996,19,1,1-18,Eagan Strategic nuclear weapons: a force for the Post‐Cold War World,1995,18,4,335-348,Miceli Indo‐Pakistani Nuclear issues and the stability/instability paradox,1995,18,4,325-334,Ganguly Cambodia: lasting key to Southeast Asia's stability,1995,18,4,317-323,Miller Assassination and the law: a policy memorandum,1995,18,4,299-315,Beres The rise and fall of Québecois separatist terrorism: a qualitative application of factors from two models,1995,18,4,285-297,Ross "Holy terror": the implications of terrorism motivated by a religious imperative,1995,18,4,271-284,Hoffman The path to redemption: fundamentalist Judaism territory and Jewish settler violence in the West Bank,1995,18,4,245-270,Hanauer Policing Northern Ireland: current issues,1995,18,3,233-242,Hamilton Terrorism the media and the Northern Ireland conflict,1995,18,3,203-231,Kingston Paramilitaries peace and politics: Ulster loyalists and the 1994 truce,1995,18,3,187-202,Bruce Protestant alienation in Northern Ireland,1995,18,3,175-185,Dunn The Irish Republican Army enters an endgame: an overview,1995,18,3,153-174,Bell Tension among neighbors: Greek‐Albanian relations and their impact on regional security and stability,1995,18,2,111-143,Xhudo Explaining collective violence in India: social cleavages and their consequences,1995,18,2,93-109,Unnithan The Bakonjo‐Baamba and Uganda: colonial and postcolonial integration and ethnocide,1995,18,2,75-92,Rubongoya Special forces counterterrorism and the law of armed conflict,1995,18,1,47-65,Stoffa The Neo‐Nazi menace in Germany,1995,18,1,39-46,Anderson The nature of PKK terrorism in Turkey,1995,18,1,17-37,Criss Oil on troubled waters: Indonesian sponsorship of the South China sea workshops,1995,18,1,1-15,Shephard National territorial or religious conflict? The case of Nagorno‐Karabakh,1994,17,4,345-362,Vaserman The Medellin Cartel: why we can't win the drug war,1994,17,4,323-344,Filippone Is the Shining Path the "New Khmer rouge"?,1994,17,4,305-322,Rosenau International organizations and secessionist crises: The relevance of agenda setting,1994,17,3,275-291,Saideman The fascist impulse in developing countries: two case studies,1994,17,3,229-274,Jha Maritime tensions in the South China Sea and the neighborhood: some solutions,1994,17,2,181-211,Shephard Nuclear proliferation: U.S. aims and India's response,1994,17,2,165-180,Nair Hizbollah organization,1994,17,2,151-164,Wege The armed struggle and underground intelligence: an overview,1994,17,2,115-150,Bell The obstacles to the peaceful resolution of the Liberian civil conflict,1994,17,1,97-108,Jr Democracy in the Middle East: the American connection,1994,17,1,87-96,Bahgat Ethnic dynamics and dilemmas of the Russian Republic,1994,17,1,61-86,Henze Terrorists right and left: empirical issues in profiling American terrorists,1994,17,1,39-57,Morgan Libyan involvement and legal obligations in connection with the bombing of Pan Am flight 103,1994,17,1,23-38,Kash Emerging regional conflicts and U.S. interests: challenges and responses in the 1990s,1994,17,1,1-22,Shultz Giovanni Falcone--in memoriam,1993,16,4,303-313,Jameson The Red Brigades: Farewell to arms,1993,16,4,315-325,Raufer A dubious strategy in pursuit of a dubious enemy: a critique of U.S. post‐cold war security policy in the third world,1993,16,4,263-302,Schwarz East and Southeast Asia and the post‐cold war international politics of human rights,1993,16,4,241-261,Kausikan Saddam's failed counterstrike: terrorism and the Gulf War,1993,16,3,219-232,Terrill Ethnic conflict in Russia: implications for the United States,1993,16,3,201-218,McMullen Whither Yugoslavia? The death of a nation,1993,16,3,187-199,Hobbs Why Indonesia closed the straits in September 1988,1993,16,3,171-185,Lowry Germany's Red Army Faction: an obituary,1993,16,2,135-157,Pluchinsky British security policies and Ireland: the decline of a territorial imperative,1993,16,2,113-133,McKinley Roots of the Anti‐Vietnam war movement,1993,16,2,99-111,Harrison Covert action and congressional oversight: a deontology,1993,16,2,87-97,Cogan United Nations election supervision in South Africa: lessons from the Namibian peacekeeping experience,1993,16,1,61-74,Diehl Pol Pot: the paradox of moral correctness,1993,16,1,51-60,Mahbubani Conflict termination: a rational model,1993,16,1,25-50,Clarke Political reform and regime stability in the post‐war Gulf,1993,16,1,9-23,Green Myanmar as nexus: Sino‐Indian rivalries on the frontier,1993,16,1,1-8,Steinberg India's evolving defense postures and policies,1992,15,4,339-355,Kapur United States‐Indian defense cooperation,1992,15,4,317-337,Limaye India's security environment: an Indian view,1992,15,4,309-316,Sekhar The historical roots of the Kashmir conflict,1992,15,4,283-308,Mohan India and Sri Lanka: a fatal convergence,1992,15,4,267-281,Krishna Turmoil in Assam,1992,15,4,251-266,Wilson Low‐intensity conflict: the source of Third‐World instability,1992,15,4,233-250,Sood Totalitarianism in Sandinista Nicaragua,1992,15,3,201-223,Blake Stolypin and the birth of modern counterinsurgency,1992,15,3,185-199,Lehovich Political process and the 1989 Chinese student movement,1992,15,3,169-184,Smith Chemical weapons and the Gulf War: the dog that did not bark,1992,15,2,145-155,Cigar Combatants patrons peacemakers and the Liberian civil conflict,1992,15,2,125-143,Jr Vietnam: folly quagmire or inevitability?,1992,15,2,99-123,Miller Career moves: Reflections on the Irish gunman,1992,15,1,69-88,Bell Low‐Intensity conflict doctrine and policy: Old wine in a new bottle?,1992,15,1,53-67,Downie Recent narcotics and mafia research,1992,15,1,39-51,Jamieson Current research on terrorism and low‐intensity conflict,1992,15,1,25-37,Hoffman Academic research on European terrorist developments: pleas from a government terrorism analyst,1992,15,1,13-23,Pluchinsky Current research on terrorism: the academic perspective,1992,15,1,1-11,Crenshaw Commitment to extremist ideology: using factor analysis to move beyond binary measures of extremism,2016,39,7-8,687-711,Freilich Community-based counterterrorism,2017,40,12,987-990,Spalek The role of communities in counterterrorism: analyzing policy and exploring psychotherapeutic approaches within community settings,2017,40,12,991-1003,Spalek Police and community cooperation in counterterrorism: evidence and insights from Australia,2017,40,12,1023-1037,Cherney Community-led counterterrorism,2017,40,12,1038-1053,Huq Community-based counterterrorism policing: recommendations for practitioners,2017,40,12,1054-1071,Lambert "Doing peace": the role of ex-political prisoners in violence prevention initiatives in Northern Ireland,2017,40,12,1072-1090,Lynch What terrorist leaders want: a content analysis of terrorist propaganda videos,2017,40,11,899-916,Abrahms Prevent strategies: the problems associated in defining extremism: the case of the United Kingdom,2017,40,11,917-933,Lowe V for vendetta: government mass killing and domestic terrorism,2017,40,11,934-965,Avdan U.S. counterterrorism operations during the Iraq War: a case study of Task Force 714,2017,40,10,809-837,Shultz The rebels' resource curse: a theory of insurgent-civilian dynamics,2017,40,10,870-898,Sarkar The Islamic State's strategy: bureaucratizing the apocalypse through strategic communications,2017,40,9,731-757,Phillips Is there a culture or religion of torture? International support for brutal treatment of suspected terrorists,2017,40,9,758-771,Mayer Uprooting or sowing violence? Coca eradication and guerrilla violence in Colombia,2017,40,9,790-807,Fisher Old becomes new again: kidnappings by Daesh and other Salafi-jihadists in the twenty-first century,2017,40,8,665-683,Cragin The role of civil wars and elections in inducing political assassinations,2017,40,8,684-700,Perliger Schools and terrorism: global trends impacts and lessons for resilience,2017,40,8,701-711,Redlener Terrorist learning: a new analytical framework,2017,40,7,523-538,Kettle Terrorist learning: a look at the adoption of political kidnappings in six countries 1968-1990,2017,40,7,539-556,Rasmussen Irish republican terrorism: learning from and teaching other countries,2017,40,7,557-572,Guelke Copying to be different: violent dissident Irish Republican learning,2017,40,7,586-602,Morrison Constructing expertise: terrorist recruitment and "talent spotting" in the PIRA Al Qaeda and ISIS,2017,40,7,603-623,Bloom From cubs to lions: a six stage model of child socialization into the Islamic State,2017,40,7,645-664,Bloom "What ISIS really wants" revisited: religion matters in jihadist violence but how?,2017,40,6,439-454,Cottee The dynamics of terrorism and counterterrorism: understanding the domestic security dilemma,2017,40,6,470-483,Field Blunders and blame: how armed non-state actors react to their mistakes,2017,40,5,376-398,Matesan A community-level comparison of terrorism movements in the United States,2017,40,5,399-418,Fitzpatrick Killing people dividing a nation? Analyzing student perceptions of the Boko Haram crisis in Nigeria,2017,40,5,419-738,Langer Homegrown violent extremism in Trinidad and Tobago: local patterns global trends,2017,40,4,267-299,Knight The discourse of terror threats: assessing online written threats by Nigerian terrorist groups,2017,40,4,318-338,Chiluwa Can knowledge of Islam explain lack of support for terrorism? Evidence from Pakistan,2017,40,4,339-355,Fair Introducing the 1993 terrorism and political violence dataset,2017,40,3,232-247,Acosta The psychology of foreign fighters,2017,40,3,248-266,Borum "Unwilling cocoons": Boko Haram's war against women,2017,40,2,99-121,Oriola Framing through paradox: Egypt and the "Obama supports terrorism" campaign,2017,40,2,122-138,Pinfari Specifying kidnapping for ransom epidemics at the global level: a matched-case control design,2017,40,2,139-156,Guerette Terrorist assassinations and target selection,2017,40,2,157-171,Bell "Electronic jihad": the internet as Al Qaeda's catalyst for global terror,2017,40,1,10-23,Rudner #Westgate: a case study: how al-Shabaab used Twitter during an ongoing attack,2017,40,1,24-43,Mair Brothers believers brave Mujahideen: focusing attention on the audience of violent jihadist preachers,2017,40,1,62-76,Aly Determining the role of the internet in violent extremism and terrorism: six suggestions for progressing research,2017,40,1,77-98,Conway The tribes that bind: Yemen and the paradox of political violence,2011,34,12,902-916,Jones The Lebanese Hizballah and Israeli counterterrorism,2011,34,12,917-941,Byman Armed groups as political parties and their role in electoral politics: the case of Hizballah,2011,34,12,942-962,Berti Terrorist (e)motives: the existential attractions of terrorism,2011,34,12,963-986,Hayward A partnership to counter international terrorism: the UN Security Council and the UN member states,2011,34,11,843-861,Messmer A geographic information systems (GIS) analysis of spatiotemporal patterns of terrorist incidents inIiraq 2004-2009,2011,34,11,862-882,Siebeneck The Abdullah Azzam Brigades,2011,34,11,883-895,Winter Interviews with killers: six types of combatants and their motivations for joining deadly groups,2011,34,10,749-764,Barrett Cyber-fatwas and terrorism,2011,34,10,765-781,Weimann The other side of the COIN: private security companies and counterinsurgency operations,2011,34,10,782-801,Petersohn Is it ideology or desperation: why do organizations deploy women in violent terrorist attacks?,2011,34,10,802-819,Asal Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined: a reflection a deflection and a qualified reinterpretation of the global jihad,2011,34,9,672-695,Smith Why do terrorists stop? Analyzing why ETA members abandon or continue with terrorism,2011,34,9,696-716,Alonso How terrorism ceases: the Tupamaros in Uruguay,2011,34,9,717-731,Waldmann Improvised explosive device: the problem of definition,2011,34,9,732-748,Horgan An intifada in Europe? A comparative analysis of radicalization processes among Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza versus Muslim immigrants in Europe,2011,34,8,587-599,Ganor Improvised explosive devices in Southern Afghanistan and Western Pakistan 2002-2009,2011,34,8,600-620,Barker The plots that failed: intelligence lessons learned from unsuccessful terrorist attacks against the United States,2011,34,8,621-648,Dahl Forward to the past? Loyalist Paramilitarism in Northern Ireland Since 1994,2011,34,8,649-665,Monaghan Reclaiming scholarly authority: Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi's critique of jihadi practices,2011,34,7,523-539,Wagemakers Arab americans' opinion on counterterrorism measures: the impact of race ethnicity and religion,2011,34,7,540-555,Sun Why Greek terrorists give up: analyzing individual exit from the Revolutionary Organization 17 November,2011,34,7,556-571,Kassimeris Conflict-induced displacement and violence in Colombia,2011,34,7,572-586,Holmes The sources of terrorist financing: theory and typology,2011,34,6,461-475,Freeman The "new terrorism" and its critics,2011,34,6,476-500,Kurtulus A response to Jones and Smith: it's not as bad as it seems; or five ways to move critical terrorism studies forward,2011,34,6,501-511,Stump Terrorology and methodology: a reply to Dixit and Stump,2011,34,6,512-522,Smith Success lethality and cell structure across the dimensions of al Qaeda,2011,34,5,367-382,Helfstein Normative support for terrorism: the attitudes and beliefs of immediate relatives of Jema'ah Islamiyah members,2011,34,5,402-417,King Transformative radicalization: applying learning theory to Islamist radicalization,2011,34,5,418-438,Wilner Negotiating hostage crises with the new terrorists,2011,34,4,267-294,Dolnik Gender jihad and jingoism: women as perpetrators planners and patrons of militancy in Kashmir,2011,34,4,295-317,Parashar When terrorism as strategy fails: dissident Irish Republicans and the threat to British security,2011,34,4,318-336,Edwards Could suicide terrorists actually be suicidal?,2011,34,4,337-366,Lankford Al Qaeda's foot soldiers: a study of the biographies of foreign fighters killed in Afghanistan and Pakistan between 2002 and 2006,2011,34,3,171-198,Stenersen Greece's new generation of terrorists: the revolutionary struggle,2011,34,3,199-211,Kassimeris Agents for stability or chaos: conceptualizing intelligence "relevance" in counterinsurgency,2011,34,3,212-227,Michaels Crime irregular warfare and institutional failure in Latin America: Guatemala as a case study,2011,34,3,228-247,Brands The PKK problem: explaining Turkey's failure to develop a political solution,2011,34,3,248-265,Bacik Assessing the jihadist terrorist threat to America and American interests,2011,34,2,65-101,Hoffman Managing the global and local: the dual agendas of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula,2011,34,2,102-123,Loidolt Building the base: al Qaeda's focoist strategy,2011,34,2,124-143,Payne Taking hand-outs or going it alone: nationalization versus privatization in the funding of Islamist terrorist groups,2011,34,2,144-170,Geltzer A global analysis of temperature terrorist attacks and fatalities,2019,,,1-13,Niedbala Natural resource production and the risk of conflict recurrence,2018,41,1,1-23,Roy Belgian and Dutch young men and women who joined ISIS: ethnographic research among the families they left behind,2018,41,1,39-58,San Terrorism where terror is not: Australian and New Zealand terrorism compared,2018,41,1,59-76,Battersby Individual behavior as a defense in the "war on cyberterror": a system dynamics approach,2018,41,2,109-132,Armenia The enemy within? The connection between insider threat and terrorism,2018,41,2,133-150,McIlhatton Automatic gait recognition and its potential role in counterterrorism,2018,41,2,151-168,Monaghan Settling on violence: expansion of Israeli outposts in the West Bank in response to terrorism,2018,41,3,241-259,Getmansky The contagious diffusion of worldwide terrorism: is it less common than we might think?,2018,41,4,261-280,LaFree Counterterrorism effectiveness to jihadists in western Europe and the United States: we are losing the war on terror,2018,41,4,281-296,Davies Is more violent better? The impact of group participation in violence on group longevity for far-right extremist groups,2018,41,5,365-387,Freilich A homegrown terrorist cell: observations of a police undercover operative,2018,41,6,474-490,Ilardi Narrative in the study of victimological processes in terrorism and political violence: an initial exploration,2018,41,7,541-556,Pemberton The narrative of victimization and deradicalization: an expert view,2018,41,7,557-572,Mulder A battle of narratives: Spanish victims organizations international action to delegitimize terrorism and political violence,2018,41,7,573-588,Argomaniz Psychological barriers to a peaceful resolution: longitudinal evidence from the Middle East and Northern Ireland,2018,41,8,660-676,Muldoon Persuasion and predation: the effects of U.S. military aid and international development aid on civilian killings,2018,41,10,776-800,Jadoon A psychological re-examination of mental health problems among the 9/11 terrorists,2018,41,11,875-898,Lankford Who is the lone terrorist? A study of vehicle-borne attackers in Israel and the West Bank,2018,41,11,899-913,Perry Terrorism financing with virtual currencies: can regulatory technology solutions combat this?,2018,41,12,968-989,Salami Driving factors behind foreign fighters in Syria and Iraq,2019,42,9,798-818,Pokalova Archetypal terrorist events in the United States,2019,42,9,819-835,Lundberg When and how do militias disband? Global patterns of pro-government militia demobilization in civil wars,2019,42,8,715-734,Aliyev End of the lone wolf: the typology that should not have been,2019,42,8,771-778,Gill Organizational [dis]trust: comparing disengagement among former left-wing and right-wing violent extremists,2019,42,6,559-580,Simi Spoiling through performative nonviolence: ritualistic funerary practice as a violent dissident Irish Republican (VDR) spoiling tactic,2019,42,6,581-599,Hearty Minimizing unintended deaths enhanced the effectiveness of targeted killing in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,2019,42,6,600-616,Falk Reality versus perception: toward understanding Boko Haram in Nigeria,2019,42,5,493-519,Botha What does the "terrorist" label really do? Measuring and explaining the effects of the "terrorist" and "Islamist" categories,2019,42,5,520-540,Baele A guide to interviewing terrorists and violent extremists,2019,42,4,429-443,Khalil Challenges for effective counterterrorism communication: practitioner insights and policy implications for preventing radicalization disrupting attack planning and mitigating terrorist attacks,2019,42,3,264-291,Rogers Grading the quality of ISIS videos: a metric for assessing the technical sophistication of digital video propaganda,2019,42,1-2,70-87,Robinson Women's radicalization to religious terrorism: an examination of ISIS cases in the United States,2019,42,1-2,88-119,Maras "The lions of tomorrow": a news value analysis of child images in jihadi magazines,2019,42,1-2,120-140,Watkin Disrupting Daesh: measuring takedown of online terrorist material and its impacts,2019,42,1-2,141-160,Robertson A storm on the horizon? "Twister" and the implications of the blockchain and peer-to-peer social networks for online violent extremism,2019,42,1-2,206-227,Mott Does drug trafficking impact terrorism? Afghan opioids and terrorist violence in central Asia,2019,42,12,1021-1043,Omelicheva Community stakeholder responses to countering violent extremism locally,2019,42,12,1044-1068,Ambrozik The strategy of exclusion in American counterterrorism,2019,42,12,1069-1089,Newell War of nerves: the domestic terror threat and the Belgian army,2019,42,11,953-971,Lasoen Terrorist group rivalries and alliances: testing competing explanations,2019,42,11,997-1019,Phillips From terrorists to statesmen: terrorism and Polish independence,2020,43,1,5-23,Weikersthal Encountering violence: the movement and the legitimation of violence at the eve of Italy's anni di piombo,2020,43,1,24-46,Chiampan Unholy alliance: the connection between the East German Stasi and the right-wing terrorist Odfried Hepp,2020,43,1,47-68,Blumenau Boko Haram's conquest for the caliphate: how Al Qaeda helped Islamic State acquire territory,2020,43,2,89-122,Zenn Why now? Timing rebel recruitment of female combatants,2020,43,2,123-144,Israelsen Terrorist decision making in the context of risk attack planning and attack commission,2020,43,2,145-160,Gill Hollywood and cinematic representations of far-right domestic terrorism in the US,2020,43,2,161-182,Rich Extreme criminals: reconstructing ideas of criminality through extremist narratives,2020,43,3,208-223,Lakhani Hyperlinked sympathizers: URLs and the Islamic State,2020,43,3,239-257,Weirman Secret bedfellows? The KGB Carlos the Jackal and Cold War psychological warfare,2020,43,1,69-87,Hänni Russia's Fifth Column: the influence of the Night Wolves Motorcycle Club,2020,43,4,259-273,Harris Government mass killing and post-conflict domestic trials,2020,43,5,396-413,Uzonyi Disengagement from political violence and deradicalization: a narrative-dialogical perspective,2020,43,6,444-467,Fernandez-Navarro Cultivating trust and perceptions of source credibility in online counternarratives intended to reduce support for terrorism,2020,43,6,468-492,Braddock When being bad is good? Bringing neutralization theory to subcultural narratives of right-wing violence,2020,43,6,493-508,Pisoiu Peacebuilding beyond terrorism? Revisiting the narratives of the Basque conflict,2020,43,6,529-547,Tellidis Recognizing victims of political violence: Basque literary narratives as an ethical tool,2020,43,6,548-564,Madina Assessing the threat of incel violence,2020,43,7,565-587,Hoffman Radicalization trajectories: an evidence-based computational approach to dynamic risk assessment of "homegrown" jihadists,2020,43,7,588-615,Klausen On the durability of terrorist networks: revealing the hidden connections between jihadist cells,2020,43,7,638-656,Whelan How "alone" are lone-actors? Exploring the ideological signaling and support networks of lone-actor terrorists,2020,43,7,657-678,Hofmann A comprehensive doctrine for an evolving threat: countering terrorist use of social networks,2020,43,8,728-752,Azani Protecting crowded places from terrorism: an analysis of the current considerations and barriers inhibiting the adoption of counterterrorism protective security measures,2020,43,9,753-774,Monaghan Confronting apocalyptic terrorism: lessons from France and Japan,2020,43,9,775-795,Saiya Femme fatale: the lethality of female suicide bombers,2020,43,9,796-814,Alakoc Military counterterrorism measures civil-military relations and democracy: the cases of Turkey and the United States,2020,43,9,815-836,Satana The three Ps of radicalization: push pull and personal. a systematic scoping review of the scientific evidence about radicalization into violent extremism,2020,43,10,854,Iqbal Kinder gentler safer? A re-examination of the relationship between consensus democracy and domestic terrorism,2020,43,10,886-903,Bogaards The logic of domestic terrorism revisited: a response to a critic,2020,43,10,904-909,Qvortrup Coding concessions conclusions: a reply to Matt Qvortrup,2020,43,10,910-912,Bogaards Attack at Fort Hood: experiences and suggestions for security,2020,43,11,959-988,Moravits Building community resilience? Community perspectives of the countering violent extremism pilot program in Minneapolis/St. Paul,2020,43,11,1011-1042,Salyk-Virk Empty threats: how extremist organizations bluff in terrorist campaigns,2020,43,12,1043-1063,Mahoney Rebels-turned-narcos? The FARC-EP's political involvement in Colombia's cocaine economy,2021,44,1,26-51,Gutiérrez Research note: former extremist interviews current extremist: self-disclosure and emotional engagement in terrorism studies,2021,44,1,74-92,Necef Incel (e)motives: resentment shame and revenge,2021,44,2,93-114,Cottee "I will tell you a story about jihad": ISIS's propaganda and narrative advertising,2021,44,2,115-137,Kruglova A qualitative analysis of drivers among military-affiliated and civilian lone actor terrorists inspired by jihadism,2021,44,2,138-155,Desmarais Jihadiship: from radical behavior to radical beliefs,2021,44,3,181-197,Nilsson Does domestic political instability foster terrorism? Global evidence from the Arab Spring Era (2011-14),2021,44,3,198-222,Schumacher Sexual suppression and political agency: evoking a woman's support for the Islamic State,2021,44,3,223-247,Al-Dayel Perceptions of fear among targets of radical animal rights extremism,2021,44,3,248-265,Drumhiller Feminization of terror: psychological analysis of the role of women in terrorist structures,2021,44,3,266-283,Bodziany Crossing battle death lines: why do some insurgent organizations escalate violence to higher-intensity armed conflicts?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Asal When data do not matter: exploring public perceptions of terrorism,2021,44,4,285-309,Lemieux Trends of anashid usage in Da'esh video messaging and implications for identifying terrorist audio and video,2021,44,4,310-325,Pieslak Preventing violent extremism: a review of the literature,2021,44,4,346-361,Boutellier An investigation of mass public shooting attacks against government targets in the United States,2021,44,5,387-409,Capellan Assessing innovation in terrorist financing,2021,44,6,455-472,Keatinge Preventing the next wave of foreign terrorist fighters: lessons learned from the experiences of Algeria and Tunisia,2021,44,7,543-564,Cragin Recruitment and incitement to violence in the Islamic State's online propaganda: comparative analysis of Dabiq and Rumiyah,2021,44,7,565-580,Lakomy The role of islamist ideology in shaping Muslims believers' attitudes toward terrorism: evidence from Europe,2021,44,7,581-604,Egger Evaluating case-managed approaches to counter radicalization and violent extremism: an example of the proactive integrated support model (PRISM) intervention,2021,44,8,625-645,Cherney Understanding electoral violence through complex textual data: OSCE monitoring missions in different contexts,2021,44,8,646-667,Mochtak Female Palestinian terrorists: the role of the intifada period and the terrorism context,2021,44,8,668-685,Sela-Shayovitz Can old lessons inform current directions: Australia New Zealand and Ananda Marga's Trans-Tasman "Terrorism" 1975-1978,2021,44,8,686-700,Battersby Social learning and social control in the off- and online pathways to hate crime and terrorist violence,2021,44,9,701-729,Freilich The battle for Algeria: explaining fratricide among armed nonstate actors,2021,44,9,776-798,Mendelsohn Community engagement under the mass line for counterterrorism in China,2021,44,10,799-817,Zhang Campaigning on campus: student Islamic societies and counterterrorism,2017,40,12,1004-1022,Choudhury ISIS's clash of civilizations: constructing the "West" in terrorist propaganda,2021,44,11,887-919,Boyd Coca clausewitz and Colombia: the inadequacy of micro-level studies in explaining FARC violence against civilians during the Colombian civil war,2021,44,12,994-1021,Bruce-Jones Divide and co-opt: private agendas tribal groups and militia formation in counterinsurgency wars,2021,44,12,1022-1049,Peic Trauma trust in government and social connection: how social context shapes attitudes related to the use of ideologically or politically motivated violence,2021,44,12,1050-1067,Miller Nuclear legitimacy: why insurgents seek and destroy nuclear technology,2021,44,12,1068-1089,Tschantret When extremists become violent: examining the association between social control social learning and engagement in violent extremism,2021,44,12,1104-1124,Becker Turkish ISIS and AQ foreign fighters: reconciling the numbers and perception of the terrorism threat,2021,44,12,1125-1147,Yayla The strategic use of emotions in recruitment strategies of armed groups: the case of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam,2021,44,12,1148-1166,Meier How do terrorist organizations make money? Terrorist funding and innovation in the case of al-Shabaab,2021,44,12,1167-1189,Levy Black opps: Islamic State and innovation in irregular warfare,2021,44,12,1190-1217,Whiteside Is it terrorism? Public perceptions media and labeling the Las Vegas shooting,2022,45,1,1-19,Kearns Rumor and collective action frames: an assessment of how competing conceptions of gender culture and rule of law shaped responses to rumor and violence in Afghanistan,2022,45,1,20-42,Ibrahimi Researching a risky business? The use of freedom of information to explore counterterrorism security at museums in the United Kingdom,2022,45,1,43-61,Atkinson Martyr or mystery? Female suicide bombers and information availability,2022,45,1,62-91,Soules Motivations for jihad and cognitive dissonance - a qualitative analysis of former Swedish jihadists,2022,45,1,92-110,Nilsson "Aren't you tired of talking?" - Priming men and women into violence through gateway organizations,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nilsson Muslim converts who turn to global jihad: radicalization characteristics and countermeasures,2022,45,2,173-199,Azani The strategic ambiguity of the United Nations approach to preventing violent extremism,2022,45,2,111-132,Thiessen Strengthening protection and support for victims of terrorism in criminal proceedings in Afghanistan,2022,45,2,133-152,Jupp Pseudo-radicalism and the de-radicalization of educated youth in Indonesia,2022,45,2,153-172,Suyanto Reexamining the four waves of modern terrorism: a territorial interpretation,2022,45,4,311-330,Radil The linkages between organized crime and terrorism [editorial],2022,45,5-6,331-334,Puttonen Mapping connections and cooperation between terrorist and criminal entities,2022,45,5-6,335-347,Perliger Crime-terror interactions in Sub-Saharan Africa,2022,45,5-6,368-388,Forest Arms smuggling in India: exploring links between crime and terrorism,2022,45,5-6,445-462,Siyech Debunking the smuggler-terrorist nexus: human smuggling and the Islamic State in the Middle East,2022,45,5-6,463-478,Achilli Strength from the shadows? How shadow economies affect terrorist activities,2022,45,5-6,517-534,Jadoon The criminalization of online terrorism preparatory acts under international law,2022,45,5-6,535-554,Couzigou "Terrorism as veiled suicide: a comparative analysis",2022,45,7,608-625,Geifman Domestic counter-terrorist intelligence structures in the United Kingdom France Canada and Australia,2022,45,7,626-658,Chalk Combating violent extremism: voices of former right-wing extremists,2022,45,8,661-681,Bérubé Comparing the different behavioral outcomes of extremism: a comparison of violent and non-violent extremists acting alone or as part of a group,2022,45,8,682-703,Knight Cyberterrorism today? Findings from a follow-on survey of researchers,2022,45,8,727-752,Jarvis Terrorist transformations: the link between terrorist roles and terrorist disengagement,2022,45,9,753-777,Altier Weapon of choice: terrorist bombings in armed conflict,2022,45,9,778-798,Boyle Terrorism and counterterrorism: Italian exceptionalism and its limits,2022,45,9,799-816,Beccaro Joining the counterinsurgency: explaining pro-government militia participation in the Philippines,2022,45,9,817-841,Zech Spatial decision making of terrorist target selection: introducing the TRACK Framework,2022,45,10,862-880,Gill Between the "camp of falsehood" and the "camp of truth": exploitation of propaganda devices in the "Dabiq" online magazine,2022,45,10,881-906,Lakomy Not yet dead: the establishment and regulation of slavery by the Islamic State,2022,45,11,929-952,Bales The juridification of the UK's counter terrorism prevent policy,2022,45,11,1004-1029,Walker Understanding and misunderstanding state sponsorship of terrorism,2022,45,12,1031-1049,Byman Is resilience a good concept in terrorism research? A conceptual adequacy analysis of terrorism resilience,2023,46,1,1-20,Jore Whose interest? Whose peace? An evaluation of Pakistan's peace agreements with the Taliban in the Tribal Areas (2004-2015),2023,46,1,21-45,Aslam What everybody should know about radicalization and the DRIA model,2023,46,1,68-100,Orsini Testing deterrence by denial: experimental results from criminology,2023,46,1,101-121,Stein Militants in retreat: how terrorists behave when they are losing,2023,46,2,137-161,Dixon Landmines and improvised explosive devices: the lingering terror of the islamic state,2023,46,2,162-182,Al-Dayel Application of the TRAP-18 Framework to U.S. and western European lone actor terrorists,2023,46,2,183-208,Desmarais Contextualizing disengagement: how exit barriers shape the pathways out of far-right extremism in the United States,2023,46,3,249-277,James "Sorry we're closed": applying business models to failed terrorist organizations,2023,46,3,330-352,Ludwick Women too: explaining gender ideologies of ethnopolitical organizations,2023,46,4,362-379,Asal Part and parcel? Examining Al Shabaab and Boko Haram's violence targeting civilians and violence targeting women,2023,46,4,380-398,Matfess From pawn to knights: the changing role of women's agency in terrorism?,2023,46,4,399-414,Bloom Do white supremacist women adopt movement archetypes of mother whore and fighter?,2023,46,4,415-432,Simi Outbidding and gender: dynamics in the Colombian civil war,2023,46,4,451-469,Henshaw Exceptional inclusion: understanding the PKK's gender policy,2023,46,4,433-450,Szekely The lure of (violent) extremism: gender constructs in online recruitment and messaging in Indonesia,2023,46,4,470-488,Iqbal Fake it till you make it? Representation of special operations forces capabilities in jihadist propaganda videos,2023,46,5,541-558,Koehler More angry than scared? A study of public reactions to the Manchester Arena and London Bridge terror attacks of 2017,2023,46,5,579-593,Pease The radicalization of young jihadi convicted of membership of terrorist organization in Spain: analyzing the pieces of the puzzle,2023,46,5,594-617,Alonso The oxygen of publicity: explaining U.S. media coverage of international kidnapping,2023,46,5,618-639,Gilbert An alternative vision of statehood: Islamic State's ideological challenge to the nation-state,2023,46,5,640-658,Kaneva Lethal violence in civil war: trends and micro-dynamics of violence in the Northern Mali Conflict (2012-2015),2023,46,5,659-681,Campana How do leadership decapitation and targeting error affect suicide bombings? The case of Al-Shabaab,2023,46,5,682-702,Ibrahim Shire Theorizing the influence of wartime legacies on political stability after rebel victories,2023,46,5,703-727,Young A model for counterinsurgency success? The good the bad and the ugly in the struggle against the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (2003-2012),2023,46,5,728-751,Palma Research note: spreading hate on TikTok,2023,46,5,752-765,Weimann White demographic anxiety and support for torture of terrorism suspects,2023,46,6,769-797,Piazza National extraction geographical origin and migratory ancestry among jihadists in Spain,2023,46,6,798-823,Reinares "Unlikely recruits": why politically irrelevant ethnic minorities participate in civil wars?,2023,46,6,847-869,Aliyev Repeated and extensive exposure to online terrorist content: counter-terrorism internet referral unit perceived stresses and strategies,2023,46,6,888-912,Reeve Maoist hybridity? A comparative analysis of the links between insurgent strategic practice and tactical hybridity in contemporary non-state armed groups,2023,46,6,913-937,Stoddard Developing an extremist construct schema and measuring ideological engagement,2023,46,6,938-963,De Bruyn Who said we were terrorists? Issues with terrorism data and inclusion criteria,2023,46,6,964-984,McCann Defying rules. Defying gender? Women's resistance to Islamic State,2023,46,6,985-1008,Vale Reconceptualizing ideology and extremism: toward an empirically-based typology,2023,46,6,1009-1033,Davies Complexity lethality and the perverse imagination: modelling nonstate actors' means of attack,2023,46,11,2351-2362,Del Pozo A downward spiral: the role of hegemonic masculinity in lone actor terrorism,2023,46,12,2363-2380,Windisch Identifying key players in violent extremist networks: using socio-semantic network analysis as part of a program of content moderation,2023,46,12,2381-2399,Bérubé An attack against us all? Perceived similarity and compassion for the victims mediate the effects of news coverage about right-wing terrorism,2023,46,12,2400-2425,Matthes Too close for comfort: cyber terrorism and information security across national policies and international diplomacy,2023,46,12,2426-2453,Weggemans Blowin' in the wind? The musical response to the war on terror,2023,46,12,2454-2477,Smith A peaceful interpretation of jihad in the Qur'an,2023,46,12,2501-2520,Hasanzadeh Everyday religion and radical Islamism - a contribution to theorizing the role of religion in radicalization studies,2023,46,12,2521-2537,Jensen Countering violent islamist extremism in Muslim Mindanao the 4M Way: the role of alternative narratives,2023,46,12,2538-2563,Ramakrishna Counter-insurgency strategies and transnational attacks by rebel groups,2023,46,12,2564-2597,Asal Violent and nonviolent strategies of terrorist organizations: how do mixed strategies influence terrorist recruitment and lethality?,2023,46,12,2598-2621,Alakoc To escalate or not to escalate? Private military and security companies and conflict severity,2023,46,12,2622-2645,Petersohn The terrorist calculus behind 9-11: A model for future terrorism?,2003,26,1,1-16,Nacos What happened to suicide bombings in Israel? Insights from a terror stock model,2005,28,3,225-235,Mintz Terrorism and the Kenyan public,2005,28,2,99-112,Krause Suicide terrorism occupation and the globalization of martyrdom: A critique of Dying to Win,2006,29,8,707-729,Moghadam Suicide terrorism in Iraq: A preliminary assessment of the quantitative data and documentary evidence,2006,29,6,591-619,Hafez Could Hamas target the West?,2007,30,11,925-945,Levitt Connectivity among terrorist groups: A two models business maturity approach,2007,30,7,593-613,Desouza Palestinian Istishhadia: A developing instrument,2007,30,8,667-689,Schweitzer The human body as a terrorist weapon: Hunger strikes and suicide bombers,2007,30,6,459-492,Dingley To martyr or not to martyr: Jihad is the question what policy is the answer?,2007,30,5,429-443,Seliktar Ghost martyrs in Iraq: An assessment of the applicability of rationalist models to explain suicide attacks in Iraq,2008,31,9,856-882,Ayers Erratum: Deconstructing the Shariatic Justification of Suicide Bombings (Studies in Conflict and Terrorism (553-571)),2008,31,8,e774,Slavicek Deconstructing the shariatic justification of suicide bombings,2008,31,6,553-571,Slavicek Harsh state repression as a cause of suicide bombing: The case of the Palestinian - Israeli conflict,2008,31,4,284-303,Araj Male and female suicide bombers: Different sexes different reasons?,2008,31,4,304-326,Taylor What's special about U.S. Muslims? The war on terrorism as seen by Muslims in the United States Morocco Egypt Pakistan and Indonesia,2008,31,11,973-980,Mccauley The emergence of female suicide terrorists,2008,31,11,995-1023,Speckhard What's special about u.s. muslims? The war on terrorism as seen by muslims in the united states morocco egypt pakistan and indonesia,2008,31,11,1024-1031,Mccauley Radicalization and subversion: Al Qaeda and the 7 July 2005 bombings and the 2006 airline bombing plot,2009,32,12,1100-1116,Hoffman "Dumb" yet deadly: Local knowledge and poor tradecraft among Islamist militants in Britain and Spain,2010,33,10,911-932,Kenney Like red tulips at springtime: Understanding the absence of female martyrs in Afghanistan,2010,33,12,1079-1103,Dearing Are suicide bombers suicidal?,2012,35,6,432-443,Brym Human rights and antiterrorism: A positive legal duty to infringe freedom from torture?,2012,35,11,760-778,Turner Evolution of the Global Jihad: Female Suicide Bombers in Iraq,2013,36,4,279-291,Davis The effects of cleric statements on suicide bombings in pakistan 2000-2010,2013,36,3,219-234,Nolan The Effect of Female Suicide Attacks on Foreign Media Framing of Conflicts: The Case of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict,2014,37,8,674-688,Yarchi The Homecomings: What happens when Arab foreign fighters in Iraq and Syria return?,2015,38,8,581-602,Byman A New Typology of Contemporary Armed Non-State-Actors: Interpreting The Diversity,2016,39,5,423-450,Zohar Mapping the Minds of Suicide Bombers using Linguistic Methods: The Corpus of Palestinian Suicide Bombers' Farewell Letters (CoPSBFL),2016,39,7-8,749-780,Cohen Reasons behind Reasons: A Communitarian Reading of Women's Radicalization and Family Bombings in Southeast Asia,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Taylor Under the Hood-Learning and Innovation in the Islamic State's Suicide Vehicle Industry,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tveteraas