Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Comparing Measures of Homicide Trends - Methodological and Substantive Differences in the Vital Statistics and Uniform Crime Report Time-Series (1933-1975),1980,9,2,121-145,Cantor Drunk-Driving Research and Innovation - A Factorial Survey Study of Decisions to Drink and Drive,1993,22,3,245-264,Zhao Neighborhood norms and substance use among teens,2008,37,1,138-155,Musick Labor market conditions and violent crime across the metro-nonmetro divide,2008,37,3,753-768,Lee The dynamic relationship between homicide rates and social economic and political factors from 1970 to 2000,2008,37,3,721-735,Macdonald Do theories of crime or violence explain race differences in delinquency?,2008,37,2,624-641,Felson Are Hispanics the new 'threat'? Minority group threat and fear of crime in Miami-Dade County,2008,37,4,1102-1115,Taylor Meaningful distinctions within a concept: relational collective and generalized social capital,2009,38,2,251-265,Brunie Immigrant generation selective acculturation and alcohol use among Latina/o adolescents,2009,38,3,732-742,Eitle Immigration and violence: the offsetting effects of immigrant concentration on Latino violence,2009,38,3,717-731,Feldmeyer From War on Drugs to War against Terrorism: modeling the evolution of Colombia's counter-insurgency,2009,38,1,146-154,Sokolowski The Characteristics of Romantic Relationships Associated with Teen Dating Violence,2010,39,6,863-874,Giordano Firearms and fisticuffs: Region race and adversary effects on homicide and assault,2010,39,2,272-284,Felson The mental health of mothers in and after violent and controlling unions,2010,39,6,925-937,Adkins Religion and intimate partner violence in Chile: Macro- and micro-level influences,2009,38,3,635-643,Lehrer Relationship violence in young adulthood: A comparison of daters cohabitors and marrieds,2008,37,1,73-87,Brown Gender and the victim's experience with the criminal justice system,2008,37,1,202-219,Felson The effect of item order on partner violence reporting: An examination of four versions of the revised Conflict Tactics Scales,2007,36,1,353-373,Jasinski Religious intermarriage in the United States: trends patterns and predictors,2004,33,4,606-625,Sherkat Endogenous social effects on intimate partner violence in Colombia,2003,32,2,335-345,McQuestion Variations in Age-Specific Homicide Death Rates: A Cohort Explanation for Changes in the Age Distribution of Homicide Deaths,2002,31,1,124-150,O'Brien The effect of racial threat on interracial and intraracial crimes,2002,31,3,392-408,Stolzenberg Then comes marriage? Religion race and marriage in urban America,2007,36,2,569-589,Wolfinger Societal integration and age-standardized suicide rates in 21 developed countries 1955-1989,1998,27,2,109-127,Fernquist The perception of crime and punishment,1974,3,2,109-126,Sherman A cluster analysis of service utilization and incarceration among homeless youth,2012,41,3,612-623,Tyler Invisible norms? Statistics of racial polarization and consensus,2011,40,4,1170-1185,Craemer Heterogeneity in the rise and decline of city-level homicide rates 1976-2005: A latent trajectory analysis,2011,40,1,363-378,Parker Labored love: Examining the link between maternal depression and parenting behaviors,2011,40,1,399-415,Turney Response effects to attitudinal questions about domestic violence against women: A comparative perspective,2011,40,3,873-884,Yount Police levels and crime rates: An instrumental variables approach,2010,39,3,506-516,Kovandzic Social support and the working hours of employed mothers in Europe: The relevance of the state the workplace and the family,2012,41,3,581-597,Van Der Lippe Assessing reporting patterns of child sexual abuse within the Catholic Church using discontinuities in model parameter timeseries,2012,41,2,253-262,Ackerman Extracurricular activities and teens' alcohol use: The role of religious and secular sponsorship,2012,41,2,412-424,Adamczyk The well-being of children with gay and lesbian parents,2012,41,4,771-774,Amato Bargaining over waiting time in ultimatum game experiments,2012,41,2,372-379,Helbing Neighborhood disorder and individual economic self-sufficiency: New evidence from a quasi-experimental study,2012,41,4,802-819,Massey Institutionalizing shame: The effect of Human Rights Committee rulings on abuse 1981-2007,2012,41,3,539-554,Cole Spatial variation in poverty-generating processes: Child poverty in the United States,2012,41,1,146-159,Voss Happiness inequality: Adding meaning to numbers - A reply to Veenhoven and Kalmijn,2012,41,3,731-734,Delhey What can we learn from studies of children raised by gay or lesbian parents?,2012,41,4,775-778,Eggebeen Looking for homogeneous groups of respondents and nonrespondents using latent class analysis,2012,41,3,671-680,Feskens The proportional odds with partial proportionality constraints model for ordinal response variables,2012,41,1,182-198,Xu Comparative modeling approaches for understanding urban violence,2012,41,1,92-109,Grubesic I wouldn't but you can: Attitudes toward interracial relationships,2012,41,2,343-358,Campbell Why is the sex gap in feelings of depression wider in high gender equity countries? The effect of children on the psychological well-being of men and women,2012,41,3,501-513,Hopcroft Happiness is not normally distributed: A comment to Delhey and Kohler,2012,41,1,199-202,Kalmijn Time dynamics of elder victimization: Evidence from the NCVS 1992 to 2005,2012,41,2,444-463,Dietz Underage drinking alcohol sales and collective efficacy: Informal control and opportunity in the study of alcohol use,2012,41,4,977-990,Maimon Family environments and the relationship context of first adolescent sex: Correlates of first sex in a casual versus steady relationship,2012,41,4,861-875,Manlove Same-sex parenting and children's outcomes: A closer examination of the American psychological association's brief on lesbian and gay parenting,2012,41,4,735-751,Marks "We see what we seek": A rejoinder to the responses of Amato Eggebeen and Osborne,2012,41,4,784-785,Marks Parenthood and psychological well-being: Clarifying the role of child age and parent-child relationship quality,2012,41,2,489-498,Nomaguchi Further comments on the papers by Marks and Regnerus,2012,41,4,779-783,Osborne The 9th grade shock and the high school dropout crisis,2012,41,3,709-730,Pharris-Ciurej The link between unemployment and crime rate fluctuations: An analysis at the county state and national levels,2012,41,3,681-694,Land How different are the adult children of parents who have same-sex relationships? Findings from the New Family Structures Study,2012,41,4,752-770,Regnerus Response to Paul Amato David Eggebeen and Cynthia Osborne,2012,41,4,786-787,Regnerus He said she said: The gender wage gap according to self and proxy reports in the Current Population Survey,2012,41,2,392-411,Reynolds A lay-statistician explanation of minority discrimination,2012,41,3,637-645,Simpson Housing crowding effects on children's wellbeing,2012,41,2,464-476,Solari The medicine is worse than the disease: Comment on Delhey and Kohler's proposal to measure inequality in happiness using 'instrument-effect-corrected' standard deviations,2012,41,1,203-205,Veenhoven The burdens of social capital: How socially-involved people dealt with stress after Hurricane Katrina,2012,41,1,110-119,Lee Imprisonment and (inequality in) population health,2012,41,1,74-91,Wildeman Have children adapted to their mothers working or was adaptation unnecessary? Cohort effects and the relationship between maternal employment and child well-being,2012,41,2,425-443,Wills Erratum on "Eyes on the block: Measuring urban physical disorder through in person observation by Malia Jones Anne R. Pebley Narayan Sastry Social Science Research 40 (2) 523-537",2012,41,2,499,Wright Neighborhood poverty and children's exposure to danger: Examining gender differences in impacts of the Moving to Opportunity experiment,2012,41,4,788-801,Zuberi Measuring friendship and hostility among communist powers: Some unobtrusive measures of esoteric communication,1972,1,1,79-105,Inoguchi A causal model of effectiveness in organizations,1972,1,1,61-78,Lee Mulford The vignette as an experimental approach to the study of social status: An exploratory study,1972,1,1,107-120,Nosanchuk Raising children's performance expectations,1972,1,2,147-158,Entwisle White and black careers during the first decade of labor force experience. Part II: Income differences,1972,1,3,271-292,Blum White and Black careers during the first decade of labor force experience. Part III: Occupational status and income together,1972,1,3,293-304,Blum White and black careers during the first decade of labor force experience. Part I: Occupational status,1972,1,3,243-270,Rossi Are high response rates essential to valid surveys?,1972,1,3,323-334,Leslie Adolescent peer influence processes: Conceptualization and measurement,1972,1,3,305-321,Rigsby The probability of premarital intercourse,1972,1,3,335-341,Zelnik Relations among statistical methods for assuring confidentiality of social research data,1972,1,4,403-414,Boruch Some problems and possibilities in policy-related social research,1972,1,4,359-383,Fennessey Regional differences in willingness to help strangers: A field experiment with a new unobtrusive measure,1972,1,4,415-419,Forbes The impact of anti-Vietnam demonstrations upon national public opinion and military indicators,1973,2,1,1-14,Berkowitz Congestion quality deterioration and optimal use: Wilderness recreation in the Spanish peaks primitive area,1973,2,1,15-30,Cicchetti Storage and retrieval of life history data,1973,2,1,41-50,Karweit Multivariate analysis and anthropological applications,1973,2,1,51-80,Schultz Tadpoles into Armageddon and Chrysler into butterflies,1973,2,1,81-109,Starbuck On the social structure of an ocean-going research vessel and other important things,1973,2,2,145-184,Killworth The differential impact of social integration on participation in the diffusion of innovations,1973,2,2,125-144,Burt Transition and admission models in social demography,1973,2,2,185-230,Stone The scientist's mission and professional involvement: A quantitative revisitation to the sociology of science,1973,2,3,293-306,Amick An experimental investigation of the free-rider problem,1973,2,3,277-292,Sweeney A normalization procedure for correcting biased response data,1973,2,4,307-320,Kimball Romney Racial and regional inequalities in school resources relative to their educational outcomes,1973,2,4,321-332,McPartland How to rig your results with a fancy coding scheme,1974,3,1,79-82,Felson Social area analysis and studies of delinquency,1974,3,2,151-168,Baldwin Specification error in causal models,1974,3,3,235-259,Deegan Standardization of scales in social science research: Breaking the routine,1974,3,3,261-265,Felson Models of social mobility,1975,4,1,65-92,Sørensen We and they: Pronouns as measures of political identification and estrangement,1975,4,3,231-240,Cramer Regression analysis for the comparison of school and home effects,1976,5,1,1-20,Coleman The measurement of diversity: Ethnic and socioeconomic mixing in residential areas,1976,5,1,21-34,Guseman On question wording and stability of response,1976,5,1,39-41,Hitlin A note on colinearity in dummy variables,1976,5,1,35-38,Raine Randomized invitations: One solution to the problem of voluntary treatment selection in program evaluation research,1976,5,3,315-323,Brewer Background characteristics in the U.S. adult population 1952-1973: A survey-metric model,1976,5,4,349-383,Davis Power in a social topology,1977,6,1,1-83,Burt Rethinking the 16-fold table problem,1977,6,1,84-107,Kessler Prejudice tolerance and attitudes toward ethnic groups,1977,6,2,145-169,Jackman Dynamic models and cross-sectional data: The consequences of dynamic misspecification,1977,6,2,133-144,Schoenberg Measuring endogamy,1977,6,3,225-245,Strauss A dynamic macro social indicator model of changes in marriage family and population in the United States: 1947-1974,1977,6,4,328-362,Felson Body time and social time: Mood patterns by menstrual cycle phase and day of the week,1977,6,4,273-308,Rossi Social control in applied social science: A study of evaluative researchers' conformity to technical norms,1978,7,1,24-47,Bernstein Measures of occupational status in a special population,1978,7,1,48-60,Spaeth Studying categorical data over time,1978,7,2,151-179,Davis Size and duration of empires growth-decline curves 3000 to 600 b.c,1978,7,2,180-196,Taagepera Size and duration of empires: Systematics of size,1978,7,2,108-127,Taagepera Measurement of popular disturbance,1978,7,3,284-297,Sugimoto "Chocolate city vanilla suburbs:" Will the trend toward racially separate communities continue?,1978,7,4,319-344,Farley Lifetime-citation rates to compare scientists' work: Past citations to most scientific papers can be used to predict their future number of citations,1978,7,4,345-365,Geller Concepts of success and failure,1979,8,4,302-326,Freeman Measuring industrial variation in racial discrimination using log-linear models,1979,8,1,41-62,Daymont Sexual inequality in the workplace: An employer-specific analysis of pay differences,1979,8,1,79-104,Halaby Race differences in middle class lifestyle: The role of home ownership,1979,8,1,63-78,Henretta The success of protest groups: Multivariate analyses,1979,8,1,1-15,Steedly A dynamic decision theoretic perspective on modeling the performance of the criminal justice system,1979,8,3,265-286,Berk Prestige versus socioeconomic status in the attainment processes of American men and women,1979,8,3,201-221,Treas Separate justice: An analysis of race differences in court processes,1980,9,4,381-399,Farnworth Comparing measures of homicide trends: Methodological and substantive differences in the Vital Statistics and Uniform Crime Report time series (1933-1975),1980,9,2,121-145,Cohen Bringing the cops back in: A study of efforts to make the criminal justice system more responsive to incidents of family violence,1980,9,3,193-215,Berk Defrocking dualism: A new approach to defining industrial sectors,1981,10,1,1-31,Kaufman What do effective teachers of inner-city children have in common?,1981,10,1,83-100,Murnane Durkheim and Pierce on suicide and economic change,1981,10,2,101-114,Marshall Babies and the blackout: The genesis of a misconception,1981,10,3,282-299,Izenman Throwing the cops back out: The decline of a local program to make the criminal justice system more responsive to incidents of domestic violence,1982,11,3,245-279,Berk The rescission of behaviors: Inconsistent responses in adolescent sexuality data,1982,11,3,280-296,Rodgers Selection biases in sociological data,1982,11,4,352-398,Berk Form effect in the measurement of feeling states,1982,11,4,301-317,Newton Crime and poverty in California: Some quasi-experimental evidence,1982,11,4,318-351,Berk Determinants of child care mode choice: An economic perspective,1983,12,1,69-80,Lehrer Children and their mother's career,1983,12,1,26-43,Sørensen Sexual harassment on the campus,1983,12,2,131-158,Rossi Models of deterrence theory,1983,12,3,236-262,Anderson Analyzing social processes: Life tables and proportional hazards models,1983,12,3,263-301,Teachman On a dynamic response model of W. F. Kempf,1983,12,4,393-400,Duncan Family violence: A microeconomic approach,1983,12,4,363-392,Long Reevaluating the uses of status: The case of earnings determination,1984,13,1,90-110,Hicks A multivariate analysis of response structure: Race attitudes 1972-1977,1984,13,1,55-71,Tuch Kin availability and the living arrangements of older women,1984,13,1,72-89,Wolf Some cross-population comparisons of family bias in the effects of schooling on occupational status,1984,13,2,159-187,Hauser Life events and psychological well-being: A reexamination of theoretical and methodological issues,1984,13,2,111-128,McLanahan Patterns of delinquent careers: An assessment of three perspectives,1984,13,2,129-158,Smith Perceived lack of control over life events: Antecedents and consequences in a discharged patient sample,1984,13,3,287-301,Jackson Modeling individual and aggregate victimization rates,1984,13,4,352-372,Nelson Going for the gold: Prosecutorial decision making in cases of wife assault,1984,13,4,321-351,Rauma The use of nativity data to estimate ethnic characteristics and patterns,1985,14,1,31-56,Lieberson Equality of endogamy: Statistical approaches,1985,14,1,57-79,Rust The social organization of criminal justice processing: An event history analysis,1985,14,2,103-125,Hagan Pleas priors and prison: Racial/ethnic differences in sentencing,1985,14,2,169-193,Zatz White black and Hispanic male youths in central city labor markets,1985,14,3,266-286,Barton The effect of restricted and unrestricted verdict options on juror choice,1985,14,3,195-204,Grofman Cohorts education and the evolution of tolerance,1985,14,3,205-225,Smith Components of change in the number of female family heads ages 15 to 44 an update and reanalysis: United States 1940 to 1983,1985,14,3,226-250,Cutright Individual variations in crime-related decisions,1986,15,1,71-81,Baba Declining family size and the number of children in poor families in the United States: 1964-1983,1986,15,3,256-268,Cutright Cross-sectional versus longitudinal research: An empirical comparison of projected and subsequent criminality,1987,16,2,107-118,Erickson Causes of ethnic conflict and protest in Urban America 1877-1889,1987,16,2,185-210,Olzak Job activities and personal crime victimization: Implications for theory,1987,16,4,345-360,Collins How data type affects conclusions about individual mobility,1987,16,4,301-328,Sandefur Trends in infant mortality among racial and ethnic groups in California,1988,17,2,164-189,Cramer Age period and cohort size effects on self-reported alcohol marijuana and polydrug use: Results from the National Youth Survey,1989,18,2,174-194,Menard Changes in qualities valued in children in the United States 1964 to 1984,1989,18,3,195-236,Alwin Patterns of adolescent drug use: Inferences from latent structure analysis,1989,18,3,271-290,Brownfield Racial composition and neighborhood evaluation,1990,19,1,47-61,St. John A measurement model for subjective marital solidarity: Invariance across time gender and life cycle stage,1990,19,1,62-81,Kilbourne Citation counts and social comparisons: Scientists' use and evaluation of citation index data,1990,19,3,205-221,Schuman Measuring self-reported deviance: Cross-sectional or panel data?,1990,19,4,301-321,Green The context of normative consensus: An expansion of the Rossi/Berk consensus model with an application to crime seriousness,1991,20,1,1-28,Rauma Measuring mutual causation: Effects of suicide news on suicides in Japan,1991,20,2,188-195,Ishii Violent criminal behavior: Is there a general and continuing influence of the South?,1992,21,3,286-310,McCall A life events approach to developing an index of societal well-being,1992,21,4,353-379,Smith Perspectives on the Seriousness of Crimes,1993,22,2,190-207,Williams Drunk-Driving Research and Innovation: A Factorial Survey Study of Decisions To Drink and Drive,1993,22,3,245-264,Jackson Trends in White Male Adolescent Young-Adult and Elderly Suicide: Are There Common Underlying Structural Factors?,1994,23,1,57-81,Mccall Women and Handguns: Evidence From National Surveys 1973-1991,1994,23,3,219-235,Sheley First Readmission of the Mentally Ill: An Event History Analysis,1994,23,4,295-314,Mesch Getting into Street Crime: The Structure and Process of Criminal Embeddedness,1995,24,1,63-95,McCarthy Fear of Black Strangers,1995,24,3,262-280,Stjohn Characterizing Occupations with Data from the Dictionary of Occupational Titles,1996,25,2,149-173,Shu Consistency of Age Reporting on Death Certificates and Social Security Records among Elderly African Americans,1996,25,3,292-307,Elo A New Look at Parents' Time Spent in Child Care: Primary and Secondary Time Use,1996,25,3,260-280,Zick Two Issues in the Assessment of the Adequacy of Formal Sociological Models of Human Behavior,1997,26,2,153-169,Fişek Sociologists' Contributions to the Study of Social Change and Social Inequality,1997,26,3,229-234,Campbell Racial Trends and Differences in the United States 30 Years after the Civil Rights Decade,1997,26,3,235-262,Farley Psychiatric Expansionism and Social Control: The Intersection of Community Care and State Policy,1997,26,4,399-418,Schissel Early-Onset Psychiatric Disorders and Male Socioeconomic Status,1998,27,4,371-387,Kessler A Cross-National Analysis of Militarization and Well-Being Relationships in Developing Countries,1998,27,4,351-370,Kick The Effects of Political Violence: A Structural Equation Model of the Rise of Italian Fascism (1919-1922),1999,28,2,184-202,Elazar The Interest in Evil: Hierarchic Self-Interest and Right-Wing Extremism among East and West German Youth,1999,28,2,162-183,Hagan Effects of Societal Integration Period Region and Culture of Suicide on Male Age-Specific Suicide Rates: 20 Developed Countries 1955-1989,2000,29,1,148-172,Fernquist The Generalizability of Multilevel Models of Burglary Victimization: A Cross-City Comparison,2000,29,2,284-305,Rountree "He Said She Said": Assessing Discrepancies in Husbands' and Wives' Reports on the Division of Household Labor,2000,29,4,459-476,Kamo The Relative Gender Gap in Suicide: Societal Integration the Culture of Suicide and Period Effects in 20 Developed Countries 1955-1994,2001,30,1,76-99,Fernquist Why Are Whites and Blacks Averse to Black Neighbors?,2001,30,1,100-116,Harris Is Trust in Others Declining in America? An Age-Period-Cohort Analysis,2001,30,1,117-145,Robinson Mothers' Employment Parental Involvement and the Implications for Intermediate Child Outcomes,2001,30,1,25-49,Zick Toward a Political Sociology of Punishment: Politics and Changes in the Incarcerated Population,2001,30,2,171-194,Helms The Age Structure of Male Suicide Rates: Measurement and Analysis of 20 Developed Countries 1955-1994,2001,30,4,627-640,Fernquist The Complexity and Endogeneity of Family Structure in Explaining Children's Misbehavior,2002,31,1,1-28,Hao For Better or for Worse? Women's Autonomy and Marital Status in Zimbabwe,2002,31,1,151-172,Hindin Depression and economic self-sufficiency among inner-city minority mothers,2002,31,3,285-309,Lehrer Trauma or transition: A life-course perspective on the link between childhood sexual experiences and men's adult well-being,2002,31,4,473-510,Browning The estimation of neighborhood effects in the social sciences: An interdisciplinary approach,2002,31,4,539-575,Dietz Friends' influence on adolescent theft and minor delinquency: A developmental test of peer-reported effects,2002,31,4,681-705,Regnerus Measuring inter-racial friendships,2002,31,4,576-593,Smith The compliance you need for a cost you can afford: How to use individual and collective sanctions?,2002,31,4,630-652,Whitmeyer When do neighborhoods matter? The role of race and neighborhood peers,2003,32,1,61-79,López Turley Family and neighborhood income: additive and multiplicative associations with youths' well-being,2003,32,2,191-219,Lahey Missing school dropouts in surveys does not bias risk estimates,2003,32,2,294-311,Chantala Seeing their surroundings: the effects of neighborhood setting and race on maternal distress,2003,32,3,402-428,Carr-Steelman UCR violent crime rates 1958-2000: recorded and offender-generated trends,2003,32,3,499-518,O'Brien Neighborhood distress and school dropout: the variable significance of community context,2003,32,4,659-698,South Religion and vulnerability among low-risk adolescents,2003,32,4,633-658,Elder To test or not to test: do workplace drug testing programs discourage employee drug use?,2004,33,1,45-63,French Social structural position and prejudice: an exploration of cross-national differences in regression slopes,2004,33,1,20-44,Kunovich On the consequences of ignoring unobserved heterogeneity when estimating macro-level models of crime,2004,33,1,79-105,Pratt Diverse trajectories of cocaine use through early adulthood among rebellious and socially conforming youth,2004,33,2,300-321,Land Beyond Black and White: Metropolitan residential segregation in multi-ethnic America,2004,33,2,248-271,Iceland Population size perceived threat and exclusion: a multiple-indicators analysis of attitudes toward foreigners in Germany,2004,33,4,681-701,Schmidt When the rubber meets the road: effects of urban and regional residence on principle and implementation measures of racial tolerance,2005,34,2,408-425,Borch Gender social bonds and delinquency: a comparison of boys' and girls' models,2005,34,2,357-383,Chapple The impact of serious crime racial threat and economic inequality on private police size,2005,34,2,267-282,Stolzenberg Adolescents' involvement in non-romantic sexual activity,2005,34,2,384-407,Giordano Marital history homogamy between the divorced and the never married among non-Hispanic whites,2005,34,2,333-356,Ono The determinants of jail use across large US cities: an assessment of racial ethnic and economic threat explanations,2005,34,3,538-569,Carmichael Marital status integration psychological well-being and suicide acceptability as predictors of marital status differentials in suicide rates,2005,34,3,570-590,Fernquist Gender status beliefs,2005,34,3,618-633,Webster Potential sources of observer bias in police observational data,2005,34,3,591-617,Spano The effects of friendship networks on adolescent depressive symptoms,2005,34,3,484-510,Ueno Racial similarity in the relationship between poverty and homicide rates: Comparing retransformed coefficients,2005,34,4,893-914,Hannon Explaining educational influences on attitudes toward homosexual relations,2005,34,4,781-799,Treas Social structure and homicide in post-Soviet Russia,2005,34,4,732-756,Pridemore The immigration-crime relationship: Evidence across US metropolitan areas,2005,34,4,757-780,Reid The influence of father involvement on youth risk behaviors among adolescents: A comparison of native-born and immigrant families,2006,35,1,181-209,Moore Measurement of women's autonomy according to women and their husbands: Results from five Asian countries,2006,35,1,1-28,Ghuman Cross-national analysis of a model of reproductive health in developing countries,2006,35,1,210-227,Pillai Race class and Hurricane Katrina: Social differences in human responses to disaster,2006,35,2,295-321,Elliott Can differential exposure to risk factors explain recent racial and ethnic variation in marital disruption?,2006,35,2,409-434,Sweeney Neighborhood resources racial segregation and economic mobility: Results from the Gautreaux program,2006,35,4,892-923,Mendenhall Housework market work and "doing gender" when marital satisfaction declines,2006,35,4,823-850,Ono Does suburban residence mean better neighborhood conditions for all households? Assessing the influence of nativity status and race/ethnicity,2007,36,1,1-27,Friedman Cross-sectional and longitudinal measurements of neighborhood experience and their effects on children,2007,36,2,590-610,Mare On the false alarm of planar K-function when analyzing urban crime distributed along streets,2007,36,2,611-632,Lu Race-ethnic differences in marital quality and divorce,2007,36,3,945-967,Brown Thinking outside the (black) box: Measuring black and multiracial identification on surveys,2007,36,3,921-944,Campbell Gender ideology construction from adolescence to young adulthood,2007,36,3,1021-1041,Davis "Broken windows" and Self-Esteem: Subjective understandings of neighborhood poverty and disorder,2007,36,3,968-994,Haney Latinos residential segregation and spatial assimilation in micropolitan areas: Exploring the American dilemma on a new frontier,2007,36,3,995-1020,Wahl Dissolution risks in first and higher order marital and cohabiting unions,2007,36,4,1431-1446,Poortman Joining up: Did military service in the early all volunteer era affect subsequent civilian income?,2007,36,4,1447-1474,Teachman Religion and child development: Evidence from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study,2008,37,1,18-36,Bartkowski Adolescent academic achievement and romantic relationships,2008,37,1,37-54,Giordano Anti-Muslim prejudice in Europe: A multilevel analysis of survey data from 30 countries,2008,37,1,268-286,Strabac Social network characteristics and risky sexual and drug related behaviors among homeless young adults,2008,37,2,673-685,Tyler Desistance from delinquency: The marriage effect revisited and extended,2008,37,3,736-752,Wright Status characteristics and reward expectations: A test of a theory of justice in two cultures,2008,37,3,769-786,Fişek Do declines in residential segregation mean stable neighborhood racial integration in metropolitan America? A research note,2008,37,3,920-933,Friedman Facts & artifacts in research: The case of communication medium gender and influence,2008,37,3,1008-1021,Kalkhoff The influence of parents' religious practices on young adults' divorce attitudes,2008,37,3,801-814,Kapinus Racial composition unemployment and crime: Dealing with inconsistencies in panel designs,2008,37,3,787-800,Worrall East is West? National feelings and anti-immigrant sentiment in Europe,2008,37,4,1147-1170,Ceobanu Race crime and Republican strength: Minority politics in the post-civil rights era,2008,37,4,1116-1129,Jacobs Individual threat group threat and racial policy: Exploring the relationship between threat and racial attitudes,2008,37,4,1130-1146,Rosenstein Going most of the way: "Technical virginity" among American adolescents,2008,37,4,1200-1215,Regnerus Gene-environment interactions: Peers' alcohol use moderates genetic contribution to adolescent drinking behavior,2009,38,1,213-224,Guo Who trusts? Race gender and the September 11 rally effect among young adults,2009,38,1,134-145,Perrin The friendship networks of multiracial adolescents,2009,38,2,279-295,Quillian Effects of household and neighborhood characteristics on children's exposure to neighborhood poverty and affluence,2009,38,2,458-476,Timberlake Blessed assurance: Religion anxiety and tranquility among US adults,2009,38,3,656-667,Hill Racial diversity minority concentration and trust in Canadian urban neighborhoods,2009,38,3,693-716,Hou The role of self-evaluations in legitimizing social inequality,2009,38,3,609-621,Simpson Student misbehavior during senior year: A comparison of immigrants and the native-born,2009,38,4,826-839,Ewert A global risk assessment model for civil wars,2009,38,4,921-933,Rost The time use of teenagers,2009,38,4,792-809,Bianchi Ethnic residential segregation in New Zealand 1991-2006,2010,39,1,25-38,Grbic Racial and ethnic residential segregation and household structure: A research note,2010,39,1,39-47,Iceland Racial/ethnic composition social disorganization and offsite alcohol availability in San Diego County California,2010,39,1,165-175,Hill Religion and verbal ability,2010,39,1,2-13,Sherkat The risk of assimilating? Alcohol use among immigrant and U.S.-born Mexican youth,2010,39,1,176-186,Fishbein Neighborhood disadvantage and mental health: The role of neighborhood disorder and social relationships,2010,39,2,260-271,Kim Residential segregation in new Hispanic destinations: Cities suburbs and rural communities compared,2010,39,2,215-230,Parisi The relationship between outgroup size and anti-outgroup attitudes: A theoretical synthesis and empirical test of group threat- and intergroup contact theory,2010,39,2,285-295,Schlueter Coming and going: Explaining the effects of residential and school mobility on adolescent delinquency,2010,39,3,459-476,Estacion Where did the soldiers go? The effects of military downsizing on college enrollment and employment,2010,39,3,477-490,Kleykamp The impact of Hispanic population growth on the outlook of African Americans,2010,39,3,491-505,Taylor Gender differences in depression in 25 European countries after eliminating measurement bias in the CES-D 8,2010,39,3,396-404,Bracke Love discipline and elementary school achievement: The role of family emotional climate,2010,39,4,585-595,Bodovski Racial and ethnic disparities in the use of drug therapy,2010,39,4,674-684,Bowblis National security issues and US presidential elections 1992-2008,2010,39,4,518-526,Brooks Mobilizing nationalist sentiments: Which factors affect nationalist sentiments in Europe?,2010,39,4,527-539,Hjerm Assessing the effect of marital sexuality on marital disruption,2010,39,5,715-724,Dzara Racial differences in the effects of parental divorce and separation on children: Generalizing the evidence to a European case,2010,39,5,845-856,Kalmijn Fiery wives and icy husbands: Pre-marital counseling and covenant marriage as buffers against effects of childhood abuse on gendered marital communication?,2010,39,5,700-714,Wright Are both parents always better than one? Parental conflict and young adult well-being,2010,39,5,814-830,Musick "Hookups" dating and relationship quality: Does the type of sexual involvement matter?,2010,39,5,739-753,Paik Maternal age as a crucial factor between low birth weight and crime: Evidence from Taiwan's National Data - A research note,2010,39,6,1047-1058,Liu For incapacitation there is no time like the present: The lagged effects of prisoner reentry on property and violent crime rates,2010,39,6,1004-1014,Hannon Mapping prison proliferation: Region rurality race and disadvantage in prison placement,2010,39,6,1015-1028,Eason The influence of union instability and union quality on children's aggressive behavior,2010,39,6,912-924,Fomby Mattering and wives' perceived fairness of the division of household labor,2010,39,6,976-986,Brown A sociological perspective on measuring social norms by means of strategy method experiments,2010,39,6,1181-1194,Rauhut Expected utility self-control morality and criminal probability,2010,39,6,1029-1046,Botchkovar Methodological difficulties of modeling peer influence,2010,39,6,950-962,Vásquez Assessing the advantages of a multi-method approach: Measuring mothering with data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study--Birth Cohort,2010,39,6,894-911,Downey Spatial and temporal dimensions of neighborhood effects on high school graduation,2011,40,1,87-106,South The stratification of military service and combat exposure 1934-1994,2011,40,1,336-348,Maclean Religion politics and support for same-sex marriage in the United States 1988-2008,2011,40,1,167-180,Powell-Williams Does psychological well-being change with age? Longitudinal tests of age variations and further exploration of the multidimensionality of Ryff's model of psychological well-being,2011,40,1,392-398,Springer Are veterans healthier? Military service and health at age 40 in the all-volunteer era,2011,40,1,326-335,Teachman Unraveling the effect of offender citizenship status on federal sentencing outcomes,2011,40,1,349-362,Spohn Unmet expectations and symptoms of depression among the Three Gorges Project resettlers,2011,40,1,245-256,Hwang Gender double standards in parenting attitudes,2011,40,2,417-432,Axinn Me and Jasmina down by the schoolyard: An analysis of the impact of ethnic diversity in school on the trust of schoolchildren,2011,40,2,572-585,Dinesen The effects of parental marital discord and divorce on the religious and spiritual lives of young adults,2011,40,2,538-551,Ellison Eyes on the block: Measuring urban physical disorder through in-person observation,2011,40,2,523-537,Jones Non-standard work schedules work-family conflict and parental well-being: A comparison of married and cohabiting unions,2011,40,2,473-484,Schneider Non-combat military service in the United States and its effects on depressive symptoms among men,2011,40,2,695-703,Teachman Does the unemployment rate affect the divorce rate? An analysis of state data 1960-2005,2011,40,3,705-715,Amato Individuals v. states: The correlates of Human Rights Committee rulings 1979-2007,2011,40,3,985-1000,Cole Economic recession and the nature and pace of social change in Japan,2011,40,3,784-795,Lee Metropolitan influences on migration into poor and nonpoor neighborhoods,2011,40,3,950-964,Pais The typification of Hispanics as criminals and support for punitive crime control policies,2011,40,3,822-840,Gertz Racial diversity and change in metropolitan neighborhoods,2011,40,4,1108-1123,Farrell A Sort of Homecoming: Incarceration and the housing security of urban men,2011,40,4,1196-1213,Geller Explaining relationships between ethnic diversity and informal social capital across European countries and regions: Tests of constrict conflict and contact theory,2011,40,4,1091-1107,Scheepers Implicit racial bias and prosocial behavior,2011,40,4,1186-1195,Simpson Effects of neighborhood walkability on healthy weight: Assessing selection and causal influences,2011,40,5,1445-1455,Zick Variations in age-specific homicide death rates: a cohort explanation for charges in the age distribution of homicide deaths,2002,31,1,124-150,O'Brien Marijuana use development over the course of adolescence among North American Indigenous youth,2012,41,5,1227-1240,Sittner Hartshorn Another cost of being a young black male: Race weaponry and lethal outcomes in assaults,2012,41,5,1241-1253,Felson Opinions toward suicide: Cross-national evaluation of cultural and religious effects on individuals,2012,41,6,1565-1580,Boyd Reputation systems aggression and deterrence in social interaction,2013,42,1,230-245,Benard Latino immigration and White Black and Latino violent crime: A comparison of traditional and non-traditional immigrant destinations,2013,42,1,202-216,Harris Murder political resources and women's political success,2013,42,2,513-526,Jacobs Educational differentials in US adult mortality: An examination of mediating factors,2013,42,2,465-481,Hummer The dislocations of terror: Assessments of risk during the Second Intifada,2013,42,3,926-941,Spilerman The effect of poverty and social protection on national homicide rates: Direct and moderating effects,2013,42,3,584-595,Pridemore The differential contributions of teen drinking homophily to new and existing friendships: An empirical assessment of assortative and proximity selection mechanisms,2013,42,5,1297-1310,Goosby There's no place like home: Examining the emotional consequences of Hurricane Katrina on the displaced residents of New Orleans,2013,42,5,1222-1235,Merdjanoff Institutional isolation and crime: The mediating effect of disengaged youth on levels of crime,2013,42,5,1167-1179,Shihadeh The spatial context of the disorder-crime relationship in a study of Reno neighborhoods,2014,43,,168-183,Boggess The social side of accidental death,2014,43,,92-107,Denney The racial foundations of whites' support for child saving,2014,44,,44-59,Gertz Delinquent behavior the transition to adulthood and the likelihood of military enlistment,2014,45,,46-55,Teachman Link between unemployment and crime in the US: A Markov-Switching approach,2014,45,,33-45,Fallahi Did Hurricane Sandy influence the 2012 US presidential election?,2014,46,,1-8,Hart Bring a gun to a gunfight: armed adversaries and violence across nations,2014,47,,79-90,Felson Using population screening for recruitment of young adults engaged in illicit drug use: methodological issues and sampling outcomes,2014,45,,89-97,Najman Measurement equivalence of the CES-D 8 depression-scale among the ageing population in eleven European countries,2014,46,,38-47,Bracke Social welfare support and homicide: Longitudinal analyses of European countries from 1994 to 2010,2014,48,,90-107,McCall The relationship between incarceration and premature adult mortality: gender specific evidence,2014,46,,142-154,Pare Intimate partner victimization poor relationship quality and depressive symptoms during young adulthood,2014,48,,77-89,Giordano Parvenus and conflict in elite cohorts,2014,47,,148-164,Schachter You don't have to be well-educated to be an aversive racist but it helps,2014,45,,211-223,Spears Factors associated with positive relationships between stepfathers and adolescent stepchildren,2014,47,,16-29,Amato Are racist attitudes related to experiences of racial discrimination? Within sample testing utilising nationally representative survey data,2014,47,,178-191,Paradies Social mobility in the context of fathering: the intergenerational link in parenting among co-resident fathers,2014,47,,1-15,Diaz Place matters: The impact of place of residency on racial attitudes among regional and urban migrants,2014,47,,165-177,Carter Predictors of self-protective behaviors in non-sexual violent encounters: the role of victim sex in understanding resistance,2014,48,,279-294,Powers Is the social volcano still dormant? Trends in Chinese attitudes toward inequality,2014,48,,62-76,Whyte Exposure to violence substance use and neighborhood context,2015,49,,314-326,Fagan Business structure ethnic shifts in labor markets and violence: The link between company size local labor markets and non-Latino homicide,2015,49,,156-166,Shihadeh Gender trust and cooperation in environmental social dilemmas,2015,50,,328-342,Irwin The impact of cumulative family risks on various levels of food insecurity,2015,50,,292-302,Hernandez Status emotional displays and the relationally-based evaluation of criminals and their behavior,2015,50,,246-263,Dilks State contexts and the criminalization of marital rape across the United States,2015,51,,290-306,Jackson Foreclosures and crime: a city-level analysis in southern California of a dynamic process,2015,51,,219-232,Hipp Religiosity and reactions to terrorism,2015,51,,17-29,LaFree On the move: incarceration race and residential mobility,2015,52,,451-464,Warner Civic communities and urban violence,2015,52,,303-316,Lee A natural experiment of peer influences on youth alcohol use,2015,52,,193-207,Duncan Legislative responses to wrongful conviction: do partisan principals and advocacy efforts influence state-level criminal justice policy?,2015,52,,147-160,Kent A propensity score matching analysis of the relationship between victim sex and capital juror decision-making in North Carolina,2015,52,,47-58,Bjerregaard Paternal incarceration and child-reported behavioral functioning at age 9,2015,52,,18-33,Haskins Enclaves of opportunity or "ghettos of last resort?" Assessing the effects of immigrant segregation on violent crime rates,2015,52,,1-17,Harris Threat prejudice and the impact of the riots in England,2015,51,,369-383,Goodwin Do you see what I see? Perceptual variation in reporting the presence of disorder cues,2015,51,,247-261,Fornango Alcohol outlets social disorganization and robberies: accounting for neighborhood characteristics and alcohol outlet types,2015,51,,145-162,Snowden Instrumental variables estimates of peer effects in social networks,2015,50,,382-394,An The power of a paired t-test with a covariate,2015,50,,277-291,Hedberg Occupational stratification job-mismatches and child poverty: Understanding the disadvantage of Black immigrants in the US,2015,50,,203-216,Thomas We trust in government just not in yours: Race partisanship and political trust 1958-2012,2015,49,,356-371,Wilkes The spatial extent of the effect of foreclosures on crime,2015,49,,288-298,Stucky Variable links within perceived police legitimacy? Fairness and effectiveness across races and places,2015,49,,234-248,Taylor Getting support in polarized societies: income social networks and socioeconomic context,2015,49,,217-233,Letki Chinese people's intended and actual use of the court to resolve grievance/dispute,2015,49,,42-52,Wu Adult non-response bias from a child perspective. Using child reports to estimate father's non-response,2015,49,,31-41,Ponnet Variation in trajectories of women's marital quality,2015,49,,16-30,James Relational diversity and neighbourhood cohesion. Unpacking variety balance and in-group size,2015,53,,162-176,Koopmans Intimate partner violence in neighborhood context: the roles of structural disadvantage subjective disorder and emotional distress,2015,53,,59-72,Giordano Impact of the spread of mass education on married women's experience with domestic violence,2015,54,,319-331,Axinn Patterns of local segregation: do they matter for neighborhood crime?,2015,54,,303-318,Krivo Assessing the effect of the Queensland "Summer of Disasters" on perceptions of collective efficacy,2015,54,,21-35,Piquero The specter of discrimination: fear of interpersonal racial discrimination among adolescents in Chicago,2016,55,,48-62,Herda Women's age at first marriage and postmarital agency in Egypt,2016,57,,148-160,Yount Gangs clubs and alcohol: the effect of organizational membership on adolescent drinking behavior,2016,58,,279-291,Suh American football and national pride: racial differences,2016,58,,266-278,Sorek Parental and adolescent health behaviors and pathways to adulthood,2016,58,,227-242,Miech Does counterterrorist legislation hurt human rights practices? A longitudinal cross-national analysis,2016,58,,104-121,Shor Measuring structural similarity in large online networks,2016,59,,97-106,Shi Altering the life course: military service and contact with the criminal justice system,2016,60,,74-87,Teachman Risk factors and outcomes of chronic sexual harassment during the transition to college: examination of a two-part growth mixture model,2016,60,,297-310,Liu Factors associated with two types of child custody loss among a sample of African American mothers: a novel approach,2016,60,,283-296,Oser When love meets hate: the relationship between state policies on gay and lesbian rights and hate crime incidence,2017,61,,142-159,Levy The resilience of neighborhood social processes: a case study of the 2011 Brisbane flood,2017,62,,96-119,Broidy Context network and adolescent perceived risk,2017,62,,378-393,An Positive and negative contact and attitudes towards the religious out-group: testing the contact hypothesis in conflict and non-conflict regions of Indonesia and the Philippines,2017,63,,95-110,Scheepers Social media processes in disasters: implications of emergent technology use,2017,63,,356-370,Murthy Single-parent households and mortality among children and youth,2017,63,,253-262,Amato Who kills whom? The micro-dynamics of civilian targeting in civil war,2017,63,,227-241,Joshi American crime drops: investigating the breaks dips and drops in temporal homicide,2017,64,,154-170,Parker Re-examining the relationship between Latino immigration and racial/ethnic violence,2017,65,,222-239,Light Workplace bullying perceived job stressors and psychological distress: gender and race differences in the stress process,2017,65,,210-221,Treiber Do adolescent risk behaviors mediate health and school bullying? Testing the stress process and general strain frameworks,2017,65,,195-209,Goosby Implicit Black identification and stereotype threat among African American students,2017,65,,163-180,Craemer Black people don't exercise in my neighborhood: perceived racial composition and leisure-time physical activity among middle class blacks and whites,2017,66,,42-57,Ray Adolescents' perception of peer groups: psychological behavioral and relational determinants,2017,65,,181-194,French Disparate vantage points: race gender county context and attitudes about harsh punishments in the US,2017,64,,137-153,Carll Physical-psychiatric comorbidity: Implications for health measurement and the Hispanic Epidemiological Paradox,2017,64,,197-213,Erving Sexual intercourse romantic relationship inauthenticity and adolescent mental health,2017,64,,237-248,Haynie Conservative Protestantism and attitudes toward corporal punishment 1986-2014,2017,63,,81-94,Hoffmann An experimental investigation into perceptions of disrespect during interpersonal conflict,2017,62,,134-149,Moule Understanding the influence of stigma and discrimination for the functional limitation severity - psychological distress relationship: a stress and coping perspective,2017,62,,150-160,Brown The Republicanization of evangelical Protestants in the United States: an examination of the sources of political realignment,2017,62,,238-254,Schwadel Local peace and contemporary conflict: constructing commonality and exclusion during war in Afghanistan,2017,61,,75-97,Karell Reducing children's behavior problems through social capital: a causal assessment,2017,61,,206-217,Turley In-home firearm access among U.S. adolescents and the role of religious subculture: results from a nationally representative study,2017,67,,147-159,Stroope Disentangling the reciprocal relationship between change in crime and racial/ethnic change,2017,68,,30-42,Boggess Studying neighborhood crime across different macro spatial scales: the case of robbery in 4 cities,2017,68,,15-29,Hipp Depression in later life: a closer look at the gender gap,2017,68,,163-175,Acciai General population estimates of the association between college experience and the odds of forced intercourse,2018,70,,131-143,West No experience required: violent crime and anticipated vicarious and experienced racial discrimination,2018,70,,115-130,McCarthy Foreclosure migration and neighborhood outcomes: moving toward segregation and disadvantage,2018,70,,107-114,Hall Understanding the density of nonprofit organizations across Los Angeles neighborhoods: does concentrated disadvantage and violent crime matter?,2018,71,,56-71,Wo Fear of violence during armed conflict: social roles and responsibilities as determinants of fear,2018,71,,145-159,Ghimire Strategic action or self-control? Adolescent information management and delinquency,2018,72,,225-239,Grigoryeva How far can the apple fall? Differences in teacher perceptions of minority and immigrant parents and their impact on academic outcomes,2018,74,,132-145,Cherng Predicting bias homicide across victim groups: a county-level analysis,2018,74,,108-119,Harris Looters or political protesters? Attributions for civil unrest in American cities,2018,75,,168-178,Haider-Markel Promoting human rights under fire: INGOs' mitigating effect on human rights violations during armed conflict,2018,75,,1-12,Swed Trust and contact in diverse neighbourhoods: an interplay of four ethnicity effects,2018,73,,92-106,Tolsma Trajectories of marijuana use and the transition to adulthood,2018,73,,175-188,Kelly Conflict thinking: exploring the social basis of perceiving the world through the lens of social conflict,2018,74,,16-29,Spruyt Agency and social constraint among victims of domestic minor sex trafficking: a method for measuring free will,2018,76,,144-156,Khan The link between mothers' vulnerability to intimate partner violence and Children's human capital,2019,78,,187-202,Akter The effect of concealed carry weapons laws on firearm sales,2019,78,,1-11,Steidley How older people became less afraid of crime-an age-period-cohort analysis using repeated cross-sectional survey data,2019,79,,211-225,Oberwittler Forecasting homicide in the Red Stick: risk terrain modeling and the spatial influence of urban blight on lethal violence in Baton Rouge Louisiana,2019,80,,186-201,Valasik Testing the content progression thesis: a longitudinal assessment of pornography use and preference for coercive and violent content among male adolescents,2019,81,,32-41,Stulhofer Neighborhood health social structure and family violence,2019,81,,12-22,Stansfield Parental influence on youth violent video game use,2019,82,,195-203,DeCamp Exploring violence: the role of neighborhood characteristics alcohol outlets and other micro-places,2019,82,,181-194,Snowden Fight or flight? Crime as a driving force in business failure and business mobility,2019,82,,164-180,Hipp Asymmetric issue evolution in the American gun rights debate,2019,84,,e102317,Conley Protective factors against juvenile delinquency: exploring gender with a nationally representative sample of youth,2020,86,,102376,Miller Population change and the legacy of slavery,2020,87,,102413,Curtis The impact of suspension on participation in school-based extracurricular activities and out-of-school community service,2020,85,,e102354,Harris School suspension and social selection: labeling network change and adolescent academic achievement,2020,85,,e102365,Haynie Diversity semi-communication and cross-country trust: a quantitative analysis,2020,86,,e102392,Kumove How dominance hierarchies emerge from conflict: a game theoretic model and experimental evidence,2020,86,,e102393,Szekely Managing racial diversity: the context of state legal and political cultures,2020,87,,e102412,Skaggs Children's immigrant generational status and delinquency: the mediating effects of friendship networks,2020,90,,e102444,Chen How does gun violence affect Americans' trust in each other?,2020,91,,e102449,Wu Undocumented immigration and terrorism: is there a connection?,2021,94,,e102512,Light Neighborhood predictors of the gendered structure of non-lethal violent interactions,2021,96,,e102545,Boggess Peace through superior firepower: belief in supernatural evil and attitudes toward gun policy in the United States,2021,99,,e102595,Kelley Reflected appraisals across multiple reference groups: discrepancies in self and individual delinquency,2021,100,,e102613,O'Neill The impact of anticipated vicarious and experienced racial and ethnic discrimination on depression and suicidal behavior among Chicago youth,2022,101,,e102623,Zimmerman How indiscriminate violence fuels conflicts between groups: evidence from Kenya,2022,103,,e102653,Schutte Uncovering the degree of criminal organization: Swedish street gangs and the role of mobility and co-offending networks,2022,103,,e102657,Rostami Women who commit hate-motivated violence: advancing a gendered understanding of hate crime,2022,104,,e102682,Lantz Do sanctuary policies increase crime? Contrary evidence from a county-level investigation in the United States,2022,106,,e102743,Ascherio Measuring the association between fathers' involvement and risky behaviours in adolescence,2022,108,,e102749,Vanchugova Race disadvantage and violence: a spatial exploration of macrolevel covariates of police-involved homicides within and between US counties,2024,119,,e102985,Yang Assessing the acute effects of exposure to community violence among adolescents: a strategic comparison approach,2024,121,,e103026,Vogel