Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Canadian Indian mortality during the 1980s,2000,47,1-2,135-145,Trovato Violent and accidental mortality among four immigrant groups in Canada 1970-1972,1992,39,1-2,82-101,Trovato Comparative analysis of violent deaths in American Indians and Alaska Natives,1994,41,1-2,96-109,Hisnanick Suicide and homicide as causes of death and their relationship to life expectancy: a cross-cultural comparison,1975,22,4,338-343,Vigderhous Ethnicity and suicide in Hawaii,1977,24,1,10-16,Carter Violence among delinquents by family intactness and size,1978,25,3,243-250,Andrew Annual rhythms in human violence and sexual aggression in the United States and the role of temperature,1983,30,3,263-278,Michael A suicide epidemic model,1986,33,3-4,291-300,Davis Suicide and net migration in Texas counties 1970 and 1980,1989,36,1-2,32-44,Saenz Navajo tribal mortality: a life table analysis of the leading causes of death,1978,25,4,279-287,Lee The changing sex ratio of the navajo tribe,1976,23,1,33-44,Kunitz Reservation and non-reservation American Indian mortality in 1970 and 1978,1987,34,1-2,26-36,Kenen A note on the reduction of a risk of death,1983,30,2,228-233,Tsai Automobile accidents and birthdays: an attempted extension of the "death dip" hypothesis,1983,30,1,106-108,Williams Activator reticular system and motor coordinations,1960,154,,24-29,Hugelin A divergent pattern of the sex difference in life expectancy: Sweden and Japan early 1970s-late 1990s,2003,50,3-4,238-258,Trovato Family background characteristics and relationship satisfaction in a native community in Canada,1997,44,1-2,42-54,Embree Effect of changing mortality on the working life of American men and women 1970-1990,1997,44,1-2,153-158,Stewart A research note on body mass physical aggression and the competitiveness of Asian-Pacific Islander adolescents in Guam,2002,49,1-2,90-98,Pinhey Homicide and fertility rates in the United States,1974,21,4,389-392,Lyster Behavioral social and physiological determinants of lipoprotein concentrations,1977,24,4,289-293,Rhoads Homicide and fertility rates in the United States: a comment,1979,26,4,341-343,Schapiro Psychological factors as mechanisms for socioeconomic disparities in health: a critical appraisal of four common factors,2004,51,1-2,1-23,Schnittker Toward an evolutionary forensic psychology,2004,51,3-4,161-5; discussion 171-3,Shackelford A standardized ratio for measuring the "suddenness" of events with applications to the four leading causes of violent death and to certain birth defects,1980,27,4,286-293,Grimson On abandoning life when it is least difficult,1999,46,1-2,154-162,Granberg Public attitudes toward euthanasia and suicide for terminally ill persons: 1977 and 1996,2000,47,3-4,264-276,DeCesare