Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Altruism in Drunk Driving Situations - Personal and Situational Factors in Intervention,1990,53,3,199-213,Rabow Fear and Loading: Archival Traces of the Response to Extraordinary Violence,1991,54,4,343-352,Archer Aggression and violence between siblings,1983,46,4,271-285,Felson Impression management and the escalation of aggression and violence,1982,45,4,245-254,Felson Just because she doesn't want to doesn't mean it's rape: an experimentally based causal model of the perception of rape in a dating situation,1983,46,3,220-232,Shotland Mattering and suicide ideation: establishing and elaborating a relationship,2005,68,3,223-238,Gelles How Does Prayer Help Manage Emotions?,2010,73,4,417-437,Sharp The Control Motive in Intimate Partner Violence,2000,63,1,86-94,Messner Growing up Faster Feeling Older: Hardship in Childhood and Adolescence,2009,72,1,39-60,Mollborn Identity Verification Control and Aggression in Marriage,2005,68,2,160-178,Stets Too much of a good thing? Psychosocial resources gendered racism and suicidal ideation among low socioeconomic status african american women,2012,75,4,334-359,Oser Gender Identity Self-Esteem and Physical and Sexual Abuse in Dating Relationships,1988,51,3,272-285,Stets Effects on the hostility of spectators of viewing aggressive sports,1979,42,3,275-279,Russell Toxic ties: networks of friendship dating and cyber victimization,2016,79,3,243-262,Felmlee Does aggression deter or invite reciprocal behavior? Considering coercive capacity,2017,80,4,310-329,Berg Heinous crime or unfortunate incident: does gender matter?,2017,80,4,330-341,Zhao From "ridiculous" to "glad to have helped": debriefing news delivery and improved reactions to science in Milgram's "obedience" experiments,2018,81,1,71-93,Turowetz Testing a social schematic model of police procedural justice,2018,81,2,97-125,Pickett Do you see what I see? Testing for individual differences in impressions of events,2018,81,2,149-172,Rogers The emergence of embedded relations and group formation in networks of competition,2011,74,4,387-413,Thye Managing emotional manhood: fighting and fostering fear in mixed martial arts,2011,74,4,414-437,Schrock Do others' views of us transfer to new groups and tasks? An expectation states approach,2011,74,3,267-290,Kalkhoff Being in "bad" company: power dependence and status in adolescent susceptibility to peer influence,2011,74,3,310-332,Vargas Stigma reflected appraisals and recovery outcomes in mental illness,2011,74,2,144-165,Markowitz The moral self: applying identity theory,2011,74,2,192-215,Stets Dual identity as a two-edged sword: identity threat and minority school performance,2011,74,2,121-143,Brown Resisting the stigma of mental illness,2011,74,1,6-28,Thoits The norm-activating power of celebrity: the dynamics of success and influence,2011,74,1,98-120,Lindenberg Who's on top? Gender differences in risk-taking produce unequal outcomes for high-ability women and men,2018,81,3,185-206,Fisk Typical roles and intergroup relations shape stereotypes: how understanding social structure clarifies the origins of stereotype content,2019,82,2,205-230,Koenig Big ideas from little people: what research with children contributes to social psychology,2020,83,1,5-25,Corsaro Aggression conflict and the formation of intimidating group reputation,2020,83,1,70-87,Andrighetto