Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Gun availability and violent crime: New evidence from the national incident-based reporting system,2000,78,4,1461-1482,Stolzenberg Perceptions of Crime Racial-Attitudes and Firearms Ownership,1985,64,2,473-486,Young Review: Armed and Considered Dangerous - A Survey of Felons and Their Firearms - Wright JD RossiPH,1988,66,4,1139-1140,Kleck Review: Social-Control - Views from the Social-Sciences - GibbsJP,1984,63,2,579-581,Kleck The effects of weaponry on human violence,1991,69,3,669-692,Kleck Organizational Mortality in the Anti-Drunk-Driving Movement - Failure Among Local MADD Chapters,1991,69,3,851-868,Weed Fear of Crime in the United States: A Multivariate Analysis,1977,56,2,519-531,Kleiman Changing Attitudes Toward Capital Punishment,1979,58,1,194-211,Rankin Cohort Size and Juvenile Delinquency: A Test of the Easterlin Hypothesis,1985,63,3,661-681,Maxim Perceptions of crime racial attitudes and firearms ownership,1985,64,2,473-486,Young Cross-National Evidence on Homicide and the Age Structure of the Population,1990,69,2,351-371,Gartner Risk Preferences and Patriarchy: Extending Power-Control Theory,1996,75,1,177-199,Hagan Work and Crime: The Effects of Labor Stratification,1997,76,1,93-118,Crutchfield The Age-Crime Debate: Assessing the Limits of Longitudinal Self-Report Data,1998,77,1,127-154,Lauritsen Age Patterns of Suicide and Homicide Mortality Rates in High Income Nations,2001,80,1,251-282,Pampel Segregation and School Violence,2003,82,2,589-616,Eitle Interaction and Criminal Homicide in India,1961,40,2,153-158,Driver Interaction Domains and Suicide: A Population-based Panel Study of Suicides in Stockholm 1991-1999,2009,87,2,713-740,Nordvik Relative Deprivation and Adolescent Outcomes in Iceland: A Multilevel Test,2009,87,3,1223-1250,Thorlindsson Correlates of National-level Homicide Variation in Post-Communist East-Central Europe,2009,87,3,1423-1448,Stamatel The Spatial Concentration of Southern Whites and Argument-Based Lethal Violence,2009,87,3,1671-1694,Lee Heavy drinking and suicide in Russia,2006,85,1,413-430,Pridemore Collateral Consequences of Violence in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods,2009,88,2,757-784,Harding Gun Cultures or Honor Cultures? Explaining Regional and Race Differences in Weapon Carrying,2010,88,3,1357-1378,Felson Societal Development Social Equality and Homicide: A Cross-National Test of a Durkheimian Model,1982,61,1,225-240,Messner Suicide Homicide and Economic Development,1965,43,3,401-406,Quinney Political Integration and the Effect of War on Suicide: United States 1933-76,1981,59,3,771-785,Marshall Poverty subculture of violence and type of homicide,1989,67,4,983-1007,Parker Social Capital and Homicide,2001,80,1,283-310,Messner Domestic Violence against Married Women in Cambodia,2006,85,1,355-387,Carrera Organizational response to occupational injury and disease: the case of the uranium industry,1978,57,1,23-41,Pearson Gender Inequality in Interaction - An Evolutionary Account,2009,87,4,1845-1871,Hopcroft Generic Processes in the Reproduction of Inequality: An Interactionist Analysis,2000,79,2,419-452,Thompson Opportunities Lost? Race Industrial Restructuring and Employment among Young Women Heading Households,2000,78,3,907-929,Browne No Couple Is an Island: A Social Network Perspective on Dyadic Stability,2001,79,4,1259-1287,Felmlee Social Capital and Homicide,2001,80,1,283-309,Messner Subordination and Violence against State Control Agents: Testing Political Explanations for Lethal Assaults against the Police,2002,80,4,1223-1251,Jacobs Intergenerational Religious Dynamics and Adolescent Delinquency,2004,82,4,1553-1572,Pearce Love Thy Neighbor? Moral Communities Civic Engagement and Juvenile Homicide in Rural Areas,2004,82,3,1001-1035,Bartkowski Race and the Probability of Arrest,2003,81,4,1381-1397,Stolzenberg Refining the Measurement of Women's Autonomy: An International Application of a Multi-dimensional Construct,2006,84,4,2077-2098,Agarwala Social Capital and Adolescent Violent Behavior: Correlates of Fighting and Weapon Use among Secondary School Students,2006,84,3,1435-1453,Wright Fathers' Rights Groups Domestic Violence and Political Countermobilization,2009,88,2,723-756,Crowley Gun Cultures or Honor Cultures?: Explaining Regional and Race Differences in Weapon Carrying,2010,88,3,1357-1378,Felson Review: Social control: views from the social sciences (Gibbs J.P.),1984,63,2,579-581,Kleck Brutal borders? Examining the treatment of deportees during arrest and detention,2006,85,1,93-109,Phillips Age patterns of suicide and homicide mortality rates in high-income nations,2001,80,1,251-282,Pampel Cohort variations and changes in age-specific suicide rates over time: explaining variations in youth suicide,2002,81,2,605-642,O'Brien Deindustrialization disadvantage and suicide among young black males,2006,84,3,1559-1579,DiPietro Did falling wages and employment increase U.S. imprisonment?,2006,84,4,2291-2311,Kleykamp Social cohesion criminal victimization and perceived risk of crime in Brazilian neighborhoods,2006,84,3,1725-1753,Villarreal The paradox of social organization: networks collective efficacy and violent crime in urban neighborhoods,2004,83,2,503-534,Dietz Television violence and violent behavior,1975,54,2,341-351,Teevan Abuse-resistant youth: Some factors that may inhibit violent criminal behavior,1987,66,2,501-519,Ward The differing effects of economic inequality on black and white rates of violence,1992,70,4,1035-1054,Steffensmeier The subculture of violence and delinquency: Individual vs. school context effects,1994,73,1,155-173,Felson A Revised Strain Theory of Delinquency,1985,64,1,151-167,Agnew Joblessness family disruption and violent death in Chicago 1970-90,1998,76,4,1465-1493,Almgren Ethnic Inequality and the Rate of Homicide,1990,69,,53-70,Balkwell Gender Reflected Appraisals and Labeling: A Cross-Group Test of an Interactionist Theory of Delinquency,1996,75,1,145-176,Bartusch Local Labor-Market Opportunity and Adolescent Delinquency,2000,78,4,1509-1538,Bellair The Dynamics of Specialization in Juvenile Offenses,1980,58,,851-864,Bursik The Detention Decision: A Study of the Impact of Social Characteristics and Legal Factors in Two Metropolitan Juvenile Courts,1979,58,1,146-161,Cohen Religion stress and suicide acceptability in South Korea,2014,92,3,1039-1059,Jung Friends as a bridge to parental influence: implications for adolescent alcohol use,2014,92,3,1061-1085,Feinberg Too cool for school? Violence peer status and high school dropout,2008,87,1,445-471,Staff The Social Consequences of Postcommunist Structural Change: An Analysis of Suicide Trends in Eastern Europe,2013,91,3,1035-1056,Minagawa Who gets designated a terrorist and why?,2013,91,3,837-872,Beck Discursive obstruction and elite opposition to environmental activism in the Czech Republic,2013,91,3,873-893,Cable Eviction's fallout: housing hardship and health,2015,94,1,295-324,Kimbro Gene by social-environment interaction for youth delinquency and violence: thirty-nine aggression-related genes,2015,93,3,881-903,Guo Racially biased policing: determinants of citizen perceptions,2005,83,3,1009-1030,Weitzer The occupational cost of being illegal in the United States: legal status job hazards and compensating differentials,2015,49,2,406-442,Hall Reflection on "a revised strain theory of delinquency",2012,91,1,33-38,Agnew Delinquency potential and attitudes toward the criminal justice system,1970,49,2,291-289,Waldo Contested domains verbal 'amplifiers' and intimate partner violence in young adulthood,2015,94,2,923-951,Giordano The use of disruptive tactics in protest as a trade-off: the role of social movement claims,2016,94,4,1675-1710,Wang Delayed disadvantage: neighborhood context and child development,2016,94,4,1847-1877,Alvarado The legitimacy of protest: explaining White Southerners' attitudes toward the civil rights movement,2016,94,3,1021-1044,Beyerlein Alcohol's collateral damage: childhood exposure to problem drinkers and subsequent adult mortality risk,2016,95,2,809-836,Rogers Counterterrorist legislation and subsequent terrorism: does it work?,2016,95,2,525-557,Shor From heterogeneity to concentration: Latino immigrant neighborhoods and collective efficacy perceptions in Los Angeles and Chicago,2016,95,2,779-807,Browning Drugs sweat and gears: an organizational analysis of performance-enhancing drug use in the 2010 Tour de France,2015,94,2,891-922,Palmer Gun shops as local institutions: federal firearms licensees social disorganization and neighborhood violent crime,2017,96,1,265-298,Ramey Cultivating support for punitive criminal justice policies: news sectors and the moderating effects of audience characteristics,2017,96,1,299-328,Simmons National trauma and the fear of foreigners: how past geopolitical threat heightens anti-immigration sentiment today,2017,96,1,361-388,Wimmer Protest policing alla Turca: threat insurgency and the repression of pro-Kurdish protests in Turkey,2017,95,4,1667-1694,Atak When laws are not enough: violence against women and bureaucratic practice in Nicaragua,2017,95,3,1105-1125,Neumann Beyond disasters: a longitudinal analysis of natural hazards' unequal impacts on residential instability,2017,95,3,1181-1207,Elliott Infrastructure social practice and environmentalism: the case of bicycle-commuting,2017,95,3,1209-1236,Burk From "subcultures" to "toolkits": ethnicity and violence in Israeli prisons,2017,95,3,1237-1259,Guetzkow Hypermobility destination effects and delinquency: specifying the link between residential mobility and offending,2017,95,3,1261-1284,Vogel Correction to: Beyond disasters: a longitudinal analysis of natural hazards' unequal impacts on residential instability,2017,95,3,1311,Elliott The effect of category spanning on the lethality and longevity of terrorist organizations,2016,95,2,559-584,Olzak Shorter work hours and work-to-family interference: surprising findings from 32 countries,2016,95,2,693-720,Maume Cohort changes in the social distribution of tolerant sexual attitudes,2016,95,2,753-777,Pampel Beyond boys' bad behavior: paternal incarceration and cognitive development in middle childhood,2016,95,2,861-892,Haskins Neighborhood violent crime and academic growth in Chicago: lasting effects of early exposure,2016,95,1,133-158,Burdick-Will When worlds collide: linking involvement with friends and intimate partner violence in young adulthood,2020,98,3,1196-1222,Giordano Marriage and suicide among Chinese rural young women,2010,89,1,311-326,Zhang Do news media kill? How a biased news reality can overshadow real societal risks the case of aviation and road traffic accidents,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vliegenthart Moving on up? 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